Warmist Laments about UN climate summit: ‘The result has been an embarrassment’ – Lima, Peru, Climate change negotiations: One word undermines the entire thing.
The U.N. process isn’t where the action is on climate anymore. Progressive cities, transformative industries, and mass protests have the best chance of providing the tipping point that’s needed. These talks are a distraction from the kind of urgent, on-the-ground work that needs to happen in order to steer the world’s economy toward a carbon-free path and prepare for the impacts of increasingly extreme weather.
The result has been an embarrassment. After the failures of Kyoto and Copenhagen, it’s difficult to argue with a straight face that the world’s climate is better off because of the more than two decades of diplomatic doldrums that the U.N. process represents
but one key word related to international oversight of the emissions reductions plans was changed from “shall” to “may” at the request of China…
New Yorker’s ‘Climate Change’ Carols Feature ‘Silent Night’ Cannibalism
Watch: Marc Morano & Walt Cunningham in contentious debate on UN Climate TV at Lima Summit
Via: http://climatechange-tv.rtcc.org/2014/12/15/cop20-marc-morano-of-cfact-and-walt-cunningham/
UN Climate TV Description of Debate:
Marc Morano, Walt Cunningham , CFACT
From Lima: COP20 UN Climate Change Conference 2014
COP20 (11/12/14) – Marc Morano of CFACT and Walt Cunningham talk to RTCC about their opinion that human activity cannot alter the climate. They feel that global efforts to tackle climate climate change, particularly in the UN, are politically and financially driven, referring to these efforts as the “global warming war”. They also debate the idea that their views are only held by a small minority of climate scientists, arguing that this notion is based on flawed evidence. In addition they talk about the difficulty of securing funding as a sceptical organisation, likening their struggle to David and Goliath. They go on to state that continuing to rely on carbon intensive energy is the best protection against extreme weather events.
Climate Depot’s Selected Transcripts:
Marc Morano: The UN is first and foremost political and they have bastardized science to achieve a political end. The head of the IPCC climate panel has said they are at the ‘beck and call’ of governments. So there whole mission is to enrich the UN. They are using that to claim that they can alter global temperature and storminess and weather events many decades to 100 years into the future. And the United Nations does not have that power — that is reserved for medieval witchcraft.
It’s about centrally planning a global economy — that is the agenda. It has got nothing to do with climate science. The UN is hyping the alarmist science and it is really bad science at times – when UN scientist and spokesmen are claiming that every weather event it proof of global warming.
In 1846, aborigines blamed bad weather on the introduction of the white man. In 1933, Syria banned the yoyo because they thought it caused drought. During WW2, many people thought the war caused bad weather. In the 1970s bad weather was blamed on global cooling. Now they are blaming our SUVs and modern way of living for bad weather. Bad weather happens all the time.
Question: UN asks Cunningham and Morano about alleged 97% consensus:
Walt Cunningham: ‘It is one of the most ridiculous numbers that I have ever seen used in this process.
UN TV interviewer to Cunningham: What are your qualifications?
Cunningham: My background in space science. My …
UN planning a global carbon tax?
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Sea Ice Extent – Day 348 – Highest Global Sea Ice Since 1988
4th Highest Ever.
— gReader Pro…