NYU Prof. Liao Proposes Medical Experiments On Children To Make Humans Suitable For The Planet
UK Daily Mail: ‘Claim that there has been any statistically significant warming for past 16 years is therefore unsustainable’ — Reaffirms ‘a 16-year ‘pause’ in rising temps’
UK Daily Mail Excerpt: World average temperature measurements are subject to an error of plus or minus 0.1 degrees, while any attempt to calculate a trend for the period 1997-2012 has an in-built statistical error of plus or minus 0.4 degrees.
Prof. Curry: ‘I think Rose’s 2nd article is well done. He lays out arguments the other ‘side’ is making, & provides his response. It is a reasonable portrayal of debate surrounding this issue’
Environmental groups divided on whether to hit Obama on climate change: Greens ‘knocked him for battling to be seen as a staunch supporter of coal and oil’