Prominent Scientists Declare Climate Claims Ahead of UN Summit ‘Irrational’ – ‘Based On Nonsense’ – ‘Leading us down a false path’

Note: CFACT’s new skeptical documentary, Climate Hustle, is set to rock the UN climate summit with red carpet’world premiere in Paris. 


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From Left to Right: Dr. Will Happer, Dr. Richard Lindzen & Dr. Patrick Moore

AUSTIN, Texas – A team of prominent scientists gathered in Texas today at a climate summit to declare that fears of man-made global warming were “irrational” and “based on nonsense” that “had nothing to do with science.” They warned that “we are being led down a false path” by the upcoming UN climate summit in Paris.

The scientists appeared at a climate summit sponsored by the Texas Public Policy Foundation. The summit in Austin was titled: “At the Crossroads: Energy & Climate Policy Summit.”

Climate Scientist Dr. Richard Lindzen, an emeritus Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology at the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences at MIT, derided what he termed climate “catastrophism.”

“Demonization of CO2 is irrational at best and even modest warming is mostly beneficial,” Lindzen said.

Lindzen cautioned: “The most important thing to keep in mind is – when you ask ‘is it warming, is it cooling’, etc.  — is that we are talking about something tiny (temperature changes) and that is the crucial point.”

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Lindzen also challenged the oft-repeated UN IPCC claim that most of warming over past 50 years was due to mankind.

“People get excited over this. Is this statement alarming? No,” Lindzen stated.

“We are speaking of small changes 0.25 Celsius would be about 51% of the recent warming and that strongly suggests a low and inconsequential climate sensitivity – meaning no problem at all,” Lindzen explained.

“I urge you when looking at a graph, check the scales! The uncertainty here is tenths of a degree,” he noted.

“When someone points to this and says this is the warmest temperature on record. What are they talking about? It’s just nonsense. This is a very tiny change period. And they are arguing over hundredths of a degree when it is uncertain in tenths of a degree,” Lindzen said.

“And the proof that the uncertainty is tenths of a degree are the adjustments that are being made. If you can adjust temperatures to 2/10ths of a degree, it means it wasn’t certain to 2/10ths of a degree,” he said. (Also See: Scientists balk at ‘hottest year’ claims: Ignores Satellites showing 18 Year ‘Pause’ – ‘We are arguing over the significance of hundredths of a degree’ – The ‘Pause’ continues)

“The UN IPCC wisely avoided making the claim that 51% of a small change in temperature constitutes a problem. They left this to the politicians and anyone who took the bait,” he said.

Lindzen noted that National Academy of Sciences president Dr. Ralph Cicerone has even admitted that there is no evidence for catastrophic claims of man-made global warming. See: Backing away from climate alarm? NAS Pres. Ralph Cicerone says ‘we don’t have that kind of evidence’ to claim we are ‘going to fry’ from AGW

Lindzen also featured 2006 quotes from Scientist Dr. Miike Hulme, Professor of Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia, and Director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, admitting that claims of a climate catastrophe were not the “language of science.”

“The discourse of catastrophe is a campaigning device,” Hulme wrote to the BBC in 2006. “The language of catastrophe is not the language of science. To state that climate change will be ‘catastrophic’ hides a cascade of value-laden assumptions which do not emerge from empirical or theoretical science,” Hulme wrote.

“Is any amount of climate change catastrophic? Catastrophic for whom, for where, and by when? What index is being used to measure the catastrophe?” Hulme continued.

Lindzen singled out Secretary of State John Kerry for his ‘ignorance’ on science.

“John Kerry stands alone,” Lindzen said. “Kerry expresses his ignorance of what science is,” he added.

Lindzen also criticized EPA Chief Gina McCarthy’s education: “I don’t want to be snobbish, but U Mass Boston is not a very good school,” he said to laughter.

Lindzen concluded his talk by saying: “Learn how to identify claims that have no alarming implications and free to say ‘So what?’”

Princeton Physicist Dr. Will Happer, who has authored over 200 peer-reviewed papers, called policies to reduce CO2 “based on nonsense.”

“Policies to slow CO2 emissions are really based on nonsense. They are all based on computer models that do not work. We are being led down a false path.

“Our breath is not that different from a power plant,” he continued.

“To call carbon dioxide a pollutant is really Orwellian. You are calling something a pollutant that we all produce. Where does that lead us eventually?” he asked.

“Coal, formed from ancient CO2, is a benefit to the world. Coal is CO2 from ancient atmospheres. We are simply returning CO2 to the atmosphere from which it came when you burn coal. And it’s a good thing since it is at very low levels in the atmosphere. We are in a CO2 famine. It is very, very low,” Happer explained.

Happer continued: “CO2 will be beneficial and crop yields will increase.” “More CO2 will be a very significant benefit to agriculture,” he added.

Happer then showed a picture of polluted air in China with the caption: “Real pollution in Shanghai.”

“If you can see it, it’s not CO2,” Happer said.

“If plants could vote, they would vote for coal,” Happer declared.

Happer also rebutted the alleged 97% consensus.

“97% of scientists have often been wrong on many things,” he said.

Ecologist and Greenpeace founding member Dr. Patrick Moore discussed the benefits of rising carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

“Let’s celebrate CO2!” Moore declared.

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“We know for absolute certain that carbon dioxide is the stuff of life, the foundation for life on earth,” Moore said.

“We are dealing with pure political propaganda that has nothing to do with science,” he continued.

“The deserts are greening from rising CO2,” he added.

“Co2 has provided the basis of life for at least 3.5 billion years,” Moore said.




2,855 Responses

        1. “CO2 is invisible”

          That’s true! In its gaseous form, anyhow.

          CO₂ also warms planets, a fact that has been known for over a century.

          If any “prominent scientist” had overthrown this scientific understanding, she would immediately be given a Nobel prize.

          Has that happened?

          “The heat-trapping nature of carbon dioxide and other gases was demonstrated in the mid-19th century”

      1. Climate change IS caused by whites. Black skin absorbs heat and doesn’t go anywhere, but white skin reflects heat back into the earth’s atmosphere, releasing more CO2 which increases the Greenhouse Effect which causes Global Warming. We’re all gonna die and it’s all the whites’ fault! /s

        1. So the climate change drones can claim that the cooling trend they can’t deny is caused by black people hiding the heat in their bodies? don’t give them ideas Bruce, they make take that and run with it they are getting that desperate.

    1. For most of these climate change drones its not science and never has been. They are indoctrinated religionists that have been fed with 12-16 years or more of chicken little stories in state institutions called schools. For the politcals, its about control, wealth and power acquisition.

      1. This why the debate is over strategy was put in place in an attempt to get legislation through before the bottom dropped out on their lie. IT’S TOO LATE NOW look for back peddling politicians to start claiming they were duped by scientist and scientist to come out and claim they were paid to lie.

        1. That’d be true if this story were actually picked up and spread around, but my guess is that it stays right here, so only Drudgers and those that read Climate Depot will see it… Ever. Lindzen is my hero, so I hope I’m wrong.

          1. Thank you! It’s delightful to receive validation for all of my “backward thinking” and failure to believe “settled scientific fact”. The Lib personality, in my opinion, is akin to the 3rd Grade bully or the Mean girl in Middle School.

                  1. The non-believers will be dealt with by their creator. As long as they resist the temptation to persecute the believers, it’s all good. Jesus said they will hate us, they hated him first. The inquisition was the Catholic thing, they hate Christians. No they are not Christians, they are a different kind of religion.

          2. Rigorous scientists have been laughing at the GW hoax from jump – it was so obviously flawed. But, you’re right – the Lib-Leftist controlled media and political hacks have promoted the pseudoscience and lies of GW and stifled the valid criticisms of bona fide scientists. They won’t quite now.

        2. Much the same strategy as Obamacare. Get it in place and well involved before it’s discovered that it’s nothing but lies. But too late to get out of it.

        3. Exactly, sooner or later the climate will make liars out of them and they know it. On the other side, if they KNOW the climate is cooling and many of these grant paid frauds do, they know they don’t have much time to get their crap rammed down our throats so they can claim what they are doing is actually working and take credit for it, hence the intensification the scare stories is their last tactic.

          1. They are simply kicking the can down the road. Some are now claiming that we’re in the middle of a global warming pause due to low solar activity. I think the new projection is that global warming will resume around 2020. It’s a bunch of crap.

        4. That’s why they changed the name of the “crisis” from Global Warming to Climate Change to Climate Disruption.
          You could fit any weather into “Climate Disruption”.

      2. Every time I posit that none of the major catastrophic predictions over the last 40 years have come true. When I ask for a rebuttal there usually is none. Who are the deniers, again?

      3. All part of the NWO globalist strategy.

        “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill.”
        – “The First Global Revolution”, A Report by the Council of the Club of Rome by Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider 1991

              1. only when you consider the witless left, I do think the conservatives in the US are well aware and ready for the conflict. do not include real americans in with the limp left of obama’s sycophants.

                1. 750,000 Americans needlessly died in the US Civil War. Civil Wars make nations weak as we have seen with the removal of all Islamic leaders by the current administration in order to place the Muslim Brotherhood in power.

                  The Gallows are sooner rather than later for some will be a swinging for their betrayal and that crying wolf thing the boy did well he ended eaten by the wolf.

                  1. do you not see the inevitable civil war that is in our near future, We are 2 distinct and non-accomodating cultures inhabiting the same real estate. One side will prevail at the expense of the other.

                    1. 750,000 Americans needlessly died in the US Civil War.

                      That divide and conquer thingamajig just is obvious it hurts.

                      You wanna cos a race war in the USA
                      You wanna cos USA citizens to kill US citizens in the USA

                      Not as if we were fooled by the Ukrainian civil war where outsiders tried to tear apart a nation too. A nation were more than half the population speaks Russian as well.

                      Islam and Sharia law violate the US Constitution.

                    2. our national divide existed long before radical islam was on our radar, this is a cultural rift that began when the first socialist flostam was given succor at our universities after WWI and we can see the fruit of these fellow travelers that has so degraded the cultural core of a nation that used to be great.

                    3. Let’s get the language straight here since words have meaning. There is no such entity as radical Islam there is only ISlam.

                      Again you are wrong and trying to get the USA to kill the USA is a a military ploy used all over the world as we have seen with the current administration messing around killing off leaders in Islam and Ukraine as well in order to put the Muslim Brotherhood in power. Did not work in Egypt for the Egyptians are smart peoples who will not tolerate ISlam destroying Egypt and Egyptian history.

                    4. I am in total agreement that islam is the core of that problem, but the core problem in the us is utilizing this recent bout of islamic terrorism to further insert the progressive “fundamental transformation” of america. I am in greater fear of the rogue cabal of unionized bureaucrats and fellow travelers who inhabit our media, our educational institutions and our civil governments, I would refer to them as “the Lois Lerner Brigade”.

                    5. Do know the history of Communism in the US Civil War?

                      Here let me get you stated I have two names of German Communists who gladly killed USA citizens: Franz Sigel and

                      “Carl Christian Schurz (German: [ˈkaʁl ˈʃʊʁts]; March 2, 1829 – May 14, 1906) was a German revolutionary, American statesman and reformer, U.S. Minister to Spain, Union Army General in the American Civil War, U.S. Senator, and Secretary of the Interior. He was also an accomplished journalist, newspaper editor and orator, who in 1869 became the first German-born American elected to the United States Senate.[1]”

                      See how Communists embed themselves also look up old Franz Sigel where the pattern is obvious for those who understand patterns. 🙂
                      There were more 1848ers than these two but the importance in learning the history and identifying the patterns.

                    6. “Franz Sigel (November 18, 1824 – August 21, 1902) was a German military officer, revolutionist and immigrant to the United States

                      who was

                      a teacher,



                      and served as a Union major general in the American Civil War. His ability to recruit German-speaking immigrants to the Union armies garnered the approval of President Abraham Lincoln..”

                      Identifying the pattern in the basics ‘101’. Ever wondered why US history classes all but skip studying the US Civil War in any sort of detail? Studying details Would out how many foreigners were recruited when some found it difficult to get USA citizens to kill USA citizens. 23.4% of the Union army were immigrants.

                    7. that is not uncommon, as far back as the Egyptian empire, the use of mercenaries has been a common tactic, especially for the put down of internal uprisings. Even the british used Hessians against their “fellow englishmen” during our revolution. I don’t think there is anything special about our civil war other than it allowed LIncoln to begin the destruction of our federal republic.

                    8. As a result of the use of the Hessian (Germans) the hold outs, the Royalists and Catholics, joined the American Revolution.

                      Germans have been killing USA citizens since day one of the beginning of the USA.

                      Studying the US Civil war will help you with better understanding why some are trying soooooo very hard to divide the USA and in fact the US Civil is the very most important part of US history. best to hit the books becos PATTERNS REPEAT THEMSELVES when one is ignorant of history.

                      btw nice little German Communist thurr eh? There are more 1848ers and one brutal sadistic Hungarian Communist to learn about too you know just like George Soros!

                    9. NOW with that every so brief US history lesson …

                      Can one imagine the US Military today made up with 23.4% of Maj Nidal Hassan/ISlam?

                      Do not imagine for it is happening right before our eyes.

                      And the sole reason the RINOS and Democrats are promoting the mass immigration of foreigners who seek to embetter themselves in the USA by ANY MEANS NECESSARY!

                      “I fit wit mit Sigel” US Civil War marching song marching to kill USA citizens to benefit themselves!

                    10. Did you learn anything at all about those who promote civil wars within nations?

                      Did you learn why the use of the IS IL rather than IS IS is significant and outs those who use IS IL rather than IS IS?

                      One need only to look up and read the difference between IS IL and IS IS and be weary and suspect of those who use the IS IL rather than IS IS.

                      Hope you have also learned there is no such entity as radical ISlam only Islam where again usage of language is very important. Language usage outs how one thinks and or is trained to think.

                      For instance we learned the importance of language from George Orwell in 1984 and Animal Farm.

                      My solution son is get to hitting the books and learn patterns and if one enjoys being enslaved by Islam then so be it just never even expect a USA citizen to ever GIVE IN! Again the reasoning for the mass immigration of immigrants where immigrants replaced slavery in the USA.

                    11. why do you morons always try to changed the subject?…attention?, look what the original subject is about…..Me thinks someone didnt get enough hugs as a child

                    12. becos a well armed entrenched civilian population is far more difficult to kill!

                      Also the reason why the VA is not caring for US Vets so there are no civilians capable of fighting the foreigners/enemies embedded in the US Military

                    1. Again 750,000 Americans needlessly died in the US Civil War.

                      In 1937 Spain permitted Germany to practice bombing civilians own their own Spanish women and children.

                      Understand perfectly why some are promoting civil wars within nations.

                    2. I am on subject and you sir should skip along if you do not want to read posts. Skip to something you like rather than trying to be a moderator of a thread on disqus

                    3. Well stated. I get tired of these special snowflakes that honestly believe they have special insight that no other educated American can see.

                    4. “stay on subject”

                      The subject is the warming fossil fuel companies are causing that Marc Morano is paid by those fossil fuel companies to lie about. When a person has such a long history of dishonesty, is it possible there are people who still take him seriously?


                    5. Note the phrase “latest corrected analysis” at the bottom of the chart. Translation: they’ve jimmied the data to make it work (as already noted above in the article – thanks for providing everyone the evidence).

                    6. How many more “corrected analyses” will there be?
                      Oil and methane are not fossil fuels. They are abiotic.
                      They do not not come from decaying organic matter.
                      Those abiotic fuels have been responsible for billions of people to live more comfortably than their ancestors.
                      If you were sincere in your beliefs you would do one of two things:
                      Off yourself – thereby ceasing to produce CO2.
                      Walk everywhere you go with a sign stating “The Climate is changing! Everyone join me in walking the earth!”.

                    7. “Oil and methane are not fossil fuels.”

                      What if that were true?

                      It’s not, of course, but what if it were?

                      How might it change the warming effect of the greenhouse gasses that are emitted when they are burned?

                      “The heat-trapping nature of carbon dioxide and other gases was demonstrated in the mid-19th century”


                    8. CB ,Global Warming which had to be changed to the euphemistically always correct Climate Change is all about government power over our lives and the ability of the government to identify an evil and force people to pay more to fight the evil. It has never been about facts and truth. When they added CO2 as an evil they screwed themselves, because CO2 is an important and necessary substance. Plants thrive. As to the Fossil fuel silliness, just think of all the oil, gas and coal in the world, and more keeps getting discovered. There were never that many dinosaurs. They would have been needed to be piled up for thousands of feet on top of one another to get even close to the amount of abiotic fuels there actually are. Use your imagination. That was actually a fraud brought into existence by scientists hired by John D. Rockefeller in 1898 to create the lie that oil was scarce and therefore must be very valuable. It is all a massive fraud.

                      “The suggestion that petroleum might have arisen from some transformation of squashed fish or biological detritus is surely the silliest notion to have been entertained by substantial numbers of persons over an extended period of time.”
                      Fred Hoyle, 1982

                    9. So, oil and methane are not fossil fuels?
                      We bury Aunt Peggy and put s spigot in her casket and we get oil out?
                      That story of the 97% of “scientists” has been explained and the true story is quit funny and revealing.
                      If it is science, how can there be a consensus?
                      Like the man in the US Patent Office in 1932 or so who claimed “There will be no more patents. Everything has been invented that can be.”

                    10. The heat trapping nature of carbon dioxide is currently being demonstrated on Venus lol.

                    11. “The heat trapping nature of carbon dioxide is currently being demonstrated on Venus”

                      That’s right, Josh!

                      It most certainly is.

                      “Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that traps infrared radiation beneath Venus’s thick cloud cover. A runaway greenhouse effect is what makes Venus even hotter than Mercury!”


                    12. ‘The heat-trapping nature of carbon dioxide and other gases was demonstrated in the mid-19th century’. That is patently false.

                    13. “they’ve jimmied the data to make it work”

                      Who informs you of that, and why did you believe them?

                      Is it likely multiple research institutions on multiple continents are all coordinating with one another to “jimmy the data” in the same direction?

                      “The annual anomaly of the global average surface temperature in 2014… was the warmest since 1891.”


                    14. They do what you do: give themselves thumbs up. Works on self-confidence,
                      I guess. Someone needs to appreciate you, even when you’re wrong, right?

                    15. You can post all of the self-serving made-up BS you want to. I simply pointed out the FACT that they manipulate the data – and admit it.

                      “”Is it likely multiple research institutions on multiple
                      continents are all coordinating with one another to “jimmy the data” in
                      the same direction?””

                      Yes. They’re all leftists, and all leftists lie – and pass around the same lies.

                      “””The annual anomaly of the global average surface temperature in 2014… was the warmest since 1891.”””

                      Repeating the lie doesn’t make it true. It’s still madeup BS. There hasn’t been any significant warming in almost two decades.

                    16. In statistics, the Bonneferoni Correction is a method used to counteract the problem of multiple comparisons. It’s not an error correction.

                    17. I am amazed that these warmists who believe themselves so much smarter than the rest of us can’t seem to recognize the phrase ‘latest corrected analysis’ means ‘we’re full of sh!t’. NOAA’s own data states the disclaimer ‘using elimination of outliers and homogeneity adjustment’. When you eliminate data, and adjust data, you aren’t performing science whatsoever.

                    18. We read how these “corrected analyses” are done…they go into the record and any data temp not recorded, they add plus a degree or two. They always correct it warmer than the average….

                    19. Gee, CB, you remind me of a lemming anxious to hurl itself off a cliff, and you call me suicidal? Don’t you know what would happen to us if the government were given regulatory control over energy in this manner? Also, any benefit from draconian govt programs will not result in significant change, but make a whole lot of crony capitalist very, very rich. Tell me the reason used by Obama to deny the Keystone Pipeline. Do you know?
                      Here’s how they tricked the data:

                    20. WHAT long-term average are they talking about? Isn’t this the same data where they had “anomalous” South American data so they didn’t just drop it but they “fixed” it? Shameful to publish such crap with government stickers on it.

                    21. And prior to 1900 was the temperatures higher and lower just like the graph, before the industrial age and the AGW nonsense? Yep… because that is what the earth does, also noting the scale of your graph is not even a degree… and you may also want to understand where they are taking those measurements… most of them are done on south facing walls or in parking lots with scorching hot pavement or near hot air exhaust of AC’d buildings. This has been admitted, shown and proven that is how they do it. So is it warming? Or are you just grabbing at straws? Notice how there is NEVER a graph or chart shown before the industrial age? Why, because it has ACTUALLY been hotter with LESS CO2 and vice versa, so while the ‘97% consensus’ might buy your nonsense, people who can do their homework do not… and your biggest issue is not that ‘its all big oil’ but that fact is people are seeing through the fear for what it is.

                    22. “it has ACTUALLY been hotter with LESS CO2 and vice versa”

                      Point to a single moment in Earth’s history when it got cold enough for polar ice sheets to form with CO₂ as high as we have today.

                      If you were telling the truth, isn’t this something you should be able to do?

                      “How come a big ice age happened when carbon dioxide levels were high? It’s a question climate sceptics often ask. But sometimes the right answer is the simplest: it turns out CO₂ levels were not that high after all. The Ordovician ice age happened 444 million years ago, and records have suggested that CO₂ levels were relatively high then. But when Seth Young of Indiana University in Bloomington did a detailed analysis of carbon-13 levels in rocks formed at the time, the picture that emerged was very different. Young found CO₂ concentrations were in fact relatively low when the ice age began.”


                    23. The recent warming trend that began in 1975 is not at all different than two other
                      planetary warming phases since 1850; there has been no statistically significant warming since 1995, and; it is possible the Medieval Warm Period was indeed a global phenomenon thereby making the temperatures seen in the latter part of the 20th century by no means unprecedented.

                    24. Ice core drilling in the Davis Station in Antarctica by the Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Co-Operative Research Centre shows that last year, the ice had a maximum thickness of 1.89m, its densest in 10 years. The average thickness of the ice at Davis since the 1950s is 1.67m.

                    25. The highest CO2 concentrations during the last many ice ages and interglacials are lower than at any other time for the last 300 million years. The dinosaurs lived when CO2 concentrations were 5 to 20 times as high as now. Indeed, such large creatures could not survive without the very verdant conditions afforded by adequate plant food known as carbon dioxide.

                    26. Hello. Please clear up what seems to be a contradiction. During the ice-ages, were the CO2 levels high or low? Maybe you are saying that–in recent history, the levels have been dramatically lower than during the time of the dinosaurs, but this is not clear by your words. THANKS.

                    27. she should’ve overruled that nigga but she was sucking his cock for affirmative action

                    28. The 97% consensus in a new study turned out to be 0.03% Biff because hardly any scientist had a say in the matter but government morons did.

                    29. part of the problem may be the dating…

                      “You read books and find statements that such and such a society or archeological site is (claimed to be) 20,000 years old. We learn rather abruptly that these numbers, these ancient ages, are not known (speculations and imaginative guesses); in fact, it is about the time of the First Dynasty in Egypt that the last (earliest) historical date of any any real certainty has been established.”

                      –Willard Libby, Nobel Laureate for development of radiocarbon dating

                    30. The average ground temperature of the Earth is impossible to measure since most of the Earth is ocean…So this average ground temperature is a fiction.

                    31. Your chart must be plotted with crayon. If a chart can persuade you so convincingly that means you are really an easy take.

                    32. Look at the scale on the left. The range is too small. It doesn’t even reflect the range of temperature change for any day selected at random.

                      That trend line looks step because someone with an agenda plotted it against wrong scale.

                      Good luck!

                    33. Appreciate your comment, Mac. One of the first things you learn in a statistics (or research) class is that the range you select can yield conclusions which are not justified. What’s more, data that are not “statistically significant” cannot be used to establish any conclusions.
                      The AGW/GCC campaign is full of this kind of fiddling with the data and unjustified assumptions. It is as sound as a “left-handed monkeywrench.”

                    34. Still don’t get it, huh? Don’t see any problem with ‘the latest CORRECTED ANALYSIS’ …’? That chart doesn’t even match NOAA’s chart from the data they publish. You really need to wake up to the fraud that is AGW.

                    35. “In 1937 Spain permitted Germany to practice bombing civilians own their own Spanish women and children.”

                      Sweetie, what does that have to do with the effect of greenhouse gasses on planetary temperature?

                      “Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree: Climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities.”


                    36. “BS”

                      What is BS?


                    37. Oh, I’d surely bet MY life that this so called ‘data’ is accurate and meaningful.


                      Too many of these bogus climate Chicken Little leftists have been caught red-handed ‘fudging’ (manipulating) the ‘data’ to imply warming……

                      And NOAA figures prominently in the Lair of Global Warming Liars.

                      Example: it was revealed in August that NOAA has been collecting temperature data from numerous U.S. airport weather stations, BUT, to support the totally bogus global warming scam, they have MANUALLY bumping UP THE TEMPERATE READINGS from the weather stations to show a higher temperature!!!

                      Yep – I’d trust NOAA as far as I could drool.

                    38. I live half a mile from a municipal airport, whose weather station reports anywhere from 5 to 10 degrees higher, than the actual temperature, during the summer. I have to believe that they have placed their equipment in a box, on the runway.

                    39. All you need to is be a mature leader to 6 year olds and you’re life will not have been in vain.

                    40. “Too many of these bogus climate Chicken Little leftists have been caught red-handed ‘fudging’ (manipulating) the ‘data’ to imply warming……”

                      That’s a big claim, feel free to provide evidence supporting it any time you like.

                    41. The first rule of proof club
                      is you do not talk about proof club
                      The second rule of proof club
                      is you DO NOT talk about proof club …………

                      ……….. except perhaps to ask how much faith you put in ‘proof’ supplied by a fictional character like Tyler Durden.


                    42. Let us know how it feels like to work (for free) for an industry that has STOLEN $14 TRILLION from mankind and yet we ALL are STILL dependant on govt an utilities. This is enough to get everyone off grid the whole world over…. and STILL no change… go on, I know, here it comes ‘but big oil’ nope, sorry… it is the very govt that wants to tax AIR that is doing all the stealing… (and allowing big oil to not pay taxes to boost pension plan profits)

                    43. I’m curious about your definition of theft and thieves.

                      Who has actually stolen all this money and what did they use it for?

                      That is a lot of money. Did they all go to jail?

                    44. OK, so here is a question, can you point to one thing from that 6 year old non scandal that the scientists weren’t able to clearly explain when someone bothered to actually ask them?

                      The 9 separate esquires were happy with the clarifications.

                    45. NOAA have been in the spotlight for this recently so it seems only fair to refer to their explanation:


                      It is also worth observing that the paper was peer reviewed and the information publicly available.

                      It is also worth noting that without transparency in this process you would not have access to the graphs you use to beat up climate scientists.

                    46. Funny how the adjustments all go one way – everything before 1950 is made cooler, everything after 1950 is made hotter. Did thermometers suddenly change in 1950? Does no one notice that the changes are only in one direction, that the adjustments are always to make the past cooler and the present hotter? Think about this – I might accept that old data would require some sort of adjustment. perhaps there was something wrong with the old instrumentation. But they are adjusting data they just collected. This says to me that they still haven’t quite figured out how to create a global temperature average. Therefore everything they have been saying about global temperatures for the last 20 years is crap – they didn’t know what they were doing, probably still don’t, if the data keeps requiring these massive adjustments.

                    47. Here you are again, CB, making a fool of yourself. Before you ask questions why don’t you try reading the article? It would save us all a waste of time.

                    48. My problem here is that Climate Depot is not a scientific site but a political clearing house run by an ex political aide to the Republican party for a right leaning libertarian think tank called CFact …….. not what you would call an honest broker on this issue.

                      So far so bad.

                      Add to that the fact that Richard Lindzen is not a research active scientist but is employed by a (big surprise coming here) right leaning libertarian think tank …….. The Cato Institute:


                      So far so terrible.

                      Add to that, the Cato Institute was formed with financial assistance from everyone’s favorite avuncular climate villains …….. the Koch Bros:


                      None of the above is a ringing endorsement for the honesty of this article, never mind though, if past behavior is anything to go by you be seeing a lot of this from the propaganda houses in the few weeks ahead running up to the Paris climate summit.

                    49. Mobius Loop: I’m obviously missing something here. If you don’t like a person or don’t like an organization because its politics are opposite or different from yours, are you saying that nothing they say or write can be true? Do I have this correct?
                      Does this mean that any organization which you don’t like is automatically not capable of providing valuable or accurate information? Does this mean that the highly political body and very expensive fully taxpayer funded UN and its political offspring the IPCC, have a higher level of honour or truth because they use massive amounts of your tax money while those other groups or organizations in comparison, often use little or none?
                      Do you examine any of the collected data? Have you bothered to check into how well the scientific method has been used in justifying their claims, predictions, or projections (the term now used by the IPCC)? Are you OK with all the claims being made based on mathematical models which have failed (nearly 100% of the time)?
                      Just wondering how you arrive at your conclusions and philosophies. I’ve been studying weather and climate for a long time and can’t quite seem to follow your reasoning or arrive at the same conclusions.

                    50. Your thoughts lead me to conclude that, Al Gore, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and John Kerry (ALL politicians, not Scientists), are bastions of honesty? I see no logic in the basis for your conclusions.

                    51. The problem with all your character assassinations is that the science presented by these people show more evidence of truth than what the alarmists are parading around as “settled science,” which is an oxymoron. Strike three!

                    52. Most of what I have said is simply a statement of fact which I’ve provided links for so you can check yourself.

                      Let me phrase it in another way, all three scientists in the article have conflicts of interest which neither they nor the article’s author see fit to explain to readers.

                      Oh and what they are saying is so highly selective and edited that it is effectively nonsense.

                    53. I agree that you reported what they said, but what they said is distorted, compared to other scientific reports. And I know that some of their funding comes from private sources as compared to government grants issued to finding manmade causes. As for the editing, that could be posed to both sides. Nevertheless, what evidence is most accurate and clear, remains to be seen. As of yet the science is not “settled” but the alarmists are appearing to be the ones cooking the books. Therefore to call someone a “denier” really should be applied to the alarmists who have made up their minds and refuse to look at the new evidence. Don’t be so quick to condemn.

                    54. And I’ve seen other data that portends to show that temperatures have actually fallen over the last fifteen years or so. Climate changes, weather changes, temps go up, temps go down. We have almost nothing to do about it, and there’s almost nothing we can do to change it. And it isn’t even known whether we SHOULD change it. What if there are more benefits to warming a few degrees than to cooling a few degrees? We don’t know. Any talk about climate change and what we will do about it displays the ultimate in human arrogance.

                    55. People who believe humans can alter the temperature of a planet are in a special category of imbecile.

                      One volcano can dump more crap into the atmosphere in an afternoon than humans have in recorded history.

                    56. “One volcano can dump more crap into the atmosphere in an afternoon than humans have in recorded history.”

                      That’s transparently false idiocy that could have been identified by a few seconds of google time.

                      If you’re going to make it so blindingly obvious you don’t care about what’s true, why bother posting anything at all?

                      Who’s going to take you seriously?

                      “all studies to date of global volcanic carbon dioxide emissions indicate that present-day subaerial and submarine volcanoes release less than a percent of the carbon dioxide released currently by human activities”


                    57. I see you bought the hockey stick, despite the fact that this was debunked years ago. NASA and NOAA have been “adjusting” temperature records, and if you look at the details of those adjustments, you might well call their efforts the “Save the Hockey Stick!” campaign.

                    58. The average ground temperature of the Earth is impossible to measure since most of the Earth is ocean….. So this average ground temperature is a fiction.

                    59. Wait a few minutes and I can draw a different graph going the other way. Are you that naïve?

                    60. The article just stated that the data is shite so stuff your graph someplace the sun doesn’t shine.

                    61. The scientists quoted in the article explain why the data charted above is useless. Did you not read it?

                    62. Why is it you liberals are so phuq’ing arrogant that you actually believe you can change what is happening when what is happening has been happening for millions of years? The earth warms, the earth cools, the earth warms, the earth cools. You must be a racist, because if everything you GORBOTS wanted to implement on the world actually took place, it would cause 10’s of millions of people in 3rd world countries to die.

                    63. So, they botched the science so bad… they actually went back into the past… and made events that ACTUALLY happened ‘not happen’ Wow, is there something wrong with the truth? Yes, of course, the truth is against the very lie that pays the bills… nice try though… seems this is the only graph you know… is this the extent of your ‘research’?

                    64. BIMBO REALLY DOES NOT KNOW WHAT ”BS” MEANS. (Strange, since she uses it extensively herself)

                    65. “actively publishing climate scientists” … that right there exposes the inertia in this mythology. None of them would have meaningful jobs or anything to write about without AGW.

                    66. Those evil Koch Bros!!! Actually VERY decent guys trying to be helpful. BUT… the b*st*rds fail to follow the progressive agenda, so….

                    67. I’m glad their great guys, I just find it a puzzling coincidence that they are at the top of a food chain from which Lindzen feeds while he is spouting nonsense that aggressively supports their interests.

                    68. Back to you SweetHeart: You GW Sheeple often refer to that 97% number that was concocted years ago that was a result of a U of Ill survey to 10,000 professionals about AGW, where only just a couple of 1,000s even responded, and of the very few, less than 100 of 10,000 responded to the questions only 86 THOUGHT it was a problem, hence your 97%. And in the web site you refer to above, most are just opinions of a few that thought it was even worth while to respond. One example of your source, the American Meteorological Society sent out over 7,000 surveys and so few responded that they reported “The extent to which the findings reported here represent the
                      views of all AMS Members is therefore unknown.” So it is nice that you give references to YOUR opinion, but sighting it as 97% scientist agree is not accurate. It is just 97% of the PEOPLE (not necessarily scientist of proper training) you are of a similar OPINION as you. (Liars use numbers, and numbers will lie.)

                    69. The numbers argument is a pretty puny one. How many said the world was flat when the VERY few disagreed? How many bought into “relativity” when that dastardly Jew posted his alternative view? Yes, a million, even a trillion flies CAN be wrong – it’s NOT a “voting issue”. Yep, the voters who elected Obama may (I do say “may”) have been in the majority, BUT Obama has OBVIOUSLY been a disaster to civilization in general – BUT the golf industry has profited at least!

                    70. First, if you look at the 97% claim, those making the claim did a considerable amount of cherry-picking regarding who they declared “climate scientists”. The primary criteria were apparently whether they could get away with denying that skeptic was a climate scientist and whether they could claim a AGCC proponent was, despite being in a different field. In other words, the 97% is a meme based upon lies.

                      Second, climate is not static, and, as we do not understand the drivers of climate (weather forecasts are pretty darn miserable, you know), and the models that incorporate the AGW/AGCC carbon dioxide hypothesis have all proven egregiously wrong, assertions about carbon-dioxide based changes are exceedingly poorly founded.

                      Third, if you read the actual U.N. climate reports, their content often not only does not support the assertions in the various executive summaries, the content often refutes those assertions. Read the actual reports in their entirety, rather than the summaries, and you will, if you have an open mind, become a skeptic.

                    71. And here is a list of the other surveys that returned similar results:


                      But look this should be really easy. You are clearly convinced that most scientists do not support AGW so just point to the surveys and research that support this …….. should add, that does not mean selecting one or two lines and presenting them out of context while ignoring the bits you don’t like.

                    72. Yeah, uh-huh … Wikipedia is now “authoritative” … In your dreams, perhaps, but not in the reality.

                      No, I am not convinced that most scientists do not support AGW. That is a false inference on your part. But, there is not a consensus. There are thousands of scientists who do not think the debate is over, the science settled. Those thousands include respected climate scientists, Nobel Laureates, etc., who the AGW crowd simply chooses to ignore as “deniers” even when they simply say that the science is not settled. The fact is the science is not settled. The bodies of the U.N. reports make this rather clear, while the summaries say otherwise. Further, here’s an item where quite reputable scientist assert that the science is not settled.


                    73. OK, you don’t like WIkipedia so lets go straight to source material










                      So the WIkipedia bugbear is out of the way, and we are dealing with the surveys themselves or articles that describe them.

                      The last of the links above is particularly interesting, as it make a statement that of 10,883 peer reviewed climate related papers submitted in 2013 only 2 (that is TWO out of TEN THOUSAND, EIGHT HUNDRED & EIGHTY THREE) reject the reality of AGW.

                      I’ve made a considerable effort to underpin my point, if you still feel strongly that I am in error then please provide the counter evidence to build a case rather than presenting more threadbare cliches from the dwindling book of denial memes.

                    74. Name one credible scientific institution anywhere that denies man made climate change.

                      A list of (real) worldwide science agencies… :

                      “Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals1 show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree: Climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities.”


                      Or, we could look at IPCC AR5 WG1 SPM





                      Or, The climate change consensus extends beyond climate scientists

                      Or, who says: If the consensus were 97%, then if you read, say, 300 peer-reviewed articles you should find on average 9 that reject AGW. Instead, to find even a single rejecting article, you must read nearly 5,000. (Try this yourself with a random selection of 300 peer-reviewed articles here.) The true consensus on AGW cannot possibly be as low as 97%.

                      Or for your amusement a study just published 9-24-2015. Purdue study: Climate change consensus extends beyond climate scientists.


                    75. OK, so you are the variety of idiot as Mobius. I said the science is not settled, and it is NOT settled. That does not mean man-made climate changed does not exist. It means denying that we still do not know a great deal about climate, and that much of the debate from the AGW/ACC side is based upon flawed hypotheses. That further means that drastic actions based upon those hypotheses are premature, and may in fact create more problems than they solve.

                      The climate changes constantly, as it always has and always will. Where in that is a denial of climate change? Where in that is a denial that climate change as we are currently experiencing it may be in part driven by human activity? But also, where in the AGW/ACC dogma is recognition of the fact that change will occur no matter what?

                      Now f*** off and grow a brain.

                    76. It was a simple question, name one credible scientific institution anywhere in the world that disagrees with man made climate change. I even gave you a list.

                      Yes, climate has changed in the past. If you’d stuck around for eighth grade earth science, you would have learned about the Milankovitch cycles, that seem to have driven the last couple of dozen glaciations and interglacial periods in the current ice age. It turns out we do know something about our global climate.

                      Approx half a million years of steady rise and fall cycling up and down approx 100 ppm every 100,000 years, like the steady rhythm of a heartbeat or breath and then suddenly in 50 years we have knocked the levels off by double that bandwidth.

                      If this were a patient doctors would be scrambling to do something. This graph from NASA shows with chilling clarity what we have done to CO2 levels

                      Personally I kind of like NASA, they seem to be pretty good at the whole science thing. They are saying that climate change and warming are still very much happening

                    77. Well here is the thing, the study has not been widely discredited no matter how often you repeat it, further more it is backed up by several more studies all returning similar findings to the John Cook paper..


                      Furthermore, every major scientific institute on Earth accepts the reality of AGW:


                      Furthermore 90% of scientists generally accept the reality of AGW


                      Furthermore 71%+ of US citizens now accept the reality of AGW.


                      You are in a dwindling minority

                    78. You clearly failed to investigate the evidence provided. How can you refute the words from the many scientists themselves who say their studies were misrepresented?
                      Answer: you can’t but you won’t because you are an ideologue. Facts mean nothing to you and the ends justify the means. In short you are a filthy liar.

                    79. What I can say is that when the report came out, I went through it taking a random sample of 10 abstracts, read them and compared them against the ratings given by the researchers.

                      All appeared appropriate and in some cases I felt the reviewers were on the cautious side.

                      The paper offered all scientists a right to reply and while I don’t doubt there are a few that may feel their word was incorrectly rated, I’ve come across nothing that shows widespread rejection of the work by actual scientists………. note that is actual scientists and not propaganda sites like this one or WuWT.

                      You clearly believe that you have access to information demonstrating I am wrong. Feel free to present a list of the ‘many’ scientists your refer to.

                      I utterly reject your last sentence on the basis that I had a bath this month.

                    80. Are you dense? The links in my original post detail the very information you are asking for and details the comments from scientists who said their work was misrepresented!

                      You are clearly unable to learn. I’ve seen your kind before and I’m just not going to waste my time with you. My hope is that I can reach others in hopes that they do not also become useful idiots.

                    81. ALL propaganda. AGW is a farce making thousands of individuals and companies wealthier while stealing productivity and wealth from the millions of poor and middle class.
                      It is an attempt to indict America for the benefit of third world countries while the real polluters go on their merry way ignoring the scam and profiting handsomely for it.

