Former NASA Scientist James Hansen urges young people to threaten fossil fuel CEOs with criminal prosecution for supporting skeptics

Hansen: I do not advise young people to get arrested, even though I have been arrested in protests against activities such as mountaintop removal and tar sands development. My aim, as an older person willing to accept the consequences, is to draw attention to an unjust situation or policy. Our government has shown that it is ready to heavily punish illegal acts, even if those acts are justified on moral grounds, as shown by the Tim DeChristopher case. It seems that this situation will not change much as long as the number of young people standing up remains small.…

‘The party’s over’ for UN IPCC: ‘It’s sure been great (for the climate rent-seekers and hangers-on, that is), but now it’s over’

Now the cleanup begins…

Maurice Newman, in The Australian:

If it wasn’t for independent Murdoch newspapers around the world, the mainstream media would be almost completely captured by the IPCC establishment. That is certainly true in Australia. For six or seven years we were bullied into accepting that the IPCC’s assessment reports were the climate science bible. Its chairman, Rajendra Pachauri, told us the IPCC relied solely on peer-reviewed literature. Then Murdoch papers alerted us to scientific scandals and Donna Laframboise, in her book The Delinquent Teenager, astonished us with her extraordinary revelation that of 18,000 references in the IPCC’s AR4 report, one-third were not peer reviewed. Some were Greenpeace press releases, others student papers and working papers from a conference. In some chapters, the majority of references were not peer reviewed. Many lead authors were inexperienced, or linked to advocate groups like WWF and Gree npeace. Why are we not surprised?
The IPCC was bound to be captured by the green movement. After all, it is a political body. It is not a panel of scientists but a panel of governments driven by the UN. Its sole purpose is to assess the risks of human-induced climate change. It has spawned industries. One is scientists determined to find an anthropogenic cause. Another is climate remediation. And, naturally, an industry to redistribute taxes to sustain it all. With hundreds of billions of dollars at stake, this cartel will deny all contrary evidence. Its very survival depends on it. But the tide is turning and Mother Nature has signalled her intention not to co-operate.
In the meantime, childish personal attacks on those who point out flaws in IPCC reasoning and advice only increase scepticism. They are no substitute for empirical evidence and are well into diminishing returns. The party’s over. (source)…

Live Blogging of Senate Climate Hearing Via Twitter Feed – Sen John Boozman says ‘issue is whether climate science is so good that Senators can adjust global temps from where they sit.’

Watch Live: U.S. Senate climate hearing chaired by Sen. Boxer features EPA & Climatologist Dr. Judith Curry – Click here to watch live: 


Click here for Continuous Blogging of Senate Climate Hearing Via Twitter Feed

Updated 1:31  PM ET:

Sen hearing wrap-up — another backfire for warmism. GOP Senators strong. EPA dodgy. Skeptic Judith Curry strong. Boxer bails on own hearing.

Sen hearing: Sen Whitehouse claims certainty of sea level rise because his Rhode Island tide gauge gas risen 10 inches.

Sen hearing: Judith Curry defends against Sen Whitehouse attack. Says her thinking has evolved on climate since 2007 when she was a warmist.

Sen hearing: Sen Whitehouse presses Curry on what it means to be a skeptic. Curry says science is not about calling people names.

Sen hearing reveals upside to pollution: Sen Whitehouse says Chinese Communists worried about air pollution as a threat to their rule.

Sen hearing: NRDC warmist admits we shouldn’t do ‘crazy’ things on climate. So climate debate is “depends on what the meaning of ‘crazy’ is”

Sen hearing: Sen @JohnBoozman traps warmist Dessler on Nonsensus. Dessler admits many doctors once thought smoking was OK.

Sen hearing: Judith Curry says no way to attribute hurricane intensity to humans. Dessler admits no knowledge of attribution science.

Sen hearing: Judith Curry says much more research needs to be done on climate variability. Jumping to what needs to be done is wrong.

Sen hearing: Judith Curry says we shouldn’t pretend to know what will happen with 21st century climate. Labels such pretension as ‘hubris.’

Sen hearing: Curry says extreme weather dependent on natural climate variability. Will see more losses just b/c there are more people.

Sen hearing: Curry says climate models overly sensitive to CO2. Current warming stop could last until 2030s. CO2 not a temp. ‘control knob’.

Sen hearing: Skeptic Judith Curry says evidence of manmade warming now weaker than IPCC 2007 report.

Sen hearing: Attention frackers… NRDC warmists says EPA needs to crack down on methane emissions. Climate hell coming your way!

Sen hearing: NRDC warmist says EPA is justified in mandating CO2 capture/storage technology that does not exist.

Sen hearing: Warmist Andrew Dessler admits pause… But claims lack of warming doesn’t mean warming stopped. Claims models can predict pauses.

Sen hearing: Sen. Boxer’s new climate Nonsensus — 97% of young voters believe in climate change. Yes, she really said it.

Sen hearing howler: …