Hail Obama! – Global Warming Departs America: U.S. Temperatures From January to July are below the 30-Year average

Hail Obama! – Global Warming Departs America


By Paul Homewood

Well he promised to fix the climate, so credit where credit’s due!
A year ago the Grauniad were warning us that :-

They have been pretty quiet this year though, as the Obama magic has gone to work, and temperatures to July are below the 30-Year average. Be grateful, peasants!



U.S. Oil Reserves at Highest Level Since 1985: ‘While U.S. reserves are increasing, the cost to get the energy is still high compared with, say, the Middle East: $81 per barrel for Canadian oil sands $70 a barrel for an onshore U.S. field (it ranges from $45 to $95 per barrel, depending on the rate of oil flow) $63 a barrel in the Gulf of Mexico $23 a barrel in the Middle East’

U.S. Oil Reserves at Highest Level Since 1985


Our reserves in one chart, via the Institute for Energy Research:The tradeoff is the cost to get the oil or gas out of the ground. While U.S. reserves are increasing, the cost to get the energy is still high compared with, say, the Middle East: $81 per barrel for Canadian oil sands $70 a barrel for an onshore U.S. field (it ranges from $45 to $95 per barrel, depending on the rate of oil flow) $63 a barrel in the Gulf of Mexico $23 a barrel in the Middle EastBut the good news is that the more oil and gas we find that’s recoverable, Read More ……

New paper finds no increase in deep cyclones in Europe over past 110 years — Published in the International Journal of Climatology

New paper finds no increase in deep cyclones in Europe over past 110 years


A new paper published in the International Journal of Climatology finds no evidence of any increase of the frequency of deep cyclones over central Europe from 1900-2010. Contrary to the claims of climate alarmists, many peer-reviewed papers have documented a decrease in the frequency of cyclones or hurricanes, with little to no change of intensity, and project fewer hurricanes/cyclones in the future.From the latest edition of the NIPCC Report:

Deep cyclones over central Europe: Increasing or Decreasing?Reference: Bielec-Bakowska, Z. and Piotrowicz, K. 2013. Long-term occurrence, variability and tracks of deep cyclones over Krakow (Central Europe) during the period 1900-2010.International Journal of Climatology 33: 677-689.Introducing their work, Bielec-Bakowska and Piotrowicz (2013) write that “at a continental scale it is low pressure areas, especially those traveling from west to east with their associated systems of atmospheric fronts, that generally have a significant influence on European weather,” as they are “often accompanied by meteorological phenomena of a violent nature, such as sudden changes of pressure and temperature, strong winds, heavy precipitation including hail, and electrical discharges,” with the result that “very often these phenomena cause considerable damage to the environment and the economy and may adversely influence human health and well-being.” And they add that “at a time of ongoing debate about climate change and the impact of human activities, questions have been asked whether a further increase in the frequency and intensity of similar events might be expected in the near future.”

In an attempt to provide a well-founded data-based answer to this important question, Bielec-Bakowska and Piotrowicz analyzed the frequency of occurrence of air pressure values equal to or lower than the 1st percentile (equivalent to ≤ 995.3 hPa) of all air pressure values recorded at 12:00 UTC in Krakow, Poland, over a period of 110 years (1900/1901-2009/2010), with “special attention” being devoted to the tracks of deep cyclones.

The two Polish researchers report that the frequency of deep cyclones in Poland, both overall and in each of a number of specific track groups, “failed to change significantly” over the 110-year period of their study (see the figure below). In the most important of these groups, which was composed of “more than half of all deep cyclones,” they found that they “developed over the Atlantic and travelled over or near Iceland via the Baltic Sea and/or …

WSJ: Just because climate science involves physics doesn’t mean its conclusions are as certain as gravity or a round Earth

WSJ: Just because climate science involves physics doesn’t mean its conclusions are as certain as gravity or a round Earth


Jamie Whyte: Science Says So, Suckers!

Just because climate science involves physics doesn’t mean its conclusions are as certain as gravity.


“Gravity exists. The world is round. Climate change is happening.”

WSJ.COM 8/14/13: So tweeted Barack Obama’s advocacy group Organizing for Action on Monday, adding the hashtag #ScienceSaysSo. Had the hashtag read #ThePresidentSaysSo, no one would have bought the bogus appeal to authority. But many will buy the appeal to scientific authority.

Few nowadays defer to the traditional authority figures of old—parents, priests or politicians. But many are inclined to take scientists’ word for things. If scientists say that anthropogenic climate change is happening, well, then anthropogenic climate change is happening. (Mr. Obama’s tweeters must mean anthropogenic climate change, since no one denies that the climate is changing, as it always does.)

Deference to scientists is sometimes warranted. But the general deference to science suggested by President Obama and other campaigners is absurd. It underestimates the variety of science and the incentives scientists have to exaggerate the credibility of their theories.

People often talk about science as if it were a single discipline with a single method, “the scientific method,” so that all scientifically acquired beliefs are equally likely to be true. Since all of Team Obama’s threesome—gravity, the spherical Earth and climate change—are scientific, you should be no less certain about reality of anthropogenic climate change than about the reality of gravity.

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This vision of science is wrong. Scientific inquiry encompasses a great variety of disciplines with different methods, some of which are more reliable than others. Particle physics, evolutionary biology, epidemiology, climatology and behavioral economics, to take but five examples, concern different phenomena, use different methods and produce results of very different credibility. Deference is due to some scientists but not to all.

The physics of medium-sized objects moving at velocities well below the speed of light has been experimentally tested and successfully applied in technology to such an extent that it is beyond reasonable doubt. Anyone who drives a car across an ancient bridge has reason to defer to physicists.

The climate models upon which the anthropogenic climate change hypothesis is based have no such record of success. This is not their fault. They are new and they make predictions about …

A German physicist takes on the global warming establishment: German physicist, professor Horst-Joachim Lüdecke

A German physicist takes on the global warming establishment


German physicist, professor Horst-Joachim Lüdecke is not afraid of taking on the global warming establishment in Germany and elsewhere. Below are a few excerpts of a recent interview (in German): For decades Germans were misinformed and successfully “brought up” in an eco-ideological way. This was possible, because the green movement has conquered the editorial staffs of the leading German media, like e.g. public service television, the Süddeutsche Zeitung, die ZEIT, and others. In addition, eco-ideologists also have taken over the important academic key positions. Professor Hans-Joachim Schnellhuber, director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Research (PIK) and the Chancellor’s climate adviser, is one good example. He is propagating a “great transformation” and the removal of democratic rules in order to achieve this goal. –Climate protection has nothing to do with genuine nature conservation (as e.g. protection of rain forests and fish populations in the oceans). The prescribed means for reducing CO2 are effectless and meaningless . –The IPCC, a UN organization positioned against objective and impartial climate science, is an institution consisting of eco-ideologists connected with related NGOs. Most IPCC documents are not written by experts, but by activists. –Wind turbines and solar cells have no effect on the climate or the CO2 balance of a country. However, the energy transition (Energiewende) is causing a huge unavoidable rise in electricity prices – not at all a price reduction!

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