                    82. Only a true sheep would claim that we should support a scientific position to go along with a crowd.

                    83. In the honorable memory of Michael Crichton, may he RIP…..

                      “I want to pause here and talk about this notion of
                      consensus, and the rise of what has been called consensus science. I
                      regard consensus science as an extremely pernicious development that
                      ought to be stopped cold in its tracks. Historically, the claim of
                      consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to avoid
                      debate by claiming that the matter is already settled. Whenever you hear
                      the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for
                      your wallet, because you’re being had.”

                      “Let’s be clear: the work of science has nothing whatever to
                      do with consensus. Consensus is the business of politics. Science, on
                      the contrary, requires only one investigator who happens to be right,
                      which means that he or she has results that are verifiable by reference
                      to the real world. In science consensus is irrelevant. What is relevant
                      is reproducible results. The greatest scientists in history are great
                      precisely because they broke with the consensus.”

                      “There is no such thing as consensus science. If it’s consensus, it isn’t science. If it’s science, it isn’t consensus. Period.”

                      [Crichton gave a number of examples where the scientific consensus was completely wrong for many years.]

                      “… Finally, I would remind you to notice where the claim of
                      consensus is invoked. Consensus is invoked only in situations where the
                      science is not solid enough. Nobody says the consensus of scientists
                      agrees that E = mc². Nobody says the consensus is that the sun is 93
                      million miles away. It would never occur to anyone to speak that way.”

                      From Michael Crichton’s speech, “Alien’s Cause Global Warming.” Full speech can be found all over the net.

                    84. Why quote NASA which is accused of fudging the data and if the truth will be allowed to escape from this administration’s mouth, it will be shown to be true!?

                    85. How many total ‘scientists’ were there? If there is 100 scientists and 97 of them agree, does that mean the entire world is going to die tomorrow if we don’t cough up an air tax to the broke govts who already wasted all our money? Or do you work for Goldman Sachs who is going to be bringing in a $10 000 000 000 000/year CARBON EXCHANGE? So you may say you don’t like banks and capitalism… and yet is you who work for them (for free no less) promoting this nonsense over fractions of a degree for Goldman Sachs!

                    86. I love the USA and the US Constitution and the US Military never mind I capitalize because grammar nd vocabulary reflects who one is. NOt that errors are not prevalent just a visual clue of many clues when one reads threads on line without the ip address and taps.

                      George Orwell taught that language is very important in 1984 and Animal Farm. Goebbels knew that too.

                    87. “I could think of a few candidates today that have done far more damage to american security”

                      Like the Republicans who deny the existential threat that global warming poses?

                      “The year 2014 now ranks as the warmest on record since 1880, according to an analysis by NASA scientists.”



                    88. “Drinking the kool-aid again!!”

                      Yes! Metaphorically, that’s precisely what Climate Deniers do.

                      If they weren’t suicidal, why aren’t they interested in the threat climate change poses to their well-being?

                      “The annual anomaly of the global average surface temperature in 2014… was the warmest since 1891.”


                    89. CB – Let’s just assume that GW is caused by human activity. Maybe you can explain what you would do to stop it?

                    90. “What flavor is your kool-aid?”

                      I don’t drink Kool-Aid, sweetie!

                      Why are you guys so obsessed with Kool-Aid?

                      If you aren’t trying to project your suicidal impulses onto others, what are you doing?

                      “The continent of Antarctica has been losing about 134 billion metric tons of ice per year since 2002, while the Greenland ice sheet has been losing an estimated 287 billion metric tons per year.”


                    91. @CB – your contention that Antarctica is losing ice mass has been debunked. Fact is that it has gotten the largest new amount in 2014 and again more in 2015.

                      The BS you may have read is that the western side of Antarctica is receding someone due to underground volcanoes.

                      Again do some reading. Remember also that science doesn’t work when one side implies that other side is deniers. Science is more a challenge of learned minds. Try to use yours better.

                    92. Thanks Mensa……I’ll just add this. “Think like a Vulcan” remove the emotion from your decision making process.

                    93. That is an awesomely passive-aggressive quote, I hope you don’t mind me stealing it with a slight adjustment like to add a little snark. “Remember that science doesn’t work when one side calls the other stupid. Science is a challenge of the minds. Try using yours.”

                    94. blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,

                    95. Was that link published before or after NASA recently admitted that the Antarctic ice thickness has been growing instead of receding? I love NASA’s rationale in the report, in which they state that it’s really, really difficult to measure ice thickness, which is why they were wrong before. Funny, they didn’t seem to think it was all that difficult when they told us the ice was decreasing.

                    96. No it hasn’t. Dammit, check your facts somewhere besides Al Gores ‘SCIENTIFIC WEBSITE”. Your ignorance is embarrassing.

                    97. I won’t believe there is a problem until Antarctica is habitable and equatorial regions are uninhabitable. When do the Chicken Littles expect that to happen?

                    98. CB – Did you read the report that showed how this was proven wrong? People actually tour parts of Antarctica and the part of it they tour did register loss of ice sheet, but satellite and physical measurements on the rest of the continent shoreline has show a very significant gain in ice sheet. Google it you’ll see. In fact there is now significantly more ice sheet than there was before, a net gain. So what does that do to your BS theories?

                    99. the university of Illinois has ice flow charts there are the best they show now loss of sea pack ice

                    100. CB, I really hope you are still in high school. “Drinking the kool-aid” refers to the mass suicide-murder of the Jim Jones cult (like you, he was a communist). His brain-washed followers drank the kool-aid knowing it was laced with cyanine because Jim Jones ordered it thus creating the term ‘drinking the kool-aid’. It refers to a blind follower so yes, you are drinking the kool-aid.

                    101. just shut up..please. you people only stand behind this “glowbal warmeen” because you have nothing else in your lives. you’re like the table of dateless ugly kids at the prom.

                    102. Sorry CB NASA is reporting “Antarctic Sea Ice Reaches New Record Maximum”
                      Here is the link

                      FYI, “drinking the Kool-Aid” is a reference to a socialist cult called the People’s Temple where 918 followers committed mass suicide by drinking cyanide-laced Kool-Aid. It is a perfect metaphore for the religion of climate change. You have a small number of global socialist elite Kool-Aid mixers plotting a bogus climate crisis to justify a power grab that would give them power over the worlds productive resources and distribution of wealth. These political elites give money to a small group of people who don’t mind politicizing science so long as the grant money gravy train keeps flowing. These scientists at the Climate Research Unit housed at the University of East Anglia provide the primary data that the rest of the scientific comunity studies. During Climategate, these corrupt scientists were caught red handed distorting the primary data with 2,000 documents including emails and footnotes in computer code admitting to using “tricks” to hide and distort the data. These “scientists” were publicly insisting that the past decade was the warmest ever while internally dismayed that the planet was cooling. Next comes real scientists doing secondary research based on distorted primary data looking to get published and advance their career with alarming predictions. Then comes every journalist in the “If it bleeds it leads media” and every Hollywood movie producer looking for an apocolyptic storyline and every anti-business, leftist government union teacher indoctrinating children to the point of anxiety. Before long you have millions of Kool-Aid drinkers willing to sacrifice economic security and prosperity at the alter of Mother Earth.

                    103. David, thank you for that prescient response. Extremely well written, well thought out and covered a lot of the “high-ground.” Press on brother… you rock……

                    104. Well, you need to do a bit more research. First, Antarctica is losing Ice primarily because of volcanic magma under the ice, but hat said, Antarctica gained record ice for the past 2 years, I believe, you do the research, I already know what’s going on. The Arctic Ice has always ebbed and flowed. Greenland once supported the growing of grapes.
                      Climate has changed for 4.5 billion years, it will always change as long as we have an active sun, and as with 99.99999% of that changing climate, man isn’t a factor.
                      I’m laughing more often these days as more and more scientists are stepping forward and calling B.S.!
                      I delight that all you loons will have to live with your gullible peers while we with level heads and thinking minds laugh at how really stupid you all have been.


                    106. It has to be watermelon. Green on the outside and red on the inside. This is their cover and flavor. They use temperature change to cover the behinds.

                    107. Huh? I deny it because its scientific correct, therefore you Post nonsense to state it does? I think CB likes Peach Kool AId.

                    108. So what caused the warmest other year in 1891 pre industrial revolution?….less than 200 years of data is a pretty weak argument for a planet that is billions of years old.

                    109. CB, you appear to be thoughtful and interested in the “science” you are always referring to. You really owe it to yourself to do an exhaustive study of the COOK REPORT that came up with the 97% Consensus Nonsense. It really is quite an eye opener to see the Goebbels-like structure that was set up to “validate” the hoax of AGW.

                      You really should “look” into it.

                    110. She’s not interested in facts that refute her worldview. I commend you for trying but your wasting your time.

                    111. Gordon Jeffrey Giles – There has been a name change recently. “Goebbels” is now “Gruber” ( as in Jonathan Gruber).

                    112. oldbit…. don’t get me started on that fiasco. AGW…destroy the Energy Industry…ObamaCare…destroy the Medical Industry…. Common Core… Destroy the educational industry….. Do we see a pattern here… Kardasians…destroy the entertainment industry…o.k. that one was just for grins….

                    113. Hey Gordon, one minor issue with your post on the Kardasians….
                      I believe it was Charlie Sheen who tried to destroy the Entertainment Industry. Of course, I might be mistaken…

                    114. You’re quote is complete BS.

                      You do realize you’re taking about a trace element that, over the last one hundred years, has risen from 0.0039% to 0.0041%, don’t you? Have you considered that the earth is more like a living being than a rock? Given that, what stays constant in a living entity? Heck, your body temperature has fluctuated a hundred time more than 0.0003% in the last thirty minutes. Are you dying?

                    115. thank you for that one, sincerely! The 2nd scientist in the article is right – CO2 levels have been dangerously low on the planet, due to the sequestration of it in the forms of coal and oil buried deep underground. Liberating this vital element is key to survival of many species, plant and animal alike.

                    116. Apparently it still has not become warm enough for palm trees to grow as they did in England at some point during the 1400s…

                    117. Climate deniers? You meen objective observers….

                      Technically the globe has been on a steady warming trend since the ice age, so what rate is normal? Noone knows because we have barely more than a decade of accurate data….

                      It is about money and control plain and simple.
                      it is a purely politically driven theory based on very little data pushed simply to line the pockets of politicians. Nothing more….

                    118. “Technically the globe has been on a steady warming trend since the ice age, so what rate is normal?”

                      It’s not merely about the rate of warming but the extent.

                      What is normal for the human species is a planet that has polar ice sheets.

                      If it’s so likely polar ice sheets will be able to withstand CO₂ as high as we’ve pushed it, why isn’t there a single example of them doing so in Earth’s history?

                      “Together, Greenland and Antarctica contain about 75% of the world’s fresh water, enough to raise sea level by over 75 meters, if all the ice were returned to the oceans.”


                    119. And still, there is not enough data to know if it is man made or a natural climate shift. The planet has gone through dramatic global climate changes before our existence and will continue to do so.

                      Using a little over 100 years of climate data out of roughly 4.5 billion to form a half ass theory and claim its FACT is idiotic….. Solar activity has a greater effect on the climate than carbon emissions….

                    120. bwahahahar now they have gone from raising 3 feet (1 meter approx.) to 75 meters!!! BWAHAHAHAHAR!!!!

                    121. If it wasn’t for global warming we wouldn’t even be here. You obviously believe that the earth can exist “forever”. It can’t and won’t. There is nothing you can do to change that. Even if your theories about global warming were true it will not outpace the clip mankind is moving at to extinguish itself from existence.

                    122. If we eliminate all sources of CO2 from the environment observable science is dead. Along with mankind. This is your brain on drugs.

                    123. Assuming you are correct, there still is nothing we can do to stop it. Whatever man-made activity is contributing is not significant to make any difference whatsoever. The most we can do is adapt.

                    124. Exactly your problem. That is the normal for humans that know this from there 700 year encounter with ice caps. Too bad the top of the warming trend after the last ice age was over 6000 years ago. So your missing 5300 years of data since the trend ended. According to the actual data we are at the end of the warming state and leading into the cooling trend because the sun just went into its slight dormant stage.

                    125. Yes, and if all the air was replaced by vacuum, we would all be dead!
                      And if Shoemaker-Levy discover another comet which impacts the earth, we will all be dead.
                      The climate on earth always changes, it always has. It is called weather, and it is driven by the Sun…always was, and always will be. At least till the Sun runs out of Hydrogen…then we all die!
                      Want to worry about something real, worry about idiots running your Government who actually believe that bringing 10s of thousands of Muslims into America is a great idea!

                    126. When you look up in the sky. Do you see the big shiny glowing thing there? That’s a G2 Variable Star. It’s 8 light minutes away. It has been varying on a 44 year cycle (Maunder Cycle) for about 5 billion years. That has more to do with any climate variances than human activity. Now get off the computer and go read something that wasn’t written by that fat pant load Al Gore.

                    127. Satellite data shows that there has been no warming in 18 years! Who is drinking the Kool-Aid?

                    128. Are you even listening? Do you know anything at all about The Scientific Method? This is social media’s fault. It has given credibility to the morons like CB, who probably couldn’t pass basic algebra and Chemistry 101, as every other Liberal. I took a year of Meteorology in High School, on top of biology, chem, marine biology, and this whole Global Warming “presentation” has always rubbed me the wrong way because it conflicts with the Scientific Method and analysis we were taught. The ROLE of science is to constantly challenge and try to disprove current theory, and to suppress that (as the global warming crowd wishes to do) is actually ANTI SCIENTIFIC

                    129. Climate change alarmists are famous for their lack of consideration of the net benefits of the extremely uneconomical, illogical, and damaging ‘remedies’ they greedily promote and try to get everyone else to pay for.

                    130. So what? Temperatures go up and down. Next year might be the coldest since 1853 so what? It is called weather! It happens. Get over it. All you envirofreaks have your knickers in a wad over carbon emissions and claim to be “green” implying you love plants. Plants-such as trees in the rain forest that the greenie weenies are always crying about- thrive on carbon dioxide. It is what they breath. You folks are advocating suffocating plants by removing their most essential element from the atmosphere. It is the same as someone advocating removing all the oxygen from the atmosphere. If that happened we all would die.Show your love for a tree burn a lump of coal!

                    131. Do you keep using the word “Metaphorically” to sound smart? Can you define it without using a search engine or dictionary?

                    132. So, what caused the warming in 1891 ? If it was warmer in 1891 than it was in 2014 … Well ??? It was crazy warm in the 1930’s, then it got crazy cold during the 1970’s. Prompting many scientists to fear a mini ice age. Now, it is warm again. And what about 900 to 1200 AD ? FAR warmer than it is now, and then near the end of 1300 AD, the mini Ice Age. Sounds like a cycle to me. It gets warm … It gets cold … Then it gets warm again. With or without mankind. Sorry, but the evidence against man made global warming is just too compelling to ignore. Starting with my first sentence.

                    133. For the love of Pete, you cannot even write a decent paragraph. You quote someone else and then interject one of your bumper-sticker mentality sentences. I can only imagine what’s behind your handle, CB: Complete Bimbo.

                    134. I assume you are a proponent of an old earth, say, billions of years? Your sampling of temperatures only goes back about 130 years or so. The sample size is way too small to make ANY claim about climate change. Insofar as CO2 is concerned, it is .04% of the atmosphere! I’ll type that again: .04% The only thing in this case that threatens my well-being is your idiotic assertions that will levy taxes on my income, you dolt. It is a lie, you may or may not know it’s a lie, but it’s a lie nevertheless. Incidentally, climate changes all of the time, it’s called seasons. Imagine that!

                    135. People who use epithets like “Climate Deniers” will never be taken seriously. Might as well write “The End is Near” on a sandwich board. Fortunately you are outnumbered in case we have to settle this in the streets.

                    136. Without a doubt you are an idiot blinded by your leftest ideology. My guess is that you can’t comprehend that measurements in hundredths of a degree are useless on instruments that have tolerances in tenths of a degree. Furthermore you have can’t tell the difference between pollution & climate change. Run along now with the rest of the lemmings.

                    137. So when they were about to sign that global warming treaty and Obama even went over and hackers leaked all them emails from all them scientist the day before that showed even they were lying, which put a stop to the treaty. All left and went home red faced! Till they decided to change it to climate change!!! History of this planet shows and proves that it is constantly changing. Ice ages, warm times etc, it is nothing new or abnormal, just part of the earth cycle that is completely normal. Just that in today’s time there are some that want to exploit others dumb enough to follow them and give them the money!

                    138. Don’t you think it’s telling that Warmists’ most-used argument is to compare people who question the Climate Change industry with Holocaust deniers?

                      Please produce a single piece of reproducible, empirical, hard scientific evidence that Man’s activities have had any significant effect on the climate.

                      If you can’t — and you won’t be able to, since none exists — then you have no argument, do you?

                    139. “It is clear from extensive scientific evidence that the dominant cause of the rapid change in climate of the past half century is human-induced increases in the amount of atmospheric greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide (CO2), chlorofluorocarbons, methane, and nitrous oxide.” (2012)
                      American Meteorological Society
                      “The evidence is incontrovertible: Global warming is occurring. If no mitigating actions are taken, significant disruptions in the Earth’s physical and ecological systems, social systems, security and human health are likely to occur. We must reduce emissions of greenhouse gases beginning now.” (2007)
                      American Physical Society
                      “The Geological Society of America (GSA) concurs with assessments by the National Academies of Science (2005), the National Research Council (2006), and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2007) that global climate has warmed and that human activities (mainly greenhouse‐gas emissions) account for most of the warming since the middle 1900s.” (2006; revised 2010)
                      The Geological Society of America
                      “The scientific evidence is clear: global climate change caused by human activities is occurring now, and it is a growing threat to society.” (2006)
                      American Association for the Advancement of Science
                      “Comprehensive scientific assessments of our current and potential future climates clearly indicate that climate change is real, largely attributable to emissions from human activities, and potentially a very serious problem.” (2004)
                      American Chemical Society
                      “Human‐induced climate change requires urgent action. Humanity is the major influence on the global climate change observed over the past 50 years. Rapid societal responses can significantly lessen negative outcomes.” (Adopted 2003, revised and reaffirmed 2007, 2012, 2013)
                      American Geophysical Union
                      “Our AMA … supports the findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s fourth assessment report and concurs with the scientific consensus that the Earth is undergoing adverse global climate change and that anthropogenic contributions are significant.” (2013)
                      American Medical Association

                    140. I suggest you read…Oh never mind. Just keep quoting the same folks who have been fudging the data for decades to get a pre-determiend outcome. The IPCC was formed for “climate change.” If it told the truth there would no reason for its existence. Ergo, its employees would be without jobs and those lovely government grants that keep these folks wealthy and living in a grand style.
                      If the planet were indeed warming over the past two decades, why does not the supporters of it publish the data It uses tons of CO2 to try to quiet those who hold solid, peer-reviewed scientific papers holing the opposite view.
                      Satellite reporting, actually recording temperatures accurately, indicates there has been no climate warming in 19 years.
                      Why would you believe data “modeling,” making up temps, to reach a pre-determined outcome, over actual temperature readings?
                      Seems like sloppy reasoning to me.

                    141. Sent to an Australian newspaper. (I am an Australian geologist/educator). These are facts which anyone may verify.
                      “To rehearse some geology: Back in the Pleistocene, an era affectionately termed by some, “the plasticine”, because events are so difficult to date — just before human fossils — which are notoriously rare at
                      the best of times — just before we arrived –- we may surmise, based on a shoestring, Lake Eyre and
                      places like it, were temperate, wet, even fresh. Giant marsupials, ferns,etc. At some stage. At some other stage, in the Pleistocene, or perhaps in the ‘Recent’, after the Pleistocene – who knows? –freely blowing, unsecured sand formed large tracts of sand dunes in Australia. Witness, the Simpson Desert. Sand dune formation implies dryer conditions than exist today, to
                      account for bulk free moving sand. In another dry part of the world, and certainly in Human/Recent times, large tracts of North Africa suddenly changed from grasslands to desert. Suddenly. In a colder part of the world, in
                      this ‘Recent’ (Holocene is the technical term), Greenland was so-named for being green, not white, and wave formed beach ‘ridges’ were laid down at the north-facing mouth of Independence Fjiord. Wave formed beach ridges demand waves, and the waves came from the Arctic Sea. By implication, ice-free, for considerable time.

                      All these events – there are countless similar events
                      recorded in the strata – all these events — you need not be advised –pre-dated coal mines.

                    142. CB, your troll pay has just dropped below minimum wage. There are plenty of others out there that do it better than you. Give this one up. The lie has been exposed and nothing you can make up will change that.

                    143. You mean the massive fraud and power grab by the bankers behind the global warming scam threatening to implement an Orwellian world government and drastically reduce world population?

                      Yes…the skeptics are very concerned about this. Only extremely unintelligent people believe in significant man-made global warming when all the evidence is against it and a bunch of politicians are screaming for legislation to save 1 degree of beneficial warming over the next 100 years while gaining massive economic control over us and earning billions from taxation and emissions trading derivative schemes…
                      I mean you’d have to be completely moronic to believe in significant anthropogenic Global Warming.

                    144. Average SURFACE temps, which are highly volatile and unreliable. NASA conveniently omits satellite data. Now there’s a surprise, considering the amount of research money at stake for them if their research becomes moot.

                    145. Lady, you are drowning in the Kool-Aid. Maybe you should fly your unicorn or ride your dolphin to the land of rainbows and BS.

                    146. Better yet have a glass of concentrated Sulfuric Acid. After all it’s just a chemical compound. Water is a chemical compound, it’s good for us isn’t it? Now that I know chemical compounds are good for us I feel better about all of them, let’s celebrate CO2, more CO2 for everybody. This sophisticated message brought to you by scientistswho are all on the Payroll of the American fossil fuel industry.

                    147. Everyone has an agenda.

                      These scientists are no less believable than those who depend on grants from government to fund their research.

                      Ask yourself why the intellectuals at the East Anglican University in the UK (one of the original Global Warming Alarmist group) had to use fraudulent methods to get ‘scientists’ to accept their findings …. nor why they used flawed computer models to provide their ‘evidence’?

                    148. Actually that’s not true at all. Scientifically credibility is a function of successful publication, review, and acceptance of research in the relevant peer reviewed scientific journals. The fossil fuel industry’s scientists have not published a significant amount of convincing research in the peer reviewed scientific literature to convince their fellow scientists that their climate science denying arguments are true. The purpose of publishing your research in peer reviewed journals is so that other scientists (who understand the work) can check it, verify the methodology and claims, and agree with the findings or criticize what they don’t agree with. If the fossil fuel hired guns did actually so publish they might have the same credibility as the scientists who actually do. If you want evidence for this fact you can get it at this Youtube link: posted by an impartial and experienced science journalist who actually tracks the scientific work on climate science in peer reviewed journals. Think the proof for global warming depends on computer models? Wrong. Check out his video on the actual research evidence in real science journals for global warming (which Time magazine and the rest of the lay press ignore). Do you think there was a scientific consensus that global cooling was leading to an impending ice in the 1960s as reported in the popular press? A survey of the actual scientific literature at that time says otherwise. Check out potholer54’s videos and learn how to really judge what is and what is not scientific evidence and scientific credibility. If you really don’t care just keep spouting off. Most climate science deniers don’t really care.

                    149. Spot on. Take blood letting for instance. It’s blatantly obvious that poisoned blood causes sickness. All the published science concurs. Get rid of bad blood, cure the patient. Get with it, get with the peer review and the science. Let more blood!

                      Ahh, strike me silly. In whose ‘pay’ was Copernicus, when he risked all by saying the planets might not all revolve about Earth?

                      Fossil fuel industry scientists? You mean, people who study geology texts? And write them?
                      Krauskopf, K.B. 1967, INTRODUCTION TO GEOCHEMISTRY,McGraw-Hill/Kogakusha, Tokyo.
                      p.617f, touches on the carbon topic, as of safety and certainty. Let the record speak. “The carbon of sedimentary rocks was nearly all derived from CO2
                      that once existed in the atmosphere: the carbon of organic materials was fixed in organic compounds by photosynthesis and the carbon of precipitated
                      carbonates represents atmospheric CO2 added to seawater either directly by solution or indirectly by the respiration and decay of organisms. If we estimate the total amount of carbon buried in sedimentary rocks,
                      therefore, we should get a figure indicating how much CO2 has existed in the air at one time or another. Rubey’s calculations (Rubey,1951,GEOL.SOC.AMERICA
                      BULL.,vol.62, pp.1111-1147) indicate that the amount of buried carbon exceeds that in the present atmosphere, oceans, and organisms by a factor of about 600 times (see Rubey, p.1124). Even if some of the analyses and estimates of volumes on which the calculations rest are greatly in error, the figure would still be startlingly large. Beyond any reasonable doubt. the amount of carbon
                      now in the air is only a tiny fraction of the amount that has existed at some time in the geologic past. This result can be interpreted in several ways. One extreme possibility is that the atmosphere at some early period was very dense,consisting chiefly of CO2 at a partial pressure of about 12 atmospheres, and that the activity of plants plus the deposition of carbonate sediments has
                      gradually reduced the amount to its present low value, 0.0003 atmospheres [recent measurements place this figure at 0.0004]. This is an unlikely hypothesis, for it would mean that we are living at the very end of the history of life on our planet. Some CO2 is returned to the air by respiration, rock weathering, and organic decay, but the amount is too small to make up for the
                      carbon that is being steadily removed as precipitated carbonates and organic matter buried with sediments. A rough calculation of the carbon balance indicates that CO2 in air will fall to a level too low to support plant life
                      within a few centuries, unless some other source of the gas is available. Since the geologic record gives indisputable evidence for the continuous existence of
                      multicellular organisms for at least 600 million years, and of unicellular life for at least 2 billion years [since extended to 4], the CO2 content of air cannot have dropped far below its present figure for a long time. And it is scarcely believable that the present 0.0003 atmospheres [more precisely,0.0004] has been reached only now after 4 billion years of steady depletion. An
                      obvious additional source of carbon dioxide is volcanic activity. …. .”
                      Please note, the author of the ‘Bible’ of geochemistry did not have the advantage of more recent discoveries re. comets and ice bodies of Space. Thus he did not mention comets alongside volcanoes as potential
                      re-supply agents.

                    150. So the earth’s atmosphere will be unable to support life very soon unless mankind continues burning coal and oil at historic and increasing rates. I see. Boy the climate science community never saw that coming. Are they trying to get us all killed? Thank goodness for China and India, their carbon pollution is a life saver! Thanks for pointing that out!

                    151. Chug-a-lug, sister. Keep drinking that kool-aid and be sure to believe everything the doom-sayers tell you. You do realize you are believing in computer generated predictions, right? They are only as reliable as the information entered into them and you still have to deal with the fact that nature is not predictable. It does seem to run in cycles and it was only a few years ago when we were told we were headed for the next ice age (also a computer generated prediction). Al Gore had to switch really fast when that one didn’t work out. Oh, and remember the ozone layer. It was supposed to be gone by now and we were all supposed to burn up or something from the sun’s rays. Me? I’m waiting for Chicken Little’s next announcement.

                    152. What do you mean? My calculator is telling me that 10×10 is 110, NOT 100 like you and the math are telling me. Therefore I have to believe my calculator. Wait. What do you mean I input 10×11 into my calculator and that is why my predicted answer was wrong?

                    153. Someone got a hold of AL Gore’s model (software) and started plugging all kinds of crazy temperatures into it, but the result was always the same scorched earth ending. Gee, I wonder if it was simply built to prove Gore’s message?

                    154. Probably is, but it wouldn’t matter anyway since it’s just a computer projection. There is no concrete evidence and even if there was, we are such a minute component of the entire earth’s ecological system that to believe that one country or five or even 10 could destroy the planet (or stop its destruction) is absurd. And those that spout this BS, say they will be proven right in 75 to 200 years when none of us will be here to say “See, I told you so” to those believers out there. I believe we can make the air cleaner in our local area but the whole planet, no.

                    155. Let me quickly help you scientifically assess your quote. Up until the 40’s there was not temperature recording instruments, dispersed widely enough (around the globe), recording temperatures with precision enough to ascertain tenths of a degree, with any accuracy. Your sample from the 1800’s – 1940s would be worthless (statistically) to make any such claim. Take a few science classes and a stats class or two and then get back to us.

                    156. “Up until the 40’s there was not temperature recording instruments”

                      Let me just stop you right there.

                      …because that’s f*#king retarded.

                      “In 1724, Gabriel Fahrenheit invented the first mercury thermometer”


                    157. Very low on reading comprehension aren’t you. What he said was “…dispersed widely enough around the globe.”

                    158. Literally the first things I said ~25 years ago when human GW erupted in the press was

                      1 – there is no century’s worth of data that is global

                      2 – there is no historical data of sufficient accuracy to make any such claim.

                      It’s so basic: a sufficient number of samples of sufficient accuracy. Neither one is even remotely close to being satisfied.

                      Those things are just as true today as they were back then. There is no scientific basis for claiming human activity is heating the planet. Which I guess is why it’s now ‘climate change’ – so vague it can be invoked to support anything.

                    159. You mean to say that every last wrong thermometer reading , the sky is falling, global climate change alarmist would leap to their doom? ……….ok. I can agree with that.

                    160. Perhaps we could get ALL the scientists to jump to their doom……

                      ……actually what about the doctors too, what a bunch of charlatans….

                      …… while we’re at it bloody engineers (structural, electrical, mechanical – need to make sure we get the disreputable whole bunch) ….

                      …. in fact lets chuck in everyone who ever spent their life studying and practicing a discipline …..

                      …. then a certain restricted section of the population can live a short but happily unchallenged existence ……..

                      ……… until a reality they can neither understand nor cope with rushes up and bites them on the …….. astronauts …… now there’s another bunch of feckless losers …….. etc.

                    161. Hahaha. The difference is that there’s a theory, then a hypothesis, then research, testing and honest outcomes. To state emphatically with scientific F-Ing PROOF that the warming or cooling of the earth WILL cause chaos that can only be rectified by taking a piece of my income, is like stating that there is no God. I have a book that says its so. You say my book is false. But your data is flawed, created by man, using a computer graph that predicts the weather, when all along it was George Bush and his mighty weather machine. Your belief vs mine. Why not donate all your money instead of creating BS to steal mine earned income for your selfish one sided global research. What a chicks hit little.

                    162. Here’s the thing, I’m just not clear about your book and it’s accuracy e.g. what were Jesus’s last words before dying? You would thinks something like that would be pretty important and therefore clearly recorded.

                      On AGW it is not an issue of belief, but of cold, clear research and evidence. Ever major scientific institution on Earth who has looked at the case for AGW agrees that it is a reality and serious enough to require action.


                      World leaders from all over the planet have listened to scientific advice and are gathered in Paris to discuss the next steps.


                      The momentum and the evidence is against you. Like someone arguing that smoking is good for children the onus is now on you to provide the case against. You may argue that you don’t need to, and that is your prerogative, but you will find that events have passed you by and you won’t have a choice.

                    163. Just the liars, please. You h, global warming charlatans, please. Or at least when they can predict the weather two days in a row……….or control the sun. Whichever comes first. Puke.

                    164. CB, regardless, what would you do to stop CO2 emissions? The question is not so much how to stop it, but rather how to respond to it if and when it happens

                    165. You’re asking someone that can’t finish reading the sentence they quoted to give you a solution? Love you long time but…. LMAO!

                    166. Good question, directed to CB but I’m sure she won’t mind if I throw some thoughts in.

                      1. A root and branch drive to energy efficiency that runs through every aspect of our life.
                      2. A Manhattan type project to develop new technologies and diversify energy portfolios.
                      3. A global survey of potential energy e.g. its an unusual case but Norway is capable of providing 100% of its energy from hydro electric sources.
                      4. Agree a series of international carbon taxes that start very low but ramp up a little each year allowing people, industries and countries to migrate away from these dying technologies. Use the funds raised to drive research and to fund energy efficiency measures for the most vulnerable.
                      5. Reprogram the World Bank and WTO so that AGW is at the top of their agenda, with the WTO in particular charged with policing international behavior as they currently do for trade, equipping them to levy penalties against those who dodge carbon limit for competitive advantage.

                    167. Yes indeedy, that is precisely what I did not say so………..

                      ………….. thanks for that stale thought!

                    168. Open borders, carbon taxes, and the UN. One World Order. Too bad the guys trying to establish the new Caliphate and use, in addition to jihad, a strategy of immigration with polygamy & high birth rates, or “al-hijra,” as the long-term strategy to transform Western Europe and America into different societies subjugated under Islam see a different vision of “One World” than the liberal dimwits do.

                    169. Yeah the WTO is doing such a great job of policing China, Russia, and the Middle East, India and …. gee, maybe we could find just ONE country they are there. But the UN drivers of policy are the countries that will benefit from taxing the producing countries. It is a shakedown. Why not tax people for using water, or breathing air? You can start with China and India – they have LOTS of people.

                    170. Do you have a comprehension problem? — “Up until the 40’s there was not temperature recording instruments,
                      dispersed widely enough (around the globe), recording temperatures with
                      precision enough to ascertain tenths of a degree, with any accuracy.”

                    171. Not the idiot CB again??/ And Orville Wright invented the Airplane idiot?? Doesn’t mean He could fly across the Atlantic like now…I know its hard to follow CB the idiot…but try

                    172. I have a question….. What exactly have you done personally to stop global warming? In your personal life? I’m curious as to what kind of lifestyle we should all be living to stop global warming. If it all boils down to a “carbon tax” being monitored and controlled by politicians, count me out. Politicians want money……. our money. They will offer any excuse to get to our money. The only way I can envision stemming the amount of CO2 being emitted into the atmosphere is to cut the Earth’s population at least in half. Are you volunteering? Neither am I.

                    173. If all the crazy leftist really wanted to help, to save the planet they would just stop breathing.

                    174. Mercury thermometers- best guess.
                      Digitally calculated temp device- +-2*
                      Accurate to measure Global warming +- 2*
                      Depending if it’s 1980 or 2015.

                    175. Two words.

                      Ice cores
                      earth cores
                      tree ring samples
                      historical documentation
                      temperature records beginning in 1850

                      Oooops, silly me that was way more than two words.

                      I just get so excited when I realize how many ways those clever scientists have of reconstructing historical temperature trends.

                    176. I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you truly mean well. However, you are simply mistaken. Its not true.

                    177. Reading your post, I will in return give you the benefit of the doubt and advise you not to get all your information from right leaning libertarian think thanks pulling the strings of sites like Climate Depot (you might want to look up CFact).

                      Much better to get your science information from scientists, NASA is a good place to start.


                    178. Those scientists are caught manipulating data so often that it is almost a sort of dark comedy.

                    179. Which might be bleakly funny if you were actually able to provide any proof to back up your random emission.

                    180. It happens fairly regularly. They produce a graph, the graph gets adjusted. They produce statistics, they temps get lowered. They claim polar bears are going to vanish, polar bears are fine. They claim coastal cities are going to be under water, coastal cities are not under water.
                      What you have not done is refute the three professors featured in this article. Right wingers I suppose.

                    181. There are two parts to the response, and what they are

                      Who is important because it goes to the heart of
                      credibility. If you follow this issue and accept the science it rapidly becomes
                      clear that there is a campaign of denial orchestrated by a series of
                      anonymously funded right leaning libertarian think tanks that all cross
                      reference and back each other up in rejection of mainstream climate science.

                      So here we have an article written by an ex political aide
                      to the Republican party running an outreach website for CFact, an anonymously
                      funded right leaning libertarian think tank.

                      Richard Lindzen, a scientist with strong past research
                      credentials but has not been research active for some years. He is however
                      employed by the Cato Institute, (I’ll bet you didn’t see this coming) a right leaning libertarian think tank ….


                      …. set up using funding from and heavily influenced by
                      fossil fuelled billionaires the Koch Bros.


                      William Happer is research active and again has strong
                      science credentials but has also been the chairman of the board of the Marshall
                      Institute (you’ve guessed it). a right leaning libertarian think tank, that has
                      received substantial funding from Exxon Mobile.


                      Patrick Moore, may have been a founding member of
                      Greenpeace but has spent the last 30
                      years working in Environmental PR for industry.

                      He is also associated with a number of organizations e.g.
                      the CO2 Coalitions which provides a wonderful glimpse into the wider structure
                      of this network of denial:


                      Check out some of the members: the board of directors

                      Roger Cohen, PhD — former Manager Strategic Planning ExxonMobil Research and Engineering.

                      Will Happer, PhD

                      Patrick Moore, PhD

                      William O’Keefe — CEO George C. Marshall Institute; former Executive Vice President and Chief
                      Operating Officer American Petroleum Institute.

                      H. Leighton Steward —
                      former Chairman, Louisiana Land and Exploration Company

                      While the Advisorary Committee includes Richard Lindzen.

                      With very very few exceptions every time a counter argument to AGW is
                      put forward it contains little actual research and is usually delivered by a
                      hand that is one or two handshakes away from a representatives of the fossil
                      fuel industry standing just out of sight.

                    182. @CB – 97% of all global warming gasses is water vapor, necessary and without it our planet’s average temperature would be below freezing. CO2 levels are small compared to the levels of water vapor but tends to be an amplifier of cooling and warming. Google “Vostok ice cores” and you will find gas measurements during an ice age where CO2 levels were 20 times higher than today. Hmmm, human technology was non-existent then so what is to blame?

                      It is the sun’s varying output that is the major cause of climate change. Major and minor solar cycles are the cause and when they coincide, we have extremes in climate, such as an ice-age.

                      I have references but these can easily be googled to verify but I suspect that cool-aid drinkers will continue their rant. We should take practical means to control pollutants but not reactionary! Global warming should be proven or dis-proven with the scientific process, not political correctness driven by politicians whose only skill is lying to voters!

                    183. Look up ‘Milankovitch cycles’ for 420,000 years of ice core data.

                      Stop using that pigeon hole 100 year argument.

                    184. check the latest data from MIT, seems the alarmists have been cooking the books again, sorry we all know this is just a scam to achieve an even greater control of what people do, You are duped and you don’t even know it yet, but you do feel noble, don’t you?

                    185. CB, you did exactly what the guys in the article talked about, you hid the scales showing the time period involved. Then you ignore the conflict between the surface data which has been “massaged” to put it mildly and disregard the satellite data (which measures far more globally than the surface pinpoint stations. You show all of the groundless confidence of a religious zealot and therefore are just as immune to logic and common sense.

                    186. The average ground temperature of the Earth is impossible to measure since most of the Earth is ocean…So this average ground temperature is a fiction.

                    187. The average ground temperature of the Earth is impossible to measure since most of the Earth is ocean……So this average ground temperature is a fiction.

                    188. I think h just missed the entire point. If your trained in statistics you would understand the concept of statistical significant and random error. You can’t make the claim of hottest year because there is too much variance in the data. The confidence interval is too low.

                    189. You are the precise embodiment of a “useful idiot”. Every graph, chart, calculation, and forecast you present and post is a lie. Did you not read the article? 100% of real, actual scientists agree that man made global warming/climate change/climate disruption/climate catastrophe is a fraud based on nonsense, driven purely by political propaganda. Wake up. Nobody with a brain and a modicum of common sense believes this tripe anymore.

                    190. The fact that this graph has been debunked as a hoax, just doesn’t seem to matter to you, does it?

                    191. bwahahahahr!!! Just ignore all facts and scream science to the top of your lungs and demonize anyone who disagrees bwahahahar!!!!

                    192. Did you even read anything on this page? Where is your PhD? You have nothing but regurgitated nonsense.

                    193. You know less than you think about global warming. You are what Lenin called a useful idiot, and will be discarded as irrevelant once leftists are done with you

                    194. Can you go to the middle east and start preaching this crap to muslims? You can come back and tell us all the great horror stories around a camp fire, if you’re not stoned to death for being raped. Can you read? Did you read the article? Do you think al gore has a better education than these people? When did you realize that your life isn’t worth a roll of toilet paper?

                    195. “Like the Republicans who deny the existential threat that global warming poses?”

                      Horseshit! LACK of warming is an existential threat to alarmists, while CO2 is an existential NECESSITY to life on earth. I’m so sick of these ignorant neanderthals pretending that they understand anything at all about the climate and life on earth.

                    196. The report by NOA && NASA, has been debunked by highly credentialed scientists as a complete FRAUD being perpetrated on the citizens to satisfy the Obama Administration. In fact, they are also under investigation by a Senate Committee because of all the fraudulent politicized agenda-driving they have been doing. “Somehow, they managed to calculate Earth’s temperature within 0.01 degrees – even though they had no temperature data for about half of the land surface, including none in Greenland and very little in Africa or Antarctica.”

