Watch Now: Media Matters Upset at Greenpeace co-founder Dr. Patrick Moore – Moore takes media by storm

For warmist Media Matters take on Moore, see here.

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Greenpeace Co-Founder Tells U.S. Senate: Earth’s Geologic History ‘fundamentally contradicts’ CO2 Climate Fears: ‘We had both higher temps and an ice age at a time when CO2 emissions were 10 times higher than they are today’

Watch Now: Greenpeace co-founder Dr. Patrick Moore on Hannity’s Fox News show: Man-made climate fears are ‘a kind of nasty combination of extreme political ideology and a religious cult all rolled into one’

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Moore on man-made global warming: ‘It is a powerful convergence of interests among a very large number of elites, including politicians who want to make it seem as though they’re saving the world, environmentalists who want to raise money and get control over very large issues like our entire energy policy, media, for sensationalism, Universities and professors for grants. You can’t hardly get a science grant these days without saying it has something to do with climate change.’

‘People need to study the long history of the Earth. These true believers in climate change are only looking at the last 100 years. That is a blink in nature’s eye. We’ve had billions of years of climate history in this world, and if you look at just the half billion of them, the most recent half billion, you will see that CO2 is lower now than it has been through most of the history of life on Earth, and so is the temperature.’


Climate Depot Round Up: Flashback 2012: Meet Man Who Wants to Engineer a Master Climate Race?! NYU Prof. Matthew Liao: Humans genetically engineered to combat global warming — ‘Pharmacological enhancement’

Update: Another warmist proposes ‘genetically altering’ humans – ‘What if we put aside the ethical issues’ and allowed ‘genetic researchers to make us more resistant to the effects of climate change?’ – ‘Greener Ideal’ website article ‘Surviving Climate Change – By Genetically Altering You’ – By Jordan Green – February 25, 2014


Flashback: Meet Man Who Wants to Engineer a Master Climate Race?! NYU Prof. Matthew Liao: Humans genetically engineered to combat global warming — ‘Pharmacological enhancement’

NYU Prof. S. Matthew Liao of Center for Bioethics promotes ‘solution of human engineering. It involves the biomedical modification of humans to make them better at mitigating climate change’ – ‘We shall argue that human engineering potentially offers an effective means of tackling climate change…the possibility of making humans smaller. Human ecological footprints are partly correlated with our size…a more speculative and controversial way of reducing adult height is to reduce birth weight…Pharmacological enhancement of altruism and empathy…could increase the likelihood that we adopt the necessary behavioural & market solutions for curbing climate change’

Fmr. Harvard U. Physicist Dr. Lubos Motl Compares NYU Prof. Matthew Liao to Nazis: ‘It only differs from the most perverse medical plans during Nazi era by one detail’ — ‘Mr Liao and his thugs want to exterminate mankind as we know it’

Liao’s ‘human engineering’ co-author Anders Sandberg: ‘People seem to assume we are some kind of totalitarian climate doomsters who advocate biotechnological control over people’ – Co-author Rebecca Roache: ‘Our normally unflappable bioethicist colleagues were shocked by the idea of human engineering, so the wider public was bound to find it ghastly’

Be Afraid, Very Afraid! Prof. Liao wants to drug the public to make them more compliant with his ideology. ‘Pharmacological enhancement’: ‘Test subjects given the posocial hormone oxytocin were more willing to share money with strangers…Also, a noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor increased social engagement and cooperation’

NYU Bioethicist S. Matthew Liao again suggests ‘voluntarily’ medicating the public and shrinking humans to make them care more about global warming – Liao: ‘The stuff that we looked at are things we currently already can do. So they are not meant to be very farfetched scenarios. They are meant to be realistic. — ‘Screen for embryos that are expected to be shorter. Another possibility is you can get hormone treatments…We can use that technology to have smaller children’ 

Master Climate Race: NYU Bioethicist S. Matthew Liao: ‘If you

Another warmist proposes ‘genetically altering’ humans – ‘What if we put aside the ethical issues’ and allowed ‘genetic researchers to make us more resistant to the effects of climate change?’

