Harris Poll: ‘Fewer than ever believe the climate is heating up’
Couples required to plant trees before tying knot to combat the ‘alarming issue of climate change’
Turncoat Greenie Mark Lynas reports that his Amazon book sales have been sabotaged
Warmist Andrew Dessler borrows from pagan rituals — believes we can control climate through taxes! Suggests if we pay a climate swindle tax, the climate won’t change
Aggie Joke: Warmist Andrew Dessler Forecasts Texas Weather For The Next 90 Years — But ‘Texas temperatures show no trend over the last 115 years’[email protected]
Meteorologist Slams Warmist Andrew Dessler as ‘clueless and ideologically driven’
Energy Sec. Chu wants ban on light bulbs to continue! Thinks he knows what’s best for you! Nanny state Chu: ‘We are taking away your right to waste your own money’
Warmist Kevin Anderson, dir. of UK’s Tyndall Centre morphs into Doomsday Cult Leader! ‘I think it’s extremely unlikely that we wouldn’t have mass death at 4 degrees’ rise in temps — ‘terrifying’
Physicist slams Tyndall’s Kevin Anderson for doomsday preaching: ‘I wonder whether those loons actively realize what they are saying’ — Suggests Anderson belongs ‘in a psychiatric asylum’
Listen Now: MIT’s Richard Lindzen is ‘offended’ that global warming was made into an ‘end-of-the-world issue’ — AGW evidence does not ‘point to alarm’