                    197. Using the lies in question to prove truth from the lie?
                      CB, ten, twenty years from now, this planets’ climate system will be just as you experience it today, the seas will not have risen, the Poles will be ice-laden, glaciers will not have melted. Verdure will be plenteous.
                      But you, dear friend? If Gaia wills it, you will awaken in your dark, urban ghetto hovel and light a candle to see by, slip on tree bark sandles and hobble down to your nearest government food queque that you may be blessed with your daily ration of soylent green-esque gruel to live on that day, that day and everyday you aren’t excised to lessen the human carbon footprint.
                      Utopia will have been achieved.
                      This is YOUR future, sop.

                    198. You are the leftist equivalent of a street preacher. You’re just a troll who agrees with your own opinion in the face of any facts. Your entire operating system is based on a combination of 2 things. Faith and ego. You believe the pseudo science of the left and you have acted upon that belief so frequently that a good chunk of your identity is now wrapped up in your misguided and puerile mission to “save the planet from republicans” or whatever. You are offering government sources to back government talking points. That’s no different than using the bible to prove the bible. Global warming does not exist in any way that mankind is capable of preventing. The Earth is not flat, stationary and stable. There is no constant by which temperature can be judged. This planet is dynamic and ever-changing. There are people who will try and use anything to gain power over others. They are usually easily identifiable by their desire to exert control over people that disagree with them. Global warming is a scam. It’s an ongoing system of control because the climate will never stabilize, regardless of anything mankind does or doesn’t do.

                    199. Warmest on record since 1880…I didn’t know soccer moms drove suvs in the 1880’s…How many coal fired electric plants do you suppose existed then? A dirty little secret for you…the climate has been changing for 4+ billion years and it has been hotter than the present and it has been colder. What hubris to believe man has that much influence on the weather. Put your attention on pollution from plastics, etc.

                    200. You look to be about 12, CB. Best at that age to keep your mouth shut and your ears and eyes open.

                    201. Existential threat…..really?
                      Then you better start building your specially filtered underground bunker.
                      You will need it when the “SUPERVOLCANO” erupts in Yellowstone.

                    202. Dude!.. when do you people stop? when will you all realize that you’re just a bunch of weak, scared morons without the common sense to think for yourselves?…oh yeah, I forgot…IT’S BUSH’S FAWLT!!.

                    203. This really is a religion to you blokes, isn’t it? You have no faith in what human reason and nature tells you to worship, viz. your very creator, so you imbibe this intellectual swill and turn it into a damned ’cause’. What we have now has to be the most pitifully educated generation in human history. It has no sense of proportion, no humility, no common sense.

                    204. CB uses links to back up his arguments, but has anyone else noticed virtually all his links are government-controlled propaganda outlets? This is the same government that told us ISIS is the JV team, and ISIS us under control, and the Benghazi attack was caused by “that Youtube video, and “if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor, etc, etc. etc. Only a damn fool would have faith in today’s American government. We now know what it must have been like to live in the Soviet Union with onlt TASS, Pravda, and Isvestia as news sources.

                    205. “I urge you when looking at a graph, check the scales! The uncertainty here is tenths of a degree,”

                    206. you purposely miss the point that the whole thing is based on infinitesimal changes in degrees. And fyi why don’t you check on a corresponding graph of activity on the Sun during the same time periods, as well as the changes in the rotation of the Earth’s Axis. Lots of reasons for climate changes – but apparently it is only CO2 that proponents are concerned with … ever wonder why?

                    207. Yet significantly cooler than 7000 years ago when the earth was finishing it rise out of the last ice age. Warming trends before heading towards a new ice age is somewhere between 8000 and 10000 years. You know bases an all scientific evidence, even that of the “climate change”/”global warming” community excepts. This was actually the coolest of 4 heat spike in 450000 years, you know according to the graphs put out by MIT and NASA, the smartest scientists in the world that don’t rely on government grants to stay employed.
                      Go read articles on “global warming” they all say that it isn’t that big of a deal because of the trends and then the last paragraph in everyone says “yet this leads scientist to believe (not conclude) that climate change exists. We as a civilized people have only been able to actually keep weather records for less than 200 years, yet the warming trend for this planet peaked out 6000 years ago. Do your own homework people and don’t just fall for everything they try to tell you.

                    208. Oh yes, the adjusted, fiddled data, designed to fit the model that produces the results that the warmophobes want (the mathematical model that was determined to have the upward bias no matter what data it was fed), the data that has massive time gaps filled in by “educated” guesses, and literally fills in missing field data where with created data-THAT data!

                    209. So you just joined the conversation without reading the article… just like all you libterds do, make a$$ umptions based on the stupidity you are fed. Get a grip and stay out of the teddy bear room.

                    210. Clearly you didn’t read the caption. “…the latest corrected analysis”. NOIA has fudged the numbers 16 TIMES to try and get this result. If you use the satellite data, acknowledged to be the most accurate, there has been NO warming for 19 years. ONLY when you adjust the data can you show warming.

                      “corrected” my a$$.

                    211. Thank you for that. I mean really, who want’s to believe a MIT Climate Scientist or a Princeton Physicist anyway. I am sure that qualifications are much more reliable. I truly love it when complete idiots like yourself try to sound knowledgeable. It truly cracks me up.

                    212. Bet you thought the economic collapse of 2008 was a genius move because, after all, George Bush went to Harvard business school.

                    213. Gee, excellent use of labeling a person so you can dismiss them as a stereotype. Kudo’s. I’m curious as to how you could make the mental leap from the discussion on climate change to the economic collapse of 2008 and President Bush. The Economic Collapse of 2008 was two decades in the making and started when the Federal Government lead by Liberal Democrats forced banks to begin making loans to people who truly could not afford them under the guise of “Fair-housing”. But I’m sure you knew that already…

                    214. There, there…dry your tears, nurse Palin will be right along to change you and tell you some more flat-earth fairy tales.

                    215. Wow, I bet your mental problem is really hard to pronounce. Obviously you can’t even fathom a coherent response to your constantly being proven wrong. So tell us, with a head as vacant as yours, does the wind whistle when it blows through your ears?

                      Please if you could. Provide one, just one factual piece of evidence to back up any or your truly inane comments.

                      It is quite obvious by checking your profile that you are truly an idiot in that you have more comments than you do up votes. Your parents truly owe you an apology, because they raised an absolute idiot for a child.

                    216. 1880? That is so 19th century. NASA was great until they became a conduit for political science.

                    217. The people are not falling for the lies anymore. No such thing as Global Warming..its Global Cooling. The Leftists just keep the tax scam going

                    218. And no one at NASA ever lied, either, right? By the way, by what margin was 2014 ranked as the warmest on record since 1880?

                    219. Two sets of satellite data do not show this. Whistle blowers in NOAA are saying the data has been fudged.

                    220. This is the same NASA that Obama said should do more “outreach” to Muslims, right? And, one warm year does not make a climate change, especially when the records show we’ve been in cooling “pause” from “global warming”, for 18 years, anyway. The globe was warmer during the dinosaur ages, and then there were the ice ages. What caused those climate changes? There were no men during the age of dinosaurs, according to main stream science, and not enough humans to matter, during the ice ages, right? That’s evidence that man hasn’t influenced climate change in the past, so, you need really concrete evidence that man is influencing it now, and these scientists are evidence that there is no consensus in science, where climate change is concerned. And, where is the evidence that throwing money around will influence climate change if it is real?

                    221. Explain climate changes on Mars, there’s no SUV’s there. The warmest climate on Earth was in the beginning of Earth’s formation.

                      The recording of weather is only a very short period of the millions of years on Earth, you have no real base of the true original temperatures.

                      The hippie type nuts believed in the 1970’s in global cooling, then Al Bore made global warming, because of global warming discredited it’s now called climate change. Follow the money path, you find it just makes a few Liberals rich, flying in their personal jets, LOL.

                    222. Climate myths: Mars and Pluto are warming too

                      There have been claims that warming on Mars and Pluto are proof that the recent warming on Earth is caused by an increase in solar activity, and not by greenhouse gases. But we can say with certainty that, even if Mars, Pluto or any other planets have warmed in recent years, it is not due to changes in solar activity.

                      The Sun’s energy output has not increased since direct measurements began in 1978 (see Climate myth special: Global warming is down to the Sun, not humans). If increased solar output really was responsible, we should be seeing warming on all the planets and their moons, not just Mars and Pluto.


                    223. “The recording of weather is only a very short period of the millions of years on Earth, you have no real base of the true original temperatures.” – nara

                      Similarly you have no real base for the amount of oxygen you consume. So if I deprive you of it for 4 minutes, which is a similar fraction of your life, and thereby killing you, there must be no proof that you have been murdered.

                      Such is the consequence of your nonsense reasoning.

                    224. “The hippie type nuts believed in the 1970’s believed in global cooling” = – nara

                      Sorry, but there was no warning of an imminent return to glaciation from the scientific community back in the 1970’s.

                      But we do see such claims for the near future coming from the Denialist camp here in 2015.

                      Liars.. Liars… Liars….

                    225. And just what is the threat that less than 1° rise in temp causes? How many beheadings, crucifixions? How about tell me how ISIS wouldn’t exist if we had only spent trillions to stop that 1°.

                    226. Haven’t they scheduled your surgery yet? The one to have your head removed from your rear? Nice graph, looks like a drawing my next door neighbor’s 2 year old drew. You obviously have missed the point, graphs are made up by you luneytoon left, with no factual data to support them. Any azzclown can make a graph.Give us ALL the factual data that supports your cute little graphski.

                    227. Here is how that chart is FRAUDULENTLY CREATED:

                      Just you point out your line, look at this chart. The cheating of NOAA started exactly at the same time…..Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the smoking gun.

                      The raw data shows no warming AT ALL.

                      But look also how NOAA doesn’t show their cheating after 2000! Why? Because there has been an actual cooling in that period. Thus the harmonization should be NEGATIVE. How are they going to show such a dislocation in that chart!

                    228. Read the fine print buddy. They can’t accurately claim it was the warmest year, only that it might have been.

                      Ah, the useful idiot left.

                    229. Yes.. and what people forget about the end of the last century.. is that coal spewing locomotives were dominating the environment then.. and causing atmosphere change even then. ..!!

                    230. Did you not read the article? There is no threat. Human effect on the climate is, in fact, statistically insignificant. This AGW thing is a political money grab, not a scientific issue.

                    231. Here we see the chart showing the production of baloney taking a sharp increase….
                      Remember that when the data doesn’t support your agenda, just change the numbers around!

                    232. CB, so you are giving yourself a thumbs up these days? I guess you are part of the 97% who believe what you say? LOL

                    1. The Gallows as we did after WWII in Nuremberg but we also need to address the collaborators.

                      Those is Spain collecting pensions from Angela Merkle’s government for their participation in WWII in support of NAZI need to be jailed as well. We know who they are thanks to being outed by the UK Telegraph too.

                  1. pure retribution … even if they were guilty, the damage from their supposed actions was nothing more than advancing by an insignificant period, the time in which USSR scientists found success in producing their version of the “A” bomb.

                    1. How many USA citizens has Germany killed? Now Russia?
                      Angela Merkle declared prior to the Dresden rally Islam “Belongs to Germany” Jan 2015.

                      Get it?

                1. Pretty mouth thur! Your contribution is soooo Islam.

                  “Once you even begin to argue rationally with them you have lost 98% of progressives. Truth does not matter to them. Do not waste your time.

                  You will only be ridiculed, abused, yelled at, cussed at, told how stupid you really are.

                  These are animals plain and simple. They will not stop until their worldview is fully implemented and the country is no different than the European Socialists.”

            1. “that is the core of this con job”

              The greenhouse effect was discovered by people living over a century ago.

              Is it likely they were engaging in a con to get grant money that no scientist on Earth has been able to identify in all that time?

              “Overlooked by modern researchers is the work of Eunice Foote, who, three years prior to the start of Tyndall’s laboratory research, conducted similar experiments on absorption of radiant energy by atmospheric gases, such as CO₂ and water vapor. The presentation of her report at a major scientific convention in 1856 was accompanied by speculation that even modest increases in the concentration of CO₂ could result in significant atmospheric warming.”


              1. Same old examples, I see, that still fall short. We all know that CO2 absorbs head and then radiates some of it back, heating the atmosphere to a minute degree. But it’s effect is logarithmic, so the more you add to the atmosphere the less warming you get. Pretty soon it can’t hold anymore no matter how much more you add and the heat just passes into space. There is no such thing as a “runaway” greenhouse effect.

              2. you do know that weather changed into warming and cooling periods long before we started burning fossil fuels, there are ice-core samples to verify that, It is a scam and you are afraid to question it because your clan would ostracize you if you veered from the acceptible speeh of the hive. Grow a pair and think beyond the propoganda for once, really?

                  1. you are attempting to instruct someone who has studied the history of this globe for more than 40+ years, I do believe you need to dig deeper for you analysis that just the “choir” that has already signed on to the agenda. or are you afraid you would end up like that french meteorologist who was canned for actually “questioning” the so called settled science. (and that is a laughable term since no scientist of any merit would use that term because the flat earth used to be “settled science” until it wasn’t

                    1. He accuses pretty much the entire climate science community of fraud. He either has some pretty compelling evidence and will be able to take his employers to the cleaners in court or he was engaged in a cheap publicity stunt using the run up to the Paris summit to flog his book in which case his position was untenable.

                    2. he is not the only such incident of silence by intimidation. What of the MIT study, are they flagginhg a book, there have been calls against the “cooked” data from a variety of independent corners, this is far past just an angry single actor, this is systemic.

            2. For almost 2 decades now, we’ve been suffering from the effects of climate stasis where the global temperatures don’t go up and they don’t go down.

              After the recent Paris attacks you can see the clear tie to terrorism.

              This is going to take massive amounts of money and a huge increase in government to solve.

              And more LGBT people in science. And people of color.

              Well, various shades of brown that is. No white and no pink.

              And tanning doesn’t count.

          1. Most climate research is aimed at proving the earth is warming and that man caused it? Why and where is the research proving otherwise. Well…………here is the answer.

            Researchers respond to RFP (research funding proposals) from politicized federal agencies BECAUSE that is where the money is. There are no RFPs from anti warming agencies.

            AND, academic researcher’s promotion, tenure, and merit salary decisions are based on publication record (in “refereed journals). These journals send papers out for peer review and the process is incestuous. If you pan a colleague’s research methods or conclusions you risk getting your own paper torpedoed.

            AND, research to prove that global warming does not exist is next to impossible to do. You can not prove a negative. A positive can be proven with one instance of increased temperature. A negative conclusion would have to be based on every date point in history and would still be subject to criticism for not seeing into the future.

            AND, look at the politics involved. Every “victim” of global warming has their hand out hoping for cash for remediation. No warming denier is expecting to get anything but must pay for it all.
            Billions of dollars are being spent on fraud and waste. And many industries are thriving on the hoax.

            1. EXCEPT that climate research is diverse incorporating

              EXCEPT that in a world built on and driven by cheap, readily available fossil fuel energy every political, economic and social imperative screams out for the continuation of the status quo.

              EXCEPT that any scientists who could provide definitive proof that AGW is not real would be showered by rewards from grateful politicians and industries. They could pick up their Nobel award on the way to a very highly paid job with the oil or coal industry …….. yet no-one does, not even when they are funded by the Koch Bros.


              EXCEPT that with trillions of dollars of assets at risk of being stranded it seems highly unlikely that fossil fuel industries would not be falling over themselves to fund publishing costs for sympathetic research.

              EXCEPT that if the temperatures took a downward turn, we would not even be having this discussion, but when year in year out the climate warms as predicted, and almost nothing that sites like this one say has proven correct, then yes your case is very hard to make.

              EXCEPT that when you look at the politics of this you see a toxic issue, if a politician doesn’t deal with it they look impotent (Democrats) or plain stupid and corrupt (most Republican – history will not be kind). If a politician doe deal with the problem they will be asking the electorate to give up some cherished freedoms, endure financial hardships and tolerate a complete upending of our way of life ……. i.e. that politician will be committing electoral suicide, and yet they will increasingly do all of these things because if they don’t we are looking at a different kind of suicide.

          2. This has always been about economic gain. Always. Propaganda produced by the ruling class at some Bildeberg retreat to amass more wealth and more power. Climate change is the new world order’s latest organized religion — the opiate to subdue and oppress the masses — facilitated by priests masquerading as academics. So transparent for those of us with eyes wide open.

          3. And without that “free” money they are given, they wouldn’t be able to push their sick insane agendas. The left robs the tax payers then uses that stolen money to attack the very people they stole it from.

          4. Without all those papers indicating global warming…many climate scientists would be asking “paper or plastic?” instead. I’d fudge the numbers too if I could find a gravy train like this.

          5. Govt “grants” are the biggest and most expensive and cynical “circle jerk” EVER perpetrated on mankind. OK, NOT as dangerous as Islam BUT pretty close.

          6. Thanks for the research grant, fellas. What do you want the report conclusions to say again? Can I copy from other reports that agree with your value judgements? Does it have to be original research? Can I have my buddies do the peer review thang?

          7. Money..and power. Let’s not forget about the power. The reason global governments are more than happy to fund these bogus “studies” is a socialist power grab with the ambitious goal of controlling global economic resources and putting themselves in charge to distribute/resdistribute the wealth produced from those resources. Catastrophic climate alarmism where the boogeyman is the free market capitalists and factories that produce wealth allows the socialists to make the claim to replace the evil business people who suffer human frailties with benevolent politicians who have halos over their heads and fly unicorns. Surely, they argue, the politicians will make better decisions than business people. They will be better stewards of other people’s resources and therefore more efficient and effective at managing those resources and producing a sustainable prosperity for all.

          8. as the bible says, the love of money is a root of many evils! follow the money. greed and personal comfort and personal well-being is a huge motivator, maybe more than some grand ideology or scheme for global government.

          9. Board of Directors for Texas Public Policy Foundation is Wendy Gramm, wife of the democrat Saving & Loan deregulator, Phil Gramm, costing taxpayers $600 billion, and wife of republican senator Phil Gramm, author of the bill to deregulate banks, costing taxpayers a trillion each in TARP 1 & 2. When Wendy lost her $250K/year Reagan gig she was on the board of ENRON, helping the inventor of Carbon Credit Trading, Ken Lay.

        1. The Koran advises to lie in order to promote Islam by any means necessary.

          Climate change agenda is about control and nothing to do with weather much less saving the earth from man.

        2. No, they actually use their lofty positions and so-called benevolence towards mankind to hide sinister agendas that were planned many years ago. Same guys are still there wanting it… like Kissinger, Ted Turner, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, Bill Gates, Hitlery, etc. It’s all about depopulation, and an easy scam to take money from the 99 percent in taxes while funneling the money into their offshore accounts.

        3. Agree; and science is not about what position one holds.
          It’s about theories that make predictions and whether or not those predictions hold up to observations in nature.

        4. Nah! They use their lofty positions much in the manner of broadcast towers to enable to expose their ignorance more broadly to more people. Such practices are epitomized by Obama, Kerry and McCarthy. But don’t overlook Hillary.

          1. Yep, no such thing as a hate crime. There are only crimes.

            Hate crime legislation sets the stage for thought crimes and the thought police. Imagine, that you could pre-arrest someone for a hate / microagression / thought crime to prevent a future real crime. Who would not want to be safe from the potential of a crime?

            1. Hate Crime was created to ban thoughts and words.

              Orwellian in fact if not a little Mien Kamfpe too with that BIG LIE

              Mathew Shepard was killed by his own lovers over drugs. More of a violent MSM domestic violence thing and drugs crime not hate what so ever.

                1. Yes the homosexual drug dealer who lost his life to his lovers over drugs that crystal meth makes some lose their mind and then their liberty.

                  The Turd Riech had their German soldiers strung out on speed fighting without sleep and food when supplies lines were severed by the USA.

                    1. No H8? — Bombshell Book: Matthew Shepard Tortured, Murdered by Gay Lover (breitbart) 14 Sep 2013

                      “Almost everything you think you know about the Matthew Shepard narrative is false..”

            2. Hate crime laws aids ISlam in fact.

              Here in Washington DC at the police station there is a poster of a woman wrapped in head scarves daring one to say anything to her with her threatening use of hate crime law

        1. I happened to be a conservative Republican who is tired of the back and forth rhetoric. You on the other hand sound like a knuckle dragging Trump supporter!

      1. “To call carbon dioxide a pollutant is really Orwellian. You are calling something a pollutant that we all produce. Where does that lead us eventually?

        Prevent global warming.
        Stop breathing!

        1. Earl is just another liberal jerk like Gore and the rest of their ilk…proclaiming all the steps we need to take to stop global warming then doing just the opposite themselves. Hey Al! You still flying your L1011 body around the world?

          1. I happened to be a conservative Republican who is tired of the back and forth rhetoric. You on the other hand sound like a knuckle dragging Trump supporter.

        1. I happened to be a conservative Republican who is tired of the back and forth rhetoric. You on the other hand sound like a knuckle dragging Trump supporter!!

      2. Sooner or later Chimpypants, if they aren’t violent killers they are either doing it wrong or lazy. Could be they are too stupid. Are those the ones that hang with you?

      3. NOW YOU GET IT!!

        Every follower of the certifiably psychotic, demon possessed, genocidal, pedophile, camel “lover!” is a potential terrorist IF they follow the koran & hadith!!!

      4. When the majority of Muslim believe sharia law should rule their own countries do you actually believe they will assimilate to western cultures when they come?

      5. The Quran clearly states that all Muslims must participate in jihad. Either by direct violent action or support thought money or resources. Jihad is defined as the “struggle” and when read in context the struggle is against all infidels (non-Muslims) and all infidels are to be converted to be put to death.

        So, yes – all are responsible for the terrorism or they disobey Allah and not a real Muslim. So, what are they if not Muslim?

      6. Sir. If a fanatic islamist comes to your door and says ‘kill your neighbor now’ or your children will die, your wife will die.and all of the of your family will die today or as soon as we can get to them, You will become a murderer. Yes, EVERY muslim is a potential terrorist .And don’t forget it!!

      7. No, but Islam is the religion of worldwide violence and terror. Most Muslims are peaceful because they ignore basic Islamic requirements such as jihad and the forced imposition of sharia.

    1. warl flemm: Every Muslim belongs to a religion whose prophet and god COMMAND them to kill all non-Muslims and take-over the whole world by the sword.. So you tell me what does that make them?

      1. Every Jew belongs to a religion whose prophet and god COMMAND they kill people for land and who gave them their law through a talking bush… that was on fire. Also interesting fact Muhammad’s Mother was Jewish, making him a Jew. You don’t hear that talked about very often.

        1. yeah, so was jesus’ mom..I here she used to bang a jewish guy too. dont hear about that too often either.
          Jonas Salk, Albert Sabin…both jews…will the trickery never end?
          is there anything fear of them cant do?

          1. It is constantly pointed out by Jewish people that Jesus was Jewish. What is your point? I was simply pointing out another person that was. According to fascists like you I can’t point out facts because you don’t like them.

            You forgot Karl Marx (Moses Levy Mordecai) father of Marxism and Communism was also Jewish…
            Gee whiz… Judaism/Christianity/Islam/Communism… that covers 90%+ of murders in history.

            1. Im a fascist like your name is saul gold.
              you anonymous bag of excreta. Youre a coward and a putz…a spineless drop of putrid fluid..
              you can point out whatever “facts” you like…just because your mom sucked some jewish penis in her life, and youre daughters are banging black guys is no reason to hate the world.

                  1. you are a fascist, a would be tyrant and a racist
                    you anonymous bag of excreta. Youre a coward and a putz…a spineless drop of putrid fluid..
                    you can point out whatever “facts” you like…just because your mom sucked some jewish penis in her life, and youre daughters are banging black guys is no reason to hate the world.

                    1. yeah “earl” those comment apply to you as well. Youre an anonymous asshatted coward troll.

              1. If a small land mass is home to by far the most populated area that would prove they infact have had far less death than the other warring factions/continents.
                You must have missed where I said communism which would include ASIA as Mao murdered at least 10 times more than Hitler on his own, many Christians so Mao is not a monster in MSM he is quoted frequently as a good thing.
                Science, History and Math anyone?

                1. Uh, Asia is approximately 30% of the land mass on the planet….

                  I would not call that small.

                  *Taiping Rebellion

                  20,000,000–100,000,000 Killed 1850–1864 China

                  *Three Kingdoms War

                  36,000,000–40,000,000 Killed 184–280 China

                  *An Lushan Rebellion

                  13,000,000–36,000,000 Killed 755–763 China

                  *Second Sino – Japanese War

                  25,000,000 Killed 1937–1945 China

                  *Qing dynasty conquest of Ming Dynasty

                  25,000,000 Killed 1616–1662 China

                  *Mongol conquests
                  40,000,000–70,000,000 Killed 1206–1324 Eurasia

                    1. Internet much?

                      Look it up your self, lazy arse.

                      You ain’t my professor…

                      your my huckleberry.

        2. Get back into your Mommy’s basement and practice goose stepping. Jew baiting losers should just stick to storm front and other skin head publications.

          1. You don’t like facts? Are you saying the Torah and Old Testament are wrong about the killing for land and talking bush that was on fire or the historical fact that Muhammad had a Jewish Mother?

            1. Aminah (Muhammad’s mother) was born to Wahb ibn Abd Manaf and Barrah bint ‘Abd al ‘Uzzā ibn ‘Uthmān ibn ‘Abd al-Dār in Mecca.[1] She was a member of the Banu Zuhrah clan in the tribe of Quraysh who claimed descent from Ibrahim (Abraham) through his son Ismail (Ishmael). Being the descendant of Ismael would make her Egyptian (Abraham’s concubine was Egyptian) The Jewish line started with Isaac

              1. She is descended from Abraham she is more Jewish than any Ashkenazi that came from Japheth and not even Shem (where word Semite derives from). In Torah and all through Christian Bible OT and NT the covenant was made with Abraham and his seed. Abraham was the first circumcised as well.

              2. Once you even begin to argue rationally with them you have lost 98% of progressives. Truth does not matter to them. Do not waste your time. You will only be ridiculed, abused, yelled at, cussed at, told how stupid you really are. These are animals plain and simple. They will not stop until their worldview is fully implemented and the country is no different than the European Socialists.

                1. BINGO The threads are full of ISLAMIC posters here to do exactly as you have so explained word for word one can read all the feeds in the MSM news that still have comments.

            2. Again, we are living in the 21st century. History is what it is. What does any shred of your statement have to do with modern times. I thought you progressives were called that because you had evolved to a higher level of being. More intelligent, science based, hate religion, agnostic or atheist, generally better than your average Joe. No you defend the most barbaric of practices because you are too PC and do not wish to offend Muslims. I only wish you shared the same sentiment for Jews and Christians. You are hateful and John Kerry slipped and spoke the truth about your ilk. You believe there is some kind of legitimacy to their cause because England put Israel back where it has always been. Therefore the only conclusion I can draw is that you do not believe all people are created equal. Progressives are created superior.

          1. Muslim extremists follows their leaders;

            Head of ISIS: Elliot Shimon(Ashkenazi Jew)

            Al Qaeda leader: Adam Gadahn(Ashkenazi Jew)

            Why do you think every time Assad hit an ISIS camp another MOSSAD turned up dead? Why is Israel medevac ISIS injured?… You must not read very much.

            1. I read plenty – have never come across what you are claiming. Perhaps you would like to provide links to this? And remember not everything you read on the internet is true. Besides doesn’t change that muslims worship satan.

              1. Just google either name and you will get plenty of side by side photos of the two men mentioned. Any link I would provide would be called biased. Do you trust your own 2 eyes or not? That is the final question you have to ask yourself in today’s BS world. Also google Israeli captured in Iraq leading ISIS, they caught an actual IDF Officer leading the ISIS in part of Iraq.
                WHy believe MSM, Brian Williams was one of the most trusted news anchors and he was total liar. He said he was in a helicopter that got shot down by an RPG but was actually 2 hours behind it in another helicopter. Plus if you take an hour and find owner of every major News channel they are owned by Jews, same people profiting from war, etc.. so why would Jews report this stuff on their own propaganda networks? Why do they report only Jewish Victims of Holocaust and always Hitler but never Mao and Stalin who killed many times more than Hitler?

            1. If you have read the Koran 1 passage for example is the rider on the pale horse being the messiah – well now anyone who understands the bible knows that the rider on the pale horse is satan.

              1. The German scholar Hermann Gunkel (1862-1932) was of the opinion that this first horseman was ORIGINALLY A SUN-GOD: “His horse is white (as in the white horse of the divine slayer of the dragon; the white horse of Mithras in the Avesta…)” (A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Revelation of St. John, by R. H. Charles).

                The same volume states that “…according to Weiss…the victorious Rider [of the white horse] REPRESENTS THE VICTORIOUS COURSE OF THE GOSPEL, which must be preached to all nations before the woes come.”

                What in the world are you reading?

                1. uh – the bible – duh. Revelations 6:9 to be exact -I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. Obviously you are not familiar with it.

                  1. Whatever the pale horse represents, we know that God will judge the world in righteousness someday and that everyone will have to give an account for what they did in their lives. Revelation 20:12-15 tells the fatal outcome for all who refused to repent and trust in Christ, “And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged by what was written in the books, according to what they had done. And the sea gave up the dead who were in it, Death and Hades gave up the dead who were in them, and they were judged, each one of them, according to what they had done. Then Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.” this has nothing to do with pointing out Muslims but everyone including people who claim to be Christians and who don’t follow Christ. I’m interested in truth not foolish speculations.

              2. “White is the color most often mentioned in the Scriptures. Besides its descriptive use, it also serves as a SYMBOL OF RIGHTEOUSNESS AND SPIRITUAL CLEANNESS. (Rev. 3:4; 7:9, 13, 14). The white horse, as portrayed at Revelation 6:2 and 19:11, SYMBOLIZES CLEAN, RIGHTEOUS WARFARE UNDER JESUS CHRIST’S DIRECTION”

          1. That’s a dumb question. How many Muslims just got another 50 Billion from US Tax Payers for fighter jets and attack helicopters… You are a pig brained moron.

                    1. No, you dimwitted jackass, Netanyahu ASKED for $5 billion a year for 10 years. God are you people stupid!

                    2. Yes 5 times 10 is 50Billion jackass. That is on top of what they currently get. Total welfare queens over there, can’t do shat for themselves. Helpless bagel eaters.

                    3. Are you really that stupid? Netanyahu ASKED for $5 Billion over 10 years. The current agreement runs through 2017. Obama did NOT give Israel another $50 billion as the ignorant asshat posted. Try again, Adolph.

                    4. Let’s give Israel 10 billion and all the nukes she needs just to make a glass parking lot out of our enemies.

            1. Are you unaware of the US foreign aid in the form of military equipment, including jets that goes to muslim nations?
              Perhaps you shouldn’t be throwing stones out of your glass house by calling others morons.

              1. You mean Saudi Arabia… They have been proven to be Crypto Jews. The house of Saud is Jewish and Netanyahu has said repeatedly on the news Saudi Arabia is Israel’s closest ally in the Middle East. You know the country where almost all the 9/11 hijackers lived and were raised…

                    1. Add up what goes to muslim nations. It’s more than what goes to israel.

                      Why give money to people who want to destroy us? Sounds pretty dumb.

                  1. DNA… Unlike AshkeNAZI they are descended from Abraham… you know the guy God made the covenant with? Try reading the Torah Adolph. You sound just like a Nazi piggy.

                    1. So that is your proof that the House of Saud is Jewish? You are really one ignorant asshat, Adolph.

            2. That’s nothing (and it’s not $50 billion, US military aid to Israel is more like $1.5 billion a year).

              Obama just gave Iran $150 billion. More money that all the aid the US has give to Israel since 1948.

        3. There is nothing in the Torah about killing for land, Jesus was a Jew, Mohammad was a Jew, because Jews were the native population of the entire Middle East, with the exception of Persia (Iran). There was never A Palestine, nor was there ever Palestinian population until modern times when the Muslims forced their Gypsy populations around Israel as a threat.

          1. Palestine is mentioned by name in Torah and OT. Maps of that land by every country that surveyed or cataloged it for over 1000 years called it Palestine. US Govt. Documents and maps up until the war have it marked as Palestine. It’s not going to be easy for you to rewrite history on that one.

            1. You are right, but it was used in the same way we use North America, it was never a country or specific people. The people that occupied it historically were primarily Jewish. We stopped using the term when we designated it the “Middle East” instead.

        4. The command to kill given by God to the Jews was a very specific command to kill certain people at a particular time. God did not command the Jews to perpetually kill those who did not hold a common belief, as the Muslim’s Allah is alleged to have done. Besides that, the Old Testament stories about a Jewish campaign at God’s command are nonsense. Most of the places the Jews are alleged to have destroyed and taken 1.) didn’t exist at the time, 2.) had been destroyed by others before the time of the alleged Jewish campaign (and some were re-occupied by Jews much later), or 3.) they existed at the time but show no evidence of having been attacked. If you believe the OT story of the Jewish conquest, you believe in a fairy tale. The mythology was nationalistic propaganda created to bind together the disparate people who called themselves Hebrews and give them an identity of “conquerors” so they could make claims to greatness like the truly great powers that surrounded them. Islamic militancy is not a fairy tale; it is here, it is real.

          If Muhammad’s mother was a Jew, then Muhammad was a Jew by tradition. But he became something else by a change in his belief system – like being born a Catholic and converting to become a Baptist. Being born into one tradition or another doesn’t cast someone’s belief system in stone.

          1. So you are going to pretend that Rabbinical Law in Israel is not based on the Talmud then right? Because it is nothing but a doctrine of it’s ok to kill non-jews for any reason.

            1. No, it’s not. Plain enough? And do you know any Jews who believe and act on such a thing? Is it the policy of the nation of Israel? It is of IS. And I’m talking about the Torah, a higher authority. It certainly isn’t there either.

        5. get over this.
          Race is not a problem. Ignorance is.
          The truth is God does not need religion.
          It is man who has the problem. The atrocities committed in the name of God, by whatever name he is called, are not justified nor approved by Him. He doesn’t need our help.
          So many souls are misguided by their own teachers.
          God does not need our help. We are direly i need of His.
          Defend your home and the ones you love. Lay down your life for another.
          Protect all you hold dear.
          Be upright. We shall meet in Paradise.

        6. God punished the pagans through the Israelites, read the whole of Scripture. Sometimes God blasts the sinners Himself, sometimes He uses other means. In the New Testament, God, through His Son, Jesus, instituted a New Covenant. Posting what you did simply shows your ignorance of the Gospel. There are many things in life that defy rational explanation, but they are no less true.

        7. You and your president always try to morally equivocate Islam with Christianity or Judaism. This is the 21st century. Christians and Jews have evolved since the seventh century which the same cannot be said of Muslims. Christians and Jews do not burn people alive as a regular sport and certainly do not kill innocent men women and children. Oh, for all you progressives, they also do not throw gay people screaming to their death off of buildings. ANIMALS

        8. Every Muslim belongs to a religion whose prophet and god COMMAND them to kill all non-Muslims and take-over the whole world by the sword. Prove it show us the verse(s) from the Koran that states this. You sound ridiculous!

        9. Here’s what the Religion of peace teaches…[Remember] when your Lord inspired to the angels, “I am with you, so strengthen those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so strike [them] upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip. Quaran 8:12
          “The Jews say, “Ezra is the son of Allah “; and the Christians say, “The Messiah is the son of Allah .” That is their statement from their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved [before them]. May Allah destroy them; how are they deluded? Quaran 9:30

      2. Every Muslim belongs to a religion whose prophet and god COMMAND them to kill all non-Muslims and take-over the whole world by the sword. Prove it show us the verse(s) from the Koran that states this. You sound ridiculous.

    2. Interesting how the miracle of photosynthesis is forgotten by the ecofascist’s on the left. Coal and oil continue to be the best energy source created by solar power.

      1. Lol so very true, but the right aren’t perfect either by any stretch of the imagination. We need to stop having this left/right thing and just have ordinary common sense views and facts that bring us together against the Globalists who manipulate us.

    3. Liars, morons and mental defectives. The best example of a leftist that we have seen in the past 10 years is Rachel Dolezal (the former president of the NAACP chapter in Spokane, WA). She is a delusional liar who KNEW she was white yet she pretended to be black because she is obviously deranged. And the black folks who looked at her, knew she was obviously a white woman, and yet said nothing to discredit her obvious ruse are just as bad. Liberals, Progressives and leftists are all Rachel Dolezal’s…deranged, delusional liars.

      1. BHO thinks this current crop of morons in college doing all this protesting over hurt feelings will be labeled “GEN44.” After himself of course.

        The rest of us normal educated people will historically label these idiots “Generation Gruber.”

    4. Not entirely accurate. Every leftist is either stupid or a liar. There are honest leftsts. There are intelligent leftists. There are no intelligent honest leftists.

    5. Because the leftists are atheists, they have no sense of a power higher than themselves and therefore believe they can make up any “truth” that suits them. If they get away with it, no foul. It is the same who believe that unborn children are chunks of tissue that can be chopped up and sold for profit as they laugh over their wine. Remember folks, (you have any integrity), there is a judgement day for all.

    6. In Nov. 2010, Ottmar Edenhoffer, one of the co-chairs of the International Panel on
      Climate Change (IPCC), said in an interview with German NZZ Online,“One must
      say clearly that we redistribute defacto the world’s wealth by climate policy.
      One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is
      environmental policy.”

        1. So true. Long after this climate change nonsense is finally rejected as BS, the rift between the scientists and the public will remain for generations.

          1. Darwinism has already gone a long way in convincing me and others that some so-called “science” is mere speculation, religion and politics in the guise of fact.

    7. THe people are far more profitable to blame (7 billion) than the few in comparison corporations actually polluting earth and the nations governments building and testing nukes, wars, GMO’s, big pharma, big oil, mining, etc. Seems like if governments were actually concerned about the environment…they would readily stop destroying it.

      1. Nay if one is really concerned about man made pollution one would cease to exist you know to reduce your own personal pollution and to set an example that and not breeding like rabbits helps too

    8. A person can be intensely deluded by the indoctrination and propaganda and actually believe their programming. So they’re not necessarily lying when regurgitating the lie they were fed for decades.

      1. Example: Jonestown devotees and cults alike willingly drank the poisoned ” koolaid ” giving it to their children and killing others who ran.

        Even killed a US Congressman and staff

    9. Well, isn’t THAT just wonderful.
      Now WTH am I supposed to do with all these carbon credits I just bought?
      Oh, Mr. Gore, Mr.Gore, may I speak to you again for a moment?

      1. I have lots of carbon credits, too, but not that kind. They are called oil futures. When the market for oil has crashed, it is a good time to consider buying long-term oil futures.

    10. I am a “leftist” – I understand a significant amount of climate “science” and have qualifications in engineering.

      I find the climate “science” taught in universities to be totally unbelievable. I find the models of the greenhouse effect unbelievable. I cannot believe that anyone can subscribe to an absurd claim the the atmospheric “back radiation” has equal or greater heating power than the Solar radiation !

      But I totally resent the implication from a person who probably cannot string a sentence that isn’t full of hate together claiming I am an avowed liar.

      I assume that because I have no faith in climate science and I have leftist leanings then you must believe that catastrophic man-made global warming must be true !

      What a tool !

    11. In the olden days of real Communism, we used to quip, “Every idea is a political idea.”
      If the Party says that 2 + 2 = 5, then it must, so make all the necessary adjustments.
      A great lie moves forward on many little convenient truths.

    12. No: only their leaders who are making out like bandits with their silly ideas of man-made global warming. Most democrats are just dupes following along after leaders who lie to them constantly about whatever the scare de jur may be. Global warming, seas rising, CO2 killing us (utterly absurd since we exhale it with every breath we take, along with every other mammal on earth). Unfortunately, those democrats whose education has been left to the state run teachers, are left purposely ignorant. They know nothing of science, little of history, less of government, and nothing about economics. So, when they are fed lies by Harry Reid (a republican friend of mine told me that Romney hasn’t paid his income taxes for the last 10 years) they believe his lies. Or when taught that Cleopatra was probably a black Egyptian, they have no way of challenging that absurdity. Cleopatra wasn;t Egyptian, but Greek. She was a Ptolmey, descended from one of Alexander the Great’s Generals who, after Alexander’s death, took over Egypt and ruled it as their pharaoh. Cleopatra was his great, great, great granddaughter (I’m not sure of the number of greats) and not a black person and not an Egyptian. When you are going through school as ignorant an an ass, it’s easy to be misled especially by teachers, products themselves of public education, and are just as ill informed at their students. They learned nothing when they went through school themselves, and so the whole sad process repeats itself over and over again.

