MIT’s Richard Lindzen on Mann: ‘Penn State has clearly demonstrated that it is incapable of monitoring violations of scientific standards of behavior internally’
Physicist: ‘Penn State officially joins Michael Mann’s scam…remembered as a black day in its history’ (Mann email: mann@[email protected])
Climate Con Cover Up! Michael Mann boldly declares Climategate a non issue! ‘There is no evidence of any impropriety on the part of the scientists. There’s no indication of the fudging of data’
Penn State investigation cited Mann’s ‘level of success in proposing research and obtaining funding’ as some sort of proof that he was meeting the ‘highest standards’
Climate Depot’s Executive Editor Marc Morano on Penn State’s inquiry into Michael Mann:
‘This is not surprising that Mann’s own university circled the wagons and narrowed the focus of its own investigation to declare him ethical.
‘The fact that the investigation cited Mann’s ‘level of success in proposing research and obtaining funding’ as some sort of proof that he was meeting the ‘highest standards’, tells you that Mann is considered a sacred funding cash cow. At the height of his financial career, similar sentiments could have been said about Bernie Madoff.
Mann has become the posterboy of the corrupt and disgraced climate science echo chamber. No university whitewash investigation will change that simple reality.’
Physicist Lubos Motl: ‘Penn State officially joins Michael Mann’s scam…remembered as a black day in its history’ (Mann email: mann@[email protected]) — Mann ‘cleared’ of research misconduct even though explicit proofs of his misconduct are available to the whole world’
Climate Depot’s FactSheet on Mann’s Various ‘Hockey Stick’ Creations
Portland police chief admits to not reading accuser’s statement and mishandling Gore sex abuse case
Fred Pearce’s Climategate Inquiry: ‘The evidence of scientists cutting corners, playing down uncertainties in their calculations and then covering their tracks by being secretive with data…’
‘To believe that a single trace molecule in atmosphere controls climate and that an even further miniscule portion of this gas caused by humans can effect change, is to put it mildly a ‘blunder’
China’s 2,000 Year Temperature History: Declaring anthropogenic emissions have pushed modern temps beyond historical counterparts disregards lessons of 2,000 years of Chinese temps’
Antarctic Regions Prone To Rapid Warming: Peer-Reviewed Study Finds Natural Cycles To Blame
How many can they come up with? Surgery Causes Global Warming?! Study Shows ‘Anesthesia Agent Is Greatest Potential Contributor to Global Warming’