Flashback 2002: ‘Lobsters & caviar for MPs at UN summit on starvation…Money is no object’ at ‘save the planet’ summit — ‘Sickening champagne & caviar lifestyle…gorging on mountains of lobster’
‘Breathtaking hypocrisy’: Climategate Professor Phil Jones slammed after flying 20,000 miles to Tahiti to preach about global warming
Signing global warming’s death certificate: ‘In America polls demonstrate that global warming is at the very bottom of their concerns these days’
Warmist Hayhoe on left-wing radio compares CO2 to ‘a tiny grain of the most deadly poison in the world’; Warmist D.R. Tucker claims that the climate skeptic movement is ‘intellectually dead’
Suday Times: Why Has It Warmed So Much Less Than The IPCC Predicted?
HadCRUT Shows Alaska 1C Cooler Than The 1880s: ‘According to HaCRUT,interior temps in Alaska have cooled a couple of degrees since 2004, and are now cooler than 1880s’
HADCrut Global Trend Is Garbage: ‘During the ‘cold’ year of 1862, HADCrut’s thermometers covered less than 10% of Earth, yet they report temp anomalies from 1862 within 0.001C’
NASA’s Hansen – ‘Dragging Science To Historical Lows’: ‘Hansen reports global temps in 1880s within 0.01 degrees’
The Fastest Warming Place In World – Is Rapidly Cooling: ‘Hansen described Antarctic Peninsula as being fastest warming place on planet. It has cooled more than half a degree since 1998’
30 Years Of Steadily Increasing Sea Ice In Antarctica: ‘Gore says he can see the melt. He must be on some pretty powerful hallucinogens’