      By way of comparison, check the Mcguffey reader — used by most one room school houses as their text book between 1850 and 1950. I think these schools went to 8th grade. Take a look at their 8th grade test — they are on line. Find out for yourself what your great great grandparents were taught and had to know to get their 8th grade diploma. And contrast it to those High school graduates we currently shell out who don’t even know how to read what their diploma says. Is it any wonder they are ripe for every snake oil scare that the democrats can dream up to get their voters to the polls.

    13. Agree, but not far enough. Far as I am concerned ALL politicians are crooks and liars! I tell all if you drive by a neighbors house and see a vote for this guy political sign than that person has reached that level by learning to lie to the masses…

    14. I have never encountered a Republican who isn’t a congenital and perpetual lair.

      Republicans are motivated by greed, and fear. That has been repeatedly proven by science.

      They have diseased minds.

        1. Not according to real science. Republicans are greedy, distrustful of others and motivated by fear rather than reason.

          The science is clear.

          Republicanism is a mental disease.

    15. You painting all liberals with the same brush is the same as them saying all conservatives are red necks and KKK. You can’t have it both ways. All liberals are not alike just as all conservatives are not. I am in the middle, I don’t assume anyone is right, I take information from many sources and take it all into consideration. I resent that because I disagree with someone I am labeled as a left leaning pinko or a red neck retard. This is 3 scientists out of how many? What we need is more unbiased truthful information. Also with the possibility of oil running out in 25 or 30 years would it not be wise to start exploring alternate fuel sources. We have cheap oil right now because the Saudis are pissed off with Iran. What happens when they kiss and make up. Projects like Keystone are being shelved more because they are not economically viable than environmental reasons. If we were in the middle of the 1970’s oil crisis Keystone would be built in short order. We still rely on the Middle East for our oil, a situation that should not have continued after the 1970’s OPEC embargo. It’s 40 years on now from that crisis, what has changed?. Energy security is of more concern to me than climate change.

    16. Comments like this are why I hate politics. How can you make a vast generalization like this? I would never say everyone right-leaning is a liar just because of their political affiliation. It’s the same as saying someone is automatically a liar because of their race or religion.

      In the same way, I don’t think climate change should be a political issue — that’s the problem on both sides. It needs to be about science, not name calling.

  1. Finally, the grown ups in the room are speaking. “We produce Co2 so what becomes of us? The world is being taken for a ride and the UN needs to be eliminated. No longer serves a unifying purpose and I did not vote for them.

    1. It is indeed about time that the grown ups took charge of this topic.

      And just because it needs to be said, this does not mean that people are not in favor of being good stewards of our planet., that’s just hyperbole to scare people.

      It’s about time this topic became a rational discussion, instead of what it has been.

      1. I suggested on the floor of the Senate today that we stop all funds for the United Nations. Now, what that’ll do to the United Nations, I don’t know. I have a hunch it would cause them to fold up, which would make me very happy at this particular point. I think if this happens, they can well move their headquarters to Peking or Moscow and get ’em out of this country.”[_Barry Goldwater 1971

    2. The UN has pretty much become a giant “Take money from the US and Europe” and “Let’s try to f— over Israel” party.
      There can be no legitimacy in an organization that puts despotic dictators and Sharia compliant countries in positions of monitoring human rights…

      1. I don’t understand the ultimate goal. Yes, a homogenized population is easier to control – level the playing field, remove values and cultural differences, etc. But once we’re all the same, and they control us, then what? What’s the end-game?

        1. The problem is we are never going to be the same. Leftists believe they can master human nature, and when and wherever that’s been tried, its becomes bloody, violent, and tragic. There is no end game, they just think there is.

        2. The end game? That’s easy. It’s the Golden Rule. Those with all the gold make all the rules. This is nothing but a money grab designed to keep the elites rich and everyone else poor.

          1. But a lot of them believe what they are saying, and honestly get angry when people disagree with them and point out facts and figures.

            Bad policy and poor decisions don’t have to have some ‘secret plan’ behind them. It’s just another case of not very bright and uninformed people untrained in science trying to feel good about themselves by implementing bad policy in pursuit of their ‘noble cause’ — and other people trying to make big bucks out of it.

    1. Then end game is a population no greater than 500 million.
      The majority of the population, that is left, crammed into cities with only public transportation.

        1. Well, China was more extreme about it.
          Thinking of a world population going from 7 billion to 500 million is a bit disturbing.

          I would connect the dots, but I would be called a conspiracy nut or something.

  2. I wish all of the flat-earthers would listen to these scientists. The global warming/climate change crowd are like cavemen who think that they have power over the weather with their song and dance. Liberals need to move into the modern times and accept the science.

      1. First rule for dealing with leftists is never, ever get in their way when they are walking towards the cliff, just make sure they don’t have a rope or chain tied to your foot to take you with them.

  3. Almost all people love the Earth – and so it is a breath of fresh air when science emerges from the smog of opportunistic alarmists spewing irrational assertions.

    It makes sense to be concerned about the planet – let rational thought lead us. Thank you professor !

  4. As I have said before: We are being told that the climate is warming, that it is a crisis and that man is the cause. If the temp was dropping we would be told that was a crisis and that man is the cause. So please digest the fact that ANY change in temperature (which I believe must be inevitable) is caused by man and is a crisis. ANY. As in ANY. And of course there is always only one solution regardless of the direction of the change: Surrender more freedom to ‘experts’ and their political allies.

  5. If there were a real trend upward, it would not be as pretended by press releases. Every years is hotter than all years on records? balony real trends have ups and downs. One year is cooler than the previous year, but the trending is upward.

  6. But…But…we were told it was “Settled Science” Right…only thing settled was that a group of people (Gore and buddies) could scam a whole load of money from ignorant sheeple.

  7. But, but, but…Al Gore said CO2 was a poisonous gas and if we paid him he could fix it. He said the science was settled. Don’t tell me he lied…that will crush me.

  8. The whole global warming scam is designed to milk the American people out of their money and destroy our energy production. The Global warming scam is like the stealth bomber that you never saw, but the effect on our country will be just as devastating but the “stupid American Voter” ( Democrat) just isn’t smart enough to get it.

    1. “stupid American Voter” just isn’t smart enough to get it. We the “stupid American Voter” has earned and demanded the horrors coming to each and every one of us.

  9. Global Warming is real people ! I “feel” it in my bones, in the songs I hear the birds sing, they call to me to save their babies from Global Warming, the baby seals, the turtles, the kittens that only want to play and not die on a hot planet, please save “snow” the poor chicken that was brutally killed an eaten at Colonel Sanders house of horrors ! Please save the ants, the petunias, the butterflies seeking freedom from the evils of Global Warming..and by the way, it’s all bullshitiiit.

  10. These guys need to be sent to a re-education camp…How the heck are the warmists going to control the masses if they keep putting out factual information exposing the hoax? Remember, MIT isn’t a ‘renowned’ university…Oh wait, I think it is…

    1. The response from the alarmists is that they are either “liars” or working for the Koch brothers so that their science and conclusions are suspect.

  11. This earth’s climate has been ‘changing’ since the day it was created…if the warmists had any type of grasp of reality…they’d notice the charade…

  12. Obama and the rest of those who are destroying western civilization and productivity via the religion of climate change should be arrested and imprisoned, like they are trying to do to Exxon. They are the real purveyors of damage through lies.

  13. I’d like to point out that since the ’70s, we have been told that fossil fuels supplies are NON-renewable and limited. Given the recent population explosion and their concomitant need for energy, one would expect CO2 levels to constantly rise — until we truly run out. Even if the alarmists are correct, it is a self-limiting problem as the CO2 cannot be sustained indefinitely.

    What is most amusing, is that I have heard alarmists actually state that fossil fuels are still being added to the earth as they have been for “billions” (I would say millions) of years. Really?? Any easy carbon source (oil, coal etc) at the surface of the earth (deposited more recently) has been depleted. We have to go down much deeper into the earth to find fossil fuels now.

  14. one has to fear the future where these doctors, with accomplishment, are ignored and people flock to Algore a politician who became rich selling carbon credits….and you who bought Algore’s carbon credits…how you doing with that investment?…I know old Al really appreciated the money

  15. Obama and the UN represent the largest danger to life on earth, not the Islamic terrorists. Sadly, the majority of the educated western nations have been duped and brainwashed by this global warming conspiracy which is politically advantagous to the Communist and Islamist countries.

  16. The so-called “radiative greenhouse effect” is not possible in this universe. A cooler object (that atmosphere) cannot make a warmer object (the surface) warmer still. An object (the surface) cannot heat itself. If these things were not true, then you could burn your face by looking in the mirror. Heating your house in the winter would not be the problem, cooling it would be, and in the summer you wouldn’t be able to contain the runaway feedback.

    1. Global Warming is a religion.
      You cannot prove its existence or nonexistence;
      You have to take it on faith;
      Evidence of its non-existence is taken as proof of its existence;
      Tremendous anger towards anyone who doesn’t believe;
      It demands the restricting the actions of nonbelievers;
      and the solution is giving more money.

  17. Oh look libs are wrong again! When will the world finally wake up and realize these hockey stick idiots are chasing a prize not for the environment but their pockets? We need to fix carbon policies by taxing? Where does that money go? Into a large political abyss that currently has multi-millionaire Al Gore standing over it in his 27,000 square foot mansion with the air conditioning on! Remember the old but true adage, Garbage in–Garbage out! That is climate science computer modeling.

  18. At what point have we waited too long to “curb’ global warming? And then at what point after that can we all agree it was one big hoax. Because I have seen CNN videos from the early 2000’s explaining to me the hell hole I should be living in right now (in 2015) and yet somehow the MSM graciously ignores that.

  19. Sadly, essentially of the university grants given out by Federal agencies such as the Department of Energy and EPA have a ‘climate change’ component required. It has been so heavily woven into the fabric of doing research that it will be hard to turn around.

    1. The left uses this to attack any research on the other side stating it’s just propaganda and tainted research because the dollars do not come from the same funding sources they use.

  20. When the Maunder Minimum hits us in 2030 and it’s freezing cold outside, people are gonna say “I sure wish that global warming scam were true ’cause I’m fukn freezing here!”

    But it’s not true. Just another political scam to extort money from the masses.

    1. Why the climate change religionists are going frenzified is that they need to get their sh!t rammed down are throats soon enough to claim that their policies reversed global warming and take credit for it when it indeed does cool.

  21. I’d rather it be warmer anyway, than an Ice Age. You can’t grow food in an Ice Age, then herbivores starve, then carnivores start starving… it’ll just suck with lots of starving!

  22. Liberals will not rebut these scientist with solid scientific facts. They will attack them personally, calling them deniers, and child killers, and destroyers of life, and much much worse.

  23. I hope this gets more press (even though I know Al Gore, et al will poo-poo it). Our environmental focus needs to be on reducing pollution, NOT on CO2, and definitely not on this climate change disaster nonsense.

  24. But Obama the lying gas bag and Al Gore get NOAA to lie for them and then they take it to the UN which should have been disbanded 20 years ago. That is why Trump will be our next POTUS.

  25. CO2 is at the BASE of the carbon cycle. Without it we’d be dead. To call it a ‘pollutant’ is utter insanity. Furthermore, there is something else to keep in mind. Water vapor absorbs much more heat than does CO2. I’m waiting for the EPA to ban water next.

    1. It’s not about “absorbing heat” .. that’s the point. H2O can “absorb” heat, CO2 cannot. CO2 re-radiates very quickly, that is why it is the most widely used industrial coolant on the planet. The idea they are trying to make everyone believe, is that CO2 re-radiates IR causing a feedback that further heats its source, which is completely impossible in this universe. Nothing in this universe could exist if this were true. Think about it!

    2. You mean dihydrogen oxide? I saw a video of a fellow mockingly getting people to sign a petition calling for its abolition. They were all too happy to do so — and no doubt, all Democrats.

    3. And again, there is not one atom of carbon on this planet that was not here before the first dinosaur. They are not accruing from space. They are are not even one of the components of meteorites. And the biggest source of CO2 is not man, nor the Amazon rainforest, but the oceans, or rather the plankton in them.

  26. Air Compositon
    Nitrogen 78%
    Oxygen 20%
    Water vapor 1%
    Inert gases (mainly argon) .97%
    Carbon dioxide and other gases .03%

    These percentages haven’t changed.
    But there is some science to climate change, but it has nothing to do with CO2.
    Up to about 20 years ago, climate science looked to the sun when looking for longer term trends in climate change. Solar activity, or the lack of solar activity does affect climate on Earth. The solar activity actually has a cycle of more and less solar activity which directly affects climate on Earth. As it stands today, experts say they expect a new cycle to begin at the end of the next decade that will put the chill on the Earth for a decade.

    1. I remember growing up in the 70’s where the big fear was ‘Global Cooling’ and the next ice age. Give it a few years and we’ll be in a new Maunder minimum. Then, the ‘Warmists’ will be screaming for more CO2. I recommend getting a jump on this and burning large quantities of tires.

  27. It used to be that the dire predictions of the computer models would have to be adjusted to meet the actual measurements since they continually failed to accurately model anything. Now NOAA & NASA are adjusting the data to match the models.

      1. In 100 years, average atmospheric CO2 has risen approximately 100ppm .. of that, 3% is attributed to human activity … that’s 3ppm! … so, in 100 years, humans have contributed just 3ppm of CO2 to our atmospheric concentration. But they insist that you believe that 3ppm is going to kill us all, so you need to stop everything you are doing and just die.

  28. Dr. Richard Lindzen set me straight on all this global warming hysteria years ago, by sending me his course syllabus before he retired at MIT. I believe these gentlemen are right. CO2 is a trace gas, and it is not causing the earth to warm based upon anthropological industry.

    1. You are correct. No gas can be added to the atmosphere that could cause it to warm more than it would otherwise be. If anything, CO2 acts as a coolant, and certainly not as a heat source. Precisely why CO2 is the most widely used industrial coolant on the planet.

      1. Remember the ozone hole over the Antarctic? And then DuPont’s patent ran out on R-12. Viola!, DuPont’s new non-CFC C-134 (carcinogenic, but we’ll keep that quiet) hit the scene, and no more ozone hole.

        1. Now they are trying to get rid of HCFC (hydrofluorocarbons) because of some other BS. The fact of the matter is, there is still an “ozone hole” over Antarctica, which, by the way, is not actually a “hole” .. it is merely a “thin” spot in the upper stratosphere, which fluctuates on a cycle and has done so since long before humans roamed this Earth. It is impossible for ground level ozone to get into the upper stratosphere. That is the inconvenient truth. No amount of ground level CFC’s can affect the upper stratosphere.

          1. Interesting that you say that, because if I remember correctly volcanic eruptions dump a ton of HCFCs into the atmosphere.
            My point was, as a retired lawyer, I noticed propounded BS, like DuPont’s vis a vis the ozone hole starting three years before their R-12 patent ran out.

            1. First, I am talking about, by themselves. It is true that volcanic activity *can* inject gases and other particulates into the upper atmosphere, but even then, into the upper stratosphere is rare. Since a CFC molecule is much heavier than air, and so is ozone, it naturally has a tendency to fall. This is why low lying areas have the most problem with ground level ozone, because ozone sinks. The upper boundary layer in the lower stratosphere helps to hold ozone high in the upper stratosphere, ozone that is produced by high frequency radiation (I am forgetting which bandwidth) from the sun as it hits oxygen. Ozone is created in the upper atmosphere continuously. Read Heinz Svenmarks papers on GCR’s (which are also a contributor) to get an idea.

            2. Absolutely. Du Pont gets freon outlawed just as it brings a replacement on line. It highlights a much ignored truth about our government:

              “90% of all consumer regulations are put in place at the behest of the producers, not the consumers.”

              Think consumers wanted to ban 5 gallon toilets?

              1. I am a retired lawyer. When I was first practicing law, I was wending my way through the Internal Revenue Code, and lo and behold, I found tax deals in the code with specific names of corporations. That popped my cherry pretty fast.

  29. It all goes back to “adjusting” the data… if you were correct in your findings, there was no need for adjustment. You people have no credibility. Please stop.

  30. The humans that are systematically destroying the planet completely control both sides of this debate. They focus both sides of the debate on BS global warming while the fisheries continue to collapse, species continue to perish, soils continue to erode, aquifers deplete, forests burn, industrial pollutants poison groundwater, radioactive water continues to spill into the Pacific. Wake the F up. We are destroying the natural resources that allow life on this planet. And for what? Another ten million dollar bonus to a CEO? Have you truly benefited from this, “progress?” Are our lives and the live of our babies better off? Google: Permaculture

  31. Gosh! Look at all these anti-science deniers. Guess we need Bill Nye the Science Guy to arrange for their re-education. After all, what would an MIT climate scientist and a Princeton physicist know about science?

      1. The founder of the weather channel resigned years ago over this. At the time he called global warming the biggest scam in scientific history. He still maintains that view.

          1. That’s why he resigned. He was getting enormous pressure from board members. The weather channel just wants to jump on the band wagon so it can keep profits up. Whatever escalates net revenue is the path to choose.

  32. Oh my gosh, scientist telling the truth ? Scentist’s from MIT, smart real scientist’s calling the nutbag far-left liberl propaganda peddlers out for their lies? Say it ain’t so. So the UN and the Clinton’s have come up with a brilliant plan so that if a Coal powered plant put’s out emmissions, Al Gore can say “It’s ok if you put out these emmissions as long as you buy carbon offset credits from me” . So that begs the question, if you buy these carbon offsets from Al Gore or The Clinton Foundation, who gets that money?, why does Al Gore or the Clintons get to cash in on the carbon offset scheme ? It’s all a big lie, the climate works in cycles, it has for centuries, nobody wants to destroy earth, and if people travelled to the far east they would realize how clean America is compared to China for example, yet China isn’t stupid enough to pay Gore or the Clintons for offset coupons so they can keep dirtying the air. You watch the Liberal media and you would think America is the dirtiest place on earth, that’s called propaganda, go to other cou tries and see how they deal with their garbage, they have huge burn pits with gigantic plumes of raw smoke bellowing up, that’s what they do, been there, seen it with my own eyes. Then you came back to America and its like a breath of fresh air, but you won’t see that in the Liberal media because it wouldn’t help Al Gore or the Clinton’s.

  33. You know these climate change warming people are dumber than dirt because they are making their stupid bet on the wrong side a little warming would benefit….if they should succeed in starting a cooling trend perhaps an ice age, as if they could, billions and billions will die

  34. I believe that Obama and the Greens, (read communist for govt control of your life) no longer have 90% of the scientific community behind them. In ten years when the sun is in the middle of a very low activity cycle we are all going to want a little global warming.

  35. When you challenge global warming acolytes with facts and figures, they get angry, insult you, and and call you names. That in itself is proof that they don’t really know what real science is and that their assertions are nonsense.

    Global warming adherents are people for whom ‘good intentions’ and jumping on bandwagons, often for political or monetary gain, are more important than facts, figures, and the scientific method. This is the same ‘thinking style’ that drives leftist politicians, which is why they have an innate affinity for global warming and for spewing constant insults for people who don’t agree with them.

    Many of the politicians on the global warming bandwagon were not educated in science, and lack the IQ to understand even basic math. Take Al Gore, for example.

  36. “Facts” to the progressive left are any information, real or imagined, which supports the political agenda. One need look no further than Black Lives Matter for proof positive.

  37. Con men want you looking at one hand while they steal with the other. The only proof I need that global warming advocates do not believe their own rhetoric is their actions. Their actions should be: 1) provide developing nations free of charge technology to reduce pollution immediately; 2) eliminate the purchase of unnecessary electronics, like gaming, big screen TVs, phones and pads for kids, etc.. 3) reduce the size of houses built (should have been advocate in the 80s if global warming was believed). Carbon taxes will only have a small effect, if any, over time, yet that is their immediate goal. Therefore, there real goal is power and money. Greed.

  38. “Climate policy is redistributing the world’s wealth and it’s a big mistake to discuss climate policy separately from the major themes of globalization. The climate summit in Cancun at the end of the month is not a climate conference, but one of the largest economic conferences since the Second World War.”

    Ottmar Edenhofer, IPCC Co-chair of Working Group III on Mitigation of Climate Change.

  39. There is not such thing as ‘climate science’ because science requires a theory and the ability to test that theory. Obviously that can’t happen with weather. You can have different interpretations of available data, but that’s it.

  40. NOAA scientist 1: The data doesn’t fit our model.
    NOAA scientist 2: Maybe the model is wrong.
    NOAA scientist 3: No. Don’t be an idiot. The model is perfect. We’ve already decided that it is. The data is wrong. We need to change the observations to match the theory. And that’s what we’re going to do.

    Does this sound like science to anyone?

  41. Politicians will not stop collecting taxes and levying fines until they find new ways to collect those same taxes and levy new fines. Global Warming is a scam, always has been and will be replaced by an equally ridiculous scam but there is no way in heII that people are going to end up paying less taxes.

  42. Just follow the money. This industry is all based on government grants. No money will go to actual scientists that may conradict the global agenda for absolute control over our lives. Money trumps everything. This is big business for the academic class. Universities need this money.

  43. Global Warming is the distraction. The reality is the fisheries continue to collapse, species continue to perish, soils continue to erode, aquifers deplete, forests burn, industrial pollutants poison groundwater, radioactive water continues to spill into the Pacific. Wake the F up. We are destroying the natural resources that allow life on this planet. And for what? Another ten million dollar bonus to a CEO? Have you truly benefited from this, “progress?” Are our lives and the live of our babies better off? Google: Permaculture

              1. Some I call Mango. Others Mandarin. Others Bananna. Orange. Avacado. Cashew. Cedar. Pride of Barbados. Sapote. Black Sapote. Mamey. Sugar apple. A few others.

          1. Hey, if he likes planting trees, all the more power to him. The only thing I take offense to is that he pretends like it has “saved the world” somehow. When in fact, as I pointed out .. nobody, including nature, even noticed. I applaud him on planting trees instead of polluting our planet, that is commendable, but do not for one second pretend that one is superior to another because they planted a freaking tree. Give me a break .. there are already more than 3.8 TRILLION trees on this planet. I personally have 2000 just in my name alone, that I didn’t even have to plant!

    1. How stupid. I live in a metropolitan country that was 97% cleared in the 1930s. I have nice 100′ tall trees in my backyard. I can travel around New England and the south and find stone fences and structures in the woods – left behind by the farmers who have abandoned the land. Satellites show we have 37% more vegetation now than in 1980. No need for you to go all wee-wee on us.

      I suggest you go and find some pictures of the civil war era’s countryside. One thing you will notice is that there are no trees in site – the people cut them all down for housing, heating and cooking.

    2. You must be a Deacon in the church of Gaia. A radical fundamentalist. Pretty revealing. So Environmental destruction is caused by evil capitalists? Oh my.

          1. My faith that acquifier water levels are falling? My faith that fracking chemicals poison groundwater? My faith that the industrial farming erodes the soil? Jim, I just want to check. Do you live on Planet Earth?

            1. Can you give just one example where “fracking chemicals poison groundwater” ?? … Do you know what those “chemicals” are? .. If you do, explain to me how they could possibly be “poisoning” anything.

  44. Man made global warming, man made climate change, man made climate disruption has no basis in the laws of Thermodynamics…..You can trust me, a licensed Professional Engineer, or you can trust Al Gore…the “scientific legend” who flunked out of “Science” in “college”…..I can’t even Imagine a real college class just called “Science”……

    1. You are absolutely CORRECT! … The AGW hypothesis’ all violate LoT … fact is, a cooler object cannot make a warmer object warmer still. There is no such thing as a “greenhouse effect” outside of an actual greenhouse, which is attributed complete to convection.

      1. And there is no such thing as “HEAT HIDING IN THE OCEAN DEPTHS”!

        Democrats are too stupid to even know what Thermodynamics is……The study of heat transfer

        1. One thing that most people confuse, is that “heat” is not a “thing” .. “heat”, in and of itself, cannot be moved from one place to another, or “transferred” .. “Heat” is a “result”, not a “thing”. Heat requires energy, and that “energy” can be moved (transferred) from place to place, which in effect transfers the “result” with it. But “heat” itself is not a “thing”.

            1. Heat is just energy transferred to matter. In a gas, the higher the heat, the higher the average translational speed of the gas molecules. Yes these molecules can hit others and get them moving faster, but is that heat being transferred or potential energy?

            2. It isn’t the “heat” that is flowing, it is the “energy”

              For example … given 2 molecules (A) and (B) … each has an energetic (or vibrational) state, which is its “energy” .. the greater the energetic state, the greater the “heat” .. the only way that molecule (A) can transfer energy (heat) to molecule (B) is if molecule (A) is of a greater energy state (hotter) than molecule (B)… If they are the same, then their states remain the same (equilibrium)

              Now it isn’t the “heat” that is actually being transferred, it is the “energy” that is transferring from one molecule to the other. If (A) is able to further excite (B), then (A) must also lose some of that energy to (B), thus further warming (B) and cooling (A). But again, it is the “energy” that is being transferred. And since energy can only flow downhill, this gives rise to the 2nd LoT.

              I have been studying thermodynamics and the whole topic of the so-called “greenhouse effect” for many many years (more than 20).

              Here is a good primer on radiation physics :, and here: and an interesting paper here:

    1. No. And the leader is a guy who will take his ball and go home if he doesn’t get his way. So you have a petulant leader and a bunch of people who lie to keep their agenda going, because they live by a narrative.

  45. Like Obamacare, Global cooling/warming/climate change is about control of the people. Does anyone really think the folks pushing this crap are changing or going to change their lifestyle. Nope they want us, by the use of force to change ours to preserve theirs.

  46. But, what if you could generate power baseload and renewable without emissions and for a fraction of the cost of current fossil fuel plants? Then warmers and deniers both win! It’s coming.

    1. What if the scientists is correct and we are in a CO2 famine. Wouldn’t it be the right thing to create coal fired cars? That is if you are one of the people who believe we can manipulate our climate.

  47. Man made global warming, man made climate change, man made climate disruption IS REAL…..I mean both Ice caps have completely melted and NYC has been underwater since 2013 just like Al Gore and the democraps promised…..Oh wait……THE DEMOCRAPS LIED!


    How did the “HEAT HIDING IN THE OCEANS” make it too cold for Obama to go swimming on his 14th Martha’s Vineyard vacation?

  49. they cannot figure out temps in Times Square at noon within ten degrees a WEEK from today, but somehow they have 1000 years from now pinned down to within fractions of a degree.

    the entire thing has always been laughable.

  50. Don’t you know that food crops, oceans, lakes, clouds, rain, animals, and people are damaging our planet? We need to put an end to all of them.

    But I am my brethren will remain to ensure that the planet heals itself 🙂


    How did the “HEAT HIDING IN THE OCEANS” freeze the shipload of Global Warming liars, studying “SHRINKING SEA ICE” into the RECORD ANTARCTIC SEA ICE during the ANTARCTIC SUMMER?
    The saddest thing is that Democraps have no idea how stupid they sound (or are).

  52. The 3% speak and sound 100% honest, logical, rational and scientific. Of course the 97% number is just another huge lie, but even if it were true, it only proves that wickedness and greed are much more aggressive and common than truth and selflessness.

  53. this entire Warmunism affair has been incredibly enlightening in the way it highlighted the extent of the globalist web of deceit, who they own, who they sway, who is a tool.

  54. When you grow up among leftists, you think what they espouse is correct. I myself got taken in at first, was in SF, watching the ocean tides, seeing foam on the water, I immediately jumped to the conclusion it must have been due to pollution. It is a natural phenom, I later learned, due to life in the sea.

    What do kids know? Once you are formed into that notion that everything not leftist is bad, you naturally cling to the wrong conclusions. Some people NEVER grow out of it.

    I blame the right for letting the left OWN our kids’ minds.

      1. Yes, but none of them have lobbyists or unions. Democrats will try to bring those things to the ocean fauna and watch out!

        You thought the Democrats attempt to launch an invasion of foreigners was bad.

  55. Al Gore does not spout nonsense. In about two months when Al’s Armageddon hits and oceans starts rising, you will understand and, if you have not yet built your boat, it will be too late for you. You all will be swimming with the polar bears. Ask Michael Moore. ps: Have not read any reports that Al has built himself a big boat. But then Al has a CO2 spouting big jet airliner to take him places. …come next summer though, wonder how he expects to land….

  56. It has been a political conspiracy from the very beginning.
    You can tell by the coordinated mantras spewing from academia, the media, the government.
    Yet no proof exists that any activity of man has ever had any affect on the climate.
    No proof exists that CO2 levels have any affect, when 99% of the greenhouse is made of water vapor.
    No proof exists that even these have any affect when the SUN is the engine that powers everything.

  57. How duped can you be? TPPF’s research and advocacy is influenced by donations from a relatively small group of major corporations. Most think tanks work for their funders and TPPF’s donors are a Who’s Who of Texas polluters, giant utilities and big insurance companies. TPPF is thinking the way its donors want it to think…and influencing people like yourselves.

    You guys think 97% of actual climate scientists are wrong and are doing their research for grant money while this organization does EXACTLY what you fear the most – and also are completely in the minority opinion with regard to the effect carbon emissions have had on the earth since the 19th century.

    The Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF) is a conservative think tank founded in 1989 by James R. Leininger. It is a member of the right-wing State Policy Network (SPN) and is based in Austin, Texas. Nothing wrong with a conservative perspective on the climate but this organization is funded and their opinion is paid for by Charles Koch and other large scale polluters.

    1. The organization’s opinion may be funded, but that doesn’t mean that the guys they find to come speak there are… The men on the panel believe what they believe, and it happens to coincide. They’ve all been saying the same thing since LONG before this summit.

    2. Funding source does not equal factual data error. Funding indicates the possibility of bias. Even bias does not equate to factual errors. But the Global Warming Cabal has hidden their data and research. They refuse to release their work and records to scrutiny. Their models are abject failures that do not accurately represent what is actually happening.

      So, yes, it is the UN and other government money whores who are suspect, not TPPF.

  58. Obama and Al Gore are probably scraping as much information as they can on these scientists right now to find something to skewer their reputations with. I would expect some leftists to start filling the comment boards with the misinformation as soon as they receive their marching orders and “fact” sheets.

  59. They warned that “we are being led down a false path” by the upcoming UN climate summit in Paris.

    Wow, and just imagine the huge carbon footprint that’s going to kick Mother Earth right in the teeth when thousands of the rich, powerful and famous private-jet into Paris and lumber around the City of Lights in their armored limos with their mobile security details in tow, eh, Sierra Club? Uh, Greenpeace? Earth First? Anybody? Hello?

    Yeah, didn’t think any of you eco-hypocrites cared, just as long as those big fat hush money checks keep coming.

  60. But Al Gore said the science was settled didn’t he? Don’t all scientists in the world agree that climate change, or global warming or global cooling, or whatever they choose to call it this week, is real? What happened to all of those claims? Reality happened.

  61. The scientists above have finally started to push this Climate thing over the cliff. As Lindzen calls out, the “tiny” temperature changes, he is actually talking about one of the basic principles of Physics…measurement. The earth is 4.5 Billion years old, by the best guess. Climate priests are claiming warming over the past 200 years. Even if the temperature measurements were over 1,000 years, that amounts to 1 part out of 4,500,000 or 0.000,022% of the age of the earth. That is virtually NOTHING. These climate idiots are basing everything on NOTHING.

  62. Honest Scientists risking life and limb say”CO2 is the basis for life for over 3.5 billion years and that we should welcome increases; and If plants could Vote…they would vote for coal” Dishonest Obama says”Global Warming…excuse me….Climate Change is the greatest threat know to all of humanity”…You Determine wich is right…and which is an illusion. I’m a “Denialist”….so I stand with CO2!!!

  63. The folks like Gore and the like are using this hoax as a money make racket. The mindless followers of these fools are worshiping at the throne of their new religion.

  64. Even if, it was man made, algore’s solution to tax everyone, would not solve a thing.
    The climate has been changing since the earth was formed, man has nothing to do with the climate and how arrogant to think you can change the force of mother nature.

  65. Rational people understand the fraud that is global warming. We’ll know is a couple hundred years if climate has changed, but if it has, it’s unlikely we’ll know precisely why much less be able to do anything about it, And of course, by “we,” I don’t mean you or me because we’ll be long gone.

  66. First off this clearly proves how wrong Obama and the rest are. They flat out claim and state “all scientist” agree that we have man caused global warming. Not all agree.
    So there are three choices. 1. they do not know the definition of “all”, 2. they fail to see that others disagree with them (ignore), and 3. they lie for personal and political reasons.
    And for you recent college people – I am not addressing what the climate is doing just what proponents of man caused climate change are “saying” – very simple, not all agree as they falsely state. So with this article we clearly know Obama, Gore, & the UN are verry wrong – not all agree.
    Thus all they say should be questioned and rethought. A lair tents to lie often.

  67. HOW are record cold temps even possible ANYWHERE ON EARTH if TEMPS ARE RISING EVERYWHERE ON EARTH?

    Which big word don’t you MORON DEMOCRAT LIARS understand, Global or Warming?

  68. nice to hear some of them coming more out of the shadows after having being bullied in by threats of losing funding for research. I have said for years, people say the earth is somewhere between 6000-2billion years old. I don’t care which you say but we have (had before they “fixed” it) decent temp data for maybe 100 years. are you going to make a prediction for what is going to happen based off of the 1.6%-.0000005% of your life? Not a good idea. I am 45 that would be somewhere between the last 9 months or the last 709 seconds depending on how old you believe earth to be. Funny thing is most scientist are all about an old planet so they would closer to the latter number. Yet I am to believe that they know without a doubt this is the warmest ever? Please, it defies common sense

    Global = EVERYWHERE on earth
    Warming = RISING TEMPS
    HOW are record cold temps even possible ANYWHERE ON EARTH if TEMPS ARE RISING EVERYWHERE ON EARTH?
    Which big word don’t you MORON DEMOCRAT LIARS understand, Global or Warming?

  70. It’s just like Bruce Kaitlyn Jenner. It’s all about the money. Total poo from the communist/leftists/progressive. The more we are on to them, the more fascist they become. They now threaten to prosecute climate deniers. Per the Beatles, what they need is a “damn good whacking”,

  71. Sung to the TV theme of “The Beverly Hillbillies”

    Come and listen to a story about a man named Gore
    He wanted to rape a maid and became a climate whore
    After he lost in a Presidential race
    He sold some carbon credits at a frenzied pace…fast that is…Chicago gold….Leftist tee-hee.

    Well the first thing you know old Gore’s a millionaire
    His Tennessee kin said “Move away from there!”
    “California is the place for loons like you!”
    So he bought himself a mansion on the cliffs of Malibu.

  72. On both sides they are liars and they know it too. If they ever revealed the real cause the world would go into perpetual panic; you know, knowing this change is out of controls of mankind…just saying.

  73. Moore is committing treason against the EnviroNazi party doctrine, and heresy against their Green religion.

    He will either be hung as a traitor, burned as a blasphemer…or audited to death by Obama’s politically-weaponized IRS.

  74. Wow, the Scientist focuses on John Kerry for his “ignorance” on climate change when there is Al Gore and Obama and a whole plate full of others that are at least as ignorant as poor old John. Kerry is a lot of things, but he is not the parade leader when it comes to ignorance on the subject of climate change.

  75. I live along the equator. If the Earth was getting warmer or cooler, the changes should be felt here…where the sun is always at its most powerful.

    Guess what? The temperature here along the equator has been stable for centuries!

  76. How many times will democrats have to change the name of their GLOBAL WARMING LIE before Americans start to believe it?
    CLIMATE DISRUPTION? WHO or WHAT is interrupting the weather? Don’t Democrats even bother to look up the definitions of the words they pick to name their ridiculous lies?
    Democrats should all be rounded up and shot, for the good of the Human Gene pool…..

  77. My kids discussed the same thing in the Middle School Science class. Their teacher had no response. The class also looked at average temperatures since 1900 in the U.S. The temperatures were so random (except in the 30’s where they were very high), that there was no correlation to any industrialization. However, The 30’s were not high in industrialization — the 40’s and 50’s were, but with colder temperatures than the 30’s. The whole class determined that weather and temperatures are random. ‘Go figure.

  78. This is a wonderful article and I’m going to print it out.
    I think that that is why there is a tight bond between liberal groups they need to reinforce each others lies.

    They had to destroy the ability to publicly discuss God and Goodness in public in order to bring about the rule of lies.

  79. It is the biggest scam in the history of mankind! Our government is a co-conspirator by funding and promoting this hoax. Government propaganda is not science–shame on NASA & NOAA. Do they recall what happens to prophets whose rants are wrong? Change is coming warmists, and the money well for phony studies will go dry.

  80. I went surf fishing Monday and witnessed sea level rise for myself…..The water surface elevation rose from 6:00 a.m to about 12:00 p.m……..It was like magic…….Then a little after 12:00, the tide started to go back out……Face it democrats are liars, cowards and morons…..

        1. Clueless, not brain dead. I know we are splitting hairs, but Democrats live in cities and never go out into the countryside. They are treated like snowflakes by their teachers and they believe they are smarter than the rest of society. Yet, they know virtually nothing of America – but believe they really do know a lot.

          These people believe that software runs everything, that you can install cables and build roads from a keyboard.

  81. When HASN’T the weather changed? WHY do Democraps want the weather to stay the same? Do you want it sunny every day? Rainy? Snowy? Are you really that stupid you don’t see how catastrophic it would be if the weather stayed the same, or are you just TOO FREAKING IGNORANT to know that the definition of Climate is THE WEATHER CONDITIONS, and that CLIMATE AND WEATHER ARE SYNONYMS? Too stupid to know what a synonym is too?

  82. Man, it’s just SO frustrating.
    I want to watch this!
    It’s not like it’s 1999, I should have already clicked the video link and be watching it,,, INSTEAD of typing this!!!!!!!

  83. If you cant outright control business and industry from a centralized bureaucracy, ie Marxism, than you control what goes into the factory, what comes out of the factory and what comes out of its stack. Its Communism by other means. Ozone layer, global warming, dead polar bears, rising sea levels, melting ice caps, disappearing rain forests….we have heard it all for 30 years. The solution is ALWAYS the same…
    Cant control what people think, believe and act than you control what is said in the press, what is taught in the schools and force a “correct” way of thinking and use accusations and threats to enforce it.
    Dont like the society than separate people into distinct groups, give them a reason to hate, pander to it than set them loose to force society to bend a certain way. Violence and threats will keep the sheep in line.
    Dont like the form of government? Change history to make that government, and its country, the reason for all the worlds evil, degrade and twist the meaning of the Constitution and clam its written by “dead white men.”
    Dont lie the racial makeup of the country-which is blamed for all of the above-than flood the country with third world immigrants and fundamentally transform the racial makeup. Assure the new arrivals find themselves in the same Democrat city ghettos that the American blacks have found themselves. In a generation they will act and be as dependent as the rest.
    Did not Clinton admit that the GOP is her enemy?
    Has not Obama said worse things about Conservatives than ISIS? Has not federal agencies becomes political weapons to be used toward his enemies? Is this not happening in every “Western” country with a Leftist government?

  84. Wait! Did you hear that? Why it’s the sound of an empire ($$$) of climate-change fraud imploding in on itself and all of its hucksters crying …

    1. “A group of solar physicists in Europe has found a strong association
      between solar activity and temperatures in central England in weather
      records as far back as the Maunder Minimum, a 50-year period in which
      there were no sunspots between about 1650 and 1700 A.D.1 The
      Little Ice Age in Europe coincided with the Maunder Minimum and has long
      been thought to have been associated in some way with sunspots.”

        1. Do you remember the mini ice age fears of the 70’s?
          In the 80;s it was something different
          90’s something different still
          Today its even more dire warnings but even more dire threats of retribution.

  85. They told us according to the theory of man-made global warming, as the earth got warmer we would see an increase in the number and intensity of hurricanes.

    They told us 2014 and 2015 were the warmest years on record.

    Where are the increasing number hurricanes the theory of man-made global warming predicted?

    The number of hurricanes has been at a low since 1997.

    Either they’re lying about the earthing getting warmer, warming (natural or man-made) isn’t a major threat to ‘climate disruption’ or the theory of man-made global warming is wrong or at least flawed.

    1. For a real laugh, read up on the prophesies of the envirowackos made on the first Earth Day. Walter Williams wrote an article absolutely shredding them. Very entertaining.

