Trump ignores Gore’s advice, instead picks skeptic to head EPA & dismantle climate agenda

Climate Depot’s publisher Marc Morano statement on President Elect Donald Trump’s selection of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt pick for EPA chief: 

“President-Elect Trump’s appointment of Scott Pruitt is a breath of fresh air. No longer do we have to suffer under President Obama’s ridiculous EPA ‘climate’ regulations. It is also refreshing that a Republican President is not throwing the EPA over to the green activists and the media by appointing a weak administrator. Christine Todd Whitman he is not! See: Bravo! Trump appoints ‘a fierce critic of the EPA’ — to head EPA! & Cheers! Trump picks leading EPA critic to head agency & NYT: ‘Trump Picks Scott Pruitt, Climate Change Denialist, to Lead EPA‘ & Wash Post: Trump names Scott Pruitt, Oklahoma AG suing EPA on climate change

Trump’s pick of Pruitt finally means that a Republican President is standing up the green establishment! Historically, EPA chiefs have been among the most pro regulatory members of past Republican presidents from Nixon through Ford, Reagan and both Bushes. Trump has broken the cycle!

Climate sanity has been restored to the U.S. EPA. No longer do we have to hear otherwise intelligent people in charge in DC blather on about how EPA regulations are necessary to control the Earth’s temperature or storminess. See: Huh?! Obama advisor John Podesta claims EPA CO2 regs (which don’t impact global CO2 levels) are needed to combat extreme weather: ‘The risk on the downside you’re seeing every day in the weather’

No longer do we have to endure GOP presidents avoiding battle over the green agenda by picking EPA chiefs that were timid at best. We know how bad GOP EPA picks have been in the past because many former GOP EPA chiefs endorsed President Obama’s EPA climate regulations. See: EPA chiefs who served under Republicans press for climate action

If climate skeptics were worried about Trump’s meeting with Former VP Al Gore earlier this week, the pick of Pruitt is reassuring. Basically Trump listened to what Gore had to say at their New York City meeting and then he exercised his good judgement and did the exact opposite. Also see Climate Depot’s new 44 page consensus busting ‘State of the Climate Report’ \

Kudos to Trump for standing up the well funding climate establishment by picking Pruitt.

The UN Paris climate change agreement and the EPA climate regulations claim to be able to essentially save the planet from ‘global warming’. But even if you accept the UN’s and Al Gore’s version of climate change claims, the UN Paris agreement or the EPA’s alleged climate regulations would not ‘save’ the planet.

University of Pennsylvania Geologist Dr. Robert Giegengack has noted, “None of the strategies that have been offered by the U.S. government or by the EPA or by anybody else has the remotest chance of altering climate if in fact climate is controlled by carbon dioxide.”

In layman’s terms: All of the so-called ‘solutions’ to global warming are purely symbolic when it comes to climate. So, even if we actually faced a climate catastrophe and we had to rely on a UN climate agreement, we would all be doomed! (See Keynote Speech by Marc Morano on the case for climate skepticism)

Even the proponents admit these EPA regulations are purely symbolic.

EPA Chief Admits Obama Regs Have No Measurable Climate Impact: ‘One one-hundredth of a degree?’ EPA Chief McCarthy defends regs as ‘enormously beneficial’ – Symbolic impact

Former Obama Energy Chief slams EPA climate regs: ‘Falsely sold as impactful’ – ‘All U.S. annual emissions will be offset by 3 weeks of Chinese emissions’ Former Obama Department of Energy Assistant Secretary Charles McConnell: ‘The Clean Power Plan has been falsely sold as impactful environmental regulation when it is really an attempt by our primary federal environmental regulator to take over state and federal regulation of energy.’ – ‘What is also clear, scientifically and technically, is that EPA’s plan will not significantly impact global emissions.’ – ‘All of the U.S. annual emissions in 2025 will be offset by three weeks of Chinese emissions. Three weeks.’

And after all the green stimulus bills, subsidies and regulations, overall energy use has not really changed all that much in over 100 years.

Reality check: In 1908, fossil fuels accounted for 85% of U.S. energy consumption. In 2015, more or less the same

End Morano Statement
Related Links: 

Trump’s Pick to Lead the EPA Calls Himself a ‘Leading Advocate Against the EPA’s Activist Agenda’ – Warmist Slate Mag laments: ‘Pruitt’s selection should extinguish any remaining hope that President Trump, who will be the only world leader who openly and outright rejects fighting climate change, will somehow be convinced by his daughter (or Al Gore) to act in response to the scientific consensus.’

Fmr. Harvard Physicist praises Trump’s EPA pick: ‘There is nothing unclean about CO2 & the environment doesn’t need to be ‘protected’ against it’

Climate skeptic group praises Trump EPA pick: Pruitt will confront EPA’s ‘enormous federal regulatory overreach’


Celebrate! Trump to pick ‘ardent opponent’ of Obama climate agenda to run EPA – In an interview with Reuters in September, Pruitt said he sees the Clean Power Plan as a form of federal “coercion and commandeering” of energy policy and that his state should have “sovereignty to make decisions for its own markets.”

Trump’s Pick for EPA Has a History of Fighting the Agency

Professor: EPA health claims ‘are groundless’ – ‘Carbon dioxide is not a factor in smog or lung issues’  – Prof. Ross McKitrick on Sun News on June 2, 2014 – McKitrick on Air Pollution: The models get ‘more deaths from air pollution than you were death from all causes’ – ‘Particulates and soot are at such low levels in the U.S. — levels well below what they were in the 1970s. The health claims at this point are groundless coming from this administration.
I noticed these numbers coming up for Ontario for how many deaths were caused by air pollution. What struck me — was knowing that air pollution levels were very low in Ontario — but they were extremely high in 1960s. So I took the same model and fed in the 1960s air pollution levels into it: How many deaths would you get? I did the calculations and you quickly get more deaths from air pollution than you were death from all causes.
In other words, the streets would have been littered with bodies from air pollution if it was actually that lethal. The problem with all of these models is they are not based on an actual examination of death certificates or looking at what people actually died of — these are just statistical models where people have a spreadsheet and they take in an air pollution level and it pops out a number of deaths. But there are no actual bodies there, it is all just extrapolation.’


2,041 Responses

      1. “Real Hope & Change”

        Hope is just about all Climate Deniers have. Reality is not on their side.

        Is it possible there are people so stupid they cannot see why a person who is paid by the fossil fuel industry is not a reliable source of information on the dangers of that industry’s product?

        “Marc Morano is the executive director and chief correspondent of ClimateDepot. com, a project of the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT). Morano is also the Communications Director at CFACT, a conservative think-tank in Washington D.C. that has received funding from ExxonMobil, Chevron, as well as hundreds of thousands of dollars from foundations associated with Richard Mellon Scaife.”

      1. Since this pic was first posted, I’ve been trying to figure out what this could ‘symbolically’ represent & it just came to me…
        HRC & Company cocking up Her leg like an ol’ hound from Arkansas taking a piss in Our yard…

    1. Then the Fed, Dept. of Education, DHS, HHS, HUD, and pretty much all of the alphabet departments. A nation led by a District of Criminals is not a free nation at all.

    1. For sure! This new appointment of Pruitt feels like such a major relief, from decades long imposed & unwarranted burden(s) upon American Businesses, and the American Worker. If I was employed by the EPA, I’d be getting my Resume in order…

      1. Your resume, indicating that
        1.) you drive an SUV
        2.) you heat your house with coal
        3.) you use an air conditioner all the time when it’s warm
        4.) you have a wood-burning fireplace
        5.) you don’t believe in global warming or climate change
        6.) you can’t stand polar bears
        7.) you heat your garage in the winter
        8.) you never check tire pressure
        There, you are well on your way to normalcy.

    2. Yes we just pull trough Spanish and Vatican inquisition not burned or cooked in boiling oil and here we go again.Those who have monopoly on printing money are behind this scam.Some four decades ago UN Lima declaration states that capitalism is not sustainable,earth could not support capitalism.So these liars invented in fifties by club of Rome climate scare which most gullible’s are buying.Since they know capitalism is out for them to stay on top is to sell you carbon credit.How good is that,making billions without doing nothing,apart from telling a lie.They use secret technology scalar wave to disturb climate create earth quakes tsunami floods hurricanes destroying food source bio warfare diseases viruses HAARP towers to manipulate your mind,and list goes on for ever.I better stop before they send drone my way.Do not believe in any independent media they are all in their hands.Kosher media moderator will delete my post as usual , truth is against community guidelines.

  1. Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like!

    1. The Arctic Ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and insome places the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from Consulate at Bergen Norway

      Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers all point to a radical change inclimate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone.

      Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes.

      Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the gulf stream still very warm.

      Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones, the report continued, while at many points well known glaciers have entirely disappeared.

      Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic, while vast shoals of herring and smelts which have never before ventured so far north, are being encountered in the old seal fishing grounds.

      Within a few years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make most coastal cities uninhabitable.

      * * *
      * * * * * *
      I must apologize.

      I neglected to mention that this report was from November 2, 1922, as reported
      by the AP and published in The Washington Post – 93 years ago.

      This must have been caused by the Model T Ford’s emissions or possibly from horse and cattle flatulence?

      1. And round and round it goes, When I was in 4th grade they were indoctrinating us about the “Coming Ice Age and “Zero Population Growth” (ZPG). I’m hearing murmurs of a coming ice again. What complete loons the libturds are.

        1. Actually if these idiots would have continued the ice age thing they would have been more believable but the global warming garbage just went down the wrong road. haha.

            1. Google is paying 97$ per hour! Work for few hours and have longer with friends & family! !mj358d:
              On tuesday I got a great new Land Rover Range Rover from having earned $8752 this last four weeks.. Its the most-financialy rewarding I’ve had.. It sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it
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              1. This all used to be “anti-pollution and emissions,” acid rain, loss of ozone, until they took the lead out of gas and we pay more for it, took the fluorocarbons out of hairspray, air conditioners, etc., and again we paid more for that. Looking to expand the cash cow Al Gore concocted a ‘global warming’ scheme, —now called “climate change,” weather disturbance and a host of other names to fit the snowflake narrative. In the end it seeks to TAX all Citizens on anything that has a “Carbon Footprint.” Use of Wood, Metal, Fuel, Concrete, Dirt, and even FOOD will cost everyone allot more money under this SCAM! As we know the far left and Snowflakes have ZERO talent when it comes to protesting SCAMS! Trump knows all this and he really stuck it to Gore, not once, but twice and turned the knife 3 times,… Al Gore and his Snowflakes all have ZERO TALENT PERIOD.!.!

                1. LOl…Trust me; that traitor scumbag criminal Al Bore didn’t concoct anything…He is and will always be a shill and bought and paid for scumbag…No, the concoction came from European interest…It was concocted using the “think tanks” of Rand, Tavistock and others…

              2. Genevieve how is your gonorreha, still dripping while your serve lunch to the criminally insane? Have you determined which one of the inmates gave it to you, again? Keep in touch, not.

          1. In fairness they chose the perfect medium on what to call their nonsense, “Climate Change”. When Global Cooling was proven ridiculous then Global Warming proven more ridiculous, they chose the safest term available. Climate change can be applied to anything. For instance, the record snow and cold in Chicago and surronding areas this week is climate change. Because they are tired of these events exposing the ridiculousness of global warming.
            If they were smart, they would try to come to a happy medium and work with Republicans. I don’t buy climate change but I am behind cleaning up the air we breathe. I would like sensible agreements that make the air quality better for everyone and I think everyone can get behind that. But when you take it to extremes and predict in 2008 that water rising would completely engulf NYC in 2015, you look like a fool. Also if we are going to use oil anyway, then why not get as much of it from North America as possible and become energy independent of those savage and intolerant middle eastern nations.

                1. The calamity will likely not happen in your lifetime. I find it interesting that conservatives love to talk about “future debt” and our “future generations who should not have to pay for our expenditures,” but do not give a shit about protecting the environment for their grandchildren. The hypocrisy and stupidity is glaring. The rest of the world is laughing at stupid Americans, who do not educate themselves, who do not know history, do not know how government works, and blame all the wrong people.

                  Job number one: Teach Americans that the Earth is over 6000 years old — since most Americans are Bible thumpers, and refuse to recognize facts.

                  Then we can proceed. Until Americans actually accept facts as facts, we will get nowhere, and will have to suffer with the stupid claims of people on this page.

                  1. Here is what your fellow travellers on the insane left were telling us 50 odd years ago . . .

                    These are the predictions made on the first earth day in 1970.

                    Didn’t believe them then, don’t believe them now . . .

                    1.”Civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind.” — Harvard biologist George Wald

                    2.”We are in an environmental crisis which threatens the survival of this nation, and of the world as a suitable place of human habitation.” — Washington University biologist Barry Commoner

                    3.”Man must stop pollution and conserve his resources, not merely to enhance existence but to save the race from intolerable deterioration and possible extinction.” — New York Times editorial

                    4.”Population will inevitably and completely outstrip whatever small increases in food supplies we make. The death rate will increase until at least 100-200 million people per year will be starving to death during the next ten years.” — Stanford University biologist Paul Ehrlich

                    5.”Most of the people who are going to die in the greatest cataclysm in the history of man have already been born… [By 1975] some experts feel that food shortages will have escalated the present level of world hunger and starvation into famines of unbelievable proportions. Other experts, more optimistic, think the ultimate food-population collision will not occur until the decade of the 1980s.” — Paul Ehrlich

                    6.”It is already too late to avoid mass starvation,” — Denis Hayes, Chief organizer for Earth Day

                    7.”Demographers agree almost unanimously on the following grim timetable: by 1975 widespread famines will begin in India; these will spread by 1990 to
                    include all of India, Pakistan, China and the Near East, Africa. By the year 2000, or conceivably sooner, South and Central America will exist under famine
                    conditions…. By the year 2000, thirty years from now, the entire world, with the exception of Western Europe, North America, and Australia, will be in famine.” — North Texas State University professor Peter Gunter

                    8.”In a decade, urban dwellers will have to wear gas masks to survive air pollution… by 1985 air pollution will have reduced the amount of sunlight reaching earth by one half.” — Life magazine

                    9.”At the present rate of nitrogen buildup, it’s only a matter of time before light will be filtered out of the atmosphere and none of our land will be usable.” — Ecologist Kenneth Watt

                    10.”Air pollution…is certainly going to take hundreds of thousands of lives in the next few years alone.” — Paul Ehrlich

                    11.”By the year 2000, if present trends continue, we will be using up crude oil at such a rate… that there won’t be any more crude oil. You’ll drive up to the pump and say, ‘Fill ‘er up, buddy,’ and he’ll say, ‘I am very sorry, there isn’t any.'” — Ecologist Kenneth Watt

                    12.”[One] theory assumes that the earth’s cloud cover will continue to thicken as more dust, fumes, and water vapor are belched into the atmosphere by industrial smokestacks and jet planes. Screened from the sun’s heat, the planet will cool, the water vapor will fall and freeze, and a new Ice Age will be born.” — Newsweek magazine

                    13.”The world has been chilling sharply for about twenty years. If present trends continue, the world will be about four degrees colder for the global mean temperature in 1990, but eleven degrees colder in the year 2000. This is about twice what it would take to put us into an ice age.” — Kenneth Watt

                    WE could add you to the list . . . and of course Gorebull Warming Al . . . lol

                  2. Here’s a fact for you-the entire environmental “movement” was started with lies,outrageous claims that were lies and the original enviro whacko bible-Rachel Carson’s “Silent Spring” was based on deeply flawed science.
                    Dr Carson was full of shit-millions have contracted and died from tropical insect borne diseases since the book of lies led to the banning of DDT.
                    The current “climate change” tripe is just Silent Spring on ‘roids.
                    The climate has been changing since long before the first human figured out how to harness fire,and long before the first drop of oil was used by humans.
                    CO2 is not,never was,and never will be a pollutant.
                    The only source of “clean” and renewable energy that can even come close to meeting demand for power is hydro-electric-but…
                    the enviro-whackos are still filing lawsuits and getting dams torn down,along with enriching their lawyers.
                    The enviro-whackos have turned the Sacramento/San Joaquin river delta from one of the most fertile,productive agricultural areas in the U.S. into a desert all to “save” a 3″ fish-the delta smelt-that’s going to go extinct anyhow.
                    They’re doing a similar thing to another part of Commifornia because of another 3″ fish-the santa Ana sucker-only this time it’s a ban on drawing residential drinking water -from an existing reservoir-that is going to leave around a million people without water for drinking,cooking,bathing,laundry or growing their own vegetables.
                    The enviro-whackos pushed things way too far-with well over 90% of the claims being outright lies-or based on lies-or in the case of “climate change” by using flawed data input into the 127 or so computer models,leading to flawed “results” from every single computer model. Every.
                    By the way-polar bears are not anywhere near extinct-a claim made in the 1990’s and repeated several times a year since then.
                    Polar bear populations are stable or increasing in every area they are found.
                    Those of us not brainwashed who are capable of critical thinking have had enough of the bullshit-enougfh of the lies,half truths and obfuscation from the climate change cultists and the enviro-nazis.
                    By the way-do some actual research into the “99% consusus” claim,and the “settled science claim”-the facts show both to be pure,unadulterated male bovine excrement.

              1. no, this is about 20,000 dollar a minute lectures and third world money grabs and the Clinton Foundation. I wonder how much the earth heated up when Mrs Clinton had the Khadaffi Libyan govt overthrown and replaced with ISIS.?

                1. Absolutely, it’s always been about a money and power grab. In fact nearly everything done by politicians is a money/power grab. Any program that uses taxpayer money is a scam that benefits politicians in the end. Obama’s hand-out to the renewable energy companies to the tune of 150 BILLION dollars went -where? Many of those companies went out of business! -But not before donating to the DNC or paying for over inflated “speaker’s fees”.

                  1. Notice how all they do is to dismantle the curbs the founders tried to put on central government to try to keep what was already known to be a natural consequence of power in check.

                    1. Like the electoral college? Trump won the popular vote in more states than The Criminal did. The whole point was so bigger states with yuge populations don’t over ride the rest of the country. Liberals always want to change the laws they don’t like.

                    2. Yep, only when they don’t serve their current purpose. The founders were very astute in formulating the Electoral College to prevent elections (well at least make it MUCH HARDER) from being stolen from a single ballot box. OK, the JFK election was stolen by the Daley Democrat Machine in Chicago – at least JFK was a decent POTUS in spite of this.

                    3. I saw a documentary on the mafia. It made an interesting case that the mafia actually was able to help JFK win the White House.

                  2. Vood,
                    I call it “crisis construction”;

                    1. Create the perception that there’s a crisis (whether is real or fake is unimportant).

                    2. Proffer pre-determined, convenient solutions to said “crisis”.

                    3. Lobby your solutions into law.
                    4. Profit and gain power by government force.
                    5. Enable and empower your friends and the aligned, and repeat.
                    As you aptly indicate, the basic architecture for these scams has been in place for many years, and it keeps the masses at bay as they are relentlessly swindled by many among the greedy and ambitious.

                    1. “I call it “crisis construction””

                      You could just call it lying… because that’s all Climate Depot does. What, did you think that round of applause was actual humans?

                      Silly… Nobody’s buying this nonsense anymore.

                      “Marc Morano is the executive director and chief correspondent of ClimateDepot. com, a project of the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT). Morano is also the Communications Director at CFACT, a conservative think-tank in Washington D.C. that has received funding from ExxonMobil, Chevron, as well as hundreds of thousands of dollars from foundations associated with Richard Mellon Scaife.”


                    2. Attack the messenger . . . the trait of the insane left . . .
                      Why not just produce the “Science” that you talk about . . . what you can’t find it? . . . lol
                      Desmog are far-left loons like Al the Goricle . . . who spout nonsense !

                      The trillions and trillions of dollars wasted could have reforested a lot of areas around the world. The trillions and trillions of dollars wasted could have brought clean water and sanitation to billions around the world. The trillions and trillions wasted could have restored and reclaimed a lot of polluted rivers around the world. The trillions and trillions wasted could have brought social goods like education, health care, better living conditions, and advanced technologies to the poor all around the world.

                      The things that those trillion and trillions could have done still need doing; however, they will not be done because politicians destroyed the credibility of science and the environmental movement. In every survey over the last ten years environmental issues have fallen further and further down the list of the global population’s concerns.

                      The frauds and their political paymasters have no one to blame but themselves. They will not be the ones to pay the price, that will be the world’s poor, you know those folks the liars are always proclaiming that they need their compassion (again as only defined by the fascist left). This is the reality of leftist progressive compassion – empty, soulless, and bankrupt of any morals or ethics.

                    3. “Attack the messenger . . . the trait of the insane left . . . Desmog are far-left loons”

                      lol! If attacking the messenger is a trait of insane people… and you just attacked the messenger…

                      What would that make you?

                      When you start your car, does the exhaust warm the planet, DC?

                      “The primary cause of global warming is human activity, most significantly the burning of fossil fuels to drive cars, generate electricity, and operate our homes and businesses.”


                    4. Read your own comments again . . . . idiot . . . you are attacking Morno & Climate Depot . . . you supply NO facts or Science as per usual.
                      Simply saying that human activity causes Gorebull Warming does NOT make it so. In FACT the AGW Hypothesis is UNPROVEN SCIENCE.
                      If the “Science” existed . . . you would post it.

                      The United Nation’s own Inter-governmental panel on climate change found back in 2013, the world’s global warming stopped in 1998.

                      The idea that global warming paused, what 18 years ago now is frightening to people who make their living off of scaring the public about global warming.

                      But now, even the UN has come out and said that warming stopped.

                      What is fascinating about this new study is that it finds that over a time period when greenhouse gases were rising rapidly, “results support previous findings of a reduced rate of surface warming over the 2001-2014 period.”

                      Lead author Jonathan Fyfe cites the 2001 to 2014 period.

                      The United Nations Inter-governmental panel on climate change which cites 1998 to 2012 when it says in the UN IPCC technical briefing of 2013, page 37,

                      Despite the robust multi-decadal warming, there exists substantial inter-annual to decadal variability in the rate of warming, with several periods exhibiting weaker trends (including the warming hiatus since 1998) (Figure TS.1). The rate of warming over the past 15 years (1998–2012; 0.05 [–0.05 to +0.15] °C per decade) is smaller than the trend since 1951 (1951–2012; 0.12[0.08 to 0.14] °C per decade).
                      The best minds in the world, working for the organization pushing climate change and global warming the most – the United Nations – says that at best temperatures have risen between 0.08°C to 0.14°C per decade between 1951 and 2012. But between 1998 and 2012 they may have gone down by -0.05°C or gone up by 0.15°C.

                      The United Nations doesn’t know if temperatures went up or down between 1998 and 2012, now some of the top scientists pushing global warming say that they think things have slowed down if not outright stopped.

                    5. “the AGW Hypothesis is UNPROVEN SCIENCE.”

                      …so no?

                      When you run your car, the carbon dioxide that comes out of the tailpipe does not warm the planet?

                      “The heat-trapping nature of carbon dioxide and other gases was demonstrated in the mid-19th century”


                    6. You are WRONG !
                      today’s automobiles are 90% cleaner than a vehicle in then 70s . . . completely insignificant. You have to stop listening to the loons ! ! !

                      Every CO2 Molecule is surrounded by 2500 Molecules of Other Gases . . . how does this heat anything?
                      Over 95% of all greenhouse gasses is . . . . WATER VAPOR !
                      Why are we NOT controlling water vapor?
                      Because you cannot link it to my WALLET !

                      Some FACTS on CO2 . . . from a real scientist just for you . . .

                      We know that there is no such a thing as self-heating greenhouse and yet new theories have been invented to argue something that cannot be argued.

                      We know that there is nothing in common in IR spectra between CO2, methane and water and yet they have been classified together as ‘greenhouse gases’ because they absorb infrared radiation, together with millions of other molecules.

                      We know that CO2 in the atmosphere could not be detected by a standard IR-spectrometer and yet that property of CO2 has been used to argue for the existence of a greenhouse effect.

                      We know that all the knowledge about the physical world comes from experiments that can be validated and not from calculations that cannot be validated. And yet, everything about man-made global warming is about calculations and NOTHING about measurements.

                      Forget everything you think you know about oil

                      ‘Black Gold Stranglehold’ explodes common myths

                      Published: 10/18/2005 at 1:00 AM

                      If you believe that oil is a fossil fuel, be prepared to have your thoughts turned upside down.
                      If you believe that the U.S. has no choice but to rely on foreign oil until we ultimately run out of the precious resource, prepare to be challenged by new views that “have the opportunity to help give birth to a new generation of oil politics and economics.”

                      WND Books’ newest release, “Black Gold Stranglehold: The Myth of Scarcity and the Politics of Oil,” by Jerome R. Corsi and Craig R. Smith, explores and debunks some of the popular myths surrounding the international and domestic politics of oil production and consumption to provide Americans with beneficial information while being held in a virtual stranglehold at the gas-pumps.

                      In “Black Gold Stranglehold,” Corsi and Smith expose the fraudulent science and irresponsible politics that have been sold to American people in order to enslave them. By debunking several myths, Corsi and Smith provide an outline for progress that would help to establish America as energy-independent.

                      Be prepared to be challenged by:

                      The myth of fossil fuels: Corsi and Smith argue that the deep abiotic theory of oil is a more reliable theory than the fossil fuel theory. It rejects the contention that oil was formed from the remains of plant and animal life that died millions of years ago. Instead, they believe in Thomas Gold’s argument that oil is abiotic: “a primordial material that the earth forms and exudes on a continual basis” and is “pushed upward toward the earth’s surface by the intense pressures of the earth’s core and the influence of the centrifugal force that the earth exerted upon the specific gravity of oil as a fluid substance.”

                      The running-out-of-oil myth: The 1970s scientific study known as Hubbert’s Peak, predicting we would exhaust oil reserves by 2003, has been proven false. We are currently sitting on “more proven petroleum reserves than ever before despite the increasing rate at which we are consuming petroleum products. New and gigantic oil fields are being discovered at an increasing rate, in places the fossil fuel theory would never have been predicted as possible.

                    7. “You are WRONG !”

                      I am wrong or the world’s scientists are wrong?

                      If you think the world’s scientists are wrong, how do you know?

                      Where are you getting your information?

                      “Overlooked by modern researchers is the work of Eunice Foote, who, three years prior to the start of Tyndall’s laboratory research, conducted similar experiments on absorption of radiant energy by atmospheric gases, such as CO₂ and water vapor. The presentation of her report at a major scientific convention in 1856 was accompanied by speculation that even modest increases in the concentration of CO₂ could result in significant atmospheric warming.”


                    8. You are Wrong . . . you bet !

                      World’s Scientists ? ? ? Are those the guy called “Scientists Believe” ?

                      What I posted above is FACT . . . the so-called “Concensus” is a MYTH !
                      Please explain how the rare gas CO2 . . . .04% of the atmosphere can warm anything . . . it is a preposterous Hypothesis which of course explains why you cannot post the “Science” that proves AGW !

                    9. “You are Wrong”

                      Let me check… No, the researchers I cited say precisely what I said they say…

                      You would know that if you clicked on the link.

                      Did you do that, DC?

                      “In January 1859, Tyndall began studying the radiative properties of various gases… Tyndall’s experiments… showed that molecules of water vapor, carbon dioxide, and ozone are the best absorbers of heat radiation”


                    10. CO2 is a poor absorber of heat . . . and due to it’s almost non-existance in our atmosphere . . . it can therefore warm NOTHING !
                      Australia tossed it’s krazy Carbon Tax a couple of years ago . . .
                      Here is a real expert explaining why . . .

                      Who do you really believe an engineer or a scientist, the jury is still out!
                      Make your own mind up on who is telling the truth. I merely pass this along so I can do so.

                      It’s just three minutes of Primary School CO2 Science that the Government doesn’t want made public.
                      This three-minute video puts carbon dioxide into perspective.
                      You really should watch this. WHY? Because when someone asks, you will then know the answer!
                      Yes, it’s principally aimed at Aussies but the science, not hype, is universal.

                      We know that no gas molecule of the open system, as our atmosphere is, can possibly control temperature.

                      We know that there are two very different mechanisms that drive dynamics of CO2 exchange between air-waterand air-biomass and therefore there is no such thing as global levels of CO2. Levels of CO2 above the water mass, covering 70% of the Earth surface is controlled by solubility of CO2 in water which is solely driven by temperature; while levels of CO2 above the biomass that covers most of the land surfaces is solely driven and controlled by photosynthesis.

                    11. “CO2 is a poor absorber of heat”

                      If you know CO₂ absorbs heat radiation, you must know AGW is a proven fact.

                      …so why did you say “the AGW Hypothesis is UNPROVEN SCIENCE.”?

                      “Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree: Climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities.”


                    12. CO2 is also RARE, close to the earth and unevenly distributed . . . but hey . . . why confuse a “Believer” with Facts.

                      97% . . . that is another INSANE comment . . . that was proved to be FAKE a decade ago. You don’t have a friggin clue man . . .
                      you post insane nonsense!

                      AGW = Anthropogenic Gorebull Warming is an Hypothesis . . .
                      an UNPROVEN Hypothesis.
                      I have been asking for the Science for over 25 years now . . . do you have it?

                      Have a read . . .

                    13. “that was proved to be FAKE a decade ago.”

                      Buddy, you just said it was a fact…

                      Would you like to get your personalities on the same page before you respond again?

                      “Without greenhouse gases, Earth would be a frozen -18 degrees Celsius (0 degrees Fahrenheit).”


                    14. What are you muttering about now?
                      I was talking about the 97% of scientists . . . . never happened !

                      Wow . . . if that were true . . . since California has very few clouds . . . they should be very cold since 95% of GH gas is Water Vapor aka Clouds.

                      It is cloudy in the Arctic in the winter, especially when it snow most days . . . yet the temperature is -50 or colder . . . Lots of Water Vapor but little warming.

                      AGW is a SCAM . . .

                      The Carbon Tax….
                      Who do you really believe an engineer or a scientist, the jury is still out!
                      Make your own mind up on who is telling the truth. I merely pass this along so I can do so.

                      It’s just three minutes of Primary School CO2 Science that the Government doesn’t want made public.
                      This three-minute video puts carbon dioxide into perspective.
                      You really should watch this. WHY? Because when someone asks, you will then know the answer!
                      Yes, it’s principally aimed at Aussies but the science, not hype, is universal.

                    15. “What are you muttering about now?”

                      Your incompatible claims. This means you understand AGW is a fact:

                      “CO2 is a poor absorber of heat”

                      …so why are you saying it’s a scam?

                      Have you been formally diagnosed with a mental illness, DC?

                      “Most climate scientists agree the main cause of the current global warming trend is human expansion of the “greenhouse effect” “


                    16. AGW is an Unproven Hypothesis . . .

                      The IPCC is a Political Body . . .

                      Gorebull Warming . . . aka Klimate Change is a HOAX !

                      You are uninformed and clueless !

                      Inconvenient Truths About the Man-made Global Warming Scam

                      Experts said Arctic sea ice would melt entirely by September 2016 – they were wrong.

                      Texas has been cooling since 1995, but that doesn’t suit NOAA’s global warming agenda. So they keep cooling the past further and further to create the appearance of a warming trend.

                      The UN bans skeptical journalists from climate summit for holding views not particularly helpful.

                      The Earth is heading towards another ice age as solar magnetic activity is set to drop by up to sixty per cent in the next fifteen years.

                      Winters may be getting colder in the Northeast.

                      The Weather Channel video uses young kids, scaring them about their lack of a future to promote global warming fears.

                      Looking to the hypocrites who are perpetrating this scam we have our Secretary of State who never saw a Global Warming photo op he didn’t like. On one Trip to the Antarctic, Kerry produced as much CO2 as an average American does in one year.


                      Enlighten yourself fool . . . you are still back in the 90s with clueless Al !

                    17. “AGW is an Unproven Hypothesis”

                      Yes, you’ve said that already, sweetheart.

                      …but you also said the greenhouse gasses we produce are warming the planet.

                      That means you understand AGW is a proven fact.

                      Which one is it?

                      “In 1895, Arrhenius… described an energy budget model that considered the radiative effects of carbon dioxide (carbonic acid) and water vapor on the surface temperature of the Earth”


                    18. I said no such thing . . . AGW is an Hypothesis . . . an UNPROVEN hypothesis . . . unless YOU can produce the “Science” . . . LOL

                      Clue one is “Water Vapor” . . . 95% of ALL GH gasses . . .

                      NOAA has been caught creating imaginary data . . . the only warming in the last 20 years has been to the DATA . . .

                      Time you got into the 21st century . . . nobody is buying this nonsense !

                      Table of the highest recorded temperatures for each continent..

                      Place…………………………………………….- Date -……Fahrenheit

                      North America (Death Valley), ———- July 10, 1913—- + 134.0 F
                      Asia Tirat Tsvi, Israel——————- June 21, 1942 —— +129.2 F
                      Africa1 Kebili, Tunisia———————– July 7, 1931 — + 131.0 F
                      Australia Oodnadatta, South Australia–Jan. 2, 1960 —- + 123.0 F
                      Europe Athens, Greece—————— July 10, 1977 — + 118.4 F
                      South America Rivadavia, Argentina— Dec. 11, 1905— +120.0 F
                      Oceania Tuguegarao, Philippines—— April 20, 1912 — + 108.0 F
                      Antarctica Vanda Station, Scott Coast—- Jan. 5, 1974 — + 59.0 F

                      CO2 is a “trace gas” in air and is insignificant by definition. It absorbs 1/7th as much IR, heat energy, from sunlight per molecule as water vapor which has 188 times as many molecules capturing 1200 times as much heat producing 99.8% of all “global warming.” CO2 does only 0.2% of it. For this we should destroy our economy, starve the world, cause hunger, riots and wars?

                      There is no “greenhouse effect” in an atmosphere. A greenhouse has a solid, clear cover trapping heat. The atmosphere does not trap heat as gas molecules cannot form surfaces to work as greenhouses that admit and reflect energy depending on sun angle. Gases do not form surfaces as their molecules are not in contact.

                      The Medieval Warming from 800 AD to 1300 AD Micheal Mann erased for his “hockey stick” was several Fahrenheit degrees warmer than anything “global warmers” fear. It was 500 years of world peace and abundance, longest ever.

                      Vostock Ice Core data analysis show CO2 rises followed temperature by 800 years 19 times in 450,000 years. Therefore temperature change is cause and CO2 change is effect. This alone refutes the anthropogenic global warming hypothesis.

                      Methane is called “a greenhouse gas 20 to 500 times more potent than CO2,” by Heidi Cullen and Jim Hansen, but it is not per the energy absorption chart at the American Meteorological Society. It has an absorption profile very similar to nitrogen which is classified “transparent” to IR, heat waves and is only present to 18 ppm. “Vegans” blame methane in cow flatulence for global warming in their war against meat consumption.

                    19. “I said no such thing”

                      Sorry, I thought you said CO₂ absorbs infrared heat radiation.

                      Do you believe CO₂ does not absorb infrared heat radiation?

                      “Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere (such as water vapor and carbon dioxide) absorb most of the Earth’s emitted longwave infrared radiation, which heats the lower atmosphere.”


                    20. CO2 is a POOR conductor of heat compared to Water Vapor and all other GH gasses . . . FACT !

                      You are living in the past . . . typical uninformed leftist fool !
                      The globe has been warming since the last ice age . . . according to NASA Satellite data . . . which is the ONLY data that surveys the entire globe . . . NO Warming since 1998 !

                      Was there a time then the Klimate . . . Did NOT Change ?
                      When was that . . . lol

                  3. Congratulations on touting about four lies in one paragraph. Some businesses went out of business? Get my smelling salts. So you deny science because a couple of businesses are no longer in business. What other moronic conclusions have you got?

                    1. Lol! Wow, you made quite a leap there dss -deny science? You know I’m thinking of petitioning Pfizer to market a pill for people with your affliction -it’s called “LIBGONE”.
                      -The following is reprinted from a prior post-
                      “Do you have feelings of anxiety, selfishness, guilt, self loathing, irresponsibility, racist tendencies you wish to blame on others, envy, no respect for authority, behavior mimicking Tourette syndrome or Munchausen by proxy, or projecting your most negative thoughts on other people?
                      THEN YOU NEED LIBGONE! Libgone is designed to calm the limbic system, allowing clearer, more logical thinking, suppressing the need to attack and demean those who do not agree with you.
                      Finally, freedom from progressive lockstep! Call your doctor and ask about Libgone. (Some users may experience stroke, gastrointestinal issues including nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, and loss of appetite, other side effects are drowsiness, eye pain, difficulty pronouncing words.)”
                      (I must point out that this is a spoof so that it doesn’t get flagged as spam) Lol

                    2. Here’s the bigger question: Do you have anything to add in the way of actual logical discussion are do you just want to call people morons? It’s a sure sign you have no logical argument when you start calling people names.

                  4. In the case of Solyndra . . . Kaiser was a Dhimmicrap Bag Man . . . he got back the 190 odd million he invested out of the 1/2 Billion Obummer gave him.
                    Thinking folks would call it Fraud !

                    1. Google is paying 97$ per hour! Work for few hours and have longer with friends & family! !mj114d:
                      On tuesday I got a great new Land Rover Range Rover from having earned $8752 this last four weeks.. Its the most-financialy rewarding I’ve had.. It sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it
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                2. This is just about the most moronic statement I have ever read. Congratulations. You keep your head in the sand at your own peril. I guess you hate humanity. Nice.

                  1. Nutty Hillary hated Khadaffi . . . from the 90s . . . and was instrumental in his demise. She had her Ambassador Stephens at Benghazi negotiating with the Turks to move weapons to the Syrian Rebels. That is why she left the 4 Americans to die . . . as they never told their story.
                    The Syrian Rebels became ISIS . . . who Obama called the JV Team as they marched into Iraq and took over much of the state.
                    Hence . . . Oby and Hillarious created ISIS . . . and are directly responsible for the Deaths of 10s of thousands.
                    You have to be an insane leftist marxist/progressive to spout the nonsense you spout. You keep referring to “Science” yet you post NONE ! ! !

                  2. Just calm down little snowflake. You just sit in the corner and color your coloring books and sip some hot cocoa while the adults fix the messes your little man- child president made

                  3. Ill explain the point for the uninformed. Science has to be uninfluenced by money and politics to be legitimate and accepted. If you want billtions of dollars of taxpayer money to support “climate change” policies, you will have to go back to the drawing board and start with unadulterated data, because we the people don’t accept the cat food that has been fed to us. Too much money has been made by the people tooting this theory. Your personal attacks don’t help your argument, they just force us into the closet… the closet trumpians fooled you all into believing you had it made in the shade, and Hillary thought she had a get out of jail free card. her time is coming.

                3. The Clinton’s behavior is pretty obviously utterly self-serving and pretty obviously in the realm of what would/should/could get “little people” into serious legal problems. What did the Clinton’s sell for their many millions other than access to US govt assets / influence. Don’t forget the petty crime of stealing the White House and Air Force One silverware and whatever else has been covered up plus renting out the Lincoln Bedroom. Shameless grfiters!.

                1. This is what they taught us in school: “Litterbug, litterbug, where is your pride? Making a mess of the countryside! Litterbug litterbug shame on you look at the terrible things you do!” I could no more throw a cup out of a car window, than I could drop garbage on my way from Mexico. Now in school the song is, “Can a *******a get a table dance.” And of course, thanks to Bill Clinton, B.J.’s in 7th grade. Thanks Bill!

              2. it’s more about money. They’re eyeballing hundreds of billions of dollars that will go to international organizations with no accountability to anyone.

                1. It costs billions of dollars in research to find sustainable energy sources that are clean. Or would you rather spend three trillion dollars on destroying Iraq? Between one project and the other, I would rather support science and industries that are struggling to prevent pollution, and make life on our only livable planet sustainable. Your keeping your head in the sand, and supporting vapid defenses is not helping, and you should be embarrassed to sound so stupid in public.

                  1. Lol. Is it even possible for a liberal to say anything without mentioning iraq. How about we not tax and than spend the money at all? Why throw it down the garbage chute of “clean energy”

                  2. I don’t remember us enticing Iraq to invade Kuwait, or do you forget how this mess started?
                    Like it or not, the weak rely on the strong. Who’s stronger than US? We couldn’t just sit there and watch Kuwait get gang raped. (Though the rest of the world was willing enough to sit on their hands)

                    1. “I don’t remember us enticing Iraq to invade Kuwait”

                      Of course you don’t… because our media didn’t tell us what was going on…

                      Western oil companies in Kuwait were draining Iraq’s oil reserves from underground. Kuwait owned a tiny sliver of a deposit that was primarily located under Iraq, and they were using that tiny sliver to drain the entire thing dry.

                      They were stealing Iraq’s oil.

                      …and, when Saddam Hussein brought the matter to the Arab League and OPEC, they rebuffed him.

                      That’s why he invaded.



                      The companies Mr. Morano works for are profoundly unethical. There is apparently no low to which they will not stoop…

                  3. We have enough oil for at least 100 years . . . enough natural gas for 200 years . . . . before we go that far down the road . . . some brilliant engineer will invent an economical replacement . . . and he will NOT work for the Government.
                    The Government gave us Solyndra, abandoned windmills and electric cars !

              3. Exactly…That is why they attacked CO2, The fourth building block of life…Decrease CO2 decrease life…I want to see these monsters set adrift on a raft in the middle of the ocean, maybe on Plastic Island…:)

                1. The scientists, in order to get grants must tow the global warming mantra. If they do not, no more grants, no feeding of family in any scientific field, and no life. the fact of the matter is, of course that this is all kick back money. It is the biggest industry in the world. Slamming big corporations with regulations with which they have no choice to cooperate.

                  1. So few understand the scientific community’s climate hustle. The only grant money available to challenge it come from industries under fire – the studies that result are automatically discounted, as well as they probably should be. Built on that is an enourmous political- commercial structure that collapses upon close inspection. All this so green weenies can feel good about themselves. The rest of us be damned.

                    1. It sounds like you think pollution is a good thing. It sounds like you are for poisons in the environment. Do you not realize that “regulations’ mean preventing big companies from pollution our lakes and rivers? Do you know who dirty our nation was before the EPA? Do you realize how many people die of cancer because of some of the most insidious pollutants that are poured into our air and water?

                      If Pruitt is allowed to run the EPA, we are fucked. He is a known lobbyist for the oil industry and he is currently suing the EPA on behalf of big business, so they can pollute OK. You think he cares one iota for the health of the citizens of OK? No, he does not. He is on the take from big business, and he is the Attorney General, whose job it is to defend laws, not sue the EPA. Putting Pruitt in charge of the EPA will lead to the poisoning of your backyard and mine, our rivers and our streams.

                      You must be against humanity. I guess you like the idea of pollution. Or maybe you are a big business troll…which I suspect most people on this page are….Paid trolls to support big oil and gas. Either that, or you are just another moron who thinks pollution is not dangerous.

                    2. Go back to your home in outer space you loon. You are nothing but a left wing nut conspiracy theorist. Since you hate Carbon Dioxide so much how about you put
                      a plastic bag over your head so you don’t cause any more ‘pollution’??

                    3. You seem to fucked already. Maybe you should join the elites and leave the country while you can?

                    4. Oh, the humanity of it all. I think I’ll spend my time worrying about terror cells in my community if I want to be miserable.

                  2. Are you also angry that doctors and chemists are given grants to find cures for disease? Your comment makes me think that you deny science at every level. Or are you actually for medicine, while denying that pollution is harmful?

                    Big corporations polluted our nation within an inch of its life before the EPA was founded by President Nixon. In fact, we are dying of cancer because of the toxins in our environment. Are you against humanity? Are you for illness? Sounds like it. You sound like an uneducated asshole. I hope your realize this.

                    1. Today . . . the USA is one of the cleanest countries on the planet . . .
                      You should go to China or India and spout . . . take Al the Goricle with you.
                      When you have Cleaned up those countries to our level TODAY . . . come back and we will talk.

                    2. Precisely. If Haiti had not completely deforested itself, they might fare as well as the Dominican Republic when naturally occurring hurricanes and rainstorms take place.

                    3. Dear Mongoloid,
                      You remind me of a girlfriend that I took out on my yacht one time for a swim out in the bay. She said, “It must be high tide the water is so deep.” Global Warming is a billion dollar industry designed to redistribute wealth. Nobody knows what the weather will be like in fifty days, never mind fifty years.

                    4. Think about it. How rediculous does it sound that liberals think man can actually affect the weather? Only god can do that but liberals will believe in global warming before god.

                      “Dear Mongoloid” Funny

                    5. Doctors and chemists are not interested in curing disease. They are only interested in “treating” disease. For example, Type II diabetes used to be called Adult Onset Diabetes because it used to take that long for our current American diet to destroy the pancreas. Now kids are getting Type Ii diabetes. Instead of coming out with more drug treaments for diabetes, doctors could educate patients on diet. There’s no money in that. Same with cancer. Sugar feeds cancer but oncologist still tell cancer patients they can eat anything while they are getting poison, i mean “treatment”.

                2. The only problem with that lie is Ernido that they only distribute the wealth to themselves. The “narrrative” is that it is to balance the poverty in “third world countries”. I live in a third world country. Since BHO took office in 2008 EVERYTHING has deteriorated just like in the US. They say that when the US sneezes we have a cold (lol). So forget the LIES about redistribution of wealth to the poorer nations and EYEBALL THE TRUTH — taking the money from people and putting it in their own coffers.

                3. Trump has a financial interest indirectly in the ND pipeline. He will soon be impeached as all of his entangled business crimes will be displayed. He doesn’t care about jobs…he cares only about himself and his gaudy gold tower….

                  1. Leftism is a mental illness characterized by deep self loathing, inability to see the truth, a desire to destroy anything good and decent, and a penchant for controlling others. We don’t care what the Left thinks or feels. We’ve been pushed around by you bullies for long enough. We’re pushing you evil cretins back into the dark, spider infested corners you slithered out of.

                  2. You are so correct, just this morning Green Peace has filed a lawsuit against Trump for Moving Arctic Ice into North Dakota simply to breakup the anti pipeline demonstrators….the joke is on him…many will stay until that Ice all Melts. This is a never ending mess as now Trump is again ordering up another round of sub zero weather for next week.

                  3. Kathy . . . you are aware why Obama was against Keystone XL . . . yes?
                    His major donor Warren Buffett has been hauling Baccan Oil for years on his railroad . . . he has made BILLIONS of dollars thanks to his benefactor Obama.
                    This is FACT . . . numerous oil spills have resulted, last one a few months back in Oregon . . . but the insane media ignored them all.
                    Entangled business crimes? Like ole Hillary taking money from 55% of those that got access to her State Dept . . . and she sold 3Xs the weapons to despots as did Bush.
                    There’s a whole world out there Kathy . . . perhaps you should join !

                    1. Typical Trumpster. Are we talking about Obama and Keystone? Stay focused dear….. Just like Trump/Conway change the subject when you don’t like what’s being asked or said. The President of the United States which I am so proud to say still is Barack Obama….on November 6th 2015, rejected the Keystone Pipeline system. In regards to question joining your world…. I’m proud to say I’m not a racist, bigot, bully and general all-around idiot! I’ll stay put in my normal world and we the MAJORITY, will make a huge change in 2020!

                    2. Obama delayed and delayed his decision until he was forced to make it and then it was purely a political financial decision. He he actually believed it would improve “climate change” he would have come to his conclusion much sooner.

                    3. You brought up the ND pipeline . . . MORON ! ! !
                      I merely told you the FACTS . . . something the insane left rarely relies upon.
                      You are a far-left loon . . . who believes the insane Klimate Alarmists like Al the Goricle . . . who has the biggest footprint on the planet.
                      If Gore actually believed his nonsense . . . would he have 3 homes, fly the planet in his emissions spouting jet and ride in limos . . . or would he set an example for the world to follow?
                      Obama is the worst president in US history . . . a dopy community organizer without a friggin clue !

                    4. Ed Begley Jr is about the only greenie who actually walks the walk. Still not buying into the scam though.

                    5. Ah yes, Alinsky on full display. When you lose the fight, just start name calling. Way to have a civil discussion!

                    6. You ARE a racist, and a homophobe. btw, you won’t even have a political party by 2020, get used to seeing America rebound….

                  4. Poor Kathy Gray, do you really believe that criminal racist Clinton or that grossly incompetent Obama give one whit about you? Either one of them would stand upon your neck smashing your face into the muck just to get a better angle in the mirror.

                    You’re 63 – surely you have lived long enough to realize what a sham the Democrat Party has become? They stopped being the working man’s party a long time ago, now they’re the modern day SS Party – Special Interests & Serfs. You’re either one of the elites at the party, or you’re one of the servants fetching their drinks.

