Update: Climatologist Dr. Roger Pielke Sr. accepts global warming debate challenge!

Former Colorado State Climatologist Dr. Roger Pielke Sr. responded to Stanford University professor Stephen Schneider’s May 24, 2009 boast that he could “slaughter” skeptical scientists in a global warming debate. (See: Warming Professor Stephen Schneider boasts he could ‘slaughter skeptical scientists in public debate!’ )

Pielke Sr . May 24, 2009 Excerpt: I would be glad to debate Dr. Schneider (or any of the other individuals who are listed).

I also challenge them to refute in the professional literature (and in a debate) the numerous peer reviewed articles and national (e.g. see) and international climate assessments (e.g. see) that present scientific evidence that conflicts with the narrow perspective on climate science that Steve Schneider is representing.

I am disappointed that Steve Schneider personally attacked the websites that are listed. I have quite a bit of respect for Dr. Schneider’s past work [e.g. his book Genesis Strategy is an excellent example of why we need a resource-based, bottom-up assessment of vulnerability, as has been discussed in our peer reviewed papers (e.g. see) and books (e.g. see)].

However, his casual denigration of each of the websites, Watt’s Up With That, Climate Skeptic, Climate Audit and Climate Science (each of whose contributions to the discussion of climate science are informative and very valuable) represents a failure to engage in constructive scientific debate.

This cavalier dismissal of these websites illustrates that instead of evaluating the soundness of their scientific evidence, the authors of these websites, who provide a much needed broader viewpoint on climate science, are insulted. This is not the proper way to discuss scientific issues.

For Dr. Pielke Sr. full response see here:

Related Links:

Warming Professor Stephen Schneider boasts he could ‘slaughter skeptical scientists in public debate!’ – May 25, 2009

More Than 700 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims

Democrats Refuse to Allow Skeptic to Testify Alongside Gore At Congressional Hearing – April 23, 2009

NASA’s James Hansen: Skepticism ‘can confuse the public’

Monkton’s Report: 35 Inconvenient Truths: The errors in Al Gore’s movie

Monckton: Have the courage to do nothing…US Congress told climate change is not real

Monckton’s Letter to Represenatives Ed Markey & Joe Barton – March 30, 2009

Al Gore Challenged to International TV Debate on Global Warming By Lord Monckton – March 19, 2007

Scientific Smackdown: Skeptics Voted The Clear Winners Against Global Warming Believers in Heated NYC Debate – March 16, 2007

Flashback: Skeptics ‘slaughtered’? Global Warming Professor Stephen Schneider boasts he could ‘slaughter skeptical scientists in public debate!’

Professor Stephen Schneider of Stanford University, a prominent proponent of man-made global warming fears has publicly challenged scientists skeptical of warming fears to debate. (Schneider’s public website with bio and contact info is here. ) Schneider was interviewed by Thomas Fuller of the San Francisco Examiner on May 24, 2009. [Update: Former Colorado State Climatologist Dr. Roger Pielke Sr. accepts the global warming debate challenge. See: Pielke Sr. ‘I would be glad to debate Dr. Schneider…he represents a ‘narrow perspective on climate science’ – May 24, 2009 ]

Examiner Excerpt: Question: More specifically, the principal skeptic websites (Watt’s Up With That, Climate Skeptic, Climate Audit and Climate Science) that I look at regularly seem to think they are winning the day. They think data is coming in that questions the established paradigm.

Schneider: They have been thinking that as long as I have observed them and they have very few mainstream climate scientists who publish original research in climate refereed journals with them–a petroleum geologist’s opinion on climate science is a as good as a climate scientists opinion on oil reserves. So petitions sent to hundreds of thousands of earth scientists are frauds. If these guys think they are “winning” why don’t they try to take on face to face real climatologists at real meetings–not fake ideology shows like Heartland Institute–but with those with real knowledge–because they’d be slaughtered in public debate by Trenberth, Santer, Hansen, Oppenheimer, Allen, Mitchell, even little ol’ me. It’s easy to blog, easy to write op-eds in the Wall Street Journal.


Question: How would you characterize the state of play regarding scientific discussion regarding anthropogenic contributions to global warming? What is happening in science today that bears on the debate?

Schneider: Not much change over the past few decades, except nature is cooperating with theory as formerly theoretical projections like heat waves and ice melt is now observed–at faster rates than predicted. All in IPCC and NAS reports. Why ice is melting faster than the models suggest is still not known, but certainly not encouraging!

For complete interview with Schneider see Examiner’s article here:

Related Links:

More Than 700 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims

Democrats Refuse to Allow Skeptic to Testify Alongside Gore At Congressional Hearing – April 23, 2009

NASA’s James Hansen: Skepticism ‘can confuse the public’

Monckton’s Report: 35 Inconvenient Truths: The errors in Al