Outgoing UN IPCC Chief reveals global warming ‘is my religion and my dharma’

Pachauri’s full resignation letter here.

Climate Depot’s Morano statement on Pachauri’s resignation: ‘The IPCC is quietly popping champagne corks today. Pachauri gone can only be good news for the UN IPCC’ – Marc Morano: ‘If Pachauri had any decency, he would have resigned in the wake of the Climategate scandal which broke in 2009. Climategate implicated the upper echelon of UN IPCC scientists in attempting to collude and craft a narrative on global warming while allowing no dissent. Or Pachauri could have resigned when he wished skeptics would rub asbestos on their faces or conceded that the IPCC was at the ‘beck and call’ of governments. There were so many opportunities to to the right thing and fade away. But it took the proceedings of the Indian court system over the allegations of sexual harassment to finally bring Pachauri down. Things can only be looking up for the UN IPCC now that it has ridded itself of this political and ethical cancer.’

Many climate change activists are motivated by religious conviction. See: Climate Depot round up of climate religion. Actor Harrison Ford’s Green Religion: ‘I needed something outside of myself to believe in and I found in nature a kind of God’

Wave Bye-Bye: IPCC Chair Pachauri forced out at UN climate panel after sexual harassment complaint

Related Links:

UN Scientists Who Have Turned on the UN IPCC & Man-Made Climate Fears — A Climate Depot Flashback Report

Pachauri critic: Evidence ‘suggest strongly that Pachauri is a longtime sexual predator’ – Donna Laframboise: ‘What’s missing from this (Pachauri’s resignation) letter is any suggestion of remorse. When a scandal-plagued leader resigns because his alleged misdeeds are nuking his organization’s reputation, that is a mark of failure. He has let everyone down. Where are his words of apology to the thousands of IPCC-linked scientists whose honour is now eternally tarnished by their association with him?’ Pachauri’s letter talks about his “greatest joy,” and his “sublime satisfaction.”

Rajendra Pachauri’s Resignation Letter: ‘A two-page love letter to himself’

Flashback 2010: Greenpeace calls for UN climate chief Pachauri to step down in wake of Climategate


800 Responses

  1. These global warming nuts are nothing but lunatics who use the premise that ‘the sky is falling’ to enrich themselves and achieve worldwide wealth redistribution and worldwide control. Only idiots still believe in these sociopaths after the innumerable scandals, lies and falsificaions of data that have come to light over the past decade plus.

      1. “The bigger the lie, the easier it is to pass off” (paraphrasing Joseph goebles and other Marxist/socialist/communist propagandameisters).
        Only the Internet has wrested control of the narrative from the powers that be this time.
        But, the lie was begun before that, so they can’t turn back now.
        The foundation of their hoax is beginning to crumble, and those old tricks don’t fly anymore.
        Globalist warmism is circling the toilet.
        What you are witnessing is those who did not see failure coming, and are flailing about to save their sacred gravy train.
        They will fail.

        1. Where do bozos like you come from? First of all, you can’t even spell the man’s name correctly; it’s Joseph Goebbels. Second, like the typical sayanim sheep, you present that “paraphrasing” as if it was Goebbel’s operative. You sorry ignorant fool, he was referring to the lying operatives of the enemies of the truth. But you’re so lame, you have no clue what I just said.
          And YOUR implied notion that Goebbels was a Marxist-style socialist ( HUH !!! ??) or a communist (You mean ala Vladmir Lenin or Stalin !! ??) is sooooo stupid as to be not worth our time.
          The very people that push “global warming” are the kinds of people that Goebbels had warned us about, and warred against. But you don’t get any of this, do you M0R0N?
          Can you say James Hansen (ex NASA) ? Or Stephen Schneider (Stanford U) ? Or Carl Sagan (Cornell) ? Is this list of names and its association with “global warming” too subtle for your trendy “brain”?

                1. Science you ask? But then all you have is “wow”? Well little boy, the earth’s albedo is near 35% on the best of days. But Venus pushes 90%!!!!!!!! So which is it PUNK? (Don’t even pretend with me that you know what I am asking, trolls like you haven’t and you cannot fool anyone.)

                  1. I pity you sir. The fact that you begin every point you’re trying to make with an insult shows that you lack intelligence (anyone can copy/paste links) and you are nothing more than a coward and a cyber bully. Seems to me you also have trolled just about everyone who commented so…your move boy genius XD

                    1. Nevermind your pseudo courtesies, your person is not capable of the real thing. Now, are you going to answer the question? Or be honest and admit you haven’t got a clue.

                      “anyone can copy/paste links”?? That’s your answer. One must now assume that you’re a retard. BUZZ OFF.

                    1. Poor “remembergollotha.” So intent on alienating everybody else that nobody listens to what he has to say (which, when separated from his vitriol, is at least partly right). RG is either (a) a climate change zealot who thinks the best way to advance his agenda is to make the opposition look bad (like a union thug infiltrator toting a racist sign at a conservative gathering); or (b) he’s just bitter and doesn’t care who his venom infects–friend or foe.

                    2. What are you, some kind of psycho? “a climate change zealot” ? Seek help you sorry trendy check out counter IDIOT.

                    3. Conservatives are normally racialist.
                      Just like Jews who lately allied with conservatism are hyper racist.

                    4. Good point. He is over the top rediculous. It might be reverse psychology to promote global warming and his gay lifestyle.

                    5. Nothing on point, and your attempt, babbling from deep ignorance about Joseph Goebbels proved it a LONG time ago. Buzz off M0R0N.

                    6. Lol! Jawoll herr spinctergruuben!
                      I shall never darken your concertina wire encrusted hatemailbox again.
                      Please cut back on the espresso and meth, and go see a doctor about that blood pressure. You seem like you might be a little constipated too.
                      And might I suggest a breath mint…?

                    1. Yeah…..George Soros and whatnot…..

                      Everybody has the right to speak, but nobody has the right to be listened to…..

                    1. Nearly every one of your posts has included name calling. Which of course is used in an attempt to sensationalize an otherwise unsubstantial “argument”.

                    2. You know, you might be intelligent, but it’s on the one on one where you need help. If a jest is not to your liking, then ignore it.
                      Such a pathetic little abuser you are, I suspect you abuse yourself in other ways too. Not many friends I suspect, and only a quasi fellowship with those you think are like you. Sad and pathetic really.

                    3. Oh, now don’t get ahead of yourself. I don’t need anymore friends, or pets either for that matter. I suggest you get a stuffed animal, and talk with it regularly.

                  1. Yeah. I’m sure most people gloss over his squealing after the first insult. I just ignore him. He’ll only try to drag you into his cess pool with a reply.
                    He’s harmless and impotent.

                  1. You sorry coward. Telling the truth makes someone anti this or that? You’re just ANOTHER POS. What needs to go away, is implicit liars like you. What’s a matter PUNK, don’t like the names on that list? Here they are PUNK…none are Muslims or Germans or whatever groups you HATE, you sick bigoted worm:

                    Ignacy Sachs

                    Nicholas H. Stern

                    Richard L. Sandor

                    Todd D. Stern

                    Benjamin D. Santer

                    Gavin A. Schmidt

                    Michael E. Mann (Dr. Hockey Stick)

                    Stephen H. Schneider

                    Joseph J. Romm

                    Jeffrey Skoll

            1. His hate filled invective is the sure sign of someone who knows his cause is lost, and hates himself for being such a loser, yet lacks the common sense to look in the mirror and reevaluate his stance.
              It is a mental illness, and he is like a feral person in the world of reasoned thought.
              It’s a wast of time to argue your point with such people. Just point at them & laugh.

              1. When you say “cause” what exactly would you claim that it is? I did not detect a “cause,” other than some interesting factual corrections to the great kazoo’s post.

                1. The cause of pinko leftist control freaks who have some perverse drive to impose their will on others.

                  And if you didn’t see it, try not to focus so much on grammatical errors or parsing of words, and try using abstract thought – as in the curtain has been pulled back, and now we can see the wizard standing there with his d!€# in his hand.

                  The cause of liberalism has been usurped by liars Mr. Gruberite, and now the good liberals must clean house – with a flame thrower – to regain their credibility.

                  1. from what I hear the wizard would much rahter have someone else’s d!C# in his hand than his own.
                    flamethrowers do such a nice job even if you do have to sweep up the ashes afterward

            1. Excellent list! Our boy Schneider declared in DISCOVERY magazine:

              “On the one hand, as scientists we are ethically bound to the scientific method. On the other hand, we are not just scientists but human beings as well. To do that we need to get some broad based support, to capture the public’s imagination. That, of course, means getting loads of media coverage. So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we might have. Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest.”

              Goebbels warned us about this operative.

              1. I bet ‘capturing the public’s imagination’ was one of the brainstorm ideas behind common core education.
                Lets get em before their brains develop enough to think for themselves and fill them full of the good ideas we conjured up at our all nite pot parties.

            2. As I am sure you noted, none of the trolls have responded to your post and that link. They’re sooooo cowardly, all that they can babble about is Left versus Right. Ignorance and cowardice to their cores . . .

              1. Took a look at your list you little National Socialist.

                You know Stalin ran his country in the same manner as der fuhrer, yes?
                Always find it interesting to see how ignorant people are of the Nazis- National socialists you know.

                    1. That was not the content of his post at all, You did miss the point, and perhaps that’s why your ranting is no less strident than his. But if you persist in your false notion that RGs post was “jews are . . .” then, search the term ‘new york times october 6 1940’ Again, that is your interpretation and I am merely feeding such.

                    2. Ok, RG just referred to a list made by white liberty and said it was an excellent list. This list includes a number of pictures and names of global warming bigshots (Mann is the only one I recognize by name), where they work, and strangely: Ashkenazi Jew is written next to every name in parenthesis. It also ends with the quote
                      “Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore the
                      probability that most of the key individuals promoting anthropogenic
                      climate change, carbon taxes, and carbon trading would be Jews is
                      infinitesimally small.”

                      So, exactly what am I missing here? Enlighten me.

                    3. I think what we’re missing is that RememberGolgatha, white liberty, and Paul are the same troll.

                    4. Your latest post is what is strange. You made the point that RGs post involved “jews are . . .” but failed to point out where he stated that. If he did I too missed it. But since you are the one that specified it, it is difficult to “enlighten” you any further when you now openly admit that the list emphasizes your point!!

                    5. Now again, slowly. Try to keep up. I just said that RG referred to a previous post that contained a link to a list. I went to the list. It listed all the global warming supporters as Jews. It ended with the quote from the previous of my posts.

                      Anyone with an IQ at least 3 could tell it is implying that a large number of American Jews support global warming. Why would such a statement matter unless it was made to blame Jews?

                      Now, did I go slow enough?

                    6. Exactly.
                      That’s the problem with telling so many lies…. Pretty soon, you can’t remember how you lied last time, and then they contradict each other.

                      There has been enough exposed that we don’t have to know exactly what their plan is – only that they are being deceitful. And that is all anyone needs to know In order to refuse to go along.

                    7. Um. I do not believe that these people being Jewish is related to their foolishness on the fake and false global warming. All it takes is money, the willingness to lie, and a corrupted character- and most every human can have that.

                    8. You’re wrong, albeit trendy. Must feel warm and comfy all over, eh coward? Let’s go slooow for your trendy “brain.” First, the global warming FARCE is intrinsic to the NWO. And who was that tyranny declared for? You don’t know the simple answer, because at the level of your soul, you’re a coward. But I will help you anyway…start by searching the phrase ‘new york times october 6 1940’

                      And then, there’s the well-know quotes from your “jewish” pals here:


                      “Global warming” is the latest of their scams, but being a coward, you would propose that “All it takes is money, the willingness to lie, and a corrupted character- and most every human can have that.” Tell that to your rabbi.

                    9. I’m beginning to think you don’t like jews mr golgotha
                      Is it because they murdered jesus?

                    10. Don’t. I have no problem with Jewish people. I have an implicit problem with trash that use that status as an excuse for lying, cheating, thieving, warring, fornicating, and on and on. So many in history are jews. Tell them, not me.

                    11. You lying lowlife. not one. You cannot point out ONE lie. And I never make self-effacing claims. So now you’re confirmed that you’re a LIAR at MANY levels. You’re just a total PUNK.

                    12. Even that’s a lie. You’re a liar to the core. It is documented here. Not one lie by me here, not one. You lowlife PUNK.