                    No self-respecting woman could ever vote for Clinton and its disgusting she was the best the DNC could offer. She’s a racist, a criminal and a disgusting female who aided & abetted a serial predator for 25 years, covering Bill’s crimes and destroying any of his victims who dared to speak out.

                    I wasn’t a Trump fan when I voted for him, but his actions since winning the election have assured me America made the best decision possible on November 8th to save America from the gutting and plundering that is the Left, restore common sense and leave us be to earn our own money and live our lives with as little intrusion as possible.

                  5. that is hilarious. and who exactly will impeach him? great things are about to happen for this country. perhaps you should find a safe place to hide for 8 years.

              4. Well, if they shut down American industry and our economy that will certainly result in the death of tens of millions around the planet you rely on American dollars to keep them alive.

              5. You’re absolutely right! They want to take your guns away so you can’t resist, take your money away so you’ll be enslaved and take your speech away so you can’t complain about it. And those are just the lesser evils. The worst among them want to holocaust you as a sacrifice to Gaia. We’re dealing with evil dangerous people.

                    1. Sadly I have to respectfully disagree with you. Stupidity can be seen in some Leftists and some on the right. There are also quite a few very intelligent Leftists. Lots of them are doctors, lawyers, executives and teachers who are very high functioning. The common thread with ALL of them, however, is a propensity for intellectual dishonesty and self loathing/guilt. Intelligence does not stop someone from being mentally ill.

                1. The evil dangerous people are the paid trolls here, including you. You are cheap, overseas labor, paid to mislead the public, for big polluters. Congratulations. I hope your job pays well. We are on to you and your ploys. The only morons who can be convinced by your asinine comments are Americans, because Americans are the least educated first-world humans on the planet.

                1. How can you say that when you Trumpsters elected a man who could care less about you…screwed Carrier workers…..he is and was never for the little guy….sad people fell for that….

                  1. So who exactly is for the “little guy” on the Left? Hillary, who threatened her husband’s rape victims, allowed Us citizens to die in Benghazi, supports allowing every person in the world to hop on the welfare gravy train at the expense of mid class taxpayers and compromised America’s intelligence? Or maybe Obama who has caused Healthcare costs to skyrocket, allowed tens of thousands of “refugees” who subscribe to the ideology of destroying freedom to live amongst us, managed to get people including Brian Terry killed due to Fast and Furious? At risk of typing all day, let me summarize: social security, Medicare, Medicaid, welfare, micro aggressions, safe spaces, billions of $ and nukes to Iran, destroying our military, $20T in debt, endless rounds of golf (one even interrupted a service member’s wedding which he knew about but played through anyway being the selfish, hateful pr1ck he is), attacking and maligning whites…gosh the list of ways the Left destroys the “little guy” is endless.
                    I think you’re pointing your finger in the wrong direction.

                    1. You have the ability to recount all debunked scandals. Congratulations. You prove, yet again, how stupid the average American is. Don’t bother insulting me. I don’t give a crap what you have to say. My point is that you parrot the same bullshit so many idiots parrot. So you are not alone. Congratulations to FoxNews, Breitbart, and Alex Jones, for successfully dumbing down the nation.

                    2. No ONE dumbs down the nation like the NY Times, MSNBC, the alphabet media . . . they are ALL Fake News !
                      Ever wonder why the all have the same opinion and sing from the same book?
                      They are dominated by the insane far-left progressives/fascists!

                  2. What movie have you been watching Kathy?
                    Obama outspent every president from Washington to Bush 43 . . . ALL added together . . . did you life get better? Bet you luv your FREE ObyCare . . .
                    Did you know that the average life expectancy has DROPPED in the USA ?
                    Trump is the smartest person to occupy the WH in many decades . . . maybe since Washington !

                  3. You know Kathy, I never once got a job or paycheck from a “little guy” and no one I know has either. If the Government makes it hard on the “big guy”, you know, the one with the smarts to own and run a business, ALL the “little guys” suffer. You know… NO JOBS!! Dumb-dumb.

                    1. She thinks government gives us our things rather than take our things…typical leftist ie moron

              6. Yes – definitely part of the truth. The sad thing is you have insignificant little liberal lemmings living in their Mommy’s basement who eat this stuff up, and protest because they think it gives their lives some meaning. But don’t forget to follow the money too !

              7. This is about global carbon tax being funneled to the IMF, and on to the “Natural Conservatory Bank” – for a global money making scheme, with thanks to… wait for it… The Rothchilds!!!!

                1. Gistemp?

                  What is this? If this is a history of the world’s “average” temperature, then Peter Pan is the basic science of manned flight.

                  Make a graph and the idiots will believe it says something real.

                    1. What a gullible moron: “It’s a ‘CHART’ of the world’s average temperature and yes charts include graphs”

                      A “chart of the world’s average temperature” is not the same thing as “the world’s actual average temperature is it?”

                      The distinction is lost on gullible leftists like you.

                      Would you like to see a chart on how the standard of living has improved in Cuba since Castro took over; poor old faithful Fidel painted it up on his death bed. Micheal Moore has just endorsed it: “More communists prefer Cuba over any other Marxist paradise” the famous Marxist scientist has proclaimed.

                      97% of all Marxism scientists agree.

                      In Cuba they dine on ambrosia and drink nectar. (It turns out that to the commie gods, their ambrosia is cat shit and their nectar is Al Gore’s piss)

                    2. A “chart of the world’s average temperature” is not the same thing as “the world’s actual average temperature is it?” – SirGarath.

                      Are you trying to say that an average represents nothing physical. I.E. you can’t hold an average in your hand?

                      You can’t hold gravity in your hand either.

                      Is your argument then that Gravity doesn’t exist?

                      My goodness you are stupid.


                    3. Sure gravity exists shit-for-brains, its an omnipresent force in the universe.

                      Whats the “average” gravitational force of the universe shit-for-brains?

                      Give us the answer in fractional g’s, should be dead easy for “science”

                    4. So you think that gravity exists but temperature doesn’t.


                      You are quite the ignorant kook.

                    5. “Would you like to see a chart on how the standard of living has improved in Cuba since Castro took over” – Sirgarath

                      Why do you think that your personal political views have anything to do with the fact that adding CO2 to the atmosphere warms the surface of the earth?

                      Are you mentally ill?

                    6. You see, shit-for-brains, Marxism has a perfect correlation with global warming whereas CO2 has none,

                      Since you are the one proposing that correlation is causation, the science of Marxism made global warming is proven – Q.E.D.

                    7. “Marxism has a perfect correlation with global warming” – sirgarath

                      You are mentally ill boy. Have you seen a psychiatrist?


                    8. “Would you like to see a chart on how the standard of living has improved in Cuba since Castro took over” – Sirgarath

                      The American Embargo has done great damage to the Cuban Economy. Shame on America.

                    9. “A “chart of the world’s average temperature” is not the same thing as “the world’s actual average temperature is it?”” – sirgareth



                      Have you noticed that the ice caps are melting?

                      The following graphic depicting the melti is not the real ice caps.

                      Hahahahahahahahahaha… Stupid.. Stupid… Sirgareth.


                1. You are a slave to ignorance . . .
                  Last century the planet warmed about 1 degree . . . this century it is likely to warm about 1 degree . . . been doing that since the last ice age.
                  CO2 is plant food, .04% of the atmosphere and can warm nothing.
                  It is a scam . . . surface data is FAKE . . . NOAA measures less than 1/3 of the land mass . . . and guestimates the rest . . . that is NOT science!

                  1. Liar. Liar.. Pants on fire…

                    “this century it is likely to warm about 1 degree . . . been doing that since the last ice age. ” – DCW left coast

                    if this were the case then 12,000 years ago it would have been 120’C cooler than today and the world would have it’s atmosphere frozen to it’s surface as solid CO2 and Nitrogen.

                    So why do you feel a need to lie about such things?

                    Are you a moron?

                    1. That’s what the IPCC predicted . . . of course you didn’t believe them . . . lol
                      They also said Gorebull Warming “had taken an Hyatus” . . .
                      You have to be a special kind of stoooopid to believe your nonsense man!

                      Earth faces another ICE AGE within 15 YEARS as Russian scientists discover Sun ‘cooling’

                      At a news conference last week in Brussels, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, admitted that the goal of environmental activists is not to save the world from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalism.

                      We have been told now for almost three decades that man has to change his ways or his fossil-fuel emissions will scorch Earth with catastrophic warming. Scientists, politicians and activists have maintained the narrative that their concern is only about caring for our planet and its inhabitants. But this is simply not true. The narrative is a ruse. They are after something entirely different.

                      If they were honest, the climate alarmists would admit that they are not working feverishly to hold down global temperatures — they would acknowledge that they are instead consumed with the goal of holding down capitalism and establishing a global welfare state.

                      As reported on the Deplorable Climate Science Blog site; NOAA claimed record heat in numerous locations is September in Africa and the Middle East. This is a remarkable feat, given that they don’t have any actual thermometers in those regions. In fact, NOAA doesn’t have any thermometers on about half of the land surface. Satellite temperatures showed that September was close to normal in those regions which NOAA declared to be record hot. Not only is the land data fake, but much of the ocean data is fake too. The global surface temperature record is garbage. This is the 21st century, and it needs to be replaced by satellite temperatures which show little or no warming this century.

                    2. “That’s what the IPCC predicted . . ” – DCW left coast

                      “Earth faces another ICE AGE within 15 YEARS as Russian scientists discover Sun ‘cooling'” – Express

                      Your source of nonsense is a UK tabloid called the Express from which we can also learn the following concerning Aliens, UFO’s, Bigfoot and Buildings found on Mars.

                      “Snow pyramid discovery’ in Antarctic could change the course of HUMAN HISTORY” – Express

                      Roswell and Rendlesham alien mysteries LINKED – hieroglyphics ‘seen on BOTH “UFOs'” – Express

                      “Horror of the girl with 1000’s of ants living inside her head.” – Express

                      “Is this the gateway to Heaven? Startling discovery made by amateur rocket enthusiast.” – Express

                      “Towers of Mars. Three mile high buildings found in a row on the Red Planet.” – Express

                      “UFO photographed entering undersea base.” – Express

                      “PROOF OF ALIENS? Huge UFO skims surface of the Moon during live cam recording” – Express

                      “Another huge UFO seen gliding over the moon.” – Express

                      “TR-B31 Triangular UFO hounds couple after they return from Area 51” – Express

                      “Alien signals detected from outside of Milky Way Astronomers detect origin of new space sound.” – Express


                      No wonder your comments on Global warming are so stupid. You don’t have the capacity to distinguish between tabloid nonsense created to deceive you and the real world.

                      Shameful.. Truly Shameful…

                    3. The IPCC on page 37 in their last Summary said Warming had taken an Hyatus . . . . check it out loon.

                      I know it is complicated for your weak mind . . . but the Express merely reporting on what the Russian Scientists said . . . in no way makes the Russian Scientists responsible for everything else the Express might publish.

                      Anyone that has to “Believe” in gorebull warming must have a few missing screws, because they have been raving for over 25 years about this insanity . . . and have still not produced the REAL, Provable, Repeatable SCIENCE !

                    4. Liar… Liar.. Pants on fire…

                      “The IPCC on page 37 in their last Summary said Warming had taken an Hyatus” – DCW Left Coast

                      IPCC 2014 Summary for Policy makers.


                      Last page = page 31.

                      Keywords Hiatus and Pause, not found in that document.

                      “Express merely reporting on what the Russian Scientists said’ – DCW Left Coast

                      About UFO’s and the Martians.

                    5. Perhaps you should have actually looked at the document fool . . .

                      The United Nations Inter-governmental panel on climate change which cites 1998 to 2012 when it says in the UN IPCC technical briefing of 2013, page 37,

                      Despite the robust multi-decadal warming, there exists substantial inter-annual to decadal variability in the rate of warming, with several periods exhibiting weaker trends (including the warming hiatus since 1998) (Figure TS.1). The rate of warming over the past 15 years (1998–2012; 0.05 [–0.05 to +0.15] °C per decade) is smaller than the trend since 1951 (1951–2012; 0.12[0.08 to 0.14] °C per decade).

                      Did the Russian Scientists say anything about UFOs? Didn’t notice!
                      You have to be a special kind of stoooopid to think CO2 . . . merely .04% of the Atmosphere can warm anything. Isn’t Water Vapor the predominant GH gas . . . 95% of GA gasses? Do you think that might be a Clue?

                      Was there a time when the Klimate did NOT change? When was that?

                    6. “Perhaps you should have actually looked at the document fool . .” – DCW Left Coast
                      You mean I should look at a different document that you claimed. A document that isn’t the latest report as you had claimed, and a document with a different title than you had claimed?


                      The rate of warming over the past 15 years (1998–2012; 0.05 [–0.05 to +0.15] °C per decade)

                      And where is this Hiatus again? The warming trend from 1998 to 2012 was between 0’c and 0.2’C?

                      Through what torrent of stupidity do you conclude that a warming trend between 0 and 0.2’C is a zero warming?


                      “Did the Russian Scientists say anything about UFOs?” – DCW Left Coast

                      “Are aliens draining our solar energy? Images of monster UFOs circling Sun emerge” – Express

                      From the Express article

                      “Back about 10 years ago, two Russian scientists announced that they have found hundreds of UFOs orbiting Earth’s sun at any given moment in time.

                      “And that these UFOs can increase and decrease speeds for no reason, and that they can make sudden right turns at speeds that should be impossible, especially for a moon size UFO.


                    7. You’re f’ed in the head man . . . typical insane leftist “Believer” !

                      Not the same scientists fool . . . f’ed in the head ! ! !

                      Never seen a UFO . . . but I just bet you have !

                      SIMPLE EXPERIMENT . . . you too can be a scientist . . .

                      The following is a summary of the makeup of the earths’ atmosphere:

                      Imagine, if you will, viewing the atmosphere in “parts per million”. Using a vessel capable of holding 1 million equally sized grains of sand; the vessel content would be as follows:

                      Nitrogen – 76.55 % or 765,500 grains of sand. Color White
                      Oxygen – 20.54 % or 205,400 grains of sand. Color Pale Blue
                      Argon – .91 % or 9,100 grains of sand. Color Light Tan (sand)
                      These three gases make up 98% of the earths’ atmosphere; the remaining 2% are the so called “Greenhouse Gases”, without which we would freeze to death. Your vessel is now 98% full.

                      Next add:
                      Water Vapor – 1.95% or 19,500 grains of sand. Color Medium Blue.
                      CO2 – .038% or 380 grains of sand. Color Black (“it’s a terrible hazard to humans”- quote source the EPA)
                      Methane – .012% or 120 grains of sand. Color Dark Blue – (the methane number will include miscellaneous gases that are too small to measure here).

                      Your vessel is now full!

                      Now, of the 380 grains of Black sand that represent CO2, 364.8 (96%)are introduced to the atmosphere “naturally”- volcanoes, sea floor expansion, wet lands, etc., the remaining 15.2 grains (4%) represent mankind’s contribution to CO2 in the atmosphere. This, of course, assumes that mankind is not a “natural” entity in the makeup of life on earth.

                      The 15.2 grains of Black sand are the complete volume of CO2 attributed to GLOBAL Human Activity. As industrious as the U.S has been let’s assume that we are responsible for 25% of the human contribution of atmospheric CO2 (total of 1% of the CO2 in the atmosphere). Therefore, we would be responsible for 3.8 grains of Black sand in the vessel.

                      In order to correct this terrible injustice to the earth we would have to eliminate all manufacturing, all food processing, any and all industry. Business such as hotels, restaurants, bakeries, yes even “government”; shut down every plane, train, bus, motor home, SUV, and PRIUS. Homes would have to go unheated and ALL of the 300 million people in the United States would have to Stop Breathing!!!!, which renders all conditions above moot. Once all of this is accomplished you can remove 3.8 grains of Black Sand from your vessel. (Removal of the 3.8 grains assumes you are the last man standing.)

                      California being what it is, if the rest of the country is unwilling to participate, then California can forge ahead on its’ own. Therefore, with the size of the California population being about 10% of the nation as a whole, once all California industry is eliminated and all residence Stop Breathing, you can remove .38 (POINT 38) grains of Black Sand from your vessel. The .38 grains would likely be offset with Dark Blue grains of sand from all of the methane emitted from the dead bodies after breathing stops.

                      I hope this has put the issue in a usable perspective for you. Introduce “SOUND SCIENCE” to the nation, perhaps we can move forward with a logical approach and eliminate some of the misguided and damaging legislation that is currently being proposed in this country for an absolute farce. Maybe then we get get some of our industry back from overseas and regan our natyions prospertiy.

                      Source of Gas percentages:

                    8. “Not the same scientists fool . . .” – DCW Left Coast

                      None of them are “scientists”, moron, the tabloid calling itself the “Express” just makes up bullshit like stories about ancient aliens, bigfoot and Martian skyscrapers 3 miles high, to keep morons like you believing in nonsense.

                      That fact just keeps passing right through your tiny, tiny, uneducated brain, undetected.

                      LOL. You will always be a moron.

                    9. Why don’t you write the Scientists and explore the issue further . . . idiot ?

                      At least they have names, unlike the “Warmist” stories that regularly say “Scientists Believe” . . . lol

                      Just post the real science that proves AGW . . . bet you can’t ! ! !

                    10. “Just post the real science that proves AGW . . . bet you can’t ! ! !” – DCW Left Coast

                      Science will never be able to teach newton’s laws to a bacteria.

                      The same is true when it comes to educating the willfully ignorant like you, and for the same reason.


                    11. Deflect, deflect and deflect some more . . .

                      YOU have zero science . . . merely “Belief” and “Scare” . . . you are bat-chit krazy man . . .

                      Some more facts on CO2 . . . ALL proven Science . . .

                      We know that there are two very different mechanisms that drive dynamics of CO2 exchange between air-water and air-biomass and therefore there is no such thing as global levels of CO2. Levels of CO2 above the water mass, covering 70% of the Earth surface is controlled by solubility of CO2 in water which is solely driven by temperature; while levels of CO2 above the biomass that covers most of the land surfaces is solely driven and controlled by photosynthesis.

                      We know that the only way to know exact numbers about CO2 concentrations above the water and biomass surfaces is to measure them at the surface levels, which we do not do, and therefore use of CO2 levels measured at a single point on the globe and at 4000 meters altitude (Mauna Loa Observatory, MLO, at Hawaii) represents one of the most miss-used high accuracy dataset in the history of modern science.

                      We know that the total emissions/reabsorption of CO2 by nature makes emissions of CO2 by burning fossil fuels totally insignificant and lost in the instrumental accuracy levels.

                      We know that the levels of CO2 that we live amidst in our everyday lives have nothing in common with the observed CO2 levels at MLO based at an altitude of 4000 meters above sea level.

                      We know that there is no difference between CO2 levels accurately measured 200 years ago and last year – they all go up and down depending when and where you measure them.

                      We know that there is no possible correlation between CO2 levels dissolved in water in its liquid state and CO2 levels found in ice, i.e. water in its solid state.

                      We know that it is CO2 that makes major contribution to the width of tree rings. So, no CO2 means no tree rings and no life.

                    12. LOL. Tens of thousands of peer review papers in the scientific press confirming that the globe is warming, and you claim….

                      “YOU have zero science . . . merely “Belief” and “Scare” . . . you are bat-chit krazy man . . .” – DCW Left Coast

                      Hahahahah…. You are mentally ill Boy.


                    13. You are fantizing again loon . . . Jones was the gatekeeper . . . the FIX was in right from the start . . . where is all this Gorebull Warming?
                      Wasn’t New York to be flooded by today and the Arctic Ice Free 4 years ago?

                      Are all these REAL Scientists wrong ? ? ?

                      Not that the fascist, anti-science left would actually have the intellectual honesty to review this, but here are peer reviewed scientists – in their own words – on the scam of BIG GREEN MONEY global warming: (sorry for the bad line breaks, but from a 400 page paper I did on the scam)(author)

                      “Since I am no longer affiliated with any organization nor receiving any funding, I can speak quite frankly….As a scientist I remain skeptical.” – Atmospheric Scientist Dr. Joanne Simpson, the first woman in the world to receive a PhD in meteorology and formerly of NASA who has authored more than 190 studies and has been called “among the most preeminent
                      scientists of the last 100 years.”

                      “Inevitably in climate science, when data conflicts with models, a small coterie of scientists can be counted upon to modify the data…That the data should always need correcting to agree with models is totally implausible and indicative of a certain corruption within the climate science community.” Dr. Richard Lindzen, MIT

                      Warming fears are the “worst scientific scandal in the history…When people come to know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists.” – UN IPCC Japanese Scientist Dr. Kiminori Itoh, an award-winning PhD environmental physical chemist.

                      “The IPCC has actually become a closed circuit; it doesn’t listen to others. It doesn’t have open minds… I am really amazed that the Nobel Peace Prize has been given on scientifically incorrect conclusions by people who are not geologists,” – Indian geologist Dr. Arun D. Ahluwalia at Punjab University and a board member of the UN-supported International Year of the

                      “Creating an ideology pegged to carbon dioxide is a dangerous nonsense…The present alarm on climate change is an instrument of social control, a pretext for major businesses and political battle. It became an ideology, which is concerning.” – Environmental Scientist Professor Delgado Domingos of Portugal, the founder of the Numerical Weather Forecast group, has more than 150 published articles.

                      “The models and forecasts of the UN IPCC “are incorrect because they only are based on mathematical models and presented results at scenarios that do not include, for example, solar activity.” – Victor Manuel Velasco Herrera, a researcher at the Institute of Geophysics of the National Autonomous University of Mexico

                      “It is a blatant lie put forth in the media that makes it seem there is only a fringe of scientists who don’t buy into anthropogenic global warming.” – U.S Government Atmospheric Scientist Stanley B. Goldenberg of the Hurricane Research Division of NOAA.

                      “Even doubling or tripling the amount of carbon dioxide will virtually have little impact, as water vapour and water condensed on particles as clouds dominate the worldwide scene and always will.” – . Geoffrey G. Duffy, a professor in the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering of the University of Auckland, NZ.

                      “After reading [UN IPCC chairman] Pachauri’s asinine comment [comparing skeptics to] Flat Earthers, it’s hard to remain quiet.” – Climate statistician Dr. William M. Briggs, who specializes in the statistics of forecast evaluation, serves on the American Meteorological Society’s Probability and Statistics Committee and is an Associate Editor of Monthly Weather Review. (Note: there really IS a Flat Earth Society, at http://www.theflatearthsociety…, whose president Danieel Shenton, thinks “the evidence suggests fossil fuel usage is contributing to global warming.” (See So much for Obama’s comment that “We don’t have time for a meeting of the Flat Earth Society.”

                      “For how many years must the planet cool before we begin to understand that the planet is not warming? For how many years must cooling go on?” – Geologist Dr. David Gee the chairman of the science committee of the 2008 International Geological Congress who has authored 130 plus peer reviewed papers, and is currently at Uppsala University in Sweden.

                      “Gore prompted me to start delving into the science again and I quickly found myself solidly in the skeptic camp…Climate models can at best be useful for explaining climate changes after the fact.” – Meteorologist Hajo Smit of Holland, who reversed his belief in man-made warming to become a skeptic, is a former member of the Dutch UN IPCC committee.

                      “Many [scientists] are now searching for a way to back out quietly (from promoting warming fears), without having their professional careers ruined.” – Atmospheric physicist James A. Peden, formerly of the Space Research and Coordination Center in Pittsburgh.

                      “Creating an ideology pegged to carbon dioxide is a dangerous nonsense…The present alarm on climate change is an instrument of social control, a pretext for major businesses and political battle. It became an ideology, which is concerning.” – Environmental Scientist Professor Delgado Domingos of Portugal, the founder of the Numerical Weather Forecast group, has more than 150 published articles.


                      This is all so silly when the facts are so simple:

                      CO2 is a “trace gas” in air and is insignificant by definition. It absorbs 1/7th as much IR, heat energy, from sunlight per molecule as water vapor which has 188 times as many molecules capturing 1200 times as much heat producing 99.8% of all “global warming.” CO2 does only 0.2% of it. For this we should destroy our economy, starve the world, cause hunger, riots and wars?

                      There is no “greenhouse effect” in an atmosphere. A greenhouse has a solid, clear cover trapping heat. The atmosphere does not trap heat as gas molecules cannot form surfaces to work as greenhouses that admit and reflect energy depending on sun angle. Gases do not form surfaces as their molecules are not in contact.

                      The Medieval Warming from 800 AD to 1300 AD Micheal Mann erased for his “hockey stick” was several Fahrenheit degrees warmer than anything “global warmers” fear. It was 500 years of world peace and abundance, longest ever.

                      Vostock Ice Core data analysis show CO2 rises followed temperature by 800 years 19 times in 450,000 years. Therefore temperature change is cause and CO2 change is effect. This alone refutes the anthropogenic global warming hypothesis.

                      Methane is called “a greenhouse gas 20 to 500 times more potent than CO2,” by Heidi Cullen and Jim Hansen, but it is not per the energy absorption chart at the American Meteorological Society. It has an absorption profile very similar to nitrogen which is classified “transparent” to IR, heat waves and is only present to 18 ppm. “Vegans” blame methane in cow flatulence for global warming in their war against meat consumption.

                      Carbon combustion generates 80% of our energy. Control and taxing of carbon would give the elected ruling class more power and money than anything since the Magna Carta of 1215 AD.

                      Most scientists and science educators work for tax supported institutions. They are eager to help government raise more money for them and they love being seen as “saving the planet.”

                      Read the whole story in “Vapor Tiger” at, Kindle $2.99 including a free Kindle reading program for your computer.

                      This report was from The Washington Post, November 2, 1922 – 93 years ago:

                      “The Arctic Ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from the Consulate at
                      Bergen, Norway. Reports from fishermen, seal hunters, and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone. Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes. Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the gulf stream still very warm. Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones, the report continued, while at many points well-known glaciers have
                      entirely disappeared. Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic, while vast shoals of herring and smelts, which have never before ventured so far north, are being encountered in the old seal fishing grounds. Within a few years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make most coastal cities uninhabitable.”

                    14. Liar.. Liar.. Pants on fire…
                      “We know that there are two very different mechanisms that drive dynamics of CO2 exchange between air-water and air-biomass and therefore there is no such thing as global levels of CO2” – DCW Left Coast

                      Hahahahahaha… And yet direct measurement of atmospheric CO2 levels from all around the world show that CO2 levels in clean air are essentially the same no matter where the levels are sampled.

                      Here is the data plotted on the same graph from Co2 observations taken at 11 different observation stations located all over the globe.

                      The overlap in the mean is nearly perfect.

                    15. Liar.. Liar.. Pants on fire…

                      “therefore use of CO2 levels measured at a single point on the globe” – Darko Butina

                      CO2 measurements are taken from multiple sites that are scattered all around the world.

                      And the mean of the measurements taken all over the world are practically identical.

                      LOL! Donnie Darko is almost as stupid as you,

                      And that is hard to do.


                    16. “Never seen a UFO . . . but I just bet you have !” – DCW Left Coast

                      UFO sightings and abductions are primarily seen in the Southern U.S. where Conservative hicks use the to explain why they have soiled they chronically soil their underpants.

                      It’s the constant rectal probing.


                    17. Liar.. Liar.. Pants on fire…

                      “Nitrogen – 76.55 % or 765,500 grains of sand. Color White
                      Oxygen – 20.54 % or 205,400 grains of sand. Color Pale Blue” – DCW Left Coast

                      Those are the optical colours of Nitrogen and Oxygen in their liquid state at 1 atmosphere. They are transparent to all optical and infrared frequencies in their gaseous state.

                      So you can take that 97% of the atmosphere in your experiment and make it completely invisible.

                      LOL. You are spectacularly ignorant, as always.

                    18. liar..Liar.. Pants on fire…

                      “Argon – .91 % or 9,100 grains of sand.” – DCW Left Coast

                      Argon has approximately the same solubility as oxygen and it is 2.5 times as soluble in water as nitrogen . This chemically inert element is colorless and odorless in both its liquid and gaseous forms. It is not found in any compounds.

                      Read more:

                      LOL. Like all Republians you live to lie.

                    19. ‘These three gases make up 98% of the earths’ atmosphere; the remaining 2% are the so called “Greenhouse Gases”, without which we would freeze to death. Your vessel is now 98% full.” – DCW Left Coast

                      Yup and that 98% of the atmosphere is invisible (transparent).

                      So whatever radiation is trapped by the atmosphere is trapped by the remaining 2 percent.

                      LOL. You are scientifically illiterate.

                    20. “Water Vapor – 1.95% or 19,500 grains of sand. Color Medium Blue.” – DCW Left Coast

                      The 2% of the trace gasses that constitute the atmosphere, account for almost 100% of the heat retention of the earth’s lower atmosphere and surface.

                      Without those gasses. The Earth’s temperature would be similar to that of the moon, and would fall to almost -270’C every night.

                      LOL. You might have noticed that that doesn’t happen. Then again, you are such a moron that you might not have noticed.


                    21. Liar.. Liar.. Pants on fire…

                      “the remaining 15.2 grains (4%) represent mankind’s contribution to CO2 in the atmosphere.” – DCW Left Coast

                      Man’s contribution to the CO2 content of the atmosphere is to have raised it from around 270 ppmv to the current 400 ppvm. This is an increase of 48%. and an increase in the atmospheric fraction of CO2 in the atmosphere of .016 ppmv.

                      But since 98% of the earth’s atmosphere is transparent, it represents an increase of in the coloured components of the atmosphere by about 1 percent.

                      LOL. My goodness you are a scientifically illiterate Moron.

                    22. Liar.. Liar.. Pants on fire…

                      “In order to correct this terrible injustice to the earth we would have to eliminate all manufacturing” – DCW Left Coast

                      Awwww. You ain’t gonna be able to manufacture garbage that is designed to fail to be sold to morons like you who don’t know any better.


                      In fact manufacturing is occurring now powered via renewable emery that is not increasing the CO2 content of the atmosphere.

                      It is quite amusing that your argument is that global warming can’t be happening because you have some imagined fantasy about what the reality of that warming will do to the economy.

                    23. “I hope this has put the issue in a usable perspective for you.” – DCW Left Coas

                      LOL! Ya it did. You just proved yourself to be scientifically illiterate and a congenital liar.

                    24. Your an idiot.

                      1900 – A Swede, Knut Angstrom, discovers that even at the tiny concentrations found in the atmosphere, CO2 strongly absorbs parts of the infrared spectrum. Although he does not realize the significance, Angstrom has shown that a trace gas can produce greenhouse warming.

                      “The ability of certain trace gases to be relatively transparent to incoming visible light from the sun, yet opaque to the energy radiated from the earth is one of the best understood processes in the atmospheric sciences.”

                    25. “Your an idiot.”
                      You’re an idiot.

                      That my not so civil troll is what they call irony.

                    26. “Anyone that has to “Believe” in gorebull warming must have a few missing screws” – DCW left coast

                      But someone who uses a tabloid that reports on UFO’s apparitions and bigfoot, is smarter than all of the world scientists whom he disagrees with.

                      LOL. You are quite the petulant moron.

                    27. Perhaps you should have read a little on the loon that created the IPCC . . . Maurice Strong . . . he believed in lots of crazy stuff !

                      He is even Krazier than Al Gore . . . lol

                      The Very Important Person is Canadian multimillionaire Maurice Strong, a former under-secretary general of the United Nations, executive director of the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), chairman of the UN’s Rio Earth Summit in 1992, and a person who is working as diligently as he can with his mystic second wife Hanne [née Marstrand] to help create a New Earth-Friendly Religion.

                      More AGW Fraud . . .
                      “It is an indication of how science is gradually being influenced by political views. The reality hasn’t been keeping up with the [computer] models. Therefore, if people are proposing to do major changes to the world’s economic system we must have much more solid information.” —Climate Change apostate, Professor Lennart Bengtsson

                      “Pay no attention to the man behind that curtain!” —Eco-religionists and power-hungry politicians, in unison.

                      I will keep pounding the podium, and saying it over and over: This whole Global Warming/Climate Change agenda is political and economic, and has very little to do with real science. There is no crisis!

                      From the Global Warming Policy Foundation: “Scientists in Cover-Up of ‘Damaging’ Climate View.”

                      In an echo of the infamous “Climategate” scandal at the University of East Anglia, one of the world’s top academic journals rejected the work of five experts after a reviewer privately denounced it as “harmful”.

                      Lennart Bengtsson, a research fellow at the University of Reading and one of the authors of the study, said he suspected that intolerance of dissenting views on climate science was preventing his paper from being published. “The problem we now have in the climate community is that some scientists are mixing up their scientific role with that of a climate activist,” he added.

                      Professor Bengtsson’s paper challenged the finding of the UN’s Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that the global average temperature would rise by up to 4.5C if greenhouse gases in the atmosphere were allowed to double.

                      It suggested that the climate might be much less sensitive to greenhouse gases than had been claimed by the IPCC in its report last September, and recommended that more work be carried out “to reduce the underlying uncertainty”.

                      The five contributing scientists, from America and Sweden, submitted the paper to Environmental Research Letters, one of the most highly regarded journals, at the end of last year but were told in February that it had been rejected.

                      A scientist asked by the journal to assess the paper under the peer review process wrote that he strongly advised against publishing it because it was “less than helpful”.

                      The unnamed scientist concluded: “Actually it is harmful as it opens the door for oversimplified claims of ‘errors’ and worse from the climate sceptics media side.”

                      Professor Bengtsson resigned from the advisory board of Lord Lawson of Blaby’s climate sceptic think-tank this week after being subjected to what he described as McCarthy-style pressure from fellow academics.

                      The world was created to be much more resilient than these climate-bloviators want to admit. There is a proper place for earth-care, but practically everything out of the Climate Change movement has nothing to do with it.


                    28. Liar.. Liar.. Pants on fire.

                      It is an indication of how science is gradually being influenced by political views. The reality hasn’t been keeping up with the [computer] models.

                      The computer models don’t predict weather. They are designed to average away weather and produce measures of climate that have a minimum duration of 30 years.

                      Even so, they are doing a remarkable job of predicting the Earth’s temperature as the following graphic shows.


                    29. “Professor Bengtsson resigned from the advisory board of Lord Lawson of Blaby’s climate sceptic think-tank this week” – DCW Left Coast

                      Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww……. LOL

                      “Later that day, Professor Bengtsson issued a statement that “I do not believe there is any systematic ‘cover-up’ of scientific evidence on climate change or that academics’ work is being ‘deliberately suppressed’, as the Times front page suggests.”



                  2. “CO2 is .04% of the atmosphere and can warm nothing. ” – DCW left coast

                    The average temperature of the earth is about 400’C above absolute zero.

                    .04% of 400 = 0.16’C

                    So at a minimum we can expect 0.16’C of warming from a doubling of CO2.

                    But in reality the value is about ten times larger because the primary components of the the atmosphere, nitrogen and Oxygen are transparent to Infared Radiation. So CO2 plays a much larger roll in keeping the earth’s surface insulated than it’s simple proportion would indicate.

                    When you learn how to add and subtract this will be obvious to you.

              8. Funny how every crisis, real or imagined, always has the same solution:
                Societal Control.

                When the only tool you have is a hammer, every crisis, real or imagined, looks like a nail.

            1. I agree with most of what you posted. However, regarding using oil, it would be great to get most of it from NA and forget supporting the awful ME regimes, it is a global market and as long as private companies are developing oil resources, they are going to put it on the global market to get the best price. So the gov’t would have to force NA companies into some kind of regional marketplace and I don’t think we want that for many reasons. So I think the energy independence thing is kind of not really a realistic possibility given the nature of world markets. It would be good to support North American energy development so that we could be independent if the world situation deteriorated.

              1. I was in the oil drilling business here in Texas. I do not understand why we need one drop of oil from outside the USA. With the new huge oil/gas discovery in Texas and allowing new refineries to be built we can easily be energy independent. Drain the swamp and it can be done

                1. I’ll paste from above why; :)…We (the use Mid East oil because if we weren’t, another country e.g.- China, India or Russia would have that access. It’s a strategic move and well thought out when you consider the alternatives…We now have operations, with OUR people in those countries…Trust me when I suggest, the Man, makes NO mistakes…Everything has a purpose. And, as an American and student of big Oil for decades…I hope that we stop using it and collapse those scumbags in Dubai…They were capping wells in Prudhoe and north slope Alaska in the 90’s because we have TOO much oil. That area has enough oil to run the world forever…As I am sure you know, if you follow mining reports, texas wells, once thought run out are now refilling.

                  1. I agree with you as I understand the political aspects behind it, however, we the tax payers, we the Americans are being drained in our balance of trade for it. If we were to free up our energy sources we could supply the free world with their needs.
                    By the way, the new Texas find can supply the USA its entire needs for 20 to 30 years. There are energy fields in Ohio, Penn, W. Virgina and who knows where else.
                    Peak Oil equals BS

                    1. Peak oil is indeed bullshit and I wish we had a say so in how our energy sources are distributed but, unfortunately, we are just slaves (legally) on the Federal Plantation…We no sooner have a say so in oil policy than we do on Pentagon spending…

                2. The Marcellus in the eastern U.S. is one of the largest gas fields in the world. If we would fast track LNG facilities on the east coast we could export gas to Europe and the resulting windfall would be a tremendous boost to the economies of the Pennsylvania and West Virginia. If New York doesn’t want to participate, the taxpayers of that state might disagree with their foolish political leaders. Presently new LNG (liquefied natural gas) facilities are meeting resistance from the federal and local governments and losing massive opportunities to create wealth in those states, not to mention the federal government. And the environmental interests should be happy since natural gas is a very clean energy source.

              2. I’ll give you a different perspective as a USAF vet…We (the use ME oil because if we weren’t, another country e.g.- China, India or Russia would have that access. It’s a strategic move and well thought out when you consider the alternatives…We now have operations, with OUR people in those countries…Trust me when I suggest, the Man, makes NO mistakes…Everything has a purpose.

                1. Large American oil companies, supported by our government decided that they would focus on the world’s largest remaining reserves because huge companies need opportunities of that scale to ‘move their needle’. Smaller oil companies that have stayed in the domestic search for energy resources have transformed our energy resource base by the introduction of new technologies and concepts. These companies have ushered us into an age of energy independence and the possibility of becoming a major exporter of fossil fuels, thereby providing a huge boost to our domestic economy. If we would simply take care of our own business here in America it would matter far less what other countries do. Our fixation with the Middle East was predicated entirely on the assumption that we needed their production. That is no longer the case and they have less leverage as a result. You have a point as it relates to what we have done in the past, but fortunately we no longer have to worry about such things,

                  1. I don’t want to offend you but…You really don’t have a clue…It sounds good what you are stating, but it may as well be an NPR controlled opposition piece… if you think fuels are fossil, it is evidence that you really don’t have a clue…

                    You have never owned, nor most likely will you ever, own a business nor understand Macro-economics…There is an axiom in business; “expand or die”…Mr. Rockefeller, who knew a bit about business said; Competition is a sin. That is why Standard Oil bought every oil company it could and were in the mid east in the 30’s, bribing, fooling, stealing or coupling with those that owned the land where the oil is…It’s just business. There is no fixation and YOU are not “WE”…”We” aka “them” dba USA co. inc. … “They” didn’t go to the mid east because “They” needed to or were worried about depleting inventory…”They” went to steal it from the A-rabs…Most likely funded and logistically supplied by the as yet to be formed Israel…:)…Veritas vos liberabit.

                    1. I have 39 years in the industry. I have formed several of my own companies in the search for oil and gas. You can disagree all you want but I damned well know what I am talking about. You are boorish and pretentious. I don’t have time for you.

                    2. Do you? Then how come you think oil is a fossil fuel? I may be “pretentious” but at least I know what I’m talking about…~smirk!

            2. I agree with you. The left tends to go overboard to the like climate change. In fact, it gets to the point that it looks like the hysterics of chicken little. Now they are monitoring the farts of cows because of the omission they give out. For pete sakes, what will these environmentalist think of next?

            3. I can buy into climate change as the climate has been changing for thousands of years. There was a minor ice age in the 13th century, long before the advent of SUVs. As Dennis Miller said ‘I want clean water and clean air other than that don’t let the solar windmill hit your a$$ on the way out’

              1. Google HAARP and geo-engineering. You’ll get your answer. I live in an island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and children are dropping down with asthama attacks. GO FIGURE.

              2. They are spraying a gas that makes people believe they are spraying gases. One needs only to confirm that the rest of us are all wearing our gas masks; haven’t you seen us?

            4. Savage and intolerant Middle Easterners, to be sure–but regardless of how much oil we produce, they will always have a market, that’s just an economic reality.
              A more strategic solution is to pump all of their oil out of the ground we possibly can, as quickly as possible, to literally empty that well. That’s the only way to end their income. When all their oil is gone, THEN we can ramp up domestic production.

            5. I agree. Man is capable of fouling his surroundings, but also capable of cleaning up. However, man is NOT capable of controlling Mother Nature which includes the Sun, oceans, eruptions, etc. So if indeed the climate is changing, it is for the most part, out of our hands.

                1. There is no such thing as the “average” temperature of the Earth and you could not even give a definition of what it consists of.

                  Try this on: What is the “average” speed of the world’s automobiles since 1900?

                  How would you define it ?

                  What would it mean?

                  How would you reconstruct it?

                  I could pose at least 100 issues that make the entire question nonsensical

                  Now try this: The “average” temperature of the Earth or its reconstruction is billions of times more complex then mine yet equally meaningless.

                    1. There are of course all kinds of averages, there is a mean, a mode, and a median. In addition there are effective averages and root means squared averages. Moreover all types averages can be distributed over spacial or temporal distributions. Finally for continuous functions all types of averages can be sampling averages or fully integrated averages. Which combination of averages and methods are appropriate for measuring the “average” temperature of the planet?

                      Here, try a simple one first, what’s the method for finding “average” value in all three dimensions


                    2. “Which combination of averages and methods are appropriate for measuring the “average” temperature of the planet?” – Sigrarath

                      If you were not an lazy, ignorant, fool you would have lifted a finger and found out. How many decades have you been procrastinating, and content with your ignorance?

                      In assessing weather the earth is warming or not is a metric that increases as global temperature increases. The metric chosen is a weighted average surface temperature, which is taken to be sum over_all_regions (region_area * temperature)/ total area.

                      This metric converges to T when T is constant over the entire surface of the earth, and is a discrete approximation to the integrated average over a surface as defined by physicists using calculus.

                      The limit of the above summation equals the integral average of the surface.


                    3. It all sounds so simple to a simpleton shit-for-brains. The “experts” (armies of shit-for-brains, like you) tell us that global warming doesn’t really “warm the globe” which on its face is a bullshit statement and its not really possible to tell which localities are exempt from its wrath.

                      Thus New York City can experience really bad “global warming” while Albany 100 miles away can be totally exempt from “global warming” over the same centuries.

                      Now if we “average” 1000 thermometers from New York City with one from Albany and the “average” of the 1000 from New York indicate the globe has warmed 5 degrees F and Albany has stayed the same over the same century, just how much will the globe have warmed using these 1001 thermometers as a proxy for global temperature rise over the last century ?

                      You can use addition, multiplication, long division, differential or integral calculus. You can write a 10,000 line hunk of bullshit Fortran code or even use a spread sheet. Its not that hard.

                      Just tell me to a precision of 0.01 degrees (like the “experts” do) how much the globe has warmed over the last century using these two cities as a proxy for “global warming”

                      I’ll await your answer shit-for-brains

                    4. “The “experts” (armies of shit-for-brains, like you) ” – SirGareth

                      Otherwise known as trained scientists. But Sirgareth with his less than grade 5 education knows better than all of them. Cause he be da smardtested…

                      Hahahahahahahahaha…. Stupid…Stupid.. Stupid, mentally ill child….


                      “Thus New York City can experience really really really bad “global warming” ” – sirgareth

                      Hay Moron. LOL! Have you noticed that Global warming is.. you know… Global.

                      You do know what the word “Global” means don’t you?


                    6. “what’s the method for finding “average” value in all three dimensions” – Sirgirath

                      P (x,y) is forms a scalar field over the surface (x,y)

                      The average over the region a<=x<=b :: c<=y<=d is

                      Average = Integral from a to b ( integral from c to d (P*d(area)))/total area

                      The initial conditions are set so that when P=0 for all x,y, then the Average(P) = 0.


                      Melting Ice Caps.

                    1. RE: The average speed is indeterminate due to a lack of information.”

                      Hey, you accidentally stumbled onto something that’s true.

                      How much “information” is required to “average” the thermal energy of every molecule of planet earth?

                      By the way any proper measurement of average heat content is measured in joules, not degrees. There is a huge difference, but this simple fact may be lost on you.

                      If its not the average heat content of the entire planet, then which subset of its molecules are included in “average ‘heat content’ of the Earth” be precise.

                      Next what are the appropriate spacial and temporal sampling sizes and areas and the error bars associated with each. Be specific and show your math.

                      Otherwise you are just another echo chamber for bullshit.

                    2. “Hey, you accidentally stumbled onto something that’s true.” – Sigareth

                      I am not responsible for your ignorance.

                      You are.

                    3. “How much “information” is required to “average” the thermal energy of every molecule of planet earth?” – Sigrarath

                      What makes you think that you need to know the energy of every particle on earth to have a measure of the earth’s temperature?

                      Must you know the energy of every particle in your house to know it’s temperature? Do you need to know the energy of every molecule in your body to know your body temperature?

                      Are you trying to argue that temperature is an invalid concept because you think that an objects temperature can only be measured by measuring the energy of every molecule in that object?

                      Do you think that thermometers are some kind of conspiracy?


                      My goodness you are ignorant of basic science.

                    4. Hey shit for brains, I have three thermometers in my house and a set back thermostat. The temperature varies several degrees C from room to room and hour to hour.

                      How is the “average” temperature” of my house figured shit-for-brains.

                    5. “I have three thermometers in my house” – sirgareth

                      Good for you. Maybe next year you will get some running water and a flush toilet.

                    6. “The temperature varies several degrees C from room to room and hour to hour.

                      How is the “average” temperature” of my house figured shit-for-brains.”

                      LOL. You are now confusing measurement error and temporal variance with an average value.

                      When fools make measurements they often fail as you have done.

                      When scientists take measurements they include error bars.

                      In your case you have stumbled upon the error in your measurements but were too ignorant of what to do to include them.

                      In your case the temperature of your house is t += 2′.

                      If you were smart you would do a statistical analysis of the error in order to characterize it. Compute the standard deviation, ensure that it is normally distributed, look at some residuals etc.

                      But given that you have a grade 4 level of comprehension of simple averages, you clearly don’t have the brain power to do any of that.

                      You is Dumber than a sack of door knobs.

                    7. RE: “When scientists take measurements they include error bars.”

                      What are the error bars for the “average global temperature” for calendar year 1850?

                      (I’m assuming its not another interval, and wonder why Jan 1 is arbitrarily assumed to be the “right” date to begin such intervals – must be in deference to the god Janus.)

                      How are the error bars calculated shit-for-brains, show us the math.

                      RE” “In your case the temperature of your house is t += 2′”

                      What the hell shit-for-brains,

                      Adding 2 to some unassigned “t” arrives at the “average” temperature of my house???

                      What the hell are talking about shit-for-brains,

                      Normally real physics and real math do not employ programming language shorthand operator notation. I assume you really meant t = t +2 which is not as obtuse as your shit-for-a-brain.

                    8. “why Jan 1 is arbitrarily assumed to be the “right” date to begin such intervals” – sirgareth

                      The month over which averaging starts is not relevant of course. Laughable that that fact confuses you.


                      But your assertion is false anyhow. Since global climate averages are performed on a monthly basis, anyone can select any month they like to be the start of their annual average.

                      For convenience, NASA gistemp breaks the year into 4 seasons, averaging over each season, and also includes two yearly averages.

                      Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec J-D D-N DJF MAM JJA SON

                      The numbers for 2016 – the warmest year in the last 120,000 years are…

                      2016 116 134 130 109 94 76 84 99 90 89 **** **** **** *** 121 111 86 ****

                      Compare with the temp anomaly from 1880

                      1880 -30 -21 -18 -27 -14 -28 -23 -7 -17 -16 -19 -22 -20 *** **** -20 -20 -17 1880

                      LOL! You are spectacularly ignorant.

                    9. Hey shit for brains…what was the “average temperature for Montana in 1876? Custer and his merry men were getting their Sioux buzz-cuts at the Little Big Horn where someone recorded the temperature at 106 on that date in June when they all went to their etenal rest.

