Part 2: Read All About it! Climate Depot Exclusive – Continuously Updated ‘ClimateGate’ News Round Up

For a more recent ClimateGate news round up go here.

More from UK Times: ‘Climate change data dumped…It means that other academics are not able to check basic calculations’

Media Awakening? Wash. Post’s Robinson: ClimateGate Hurts G-Warming ‘Consensus’ — a ‘major embarrassment for the scientists involved…seem to be trying to squelch dissent’

Prof. Pielke Jr. ‘I think we can get past the lie — and it was a lie — that these activist scientists, in the words of’s Gavin Schmidt, are not taking a political stand’

Damage Control?! Is this the Scientific Method? UN IPCC: We ‘firmly stands behind’ our report: Global warming conclusions ‘have been approved word by word by the GOVERNMENTS of the world’

Climate Depot Response: “If the governments all signed off on UN IPCC reports, then they must be impeccable science. No politics involved at all.” For reality check, see report on UN scientists turning on UN here.

Climate Depot’s Marc Morano Statement: “Remember, the man-made global warming fear movement was already dead before ClimateGate broke.” (For coroner’s report on death see: here and here.)

Morano: “ClimateGate just ensures that the embalming fluid will now be withheld and the corpse will rot for all to see (and smell.)”

UK Telegraph: ‘Climategate is now huge…goes uber-viral’

Climategate defense mirrors the Dan Rather Memogate Tactic: ‘The data is fake but accurate’

The Smoking Code: ‘Computers Do Lie When Humans Tell Them To’ — Here is ‘actual proof that the CRU was deliberately tampering’

LA Times: ‘Take back Al Gore’s Oscar, 2 Academy members demand in light of Climategate’

BBC: UN body wants probe of climate e-mail row

UN should not investigate itself! ‘ClimateGate Needs An Independent Investigator’

Meteorologist: ‘The theory of global warming is lying on the canvas bloodied and dying’

Listen Now: ClimateGate: CEI’s Horner and Climate Depot’s Morano on Sean Hannity’s Show

Handy Reference Guide: ‘Who’s who on climate fraud…Rogue’s gallery of five major perpetrators’

Copenhagen prostitutes offer free climate summit sex

One Down: ClimateGate Scientist Phil Jones is ‘stepping down pending investigation into allegations that he overstated the case for man-made climate change’

‘Fraud’: ‘Phil Jones knew there were severe problems with the urbanization research. Yet Jones continued to rely on that research in his work’

Paper: Climate science hijacking: Presetting outcomes of warming ‘debate’

Climategate external review chair picked: Selection ‘does not inspire much confidence from skeptics’

J’accuse! Jones vs.