      1. The very first Lenin’s bEarthDay, er, “Earth Day” on April 22,1970 was chosen to celebrate the 100th anniversary– to the day– of the birth of murderous communist dictator Vladimir Lenin. That says it all.

  86. “John Kerry stands alone,” Lindzen said. “Kerry expresses his ignorance of what science is,” he added.

    Lindzen also criticized EPA Chief Gina McCarthy’s education: “I don’t want to be snobbish, but U Mass Boston is not a very good school,” he said to laughter.

    Democrats will get us all killed by creating hysteria over problems that do not exist while ignoring Islamofascists that want to kill us. Democrat voters are selfish, lazy, stupid, greedy people.

    1. “John Kerry’s confirmation as Secretary of State sailed through the Senate today. The vote was 94 to 3. The only Republicans who voted against him were Senators Ted Cruz, James Inhofe and John Cornyn.”

    2. For them the fundamental transformation of western Society to a Marxist paradise is what matters…

      Have you heard what our school children have been reciting recently? Getting violent arnt they?

      1. Throughout history they have always disarmed the nation first. That is the canary in the coalmine. I don’t think it will be as easy as they think in this country.

        1. Parents against the kids, kids against the country, race against race, orientation against orientation….It will get ugly and the first place we need to start is the schools which from PRe-K to collage indoctrinate our kids to repeat Marxist slogans in anger instead of critical thinking and common sense.

          1. Ya Marx was Jewish (Moses Levy Mordecai) so I can’t comment on him, but the NEA.. oh wait Jews started that too… The real problem is common core and the teachers union.. oh wait…….. Well, it’s the SPLC and ADL pushing the social policies in schools… crap. Move along, nothing to see here.

            1. Dont care, dont care about Jews, dont care about your blame, dont care about your irrational fears.
              I could do the same thing listing so called “Christians” behind everything as well.
              Obama is Christian, Peliso is Catholic…..
              It has less to do with the religion they claim and more with the ideology they choose to follow. That transcends each religion these Marxist claim to follow.

              I will take an ISreali Jew over a so called American Christian Marxist any day.

              1. People blame Christians for everything every day…. so like you I don’t care. Free speech is great isn’t it? MSM/politicians hate it because MSM/Hollywood (all owned by JEWS) don’t control the narrative anymore. Because someone says they are Christian does not make it so. Anyone that can read the Christian Doctrine (New Testament) would know that. Reading is fundamental. You are uncomfortable due to your brainwashing. Read about Mao and Stalin then tell me why the Jew owned MSM only talks about Hitler.

  87. Bernie “The Brain” Sanders blames the Paris terrorist attacks on “CLIMATE CHANGE.”

    This religion has some real whackos in clerical positions.

    Remember Jim Jones and his kool-aid drinking followers? Can the Warmist Religion be that different?

  88. Don’t tell people it’s just nonsense. It’s also leftist propaganda for the purpose of imposing a global carbon tax on us and a hastening of considerably more expensive “clean” energy projects.

    It might be noted that only 10,000 years ago, the Sahara Desert was lush with green and almost half of the U.S. was still covered with glaciers. Indeed, climate change is a LONG TERM threat IF WE DON’T ANTICIPATE AND ADJUST. We certainly can’t do anything to prevent long term changes and severely reducing CO2 emissions will have an insignificant effect on warming and may actually aid cooling to an almost immeasurable degree.

  89. When democrats like Bernie Sanders posit that the fantasy of CAGW is a bigger threat than ISIS, they simply cannot be taken seriously. They are science deniers. Don’t vote for them. Their religion is already costing us billions of dollars a year.

  90. Everybody should stay in their lane. Virtually all of the climate-change-disaster-requires-government-takeover-of-our-society comes from: journalists, political scientists, lawyers, and uneducated people. The common motivations are fear and guilt, we are all going to die and its my fault. It is more rational to believe in vampires.

    I engineered a score of nukes and two score fossil fueled power plants, have a handful of degrees and PE licenses. I know nothing about climate change; I am not a scientist. But I can attest that without carbon combustion, and uranium fission, the economy of the United States will collapse. It is collapsing now, our grid is creaky; we stopped building power plants a generation ago.

    With respect, my President and John Kerry are ignorant demagogues, as is Hillary. If you vote for this mentality; you vote for economic suicide. Currently your light bill has been transferred via subsidies to your grand kids; we have already destroyed your kids wealth potential.

    Do you hate big business enough(with some basis) to bring our entire society down? That is the ballot issue. As our economy gets weaker and weaker, at some point, our enemies will overwhelm us, but this is not my expertise.

    1. An example of the stupidity is California during the drought. Morons complained that agriculture was using all the water – the system was created for agriculture, then 20 million people move to California and refuse to build reservoirs and then demagogue the people who did build the reservoirs.

      1. A judge, once in his decision, declared that an engineer is a professional who holds hands with a scientist and a businessman. And if he ever let go of one hand, he ceased to be an engineer.

        After a life time of practice, I conclude that if an engineer is ignored by these power centers, people will suffer and die. In the climate change fiasco, this is the corner in which America painted herself. It can not end well.

    1. The farms around here are slaughtering their cattle because their belches and farts contribute to global climate change.

      We stopped BBQ’ing and using our fireplace because it contributes to carbon emissions.
      We stopped cutting our grass because fossil fuels and emissions.
      We stopped putting our flag out because it might offend someone.
      We dont hunt anymore because the bullets are made of lead.
      We dress in old rags because our thermals are made from petroleum products or from wool harvested from innocent sheep.
      We dont eat meat anymore or milk because……..

        1. Since the 70’s all i have heard is dire warnings and threats-mostly aimed at children. Frozen bears, bears that are too hot, bears that are hunted, cute seals….
          Its BS. The solution is always the same no matter the crisis-more control of the economic means of the country and more control over the private lives of its people. All to be centralized in Europe.
          Only now the threats are being turned into real consequences for those who do not obey.

  91. In view of the current world violence worrying about AGW makes as much sense as worrying about the hurricane season while your house is on fire. The left can’t handle ISIS so they declare war on the weather.

    1. War on the weather… I wonder what type of coverage of the “front” the MSM will provide? Little journalists in their army helmets making like they are in danger… Will the government censor the reports from the “front?” It is kind of amusing.

  92. This is what religious persecution looks like. These “scientists” are heretics turned religious bigots. Global Warming is a holy sacrament and one of the pillars of the Progressive faith and followers of the Holy Prophet Karl Marx, bbhn & pbuh.

  93. One knows climate clergy crawl in the dark
    Suck like the bugs on their blue tatted bellies;
    They monoxide dioxide and buy brains at the deli,
    Fudge is the flavor of the data they choose
    The sun overhead is the data they lose.

  94. Bet these 3 people are leftist, but they aren’t drones. They have brains, and use them. Differing opinions are great, but having one side try to force their opinion as fact, and then discredit every legitimate opposition, is truly damaging to society as a whole. I would venture to say that the argument about global warming is actually more detrimental to mankind than global warming itself.

    Also, everyone knows the earth was warmer in the day of the dinos than it is know, according to science, so stating that October was the hottest ever, is BS.

    1. But petro is evil and so is “capitalism”, and BIG Government collectivism is ALWAYS at the heart of their solutions because collectivism is better than individualism or liberty.

      In other words, don’t give them too much credit. They are fundamentally authoritarians about getting their political world-view in action.

  95. Many years ago there was a classic social science experiment done at a summer camp.

    The researchers divided the group into two camps and set about causing havoc to each camp and blaming the other camp until each camp grew angry and learned to hate the other camp.

    Then they created a common threat. They destroyed a bridge that both camps used so neither camp could be blamed.

    Then they brought the two opposing camps together to rebuild the bridge and the kids from each camp became friends.

    I believe this is what we’re seeing in global warming hysteria.

    They’re trying to create a common threat so they (government and business leaders) can force countries to unit to fight a common threat. The goal being a common world government that will ‘protect us from ourselves’.

  96. But Goldman and Lord Blankfein WILL run the $ trillion carbon trading exchange. Big Government politicians WILL pass policy to help them further horse-trade $ trillion energy policy in exchange for their political power, $ billions in subsidy and economic redirection, which they will then leverage into $ massive post-government private sector bonuses getting jobs with the very crony capitalists they created favored environmental legislation when they were in Congress.

    Goldman and the Bankster Cartel will win. Cronyism will win. The rest of us? Looted.

    Liberty? Our right to consent, where we individuals could simply say “NO THANKS!” ?? They tell us it is quaint and dangerous.

    But… Authoritarian is as authoritarian does. Looters, all of them.

  97. Sung to the TV theme song “Green Acres”

    “Warm Religion” is the place for me!
    I’m a fool!… and with AlGore I agree!
    Air! Polluted with your CO2!
    Libs like me want to see the end of you!

    We kill babies before they’re given birth!
    And we’ll kill you just to save the Earth!
    Science be damned, we have captured hearts!
    We’ll put an end to your breathing and your endless cutting of f arts!!

    1. Well if we are going to entertain each other, sung to the tune of “Car 54 Where are you?”

      “There’s a cold front in the south
      The arctic’s regained all its ice
      There are lots of climate skeptics
      Who refuse to play it nice.
      Since the rise is in a pause
      How can we enact new laws!

      East Anglia CRU where are you?”

    1. Progressives plans to achieve goals are always authoritarian at heart. It’s why they hijacked the word “liberal” in the late 1800s / early 1900s — to hide behind the idea of LIBERTY that they were actually little authoritarian collectivists. They invented the idea that you had to sacrifice your liberty to save it.

      Sadly, modern GOP and Dems are always telling us the same thing: too much liberty is dangerous, we must sacrifice or all will be lost.

      But… Authoritarian is as Authoritarian Does!

      1. It’s always fun to get that blank stare from a modern “liberal” when you tell them that their “progreSSive” totalitarianism is the polar opposite of Classical Liberalism…the root ideology of the Right.

  98. Does any educated climatologist know anything about the role of cyanobacteria in the dramatic transformation of the earth’s early poisonous atmosphere into today’s life-friendly atmosphere? Cyanobacteria ALONE achieved this BEFORE plant life began on this planet. Cyanobacteria ALONE can handle all the CO2 we can throw into the atmosphere. However, this photosynthetic organism in its many forms now has competition – plant life. Together, they can easily gobble up any excessive CO2 and create even more oxygen. That extra oxygen will interact with methane more effectively, keeping it in balance. Google up this information for yourselves with a few keywords if you think I’m lying or don’t have my facts straight.

  99. These scientists need to be silenced! Where is the “Black Lives Matter” crew? Someone needs to go in there and shout them down. Facts can’t be allowed to be expressed. There can only be one solution….the science is settled. (Also, there is a WHOLE lotta money to be made by a certain few, on this “settled science”. That’s why “climate change” is being pushed so hard. Its got nothing to do with mother earth…it’s got everything to do with a select few (General Electric, et al) controlling the world’s energy production).

      1. Watch the new “South Park” season. They make me laugh my a$$ off, with the PC Principal, and his pals. They use all the latest PC slang on there…it’s hilarious.

        1. I’ve yet to see any episode this season other than catching a few minutes of the Bruce Jenner episode. I used to be religious at catching shows (my Disquss handle is a hat-tip to both Butters and Kenny’s dad’s trucker hat since the proper “Stotch” was already taken) — Favorite episode has to be the Perfect Storm of Smug, perhaps tied by the kids being forced to go to the Museum of Intolerance episode. Or maybe the Sex Ed being forced onto the Kindergartners episode, with Mr. Garrison in his Mr. Slave phase teaching them phrases like “Hot Carl”, etc.

          Always, these guys drill P.C. Progressives. I keep hearing about this season and WILL watch. Maybe over the XMAS holidays.

  100. The Warm Monger Fossil Phobes will be demanding their arrests and DOJ and IRS will be in full metal attack ,,,,,IslamoFascistTerrorists and BLM thuggery not so much

  101. Wow, now when Greenpeace execs start calling you a liar on Climate Change, I’d say you’ve not only jumped the shark, but you’ve pulled an Evel Knievel and jump a line of them.

  102. What can’t the GREEDY SOCIALIST JEW FEDERAL RESERVE BANKING CARTEL buy with the SEVEN TRILLION DOLLARS they printed for themselves under Obama…..They sure have the socialist jew media singing the manmade global warming lie on a pretty regular basis…..

  103. When Gore and his ilk fly their private air polluting jets around the world to discuss “global warming”, you know the science behind it is fraudulent. And yeah, I still get those emails from some prince in Liberia wanting to give me money too.

  104. When man-made global warming doesn’t happen and all the alleged problems don’t manifest, global warming alarmists are going to have set objective science back decades.

    That they won’t even acknowledge the flaws in their predictions is very troubling for science.

  105. Who is pushing the Man made global warming lie?
    Who is pushing the Diversity is wonderful lie?
    Who pushed the Obamacare will save everyone $2500 lie?
    THE SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA….THAT’S WHO!…And who owns the socialist jew media? Why it’s just a coincidence that the SOCIALIST JEW RUN FEDERAL RESERVE BANKERS DO!!!!!
    What can’t the GREEDY SOCIALIST JEW FEDERAL RESERVE BANKING CARTEL buy with the SEVEN TRILLION DOLLARS they printed for themselves under Obama?
    I think we can all see why democowards call me names…..

      1. What is untrue in my post, cowardly moron?

        Today, seven Jewish-Americans run the vast majority of major U.S. television networks, the printed press, the Hollywood movie industry, the book publishing industry, and the recording industry. Most of these industries are bundled into huge media conglomerates run by the following seven individuals:

        Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner
        Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company
        Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd
        Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios
        Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc
        Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric
        Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited

        These seven Jewish men collectively control ABC, NBC, CBS, the Turner Broadcasting System, CNN, MTV, Universal Studios, MCA Records, Geffen Records, DGC Records, GRP Records, Rising Tide Records, Curb/Universal Records, and Interscope Records.

  106. It’s all about the UN trying to establish a developed world tax independent of the contributions from countries such as the United States who can and have withheld payments because of the rampant corruption in the UN. Plus you have 3rd world thug government officials lining up to line their pockets with the money being scammed out of developed countries.

  107. Who is pushing the Man made global warming lie?
    Who is pushing the Diversity is wonderful lie?
    Who pushed the Obamacare will save everyone $2500 lie?
    THE SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA….THAT’S WHO!…And who owns the socialist jew media? Why it’s just a coincidence that the SOCIALIST JEW RUN FEDERAL RESERVE BANKERS DO!!!!!
    What can’t the GREEDY SOCIALIST JEW FEDERAL RESERVE BANKING CARTEL buy with the SEVEN TRILLION DOLLARS they printed for themselves under Obama?
    I think we can all see why democowards call me names…..and some stupid brainwashed republiturds too!

  108. President of the Czech Republic, Dr. Vaclav Klaus, described the Gloal
    Warming / Climate Change alarmists as ”a budding totalitarian ideology that is
    the greatest threat to freedom, democracy, and prosperity in the world today”.

    1. I feel like the words of those who have lived under oppressive totalitarian regimes should carry more weight than others in this regard. He knows what it looks like.

  109. Does anyone have a link to the original ‘97% consensus’ claim?

    What year was this survey given? What REAL data (not theory or predictions) were this 97% given?

    It seems to me this consensus was made very early and the data, projections, and theory were highly questionable.

    1. It was a study by John Cook, “Skeptical Science” creator and global warming alarmist. He “studied” the abstracts of ~4,500 climate papers and sorted them into “supports anthropogenic global warming” and “doesn’t”. Many authors of these papers made statements outraged that their research was misrepresented and blatantly stated they do not support the stance of anthropogenic global warming.

      1. There was also a group that reviewed the same group of abstracts and broke them down much further and more accurately and found something like .5% of all papers supported the theory that anthropogenic global warming is responsible for at least 50% of the temperature change. John Cook is useless.

    2. The question used in the survey was very general and designed where the only conclusion was agreeable to the motives of the poll. Polls are for the purpose of propagating a movement.

  110. I like the idea of taking all Leftist and put them in one camp (surrounded by an impenetrable wall
    and takings all conservatives and put them in another camp (surrounded by an impenetrable wall.
    Leave both groups there for 10 to 20 years and see which one develops and thrives and which one dies on the vine so to speak.
    Do you have any insights as to what might happen?

    1. The same thing that always happens. The bankers will win. The leftists will spend the future labor of their children on welfare and the conservatives will spend the future labor of their children on security.

    1. Liberals suffer from severe Narcissism. They have deep superiority complexes and they only accept their own echo-chambers of information. Hence, their disdain and smugness for anyone who would dare think there are different solutions to the the world’s problems that don’t involve looting liberty and wealth from citizens.

      Clinically, there willingness to fine, incarcerate or use extreme violence to achieve their claim to One and ONLY ONE policy re healthcare, charity, environment, etc. = sociopaths.

  111. These guys are lucky, they got their degrees before liberal alarmism set in at colleges throughout the country. So many times during my four years I found myself being chided by “professors” for asking critical questions of guest lecturers and focusing my work on human-centric conservation and sustainability instead of this disturbingly unscientific culture of total preservation that prevails. Hopefully it only gets easier for me to fund my future research as more legitimate, established scientists stand up to this menace.

    1. Since you seem focused on academics, I suggest you refrain from using the liberal lexicon when you write or speak. The future tense of the word “get” is “will get”, not “gets”. So your statement “Hopefully it only gets easier” would correctly be written “Hopefully, it WILL GET easier”…..

      Thought you’d want to know.

  112. Go Ice Age Now this was posted and shows where the 98% claim came from, as usual the left is lying again and their minions of fools who regurgitate and rarely if ever use their own brain is duped again. Their entire belief system is based on being duped and the liberal leftist will never admit that. Here is the article:
    What “consensus”?

    1. Government grants to promote more government control over climate, energy, the economy are in the $ billions when added up

      We should be clear to point this out, absolutely. But we should also be clear that, re Crony capitalism, Big Energy gets $ billions of cronyism from the taxpayer in the form of military buy-offs abroad. The CIA staged a coup in Iran in the 1950s to protect Big Oil in the U.S. and Britain. The alliance with the Saudis — the most radical islam in the region, and promoters of much of the Muslim brotherhood, etc, a country where women are property and Christians may be executed for speaking the Word or smuggling in the New Testament… and Churches are prohibited — is handed $ billions of aid. Etc.

      Cronyism must be separated from science.

  113. These guys have it right. Good for them to speak out against the “climate change” myth. “Climate change” never had one iota to do with “climate”. It’s a hoax in every respect, and it’s a leftist political agenda. It’s also the biggest global wealth redistributiion scheme ever conceived – totally political, and totally bogus.

    1. Stupid . . . CO2 is the most important greenhouse gas. Without it, the planet would be 50F cooler, while high concentrations are associated, in the geological record, with climatic conditions that would be disastrous to human civilization.

      Everyone knows these things, except here at Climate Depot, a hub of ignorance and stupidity.


    What are you braindead gullible sheep trying to say by insulting me for educating YOU?

    Today, seven Jewish-Americans run the vast majority of major U.S. television networks, the printed press, the Hollywood movie industry, the book publishing industry, and the recording industry. Most of these industries are bundled into huge media conglomerates run by the following seven individuals:

    Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner
    Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company
    Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd
    Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios
    Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc
    Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric
    Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited

    These seven Jewish men collectively control ABC, NBC, CBS, the Turner Broadcasting System, CNN, MTV, Universal Studios, MCA Records, Geffen Records, DGC Records, GRP Records, Rising Tide Records, Curb/Universal Records, and Interscope Records.

    1. And they pay off the corrupt politicians to make it impossible to compete. Thank You Obama for the TPP. Wonder who runs the big insurers that bought Obamacare.

  115. Climate “scientists” fudging data and research is becoming as common as King O’s E-orders. Both being the way you handle things when you’re clearly wrong.

  116. While the libtards push their agenda using “environmentally-friendly” arguments, the global ecologic disaster that is Fukushima continues to incrementally irradiate the world. Ironic.

      1. Are you really that dense? The naturally occurring radioactive material must be enriched to produce reactor-grade fissile material. This process makes the end product millions of times more lethal.



    Today, seven Jewish-Americans run the vast majority of major U.S. television networks, the printed press, the Hollywood movie industry, the book publishing industry, and the recording industry. Most of these industries are bundled into huge media conglomerates run by the following seven individuals:

    Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner
    Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company
    Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd
    Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios
    Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc
    Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric
    Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited

    These seven Jewish men collectively control ABC, NBC, CBS, the Turner Broadcasting System, CNN, MTV, Universal Studios, MCA Records, Geffen Records, DGC Records, GRP Records, Rising Tide Records, Curb/Universal Records, and Interscope Records.

  118. The left will get on board with ANYTHING that helps their cause of worldwide communism. Global warming is a hoax to get control over all countries. Obama is a useful idiot in this regard.


    Today, seven Jewish-Americans run the vast majority of major U.S. television networks, the printed press, the Hollywood movie industry, the book publishing industry, and the recording industry. Most of these industries are bundled into huge media conglomerates run by the following seven individuals:

    Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner
    Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company
    Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd
    Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios
    Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc
    Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric
    Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited

    These seven Jewish men collectively control ABC, NBC, CBS, the Turner Broadcasting System, CNN, MTV, Universal Studios, MCA Records, Geffen Records, DGC Records, GRP Records, Rising Tide Records, Curb/Universal Records, and Interscope Records.

  120. Who is pushing the Man made global warming lie?
    Who is pushing the Diversity is wonderful lie?
    Who pushed the Obamacare will save everyone $2500 lie?
    THE SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA….THAT’S WHO!…And who owns the socialist jew media? Why it’s just a coincidence that the SOCIALIST JEW RUN FEDERAL RESERVE BANKERS DO!!!!!
    What can’t the GREEDY SOCIALIST JEW FEDERAL RESERVE BANKING CARTEL buy with the SEVEN TRILLION DOLLARS they printed for themselves under Obama? What??? The socialist jew medi never explained that QUANTITATIVE EASING = SOCIALIST JEW BANKER MONEY PRINTING? really….color me shocked!
    I think we can all see why democowards and ignorant gullible republiterds call me names…..

  121. Thank you for saying so.
    It was not needed. We know lies by politicians and scientists when we hear them.
    Regards for your candor.
    I am thoroughly aware there is no such thing as an environmental expert.
    I have performed many investigations. Any who say they are experts are liars.
    Anyone who calls somebody an expert is speaking in ignorance.

  122. Were there any UT astrophysics speakers at this conference? When I was at UT in the 80’s these guys had a lot of fun with the AGW loons. Lot’s of fun and daily bulletin board updates of the absorb claims they were making in their unholy crusade against civilization.

  123. There is one thing meteorologist and archaeologist agree on and that is that the ice will return. The moderate temperatures that we have experienced over the last few decades IS the abnormal.

  124. it’s good to see these guys finally coming out to speak about the manmade global warming ruse. did you know most of the “scientists” the US government and the UN use to push their global warming agenda have nothing more than bachelor’s degrees? it’s true.

    but they’ll more than likely dismiss these men holding Doctoral degrees as kooks. because you know…liberals hate facts and only use emotion to make conclusions.

  125. HURRAY !!!! It’s All A Lie About Climate Change, just a Huge amount of Money going into WHO’S Wallet?
    Al Gore for one, these lying people that Avoid GOD. The Lord Jesus is still in Control !!!

  126. A little dishonestly for the greater good of mama earth, The thing is they often say they are willing to stretch the truth for the greater good. Why would I not believe them when they say right and wrong is subjective and their cause is worthy of a lie? Yes I do believe them, they are willing to lie and probably are lying.

  127. CO2 is currently at ~400ppm. At times in our
    planet’s history it has been as high as 8000ppm. A botanist told me that plant
    life will start dying out if it drops below 150ppm. We are only 250ppm above
    the life extinction level.

  128. Global Warming===>Climate Change===>Climate Disruption issue has been corrupted by Collectivist goals.

    Ideally Scientist would dispassionately compile & distill the data, so as to advise our Society & Government, which in-turn charts how Humanity integrates that knowledge into the fabric of our lives.

    Stepping away from the Climate issue itself & just looking at the political actions / behavior of those that have been shown to massage & distort the data, how is it possible for the public to trust our EPA over what now is obviously an entire issue ENCAPSULATED by bureaucratic & Socio-Political agendas?

    There is no-way to look at the Climate issue today without acknowledging that powerful Statist elements have sized upon this issue; establishing a meme that seeks to sequester more than just our Carbon.

    This recklessness in conflating CO2 pseudo-pollution, with actual pollution. Is actively enforced by the Agenda-Driven MEDIA echo-chamber, in order to establish their smug consensus–A consensus derived from a rote parroting ‘uber allies’ to the almighty construct known as the “Carbon Footprint”.

    Politically Correct Science creates pseudo-science, and that makes for bad public policy. It risks impoverishing our society for inconsequential returns. This in turn makes it less likely that we as a society will fund needed environmental cleanups!

    REMEMBER impoverished societies DO NOT spend to protect Mother Nature!

  129. I’ve said for many years that anyone who insists that they can measure global temperatures to the hundredth of a degree centigrade and global sea levels to the millimeter is a fraud. It’s a level of precision that is impossible to achieve. Saying you can reach into the past even to times before there were measuring instruments and determine these measurements to this precision is just the stuff of lunatics. This is equivalent to someone saying they can determine the exact amount of money in circulation in the world on any given day, past, present or future to the cent.

  130. Another stake through the heart of the Man Made Global Warming lie. The Lunatic Fringe Global Warming Nuts are getting mentally unbalanced. It is becoming a psychosis. The best climate scientists on the planet call Man Made Global Warming a preposterous joke. The science is settled by the climate scientists. It is a lie.

          1. I dig Arkansas. Literally! Every few years or so the Wife and I slide up there to dig up some quartz crystals at Coleman’s Mines. Got a couple the size of footballs in recent years. Great state!

            1. We retired here 4 years ago. We are on a crystal clear lake in the Boston Mountains of the NE area of the state with no pollution, little crime & sane people. We are rather conservative & there is lots of concealed carry fans here. That’s a good reason why such low crime rate. Plus our cost of living is around 85% of the national average. A nice 3 BR 2 bath lake front house can be had for under 200K. We feel blessed.

  131. Global Warming is a distraction. The reality is the fisheries continue to collapse, species continue to perish, soils continue to erode, aquifers deplete, forests burn, industrial pollutants poison groundwater, radioactive water continues to spill into the Pacific. The way we have been taught to live our modern lives is destroying the natural resources that provide us a good life on Spaceship Earth. Are our lives and the lives of our babies truly better off with this, “progress?” If not, just know that we can redesign our way of life. Look into: permaculture

      1. Come on Squidly. You know primary wealth resources are the reason we live out such great modern lives. We need to protect those primary resources for us to give the generations that follow us the same opportunity. This is basic. If we don’t design our lives to protect these resources, they’re gone. And the lives of the people we leave behind will be that much more difficult.

        1. 90% of what you say is BS … so, you’re going to stop erosion? .. a process that has been going on for 4.5 billion years? … stop forest fires? … you are aware that forest rely on fires for survival, right? … aquifers deplete?… is it going to stop raining or something? … and exactly which species are “perishing” … and, if they are, that hasn’t ever happened on this planet? … come on .. I am with you about “pollution” … REAL “pollution” .. but the rest of what you say is claptrap bullsh*t …

          1. Industrial Agriculture causes soil erosion. Humans are burning down rainforest to plant oil palm and soy. Aquifers can not refill because the ground is sinking up to 2 inches per month in some places in California. Open those eyes man.

  132. Logic trap. If ‘they’ even thought CO2 was dangerous, they wouldn’t tax it. They’d regulate however they saw fit.
    How many private jets will show up for the big shindig? Last round, 1700. The Swiss had to lend them an airbase.

  133. In a paper published
    in the Journal of Glaciology on Friday, researchers from NASA’s Goddard Space
    Flight Center, the University of Maryland in College Park, and the engineering
    firm Sigma Space Corporation offer a new analysis of satellite data that show a
    net gain of 112 billion tons of ice a year from 1992 to 2001 in the Antarctic
    ice sheet.

  134. Outstanding article. Bet you never see this in (fill in your local news paper) Tacoma News Tribune – because Tacoma News Tribune will only print articles that agree with their world view, that is – bigger government is always better government and government can make better choices with your money than you can.

  135. CO2 is the most important greenhouse gas. This has been known since John Tyndall’s research in the mid-19th century.

    Without trace amounts of CO2, the planet would be 50F cooler, while high concentrations are associated, in the geological record, with climatic conditions that would be disastrous to
    human civilization.

    Everyone knows these things, except here at Climate Depot, a hub of ignorance and stupidity.

      1. Whatever you say, chief. You guys won’t even admit that the global temperature record now is accurate, yet you insist that we know exactly what the climate was like long before a global instrumental record was possible, before ANY kind of record keeping.

        1. Those pushing the shaft of the hockey stick insisted they knew.
          Tree ring proxies are unreliable at higher temps. They KNOW that.
          Also, they insisted the MWP and LIA were local to the North Atlantic. That was the only way their ‘theory’ was tenable.
          Why isn’t that an issue any more?

            1. I never deny climate always changed.
              Alarmists do. I repeat, historical temps were very important in TAR.
              You dismiss comparison to history. Skeptics do not. We dispute the hockey stick shaft.

  136. The global warming hoax is all a leftist ploy for world government. There I said it; it is all this simple and it needs to be stopped at all costs…truth hurts..

  137. NOAA: October 2015 Warmest on the Instrumental Record

    The combined average temperature over global land and ocean surfaces for
    October 2015 was the highest for October in the 136-year period of
    record, at 0.98°C (1.76°F) above the 20th century average of 14.0°C
    (57.1°F). This marked the sixth consecutive month a monthly global
    temperature record has been broken and was also the greatest departure
    from average for any month in the 1630 months of record keeping,
    surpassing the previous record high departure set just last month by
    0.13°F (0.07°C).

  138. The United Nations is the biggest threat to freedom in every nation. They are the lying filth who wants to rule every nation and enslave every citizen. Nations need to withdraw membership from the U.N. immediately.

  139. The whole “global warming” and/or “climate change” discussion has been and continues to be the “power/control” mechanism of the leftist, collectivist control freaks! If they can get the rest of us to accept and go along with them, imagine how they could marginalize the quality of our lives!

  140. If you could talk to an oak tree it would likely tell you that the earth suffers from too
    much oxygen and craves more carbon dioxide. Man-made global warming is a
    politically motivated lie used to justify new taxes, more government control, and extreme regulation over humanity. Just like the fear of barbarian invasion was used as a means of making serfs out of free citizens after the collapse of Rome. In the present day, the environmental establishment wants to make energy serfs out of common citizens by scaring us into believing the world is cycling into a dangerous warming trend caused by man. To paraphrase Benjamin Franklin, “A man who would trade his energy freedom for a false security based on a lie, deserves neither”. From the book, “Energy Serfdom to Energy Freedom”.

  141. John Kerry: “Well, 97 percent of climate scientists have confirmed that climate change is happening and that human activity is responsible.”

    Well, I’ll bet 97% of professional golfers agree that golf is the greatest game ever. And 97% of African-Americans believe that Barack Obama is the greatest president ever. The interesting thing is that all three of these statements can be empirically proven by using polling – but not science. But since it is scientists that are drawing their conclusion, I challenge them to prove it using the SCIENTIFIC METHOD!

    You know, the scientific method you learned in grade school:

    Pose a question (Why is global warming occurring?);

    Construct hypothesis (Human use of fossil fuels creates CO2 which causes global warming);

    Perform observation (100 years of temperature data);

    Analyze your hypothesis based on your observation (Humans use carbon-based fuels and temperature is increasing);

    Draw your conclusion (Fossil fuels are the cause of global warming!)

    The conclusion is INVALID because the observation is inadequate: Earth is 4.5 BILLION YEARS OLD. Drawing a conclusion using just 100 years of data is the equivalent of drawing a conclusion of a full year of anything based on an observation of 7/10ths OF ONE SECOND.

  142. Upton Sinclair said, ”
    “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” Thus we have the entire rationale for the lock step propagandist, from the leftwing politicians, to the media, to the scientist whose very livelihood depends on government and university grants.

  143. I think everyone agrees that CO2 is being dumped into atmosphere. And most people even agree that it is caused by human beings.

    Where they lose most of us is in trying to manipulate our behavior in an attempt to counteract the effects of the natural process of climate change. All the doom and gloom predictions based on what I would classify as “lies”, just to scare us into action does not help their case.

    I would say the science about what man can do to counteract climate change is to say the least unsettled.

    So we are not deniers, we are not skeptics.

    We are people that require factual evidence that shows us what we can do about it.

  144. CO2 is the most important greenhouse gas. This has been known since John Tyndall’s research in the mid-19th century. Without trace amounts of CO2, the planet would be 50F cooler, while high concentrations are associated, in the geological record, with climatic conditions that would be disastrous to contemporary human civilization.

    Everyone knows these things, except here at Climate Depot, this vile hub of ignorance and stupidity.

    Global warming denial will one day be prosecuted as a crime, like Holocaust denial is now. We can only hope that the human death toll from global warming denial won’t be as high. But, given the virulence of ClimateDepot, CO2 science and criminals like Lindzen, Happer and Moore, we will be lucky if AGW doesn’t wipe out far greater numbers than Hitler.

      1. Mann, Bradley, Hughes (1998) has been substantiated about half-a-dozen times.

        But global warming theory dates to the 1850’s and was first demonstrated in 1896, anyhow. Mann didn’t “start” anything.

        The modern period in AGW science dates from 1988 and James Hansen’s Congressional testimony. Or maybe from the Keeling curve in the mid 1950’s.

        1. 6 times?
          Look for proxy studies around the world that show Medieval Warming Period and Little Ice Age. I estimate there are 80 to 100.

          Check Lansner on unreliability of tree ring proxies.

  145. Who is pushing the Man made global warming lie?
    Who is pushing the Diversity is wonderful lie?
    Who pushed the Obamacare will save everyone $2500 lie?
    THE SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA….THAT’S WHO!…And who owns the socialist jew media? Why it’s just a coincidence that the SOCIALIST JEW RUN FEDERAL RESERVE BANKERS DO!!!!!
    What can’t the GREEDY SOCIALIST JEW FEDERAL RESERVE BANKING CARTEL buy with the SEVEN TRILLION DOLLARS they printed for themselves under Obama? What??? The socialist jew media never explained that QUANTITATIVE EASING = SOCIALIST JEW BANKER MONEY PRINTING? really….color me shocked!

  146. Patrick Moore is not a “scientist”. And neither Happer nor Lindzen has published any research to substantiate their claims. There is almost NO research that supports AGW denial.

    The stuff they say in the quotes you linked is sort of silly, anyway: anything can be a “pollutant” in high enough concentrations, and relatively little warming will upset the climate equilibrium upon which civilization depends.

      1. Believe me, Sammy, today’s human civilization can exist only in a very narrow range of climatic conditions. “Equilibrium” is a relative term. If the monsoons cease or the Gulf Stream shuts down or sea levels increase a meter or so, serious human consequences will result.

          1. Fact has nothing to do with “belief”. You just revealed that fact has nothing to do with what you “believe” about AGW. Good luck with that. I get my facts from NOAA and NASA and the National Academy of Sciences. “Facts” don’t require “belief”.

    1. Will Watson is wrong….again, about the geological record… CO2 was double what it is today and the climate was just fine.

      “Geological and geochemical evidence indicates that the Antarctic ice sheet formed during the Eocene–Oligocene transition 33.5–34.0 million years ago. During maximum ice-sheet growth, pCO2 was between 450 and 1,500 p.p.m.v., with a central estimate of 760 p.p.m.v.”

      Paul N. Pearson, Gavin L. Foster, Bridget S. Wade, Nature 461, 1110-1113 (22 October 2009)

        1. Yeah, sure, but there weren’t 7 billion people polluting and consuming like mad, either. And when CO2 was between 450-1500ppm, sea levels were like 200 feet higher, because there was little polar ice. Care to speculate what 200 feet of sea level increase would mean for . . . New York, London, Miami, LA?

              1. “The Ordovician “snowball Earth” anomaly has since been rectified.”

                The late-Ordovician or “Hirnantian” glaciation is actually a different event than the snowball Earth phases.

                There were at least 2 major snowball Earth episodes which were both pre-Phanerozoic. They occurred prior to 540 million years ago. The end-Ordovician glaciation occured around 445 million years ago, precisely coinciding with the evolution of the land rhizome, and that’s not a coincidence. Roots pushed a massive pulse of calcium into the sea, which bonded with the CO₂ in the sky and caused it to drop to extremely low levels. These low levels of CO₂ were what caused the glaciation. It was also a major extinction event…

                “How come a big ice age happened when carbon dioxide levels were high? It’s a question climate sceptics often ask. But sometimes the right answer is the simplest: it turns out CO₂ levels were not that high after all. The Ordovician ice age happened 444 million years ago, and records have suggested that CO₂ levels were relatively high then. But when Seth Young of Indiana University in Bloomington did a detailed analysis of carbon-13 levels in rocks formed at the time, the picture that emerged was very different. Young found CO₂ concentrations were in fact relatively low when the ice age began.”


  147. What Bernie Sanders meant to say: “The greatest threat to mankind is the community of pseudo-scientists (who res to the those of us on the political Left) aka warmists, who spout nonsense for grant money about the fantasy formerly known as global cooling and/or global warming, currently being called ‘climate change.'”

  148. How would people feel if it was Muslims who owned the major media?

    Today, seven Jewish-Americans run the vast majority of major U.S. television networks, the printed press, the Hollywood movie industry, the book publishing industry, and the recording industry. Most of these industries are bundled into huge media conglomerates run by the following seven individuals:

    Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner
    Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company
    Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd
    Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios
    Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc
    Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric
    Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited

    These seven Jewish men collectively control ABC, NBC, CBS, the Turner Broadcasting System, CNN, MTV, Universal Studios, MCA Records, Geffen Records, DGC Records, GRP Records, Rising Tide Records, Curb/Universal Records, and Interscope Records.

    Most of the larger independent newspapers are owned by Jewish interests as well. An example is media mogul is Samuel I. “Si” Newhouse, who owns two dozen daily newspapers from Staten Island to Oregon, plus the Sunday supplement Parade; the Conde Nast collection of magazines, including Vogue, The New Yorker, Vanity Fair, Allure, GQ, and Self; the publishing firms of Random House, Knopf, Crown, and Ballantine, among other imprints; and cable franchises with over one million subscribers.

    I could add that Michael Eisner could depart Disney tomorrow but the company will remain in the hands of Shamrock Holdings, whose principal office is now located in ‘Israel’.”

    How would people feel if it was Muslims who owned the major media?

  149. Paleoclimate is the lie.
    Paleo means previous eras. They began by giving us 800 years of historical temp lies. They were shamed into going farther back.
    If we remove faulty tree ring proxies that truncate in warmer periods, other proxies show current climate is absolutely normal. We’re below several historical highs in this 12,000 year era, the Holocene.


    Today, seven Jewish-Americans run the vast majority of major U.S. television networks, the printed press, the Hollywood movie industry, the book publishing industry, and the recording industry. Most of these industries are bundled into huge media conglomerates run by the following seven individuals:

    Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner
    Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company
    Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd
    Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios
    Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc
    Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric
    Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited

    These seven Jewish men collectively control ABC, NBC, CBS, the Turner Broadcasting System, CNN, MTV, Universal Studios, MCA Records, Geffen Records, DGC Records, GRP Records, Rising Tide Records, Curb/Universal Records, and Interscope Records.

    1. This is Antisemitism. I’m forwarding this to the ADL. Is Antisemitism common among climate change denialists? You’re know by the company you keep, kids.

  151. And the ultra stupid little libtards follow their “president” (The America HATING puke loser O-Puke-O) in their hopeless quest to find “global warming” true. The same crowd that said we would be out of food by the year 2000 due to (ha ha) “global cooling!”

  152. WHY is it OK for the SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA to say “Right wing Christian conservative”, yet THEY SAY it is “anti-Semitic” to say SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA?
    DUMBOCUNTS AND REPUBLITERDS just can’t answer that question……

  153. Who is pushing the Man made global warming lie?
    Who is pushing the Diversity is wonderful lie?
    Who pushed the Obamacare will save everyone $2500 lie?
    THE SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA….THAT’S WHO!…And who owns the socialist jew media? Why it’s just a coincidence that the SOCIALIST JEW RUN FEDERAL RESERVE BANKERS DO!!!!!
    What can’t the GREEDY SOCIALIST JEW FEDERAL RESERVE BANKING CARTEL buy with the SEVEN TRILLION DOLLARS they printed for themselves under Obama? What??? The socialist jew media never explained that QUANTITATIVE EASING = SOCIALIST JEW BANKER MONEY PRINTING? really….color me shocked!