                      Now Montana Territory is pretty tiny at 150,000 square miles so maybe we should exclude it. How about Siberia shit-for-brains at 5,000,000 square miles shit-for-brains, how hot was it in 1880? How about Antarctica shit-for-brains How about the Sahara 3,500,000 square miles. or better yet the entire dark continent at 12,000,000 square miles, Antarctica
                      at 5,400,000 square miles, etc etc etc.
                      Maybe they had the first student to wake up in the Harvard Yard (10 acres) read the temperature next to the dorm room and they just “estimated the rest of the world” shit-for-brains

                      Do they have the average temperature for Mars in 1880? Cant “science” just figure it out shit-for-brains

                      Do you know the difference between global warming groupies like yourself and snake worshipers shit-for-brains?

                      Snake worshipers are a bit skeptical of their leader’s claims shit-for-brains

                    10. “what was the “average temperature for Montana in 1876?” – Sirgareth

                      The boundaries of Montana do not correspond to the boundaries of the regions used to estimate global average surface temperature.

                      Madison Wisconsin however is contained within the bounds of Wisconsin, and shows an average high surface temperature of around 0.88’F.


                    11. “someone recorded the temperature at 106 on that date in June”

                      Did they record the average temperature for the state? LOL!

                    12. Hard to do shit-for-brains, the state didn’t exist.

                      Maybe the Sioux, Cheyenne, and Crow sent them to NOAA by smoke signal shit-for-brains .

                    13. The state is defined by arbitrary boundaries that the atmosphere does no respect.

                      Reminds me of the amount of respect rational people have for mentally ill retards like you.


                      “Maybe the Sioux, Cheyenne, and Crow sent them to NOAA” – sirgareth

                      Well, that is clearly how you see the world from planet retard.


                      Have you noticed that the ice caps are melting?


                    14. “How about the Sahara at 3,500,000 square miles in 1880 shit-for-brains, or better yet the entire dark continent at 12,000,000 square miles or how about Antarctica
                      at 5,400,000 square miles in 1880 shit-for-brains?.” – sirgareth

                      Science doesn’t work to the arbitrary regions that you specify.

                      Interior Antarctic temperatures can be inferred from Antarctic coastal temperatures, which are determined by proxies. Direct temperature measurements are also made in the antarctic ice, by lowering s thermometer into deep holes drilled into the ice.

                      From the temperature profile, the history of the average yearly temperature can be computed.

                      You might want to check out the book “Arid lands in Roman Times”, edited by Mario Liveranti

                      As to historical Antarctic temps…

                      Palaeoclimate records provide an essential context for

                      Borehole temperatures reveal a changed energy budget at Mill
                      Island, East Antarctica, over recent decades

                    15. RE “Inferred by proxies”

                      That what Lord Kelvin did with his peer approved age of the Earth and sun to 3 significant decimal places. What could possibly go wrong shit-for-brains?

                    16. “That what Lord Kelvin did” – sirgareth

                      Most scientific measurements are proxy measurements. Kelivin for example didn’t measure anything on his own but relied on the proxy measurement of the spectra of CO2, made by other scientists.

                      They couldn’t detect long wave photons directly in Kelvin’s time, so they used a bolometer and a thermocouple to make their crude measurements.

                      LOL.. You are spectacularly ignorant. Even for a MORON.

                    17. “with his peer approved age of the Earth and sun to 3 significant decimal places.” – sirgareth

                      It will occurr to those who are not mentally ill that estimating the century scale warming of the earth does not require precise knowledge of the age of the Earth, or sun beyond a few centuries.

                      You whine about it because you are both mentally ill and scientifically illiterate. The universe makes little sense to you.

                      You will never even begin to understand it.

                    18. Shall we assume the error bars for these unverifiable crackpot theories of bureaucrats are even less reliable than Lord Kelvin’s mathematical models for the age of the Solar System shit-for-brains?

                    19. You assume many silly things. That is why you are regarded as mentally ill.

                      Science has advanced 150 years since Lord Kelvin’s time, and not only have his results been confirmed by modern science, they have become an integral part of all modern science.

                      So unless you intend to try and invalidate the last 150 years of modern science, you aren’t going to succeed in your defending your madness.

                      The willfully igorant – people like you – are always perpetual failures.


                    20. RE: “Science has advanced 150 years since Lord Kelvin’s time, and not only have his results been confirmed by modern science, they have become an integral part of all modern science.”

                      Ahh the error bars of “peer reviewed science” are converging with recent improvements and methods, we can forgive Lord Kelvin’s for his peer reviewed precision in dating the solar system 30 million years instead of today’s greater levels of precision. How much more accurately can his figure be determined today shit-for-brains.?

                    21. “Ahh the error bars of “peer reviewed science” are converging with recent improvements and methods” – sirgareth

                      The error bars are strongly overlapping, and have been some time.

                      That is why scientists spend a good bit of their time laughing at Morons like you.

                    22. RE: “That is why scientists spend a good bit of their time laughing at Morons like you.”

                      and why not shit for brains, they are all on the dole and not expected to do anything productive beyond promoting their socialist religion.

                    23. Ya, all those evil scientists guys are out there stealing your money, and not producing anything, just inventing new materials, new medicines, new processes, new research, and advancing all fields of engineering, technology, medicine, transportation etc.

                      You are right, the world would be much better off without those scientist parasites. Average life expectancy would go back to 30 years, so we would all be so much closer to God.


                      Tell us again, mental illness boy, how averaging is a form of Marxism,


                    24. Now you’re grouping surgeons with frauds like Oral Roberts, aren’t both groups healers shit-for-brains?

                      No shit-for-brains, real science is done by men of vision, not losers on some bureaucratic GS wage scale.

                    25. The only person who mentioned Oral Roberts is you.

                      Which makes it very clear that you are the Fraud in this conversation.


                    26. “we can forgive Lord Kelvin’s for his peer reviewed precision in dating the solar system 30 million years” – sirgareth

                      In fact, Lord Kelvin’s results were contested by his scientific peers – the Geologists.

                      The Geologists turned out to be correct. Science is like that. The correct ideas win.

                      That is why you are a perpetual loser.


                    27. So who was correct shit-for-brains?

                      Was it Lord Kelvin’s “peers” or their “denialists” shit-for-brains ?

                    28. “So who was correct shit-for-brains?” – Sigareth

                      It has been stated at least 4 times by now. Someone who isn’t mentally ill wouldn’t need to ask.

                      The geologists were correct.

                    29. Stanley was still lost in Africa looking for Livingston who got lost looking for the source of the Nile in the 1880s shit-for-brains, who gave them the daily temperature readings for Lake Victoria (or the rest of the 12,000,000 square continent ) shit-for-brains? The Bushmen? The Hottentots?

                      This is how we get people with shit-for-brains worshiping snakes and climate “scientists,” , their minds are less analytical than a shit-rolling dung beetle.

                    30. “Stanley was still lost in Africa looking for Livingston who got lost looking for the source of the Nile in the 1880s shit-for-brains”

                      That’s what happens without accurate maps and without radio or telephones.


                    31. “Who gave them the daily temperature readings for Lake Victoria” – sirgareth

                      The temperatures of Lake Victoria can actually be determined by oxygen isotope ratios of sediments and mollusc cross sections taken from the lake at different depths and dated via carbon dating.

                      Undoubtedly there are other methods that can also be used.

                      As long as you work to remain ignorant you will remain ignorant, which will be forever.

                    32. RE: The temperatures of Lake Victoria can actually be determined by oxygen isotope ratios of sediments and mollusc cross sections taken from the lake at different depths and dated via carbon dating.

                      The temperatures of Lake Victoria can also be determined by “scientists” consulting an ouija board shit-for-brains. The error bars for each are about the same shit-for-brains.

                      Unverifiable models used to reconstruct precise temperature data from the past is how Lord Kelvin achieved his “peer reviewed” age of the sun at no more than 30 million years.shit-for-brains.

                      Can bristle cone cypress tree rings be used as thermometers shit-for-brains?

                      How many things other than temperature dramatically affect tree ring growth shit-for-brains?

                      List as many of them as you can can shit-for-brains, our expectations of shit-heads are not all that high so don’t worry abut how badly you will perform.

                      NO shit-for-brains, carbon dating cannot be used to identify one year’s muck from the next years muck. Equally, if a hole in the Antarctic ice can be used as a “proxy” for the world’s “average temperature for the year 1880 to an accuracy of 0.1 degrees F why not stick a thermometer at the same location and consult if tor today’s “average” temperature shit-for-brains?

                      Tell us why this wont be just as accurate shit-for-brains?

                    33. Liar.. Liar… Pants on fire..

                      “The temperatures of Lake Victoria can also be determined by “scientists” consulting an ouija board shit-for-brains.” – sirgareth

                      Sorry Moron, but that isn’t how science works, no matter how often you want to lie about it. Not only would no scientist use such a method, but the results would not pass peer review, which is, as everyone who isn’t mentally ill knows, is a process by which a researcher’s peers evaluate their research to ensure completeness and correctness in method, observations and conclusions.

                      It isn’t surprising that you – someone who thinks that “averages are Marxism”, would hold such kookie opinions of how science works.


                    34. Yes shit for brains I took a dump in a public outhouse 10 years ago let your scientists determine what I had for dinner the previous day

                      I think Trump is going to commission scientific studies determining how gullible U global warming shit for brains groupies Are.

                    35. Mother-of-pearl or nacre (pronounced nay-ker), the lustrous, tough-as-nails biomineral that lines some seashells, has been shown to be a faithful record of ancient ocean temperature.
                      Writing online Thursday, Dec. 15, in the journal Earth and Planetary Science Letters, a team led by University of Wisconsin-Madison physics Professor Pupa Gilbert describes studies of the physical attributes of nacre in modern and fossil shells showing that the biomineral provides an accurate record of temperature as the material is formed, layer upon layer, in a mollusk.

                      “We can very accurately correlate nacre tablet thickness with temperature,” says Gilbert, explaining that mother-of-pearl is formed as mollusks lay down microscopic polygonal tablets of the mineral aragonite like brickwork to build layers of the shiny biomineral.
                      The work is important because it provides scientists with a new and potentially more accurate method of measuring ancient ocean temperatures, improving on methods now used with other biominerals to tease out the record of the environmental conditions at which the materials formed in the distant past.

                      “Everyone else measures temperatures in the ancient world using chemical proxies,” says Gilbert, referencing methods that, for example, use ratios of isotopic oxygen locked into tiny fossil shells made by marine microorganisms known as Foraminifera to get a snapshot of ocean temperatures in the distant past.

                      The method devised by Gilbert and her collaborators is extraordinarily simple: using just a scanning electron microscope and a cross section of shell, it is possible to measure the thickness of the layered microscopic tablets that compose nacre in a shell. The thickness of the tablets, explains Gilbert, correlates with ocean temperature as measured in modern shells when ocean temperatures were known at the time the shells were formed.

                      The new work by the researchers from Wisconsin, Harvard, and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory provides a novel physical approach to measuring past climate, says Gilbert, an expert in biomineral formation.

                      “If what you are measuring is a physical structure, you see it directly,” says Gilbert. “You just measure nacre tablet thickness, the spacing of the lines, and it corresponds to temperature. When the temperature is warmer, the layers get thicker.”

                      The following graph shows how global humidity levels are increasing as the planet warms.

                    36. RE: Mother-of-pearl or nacre (pronounced nay-ker), the lustrous, tough-as-nails biomineral that lines some seashells, has been shown to be a faithful record of ancient ocean temperature”

                      I read the first sentence and dismissed the rest as the verbal flatulence of someone whose skull is filled with shit-for-brains.

                      The verb “shown” is impossible since no one has observed or experienced ancient climate or weather.

                      If the term were changed to “conjectured” or, better yet, “fantasized” I might have read the sentence following it.

                    37. Of course you did. Your purpose in life is to remain wilfully ignorant. That is what Denialism is all about.

                      “I read the first sentence and dismissed the rest as the verbal flatulence of someone whose skull is filled with shit-for-brains.” – sirgareth

                      “I read the first sentence and dismissed the rest as the verbal flatulence of someone whose skull is filled with shit-for-brains.” – sirgareth

                      The correlation between Mother of pearl deposits and ocean temperature at the time of the deposit is calibrated with modern temperature records. The measurement of Mother of Pearl deposits from thousands or even millions of years ago can use that correlation to produce an accurate measure of the temperature during the time of their deposition.

                      Only the willfully ignorant like you claim not to understand it.


                    38. LOL??? what is that thing you keep typing shit-for-brains, is it infantile?

                      RE: “Your purpose in life is to remain wilfully ignorant. That is what Denialism is all about.”

                      Bingo, you have revealed a truth that you are too dense to perceive. Indeed I revel in my ignorance of your world. I live in a different world as is my most fervent desire to do so.

                      When you remind me of my ignorance of your world it means that I have achieved what I have most assiduously pursued. You cannot cure me me. You cannot reform me. I am in fact unmalleable.

                      Like the bristle cone pine many factors control the growth of any living thing. Calibration is what occurs in the present, the past cannot be “calibrated”

                      In your world the past can be “calibrated”, in my world such a proposition is considered lunacy.

                    39. Of course you did. Your purpose in life is to remain wilfully ignorant. That is what Denialism is all about.

                      “I read the first sentence and dismissed the rest as the verbal flatulence of someone whose skull is filled with shit-for-brains.” – sirgareth

                      “I read the first sentence and dismissed the rest as the verbal flatulence of someone whose skull is filled with shit-for-brains.” – sirgareth

                      The correlation between Mother of pearl deposits and ocean temperature at the time of the deposit is calibrated with modern temperature records. The measurement of Mother of Pearl deposits from thousands or even millions of years ago can use that correlation to produce an accurate measure of the temperature during the time of their deposition.

                      Only the willfully ignorant like you claim not to understand it.


                    40. RE: “The correlation between Mother of pearl deposits and ocean temperature at the time of the deposit is calibrated with modern temperature records. The measurement of Mother of Pearl deposits from thousands or even millions of years ago can use that correlation to produce an accurate measure of the temperature during the time of their deposition.”

                      No shit-for-brains correlation is not causation and there are dozens of other variables outside of “temperature” that affect all living structures.

                      You haven’t even included the effects of evolution in your fairy tale shit-for-brains.

                    41. “No shit-for-brains correlation is not causation” – sirgareth

                      LOL! Now you are confusing “Calibration” with “Correlation”.

                      The deposition of Mother of Pearl is calibrated against temperature, just like a thermometer is calibrated against temperature.

                      A correlation is then performed to measure the past temperature of the ocean at the time of deposition.

                      LOL! My goodness you are ignorant.

                      “there are dozens of other variables outside of “temperature” that affect all living structures.” – sirgareth

                      Show scientifically that any of them are relevant and then write a paper on the subject.
                      Submit it to Nature, and see if they print it or laugh their asses off at you.


                    42. “You haven’t even included the effects of evolution” – sirgareth

                      You will need to show that oysters and other shell fish that deposit mother of pearl, have evolved dramatically over the last few million years.

                      Again, you should write a scientific paper if you believe you can show this, and submit it to nature. Show scientifically that your objection is valid and then see if it will be printed or if they spend their time laughing at you.

                      Given that you can hardly add or subtract, and can’t figure out how graphs work, I don’t give you much chance of success.


                    43. “In your world the past can be “calibrated”” – sirgareth

                      In the real world natural “measurements” that were taken in the past can be calibrated to make them compatible with modern standard measures.

                      Even children can understand this.

                      You need to keep yourself ignorant of it by lying to yourself.

                    44. RE: “Even children can understand this.”

                      Children (and the climate cultists) understand a lot of things adults don’t shit-for-brains:

                      1) The tooth fairy
                      2) Santa Claus
                      3) The Easter Bunny
                      4) Monsters in the closet
                      5) The goblins hiding under the bed
                      6) The CO2 killer.

                    45. “Children (and the climate cultists) understand a lot of things adults don’t shit-for-brains:” – sirgarety

                      When children exceed the abilities of Adults like you, there is something wrong with adults like you.

                      When Adults like you refer to the graphing of scientific evidence as “squiggle lines”, and when Adults like you characterize numerical averages as “Marxist”, and when Adults like you claim that they are smarter than virtually all of the worlds scientists, as you have done….

                      … Then we know that Adults like you are not only retarded, but are also mentally ill.


                    46. “Right on que shit-for-brains up with the meaningless squiggly lines.” – sirgareth


                      If you hadn’t dropped out of public school before grade 5, you would have learned that those “squiggly lines” are actually graphs of measurements.

                      You are spectacularly ignorant.

                    47. Here is a “math” problem for you shit-for-brains.

                      Take the time interval between the last positive oscillation peaks of the atlantic multidecadal cycle: (that’s 1950 to 2000 shit-for-brains) or 50 years assuming the math is over your head.

                      Now impose that 50 year interval on the start of your stupid meaningless squiggly line and tell me where what year the interval ends shit-for-brains.

                      Assuming this is also beyond your math skills Ill do the math for you shit-for-brains. the year is 2030 shit-for-brains.

                      Do you know what one of your many problems is shit-for-brains?

                      You are making the false assumption the the climate hoax can stand scrutiny when it clearly cannot shit-for-brains.

                      The scammers already know this shit-for-brains, that’s why they will never allow their shit to be challenged shit-for-brains. You see its already “settled” shit-for-brains.

                    48. The last oscillation peak was 1935, not 1950. The current oscillation “peak” is unknown, since the AMO has not fallen enought to claim that it has peaked.

                      “Take the time interval between the last positive oscillation peaks of the atlantic multidecadal cycle: (that’s 1950 to 2000 shit-for-brains) or 50 years assuming the math is over your head.” – sirgareth

                      You should really learn what words mean, and learn how to read a graph.

                      Have an 8 year old explain to you how it is done. LOL!

                    49. (that’s 1950 to 2000 shit-for-brains) – sirgareth

                      LOL! The previous peak was 1935, and the AMO may… may have peaked in 2010.

                      That is 75 years. Not 50 as you claim… LOL!

                      “Now impose that 50 year interval on the start of your stupid meaningless squiggly line” – sirgareth

                      There is no mathematical or graphical operation called imposing. One can not impose 50 years on a graph, especially when the time interval is 75 years, not 50.

                      LOL! You never should have dropped out of public school before grade 5, sirgareth.

                    50. “Assuming this is also beyond your math skills, I’ll do the math for you shit-for-brains. the year is 2030 shit-for-brains.” – sirgareth

                      The AMO period you cite starts in 1950 (your claim), and really 1935. The northern ice decline I show starts at 1980. you then add the difference between 2000 and 1950 to 1980 to produce a meaningless number.

                      LOL! Again, you should ask an 8 year old how to do sensible arithmetic.

                      You are spectacularly ignorant.

                    51. “You are making the false assumption the the climate hoax can stand scrutiny when it clearly cannot shit-for-brains.” – sirgareth

                      LOL! And your addition of some random interval taken from 1950 to 2000 to the year 1980 is evidence, in your tiny,. mentally ill mind of something.

                      LOL. Evidence that averaging is Marxism probably.

                      Hahahahahahahahah… You are spectacularly ignorant.

                    52. “The scammers already know this shit-for-brains” – sirgareth

                      These would be the scammers who are directing those marxist moon beams at your skull?

                      Quick add some random number to the year 2013 and whine that doing so proves that you aren’t mentally ill.


                    53. “Remember when all that “global warming” heat was going to melt the snow and close all the ski resorts shit-for-brains?” – sirgareth

                      That is already guaranteed.

                    54. LOL? You keep repeating “LOL,” but what does it mean shit-for-brains?

                      That you are: “Low On Lucidity?” or maybe just a “Level One Lunatic?”

                      No shit for brains, it’s not just the mid atlantic oceanic temperatures are affected by multidecadal oceanic cycles, ALL of them are shit-for-brains.

                      This fraudulent scam sends people around the world looking any drift that supports their insane theories and claims…aha…the mother lode of “global warming” shit-for-brains.

                      Of course anyone possessing more than shit-for-brains (unfortunately this excludes you shit-for-brains) might question why the Antarctic isn’t similarly “afflicted” let’s give it another 100 years and maybe their cycles will reverse shit-for-brains and we can have another aha moment shit-for-brains

                    55. “That you are: “Low On Lucidity?” – sirgareth

                      Still Laughing at Morons like you.

                      Have you managed to figure out how to take an average yet? LOL!

                    56. “No shit for brains, it’s not just the mid atlantic oceanic temperatures are affected by multidecadal oceanic cycles, ALL of them are shit-for-brains.” – sirgareth

                      Are you trying to say that Atlantic Ocean temperatures are set by the PDO and the Pacific ocean temperature by the AMO? Hahahahahahahah…

                      I was once told by a brain dead denialist, that the earth is warming because the earth is in it’s summer period.

                      Hahahahahahahah. Was that moron you?

                      Have you noticed that the Temperatures at the North Poll are now just a degree or so below freezing? Mighty unusual 10 days from the coldest day of the year there.

                      Here is a temperature map from yesterday.



                    57. “Of course anyone possessing more than shit-for-brains (unfortunately this excludes you shit-for-brains) might question why the Antarctic isn’t similarly “afflicted” ” – sirgareth

                      The models show that because there is a continent rather than an ocean at the south poll, there will at first be a strengthening of the southern polar vortex that will keep the air over the south poll, over the south poll, and limit mixing with surrounding air.

                      Thus there will be a minor cooling effect initially. But eventually – a few decades after the north polar vortex begins to destabilize, – which we are now seeing – the southern polar vortex will follow the same path and temperatures over the Antarctic will begin to warm as well.

                      This graphic shows the loss of Antarctic ice mass over time.


                    58. “let’s give it another 100 years and maybe their cycles will reverse” – sirgareth

                      Since the warming is a result of enhanced levels of atmospheric CO2 and since CO2 levels are doing this….


                      There is zero probability that any cycle is responsible for the observed warming.

                      But it is good to see you admit – contrary to your earlier denialism – that the globe is actually warming.

                      You just can’t keep your lying consistent.


                    59. ‘Here are a few things that drive all tree growth other than temperature shit-for-brains” – sirgareth

                      Lightning alters the speed of tree growth??


                      Wind alters the speed of tree growth??


                      Squirrels alter the rate of tree growth??


                      Some of the other factors you mention are legitimate.

                      However, all more or less average out over time and over a region. Some not so, which is why tree rings are only a small component of the many factors that are considered when doing dendrochronology.

                      You are spectacularly ignorant.

                    60. Here you are again shit-for-brains, literally screaming “I live in a public housing complex in detroit” and have seen pictures of trees in National Geographic, so I’m an expert.

                      RE: “Lightning alters the speed of tree growth?? Hahahahahahahah..”.

                      I live on a rather large estate among forested and planted trees…several hundreds of them on my property. At least every year one of them is struck by lightning and they either die the following year or limp along stunted for their remaining life on Earth shit-for-brains.

                      RE: “Wind alters the speed of tree growth?? Hahahahahahah..”

                      Wind takes dozens of large tree branches down on my property each year, I have to clean them up. These branches support the foliage that support tree growth shit-for brains. Do you ever get out of your government housing project shit-for-brains?

                      RE: Squirrels alter the rate of tree growth?? Hahahahahahahha….

                      Did I specify squirrels shot-for-brains They are clever little bastards but they don’t damage trees shit-for-brains, however deer do you vomitous bag of shit-for-brains

                      The hundreds of deer that feed on the bark of my trees don’t usually kill the trees as long as they don’t completely strip the full circumference of the tree. In any case they damage trees and stunt further growth shit-for-brains. The squirrels are fine shit-for-brains. At any rate since I kill three of four deer as they do each year with my compound bow, I don’t really mind…I have lots of trees. Have you ever had venison stew shit-for-brains? No, I’d guess not they don’t serve it on your soup line do they shit-for-brains

                      I have never met someone as stupid as you, its not simple ignorance shit-for-brains. That is curable. You have the imagination of a mushroom shit-for-brains.

                    61. “I live in a public housing complex in detroit” – Sirgareth

                      Of course you do. You are unemployed too because people like you who are fantastically ignorant and mentally ill are unemployable.


                      “At least every year one of them is struck by lightning and they either die the following year or limp along stunted for their remaining life on Earth shit-for-brains.” – sirgareth

                      LOL. So your claim now is that a lightning strike can alter the growth rate of a tree LOL, not a forest, which was your initial claim. Hahahahahahahahahahha…

                      My god you are stupid.

                    62. “Wind takes dozens of large tree branches down on my property each year” – sirgareth

                      LOL! So forests grow slowly due to wind because your trees lose the occasional branch.

                      Hahahahahahahahahah…… Stuuuuuuuuupiiiiiiiiddddddddddd.

                    63. RE: “LOL! So forests grow slowly due to wind because your trees lose the occasional branch.”

                      No shit-for-brains, my tree wind damage affects only trees shit-for-brains. I realize that logic is not something you have ever encountered shit-for-brains so Ill send more pictures for you shit-for-brains

                      Wind does this to forests shit-for-brains



                    64. Hay MORON. That isn’t a forest. It is a couple of rows of trees. Probably a row that runs along a property line.

                      The fact is, the wind strength in a real forest, is close to zero due to the fact that the trees – particularly conifer’s produce so much wind resistance.

                      It is only trees on the periphery of a forested area that suffer any effects from surface winds.

                      LOL! You are, as always… A MOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRROOOOOOOONNNNN


                    65. “Did I specify squirrels shot-for-brains” – sirgareth

                      You might as well have, mental illness boy.

                    66. “The hundreds of deer that feed on the bark of my trees don’t usually kill the trees as long as they don’t completely strip the full circumference of the tree.” – sirgareth

                      So forests grow slower because deer eat the bark off your trees.

                      Hahahahahahahah… Tell us more Mental Illness boy.

                    67. RE: “So forests grow slower because deer eat the bark off your trees.”

                      No shit-for-brains, only my trees grow slower due to the animal predation on my estate.

                      Wider forests tree growth is affected by wider animal predation in those forests shit-for-brains. Deer live in the forests shit-for-brains

                      Climatologists don’t debate anyone shit-for-brains because when they do they know they will look as stupid as you do when you try to shit-for-brains. The difference is they appear to know at least this much while you appear to be unaware of literally everything shit-for-brains.


                    68. “No shit-for-brains, only my trees grow slower due to the animal predation on my estate.” – sigareth

                      LOL! So you are cherry picking a few trees on your property and claiming that they represent the growth of forests as a whole.

                      Hahahahahahahah….. If we were to apply your own logic to you, we would conclude that All Republicans are congenital liars simply because you are a congenital liar.


                      The fact is, all Republicans are congenital liars because all Republicans are observed to be Congenital liars.

                      You are just one example of Republican Mental illness.


                      Have you noticed that the polar ice caps are melting?


                    69. “Climatologists don’t debate anyone shit-for-brains because when they do they know they will look as stupid” – sirgareth

                      Climatologists don’t debate uneducated dropouts from public school – people like you – because you are too stupid to take part in a debate.

                      Tell us again how taking an average of some numbers is Marxism?



                      This is interesting…

                      It’s not normal, and it’s happening again.

                      For the second year in a row in late December and for the second time in as many months, temperatures in the high Arctic will be freakishly high compared to normal.

                      Computer models project that on Thursday, three days before Christmas, the temperature near the North Pole will be an astronomical 40-50 degrees warmer-than-normal and approaching 32 degrees, the melting point.


                    70. “I have never met someone as stupid as you,” – sirgareth

                      LOL! And as you said earlier, all scientists are wrong and you – a public school dropout who can barely add and subtract, and who calls graphs “Squigglie lines”, and who adds random numbers to dates to prove things that go unstated, and who considers averaging a form of Marxism, is brighter than all of the scientific experts in the world.



                      Tell us more Mental Illness boy.

                    71. “How is the expertise of phrenologists demonstrated shit-for-brains?” – sirgareth

                      Phrenology was something that uneducated morons like you claimed to be experts in. LOL!

                      There was no scientific basis for phrenology, and that is why quacks like you embraced it.


                      Pre-Christmas melt? North Pole forecast to warm 50 degrees above normal Thursday

                      It’s not normal, and it’s happening again.

                      For the second year in a row in late December and for the second time in as many months, temperatures in the high Arctic will be freakishly high compared to normal.

                      Computer models project that on Thursday, three days before Christmas, the temperature near the North Pole will be an astronomical 40-50 degrees warmer-than-normal and approaching 32 degrees, the melting point.


                    72. “Unverifiable models used to reconstruct precise temperature data from the past is how Lord Kelvin achieved his “peer reviewed” age of the sun at no more than 30 million years.shit-for-brains.” – sirgareth

                      And he was wrong. The geologists – also scientists – were right, and their research has stood the test of time.

                      Your observations however don’t even pass first inspection.


                    73. “NO shit-for-brains, carbon dating cannot be used to identify one year’s muck from the next years muck. ” – sirgareth

                      So? We don’t need yearly temperatures to know the average temperature of a region averaged over periods of decades.


                      You don’t seem to understand how those “marxist averages” work. You should ask your psychiatrist to explain it to you.


                    74. “Equally, if a hole in the Antarctic ice can be used as a “proxy” for the world’s “average temperature for the year 1880 to an accuracy of 0.1 degrees” – sirgareth

                      It can’t and no one claims it can.

                      Why do you feel a need to lie about it? Does your mental illness compel you to tell a non stop stream of lies?


                    75. This sirgareth character celebrates his ignorance like he thinks there is a prize for being the most ignorant person in the world. 🙂

                    76. Sirgareth is a Drumpf supporter for sure.

                      Mental Illness is something he is well know for, apparently.

                    77. “By the way any proper measurement of average heat content is measured in joules, not degrees.” – Sirgareth

                      Temperature isn’t a measure of heat content, moron. It is a measure of how heat content changes relative to entropy.

                      You are, of course, a moron.

                    78. Hey shit-for brains, you just stumbled on another truth but you are too stupid to understand you are arguing against yourself.

                      The bullshit theory says CO2 is trapping too much “heat” not too, much “temperature.”

                      This is another reason climatology is a fake science like alchemy and phrenology. They don’t even record the proper data to make their phony case. Degrees F, C, or K do not measure “heat.” You need BTU’s, Calories, or Joules to do that shit-for-brains

                    79. “The bullshit theory says CO2 is trapping too much “heat” not too, much “temperature.”” – sirgareth

                      Correct. And you find this confusing.. LOL!

                      “alchemy – Degrees F, C, or K do not measure “heat.”” – sirgareth

                      Can you tell me one area of science where temperature as measured in ‘K is not used?

                      Certainly it is used in Chemistry, Physics and Astrophysics.

                      What is the name of the fantasy planet you think you come from?’

                      LOL! You are, as always, a MORON……….

                    80. RE: “Can you tell me one area of science where temperature as measured in ‘K is not used?”

                      Certainly shit-for-brains, that is, if you are ignorant enough to call “climatology” science.

                    81. Liar… Liar. Pants on fire…

                      Climate sensitivity describes how sensitive the global climate is to a change in the amount of energy reaching the Earth’s surface and lower atmosphere (a.k.a. a radiative forcing). For example, we know that if the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the Earth’s atmosphere doubles from the pre-industrial level of 280 parts per million by volume (ppmv) to 560 ppmv, this will cause an energy imbalance by trapping more outgoing thermal radiation in the atmosphere, enough to directly warm the surface approximately 1.2°C. However, this doesn’t account for feedbacks, for example ice melting and making the planet less reflective, and the warmer atmosphere holding more water vapor (another greenhouse gas).

                      Climate sensitivity is the amount the planet will warm when accounting for the various feedbacks affecting the global climate. The relevant formula is:

                      dT = λ*dF

                      Where ‘dT’ is the change in the Earth’s average surface temperature, ‘λ’ is the climate sensitivity, usually with units in Kelvin or degrees Celsius per Watts per square meter (°C/[W m-2]), and ‘dF’ is the radiative forcing, which is discussed in further detail in the Advanced rebuttal to the ‘CO2 effect is weak’ argument.


                      Climate Analysis

                      Over the past 35 years, the troposphere has warmed significantly. The global average temperature has risen at an average rate of about 0.13 degrees Kelvin per decade (0.23 degrees F per decade).


                      Solar Radiation and the Earth’s Energy Balance.

                      Radiation transfer from Sun to Earth.

                      Properties of Solar radiation: The Sun is located at the center of our Solar System, at a distance of about 150 x 106 kilometers from Earth. With a surface temperature of 5780 K (degrees Kelvin = degrees C + 273.15), the energy flux at the surface of the Sun is approximately 63 x 106 W/m2 (Do you know what law of radiative transfer do we use to calculate this number? Check the link to radiative heat transfer.) This radiative flux maximizes at a wavelength of about 0.5 μm


                    82. RE: “For example, we know that if the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the Earth’s atmosphere doubles from the pre-industrial level of 280 parts per million by volume (ppmv) to 560 ppmv, this will cause an energy imbalance by trapping more outgoing thermal radiation in the atmosphere, enough to directly warm the surface approximately 1.2°C”

                      You and the frog in your pocket may “know this” shit-for-brains, but no one else does. As Lord Kelvin should have pointed out to you, peer approved models of Earth are only arrogant brain flatulence emerging from the shit inside.

                      There are no energy “imbalances” in nature shit-for-brains. Nature’s balances are always true to the femtogram and femtojoule. It is the mush inside the heads of the shit-for-brains like yourself that is quite obviously “unbalanced.”

                      As reality is quite a bit more complex than a few thousand lines of Fortran code, both Kelvins thermal models of Earth and any of the hundreds of current similar model are as useless as his.

                      This is what “we know” shit-for-brains.

                      They are all 100% wrong, all of them. Not one represents nature, not even close.

                    83. “For example, we know that if the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the Earth’s atmosphere doubles from the pre-industrial level of 280 parts per million by volume (ppmv) to 560 ppmv, this will cause an energy imbalance by trapping more outgoing thermal radiation in the atmosphere, enough to directly warm the surface approximately 1.2°C” – Sirgareth

                      Correct. That is the direct heating by CO2 and does not include feedbacks like the increase in water vapor, lowered planetary albedo, etc…

                      “You and the frog in your pocket may “know this” shit-for-brains, but no one else does.” – Sirgareth

                      I’m not really concerned what the mentally ill (you), think you know or don’t know.

                      Your purpose here is to provide an example of scientific ignorance and to be laughed at.


                    84. ‘There are no energy “imbalances” in nature shit-for-brains.” – Sirgareth

                      That could only be true if energy were uniformly distributed through the entire universe.

                      You might notice that the sun is hotter than the surface of the earth, and if you were aware enough to notice that you would know that your assertion of “no energy imbalances”, is laughable nonsense.

                      “reality is quite a bit more complex than a few thousand lines of Fortran code” – Sirgareth

                      True. But a few lines of fortran code is enough to model the quantum mechanics of the electrons flowing through the computer you are using. A few hundred lines of code are enough to navigate a space craft travelling to the moon.

                      And of course, a single line of algebra is sufficient to determine the properties of harmonic oscillators.


                    85. “They are all 100% wrong, all of them.” – Sirgareth

                      Says the mental patient.


                    86. “Which squiggly line is the “average” temperature of the Earth?” – sirgareth

                      LOL. The Global temperatures that are of concern are Global surface temperatures of course. This is because we live on the surface of the Earth, and not suspended 5 miles in the air.

                      You will find that as you go even higher in the atmosphere, the temperature trend actually goes negative. The stratosphere is cooling.

                      LOL. This is a verified prediction of the Global atmosphere models as well as back of the envelope calculations, and is a result of lower amounts of IR making it to the stratosphere and the reduced density of the stratosphere as the lower atmosphere warms and expands.

                      My goodness you are a stupid mental patient,


                    87. RE: “This is because we live on the surface of the Earth, and not suspended 5 miles in the air.”

                      No shit for brains, we haven’t lived on the surface of the Earth for about a million years. We build shelters and heat them and now recently cool them with fire.

                      The oceans form the heat memory of the Earth shit-for-brains. Unlike the air it’s both thermally dense and fluid, not unlike like the diarrhea shit in your head.

                    88. “No shit for brains, we haven’t lived on the surface of the Earth for about a million years.” – sirgareth

                      Well it is clear that you think you are living on the surface of planet ConservaTard.


                      People who aren’t mentally ill, know we are living on the surface of the Earth.

                      Hahahahahahah…. My goodness you should see a psychiatrist.

                    89. “The oceans form the heat memory of the Earth shit-for-brains. ” – Sirgareth

                      Spoken like a true child.

                      You mean that the oceans lag changes in atmospheric temperature.

                      Of course they do. The oceans hold vastly more energy than the atmosphere, and take longer to heat up or cool down.

                      And that’s why the oceans can’t be warming the atmosphere.

                      Hahahahahahahahahahah…. You aren’t even aware enough to realize the implications of your own statements.

                      Hahahahahahahahahah…. My God you are stupid.

                    90. No shit-for-brains, neither nature nor nature’s god scribbles graphs filled with fictions like “monthly global mean surface temperature” They don’t appoint spokesmen for their “cause” either shit-for-brains.

                    91. “fictions like “monthly global mean surface temperature” – sirgareth

                      Tell us again how averages are Marxism.. Hohohohohohohohoho….LOL!

                      You are mentally ill Boy. Get help.

                    92. RE “Can you tell me one area of science where temperature as measured in ‘K is not used?”

                      I can refer to one area that you are stupid enough to call “science” where K is not used shit-for-brains it called “climatology”

                    93. “Next what are the appropriate spacial and temporal sampling sizes and areas and the error bars associated with each. Be specific and show your math.” – SirGareth

                      I need not explain the methods to you when they are available to you here.


                      The source code is downloadable.
                      The error calculations are included.

                      Get back to us when you learn how to add and subtract.


                    94. What a complete imbecile, computers and their programs are the antithesis of science shit for brains.

                      “There is a computer disease that anybody who works with computers knows about. It’s a very serious disease and it interferes completely with the work. The trouble with computers is that you ‘play’ with them!”

                      Richard Feynman – Nobel Physics Laureate

                      see lots of play drawings above.

                      RE: “I need not explain the methods to you when they are available to you here.”

                      Translation: I cant tell you so I’ll provide a bullshit link instead.

                    95. “computers and their programs are the antithesis of science shit for brains.” – sirgareth

                      Computers have been an integral part of science since computers were invented.

                      Without computers, the computer you are now using wouldn’t have been possible to construct.

                      Computers allow the solution of problems that are impossible to solve with individual equations.

                      Computer programs are to physics what calculus is to algebra.

                      The ignorant often think that there is an equation that allows the prediction of any aspect of any system.

                      That is false.

                      It is a very rare situation where any single equation embodies the solution to a physical problem.

                      Even simple physical systems like pendula have no exact solutions. The exact solutions that exist are based on the assumption of a restoring force that is proportional to pendula displacement. But this is only an approximation to the real world situation.

                      Similarly it is presumed that spring displacement observes the hook equation. But i fact, hook is only an approximation. There is no exact solution.

                      Similarly there is no exact solution to orbital mechanics. In fact no generalized solution exists for orbital mechanics with more than 2 bodies. And none exist for 2 bodies in General Relativity.

                      The only way the positions of the planets can be found aeon’s in the future is to actually run a computer model of the solar system.

                      Once again you prove yourself to be spectacularly ignorant.

                    96. RE: “Computers have been an integral part of science since computers were invented.”

                      So have pens and pencils shit-for-brains, what do the pencil models say?

                      RE: “The only way the positions of the planets can be found aeon’s in the future is to actually run a computer model of the solar system.”

                      What did Kepler use, an Mac or a PC?

                    97. The first climate model used a pencil, and was computed by Lord Kelvin in the mid 1800’s.

                      His simplistic model calculations showed a climate sensitivity of about 3’C, which is pretty much what the current computer models show.

                      LOL! You poor, ignorant, fool.

                    98. There you go shit-for-brains, a trillion buck wasted on computer games that Lord Kelvin got the same wrong answer to and he did it for free with a pen or pencil.

                      I suppose you are too f*cking ignorant to realize that Lord Kelvin did no such work shit-for- brains.

                      Here is one he did do shit-for-brains:

                      With his mathematical models, Kelvin rather pompously demonstrated that the earth must have been a hellish ball of molten rock only a few tens of millions of years ago, and that the sun could not have been shining for more than about 30 million years. Kelvin was actually modeling what he thought was global and solar cooling. A majority of his fellow physicists (97% ?) supported Kelvin.(peer reviewed?)

                    99. Liar.. Liar.. Pants on fire…

                      “There you go shit-for-brains, a trillion buck wasted on computer games that Lord Kelvin got the same wrong answer to and he did it for free with a pen or pencil.” – Sirgareth

                      A trillion bucks hasn’t been spent on global climate modeling. Not even close.

                      However 3 trillion Has been spent on George Bush’s war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan, and at least another trillion is scheduled to be spent on that.

                      In addition 5 trillion has been spent keeping AmeriKKKa out of the near depression that the Republican Party created during the Bush Administration’s time in office.


                    100. “I suppose you are too f*cking ignorant to realize that Lord Kelvin did no such CO2 model shit-for- brains.” – Sirgareth

                      He must have, since he accurately computed the climate sensitivity.

                      You are probably dismissive because you are ignorant as to what a model is.

                    101. “With his mathematical models, Kelvin rather pompously demonstrated that the earth must have been a hellish ball of molten rock only a few tens of millions of years ago, and that the sun could not have been shining for more than about 30 million years.” – sirgareth

                      So what?

                      What point do you think you have made? LOL!

                      Turns out that on this issue Kelvin was wrong and the Geologists were right.

                      You do know that Science is a self correcting, and ever improving model of the universe.

                      Na.. You would never know that. You is dumb like a chicken. LOL!

                    102. “The “Doctrine of Uniformity” in Geology” – sirgareth

                      LOL.. You did a google search and skimmed the first article on Lord Kelvin that you found.

                      The fact that it has zero to do with Climatology doesn’t appear to make it into that minute, diseased brain of yours.


                    103. “Translation: I cant tell you so I’ll provide a bullshit link instead.” – sigareth

                      Translation, you are too lazy and stupid to attempt to understand the article linked to.


                  1. Pure ignorance.

                    “How would you define it ?” – SirGarrath

                    The average speed of an object is defined as the distance traveled divided by the time elapsed. Velocity is a vector quantity, and average velocity can be defined as the displacement divided by the time.

                    The average speed of a group of objects is the speed of each object averaged. I.E. total speed / total number of objects.

                    Poor, ignorant, SirGarrath.

                    1. What is the “average” thermal energy of all the earths molecules, this should be dead easy for any climatologist worth more than a used piece of asswipe.

                      How many “objects” need to be sampled, if less than 100% what are the sampling error bars – show your math genius.

                    2. LOL!

                      “What is the “average” thermal energy of all the earths molecules” – Sirgareth

                      First, average temperature != Average energy.

                      Second what defect do you have in your tiny little brain to think that we must know any property of every molecule composing the atmosphere to know the average temperature?

                      LOL! Are you really that stupid?

                      Note the extreme spike in atmospheric CO2 levels.


                    3. What percentage of them is the right number shit-for-brains?

                      How often should this percentage be sampled shit-for-brains?

                      Once a second? Once a minute? an hour? a day? a week? a month? a year? a decade? a century? a millennium?

                      What does “science” say about this shit for brains?

                      Where should this average be taken? every cubic centimeter of the globe? every cubic meter? cubic kilometer?

                      If we cant do this, would it be OK to take all of our averages at the Albany New York airport instead?

                      Why not, shit-for-brains?

                      If the whole friggin planet is getting too hot, then Albany must be getting too hot too.

                      Or doesn’t the globe include Albany?

                    4. “How often should this percentage be sampled shit-for-brains?” – Sirgareth

                      LOL! Now you are confusing an average with a temporal measure. No where in the definition of mean is time mentioned, because time is not a component of a mean.

                      A mean is defined as the total sun of n quantities divided by n.

                      The mean of a surface (s) field (q) is defined as the integral over the surface of (q x ds).

                      There ain’t no time in those equations, child.

                      LOL! How do the spectacularly ignorant manage to feed yourselves?

                      Do you eat from dumpsters?


                    5. You better check with the climate grifters shit-for-brains, that’s now how they work the scam

                      Isn’t “average annual global temperature” both a temporal and spacial average shit-for-brains?

                      One can average temporal intervals and one can average spacial intervals but one cannot average two separate variables simultaneously. How would you go about averaging the height-weight of any class ignorant enough to let you stand before them shit-for-brains?

                    6. “What does “science” say about this shit for brains?” – Sigareth

                      Science says nothing about your delusions and your idiocy because they are delusions and idiocy.

                      LOL. Haven’t I been making that abundantly clear to you?

                      Hahahahahahahah… Clueless you are. Completely clueless….

                    7. “Where should this average be taken? every cubic centimeter of the globe? every cubic meter? cubic kilometer?” – clueless Sirgareth

                      Hahahahahahahahah… Oh my God you are stupid.

                      Where an average applies is defined by the region over which the average is taken.

                      By definition.

                      Fuck you are stupid. You can’t even figure out something as simple as an average – something that all children in grade 5 are taught.


                      You are literally dumber than an average 10 year old who has passed grade 5 math.


                    8. “Where should this average be taken? every cubic centimeter, cubic meter? cubic kilometer?” – SirGareth

                      Ahahahahahahah… Now you are confusing “where” – which is a place holder for position, with a spacing “every cubic centimeter”.

                      You are such an ignorant, ignorant,…. ignorant, moron.

                    9. “If we cant do this, would it be OK to take all of our averages at the Albany New York airport instead?” – SirGareth

                      If your goal is to measure the average temperature of Albany NY, then of course.

                      LOL! You really should flag down a passing 5 year old and have them explain to you how averages work.

                      You are spectacularly stupid and their intellect is superior to yours.

                    10. RE: “You really should flag down a passing 5 year old and have them explain to you how averages work.”

                      I certainly wouldn’t flag you down shit-for-brains, you just demonstrated you can’t work the problem.

                    11. “What is the “average” thermal energy of all the earths molecules” – sirgareth

                      Hahahahahahahah…. Energy doesn’t define temperature, you pathetic fool.

                      In fact I can keep the energy content of a system static and still raise and lower the temperature of the system.

                      You are the poster child for stupid.

                      LOL! How do you manage to feed yourself?

                    12. Too funny shit-for brains, here you are underlining exactly what I said but you are too dim-witted to notice.

                      RE: “In fact I can keep the energy content of a system static and still raise and lower the temperature of the system.”

                      Exactly, shit-for-brains, you have just destroyed the climate cult’s fake science. If the temperature can go up and down while the heat remains constant what does that say for “temperature records” as a proxy for “heat” trapping gases?

                      PS shit-for-brains I was the one who brought up the concept that heat and temperature are not the same. Yes I’m aware that the specific heat of air varies immensely with humidity, and pressure. Tell it to the stupid f*cks who are collecting 150 year old temperature readings taken in some farmer’s back yard at breakfast time (daily lows) and lunch time (daily highs) and “averaging” the two readings. Wow great “science” shit-for-brains.

                      Poor pathetic shit-for-brains.

                    13. “Exactly, shit-for-brains, you have just destroyed the climate cult’s fake science. If the temperature can go up and down while the heat remains constant what does that say for “temperature records” as a proxy for “heat” trapping gases?” – Sigareth

                      LOL! It means Fool, that you are going to have to find some way to alter the entropy of the earth’s surface without altering the energy content, without altering the chemical composition of the surface, or anything else that would have been readily observed by now,

                      Maybe you could do it by dumping several thousand gigatonnes of sodium hydroxide or sodium acetate into the ocean to heat it up. You could call upon God to change the Boltzmann constant.

                      Or maybe those space aliens that keep probing your rectum in search of your brain are doing it.


                    14. “PS shit-for-brains I was the one who reminded you of the obvious fact that heat and temperature are not the same.” – Sirgareth

                      Ya, after I told you. Hahahahahhahahahahah.. You are such an ignorant, ignorant Child.

                    15. “Tell it to the stupid f*cks who are collecting 150 year old temperature readings taken in some farmer’s back yard at breakfast time (daily lows) and lunch time (daily highs) and “averaging” the two readings.” – Sirgareth

                      You have a vivid imagination, child.


                    1. A cup of tea has a temperate gradient fool, the molecules with the least heat content migrate towards the bottom, there are convective, conductive and radiative losses to consider. Is the cup sitting on a hot plate or a cold plate? What type of material is it sitting on, how much surface area is in contact? What about heat loss by evaporation? What is the temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure and wind speed of the air above it? What is the shape of the tea cup? What material is it made of, copper? Styrofoam?

                      Is the tea cup being stirred? Mow many molecules of infused tea substance, is in it darjeeling or earl grey, etc? Has sugar been added? cream? how much and in what percentages. When did you take its measure?

                      You have not begun to analyse your tea cup.

                      What a frigging fool, and just what type of science fiction did you do?

                    2. “A cup of tea has a temperature gradient fool,” – Sirgareth

                      Everything does. Are you trying to say that this means that nothing has a temperature?

                      You are. LOL!

                      So what are thermometers for? Are they some kind of global conspiracy in your microscopic little mind?

