‘Atlasgate’ deepens: NSIDC rebukes being a specific source of The Times Atlas 15% Greenland ice loss claim
Times Atlas ‘wrong’ on Greenland ice: Polar scientists say Times Atlas of the World was wrong to assert that it has had to re-draw its map of Greenland due to climate change’
Gore Train Wreck Alert! New Scientist warmist Catherine Brahic pans Goreathon as ‘cringe-worthy’ and suggests ‘Gore’s time is over’ — ‘Underwhelming 24 hours’
Watch Now: Climatologist Dr. Ball: ‘Gore is taking normal events and claiming they are abnormal…Everything single thing he presented is perfectly explainable with a natural understanding of climate’
More warmists lament Gore’s ineffectiveness — Chris Mooney: ‘Basically Gore appeals to liberal academic type people, like me’
Analysis: ‘Can We Really Call Climate Science a Science?’: The ‘panoply of people and organizations supporting (AGW) is the equivalent of the (old Soviet) Central Committee’
WSJ: ‘Another Nobel laureate breaks from the climate change pack’
50 UN IPCC Experts Expose Washington Post Global Warming Claims — UN IPCC scientists critique global warming claims
The ‘Gore Effect’: Summer Snow Falls on Mauna Kea after Al Gore’s ’24-Hours of Reality’ broadcasts from Hawaii
Alarmist claim Amazon will dry up bites the dust: New paper says core of Amazon rainforest will remain stable & rainfall increase — (Even the warmist models are failing them now!)