                    13. I wish we had better weather today. I’d be out in the garden instead of trolling a troll. =)

                    14. isn’t mr mann the fellow who likes to play hockey with his graphs?
                      I saw a movie about him on youtube to the tune of tommy james and the shondells
                      his face fits rather nicely on a balloon

                    15. sir i wish you would look up a new word. every time you use the word strident I picture eric liddle running the final leg of the 440 yard dash.

                1. So, lets get this straight. According to your depth (don’t make us PUKE) that quote, “Stalin ran his country in the same manner as der fuhrer, yes?” (you ASSHOLE) then that means that Adolf Hitler murdered Germans, the same as the Stalin purges . . . of Christians and jews.

                  Is that correct you gutter hole rodent? What a total but typical jerk off.

                  1. Gulags – Camps
                    Control of Production – Control of Production by regulation
                    Control of Schools – Control of Schools
                    Gestapo – KGB
                    “New Soviet Man” – “Aryan Superman” (or German Ubermensh)

                    Shall I continue my friend with the lack of vocabulary?
                    Oh, can you spot the National Socialist from the Communist?

                    1. Lmfao!!!
                      “That means that hitler killed Germans!”
                      I’m starting to think that guy has a stunted brain or something.
                      It’s almost cruel to keep picking on him…,

                    2. You stupid fool. A bunch of jew trash couches and writes the history and you swallow it whole, like a good little sayanim puke. What a deeply ignorant post. As only an asswipe could write. I love your BS here, as just one example:

                      “Gulags – Camps”

                      What next you maggot, “6 million”? Buzz off.

                    1. Oh, mr wolf I hope you’re a young person and not an old one like me.
                      the world is in dire need of seeing eye dogs

              2. All I see is a couple of liberal psycophants gushing about some text that you think would be “enlightening” if anyone cared to read it.
                The crickets you hear is nobody taking the cheese.
                If you can’t comprehend what you want us to read well enough to articulate it into a compelling argument, then why would anyone else bother to read whatever your little brain finds so compelling?
                You two are not very entertaining to converse with, other than laughing at the spectacle of your hubris.

            3. Down below you will find the following post:

              “squidettevet Wolf • a minute ago

              I think what we’re missing is that RememberGolgatha, white liberty, and Paul are the same troll.”
              Are you the same as me? As RememberGolgatha? ROTFL!!!

          1. AGW faithfuls like yourself will always be blinded to the truth; Climate, Changes. AGW is a scam, and you’re, as Stalin might say “Useful idiot” to the cause.

            1. Maybe you should learn how to read you sorry dimwit. Only a COMPLETE M0R0N would assess that my post supports AGW, quote from my post:

              “The very people that push “global warming” are the kinds of people that Goebbels had warned us about, and warred against.”

              Try again IDIOT.

              1. You wouldn’t know what to say if your measly “life” depended on it. You’re an inside the box idiot, that has only trendy goo as “intelligence.” But fret not…there’s ARMIES of you idiots out there.

                    1. Says the guy who has called everyone who disagrees with him an idiot and a moron. Sounds like a liberal to me.

                    2. In every sense of the semantic term, Thomas Jefferson was a “liberal.” And the same people that push “global warming” were disagreeing with him. The point is that those in disagreement with Jefferson were anything BUT liberal. They were NWO types. Search the phrase, ‘new york times october 6 1940’ These are the types that push “global warming.” Not so-called liberals.

                    3. Today liberalism can be associated with intolerant hate speak. The little good cop, bad cop you two have going is cute.

                    4. Jefferson and the Founders were “classic liberals”. Not to be confused with liberals of today.
                      I imagine that at least one of the signatories of the constitution would take a horse whip to the likes of Harry Reid or Nancy pelosi if they were to magically appear in this time…

                    5. Oh dear, you may have stumbled on something important.
                      The people at the top aren’t communists – no, no. That terminology is reserved for the ones serving under them dear fellow.
                      It’s all very progressive

                    6. I don’t know your political affiliation but you come across as kind of a douchbag:(


                    1. I wouldn’t worry too much. People like him are all fluff and no substance. It’s the bottled ones you have to worry about.

                      BTW, how does it feel to be talking to yourself?

                      ….”And Goebbels would have identified the liars that spewed it, not the reverse as implied by the dolt kazoo and the same person posting as squidettevet.”

                    2. Lol!
                      I missed that. Hilarious!!!

                      I guess we have been Mutt&Jeffing him a bit…

                      He’s full of poison tho…

                    3. He kind of reminds me of this kid I met in an online game. He was on permanent disability, drawing a SS check straight out of high school (and probably for the rest of his life) because of anxiety attacks from being bullied at school. Not knowing us well at all, he actually was willing to tell us all the details if his “illness” like he couldn’t leave the house because he would have a panic attack if his mom drove him past the school. My husband called him a p*ssy and this kid just started sputtering and cussing and threatening to hurt and kill him. This from a guy too scared to leave the house. To say the least, we weren’t intimidated.

                      Anyway, people like this are just lonely and they can’t figure out why.

                    4. Of course you’re right, and I don’t fear little turds like that for my own safety. I pack too, and wouldn’t need a weapon in defense of some.

                      But, I’d feel bad about pulling the pin out of mr. Hand grenade then somebody else’s wife or child got hurt when he went off.
                      See what I’m saying?
                      Besides, he ain’t fun no more. Not since we figured out he’s some kind of retard…
                      We already foamed him up. Let’s go find another :)~

                    5. On the other hand, his “resolve” on this matter really makes me lean towards paid shill. I looked through some of his other threads and he’s copying and pasting the same anti-Semitic crap everywhere. Usually it’s the same statement, placed in several places in the same article. I still find it hard to believe that he actually believes he’s been winning arguments. I think he and his buddies are just trying to get the links out.

                      This thread has been a little bit different because I think your first comment really struck a nerve.

                    6. Wow! You really do the legwork 🙂
                      That makes sense. I could see fringe actors doing that…
                      Did you have an intelligence rate, or are you just naturally snappy like that?

                    7. Nope, just an AE (Aviation Electrician’s Mate). I’ve always been very resourceful though.

                    8. You certainly are that…
                      I was an AO.
                      I will still imagine you with nice legs from all that legwork :)~

                    9. Now you’re making me blush!

                      We had a lot of AO’s in my squadron. We worked on target missiles. It was a small operation so everyone pretty much did everything. I got to play with JATO. =D

                    10. The Navy liked to keep plenty of us AOs around in case of mistakes. Nobody else is dumb enough to hug bombs…
                      I always wanted to take a JATO motor & make some kind of a dragster out of it, or a Mad Max buggy.

                    11. We kept a picture of a VW Bug with a huge JATO bottle strapped to the roof. I believe the driver was a Darwin award winner, which gives you an idea of the end result.

                    12. I heard it was an old 4 door Impala.
                      Or maybe a falcon?
                      It’d still be a blast….(off)

                    13. I just looked it up. It was an Impala and it supposedly happened in AZ but it was never true. The police department still gets calls about it.

                    14. I heard those stories too and read it on a list of Darwin award “winners.” Maybe the AZ police department says that to keep people from repeating it.

                    15. Well, if somebody does repeat it, I hope they give us time enough to grab our lawn chairs & raise a crowd. :)~

                    16. I raise my wisky glass to ol’ Evil Kinevil.
                      May we see another like him before I die…

                    17. Me too.
                      It’s the principal of the thing.
                      Sort of like not hijacking threads.

                      Consider that your virtual spanking. :)~

                1. Awwwwww, maybe you should invest some time in reading something on tantric s3x. Maybe that’ll help your performance overcome your size deficiency.

                    1. You know, I cannot decide which totalitarian dirt bag you are so defensive of? It is a mystery.

                      I’m following you Heinrich.

                    2. Oh my, yes. Who hasn’t heard the name John Murray Cuddihy whispered at least once during family dinner

                    3. …said the imbecile that’s got a thick layer of spittle up and down the page.
                      do you think you’re going to get my goat calling me a punk?

                    1. He doesn’t seem to be sexually abused, but probably left unattended for hours at a time in his dirty diapers….
                      His demeanor suggests someone who can’t shake that squishy feeling…

                    2. I always need to be kicked in the arse for falling for talking to people like that. Regrets…

                    3. It’s Spring, the newly emergent trolls are hungry, but don’t feed them, it only make them more dependent on us.
                      I have never figured out why the folks on public assistance are always so angry about things, they are taken care of.
                      If they want to be righteously peeved, let them pay taxes.

                    4. That’s right, you talmudic pig, as if on cue. Only the lowest of the low bring up someone’s mother. Nothing on point from a POS like you. Just internet troll filth. Confirmed as A TOTAL PUNK here in the open for all to see.

                    5. Oooof, racism too….?

                      Nothing on point from a POS like you

                      I’m sorry, my point was that you’re a turd, based on your postings on the page.
                      If you wanted to talk about something ‘on point’… well, you’re the one whining about it so please, be my guest.

                1. He expects you to go read something that he thinks he understands, but he doesn’t comprehend well enough to put into coherent thoughts.
                  That’s probly part of his frustration.
                  He wants to talk with the grown ups, but needs them to check his intellectual diaper first.
                  He’s mad because he wasn’t handed a trophy for logging in.

                  1. Maybe he’s getting paid per click. His advertising strategy is a bit off. I haven’t been compelled to click once even though he’s done such a good job with copy/paste over and over and over…

                    1. Maybe.
                      But he doesn’t seem smart enough to pull something like that off, nor does he seem like a joiner of causes, but a hater of everybody.
                      I suppose he could be some organ grinder’s angry monkey tho….
                      Either that or the next movie theater shooter…

                    2. he doesn’t seem to be a robot either. unless he was programmed by a 13 year old. he does seem to repeat himself a lot.

          2. Please, “RememberGolgotha”, your false sense of being offended is comical…

            NAZI – National Socialists… Maybe not strict Marxist, but definitely corporatist… Think more of a populist/nationalist form of socialism/communism… The Nazis chose red to circle the swastika to sway more of the budding socialists/communists to their cause… the Nazis fought with the communists in the streets not because they disagreed fundamentally with their philosophy, but because they were rivals selling the same false hope to the disaffected youths, deluded, and power-hungry… The notion that the Nazis brand of ‘fascism’ (not to be confused with the Italian Fascisti) was ‘far right'(-wing)/’conservative’ was a propaganda ‘sound bite’ of the communist media, still perpetuated today, trying to distance themselves from their ideological brothers…

            Apparently your whole narrative is about defending Goebbels and Nazism, even though you sound like you agree with the great kazoo… As far as fighting the false global warming / climate change narrative, you’re not helping the cause…

            1. Now we know you’re just another trendy bozo, with this quote from you post:

              “The Nazis chose red to circle the swastika to sway more of the budding socialists/communists to their cause.”
              You stuuuuuuuuupid @ss.

                1. Exactly the opposite SFBs. No one ignores me. Those who know the truth respond in kind. But the sayanim cattle TRASH like you . . . well there’s ARMIES of you coward dupes out there. Wallow in it.

                  1. So funny.
                    You are such an angry, unintelligent little person, it is quite amusing.
                    I have decided that there is no longer any reason to respond intelligently to you since you cannot post intelligently or politel, therefor I will just laugh and mock you from here on out.

              1. You mean RWE using the commonly understood term makes him ignorant?
                Everything in RWE’s post is correct. The Nazi’s (national socialist party if you prefer because you are unable to comprehend the commonly used acronym) resemble communists far more than they do anything ‘right wing’.

            2. Oh my, yes. the main problem the NAZIS had with the communists was they didn’t like the competition when it came to abusing the peoples freedom.

              1. RememberGolgotha, you have called people on here moron, idiot, imbecile, and stupid ass. The one post you made about someone being a coward begs a question. Why can’t you post under your real name? You afraid or something? Coward.

          3. A tad bit over reactionary, eh? I think your superior intellect has been duly noted, but sadly has missed the big picture that kazoo was attempting to convey. Your rambling to display IQ has convoluted the simple idea that climate science has been increasingly exposed as quackery. Global warming is now climate change, which is a feeble attempt at controlling the narrative. It is human arrogance and greed that has driven our desire to quantify the only constant the Earth has experienced throughout our conscience existence…

            1. You sorry imbecile. What makes your inferior “intellect” think I need advice from a troll like you about what the idiot kazoo was conveying? THe opening of his/her post is false to the core. So get over it. And what’s wrong hot shot? No response to the link posted by white liberty? Didn’t think so.