                      Do you intend to remain a moron for the rest of your life?

                    3. “the molecules with the least heat content migrate towards the bottom” – Sirgareth

                      You are confusing heat content with energy. You don’t know the difference.

                      You poor, ignorant fool.

                    4. Heat is energy shit-for-brains, you don’t know a joule from a jewel do you shit-for-brains

                      def: heat is ENERGY that spontaneously passes between a system and its surroundings in some way other than through work or the transfer of matter.

                    5. “Heat is energy shit-for-brains.” – Sirgareth

                      LOL! Heat my little fool is the energy in a system that flows to another system of a different temperature.

                      Heat is not the energy content of a system.

                      And once again you show yourself to be spectacularly ignorant.


                    6. RE: “Heat is not the energy content of a system.”

                      Here’s a simple question for you shit-for-brains How much heat energy is contained in a system comprised of liter of water at 373.16 K?

                      Heh heh…high school physics test question, can shit-for-brains get it right?

                    7. How much heat energy is contained in a system comprised of liter of water at 373.16 K?

                      Why did you specify water? Is the heat content dependent on the material being considered?

                      Yup. That is not the case with temperature. It is independent of the material being considered.

                      So in your seemingly infinite ignorance you have just admitted – through your question – that Temperature is not heat and is not the energy content of the system.

                      LOL.. You poor, pathetic, bag of Ignorance.

                    8. What are you shit-for-brains? let me guess. A school teacher?

                      RE: “Why did you specify water? Is the heat content dependent on the material being considered?”

                      Err….yes shit for brains…its called “specific heat” shit for brains. A liter of water has a different heat content than other substances at an equal temperature shit-for-brains.

                    9. “You see, a liter of water has a different heat content than other substances at equal temperature shit-for-brains.” – sirgareth

                      LOL. Did you even realize that the heat content of a substance is a bulk (Marxist, average) characteristic?

                      LOL! You are quite the ignorant little fool.

                    10. LOL. Did you even realize that the heat content of a substance is a bulk (Marxist, average) characteristic

                      Just as I thought, you read Karl Marx instead of Isaac Newton shit-for-brains

                    11. “How much heat energy is contained in a system comprised of liter of water at 373.16 K?” – mentally ill sigareth

                      LOL. Before or after the water boils?

                      As usual, you prove yourself to be intellectually inferior and transparent.

                    12. “Just as I though” – sirgareth

                      No you didn’t. You are incapable of thinking.


                    13. “What are you shit-for-brains? let me guess. A school teacher?” – Sigareth

                      Just call me “physics professor”.

                      You are running on a combination of grade 5 science with a smattering of grade 8 science.

                      You would fail any grade 6 science test.


                    14. Well shit-for-brains, I had you pegged right on, another shit-for-brains school teacher spreading the gospel of of Al Gore, another shit-for-brains who flunked out of divinity school.

                      RE: “Is the heat content dependent on the material being considered?”

                      Yes, shit for brains, that’s why I specified the substance.

                      Do you want to thank me for teaching you that different substances have different heat carrying capacities shit-for-brains?.

                      Don’t mention it, by tomorrow you;ll have forgotten it and be asking me again

                      Whatever they are supposed to teach in skool, either they or you missed the boat entirety shit-for-brains. Now it seems you are carrying on the tradition of spreading ignorance.

                    15. “I had you pegged right on, another shit-for-brains teacher ” – sirgareth

                      Rarely are fools like you seen at the Graduate level, as your kind are weeded out at the k though 8 level.

                      Very occasionally a student will develop a mental illness like yours, in which case we typically suspend their program and refer them to the administration where the parents are informed and the former student is guided toward psychiatric treatment.

                      Psychiatric assessment is something I strongly suggest for you.

                      There are medications available that will prevent you from continuing to believe that numerical averaging is a Marxist plot to overthrow the world.


                    16. RE: “Is the heat content dependent on the material being considered?”

                      “Yes, shit-for-brains,” – sirgareth

                      And is the bulk material comprising the Earth’s ocean’s changing substantially?

                      If yes, then where is your evidence.

                      If no, then you now know why your whining complaints are pure ignorance.


                    17. “Heat is energy shit-for-brains” – Sirgareth

                      LOL. The very definition you present to support your claim, disproves it.

                      def: heat is ENERGY that spontaneously passes between a system and its surroundings in some way other than through work or the transfer of matter.

                      And you are too much of a moron to even recognize it.

                      Ahahahahahahaha…. How do you manage to feed yourself.

                      How do you develop enough neural energy to lift the spoon to your mouth?

                    18. Look shit-for-brains, a substance above 0 K, has energy. It doesn’t need to transfer it in order to possess it. Unlike you, I possess wealth, I don’t need to fill your tin cup with a bit of it in order for me to possess it or measure it shit-for-brains.

                      What the hell do you think an electron volt is you stupid dumbf*ck perfesser

                      The trouble is you that look things up on the internet but you don’t possess the capacity to understand what is being said shit-for-brains.

                    19. Hey shit-for-brains, tell us how to take the “average” temperature of that cup of tea.

                      And keep your climate comics to yourself, only shit-for-brains like yourself believe they represent anything but cartoon images.

                    20. “You have not begun to analyse your tea cup.” – Sirgarath

                      LOL! What do you think thermometers are for, child?

                    21. “Thermometers are used primarily, to stick in someones asshole.” – sirgareth

                      Well then, an asshole like you must get a lot of use. No wonder you hate thermometers and try and pretend that temperature is a meaningless concept.


                      You are mentally ill Boy. Have you seen a psychiatrist?

                    22. Tapping on that wooden skull: Knock Knock Knock….”wake up shit-for-brains”

                      Sir Gareth has told you at least a dozen times that temperature is a very useful concept, it’s “average temperate” that’s just more Marxist bullshit.

                    23. LOL.

                      “”average temperate” that’s just more Marxist bullshit” – sirgareth


                      How do you stupid people like you manage to feed yourselves?

                      Temperature an average. Temperature is a bulk characteristic and as a bulk characteristic it is an average over the bulk.

                      An electron for example is not a bulk, and hence an electron in isolation has no temperature. The concept is not defined.

                      LOL… Seriously… How do you stupid people like you manage to feed yourselves?

                      Shameful. Absolutely shameful…

                    24. OK shit-for-brains, enlighten us by reprising us of the “average” temperature of the sun.

                    25. “reprising us of the “average” temperature of the sun”. – sirgareth

                      LOL. Since I have not computed the average temperature of the sun for you (LOL), It can not be “reprised” by me.

                      You have used the word incorrectly. Also you omitted the “for” from the phrase “reprising for us”..

                      LOL. If you are going to use words, you should know what they mean, NutJob.

                      In any case, to the calculation. Since we are dealing with the earth’s surface temperature, the sun’s average surface temperature will be calculated.

                      As you correctly indicated earlier, there are many ways to define the average, and in this instance I will define it as in terms of the Boltzmann distribution such that Total Power Output per unit area, (unit radiant exitance) = sigma * T**4.

                      Solar energy generation is measured to be 3.828 E26 watts.
                      Sigma = Boltzmann’s constant = 5.670 E -8
                      Sun Surface Area = 6.09×1018 m**2

                      So the Average solar temperature computes to be 5770’K

                      Current measurements for T are actually 5772 K

                      Solar output varies by a factor of 0.03 over the solar cycle or about +-20’K in the average surface temperature.


                    26. You missed on so many points I don’t have time to enumerate then all shit-for-brains.

                      First I said the sun not its surface and even If I did specify its surface, the sun is graced by sunspots that vary in number and magnitude all the time. Sunspots are considerable cooler than other areas of the surface. The correct answer is that its impossible to offer more than a gross estimate.

                      Secondly, global warming is about atmospheres not surfaces so even your assumption is wrong headed shit-for-brains

                      Thirdly, where suns surface is “approximately” (precision is not possible) 10,000 F whereas the outer corona is over 3,500,000 F.

                      OK shit-for-brains which contains more heat a cubic meter of the surface at 10K F or the outer corona at 3.5M F?

                      Don’t bother answering, I’m growing weary of schooling you “perfesser”


                    27. “Lets stick a thermometer in the Earth’s asshole and see what it is right now:” – sirgarath

                      LOL. So now you think that the current temperature of the Detroit is the same as the average global temperature.

                      My goodness you are an ignorant fool.\

                      Hahahahahahahahah… stupid…stupid…Stupid…

                    28. “What is the shape of the tea cup? What material is it made of, copper? Styrofoam?” – Sirgareth

                      LOL. Well you see, moron. You don’t need to know any of that to know the temperature of the tea contained in the cup.

                      It’s one of the reasons why temperature is a useful concept.

                      It also nicely illustrates your complete ignorance of basic science.

                      You must have flunked out of grade 5.

                    29. The speed of an automobile is a very important concept shit-for-brains.

                      The average speed of an automobile might be a useful concept under certain conditions shit-for-brains.

                      The average speed of all of the Earth’s automobiles (or molecules) is a useless concept unless you are a friggin Marxist shit-for-brains

                    30. “The speed of an automobile is a very important concept shit-for-brains.” – sirgareth

                      Yes, the instantaneous speed tells you many things.

                      The average speed tells you many more things.

                      Yet we have no information on the average speed of Cars in the U.S.

                      This is a limitation in measurement, not a limitation in the physics as you have implied by calling averages “marxist bunk”.


                      You know, density, height, width, depth, are are all averages as well.

                      In fact all bulk characteristics are averages, for the obvious reason that they apply to a bulk.

                      No wonder you don’t understand anything about the world around you.


                    31. RE: “This is a limitation in measurement, not a limitation in the physics as you have implied by calling averages “marxist bunk”.

                      OK shit-for-brains list at least 10 things that are limitations in measurement of the global average temperature If you cant list then list at least the number equal to your IQ

                    32. “OK shit-for-brains list at least 10 things that are limitations in measurement” – sigareth

                      LOL. I’m not going to do your work for you.

                      Every known source of error has been investigated and quatified. All are used to produce an estimated error in the final result.

                      The independent BEST climate reconstruction puts the error in modern measurements of global average temperature at close to zero. The error bars are indistinguishable from the thickness of the pens used to draw the plots.

                      You don’t state any sources of error, because you are too stupid to be able to come up with any that you know that you are safe from mentioningd without the potential of being lambasted yet again for being supremely ignorant.


                      You are transparent.

                    33. RE “Every known source of error has been investigated and quatified”

                      How about the unknown errors themselves as well as the unknown errors in quantifying the known errors, shit-for-brains. How are they handled?

                    34. “How about the unknown errors themselves ” – sirgareth

                      You mean the ones that the voices in your heat cause you to fantasize about?

                      Aren’t they the same voices that are telling you to put a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger?

                      You should listen to them.


                    35. I was thinking of the titanic kind of unknown errors such as “this ship is unsinkable” shit-for-brains.

                      I live in the real world, it’s not hot here shit-for-brains. Maybe you are in hell already and ascribing it to “global” warming,

                      Meanwhile, Minnesota is truly freezing over (-23 F tonight ).

            6. Even Al Gore’s college professor who turned Gore onto Global Cooling, Global Warming, Climate Change (or whatever you want to call it), came forward within the past year or so and said that it was a false science. Then Al Gore came back and said the professor was suffering from dementia. I don’t think so!! Al Gore has made billions off of this false science.

                1. Al Gore never got close to a science course in college; he took religious courses.

                  All Gore’s background in mathematics, the language of science, ended in the 8th grade with percentages and decimals.

                  He had no means to take any collegiate level science that requires proficiency in calculus, which requires an IQ considerably higher than Al Gore was saddled with.

                  1. Liar.. Liar.. Pants on fire…

                    “Al Gore never got close to a science course in college;”

                    Scientist Roger Revelle was one of Gore’s professors at Harvard.

                    “As early as the 1980s, the energy industry began taking steps to prevent the public from believing that humans are warming the planet. Revelle’s belief until his death that global average warming in the 21st Century would probably fall in the range of one to three degrees Celsius, a position well-known to his colleagues, held great sway in science circles and policy bodies. Revelle’s student at Harvard, Al Gore, was gaining public attention through the 1980s and he was passionate about what Roger had led him to see.”

                    The Cosmos Myth


                    1. Al Gores real professor:

                      “The theory of Communism may be summed up in one sentence: Abolish all private property.” – Karl Marx.

                    2. Hey shit-for-brains,

                      Politically funded “scientists” behave just like the rats they study, they will do anything for their reward. Stalin paid for Lysenkoism so that’s the science his rats performed for.

                      Our own Marxists paid for “global warming,” so that’s what our rats performed for.

                      Trump is going to pay for “no big deal” and the grants are already being written.

                      Watch the rats run their new reward.

                      See rat run Run Run Run.

                    3. “Our own Marxists paid for “global warming,”” – sirgareth

                      Are you trying to say that the 98% of all scientists who know the Globe is warming due to emissions of CO2 are “marxists”?

                      I bet you think they are all busy in their offices computing, how did you put it.. “Stalinist averages”.


                      You are mentally ill little boy. Get yourself to a psychiatrist before you hurt yourself.
                      On second hand, just put a bullet in your own brain. You are worthless, and nothing but a burden on society.


                    4. RE: “Are you trying to say that the 98% of all scientists who know the Globe is warming due to emissions of CO2 are “marxists”?”

                      No, shit-for-brains, I don’t “try” to say anything and I never “tried” to say this. For all I know they are good little capitalists investing in oil companies and airlines for a great investment return.

                      What I say and don’t “try” to say it is that your “scientists” behave just like the rats they study and why not? Don’t they all run their little courses to get their cheese reward (grants) at the end of the run?

                      I cant figure out whats wrong with the 2% holdouts. Don’t they know that the Marxist paymasters only have rat poison at the end of the “denial” trail?

                    5. I see. So the globe isn’t warming because you have fabricated a lie about what Al Gore’s university science professor told him.


                      A few posts ago you claimed that Gore had no science professors.

                      Liar.. Liar.. Pants on fire…

            7. Gore wanted to create a sense of panic so he could make even more millions than he already had by selling carbon offsets through his own company. Forbes referred to him and his partner in 2013 as, “Al Gore and his carbon credit huckstering partner David Blood, both principals at Generation Investment Management (GIM).” Congress never passed the cap-and-trade legislation he needed.

              People like Gore look ridiculous, but they are dangerous sociopaths who are willing to exploit others to enrich themselves. He must have known his propagandistic predictions weren’t true, but he needed others to believe it. No wonder the movie was banned in British schools unless there was a balanced discussion.

              I agree wholeheartedly with your reasonable stand on the environment.

              This is a link to the Forbes article if you are interested.

                  1. Why? Are you stupid, and only understand integers?

                    Didn’t they teach you fractions and decimals in public school?

                    Did you drop out of school before the 5th grade?

                    1. You keep calling me names. I don’t mind if it keeps your snowflakes from melting. Before your argument can hold water you need to prove a couple of things. First you must prove “Climate Change” is man made. Next you must decide if the planet is cooling or is it warming. I have heard both arguments from you side of the isle(EGore). Are you old enough to remember? I will leave you with one task that is the solution to your problem. Find the Thermostat for the sun.

                    2. I wasn’t aware that identifying someone as stupid was “name calling”.

                      Would it also be name calling if I identified you as having downs syndrome or cancer?

                      “First you must prove “Climate Change” is man made.” – DaFool

                      I would love to. But it will have to wait until you learn how to add and subtract.

                      When will you know how to do that?


                    1. and you are Al Gore’s proxi? Where are your pretty charts with sun proxi measures, world wide volcanic activity, and forest fires caused by lightening?

                    2. vs. CO2 is not the question. It’s verses proxi measure(temperature) and vs. the sun’s proxi measure(temperature). CO2 is not even an issue because plant life loves it. If you think CO2 is a problem then you need to speak with the Oceans.

                    3. If the planet is warming CO2 is not the cause. I told you were to look, but you will not consider it because there is not a man made cause or solution.

                    4. Liar.. Liar.. Pants on fire..

                      “If the planet is warming CO2 is not the cause.” – FollowDaStupid

                      Since CO2 absorbs Infrared radiation from the surface of the earth and re-emits some of it back down towards the earth, the earth’s surface must become warmer.

                      This is basic physics that you are denying. Physics that is 200 years old. Physics that is experimentally verified, Physics that is trivial.

                      You are clearly mentally ill.


                      Greenland is melting.


                    5. Then according to you CO2 would reflect some of the sun’s infrared energy? This would keep the sun’s energy from warming the earth’s surface? Sun, Earth, Earth, Sun. Who wins?

                    6. “Then according to you CO2 would reflect some of the sun’s infrared energy? ” – FollowDaStupid

                      LOL. It does indeed.

                      “This would keep the sun’s energy from warming the earth’s surface?”- FollowDaStupid

                      The fraction that doesn’t reach the Earth’s surface can’t warm the Earth’s surface… yes.

                      “Who wins?” – FollowDaStupid

                      LOL! The mechanism is described in grade 5 science classes all around the world, and you are completely ignorant of it. Hahahahahahahahahahha

                      The bulk of the energy emitted by the sun is in the visible range. That is why our eyes evolved to see the visible range. We don’t see heat.

                      In any case the majority of energy from the sun passes though the atmosphere, is absorbed by the ground, converted to long wave infared radiation and re-radiated away from the surface. This long wave radiation is what is absorbed by CO2 and 50 percent of the time re-radiated back down toward the earth.

                      Since there is more long wave radiation moving outward from the earth than inward from the sun, the net effect is warming.

                    7. Glad you are on it. Now all you have to do is get Al Gore to do is reduce his carbon foot print and we will all be fine.

                    8. Yes, I purchase carbon credits from myself every time I burn my trash, get on my jet, or uses more than $20K a month in electricity for my house.

                    9. Good point.

                      Al Gore purchases Carbon Credits from companies that do many things to offset net CO2 emissions. You know.. Things like reforestation. As trees grow they remove CO2 from the air.

                      You know how CO2 is plant food. Trees love the stuff.


                      Well done Mr. Gore.

                    10. You are way behind the times. My company has miles and miles of barbwire fence which I lease by the mile. Why would this have anything to do with carbon you ask? It is a 100% all natural Cedar Tree planting device. No green houses, seed harvesting, or driving to the field to plant the trees. Go crunch your numbers and I bet it takes more carbon to plant your EGore trees than CO2 conversion in the trees first 15 years of life.

                      Please give the Charts a rest. Anyone can get out their Crayolas and draw Charts.

                    11. ” I told you were to look” – FollowDaStupid

                      LOL! I looked and all I found was more of your stupidity.

                    12. Your analogy sucks. CO2 is watermelon food whose byproduct is O2. Living creatures utilize 02 whose byproduct is CO2. Do you remember from 5th grade general science? As far as Cocaine it was one of Hitler’s favorite brain poisons.

                    13. and what’s the problem? Who cares if the ice caps melt? As you must realize if the sun cools and we attempt to cool the planet by our own actions we all starve to death or do we freeze to death? Never mind…. I understand that reduction of the current world population by 90% is your goal. If you are not familiar with your goals I would suggest reading up on Agenda 21 and make sure your name is on the right list.

                    14. “Who cares if the ice caps melt? ” – FollowDaStupid

                      Anyone who cares to eat.

                      “As you must realize if the sun cools” – FollowDaStupid

                      Photons emitted at the core of the sun take something on the order of 100,000 years to reach the sun’s surface. They diffuse outward from the core very slowly due to the very high density of the plasma, and the fact that the plasma is of course composed of electrically charged particles.

                      Plasma acts as an effective shield for electromagnetic radiation.

                      The long transfer time has implications for the rate at which the sun can change temperature. Since the reserve energy that is slowly making it’s way to the surface of the sun is so large, and the speed so slow, there is essentially a constant reserve of energy below the sun’s surface that is being released into the layers above.

                      Since the reserve is essentially constant and the sun’s emission rate is governed by the radiance curve of a black body where E = sigma * Area * T**4, there is no way for the sun’s output to change by more than a couple of percent, without a significant change in it’s surface area, which translates to a change in it’s radius.

                      E = sigma * 4 * pi * R**2 * t**4

                      t will also be a function of r, but this will be related to the depth of the compression wave that any breathing mode will reach.

                      Roughly speaking delata V will be proportional to delta t. and if we set the depth of the compression wave to be 10% of R, we get R**2-(R-1000)**2 is proportional to delta t.

                      So delta t is proportional to -1000R

                      So dE = sigma * pi * R**2 * (r0+k*1000R)**4 dt.

                      Since dE must be close to zero due to the very large reserve of E, then dt must be even smaller.

                      In practical terms dt can not change by more than a few percent over time periods longer than a century.

                      So the proposition “if the sun cools”, isn’t going to happen any time soon.

                      It just ins’t physically possible.

            8. I buy climate change, and I buy that human industry has an effect on it. What I don’t buy is the severity of that effect. We eliminated many CFCs, which was smart. We eliminated a lot of particulate pollution, which was smart. No we’re going after CO2, which is ridiculous. To think humans are going to completely change the climate of an entire planet in a matter of decades is so silly.

              As an example, the same kinds of people claim that a nuclear war would put the Earth into a Nuclear Winter. Yet, nearly 2,000 nuclear warheads have been detonated since 1945, and the climate didn’t even flinch.

              The reality is, most of what mankind does is a drop in a very large bucket. It’s why Fukushima hasn’t irradiated the whole Pacific like some nuts claimed it would. It’s why you could literally dump every nuclear reactor and every bit of nuclear waste into the Pacific and not change much.

              These people overestimate our ability to change climate and underestimate how vast this planet is. It’s like ants living in a hole in your wall being worried about changing the temperature of your living room.

              1. “What I don’t buy is the severity of that effect.” – Kein

                Normal Human body temperature is 37’C. People start dying when their body temperature rises by 4’C.

                This is also the case for most animals, especially fish who have a body temperature that is equal to the water around them.


                An iceberg the size of Delaware is starting to break away from Antarctica. It began with a small crack, but has now grown 70 miles long and more than 300 feet wide. When it reaches the edges of the ice sheet, the state-sized chunk will drift away into the sea.
                The crack is a third of a mile deep—reaching all the way to the sea below. It’s a relatively new rift in the ice sheet, called Larsen C, but is following in its icy brethren’s footsteps: Larsen A and B both broke away from the main Antarctic sheet in the last two decades in much the same way. All three began with clefts in the ice and eventually floated away to disintegrate.


                1. Hot news flash, folks! These Antarctic ice sheets break up all the time. It’s what they do. Bergs the size of small States are common. So are leftists panicking about them. Meanwhile the glacier on the Continental land mass keeps growing thicker.

                  1. Yup. At least once every 120,000 years. LOL!

                    “These Antarctic ice sheets break up all the time.” – Jerry Liar

                    People die all the time. Hence murder is impossible – Jerry Liar.

                  2. “Bergs the size of small States are common.” – Jerry Liar

                    Yup, on the fantasy planet called Planet Conservatard.


                    Few people know that Alaska is actually an ice berg.

                2. What a crackpot comment.

                  Humans thrive in climates where “average” temperatures are -30 F


                  to places like Kuwait City where daytime temps routinely hit +122 F that’s a range of 152 degrees.

                  More of your stupidity follows. Ice selves “break away” and icebergs calve because there is too much ice, not too little.

                  Try this scientific experiment: Pour an ounce of molasses onto the middle of card table top, now look at the floor. Note that nothing spilled onto the floor.

                  Now pour the the whole 32 ounce bottle of molasses onto the center of the card table

                  Look at the floor.

                  What caused all that molasses on the floor? Did you pour too little and that caused the breakaway

                3. Not sure what this has to do with the price of tea in China.

                  It in no way describes to what extent human activity contributes to it. That is my point. The climate changes, has always changed, and will always change. There will be a glacial period in the future at some point. There will be a much warmer period at some point as well, when the Ice Age we are currently in (and have been for all of human history) finally ends.

                  With or without humans, the climate will change. Pointing to something changing and saying “look! we’re doing that!” is silly at best and grossly arrogant at worst. There is no full model of the climate, so we cannot predict how it will change or what, if any, effects human activity contributes.

                4. That’s what happens when there is an abundance of ICE . . .
                  Antartica has grown over 680,000 sq km of Ice in the last decade.
                  Didn’t the Enviro-loons get stuck there in December 2014 while retracing the steps of a 1905 expedition? They were still over 60 miles away from where the 1905 group landed . . . and stuck in the ICE. Had to get rescued by helicopter in the middle of the southern hemisphere SUMMER ! ! !

                  1. “Didn’t the Enviro-loons get stuck there in December 2014 while retracing the steps of a 1905 expedition?” – DCW left coast


                    Why do you feel a need to lie about it?

                  2. Overall, a recent estimate puts Antarctic net mass balance at -71 ± 53 gigatonnes per year8, so just negative over the 19 year survey. Mass losses are increasing in West Antarctica and the Antarctic Peninsula. The mass balance of West Antarctica is dominated by dynamic losses from the Amundsen Sea sector, and dynamic gains from the Kamb Ice Stream8. From the period 2005-2010, Shepherd et al. (2012) estimate the mass balance of the entire Antarctic Ice Sheet to be -81 ± 37 gigatonnes per year8.
                    An unweighted average of recent estimates suggests that Antarctica moved from a weakly negative mass balance in the 1990s to a faster rate of mass loss at a rate of between -45 and -120 gigatonnes per year7. Larger dynamic losses in West Antarctica are being partially offset by increases in accumulation over East Antarctica.

                    Accelerating total mass losses from Antarctica
                    The GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) satellite gravity mission shows that total mass loss in Antarctica is accelerating over time. They found that total mass loss increased by 26 ± 14 gigatonnes per year from 2002 to 20099. Rignot et al. (2011) found a smaller acceleration of 14.5±2 gigatonnes per year from 1993-20115, but this change is still three times larger than that found for mountain glaciers and ice caps.


            9. What is even funnier is that the whole idea of “climate change” is based on the idea that “the climate” is stable, a notion that is in complete and utter denial of scientific fact.

            10. You don’t realize that our air is cleaner then ever before. There is a point of diminishing returns that we have reached under the idiot Obama.
              The EPA has published a 2008 report that the air is cleaner now then 30 years ago… But they still want to do more which will further damage the economy. And Obama was only too happy to give them a free hand.

            11. Did Al Gore say “climate change” or “global warming” in his video “An Inconvenient Truth”? Have to admit I only watched outtakes from it myself; hard to get too motivated from my vantage point:

              –I took Environmental Physics from respected enviro-scientist John Harte in 1979 (he was a close associate of Ehrlich and Holdren)–the course explained the “greenhouse effect” but there was no panic, the big thing the curriculum emphasized was we were running out of everything especially oil

              –I still have my copy of the “Club of Rome” they made me read in college in 1978, it stated flatly that we would run out of oil by…..2015

              In my 6th grade science text a decade earlier than that it showed a graph of the previous Ice Ages (note the plural) and how the last one ended 12,000 years ago when the ice sheets started melting from as far south as Sacramento…it simply said “it is going to get warmer until is stops and starts getting cold again as it did in the previous cycles”

              when the NY Times isn’t even as coherent as an old elementary science text it kind of tells you where we are. The childish insistence of only “man made” change is pathetic.
              Clarity can be found by reviewing Lindzen’s 1992 paper predicting the ensuing political schemes:



            12. True. And in the Earth’s 4.5 Billion years, there has never been “climate constant” — never. It’s human nature and arrogance to want things to stay ‘normal’ but the normal for Earth is constant, gradual, change.

            13. There is no global cooling. There is global warming, although in some regions, there are extreme fluctuations in temps, and some experience more snow than they have ever seen in history, while most of the planet is far too hot. “Climate change” is a more sensible term than “global warming,” because morons cannot understand that even in areas where there is extreme cold, most of the planet is experiencing extreme heat.

              1. More real science . . .

                We know that there is no such a thing as self-heating greenhouse and yet new theories have been invented to argue something that cannot be argued.

                We know that there is nothing in common in IR spectra between CO2, methane and water and yet they have been classified together as ‘greenhouse gases’ because they absorb infrared radiation, together with millions of other molecules.

                We know that CO2 in the atmosphere could not be detected by a standard IR-spectrometer and yet that property of CO2 has been used to argue for the existence of a greenhouse effect.

                We know that all the knowledge about the physical world comes from experiments that can be validated and not from calculations that cannot be validated. And yet, everything about man-made global warming is about calculations and NOTHING about measurements.

            14. I had a client tell me fracking was causing climate change and causing tornados in Oklahoma. These nitwits will believe absolutely anything. Except god.

            15. But of course their objectives isn’t to be “right” or “reasonable” BUT to find a tool that they can use to subjugate their infidels. Thus far, the “progressive”‘s favorite weapons are: a) racism; b) sexism; c) xenophobia and d) (fading into reality) “man-made climate change” – yesterday’s “global warming”. These are pathetic dolts! Too bad there can’t be an adult conversation with them.

            16. That’s why their predictions are all 100 years in the future. No one living today will be around to see they were wrong. This is also why they use subjective language when describing the future effects of climate change – might be, could be, may be, etc. We don’t say 2+2 “might be” 4. We say 2+2 IS 4. Here’s where the idiots who don’t listen carefully get off track. When some climate change proponent tells them,”The sea level in New York City might be 15 feet higher,” they run out in a panic like Chicken Little (or Al Girl) and interpret it to mean,”The sea level in New York City WILL BE 15 feet higher.” They become useful idiots for scientists who seek more funding for their bogus research.

          2. I remember the comping ice age thing well. Here is how is see it: Fear sells, liberals are more emotion over thought and bingo, they pedal something to be fearful of. The climate has always been changing. What causes it, hair spray, hydrocarbons, cow farts? Too many government grants going to so called scientists to “prove” what they’ve been granted to push.

            1. The real reason for the hysteria is they want to spread the wealth with billions going to monetary support and grants for the third world in the name of coping with global warming. How do you think they got the pope to buy into this scheme. More than likely didnt tell him the whole story and he bit, doesnt hurt that he has a revolutionary history coming from South America.

            1. Look into the center of the colored circles, relax, keep looking, you are now asleep and under my control. Climate change is bad and its man made and only communists can cure it.

              When I snap my fingers you will wake up but always remember what I have told you

            1. Hey did you run out of squigly line graphs, you already showed this one. How about some hot naked ladies who promise to bed us to get our attention back.

          3. The term “Global Warming” describes that the seas are warmer and warming faster than they normally would. Some parts of the Earth will experience extremes in temperature, because of climate disruption. Some experience colder temps and unusual amounts of snow, while other parts of the world have record temperatures and extreme drought.

            The recorded record warmth in this nation goes up every single year. This is a fact. It is affecting our local climate. In some parts of the world, like China, their severe manmade drought is preventing rainfall. The rivers are drying up. Their crops cannot grow.

            In Syria, their civil war began with many years of record drought in Syria. People had no food. They had to migrate to other parts of the country, and rather than feeding them, Assad decided to kill them. The entire debacle began with unabated drought.

          4. (Sigh!) How I long for the good old days when every day featured temperatures of 58-81F and soft and salubrious breezes blew throughout the day and night, when there were no hurricanes (or harricanes as Jerry Lee Lewis used to say), tornadoes, or severe winters. Then Man had to go and eff it all up. Back in the day all we had to contend with were droughts, poisonous snakes, wild animals, smallpox, leprosy, the Black Plague, malaria, polio, cholera and an average lifespan of less than thirty years. Those were the Good Old Days.

          1. If I’m not mistaken the Ozone hole was real and has pretty much been reversed but that would be one case where a specific action HAs yielded the result that we were after. Man made “global” level climate change is impossible for us to create or stop

            1. Wished he would have picked Myron Ebell for the position. Ebell has been on his transition team wrt environment/EPA issues and his position was more inclined to dismantle the EPA.

              – Freeze the regs at 2010 levels and repeal all regs since ’10
              – 10 yr ‘holiday’ on any new regs to stabilize the business environment
              – Dismantle the Fed EPA agency – morphing 20% of it into Interior Dept
              – 50% of current EPA budget block granted to states for enforcement of 2010 regs and general oversight of environment
              – No current Fed EPA employee may seek state level position (i.e., the purge of the leftist running the EPA)

              The EPA must be DISMANTLED – they cost individuals and businesses over $1 trillion dollars a year and also loss of productivity (incalculable) on top of that – its time to delete this leftist parasite agency.

                1. Cute, and dumb. We don’t need GLOBAL WARMING regulations for clean air and water. You drank way too much of their propaganda kool aid. You libs got away with your BS too long. There’s a new sheriff in town.

              1. Better:
                – Get rid of the regs altogether – let the states make their own laws

                – Give the money back to the taxpayers

                – Dismantle the EPA

                That is how you deal with it.

                1. I hope certain limits would be placed on how much the states can regulate, perhaps under the interstate commerce clause. I hate my home state with their shutting down nuclear power plants and hydroelectric plants which has driven the price of electricity so high that we are rivaling electric costs in Hawaii yet have a much hotter climate. This is driving business out of state, not to mention the high cost to households which alone adds up to billions a month over the approximately 10 million households in this state.

                  In a move so stupid that it could only happen in government they’ve taken out so many power plants that we no longer generate enough electricity to meet demand. In addition, they are going to close the last nuclear plant in the state which generates nearly 10% of our electricity. On top of it, they have mandated that a certain percentage of cars on California roads be electric and this percentage increases each year. Where is all this electricity to come from? Also, if electric cars were the way to go people would be buying them without the government having to provide job robbing subsidies and under force of law to buy them. So much for a market economy.

              2. ANY agency that in effect WRITES LAW (and calls them regulations) usurps the role of Congress. Therefore, ALL such agencies must suffer one of two fates (or a combination of the two): 1. Every single reg and change of regs MUST pass Congressional debate and approval resulting in a BILL which then goes through the system to become an actual law. Or, 2., While agencies can be tasked to help enforce laws, NO agency shall be permitted to make a law/regulation except those governing their own internal operations. Legislating is the job of our Legislative Branch, never of alphabet-soup agencies. I know, #Libtards, this takes all the fun out being bureaucratic dcikheads. Too bad, so sad.

                1. We need to take the threat of fines away from this rogue agency. Let them cite a federal law that has been broken and then take the offender to court. If I’m on the jury the EPA loses.

            2. The ‘ozone hole’ was a farce, sure there was a ‘hole’ but it was like any other level of the atmosphere, thick at one time, thin another, cloudy one day, clear the next. Bloody idiotic.

            3. No the so called hole is a natural phenomenon caused by a cyclical updraft that just goes away when the updraft stops. They didn’t put that in the regular news because it didn’t fit what Gore wanted. Follow the money to be made on carbon trading!

            4. I still wonder if that was also another scam – No one has ever explained how the release of heavier-than air molecules (CFCs) at ground-level in the northern hemisphere can affect a high-altitude layer at the South Pole.

              1. That’s why they call it junk-science ! If reasonable doubt can be caused by just the application of a common-sense question like u just did, then it’s probably bogus.
                I remember those spray-cans that had the “Contains no CFCs” disclaimer and Im like WHO TF cares ? ? ? 99.99999999999% of all consumers have ZERO clue of WTF a CFC even is ! ! ! !

              1. No no no…..feed a tree is much better.

                Trees already know how to reproduce. What they don’t know how to do is to put their food (CO2) in the air.

                That’s where you can help. Buy a gas guzzler; save a tree.

            5. This is another bullshit story.

              Ozone “holes” have occurred over the antarctic for at least a million years and if an asteroid doesn’t smash the antarctic will continue to do so for at least the next million years

          2. The ozone hole is on the mend. Thanks to folks who had the foresight to nip the problem in the bud (fulling knowing that folks like you would say exactly what you’re saying).

            BTW, you know that science is nothing more than “just theory”; you have a better way?

              1. They didn’t use anything. They stopped releasing chemicals that were causing its depletion. When we stopped using these chemicals, ozone was able to replenish itself. Not sure if to %100, but we don’t hear about it much anymore.

                  1. What an iPhone could cost in Donald Trump’s America – The Denver …


                    Nov 20, 2016 – Businesses and policymakers are bracing for what could happen under President-elect Donald Trump’s trade agenda. Trump has promised to …


                    Trump’s tariffs will cost Americans thousands, report says – May. 19 …


                    May 19, 2016 – Trump’s tariffs will cost Americans thousands, report says …. again in the U.S., they likely would be highly automated and not create many jobs.


                    ‘President Trump’ would cost U.S. economy $1 trillion – Sep. 14, 2016


                    Sep 14, 2016 – Donald Trump’s economic, tax and immigration reforms, if fully executed, would cost the U.S. economy $1 trillion, according to Oxford Economics. … The steep cost of underemploying highly skilled immigrants …. American buyers would stand to lose too if all of Trump’s policies are implemented. Those tariffs …

                1. Please explain how a large, heavy molecule like CFC released at ground level in the Northern Hemisphere can cause a “hole” in a layer at high altitude near the South Pole

                2. Please, this is just bullshit. The ozone holes keep coming and going just as they have for the past millions of years.

                  Get skeptical, most science is fraudulent, we thrive on whats left over.

            1. On the mend? In 2013, reports were of excessive ozone. The cause? They blamed global warming which caused more thunderstorms which created the excess. Now it’s true that lightning does generate ozone (nothing more than O3, high energy oxygen) but the rest of it is pure conjecture – or maybe nonsense.

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                1. I know the difference. My POINT is that they’re blaming climate change and storms “caused by it” for the increased ozone. Yes. The hole “healed” but, as usual, no cause/effect proven re CFCs

              1. Science starts as theory until facts prove the theory or disproves it. The problem with “climate change theories” is much of the data is altered or manipulated to show “climate change” is caused by mankind’s activities. Real scientists do not alter or manipulate data to achieve a forgone conclusion.

                    1. RE: “BTW, you know that science is nothing more than “just theory”; you have a better way?”

                      “Science is the Belief in the Ignorance of Experts” — Richard Feynman PhD and Nobel Physics Laureate.

                    2. That’s hardly shocking, science is always wrong. 99.97% of all scientific theories once held dear have now been rejected. The remaining 0.03% are only awaiting their turn for the trash barrel.

                      The best that can be said for science is that it offers utility, but never truth.

                      Our steam railroads ran beautifully by precisely applying the principles phlogiston theory. You couldn’t hope to run our steam trains without using phlogiston’s principles

                    3. except for denialists will ALWAYS say that climate research based on modelling is totally devoid of utility, despite that scientific methods are employed as assiduously in that area as they are in all others, and ignoring that scientists, using models, have predicted warming (which is what we’re getting) for the last forty years

                    4. Modeling a theory that has no method of disproof is a fool’s errand.

                      The only way for the Marxists to get people stupid enough to believe some bullshit that you can, you need the Marxists to make people as ignorant as they are: voila: “public” education.

                    5. You don’t model theories. Theories ARE models. Theories are ideas or explanations of how things work. They aren’t expected to be exactly representative of reality, but rather are expected to provide a measure of predictability. Theories are just about always replaced – through time – by better theories. What denialists don’t get (or don’t WANT to get) is that you can’t prove theories in the scientific sense; and this is because you can never know enough about the natural world to consider all effects, and you can never observe with absolute precision and accuracy (so they say THERE’S NO PROOF! – as if proof is something easy or possible to come by).

                    6. Yes theories are models, but 10,000 lines of fu’ked-up Fortran code is not a theory.

                      There are no theories that can accuracy predict the stock market or the millions of micro-climates will perform over the next 100 years or how much more ice will accumulate in the Antarctic over the same time period.

                      As Yogi Berra put it: “predictions are really hard, especially about the future”

                      The hubris of this fake charlatan climate scam is offensive; carnival barkers have more credibility.

                      Yes, you can model natural behavior if you stick to what is actually known which is precious little. For instance people who grow vegetables indoors in real greenhouses , have modeled how much better they grow if more CO2 is introduced into the air and these models ALWAYS work.

                      We will never be fooled by the ignorance of foisting the megadeath of socialism on the world for scads of theories, none of which have ever worked, for results that add even more misery to people’s lives.

                      I do not know if the next century’s millions of climates will be marginally warmer or cooler here or there over the next century, but neither does anyone else. NO ONE knows more than me about this and I freely admit know nothing. Why cant we have the same honesty from these fake fortune tellers who call their crystal balls “science”

                      It makes me nauseous. .

                      For almost all of the world’s populations warmer is better and more CO2 feeds more plants, animals and people. 400 ppm is near carbon starvation to a food hungry planet.

                    7. It’s the easiest thing in the world to do to criticize the work of others (without offering anything better). And, since nobody has done better than those folks at NCAR, NOAA, and NASA at predicting global temperature averages, they should be listened to and/or challenged with a better model(s). CO2 doesn’t “feed” anyone. If conditions aren’t near-perfect for growing the crops that civilization has counted on for sustenance these thousands of years in the present age, then many fewer folks will be eating. The plants did fine on this planet with 280 ppm, and 400 ppm doesn’t need to be augmented for the sake of plants. Civilization has never known 400 ppm or above (or even above 280), and those who welcome higher CO2 levels aren’t operating on theory, but rather just wishful thinking. Good luck. And with this, I permanently conclude my remarks to you in this discussion.

                    8. Thermodynamics was in its infancy 150 years after phlogiston theory was working very well for the planet. It could inform one how much energy one could get from boilers based upon the phlogiston content of various fuels.

                      Phlogiston theory worked very well; it wasn’t junk science like man-made climate change whose theories have always demonstrably failed.

                      I don’t think you understand at all, do you actually think that quantum theory is “finally correct” or even converging on “the truth?”

                    9. ok, didn’t see this comment until just now; I don’t think that phlogiston theory has anything on modern thermodynamic theory; I studied thermodynamics in engineering school, and we didn’t dwell on phlogiston, ; that notion has been supplanted by far better theory; and with this, I really do conclude

            2. Oh,yeah.We had to give up freon for A/C units,while Chinese made A/C units still use the stuff.Guess where WalMart’s window A/C units are made.They said it would take 50 years to ‘heal’,but it miraculously began to ‘heal’ once the ban for the United States was signed into law,before the ban really took affect.Summer sunshine that produces ozone at ground level was claimed to not produce upper atmosphere ozone,yet it did,every summer.The ozone ‘hole’,which was just a slight thinning every winter as the pole was turned away from direct sunlight,was ‘healed’ by nothing more than summer sun,as it always had been.

              1. All of science and knowledge are merely theory with reproducible results. The theory stands as long as the data conforms to the structure. Non-conforming data produces new theories.

                1. The difference, in your words, is reproducible or proven, which was my point.(scientific law vs theory) Theories often stand bc of perpetuated insinuation and misplaced support of scientists, academicians and others ( such as media), blurring the line between science and science fiction. All science may be theory (in the scientific progression) but all theory is not science, even with ‘evidence’

            3. Yeah, they saved us from Martians attacking us too. They commissioned Slim Whitman to sing the “Indian Love Song” over and over until all their heads exploded into something like grape jelly.

              I saw this on a documentary called “Mars Attacks”

            4. Please state a Fact about the actual Temperature of THE EARTH cooling or warming in anything but a cyclical fashion since the creation of earth! That is scientific “Climate Change” boodrow

              What pulled us out of the last Ice age??? Oh I would guess more Ice?>NOT How many Ice ages have we had since the creation??? Get over the BS and try to reason with some facts not THEORY from people that are directly being paid to find climate change – Self fulfilling jobs! Oh and scientist are the ones being PAID!

          3. Ozone is likely the most misunderstood thing surrounding this silly climate argument. Yes there IS a huge hole in the ozone layer and it happens every night (and has since our planet had oxygen in the upper atmosphere).

            The misunderstanding comes in the radical nature of O3. It’s unstable and rarely exists beyond a few seconds before the extra oxygen atom is released, returning the molecule to O2. Knowing this it is unavoidable that ozone will be lost regardless of what mankind does to help or hinder it.

            The attention must turn to how ozone is created in the upper atmosphere, since the creation rate must exceed the loss rate to have any ozone concentration at all.

            Ozone is created by bombarding O2 with UV rays which breaks the molecule up into 2 free radical oxygen ions. The loose oxygens end up finding a very short lived home attached to a nearby O2 molecule, making it O3.

            So it isn’t O3 that protects us from UV light, it’s simple O2 that is driven to become O3 by the complete consumption of a UV photon. Therefore ozone in the atmosphere is a product of the UV light and oxygen.

            As long as there is oxygen in our atmosphere, and a star belching UV at us, there will be plenty of ozone. This is how God rolls. After all He’s the engineer who made our skin automatically convert UV light into a self-protection from …. UV light. Genius!

              1. The truth is that positive feedback loops are rare and always catastrophic. Light a match when you smell gas and you might discover a real positive feedback loop.

                They don’t occur in nature because all of these loops have already run their courses and left us the stable hunk of rocks and dirt we live on,.

                Striking a match creates a small positive feedback loop. After the the feedback loop has run its course, striking the match again will never burn you.

            1. This is exactly true. Pay a zealot to find a sin (religious or scientific) and he will find all the sin you need as long as you keep paying him to do so.

            1. The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.
              H. L. Mencken

              (sometime in the 1920s)

              1. Palliative measures, my moronic ‘Murican! Sun screen and common sense. Otherwise, what do you think I can do? Perhaps mount a trillion dollar rocket plan to take space needle and carbon thread to sew up the hole?

          4. Good question! Last I heard, 15-20 years ago, they were saying NASA discovered that it doubled in size from aerosol hair sprays. I guess it’s gone now. LOL!

          5. It never got traction with the left. For one thing, it wasn’t a hole but a thinning of the atmosphere over the poles and had been going on forever. Just not sexy enough to sell, so Gore moved on to something that was shinier. If you want to have fun with your lefty friends (or family), offer $20 to anyone who can name Gore’s first climatic disaster vehicle (i.e. ozone hole). You will NEVER have to pay out.

        2. The long national nightmare of this LIE is coming to an end. There is NO SUCH THING as “man-made global warming.” It’s a scam and a lie. Push back! Push these crooked “scientists” back into their liberal holes.

            1. Exactly!!!!! And put the guys controlled by the Rothschild/banksters in CERN and HAARP into jail, too, as they try to destroy the earth with their geo-engineering (to save the planet, so they “say”, when it is actually to destroy the planet and put toxins in our air, water, and food supply. )

            2. Al Gore is criminal #1, after him the cowardly Congress who believed all this tripe. Then, but especially, the JUNK “scientists” who attempted to prove a lie by their own lies. EVERY ONE OF THEM should be put in jail for defrauding the public. They lied to take massive Grant $$$. They’re just money-grubbing criminals.

          1. Totally! All those fat cat research academics driving around in Bentleys while the poor execs from the oil companies scrimp and save just to get by. Follow the money!

        3. yes sir. I’m 44 and have been hearing about the coming destruction of the planet from GW since about ’82. by this time NY and FL were supposed to be under water along with most of the pacific islands, and CA was supposed to have broken of into the sea. LOL. I guess a P.T. Barnum used to say, there’s one born every minute.

        4. Acid raaaaaaaaain…defoliation of treeeeeeeeees, accelerated extinction of speeeeeeecies,..ooooooooohhhh such big bad boogeymen they’ve taught us to fear!

        5. I remember that we were supposed to be waist deep in ice by now, then it was water. Love the idea that the government thinks paying taxes will reduce severe weather???

        6. I remember that BS too. It was the same NASA rocket scientist who now is funded by none other than George Soros, James Hansen, who invented the hockey stick theory to explain the coming Ice Age back then and when that balloon didn’t fly used this same failed theory to scare us about global warming. And Al Gore has been making millions from it and the crooked Franklin Raines who enriched himself cooking the books at Fannie Mae also stands to make a fortune from this lie because he owns the patent on the idea of Carbon Credits which steals money from consumers to give to carbon credit traders. Is it any wonder thinking people are tired of this BS and elected Donald Trump?

        7. Given that this nonsense of anthropomorphic climate change was really just a smokescreen for their real objective, a one world government enslaving everyone for benefit of a relatively few, self-anointed “elites,” then yes, they are loons for thinking we would willingly swallow their codswallop without real proof, which they cannot produce.

          We are demanding real scientifically valid proof from skankers who can barely add two numbers together correctly.

        8. I distinctly remember that headline during the winter of ’77.
          Too bad so many of our fellow Americans have such poor memories – and judgment…
          Al keeps pushing the agenda only b/c there’s a pile of cash in it for him. Look up the senate/congressional hearings when they filleted his behind.

        9. There have been many ice ages. If you do not know this, go learn something. I am not sure what you are reading about “murmurs,” but you, sir, should be embarrassed. You probably believe that the Earth is 6000 years old, as do your friends. If you do not believe that, then congratulations. Zero population growth is a means to prevent the raping of resources in communities where resources are scarce. If you do not understand, yet, how land in Africa is drying up at exponential proportions, and historical man-made drought in China from so much pollution is preventing rain, and causing their rivers to dry up….the please google it and learn something. Your ignorance is obvious and should be embarrassing to you.

