‘Why do we pretend to understand climate change?’ ‘Scientists battling it out over sunspots prove the great global warming debate of past 20 years — ‘
1951: ‘MIT Scientist Correctly Predicted Global Cooling – Based On Sunspots’
Wacky Warmist Al Thompson Claims Trace amounts of invisible, harmless, natural atmospheric gas to cause ‘virtual extermination of our species’ [email protected]
Climategate 2.o: ‘U.N. climate propaganda exposed’: ‘The IPCC’s banner claim was not the work of prestigious and disinterested scientists toiling away in a laboratory…’
‘Fun Finding the Eco Lobby’s Funding’: ‘We have a govt funding env. orgs’ campaigning and researching efforts, and we see a direct effect of that campaigning in policy’
Great news from Greenland: Greenpeace chief Kumi Naidoo arrested
Greenpeace and the IPCC: ‘Not the same eco activist Mark Lynas who once threw a custard pie in Bjorn Lomborg’s face…’
Greenpeace-Gate: Mark Lynas’ Questions
Climate Audit: ‘IPCC Sabotages an Interacademy Recommendation’
Climategate 2.0: The IPCC declares Greenpeace in our time — UN’s Pachauri wrote ‘introduction to controversial Greenpeace paper’