  154. I went surf fishing Monday and witnessed sea level rise for myself…..The water surface elevation rose from 6:00 a.m to about 12:00 p.m……..It was like magic…….Then a little after 12:00, the tide started to go back out……Face it democrats are liars, cowards and morons…..

  155. Facts, data should not be about politics, this goes far deeper than most want to admit. There is obviously an agenda and they will stop at nothing till they have it implemented.

  156. if you listen to non scientists from the left, this is NOT supposed to be discussed.
    there are also nobel laureates in physics who have also said there was essentially no basis for the warming claims.

    why listen to physicists? we’re supposed to listen to social scientists and lightweights to form major decisions that affect all of our lives.
    the effect of global warming on you: nothing. the effect of government policy for climate change on you: it could impoverish you.

  157. We are sorry to report that this scientist may have a heart attack, bad traffic accident or possibly commit suicide in the next two weeks and that this is a natural event that should be allowed to proceed naturally….as all sciences intend.

  158. These scientists will soon be out of a job. Truth does not fit in the Marxist “One World government” philosophy. I appreciate
    these scientists honesty.

  159. More CO2 is a greener Earth , more food, more trees , more life. El Nino has nothing to do with CO2 levels. The Pacific Rim is Volcanic undersea Earth Mantle activity, causing Climate Change, The Global Warming Scare is Socialist Propaganda, a scheme for a tax on the rich to pay the poor, however when the Americans pay , the money goes to tin horned dictators who will do nothing for their poor.

  160. I have fished at the same bridge in Lewes Delaware for 43 years. There is a USGS geodetic benchmark showing the XY and Z Coordinates located where the Toe-of-Fill meets the existing ground along the embankment…..
    It’s still sitting about 6 feet above the mean high tide line, just like it was 43 years ago…..
    Since both ice caps melted in 2013, and New York City is completely underwater now like the Global Experts All Said, when should I expect the sea level to start rising here?

  161. Only lying leftist scientists have the brass balls to propagandize that CO2 is a pollutant, and apparently only weak-minded sycophants have devolved the lack of cognitive abilities required to grasp that a process natural to plant respiration is absolutely necessary to all life on earth.

    This quote says it all.
    “Co2 has provided the basis of life for at least 3.5 billion years,” Moore said.

  162. Anthropogenic Climate Change is fraud and those altering the data and those who knew about that should be prosecuted for fraud.

    This is simply a marxist ideological power grab by degrowthers, wackos and statists, trying to use science as cover…

  163. Global Warming is a scam. Resource depletion is not. We need to use the fossil energy we have left to develop self sustaining systems to provide energy, food, and right livelihoods for the people here today and the people who will be for the next 20000+ years. We can design this. We can design abundance, happiness and fulfillment into our lives. I can guarantee you the UN and the global political idiots will not do it. It is in YOUR hands. Youtube: permaculture

          1. Sure Squid. Halliburtan is drilling 5000 Ft. underwater because oil is so easy to come by. Canada is extracting it’s tar sands because conventional oil is too easy to get out of the ground. They need the challenge. It fulfills them. Oklahomans just love the earthquakes and methane in their drinking water from fracking. Open your eyes. Easy oil is gone. Say hello to fracking, tar sands, ultra deepwater and artic oil. Difficult to extract oil is by it’s nature expensive oil. Hence the latest layoffs in the American fracking patch. They shut down the fracking wells because they can’t make money at $40 oil. And their Wall Street hedges just ran out.

    1. We have liquid and gas fossil fuel at about $60 a barrel equivalent available for at least another century. When it gets more expensive than alternatives it will be replaced as were past dominant energy sources: animal power, water wheels, wood, and coal. Economics and a free market will end the liquid and gas fossil fuel age. What is next? Perhaps cheap and safe nuclear or solar electricity from roofs and orbit are next. Governments should support long term research and set safety standards but otherwise get out of the way.

      1. There is so much oil and gas now that we have run out of room to store it. There is a HUGE glut in hydrocarbon fuels right now, with no end in sight. We haven’t even begun to exhaust those particular natural resources. And I like this meme of “we’re running out of water” … Really? .. on a planet that is covered 72% by water with an average depth of 4km .. we are running out? … what does water turn into? … is it going to stop raining? .. going to stop snowing? .. is evaporation going to suddenly cease?

  164. What name did the SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA invent to call themselves when they lie about “Right wing Christian conservatives”???
    DUMBOCUNTS AND REPUBLITERDS just can’t answer that question……the brainwashing is complete

    THEY SAY it is “anti-Semitic” to tell the truth about the SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA, don’t they?

  165. Three questions need good answers before we spend a lot or resources on climate control:
    1) What is the optimum Earth average temperature?
    2) What is the optimum CO2 concentration?
    3) What can people do to achieve these optimums?
    The politicians’ unstated assumptions that present values are optimum and that CO2 emission reduction is the whole answer do not qualify as good answers.

  166. We just had bumper crops this year–AGAIN–mainly from the SLIGHT
    increase in Co2, which DID NOT raise planetary temperature by a
    significant amount–AGAIN.

    The warmie criminals are now saying that 350 ppm CO2 is the maximum safe
    level for our planet—so WHY do commercial greenhouses routinely pump in
    CO2 to 1200 ppm to promote full plant growth?

    WHY does OSHA set the CO2 safe limit in the work place at 5,000 ppm?

    WHY are American nuclear submarines allowed to go as high as 8,000 ppm
    CO2 as needed, where the crew experiences some irritation but no
    long-term ill effects?? Huh. 350 ppm. Right. Bernie is a fraud!!!

  167. Wait, if the Earth gets warmer, won’t we be able to grow crops further north? Won’t warmer weather plants and animals spread North? Won’t they adapt? Isn’t that evolution, a concept that the libs are so fond of?

    1. Light levels will not change. Alaska, even if tropical in climate will still have winters with 24 hours of darkness. I think I’d prefer to keep what we know works and develop systems that maximize production with the climate as it is today.

  168. CO2 is the most important greenhouse gas. This has been known since the mid-19th century. Without trace amounts of CO2, the planet would be 50F cooler, while high concentrations are
    associated, in the geological record, with climatic conditions that would be disastrous to contemporary human civilization.

    Everyone knows these things, except here at Climate Depot, this vile hub of ignorance and stupidity.

    Global warming denial will one day be prosecuted as a crime, like Holocaust denial is now. We can only hope that the human death toll from global warming denial won’t be as high. But, given the virulence of ClimateDepot, Heartland and criminals like Lindzen, Happer and Moore, we will be lucky if AGW doesn’t wipe out far greater numbers than Hitler.

    1. And when are your predictions coming true? We’ve already passed the ‘point of no return’ on many occasions. How many times do people like you have to be proven a liar before you finally just shut up?

      I’ve really had my fill of blithering idiots trying to scare humanity into acquiescing to the ‘powers that be’.

        1. No, like Barack Obama. Only a fool fails to realize that the global warming scare is nothing but a tool to cower all humans into giving up their freedoms to socialist and Marxist rulers.

    2. Will Watson, a well-known climatologist with many widely-cited publications? His source of expertise is, however, unknown. He is dead wrong on the geological record. CO2 was twice what is is today and the climate was fine.

      “Geological and geochemical evidence indicates that the Antarctic ice sheet formed during the Eocene–Oligocene transition 33.5–34.0 million years ago. During maximum ice-sheet growth, pCO2 was between 450 and 1,500 p.p.m.v., with a central estimate of 760 p.p.m.v.”

      Paul N. Pearson, Gavin L. Foster, Bridget S. Wade, Nature 461, 1110-1113 (22 October 2009)

  169. It is a good time to buy oil at twenty and pump it into the old oil fields in Texas to store it, The old fields are huge storage capacity , time to buy at twenty . Pipeline to Texas, pump it into the ground , natural depositories for oil.

    1. Patrick Moore is not a “scientist”. And neither Happer nor Lindzen has published any
      research to substantiate their claims. There is almost NO research that
      supports AGW denial.

      The stuff they say in the quotes you linked is sort of silly, anyway: anything can be a “pollutant” in high enough concentrations, and relatively little warming will upset the relative climate equilibrium upon which civilization depends.

  170. Coal is the lowest-cost and most reliable primary energy source for electric power generation. A modern coal plant emits few air emissions except water vapor and carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide emissions are beneficial, and climate change is a false premise for regulating them. See Patrick Moore’s recently released

    There is no definitive evidence that CO2 from fossil fuels affects climate. Human activities cause only about 3% of all carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to the atmosphere. The rest are the result of decomposing plant material.

    CO2 is in equilibrium. While a weak greenhouse gas in theory, its actual climate effects are nullified by stronger forces, particularly the formation of mineral carbonates from atmospheric carbon dioxide. Warmer weather from other causes increases natural CO2 emissions from rotting vegetation, and results in a higher equilibrium level of ambient CO2, as measured by Keeling.

    Mineral carbonates are the ultimate repository of atmospheric CO2. Anyone who passed 10th grade chemistry can know this using public information. Limestone and marble are the most familiar forms of mineral carbonate. CO2 is an essential component of mineral carbonate (CaCO3, for calcium). For more detail see the
    paper by Danish researcher Tom Segalstad.

    Carbonates form in seawater and soils through biological and chemical processes. The formula is CO2 + CaO => CaCO3. Anyone can make magnesium carbonate (and sequester CO2) in a kitchen by mixing carbonated water with milk of magnesia.

  171. Most climate research is aimed at proving the earth is warming and that man caused it? Why and where is the research proving otherwise. Well…………here is the answer.

    Researchers respond to RFP (research funding proposals) from politicized federal agencies BECAUSE that is where the money is. There are no RFPs from anti warming agencies.

    AND, academic researcher’s promotion, tenure, and merit salary decisions are based on publication record (in “refereed journals”). These journals send papers out for peer review and the process is incestuous. If you pan a colleague’s research methods or conclusions you risk getting your own paper torpedoed.

    AND, researchers have to pay “page” charges to get published resulting in lucrative business for scientific “journals”.

    AND, research to prove that global warming does not exist is next to impossible to do. You can not prove a negative. A positive can be proven with one instance of increased temperature. A negative conclusion would have to be based on every date point in history and would still be subject to criticism for not seeing into the future.

    AND, look at the politics involved. Every “victim” of global warming has their hand out hoping for cash for remediation. No warming denier is expecting to get anything but must pay for it all.
    Billions of dollars are being spent on fraud and waste. And many industries are thriving on the hoax.

  172. Barrack Obama: “Climate Change is the greatest threat faced by Mankind.”

    What a Clueless, Delusional, Marxist Imbecile!!!

    Reality: Barrack Obama is the greatest threat faced by Mankind because he is ignoring Islamo-Nazi Terrorism which is the ACTUAL greatest threat to the survival of Mankind.

  173. Oldest evidence of agriculture: 12,000 ya, Levant, Natufians.
    Oldest evidence of religion : Natufian priestess burial.

    She made her living with promises of good weather in exchange for shiny objects.

  174. CO2 is the most important greenhouse gas. This has been known since John Tyndall’s research in the mid-19th century. Without trace amounts of CO2, the planet would be 50F cooler, while high concentrations are associated, in the geological record, with climatic conditions that would be disastrous to contemporary human civilization.

    Everyone knows these things, except here at Climate Depot, this vile hub of ignorance and stupidity. Global warming denial will one day be prosecuted as a crime, like Holocaust denial is now.

    We can only hope that the human death toll from global warming denial won’t be as high. But, given the virulence of ClimateDepot, Heartland and criminals like Lindzen, Happer and Moore, we will be lucky if AGW doesn’t wipe out far greater numbers than Hitler. It is reasonable to say that it already kills about 400K people a year now.

    1. CO2 is currently at ~400ppm. At times in our planet’s history it has been as high as 8000ppm. A botanist told me that plant life will start dying out if it drops below 150ppm. We are only 250ppm above the life extinction level.

      1. At no time in our planet’s existence have their been 7 billion people depending on the planet’s fragile ecosystems, consuming and polluting like mad. That many people the planet cannot support if the climate and sea levels changes very much, very fast. And it is.

        1. The sea levels, temperatures, climate has always and will always change. Adapt or die. Our planet’s ecosystems are not that fragile. Life has survived asteroid impacts, ice ages, and major geologic upheavals. Quit crying.

  175. At last some brave scientists who care more about reality in science than more grants for more lies. Obama needs to go to jail for defrauding the American people and destroying it’s borders.

  176. The Governments of the world want to use this made up crisis to control their populations through more regulations and higher taxes.
    If the left had it’s way in America you could be jailed for BBQing or burning the leaves in your yard.

  177. Global warming is easy to understand. Just follow the money see who’s making it —- where it’s being transferred to and who is being transferred from and the magnitude that is involved if you look at those issues it is easy to understand why there is some major support for global warming and has nothing to do with global warming it has everything to do with money.

  178. But Obama, Kerry, Sanders and Head Shaman of the Climate Change Religion ( Al Gore) say man made climate change is the Most Important Crisis facing mankind – above all the Terrorism we see in front of our eyes. And Obama and company are known to be very Honest and Truthful in all they say and do !

    Holy crap – Obama and company should be locked up for trying to perpretrate this Global Fraud – and that is what it is – a Massive Global Fraud. I can’t believe so many are so willfully blind to the truth.

  179. The Green Eco freaks at the EPA did a hell of a job polluting my state a few months ago (San Juan Durango river spill), the Navajo are still P.O. about it because EPA claimed water was safe and everything was just great, of course they were lying through their teeth. Now the EPA wants to single out Colorado because they say we’re polluting the air too much, (another lie), this is the kind of hypocrisy we are talking about with green fascists…

  180. “Why I Changed My Mind on Climate Change”

    Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Stefan Molyneux explains why his thoughts on climate change evolved over his lifetime and the importance of being skeptical of government funded scientific research.


  181. Patrick Moore is not a “prominent scientist”. And neither Happer nor Lindzen has published any
    research to substantiate their claims. There is almost NO research that supports AGW denial.

    The stuff they say in the quotes you is sort of silly, anyway: anything can be a “pollutant” in high enough concentrations,and relatively little warming will upset the climate equilibrium upon which contemporary civilization depends.

        1. The entire world scientific establishment does not support your kooky theories. Scientists who disagree are disregarded. Which is not very ‘scientific’.

          You and your ilk are charlatans who will destroy the planet if you’re allowed to continue your fraud.

        2. Real science doesn’t seek to silence opposing research, that is a political component. The earth is about 5 billion years old, has been warmer, has been cooler. Real scientists would not be fearful of people seeing their data…. You and your political ilk always label anyone that doubts as pro polluting, a debate ending slur….. Also Al Gore and the idiot believers don’t help the cause by blaming every weather event on Global Warming, er, I mean Climate Change….. did the theory of Relativity ever need to be rebranded?

        1. But ‘deniers’ haven’t been proven wrong. You and Al Gore have. Many time overs. According to your cohorts, the entire planet should have gone up in flames about 15 years ago.

          So it’s OK for obvious frauds to say the same thing over and over for 20-30 years, but the people pointing out the fraud are a problem when they same the same thing over and over for 20 years? I know you don’t see the folly in that, but us rational human beings do.

  182. It feels good to wake up in the morning exhaling CO2 and watching it float from my mouth. Oh, that’s right, if you can see it, it’s not CO2. That must have been just cold air. Does that mean that all those NOAA scientists are just full of hot air or simply zombies?

  183. I admire these scientists as I have long wondered why, with the earths global temperature near the lowest point in 10,000 years per Greenland ice sheet core samples, we even listen to politicians like Gore and Obama and Kerry who do not have a rational opinion. Their combined scientific IQ would not even reach room temperature. It’s all about political control and that’s a priori obvious.

  184. You and I and a growing number of scientists know that the whole climate change/ global warming discussion is nothing more than advancing the socialist agenda through fear and intimidation. They would do to the energy sector the same devastation that they have done to health care in the US. It has become the religion of the left.

  185. The earth is about 5 billion years old, and some idiots want to base global actions on a 30 years snapshot of inaccurate data….. And they say deniers are anti science….

  186. The only way these leftist, commies can force us to adopt a CO2 tax on produced goods is to point a gun to our heads. Just like all their other executive order legislation. Our only solution left is to revolt. We must start a debate on preparing for a revolution. It’s the only thing these commies understand.

  187. “Why You Should Love Fossil Fuel” | Alex Epstein and Stefan Molyneux

    You’ve heard that our addiction to fossil fuels is destroying our planet and our lives. Yet by many measures, human well-being has been getting better and better. Alex Epstein (author of The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels) explains why humanity’s use of fossil fuels is actually a healthy, moral choice.


  188. And the other nasty little fact is, even if ALL UN CO2 cutbacks were enacted by all parties, it would have virtually no impact whatsoever on reducing global temps. But would give enormously more control to the state.
    This to me is the greatest proof that it always was a method of scaring people into accepting socialism.

  189. I knew when they proclaimed that they could measure the average global temperature down to the hundredth of a degree that they were full of crap. Sadly, this story makes no difference to the brain-washed libs. They’ll be out tomorrow doing their chicken little speech just the same.

  190. i keep ranting on these blogs to have a world wide televised debate on this chicken little belief. on one side the believers like the flat earth people and the heretics who face burning in a pyre for speaking out! yet the believer’s side are to scared to do it! the un the biggest liars of all in their building would be a great place for it! the people of the world unite and demand this or you will continue to waste trillions of all currencies that could be put to great use elsewhere!

  191. It seems that it was all downhill after the Government used taxpayer funded junk-“science” to demonize ordinary worker (“middle”) class Americans (for purposes of increased taxation and Government control only) who enjoy the pleasure of an occasional tobacco product,


  192. Interesting incident from a Cosmos episode; Sisters of the Sun.

    In this episode, Tyson showcases the women of astrophysics, those women at Harvard who worked for Pickering in classifying stars; they were actually called “computers.”

    In Cosmos, Tyson tells the story of Cecilia Payne whose doctoral thesis, “Stellar Atmospheres, A Contribution to the Observational Study of High Temperature in the Reversing Layers of Stars,” correctly identifies the composition of stars.

    At the time, the accepted wisdom – the “consensus,” if you will – was that the composition of stars was similar to that of Earth. Payne concluded that this was not so; that hydrogen, for example, was a million times more abundant.

    When she submitted her paper to Henry Russell, an astronomer of note at Princeton, he convinced her to not make such a conclusion, so she succumbed to popular pressure – again, the “consensus” – and modified her paper accordingly, admitting that something must be wrong with her analysis.

    However, the fact is, Payne was right and the consensus was wrong. But, because the consensus was popular, science accepted it as the Truth.

    Where am I going with this?

    Well, from my use of the word, “consensus,” it might be obvious to some. But, to be clear, I am pointing a finger at the “consensus” of anthropogenic (man-made) global warming – or, climate change, take yer pick.

    We have “climate change” rammed down our throats because of the hallowed “consensus.” Not because of any PROOFS, but merely because it’s popular.

    Those who question the validity of this popularity are shunned, ridiculed, ostracized, even called to be killed.


    Because those who support man-made “climate change” can prove what they claim?

    Not in the least.

    Because it’s “popular;” there’s a “consensus.” Skepticism, the foundation of science, is ignored.

    Well, as the story of Cecilia Payne demonstrates, just because there’s “consensus,” doesn’t mean it’s right.

  193. The polar bears where supposed to be extinct by now.
    The ice caps where supposed to gone.
    London, NY, Miami, and numerous other cities were supposed to be underwater by now.
    Snow was supposed to be a distant memory in many places in the world by now.
    Hurricanes were supposed be bigger and more frequent.

    None of the above, grave predictions have come to pass. It is all a wealth redistribution scheme.

  194. Patrick Moore is not a “scientist”. And neither Happer nor Lindzen has published any
    research to substantiate their claims. There is almost NO research that supports AGW denial.

    The stuff they say in the quotes you linked is sort of silly,anyway: anything can be a “pollutant” in high enough concentrations, and relatively little warming will upset the climate equilibrium upon which civilization depends.

    1. Ah…. so we scream they dont know anything then put our fingers in our ears….

      Interesting how china can burn toxic waste and put in the atmosphere, yet its co2 that you and those like you cry about.

    2. Again, you’re just as wrong as the many other times you said the SAME thing on this thread.

      Not only do the facts show just how ridiculously wrong you are, so does common sense.

    3. al-gore is not a scientist and has never published any research to substantiate his claims. Neither are obama, biden, john f’n kerry, hillary, bernie. Nothing they’ve spewed has resulted in the death of millions of human beings. You alarmist have yet to tell the dying masses what the “ideal” climate is to support all of mankind. …….. crickets….

    1. CO2 is currently at ~400ppm. At times in our planet’s history it has been as high as 8000ppm. A botanist told me that plant life will start dying out if it drops below 150ppm.

      1. The rainforest has seen a 10 percent rise in growth since these horrible co2 levels grew.

        But lets not worry about that, we need to think what the popular people think.

  195. All the REAL scientist are saying we’re heading into another ice age, no matter what humans do. I say fire up all the Hummers, and leave em idling in the driveway when your not driving it.

  196. Thank you, continue with this evidence-based attack on the liberal liars who invent data outright and lie without limits to advance an agenda which will line their pockets with huge sums of global money, then tell everyone the evils about of the rich while claiming to be just regular folks.

    1. I put them on par with the Church… taking money from dumb people by selling them an intangible that they’ll never have to deliver.
      Gotta hand it to ’em… they’re both brilliant scams for separating morons from their money.

  197. whether the earth is heating up or cooling down (if that’s actually the case) has nothing to do with how people live. To think that people can actually change the overall climate of an entire planet is the height of arrogance. To the earth in terms of it’s eons of existance, people are’t a very big deal.

  198. I’ve seen those temperature charts and they show, what appear to be big “ups and downs,” but the guy quoted in this article is right. If you pull back the chart, those jumps are 1/2 a degree. It would only be amazing if our July temperatures were exactly the same each and every year.

  199. If most of the countries on this planet can join together to battle CO2, the stuff that allows us all to live, why can’t they join together to fight ISIS, the thing that wants us all to die?? Priorities are all screwed up!

  200. Did you know that the personal behavior of about 1% of the U. S. population results in their CO2 footprint being 50 TIMES the actual average / person? Not surprising to anyone. But do you realize this means this small group is responsible for more than 33% of ALL (that’s right, ALL) U. S. CO2 emissions? Can ANYONE explain why all the plans being unilaterally implemented by the regime will allow this small group to continue to spew CO2 unabated while financially hammering the lower income and middle classes, just for being alive? Indeed, were this small group to only emit 25 TIMES the average, OVERALL U. S. CO2 emissions would decline 17% and OVERALL PLANETARY CO2 emissions would decline 2.7%. Just a different perspective on the scam.

      1. People who fly on private jets. People who do a lot of discretionary commercial air travel, specifically flying first class. People with massive living space / person across multiple homes. People with large estate maintenance needs. People who have much higher annual possession acquisition levels. There are a variety of other behaviors, but these are typically the biggest. No need to get mad, AGW is a scam, but this just shows that the president and his fellow AGW scammers also know it is a scam, for they are siding with the elites (their donors) over the planet and the people.

          1. Sadly, you have missed my point. I could care less how much money other people make and from a science standpoint know that AGW is a scam. The point I am making is those who demand that the people must lower their standard of living, under the guise of this scam, are, by their own definitions, the polluters. If is truly an emergency, then these are the folks creating the emergency, yet their plans do not alter their high “pollution” habits but infringe on those doing nothing more than living their lives.

        1. You dodged the question. Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton. Barack Obama and his Ashamed to be an American Wife. Those are excellent places to start.

          1. Indeed, these people are openly hypocrites on the subject. Yet there are many more who advocate that the people must lower their standard of living while they are actually the problem (for a non problem) themselves. Some is born out of ignorance or low IQs (celebs), others are well aware of the scam and are enemies of the people in this, and many other, regards.

  201. Anyone who insists that they can measure global temperatures to the hundredth of a degree centigrade and global sea levels to the millimeter is a fraud. It’s a level of precision that is impossible to achieve. Saying you can reach into the past even to times before there were measuring instruments and determine these measurements to this precision is just the stuff of lunatics. This is equivalent to someone saying they can determine the exact amount of money in circulation in the world on any given day, past, present or future to the cent.

      1. Oh my God, there are two other people in the US that understands this. I thought I as all by myself. Both of you are spot on correct. Working for years in the scientific community building high tech satellite sensors taught me this. What taught you two? They are fortunate if they can get a repeatable accuracy to two tenths of a degree much less than resolve repeatable inaccuracies at the hundredth of a degree accuracy which would necessary to establish tenth of a degree statements. What they are doing is anything but true science.

  202. wake up, these are not leftists or liberals – such easy to accept labels. These are brainwashed marxists who advocate global warming as an ideological response against the west, against people, against business, and in service of controlling, coercing, and manipulating people to do what there fantasy version of reality, and visions of heaven drive them to. Marxism has nothing to do with truth, never has never will. The purest marxist adage is that ‘the ends justify the means’. ANY MEANS. All lies and deceptions are good in the promotion of the marxist end goals. Conform or be enslaved, or die.

    1. Partially true but it’s the leftist liberals who believe it that are the biggest problem. Our society is increasingly being dumbed down and the intellectually progressive liberal are the main group pushing that agenda.

  203. Al Gore claimed during a TV interview on 2006 that Manhattan would be underwater in 15 years due to global warming.

    We should be knee deep in water by now. Instead we are knee deep in global warming BS.

      1. In 2006, on NBC’s Today Show, former-Vice President Al Gore predicted that Manhattan would be flooded in “15 to 20 years.” He added, “In fact the World Trade Center Memorial site would be underwater.”

  204. What’s the correct temperature? LOL. These phony Leftist scientists are subverting science to command and control political doctrine. Science by diktat.

  205. I’ve been saying CO2 is good for years. I’m glad now I have a scientist to point to as a citation.

    Add CO2 to a plant and you get more plants. Sounds good

    Earth used to have more CO2 but it became sequestered in the ground as coal. What happens if that happens until no more co2? Bad stuff.

    Could earth’s glacial periods be related to the fact that we only have around 10% of the co2 that the dinosaurs had?

    A glacial period is coming in the next 2000 years, I doubt they will be sad if we burn some coal now

  206. Man-made global warming / climate change is a hoax and everyone knows it anyway. screw the leftist liars who are using the HOAX to get more money from people. Someday soon they will all hang!

  207. The AGW alarmist are at a loss to explain the 2,000+ year old coniferous forests that are being exposed as the Alaskan and Alpine glaciers recede, inferring that underlying archaeological sites may be found. At about 2 and 4k years ago the Alps were relatively ice free. Apparently the people that were displaced by the glaciers found a way to adapt without the benefit of spurious computer models.

  208. It took Barack Obama seven years to determine that Keystone wasn’t safe, but only seven seconds to determine that hundreds of thousands of Muslim immigrants are safe.

    1. The Keystone Pipeline isn’t safe because Warren Buffet bought Big O off so that his railroads can transport the oil, which is much less safe than the pipeline. Political influence peddling is how the Clintons accumulated $3 bil between political donations and contributions to the Clinton Charitable Trust, although the words charity, trust and Clinton should never be used in the same sentence.

      1. ..and let us not overlook Al “Goebbels” Gore, Reichsminister Of Propaganda for the AGW Nazis, aspiring enviro billionaire and mercifully failed presidential candidate.

        1. With Gore, just look into his history in Occidental Oil, the national oil reserve around King City California an his dealings as vice president. Then you can understand why he’s against oil.

  209. Plants/plankton use photosynthesis to turn sunlight & CO2 into food & Oxygen. Neither animal nor blade of grass would exist, absent Carbon Dioxide. Increasing CO2 lengthens growing seasons & encourages plants to move higher in altitude & Latitude; just as it shrinks deserts, plants using water more efficiently. Rising temperatures also lengthen growing seasons, help babies of nearly every species, increase net rainfall & save lives; because cold kills. The Earth is greener, more fertile & life sustaining than it was 40 years ago.

  210. The far left is using climate change for no other purpose than to add to the tax rolls. The more collected the larger the chance they can get the money by hook or crook.

  211. Man made global warming is a political movement, not science. It is simply a justification for massive new, mostly hidden taxes for Western governments desperate for more revenue. That is why there is such a hysterical effort among leftists to destroy anyone who points out FACTS that are inconvenient to the movement. It is like speaking out against church doctrine in the middle ages. “Climate dissenters” should be banned is the catch phrase on most college campus’. With Obama, the left is emboldened. It is trying to shut down dissent on all contentious issues (race, sexual preference, climate change,…). Why do you think Trump is so popular? He is a bull in a politically correct China Shop.

  212. You know something is awry when alleged scientists embrace what they know to be scientifically invalid conclusions and non-significant findings and make wholly false statements, such as 2014 being the “hottest year on record.”

  213. The whole climate change crap is designed to accomplish two things. One, to separate you from your money and two, to restrict your freedom to use however much energy you wish in your life.

  214. “You are calling something a pollutant that we all produce.”

    Hmm. Does that mean that raw sewage isn’t pollution either? Is shit Shineola then? Having a tough time with the logic here.

  215. The Left is composed almost entirely of people having no technical education or experience – they majored in “Social Studies”, History, 14th Century French Literature, etc. . . . anything to avoid taking hard math and science courses. They have NO BUSINESS controlling the government’s policy in areas involving science and technology – PERIOD!!!

    1. You mean like those frauds at NASA?

      Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals1
      show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists
      agree: Climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due
      to human activities. In addition, most of the leading scientific
      organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this
      position. The following is a partial list of these organizations, along
      with links to their published statements and a selection of related
      resources . . . read the list at:

      1. Do you know what 97% of “scientists” agreeing on something means? It means “Consensus Science” is being substituted for Scientific Method. Nobody “voted” on Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Maxwell’s Laws, etc. Here is what Dr. Michael Crichton stated “Consensus Science” is about:

        “I want to pause here and talk about this notion of consensus, and the rise of what has been called consensus science. I regard consensus science as an extremely pernicious development that ought to be stopped cold in its tracks. Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming that the matter is already settled. Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you’re being had.

        “Let’s be clear: the work of science has nothing whatever to do with consensus. Consensus is the business of politics. Science, on the contrary, requires only one investigator who happens to be right, which means that he or she has results that are verifiable by reference to the real world. In science consensus is irrelevant. What is relevant is reproducible results. The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus.

        “There is no such thing as consensus science. If it’s consensus, it isn’t science. If it’s science, it isn’t consensus. Period.”

  216. Carbon industry shills preaching nonsense to Denialist kooks.

    It’s laughable. Especaially when always wrong Lindzen is there.


    1. Vendi, by the third grade, children understand that name calling is a no-no. That makes YOU a second-grade drop out at best. Science and religion don’t mix. That’s a forth grade concept so I realize you never learned that. “Denialist” is a religious word and should not be presented in a science argument. In fact, keep your worship of global warming in church.

  217. Does any understand that if you follow these idiots to the logical conclusion only the extermination of humankind can save the earth. Since we all breath out CO2 and according to these dummies CO2 is the killer of the planet logic dictates humans must be removed.

  218. “I urge you when looking at a graph, check the scales! The uncertainty here is tenths of a degree,” he noted.
    “When someone points to this and says this is the warmest temperature on record. What are they talking about? It’s just nonsense. This is a very tiny change period. And they are arguing over hundredths of a degree when it is uncertain in tenths of a degree,” Lindzen said.

  219. Wow, 3 scientists say this. What do the other tens of thousands of scientists, data, reports, and governmental organizations say….Oh right, the opposite. I guess I should believe these guys because the others are just lying. Makes sense. I mean look at that universities they are associated with, that means they are legit.

    1. There is no consensus other than in liberal minds. The ONE attempt to put together a list of scientists who believe MMGW is an emergency was done in the 1990’s by liberals who did not ask those listed if they wanted to be counted as such. There is no regular polling to back up ANY claims of any consensus.

      1. Hahaha….you’re kidding me right. There are numerous surveys about this. In this survey here by James Powell, a National Science Board Member, he surveyed what’s ACTUALLY published in scientific journals, finding that the CONSENSUS in the literature is about 99.9% of scientist agree about human caused global warming (

        Also, MULTIPLE independent studies have asked scientists directly and found consensus levels of around 97% that believe global warming is real and human caused.. 1. 2.

        But, let’s just ignore all of these polls, surveys, data, various organizations (, and believe a handful of people most likely paid by oil and gas corporations and thus are incredibly biased because they speak the truth right?

        Let me ask you one question, what in your mind makes someone a liar vs. a true teller?

      2. Scientific consensus: Earth’s climate is warming

        Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals1 show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree: Climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities. In addition, most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position. The following is a partial list of these organizations, along with links to their published statements and a selection of related resources. Read the list at . . .

      1. Maybe you should craw out of your basement, because the 21st century that we currently live in today is way more advanced than his time. That line only works in things that cannot be understood because of limitations in studying something like black holes and dark matter. Climate change is easily measured using actual tools that exist today, thus your statement is mute.

          1. Show me one thing that proves such manipulation. I bet you can’t, and you are just going to say some conspiracy crap, or link to some conspiracy website that doesn’t having any actual prove behind “some guy said”. Am I right?

          1. Do you understand the difference between opinion and fact? This whole article is filled with OPINIONS, the majority of scientists state their claims based on FACTS. Are you too dense for this.

    2. Science is not conducted via consensus. Science is based on data that is verifiable and experiment that is replicable. Theory can be agreed upon but it is not science.

      1. Well duh, but if there are 100 scientists in the entire world and 99 of them tell me global warming is real and is human caused, oh and they provide a mountain of data, facts, studies, etc. I’m most likely going to believe them versus the 1 scientist who disagrees and doesn’t provide much in terms of data beyond the degree of error in other people’s data.

          1. So you would believe a handful of scientists paid for by the oil and gas industry who aren’t regarded well in their fields more so than the 99.9% of scientists consisting of tens of thousands of scientists which includes the most respectable, revered, and vetted scientists in this area of discussion?

  220. I don’t likes no obama causen when I turn on the republicans shows da UFO’s flyien over me house gone done change the channels.

    Fox news is the best cause it tells it likes I likes to hear.

    I will communicate more on this later after I has my monthly republican bath.

      1. I don’t trust any of them, it all about the money. I don’t know which idea is crazier, that humans can effect global climate or that taxing humans can fix it.

  221. “When someone says this is the warmest temperature on record.
    What are they talking about?”

    A carbon tax. To finance the progreSSive agenda. Promoted by Leftist professors on the government dole.

    There, fixed it for you.

    1. NOAA: October 2015 Warmest on the Instrumental Record

      combined average temperature over global land and ocean surfaces for
      October 2015 was the highest for October in the 136-year period of
      record, at 0.98°C (1.76°F) above the 20th century average of 14.0°C
      (57.1°F). This marked the sixth consecutive month a monthly global
      temperature record has been broken and was also the greatest departure
      from average for any month in the 1630 months of recordkeeping,
      surpassing the previous record high departure set just last month by
      0.13°F (0.07°C).

      1. NOAA at present is 100% controlled by Obama and the Democrat party. If you want to get ahead at NOAA . . or even just keep your job . . you do not tell the truth about the man-caused global warming scam.

  222. Patrick Moore is not a “scientist”. And neither Happer nor Lindzen has published any
    research to substantiate their claims. There is almost NO research that supports AGW denial.

    The stuff they say in the quotes you linked is sort of silly,anyway: anything can be a “pollutant” in high enough concentrations, and relatively little warming will upset the climate equilibrium upon which civilization depends.

        1. Will, I don’t even think they read the article. They just read the title most likely and that was all they needed to know. Most people who argue like them are EXTREMELY ignorant of facts and how to differentiate information based on quality. Which is funny, because they always act like we don’t know anything. When you mention the mountain of data behind this, they just ignore it and quote the title of an article they didn’t read.

        2. Everything you said troll! Now we are finished stooge!
          I’ve thoroughly read both IPCC reports.The sumaries from which most quotes and coments are made are around 18 pages of Absolute worst case scenarios based on Non-Working Global warming models. (demonstrated as such even when the actual data is back-filled and used to back test those models they still came up with highly erroneous results)
          The Proof that There has been no actual Warming these past 15 years is now widely accepted even within the wacko community in which you dwell. Say Bye Bye Foolish one.

    1. Troll. Troll. Troll. Troll. Troll. Troll. Troll. Troll. Troll. Troll. Troll. Troll. Troll. Troll. Troll. Troll. Troll. Troll. Troll. Troll. Troll. Troll. Troll. Troll. Troll. Troll. Troll. Troll. Troll. Troll. Troll. Troll. Troll. Troll. Troll. Troll.

    2. Facts to consider:

      (1) Carbon dioxide is a nutrient. Without it, nothing on earth grows.

      (2) Water vapor accounts for up to 3/4 of the greenhouse gas effect; methane and CO2 et al accounts for the rest. Should we control water vapor in the atmosphere?

      (3) Without greenhouse gases, the Earth becomes Mars.

      (4) Warming, to the extent that it is occurring, is next to nothing, and the sun has a far greater impact on temperature variation than anything mankind contributes. From all indications we are heading into a mini-ice age.

      (5) The relationship between temps and CO2 concentration is an argument over what are the dependent and independent variables. Biological production of CO2 and methane from acidogenic and methanogenic organisms approximately doubles for every 10 C increase in temperature.

      (6) The increases in atmospheric CO2 is minuscule. Nominally, from 250/1,000,000 to 500/1,000,000. If this variation is Earth-killing, than the Earth should have died a million deaths through the ages — especially in light of the fact that CO2 concentrations through the ages have been much much much higher.

      (7) The optimum CO2 concentration for plant growth is 1000/1,000,000. That’s why CO2 is purposely generated to optimize greenhouse operations.

  223. The consensus of those scientists funded by the politicians desperate to control energy is that the politicians who keep funding them (and who threaten to cut off deniers) are correct.

  224. Most liberals, even my own family members refuse the truth and believe the lies.. They believe paying a carbon tax will improve there life’s, and have no clue that CO2 is what keeps them alive..

  225. Nasa has said recently that they now have a dual dynamo model of the sun that explains past radiation minimums and that a minimum is due in about 10 years. In the past this minimum caused the Thames river to freeze over. I guess we’ll need some global warming to counter that period.

      1. You need to update your weak source material. Newsweek? A year and half old? The latest NASA data (that you constantly bow to) is showing the exact opposite.

        1. If you look closely at the original press release–linked below–you’ll see that the study’s author, Valentina Zharkova, never implied a new ice age is imminent—only that we may see a sharp downturn in the number of sunspots.

          Yes, the sun is a variable star, but its output is remarkably stable. The amount of energy we receive from the sun just doesn’t change fast enough to cause a rapid-onset ice age in just a few decades.That’s not how solar variation changes the climate.

  226. Liberalism, Communism, Socialism, and whatever other ism you come up with, the foundation of the philosophy is lying, using false information, developing strategies based on emotions rather than facts, and trying to bully others to accept what they say because they are just soooooo smart. It’s amazing that every place you look managed by them, is despare, squalor, heartbreak and anxiety.

  227. Remember these quacks said there would be no snow past the year 2000? Remember they said there would be no more seasons on planet Earth? All of those predictions where lies and they’ve been wrong every year since then and won’t be correct 100 years from now. The whole thing is now a fraud!

  228. Should be mandatory reading at the Conference, for every American Politician and Every School Child up through Doctorate studies! Save this and share it with all of your friends and associates. Educate the loony and reinforce and support the sane amongst us.

  229. “You are calling something a pollutant that we all produce. Where does that lead us eventually?”

    And the only solution (to a nonexistent problem) will be to determine who breathes and who doesn’t…

  230. From NASA: Scientific consensus: Earth’s climate is warming

    Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals1
    show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists
    agree: Climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due
    to human activities. In addition, most of the leading scientific
    organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this

    1. What do these ‘organizations’ have to gain by saying AGW is real?
      Has ‘peer-reviewed’ ever been wrong? List the instances.
      Is the number of scientists included in the ‘97%’ over 75?

      1. Ask NASA. They seem to find the evidence very convincing. Your argument is with them. I’m just the messenger. Follow the link and judge for yourself; don’t let Marc Morano lead you by the nose . . .

        1. NASA is under control and direction of the Obama Administration, Obama blog troll.

          If they don’t spread the lies for Obama, they won’t receive enough funding to buy a package of bottle rockets.