          1. Why is this always happening far away?
            Perhaps it is because of their local practices and poor management.
            Like the snow in the Himalayan mtns that decreased after they cut down all the trees in the 19th century . . . today with reforestation the snows are returning.
            China is a cesspool of pollution and disregard of nature, especially where they MINE Rare Earth Minerals for windmills, batteries and solar panels. Thousands of square miles of devastation and destruction. Rivers, lakes and communities destroyed as well as the health of workers.
            And in YOUR WEAK MIND . . . IT IS OUR FAULT and we need to do more?
            Just Friggin INSANE MAN ! ! !

        10. Well you know given enough time, a billion years, give or take, it will all come true eventually….

          What they don’t mention is man won’t be around to witness it.

      2. John, can you please post the link to this information or give me the reference as to where it came from? I would love to have a copy of this report to show it to my thick headed, brainwashed friends that this “global climate change” BS has been going on for decades and it is not just a current event.

      3. says the commerce department from norway…..and the leftists don’t hear anything strange at all in that statement. The climate lie is the one lie the left will never give up….never. Without it no personal international carbon tax….no carbon tax no assault on private property, the holy grail of leftist socialist communists and globalists.

      4. Hmmm…….sounds pretty cereal, eh? Give Kellogs a call and maybe they’ll contribute to your cause…LOL! In the meantime I trust that the polar bears, seals, flounder, and other sea creatures will survive without man’s support. They’ve been around a lot longer than we have. Just hope that there’s enough ice left for my 5:00 o’clock scotch and water!

      5. I was so about to rip into you with real facts…right up until I got down to “I neglected to mention that this report was from November 2, 1922, as reported
        by the AP and published in The Washington Post – 93 years ago.”
        Bwaha! Good on ya!

      6. Actually per NASA – the Icebergs are growing… The Greenhouse theory on Climate Change is so outdated bs from the 60s… We now know that Climate Change had a plethora of variables like Solar Flares, Sun Activity, the Changing of of Axis affecting Earth’s Electromagnetic layering systems… And Electromagnetic layering systems themselves in constant change which has very little to do w Human Behavior… Fact Most Astrophysicists do NOT think that Humans cause Climate Change because there is absolutely no scientific proof of this… Only people ignorantly assuming the Green House Model is Fact which it isn’t…. Our Universe works on the dynamics of Energy NOT Matter…

          1. Yes I did and its contrary to NASA… I think that NASA has more cred than some Political motivated hack job from Norway… Did they mention anything about the shift in the Polar axis??? Dah??? Maybe that might have something to do w teh changing climate patterns in Norway…The Climate Change caused by Humans is nothing more than a Hoax for Political Agendas… Really Carbon LMAO…

      7. As for Global Warming, it is nothing more than more lies and deception from the left. You would think that we live in a time of reason but the Global Warming alarm is dressed up as science, yet it isn’t science. It’s propaganda. There is no evidence that 20th century global warming is linked to anthropomorphic greenhouse gases. The left has made it a defining moral and political cause in our age. Any criticism, no matter how scientifically rigorous, is considered illegitimate. Worse, you are quickly labeled a flat earthier and guilty of climate genocide. Any politician disagreeing with the radical environmentalist commits political suicide The truth is that the world’s climate is always changing and there is nothing unusual about our current temperature, and there is no scientific evidence that today’s temperature is driven by CO2 or man made, despite being told that it’s been proven beyond a doubt. Not one of the large climate changes in the past 1,000 years can be explained by CO2. The ice cores show that. There have been times when CO2 was 3-10 times higher. CO2 does not drive temperature. As for the IPCC, it like every UN panel is political. The vast number of names they boast as their support are not only non scientists, but many resigned out of disagreement about GW. The UN did not remove their names. Bottom line, there are many scientist that disagree with man made GW. Patrick Moore, co-founder of Green Peace calls it a political activist movement. Not environmental. It’s all about money. Hundreds of thousands of jobs depend on GW now. Its become a big business. You want funding? Then tie your project, research what ever to GW. Money will flow. Disagree and you will starve. Like the evolutionist, the global warming alarmist use censorship and intimidation to push their agenda. These tactics should be obvious to people. Developing countries like Africa are not allowed to develop despite having large quantities of natural resources availiable. The global warming crowd force them to use expensive energy producing methods such as solar panels so that their hospitals can not properly take care of their patients. People are dying as we speak because of this lie. Cheap availiable energy is the main reason for the increase and quality of earth’s population in the 1900’s. So what do we know? The earth’s climate has always been changing. In the past, there have been colder and warmer periods than today. This current warming period is about 200 years old and is coming out of the Little Ice Age of the 1450’s to 1850’s. Pictures show the river Thames frozen over. Before that was the Medieval Warm Period between 1000 and 1400. Temperatures then were higher than today. That has always been given as the reason for the great cathedrals built during these times. Man had a longer growing season which translated into more food. People thrived during this warm period. Chaucer mentioned vineyards in northern England. Areas that vineyards can not grow today because it is too cool !!!! The period before that was even warmer. The polar bears obviously survived that time. So why the hysteria over temperatures today? Follow the money. As for warming in this past century, 75% occurred before 1940. Before the great industrial boom. After 1940 instead of shooting up because of increased industrialization, it dropped for 40 years. When I was a kid, the NYT was warning of an imminent ice age. So, the facts actually did not and has not fit the theory that man made CO2 causes global warming. In fact CO2 is only 0.054% of the gases in our atmosphere. As for green house gases, water vapor makes up 95% of all green house gases. Everything else is insignificant. So if warming is due to green house gases, we should see more warming in the middle of the Troposphere than at the surface. That is how green house warming theoretically should work. 6 miles up should experience the most warming. All models predict that. But that is not what is happening. Warming is occurring at the surface more than at 6 miles up. That would suggest that the warming is not due to greenhouse warming. Every recent ice core survey now reveals the same result. CO2 LAGS behind temperature increase by 800 years. It does not drive temperature as the alarmist would like us to believe. In fact temperature increase causes CO2 to increase. CO2 follows temperature. This is astounding news but as with evolution, the facts and truth are suppressed by the powers to be. The very fundamental assumption of climate change is therefore wrong. CO2 is not a pollutant, nor are we the major source of CO2. Volcanoes produce far more CO2 than man and and more still from animals, bacteria and dying vegetation. But the biggest source of CO2 are the oceans. They act as a reservoir for CO2. The lag period is because oceans are so large and take a long time to heat up. As the earth gets warmer, the oceans then heat up and then the start releasing CO2. So if it is not CO2, what does cause warming. Strange as it may be, it is that massive thing in the sky. The Sun. The most accurate weather forecasters have been those who study the Sun. Namely, the Sun Spots, which are intense magnetic fields. Actually weather forecasters in centuries past knew that increased Sun Spots meant warmer weather ahead. During the Little Ice Age there was very little solar activity. Very few Sun Spots. Hence the colder weather. We have had some 15 years of less solar activity lately. That is the reason for recent cooler weather since 1998. In fact solar activity has been found to be intimately linked to temperature over the past 400 years. Increase solar activity translates into increase temperature. In conclusion, solar activity not CO2 is driving the weather. On top of that we have know that the Sun influences weather both directly and indirectly. We know that cosmic rays help produce clouds when they hit water droplets that then produce clouds. If the Sun’s activity is high, solar wind will push these cosmic rays away, thus less clouds will form, therefore the earth will become warmer because there are less clouds. Less solar activity, more clouds will form and clouds have a cooling effect. Temperature and cosmic rays have an inverse relationship.

        1. That’s why the idiot son of Al Gore senior was rejected by all of us voters in my former state of Tennessee. When you are running for pres and you can’t even carry your own state, that should tell you something.

      8. I wouldn’t get too upset about the global warming issue, or the monkey wrench Trump has temporarily thrown into Goldman Sachs plans (Rothschilds) to control a global carbon tax syndicate forever and ever.

        No, John, the UNreported yet VERY REAL, UNcontrolled, and VERY DEADLY leakage of POISONOUS “RADIATION” spewing forth into the OCEAN from the MELTED DOWN FUKISHIMA REACTORS in Japan is the REAL DEAL.

        And do you know WHY the GLOBAL MEDIA has SQUELCHED this story ? Because there’s not a damn thing that can be done to resolve the situation. And because above all else, the sheeple MUST be herded in the direction(s) our MONEY MASTERS dictate.

        So get your head out of your bottom, John, if only for a few brief moments.

        OK, now you can shove it back where it belongs.

        1. 1922 eh? dam – I guess I oughta read these posts in their entirety. Funny. I’m just so sensitive now towards the lib rhetoric of global warming. I can’t help it. I blame O. I’m off to my safe space now. At the community college just up the road.

      9. Thank God for Chicago getting hosed by a record level snow. BTW, It is warm on both poles IN THE MIDDLE OF SUMMER! And, as long as we cannot control Sun’s activity homans can’t do shit about the climate. That’s a fact. We can keep earth clean, and US does more than its share. Newest resports of air quality prove it. Let Europeans and Chinese fix their pollutions to our level, and we will talk.

      10. What utter horseshit you spew. Water too warm for seals while seals cavort off the Santa Barbara Islands off the coast of California. Amazing stupidity.

      11. An ice sheet the size of Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, France, and LA airport’s south strip just evaporated or dissolved or otherwise disappeared. Lord help us, or the Algore save us.

      12. I was working myself up to a rant reading this – good thing I held off until I finished reading. Well played.
        That cartoon encapsulates the entire rebuttal for the uneducated cult members who opine “but they’re scientists! Why would they lie?”

      13. These so-called predictions have been wrong forever…. why do you believe them now? Only the insane do the same thing over and over expecting a different result!!!

      14. Oh yes. I’ll be copying and pasting this one. Thank you MAGAnum.

        Finally it’s been pinned down to the 1920’s and I think I have the answer. It was those d^mned roaring twenties “Flappers”. Of course we’ve been told that ‘ladies’ don’t have flatulence. But the reality is, those 20’s girls ate a LOT of asparagus and boiled eggs and when you combine that with bathtub gin, ‘you got’ flatulence. So imagine this . . . there they all are . . out doing the “Charleston” . . swinging those thin skirts hither and yon and the ‘flatulence’ builds up and VOILA! . . . . you got it. GAS. And we all know “gas” is just another pollutant and pollutants up and down the eastern seaboard migrated over to all those countries who are leading the pack with pollution. Here they are listed. The world’s most terrible polluters:

        The countries that are presented here are ranked on the basis of the average PM2.5 pollution.

        Bahrain – 57 ug/m3. …

        India – 59 ug/m3. …

        United Arab Emirates – 61ug/m3. …

        Mongolia – 64 ug/m3. …

        Egypt – 74 ug/m3. …

        Iran – 76 ug/m3. …

        Bangladesh – 79 ug/m3. …

        Afghanistan – 84 ug/m3.

        …..coming in at Number 1….. Pakistan 101/ug/m3

        BUT Al Gore wants me to buy an electric lawn mower. uh huh . . . not going to happen.

      15. You understand, of course, that the earth is comprised of a north AND southern hemisphere, and like all other natural elements over which physics has a say, for every action you site (all northern hemisphere) there has been an equal and opposite reaction in the southern hemisphere; ergo, maybe ice cap north gets smaller (debateable) while the southern ice cap increases to historically large proportions. Then there’s the “we’re all gonna die” crowd yapping about the polar bears’ demise, when all evidence points to increased populations. GREAT PICK, Mr. Pres-elect.

      16. You are not only wrong, you are wrong in bold text. You are confusing science-fiction with science. You do not realize that there is no actual proof that Global Warming/Climate Change/ Pink bunny/ periwinkle Unicorn scam is just a computer model. Nothing more. There is absolutely no data to back it up. Where’s the proof?

      17. In the early 70’s, I, too, was a bone-headed mark for the environmental movement. There were books like The Population Bomb, Famine 1975, and publications vacillating between global cooling and global warming. Hydrofluorocarbons in spray on deodorants were going to destroy the ozone layer, but we had to stop producing ozone or it would have other dire consequences.
        All the predictions eventually proved to be pure B.S.
        I then came across a chapter in an ecology book (I believe it was published by Mother Earth News) which argued that in order to create a more sociology just political system, we had to make environmentalism a religion. The argument was to toss out the idea of worshipping God and instead worship the planet for the purpose of implementing Marxist ideals. In retrospect, it was a clear indication of the direction of where the movement was heading.
        This is in stark contrast to wanting just clean air and pure water; the environmentalists are using their pseudosciences as a Trojan Horse for socialists/communist agendas.
        Even the founder of Green Peace has abandoned the environmental movement as it has transmogrified, or more specifically, been hijacked by fanatics who are focused more on political change than a clean environment.
        I must emphasize that this is not a conspiracy theory on my part, but clear observations on what has been happening for nearly a half century.
        As far as the environmentalists are concerned, no policy is good enough. Drilling and fracking ruin the earth. Windmills kill birds. Even wood-burning fireplaces (which have been around before the invention of the wheel) are even banned in some cities.
        Hollywood stars can burn more fuel in a private jet in one weekend than most of us do in a lifetime, so they can galavant about the globe preaching about sustainable energy.
        THEY are allowed to live in luxury, but the rest of us should starve and freeze in the dark.

      18. John, one must presume you’ve calculated the correct ambient temperature for Earth’s atmosphere; that you fully understand Earth’s geological record; and that you know what it’s going to take to stop Earth’s climate from changing.

        Truthfully, you and people like you are seeking pariah status, and getting there quickly. The earth’s climate has changed constantly for billions of years. The concept, that the sequestration of a trace of a benevolent gas, will prevent “negative” climate change is absurd. The concept of defining financial winners (crisis pushers, political class, corporatists, and the aligned) and losers (the poor, productive classes, upstarts, consumers) by government force, will stop climate change, is among the greatest frauds of all time.

        Wake up, John, otherwise the most your going to do is continue to co-opt worthy environmental goals for a notorious scam.

      19. The antarctic once had no ice at all. Who is to say whether that condition or the current condition is the desired one? And if it oscillates, big deal. It’s stupid to live on a coast line anyway.

      20. You mentioned the report is from Norway and I lost interest. Norway (and I love the country) has lost a lot of credibility, since they gave war monger Obama the Nobel Peace Price

      21. Good one. “The science is settled right.” Do they realize the scientific model is ALWAYS open for debate if new evidence prooves past evidence wrong. Why do liberals always want to shut down debate? Oh yeah because every single liberal narrative is based in a lie. What’s more embarrassing than being caught in a lie? Almost nothing. Can you image lying 100% of the time you speak and then expecting people to believe you? Me neither.

      22. Terrific post – I knew about this BUT how many of our “snowflakes” have ANY IDEA of what came before they were born and will happen after they are gone? Damn few… Nor will the impact trigger any brain cells that MAY have survived their “public education”.

    2. After consulting with Al Gore Trump hires Pruitt.

      Now the reason why Trump bothered to consult with Obama about anything becomes crystal clear.

      1. I think Trump is just massively trolling the left and the media. I don’t even have to guess that Romney is yet another trolling joke. I’ll bet Retired General Iron Lead Balls will be the pick for Secretary of State.

    3. Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump,
      Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump,Trump,Trump,Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump,
      Trump, Trump!

      1. Look at your total temp change…begs the question “So what?” Show me a graph with 10,000 years, then I’ll start to believe you have something going on upstairs.

        And yes, about 1/2 of Americans are rather gullible (one might even say stupid), just not the 1/2 you’re indicating

        1. Here is a graph of the lat 11,000 years.

          Note the rapid spike of temperatures over the last 150 years. Unprecidented over the history shown.

          The Earth is now warmer than it has been for the last 120,000 years.

          “And yes, about 1/2 of Americans are rather gullible (one might even say stupid)” – Jaybird

          Yup. Complete morons these Republicans are. In the wild they would have died out from terminal stupidity decades ago.

      2. And it’s the CAGW crowd that specializes in cherry-picking time periods. “Let’s scare them with a graph and count on the fact that most americans didn’t pay attention in science and math, so the majority will believe anything we say if we just keep screaming! We don’t have to say it’s only 120 years we’re talking about and there’s no baseline data to hold us accountable. Those idiots will never know the difference!”

        Nice try. Hopefully these useless and economically harmful regulations can be rolled back about 30 years. Have a nice fit.

  2. Pollution follows the 80/20 rule. To get rid of the first 80% is fairly easy and not costly but the remaining 20 % will cost you 80% of the total bill to remove it. That last 20% is just not cost effective to reduce it

  3. The EPA had a purpose but now only exists to create reasons for it’s existence. At the expense of everyone else and the planet. If they cared about pollution, how does shutting down industry so that the only players left are in countries that do not give any concern to the environment?

    1. It’s used as the left’s Gestapo to infringe and destroy property rights, lead to imposing a breathing tax (carbon tax), and destroy small businesses/farms with asinine regulations.
      I hope Trump abolishes that agency, among many others, before his presidency comes to a close.

  4. GREAT NEWS FOR AMERICA & THE WORLD! Taxing the USA & other countries will NEVER change the weather no matter HOW much the left likes to think it is GOD or Mother Nature. You are NOT what you THINK you are lefties!
    The left are great at hoaxes. Remember Charles Krauthammer stated that Obama was the biggest hoax ever perpetrated upon the American people. Mr. Krauthammer was correct!

    1. Krauthammer was the same clown that said Trump would never win the GOP primary. That Trump would fail every week in the campaign. That he was one Tweet or comment from self destruction. Oh, and that he would never beat hillary. Yep, that Krauthammer. He gets no safe passage from this conservative.

      1. Well, he took his being wrong with some amount of grace, not like Will, who is just a fool.
        After all, this is only the second complete eff up he’s made, the other being unable to judge the depth of water in a pool!

    1. Yes fighting pollution is one thing, but classifying CO2 as pollution is stupid. Try growing crops without Carbon Dioxide.
      Every green plant, tree, or blade of grass absorbs Carbon Dioxide and then releases oxygen. It’s called “Photosynthesis” and it’s real science.
      Not some goofy theory.

  5. You know what, judging by the amount of cars on very blue NY/NJ roads that are Hillary voters clogging roads going to malls, that a majority of Democrats dont really believe AGW caused by man-or they are flaming hypocrates.

  6. This is such wonderful News!! As many have said on various Comment Threads…”It’s Christmas Everyday” as #TrumpPence & Team, take their place in American History. So hope Scott Pruitt ditches much of the EPA’s web of ridiculous regulations and restrictions, and opens our Country up to New Businesses, Industry, and more Jobs for American Citizens!! #AmericaFirst #MAGA

  7. Git R’ Don, Donald! But I still think those guys in Butte, Montana ought to have done something about their giant death-lake before the geese got there.

  8. Lets roll back the whole federal government and its damn laws back to pre-1865 and really live freedom! I am sick to death of this modern era of government control and regulation! Just imagine the country without big brother breathing down your neck. Delivering the mail, keeping their fingers on the missile buttons and most importantly Leaving the individual alone!

  9. President elect Trump is making us proud AGAIN!!!!! Enough of the environmental UNprotection agency. Al Gore, you have gored us enough and lined your fat cat pockets on our hard work. Tyrant Gore….give up one of your Jets or one of your several mansions and leave a good carbon print. Instead of regulating cow farts how about regulating fat cow Gores farts.

  10. Tucker Carlson just destroyed a Democrat California congresswoman who was spouting a lot of uber-leftist talking points about the EPA nominee but could not come up with anything specific and could not demonstrate any scientific knowledge of the topic. Democrats hated George W. Bush for eight years (and perhaps still do) and tried for his entire presidency to trivialize and delegitimize him. I would expect them to continue their politics of personal destruction against Donald Trump and anyone whom he appoints to his administration. Just label Democrats the DISLOYAL opposition.

        1. Oh yes I can. Bush…war with Iraq WMDs. Iraq had nothing to do with 911. This war was to eliminate Sadaam Hussein who was standing in the way of the New World Order. Same with Assad. We came, we saw he died Clinton toppled him for the same reason. Their next target was Putin. Didn’t work. Thanks to Trump. I didn’t mean every dem and every repub. Ex: Vice pres Pence. good guy. If they had America first in mind. O care would have been repealed when we had Boehner in. What a JOKE.

          1. A REAL political analyst deals in facts, not talking points dreamed up by the Center for American Progress (read: George Soros), etc. But I admire the Democrats’ discipline…all singing from the same hymnal regardless of how flawed and dishonest their message. I wish the GOP was similarly disciplined.

            1. I don’t believe in GOP or DEMS. Both corrupt. Trump is more of an independent but had to run on repub party. Even though they helped him ZERO with funding.

  11. Mr. Trump almost has his entire cabinet in place before being sworn in. America’s going to run ahead of schedule and under budget with this man and we’re all very fortunate to have him at the helm.

  12. Reduce the size of this department, eliminate redundancies of other departments, and eliminate regulations that do more harm than good. Increase fines and jail time for polluters – I like clean air and water, and greedy, lazy, corrupt jackarses need to be dealt with harshly.

    Time for common sense reform!

  13. As a fellow Oklahoman, I can tell you that Scott Pruitt is a very sharp guy. He will serve us well. Of course the Liberals will poop their climate-challenged pants, but hey, we lived through Obama’s disasterama. They will just have to learn to love logic and sensibility.

  14. Merry Christmas!!! This is THE reason we voted for Donald Trump. This and the Supreme Court. First, thank you God and second if Trump continues with picks like these he might well surpass The Great Ronald Reagan or come close. And 3rd see below.

    *** John Bolton for Sec of State ***

  15. Hahahahahaha.
    1. Bring in Algore for a chat and a beer. (Obama is a moron)
    2. Confirm that global warming is a globalist hoax to tax the world.
    3. Shake Gores hand and send him away with a smile and a hopeful demeanor.
    4. Shove his imbecilic global warming religion where the sun doesn’t shine.
    5. Hire someone to undue everything Obama’s fascist EPA has done.
    6. Dig baby dig. Drill baby drill. Produce baby produce.


  16. Even now, the rich, famous and powerful led by Lenny DiCaprio are probably fueling up their private jets, dispatching their fleets of gas-guzzling armored limos, rounding up their entourages in armored SUVs, and preparing to trample Mother Earth with continent-sized carbon footprints as they descend upon Trump Tower to demand Justice for Planet Earth.

  17. Methinks the Donald is going all “Game of Thrones” on the likes of Algore, Romney and Rahm. He’s making them come to the castle, kiss his butt, and then having them publicly executed. Love it!!!

      1. Ya, I was very concerned on these visits from these left wing hacks until this announcement of his EPA candidate. Makes me feel more at ease. I’m do,ding myself much to protectiveand paranoid of my President Trump and I need to chill out I guess and allow him to do what we elected him to do. God Bless Trump

    1. Trump has a history of listening to both sides, then making the decision. After all, even a broken clock, blah, blah, blah…
      He is the decider. That is the job description.
      This is the way all smart, rich men operate. They get all the info, pro and con, and decide.
      Unlike the current Doofus who comes in with an opinion based on BS piled a mile high and insists on it, no matter what anyone else has to say.

  18. It’s not science if you have to manipulate data to get the results you want. NASA, UN and other agencies all have been caught manipilulating data so they can continue to be funded and perpetuaite the man caused global warming hystaria.

    Ask gore it is a very profitable gravy train as long as the conservatives dont mess it up for them by exposing the truth.

  19. Finally, this money consuming and wasteful hoax will soon be unfunded. Hypocrites flying around the world, wasting energy, having summits costing tax payers millions of dollars, dismantling the free thought of skeptics and reducing them to deniers, and funneling billions of dollars to grant greedy so called scientists so they can stack the deck towards one thing, ‘the made up carbon credit’ -or the ability to control the people through a dogmatic religion called climate change. God works in mysterious ways as does Mother nature. To me, the canary in the coal mine will be when the Maldives are under water, and that hasn’t happened yet. lol.

  20. Regarding anything which Trump does that sends liberals into apoplectic seizures, I’m reasonably confident that I will agree with 99% of those actions. I certainly like his pick for the head of the EPA. Personally, I would like to see the EPA done away with all together, as it is completely unconstitutional, but for the moment, this will do.

    Perhaps now, the EPA won’t designate a rain puddle in someone’s backyard as a “wetland”.

  21. This is like a dream come true…. A president who gets it.

    He calls terrorists, terrorists.

    He’s going to build a wall and command homeland to actually stop illegal immigration versus being an UBER service from the border to wherever they want to go.

    He just put a AGW skeptic in charge of the EPA and will trash any agreements President FecaI Midas put us in coupled with a machete to all these ridiculous regulations.

    He will gut the federal government payrolls.

    He will smack the IRS upside their well deserved heads.

    The Department of Indoctrination (education) is in for a rude awakening.

    Now if he will just withdraw us from the UN and kick them out I stand ready to call him the best president ever!

    1. Trump also said that NASA is now out of the global warming research business.

      Let’s use that money to go back to the moon and reestablish our dominance in space.

    2. I have to go by each century to pick a greatest president, due to the changing situations. I pick Washington for the 18th, Lincoln for the 19th, and Reagan for the 20th. So far it is unquestionably Trump for the 21st, and he hasn’t even taken office yet. Of course he has no competition yet.

  22. Let’s not forget the EPA “accidentally” dumping millions of gallons of toxic waste into the Animas river system a couple years ago. Funny how nobody mentions it now. If they were Exxon they’d have been fined billions. But not a penny to these boobs. Here’s the link to refresh your memory: Remind me again what good these bozos are?

  23. The very best thing about all this Trump hysteria is that it has rendered Obama speechless. Betcha Obama and Jarrett are have heart failure about now….

  24. But there’s one little catch. All of President Trump’s nominations must be approved by Congress. So the question is – will there be a fight over approving his excellent choices? And even though the Republicans controls by both houses, you know as well as I do that there are all too many RINO’s in Congress who could sink his picks.

  25. I used to recycle everything, but once they started trying to force me to buy mercury filled light bulbs, I gave up trying.

    Now I recycle nothing.

    1. I, by nature am a frugal person who likes to live well. Does that sound like a dichotomy? Well it isn’t. I don’t waste power or “things”, which gives me the wherewithal to live very nicely.

  26. Wash Post sounding the liberal panic button over all President Trumps military officers chosen.

    I guess it would be alarming to an anti American saboteur?

  27. Another fantastic pick, especially since he ignored Gore’s wants and advice. Gore has become a multi-millionaire on lies and too many ties to world Globalists. OUR President
    (elect) Trump is turning not only the MSM on its head but climate warming advocates
    as well. MAGA is beautiful!

  28. I can tolerate the global warming point of view if it serves as a broader proxy for energy efficiency. Those that supplied Gore with doomsday “research” about a decade ago have been proven extraordinarily wrong. Of course, we know the broader agenda had nothing to do with global warming or climate change (or whatever doomsday idea they’re now claiming – it was always scam) But all things being equal why not use less energy in all forms of generation?
    I use various high efficiency light bulbs because I’ll pay less at the end of the month. I keep my heat down a bit because its just not that big a deal to do it. I keep more money in my pocket. My stance is “Eco” in that it is “Econ” – ECONomical.

      1. Personally, I’m not big on nuclear. But it is what it is. What I am for is increased efficiency overall. I think there are worlds of potential savings if real effort was put into efficiency and conservation.

  29. I know a Scott Pruitt, he is a world champion race car driver and nothing would be sweeter to see the other Scott Pruitt dismantle the EPA as if he were Scott Pruitt the race car driver, lightning quick.


  30. First this chicken-little climate stuff was called “Global Warming”

    That did not work out, so now they call it “Climate Change.”

    As if the climate has ever been static.

    And this whole worry is based upon going from 300 parts-per-million to 400 parts-per-million of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. That is a change of only one part in ten thousand parts !

    This is proportionally equivalent to one day out of 27 years, or to ten cents out of a thousand dollars ! ! !

    This is a very, very, very tiny change in a climate system of many, many, many factors, most of which we cannot measure very accurately, and some of which we do not even know about.

    And IF the climate was as sensitive to this one part in ten thousand as the worriers claim, it would have been bouncing around all over the place in the record of history and of pre-history.

    But it hasn’t bounced around like that.

    This whole climate panic is ridiculous on the face of it.

    • • • •


    There ARE NO climate scientists.

    Science requires repeatable experiments with unchanged controls.

    There is only one climate, and you cannot do a repeatable experiment with a separate control on something unique.

    Even doing sequential experiments changes what you are working on.

    All the stuff masquerading as climate “science” is speculation done on incomplete, inaccurate computer models, being fed guessed parameters the accuracy of which no-one knows.

    1. I agree with what you say. I would like to add; if something needs to be done to help our planet, it should start in China (from the article: ‘All of the U.S. annual emissions in 2025 will be offset by three weeks of Chinese emissions. Three weeks!’) and India.

      These are also the places that have no child labor laws, which undercuts our workforce. If they didn’t have the children working, the workforce in their countries would shrink and they would have to pay more to adults. Their products would not be as tempting a bargain when their prices subsequently rise, making shoppers look at the quality again in American products.

  31. I suppose we can also stop funding this dead turd called climate change. Maybe spend money on the inner city and work on rebuilding a middle class that Democrats went out of the way to destroy.

  32. I’m a rock-ribbed conservative who was quite skeptical of Trump’s populist campaign.

    It appears that unlike his Republican predecessors, Trump ran as a populist who intends to govern as a conservative.

    My mind is now open on the man. If he also makes good on SCOTUS promises, America can indeed be made great again!

  33. Finally, someone willing to call out the Profits of Climate Doom and all the True Believers feeding off of the hundreds of billions being wasted annually worldwide on this man-made climate change rubbish! God bless you Mr President Elect.

      1. Yeah, I know, thanks, just trying to be “punny”. Al Gore and his ilk have made a ton of money of this nonsense and I don’t think you have to look any farther than that to understand their true motivation.

    1. Somewhere, in this huge celebration of happy comments, I made a comment about how “The Coming Ice Age” scared the crap out of me in the 70’s as a teenager. I thought I was the only one who remembered that! Thank you, Asia

      1. I remember the coming ice age too.
        We had large maps in our classrooms in high school.
        These maps showed vast areas that would no longer be suitable for growing crops. It was doom and gloom. We were headed for destruction. Most of my friends didn’t buy any of that nonsense.

        Young people buy that nonsense these days.
        I’m not surprised though, they can’t even write in cursive.

    1. States alone should have an EPA, if they choose to. Hopefully Pruitt will spend the next 4 years dismantling the FED EPA. Great choice Trump!!!

      1. They should know never to awaken the sleeping giant, but libs will never get it. As long as real working Americans show up at the polls in enough numbers to outvote the Dem cheat machine and the lawfare, we would always win, but when the candidates suck, what are you supposed to do?

  34. Hey demoncRATS. What lies goes around, eventually comes around with truth, and the bigger you leftists got. The harder you liars are going to fall. Don’t let the loud thump hit you in the face when you belly flop on the cement of life. Hey lib boys. Be big girls now and don’t cry. This is what the majority of America wants after your stupid destructive regimes.

  35. I wouldn’t of minded a military coup to fix this broken country. Gen Washington would have approved had he been alive to see this crooked mess we have now. However with Trumps recent cabinet picks I believe the constitution just may make a safe return. Yes! I feel very warm an comfortable with this man filling cabinets, keeping us safe and fostering US business.

  36. Scott Pruitt is an excellent choice. He will make EPA great again! Where the past 8 years, EPA has been making political decisions, not scientific decisions – Scott will bring back science-based decisions. Obama brought in enviro-wackos to run the Agency and it shows. A lot of the real EPA staff have been disgusted at the direction the Agency has taken in the past 8 years.

  37. Ah, thank heavens. Now can we please turn our attention toward decreasing pollution while increasing energy output? No more conning the masses into central control via the spectre of global warming?

    Think Gore’s wondering how he got that hemorrhoid?

  38. The Trumpnado is going to blow all the global warming nuts to China where they belong. First, it’s a communist country and green is the new red, second, china polluts more than any other country and really doesn’t care what Al Gore says or does. The way to solve global climate change is to adapt to it!

  39. Trump should take all the ridiculous regulations this country has endured over to the EPA parking lot. Then light them on fire. That would give those fat beurocrats something to do.

  40. That’s great and all but….. he is way backtracking on rounding up the Illigals and deporting them. Yet one more president that is aiding and abedding felons (Federal criminals)! It is a FEDEARL crime to be in this country illigally – PEIORD! This means he is committing a federal crime and thus should be impeached – just like Obama should have, just like Bush should have!

  41. Dear Butthurt T-ards,

    “Elections have consequences. If you want a voice, win some elections.”

    Signed, B Hussein Obama


  42. Hey, I wish I had thought of a lucrative scam like global warming. To wit: After his vice presidency ended, he was worth around $700K. But after stumping for the planet for the next ten years, he was worth in excess of 100 million bucks, and as of last year, he was worth an estimated $172.5 million, with the expectancy of becoming the world’s first “carbon billionaire”. But maybe the brakes have now been put on that prediction. His luxury mansion is also very carbon-unfriendly, more reading:

    1. Maybe we should take his money from him and donate it to European climate wonks. I’m sure Gore wouldn’t object. That’s what he wants the rest of us to do, isn’t it, Al!!!

  43. I am going to thoroughly enjoy watching the heads of climate weenies explode when the Trump Train actually takes office on Jan 21, 2017… Hell, Trump has done more as a president-elect than all of the president-elects prior to him in my lifetime and I’m older than dirt…

  44. I like Trump.

    He had me pissed that he invited Gore in. But he hears all sides and then makes a logical decision. I like him. Just like the times he has played the MSM, LOVE IT! Go Trump, you have my support and YOUR MY PRESIDENT!

  45. The reason Trump even met with Gore was to insure that nobody ever accuses him of being ‘Uninformed’.
    He listened and then rejected the bullshit spewing from the head bullshitter himself.

  46. A breath of fresh air at the EPA one might say. Now the average American citizen doesn’t have to stop exhaling all of that nasty CO2 and can breathe deeply again. Just love Trump’s picks so far!

      1. Amy Schumer – I only knew her when when started blabbering with all the other libs. Before that she was a nobody and she will return to that soon.

  47. I’m looking into my crystal ball….

    What I see is a Chuckie Shumer led minority in the senate in perpetual filibuster. McConnell is going to be forced to implement the majority rules rule thus making the Bolsheviks(D) as a party completely marginalized for the next two years at least.

    The only thing they will be able to do is cry to their co-conspirators in the media non-stop.

    I love the taste of liberal tears. Should be hilarious to watch!

  48. Start mining coal, fire up the furnaces, and let’s start making some steel!!! Drill baby drill, pull out of the climate agreement, watch the UN and liberals heads literally explode

  49. That isn’t an outgoing “green” administration. What we have been experiencing for the last eight years is green fascism at its worst. Good riddance.

    1. The last thing that jackass needs is yet another vacation. He’s had more vacations in any single year of his presidency than I have had in my entire life, and I get a social security check every month!

  50. Kudos to our next president for telling Slimy AlGore to go pound sand with his wacky climate change ideas. I’m lovin’ the heads exploding from the green loonies.

    1. Oh, yeah! That little azzwhole is strangely absent. I would have thought he would be around to tell us all how right he was!! Probably in his mother’s basement, playing with himself.

  51. So what’s his agenda going to be?

    I suspect the following will be the way he runs his department..

    Pruitt to first senior bureaucrat: “Undo this stupid Green regulation.”

    Bureaucrat: “It can’t be done!”

    Pruitt: “You’re fired!”

    Pruitt again “Next!”

    Pruitt to the next bureaucrat: “Undo this stupid Green regulation.”

    Bureaucrat: “It can’t be done!”

    Pruitt: “You’re fired!”

    Pruitt again “Next!”

    Pruitt to next bureaucrat: “Undo this stupid Green regulation.”

    Bureaucrat: “YES SIR!!!! I’ll get onto it straight away!” SIR!!!! When do you want it done by! SIR!!!”

    Pruitt: “Tomorrow.”

    Bureaucrat: “YES, SIR!!!! RIGHT AWAY SIR!!!!”

    Pruitt: “Next!!!”

      1. No problem. Sometimes a good man wants to work himself out of a job and I suspect Mr Pruitt would be extremely satisfied if that did happen. And if he did work himself out of the job Mr Trump will have plenty more opportunities for a man of his talent. His skills as a Swamp Drainer, honed in the EPA ,will set him apart for much bigger things in the future.

  52. Classic response. Liberal religion thinks there is one side to the “debate settled!” Fake science cramming idiocy and corruption down the throats of sanity.It’s over. Not from John McCain, not from Mitt! The Donald.

    1. Gore should really have himself frozen right away. That way, he can be thawed out for the next generation of incredibly stupid and gullible lefties.

  53. Wanna bet over the course of the next 8-years Trump will have ZERO measurable impact on the CLIMATE no matter how many jobs he creates at the EPAs expense? LOL. As if Ocoma could “lower the sea levels”. Gawd, where do these democrats get this stuff??? SMH

    1. I take great satisfaction in knowing that the Clintons probably wake up every single morning to the renewed realization that they are OUT!!! I hope that every day for the rest of their lives is election day!!

  54. On Monday 23 January 2017 there will be little left of Obamanation other than a faint foul odor. Every playing card in America’s hand is now Trump. Progressivism, Globalism, Socialism, Enviro-whinerism, trans-legal residents, polysexual bathrooms, slaughter of police…the lame, halt, dim-witted, addicted, perverse, diverse, deserving, delusional, congenitally inconsequential, Snowflakes, and proven unable…the Clinton Foundation…YOU’RE FIRED!

    Not just a belief, a perspective: Youtube v=meXCmuXoxuA Re-establish the rule of men – sweating, swearing, lusting, hairy, ugly, violent, and driven. It’s a comfortable place to be when getting things done.

  55. I can hardly wait for the Trump administration to tackle the U.S. Constitution violating California Governor Jerry Brown and his cronies. Ring side seating, plenty of chips, popcorn, and cokes, all at the ready. Love being Trump’s cheer leading squad. :oD

  56. “I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas, but
    what I decided to do was to fulfill my profession which I entered before
    my husband was in public life.” Hillary try for ideas.

  57. Remember all the lefties bragging all over every comment section on the internet about how they were going to beat Trump so badly, we would all be crying? I wonder what happened to them all? There doesn’t seem to be a single one left.
    Maybe Hillary stopped paying them?!!

  58. “House minority leader Nancy Pelosi says the Pruitt nomination must be
    blocked for the sake of the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the
    planet we will leave our children.”

    “our children”

    Nancy you could give a rats azz about “our children” Exhibit 1, School Lunch Program – Exhibit 2 The National Debt they will inherit – Exhibit 3 Open Border bringing in diseases that were once extinct in “our children”. In short FU.

    1. You know what environmentalist Regressives did for “the children?”

      They banned their HFC asthma inhalers, leaving crappy, ineffective ones that leave many children gasping for air and some even dying.

      And why did these compassionate planet lovers do this? For the children? No, because those tiny little life-savers could put a hole in the ozone — never mind that all of the inhalers ever used in all of mankind COMBINED don’t amount to the same “greenhouse gases” created by a SINGLE trip to an environmental confab on one of Algore’s planes.

      Regressives put the interests of environmentalist kooks above the health of “the children.”

      That’s what these miscreant fraudsters did

        1. I know this because I too am an asthma sufferer. Not only are the replacement inhalers vastly less effective, but my co-pay went from $3 to $50.

          Regressives are lowlife thugs.

  59. Well, now we know Trump was serious when he said ‘climate change’ was a hoax.
    I’d love to be a fly on the wall of Gina McCarthy’s office tomorrow morning.

  60. It’s clear that Trump’s nomination is excellent, simply by seeing the reaction of Marxists and authoritarians like Natcy Pelosi, Bernie Sanders, Eric Schneiderman and other collectivist fruitcakes.

  61. Donald: “Al, who would you like to see as EPA Chief?”

    Algore: “I’d love to see Noam Chomsky, well regarded climatologist.”

    Donald: “Good choice. I’ll think about it. And who would you LEAST like to see?”

    Algore: “Hmmmm, well, that climate denier from Oklahoma, Scott Pruit. He’s a disaster.”

    Donald: “Thanks, Al. Your advice is priceless. I’ll make the EPA great again. Believe me.”

    Donald: “And that’s enough donuts, Al — save some for everybody else. Have a nice day.”

  62. I’m hoping for a FAIR & BALANCED “climate change” convention, televised and streamed live, with EQUAL numbers of “climate deniers” and pro-climate change scientists.

    I’d love to see the scientific food fight when credible “climate denier” scientists present their data.


    1. Happily looking forward to it and enjoying it for at least the next 8 years.

      Embrace the schadenfreude. :oD

        1. that is a GREAT WATCH. U watch whenever my wife leaves the house. She’s from
          NewYork and so has been somewhat unhappy since Nov. 9th ! She voted 4 the
          criminal butcher of Benghazi !

    2. Regressives are already pumping tons of greenhouse gases into the air with their latest foot-stomping temper tantrum. Mostly methane, from all the bullsht that’s coming out of their mouths.

  63. We can all argue till the cows fart…. but there is ONE undeniable FACT that DEBUNKS “climate change”.
    And that is the 100’s of “Prophecy’s” by climate “scientists” and “activists” over the last 40 years that have NOT HAPPENED.
    Not to mention the “data” itself which keeps not fitting the “models” over and over and over again year after year, also proven FALSE.

    If climate change was a “religion”, which it is to leftists, it would have been thrown into the trash heap of history.
    Even the most clearly false religion on the planet doesn’t have THAT BAD of a track record of false prophecy’s!!!!

  64. “None of the strategies that have been offered by the U.S. government or by the EPA or by anybody else has the remotest chance of altering climate if in fact climate is controlled by carbon dioxide.”

    So, the answer is to ignore the problem, then. Scrap the treaty because it isn’t enough and just let the things progress the way they are and da## the consequences.

      1. Fat chance on that ever happening. Every attempt to do so resulted in the globalists claiming dictatorial power and then claiming there was nothing to debate, as in “settled”. They simply couldn’t handle having their lies and scam debunked.

        1. No, an honest debate where your scam is exposed for what it really is. After all, your initial comment is nothing more than one of suggesting: “Do something, anything, even if it’s wrong or not needed”. There is your equivalent. Scam artist stuck on chicken little for methodology.

            1. You finally made an intelligent comment. Mark that one down on the calendar for posterity. It’s not likely to happen again any time soon. :o)

  65. Following US temps lately or just stepping outside including Hawaii, it seems we are entering a new ice age. Start burning fuels and spraying aerosal cans to (maybe but doubtfully) help warm us up a little

  66. “The Pruitt nomination must be blocked for the sake of the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the planet we will leave our children.”–Natcy Pelosi

    You know what environmentalist Regressives did for “the children?”

    They banned their HFC asthma inhalers, leaving crappy, ineffective ones that leave many children gasping for air and some even dying.

    And why did these compassionate do-gooders do this? For the children?

    No, because those tiny little life-saving inhalers could put a hole in the ozone — never mind that all of the inhalers ever used COMBINED don’t create as much “greenhouse gases” as Algore creates on a SINGLE trip to an environmental confab on one of his jets.

    Regressives don’t give a rip about “the children.” They didn’t think twice about putting the interests of environmentalist kooks above the health of “the children.”

    That’s what these miscreant fraudsters did for “the children.”

  67. It is encouraging that Trump has chosen a skeptic to head the EPA. The progressive left cottons no debate, no skepticism about climate change. They forget that all scientific knowledge is tentative and provisional, and nothing is final. Science is not a closed system. The “conclusion” that debate is closed on the question of human causation of climate change, and that there can be no rational skepticism, is emotional, not scientific.

    1. And remember, if you happen to be black and don’t go along with the socialist agenda, “You’re not black enough”.

  68. I think Trump does not have a “my way or the highway mentality” like Obama does. Trump likes a situation (deal) where both sides feel like winners but not necessarily on top. i would think that Trump did not shut Gore down but told him how far he would go to make a deal that would work for him (him being Trump).

  69. I doubt he is a climate skeptic. We all believe in the climates. It’s just all the bs put out by the ‘climate scientists’ aid for by the government grants that make no sense.

  70. Saw Demoncraps whining about Japanese internment camps in WWII when they were supposed to be talking about Perl Harbor. Now with Trump’s excellent choice of a climate skeptic. we should save billions of dollars

  71. “Man-made climate change” is a total lie, a fraud. Thank God Trump is going to reverse this insane, idiotic, silly, empty-headed fake junk “science” by criminal money-grubbing “scientists” who just wanted $$$ from the Liberal gravy train. End this sick lie! End this madness!

      1. Well, the attempts at coercion are real I think but if they tried it on me it would have the opposite effect from what they want and I think most people will feel the same way.

  72. In 1982 at the height of his supposed ‘fame,’ insufferable ‘actor’ Ted Danson appeared in a ‘Global Warming’ PSA. Finger wagging, Danson admonished viewers that, quote, “Boston and New York City wouldbe under water in ten years unless we ‘did something’ about Global Warming.”

    1992 came and went. 2002 and 2012 did, too, with Boston and New York still high and dry. Good thing: We’d have missed a bunch of Red Sox championships.

    In the midst of all this, Danson and his equally insufferable activist wife Mary Steenbergen built a gigantic millionaire’s mansion behind huge gates (as elite Libs often do) on the island of Martha’s Vineyard. Why does this matter? Well, Martha’s Vineyard would have been first to be swallowed up by the ocean had Danson’s 1982 prognostication come true. But they built there anyway.

    So one of two things must have been true: Global warming was a problem and we fixed it, or it never was a problem to begin with.

    And the epilogue is this: A few months ago Obama made the same dire prognostication Danson did. You don’t need to be reminded what the definition of ‘insanity’ is, do you?

  73. I’ll be much happier when the scam artists behind this “Man made climate change” con are brought to justice and are cooling their hot air behind bars. Stealing taxpayer dollars on a lie and violating rights in the name of a socialist government cult god worship is more than enough to have them locked up permanently.

  74. Can you just imagine the first day this guy shows up for work ? I hope the heads start rolling on day one. The EPA was about to take over every piece of private property in the United States with it’s claim to every square inch of land a rain drop fell upon. This is one of the biggest and most dangerous federal agency s next to the IRS ever conceived. Fire every last tree hugging, frog loving lunatic who wants everyone except them to live in a Tpee.

  75. The Obama administration will never live down the shame of wasting billions on “global warming” while the citizens of Flint were drinking poison water.

  76. Reasons to be a proud Oklahoman: A) Pruitt is a solid RED Conservative. Love this pick and he will do a hell of a job trying to dismantle the EPA’s asinine regulations B) EVERY Oklahoma County went RED for the 4th Straight Election. I love my state…

  77. Just one of many reasons I have supported Trump for some time. He came to our little corner of the world this summer when the Progressives in Seattle blocked him from holding a rally in their area so Trump came to Lynden Washington and gave the rally at the fair grounds. I knew I was going to keep supporting Trump but went mainly to see who would show up at the rally. I was so pleased to see the crowd seem to be the same mixed that came to the grandstand shows at the fair. Young and old, male and females, mixed races, children too and all so well behaved. A small group of nasty and loud loons outside mostly from Seattle. I was so hearten to see with my own eyes who Trump supporters really are. And knew despite the heavy attacks from the main stream press that Trump really had a chance. Though I had already made up mind to support Trump I will guess that some that went made their decision to vote for him while looking at the people surrounding them. Some, in the main stream news, made a big point that well attended a rally meant little in elections, Romney was mentioned often as that example, but Trump may have won the election because of his rally’s. People went by the thousands and saw the other attendees as people like themselves not the “deplorables” as they were so often cast as. Just to add i have watch of his “thank you tour” shown on Lou Dobbs for example. Now I really have hope for our country’s future.

  78. Climate change is a gig old communist boondoggle.
    The Sun and the orbit of the Earth control the climate.

    There’s no global weather tax that’s going to enable man to control the weather.

  79. We have had decades of liberal leadership to deal with the problem, but their only solution is higher taxes and centralized power which does no good except make the elites richer. Its time to move on.

  80. President Trump knows he can’t build his historic wall with the fanatical lunatics at the current EPA in the way.

    This is fantastic news for people of true science everywhere!

  81. That’s great news, old Al just lost his pension, but what about Rahm Deadfish Emanuel? Why was he giving input today at Trump plaza?, and I just saw where Trump is doing the Chris Christie talking about what chums he and Obama have become, like 30 or so conversations they’ve had and saying what a great guy Obama is? “He’s a really nice wonderful smart guy and really loves this country” Those words came out of Trumps mouth and I wanted to puke.

