Exxon Hits Back: ‘When it comes to climate change, read the documents’
Why do we want you to read them?
Because you will see that they completely undercut the allegations made by InsideClimate News in its series about ExxonMobil – allegations that were subsequently echoed by activists like Bill McKibben and Naomi Oreskes.
What these documents actually demonstrate is a robust culture of scientific discourse on the causes and risks of climate change that took place at ExxonMobil in the 1970s and ’80s and continues today.
They also help explain why ExxonMobil would work with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and leading universities like MIT and Stanford on ways to expand climate science knowledge. …
Bill Gates calls fossil fuel divestment a ‘false solution’
Founder of Microsoft and the Gates foundation also accuses environmentalists of making misleading claims about the comparative price of solar
Bill Gates has branded fossil fuel divestment “a false solution” and accused environmentalists of making misleading claims about the price of solar power.
In an interview with US magazine the Atlantic, the founder of Microsoft and the Gates foundation criticised the global movement that has seen pension funds, universities, churches and local governments commit to pulling $2.6tn out of coal, oil and gas companies.
“If you think divestment alone is a solution, I worry you’re taking whatever desire people have to solve this problem and kind of using up their idealism and energy on something that won’t emit less carbon – because only a few people in society are the owners of the equity of coal or oil companies,” he said. “As long as there’s no carbon tax and that stuff is legal, everybody should be able to drive around.”
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which Gates founded with his wife, is the world’s largest charitable foundation and funder of medical research. It has $1.4bn (£900m) invested in fossil fuel companies, according to its latest available tax filings.…
Skeptic Anthony Watts has one-on-one meeting with warmist Bill McKibben
President Obama, Not Green Enough For The Hardcore Greens
…Obama Labeled A ‘Climate Denier’ For Approving Arctic Drilling
Green activists ‘are waiting to hear Hillary Clinton to say the words ‘climate change’ on the campaign trail’
Bill McKibben: “She’ll hit the main talking points in a speech, but ‘believing in climate science’ is no longer enough. In 2015 it’s about ‘keeping it in the ground’,” McKibben told the Guardian, referring to recent worldwide efforts pushing companies and organizations to divest from fossil fuels.
“Beyond saying she was initially inclined to approve it, she has never taken a position on the Keystone pipeline. She was the world’s top diplomat when the climate talks in Copenhagen fell apart. And she’s awfully cozy with big oil and gas interests. So far there’s really no reason for people who care about climate to be excited about her.”…
Climate change activists dismiss fossil fuel divestment movement as waste of time, resources
Warmist Naomi Klein: Goal of Carbon Divestment Campaign is to Nationalize Companies – They are ‘at odds with life on earth’
…Blizzard blamed on ‘global warming’ – Bill McKibben: Blizzards are ‘Climate change at work’ – NY Gov.: ‘Part of the changing climate’
Climate activist Bill McKibben, who was key organizer of the NYC climate march in September 2014, wasted no time in blaming the massive blizzard bearing down on the Northeast on ‘global warming.’ McKibben tweeted on Monday:
McKibben: ‘5 0f 10 worst blizzards in NYC in last ten years, 0.2% chance that’s chance. Climate change at work’
Not to be outdone, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo joined in:
Scientists were not impressed. Prof. Roger Pielke Jr., an extreme weather expert, mocked Cuomo’s claim. “Uh-huh, sure there is,” Pielke Jr. tweeted in response to Cuomo’s claims.
Also wading into the blizzard and ‘climate change’ connection is Bill Nye, the Science Guy.” See: WATCH: BILL NYE ON MSNBC: BLAME CLIMATE CHANGE FOR BLIZZARD – NYE: ‘I just want to introduce the idea that this storm is connected to climate change.’ & Bill Nye on MSNBC Hits ‘Unglued’ Viewers Who Object to Blaming Blizzard on Climate Change
The decade of 2010s have seen record snowfall on the U.S. East Coast. See: Meteorologist: 2010s officially the snowiest decade in the east coast in the NOAA record – surpassing the 1960s
But what McKibben, Gov. Cuomo and Bill Nye left out was that less snowfalls were predicted to happen with ‘global warming’. The UN IPCC was very clear in its predictions: See: In 2001, the IPCC predicted milder winters and less snow. Experts are hoping no one remembers – UN IPCC 2001: ‘Milder winter temperatures will decrease heavy snowstorms’
UN IPCC Lead Author Michael Oppenheimer was also very clear in his predictions: See: NYT in 2000 quoted ‘Oppenheimer on the pathetic spectacle of the unused sled in his stairwell, symbol of a warming world: ‘I bought a sled in ’96 for my daughter,’ said Oppenheimer, a scientist at the nonprofit Environmental Defense Fund. ‘It’s been sitting in the stairwell, and hasn’t been used. I used to go sledding all the time. It’s one of my most vivid and pleasant memories as a kid, hauling the sled out to Cunningham Park in Queens.’
Also in 2000, scientists in the UK boldly predicted the end of snow due to ‘global warming.’ See: Flashback 2000: ‘Snowfalls are now just a thing of