              1. Interesting that you lead with insults. It must make you feel better to look through comment sections and dissect them with your expensive education. The world would be so much better if truth could be as transparent as your lack of empathy.

                1. That stool sample isn’t educated.
                  He can read, but has a problem with comprehension.
                  If he is in university, he might be here doing extra credit for his liberal professor, who will grant a passing grade for antagonizing conservatives on the Internet.
                  He probly gets bonus points for how many click over to whatever dogma site he listed.

                  But in second thought, he doesn’t seem intelligent enough to get into community college.

              2. Remember, RG, name calling is the last resort of the un-educated man. Your ad hominum attacks and supercilious attitude show what a sad, sour little man you are.

                1. man? why he’s just a fledgling, 13 at the most. men don’t use such words as “troll”. that’s a boys word not a mans word.
                  try insulting his mother. that should invoke a response if my theory is correct

          4. Awww, I’m sorry puddin,
            Did I insult your nazi hero? Guess what? Who gives a Sh!t how his name is spelled? I’m happy to misspell it on purpose.
            And, ALL your leftist ideologies are rooted in Marxist theory (communism, socialism, nazism, warmism, etc..,) and deserve to be lumped together in the same stinky festering stew of contempt.
            I wear your criticism as a badge of honor, with full knowledge and pride that the only reason people like you are allowed to speak is because people like me won’t allow others to silence you.
            So keep flapping your lips. It’s my gift to you.

          5. I remember the fake emails and the fake readings on scientific instruments.
            Trying to ignore the truth or one should say the global warming lies.

            What about the 30,000 scientists that have signed a petition that don’t agree with your little three; that global warming is man made?

            1. I agree that there is zero validity to AGW. And Goebbels would have identified the liars that spewed it, not the reverse as implied by the dolt kazoo and the same person posting as squidettevet. I have not forgotten the claimategate emails.

              1. People the likes of you aren’t worth a punch to the face…..a normal botch slap and a kick in the azz will send you back in the kitchen fast enough . Pansy azz metro sexual

                1. Are you familiar with the laws regarding threats of violence over the internet. You’re the type that winds up squealing like a stuck pig while serving prison time. And, nothing on point eh? Idiot.

                  1. There were no threats in my post. My post clearly only described you to a t . Your a metrosexual P u s s y also, my post was as relevant as any one of yours

                    1. That d0rk doesn’t have the brain power to discern between an actual pimp slap and a virtual one.

                      But notice how he throws around fighting words like Mardi Gras beads then invokes the letter of the law when pushed back…

                      Who is the real cowardly punk here?

                      I’m guessing that he must have received some traumatic potty training during his formative years, or something of that nature…

                    2. Maybe the poor soul just needs a real daddy figure to teach him how to be a real man. Funny how Internet loudmouths can’t handle reciprocation

                    3. He might just be mentally ill…

                      I’m pro gun like a mo-fo…. But I hope nobody sells one to that guy.
                      There’s something wrong with him.

              2. mr golgotha you are starting to sound like the fellow that was raising pidgeons in the movie ‘the producers’
                you don’t wear a helmet and trenchcoat when you go out do you?

            2. Exactly.
              The left, including the msm, will amplify the lies & ignore/refuse to utter the truth. As if that will make it go away.
              They are playing a hand that a wise player would have folded at the first email scandal.
              But they are desperate to cling to it.

          6. Carl Sagan has bennd dead for like a decade, long before the cult of
            give us your money so we can save the planet con game started.
            And i might add, they keep coming up with proof the “so called” global warming temps have been faked, skewed, adjusted ect.
            i can deal with the fact of we need to reduce pollution, but as long as the two biggest polluters on the planet China and India refuse to do anything.

            1. Actually, the global environmental apocalypse started with Guenther Schwab who eventually became one of the first “greens” in the Nazi Party. He wrote a book based on a fictional play called Dance with the Devil. It predicted the world would end within 100 years because of flooding caused by melting polar ice.

          7. He knew exactly what he was saying. I think it just flew over your head. I totally understood what he meant, and see how a simpleton like you would have a fit with your basic understandings of things.

            You need to take your meds asswipe punk!

            The Jews you hate are secular leftists and disproportionately homosexual. The religious ones probably despise them too.

          1. It doesn’t really matter.
            The point is that the psychological tricks that were developed and used by leftist revolutionaries since the dawn of radio, and further honed with more modern forms of mass media have reached their zenith.
            Like an over played magic trick.
            The lies that used to trick naive people, now only work on gullible people.
            Keeping leftist exploiters neatly separated into their sub-categories does not interest me in the least.
            They are all parasitic swine that deserve nothing more than a good pimp-slapping.

            1. Now you are exposing for all to see your real (lack of) character. The truth and nothing but the truth most definitely does matter. Your notion that it doesn’t really matter smacks of implicit inveracity. In any case, aside from his stridency, RG is correct inasmuch as Goebbels fought against the same people that push global warming, and what really motivates that push. A post below points that out (from white liberty??):


              In any case, for a historical view, search the phrase ‘new york times october 6 1940’

              At that point, since they said it, it would be difficult to support your false claim that “it doesn’t really matter.” It most definitely does.

              1. Your “logic” implies that I was trying to document historical events into stone, while I was merely analogizing the way that certain liberal actors are ideologicly in bed with the evil leftists of the 20th century.
                Just because you lack the capacity for abstract though does not effect my credibility one bit.
                But it does expose the fact that I am in a war of wits against an unarmed man.
                Have a nice day.

              2. I read the news paper artivle article, what is so bad about it?
                You have a British official saying that when the war is over the new order of nations (what is called New World Order but if you read the article all it is referring to is nations) will establish an order based on peace and justice, and that Jews will be given equal rights and that the wrongs done to jews will be righted.
                That is somehow sinister and reveals the devilish nature of zionism? (I guess it does if you are a very angry weak minded individual with a very large tinfoil hat on, a la RG)

                1. tin foil hat, sir is a leftist term. a term used by leftist idealogists the way teabagger is used to speak disparagingly against anyone affiliated with the freedom movement in this country
                  you tipped your hand, sir not unlike the fellow in the movie ‘inglorious bastards’ when he signaled for three glasses of snappes with the wrong fingers. only the shoe is on the other foot this time.

                  1. Tin foil hat is a term that has been around for generations and has been used by anyone and everyone to refer to someone of any political leaning who see’s conspiracies behind every corner. There is no one group who uses the term to define another group. Tin foil hat and ‘teabagger’ are not even close to the same. Teabagger is an insulting take on the name that a group named themselves as.
                    The fact that you do not know the use of ‘tin foil hat’ has tipped your hand to being someone without basic knowledge of cultural history.
                    And yes, ‘tin foil hat’ applies perfectly to RememberGolgotha, he keeps referencing a newspaper article and sees a world wide zionist conspiracy that the article in no way implies.

          1. Yep.
            And the way he attempts to cram things thru without process, suggests a panic mode. He knows that’s his only chance.
            He’s like the little kid pitching a fit in the grocery aisle because his mom won’t buy the sugarblasters.

                1. That’s right charlatan…nothing on point, nothing of substance. Just check out counter CRAP about the bozo that they elected. No, you say? Tell that to their boy Goldberg:

                  “No president, not even Bill Clinton, has traveled so widely in Jewish circles, been taught by so many Jewish law professors, and had so many Jewish mentors, colleagues, and friends, and advisers as Barack Obama (though it is true that every so often he appoints a gentile to serve as White House chief of staff).”

                  Jeffrey Goldberg, THE ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, March 11, 2012

                  Any questions ASSWIPE?


                  1. Haven’t you figured out that no one is interested in your anti-Semitic drivel and all we’re doing amusing ourselves by making you froth at the mouth like a rabid dog?

                    1. Explain your cowardice to Goldberg, you sorry off-point imbecile.
                      And btw PUNK. since when did you become the spokesperson at climatedepot. You sorry punk.

                    2. Global warming and climate change are just tax scams. Don’t fall for it.

                      Search tax regs for “exempt income means”, ECFR dot gov …and read the legal definition of “Exempt income”. FYI: Since law is codified, there can be only ONE definition. Be sure to read both 1.861-8T(d)(2)(ii) and (iii). When enough Americans know actual US income tax law, it will be obeyed, even by govt. Then ask your so-called “tax expert” why he/she never bothered to search for legal definition of “Exempt income”, or told you about it. Of course, U.S. govt already knows about Exempt income, and they say you shouldn’t follow the definition, because that particular section is frivolous. Politicians will lie, but code does not.

                      Computer scientist data mines tax code,
                      what is taxed DOT com

                    3. How much more off topic can you be than to post anti-Semitic drivel on so called AGW? Hypocrite.

                    4. You don’t honestly think you’re going to convince me to go look at that anti-Semitic crap, do you? But it’s good to see RG has a friend. Do you rub each other’s tummies?

                    5. This thread lost all seriousness when RememberGolgotha showed up. It probably wouldn’t have gone as far it did if the weather was better, but I had fun. =P

                    6. “and what the Jews do to the Palestinians”

                      You mean those freeloading terrorists that purposely fire missiles at schools and hospitals? Those people that strap on bomb vests and blow up buses and target civilians? Those terrorists that hide guns, ammo, bombs and missiles in schools and hospitals. Those people that tie infants and toddlers to the bars of windows (I have seen pictures), of their terrorist safe-houses and ammo storage areas, as human shields? I hope the Israelis do with them what every decent civilization does to terrorists. If the Palestinians decided today, to never attack Israel ever again… there would be peace forever between the two people. The same can’t be said about the reverse. That says it all.

                    7. Mentious……the Germans made comfortable work camps for the Jews? Are you serious, or just an idiot? I guess you mean those human ovens were meant to keep the Jews warm…..really warm. I suppose the sewing of men’s eyelids shut was also comforting as well as breaking glass tubes in their penises so they could not urinate. Talk about a rewrite of history. It’s a shame you are able to vote.

                    8. You must have missed this section in History class. Brian Williams was the lead decorator for the camps.

                    1. You fucking satanic troll. Tell me WHORE OF SATAN DAMNED SOUL, how can you be an atheist and believe in God at the same time? Whore, you are damned. You are no longer a Jew if you become an atheist Marxist you piece of shit.

                    1. Disinformation . . . while they were riding post re-election of their boy?!? Tell that to Goldberg. But also tell it to these slimebags:

                      Ignacy Sachs

                      Nicholas H. Stern

                      Richard L. Sandor

                      Todd D. Stern

                      Benjamin D. Santer

                      Gavin A. Schmidt

                      Michael E. Mann (Dr. Hockey Stick)

                      Stephen H. Schneider

                      Joseph J. Romm

                      Jeffrey Skoll

                    1. Christiana Figueres, Exec. Sec. of UN’s framework convention on Climate Change admitted the goal of environmentalist activist isn’t to save the world from calamity but to Destroy Capitalism…

                  2. You’re completely missing the point like a good anti-semite would. You’re shining a big spotlight light on something completely trivial they have in common. These Joos are not Joos at all. They are leftists FIRST!!!! Judaism is like an accessory; say shoes or a tie, that they happen to own and wear once in a while that makes no difference in their lives at all.

                    So who is the asswipe – asswipe?

                  1. I was starting to think the same thing…
                    Everybody’s been poking at him but he seems unfazed…
                    I wonder if he’s dangerous, or just a regular loudmouth hater?
                    I’m gonna back off him just in case he’s some kind of mental hand grenade…

              1. Obama oversaw the development of the regulations, you stupid prog moron. Do you need the government complete the paperwork for you when you finish in the bathroom? Why are you progs so proud of being so stupid?

                1. “Oversaw”?? You ignorant asswipe. If there’s moron in this pile, its a TRENDY DORK like your sorry ass. Like the clown before him, and the slime show since December 23, 1913, every so-called “president” does what they are told, when they are told. And only a complete PUNK would babble off point crap about “the bathroom”.

                  The same trash that put that worm into office is the trash that promotes “global warming.” If they dictated to that coward (like your sorry ass) that he should promote global cooling, THAT is what he would be doing.

                  “No president, not even Bill Clinton, has traveled so widely in Jewish circles, been taught by so many Jewish law professors, and had so many Jewish mentors, colleagues, and friends, and advisers as Barack Obama (though it is true that every so often he appoints a gentile to serve as White House chief of staff).”

