Audio: Rush Limbaugh ridicules WWF kids video
Analysis: 3 of 4 measurements show no significant global warming for the last 15 years
Gore Praises GOP Sen. Graham: ‘It is my hope that other Republicans begin to take their cues from him’
Climate Depot’s Morano on GOP Sen. Graham: He ‘is an embarrassment when he talks about climate change from a supposed scientific viewpoint’
Climate of Nuttiness: Climate Depot News Round Up on Global Warming and Psychological Claims
Round Up of Global Warming/Mental Links – Updated November 12, 2009 (Also see Climate Depot’s report on ‘Climate Astrology’)
Climate Fear Promoter Conducts ‘Psycho Analysis of Climate Skeptics’
Flashback: Shepard Smith of Fox News : Global Warming Skeptics Are ‘A Little Crazy’
Columnist: Putting the ‘mental’ in environmental
Flashback: Shepard Smith of Fox News : Global Warming Skeptics Are ‘A Little Crazy’
Horner: Climate bill ’emergency powers’ language are ‘a license to steal…Arguing whether it creates new authority argues a distinction without a difference’
Psychologist: ‘What Makes Climate Sceptics Tick? Denial is a powerful impediment to constructive action on climate change’
UK report warns: ‘World’s carbon trading markets could spark another ‘sub-prime’ style financial crisis that could again destabilize global economies’
‘Sustainable Development, which sprung fully-armed from a fretful socialist — is indeed a religion, and it has a devil: capitalism’