Read Selected Portions of the Esquire Mag. Profile on Climate Depot (April 2010 Hardcopy at Newsstands — Tina Fey Cover)

The April 2010 issue of Esquire Magazine features a more than 6500 word feature article on Climate Depot’s Executive Editor Marc Morano.

See: Esquire Mag. Profiles Climate Depot’s Morano in 6500 Word Feature Article: ‘This Man Wants to Convince You Global Warming is a Hoax…He seems to be winning’

Esquire Mag. Falsely Claims Climate Depot’s Morano made an ‘obvious mistake’ about sea levels — Reality Check: Morano Cited Data Accurately

From Esquire Mag.: Rush Limbaugh Praises Climate Depot as ‘a great place to keep up on the global-warming debate’ (1992 Photo)

Esquire Mag.: ‘Morano broke the Swift Boat story and effectively stalled John Kerry’s presidential run’

Selected Esquire Article Excerpts:

Marc Morano broke the Swift Boat story and effectively stalled John Kerry’s presidential run. Now he is working against an even bigger enemy: belief in climate change. Somehow, he seems to be winning. […]

At the peak of the consensus, 84 percent of Americans thought global warming was a threat. The only thing they agreed on more was the existence of God.

Then Morano got hired as the communications director for Jim Inhofe, the dyspeptic senator from Oklahoma. Setting to work, he began compiling so many inflammatory stories and documents on Inhofe’s Web site, Newsweek said he was “more like a wire service than a spokesman.” He began to use the Web in pugnacious new ways, like printing the e-mail addresses of reporters and scientists and inviting readers to pester them. All this made Inhofe’s office the global center of the resistance, but it also infuriated people. “Morano is unquotable and uncitable,” said one influential climate blog. “Besides his penchant for smear, he just makes stuff up.” Another investigated his e-mail list. A scientist threatened him with a libel suit. Eventually other Republicans started telling Inhofe to fire him — he was unprofessional, they said. He appealed to Inhofe’s worst instincts.

Morano took those as compliments. […]

Morano has fun with it too, using goofy illustrations like a cartoon hand hammering a nail into a coffin and a Scooby Doo villain getting his mask pulled off. People tell him this is too childish for a publication that affects global policy, but it’s part of his vision for his Web site — climate entertainment, he calls it. […]

As the words leave his fingers and become electric ones and zeros in the information cloud, other people start responding. One of

Esquire Mag. Falsely Claims Climate Depot’s Morano made an ‘obvious mistake’ about sea levels — Reality Check: Morano Cited Data Accurately

The April 2010 issue of Esquire Magazine features a more than 6500 word feature article on Climate Depot’s Executive Editor Marc Morano. The article makes the false claim that Morano told a “howler” and an “obvious mistake” about sea level during a live Sky News TV Debate in December 2009.

The article by Esquire writer John Richardson contends that the following assertion by Morano in the December 12, 2009 TV debate with Professor Mark Maslin, is incorrect:

Esquire Magazine’s Spin: “Morano says, sea levels are not rising. To prove it [Morano] quotes a study by the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute that actually says sea levels rose nearly eight inches in the last century. This obvious mistake leads Maslin into his fatal error, which is patronizing Marc Morano…Despite his own howler about the sea levels, he hammers away.”

Reality Check: Morano’s citation about sea level was that it was “not showing the acceleration.” Morano never said it was not rising. (Note: Sea level has been rising since the end of the last ice age.) Esquire’s Richardson simply made a mistake in trying to claim Morano said sea level was “not rising.”

Here is Morano’s exact quote on sea level during the debate: Morano: “Sea Level is not showing the acceleration. The Royal Netherlands Meteorology Institute said this. One scientist said if sea level is rising due to global warming, no one has bothered to tell sea level.”

To Watch Full December 2009 TV debate with Prof. Maslin. Go here.

Further Reading on sea level:

‘No evidence for accelerated sea-level rise’ says Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute – December 12, 2008
Excerpt: In an op-ed piece in the December 11 issue of NRC/Handelsblad, Wilco Hazeleger, a senior scientist in the global climate research group at KNMI, writes: “In the past century the sea level has risen twenty centimeters. There is no evidence for accelerated sea-level rise. It is my opinion that there is no need for drastic measures. It is wise to adopt a flexible, step-by-step adaptation strategy. By all means, let us not respond precipitously.”

Wash. Post reporting makes progress! Article concedes sea level computer model ‘predictions could be flawed or flat wrong’

Related Links:

Read Selected Portions of the Esquire Mag. Profile on Climate Depot

Esquire Mag. Profiles Climate Depot’s Morano in 6500 Word Feature Article: ‘This Man Wants to Convince You Global Warming