Update: Heartland pulls plug on billboard linking global warming believers to terrorists
Prof. Ross McKitrick Letter to Heartland: ‘This kind of fallacious, juvenile and inflammatory rhetoric does nothing to enhance your reputation…’
Sen. Inhofe: Panetta Global Warming Remarks Show Need for More Congressional Oversight
Warmist Andrew Sullivan on Heartland’s refusal to believe in man-made climate fears: ‘Large sections of the American right are now close to insane as well as depraved’
UK Guardian: Heartland Inst. compares belief in global warming to mass murder : ‘Launches poster campaign comparing Unabomber & Osama Bin Laden to those concerned about global warming
Vote Now: Your opinion on Heartland’s Billboards — A blunder?
Flashback 2010: Climate Depot’s Morano calls NASA’s Hansen a ‘wannabe Unabomber’ for endorsing book urging ‘ridding world of industrial civilization’ & ‘razing cities’ & ‘blowing up dams’
WaPo reporter Juliet Eilperin: ‘In new ads, Heartland Inst. suggests only terrorists believe in the link b/w human activity and global warming’
Shock Wash. Post Editorial on ‘Crucify’ remarks: ‘The EPA is earning a reputation for abuse’ — ‘Mr. Armendariz was right to resign’
The Environmental Defense Fund & the CIA: Panetta gave climate speech at a reception hosted in his honor by the Environmental Defense Fund