  231. I always said follow the money. These scientists are suckling from the teat of the government who only wants a certain finding in the area of climate. This is so Government has the excuse to do away with freedoms and liberties they could never hope to accomplish without a boogeyman to scare the people into giving in. It is all about the acquisition of power, pure and simple.

    1. YEA, let’s listen to the handful paid off by the oil and gas corporations because they are so much more honest.

      Listen, it costs money to do these studies, what do you expect some self funded scientist to provide you data that somehow contradicts the tens of thousands of other scientists. I’ll just shake my head at your thinking on this.

      1. You don’t hear oil companies tell us we need to cut back on our lifestyles or literally burn up a main food staple by making it an additive for gasoline that does not diminish emissions but causes food prices to spike. You don’t hear oil companys tell us our electric bills will have to skyrocket and the days of keeping our air conditioning low are over. You don’t hear oil companies tell us nonexistent global warming is a bigger threat than terrorism or that our servicemen and women have been told that fighting global warming is their top job. It’s not oil companies who want anyone who opposes global warming put in jail, like a third of the democrat party has says it wants to do. Your right , the oil companies are so much worse…

        1. Yea, they are…they use their incredible wealth to suddenly influence our government for their own means. They are the ones that destroyed mass transit trains in major cities throughout the US, along with automotive companies, and is why we have huge massive roads that we are struggling with maintaining. But oh, the democratic party wants to make the air cleaner and future brighter for those that have to follow our generation, yea they’re much worst.

          You sound like a kid complaining about how tough their parents are. Aw man, they keep telling me I have to go to sleep, do my homework, brush my teeth. Maybe you should stop resisting and recognize that they are trying to help you not hurt you. What’s the end goal, we have cleaner air and a more stable weather systems? That sure sounds evil right? What’s the worst case, we are causing global warming, this leads to the acidification of our ocean, rising ocean levels leading to mass migration of coastal people, and all because someone was telling you what’s actually happening and what we need to do. Don’t you get it, we can’t afford to be wrong, if what the scientists say is even remotely true we have a slim window of a few years to do anything about it.

          What, do you want to tell your kids….”Aww shucks, sorry we screwed up the planet for you, but man were the people warning us being dicks about it.” What do you think their response will be, I’m guessing they’d say “Were they being dicks about just trying to help the planet, or were you being a dick by ignoring all of their research/info and logical arguements?”

  232. “Anthropogenic global warming” isn’t about climate, it’s ABOUT CONTROL.

    It’s about TAXING WEALTHY NATIONS to make U.N. potentates and Leftist politicians and their friends/investors FABULOUSLY WEALTHY – and if you oppose them – you’re a “denier.”

    I’m a DENIER – I deny B.S. false science created to advance the Leftist/Globalist agenda.

    1. How would that exactly work exactly….hahaha….you do know the US gov’t gives subsidies to the oil and gas industry. Why not complain about that as well.

        1. How does this support your original statement at all. You talk about leftist politicians trying to get rich, but then you talk about oil and gas companies paying a lot of federal income taxes. Uh, they pay so much because they are making ALOT for their friends/investors who are more CONSERVATIVE than liberal. Heck, Corporations are the biggest concervatives on the planet. This statement basically contradicts your original statement.

          1. (OTTMAR EDENHOFER, UN IPCC OFFICIAL): “That will change immediately if global emission rights are distributed. If this happens, on a per capita basis, then Africa will be the big winner, and huge amounts of money will flow there. This will have enormous implications for development policy. And it will raise the question if these countries can deal responsibly with so much money at all.”

            – See more at:

            1. (EDENHOFER): Basically it’s a big mistake to discuss climate policy separately from the major themes of globalization.

              The climate summit in Cancun at the end of the month is not a climate conference, but one of the largest economic conferences since the Second World War. Why? Because we have 11,000 gigatons of carbon in the coal reserves in the soil under our feet – and we must emit only 400 gigatons in the atmosphere if we want to keep the 2-degree target. 11 000 to 400 – there is no getting around the fact that most of the fossil reserves must remain in the soil. (NZZ):

              De facto, this means an expropriation of the countries with natural resources. This leads to a very different development from that which has been triggered by development policy. (EDENHOFER): First of all, developed countries have basically expropriated the atmosphere of the world community. But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy.

              Obviously, the owners of coal and oil will not be enthusiastic about this. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole. – See more at:

  233. “Climate change is the number one threat to humanity.” — UN

    “We have 500 days left to avoid climate chaos.” –French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabian on May 13, 2014 at a Kerry State Department speech

    ^^Recent world events have continued to prove how the liberal left is incompetent and deranged to the real world around them and instead live in some make believe bubble world filled with whatever hysteria and fears they want to make up, and others they want to ignore as non-existent.

  234. Don’t mess with a cult… these people are all in on worshipping climate. Sad part; pollution is real and should have our attention, “Global Warming” is a hoax making a lot of people very very rich and powerful. For 15 yrs I’ve been hearing predictions made and EVERYONE has failed to materialize. These are the same people who develop the tools to predict the weather. How’s that been working? They can’t predict the next 4 hours let alone decades into the future. But the flock is committed and therefore willing to lie, cheat, con, bully, intimidate, threaten, etc.. anyone who doesn’t believe.

  235. I’ve no idea what the truth is on climate science, but I do know that there is something very unscientific going on within all science today and that should trouble people. Politics has mixed itself with science and the interest has become image, not an honest pursuit of truth.

        1. What does Arctic sea ice have to to with GLOBAL warming. The GLOBAL temperature data presented by BOTH satellite temperature records shows NO warming for 18+ years. Not to mention, have you ever taken a peak at the Antarctic sea ice? It has set new records for greatest extent. How about Antarctic ice mass? Recent NASA study shows it is increasing at a significant rate.

          1. I knew someone uninformed who doesn’t get the whole picture was going to state this exact response. Way not to read any other information on the website I linked.

            First, when we talk about the huge ice packs we aren’t just talking about sea ice, but land ice as well. Yes, Antarctic SEA ice has slightly (not significantly) been increasing when looking above, but when viewed and MEASURED height wise it is decreasing and especially the LAND ice. You might want to start reading less biased news sources.

            Also, there is numerous studies about the global temperature increasing. Such studies are even mentioned in the very article that we are commenting under, shaking my head.

            1. WRONG! Antarctic sea ice has recently set records for maximum extent. This increase is the approximately the same amount the Arctic sea ice has lost. Alarmists have never suggested the Arctic sea ice loss is slight, but you just stated that that amount is slight. Make up your mind. Second point about Antarctic sea ice. It has significantly more impact on global albedo that the Arctic sea ice, the Antarctic sea ice being much lower latitude.
              And, you must have missed it, only reading alarmist information, a recent NASA study has shown that the Antarctic continental ice is actually growing.
              In conclusion, not one of the points you made are correct.

  236. The political-funding “axis of evil” has turned Climate Science into a sideshow. Pavlov had more solid science backing his experiments on heritability of nervous qualities/traits than Gore+IPCC does on warming. At least his science was testable – the current fad in Climate Science is to avoid testable hypotheses at all cost.

  237. On Dr. Richard Linzen from MIT:

    “Ross Gelbspan, journalist and author, wrote a 1995 article in Harper’s Magazine which was critical of Lindzen and other global warming skeptics. In the article, Gelbspan reports Lindzen charged “oil and coal interests $2,500 a day for his consulting services; [and] his 1991 trip to testify before a Senate committee was paid for by Western Fuels and a speech he wrote, entitled ‘Global Warming: the Origin and Nature of Alleged Scientific Consensus,’ was underwritten by OPEC.”[8]
    A decade later Boston Globe columnist Alex Beam reported, based on an interview with Lindzen, that “he accepted $10,000 in expenses and expert witness fees from fossil- fuel types in the 1990s”

    “In a 2001 profile in Newsweek, journalist Fred Guterl wrote that Lindzen “clearly relishes the role of naysayer. He’ll even expound on how weakly lung cancer is linked to cigarette smoking.”[14] James Hansen recalls meeting Lindzen whilst testifying before the Vice President’s Climate Task Force: “I considered asking Lindzen if he still believed there was no connection between smoking and lung cancer. He had been a witness for tobacco companies decades earlier, questioning the reliability of statistical connections between smoking and health problems. But I decided that would be too confrontational. When I met him at a later conference, I did ask that question, and was surprised by his response: He began rattling off all the problems with the date relating smoking to helath problems, which was closely analagous to his views of climate data.”

    This is harder than rocket science so take at least a few minutes to read this to realize it’s not just one data set and one small group of scientists working on this.

    1. Yeah, that about covers it. Lindzen and others have been making this argument about CO2 since the mid-1990’s. Time has not made it any less ridiculous.

        1. It takes about 30 minutes to read, let’s see if the pathetic anti-science human trash actually takes the time to read it before commenting (hint: he won’t):

          What I Learned about Climate Change: The Science is not Settled

          1 Weather is not climate. There are no studies showing a conclusive link between global warming and increased frequency or intensity of storms, droughts, floods, cold or heat waves.

          2 Natural variation in weather and climate is tremendous. Most of what people call “global warming” is natural.

          3 There is tremendous uncertainty as to how the climate really works. Climate models are not yet skillful; predictions are unresolved.

          4 New research shows that fluctuations
          in energy from the sun correlate very strongly with changes in earth’s
          temperature, at both long and short time scales.

          5 CO2 has very little to do with it. All the decarbonization we can do isn’t going to change the climate much.

          6 There is no such thing as “carbon pollution.”
          Carbon dioxide is coming out of your nose right now; it is not a
          poisonous gas. CO2 concentrations in previous eras have been many times
          higher than they are today.

          7 Sea level will probably continue to rise, naturally and slowly. Researchers have found no link between CO2 and sea level.

          8 The Arctic experiences natural variation as well, with some years warmer earlier than others. Polar bear numbers are up, not down. They have more to do with hunting permits than CO2*.

          9 No one has shown any damage to reef
          or marine systems. Additional man-made CO2 will not likely harm oceans,
          reef systems, or marine life. Fish are mostly threatened by people who
          eat them.

          10 The Intergovernmental Panel on
          Climate Change and others are pursuing a political agenda and a PR campaign, not scientific inquiry. There’s a tremendous amount of trickery going on under the surface*.

          Could this possibly be right? Is it heresy, or critical thinking — or both? If I’ve upset or confused you, let me guide you through my journey

          You’ll find it at:

              1. Once again insults. Rebut those links I posted with your own information or links. I don’t care what the name of your sources are just as long as there is information that is relevant. Put up or shut up.

        1. Partial list of scientists who do NOT support the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Climate Change Scam:

          A.J. Tom van Loon, PhD

          Aaron Klug, Nobel Prize (Chemistry)

          Abdus Salam, Nobel Prize (Physics)

          Adolph Butenandt, Nobel Prize (Chemistry)

          Al Pekarek, PhD

          Alan Moran, PhD

          Albrecht Glatzle, PhD

          Alex Robson, PhD

          Alister McFarquhar, PhD

          Amo A. Penzias, Nobel Prize (Physics)

          Andrei Illarionov, PhD

          Anthony Jewish, Nobel Prize (Physics)

          Anthony R. Lupo, PhD

          Antonino Zichichi, President of the World Federation of Scientists.

          Arthur L. Schawlow, Nobel Prize (Physics)

          Arthur Rorsch, PhD

          Asmunn Moene, PhD

          Baruj Benacerraf, Nobel Prize (Medicine)

          Bert Sakmann, Nobel Prize (Medicine)

          Bjarne Andresen, PhD

          Boris Winterhalter, PhD

          Brian G Valentine, PhD

          Brian Pratt, PhD

          Bryan Leyland, International Climate Science Coalition

          Cesar Milstein, Nobel Prize (Physiology)

          Charles H. Townes, Nobel Prize (Physics)

          Chris C. Borel, PhD

          Chris Schoneveld, MSc (Structural Geology)

          Christian de Duve, Nobel Prize (Medicine)

          Christopher Essex, PhD

          Cliff Ollier, PhD

          Daniel Nathans, Nobel Prize (Medicine)

          David Deming, PhD (Geophysics)

          David E. Wojick, PhD

          David Evans, PhD (EE)

          David Kear, PhD

          David R. Legates, PhD

          Dick Thoenes, PhD

          Don Aitkin, PhD

          Don J. Easterbrook, PhD

          Donald A. Glaser, Nobel Prize (Physics)

          Donald Parkes, PhD

          Douglas Leahey, PhD

          Dudley R. Herschbach, Nobel Prize (Chemistry)

          Edwin G. Krebs, Nobel Prize (Medicine)

          Erwin Neher, Nobel Prize (Medicine)

          Frank Milne, PhD

          Fred Goldberg, PhD

          Fred Michel, PhD

          Freeman J. Dyson, PhD

          1. …continued…
            Garth W. Paltridge, PhD

            Gary D. Sharp, PhD

            Geoff L. Austin, PhD

            George E. Palade, Nobel Prize (Medicine)

            Gerald Debreu, Nobel Prize (Economy)

            Gerhard Herzberg, Nobel Prize (Chemistry)

            Gerrit J. van der Lingen, PhD

            Hans Albrecht Bethe, Nobel Prize (Physics)

            Hans H.J. Labohm, PhD

            Harold E. Varmus, Nobel Prize (Medicine)

            Harry M. Markowitz, Nobel Prize (Economics)

            Harry N.A. Priem, PhD

            Heinrich Rohrer, Nobel Prize (Physics)

            Hendrik Tennekes, PhD

            Henrik Svensmark, physicist

            Herbert A. Hauptman, Nobel Prize (Chemistry)

            Horst Malberg, PhD

            Howard Hayden, PhD

            I. Prigogine, Nobel Prize (Chemistry)

            Ian D. Clark, PhD

            Ian Plimer, PhD

            Ivar Giaever, Nobel Prize (Physics)

            James J. O’Brien, PhD

            Jean Dausset, Nobel Prize (Medicine)

            Jean-Marie Lehn, Nobel Prize (Chemistry)

            Jennifer Marohasy, PhD

            Jerome Karle, Nobel Prize (Chemistry)

            Joel M. Kauffman, PhD

            Johan Deisenhofer, Nobel Prize (Chemistry)

            John Charles Polanyi, Nobel Prize (Chemistry)

            John Maunder, PhD

            John Nicol, PhD

            Jon Jenkins, PhD

            Joseph Murray, Nobel Prize (Medicine)

            Julius Axelrod, Nobel Prize (Medicine)

            Kai Siegbahn, Nobel Prize (Physics)

            Khabibullo Abdusamatov, astrophysicist at Pulkovo Observatory of the Russian
            Academy of Sciences

            Klaus Von Klitzing, Nobel Prize (Physics)

            L. Graham Smith, PhD

            Lee C. Gerhard, PhD

            Len Walker, PhD

            Leon Lederman, Nobel Prize (Physics)

            Linus Pauling, Nobel Prize (Chemistry

            Lord Alexander Todd, Nobel Prize (Chemistry)

            Lord George Porter, Nobel Prize (Chemistry)

            Louis Neel, Nobel Prize (Physics)

            Lubos Motl, PhD

            Madhav Khandekar, PhD

            Manfred Eigen, Nobel Prize (Chemistry)

            Marcel Leroux, PhD

            Marshall W. Nirenberg, Nobel Prize (Medicine)

            Max Ferdinand Perutz, Nobel Prize (Chemistry)

            Nils-Axel Morner, PhD

            Olavi Kärner, Ph.D.

            Owen Chamberlain, Nobel Prize (Physics)


            1. …continued…

              Lelong, Professor

              Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, Nobel Prize (Physics)

              R. Timothy Patterson, PhD

              R. W. Gauldie, PhD

              R.G. Roper, PhD

              Raphael Wust, PhD

              Reid A. Bryson, Ph.D. D.Sc. D.Engr.

              Richard Laurence Millington Synge, Nobel Prize (Chemistry)

              Richard Mackey, PhD

              Richard R. Ernst, Nobel Prize (Chemistry)

              Richard S. Courtney, PhD

              Richard S. Lindzen, PhD

              Rita Levi-Montalcini, Nobel Prize (Medicine)

              Roald Hoffman, Nobel Prize (Chemistry)

              Robert H. Essenhigh, PhD

              Robert Huber, Nobel Prize (Chemistry)

              Robert M. Carter, PhD

              Robert W. Wilson, Nobel Prize (Physics)

              Roger Guillemin, Nobel Prize (Medicine)

              Ross McKitrick, PhD

              Roy W. Spencer, PhD

              S. Fred Singer, PhD

              Sallie Baliunas, astrophysicist Harvard

              Salomon Kroonenberg, PhD

              Sherwood B. Idso, PhD

              Simon van der Meer, Nobel Prize (Physics)

              Sir Andrew Fielding Huxley, Nobel Prize (Medicine)

              Sir James W. Black, Nobel Prize (Medicine)

              Sir John Kendrew, Nobel Prize (Chemistry)

              Sir John R. Vane , Nobel Prize (Medicine)

              Sir John Warcup Cornforth, Nobel Prize (Chemistry)

              Sir. Nevil F. Mott, Nobel Prize Winner (Physics)

              Sonja A. Boehmer-Christiansen, PhD

              Stanley Cohen, Nobel Prize (Medicine)

              Stephan Wilksch, PhD

              Stewart Franks, PhD

              Syun-Ichi Akasofu, PhD

              Tadeus Reichstein, Nobel Prize (Medicine)

              Thomas Huckle Weller, Nobel Prize (Medicine)

              Thomas R. Cech, Nobel Prize (Chemistry)

              Timothy F. Ball, PhD

              Tom V. Segalstad, PhD

              Torsten N. Wiesel, Nobel Prize (Medicine)

              Vincent Gray, PhD

              Walter Starck, PhD (marine science; specialization in coral reefs and

              Wibjorn Karlen, PhD

              Willem de Lange, PhD

              William Evans, PhD

              William Happer, physicist Princeton

              William J.R. Alexander, PhD

              William Kininmonth M.Sc., Head of Australia’s National Climate Centre and a
              consultant to the World Meteorological organization’s Commission for

              William Lindqvist, PhD

              William N. Lipscomb, Nobel Prize Winner (Chemistry)

              Willie Soon, astrophysicist Harvard

              Yuan T. Lee, Nobel Prize (Chemistry)

              Zbigniew Jaworowski, PhD

              Zichichi, PhD

              1. By the way you are also being dishonest by listing some that actually do believe in AGW. They just don’t agree that the data and methods shown can accurately predict the precision of the amount and timescale of effect AGW. To them it could be more severe or less severe. That does NOT mean they are skeptics.

                1. Listen to the little warmist wh0re try and spin the facts. I’m looking forward to the day when pieces of sh|t like you go to prison for your crimes against humanity.

                  1. Man, you’re not very good at debating. You just fold and start insulting. You need to dig in and find more facts to counter if you want to debate your point of view. People won’t listen to you if you just call them names.

                    1. Why would I care what a f**king a**hole like you has to say? Let’s hope you’re rotting in prison soon.

            2. My Mom, sister, sister-in-law and wife are PhDs in varying sciences should we include them in the for climate change category. How many of those in your list are Climate Scientists?

              1. The greater question is, “How many of the 97% of climate scientists are, indeed, climate scientists?” What level of education does one need to become a “climate scientist” AND what does that education consist of?

                    1. I dont do shlt for you boy. You take orders from me. Now, sit down, shut up, and learn something today.

              2. Allow me to translate because I speak fluent climate change wh0re: Only people who are making a living off of the climate change scam are qualified to judge the validity of the climate change scam. This would be the same as going to a Scientology convention and asking about the validity of Scientology…because after all, they are the most qualified to judge – right?

                I seriously doubt you know any PhD’s, you’re way too stupid.

                1. Insults are all you have. Your logic would lead me to believe that you would never get surgery done by a professional because they are insiders so instead you would go to a computer scientist to do it because they are a scientist after all and not in the pocket of big surgery.

                1. I know it is difficult for you to believe that a family could be educated but that’s not my problem, it’s your hangup.

                  Both my parents came from backwoods Arkansas but they went to college and got degrees and even started different small businesses. Then their kids went to college and we all got degrees. Really not a big deal and that’s the point.

                  Just because you have a short list of scientists that aren’t in the field of climate studies that are skeptical of AGW doesn’t mean much.

        1. Calling someone a contrarian isn’t a logical refutation. By your logic, nothing he says can be true, because he’s a contrarian. Good one. Try refuting what he actually said. I recommend you look for some more text and links to copy and paste; it is apparent you can’t think for yourself.

    2. Standard Ad Hominem attack. Get a life. The fact is that while CO2 continues to go up, according to both satellite temperature records, there has been no global warming for over 18 years.

        1. While you may be tired of trying to hand wave away the facts, it is still just as real today as it previously was. Please tell, how much has the ocean warmed? How are you ignoring the fact that both satellite temperature records show no warming in over 18 years? How do you justify that the heavily adjusted/harmonized ground based temperature records are the only ones showing that this year is the “Hottest EVA!” PS. Funny you keep citing one of the least viewed climate websites on the whole internet.

  238. From NASA: Scientific consensus: Earth’s climate is warming

    Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree: Climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities. In addition, most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position

    1. Wake up. The government wants your money and you seem only to happy to give it. And the 97% is bogus. People who believe “the government” because it’s “the government” should not be allowed to vote.

    2. That’s all you got Willie? NASA/NOAA is a department of the US Government which funds them and therefore tells them what to do – and this administration is telling them to prop up the climate change scam. They have been ‘adjusting’ the temperature and now producing bogus reports all to support the collapsing climate change scam. But the problem is that nobody except for fanatics and idiots believes them anymore.

    3. 97%. Link to the data that: 1. Lists the names of all climate scientists; 2. Reflects their education and background that confers the title, “climate scientists” on them; 3. Publishes the survey, by said respondents in #’s 1&2 that lists the questions they answered to support the claim, “Climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities”. 4. The organization that conducted the survey and methodologies used; and 5. List the leading scientific organizations worldwide that endorse the position and those that do not in order to qualify the statement, “most”. There should easily be one source that captures this.

    4. In a paper published in the Journal of Glaciology on Friday, researchers from NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, the University of Maryland in College Park, and the engineering firm Sigma Space Corporation offer a new analysis of satellite data that show a net gain of 112 billion tons of ice a year from 1992 to 2001 in the Antarctic ice sheet.

    5. Is this Willie Clinton? Methinks you’ve become overheated from chasing interns around Hillary’s campaign headquarters. Obviously, you’ve spent to much time contemplating the meaning of the word is, and very little in keeping up with scientific advances in the past 600 years.

    6. Standard appeal to authority fallacy. PS, the 97% consensus is a fraud. Do you know how that number was derived? It was a survey of published papers. First off, as climategate showed us, the publishing process is very biased, blocking almost any paper critical of CAGW. Then, that study used a “approval” criteria that would count most skeptics as being part of the 97%. The whole thing was bogus from the start. you should really stop quoting that number as it makes you look foolish.

    1. Brock, actually, some countries are putting laws into effect that could do just that.

      Typical socialist progressive oppressive control.

      And when Hillary takes office….

      Ya ain’t seen nothing yet!

  239. In an article that appeared in Nov/Dec STANFORD, self proclaimed “one of America’s top climate scientists,” David Kroodsma, offered “…at, least for me, the big, dramatic changes in the rate of loss of Arctic sea ice has been the most surprising climate change.” This charlatan didn’t bother to mention that at the other pole to the south, never before in recorded history has there ever been more ice. The last I heard, the South Pole is also on the planet Earth.
    He claims that his profession is that of an “environmental data scientist.” This fraud owes an apology to every real scientist on the planet and he should be forced to return even dime that taxpayers were forced to contribute to his hoax.

  240. The AGW kooks are out in force today. They think that if humans reduce CO2 output it will stop climate change. How ludicrous! The climate will change regardless what humans do. NONE of the catastrophic predictions have come true. So what do they do? Just move the goal posts down the road. What a joke! Anybody that believes that garbage is dumb as a rock

          1. You’re like that little annoying dog that follows it’s master around all day without providing anything of value. I notice whenever phillip d or will watson are on a comment board there you are. Lapping at their heels, like the good little dog you are. Do they ever throw you a bone?

                    1. Says the gutless little leftist punk. Can’t back up a thing you say. Talks smack while cowering behind a key board (most likely while serving your prison sentence for child molestation). Has to toggle between being FrankStein and PubPal to keep the prison librarian from monitoring his tripe. Doesn’t know the difference between stupid and dumb. FORWARD!

                    2. He is now ‘I am the King’. A legend in his own mind too !!…..LMAO!!! I am having fun flagging all the punk’s posts.

                    3. He’s an inmate. He doesn’t seem to understand that when you hover your cursor over his avatar his other name(s) pop up. He’s a moron.

      1. If you don’t believe that the catastrophic predictions have not come true, you just aren’t paying attention.
        Let’s start with hurricanes. After the extreme 2005 hurricane season, we were told that was the new norm. Since then, over 10 years ago, there has not been a single major hurricane to make landfall in the USA. Infact, both hurricane, major hurricane, and ACE (total cyclonic energy) show no positive trend.
        The UN told us that by 2010 there would be 50 – 200 million climate refugees. Turns out there is none, not one.
        We were told that island nations would disappear below the rising ocean. Turns out sea level rise has remained unchanged since records started. And the sensitive island nations are doing just fine.
        I could go on?

  241. The facts have never been on the side of Obama and his Marxist allies. This is all about stealing the world’s productive assets. They know that outright seizure by the world’s first world nation’s would produce major pushback by the public, especially in the United States. So they create this hoax of climate change to get regulations in place that enable then to control power production and distribution to effectively seize control of producing assets and how the population uses power and when.

    If these totalitarian reprobates aren’t stopped, the world will look like Detroit after nearly 70 years of mis-rule by the jackass democrats. These people are blind to facts and worship at the alter of unbridled power by whatever bully techniques they can get away with.

  242. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that this whole “global warming” campaign is a scam.

    The global warmists claim that the planet is warming out of control and kill us all. If you look at the data NASA says that the planet has warmed 0.7 F in *over a century*.

    Do you really expect the planet not to change *at all* in over a century? That’s insane.

    1. anyone who insists that they can measure global temperatures to the hundredth of a
      degree centigrade and global sea levels to the millimeter is a fraud. It’s a
      level of precision that is impossible to achieve. Saying you can reach into the
      past even to times before there were measuring instruments and determine these
      measurements to this precision is just the stuff of lunatics. This is
      equivalent to someone saying they can determine the exact amount of money in
      circulation in the world on any given day, past, present or future to the cent.

    2. While I agree with you Flechette, you have your units wrong. 0.7°C in over a century. Still not alarming… And that is coming out of the little ice age, back when crops frequently failed due to the cold. The alarmists would like us to go back to those temperatures again; either ignorant of the suffering it caused, or just evil. If CO2 actually causes warming, we should be trying to make more. The earth has always benefited from a warmer climate.

      1. My mistake. Th NASA article that I read did actually say degrees C instead of degrees F.

        Nevertheless, the change is incredibly small.

        I think a lot of people confuse “global warming” “carbon dioxide” and “pollution” all the time. People argue vehemently that global warming exists while talking about the amount of smog around a city.

        To quote one of the slides shown in this article, “If you can see it, it is not carbon dioxide”.

  243. My experience with leftists/liberals is that they are also the ones most likely to answer, “No”, to the question, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?”

    And therein lies their problem. (no pun intended)

    1. “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?”

      You’re a little confused there. One of the myths in the Bible has the Jehovah character telling the Adam & Eve characters to eat from any tree except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If they had been told not to eat from any of the trees they would have died of starvation.

      1. Yeah, this is from Genesis 27.

        16 The LORD God commanded the man, saying, “From any tree of the garden you may eat freely; 17 but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you will surely die.

        Of course they didn’t die that day they just became mortal, which is also weird.

        Anyway, I guess this proves that study that found that atheists are generally better informed about what’s in the Bible than Christians! (For homework you should look up Ezekiel 23:20. Warning, NSFW!)

      1. That is a good question Franks! Why does NOAA lie about the temperature record? The only way they could keep their Global Warming farce going is to cook the data. They have heavily altered the land based temperature data to support their theory. Meanwhile, both satellite based temperature records show NO warming for 18+ years.

  244. “Global Warming” was invented to tax rich countries. Period. But then they had to change it to Climate Change because the climate is now cooling.

      Voluntarily pay more taxes and the planet will cool.. sell your car/cars, turn off the heat and a/c in your home, quit eating meat, … hypocrite…

    2. Hey Professor Einstein, the weather warms and cools. The only control man has over it is providing local temperature control to suit himself. Bicycles and “renewable energy” won’t change that, except to increase the cost.

    3. Typical Leftist. All for freedom of speech, as long as it falls in line with their own beliefs.

      So mr. genious, if global warming is real, why do both satellite temperature records (UAHv6 and RSS) both show no warming for over 18 years? The only indication that the globe may be warming is computer models and the heavily adjusted and harmonized land based temperature records. Only the most uninformed would put any faith in the biased land based temperature records.

  245. We know that the planet can naturally be 5 degrees warmer (Medieval Warm Period). We know this because ocean shipping lanes used then are frozen over now.

    We know that the planet can naturally be 15 degrees cooler (Ice Age). We know this because we had glaciers down to Oklahoma.

    So why is everyone freaking out of over 0.7 degrees?

  246. Finally some real scientist are talking instead of the Ali Gore and Ban-il-moon or someone from Anglia Univ..
    As Dr. Moore said, CO2 is the sign of life and not death.

  247. Only four types of people are still pushing this collapsing scam; liars, thieves, fanatics and the ignorant (vast majority). The liars crave power and drastic societal/economic change, the thieves seek wealth, the fanatics have fallen for another “the end of the world as we know it” scam and live in a fantasy world where they are heroes fighting to save the planet, and the ignorant are mostly just misguided and misinformed average citizens who think they are being environmentally responsible by believing in this horrific and destructive criminal scam.

  248. Thanks to global warming I don’t have to mess with wolly mammoths and sabre-tooth tigers on my way to work. The fact is the climate is always changing with or without human intervention.

  249. 97% is actually 100%.
    Alarmists automatically cast skeptics into the non-science category.
    They adjusted down; so any time one reads what looks like a real scientist skeptical of their BS, the rube can chalk it up to a small percentage, probably refuted by really really smart people, elsewhere.

  250. If any liberal truly believes that man is the cause of “global warming,” then the only logical, scientific thing for them to do is cease to be alive.

      1. Me? Nothing. But if you believe that global warming is caused by humans, the only scientifically proven way to change that is to lead by example and cease to be alive. I’d loan you my gun but I don’t want to bother with the hassle of shipping it somewhere.

          1. Nah, I’ll let my wife do that for me.

            I notice that neither “I am the KING” nor “Hurry!” are capable of even a partially thoughtful reply. That’s sad.

            I am presenting a reasonable, scientific solution to man-made global warming. What’s wrong with it?

    –so that now, we could know if the weather is getting as warm now, as it was then?
    –they always seem to be finding animals frozen in the ice that is only now starting to melt?
    –how did they get frozen in the ice so long ago, if it wasn’t warmer then, than it is now?
    china is so worried about it that they are building islands, destroying coral reefs while doing it, yet no environmentalists are complaining about that?
    they don’t even care ‘ WHAT ‘ the Chinese are dumping onto those coral reefs, to build those islands
    ME?–follow the money–I’m old enough to remember colder winters,& warmer winters–colder summers, warmer summors
    but never this much garbage being fed to us.

    1. Proxy studies show a warmer early Holocene than now, and 3 warmer periods than now in the last 6,000 years.
      Unreliable tree-ring proxies skew the results to make the shaft of the hockey stick.

  252. Those of us with common sense and at least a high school education, knew from the beginning that this climate change stuff is nonsense. The climate has been changing for the last 4.5 billion years and will continue to change. The scam needs to stop. The waste of money needs to stop.

  253. This is too much!!! lol
    Libtard hypocrites are funny… I got to go somewhere more sane.. I will throw a couple extra plastic in my wood-burning stove to honor the stupidity of the Obama loyalist…
    When the hypocrites voluntarily pay more in taxes, turn of the heat and a/c, ride a bike everywhere and live without power then maybe they will have some clout.

  254. A Simple Historical Guide to The Climate Debate

    The simplest fact about the debate is that we don’t understand the climate.
    James Lovelock, who understands the climate as well as any human can,
    said it this way: “The problem is, we don’t know what the climate is
    doing. We thought we knew 20 years ago…. it looked clear-cut, but it hasn’t
    happened.” The truth is that the climate has more moving parts to it than the climatologists can calculate.

    But starting (publicly) with Al Gore, a simplistic climate model was seized upon – for political reasons. From the beginning, its proponents tried to enforce that model with intellectual intimidation. At any whiff of heresy, the dogmatists sprang forth to defend their doctrine and, more importantly, to attack its doubters. And now that their model is showing its serious simplistic flaws and misconceptions, they are trying to reinforce it by fudging the evidence for it; all of it – it hardly need be said – for political reasons.

    Next, expect the dogmatists to double down on their threats and intimidation: “Jail the
    Denialists!”, they cry. It’s all they’ve got left.

    But for the Warmist/Alarmists, there’s only one thing you need to remember about the climate debate: no matter what the weather does — it’s your fault.


    1. Climate Change can’t be science. Any change is change. Stasis is change from change. End of stasis is change.
      No practical, possible falsifiability can be conceived.

  255. It’s refreshing to read and hear of all the bulls*t being debunked. All of the chicken littles can now pull their heads out of their posteriors and smell the fresh air….

      1. NVA ?, really ? Man I killed a boatload of your buddies forty years ago. I’ve lived in Japan for short periods and I like Colorado better, not that I didn’t enjoy my time there.

                  1. Some of my favorite people are probably already there…and seeing as I sent my share there, it’ll give me the chance to share old times. Of course that pre-supposes hell actually exists, I’m looing forward to finding out.

          1. I minored in Asian Studies during my undergraduate days and I competed in Judo, which prompted my time there. Also I was wounded at the end of my second tour in Vietnam and evac’d to Camp Zama in Japan. I really like Japan, but I’ll leave Japan to the Japanese and stay in Colorado.

  256. I laugh at how global warmers live. Cars, large houses, owners of multiple homes, TVs, computers, jetting all over the world.
    If it were real, they would live the life.


    One analysis looked at this as determined with the speed of coal fueled plants going on line in India and China, the US emissions would be replaced in something like 5 years.

    As energy production has been getting more efficient (even China is on board), cost of production for alternative fuels is decreasing – top research on this by the oil & gas giants, and the Obama economy keeps people off the road due to lack of jobs and decreasing buying power (decrease in real dollar average household income in the face of rising costs), I believe humankind will get this worked out technologically long before any of the drastic measures of the AGW crowd would work. And probably less harm to the poor and those in underdeveloped countries as well.

      1. World-wide…we may be talking about trillions of dollars when it’s all said and done. This makes Saddam’s oil-for-food scandal look like a child taking a cookie from the cookie jar.

  258. The Globull Warming fraudsters should be dragged out of their homes and publically executed…the trillions of dollars they have stolen from poor families that could have used to feed and clothe the poor children, instead went to make criminals like Al Gore billionaires…..this is a horrific crime…its perpetrators should undergo horrific public executions, and everything they own given to the poor as a clear warning to all future fraudster wanna be’s…fraud will no longer be tolerated.

  259. Kinda bullshit, that line about burning coal. The tree absorbs CO2 for the 60 years it takes to mature, then you burn it all, releasing that CO2 in like, 2 seconds….

    1. As Dr. Lindzen might say, “So what?”. What does the speed of releasing relatively small amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere have to do with anything?

      1. Coal burnin G.S. plants produce ginormous amounts of CO2..but really, it’s the MERCURY in the coal that is the real health issue……fast release carbon and you will exceed the absorptive capacity of the vegetative environment to re-trap it again, and it will wind up in the ocean where it acidifies it…

    2. I’m no expert. But, I am pretty sure that not all of the CO2 that a tree absorbs remains in the form of CO2. What about converting it to oxygen, or other substances?

          1. Sure…diamonds… Just tell me this….coal burning pumps out a lot of shit, right? That’s the bottom line. 1/2 the air to breathe is below 18,00 feet in altitude, and you can’t let people and industry keep using it as a way of getting rid of their waste shit…’cause there isn’t that much there to breathe that’s really clean…

    3. That’s like saying all the food you eat just sits in your belly until such time as you are popped and all the years of food buildup just suddenly spill out all over the floor.
      How ridiculous!
      Trees are living and they CONVERT the CO2 into oxygen. Go back to school and upgrade your education.

      1. …and the CARBON goes where? Huh? Try Cellulose. Look up the word. Or, just call it “wood”. …you’re food-stomach analogy is non-sensical…

        1. Carbon is part of many substances…not just CO2. What about when leaves get shed or a tree dies? The process of decay…many things are happening. CO2 release is not the only result for carbon.

          1. …tree dies…stands erect for even another 20 years, falls down, gets attacked by fungi….Today, I was walking over dead tree logs lying on the forest floor where they’ve been SLOWLY decaying for at least 50 years or more…

            1. You are missing the point. Not all of the CO2 that a tree absorbs during its lifespan remains in the tree…so you are not releasing hundreds of years of absorbed CO2.

        2. No more non-sensical than presuming all the CO2 that trees absorb is released into the atmosphere in a flash as you suggest. That in itself is ridiculous.
          What about the carbon in your very own body? Perhaps you should shut yourself into a rocket ship and blast off into space to help save the planet from your carbon presence!

    1. Yeah, I agree. That “scientist” guy Linzen has been peddling this idea for decades and has been paid to do so by energy companies. He’s also supported big tobacco in the past. He’s quite Orwellian.

      In a biographical note at the foot of a column published in Newsweek in 2007, Lindzen wrote that “his research has always been funded exclusively by the U.S. government. He receives no funding from any energy companies.” (Emphasis added).[7]

      Ross Gelbspan, journalist and author, wrote a 1995 article in Harper’s Magazine which was critical of Lindzen and other global warming skeptics. In the article, Gelbspan reports Lindzen charged “oil and coal interests $2,500 a day for his consulting services; [and] his 1991 trip to testify before a Senate committee was paid for by Western Fuels and a speech he wrote, entitled ‘Global Warming: the Origin and Nature of Alleged Scientific Consensus,’ was underwritten by OPEC.”[8]

      A decade later Boston Globe columnist Alex Beam reported, based on an interview with Lindzen, that “he accepted $10,000 in expenses and expert witness fees from fossil- fuel types in the 1990s, and has taken none of their money since.”[9]

      In a 2001 profile in Newsweek, journalist Fred Guterl wrote that Lindzen “clearly relishes the role of naysayer. He’ll even expound on how weakly lung cancer is linked to cigarette smoking.”[14] James Hansen recalls meeting Lindzen whilst testifying before the Vice President’s Climate Task Force: “I considered asking Lindzen if he still believed there was no connection between smoking and lung cancer. He had been a witness for tobacco companies decades earlier, questioning the reliability of statistical connections between smoking and health problems. But I decided that would be too confrontational. When I met him at a later conference, I did ask that question, and was surprised by his response: He began rattling off all the problems with the date relating smoking to helath problems, which was closely analagous to his views of climate data.” [15]

  260. Obama’s looking for a legacy, he doesn’t even know that he’s already got one, and it’s as one of the greatest liars to ever walk the face of the earth.

        1. I don’t believe in the Bible but I’ve read it and studied it. Have you at least read any of the facts or do you just discount them because they go against what you believe?

          1. And we could all ask you the exact same question. I happen to be a scientist and yes I read the articles. And as a scientist, they read like most publishes……opinion, hypotheses, conjecture, maybes…… proof. More study is needed….etc.

            1. No proof? All the articles they write link to peer reviewed information. Maybes?

              Just one example:


              “Of the three surface temperature records (HadCRUT3, NASA GISS, and NCDC), onlyHadCRUT3 actually shows 1998 as the hottest year on record. For NASA GISS and NCDC, the hottest year on record is 2005. A new independent analysis of the HadCRUT recordsheds light on this discrepancy. The analysis is by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) who calculated global temperature, utilizing a range of sources including surface temperature measurements, satellites, radiosondes, ships and buoys. They found warming has been higher than that shown by HadCRUT. This is because HadCRUT is sampling regions that have exhibited less change, on average, than the entire globe.

              Figure 7 shows the regions that HadCRUT have sampled compared to the regionsECMWF included in their dataset. The ECMWF analysis shows that in data-sparse regions such as Russia, Africa and Canada, there is strong warming over land that is not included in the HadCRUT’s sampling data. This leads the ECMWF to infer with high confidence that the HadCRUT record is at the lower end of likely warming.”