                  Jeffrey Goldberg, THE ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, March 11, 2012

                  But you don’t get ANY of this, do you ASSHOLE? Not to worry, trendy asswipes like you are EVERYWHERE.

              2. If I was President and found myself being told to do things that hurt the country I supposedly love, I would resign out of respect for my own dignity and to send the rest of the country a message that a cabal had taken over. If what you say is the case, Obama should do the same.

          2. There are 300 new regs the president has proposed. Wanna bet that there will be some sort of “fairness doctrine” forcing bloggers to “present both sides” ?

            1. Net Nuetrality was already put up for a vote and failed just like the dream act. So he uses executive and regulatory means to pass laws illegally. What a POS enemy of the Constitution.

        2. Where do clowns like you come from? First of all, you can’t even spell the man’s name correctly; it’s Joseph Goebbels. Second, like the typical sayanim sheep, you present that “paraphrasing” as if it was Goebbel’s operative. You sorry ignorant fool, he was referring to the lying operatives of the enemies of the truth. But you’re so lame, you have no clue what I just said.

          And YOUR implied notion that Goebbels was a Marxist-style socialist ( HUH !!! ??) or a communist (You mean ala Vladmir Lenin or Stalin !! ??) is sooooo stupid as to be not worth our time.
          The very people that push “global warming” are the kinds of people that Goebbels had warned us about, and warred against. But you don’t get any of this, do you M0R0N?

          Can you say James Hansen (ex NASA) ? Or Stephen Schneider (Stanford U) ? Or Carl Sagan (Cornell) ? Is this list of names and its association with “global warming” too subtle for your trendy “brain”? Try:


    1. And religion is not based on quantifiable facts. It is based on faith alone. Since there are no facts that human activity is controlling the climate of the earth, we are all expected to take it on faith.

      Just believe what those in government tell you, period. You are effecting the climate adversely, you are guilty as charged, and denying that guilt only makes it worse for you.

      However, all you need to do is pay your penance: higher taxes and this will all go away. For a while ….

      1. How about changing your lifestyle to a more sustainable one? How about stopping using the atmosphere as a dump? How about we stop digging up fossil fuels and burning them so they don’t enter the atmosphere? We can do better. We can avoid the risk of a runaway climate change.

        1. Go right ahead. In the meantime, rational individuals will do all they can to help alleviate poverty throughout the world by expanding freedom and economic choice rather than embracing a man-made ideology that seeks to turn human progress into a historic footnote in the name of a non-existant potential calamity that we can’t control.

          1. There is nothing rational about ignoring science. Stop pretending. There is a better way. It carries less risk. Mitigating climate change is imperative.

            “One cannot wish away elementary thermodynamics, basic geophysics, fundamental biology, or essential fluid dynamics.” – Mike Romoth

        2. marcelo you seem like a really sweet gullible person. maybe daddy will loan you the key to his prius so you can go to the park and count butterflies

    2. I think he said that because it is how he earns his money, and he needs to keep the true believers funding him after he steps down.

      They are political whores.

      1. This funding based dismissal was always a week argument. Your theory breaks down when you realise there are thousands of reports from non-climate change based organisations that are producing reports which support the theory. Last years statistical analysis of the likely natural explanation for observed warming is a good example.

    3. That means, that we can stop, this insane banter, in the government?
      After all, these Liberal nut cases are the first to demand, separation of church and state.
      I wonder, will the ACLU, file charges?

      1. good point there manny.
        the athiests are rabid about their planet probably because that’s all they’ve got to look forward to.
        pretty sad actually

    4. I thought it interesting that liberals have such a distaste for religion yet global warming is their original sin they will never let man rest for and it’s based on almost same amount of thinly veiled evidence they point religion’s based upon. And if you question that, you’re immediately, publicly stoned by their members like a cult.

  2. This News should be Filed Under….”But, Of Course it Is and it’s ObVious to EVERYONE”

    I would like to introduce the Heads of Rajendra…and his good buddy, AlGore, to the Business end of a Very Fast Moving BaseBall Bat

  3. So much for “settled science” and mockery of religious beliefs. The warmist religion is akin to a Jim jones coolaid cult.
    How anyone who has stepped outside in the last few years could believe their crap is beyond me…

    1. Give them your $ and they will go away for a little while but they will be back for more after saying that was easy. The anyone they teach this stuff is the little future brown shirts that will be enforcing all their stupid settled science.

      1. The oil and gas industry is a comic book villain, painted in the comic book mind of the left.

        A tool to grow big government, a tool to harm, not help, except for your group-think authorities like Hillary.

        Hillary knows. She went to law school.

      2. what about small oil and gas marcelo? don’t you think you are being a little unfair to the the little guy?
        you know marcelo, the mom and pop operations where the family rents a small drilling rig and operates it on weekends.

    1. Very true!
      And isn’t it amazing the lengths they will go to in achieving that very thing? Cherry picking data, “manipulating” and “adjusting” data, then feeding it through faulty and inaccurate computer models…………and all to say “See? The religion…….uh…….science…..is settled”!

  4. I was watching the Climate Summit on CSPAN. Discussions included: The need for more qualitative easing, bank bailouts, debt forgiveness for poor countries and the need to make them exempt from pollution treaties, and the need for Americans to pay more for fuel. Somehow, reducing greenhouse gases never came up.

  5. He’s telling the truth about this. Global warming/climate change IS the religion of the left. They protect it, defend it, and crucify those who oppose it as if their life depended on it. Of course, any sane person knows that it’s only about power, control, and money – all of which may be synonymous.

  6. Outgoing UN IPCC Chief reveals global warming ‘is my religion and my dharma’
    This may be the 1st time this guy has told the truth during his tenure.
    Also, explains the the use of the term “denier” to apostates.

    1. As though a great many of us didn’t already know that.
      After watching so many kiss the high priest’s…..uh…..ring……and bow to the Goreacle.

  7. No news to anyone who has been paying attention to the leftards and their junk science of man-made global warming…err excuse me now called “climate change.” It *IS* their religion…they are nothing but modern day Jim Jones cultists. Some of these idiots are already calling for people to kill themselves to save the planet.

  8. Too cold for Global Warming, too hot for Global Cooling. Well, call it global climate change.

    So, we are to assume, global climate change is bad. Are we to work towards global climate stagnation?

    Or are we going to create some sort of global climate thermostat that we set from time to time?

    1. The left wing, in its infinite wisdom, has determined the exact temperature that the earth should be. Who cares that the earth is 4.5 BILLION years old and the temperature has fluctuated, sometimes dramatically, throughout its history? And who cares that the miniscule fluctuations that the alarmists are citing have little or no affect on the Earth? The left wing knows exactly what the correct temperature is and even the slightest fluctuation should be cause for alarm. And mankind needs to accept blame for that fluctuation and remedy the situation by sending money to their government.

      It would be laughable if these people weren’t so dangerous.

  9. Fake global warming got them 1000? agencies which are Funded and outside of the government of the The United States. World government! This one Soap Allergic pos resigning is sacrificial. They are going to do it anyway, without ANY truth about Global Temp fluctuations.

  10. Just think: you then had better solve the Islamic terrorist problem because if you don’t, global warming won’t be an issue about which you will have to concern yourself

  11. cult. it’s a cult.. and along with cargo cults and ghost dances it relies on a dead narrative. Here’s a few more dead narratives: the African American cult of resentment and victimization. The socialist narrative of collective cargo sharing from a non-existent production theory. The Muslim dead narrative of a murdering, jealous, monstrous god. The gay narrative of polymorphous perversity as a foundation for personal relationships defined as marriage. Go ahead…..discuss amongst yourselves. heheh.

  12. Well, well, well. If Global Warming is a Religion, then policies regarding climate change can and should be considered a violation of the First Amendment to the Constitution…”Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion”.

      1. No, I was incorrect. You didn’t miss the point. You’re an idiot. One is directly cited as tool to retain liberty; the other is directly cited to prevent theocratic persecution.

      2. Are you referring to the protection offered guns by the 2nd amendment as a means of deterring would be criminals and potentially despotic forms of government?

  13. Dude, it’s “Climate” not “Climb it”!!!

    But I guess in the “Church of Global Warming” Sexual Harrassment isn’t a sin!

    Now, if only the rest of them would admit that they’re worshipping a false god…

  14. Of course AGW is a religion. Pachauri see himself as serving a Higher Power– not God, but
    Mother Gaia. Her vengeful wrath will devise a thousand plagues to punish us sinners for polluting her sacred precincts with the vile excrement of our CO2 emissions. We must repent, give up our sinful ways, or Gaia will unleash Armageddon to ravage the land.

    Thus saith the Data.

    Those who dare challenge the truth of the Data, or the interpretation of the Data offered by High Priests like Pachauri, are heretics, apostates and deviationists.

    And of course the AGW religion has it own money-changers in the Temple. In this case their wealth comes from the tithes that intimidated governments fork over in “research grants,” and in cap-and-trade or carbon tax scams. That is another commonality shared by AGW zealots like
    Pachauri with the traditional religions they despise.

  15. We now have mentally ill people who see imaginary demons (global warming) who are now going to control and dictate your life based on their new pagan religion.

  16. Well…
    Whatever his other issues / faults…
    And sexism, (if that is his problem), certainly IS a major fault…it’s refreshing to see / hear, of someone taking this impending self-extinction of H_Sapiens_

    That noted…
    Given the past 5,000 years, (of superficially pious…) violence…which calls itself ‘monotheism’…
    I’m unconformable with his / anyone referring to this as a ‘religious’ issue, except, perhaps…
    If the ‘religious’ aspect is mere metaphor.

    As for the ‘climate_change’ / ‘climate_destruction’ deniers…
    I’ll simply repeat what I always say:
    The dinosaurs had their time, a species – survival – interval thousands of times longer than our own…
    Thus far!
    N.Sapiens.Neanderthalensis had their time…
    Roughly, 100,000 years MORE than the current model hominid has, thus, far, achieved, and, at some point…
    Our humanity will have run it’s course, as all species, eventually, do. Then we will dissapper to fossilization, (typically in far less than 1% of a given species) and mass-extinction…

    Why are we hominids so damn greedy for fossil-fuel and other profits, maintained at the cost of semi-continuous conflict, (with its associated suffering and endless profiteering…), that we, seemingly, can’t wait another femptosecond to speed up our, (inevitable), extinction??

    BTW: ‘Femptosecond’ describes the shortest time interval I’m aware, of…
    It’s primary use is in scientific research, concerning very short term events, like…
    Watching the ‘f.second by f.second’ progress in computer-simulated ‘N.-W.M.D.’ explosions…
    N.W.M.D. are yet, another source of potential, ‘flash-extinction’ for our species!

    I’m told that a Femptosecond is a billionth, of a trillionth, of a billionth, of a regular, everyday second…

  17. weirdo’s, global warning is his religion, who is his God? What does this God promise for belief and donations? This is a new form of Heresy and believers are Heretics’. I can’t help but laugh at these fools and their so called religion. What is the prayer?…Oh magnificient global warming please go away! Hahahahahaha

  18. So the only thing that was really warming around him after all was his pants? Wonderful.
    At least this pretender is finally gone. How does one get to be the chairman of the IPCC, (Which should also be dissolved!), when one has NO background at all in anything related to climate science in the first place?!!
    This guy is an engineer who specializes in railroads! On top of that he writes porn, and now we find out that he is sexually harassing women as well. But finally to top it all off he confirms that glowBULL warming actually IS a “religion”, at least to him!
    No sympathy for this asshat!

  19. When I was growing up, “climate change” was called the change of the seasons… you know… winter, spring, summer, fall… I think I read somewhere that it’s been happening that way forever…

  20. Good for this guy! At least he admits it. ALL liberals who espouse this cause do so for the same reason: Government, or statism, is their God. Because they don’t believe in God as others do. They try to hide behind the “we’re objective scientist” lie, but their actions prove otherwise.

  21. Admitting that the goal of environmental activists is not to save the world from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalism:

    ‘”This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution,” Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change.

