UN IPCC Lead Author Michael Oppenheimer touts claim: ‘Climate change oddity – Hotter climate could turn sea turtles all-girl’
#Climatechange oddity – Hotter climate could turn sea turtles all-girl http://www.smh.com.au/environment/animals/hotter-climate-could-turn-sea-turtles-allgirl-20140518-38hy2.html via @smh
Andrew Montford: ‘There is something very wrong with climatology’
‘Grossly flawed’: Team of Skeptical Scientists Debunk White House Global Warming Report – ‘Provides no scientific basis whatsoever for regulating CO2 emissions’
A group of 15 scientists and meteorologists have put forward a scathing rebuttal to the Obama administration’s recent climate report which said the U.S. is already being harmed by global warming.
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2014/05/16/skeptical-scientists-debunk-white-house-global-warming-report/#ixzz32C39HfiB…
Warmist Documentary ‘Years of Living Dangerously’ Clip Shows Tale of Two Conservatives Regarding Climate Change Debate
…Aussies To Slash 90% Of Global Warming Funding From Budget
Analysis: Sea level rise tipping points ‘are alarmist precautionary mitigation fantasies rather than remotely possible future scenarios on multi-centennial time scales’
UN IPCC & NASA Scientist Ray Bates speaks out on the temp hiatus – Warning of ‘over-alarmist’ stance on climate risk
The second working group’s report conveys no corresponding sense of caution. The most pessimistic climate model projections are taken as if they were completely reliable and are applied to deriving the most alarming impacts in various sectors. Extreme weather events are attributed to man-made emissions in a way that the first working group does not endorse. “Multiple tipping points” – a concept that is not endorsed by the report of the first working group even under the most pessimistic of model projections for the 21st century – are freely referred to.
Ray Bates is Adjunct Professor of Meteorology at UCD. He was formerly Professor of Meteorology at the Niels Bohr Institute of the University of Copenhagen and a senior scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Centre. He has served as an Expert Reviewer of the current and previous IPCC Working Group I reports.…
NYT’s Paul Krugman slams GOP delusions about climate change and the economy: ‘Truly crazy positions are becoming the norm’
Krugman slams GOP delusions about climate change and the economy: “Truly crazy positions are becoming the norm” http://www.salon.com/2014/05/16/krugman_slams_gop_delusions_about_climate_change_and_the_economy_truly_crazy_positions_are_becoming_the_norm/