State Dept.: Keystone XL ‘would not likely result in significant adverse environmental effects’
State Dept on Keystone XL: ‘Pipeline doesn’t pose any greater risks to the environment than any other modes of transportation’
State Dept. says Keystone XL worth 42,000 jobs over 1-2 year period: ‘Will Obama deny 42,000 construction jobs?’
Enviro Keystone XL Reax: ‘If climate could weep…’
…Salon Mag.: State Dept. report on Keystone XL sends ‘dark message to environmentalists, suggesting the tar sands battle is lost’
UN IPCC Lead Author Richard Tol calls on Pachauri to go! Tol: ‘IPCC urges Obama to raise awareness of science behind climate change’ –‘It’s time for the old man to retire’
Dennis Prager: ‘Progressive Green Movement Has Morphed Into A Death Cult’ — ‘The movement known as environmentalism is not only a false religion, it is one that allows human sacrifice’
Warmists predict doom: ‘Global warming is highly likely to be fatal to a livable climate and modern civilization if left untreated’
February 2013 global surface temperature – at normal
New Ecology Paper Challenges ‘Tipping Point’ Meme