Report Finds Schoolchildren Being ‘Brainwashed’ Over Climate Change

Report Finds Schoolchildren Being ‘Brainwashed’ Over Climate Change

Andrew Montford, blogger and author of a new report on climate change in education, says children in England and Scotland are being brainwashed over climate change. He blames the United Nations for setting an agenda which has been blindly adopted in schools. VoR’s Scott Craig asked him to explain.

Andrew Montford told VoR: “Environmentalism and, in particular, global warming alarmism, is all-pervasive in the curricula in England and in Scotland. We found that global warming is being taught in almost every area of the curriculum. In one examination board we found global warming being tested – as it were – in papers in economics, in chemistry, geography, religious studies, physics, French, humanities and one-and-on-and-on.
“It’s absolutely everywhere and it’s not being taught as something that is there for debate, that there are different views on it. It is being taught in a quasi-religious fashion. You are being taught a dogma. You can get marks for following the dogma and repeating the dogma, but you cannot get marks for questioning it and for challenging the aspect of it.
“There are actually very few people – including most people who are termed ‘deniers’ – who actually deny that global warming is something that happens. People don’t deny that Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. The question is how much it’s going to affect us. What we find is that global warming is being taught as a definite disaster that is impending. And that just isn’t true from the science.
“The IPCC [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] working group report, the scientific report, reported a range of possible warming that ranges for relatively un-alarming to really quite alarming. Now that range of different outcomes leads to very different conclusions. If warming is going to be slow and potentially even beneficial for the next 50 years, you adopt quite different policies to those you would adopt if we’re going to see very serious effects in the short term.
“Again, you see none of that in what our children are being taught in school. This is being mandated by the national curriculum and by the curriculum for excellence in Scotland. We traced it right back to the United Nations, who are promoting sustainable development as something that really can’t be disputed (although, if you read the academic literature, it is a disputed concept – it’s a …

NBC Documentary Ignores Skeptics, Insists ‘97 Percent’ Agree on Climate Change

Thousands of peer-reviewed studies cast doubt on man-made climate change and many scientists have differing views. In 2010, Marc Morano released a collection of more than 1000 scientists who “challenged man-made global warming claims.” Similarly the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change aggregated “thousands of peer-reviewed scientific journal articles that do not support” man-made climate change.

Read more:…

WSJ: ‘Shut Up’ Is No Argument. It reveals a lack of confidence in global-warmist dogma”

WSJ: “‘Shut Up’ Is No Argument. It reveals a lack of confidence in global-warmist dogma”

‘Shut Up’ Is No Argument
The illiberal left lacks confidence in its ideas.By JAMES TARANTO April 7,2014  THE WALL STREET JOURNAL


…So Democrats are stuck with ObamaCare. But as long as we have a two-party system, the debate will go on. What’s striking is that the quality of the pro-ObamaCare arguments is so abysmally poor. “Blah, blah, blah.” “Feel free to ridicule right-wingers.” “This thing is going to work.”

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Does he have confidence in his views? Getty Images

Most of all: “The debate . . . is over.” A demand for silence is not a sign of intellectual self-confidence. And this is not the only subject on which the left is demanding that its opponents just shut up. For years we’ve been hearing that the debate about global warming–or “climate change” or whatever they’re calling it this week–is settled. Early in the 2000s some news organizations declared they would banish dissenting points of view from their pages. The debate goes on.

Last month Adam Weinstein wrote a piece for called “Arrest the Climate-Change Deniers.” “Man-made climate change kills a lot of people,” he claimed, offering no evidence. “It’s going to kill a lot more. We have laws on the books to punish anyone whose lies contribute to people’s deaths. It’s time to punish the climate-change liars.”

He stipulates that “I’m not talking about the man on the street,” who is a mere “idiot . . . too stupid to do anything other than choke the earth’s atmosphere a little more with his Mr. Pibb burps and his F-150’s gassy exhaust”:

I’m talking about Rush [Limbaugh] and his multi-million-dollar ilk in the disinformation business. I’m talking about Americans for Prosperity and the businesses and billionaires who back its obfuscatory propaganda. I’m talking about public persons and organizations and corporations for whom denying a fundamental scientific fact is profitable, who encourage the acceleration of an anti-environment course of unregulated consumption and production that, frankly, will screw my son and your children and whatever progeny they manage to have.

Those malcontents must be punished and stopped.

Deniers will, of course, fuss and stomp and beat their breasts and claim this is persecution, this is a violation of free speech.

In reality, it is none of those things, because it is not going to …

Sea Shepherd Founder to Bill Maher: ‘If Oceans Die, We Die’- Declares: “I’m not an eco-terrorist’

Sea Shepherd Founder to Bill Maher: ‘If Oceans Die, We Die’

You can always expect to see Captain Paul Watson on the front lines of the battle to conserve and protect marine ecosystems for wildlife. He and his Sea Shepherd Conservation Society have been doing it for nearly 40 years.
A late-night, cable television got the chance to learn more about Watson’s mission during the most recent episode of Real Time with Bill Maher. He discussed some of his biggest enemies—Japanese whalers—and his joy regarding last week’s International Court of Justice ruling that Japan’s “research whaling” is illegal. It marked a big moment for Watson, who says he has been labeled an “ecoterrorist” for years.
“I’m not an eco-terrorist—I don’t work for BP,” he said to a round of applause from the studio audience.

Back in February, chapters of Watson’s organization hosted “World Love for Dolphins Day” demonstrations in large cities, calling for an end to brutal dolphin hunts in Taiji, Japan’s killing cove.
Watson has also been jailed for his cause. He was arrested two years ago in Germany for extradition to Costa Rica for ship traffic violation as he exposed an illegal shark finning operation on Guatemalan waters run by a Costa Rican company. 
International Court Rules Japan’s ‘Research’ Whaling Illegal in Landmark Case
250+ Bottlenose Dolphins Captured in Japan’s Taiji Cove Hunt
Sea World Responds to Blackfish Documentary, Sea Shepherd Sets the Record Straight

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Ice Expanding: Global Sea Ice 959,000 Above The Mean – – AND Antarctica Set Another Record – 23.74% above ‘normal’ – ’30th Daily Record for this year’

Sea Ice Update April 8 2014 – Global Sea Ice 959,000 Above The Mean and Antarctica Set Another Record

A quick update for sea ice extent:

Global Sea Ice Extent is 959,000 above the 1981-2010 mean. That is ranked 4th for the day. And that is 4.61% above ‘normal’.
Antarctic Sea Ice Extent is 1,403,000 above the 1981-2010 mean. That is ranked 1st for the day. And that is 23.74% above ‘normal’. 30th Daily Record for this year.
Arctic Sea Ice Extent is -444,000 below the 1981-2010 mean. That is -2.97% below ‘normal’.

Data here. Graphs below. Click for bigger.


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