Moment of Clarity Arrives! Even the Dutch rejecting wind power — Dutch fall out of love with windmills
‘It’s all very Orwellian’: Aussie govt ‘issues warnings to businesses that they will face whopping fines of up to $1.1m if they blame carbon tax for price rises’ — ‘Carbon Cops’ set to enforce
Orwell’s 1984 hits Australia in 2011: Illegal for Aussie businesses to blame price hikes on carbon tax
Climategate’s Michael Mann to get a medal: ‘Mann to receive Hans Oeschger Medal from European Geosciences Union’ – ‘The medal is named after Oeschger, a pioneer in global warming alarmism’
Obama praises Aussie carbon tax: ‘I think it’s good for the world’
Piles of Fed Cash: Robert Kennedy, Jr.’s ‘Green’ Company Scored $1.4 Billion Taxpayer Bailout: ‘Netted a loan guarantee issued by a former employee-turned Dept of Energy official’
Physicist slams James Hansen’s Texas/Russia heatwave study: ‘The reasoning of Hansen and his comrades is indefensible on every single level’
NASA’s Jim Hansen goes there: Texas summer ‘was a consequence of global warming’: ‘In new paper he directly & without equivocation ties Moscow (2010) & Texas (2011) heat waves to climate change’
Study: ‘Princeton University researchers say extremely sunny or cloudy days are more common than in early 1980s, and swings from thunderstorms to dry days rose considerably since the late 1990s’
Durban-hosted CoP17 a bust before it starts: ‘China, India, South Africa & Brazil say any decision on climate actions beyond 2020 must be based on the next report of UN’s IPCC’