Read All About it: Al Gore’s ‘melting’ Antarctic claims refuted by reality — Climate Depot’s A-Z Global Warming Report counters Gore

Al Gore’s trek to Antarctica with global warming activists Richard Branson, NASA’s James Hansen and Climategate’s Kevin Trenberth among many others, is designed to alarm the public that somehow something is amiss there. Gore is warning of a melting continent.

“The ice on land is melting at a faster rate and large ice sheets are moving toward the ocean more rapidly. As a result, sea levels are rising worldwide,” Gore wrote on January 31 during his visit to Antarctica. [See: Gore in Antarctica! Warns of rapid melting and rising seas! See more reports on Gore’s Antarctic trip here.]

But beginning on page 7, Climate Depot’s A-Z Climate Reality Check makes a mockery of Gore and company’s claims. The vast majority of Antarctica is cooling and gaining ice, according to recent peer-reviewed studies and data. As for sea levels, Gore is apparently clueless on the latest sea level data. See: European Space Agency global sea level reveals ‘two year long decline was continuing, at a rate of 5mm per year’ & ‘In August 2011, NASA announced that global sea level was dropping and was ‘a quarter of an inch lower than last summer.’ [See related Gore reports: Climate Depot’s Point-By-Point Rebuttal to Gore’s Highbrow Scientific Arguments & Greens Give Gore 2 Thumbs Down: Gore’s climate ‘reality’ show faces strongly negative reviews from his fellow global warming activists]

Except from page 7 of Climate Depot Special Report: A-Z Climate Reality Check — ‘The claims of the promoters of man-made climate fears are failing’

ANTARCTIC: The Antarctic sea ice extent has been at or near record extent in past few summers and the ice has been expanding. Antarctica is failing to follow the predictions of man-made global warming activists.

Veteran Polar Scientist Heinrich Miller on Antarctica: ‘If anything over last 30 years we have a slight cooling trend’ — Miller: ‘Here almost nothing has changed. At least not near the surface. The average annual temperatures have remained the same. There are of course large fluctuations from year to year. If anything over last 30 years we have a slight cooling trend.

Inconvenient truth: Antarctica sea ice extent growing 1.43% per year — ‘A paper published today in Journal of Climate examines the trend of sea ice extent along the East Antarctic coast from 2000 to 2008 and finds a significant increase of 1.43% per year’

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