  82. Google is paying 97$ per hour! Work for few hours and have longer with friends & family! !mj358d:
    On tuesday I got a great new Land Rover Range Rover from having earned $8752 this last four weeks.. Its the most-financialy rewarding I’ve had.. It sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it
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  83. There is no context in which “hide the decline” can be construed to mean anything except “falsify the data.” Global warming is nothing but a leftist hoax that they can use to boss people around and take their stuff.

        1. A conspiracy-industry to siphon $ $ $ $ from America to less wealthy countries – penalizing / taxing success thereby stifling industrial progress and reducing the standard of living of the more successful country. There ya go !

  84. There are places in the governments dark corners where radicals and communists have gathered a toe hold and have been allowed to operate with impunity. The EPA is one of those, the Department of Education and The Labor Department are a couple of others. In order to drain the swamp – or a significant part of it, we need to expose these dark corners and discard the radicals who dwell there. This announcement is a good first step – however, much, much, more to do.

  85. UN official Ottmar Edenhofer, co-chair of the IPCC Working Group III, admitted what’s behind the climate issue: “One must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy … One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore.”

    Nothing more needs to be said!

  86. Pruitt has been a great attorney general for Oklahoma. He has been battling stupid EPA regs for years, like their demand that we reduce emissions at coal fired plants because there was too much dust in the air during the West Texas drought. Congrats Scott.

  87. Here’s my message to the idiot Sky is falling Dem Prog.. You have been “CONDITIONED” from childhood to “FEAR” dirt, dust and noise. Because the masters of the Dem Prog human and business shake down Mafia could make money from it. Because of that you have become denutted males and mentally sexually confused women. Who honestly with purple and pink hair look like human freaks. Time to grow up. You want a “good” environment to live in. Stop being the lazy azzes and bend your OWS and Indian encampment or BLM march azz over and pick up your garbage. Man and the advancement of man will always create noise, dust dirt. How do you think we advanced from a cave. Now grow a set of balls men be men and women learn to love to be women. Unprogram the garbage they have brainwashed you with. We have so much country (land) and untapped and potential resources in this nation. Your generation should be the most prosperous. But letting the few who brainwashed you, to running a shake down criminal enterprise out of “weather” you will wallow in Govt slavery and poverty. Again wake up and take some dam pride in yourself and your nation..

    1. Oh, and in retrospect in addition to coal miners, ask about automobile owners, the automobile industry AND now, the trucking industry. Damned Soviet scumbags.

  88. Will we see TRUE protection of the environment, such as against BP, gold mine raping, and stop the madness against progress and bring back COAL as a hedge against bad decisions with Nuclear. ADVANCE!

  89. What is Morono talking about when his says throwing the EPA over to the green activists and the media? Why does Morono use vague and imaginative phrases instead of precision?

  90. To the liberals this global warming fiasco has only had one purpose, to hurt the United States, and try to turn it into a fourth world country. Today, December 7, I hear tell that there are lot of young college kids that don’t even know what happened in Pearl Harbor? They do not know what happened in the past, but now they are telling us that is going to get very warm very soon, with flooding when our coasts within just a few years, what idiots.

  91. Remains to be seen how soon and how many of O’s destructive and oppressive regs will be rolled back. Lots of resistance but I really think Trump thrives on that. Maybe soon Farmer Brown may once more dig a tank for his cows when and where he needs it without worrying about EPA jackboots kicking in his door at midnight. But in the meantime, it’s a blast watching leftee libees going ape out there and seeing The Don make Algore look puny.

    1. All that is needed is the will to tell the idiot brainwashed to shut up sit down or go play a video game. We now have a generation who has been completely brainwashed by criminals only looking to run a Washington Money Mafia. On “Climate”. God willing US and Trump finally bring reality back. Along with growth, and prosperity. MAGA

    1. Please don’t give him that much credit. Not in a thousand years. Algore’s a second-tier mob boss and a couple of galaxies away from the evil genius of Soros. In fact, Soros might be offended by your question.

  92. SCIENCE should be our LEAST CONTROVERSIAL body of knowledge, because SCIENCE tests each Hypothesis against reality via the SCIENTIFIC METHOD (designed, repeatable experiments).


    SCIENCE is a body of knowledge that has been established by means of, and only by means of, the SCIENTIFIC METHOD (ie, designed, repeatable experiments).

    Unfortunately, today we have many dishonest SCIENTISTS who are using a fraudulent definition of SCIENCE that replaces the Scientific Method with a CONSENSUS. Here’s their fraudulent definition of SCIENCE:

    SCIENCE is a body of knowledge that has been established by means of a CONSENSUS (ie, politics, egotism, and greed).

    For example, these dishonest Scientists tell us that (1) Man-Caused Global Warming and (2) the Normalcy of Homosexuality and (3) Darwinian Macro-Evolution, have been established as SCIENCE by means of a “CONSENSUS among experts.”

  93. Defining SCIENCE:

    SCIENCE should be our LEAST CONTROVERSIAL body of knowledge, because SCIENCE tests each Hypothesis against reality via the SCIENTIFIC METHOD (designed, repeatable experiments).


    SCIENCE is a body of knowledge that has been established by means of, and only by means of, the SCIENTIFIC METHOD (ie, designed, repeatable experiments).

    Unfortunately, today we have many dishonest SCIENTISTS who are using a fraudulent definition of SCIENCE that replaces the Scientific Method with a CONSENSUS. Here’s their fraudulent definition of SCIENCE:

    SCIENCE is a body of knowledge that has been established by means of a CONSENSUS (ie, politics, egotism, and greed).

    For example, these dishonest Scientists tell us that (1) Man-Caused Global Warming and (2) the Normalcy of Homosexuality and (3) Darwinian Macro-Evolution, have been established as SCIENCE by means of a “CONSENSUS among experts.”

      1. The so-called “Climate Science” is based on COMPUTER MODELS written by Scientist who were trying to establish MAN-MADE CLIMATE CHANGE.

        Computer models are NOT reality. You can tweak computer models to say whatever you want them to say.

  94. What the h#ll is a climate skeptic? Most people understand that the global warming crowd is a leftist driven agenda to help destroy America while redistributing money, with a lot going into democrat pockets, and then on to their favorite 3rd world countries. Weather forecasters cannot predict, with any accuracy the weather for a week out. And these freaks try to convince they know the global weather and can predict what will happen in 50 or 100 years. Risible.

  95. When nut job Madonna finishes performing fellatio on about 20 million Clinton voters, I hope she’ll turn her boundless energy to solving the pressing problem of Global Warming.

      1. Nope, they’re doubling down on stupidity, hatred and thinly veiled racism.
        Nancy Pelosi and Keith Ellison??? Nope they’re going further down the Hate America Agenda!!!

  96. It’s a scam to make money and gain more control over the masses.
    CO2 represents only 0.04% of the atmosphere while water vapor (also a greenhouse gas) can be 100 x more abundant but is never included in their models despite their own admission that water vapor contributes more than 60% of the greenhouse effect. And they keep getting caught manipulating the data, e.g. with their expensive modeling programs, inconvenient data deletions, tricks & statistics; even creating data out of thin air – recently caught using temp data for regions without any thermometers.
    I will sleep better knowing there will be a skeptic in charge because “Climate Change” is pure Bullcrap — CA’s “Air Quality Board” is now requiring methane be captured from Bullcrap now, costing consumers lots of extra $$$ to ‘save the planet’

  97. It’s such a breath of fresh air these last few weeks…. Amazing how things can change in a short period of time….. Just recently the thought of this continued destruction of America by these anti-America Democrats was becoming extremely depressing. It felt as though we were doomed to a future and endless cycle of the sickness that is Progressive Liberalism was going to be the norm!
    Optimism is being restored, the Barack Obama mentality of America was really becoming torturous to the point of feeling like we’ve lost our Republic to an enemy that’s left US powerless…..
    Donald Trump may not be the “perfect” example of what all on the right side of America wanted, but he’s such a relief from what the alternative was going to be. Just imagine a 16 year run of intentional unyielding destruction of this great Nation?
    I pray that were in a long period in America without the vile and evil intentions that’ve become the Democrat Party in America! That party has been hijacked by hyper-leftists who’s goals seem to be nothing short of America’s complete failure in every metric!

  98. screw al bore all he does is lie epa needs a good cleaning , some stuff is ok but most is bunk junky scams. NEXT THE IRS NEEDS ABOLISHED. Can’t wait to see what billionaire or general will lead that effort! FAIRTAX.ORG !!! PICK HUCKABEE C’MON TRUMP

  99. oh I love the morons on msnbc, it’s as if they think government runs fine and all that trump needs to do is pick someone like them who will run it. WAKE UP STUPID MSNBC MORONS billionaires got to be rich because they know how to fix things and make them work you stupid twits!! You are a commentator because you don’t know anything except what you’re told to parrot like a good commie moron. It’s amazing and they all agree with themselves when they sound so extremely stupid. Generals and billiionaires are bad because they know how to run organizations and motivate people to get results but in a commie msnbc watcher’s mind they are bad and wrong because they are outside the “norm” and the norm is the “group thing f’d up borg” where nothing works and people like obama are considered smart when he has no ideas and tells a group of people that he has no idea to run a business or make a deal.

  100. From NYRB

    The Rockefeller Family Fund vs. Exxon

    David Kaiser and Lee Wasserman DECEMBER 8, 2016 ISSUE

    Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming

    by Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway

    Bloomsbury, 355 pp., $18.00 (paper)

    Private Empire: ExxonMobil and American Power

    by Steve Coll

    Penguin, 685 pp., $19.00 (paper)

    Exxon: The Road Not Taken

    by Neela Banerjee, John H. Cushman Jr., David Hasemyer, and Lisa Song

    InsideClimate News, 88 pp., $5.99 (paper)

    What Exxon Knew About the Earth’s Melting Arctic

    an article by Sara Jerving, Katie Jennings, Masako Melissa Hirsch, and Susanne Rust

    Los Angeles Times, October 9, 2015

    How Exxon Went from Leader to Skeptic on Climate Change Research

    an article by Katie Jennings, Dino Grandoni, and Susanne Rust

    Los Angeles Times, October 23, 2015

    Big Oil Braced for Global Warming While It Fought Regulations

    an article by Amy Lieberman and Susanne Rust

    Los Angeles Times, December 31, 2015

    Archival Documents on Exxon’s Climate History

    available at

    Smoke, Mirrors and Hot Air: How ExxonMobil Uses Big Tobacco’s Tactics to Manufacture Uncertainty on Climate Science

    a report by the Union of Concerned Scientists, January 2007, available at

    Rex Tillerson, CEO of ExxonMobil, at the World Gas Conference, Paris, June 2015

    Pascal Sittler/REA/Redux

    Rex Tillerson, CEO of ExxonMobil, at the World Gas Conference, Paris, June 2015

    Earlier this year our organization, the Rockefeller Family Fund (RFF), announced that it would divest its holdings in fossil fuel companies. We mean to do this gradually, but in a public statement we singled out ExxonMobil for immediate divestment because of its “morally reprehensible conduct.”1 For over a quarter-century the company tried to deceive policymakers and the public about the realities of climate change, protecting its profits at the cost of immense damage to life on this planet.

    Our criticism carries a certain historical irony. John D. Rockefeller founded Standard Oil, and ExxonMobil is Standard Oil’s largest direct descendant. In a sense we were turning against the company where most of the Rockefeller family’s wealth was created. (Other members of the Rockefeller family have been trying to get ExxonMobil to change its behavior for over a decade.) Approached by some reporters for comment, an ExxonMobil spokesman replied, “It’s not surprising that they’re divesting from the company since they’re already funding a conspiracy against us.”2

    What we had funded was an investigative journalism project. With help from other public charities and foundations, including the Rockefeller Brothers Fund (RBF), we paid for a team of independent reporters from Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism to try to determine what Exxon and other US oil companies had really known about climate science, and when. Such an investigation seemed promising because Exxon, in particular, has been a leader of the movement to deny the facts of climate change.3 Often working indirectly through front groups, it sponsored many of the scientists and think tanks that have sought to obfuscate the scientific consensus about the changing climate, and it participated in those efforts through its paid advertisements and the statements of its executives.

  101. Thank God. The Village Idiot that is Al Gore needs to permanently disappear from public view. We need common sense in this country, not alarmist nutcases.

  102. Donald Trump: Here’s my list of people I’m considering to head the EPA. Who do you think would be the worst one on this list.
    Al Gore: Pruitt, hands down.
    Donald Trump: Thanks for your valuable input, Al. Thanks for your time.
    Al leaves the building.
    Donald Trump: Reince, I want to make Pruitt head of the EPA.

  103. President elect Trump will take a Wrecking Ball
    to the corrupt Washington D.C. political establishment.
    Get rid of the EPA.

    Rally behind President elect Trump.

  104. Stop funding the Zio-bankster incited indigenous genocide of the people of Europe with climate change and other monies and take ALL the jobs back. European governments should not be allowed the luxury of mass 3rd world immigration.

  105. The EPA needs to focus on saving the planet the old fashion way. overfishing, trash in the oceans, community exposure to toxic chemicals, etc, etc. Leave global warming to the Person In Charge.Genesis 2:15Then the LORD God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it.

  106. finally someone with a ounce or two of common sense way to go mr. president I can understand now why so many fought so hard to defeat this man he actually cares about the American people

  107. If the government had taken an honest approach to global warming instead of a fascist one, then we wouldn’t all be sitting here in yo yo land. Its like as if someone came up with a new wonder drug and put it on the market without FDA approval.

  108. I have some advice for al whore, SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL!

    That hypocrite has spent the better part of 2 decades enriching his own wallet, while trashing the “climate” with his giant motorcades, huge homes and private jets. I bet he creates more carbon in a week, than I do in a year. Then he tells me what I can eat, how bright my lights can be, how many gallons of water I can use and that I should be driving an electric car (powered by coal of course).

    I am so sick of the left, and their “sky is falling” BS. We have done nothing to the planet that endangers it from existing. Odds are, the planet will keep on spinning long after man is gone. It has the power to clean up and consume anything that man throws at it. We are in a losing battle anyway. At some point, the sun will explode into a Red Giant, consuming the earth completely, and it won’t matter how clean the earth is. Or, we could see a giant asteroid come flying in, turning the world into a fire storm, killing all life as we know it.

    So stop your crying, finally we have a potus that understands we can’t undercut our own economy just because a few shower weary people are dumb enough to think that we should kill our own country, our own economy, just to save a few trees.

    When our economy soars, the left will never win public office again. THANK GOD!

  109. Years ago when
    Socialism had been proven a false economic system. They migrated into being
    environmentalists where they could scare the populations into surrendering
    their freedoms. As the populations of Western, countries began to be dumb down
    their powers increased. The Left never know when enough is enough and pushed
    their agenda beyond the pale.
    Hench; Al Gore vs Pruitt.

  110. Growing up, I learned about many gigantic environmental issues the world was facing. Issues like the quickly disappearing rain forests. The ability to feed a population that continuously grows exponentially. Polluting our oceans with poisons like mercury, oil leak disasters and watching Florida battle a hurricane every few years. But all that was drowned out the day we conjured up the idea of global warming, which was later changed to ‘climate change’ when all of the predictions of doom failed to materialize…. All of the predictive models were wrong. Climate actually went into a long cooling trend.

    When did liberals all forget about their many causes, by allowing the media and government to put 100% of their focus on this single issue? That’s not what good environmentalists focus on. They put a lot of focus into the water, air and replenishing our forests. Without a rain forest, it will get a lot harder to breath. That’s pretty important to me.

  111. ANY agency that in effect WRITES LAW (and calls them regulations) usurps the role of Congress. Therefore, ALL such agencies must suffer one of two fates (or a combination of the two): 1. Every single reg and change of regs MUST pass Congressional debate and approval resulting in a BILL which then goes through the system to become an actual law. Or, 2., While agencies can be tasked to help enforce laws, NO agency shall be permitted to make a law/regulation except those governing their own internal operations. Legislating is the job of our Legislative Branch, never of alphabet-soup agencies. I know, #Libtards, this takes all the fun out of being bureaucratic dcikheads. Too bad, so sad.

  112. We’ve had to endure all these years of having the left’s agenda rammed down our collective throats. Good to see them getting a taste of their own medicine. Their constant crying about it is just a bonus.

  113. Snow storm followed by freezing rain in Portland Oregon tomorrow. Winter doesn’t start for two weeks. Must be global warming. I’m sorry I mean climate change……………..I mean climate disruption. Wonder what they’ll call it next month?

    1. Global climate change only means cold spells less often and warmer temperatures more often. The majority of scientists have been calling it global climate change since the late 1980s when the International Panel on Climate Change was established.

  114. Let’s see – In the 60’s we were supposed to be terrified by the prospect of “Peak Oil” – ALL oil supplies were supposed to be gone by 1979,. Or so the “experts” told us. Then it was the impending ice age that would freeze us all, or so the “experts” told us. Then we had the big scare about the ozone hole at the South Pole – somehow caused by heavier-than-air molecules released at ground level in th eNorthern Hemisphere, or so the “experts” told us. Then it was global warming that would end winter and melt the ice caps, or so the “experts” told us. Or was it the increased hurricanes predicted after Katrina – Every year the”experts” from the NHC told us we’d have increased activity and more named storms – except ed didn’t and haven’t… Now it’s “Climate Change” and CO2 to blame…

    Please, can we get rid of all these “experts” that can never get it right… (take the “expert” pollsters that predicted a Clinton win right up to Nov 8th with them please)

    1. Back in the mid 90’s, I had an argument with my kid’s High School “Advanced” Science teacher about a “Green” article printed in their text book claiming that US Natural Gas resources would be completely used up by 2000. Even before fracking took off and changed everything, we had many decades of supply. Of course my concern was ignored because I worked for one of those evil oil companies.

    2. The majority of Jay Hansen’s predictions have come true. Our climate models are getting more accurate. Our understanding of the environment has increased significantly since the 1960s, partially because of information technology including modelling and remote sensing.

  115. about time that unelected bunch of kooks at EPA was reigned in. so much for all the bluster that trump was going to change his position on climate

  116. As long as the farmers in Central Ca get our water to feed the world! Trump said he would get rid of EPA and turn on the pumps! Quit flushing our water to the ocean for smelt. #FARMERSFORTRUMP It’s a lot more than just climate, Al Gore bs. The government ruining Ag in CA.

  117. Trump will be ignoring experts, climate scientists and the majority of scientific organizations as well. His actions are contrary to the vast body of knowledge which attributes global climate change to humans and rules out all other possibilities with no equivocation and its been this way for many years. These knowledgeable people are the people who have made a career out of studying our planet and somehow Trump and his supporters and people like Morono want to pretend they know more and that they know best. The world is not going to tolerant US recalcitrance on this matter. This not a game. How much suffering has to occur before the un-educated among us wake up to reality?

    “It does seem to me that a courageous and visionary politician could say to us, “by burning fossil fuels we’re putting ourselves at the mercy of some very nasty and unstable parts of the world and we’re also endangering the climate of our planet.” ― David Goodstein

    1. Well Toby, the only monkey wrench in your “logic” is that even if you comply with every single EPA micro-regulation, in triplicate, it would still not make 0.00000001% difference to the “war on global warming.” Plus, this scientific community you speak of makes a ton of money in grants for perpetuating their positions. Not to mention the massive fraud and corruption that is well documented.

  118. The climate has continually changed since before the evolution of mankind, and before the extinction of dinosaurs.
    Mankind is but a pimple on the butt of the earth.
    Time for mankind to hang their egos out to dry, and live life as best you can. Believe me, nobody gets out alive.
    Each generation will have to deal with what they inherit, as everyone has to this point.
    Good luck boys and girls. God speed.

      1. There are only 2 things that control temperature on the Earth. 1) The Sun. 2) The molten core. Everything else is a drop compared to an ocean.
        Mankind simply cannot even begin to approach the production rate of “heat-trapping gases” of natural volcanic activity (which are also the reason there are holes in the ozone layer).
        There is no such animal as a climate scientist – it is a self appointed title. They are cult members, alarmists or snake oil salesmen that may happen to have a degree in science, often in a field unrelated.
        Scientists are not immune to political pressure, especially when attached to funding, let alone self-interest or aggrandisement.
        The smartest scientist I ever knew subjected us to a 3 hour rant on the subject 25 years ago – when many of these same experts were claiming global warming – and cool-down -was a natural phenomenon that occurs repeatedly over the history of the Earth, for the 2 reasons stated above, was entirely natural and posed no threat to anyone – but that hole in the ozone layer, that was going to kill us all or at least make going outside with exposed skin impossible, all before the end of the millenium.
        That was proven false, their funding disappeared, their lecture halls stood empty, speaking engagements and accolades dried up and evaporated….Suddenly, global warming is the greatest threat to mankind in history.
        Science historically has a very poor record when it comes to global impacts of just about anything.
        It doesn’t take much to work that out or see for yourself.
        It is alarmist rubbish and every major statement made in the last few years about temperatures or sea levels has proven to be either incorrect, supported by manipulated and filtered data or an outright fabrication.
        Remember, consensus is not fact. Once, the scientific consensus was that the earth was flat, the sun revolved around us, witches float. The witches floating thing was the most recently debunked of these, so what does that tell you?
        A man in a white coat can still be a moron. Or a self interested liar. Or simply bad at interpreting data.

          1. Really? A cartoon? Well, that completely undermines all the raw scientific data. If only my professors had shown me this scribble 25years ago, I’d have a completely different opinion. Alas, they taught me facts and logic. I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that you have no scientific qualifications or training.
            I’m also going to go out on a limb and suggest that you don’t even know what the biggest source of CO2 is in human enterprises.
            I’ll also go further and suggest that you didn’t comprehend what I wrote anyway, as who cares about CO2?
            It is a minor player in global warming. It was chosen for a very specific reason that is mostly about $$$, not science. You need to educate yourself before jumping into the scientific equivalent of the Stepford Wives

  119. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!! Ha!!!

  120. Climate Change is the vehicle that the UN and other powers want to use to proceed with their control of currencies and governments. Too bad. The UN will now have to order a couple of tons of play dough to pass out to its members.

  121. I’m looking forward to global cooling:

    “A team of European researchers have unveiled a scientific model showing that the Earth is likely to experience a “mini ice age” from 2030 to 2040 as a result of decreased solar activity.

    Their findings will infuriate environmental campaigners who argue by 2030 we could be facing increased sea levels and flooding due to glacial melt at the poles.”

  122. LOL…Awesome…We all know the GW/CC is horsehockey…Maybe all those scumbag leftist ignoratzi will jump off a cliff…I hope he puts al gore in GitMo as his first act…Water Board him to find out who his handlers are…Send in Delta or Seals to seek and destroy…

  123. I call it common sense, which we have seen over the last 28 years is none too common. It’s about damn time someone with intelligence run the EPA. Let’s role back the restrictive rules imposed by mind numbed bureaucrats.

  124. Climate change , global warming all bullshit. Should we take care of our planet and resources of course. But when people like Gore and Clinton and Leo run around in private jets doing what ever they like because they are part of a group that thinks they are above the rest of us all the while telling everyone else our carbon footprint is too big-well I am not buying it. This planet has gone through changes before man was ever here and it will continue and WE have no control over it. It is time to stop these pigs and all their lies-personally I think they should be put in jail for committing a crime against the country and economy.

  125. In 1982, at the height of his supposed ‘fame,’ insufferable actor Ted Danson was featured in a PSA about ‘global warming,’ which is what all the hysteria was called back then. In it, he admonished viewers that Boston and New York City would both be ‘under water in ten years unless we did something about global warming.’ This is probably when Danson got his Liberal ‘bona fides.’

    Anyway, 1992 came and went with both cities still high and dry. 2002 and 2012 came and went, too. The Boston Red Sox won two Wold Series Championships in that span, so we thank Danson for being wrong.

    In the midst of all this, Danson and his equally insufferable activist wife Mary Steenbergen did something curious: they built a haughty, elite, gated mansion on the island of Martha’s Vineyard. Why is this notable? Well, had Danson’s dire prediction years earlier come true, Martha’s Vineyard would have been first to wash away. It’s rather telling that the two of them built that Liberal mansion THERE.

    So we’re left with one of two conclusions: either ‘global warming’ was a problem and we fixed it, or it never was a problem at all. In they end, it is said that ‘insanity’ is the definition of someone who tries the same thing while expecting a different result. And so, only a few short months ago, Obama, full of the same self-righteousness Danson had decades earlier, admonished America that ‘New York City would be under water in ten years.’

  126. A fresh breath of air indeed…

    The 90,000 plus employees of the EPA were reduced by 94% during one of the recent government shutdowns being labeled as “non-essential” so why can’t that be true for everyday purposes?

    • Reduce the EPA’s role to that of an advisory agency
    • Reduce the staffing to no more than 900 people period!
    • Strip the EPA of any enforcement authority other than reporting infractions to the Justice Dept.

    I, along with many Americans are tired of the insanity that rules our current regime…

  127. When I was in college every year we could convince someone to go “snipe” hunting. Those same people are the ones that believe in MAN made global warming, climate change, nuclear winter, and on and on with the labels.

  128. I have said for a LONG time- MOST climate Scientists are NOT Scientists. Scientific METHOD is NOT used, computer models are.–Garbage in–garbage out. if one wants to know what REALLY controls our weather, one needs to look at solar activity, earth’s magnetosphere, and SPACE weather. A 10-15 year mini ICE AGE has been forecast to begin in about 2018–maybe phasing in now?

    1. Climate models are only getting more accurate. They get refined see. All natural causations have been ruled out. You are welcome to do the science yourself and see if your work get published in a peer-reviewed journal. Until then its better to not embarrass yourself with nonsense comments.

      1. I’m not embarrassed by your insistence to be the fool . Climate models? and explain the scientific method behind the climate models. Take your ridiculous clinging to lies somewhere else.

  129. Skeptic? You media dullards mean a guy that hasn’t sold out to anti American globalist wealth redistributors? Man made climate change is of course, a myth, a scam, a concept marketable only to the low IQ, goose stepping, bobble heading non thinkers….demotards.

    1. I can tell you know very little about global climate change, do you? I bet you couldn’t even tell me one fact about it. Yet you think you are an expert who knows more than all the climate experts put together. That is very odd. Where did this type of thinking come from?

      1. Not being emotional is a good start. Info from the non biased helps. Actually looking at ALL the data is smart…
        Some things to tell the climate religion fanatics:

        1.) NOAA had to change the actual temperature readings to allege that there is no pause in global warming.
        2.) The satellite data does not match the NOAA data.
        3.) More sea ice is being added in Antarctica than is being melted in the Arctic.
        4.) More CO2 is actually beneficial for plants including all plants used for food production as it makes them more drought resistant.
        5.) There is no measurable increase in hurricanes, tornados, floods, droughts or any other natural disasters.
        6.) The alleged carbon forcing effect used in the climate models has been proven to be less than what is used in the models.

      2. The assertion that 97% of scientists believe that climate change is a man-made, urgent problem is a fiction. The so-called consensus comes from a handful of surveys and abstract-counting exercises that have been contradicted by more reliable research.
        The “97 percent” figure in the Zimmerman/Doran survey represents the views of only 79 respondents who listed climate science as an area of expertise and said they published more than half of their recent peer-reviewed papers on climate change. Seventy-nine scientists—of the 3,146 who responded to the survey—does not a consensus make.
        Surveys of meteorologists repeatedly find a majority oppose the alleged consensus. Only 39.5% of 1,854 American Meteorological Society members who responded to a survey in 2012 said man-made global warming is dangerous.

  130. While I love the pick – this will actually help the LEFT too – they need to bring their best debate to the table regarding their views – they need to address the scientific challenges placed in front of them and so far they seem only to run and hide or simply insult the challengers….

    With this pick the table is set for hard core debate – Let’s see if the Warmist’s show up.

  131. The only reason the left is freaking out is because they will be exposed as frauds. Trump eliminates the regulations,and guess what? Nothing happens. The earth doesn’t get warmer, the ice caps don’t melt away,and our eco system goes on unaffected. All without regulations on our homes and businesses and taxes on our electricity bills and gas and oil companies.

  132. Economic Systems: The
    alarmists keep telling us their concern about global warming is all
    about man’s stewardship of the environment. But we know that’s not true.
    A United Nations official has now confirmed this.
    a news conference Feb 10 2015 in Brussels, Christiana Figueres,
    executive secretary of U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change,
    admitted that the goal of environmental activists is not to save the
    world from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalism.
    is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting
    ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to
    change the economic development model that has been reigning for at
    least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution,” she said.
    to a new international treaty environmentalists hope will be adopted at
    the Paris climate change conference later this year, she added: “This
    is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which
    is to intentionally transform the economic development model for the
    first time in human history.”
    The only economic model in the last 150 years that has ever worked at
    all is capitalism. The evidence is prima facie: From a feudal order
    that lasted a thousand years, produced zero growth and kept workdays
    long and lifespans short, the countries that have embraced free-market
    capitalism have enjoyed a system in which output has increased 70-fold,
    work days have been halved and lifespans doubled.
    is perhaps the perfect person for the job of transforming “the economic
    development model” because she’s really never seen it work. “If you
    look at Ms. Figueres’ Wikipedia page,” notes Cato economist Dan
    Mitchell: Making the world look at their right hand while they choke
    developed economies with their left.

    Read More At Investor’s Business Daily:
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  133. And the headlines should read; “Climate Realist Replaces Climate Hoaxer” But the filthy liberals in the media refuse to tell the truth. Drain the Swamp!!
    God Bless President Trump.

  134. I would hope, President Trump will have Sarah Palin, In his administration, she definitely knows how to work energy and save the environment! And she knows the Importance Of Both!

  135. About bloody time!! I have been ridiculed since Al Gore started this nonsense for saying climate change is Normal and not man made. We are part of the earth, not extras it is doing what it has done over its history.

      1. No one is saying pollute. This carbon tax is ridiculous, carbon does not drive the climate, that big yellow thing in the sky does that along with H2O. The kerbing of CO2 emissions is putting photosynthesis in peril. Al Gore is not a scientist and yet he is taken so seriously.

  136. Now the wackos will really come unglued. Get ready – electoral college bullying is about to double. All the pagan bureaucrats over at EPA will go into sabotage mode believing that Gaia told them to.

  137. It’s going to be thre greatest 4 years of American history since the Reagan years. I could not be happier about the results of an across the board Republican win. Global warming is a way the Globalists want to control you and your money to redistribute wealth.

  138. We’ve only been scientifically studying the weather with relative accuracy for about 140 years which, in the grand scheme of things, is really NOTHING. Imagine picking up one piece of a four billion piece jigsaw puzzle and, without looking at the picture on the box, declaring that you can say what the assembled puzzle will look like — from just ONE piece out of FOUR BILLION.

    That, essentially, is what the Chicken Little Climate Change folks are saying. Oh, that and they KNOW how to control the earth’s thermostat. It’s ironic that so many on the Left don’t believe in God — and yet act like they ARE God.

    1. Your analogy is terrible. You need to research Earth’s energy imbalance. The human-made greenhouse gas forcing is known to be about three watts per every square metre. Uncertainty regarding the net forcing remains because aerosol cooling has partially offset greenhouse gas warming.

      1. How is my analogy “terrible”? I think my analogy is spot on. I also think you should get more puzzle pieces before you start lecturing me or anyone else on this topic.

        The steering wheel on the Climate Change Clown Car keeps getting jerked back and forth (from “Global Warming” to “The Next Ice Age” and back again) and all the while we hear about NOAA and other scientific agencies either using flawed models or outright falsifying data to support their research. I guess you’re smarter than the scientists at NOAA? I doubt it. You may be more honest, though — that wouldn’t be a stretch.

        Meanwhile the local weatherman can’t accurately predict what the weather will be next week, let alone what the climate will be 50 years from now.

  139. By defunding this globull warming scam Trump will defund the left across the globe in BIGLY.

    While he is at he should take the money saved and clean up the water in Flint Michigan. That’s what a person who “cares about the environment ” would do.

  140. I love it! Go Trump! I work in the environmental field managing compliance issues for the energy industry. EPA has gone insane. New regulations every year. More complex and costly over last and compliance has become a nightmare. Everything is measure and reported. You miss the slightest timing of an action and you’re in noncompliance and subject to penalty. More employees and consultants just to keep up. One refinery can employ 28 environmental people just for data management and reporting. It’s insane.

  141. When I read that 2 trillion dollars is being spent on entitlement programs a little light lit up in my brain and I thought how if that money were divided up evenly we would all be millionaires! The pollution from that waste of taxpayer money on useless bureaucrats is more extreme than the toxic emissions of the EPA and Al Gore’s mouth. An article about military spending gives us an excellent example of how big government operates:

    If Al Gore and his climate change crew of globalists are concerned I’m glad. They should be afraid. The most lenient punishment for them would be a “golden handshake” early retirement so they could go live out the rest of their useless lives far, far away from the rest of us.

    1. What mansion? Where? Do you even have a clue about what you mention or did you just read something stupid online and decide to repeat that like a meme.

  142. I’m pleased to hear that he picked this guy and glad to see common sense making a come back. for far too long I have sat and watched people like Obama do everything wrong. With Obama I figured he was doing it intentionally because he wants to hurt the USA in any way he can,but even the government officials who are not openly against the USA ,it seemed like common sense never played into any decisions they made. everything they do it seems is for some political reason,to please some donor who has a pet peeve with Climate or to look good for some other group.
    I think it is a smart move and just one more step of getting government out of the way so companies can hire more people to work to make things instead of hiring lawyers to figure out new regulations.

  143. Consumerism driven by our elitist corpocracy will keep driving up carbon, toxic emissions into our environment. We take a blind eye approach to the serious methane issue much caused by factory livestock farming, loss of forests, One of natures volcanic eruption, 3 major wild fires, all toxic commercial/industrial fires happening in every city, state, province in North America exasperates the issue of a change to atmospheric gasses, but, where is the proof of climatic change by humans? Latest satellite imagery totally discredits theories being perpetuated by the likes of ALL Green Parties. This is a science in it’s infancy. What about the true carbon emissions generated by the so called green energy technologies in there manufacturing stage? Or, the dangerous materials used that pollute our world and make us a carcinogenic, toxic world?? People need to wake up. As Denzel Washington said: “If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you do read it, you’re misinformed,”. Don’t just accept what you are told, don’t become sheeple.

  144. The money and power that the scientologist errrrr I mean climate change cult errrrrr I mean Church is soon to hopefully dry up. I am absolutely for clean water and air along with common sense laws, but you loons have gone way too far.

  145. Soooo very happy about his pick! Environmentalism is the new home of communism. Its sole purpose is to wrest power from free people and give all control to a very few. All under the guise of “end justifies the means” manipulation of “data” force fed into computer models to serve a foregone agenda. It’s proponents worship this agenda as gospel with a maniacal, religious zeal as dogmatic and bigoted as any cult ever conceived. Oppose them and you will experience real hatred and intolerance. Hardly the markings of objective, scientific observation.

  146. Trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump

  147. When every lying global warming fanatic has been wrong on each and every prediction over the past 30 years, it does cause one to pause and say….BS!! Kudos to Donald Trump for listening to ALL voices on this phony issue and also for looking at the REAL science and ignoring the static. It takes a business man to understand that you just have to follow the money trail to see why the liars are pushing this false and dangerous “science”. When nothing you do makes a difference…. you learn to adjust to it as “God’s Will”.

    1. And decreases his own personal energy consumption to the same level as the average American. Alas, that would mean giving up his private jet, huge home, etc Tough times.

  148. Let’s see how this all shakes out before you start celebrating …. between the lib media and the left wing kooks burning down their own houses in protest, things will get crazy before they get better.

  149. Google images, “Great Pacific Garbage Patch”. Screw warming fears, I live in Wisconsin where it’s 15* right now. Plastic is what we should all fear. In fact, bring on the warming, it will flood a good percentage of the worlds worthless humanity. Until it gets here, knit sweaters for penguins.

  150. Glad to see and hear that Al Gore get shut down!!!! Gore is an idiot and so are the global warming nuts!! Scientists, real scientists, have shown that the Earth heats and cools in a cyclic pattern. In the 70s it was the next ice age coming and then came along global warming. Make up your minds nutjobs!!

  151. Many have missed the point ….global warming is directly tied to globalism..share the wealth…stop american industrialization by eliminating cheap competitive electricity..
    give poor counties money to industrialize and increase standard of living, here’s the thing :
    USA has only 5% of global population, but only about 20% of the planet population is industrialized..In order for the population of the planet to move up, america must move down. or become more 3rd world…that’s the goal of the UN. . and the elite.

      1. HUH ?? Of course I did. Note that 95% of the countries that signed the Paris Accord will have money sent to them by the UN…why wouldn’t they sign it’s all going to come out.

        1. Obama and his group of progressive idiots, having basically been litigating a class action lawsuit against the US for 8 years …..

          “The US caused the hurricane that cost us billions! They Admit It! Now Pay Up!”

      2. Close the gap ?? In order for the gap to close, some must go down ( a small amount ) while others move up…but the small amount are all the industrialized nations who have 95% of the wealth. So for all to be equal, everyone will have almost nothing. For example, if I had a billion dollars I would be rich, but I want to help the world so I give it all away…so that means every person on the planet will get 14 cents…make sense ?? NO .

  152. FYI: The so-called “Climate Science” is based on COMPUTER MODELS written by Scientist who were trying to establish MAN-MADE CLIMATE CHANGE.

    Computer models are NOT reality. You can tweak computer models to say whatever you want them to say.

  153. Love the selection of Oklahoma’s AG Scott Pruitt to head up the EPA. He will be a “yuge” breath of fresh air after the likes of Gina McCarthy and her predecessor. The regulations from the EPA over the past eight years and longer have killed the produce farmers in CA, have threatened our own private water supplies, and they are currently working on regulations to fine you for using rain water that falls on your property. Am hopeful that Mr. Pruitt will be the voice of common sense and logic that is very much needed in the EPA!!

  154. THIS IS HUGE! The most significant appointment by Trump to date. Now we need a commission to document the real science about the entire issue and pass legislation banning government from ever participating again in this charade to re-distribute wealth, pay off donors with fabricated BS contracts and rescind, eliminate and outlaw all gov agencies from making any regulations related to “climate change”.
    in fact there should be new LAW’s to put people in prison for spewing this propaganda and lies to children in the school system. Adding the CO2 thing was over the top in lunacy and confirmed the entire fraud.
    If there is a lot of sympathy for the brainwashed Kool-Aid drinkers they can be re-habilitated with a free 30 day educational session located in Prudue Bay , Alaska.

  155. Consider the similarities between jihadists and climate-change alarmists. Both are fanatical. Both hew to ideologies that brook no dissent or criticism. Both go ballistic — albeit in markedly different ways — when some “blasphemer” has the audacity to make withering fun of them and their orthodoxies. Most crucially, however, is the fact that both are control freaks who seek to micro-manage our lives, the climate-change alarmists via onerous environmental regulations, the jihadists via sharia law.

  156. Now the left is feeling what it’s like. Climate science has been proven to be as much magical thinking as the Easter Bunny. From climate gate to the use of bad data. The left cheered when Obama appointed a guy without a drivers license to head the department of transportation. Man made climate change has been shown all too many time to be bad science. I know I did many thesis papers on this subject going through university, and found that the academics that push this are actually intellectually lazy citing the same bad science over and over. Experiments and reports that would get any student dismissed for falsifying data.

    1. Yep. This has nothing to do with “science”. It has everything to do with “progressive” totalitarian politicians playing super hero.

      Vote for me! Or the planet is doomed!

      1. There is a rise in what I term “fear porn” I remember it starting with the “rapidly approaching ice age” which was the first attempt back in the 60’s. Once that got disproven they went to “Man made global warming”. Then to “man made climate change”> Longfellow wrote, “.. your actions speak so loudly, I cannot hear what you are saying…” Which is the mantra that I repeat as I see the actions of people like Gore with a carbon footprint the size of most countries, telling the people they have to be cold because the heat is polluting the air, while he has a huge house with a heated pool and flies around the world driving huge SUV’s. The hypocrisy is embarrassing, it is evident that the climate folks are shameless.

        1. Hell, top climate change scientists, or at least the most heard propagandists in the climate-change-cult-movement, have admitted to overblowing their predictions to incite action. Action, or mass paranoia, apparently they don’t seem to care,…. they do care a great deal about funding themselves though.

          it’s all bullisht, all of it …

  157. How about a respiration tax? Each one of us selfishly consumes oxygen and replaces it with lethal CO2. How outrageous and irresponsible!
    The earth cannot survive unless something is done immediately. If you really, REALLY care about the earth you know what you need to do. You must cease to exist to save the planet!!
    Please set an example to the rest of us and do the right thing… otherwise shut the hell up and go away.

  158. I know where the Left can stuff all of that CO2 they so abhor and fear – now if they could only pull thier collective heads out long enough to get it all in there….

  159. Global warming makes it colder

    You’d know this if you were older

    Or had just a bit more knowledge

    Of the sort that’s found in college

    But as it is you’re rather dense

    Your head is filled with common sense

    The educated know it’s true

    That common sense will never do

    It simply leads to foolish thought

    Contradicting what is taught

    So when you say the sky is blue

    Or other things that aren’t true

    When you say that grass is green

    Or have faith in what you have seen

    You clearly leave us with no choice

    We must eliminate your voice

  160. Doing the opposite of what Gore wants is always the best decision. But then again, Al is probably rejoicing because he can continue making millions of dollars of his climate change scheme.

  161. Let’s hope this guy walks in, looks around, and says “We’re CLOSED. Start packing your things up. Thank you for your service.” PRICELESS!


  162. It is so easy. We stop global warming, It will get cold, and we all will burn fossil fuels to stay warm, and it will cause global warming, and then we won’t need to burn as much, and then it will get cold, and then…

  163. Wow, Trump had me VERY worried that he was going to backtrack on one of the key issues as to why I voted for him. Especially when it was said in the MSM that his daughter was whispering to him that he needed to get “on board” with the Paris Accord. This hire made me feel MUCH better. FINALLY, a “denier” in charge! Maybe now we can pull the freaking wheel chocks (ridiculous EPA regs) out from under the economy, and get this country rolling again into the Super job-creating country it’s supposed to be. We can compete with, and be superior to (oh my, did I say SUPERIOR, as in, we’re the greatest country on the planet???), the rest of the world economies…as long as we don’t hamstring ourselves with the lunacy of over-regulation. The rest of the world doesn’t play by our rules…why should we??????

  164. For anyone to believe human activity could affect the climate of the Earth or ANY planet is an absolute absurdity ! They have already been caught [ on more than 1 occasion ] changing the numbers WTF more do u need to know ! ! !

    1. Most believe man has an impact, the question is how much….

      the threat of man made “climate change” has been overblown by a factor of 1000, purely for political reasons

        1. perhaps … I think we can agree that the CO2 emitted by man is certainly not the primary driver, that the lunatic progressive idiots would have us believe

          it’s all bullsiht … all of it

  165. I’m hoping that Obama takes credit for having held back the oceans, flat-lining global temps and reducing extreme weather events over the last 8 years. We’d all be dead if it were not for him. A man of his word.

    The last 8 years have been one long progressive self-flagellation administered by the hands of the lunatic left who considers the US
    the greatest force for evil on the planet…. Now, Go Away. You fing idiots.

  166. Excellent decision. An American that will govern based on fact and the best interest of the people as a whole rather than special interests and world government advocacy.

  167. They always apply these terms like ‘skeptic’ to those who disagree with the political agenda of the day. Anyone want to bet that Pruitt is smeared by leftists as ‘racist, homophobe who has sex with infants before this is over…”

    After all that is what leftist pukes do.

  168. I’m glad Trump picked someone who will HOPEFULLY dramatically downsize the EPA and strip it of its tyrannical tendencies. However, we do need to protect the environment to a reasonable degree. We can’t allow industry growth to turn us into larger polluters than China and India. This is why I am an advocate of clean, modern nuclear power. I love some of the smaller designs, especially mini-nukes. These modern designs are much safer than people realize. China and Russia are all in on these designs and we need to catch up in a hurry. I hope Pruitt is as knowledgeable and excited about safe nuclear power as I am. Google “fail-safe nuclear power” and “mini nuclear reactors” and explore some of the many links.

    On climate change: Yes, the climate is changing. It does so dramatically over long periods of time. We can do nothing about it except predict and adjust. We’re in a cooling trend right now. The Vostok ice core date, which shows cyclical cooling and warming periods, points to an upcoming cooling trend. I’d prefer a prolonged warming period, but we’re overdue for the opposite. So, expect winters to become harsher over the next few years and hope another mini ice age isn’t in the cards this century. We had better be prepared, just the same.

    1. I think the EPA has very little to do with science, or at least science as you and I understand it. I think the EPA is all about legal intimidation and a tough AG would seem to be a good fit. We know the green weenies are going to continue to try to “sue and settle” and an AG would be a good person to handle that fraud.

      1. Exactly, it, and the rest of the alphabet agencies, are just fiat law writers. They’re there to cost us money and alleviate Congress from the blame.

  169. Didn’t Australia repeal its carbon tax as the new government did not support the gullible warming hoax? We always get the hyperbole that Trump is the ONLY world leader who is skeptical.

    And yes, like with gun control, all Democrat proposals are nothing but empty gestures that do not even address the exact situation that is used to justify these empty gestures.

    1. Abbott was trying to protect the coal industry. The carbon price was successful. Australian lowered emissions from the power generation sector and didn’t endure a reduction in economic growth. All the experts agree that the most cost-effective way to reduce emissions is through a national-wide trading scheme.

  170. Certainly,

    President Donald Trump should PERSONALLY close the EPA Carbon Section. Fire everybody, including the janitor.

    Pending Senate Confirmation of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt as EPA chief

  171. We need the Republicans to amend the Clean Air Act, and specifically list the air pollutants that the EPA may regulate, and ensure that CO2 is specifically excluded from any EPA action here or abroad.

  172. Remember that guy who worked at the EPA who claimed he also was in the CIA so he could take days off? He did it for well over a decade! He had to repay over a million dollars.

    He had been hired into the EPA on a crony appointment from some other EPA official. He was a key author of the clean air act. The fraud trial he was found guilty in discovered he had lied about his expertise to be hired by the EPA, and this key author of the “Clean Air Act” had no requisite expertise in air pollution to make any of his work believable. Rewrite the “Clean Air Act” but this time use scientists to advise, not crony appointments.

  173. Ending the War on Coal, by Executive Order will reduce electricity costs by 1/3. Grid Reliability will instantly improve.

    Good for business, industry, charitable organizations and consumers.

    Plus Coal Miners will go back to work.

  174. If and when the earth starts cooling again, will fascist academicians posing as scientists ever change their stripes? Sadly, no. Liberalism is a mental disorder.

  175. Be ready to take great enjoyment from liberal pukes that are going to be screaming and crying and throwing tantrums over the next few months.

    They are about to realize that Trump is a doer, not a talker and the things he is going to do will make their heads explode 🙂

    This is going to be so much fun to watch!

  176. Trump meets with Gore. ” Al who would be your most objectionable choice for EPA”? ” Wellllll Donald hands down do not choose AG Pruitt” ” OK Al thanks for stopping by”

  177. Love, Love, Love, Love,Love, Love, Love, Love,Love, Love, Love, Love,Love, Love, Love, Love,Love, Love, Love, Love,Love, Love, Love, Love,Love, Love, Love, Love,Love, Love, Love, Love,Love, Love, Love, Love,Love, Love, Love, Love,Love, Love, Love, Love,Love, Love, Love, Love,Love, Love, Love, Love,Love, Love, Love, Love,Love, Love, Love, Love,Love, Love, Love, Love,Love, Love, Love, Love,Love, Love, Love, Love,Love, Love, Love, Love,Love, Love, Love, Love,Love, Love, Love, Love,Love, Love, Love, Love,Love, Love, Love, Love,Love, Love, Love, Love,Love, Love, Love, Love,Love, Love, Love, Love,Love, Love, Love, Love,Love, Love, Love, Love,Love, Love, Love, Love,Love, Love, Love, Love,Love, Love, Love, Love,Love, Love, Love, Love,

  178. Environmentalism is virulently anti-human, anti-liberty and anti-reason. It is an evil ideology. Clean air and water is not this movement’s goal. Their agenda is to destroy freedom, individual rights, private property and capitalism, and replace it with statism. They are just another gang in the long list of thugs throughout world history who attempt to justify the use government force against others.

    Abolish the EPA.

  179. Well, shucks E-Gore!!!… But look at the bright side… Even though the Trump meeting didn’t go so well there’s still lots of hotel maids to chase when a guy’s in New York — better than Seattle, son, waaaaay better!!! — so might as well get liquored up and get at it…

  180. I have a feeling the spigot flowing billions of taxpayer dollars into the oligarghs pockets for fake and unprofitable clean energy scams like solar city is about to be turned off 🙂

    Good luck with that Musk.

