Slimed by Naomi Oreskes – In Defense of Dr. Fred Singer

The excerpt is found in Chapter 5, “Radicals” in the middle of page 183 forward for about 3 pages.

-Ron Arnold

On February 24, 1994, ABC News Nightline with Ted Koppel ran a report titled, “Environmental Science For Sale,” produced by Jay Weiss. It was an investigation of the wise use movement, probing my activities and those of scientist Fred Singer of the Washington, D.C.-based Science and Environmental Policy Project, among others.[1]

Koppel opened this edition of Nightline with a stunning revelation: Vice President Al Gore had given him the story. Koppel explained that he and Gore had met by chance waiting for an airplane, and, over coffee, Gore urged him to investigate connections between the wise use movement and such elements as big industry, Lyndon LaRouche and the Unification Church of Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

Koppel had first covered the wise use movement almost exactly two years earlier, on February 4, 1992.[2] On that date, after a five-minute introductory segment interviewing me and a number of other wise use advocates, the program switched back to the studio and a face-off between conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh and then-Senator Al Gore. Koppel was the first broadcaster to note that environmentalism was no longer a motherhood and apple pie issue, but now had serious challengers for the moral high ground.

Gore was deeply upset by the rise of wise use. By 1994 he was Vice President of the United States, and the time had come to strike back.

So, on the night of February 24, Koppel told Gore’s story—but notified his viewers exactly where it had come from, a highly unusual move in a medium that normally goes to extremes protecting sources. And he sounded annoyed.

While Koppel explained that Gore’s office had sent him a stack of documents, an image of fanned-out papers filled the TV screen. If you’ve seen such graphics, you know that the top document is always totally illegible so that a certain amount of anonymity is preserved for the source. However, peeking out from behind the first sheet was a letterhead just beyond legibility—unless you knew what it said to begin with. I did. It said, MacWilliams Cosgrove Snider.

So—Vice President Al Gore was keeping a dossier on us, courtesy the Green Cartel: MacWilliams Cosgrove Snider, a political strategy firm, hired by The Wilderness Society, using a grant from the W. Alton

Watch: Princeton Physicist Dr. Will Happer: ‘The Myth of Carbon Pollution’ – ‘Carbon pollution’ is a propaganda slogan…It is not science’

Special to Climate Depot

Video: Dr. Will Happer

By Aaron Stover  – Recap of Princeton Physicist Dr. Will Happer – ‘The Myth of Carbon Pollution’

  • Although he’s a trained physicist he’s been working on climate science since he co-authored the book “Long Term Impacts of Increasing Atmospheric CO2.” Their estimate of climate sensitivity to CO2 was about in the middle of most estimates, but grossly overestimated the actual effects now that we’ve had time to observe.
  • There will be a small amount of warming and it will be beneficial, e.g. greater crop yields. The impact of clouds has been underestimated by a large factor.
  • He shared illustrations from Al Gore’s book, which mistakenly show hurricanes on the equator (there have been no recorded equatorial hurricanes), and hurricanes shown to be rotating the wrong way.
  • Made an analogy to Chicken Little, “If the sky is falling, look for the fox.” Hank Paulson stands to make billions from carbon exchanges he’s invested in.
  • Two “Gretchenfrage” (from Goethe’s Faust): If COis kept constant will climate stop changing? (No) What is the optimum CO2 level? At 150 ppm plants stop growing. Looking at geologic time, levels ranged from 1,000-2,000 ppm and life flourished.
  • We are coming out of an Ice Age, and he shared an anecdote from John Muir (first Sierra Club president) who noted glacial melting in Alaska’s Glacier Bay in 1879, long before there were any large scale fossil fuel emissions.
  • The correlation between COand temperature is poor by general scientific standards. When looking at global distribution of CO2 you have to consider land mass, which is much larger in the Northern Hemisphere compared to the Southern.
  • We are currently in a relative CO2 famine by geologic standards. It’s far more common to measure it in thousands ppm, not hundreds. Most life would prefer more CO2, not less.
  • He discussed the Earth’s “Energy Budget,” how the earth could not support life without an atmosphere and it would be much too cold. Temperature radically changes throughout the atmospheric levels; for the first 10 km warming is attributed to air movement. At 30km and above it’s mainly due to radiation. Happer discussed CO2 molecular wavelength at different temperatures, how radiation is transmitted by the atmosphere.
  • GHG warming exists of course and is responsible for life. CO2 is a

AP’s Seth Borenstein: ‘Some nonscientists claim no warming in 18 years, Fed scientist: ‘no one’s told the globe that’ 2014 likely hottest year’

If 2014 breaks the record for hottest year, that also should sound familiar: 1995, 1997, 1998, 2005 and 2010 all broke NOAA records for the hottest years since records started being kept in 1880.

“This is one of many indicators that climate change has not stopped and that it continues to be one of the most important issues facing humanity,” said University of Illinois climate scientist Donald Wuebbles.

Some non-scientists who are skeptical of man-made climate change have been claiming that the world has not warmed in 18 years, but “no one’s told the globe that,” Blunden said. She said NOAA records show no pause in warming.

If Earth sets a record for heat in 2014 it probably won’t last, said Jeff Masters, meteorology director for the private firm Weather Underground. If there is an El Nino, Masters said, “next year could well bring Earth’s hottest year on record, accompanied by unprecedented regional heat waves and droughts.”