  22. Al Gore is the Pope of that religion…Truth is the earth has been cooling since 1998.These whackos want to impose carbon taxes on all of us.They try to instill guilt in us by saying humans have caused “climate change”.That way we dont fight the taxes..The next ice age is close.Man has not caused climate change.Climate change is in the natural cycle of earth…warmth,cold,warmth,cold,.Man may be helping the next cycle get here sooner.What will happen is the Arctic ice caps are melting(for the last 10,000 years).The fresh water is pouring into theNorth Sea.Soon it will stop the flow from the Gulf up the East Coast ushering in the Ice Age.The change will be rapid..maybe within weeks.They found plants that froze within hours preserved in the ice….We will freeze to death in great numbers…

  23. Rajendra Pachauri & Al Gore….Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum of the GW religion. Government is their God, regulation is their Bible, and taxes are their contributions. Truth has no place in this cult and speaking it will get you ostracized. May you both wake up with a size 14 carbon footprint up your asss.

  24. And he’s entitled to his own religion. However he’s NOT entitled to take control over giant swaths of our economy and impose onerous carbon taxes, etc. based upon his religion. In any religion there are supposed to be certain immutable truths. Going from Global Cooling in the 70s, to Warming in the 90s to Climate Change now… it would be like a Catholic doing a reading from the Gospel according to John… then next week calling him Bob, then Dan, etc.. but hey, so long as he can’t impose it on anyone else have at it man.

  25. If it is his religion more reason why not to believe it. In addition his “religion” keeps changing its name” first “global warming’ now “climate change”. maybe the latter is the “reformist movement” of the former.

  26. I just read another article about this fellow, seems he is up on sexual harassment charges and has “stepped down”.

    This is the comment I made there:

    “What’s a little sexual harassment when your entire career is based on a lie and your job is to perpetuate the lie by whatever means necessary?”

  27. Its a religion to many if not most. But its also a polytheistic god. To many environmentalists its about ridding the Earth of fossil fuels, while for most ‘scientists’ its about bringing home the bacon. Global warming has put hundreds of billions into the pockets of tens of thousands of ‘scientists’ worldwide. Global warming research directs government grants to scientists that spin the pseudoscience as environmentalists like and to others its grants for green tech developments.

  28. maybe he should try God instead anybody who says something like this isn’t stable. Oh is that him pictured with our esteemed ex VP Al Gore, you know the guy who sold his cable TV channel to Al Jazzeera??? Yup enough said about these phonies, the only religion they know is the MONEY and fleecing the public and this country to attain it.

  29. It’s a well know fact that there is a lot of money to be made in the name of religion. Too bad he couldn’t have picked one that made more sense, like Scientology.

  30. If the left had it’s way, anything to make the Earth happy, how will they know they have succeeded? What are the metrics for success, that will show global climate change has been reversed?

    1. There are no metrics because this isn’t actually science. It is a pseudo-science. Real science can be tested via the scientific method that most of us learned in grade school. These creeps just use “peer-reviewed” as if it means something to get the “thumbs-up” from others who are also involved in the scam.

      1. Green has always been the lazy man’s religion. Recycle a can and say you care and you are rewarded with sanctimonious self-righteousness. Politicians are particularly good at it. It’s like going to church to be seen. Al Gore flies in jets and takes SUVs because he has important work to do. Obama’s carbon footprint approaches that of Krakatoa’s, so he opposes Keystone, locks up Alaska and shuts down the OCS.

    1. Wait, wait . . . a person’s physical appearance, a subjective issue, has NOTHING to do with their integrity. Some of the most beautiful humans in history are stone-cold LIARS.

  31. Too bad that Crichton had to leave us so soon–he saw the same things emerging at about the same time that I did: a growing tendency to politicize complex science to the degree there are no opinions and no theories anymore, just dogma. You are a believer or a non-believer, an acceptor or denier, of the dogma that so insidiously masquerades as “science.” It’s my belief that this is how all dark ages begin, with a love for ignorance and a disdain for rational thought and open discussion. Real scientists don’t fear opinions and debates, they embrace them as an integral part of the scientific method. Real science is not afraid to say, “We don’t know.” The UN, being the perpetual hotbed of corruption that it has been since its founding, is not an environment amenable to the scientific method–rather, it’s a birthplace for all kinds of political rhetoric and unseemly dogma. What a joke it is to think that anything coming out of the UN might be scientifically valid–what a mismatch–like assigning to the Vatican the design of the rockets that will carry the first men to Mars and back.

    1. I can’t stand this new smear campaign on the soon guy. Why is it that if a scientists receives funding from an oil company that means it is obviously fraudulent. The fact is the little research funded form big oil was ethical. They don’t need to fudge the numbers. the othe 99% of research and the ipcc are unethical.

  32. One simple bible verse sums it up. Romans 1:25–They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen.

    1. Not to bother you, but according to the troll that is posting as squidettevet and the great kazoo . . . you and I are the same person. Is that even remotely true?

  33. dur…
    Religion is faith based. Even atheism is a faith. Faith in nothing. The end of freedom of movement and re-establishment of the social class of serfs. That is the goal. Enduring greed is the memory the survivors of this ‘culture’ shall have. The greed of the (gag, spit) elite.

  34. this story is why the obama cult wants to control the internet. So that individual citizens wont be able to disagree or prove the lies of the elites, that just want more money and power.

  35. Pachauri stops by your desk and says, “Come by my office at 4:30. I want to talk to you about your performance evaluation. And lock the door when you come in as this will be a private conversation.”

    Would you go?

  36. Here we have a sick and morally corrupted man with brain abnormalities and yet he all these followers and groupies who take what ever he says as Fact. What does this say about these followers and groupies. PS…from his resignation letter he may also be a sociopath.

  37. If it’s his “religion”…its clearly a fickle and false religion. It is another version of a tree-hugger ambiguously worshiping nature. Anyone who makes nature (via climate) their religion (i.e., idol), is in for a nasty surprise. Such a “god” will in the end destroy them all the while letting them foolishly believe it will elevate them.

  38. Snippets from “Heaven and Earth, global warming-the missing science” by Australian geologist Dr. Ian Plimer:
    1.The founder of Greenpeace says that all “green”movements have been taken over by neo-Marxists, who despise trade, capitalism and are anti-civilization.
    2.“Climate change” exists because recently the global warming pseudo-scientists learned that the globe hasn’t warmed since about 1995, despite an increase in carbon dioxide emissions (CO2).The term “climate change” was conveniently chosen because it cannot be challenged. Climate always changes. It is obvious to anyone with a pulse.
    3.CO2 is vital for every life form. All life would die without CO2. There is no connection between CO2 and warming of the earth.
    4.Hundreds of real scientific studies and studies of the earth’s history show that CO2 has been much higher than it is now, even during the earth’s cold periods. CO2 has been far higher than present during the last four glaciation periods. (Thousand year periods within an Ice Age).
    5.Greenland has been cooling since the 1940’s.
    6.The Arctic was warmer in the 1920’s and 1930’s than it is now.
    7.Antarctic ice has been greatly expanding since 2008.
    8.In the medieval warming period, it was much warmer than today, even without automobiles and industrialization.
    9.Virtually all current “climate change science” consists of computer modelling, based on
    mathematics and atmospheric-ocean-land interactions. These ignore such variables as the Sun, the cosmos, bacteria, history, and the geological processes that take place beneath our feet. Computer models and climate science cannot predict weather beyond one week, never mind hundreds of years. Modelers do not even have confidence in their own models.
    10.We are currently in an Ice Age that started 37 million years ago

  39. Well, if John L. Casey is correct, and it is beginning to look like he very well might be, then the Warmer Religion is about to be shown to be lies. All I can say is that it is about time…wonder what they’ll say about settled science? Enjoy the major cooling event the Earth is going to be experiencing over the next 20 years or so! 😉

  40. It is really a very simple discussion as seen from recent weather. Computer model were unable to accurately predict the snowfall levels on the east coast from recent storms but we are to believe, that on a global basis, with thousands of variables, they will tell us what will happen over the next 100 years.

    On top of that, we have seen the purpose falsification of data to meet the prediction of these models so that
    all will believe their accuracy.

    And we are to further believe that scientists have no financial interest in further research in these matters but are only interested in the scientific value of them.

    Lastly, these scientists state that these matters are “settled science” . Which by their very statement defies a basic premise of scientific discovery itself. Just refer to the theory of relativity postulated by Einstein which challenged the “settled science” of Newton…..

  41. This is very interesting because religion is based on faith – certainly not on facts or science. So, the West is supposed to make massive wealth transfers to corrupt dictators in “3rd world nations” based on this guy’s religion? I decline! The people like Pachauri are nothing more than liars and fraud artists.

  42. Love how the liberal media, including MSNBC, castrate any scientist who brings different theories to the table than the accepted version of the liberal elitists. The government funds any scientist who agrees with the official government version to the tune of billions of dollars annually and destroys any that disagrees, and they call this science??? It is the politicization of science and it is dangerous!

  43. The picture above is of the leaders of the biggest SCAM of the last 100 years. Global Warming, Global Cooling, Global Climate Change, Global Weirding, whatever you want to call it, it’s all a huge SCAM.

  44. Do I get a booby prize (not the boobs who kneel before the weather)??? I’ve called it the Cult of Climate Worship for a decade. Damn I’m good at spotting fools and idiots.

  45. These are the people who have set themselves up as the intelligentsia. It’s hard to believe they can’t see their own ignorance. Then again, if you really believe the snake oil will work, it sometimes does.

  46. Well, those of us who have been paying attention knew that the advocates of global warming had shifted from advocacy to religious fervor many years ago. It is one of the problems with having a reasoned debate on the science of climate change. Whenever ones’ beliefs become religious dogma, there is no more reasoned debate and that has hurt the cause of the global warmers more than anything else, except of course the lies they have been promulgating.

  47. He comes from a culture that worships cows and considers bathing in the most polluted major river in the world a religious “cleansing”. Consider the source.

  48. Global warming is the new Marxism, the most perverse and destructive religion of the 20th Century and likely all human history. While it remains to be seen whether the alarmist frauds can wreak the sheer level of murder and mayhem that the Marxists managed, their massive fraud machine is certainly off to a good start.

    1. Absolutely correct. Now, who/whom wrote and promoted THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO? Germans? Muslims? Eskimos? Not a chance.

      And the New World Order filth? Who promotes and HAS ALREADY DECLARED THEIR OWN (Their words not mine)? Well, search the phrase ‘new york times october 6 1940’

      Then ask them who put this Obama clown in office, ask their boy Goldberg:

      “No president, not even Bill Clinton, has traveled so widely in Jewish circles, been taught by so many Jewish law professors, and had so many Jewish mentors, colleagues, and friends, and advisers as Barack Obama (though it is true that every so often he appoints a gentile to serve as White House chief of staff).”

      Jeffrey Goldberg, THE ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, March 11, 2012

      Now have a look at this:


      Oh well . . . who could have guessed.

      1. Bill and Hill were Marxists since their college days, I well remember Willie’s utter panic when a reporter asked him what he was doing in Moscow in January 1970 (the very height of the tourist season in the USSR) – he panicked and started babbling like the proverbial idiot, and when the reporter loudly repeated the question, Willie finally tried to dismiss the question with a lame, “Thass jus’ pathetic, pathetic…” I’ve always felt (and have good reason to believe) that the Clintons were Soviet agents, not spies, but what the Russians termed “agents of influence,” people who possibly could influence public opinion in a manner favorable to Russian interests. Willie’s suspiciously-funded campaign for governor also reeked of outside funding from undisclosed sources. A quite surprising number of Clinton friends and associates met with untimely and unnatural ends, most prominently and publicly Vince Foster who was found dead with a hole in his head and a revolver in his hand. Vince’s body was undergoing re-heating in a crematory oven even before it had cooled. Obviously, their possible relationship with the USSR intelligence services became operationally irrelevant when the Soviet Union imploded, though it could become highly relevant should Russia become a revanchist communist state once again. As always with the Democrats the scum rises to the top. Stay tuned.

      2. Well, there’s no question that “da Jooz” have had influence all throughout Western History well out of proportion to their numbers, for good and for evil. The reason is quite simple and requires no real analysis – they’re, on average, smarter than any other group on the planet, as is well established by both IQ tests and their huge overrepresention in the theoretical sciences, math, medicine,and all other disciplines requiring high intellect. I’ve had many, many business dealings with Jews in my life and have never had one try to cheat me or fail to deliver on his promises. They may drive a hard bargain, but once the negotiation’s done, that’s the deal and you can rely on it. I can’t always say the same for members of various other groups I’ve dealt with.

        What baffles me about them is why so many of them (but not all) lean left. They, after all, invented communism, perhaps the most evilly perverse and murderous ideology ever devised by a depraved human mind. Incidentally, many of my Jewish friends and associates are as baffled by this strange phenomenon as I am.