  181. The left is REALLY going to freak out now, as the rest of the world leaders are going to witness Donald Trump stand against the Cult of Man-made Climate Change, and finally grow the balls to do the same.

      1. You say it’s not a left or right issue, yet you use a left wing pejorative to describe someone who disagrees with the AGW theory. Wouldn’t skeptic be a better word to describe someone who disagrees with a theory? Would you describe someone who disagrees with the theory of relativity as being a denier? Would you have called Einstein a denier when he went against the static universe theory?

  182. It’s amazing that, in the absence of human activity, the climate (and everything else) was expected to remain COMPLETELY STATIC.
    How dumb do you have to be to have thought that?

  183. The EPA should be in the business of HELPING business navigate the system to become more profitable and for local govts to become more efficient, not to throw up every road block to progress they can.

  184. Maybe if they stopped crop dusting the planet with their conductive toxic plane spray the ecological and hydrological cycles would return to normal!

  185. I bet Trump only met with Al Gore just to see how much his whatsit shrank when he told him he was thinking of picking Scott Pruitt for the EPA. Anything acorn size or below and he knew he was going to make the right choice.

  186. I’m sure after meeting foul Al our President Elect thought to himself- this guys a complete azz hole. And by his size – he must be inhaling cow farts to help save the planet.

  187. read real news ?

    Notice all the footnotes !o!

    Part 2 from NYRB

    The Rockefeller Family Fund Takes on ExxonMobil

    David Kaiser and Lee WassermanDECEMBER 22, 2016 ISSUE

    Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming

    by Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway

    Bloomsbury, 355 pp., $18.00 (paper)

    Private Empire: ExxonMobil and American Power

    by Steve Coll

    Penguin, 685 pp., $19.00 (paper)

    Exxon: The Road Not Taken

    by Neela Banerjee, John H. Cushman Jr., David Hasemyer, and Lisa Song

    InsideClimate News, 88 pp., $5.99 (paper)

    What Exxon Knew About the Earth’s Melting Arctic

    an article by Sara Jerving, Katie Jennings, Masako Melissa Hirsch, and Susanne Rust

    Los Angeles Times, October 9, 2015

    How Exxon Went from Leader to Skeptic on Climate Change Research

    an article by Katie Jennings, Dino Grandoni, and Susanne Rust

    Los Angeles Times, October 23, 2015

    Big Oil Braced for Global Warming While It Fought Regulations

    an article by Amy Lieberman and Susanne Rust

    Los Angeles Times, December 31, 2015

    Archival Documents on Exxon’s Climate History

    available at

    Smoke, Mirrors and Hot Air: How ExxonMobil Uses Big Tobacco’s Tactics to Manufacture Uncertainty on Climate Science

    a report by the Union of Concerned Scientists, January 2007

    available at

    Garth Lenz

    A plant owned by Syncrude, a joint venture of ExxonMobil’s Canadian subsidiary Imperial Oil, which processes oil from the tar sands of northern Alberta, Canada’s biggest source of carbon emissions and the US’s largest source of imported oil; photograph by Garth Lenz from his traveling exhibition ‘The True Cost of Oil’

    In the first part of this article, we described recent reporting that ExxonMobil’s leaders knew humans were altering the world’s climate by burning fossil fuels even while the company was helping to fund and propel the movement denying the reality of climate change.1 Ever since the Los Angeles Times and InsideClimate Newsstarted publishing articles showing this in late 2015, ExxonMobil has repeatedly accused its critics of “cherry-picking” the evidence, taking its statements out of context, and “giving an incorrect impression about our corporation’s approach to climate change.”2 Meanwhile, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is one of several officials who have been investigating whether the company’s failures to disclose the business risks of climate change to its shareholders constituted consumer or securities fraud.

    Since ExxonMobil claims that it has been misrepresented, we encourage it to make public all the documents Schneiderman has demanded, so that independent researchers can consider all the facts. In the meantime we suggest that anyone who remains unconvinced by the record we have collected and published of the company’s internal statements confirming the reality of climate change consider its actions, especially its expenditures. Regardless of its campaign to confuse policymakers and the public, Exxon has always kept a clear eye on scientific reality when making business decisions.

    In 1980, for example, Exxon paid $400 million for the rights to the Natuna natural gas field in the South China Sea. But company scientists soon realized that the field contained unusually high concentrations of carbon dioxide, and concluded in 1984 that extracting its gas would make it “the world’s largest point source emitter of CO2 [, which] raises concern for the possible incremental impact of Natuna on the CO2 greenhouse problem.” The company left Natuna undeveloped. Exxon’s John Woodward, who wrote an internal report on the field in 1981, told InsideClimate News, “They were being farsighted. They weren’t sure when CO2 controls would be required and how it would affect the economics of the project.”3

    This, of course, was a responsible decision. But it indicates the distance between Exxon’s decades of public deception about climate change and its internal findings. So do investments that Exxon and its Canadian subsidiary Imperial Oil made in the Arctic. As Ken Croasdale, a senior ice researcher at Imperial, told an engineering conference in 1991, concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere were increasing “due to the burning of fossil fuels. Nobody disputes this fact.” Accordingly,

    any major development with a life span of say 30–40 years will need to assess the impacts of potential global warming. This is particularly true of Arctic and offshore projects in Canada, where warming will clearly affect sea ice, icebergs, permafrost and sea levels.

    Croasdale based these projections on the same climate models that Exxon’s leaders spent the next fifteen years publicly disparaging. But following his warnings that rising seas would threaten buildings on the coast, bigger waves would threaten offshore drilling platforms, and thawing permafrost would threaten pipelines, Exxon began reinforcing its Arctic infrastructure.4

    1. Yes of course. All the denialist guff comes from think tanks funded by fossil fuel companies. You rarely see any drudgereport readers mentioning these inconvenient facts. They ignore big oil on climate change but scream when oil prices are high.

  188. I respect the environment, and I consider myself to be a good steward of the environment, but I believe the whole movement is a scam and an embarrassment to anyone that appreciates the environment and the outdoors.
    I do not believe that man causes temperature changes — unless you spend a week in Beijing.
    I don’t lie about temperature statistics — our history, ice core and tree ring samples are better judges.
    I favor nuclear over wind and solar
    Hybrid vehicles are the terrible cars to own — especially in winter.
    I believe that it is everyone’s own choice to treat the environment the way they see fit. I was always taught that the government passing laws without representation was illegal. The EPA is basically tyranny.

      1. This is what I am talking about. The rutard above brings up tobacco. Tobacco has nothing to do with the environment. Sugar, salt, alcohol,lethargy, overeating all bad for you; but people have a choice. From the dawn of tobacco, people have known that inhaling smoke into your lungs is not good for you; but you need the government to tell you that? If I my neighbor or anyone else wants to smoke, we can. If I do not want to sit near someone who smokes, I can walk away.

    1. You must account for the gases you emit into the atmosphere. You must do this especially if many other people are doing the same thing. It becomes vital to do this once these actions are being taken by billions of people for decades. Preserving the commons, like national parks do, is a great gift to humanity. Its a pity some like to squander so as to preserve a particular lifestyle.

  189. Mr. Trump could not have made a more wonderful choice. The USEPA really needs to be controlled; it has become an arm of the liberal progressives.

    1. Along with the DOJ, IRS, NPR, pBS, NEA and just about every other government agency. It’s going to be a GREAT 8 YEARS watching Trump streamline all this bs out of government.

  190. This is about global carbon tax being funneled to the IMF, and on to the “Natural Conservatory Bank” – for a global money making scheme, with thanks to… wait for it… The Rothchilds!!!!!!!!

  191. Nothing can be worse than text-book bound academics fuming with impotence and LORS (Lack of Recognition Syndrome) who are also desperately trying to publish in order to carve out professional stability for themselves. From such was the current myth of global warming born.

        1. We have a solid peer-review process for that. You don’t think there are hordes of people wanting to disprove human-induced climate change? Why can’t they come up with anything credible? Its because all the evidence, mountains of it, streaming in from all over the planet across many disciplines confirms the consensus view.

  192. UN IPCC Official Admits ‘We Redistribute World’s Wealth By Climate Policy’

    At least someone is honest about the intent of the scam

    If you needed any more evidence that the entire theory of manmade
    global warming was a scheme to redistribute wealth you got it Sunday
    when a leading member of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on
    Climate Change told a German news outlet, “[W]e redistribute de facto
    the world’s wealth by climate policy.”

  193. Lets see… Al Gore pretty much flunked out of law school… dropped out of divinity school and is now a climate expert.

    yeah, lets take that shyster’s advice

    1. Don’t forget: He also invented the internet and the movie Love Story was written about him and his wife. Most of the left hasn’t a shred of credibility

  194. remember when in 2008, when them Republican obstructionists, approve 8 of Obomber’s cabinet posts, the first day. And gosh-awl picks they were.

  195. The EPA is the murkiest swamp in DC. It is full of leftist climate activists with an agenda. Roll back ALL of Obama’s EPA regulations. Review each independently and if they hurt jobs and the economy, do away with them.
    Review every employee and their job. Fire as many as possible.
    Support Congressional action to pass a law that any proposed EPA regulation must be approved by Congress.
    The effect on the economy would be huge.

  196. I’m still smiling!

    More than 31,000 scientists from diverse climate-related disciplines have signed a public petition announcing their belief that “…there is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate.”

    (London Daily Telegraph) Antarctic sea ice had barely changed from where it was 100 years ago, scientists have discovered, after poring over the logbooks of great polar explorers such as Robert Falcon Scott and Ernest Shackleton.

    Experts were concerned that ice at the South Pole had declined significantly since the 1950s, which they feared was driven by man-made climate change.
    But new analysis suggests that conditions are now virtually identical to when the Terra Nova and Endurance sailed to the continent in the early 1900s, indicating that declines are part of a natural cycle and not the result of global warming.

  197. This appointment is simply a dream come true! And I wish somebody would call the media and the democrats out on this business of calling people “climate skeptics”. What does that even mean? Nobody denies that the climate does change. Actually, the climate has never NOT been in a state of change.

    What they actually mean is “anthropogenic global warming” skeptic. So, they should just be honest and that’s the term they should use.

  198. Thanks goodness some real sanity and professionalism will be brought to this whole debate. Money-grubbing scientists and their “junk science” about global “warming” will now have to fess up to their huge scam.

  199. Maybe, just maybe, we will soon be able to buy shower heads that actually emit a nice, effective stream of water. And toilets that don’t have to be flushed twice! And while we’re at it, maybe get some washing machines that actually fill up with water and get clothes clean. Finally, maybe we’ll be able to buy incandescent light bulbs over 60 watts. Write your congress person!

    1. Personally I break the law and modify my shower heads and faucets to actually put out water instead of an old mans dribble. As for toilets, I use Toto’s no worries. A good washing machine works fine, I use Bosch, but it would be nice if the people that don’t do their own laundry would try to use the stuff they foist off on us. As for light bulbs, I like LED’s, living in Kommieforniastan and it’s corresponding insane energy costs and having a source for ‘reasonably’ priced bulbs, my energy costs are a low as can be living in a house with enough electronics to make the NSA jealous. Thanks to the taxpayers I’ve got a paid for Photovoltaic system, so my electric energy costs are about $110/month. Personally I want to see a whole bunch of baby nukes for really clean cheap energy.

      1. LEDs are coming down in price, and I do have some in the lenses of the Nutone light/exhaust fan units in my bathrooms. Incandescent light bulbs burned the original lenses, and I bought new ones. The LEDs will not burn them again.

        Now, we have a bunch of BR42 recessed lights in the ceilings of our house, and the idiot government has made it so that you cannot buy any of these lights above 65 watts, which don’t put out any lumens. I used to run 120 watt bulbs, and if I use 65 watt bulbs, the rooms just seem dim. Some of those lights are on a dimmer, so I need lights that will dim properly.

        Finally, there is the issue of the color temperature of light bulbs. CFLs were pathetic in that regard. I understand that LED bulbs can be made with warmer color temps, so I don’t have a problem with going with LED when they come down in price.

        Yeah, as to shower heads and faucets, the first thing I do is take out the stupid restricters wherever possible. For anybody with a full head of hair, the restricters don’t save any water because it takes twice as long to wash and rinse your hair, so what’s the point?

    2. I’m struggling with my LG that won’t give me enough water without “pressing the button” several times during the cycle to give me more water. (Insane!)I wish the losers who engineer these stupid things would actually “suffer” with a load of t-shirts coming out smelling weird because they were neither washed nor rinsed correctly.

      1. Yeah, the last time we bought a washing machine, I found and bought what may have been the last Kenmore Elite washer model on which you can set the water level where you want it. Works like a charm.

        1. I sold a set of those. . .for a “new” set. . .Now I’m wishing I hadn’t and just paid for the dryer repair now. . . .Stupid. . . sold the “working” washer with the dryer that the guy said he could fix himself. . . .Now I want to go find him and offer him a straight up trade for the pair. . . .(grin)

  200. Climate change – Spring | Summer | Fall | Winter – always has been, always will be…

    Genesis 8:22

    While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.”

  201. Maybe Trump just needed a reminder of the lunacy of the ecoterrorist Goebbels Warming cult by listening to a few minutes of the b@t$#!t ravings of the movement’s Founding Looter Algore.

  202. The EPA, IRS, National Education department, FDA, HUD, national weather service and most the other alphabet soup departments need to eradicated completely. All have been tried for decades and proven only to be money laundering entities for politicians.. All these departments have lobbyist who take a big part of the programs budgets to give to politicians to increase their budgets for the next year. If these departments are so important why do they have to bribe politicians to stay open. Frankly most of Washington is nothing more then a giant money laundering scheme of our money.. What employee do you know who decides his own raise every year but yet politicians do. What business do you know that has 4 trillion dollar budget and doesn’t produce a dime worth of anything. Look at how many millionaires there are in congress and the senate who were failures before they ran for office. Harry Read was is a punch drunk ex boxer not even good at that but now in 30 years as a senator owns half of Nevada and a billionaire. Look at McCain couldn’t get through the war without being captured by the enemy and now powerful billionaire. All while we pay for all this. The average salary of a bureaucrat (non elected) in Washington is $180,000 our average is $34,000. God knows what the politicians rake of these money laundering networks. HuH? Are we nuts????

    1. “Look at McCain couldn’t get through the war without being captured by the enemy and now powerful billionaire”.

      Damn, dave….

      I am NO fan of McCain – I think he took too many knocks in the head at the Hanoi Hilton. He has cuddled up to the Democrats on more than just a few occasions, a pathetic Republican candidate to run against Obama in 2008, and in my opinion, is a textbook example of a RINO.

      THAT being said…

      He was shot down over a highly defended target over North Vietnam, and was seriously injured while ejecting from his plane. This wasn’t over a sparsely populated area – it was over a power plant next to a river and a densely populated area. Zero chance for escaping. Trump’s comments about McCain and his capture were stupid, to say the least, and many vets were justifiably angry about his remarks.

      I also give McCain much credit for not taking the easy way out of North Vietnamese captivity because he was an admiral’s son. He was not going to be used as a propaganda tool for the NV, and instead stayed with his fellow captives.

      Still don’t have much use for McCain, but give credit where credit is due.

    1. My guess is, Gore “requested”. . . .he wasn’t “invited.”I can’t imagine Trump would have wasted time “inviting” Gore. . . .Notice we’re never told if Gore was “invited” or requested the meeting?That is a key detail missing, which leads me to believe the press is deliberately “hiding” the detail. . .meaning Gore “requested” the meeting.Sure wish someone knew for sure though. . .

  203. Now Sessions needs to launch an investigation into all persons that have benefited financially by this outright fraud. Oh wait, that’s about every person on the UN council, Al Gore, the Emanuel brothers, green energy execs, and on and on. It was nothing short of outright extortion by leaders to fleece it’s populations once again. That seems to be the norm for these globalist leaders. Screw you little people, I’ve got another vacation home to buy.

  204. Anyone who doesn’t realize Global Warming is a threat to our World is certainly not knowledgeable and sadly, ignorant.

    Trump is playing people…he isn’t for the “little guy” and those who still think appointing his bff billionaire buds and old fart generals…. is okay…. think again. Hey, I’m 63 these men are ancient …..get some new, younger staff in the mix….this is not representing the “people”…. just old rich people with stuck in the mud ideas……sad.

    1. “his bff billionaire buds”.

      Oh, you mean like the GROUP of VASTLY more rich left wing billionaires that wore out the carpet to the White House under Obama, hmmmm, bitter, lying, bedwetting and out of work Hillary blog troll?

      YOU LOST!


    2. Upvoting your own posts? Seriously?Who is being “played?”Obama said the glaciers in Alaska were melted at an unprecedented rate: Ooooops, tree stumps under them dating from 1300 to 2300 years ago, before Jesus walked the earth.Maybe that d-bag should have kept his mouth shut before lecturing anyone because “scientific proof” keeps slapping him in his arrogant mouth.Unless you’ve dug up an fossilized SUV or found a cave painting of a Hummer somewhere. . . .you might want to realize you’re the one being played.

  205. Climate change is an intangible evil based on ideals and supposition, created to gather revenue through new taxation and regulations. I would value the opinion of a climate change skeptic more than that of an advocate’s.

  206. Leo and Gore….he is not serious we all need to work around him and yes, like many, I believe he will be impeached sooner than later…he can’t shut his mouth and he is an insulting bully….do not kiss up anymore.

    1. and notice we aren’t being told if Gore was “invited” by Trump or did Gore ask. . . . My guess is, because the media isn’t giving that detail, it was Gore who asked for the meeting, not Trump. . . . .Otherwise, why would Trump bother with that has-been/discredited nutjob?Know what is really great?Trump is hiring military people that Obama fired.Doesn’t get much better than that.. . . .ha!

  207. The fact that they mention “scientific” and “consensus” in one sentence tells all. The theory of man made climate change is just that, a theory. Science is not a consensus. Quit adding taxes on crap that is not proven.

    1. They’re still humping “consensus” as science, huh?Yea, the “consensus” used to be the earth was flat, too.Doctors used to think “leeches” cured diseases, too.We used to believe someone was “possessed” if they were suffering from Alzheimer.We used to believe the sun revolved around the earth.So who are the “science deniers” now? those that cling to the “climate change” religion so hard they’d make any Hare Krishna leader jealous. . .

  208. The worm has turned.

    For those baloney promises about ‘green’ jobs replacing destroyed fossil fuel ones. For all the malarkey about solar and wind being viable alternatives to oil and gas.

    The worm has turned.

  209. The “green” scam is finally being halted. . . .The reason that the government kept “endorsing” it is it is an insane scam to give more “power” to the government.So who, in government, wouldn’t try to hump that nonsense?Except a businessman who sees through the scam for what it is. . . .it’s about power/money.

    1. The “green” scam will NOT be halted – just slowed.

      But, it will be held up to far more public scrutiny, including the lies not only from the legions of so-called “scientists”, but also the Democrat-planted left wing pukes embedded in NOAA and NASA.

      1. There needs to be a top down purge of the career levels of the adminstrations, agencies and bureaus throughout the federal government. We need to get rid of the leftist influence which has been building in the government at these levels for decades because this is where the rubber meets the road, where the real power resides.
        Hopefully, under the auspecies of good leadership these purges can start to clean out the liberal dead wood and give us a government that fears the people in lieu of what we have now, a population which fears the government.
        Rich in New Mexico.

  210. EPA Appointment. Trump meets with Al Gore. ” Al , who would be your most objectionable nominee for EPA” ? ” Wellllllll Donald, hands down AG Pruitt would be the most objectionable nominee as he has fought my efforts every step of the way.”
    ” OK Al thanks for stopping by”

  211. It is so sad to see how the left treats climate change discussions. They keep hammering that climate change is going on (and no sane person says it isn’t, it has done so forever) is settled science, but then in their final statement they thrown in the words “man made” which isn’t settled science. Do they really believe that smart people can’t see thru this attempt to fool us?

  212. Thinking that man can change the climate is like standing next to a bonfire, striking a match and then telling everyone that you’ve just raised the temperature of the back yard.

  213. For those who are upset about this, look at the bright side … This is your chance to make your case to someone with power who needs convincing. If you can effectively make your case and change his mind, it would influence everyone else like him, and this whole debate could be over. If you cannot effectively make your case, then you may need reevaluate your views. It’s a great opportunity, either way.

  214. Climate change is an inevitable reality, and it will come to pass, but it won’t be adversely affected by the carbon dioxide emissions created by humans. Climate change will be thrust upon the earth by the arrogance of humans who run the military industrial complex and feed upon power and greed. It is termed a nuclear fusion reaction, and most cannot even fathom its destructive power. Some 2,500+ years ago, it was foretold by the Prophet Zechariah in Chapter 14 of his book. Anyone can read it, but those who do must perceive it with knowledge and wisdom, not the perception of fools who have been blinded by their own ignorance.

  215. I knew at a young age, that as soon as politicians would claim mankind can control the weather, that we have reached the age of idiocy. When Obama met a bunch of other fools in Italy a few years back, they agreed on an ideal temperature setting for the Earth. And that folks, is all you need to know.

  216. Ignoring Gore’s advice was what any educated, successful person would do.

    As for “climate skeptic”? I hope that, like myself, he’s a climate-denier! The Left’s claims are ridiculous in mere concept: the idea that humanity can change the climate. But then, their “evidence”, based on computer models twenty, thirty and more years out are built on inputs carefully chosen to prove their point, as we found in communication from East Anglia University. The whole thing is a fraud.

    Is “climate” changing? Of course it is! It has never stopped changing. However, none of those changes have had anything to do with humanity or their activities.

  217. THe climate has been changing forever. Even before man was a single celled Amoebae. Man could not create or destroy the climate if he wanted to. We just do not have that capability. None of the models have proven to be correct by the wizards of smart and yet they want us to turn our world upside down to cater to a junk science. Insanity is a better word for man made climate changer’s. Most of the computer models do not even take into consideration the moisture content of the air. Why, because it is too variable and can not be predicted. Yet send the UN billions of dollars so guys that do not have a 5th grade education can sell carbon credits. It just can’t get better than that.

    1. You are correct that the earth’s climate has changed during its history, fluctuating between warming and cooling periods. That is part of a natural process of the planet regulating itself combined with periodic changes in solar activity. However, that does not mean that man cannot artificially affect the natural climatic process by what we introduce into the atmosphere that wouldn’t otherwise be there and/or by removing the natural carbon sinks (plants/trees) that otherwise would be present. I admit I’m unsure. I don’t know the impact and don’t pretend to know. So, I’m not going to dismiss out of hand the possibility that we could be influencing the climate of our planet. Even small changes could prove significant. I do know that if we are and if the consequences are not good, we should do something about it. If, on the other hand, the impact is minimal, we don’t need to be expending enormous resources trying to fix something that can’t really be changed.

  218. Great! Now maybe greenie eco-Bolsheviks will have to actually PROVE their assertions! Finally, REAL science at EPA!

    No more sleigh-of-hand to “prove” climate change is harmful, and no more “symbolic” bullshit regulations destroying our way of life.

    No more enviro-nazi cheerleading by EPA, instead, a more healthy skeptical attitude.

  219. Our weather is completed controlled by a few people in the USAF. Al Gore, the U.N., and Soetoro / Obama’s version of climate change are deliberately misleading and deceptive. Yes manipulation of our climate is occurring and has been for years but the cause is not what Americans and the world have been told. Not only that but now the public can place derivative bets on the weather at the Wall St. casinos. Betting on the weather with insiders controlling the weather. This is in fact what is happening now. Furthermore the EPA is allowing military jets to spray toxic aerosols over moisture fields which prevent rainfall. These ‘chemtrails’ as they are known, absorb moisture in the atmosphere in addition to capping the lift. Local and national weather reporters and meteorologists have been gagged and cannot talk about this obvious weather manipulation. Now we might understand why weather reports are mostly cartoon animations without satellite images to show what actually is occurring daily on those maps!

  220. The consensus claim is so laughable. These greedy hypocrites have been bastardizing scientific method over and over and over again. Regulations work. Reasonable regulations on business so we all breath clean air and drink clean water are still paramount.

  221. If the U.S. is going to enforce carbon dioxide laws, then those laws need to be applied globally to every country all at the same time otherwise the laws are ineffective.

    1. Despite what the current president, the EPA, and SCOTUS says… the U.S. Constitution does not give our government the power to regulate the air we breathe in much the same way that the commerce clause does not give the government the power to force us to buy a product (health insurance).

      Just like Plessy, the Trump SCOTUS will eventually reverse these unconstitutional regulations and laws.

      1. This is also true and further illustrates the absurdity in all this. Even if a potus had constitutional authority to regulate the air we breathe, it would still do nothing to scale back carbon dioxide emissions on a global scale as the article points out because China would offset the emissions put off by the U.S., this would only accomplish a shutdown of more American jobs.

        1. It’s even worse than that. CO2 represents less than 2% of the earth’s greenhouse gasses. Weighing in at 95% is water vapor (and if we eliminate that, we all die).

          1. Of course, and the ZOG and the globalists over at the U.N. know this. The entire debate is a political chess move with the intent of establishing global government run by the U.N. as a solution. They create a “climate” problem whose only solution is global government because as we pointed out, no single nation can solve the supposed issue of carbon dioxide. They know the general public is not aware of these scientific facts, so the ZOG plays on their ignorance. Remember when Al Gore said that if we don’t do what he tells us to do, then the world will boil over and the ice caps would be gone by now?

            1. OK, so now you’ve gone south of reality. The idea of active conspiracies involving Jews, the Illuminati, and/or any other group to foster climate change politics is just nuts.

              Sorry g, but it’s just a bunch of idiot government leaders and activists looking for another tax revenue stream.

              There is no conspiracy. They’re just not that smart.

              1. We all have our different opinions about who has power in this world and who doesn’t and that’s fine. In my view it is about power for the special interests who use politician puppets in different governments because they don’t need any more money. They already run the private central banks all around the world and have all the blackmail dirt on the pedophile politician puppets. Maybe for the politician puppets it is about money too but the end goal is global government.

                1. I’m with you on the global government perspective, but it’s multinational corporations seeking stability and profits… not a group of anti-Arab Jews sitting in a basement.

                  If you imagine yourself as a victim of a conspiracy, then you are a victim of a conspiracy irregardless of reality.

                  1. I do believe the power of the zionist over this country is dwindling for the same reasons that other “secret societies” are dwindling in power and that is because of our collective awakening. There are other political groups who want mass incompatible immigration into this country for their own reasons but to deny that zionists have used the U.S. government as a puppet for their own agenda in the past and present is just nonsense and anyone who does the slightest bit of research can verify it.

                    You’re only a victim if you bury your head in the sand and pretend like none of this exists.

                  2. “If you imagine yourself as a victim of a conspiracy, then you are a victim of a conspiracy”


                    That’s not actually how reality works.

                    There are conspiracies afoot! …and the author of this dishonest propaganda piece is part of one.

                    “Morano is paid by an industry-funded group to run the climate denial website ClimateDepot. com. At Climate Depot, Morano serves as the de facto research department for the right-wing media’s attacks on climate science, and mobilizes his readers to target individual scientists and reporters for telling the public about climate change threats.”


                    1. Sure thing CB. BTW, posting a link to the biggest Fake News site on the internet (mediamatters) as if it were true tells us everything we need to know about you.

              2. Yeah why would anyone grab onto a trillion dollar grab bag of stolen funds when being a noble unpaid scientist fighting for truth justice and the american way in monkish poverty is more “rewarding”

              1. Of 117 predictions made by the top climate change models (there are several) that should have occurred by now only 3 have happened (and it’s a question if they would have occurred anyway).

                The prediction failure rate is over 98%.

                Would you trust your life to a doctor who kills 98% of his patients?

  222. Marc Morano touts the same crap that a mere 1% of the world touts. He does not discuss trusted science. He lobbies for the fossil fuel industry and does not care about the health of humans, animals, or the planet. To trust him on anything about climate science is a mistake. All who support him are complicit in destroying our planet, and exemplify how FoxNews, Breitbart, and Alex Jones have successfully dumbed down the nation. It’s very sad to see. As all of you ignore the obvious, you are helping to destroy our environment. The selection of Scott Pruitt is a selection of a known lobbyist for oil/gas. The head of the EPA is supposed to protect the environment, not help to destroy it. Lord help you when pollution is allowed in your own back yard, under Pruitt’s watch. You will have no recourse. The lot of you are a bunch of stupid Americans, and your leader, Mr. Morano, is a danger to this nation and the world.

      1. You bring up a good point. There are no other planets that are or will be inhabitable. That is why it is so very scary that so many people deny climate science. I would venture to suggest that many believe Bible stories and the Earth is only 6000 years old. This is how Americans differ from so many others in the rest of the world, who see American science-deniers as abject fools — which they are.

    1. “He does not discuss trusted science.” ? ? ?
      Please provide that “trusted science” . . . been asking for it for over 25 years now !
      AGW in an UNPROVEN Hypothesis . . . ALL the dire predictions of the 90s never happened.
      But China is set to increase their emissions by 70% by the end of the decade . . . perhaps you should go there to Protest !

      1. Apparently scientific fact is determined by a poll of scientists.

        I’m sure glad they didn’t have that power before Columbus took the chance of sailing off of the edge of the trusted flat earth science.

        1. There are many facts that are provable and the majority of climatologists understand Earth science. Too many followers of this page, and the owner, himself, do not.

          Columbus did not believe in “flat earth” science. Columbus was absolutely certain that the Earth was round. He was working for Spain, and his job was to collect riches for the king and queen — not risking their sponsorship to take three ships off of the edge of the Earth. He was looking for a shorter trade route to the East, and was sailing in uncharted territory. The myth that Columbus was trying to “prove” the Earth was round is sophomoric myth. It was some of his uneducated crew that may not have understood that the Earth was round. Many of them also believed in sea monsters.

          1. “There are many facts that are provable and the majority of climatologists understand Earth science.” ? ? ?
            Why not post a few . . . lol
            Been asking for the repeatable, provable Science of AGW for over 25 years . . . seems no one has it !

            1. I posted facts, above. If you care not to read them, that’s your choice. Googling evidence that manmade pollution affects the environment is easy to find.

              Example: In China, they have had record drought in large parts of their country. Their largest rivers are drying up, for lack of rain. There is no rain and their crops cannot grow. There is no rain because there is so much air pollution, there are no clouds, and the normal cycle of moisture is disrupted. This is easy to find. Just google the science on China’s drought. It’s dire, there, and one of the reasons that China knows their pollution levels are not only toxic to humans and animals, but affecting their local climate.

              1. There ARE NO FACTS . . . . no repeatable, provable Science . . . period !
                China’s problems are caused by folks in Walla Walls Washington?
                Double that . . .
                If you have a friggin clue . . . which you don’t . . . there is a complete separate CO2 cycle on the Water and on the Land . . . perhaps you should learn more.
                CO2 does not create deserts or Glaciers . . .
                When intelligent folks look into the local practices . . . you can usually find the influence . . . air polution in China comes from China . . . get friggin informed!

          2. And yet, with the fake “Anthropocene” era. . .which still cannot come to grips with the “evidence” that revealed trees under Alaskan glaciers dating back to 2,350 to 1,300 years ago. . . .Canadian glaciers revealing tree stumps there from 7,000 years ago. . . .Mmmm-mmmmm-mmmm. . . .So who are the science “deniers” now?We used to believe “leeching” cured diseases.We used to believe the sun revolved around the earth.We used to believe the earth was flat.We used to believe that wearing “duck bill masks” would protect us from the plague.At what point will the nutters admit they’re wrong? Stop pushing their trash?

      2. See above. China recognizes where they have gone wrong, which is why they have joined the community of over 100 nations, all of which admit that man-made carbon is affecting local climate and the planet’s climate. China’s pollution levels are a direct result of their many coal-fire plants, to keep up with industrial energy needs so the rest of the world can enjoy their manufactured products. This is NO EXCUSE for this nation to bring back the coal industry. This nation has taken coal down for good reason — and lying to the people in coal country, like WV (as Trump did) and lying to other states that coal is “clean” is unconscionable. There are too many dumb and gullible people willing to put stock in those lies. The US uses more energy, per capital than almost every other nation. Destroying mountains and bringing back dangerous coal jobs is not the answer.

        1. “China recognizes where they have gone wrong, which is why they have joined the community of over 100 nations” ? ? ?
          China is playing the game . . . it has been predicted that China’s emissions will grow by 70% by the end of this DECADE.
          China and India will lead the planet on particulate and polluting emissions.
          The USA is one of the cleanest countries per capita on the planet today.
          CO2 is plant food . . . .04% of the atmosphere it can warm nothing.

          Germany has been building coal fired generators for the last few years . . . are you not aware of that? Do you know anything about CLEAN Coal technology?
          Guess not . . .

          1. The reason to have a vital and strong EPA is to protect us from sludge in waterways, pollution in the air. Richard Nixon signed Clean Air and Clean Skies and he founded the EPA. All Republican presidents since Nixon have been rather interested in protecting our environment. With no regulations, big industry would dump a massive amount of toxins, as they used to do before these regulations, into our waterways. We would soon look like China. We are clean compared to other countries BECAUSE of the work of the EPA. You should understand the cause and effect of the EPA. That is why Trump’s choice for EPA administrator is so horrendous. Pruitt is the Attorney General of Oklahoma, and is suing the EPA right now, rather than protecting the people of OK from pollution. Pruitt is defending big oil and gas in Oklahoma. Oklahoma has had hundreds of manmade earthquakes that are caused by fracking in their state. This is not disputed. Oklahoma itself admits this.

            The person who should head the EPA should have our health at heart — not polluters.

            It is predicted that the seas are going to rise faster than people can move from their coastal communities. So I guess your answer is to do nothing. If we stop burning fossil fuels today, the climate will continue to warm because of the man-made carbon we have already put in the atmosphere. We are at dire levels. If you understand that manmade carbon pollution is a problem, then you should be supporting methods of reducing carbon, rather than throwing your hands up and pretending the science in this is wrong.

            1. You are babbling nonsense once again . . .
              Everybody likes clean air and water . . . except the Obama Admin & dhimmicraps . . . hence you can’t drink the Water in Flint MI . . .
              Carbon is NOT CO2 . . . carbon is coal . . . a solid.
              CO2 is plant food . . . a rare, benign gas that enables life on the planet . . . . get friggin educated man ! ! !

          2. The reason to have a vital and strong EPA is to protect us from sludge in waterways, pollution in the air. Richard Nixon signed Clean Air and Clean Skies and he founded the EPA. All Republican presidents since Nixon have been rather interested in protecting our environment. With no regulations, big industry would dump a massive amount of toxins, as they used to do before these regulations, into our waterways. We would soon look like China. We are clean compared to other countries BECAUSE of the work of the EPA. You should understand the cause and effect of the EPA. That is why Trump’s choice for EPA administrator is so horrendous. Pruitt is the Attorney General of Oklahoma, and is suing the EPA right now, rather than protecting the people of OK from pollution. Pruitt is defending big oil and gas in Oklahoma. Oklahoma has had hundreds of manmade earthquakes that are caused by fracking in their state. This is not disputed. Oklahoma itself admits this.

            The person who should head the EPA should have our health at heart — not polluters.

            It is predicted that the seas are going to rise faster than people can move from their coastal communities. So I guess your answer is to do nothing. If we stop burning fossil fuels today, the climate will continue to warm because of the man-made carbon we have already put in the atmosphere. We are at dire levels. If you understand that manmade carbon pollution is a problem, then you should be supporting methods of reducing carbon, rather than throwing your hands up and pretending the science in this is wrong.

        2. China hasn’t “recognized” anything except air pollution.And at the dopey-hopey-changey Summit in Copenhagen, they specifically told Obama/Clinton that they would not agree to anything that negatively impacted their economic/energy growth. . . .China understands, the key to prosperity is energy production to fire up the economic growth.They’re addressing the “pollution”. . not “climate change” . .which is typical of so many leftists. . . .They “read” whatever they want into things. . . .China isn’t doing anything re: Climate change. They’re addressing the unique issues they have with air pollution.No one “wants” air pollution, but a vast majority of the nation/world understands that the “man-made climate change” nonsense is bogus. . .

    2. The “trusted science” you want to believe did not exist until radical environmentalists concocted this scheme. The government bought into it and the only grant money given to researchers was to prove the premise. The 90% of “scientists” who are constantly pointed to were never a majority of scientists, but simply a small subset of researchers who saw the green and went all in.

      1. The entire world of nations believes in climate science. The only stupid people in the world who resist the obvious, at this extreme level, are Americans. Enjoy your singular ignorance. You and your ilk should be embarrassed. The world is reading your posts, and the posts of this site, and watching. But they are not laughing. They are shocked by your ignorance.

        1. “The entire world of nations believes in climate science” comments the guy on an article explaining how the EPA’s plans for the future would be irrelevant in three weeks time because of China’s emissions. You’re an idiot.

            1. CO2 is also a toxin, you fool. There are not enough plants to absorb it all. Go learn something. Ugh. Are you not embarrassed enough by your total lack of knowledge? Plant food? That’s your defense?? Haha.

              1. CO2 is the cleanest country on the planet . . .fool !
                When China gets as clean as we are . . . we’ll TALK ! ! !
                CO2 is toxic . . . INSANE COMMENT !

                Want some facts on CO2 . . . REAL Science?

                We know that CO2 levels would need to reach concentration in air of 60,000 ppm (from current levels of 400 ppm) to become toxic for humans.

                We know that there is no difference between CO2 levels accurately measured 200 years ago and last year – they all go up and down depending when and where you measure them.

                We know that there is no possible correlation between CO2 levels dissolved in water in its liquid state and CO2 levels found in ice, i.e. water in its solid state.

                We know that it is CO2 that makes major contribution to the width of tree rings. So, no CO2 means no tree rings and no life.

                We know that the human body ignores CO2 levels in air when breathing in and the only function of breathing out is to get rid of CO2 that is created in every cell of the human body by the complex bio-chemical process that maintains life.

                We know that every single molecule of CO2 is surrounded by 2500 molecules that are NOT CO2 and therefore any theoretical blanket built from CO2 fibers that supposedly is surrounding the Earth is practically made of NOTHING.

            2. So your defense of pollution in the US is that China pollutes more? China is adopting Carbon protocols. They understand what is going on in China. So this means that you either think it’s fine to harm the world because others are doing it, or some other lame reason. The EPA’s job is to protect Americans against polluters. If Trump puts a lobbyist for the oil industry in charge of the EPA, that is like asking an arsonist to put out fires, or asking the fox to guard the chicken coop.

              The arguments you make in defense of bad science are examples of the lack of knowledge, and education all of you have. Sad.

        2. China’s emissions will grow by 70% by the end of the DECADE !
          Didn’t Obama mention that to you?
          AGW is ALL about Wealth Transfer and Control . . . CO2 is plant food !

        3. The “entire world” you say?Sooooo. . .is that why the new Prime Minister of Britain dismantled their version of the EPA (their “Climate Change” office) on her very first day in office?'re taking a hard look at creating business friendly/science based decisions. . . .Department of Business, Energy and Industrial StrategyIt is now a new department refocused:“new department charged with delivering a comprehensive industrial strategy, leading Government’s relationship with business, furthering our world-class science base, delivering affordable, clean energy and tackling climate change,”

        4. The Americans are the only ones paying for it. Its hard to vote against schemes that put $$$$ in your pocket.

          Certainly the resort spas all these “scientists: are always gadding off too “believe in GW too”

          Have you ever visited the Maldives tourism page?

          Now tell me, are they really worried that jet travel by tourism will “sink them”

        5. I cry for the ignorant lemmings. This claim of man made global warming is similar to the “prophets” who have claimed to predict the end of the world. There are always superstitious people who will believe despite the impossibility of the prediction coming true. They must believe in something that makes themselves feel smart, important or wanted at any cost. That is you.

    3. Really?Retreating glaciers in Canada revealed tree stumps 7,000 years old. Maidenhall glacier in Alaska has revealed tree stumps over 1,000 years old. date from 2,350 years ago to 1,300 years ago. better come up with an explanation for these trees growing in areas where there are glaciers now long before our industrial revolution.Otherwise, who is looking pretty dumb now, huh?

      1. Climate is not stable over periods of tens of thousands of years. 11 million years ago there was no ice at the North Pole. 25 million years ago there were ferns in Antarctica. When we speak of Climate Change, we speak of the Anthropocene, the time of the ascendancy of man. There are periods of temporary warming. The times of the Vikings is one of them, in which grapes grew in Labrador. Transient period of temporary warming appear regularly in the geological record. They are often due to volcanism and other things that affect climate globally and temporarily. In the past 200,000 years there have been major glaciations. The last was only 12,000 years ago, where ice yawned 5000 feet thick over New York City.

        Except for catastrophic events like volcanism, climate change is gradual and stable over the lifetimes of many generations of men. We see, now, dramatic changes in climate in single lifetimes, having nothing to do with volcanism, but having everything to do with man-made carbon dioxide emissions.

        The rising sea levels are a result of this, which are pushing entire communities away from their communities and destroying their livelihood. People who live in coastal communities are suffering. Your ignorance of climatology and Earth history is spectacular and you, and your leaders should be embarrassed to show this ignorance in public.

        1. “We see, now, dramatic changes in climate in single lifetimes, having nothing to do with volcanism, but having everything to do with man-made carbon dioxide emissions.” ? ? ?

          WHERE ?
          Certainly NOT in North America . . . Certainly NOT in the Arctic or the Antarctic . . . Certainly NOT in Australia.
          Where is this imaginary change going on . . . we have loons like Suzuki and other’s telling us temperature change of 2 degrees will cause extinctions.
          While the temperature change in Minot ND changes 160 degrees from January to July every year . . . and no one dies !

        2. “Often due to volcanism” . . which isn’t man caused.Get it now?You didn’t address the point of 2,350 years to 1,300 years ago. . .In case you can’t research, the “Anthropocene” era you speak about?“As of August 2016, neither the International Commission on Stratigraphy nor the International Union of Geological Sciences has yet officially approved the term as a recognized subdivision of geological time.“Those arguing for earlier dates posit that the proposed Anthropocene may have begun as early as 14,000 to 15,000 years before present, based on lithospheric evidence; . . “Now, using some made up “geologic” time period. . . .address the “evidence” that the earth went through warm periods as recently as 1,350 years ago, long before our industrial revolutions. . .

            1. They’re attempting to “carve out” a brand new geological time. . .the “ascendance of man”. . . It’s insane. . . .The problem is. . . They keep getting b-slapped in the mouth with hard evidence.No matter how many times they try to make stuff up to support their idiocy, “evidence” keeps proving them wrong.

  223. A superb pick who can go a long way to ending the leftist scam of globull warming. It is past time someone stood up to the power mongers and theives on the left who would have stolen our tax money, crippled our economies and curtailed our civil rights on an industrial basis.
    I would hope that as a next step a special prosecutor be appointed to look into the motivations of those behind this conspiracy and recommend charges for those at the highest levels. The sheer damage and harm they could have accomplished by ruining the economies of many developing nations resulting in the potential for starvation of many and a rise in disease rates all over is staggering and needs to looked into on a criminal basis. People engaging in these types of dangerous schemes are a threat to the freedom and well being of the people the world over and this type of behavior will only be discouraged if there are consequences for engaging in it.
    Rich in New Mexico.

  224. I just keep thinking how Hillary must be having to re-live her terrible defeat all over again every time Trump makes one of these pro-America picks. And I smile.

    1. Nah she’s hammered every day she’s not thinking of anything other than she doesn’t have a staffer anymore to change her Depends for her now. IBS is a mother f’er for Hillary now.

  225. Finally, our environment will continue to have safe water and air without micromanaging every facet of the environment at great financial expense and costly regulations for only the appearance of improvement. Under Obama there have been so many intrusions into private ownership of land and regulations that are simply to feel good about modifying our climate but produce no measurable results.

  226. What climate change alarmists fail to tell you is that the #1 cause of global warming is the sun.

    They also fail to acknowledge that carbon dioxide makes up less than 2% of greenhouse gas. It turns out that a whopping 95% of greenhouse gas is water vapor.

    The solution is simple: Either put out the sun or boil off the oceans.

    Alternatively, these morons could just figure out that in the great scheme of things humans are inconsequential.

    1. Or. . .stop teaching this “junk religion” (yea, it’s not science, it’s a religion now). . . .We have a couple generations of delusional buffoons who believe this though. . .so it will be hard to deprogram that “doomsday” cult . . . But we definitely need to deprogram them.. . . . .

      1. Sadly, you’ll have to educate them before you can deprogram them.

        The liberals own the schools, but conservatives own reality. Most of the liberal indoctrination falls away the first time you get a real paycheck and discover how much is paid to Uncle Sam.

  227. I voted for every GOP Presidential candidate since Gerald Ford. I am a conservative and I support President Elect Trump. Nevertheless, people on both sides of this issue should avoid closing their mind.

    The left wants to point fingers at conservatives but they are no strangers to closed mindedness and tyrannical behavior when it comes to climate issues. In fact, the left’s past behavior led us to the tremendous rift that now exists. Data was manipulated to support a predetermined conclusion and those that pointed it out or sought to express opposing observations and viewpoints were ostracized, even persecuted, in a manner that would have met Joseph Stalin’s approval. Furthermore, the left quickly seized upon the newfound opportunity to propose new taxation and wealth redistribution. Oh my, the fear mongering, it has been off the charts and ultimately the distortions caught up with those like Al Gore. When you hitch your wagon to a self serving alarmist, you deserve the mistrust that follows. If the left’s intent was to create a ideological divide on this issue, they could not have pursued a more successful strategy.

    To my brothers on the right, there should be no doubt whatsoever that the chemical composition of the atmosphere affects the planet’s insulating properties with respect to retaining solar thermal radiation. Consider the possibility that what we are releasing into the atmosphere combined with the destruction of plants/trees that naturally remove carbon dioxide is altering the atmosphere. If we are to err, let’s err on the side of being good stewards for what God has provided.

    There is a reasoned middle ground but we need to let go of our ideological stubbornness and find it. Look for truth, don’t manipulate the data to fit an agenda and, please, can we dispense with the attempt to paint every climatic event as the result of man-made climate change? You can only cry “wolf” so many times before people stop listening. It isn’t “your way or the highway”. Perhaps the first step is for both sides of this issue to agree to listen to the other and have an open mind to all possibilities rather than resorting to demonizing those with whom you disagree.

    1. And to you, I say: You have no reason to hammer our economy/personal lives until you come up with a reasonable explanation of the tree stumps found under the Alaskan glaciers, dating back 2350 to 1300. . . .lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng before the industrial revolution.Retreating glaciers in Canada revealed tree stumps 7,000 years old. Maidenhall glacier in Alaska has revealed tree stumps over 1,000 years old. date from 2,350 years ago to 1,300 years ago. unless this so called junk “science” can explain this new evidence that refutes their claims that climate change is “man caused”. . they should just go away.

      1. The glaciers of glacier bay retreated some 65 miles between the visits of Captain Cook and John Muir.

        That Damn John Muir must have been driving an SUV to Alaska.

    2. no one is saying trash the environment..quite the opposite….btw plant/tree life is exploding right now across the globe….the simple issue is that most of us dont want the UNPC taking $16 trillion in tax payer $$ to chase CO2 nonsense…

      if this whole GW err climate change movement had been about actually cleaning the air/water …you would significant support across the U.S. and industrialized nations..

      you do understand that co2 is not pollution

    3. I love it when liberals pretend to be moderates and try to convince conservatives that nutcase liberal ideas have validity.

      Of 117 predictions made from the climate change computer models only 2 have come true.

      What happened to the other 115? They never happened.

      Each year the predictive models have actually increased their inaccuracy.

      Climate change is a hoax (and you are a liberal).

      1. I am no liberal. Probably to the right of 99% both fiscally and culturally. If you could check my previous posts, you’d know. Having an open mind is neither liberal nor conservative. Wisdom was never achieved without it.

        1. Been listening to the left for decades . . . all lies and distortions !
          Their goal has never been about benefitting man . . . their goal has always been CONTROL . . . exactly what the AGW debate is all about.
          Getting into your wallet and controlling your future. Marxism !

        2. Liberals are about control, there is no secret to the fact that ALL slave owners were Democrats. They still are..

          You either grant all people the same degree of freedom that our “leaders” have or you are a commie leftist.

    4. I got it, its the old “I’m a conservative who believes Marxism will heal the planet and save our souls”

      RE:To my brothers on the right, there should be no doubt whatsoever that the chemical composition of the atmosphere affects the planet’s insulating properties with respect to retaining solar thermal radiation. Consider the possibility that what we are releasing into the atmosphere combined with the destruction of plants/trees that naturally remove carbon dioxide is altering the atmosphere. If we are to err, let’s err on the side of being good stewards for what God has provided.

