Dems ask NFL, NBA for suggestions on how to battle climate change — Dem Sen. Whitehouse: ‘Climate change is already affecting all of us, and we want to get all ideas on the table to address it’
Matt Lauer Exposes Al Gore’s Hypocrisy: ‘Gore visited NBC’s Today show & was challenged by Matt Lauer to defend selling out to Al Jazeera’
New paper finds potential glacier contribution to sea levels is 43% less than IPCC claims — Published in The Cryosphere
Oops: After Alaska cooled 2.4 degrees F. last decade, new NWF propaganda claims that ‘Alaska has warmed about twice as much as the continental United States’
Lights out – France to force shops and offices to go dark overnight to fight ‘light pollution’, lower CO2 emissions
Review: ‘FrackNation: Must See Movie!’
Renowned Climate Modeller Now Claims Temperature Stagnation Is Actually Evidence Of Warming!
Report: ‘Michael Mann smears Mark Steyn as a racist’!?
Warmist Jeffrey Sachs and Michael Mann suggest that if you don’t believe in the global warming, you don’t care about your family
German wind energy 2012: No increase in wind energy production despite 1000 new wind turbines