      1. you mean to say you believe global warming actually means just getting warmer? Wow.. Can’t argue with someone who doesn’t even know that global warming is just a phrase that encompasses all the changes of temperature…

  49. The LIE of Global Warming is this guy’s religion, trying to save the planet that does not need to be saved, and not to mention the liberals are being buried in the earth they are so called trying to save everyday. How stupid can you get in being a Liberal? No one is more stupid on earth.

      1. Not only that, but the world doesn’t need to be “saved” because by that time it will be too late and most of us will already be dead. The fact is that we are just trying to “fix” the damages we have already done so that our later generations don’t have to suffer for the arrogance of some people on here.

      2. Really, then why did the United Nations Chief on Global Warming state that Global Warming is not about Global Warming, but to destroy CAPITALISM and redestribute wealth around the world? Let’s try and get off the Liberal stupid pills, shall we?

        1. You stupid fuckup.

          Only an asswipe like you would look at the clowns in that link and continue babbling mindless check out counter CRAP. And capitalism, that is “conservative”? You fool. It was the “capitalists” that funded Marx and Lenin and Luxemburg and the entire Communists stench pile.

          But dimwits like you just don’t get any of this. But let’s slow down for your sorry ignorant but trendy ass. Here’s that link again M0R0N; try reading it this time:


          Here’s a famous and TYPICAL quote about the current power brokers:

          “No president, not even Bill Clinton, has traveled so widely in Jewish circles, been taught by so many Jewish law professors, and had so many Jewish mentors, colleagues, and friends, and advisers as Barack Obama (though it is true that every so often he appoints a gentile to serve as White House chief of staff).”

          Jeffrey Goldberg, THE ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, March 11, 2012

          And now you political asswipe, search the term ‘new york times october 6 1940’

          What wealth you idiot? The wealth that this crowd has already plundered from ignorant trolls like YOU? Is any of this getting thru to that check out counter skull of yours?

          Big Money has no loyalty to “liberal” or “conservative.” Try and get that thru your dense skull.

          1. No shortage of Liberal jibberish here. No shortage of Liberal hate here either. Wow, did Bill Clinton’s Jewish mentors teach him to be a pedophile too? How about a constant liar and unfaithful husband? Oh, yea, those the Liberal traits to be a good Liberal????

            1. “Liberal” You stupid asswipe. “Liberal hate” You have no choice but go waaaaaaaay off point into a bunch of adolescent CRAP. And by the way ASSHOLE, Monica is a jew, okay asshole?

              Again dipshit, this “global warming” crap has NOTHING to do with “liberal” or “conservative.” It’s talmudic, but that’s waaaaaaaaaay over your stupid skull.

                1. You’re just ANOTHER check out counter asswipe that has no clue. Me…a “liberal” Man are YOU a dumb. POS. Nothing on point, just sleaze and slime, and “liberal versus conservative” STUUUUUUUUPIDITY.

                  But you can hide in your stupid little talmudic cesspool for the rest of your IGNORANT if you like. You’re BS won’t change the facts.

                  And the truth that you are a LIAR at heart, refusing to address the FACTS contained in the links I sent proves it.

                  BUZZ OFF you pathetic cowardly ignorant fool.

                    1. Nothing on point of the “global warming” fraud, eh porker? Lowlifes like you are all over the place, like vermin.

  50. slobotnavich • 25 minutes ago

    Global warming is the new Marxism, the most perverse and destructive religion of the 20th Century and likely all human history. While it remains to be seen whether the alarmist frauds can wreak the sheer level of murder and mayhem that the Marxists managed, their massive fraud machine is certainly off to a good start. see more 0

    RememberGolgotha to slobotnavich • 21 minutes ago

    Absolutely correct. Now, who/whom wrote and promoted THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO? Germans? Muslims? Eskimos? Not a chance.

    And the New World Order filth? Who promotes and HAS ALREADY DECLARED THAT TO BE THEIR OWN (Their words not mine)? Well, for an answer, search the phrase ‘new york times october 6 1940’

    Then ask them who put this Obama clown in office, ask their boy Goldberg:

    “No president, not even Bill Clinton, has traveled so widely in Jewish circles, been taught by so many Jewish law professors, and had so many Jewish mentors, colleagues, and friends, and advisers as Barack Obama (though it is true that every so often he appoints a gentile to serve as White House chief of staff).”

    Jeffrey Goldberg, THE ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, March 11, 2012

    Now have a look at this:


    Oh well . . . who could have guessed.

      1. It’s settled right? That’s why the name has changed 3X and none of the dire predictions have come true. Global warming…errrr Climate change….errr climate disruption.

  51. I believe this is the guy who let the cat out of the bag a few years ago when he said AGW has nothing to do with climate. It is all about wealth redistribution. Interesting picture with algore, mentored by his father , best friend of armand hammer, former CEO of Oxy petroleum and verified as communist spy by Verona archives after fall of USSR.

  52. These people are swimming in neck deep Bullsh-t they can’t keep anything straight anymore. Their new religion “Climate Change” is one gigantic hoax. The name changes as more deceit is uncovered. It’s all about the money. Keep perpetuating the Hoax and the Grants will keep coming.

  53. Of course AGW is a religion. Pachauri see himself as serving a Higher Power– not God, but
    Mother Gaia. Her vengeful wrath will devise a thousand plagues to punish us sinners for polluting her sacred precincts with the vile excrement of our CO2 emissions. We must repent, give up our sinful ways, or Gaia will unleash a new Noah’s Flood to ravage the land.

    Thus saith the Data. Those who dare challenge the truth of the Data, or the interpretation of the
    Data offered by High Priests like Pachauri, are heretics, apostates and deviationists.

    And of course the AGW religion has it own money-changers in the Temple. In this case their wealth comes from the tithes that intimidated governments fork over in “research grants,” and in cap-and-trade or carbon tax scams. That is another commonality shared by AGW zealots like
    Pachauri with the traditional religions they despise.

        1. I understand. We must also go after that vile sewer called the “Federal Reserve.”
          Same cast of characters! Same modus operandi . . . war by deception.

  54. The global warming scam is falling apart. No problem; I’ll rename it. Several times. I’ll use Nazi allusions. I’ll claim planet earth is at the “tipping point.” Heck, I’ll claim planet earth passed the tipping point. No; that won’t work; I’ll again claim planet earth is at the tipping point. Well, maybe I’ll just claim it’s a religion. But, if all else fails, at least I’ll get some 29 year old babe to worship my heroic efforts to save the planet, my incredible good looks, and my witty double entendres transmitted via text messaging. And if that backfires? I’ll employ the proven Anthony Weiner defense: I’ll claim some yahoo hacked me, man…

    1. You were doing fine until you babbled, “I’ll use Nazi allusions.”

      This “global warming” crap is Marxism, and Bolshevism, and Talmudism, and Judiasm…it’s anything BUT Third Reich policy. Try this :

      “No president, not even Bill Clinton, has traveled so widely in Jewish circles, been taught by so many Jewish law professors, and had so many Jewish mentors, colleagues, and friends, and advisers as Barack Obama (though it is true that every so often he appoints a gentile to serve as White House chief of staff).”

      Jeffrey Goldberg, THE ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, March 11, 2012

      and then this:


      and then search the term new york times october 6 1940′

      And your friend Weiner, was he a “Nazi”? Or was he the clown show they warned us about?

      Funny how it all fits together (Although no truly informed person is laughing). Try again.

        1. Who said you did? You mean like “holocaust deniers.” It’s the same “they” that made up that STUPID term as well. And it wasn’t “nazis” You seem determined to miss a simple point. Read my post.

                1. What kind of imbecile are you? And when in doubt run and hide behind THEIR vernacular?! You talk and POST out of two sides of your wretched mouth. I should have known from your first post that you are indeed just another trendy talmudic PUKE. BUZZ OFF worm.

                    1. You didn’t answer the question PUNK. That’s the equivalent of cowardice. One minute, in a confirmation of schizophrenia, you complain about their term “denier” and THEN you use their vernacular as a pseudo-rebuttal. Again, I should have known from your first post that you’re just another talmudic PUKE. BUZZ OFF PUNK, you can’t talk out of both sides of your mouth, get caught and then run like a coward without it being noticed. If there’s a loser in this pile it’s trendy trolls like you. B U Z Z O F F PUNK.

                    2. Knowing that I am veering way off point, I’m going to give you some valuable, albeit free advice: you should think about your life. After all, do you think Jesus appreciates your uncharitable attitude? You seem gripped by hate. That’s not good for you. At the risk of having a log in my own eye, I’ll tell you: you should rethink your mission and the manner in which you try to achieve it…

                    3. You are in no position to give advice PUKE. When the King said ‘Be ye wise as the serpent’ he was referring, in part, to demented souls like you that talk, like satan, out of both sides of his mouth. And your trendy CRAP, quote, “You seem gripped by hate”? Try looking in the mirror punk, no one is more hateful than a LIAR. Any questions punk?

  55. Gee, what did he say that we didn’t already suspect about these people – boldly defying the evidence because the facts MUST the narrative!

    How do you like that one, millennials?? Go find a new church!!

  56. It is exactly that… a religion and the phase they’re currently in is the Inquisitions. You either believe or you’re a Climate Change heretic and it is justifiable to destroy you in any way possible as a “denier”. All I can say is, its a good thing that burning people at the stake is illegal, because I truly believe this crowd would resort to this if they could.

  57. remember golgotha sounds like a 13 yr old kid using his mums computer [somebody should challange his manhood to find out]
    the great kazoo is worth reading if you like put down artists [pinko leftist control freaks] if you add 300 dollar a bottle wine drinking it even sounds more stately [300 dollar a bottle wine drinking pinko leftest control freaks] the bottle should read “no aphids were harmed in the making of this wine”
    alter or abolish government seems focused [on what I have no idea]
    wre should get more screen time [this one has done his/her homework]
    everyone else gets a big hip hip hoorah

    1. Hey moron, do you have anything on point, or just trolling BS. What’s a matter PUNK, you don’t like the truth of this “global warming” farce? I’ll spell it out for you PUNK, It’s talmudic:


      “No president, not even Bill Clinton, has traveled so widely in Jewish circles, been taught by so many Jewish law professors, and had so many Jewish mentors, colleagues, and friends, and advisers as Barack Obama (though it is true that every so often he appoints a gentile to serve as White House chief of staff).”

      Jeffrey Goldberg, THE ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, March 11, 2012

    1. yeah they will be scrambling next week to come up with a new punch line for the kids in kindergarden class.
      children we will no longer be serving sodas during recess because the pepsi truck crashed yesterday and released CO2 into the atmosphere which cause the sun to go silent.

    1. Don’t leave out this crowd:


      “No president, not even Bill Clinton, has traveled so widely in Jewish circles, been taught by so many Jewish law professors, and had so many Jewish mentors, colleagues, and friends, and advisers as Barack Obama (though it is true that every so often he appoints a gentile to serve as White House chief of staff).”

      Jeffrey Goldberg, THE ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, March 11, 2012

  58. Sun output goes up, Earth gets warmer
    Sun output goes down, Earth gets cooler.

    Now, the Sun is going into a quiet period.

    It is going to get colder and people will die.

    Especially in areas, that Islam has taken over.
    They have killed half of the farmers, trashed the farms, and taken all of the seed.

    People are going to starve because of the Muslims.

  59. Always said it is a cult, err I mean religion of the left with abortion as its unholy sacrament. Mankind is a cancer to these people that needs controlled and regulated. If these people had their way, they would make the nazis look like amateurs in exterminating people in order to save the planet…

  60. Anthropogenic climate change supporters are like the scientific consensus that the earth is flat, round earth deniers – they are sun deniers – as sun spot activity better correlates to the earth’s temperature than CO2 levels…

  61. If environmentally enlightened celebrities, politicians and diplomats really care about Mother Earth, they should all demonstrate for the rest of us how to observe Air Hour.

    It’s like Earth Hour but instead of turning off the lights, you express your love and concern for the planet as well as the good of all of humanity by giving up breathing for one full hour. And when the hour is over, the world really will be a much better place.

    Any takers? UN? Hollywood? Washington DC?

  62. George Michael said it correctly. You’ve got to have faith. They really need to strengthen their faith in those eastern states being pummeled by an endless winter.