‘Greener Ideal’ website article ‘Surviving Climate Change – By Genetically Altering You’ – By Jordan Green – February 25, 2014

Excerpts: Over 280,000 people have died in the United Kingdom so far, due to the dramatically brutal winter they are experiencing this season. That’s pretty close to the estimated 300,000 people globally that die every year from climate change, according to a United Nations Global Humanitarian Forum report. And that 300,000 worldwide estimate isn’t just the United Kingdom, nor is it just from the cold. Those figures include deaths caused from the spread of disease, malnutrition and natural disasters caused by climate change.

Not that re-engineering people is the complete solution. If we can figure out how to make us faster, smarter, stronger, and more resilient to the effects of climate change, we should also be smart enough to reduce our impact on the planet. Genetically modifying people may give us the ability to deal with our planet’s natural climatic changes, so that we have the time to resolve the damage we’ve already caused our planet. Although over hundreds of thousands of years we may evolve to be faster, smarter and stronger, because of our impact on the Earth, we don’t have that long to wait.

Read more at: | Greener Ideal


Related Links: 

Flashback: Meet Man Who Wants to Engineer a Master Climate Race?! NYU Prof. Matthew Liao: Humans genetically engineered to combat global warming — ‘Pharmacological enhancement’

NYU Prof. S. Matthew Liao of Center for Bioethics promotes ‘solution of human engineering. It involves the biomedical modification of humans to make them better at mitigating climate change’ – ‘We shall argue that human engineering potentially offers an effective means of tackling climate change…the possibility of making humans smaller. Human ecological footprints are partly correlated with our size…a more speculative and controversial way of reducing adult height is to reduce birth weight…Pharmacological enhancement of altruism and empathy…could increase the likelihood that we adopt the necessary behavioural & market solutions for curbing climate change’

Fmr. Harvard U. Physicist Dr. Lubos Motl Compares NYU Prof. Matthew Liao to Nazis: ‘It only differs from the most perverse medical plans during Nazi era by one detail’ — ‘Mr Liao and his thugs want to exterminate mankind as we know it’

Liao’s ‘human engineering’ co-author Anders Sandberg: ‘People seem to assume we are some kind of totalitarian climate doomsters who advocate biotechnological

Prof. Roger Pielke Jr. in Financial Times: Climate activists ‘promote green imperialism that helps lock in poverty’ – ‘Climate policy robs the world’s poor of their hopes’

February 26, 2014 6:59 pm
Climate policy robs the world’s poor of their hopes
By Roger Pielke and Daniel Sarewitz
We need technologies that work in the US and in Pakistan, say Roger Pielke and Daniel Sarewitz

Selected Excerpts:

In Nigeria, the UN Development Programme is spending $10m to help “improve the energy efficiency of a series of end-use equipment . . .in residential and public buildings”. As a way of lifting people out of poverty, this is fanciful at best. Nigeria is the world’s sixth-largest oil exporter, with vast reserves of natural gas as well. Yet 80m of its people lack access to electricity.

Or consider Pakistan, where energy shortages in a rapidly growing nation of 180m have led to civil unrest – as well as rampant destruction of forests, mostly to provide firewood for cooking and heating. Western development agencies have refused to finance a project to use Pakistan’s Thar coal deposits for low-carbon natural gas production and electricity generation because of concerns over carbon emissions.

Half a world away, Germany is building 10 new coal plants over the next two years. These examples emerge from a larger, uglier background: a widely shared assumption that poor nations need not aspire to the sort of energy consumption seen in North America, western Europe and other wealthy regions. For example, the World Bank’s action plan for energy access fails to foresee that residents of a poor nation such as Chad might eventually aspire to use more than, say, a 10th of the energy consumption enjoyed by a middle-income nation such as Bulgaria.

Aspirations are critical here. If two lightbulbs, a fan and a radio are the goal – a standard measure of “energy access” used by the UN’s Sustainable Energy for All initiative – then a couple of solar panels or windmills might do the job. But if the rapidly urbanising poor are to have any chance of prosperity, they need access to energy on the same scale as all modern economies. Climate activists warn that the inhabitants of poor countries are especially vulnerable to the future climate changes that our greenhouse gas emissions will cause. Why then, do they simultaneously promote the green imperialism that helps lock in the poverty that makes these countries so vulnerable?

If, in coming decades, Africa was to achieve rapid economic growth of the kind that China has experienced, it would lift hundreds of …