Climatologist Dr. Richard Keen slams NOAA’s Jay Lawrimore for ‘a complete lack of understanding of weather (which makes up climate).’
Climatologist: ‘Global Warming Theory: False in Parts, False in Totality’ — ‘The degree to which UN IPCC has fooled the world is amazing’
See the completely insane cartoon that NYT’s Andrew Revkin calls ‘VERY cool’
The California Medieval Warming Remains Unprecedented: 3.0°C Hotter Than Modern Global Warming
Gore Now (Again) Declares: ‘It’s time to stop debating settled science and work together to solve the climate crisis’
‘Earth receives most energy from Sun and some energy from its depths…The energy mankind generates is so small compared to that overall energy budget that it simply cannot affect the climate’
Ads Argue ‘CO2 Is Green’ — Says man-made global warming is based on ‘false premise’
Swedish Prof.: Collapse of Climate Physics based on claims of the ‘greenhouse-effect’
New Paper: ‘A null hypothesis for CO2 is proposed that it is impossible to show that changes in CO2 concentration have caused any climate change’
New Peer Reviewed Paper on Climate Science and the Culture of Withholding Information