  63. Yes, and religion is a matter of faith and ideology. Not facts and evidence.

    From Wikipedia:

    Religion is an organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems, and world views

    Faith is defined as confidence or trust in a being, object, living organism, deity, view, or in the doctrines or teachings of a religion. Faith may also refer to a hope or belief, rational or irrational, in a certain outcome. Faith is used to refer to a belief that is not based on proof or evidence.

    Ideology is a set of conscious and unconscious ideas which make up one’s goals, expectations, and motivations.

    No mention of facts of evidence anywhere. JUST LIKE CLIMATE CHANGE!!!

    1. I noticed it in 1997, before i changed parties. It’s a core dogma that islamofascism bumped and they’re very resentful, now they’ve incorporated islamists into the gobblygook, drought caused by mmgw cause islamists to action, soft of like scratching crabs.

  64. Climate change is here people! Get the facts! We must do something
    about human caused climate change. Just look at the crazy weather we’ve
    been having. What else could it be? We need to change course now
    before it’s too late!

    1. Crazy weather? You mean the increasing cooling? Probably because of super low sunspot activity, which always corresponds to decreasing temperatures.

      We need to reject the “global warming” lies. Every time a volcano goes off it puts more CO2 in the atmosphere than years of human activity.

      CO2 is naturally occurring in the atmosphere and makes plants grow. During the last 10 thousand years it was warmer than it is now. The Greenland ice core samples show this.

  65. The greatest travesty of this Century is this snake oil salesman Al (Jazeera) Gore has a Nobel Prize for this Global Warming fraud; and Alan Turing (go see the Imitation Game) does not. Unbelievable. This travesty is at a Shakespearean level.

    1. This issue has NOTHING to do with “liberals,” that’s a game for the sayanim cattle:


      And this is just a short list of the names:

      Ignacy Sachs

      Nicholas H. Stern

      Richard L. Sandor

      Todd D. Stern

      Benjamin D. Santer

      Gavin A. Schmidt

      Michael E. Mann (Dr. Hockey Stick)

      Stephen H. Schneider

      Joseph J. Romm

      Jeffrey Skoll

      And of course, there’s their “Father of Global Warming” Professor Stephen “It’s okay to Lie” Schneider:

      “On the one hand, as scientists we are ethically bound to the scientific method, in effect promising to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but — which means that we must include all the doubts, the caveats, the ifs, ands, and buts. On the other hand, we are not just scientists but human beings as well. And like most people we’d like to see the world a better place, which in this context translates into our working to reduce the risk of potentially disastrous climatic change. To do that we need to get some broad based support, to capture the public’s imagination. That, of course, entails getting loads of media coverage. So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we might have. This ‘double ethical bind’ we frequently find ourselves in cannot be solved by any formula. Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest.”

      The truth is NEVER a matter of balance. And this subject is anything BUT “liberal.”

  66. Although these are atheist /agnostic, they derive from god gave man “dominion over everything thing that moveth and creepeth upon the earth,” a warped hijack of Genesis. Extremely delusional and grandiose.

    1. Goebbels/Hitler were talking about the Jews doing the “big lie” technique. They didn’t say “We do the big lie technique,” but that Jews do. (You are misrepresenting it I notice; lying about what they said.)

      Now consider all the Jews behind 9-11.

      Consider no gas chambers were ever photographed or found (beside the small ones for delousing; by which Germans tried to keep Jews etc. alive) — and consider that there were not 6 million Jews in all of Europe.

      Then consider who is mainly behind the “global warming” hoax and you will see that Hitler and Goebbels were right: Jews specializing in telling Big Lies.


      1. mentious you sound like the guy in the movie ‘the big bus’ when he told his co-pilot [when it was discovered he had participated in cannabalism during a previous adventure] that he only ate one lousy foot.
        just one tiny gas chamber
        give us a break

        1. Not even the legions of Jewish storytellers have ever claimed that the small gas chamber the Germans used to disinfect clothes, trying heroically to keep inmates healthy and alive, was ever used to gas people. Yes, the only gas chamber was a small one used to disinfect clothes. Meanwhile, the places Jews claim were used as gas chambers have 1) Zero traces of Zyklon B in them, and 2) Could never have worked as gas chambers to kill anybody. For example, Zyklon B pellets can’t float through plumbing like water for the “trick showers” story. You people are such liars. There is zero evidence for homicidal gas chambers in the camps. The whole myth is based or lies told by two (count ’em, TWO) Jewish liars.

      2. Hey there Mentious, you sure are a big mouth behind the keyboard. Try your Jew-hate in front of something other than your computer. Try talking your 9/11 antisemitic sh*t to my face. Try explaining Hitler and Goebbels to me in person.

        I’m not Jewish, not part of a “International Jewish Conspiracy”, not a Mason or Bilderberger or member of the Bohemian Grove. I don’t love Obama, am not a Democrat or progressive, have no ties to any leftist organizations and consider myself a Constitutional Conservative.

        I just don’t happen to like Jew-baiting loud-mouth punks who talk your kind of trash and would like to teach you a little courtesy using the gentle persuasion of my fist. You might actually man-up and try to swing back, but I doubt it.

        1. “behind the keyboard.

          You’re not behind a keyboard?

          Try your Jew-hate in front of something other than your computer.

          Why? Are Jews violent and dangerous now? Do you profess Jew-love?

          Try talking your 9/11 antisemitic sh*t to my face.

          Why? Do you get physically violent for the sake of Jew-love? Why did the 3 buildings fall exploding out the sides like controlled demos and why were Jews all over that thing in key positions?

          Try explaining Hitler and Goebbels to me in person.

          Because you can’t comprehend written words? Hitler was a homosexual put in power by Jewish bankers to destroy the Germans. Goebbels was one of his sidemen and looked strangely Jewish. That’s enough for you to know.

          I’m not Jewish…(yada yada)…and consider
          myself a Constitutional Conservative…using the gentle persuasion of my fist.

          But you get violent if anybody dares to criticize Jewish agendas. Right. Oy vey. You’re so obvious you can’t even be called a crypto.

  67. Yup, being disgraced in this manner and boxed into a corner causes all manner of candid comments. Admitting that this is a religious belief rather than evidence based science is huge for him. The rest of us have known this from the get-go.

  68. “The trouble when people stop believing in God is not that they thereafter believe in nothing; it is that they thereafter believe in anything.”
    G.K. Chesterton

  69. This man appears to be Satan or a Satan look-alike. And yes, Gore-bal Warming is a cult religion with no more basis in science or mythology than Scientology, Mormonism or Islam in its various permutations. All three made up by a psychopathic personality for his own aggrandizement.

  70. There are at least a dozen differences between man-made global warming (MMGW) and real science. While science follows a defined scientific method, MMGW uses political campaign tools like polls, demonizing opposition, scare tactics, deception, and propaganda.

    Real science, for example:

    1. says “Question everything”. MMGW says “Questioning MMGW is reckless because it threatens the planet.”

    2. never ends, but is an ongoing cycle of testing and correction. MMGW tries to break that cycle by claiming “the debate is over” and “the science is settled”. “SETTLED SCIENCE” IS AN OXYMORON invented by non-scientist Al Gore to avoid debating his profitable beliefs in public.


    3. develops hypotheses that are falsifiable via testable predictions. MMGW ISN’T FALSIFIABLE because it makes contradictory, changing predictions. More hurricanes (see Al Gore’s movie cover) or fewer hurricanes (reality now attributed to MMGW), more snow or less snow, warmer or cooler than average temperatures, etc. are all cited AFTER the fact as proof of MMGW. There is no observation that MMGW proponents will accept as refuting their belief. Predictive models created by warming proponents are consistently wrong:


    4. relies on skeptics to make progress. Many real scientists spend their careers try to disprove accepted wisdom. MMGW, on the other hand, intimidates and SMEARS SKEPTICS as “non-believers”, equating them to holocaust deniers and treating them more like the Church treated Galileo:


    5. grants awards for disproving accepted truths. MMGW researchers, on the other hand, have a VESTED INTEREST in only one outcome. They can access billions of dollars in government money only while MMGW is perceived by the public as a threat to humanity:


    6. has nothing to do with polls or consensus, but MMGW proponents CONSTANTLY USE POLLS to defend their claims. Ironically, even when they use polls they have to spin their outcomes:


    7. doesn’t claim validity by citing the credentials of proponents. It respects only data and analysis, regardless of who is publishing it. Einstein was a little known patent office clerk when he overturned the consensus understanding of space and time in 1905 with Special Relativity. “It doesn’t matter how beautiful your guess is or how smart you are or what your name is. If it disagrees with experience, it’s wrong.”-Richard Feynman, Nobel Prize Physicist

    8. keeps testing to remove bias and discard bad models. Einstein’s Relativity is still being tested a century later. MMGW ignores or HIDES DATA it doesn’t like:


    9. accepts that bad predictions imply bad hypotheses. When MMGW predictions are wrong they don’t question the hypothesis…they just change the predictions and REBRAND the movement.

    10. never recommends that skeptics be JAILED:


    11. doesn’t create billionaires who get rich peddling untested theories.

    12. tries to account for all interfering variables in studies. MMGW simply ignores all the variables that have drastically impacted Earth’s climate for billions of years unless those factors are needed to excuse faulty predictions.

    1. Very long screed of vacuity clearly not written by a scientist nor a scientifically literate person but one suffering from severe case of Dunning-Kruger syndrome. The syndrome is prevalent among the ignorant, poorly educated and simpletons. It tends to take the form of pseudo-scientists who think that their University of Google knowledge trumps the knowledge of scientists who have dedicated large swaths of their lives to the rigorous study of conditions such as paleoclimatology and the question of how earth’s climate naturally warms and cools.

      1. So “rigorous study” and “large swaths of life” are all that science requires? What part of the scientific method are you having trouble with? Maybe I can help clarify it for you.

        1. Be my guest and clarify with verifiable DOI references. Obviously one needs the education to precede the two eventualities for one’s career in science.

  71. This is what Liberals look up to. Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum. The pied pipers of the global warming hoax. Anyone who prays at the alter of these two knuckleheads is truly pathetic. By the way…has anyone seen Jim Jones or his barrel of kool-aid? I hear there are some real thirsty sheep in the Democrat party who are looking for a cold drink.

  72. al, dude, your carbon footprint is huge bro! do you even environmentalize? you are seriously swollen. looks like you ate a village full of children and that isn’t a very eco-friendly thing to do, al.

  73. Tells me everything…remember James Jones and his “religion”? Here drink this koolaid. I am sure this guy is a billionaire like Gore. What a total scam. Not to mention a creeper.

  74. This AM, the massive CO2 cloud, hovering in only certain places, caused my temperature to go from -17 to -18, -24 going down into a low lying area in a 5 mile stretch. Often, in 1/2 mile, with elevations as I drive along. Please do the same. They aren’t measuring your temp and sending it to your Iphone, properly. They aren’t measuring global temperature properly, to within a degree over hundreds of years??? You people are gullible, and Stupid! CO2 is only a Trace Gas or 3 parts per MILLION, and it is NOT a greenhouse of any variety. bunk

    1. CO2 is only a Trace Gas or 3 parts per MILLION

      FALSE! Not even close. Just like your comment so far from reality its pathetic and sad. Your disdain and ineptitude for science is not a virtue. Opinion doesn’t matter, the only thing that matters are the FACTS and EVIDENCE. If you can’t even learn basic science or facts on an issue, then no one will or should care about your opinions on it?

  75. This sucker looks like the devil ! I mean just look at him. He says global warming is his religion.

    And look who is standing beside this thing. His # 1 disciple Al Gore. Amazing and very telling.

    Back in the day, Tennessee men sold moonshine whiskey. But now we see they sell BS.

  76. Think of global warming as a resurrected mystery cult of ancient days..like a pagan religious perve festival..Eventually, these guys can’t help themselves, and it all comes out in glorious fashion!

  77. Prior to 25 years ago, one who’d seek higher education in the field of science (biology, physics, chemistry) and those fields being limited by supply and demand regulated higher education. Now with the “new age of Environmental Science” being pushed in higher education, all they needs is more taxes, regulations, propaganda, man made computer models, and manipulation of data, to create environmental careers worldwide. Governments and universities are the beneficiaries of global warming, climate change or what ever they want to call it. How many graduate every year with a degree in environmental science? And need a well paying job to pay of those government backed student loans, and the universities endless gravy train of graduates, stuffing their pockets just like Al.Gore.the.climate.whore. This Agenda is a trillion dollar business, Religion and income at our expense, with tax and regulations knocking at every politicians door, that’s not going away anytime soon.

