OMG! John Kerry Says We’re All Gonna Die From Global Warming! (Thankfully He’s Wrong)

OMG! John Kerry Says We’re All Gonna Die From Global Warming! (Thankfully He’s Wrong)

Thursday, Secretary of State John Kerry gave a speech at the Wind Technology Testing Center in Boston, Massachusetts welcoming his guest U.K. Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond in which Kerry warned that climate change will cause “Life as you know it on Earth ends.” That my friends is a pretty serious warning. Life as we know it…wow…that’s Biblical-type “lion will lie down with the sheep but the sheep will have a lousy night’s sleep” type of thing.Thankfully, after reading Kerry’s warning..there’s nothing to worry about.Climate change is already impacting the world in very real and significant ways. This past August was the hottest August the planet has ever seen in recorded history. And each year of the last ten years, a decade, has been measured as being hotter than the last with one or two variations of which year followed which, but as a decade the hottest in our recorded history. Oh John, this might help you lose the long face…you see how could this be the hottest decade in history when there hasn’t been warming in the past 18 years and one month.And add to that the fact that the “medieval warming period” was much warmer than it is today. Kerry follows up with the drought story: There are now – right now – serious food shortages taking place in places like Central America because regions are battling the worst droughts in decades, not 100-year events in terms of floods, in terms of fires, in terms of droughts – 500-year events, something unheard of in our measurement of weather. Kerry’s claim does not agree with science that states there has been no increase in droughts world-wide.”It is misleading and just plain incorrect to claim that disasters associated with hurricanes, tornadoes, floods or droughts have increased on climate timescales either in the United States or globally,” Professor Roger Pielke Jr. said in his testimony before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.In May of 2014 Professor Pielke published a graph that shows the intensity of the planet’s droughts from 1982 to 2012. The graph shows that neither droughts nor their intensity have seen a growth trend during that 30-year period.Scientists now predict that with glaciers and melting of the ice at the current rates, the sea could rise now a full meter in this century. A …