      Listen carefully now: Men have been defeating nature for at least 25,000 years when our species began cultivating fields and building cities. We thrive in warm climates and die off in cold ones without massive use of harvested (mined) energy sources

      CO2 is plant food, all plants need it to survive, at 150 ppm plants begin dying. 400 ppm is far better and 800 ppm would be better yet

      We have been spreading chemical fertilizers on the ground for over 100 years. This is how moral people feed the hungry. Your Jesus had Gods help feeding the hungry, we don’t. If we leave it up to God he will kill us all. We can’t live by Gods rules, we need to make our own. God created nature for us and as far as I can tell Natures sole purpose is to destroy the weak, hardly a “Christian ethic”

      If we want trees and fishes and cereal crops to thrive we need oil and lots of it. Oil feeds all of these life forms and we need them. North Americas Forests were not as healthy when the first European set foot in North America as they are today.

      Stop spewing your God nonsense, If your God is anthropomorphic and involved in the affairs of man, then he sent us Donald Trump to save us from the environmentalists.

  228. I was puzzled as to why Trump would meet with Al Gore and then I figured it out. He told Gore he was considering Pruit and Gore came unglued and at that point Trump knew he had the right guy.

  229. Global warming may well be one of the most massive hoaxes ever. And human beings are very fallible when it comes to falling for these. A great book that shows the breath taking extent of human stupidity in such matters is “Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds.” It is a history of popular folly by Scottish journalist Charles Mackay. People are just enormously gullible.

  230. Know your enemy ie. Al Gore. Perhaps it was worth wasting a few hours on the climate hack.

    We will be in good hands with the Honorable Scott Pruitt. He will likely call on the myriad of scientists who KNOW that neither you, I, nor the flatulant cows are responsible for “climate change.” Booyah!

      1. 100 minus 3 equals 97. That leaves the 97% of scientists who are sucking off the tit of government grants, thereby being PAID in full. P.S. you are delusional, and none too bright…

      2. Right. . . .and were are you getting your “97%” figure? (rubbing my hands together because that’s been thoroughly debunked”. . .. Go ahead, tell me where you’re getting your “97%” figure?Don’t you have an exact number? Approximate?And do you want to know why you only have a “percentage” versus an actual number of scientists?(very nasty grin anticipating smacking you down)

      3. Your 97% of scientists was proven to be a FRAUD a Decade ago . . .
        where have you been?
        Lets talk about the “Predictions” of the Insane Warmists . . .
        Flooded cities, NO ice in the Arctic, extinct Polar Bears . . . . and I could go on.
        Reality is today the Arctic is NORMAL, Polar Bears have expanded by 30% and have you noticed any cities are flooded?
        AGW is still an Unproven Hypothesis . . . and the Warmists are friggin Nuts! ! !

      4. Your 97% figure has been debunked..10,257 people were invited to take an on-line survey, only 3,146 of them did. Only 79 of those were “published experts” and only 76 of those “experts” said yes. And it was based on 2 questions.Ever wonder why the AGW/GW nutters never use the “real” number? Is it because you’d be humiliated?Other researchers reviewed roughly 250 paleoclimate studies, concluding the Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age were both real and global, albeit with significant regional variations.How do these nutters explain that the “broader” scientific community of paleoclimatologists, do not accept their argument? Just because climate modelers cannot explain natural variability does not mean natural variability does not exist. They say they can see it clearly in the data.From 1997, more than 6000 boreholes supports the MWP very similar to the original pre 2001 IPCC viewpoint:Later, the fraudsters only used around 500 boreholes.“Hide the decline! And that really big ship stuck in the ice!”

  231. AlGore climbed to his jungle Temple, tied a living sacrificial babe to his four-horned stone altar, drew his dagger and ripped it asunder, procuring and devouring its beating heart.

    Outside in the nascent tropic evening light, whilst bush monkeys shrieked in the trees, Shaman AlGore’s villagers carried torches to the Temple and shouted for vengeance after bringing their babies and goats and gold to the Climate Kahuna for generations only to be buffeted by weather cyclical extremes and rebuffed by a rival Denier deity, Trump the Avenger.

  232. Al Gore bought a mansion in S. CA. It’s carbon footprint is 50x greater than the average household in the U.S.

    Moreover, at least according to his award winning movie, it will be underwater in 4 years.

    Can’t wait until 2020. Gore’s house will still be on land and Trump will be elected to his 2nd term.

    God how I love being an American.

    1. And he flies around belching carbon emissions from his “private jet” and his primary home has a massive carbon footprint also. . . .Hypocrite. . . .”carbon restrictions” for thee, but none for me.

    1. The insane left is leaving . . . things may return to NORMAL once again.
      Imagine a border where they actually stop foreign invaders from coming in . . . imagine folks having jobs again, owning a home and paying lower taxes.
      Imagine a downsized federal govt that is not in your face 24/7 spouting nonsense.
      Imagine Barry Obama once again working as a Community Organizer in Chicago . . . lol

  233. Getting better and better all the time.

    Shaping up to be a seriously kick ass cabinet. We might actually see some improvement in America again.

    It’s gonna take a serious can of whup ass to undo all the damage the moron in chief has done in the last 8 years.

  234. It’s so wonderful to be a Christian and know God is in control. We want to do the best we can to be good stewards of what God has intrusted to us; but we don’t fret and worry about the planet. Our eternity is secure. Relax!

  235. the cause is CERN , in March it is set to use 2 colliders, CERN as been linked to cause volcano activity and Earth Quakes, the Earth has had Hic-cups *the rotation momentary stop) and is affecting the magnetic field, thus more heat is entering our atmospheres, there have been unexplained animal deaths such as a herd of 30,000 reindeer , and electric crashes . This needs to be Talked about instead of the FAKE HOAX brought on by the Crook Gore.

        1. Bacteria, which they’re still researching.“Tissue samples revealed that toxins, produced by Pasteurella and possibly Clostridia bacteria, caused extensive bleeding in most of the animals’ organs. But Pasteurella is found normally in the bodies of ruminants like the saigas, and it usually doesn’t cause harm unless the animals have weakened immune systems.

          Genetic analysis so far has only deepened the mystery, as the bacteria found were the garden-variety, disease-causing type.

          “There is nothing so special about it. The question is why it developed so rapidly and spread to all the animals,” Zuther said.As we said – stop playing with your tin foil hat and go outside and play. Leave the conversation for the adults.P>

    1. Because they are so radical and overbearing in their regulations, opinions and actions that they know they deserve to be physically resisted and are so angry and agitated that they are not willing to properly wait for the US Marshall’s Service to defend them should they press a person or group, or community or city or state to the brink of self defense. The EPA is the modern brown shirts.

  236. Trump made a campaign promise to take billions in fees to the UN Climate hacks and funnel it directly to improve the air/water quality in the U.S…..would like to see this happen… could combine the efforts of further cleaning the U.S. with water infrastructure projects….

    take CA…not one large water infrastructure projects in decades i believe….when we do get heavy precip..(like last year and now) the state ends up flushing it out of the reservoirs…

    1. If you read about the creator of the IPCC, the now deceased Maurice Strong . . . you would understand that your comparison is dead on.
      Canadian multimillionaire Maurice Strong, a former under-secretary general of the United Nations, executive director of the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), chairman of the UN’s Rio Earth Summit in 1992, and a person who is working as diligently as he can with his mystic second wife Hanne [née Marstrand] to help create a New Earth-Friendly Religion. It’s hard for FTM to tell who is more daffy and more dangerous ~ the UN official or his crystal-gazing consort ~ so you, reader, can make up your own mind. Maurice Strong, you must know, is the earth’s self-appointed ‘Custodian of the Planet’, and from his 63,000-acre ranch in the San Luis Valley on the edge of the Sangre de Cristo (Blood of Christ) mountains, he entertains grandiose dreams about how only he can save the earth. And he doesn’t dream alone. Some equally high-powered and influential people come to his ranch to share his dreams and encourage more dreaming: people with names like Rockefeller, Kissinger, McNamara, Trudeau, Moyers, the Dalai Lama, Shirley MacLaine ~ along with countless other dignitaries, politicians, businessmen, media moguls, actors and actresses, New Age gurus, and even satanists. Truly. What? You didn’t know satanists are concerned about the fate of the world, too?

        1. This stuff started in the 80s . . . I think Dicrapio was still riding his 3 wheeler somewhere . . . lol
          Point is Strong was a really f’ed up loon . . . as were many of his friends like Trudeau Sr. (marxist) who died over a decade ago. Now his idiot son is PM of Canada!

  237. would like to see ALL the EPA BS agenda/rules/reg flushed down the toilet come DAY 1! why should US be held to standards that other countries just laugh at. o is the EPA jokester.

  238. From what I have read about UN Global Initiative on global warming that Obama signed and agreed with it appears to be an attempt at a huge distribution of the worlds wealth. In the agreement the so-called first world countries would pay other countries not to pollute. The estimated amount I believe will be trillions of dollar going from the US and other western European countries to other poorer countries. But I was rather surprised by the fact that China was on the list of countries that would be receiving compensation not to pollute. I take this as extortion on China’s part for them to go along with the scheme.
    What I find most ridiculous about the entire agreement is that there will be no agency assigned to monitor pollution levels from the payee countries, instead they will be left to monitor themselves and the the UN is to take them at their word that they are complying.
    How laughable is that. I can’t believe that these world leader can actually stand up and announce this agreement with a straight face. This will be the biggest scam in history involving other peoples money.

    1. It’s the biggest global scam in the history of man.If you or I tried this, with taxpayer dollars, we’d be doing time in “club fed” for taxpayer fraud.It’s time to prosecute the frauds that call themselves “scientists” with “hide the decline” . . . .and other fraudulent behavior. . . .

  239. All the stuff masquerading as climate “science” is speculation done on incomplete, inaccurate computer models, being fed guessed parameters the accuracy of which no-one knows.

    1. “There is a computer disease that anybody who works with computers knows about. It’s a very serious disease and it interferes completely with the work. The trouble with computers is that you ‘play’ with them! ”

      Richard Feynman PhD Nobel Physics Prize

    2. “There is a computer disease that anybody who works with computers knows about. It’s a very serious disease and it interferes completely with the work. The trouble with computers is that you ‘play’ with them! ”

      Richard Feynman PhD Nobel Physics Prize

  240. If BO the “Blowhole” was so worried about climate change then way did he fly all over the world spreading lies & dumping tons of “Carbon Emission” from Air Farce 1 on those he wanted to believe there is a problem? What a pathetic joke! About as bad as those two daughters that don’t belong to BO or Michael! Check You Tube-those girls belong to a doctor in Chicago! They sure “Buffaloed” a lot of gullible Americans’ during the worst 8 yrs. this country has EVER EXPERIENCED!

  241. There is a great source to see who controls the weather, it is both the Old and the New Testament. There are over 40 passages in the Bible stating how God controls the weather. Arrogant proud man likes to think he is in charge of all. But God gave mankind free will to be foolish, to either accept him and his Word and his free gift of grace, or reject him and later pay the price and wonder why in that day. Your choice, no middle ground, believe in mankind and Government or believe in God.

      1. At least we won’t have ole krazy Hillarous attacking the Russians for her so-called “hacking the election” nonsense.
        I hear the Saudis and the UAE want their money back . . .
        now that she can’t do them any more favors.

  242. ‘Trump listened to what Gore had to say at their New York City meeting and then he exercised his good judgement and did the exact opposite.’

    This is too funny. What an interesting up to 8 years we will have here (or 16 if Pence prevails in 8).

  243. ‘Trump listened to what Gore had to say at their New York City meeting and then he exercised his good judgement and did the exact opposite.’

    This is too funny. What an interesting up to 8 years we will have here (or 16 if Pence prevails in 8).

    1. Get off the keyboard and get back on your meds. . . .Leave the adults to have the serious conversations. . .go play with your tin foil hat outside. . .

  244. The EPA has become a hotbed of Stalinist enemies of Liberty. It should be dismantled and every verminous America-hater that ever “worked” for it should be rounded up, stripped of citizenship, and deported to France our Germany.

  245. First it was ‘global warming’. Then came, ‘man-made global warming’. Now it’s ‘climate change’.

    Yet the left-wing-nut-jobs continue with their meme, by calling those of us who choose to think for ourselves, ‘denier’.

    The climate has been changing from the formation of this blue marble, and will continue until the very end.

    I can’t help but wonder, what the earth would be like if the dinosaurs hadn’t driven SUVs….

    1. Recall after Katrina all the weather wacko said look MMGW we will have hurricanes like this EVERY year, then the next year we had nothing and they all said look MMGW caused us not to have hurricanes. I think the new name will be Man Made Global Weather, than you can blame everything on man.

      1. Heh heh! No kidding.

        It’s like when they start blaming man for the tornadoes in ‘tornado alley’, killing more people! Well, no crap. It’s been called ‘tornado alley’ long before people started relocating there!!!

        The left are truly insane!!

    2. Glaciers in Canada revealing that trees existed there 7,000 years ago – not glaciers.Alaska glaciers revealing tree stumps proving that trees grew there 2,350 years ago to 1,300 years ago. . . .So much for Obama’s claim of “unprecedented warming”. . .huh?That d-bag keeps getting slapped in the mouth with evidence of how “failed” this climate change “religion” is.And they call us the “deniers?”There were trees growing in ancient forests at the poles of the earth 250 million years ago . . . .And with all we know, they have yet to unearth a fossilized SUV/GMC or a cave painting of a Hummer. . . . Funny how that works. . . .

  246. AGORE/GOREBULL WARMING EXTORTIONIST PIG AT THE TROUGH. This fat bastard gets rich off of useful idiot fear while he jets around the globe and has multiple mansions that he heats and cools. The amerikahn stupidity is off the charts.

  247. The Sun controls the climate not a trace of CO2. Glad that the next Chief of the EPA knows that also. Surprisingly, I’m not a fan of tRump who I consider to be a world class con man and liar. But maybe tRump’s energy and climate policy will be a bright spot for me.

  248. After reading so many comments by morons on this page, who are touting pollution, rather than regulation, I am sure this page’s comments section is manned by paid Trolls, who sound in total as if they hate humanity, while pretending they want to save taxpayer money. The stupidity here is glaring. I guess you all like the idea of pollution. This page is run by paid trolls to support big oil and gas. Either that, or
    you are just a load of morons who deny science, do Marc’s lobbying work for him, and prop him up, even though he is a known idiot. The comments here all reflect a concerted effort to deny science, and support dangerous lobbyists who care nothing about pollution in favor of corporate profits. To those who pretend that it is terrible to spend taxpayer money in support of environmental programs, that are in place to protect our health, to prevent cancer and other diseases, while you support corporate profits in lieu of protecting our health, are evil non-patriots who are assholes. I hope the money you are making to be assholes is worth it to you.

    If you are not being paid to spout moronic lies, then you are just stupid, and have no excuse. All of you should be embarrassed to post your bullshit here.

    1. Why are you so sure we’re “paid” trolls?What if we’re just “common sense” trolls that keep pointing out to you that your “science” is flawed in the face of hard evidence – like tree stumps under Alaskan glaciers revealed in 2013 that prove trees were growing there 2,350 to 1,300 years ago. . . .During your “ascendance of man” (Anthropocene – made up term) time period, but way before we ever discovered fossil fuels. . . .Glaciers in Canada reveal tree stumps from 7,000 years ago.Why is it that you’re so angry about “evidence” disproving your scientific theory?”Scientists” thrive on new data and evidence.You. . . you’re angry. You’re acting like a “cult” follower – angry when your “religion” comes up against hard evidence disproving your religion. . . . .

      1. Take pity on the poster.Obviously, the person isn’t into “science”. . .this poster is a “cult follower.”Scientists are actually excited when new evidence is found. . . This poster is angry – like a cult follower gets when proof against their “cult” is produced.You shake their “religious” beliefs. . . . and they can’t cope with it.Just look at the anger. . . .That’s not a “scientific” mind talking – that’s a cult-follower kind of anger. . . .

        1. any possible prediction that global temperature is going to increase is only a single data point, which you would get if you ran anything near an accurate model of global climate. what they are not telling you is that, on any accurate model, you would also get an infinite number of other data points across a range which would show just as much possibility of lower temperatures. but keep sciencing brah

    1. You’re the village idiot . . . who lost the “Science” or did the dog eat it ?

      Health and Safety Concerns of Photovoltaic Solar Panels

      Solar Energy Firms Leave Waste Behind in China

      … It’s a green energy company, producing polysilicon destined for solar energy panels sold around the world. But the byproduct of polysilicon production — silicon tetrachloride — is a highly toxic substance that poses environmental hazards.

      “The land where you dump or bury it will be infertile. No grass or trees will grow in the place. . . . It is like dynamite — it is poisonous, it is polluting. Human beings can never touch it,” said Ren Bingyan, a professor at the School of Material Sciences at Hebei Industrial University….

      …Forests are being cleared to grow biofuels like palm oil, but scientists argue that the disappearance of such huge swaths of forests is contributing to climate change. Hydropower dams are being constructed to replace coal-fired power plants, but they are submerging whole ecosystems under water. …

      UN climate chief: Communism is best to fight global warming

      United Nations climate chief Christiana Figueres said that democracy is a poor political system for fighting global warming. Communist China, she says, is the best model. China may be the world’s top emitter of carbon dioxide and struggling with major pollution problems of their own, but the country is “doing it right” when it comes to fighting global warming says Figueres….

      …Communism was responsible for the deaths of about 94 million people in China, the Soviet Union, North Korea, Afghanistan and Eastern Europe in the 20th Century. China alone was responsible for 65 million of those deaths under communist rule.

      1. And the largest “rare earth” mine (minerals needed for solar panels) was sold toooooooooooooooooooooooo. . . . . CHINA!Ohhhhhhhhh that was a brilliant move. . huh?Screw China, screw the solar panels.1- 3′ x 3′ panel can’t even produce the power of a 20 volt DeWalt power tool battery. . . .a “17 volt” panel can only put out 12 to 15 volts.The 9 volt flashlight battery over there rivals the output of 1 solar panel. . . .What a joke.

    2. Says the guy who cannot refute “hard evidence” which proves how nonsensical the “climate change” argument really is. Especially the nonsense “Anthropocene” era, which has also been debunked because the “ascendance” of man now, shows that trees were growing in “glacial areas” before we discovered fossil fuels.Glaciers in Canada revealing that trees grew there 7,000 years ago. Guess those Egyptians had a ball in their GMC 4-wheel drives, huh? Instead of their chariots? D-Bag Obama claimed the Alaskan glaciers were going through “unprecedented” melting. . .until. . . .Oooops. The glaciers revealed tree stumps proving that trees grew there 2,350 to 1,300 years ago. (Discovered in 2013)So is it your position that Jesus and his apostles drove Range Rovers? Or Hummers?So much for “unprecedented” melting, huh? (smirk)smh. . . . .You guys need to seriously give up the ghost on this nonsense “climate” religion. . . .Who are the science “deniers” now, huh?

      1. Humans also warmed the climate on Mars, dontcha know? Couldn’t have anything to do with the Sun! Humans are more powerful than the Sun, dontcha know! Globull Warming religionists are so flippin stupid.

    1. For millions of us, Christmas came early!I heard a phrase once, but can’t remember where:“America is amazing. She always seems to get the exact leadership she needs, right when she needs it most.”

  249. Hey lib turds, solar panels are a scam like global warming is. They take 30 years to pay for themselves and wear out in 15-18 years. They cost a lot of money. If you need a new roof you must pay thousand$ to remove then put back the panels so the new roof can be installed. To obtain the metals needed for them requires extreme and damaging mining operations that cannot be reversed. But, they make you feel good don’t they? Effing sheep! Duhhhh.

    1. And China owns those mines. . . . .So screw China, stop supporting the solar panel industry. . . . Let the “greenies” pay for them. . .all by themselves.

  250. The Art of De(ni)al

    I once met a woman whose father smoked inside the house when she was a still a child. The father said that it was ok because he always went to the other room and pulled a thin curtain between the rooms. He kept up the habit up even she got a really bad asthma. Later the father died of a disease connected with excessive smoking and drinking. And since the woman didn’t want to think bad things of her father she kept insisting that the curtain had somehow protected her from the smoke and her asthma had nothing to do with it. This is denial on a personal level that is motivated by love.

    There is also another kind of denial that is motivated by political gains. One could say that the press tried to deny Trump’s success before the election. Another example comes to my mind from the fact that the future Vice President Mike Pence has claimed that smoking isn’t really harmful to one’s health. It is possible that he actually believes this. Another possibility is that he is trying to please the American tobacco companies and the people who work for them. Business before the truth. Well I live in Finland where there is no tobacco industry and no one is trying influence the views on this matter. I haven’t heard of single doctor deny the health hazards connected with smoking. To put it bluntly – denial doesn’t protect you from the outcome. You can deny the health hazards connected with smoking but still die from cancer.

    So why am I writing this? Well I don’t usually care about the American politics and how you treat your continent. I live in northern part of Europe where we pretty much mind our own businesses. So you may teach Creationism in your school and smoke cigarettes to your heart’s desire. Unfortunately the situation is a bit different if Trump actually pulls America out of the Paris climate accord. That affects my children’s future as well.

    So I give you the humble suggestions that you look beyond the way that climate change is being discussed in your own country where everything always seems to become a political issue. The science community is by large in agreement on the matter and 97 percent of all studies published in peer-reviewed journals find that global warming in the past century is a consequence of human activity. If we don’t do anything about it then the result will be droughts, hurricanes and flooding that even Trump’s fence won’t protect you from.

    So for the love of your children and mine, please don’t.

    1. “That affects my children’s future as well.”No it doesn’t.You don’t need our money to prop up your “climate” religion.As for the “97%”. . .that was debunked years ago.Do you even know where that “97%” comes from that you’re touting? (97% of scientists claim?)10,257 people were invited to take an on-line survey, only 3,146 of them did. Only 79 of those were “published experts” and only 76 of those “experts” said yes. And it was based on 2 questions.Ever wonder why the AGW/GW nutters never use the “real” number? Is it because they’d be humiliated?As for “peer-reviewed” journals – that too was debunked through “censorship” of anyone that had alternate opinions.Other researchers reviewed roughly 250 paleoclimate studies, concluding the Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age were both real and global, albeit with significant regional variations.How do these AGW/Climate change cultists explain that the “broader” scientific community of paleoclimatologists, do not accept their argument? Just because climate modelers cannot explain natural variability does not mean natural variability does not exist. They say they can see it clearly in the data.If you want to keep supporting your “climate beliefs”. . then pay for it yourself. . . .all by yourself. You don’t need us to prop you up.

    2. “97 percent of all studies published in peer-reviewed journals find that global warming in the past century is a consequence of human activity. ” ? ? ?
      When the Gatekeepers and the CRU in East Anglia control the debate, and who gets into these so-called Journals . . . the fix is in.

      So you live in the Northland . . . probably Sweden I suspect.
      Are the folks in Sundsvall sitting around the pool today sipping Mai-tais?
      Not friggin likely . . . but what is happening is the EU is collapsing, cars are burning in Stockholm, Paris and Brussels. Police are being attacked with regularity . . . like the Stockholm subway the other day.
      Swedes and others are being arrested for merely criticizing the insanity of a Philosophy which destroys Freedom where ever it appears.
      But you sit worrying about Gorebull Warming . . . something that was such a joke they had to change the name to Klimate Change!
      CO2 is plant food . . . even the IPCC, that body of the Useless UN, concedes that CO2 CANNOT effect weather . . . wise up ! ! ! Time is short . . . especially for the Europeans!

      1. That and nowwwwwwwww. . . . they can’t even tell us, which comes first, the rise in CO2, or the rising temperatures. . . .Seriously. . . .if they don’t even know which comes first, how do they know CO2 is causing it? That’s how stupid this entire philosophy is. . . .All they keep doing now is make stuff up hoping something sticks. . . .

  251. The only Climate change I want to see, is the climate of the US when Obummer leaves and Trump takes over!

    Now that’s a climate change I can get behind!!!!

  252. Da Trumpster has done more for America in four weeks than the idiot vacationing golfer has done in eight years.
    I started smiling at about 9:20 PM Pacific Time on 11/8 and have been smiling since. The icing on the cake is seeing all the lib pukes whining, crying, moaning, flailing, bycching and puddling themselves. It’s a wonderful thing!

      1. The Donald is apparently the real deal. He’s appointing all the right people. The Supreme Court is next. God bless him. He’s the right person at the right time. He doesn’t need the money or fame or power. He already had plenty of that. He’s doing it because he loves this great country and hated seeing what was happening to it.

    1. I can’t believe the ignorance. He lied about 1100 jobs that turned out to be 730 …….quite a difference. Trump would never be seen having a beer with a coal miner or a farmer OR…..carrier worker……
      only his BFF’S, all billionaires and old fart Generals.

  253. First it was global warming, then climate change, then climate disruption. What will they call it next month?
    Climate has been changing for billions of years. That’s billions with a ‘B’. Global warming hoax started at the UN. That’s all you need to know.

  254. The left needs people being scared. Fearful are easier to control. They behave like those sheep and dogs, where leftists seeing themselves as the shepherds. Climate change is one of those spooky stories that are designed to keep yourself awake. Nothing to do with reality, climate change made its way to the governments around the globe. And the left wants to keep it, of course.

    1. Because. . .find something that is “crisis” enough that justifies handing governments the control over vast millions of people. . . .”Climate Change!”If you control a nation’s energy production, you control their economic growth.The USA met the Kyoto protocol goals “voluntarily” without having to sign away our sovereignty. . .but that just angered the lefties. . who want us to “sign on” to someone else telling us what to do. . . .rather than “voluntarily” do things.You see, “voluntary” leaves it up to individual nations to decide what to do, on their own. It doesn’t foster a “global” government.”Next – you have to “make something up” to blame on the advanced nations, to justify taking money from them. . .when it’s 3rd world garbage holes that need to clean themselves up. . . .but if you make up a fake “crisis” and blame it on wealth western nations, you can try to steal their wealth and money, as well as curtail their economic growth. . . .

  255. The next thing Trump should do as president is disarm the EPA. Why do they need SWAT teams?… Regulatory agencies are not police agencies; and they should be disarmed status-quo-ante not turned
    into paramilitary organs of the state (this BTW was one of the 45 platforms of the communist party).

  256. Yeah but if he were a REALLY good pick, he would take the job, really take a good look at the EPA positions and history, and suggest to shut it down immediately.

  257. Republicans should agree. What I do, is say yes we have global warming, now what do we do about it. Why do we need money? Do we try to send it right up to God? What does the money do? See, they can never give you a legit answer because scientists have also proved moving money from one pocket to your or someone else’s other pocket does not contribute to, nor hinder, global warming. It’s all fraud.

      1. Kathy, I don’t think you have any idea of how badly you Marxists have suffered this time. We cant rest, communism is like the un-dead it keeps climbing out of its grave.

        The Democrat-Marxists are receding like the plague after the rats were burned out. They have lost the state and county governments in record numbers.

        Good News Cuba is only 90 miles from Key West, go for it.

  258. I have a computer model that suggests the planet will be attacked by wave after wave of aliens and it’s hopeless because every time we destroy one incoming wave the next is stronger and faster, the consequences are inevitable – we will lose and we will all be killed – the model proves it. Oh wait – I’ve just realized I was playing space invaders. Panic over.

  259. I am just so glad and elated and thankful that President Elect Trump ( Dang that sounds good! ) LEGITIMATELY defeated that Marxist greedy corrupt pathological lying profane lazy obese half blind lardazz flat shoe greasy worn out hag.

    1. I’m so proud of PRESIDENT Barack Obama and his beautiful family and how they have served this country. Not so proud of the idiot coming in with orange hair and his first lady……his daughter…….. weird…… just plain weird.

  260. The Captain has called for Full Throttle!
    There are no Icebergs on Our Navigational Charts!
    There are NO Impediments To Making America Great Again!
    God’s Speed!

      1. We have electoral college. It’s in the constitution. That’s the way we’ve always done it. Take away the 3-5 millions of illegal voters and Trump won the popular vote too. Trump is our next President. fueck you.

  261. I’ve been waiting 8 years to say this. Obama is insignificant and is no longer President. He couldn’t pass a law now that regulates rocks. He’s done. Trump is more ‘Presidential’ now than Obonghit has ever been. Trump compared to Omilksop is like comparing a biker on a Harley to a little boy on a little bike wearing a rainbow cap with a propeller on top and eating an ice cream cone.

  262. Watching this Global warming…oh wait the earth has been cooling we can no longer sell that, we’ll now call it climate change…..yeah yeah we can sell that to the Moron Liberals, they’ll believe anything we tell them…….Now sit back and watch the cash roll in as we screw the stupid!

  263. Trump: Algore, who running the EPA scares you most?

    Algore: Pruitt does Mr. President Elect.

    Trump: Thank you for your input and your time Algore.

    Trump: (Turns to his secretary) Get Mr.Pruitt on the phone, I want him for EPA.

    That’s a beautiful in-your-face to the members of the Church of the Warning Globe.

  264. He is NOT a skeptic that we have a climate. He does not buy into made made changes in the client and global warming.

    IN fact as reported in the Daily Mail it hasn’t risen at all.

    But they are not alone climate depot which tracks that kind of stuff ( really exciting jobs) says no increase in over 17 years.

    and yet people buy into the brain dead zombies who scream global warming with NO proof.

  265. I was wondering why Gordo and Decrapio was visiting Trump ,after they totally bad mouthed him and made nasty remarks about him, then when he gets elected they’re having a talk with him, at first I was pissed why is Trump even giving these hoaxers the time of day, but now I know there was a reason for him letting them come talk to him, to just appoint someone who is skeptic of the global hoax that Gordo and Decrapio are spewing ,so it’s a in your face to Gordo and Decrapio that he Trump didn’t give a shit what they had to say , what is also typical of these climate change people, they’re jetting all around the globe wasting and polluting ,the so called thing they say is causing the fake climate change ,so amazing they try and tell people what to do, while their doing the exact thing the tell people have to be taxed up the ass ,for the very thing their doing 100 times more because their multi millionaires ,then any normal non multimillionaire person would be able to do in 3 lifetimes, multimillionaires Decrapio and Godro do in 1 lifetime,

  266. People say there is a RACE problem. People say this RACE problem will be
    solved when the third world pours into EVERY and ONLY into White

    People say the only solution to the RACE problem is if ALL and ONLY
    White countries “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those

    But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide
    against White people, Anti-Whites agree that I am a

    Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

  267. CNN said on there crawl headline that “Trump picks climate denier to head EPA” . More 100% biased bullshiit from the #1 fake news bullshiit tv artists.

  268. Let’s be honest. Man made climate change/global warming is a smokescreen to promote the far left agenda. This is why if you oppose it you will viciously attacked slandered and vilified. This is the new religion of the Left and I hope Trump and Pruitt will clean up the EPA.
    We need clean air, clean water and renewable energy but this should be rational and economical. The sky is not falling.

  269. Nice to see a few lib pukes join in now that they have picked themselves off the floor. All they still have is childish, smarmy, low rent, BS comments but that’s why we love them and love ridiculing them. They make it so easy. I sure enjoy watching them cry and moan and whine. That’s a bonus! I love their pain. They’re still as delusional as ever. Total losers and posers.

    Hey libs. TRUMP WON ! Deal with it! Up yours!

  270. “Well-funded climate establishment?” … you are away that the fossil fuel industry has bankrolled Pruitt for years, right? They have far more money than environmentalists. Also human-caused global warming is real, whether you like it or not. There’s far more evidence of its truth than say, oh, I dunno, the evidence of a god, much less a Biblical one? It’s really sad that you managed to win this election.

    The Trump movement’s backwards views of science and deferential behavior towards religious frauds and liars speaks volumes of how badly this whole thing will end.

            1. Orwell of course understood Leftism exceptionally well so it is revealing that in 1943 he wrote an essay called “Can Socialists Be Happy?” His answer was that they can’t even imagine it.

    1. Fossil fuel industry has bankrolled who? . . . .
      The frigggin leftist loser Govts have poured 100s of Billions into the INSANE Gorebull Warming Agenda for 30 years now . . . Euros have DIED from Fuel Poverty, millions of Jobs have been Lost in America . . . and China is poluted far worse than the USA ever was.
      Why are you losers not going to China to help them out?

  271. The media wanted us all to gasp and get the vapors because Trump met with Algore. I think Trump will surprise people by being accessible to almost all viewpoints but make up his own mind about the direction he will go. More good news, the US Steel industry is already showing signs of confidence in the President Elect. Let’s keep having good news for a while.

          1. What IS Leftism?

            The essential feature of all Leftism is the desire to stop other people from doing various things they want to do and make them do various things that they do not want to do (via taxation, regulation, mass murder etc.) When (on October 30, 2008) Obama spoke of his intention to “fundamentally transform” America, he was not talking about America’s geography or topography. He was talking about transforming what American people can and must do. So that is the first and perhaps the most important thing about Leftism: It is intrinsically authoritarian.

              1. America is a Republic fool . . .
                Where are the lieberals? They are fascists/progressives/socialists . . . and they didn’t turn up on election day. Perhaps they were just too dumb to find the poling places.
                Leftist thought is for losers . . . like YOU . . . it demands little but blind obedience and being disgruntled. You are pathetic . . . likely a college student sno-flake!

                  1. The Constitution is fonded on Classical Liberalism . . . do you know what that is fool? Let me enlighten you . . . .
                    “Classical liberalism” is the term used to designate the ideology advocating private property, an unhampered market economy, the rule of law, constitutional guarantees of freedom of religion and of the press, and international peace based on free trade. Today = Conservative !

                    Today’s lieberal is a Progressive/Socialist/Marxist . . . aka the Far-Left . . .

        1. Nothing more pathetic than a leftist . . .
          Are you and Hillary still with the KKK?
          You do remember Fascists were Socialists . . . Just like Obama and Hillary !

            1. Take a hike Fascist . . .
              You are the party of the KKK . . . and corrupt ole Hillary . . .
              F’ed in the head . . . leftists all over the world have screwed things up . . . look at the EU !
              But you luv to hug a Terrorist too . . . you weak minded heterophobe !

            1. “With their infernal racial set-asides, racial quotas, and race norming, liberals share many of the Klan’s premises. The Klan sees the world in terms of race and ethnicity. So do liberals! Indeed, liberals and white supremacists are the only people left in America who are neurotically obsessed with race.”

  272. ‘Matt Drudge’ and ‘Kathy gray’ both are in dire need of a bowel movement. They are so full of sh!t that it’s coming out their nostrils.

                    1. Only because you baby boomer losers had to take one last shot at the future of America. Because you have not already done enough damage to our country’s economy and environment. America will be great again when you losers are dead! It can’t come soon enough!

                    2. You’ll die waiting for some gubamint imported doctor to order the drugs you can’t afford! Sucks being homeless doesn’t it?

                    3. Politics is the only thing Leftists know about.
                      They know nothing of economics, history or business.
                      Their only expertise is in promoting feelings of grievance.

                      In other words . . . terminally stupid and clueless !

                    4. heh heh, we elected Trump to kill you by poisoning the environment. You snowflakes are so fragile, we drank mercury for breakfast and it made us immortal..

                    5. Unlike you he can probably PAY for his funeral! You don’t have two nickles to rub together! YRU so Po?

                    6. Boomers built this country fool . . . it was their offspring like the clueless Obama, Gen X and the Millennials who have created the mess today.
                      But fear not . . . The Brightest Boomer is about to move into the oval office in January . . . likely the smartest president in many decades.

                    7. When I was born there were 2 billion people, now its 7 billion, you’re the problem; save the planet, kill yourself.

                    8. He’s about 22. Tattoos. Skateboard. Face metal. No job. No bank or checking account. Owns nothing. Mooches off Mommy and Daddy. Can’t cook. Can’t build anything. No real friends. Typical POS lib.

                    9. Were taking you down with us by poisoning the air….I’ll live for 90 years, you’ll be lucky to reach 35.

                      You’re the one who needs to die quickly, you’re the one overpopulating the planet..

                    10. Or in other words, he’s a YUUGE loser!! Voter ID’s in 2018 and he won’t be able to vote!

                    11. “People who mention differences in black vs. white IQ are these days almost universally howled down and subjected to the most extreme abuse. I am a psychometrician, however, so I feel obliged to defend the scientific truth of the matter: The average African adult has about the same IQ as an average white 11-year-old and African Americans (who are partly white in ancestry) average out at a mental age of 14. The American Psychological Association is generally Left-leaning but it is the world’s most prestigious body of academic psychologists. And even they have had to concede that sort of gap (one SD) in black vs. white average IQ. 11-year olds can do a lot of things but they also have their limits and there are times when such limits need to be allowed for.”

                      Jesse Jackson: “There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery — then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.” There ARE important racial differences.

                      Some Jimmy Carter wisdom: “I think it’s inevitable that there will be a lower standard of living than what everybody had always anticipated,” he told advisers in 1979. “there’s going to be a downward turning.”
                      Was Jimmy anticipating Obama ? ? ?

                    12. Heh heh, were going to poison your air first. I would’t give your life a plugged nickle breathing all that poison, better get out quick

                  1. Because their beliefs serve their ego rather than reality, Leftists just KNOW what is good for us. Conservatives need evidence.

                    “Absolute certainty is the privilege of uneducated men and fanatics.” — C.J. Keyser

              1. Because of the fragility of a Leftist’s ego, anything that threatens it is intolerable and provokes rage. So most Leftist blogs can be summarized in one sentence: “How DARE anybody question what I believe!”. Rage and abuse substitute for an appeal to facts and reason.

              2. Bring it, Mary.. you little priss loser..
                Your NEW President of the United States of America..
                Get used to saying MISTER PRESIDENT.

          1. Some Leftist hatred arises from the fact that they blame “society” for their own personal problems and inadequacies

            The Leftist hunger for change to the society that they hate leads to a hunger for control over other people. And they will do and say anything to get that control: “Power at any price”. Leftist politicians are mostly self-aggrandizing crooks who gain power by deceiving the uninformed with snake-oil promises — power which they invariably use to destroy. Destruction is all that they are good at. Destruction is what haters do.

          2. You must be speaking of White trash Hillary and Arkansas redneck bill and his step daughter chelsea hubble.. or old Tennessee redneck gore or peanut farmer redneck cuck jimmy carter.. DAMN!! You libs love to be ruled by white rednecks..

      1. The large number of rich Leftists suggests that, for them, envy is secondary. They are directly driven by hatred and scorn for many of the other people that they see about them. Hatred of others can be rooted in many things, not only in envy. But the haters come together as the Left.

          1. The average Leftist voter: It could be that the Leftist was born into a subset of society that is in general hostile to the larger society.
            And Left-voters may simply be upset that they personally are not getting a very good deal from society as it exists and be generally critical of society for that reason. A person who is born ugly, for instance, might well be critical of society for its “false” beauty ideals.
            But the biggest category of Leftist voters by far would appear to be genuinely well intentioned but shortsighted people who are strongly emotionally affected by suffering in others. They see other people who are not doing well in some way and urgently want that fixed by whatever means it takes. They are angered by what they see as “injustice”. And that emotion dominates all else. And it is the strong negative emotions evoked by the surrounding society that unites these people with Leftists of other stripes.

            The KKK was intimately associated with the Democratic party.
            They ATTACKED Republicans!

      1. The Leftist motto: “I love humanity. It’s just people I can’t stand”

        Why are Leftists always talking about hate? Because it fills their own hearts !

        HOW TRUE ! ! !

  273. God bless President Elect Trump for nominating a rational and qualified person to run the EPA and for dismissing the deceitful rantings of the hypocrite Al Gore!
    God bless you Mr. Trump and God bless America, which will be great once again!

  274. I believe Trump made a excellent choice in Pruitt for EPA administrator.He sounds like the type of administrator who will demand that his agency provides definite proof on any regulation it proposes. Hopefully he will require the EPA to furnish economic justification based on sound data and evidence. Hopefully he can eliminate CO2 as a pollutant so the US and the rest of the world can follow the US lead. Of course, those small nations who are presently looking for a redistribution of funds from the US and other industrialized nations will have a fit and cry foal to the UN. It is going to be a very interesting 4 years and maybe more.

      1. @sirgareth: I agree. However, neither you or I are the EPA administrator. What we do have is the power to vote for a president who agrees that the AGW is a scam and hires an EPA administrator to carry out strict control of the agency. It looks like Trump will do just that.

  275. Hallelujah. Now maybe all those scientists who were fired because the evidence was contrary to the NWO’S agenda will be rehired. And others will tell the truth without fear of losing their jobs.

  276. This is going to be howling into the void but I can’t resist, even though I should.

    You think I want to be terrified and depressed about the future? Why is there so much hatred and unwillingness to even listen? Why do you have to fucking mock and demean people who disagree with you; why not keep an open mind and perhaps listen to other people for once and instead of automatically writing them off because you disagree with them politically? The vast majority of scientists, from the same universities that develop the medicines you take and design the bridges you safely cross, say climate change is a real threat. They say it’s already happening, and there’s observable evidence for it: droughts, more tornadoes and floods, record average temperatures every month, sea ice reaching record lows. Why doesn’t that convince you? How much more do you need to see to admit that maybe, just maybe, there might be something here?

    Go ahead, call me a snowflake, or some derogatory portmanteau with the word “lib” somewhere included. I don’t hate any of you, but I am genuinely fearful of your ignorance and how that will impact the people I love.

  277. Climate change is a false premise for regulating carbon dioxide emissions. Nature converts CO2 to calcite (limestone). Climate change may or may not be occurring, but is is surely NOT caused by human fossil fuels use. These changes in temperature cause changes in ambient CO2, with an estimated 800 year time lag.

    Others have shown the likely causes of climate change, and they DO NOT include human use of fossil fuels. There is no empirical evidence that fossil fuels use affects climate. Likely and well-documented causes include sunspot cycles, earth/sun orbital changes, cosmic ray effects on clouds and tectonic plate activity. I make a further point here.

    Here’s why. Fossil fuels emit only 3% of total CO2 emissions. 95% comes from rotting vegetation. All the ambient CO2 in the atmosphere is promptly converted in the oceans to calcite (limestone) and other carbonates, mostly through biological paths. CO2 + CaO => CaCO3. The conversion rate increases with increasing CO2 partial pressure. A dynamic equilibrium-seeking mechanism.

    99.84% of all carbon on earth is already sequestered as sediments in the lithosphere. The lithosphere is a massive hungry carbon sink that converts ambient CO2 to carbonate almost as soon as it is emitted. All living or dead organic matter (plants, animals, microbes etc. amount to only 0.00033% of the total carbon mass on earth. Ambient CO2 is only 0.00255%.

    Full implementation of the Paris Treaty is now estimated to cost $50 trillion to $100 trillion by 2030–$6,667-$13,333 per human being. Nearly two-thirds of humanity’s cumulative savings over history. And will not affect climate at all.

    A modern coal power plant emits few air effluents except water vapor and carbon dioxide. Coal remains the lowest cost and most reliable source of electric energy, along with natural gas. Coal has always competed effectively with natural gas. Illinois Basin coal now costs less than 1/3 the equivalent cost of natural gas at their respective sources. Natural gas is less competitive with coal today than it was in 1995.

    1. You have to remember that we’re returning carbon to the climate system several orders of magnitude faster than the natural rate of exchange with the Earth’s crust – about 140,000 times faster than the ~700ppm CO2 drawdown of the last 50 million years, which caused gradual global cooling of around 10°C. Therefore it’s hardly surprising that human activity is now by far the largest driver of global climate change.

        1. Geological processes sequester carbon in the Earth’s crust, and volcanism releases it. Both sequestration and volcanic outgassing are extremely slow processes, relative to our extraction of fossil carbon. I have demonstrated this to be the case, with data. There’s no disputing it.

          1. Rotting of flora contributes 95% of CO2 emissions. Volcanism causes significant CO2 emissions only when it causes the burning of carbonate sediments.

            I don’t know if this intersection has ever been studied. Warmists allege that volcanic CO2 emissions are negligible, but I don’t see how that can be true.

            1. It has been studied.

              “Burial and outgassing of CO2 are each typically 2-4×1012 mol C/year (46, 47). An imbalance of 2×1012 mol C/year, confined to the atmosphere, is ~0.01 ppm/year, but as CO2 is distributed among surface reservoirs, it is only ~0.0001 ppm/year. This is a negligible rate compared to the present human-made atmospheric CO2 increase of ~2 ppm/year, yet over a million years this small crustal imbalance alters atmospheric CO2 by 100 ppm. ”


              1. These figures are negligible!! The rates are moving at a speed that is negligible. The fact that the equator is slowly moving northward and maybe a million years in the future Alaska will be like Southern California is irrelevant!! The point is the pace at which the climate changes cannot be controlled by man nor will it impact mankind’s ability to adapt. If that is what God wills!! Yes, industrial pollution and air quality can be perfected, and the use of carbon fuels will not affect the climate. Our bodies are nearly 20 % carbon!!

      1. That’s an extrapolation founded upon pure fantasy. With the population occupying only 10% of the earth’s land mass all environmental and atmospheric pollution is local and subject to tremendous defusion by a multitude of extraterrestrial (Astrophysics) forces and their complex interrelationship with the earth’s supernatural (bio kinetic) forces: it’s relation to the sun; the gravitational effects on tectonic plate’s, oceanic temperature cycles (El Nino) from the axial rotation and elliptical orbit, the magnetic field, etc., etc.

        Paleoclimatologists have estimated that any of the major historic volcanic eruptions dispersed more CO2 into the atmosphere than all of man’s “polluting activity” since the industrial revolution. In addition to many periods of history where temperatures have dropped in spite of higher C02 levels.

        With C02 historically occupying less than .04% of the atmosphere throughout the 6 identified layers (though some scientist like to include the magnetosphere as #7) with the other 99.96% being predominantly water vapor it’s ludicrous to believe CO2 levels have any bearing upon global temperatures. Man has no impact or ability to control global Climate, only air quality in local geographic circumstances whose fluctuations have historically been within the norms of pre industrial and industrial conditions.

  278. The bottom line is this God created this awesome world & He made it ti clean itself, whether it’s the oceans or the atmosphere, but that doesn’t mean we go out of our way to make it dirty though, but neither should we think we are so great that we can control the temperature, lol if we can’t control the sun or moon, we can’t control the weather, period


  280. September 21, 2014 More Than 1000 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims Challenge UN IPCC

    Panel Note: This report was originally published in 2010. It is of utmost relevance to the ongoing debate on climate change. Link to Complete 321-Page PDF Special Report More than 1,000 dissenting scientists (updates previous 700 scientist report) from around the globe have now challenged man-made global warming claims made by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and former Vice President Al Gore.

  281. How complicated is it to understand that climate change occurs on two levels, neither of which man can control or influence. There is the almost imperceptible change of universal intergalactic energy systems shifting at the slowest of subatomic particle movements, that have upheld the integrity of all perceptible space organization for billions of years, all the while in an amazing synchronized motion.

    These movements take place in time frames of millenniums and longer, that have taken the earth through its prehistoric climate environment and ice ages until the present at a speed that is virtually imperceptible to mankind. These cataclysmic changes occur at a pace that allows mankind to adapt far in advance of “climate” change so civilization is never beset by more than “seasonal anomalies” that “can” create isolated climate and geological disasters that, again, man has no control over: the second level of climate change. Only a handful of scientist are versed enough in all of the components of climate change to know that the equator is moving slowly northward and at some time thousands of years from now northern California will be the tropics.

    Mans influence on the environment and atmosphere is strictly local, from the standpoint of pollution and air quality. Since the current global population occupies only 10% of the earth’s land mass it’s hard to imagine, a nuclear winter aside, how mankind has had any measurable affect on the climate. Any one of the major historic or contemporary volcanic eruptions disperses more CO2 into the atmosphere than all of man activity since the industrial revolution. How scientists can acknowledge that the atmosphere comprises on average less than .04% CO2 with the remaining 99.96% being mostly water vapor and claim CO2 is responsible for global warming is ludicrous.

    Metropolitan areas will experience slightly warmer temperatures during certain cyclical seasonal changes but are quickly diffused by the overwhelming complex of forces that regulate seasonal variations: ie., the Suns anomalies; rotational and elliptical gravitational fluctuations; oceanic temperature shifts of the rise and fall of warm and cold currents (El Nino); tectonic plate and volcanic activity. All of which C02 has absolutely no affect upon except to increase or decrease incrementally growth of plankton and algae. All of which man has no control over. And the polar temperature shifts are also unrelated to CO2 being the impact of all the local and universal forces upon the earth, including the magnetic field, and the phenomena of the aperture cyclical opening and closing of the ozone layer’s at the poles. Again, the creation of forces by Higher Intelligence far more sophisticated than mortal man can comprehend, let alone endeavor to control.

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