  78. no surprise here! This man was perfect in the leadership role of the IPCC. This whole thing is as queer as a 3 dollar bill. The people of this world are being completely mislead with this global warming crap. The fools are going to spend trillions on this “problem” so that their well connected buddies can get rich.

    1. How would you know? It is evident that you’re neither a scientist nor scientifically literate but rather obnoxiously ignorant when it comes to climate science.

  79. When the “science is settled,” the “science” has become dogma and the dogma a new religion. All worship the new God, Nietzsche killed the old one so we must have a new one to worship. “Religion poisons everything.” Christopher Hitchens.

  80. Soon, under the new Obamanet “the truth” will be whatever Big Brother says it is … and those of us seeking the real truth will be lucky to dodge the Obamadrones and duck into a back alley to whisper the latest news.

  81. Well well well. They say you can catch a fish by the its mouth. At least he admitted that it is about religion and not science. It is about intentions instead of proof. As long as your intention is good junk science will be given a pass. This guy is not even a scientist. What a fraud!

  82. And this guy has no degree in anything to do with climate. His degree is in mechanical engineering. These are counted among the expert weather scientist used for the peer reviewed material? not to mention a pervert.

  83. If it is cold it is global climate change called man made global warming. If it is hot, rainie, hail, dry, cloudy, cloudless or earth quakes, volcanoes, storms, disease, being turned down by hot girl for date, you guessed it, Global Warming. This kind of science is foolproof and it has to be right. After all Obama says so. How do we get rid of these fools.

  84. Liberals are the Dumbest folk on the planet. They criticize people of faith yet put theirs in dumb things like internet regulation, obama and global warming. They surrender their freedom to fallable humans and a power elite. They all need to be driven into the Sea, all of them every last one of them!

  85. I have tried so hard to make my carbon footprint noticeable. I drive a gas-guzzling 8 cylinder, burn trash in my backyard, turn the heat up to 75 in winter and the air down to 65 in summer. I don’t recycle. I do leave chargers and appliances plugged in and leave lights on for no reason. You know, it is all to no avail because I just can’t compete with Al Gore’s $36,000 a month electric bill!

    1. You forgot to pour your used motor oil along the fence to keep the grass from growing through it, rinsing your old car battery out in the driveway so you can throw the empty case in the trash, use small plastic bottled water, ask for plastic at he grocery store, retrofit your car A/C so you can use the old, cheap freon, paint your house with lead based paint, use asbestos insulation in your attick and spray gasoline on the weeds in your driveway and sidewalk.

      The next treehugger I meet I’m going to staple his/her hands and feet to the nearest elm.

      Oh, and build a potato cannon so you can use plenty of old, cheap hairspray with lots of CFCs to fuel it.

  86. Freedom from religion??, maybe these two guys can start the new Mars society and make it in their image, from scratch, with their own stolen goods and hands and blood and sweat and tears……

    They NEED to be on that first ship outta Shanghai…….Praise be to Global Climate Change Warming

  87. “Eppur si muove” (And yet it moves) is a phrase attributed to the Italian mathematician, physicist and philosopher Galileo Galilei after being forced to recant his claims that the Earth moves around the Sun rather than the converse during is trial by the Catholic inquisition on heresy against church dogma. Sound familiar?

  88. Did you know that the personal behavior of about 1% of the U. S. population results in their CO2 footprint being 50 TIMES the actual average / person? As such, this small group comprises more than 33% of ALL (that’s right, ALL) U. S. CO2 emissions. How come all the plans proposed and promoted by the AGW proponents in this group, the president, and his party will financially hammer the lower income and middle class folks while allow this small group to continue to spew CO2 unabated, remaining THE PROBLEM (by their own definitions)? Gosh, it almost seems like a scam, doesn’t it?

  89. We live in the age of stupidity. Worshipping the planet and blaming mankind for blizzards and hurricanes is enlightened…..but believing that “God created the heavens and the earth” is backward.
    At lease one of these fools finally admitted what many of us with brains have known for years.

    1. They didn’t admit anything – it’s just that the Mask fell off and they are now exposed -again- as scientific Frauds that they are and their “science” is exposed as anything but

  90. Since he is also another leftist sexual predator, I wonder if he and bill clinton partied together on pedophile island with epstein? Maybe he also had 20+ phone numbers to hide his sexual deviancy from the public and authorities.

  91. If there were such a thing as ‘global warming’, then maybe, just maybe, it should be headed up by a first world country scientist of merit. Not by a third world ‘wanna be’. That said, the entirety of the “climate change theory” started as a couple of theoretical papers from some noodniks having to write for acedemia, didn’t have to be truthful, just some written paper. Some third world scholar picked it up thinking it could be the basis for taxation of the first world countries to fund welfare in the third world. People really need to understand it all about economic redistribution, and nothing more. The new politically correct term is climate disruption which has been occurring for 4.5 billion years. And likely, will continue for another 4.5 billion years…

  92. Two questions the global warming people never answer. First, when the Earth was young and warm what created the ice age? Second, After the ice age what made it warm up again? Both times this happened with a much lower population, no fossil fuel burning, no factories, no cars, etc. So how did it happen? And since it did happen an d no one argues that, wouldn’t that indicate that fluctuatinos in climate are a normal occurrence for the Earth?

  93. Global warming? Believing in fairy tales and tooth fairies is more credible (the gullible innocence of youth) as compared to the gullibility of “Gruber’s” whose stupidity is formulated by a continuous intake of garbage.

  94. United Nations/IPCC Climate Change Co-Chair Ottmar Edenhofer explicitly articulated their agenda on November 14, 2010 …
    “One must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is about environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole. The next world climate summit in Cancun is actually an economic summit during which the distribution of the world’s resources will be negotiated.”

  95. Did you see what this man and Harrison Ford said

    Let me show you this

    23 and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and[o]crawling creatures. Romans 1

    These men are worshiping mother nature and animals just like the lord said they would when they wouldn’t worship him

  96. The question is who will now take his place at the IPCC? I am not sure that the IPCC is going to change all that much when there is so much money at stake in regards to the ongoing the global warming scam. Several US government agencies depend upon this fraud for a portion of their funding as well as a host of professors and universities.

  97. Well….at least he admits it is a religion. Therefore his actions aren’t objective. It seems the left now wants religion to make government policy…..interesting.

  98. This validates exactly what Dennis Praeger has been saying for years – that Environmentalism is a Religion. Religions are based on Faith and the existence of each Religion’s God cannot or has not yet been proven by science. Therefore, the whole Global Warming or Climate Change movement should be recognized for what is really is – A Religion with various clerics and High Priests- like Al Gore. So we the People need to demand “Separation of Church and State” that is so often thrown around by Liberals against Christians. We need to throw it back to the LIbs and demand the Government separate itself from this “Religion ” and cease funding Government Grants and all other funding in the name of their Religion.

  99. Lasting social-political movements have several components. AGW has three: The religiously motivated are the bulk of the Alarmists, but cynics seeking political advantage by making it a Mencken hobgoblin (Democrats) are most dangerous. They can divert trillions from genuinely important environmental issues, not to mention sick and starving children. The third leg of the stool, the hired ‘scientists’ whoring themselves out for grants as science falsifiers, provide the priestly class for the apocalyptic earth-worshippers, and shrill rationales for those who will wreck the world economy to stay in power.

  100. No doubt that it is a religion …. it is faith in something which has no factual evidence to back it up …. other than the fabricated data used spread the faith ….

  101. The climate change community can’t convince the average person that they are sincere because:

    1. They have not set the ideal level of CO2, how it is determined, or a plan to achieve it. Is it 350 ppm? 300? 250? 200? At what level will climate change forever cease?

    2. They do not LIST all the worlds scientists by name, and show the 97% who believe, and the 3% who do not. Or do they simply homogenize the raw list of scienctists to arrive at 97%?

    3. If the average person follows the money, the climate change community is simply proposing trillions of dollars in taxes, which will go the less developed nations in the UN, from you and I in the more developed ones. Or, the global warming leaders, like Al Gore, will collectively get upwards of a trillion dollars in cap and trade brokerage fees.
    These cash movements will do nothing to stem the rise in CO2.

    4. There is little transparency in global temperature calculations. The proponents are in control of both the temperature data itself and how it is manipulated and maybe even selectively used to determine global temperature. Although not proof of impropriety, is gives the appearance of impropriety.

  102. I have said for years that global warming is a religion. It should be stricken from the curriculum at all public schools. Stop brainwashing of our children with the religion of global warming.

  103. Ok- now for a lighter moment. Is it me or does Pachauri look like Worf in Star Trek ? I tried to attach picture but guess that does not work so for now, Worf is my Avatar

  104. To bad it also is a fraud. It has to be an act of faith as there isn’t any proof. And to believe something that cant be proved is faith. This flat earther and his buddy Algore are genius they are making millions from helpful idiots, This has got to be the greatest scam in the world.

  105. How can anyone with any significant influence discuss ‘temperature change’ in a total panic and make no reference to overpopulation. Most of the earth’s problems stem from too many people on the planet using too many resources and polluting the land, sea, and air with crap. If nobody addresses the overpopulation problem then none of the other problems are truly solvable.

  106. An honest environmentally religious idiot, how refreshing. Of course global warmers, global coolers and climate changers are religious. Gaia is their God. Some are just now admitting it.

  107. Environmentalists don’t hold themselves to serious standards and this is why no one with any sense takes environmentalists serious. If you don’t present all your data and fail to provide verifiable reasons for disregarding any portion of your data that’s not “cherry picking” it’s falsifying. I don’t care that “everyone is doing it” it’s unethical and inaccurate. You can’t get away with that kind of garbage in any serious scientific field, you’d end up in prison. Environmentalism is the worst parts of politics and religion.

  108. Now that IS problematic. I don’t care if you hold to the theory of anthropogenic global warming or not, the very word religion implies that there is an element of faith involved and THAT is very unscientific. I’ll willingly debate any proponent of anthropogenic climate change, just so long as we all play by the same rules. The problem has always been that they are so wedded to their ideas that facts become irrelevant, and when facts are required, they simply make up their own. I’ve often been called a climate change denier. Nothing could be further from the truth. The climate IS changing – but that’s nothing new. Climate is ALWAYS in a state of flux. Climate is not a static system, but a dynamic one. The Earth has undergone countless cycles of cooling and warming. It has not been conclusively determined that the cause behind any recent warming is man-made carbon dioxide emissions. In fact, if you take solar activity levels into account and temperature readings from Mars (which is now possible), we find that average temperatures are rising across the solar system as the result of increased solar activity.

  109. Global warming is real because I said so. Pay no attention to those altered temperatures and cooked models. Now go buy carbon credits from the companies I have interests in and give me more grant money, suckers.

  110. I can’t believe the commenters here seem to completely miss the mischaracterization of what was actually said. How is “global warming” equivalent to “protection of Planet Earth”? There’s a lotta assumin’ goin’ on. How could the protection of our environment not be religious to all of us, even if you’re Atheist? I guess all logic goes out the window when there’s blood in the water.

    1. “What does Christianity mean today? National Socialism is a religion. All we lack is a religious genius capable of uprooting outmoded religious practices and putting new ones in their place. We lack traditions and ritual. One day soon National Socialism will be the religion of all Germans. My Party is my church, and I believe I serve the Lord best if I do his will, and liberate my oppressed people from the fetters of slavery. That is my gospel.”
      ― Joseph Goebbels

      1. That is of course rather painful for those involved. One should not as a rule reveal one’s secrets, since one does not know if and when one may need them again. The essential English leadership secret does not depend on particular intelligence. Rather, it depends on a remarkably stupid thick-headedness. The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous.

        Joseph Goebbels

  111. QUOTE The great kazoo: “The bigger the lie, the easier it is to pass off” This is not a paraphrase of Joseph Goebbels but of Hitler himself from his book, Mein Kampf (My Struggle) And to more accurately paraphrase Hitler he spoke of telling a lie so “colossal” that no one would believe that someone “could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.”

    Hitler also posited that if a lie were repeated often enough that it would eventually be perceived as the truth, and that’s where today’s Left-leaning press comes in as evidenced by the number of lies that they’ve been caught telling lies recently, (Gail Collins of the NYT lying about GOP presidential candidate Scott Walker comes to mind)

    And as far as the press:

    “Think of the press as a great keyboard
    on which the government can play.”
    Joseph Goebbels

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