              So explain to me since you are a scientist what is conjecture about this? Do they need a few more million data points and a few more dozen independent models to satisfy you? Sure precision is going to always be an issue but all models are never perfect but they get to a threshold where there has to be pretty convincing proof contrary that all of the models and data sets are flawed. Do you have that information? I would love to see rebuttals.

              1. If the age of the Earth was condensed into one calendar year, humans have existed for 11 seconds. Industrialized humans for much less time. If the number of people on the planet were considered bacteria, the planet would be virtually sterile. Thats how significant you and I have been.

                1. We are so insignificant that if we decided to launch all of our insignificant arsenal of 20,000 nuclear warheads each with an average of .5-1 megaton would it be insignificant? Talk about Anthropomorphic Global Cooling!

                  “Half of 1% of the explosive power of the deployed nuclear arsenal can create nuclear darkness. 100 Hiroshima-size weapons exploded in the large cities of India and Pakistan would put 5 million tons of smoke in the stratosphere and drop average global temperatures to Little Ice Age levels. Shortened growing seasons could cause up to 1 billion people to starve to death.

                  A large nuclear war could put 150 million tons of smoke in the stratosphere and make global temperatures colder than they were 18,000 years ago during the coldest part of the last Ice Age. Killing frosts would occur every day for 1-3 years in the large agricultural regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Average global precipitation would be reduced by 45%. Earth’s ozone layer would be decimated. Growing seasons would be eliminated.

                  A large nuclear war would utterly devastate the environment and cause most people to starve to death. Already stressed ecosystems would collapse. Deadly climate change, radioactive fallout and toxic pollution would cause a mass extinction event, eliminating humans and most complex forms of life on Earth.”

                  If we can do this all 7 billion and counting can do just as much damage over a century of industrializing. We are NOT insignificant. The Earth would move on but civilization wouldn’t do so well.

                  1. Your last sentence is all you had to say. We are significant to ourselves. Not the planet. And I would hardly compare Global Thermal Nuclear
                    War to 100 years of industrial revolution. I remember when the Exxon Valdez accident occurred and the doom and gloomers predicted decades upon decades of time before the coast would ever be the same. Its been what? 2-3 decades? And there isn’t a sign that anything ever happened.

                    1. CO2 stays in the atmosphere and oceans over decades to centuries. We are adding greenhouse gasses practically at an exponential rate as the population grows and not only grows but industrializes. This is over timescales not seen in nature unless during massive geologic events like crustal outflows that caused mass extinctions over just a few centuries. That is what we are doing.

        2. Would have it been better if I posted the WSJ article seperately that shows them peddling this same crock? More CO2 is good for plants and stuff like that is embarrassing.

                1. A 50% increase is a lot when you are talking about balanced ecosystems that experience very small fluctuations over dozens of millenia not over centuries. Our blood pH is usually between 7.35 and 7.45. I certainly would be alarmed if my pH was 7.25.

              1. The point is that classifying it as a pollutant is political. How in the world can you classify a substance that is absolutely essential for life as a pollutant? We are not going to stop the planet from changing temperatures and other dynamics as it has done constantly for billions of years. The face of the earth is constantly changing as is the effect of the sun on the planet.

                Is it not true that far more people die because of cold than they do from heat? Again, why is CO2 added to greenhouses to increase production if the atmosphere already contains too much?

                I’ve been to the website before…not impressed.

                1. Everything you just said is explained in detail on that site. I feel you didn’t really read it. Here are just a few points on why more CO2 globally isn’t always good. But sometimes in a greenhouse it is. Not all types of plants do better with more CO2. If you look at all plant life on Earth more CO2 isn’t better over short time scales. We can’t base our entire understanding of plant life on human cultivation of certain species in greenhouses.

                  “Plants cannot live on CO2 alone; a complete plant metabolism depends on a number of elements. It is a simple task to increase water and fertilizer and protect against insects in an enclosed greenhouse but what about doing it in the open air, throughout the entire Earth? Just as increasing the amount of starch alone in a person’s diet won’t lead to a more robust and healthier person, for plants additional CO2 by itself cannot make up for deficiencies of other compounds and elements.”

                  3. Too high a concentration of CO2 causes a reduction of photosynthesis in certain plants. There is also evidence from the past of major damage to a wide variety of plants species from a sudden rise in CO2 (See illustrations below). Higher concentrations of CO2also reduce the nutritional quality of some staples, such as wheat.

                  4. As is confirmed by long-term experiments, plants with exhorbitant supplies of CO2 run up against limited availability of other nutrients. These long term projects show that while some plants exhibit a brief and promising burst of growth upon initial exposure to C02, effects such as the “nitrogen plateau” soon truncate this benefit

                  5. Plants raised with enhanced CO2 supplies and strictly isolated from insects behave differently than if the same approach is tried in an otherwise natural setting. For example, when the growth of soybeans is boosted out in the open this creates changes in plant chemistry that makes these specimens more vulnerable to insects, as the illustration below shows.

        1. When I go to their page all I see is stuff like discussing how CO2 is good for plants so industrialization is a good thing. And that AGW is a hoax because Leonardo di Caprio says CO2 is a poison but it isn’t. Is that really it?

          1. The posters here have some complex misconceptions about climate. They’ll argue solar variation, the Little Ice Age and Medieval Warm Period until the cows come home. Then there are the wacky ones . . .;

          1. Smoking is bad for people who have bad genes and are susceptible to illness, or have cancer in their family. It doesn’t cause cancer, it eliminates some people’s ability to fight it and enhances their chances of contracting it. I have people on my side of the family that smoked since they were 10 and lived to be from 85-95. On wife’s side of the family, she lost her mother to cancer at the age of 54 and others in their 60’s. All smokers. It’s a crap shoot that i have chosen not to take part in. It’s just nasty.

            No, I do not believe in evolution. Like Darwin, I believe in survival of the fittest, and adaptation. Most people confuse them with evolution.

  261. Wow, now that was a great meal, a fabulous beer, and a huge belch. What percentage of my belch made the average temperature increase by .000000000001% again? I am confused.

  262. CO2 is the most important greenhouse gas. This has been known since John Tyndall’s research in the mid-19th century. Without trace amounts of CO2, the planet would be 50F cooler, while high concentrations are associated, in the geological record, with climatic conditions that would be disastrous to contemporary human civilization.

    Everyone knows these things, except here at Climate Depot, this vile hub of ignorance and stupidity. Global warming denial will one day be prosecuted as a crime, like Holocaust denial is now.

    We can only hope that the human death toll from global warming denial won’t be as high. But, given the virulence of ClimateDepot, Heartland and criminals like Lindzen, Happer and Moore, we will be lucky if AGW doesn’t wipe out far greater numbers than Hitler. It is reasonable to say that it already kills about 400K people a year now.

    1. This article is utter bosh!. Patrick Moore is not a “scientist”. And neither Happer nor Lindzen has published any research to substantiate their claims. There is almost NO research that supports AGW denial.

      The stuff they say in the quotes you linked is sort of silly, anyway: anything can be a “pollutant” in high enough concentrations, and relatively little warming will upset the climate equilibrium upon which civilization depends.

    1. As opposed to global warming denial, which allows oil and coal companies to continue pumping the air full of toxins and greenhouse gasses. No money in that, of course.

                1. You yahoos always make it sound like Gore was rock star on some sort of pleasure seeking binge. Believe me, the guy is a tireless fighter for the human future: deeply flawed and completely unlikable, but no hypocrite.

    1. “He keeps houses in New York City, East Hampton, New York, and Aspen, Colorado. He also keeps a 166-foot Oceanco Yacht, the Lazy Z. For transportation, he previously owned a Falcon 900 corporate jet but has recently purchased a Gulfstream G550.”

              1. A report commissioned by the governments of more than 20 countries found that more than 100 million people will die as a result of climate
                change by 2030 if the world stays on its current path.

                According to the second edition of the Climate Vulnerability Monitor,
                climate change and fossil fuel use already causes nearly 4.5 million
                deaths each year, and could increase to about 6 million deaths per year
                2030. The report, released by DARA, an independent, Spanish-based
                non-profit, suggests that time is running out for the situation to be


          1. You’re arguing with someone who is adamantly opposed to entertaining anything that might challenge her narrow, rigid understanding of the issue. Not even scientists MUCH more learned on the subject than she garner an iota of her attention or interest. “Closed minded” is her approach to science.

  263. The earth has been warming since the last ice age. The planet has been water-world and an ice cube and will be both again in the fullness of time. There is ample geologic evidence to demonstrate this. If the earth has been warmer and cooler several times over previously…odds are this is a natural cyclical phenomena. Since it is the left pushing this with everything they have…there must be some self-serving motive. I think they are trying to bleed capitalism via taxes and fees so as to make their statist central planning systems even remotely competitive and to also create a skim off enterprise to fund government and the party of government. Spending our money as they see fit is how they derive their power.

  264. Leftrash can only lie, it’s in their inferior DNA. All of them have an agenda, and that agenda is enslavement of the world with themselves as dictatorial rulers like every left-wing despot that came before them. If it’s warmer today than it was yesterday, they claim it”s “record temperatures” or “The warmest on record.” The left-wing idiots who believe everything they are told without any independent research, swallow the BS without question.

  265. The real core of Global Warming is money. Good old political greed. Carbon based tax. The politicians drool at the thought. Listen to them talk about Greenhouse Gases. There is no such thing as Greenhouse Gas. There are various gas that make up our atmosphere but no Greenhouse Gas. We are so stupid. Listen to Obama on one of his earlier speeches. He said that carbon would pollute the water. Hmmm. Last time I looked carbon was an excellent filter for water. We have experienced 18 years of stable global temperatures. Now we change the verbiage to Global Climate Change. Yup we are stupid

  266. Global Warming May Kill 100 Million People by 2030, says new study

    A report commissioned by the governments of more than 20 countries found that more than 100 million people will die as a result of climate change by 2030 if the world stays on its current path.

    According to the second edition of the Climate Vulnerability Monitor, climate change and fossil fuel use already causes nearly 4.5 million deaths each year, and could increase to about 6 million deaths per year by 2030. The report, released by DARA, an independent, Spanish-based non-profit, suggests that time is running out for the situation to be

  267. If we stop global climate change, what is the metric of success?
    How much carbon has to be pulled pulled out per year, to show a steady improvement?
    Questions that require precise answers and are unanswerable to the global climate doom sayers.

  268. Global warming is real. We’ve got to stop the fossil fuel madness right now! If the climate model predictions pan out, then by 2020 the global temperature will be 64,204°F and we’ll all have drowned – IN MOLTEN ROCK! I’m doing my part. Instead of driving a car to work, I ridemy pet Pegasus. And I heat my house with magic bean power! For electricity, I just close my eyes and imagine that there’s electricity, and by Jove, there it is! And since agriculture is such a fossil fuel dependent industry, I just eat the air. Mmmmm, tasty, tasty air!

    So come on and let’s all do our part. Think of the children! FOR THE LOVE OF PETE, WHO’S GOING TO THINK OF THE CHILDREN!

  269. Emergencies’ have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded.
    – Friedrich Hayek

  270. AGW is certainly real, and it’s caused by excess P02 in the atmosphere. Of course, by atmosphere, I mean climate alarmists’ underpants, and by P02, I mean P00.

  271. When will we get scientist to admit that our Sun has more to do with climatic changes from ice ages to extreme warming and back again than any contribution of Mankind’s industrial output of the last 150 years? We have no technology at any cost to control our atmosphere by a degree or two over the course of decades that would not get wiped out by solar activity. The sun will be the culprit that brings us warming or an ice age, we cannot stop it, only adapt as life on earth has through out the eons. For that matter volcanic activity puts far more pollution into the atmosphere every single year than man’s combined world wide industrial activity, and we cannot control the internal forces below the Earth’s crust any more that we can manage a sunspot cycle. Global warming, Climate Change, AWG, are all political terms not scientific terms. I recall from grade school science class that we take in O2 and give back CO2, while our friends the trees take our CO2 and give O2 back. Would not an increase in global CO2 and temperature be beneficial to plant life, thus creating a symbiotic benefit to man?

    1. The evils of climate change cannot be over estimated. Spring, summer, fall and winter must be stopped !!! I myself burn lots of coal during winter to create local climate change CO2 warming and eliminate local winter.
      MORE COAL !!!

        1. hiernonymous – Thank ya’ll for that kindly suggestion in reply.
          But no keyboard has ever been implicated in Global Climate Change.
          Nay good Sir, your not up on REAL science here.
          We need more COAL this winter. China is appropriating all our local supplies.

  272. Quote — Princeton Physicist Dr. Will Happer: ‘Policies to slow CO2 emissions are really based on nonsense. We are being led down a false path. To call carbon dioxide a pollutant is really Orwellian. You are calling something a pollutant that we all produce. Where does that lead us eventually?’ —
    *** CO2 producing life forms must be stopped and eliminated if they are not part of the UN team saving Gaia from boiling over. Otherwise it is DOOM for Gaia !!!

  273. The simple model of the greenhouse effect such as taught in Universities such as here:-

    explicitly shows that the heating power of the atmospheric back radiation is equivalent to, or even greater than if you believe Trenberth et al, the heating power of the solar radiation (or even one quarter of the solar radiation).

    This model is universal – hundreds of examples can be found on academic sites all over the world.


    Surely anyone who believes that believes in fairies at the bottom of the garden. Sunlight is capable of starting fires, splitting electrons from metallic crystal lattices and boiling water to generate electricity. Atmospheric back radiation is totally incapable of anything even remotely like these effects.

    If the greenhouse effect is about back radiation heating the Earth’s surface I totally reject it as nonsensical.

    If the greenhouse effect is about reducing the ability of the Earth’s surfaces or atmosphere to cool due to an insulating effect why then do hourly air temperature cooling rates of many places we see on weather reports on Earth match the rate of cooling on the airless Moon ?

    Also this is not what they teach students as evident from the University website link above anyway.

    2 degrees C per hour is easily observed at many places on Earth. People tend to forget one lunar hour is about 29 Earth hours when they make ludicrous claims about how the Moon’s temperature “plunges” in a few hours to frightening levels of cold.

    In reality 6 lunar hours is more than a week in Earth hours no wonder the temperature keeps dropping.

    I simply do not believe a word of it.

  274. How dare you disagree with the open minded left. Don’t you know that the truth is whatever fits their agenda? Who cares that the earth was a much better place to support life when it was quite a bit warmer. Who cares that with out C02 we would die. Who cares that during the greenest periods in time C02 levels were about double what they are now. Who cares that the Sun can change the earth’s temperature at will. The really sickening part is that their brains have so deteriorated that they can’t think for themselves and when their masters say the earth is flat, they believe it.

  275. When I listen to the public debates about climate change, I am impressed by the enormous gaps in
    our knowledge, the sparseness of our observations and the superficiality of our theories.
    – Freeman Dyson, American Physicist

  276. So how many times are these paid junk scientists going to be caught lying to the world before we stop printing & listening to their lies? I wrote them off after their first criminal act. I guess the worst thing you could do is to ignore them and let ignorance rule the world.

  277. The 97% comes from 3,000 ask to participate in a survey, Something like 300 participated and of those 300, 79 were deemed Qualified by those conducting the survey. 77 agreed Man was the cause of Global Warming. So 97% of Scientists who were hand picked agreed. Also, there was only ONE survey ever conducted.

  278. not in this article but also a fact is any CO2 in the air, being such a heavy atom, is washed out of the atmosphere when it rains where it bonds chemically to granite and other elements in the soil. plants love this.

      1. really? you believe that?? after this article quoted the same source you’re providing as being LIARS and charlatans? it’s a fact: carbon is heavy and falls to the Earth, carried easily by rain where it BONDS to other elements. if you decide this is an inconvenient fact and doesn’t serve your AGW agenda, then you are welcome to close your eyes to it and continue drinking the kool-aid like a typical sheep.

  279. Sweet Mother, someone posted the Hockey Stick graph which has already been debunked as junk and fraudulent. Quick tell if someones info is bs meant only to support climate, global warming change (i.e. weather) …. when do they start measuring and what do they measure? if you go back as far as evidence allows – thousands of years – no evidence of drastic changes. If you evaluate caves, tree rings from thousand yr old trees, volcanoes, oceans, ice, etc, etc, etc, no evidence. Now, if you only go back 100 yrs it looks like there may be….but go back another 100 years and the bumps smooth out. Go back as far as data allows – thousands of year and you will see no causation connected to anything man made.

  280. Thanks to the hackers who breached the University of East Anglia UK servers in 2009, we now know that the ‘scientists’ there were tasked with modifying raw climate data to suit a prescribed political agenda in order to validate a global climate-tax scam. In the U.S., this scheme is known as the Cap & Trade scam and big manufacturing companies are issued trading cards and the game is essentially, if you emit carbon (a fundamental building block of life) the company / corporation is taxed. This is one of the biggest global schemes going, besides weather modification / weather warfare conducted utilizing satellite based microwave transmitters, HAARP transmitters and chemical aerosol ‘chemtrails’ to reroute the jet stream and prevent weather systems from delivering rain.

    1. Let’s see, HAARP has been heating up the upper atmosphere conducting experiments in modifying the climate. And no one mentions it, just the dogma the climate is changing, like the climate changing is something new to the world.

  281. The man-made global warming movement is typical of other Mass movements of history such as fascism and communism. Mass movements need the adherents to be willing to sacrifice themselves and others for the future goals. To do so, mass movements need to devalue both the past and the present. Mass movements appeal to frustrated people who are dissatisfied with their current state, but are capable of a strong belief in the future. As well, mass movements appeal to people who want to escape a flawed self by creating an imaginary self and joining a collective whole.

  282. “Our breath is not that different from a power plant,” he continued.

    You can’t take this kind of person seriously. Injecting huge peta-ton quantities of CO2 sequestered into the ground over hundreds of millions of years into the atmosphere in the space of 50 or 100 years is fundamentally different than CO2 we exhale. Human breath, or the yearly global plant cycle, is carbon neutral or even slightly carbon-negative. Burning coal or any other hydrocarbon siphoned from the Earth’s crust isn’t carbon neutral.

    It’s likely that these sorts of folks have been paid handsomely to condemn future generations to a Second Stone Age.

  283. “To call carbon dioxide a pollutant is really Orwellian. You are calling
    something a pollutant that we all produce. Where does that lead us
    Princeton Physicist Dr. Will Happer

    What, the actual fuck?! Carbon dioxide IS toxic to everything that’s not a plant or some certain bacteria. A high concentration of carbon dioxide leads to asphyxiation and death. Just because we all produce it doesn’t mean it’s beneficial or even inert. Hey, guess what, we all poop, so why not just let poop everywhere, I mean we all produce it so it can’t be harmful.

    Did this guy buy his diplomas off the internet? An 8 year old knows these things.

    1. Well, certainly your comment is worthy of an 8-year-old, but not an adult. You actually swerved into something with your stupid comment about feces, though. IT REALLY IS A FERTILIZER, although it’s not used that way because of sanitary and health reasons having nothing to do with your point. Cow manure and other forms have been used for that purpose for millenia.

    2. CO2 is toxic huh? You could say that about any gas that isn’t oxygen. Too much nitrogen is toxic to humans yet 78% of the air we breath is nitrogen gas. There is only 21% of oxygen in the air and if that is replaced with anything but oxygen we die. Alcohol is 1 billion times more toxic to humans yet we drink it in thousands of gallons everyday. Hell even too much oxygen is toxic.

  284. To be fair, our leftist liberal comrades MAY be simply immature – most are indeed “young” (as in less than 40, i.e. not old enough to have experienced “reality” as an adult). OK, the rest are just arrogant, lying SOBs and/or DOBs to be PC.

  285. Don’t let the climate “scientists” proven lies deter you from the truth. Obama paid them to find global warming and he got what he paid for, that’s all.

  286. “This science was “settled” who are these creeps? We gotta plug this leak now… Quick get Gore on the phone and tell him we have some wet work for his team then get our guys on CNN to spin this so that this entire panel is painted as bat $hit crazy….I want this neutralized by 0600 its about our funding, people ….MOVE”

    Signed Director NOAA

  287. “I’m stealing that awesomely snide remark!”

    Steal away!

    Will it change the effect of greenhouse gasses on planetary temperature?

    “The heat-trapping nature of carbon dioxide and other gases was demonstrated in the mid-19th century”

          1. “don’t you know that facts are right-wing and racist?”

            Facts don’t actually have a political orientation!

            A movement not interested in facts cannot be a legitimate political movement…

            Now what are the facts?

            Are humans warming the planet?

            “Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree: Climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities.”


            1. Human activity dwarfs that of the solar systems mind bending array of variables. Let’s not do anything or go anywhere, until the string cheese is gone. Ration people!

              1. Life is all about budgeting resources. Currently people are consuming the earth’s natural resources at a rate that is an order of magnitude greater than the planet can re-supply.

                The calculus of that fact is obvious to everyone who is capable of rational thinking.

                What is your excuse?

                1. Human population is not going to breathe all of the air and drink all of the water, despite what Bill Moyers and Al Gore tell you.

                  In 1798 Thomas Malthus predicted very “scientifically” that population explosion will use up available resources before 1958. He got everything wrong and failed to take into account numerous factors. In the 50’s and 60’s Malthusian population ideas resurfaced, culminating in Paul & Anne Erhlich’s, book The Population Bomb, in 1968, written at the behest of David Brower, environmentalist and Executive Director of the Sierra Club, and published by the Sierra Club. This scaremonger predicted that the population explosion would use up all of the Earth’s resources before the turn of the century. They proposed a powerful Department of Population and Environment which “should be set up with the power to take whatever steps are necessary to establish a reasonable population size in the United States and to put an end to the steady deterioration of our environment. The measures for controlling the global population they suggested were draconian. Their emphasis was not on the suffering of the starving hordes,
                  but on the damage this plague of people would do to the environment in a futile attempt to house, clothe, and feed them. The best thing for Mother Earth is to kill her children.
                  President Obama’s Dir of Office of Science and Technology Policy, John Holdren, wrote a textbook with the Ehrlichs in 1977 Ecoscience, in which they predicted governments would need to coerce population
                  control by 1980, and America could not survive a population in excess of 110 million. They suggested that governments of the world might come together for formation of a “planetary regime” that would use a “global police force” to enforce totalitarian measures of population control, though the authors stopped just short of advocating the draconian measures they suggested might be developed by desperate countries. Those measures were advocated for in the Ehrlichs’ previous less academic, more sensational book for the Sierra Club. Holdren and his colleagues are now at the
                  forefront of efforts to combat “climate change” through programs focused around geoengineering the planet. They are joined by The Club of Rome, a think tank of UN bureaucrats and various politicians founded in 1968 that produced a ‘report’ in 1972 The Limits to Growth, blaming population growth, industrialization, and pollution for all of the ills of the planet. Mostly authored by Dennis Meadows, it predicted (43 years ago) that global collapse was imminent. This author is
                  one of the environmental gurus for manmade climate change and told der Spiegel in 2012 “Humanity is still on the way to destroying itself. … In climate change, for example, the delays are very long. Even if we were to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions to zero today, warming would still continue for centuries.”

                  1. That is how a fungus consoles itself as it is consuming an orange. There was more orange yesterday and at all times in living memory so there must be new orange available tomorrow and for all eternity.

                    Sorry Mr. Fungus. The world don’t work that way.

                    1. Surprise, Mr. Notverybright. A fungus neither thinks nor consoles itself. It is a single celled organism. Anthropomorphism of the natural world by Gaia worshippers is based on neither logic nor science. It is the basic primitive religion of the uncivilized and the uneducated. Enjoy your fruit.

                    2. Too bad you couldn’t keep up with the math. It is over the heads of 2nd graders like yourself.

                  2. “Humanity is still on the way to destroying itself. … In climate change, for example, the delays are very long. Even if we were to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions to zero today, warming would still continue for centuries.”


                    1. Yes. We are slaves to the truth.

                      Denialist Liars aren’t.

                      Meanwhile the earth is now warmer than at any time in the last 120,000 years.

                    2. Then the earth must have been warmer than at any time in the last 120,000 years 18 years ago since there hasn’t been any warming at all in the last 18 years.

                      So many continually grubered, global warming hoax believing imbeciles, so little time to enlighten them all.

                    3. Something tells me that when you walked home from school, you spent every day pulling yourself out of the bushes and trying to avoid the streets where the other kids were.

                    4. Let’s see, the Warmists claim that the results of man are happening immediately and spiking with their hockey stick made from falsified data, and then claim that even total stopping of the cause will only result in slower warming for hundreds of years, but of course, have no way of proving either claim. Got it. Nonscience, and irrationality combined.

                    5. “the results of man are happening immediately” – Proud American

                      You can’t even formulate a logically coherent sentence.

                      How do you manage to muster enough brain power to lift the spoon to your mouth?


                    6. “spiking with their hockey stick” – Proud American

                      Which hockey stick? There are dozens of them now.

                      Here is the data by the way….

                2. We heard that back in the late 60’s and early 70’s. That’s when we were all going to die from “global cooling.” That is, if we didn’t all first starve to death from overpopulation and a lack of crops to feed us.

                  The liberal/progressive communist propaganda didn’t work on us then. What makes a moonbat Global Warming Hoax Believer like you believe it will work on us now?

                  1. You did? Why isn’t any of what you heard in the 60’s and 70’s regarding global cooling found in the scientific literature?

                    You denialists have had 30 years to find it.

                    What is the cause of your delay?

                    Are you too stupid to find it? Or just are you just too lazy?

                    1. Then why can’t you find any papers in the peer reviewed scientific press from that period that substantiates your claim (lie)?

                      Did the boogy man hide all of the journals from that period?

                      Or are you just a liar?

                    2. Who said I can’t find any? You? I haven’t looked nor do I have to. As I told you, I was there.

                    3. You mean you have finally found something in print in the scientific media to support your contention?

                      But you have been too lazy to present it?

                      Ahahahahahahahahaha…… Moron.

                    4. What I understand is that you can’t you find any papers in the peer reviewed scientific press from that period that substantiates your claim (lie).

                      Did the boogy man hide all of the journals from that period?

                      Or are you just a liar?

                    5. I don’t have to do your homework for you. As I’ve already informed your simple mind twice, I was there. Read slowly and attempt to comprehend, eternally grubered and easily conned global warming hoax believing moonbat.

                    6. By the way, sheep, at the same time we were also told that if we didn’t first freeze to death from global cooling, we would all starve to death due to an overpopulated planet and a paucity of crops.

                    7. You aren’t going to die from a fantasy kook boy. But you do seem to regularly fill your diaper out of fear of your fantasies.

                      Here is some reality…

                3. You are a tailor-made serf for the globalist tyrants. “Must limit my resource use”…”less is good”…”I actually like my bicycle and my tiny ‘sustainable’ apartment”…etc.

                  I have no doubt that were they to lead you to the gallows to end your life “in the interest of saving the planet”, you would be thanking them along the way.

                  1. As usual you have everything backwards and upside down, Logan. It is the denialists who will be headed to the gallows, and they will be lead there by their own children.

                    It will be fun to pull the lever. I will even deny any payment I may be offered for the service.

                4. You are spouting the usual nonsense about “scarcity of resources”. You and your ilk deny the power of man’s mind to find alternative solutions. The world desperately needs cheap energy, not expensive “renewables”. Things like safe nuclear power from thorium are ignored politically for instance. Are you so superior as to deny cheap energy to emerging economies, when they so desperately need it?
                  As for the effects of producing and consuming energy, nothing is as powerful as solar activity in that respect. Also, one decent volcano can spew out more pollution in one week than mankind has in the whole of his existence on earth.
                  Finally, the idea that governments can control the environment by means of taxing people into their graves is quite simply outrageous. We need individual freedom. That alone creates true wealth by means of allowing each and every individual to solve the problems of this world entirely devoid of interference by government.
                  Of course, the left wing totalitarian collectivists absolutely hate this idea. There idea of “freedom” is merely the freedom not to have to work for a living and yet enjoy a free lunch!

                  1. Earth enters sixth extinction phase with many species – including our own – labelled ‘the walking dead’


                    UN: Accelerating Biodiversity Loss a ‘Fundamental Threat’ to the ‘Survival of Humankind’


                    Earth has lost half of its wildlife in the past 40 years, says WWF

              1. What fudged and omitted data?

                You kooks have had 30 years to find some, and so far, all you have to show for it is failure upon failure upon failure.

                Lying is now a way of life for you people.

                  1. The science is in print in the worlds foremost scientific journals, written by expert scientists and reviewed by expert scientists.

                    Your nonsense is confined to nonsense blogs written by Joe the Plumber.

                    See the difference?

                    1. You mean Always Wrong Lindzen?

                      I stopped listening to him when he started refuting that smoking causes cancer.

                    2. Another nice bid by a liberal/progressive wad, but no cigar. Lindzen was referring to second-hand smoke and he was right. Second hand smoke doesn’t cause cancer.

                      Either you were attempting to put something over on me (not bloody likely, I’m far too smart for you) or you were simply being a typical, liberal/progressive, know-nothing sheep and repeating the BS that you’ve heard (more likely).

                    3. How does the smoke know that it is second hand and that it shouldn’t cause cancer?

                      It seems the smoke would have to be brighter than you are.

                    4. If smoke doesn’t have some magical way of knowing that it shouldn’t cause cancer, then how will it know not to cause cancer?

                      It is a simple question. Why can’t you answer it?

                      Are you stupid?

                    5. Better still; If a tree falls in the forest, does it make a liberal any less stupid? I think not. But then that’s none of my business.

                    6. How lovely. A climate alarmist AND a Smoking Nazi to boot. A ‘two-fer, as it were. Anything I can do to dissuade you from showing up in my garage to bust up my moonshine still and prattling out “Tomorrow Belongs to Me” on my bong? WARNING: My mother-in-law looms large.

                    7. I have been studying both sides of this for many years and have failed to find irrefutable “facts”. I have children and want them and their offspring to have a good life. If I believe your case, then how does your side change or “reverse” the damage that you claim will bring harm to my children. I know the “why” of your argument, but have not heard a coherent “how” when it comes to “effectively” reversing this trend. Specifically, how will you implement the rescue of our planet, step by step?

                    8. If you warmistas are right we are all doomed. For China and India it’s full steam ahead on building new fossil fuel powered plants.

                    9. Exactly what can we do anyhow to offset those two nations increasing their coal-burning powerplants by huge numbers year after year? We can’t possibly offset that.

                    10. Always wrong Lindzen seems to take pride in always being wrong.

                      Curry is just incompetent.

                  1. The science is in print in the worlds foremost scientific journals, written by expert scientists and reviewed by expert scientists.

                    Your nonsense is confined to nonsense blogs written by Joe the Plumber.

                    See the difference?

                    1. Peer reviewed by fellow grant recipients. See how it works, eternally grubered meathead? Probably not. That would take at least a modicum of intelligence.

                    2. You have just proven yourself to be scientifically illiterate.

                      You denialist kooks do seem to love to publicly humiliate yourselves.

                      It’s fun to watch.

                      The scientific method rejects all matter what the source or cause.

                      Your claim of a massive collusion among scientists to commit fraud is laughable because it is impossible to maintain because of the scientific method. There are other scientists always checking the results and trying
                      to prove the other scientist wrong. All error and all fraud is eventually exposed and corrected by the scientific method.

                      All of the data these researchers use, and all of their methods are open to the public and open to all other scientists to be checked and verified, peer review provides the first layer of this checking.

                      Peer review is something that denialists never get past because their efforts are unscientific, incompetent, and often outright dishonest.

                      You have been exposed as the frauds you are.

                      And that make me laugh too.

                    3. I find it rather interesting that the Chicken Littles of Climate Change early on co-opted the buzz word ‘denier’ as it so deliciously calls into question the moral standing of your protractors as it immediately associates them with ignominious Holocaust deniers. It appears that it is a key element in the manufacturing of your contrived narrative. Just as you (you are for the most part, part of the same camp, no?) throw out the reprehensible word ‘racist’ when anyone DARES to point out the obvious, and thereby shut down the discussion,

                      DENIER……..It’s the new Race Card!

                  1. Which hockey stick are you referring to? There are now a few dozen of them all using different data and methods of analysis, and all confirm the original.

                    1. They ought to call it the ‘hockey puck’ theory because you’d have to be one to believe this cooked-up nonsense.

                    2. Again. Which hockey stick are you referring to? There are several dozen of them now. All confirming the original.

                    3. The modeling software change is so badly written. This graph is a good example of how wrong this software change is. The curve should follow the sunspots i.e. Cycle 23. Try to get the data and see how the numbers do not distill to this graph.

              1. another Good website is a bunch of Ole school nasa experts that debunk all the BS about climate change. They say you could ignite all the planets fossil Fuels and only raise atmosphere Temps by 1 degree celcius. If anything earth’s patterns are affected by volcanoes and sun cycles. All the ” save the planet kill yourself” crowd have an agenda.

                    1. You bugger factory troll, who pulled your string? Can’t you get a real job?
                      How much does Soros pay you for this crap vitriol?

                      Your ad hominem attacks are a symptom of a lack of intelligence and knowledge. Go back to your slime hole troll.

                    2. I also wouldn’t trust any medical advice I find on a kook website created by a few very old very retired engineers.

                      Maybe they could diagnose your brain disease.

                    3. I wouldn’t trust anyone with a psychobabbling, potty mouth like troll, and the site referenced wasn’t a medical site. But from my encounter from you, you are clinically insane and need to be instituted, and kicked off this site!

                      And the engineers aren’t that old, many got laid off; but you seem very young with the logic of a 5th grader bugger factory.

                    4. “and the site referenced wasn’t a medical site” – Scottar

                      Their expertise in medicine is close to zero, but then so is their expertise in climatology.

                      Maybe you would rather trust their expert knowledge of citation biology, or inter-cellular chemical adhesion which they also have no knowledge of.

                      “And the engineers aren’t that old” – Scottar

                      If you don’t consider 80 to be that old.

                    5. And that statement just shows what a clueless clown you are. From one of their articles:

                      “Although climate science is not one of our technical specialties, the required expertise in physics, chemistry, geology, meteorology, biology, data analysis and interpretation, and complex systems modeling, is similar to our collective academic training and experience gained through our typical 40 – 50 years of experience working in our nation’s space program.”

                      In other words, they have the knowledge, background and experience to understand and analyze atmospheric physics since their scope within NASA gives them that validity, just like any so called climatologist. And how do you know what their backgrounds and ages are?

                      Vendicar, you feckless idiot, there are doctors that come up with medical devices that involve mechanical engineering. They are able to comeup with those devices as they have the academic studies and intelligence to achieve it. And these guys where heavily involved in atmospheric, solar and planetary physics and even biology as their research was involved in such areas for possible encounters with life and the human environment in space.

                      And they do have climatologists helping them on this project, one of them is Dr. John Nielson-Gammon. And they also provide valid references, something you consistently fail to do. And what makes them more credible is that they are working off of their pensions and other retirement monies, not from large, outside funding influences, especially concerning government grants.

                      You think just because they are advanced in years they stopped learning after they retired? Your just a propagandist, troll slimer. I’m not fooled by your Goebbels talk. They know far more then you could imagine.

                  1. You don’t have to know anything about the science, just read Donna Laframboise’s book “The Deliquent Teenager …” and if you’re open minded you will know that AGW is purely political hogwash.

                    1. And again you can’t verify your claims, for all I know that graph could be fabricated by you or someone else. You are just showing what a feckless, slimeball troll you are.

                    2. Don’t even bother with this potty mouth troll, e’s just an insult clown with a vitriol string.

              1. “The 97% figure is made up.”

                According to whom?

                Do you actually know who you are citing?

                “Joseph Bast co-founded the Heartland Institute in 1984 with David M. Padder. He currently serves as the institute’s president and CEO.”


                “Heartland received more than $675,000 from ExxonMobil from 1997-2006. Heartland also raked in millions from the Koch-funded organization Donors Trust through 2011.”


                1. You folks are funny. Regardless of all the evidence that disproves the AGW theory, you’re so invested in being right, you simply deny what’s right in front of your face. There is nothing any of us can cite that you will believe.
                  According to NASA’s figures, today’s average temperature is 12 degrees warmer than in 1970. That’s total BS. Temperatures are just about the same now as then. I know, I spend time outside. You should try it sometime. All the doom and gloom scenarios that were predicted to occur by now, have not happened. That alone should create doubt in even the strongest advocates of AGW. Also, you raise the issue of funding for the people that refute AGW, but you conveniently
                  don’t mention the billions of dollars governments pump into the AGW fallacy. Funny how you folks only see the negative in the side you argue against, but seemingly have no clarity regarding your side of the issue.

                  1. “Regardless of all the evidence that disproves the AGW theory, you’re so invested in being right, you simply deny what’s right in front of your face.”

                    The evidence that would disprove the AGW theory is an experiment that proves greenhouse gasses are transparent to infrared radiation.

                    Can you produce such an experiment?

                    There is a person in this conversation denying what’s right in front of his face!

                    …who is that person, Dean?

                    “Overlooked by modern researchers is the work of Eunice Foote, who, three years prior to the start of Tyndall’s laboratory research, conducted similar experiments on absorption of radiant energy by atmospheric gases, such as CO₂ and water vapor. The presentation of her report at a major scientific convention in 1856 was accompanied by speculation that even modest increases in the concentration of CO₂ could result in significant atmospheric warming.”


                    1. CB, we’ve had periods when CO2 levels were much higher than today, and yet temperatures were not higher, as the AGW theory would suggest. Do you deny that polar ice has increased, when the predictions said it would be all gone by now? Is NYC underwater, like the predictions said it would be by now? Are the polar bears extinct, as the models said they would? Are we snow free as the models said? Do you really believe the average temperature is 12 degrees F higher than in 1970? Do you not realize that CO2 has in the atmosphere has risen for decades, and yet the average temperature has been stable for nearly twenty years now? Every single prediction has failed to come to pass. What more do you need to realize that AGW is wrong? Are you so invested in believing you’re right, that you deny everything that’s happening around you? Please tell me, what AGW predictions have come to pass? If you can’t tell me that, and yet insist that man made AGW is real, you have no standing in this debate.

                    2. “we’ve had periods when CO2 levels were much higher than today, and yet temperatures were not higher”

                      Name one.

                      Point to a single moment in Earth’s history when polar ice sheets were able to withstand CO₂ as high as we’ve pushed it.

                      If they’ve never done it before, why would you expect them to now?

                      “How come a big ice age happened when carbon dioxide levels were high? It’s a question climate sceptics often ask. But sometimes the right answer is the simplest: it turns out CO₂ levels were not that high after all. The Ordovician ice age happened 444 million years ago, and records have suggested that CO₂ levels were relatively high then. But when Seth Young of Indiana University in Bloomington did a detailed analysis of carbon-13 levels in rocks formed at the time, the picture that emerged was very different. Young found CO₂ concentrations were in fact relatively low when the ice age began.”


                    3. Keep sucking down the Kool Aid. Core ice sample are irrefutable, and have shown CO2 levels hundreds of times in the past greater than we have now, and there was no die off. We’ve had CO2 rising every year for decades, and yet the
                      warming predicted simply hasn’t happened. Nothing I, or anyone else can point to will make any inroads into your little cult of AGW. Just the fact that they had to change to name to Climate Change indicates that it’s a fallacy. We’ve been experiencing climate change since the Earth formed,
                      and will long after humankind is gone from this planet. If you’re willing to pour a major portion of your tax dollars into ‘solving’ a problem that doesn’t exist, go right ahead, but please don’t ask me to contribute to the fallacy. Earth is no warmer than it was 50 years ago. If you believe it is, you aren’t living in reality.

                    4. “Core ice sample are irrefutable, and have shown CO2 levels hundreds of times in the past greater than we have now”


                      Find a single point in this ice core data where CO₂ goes anywhere near as high as it is today:


                      Ice cores are drilled all the way to the bottom. The record goes all the way back to the oldest significant ice on Earth.

                      If polar ice sheets can withstand CO₂ so high, why don’t the polar ice sheets record a single instant of CO₂ so high?

                  1. “The 97% figure refers to a single study”

                    According to you?

                    Why should anyone believe you!?

                    “Without greenhouse gases, Earth would be a frozen -18 degrees Celsius (0 degrees Fahrenheit).”


                  1. “how many millions of dollars are disbursed”

                    Quite a lot, actually!

                    Define “projection”, please.

                    “Marc Morano is the executive director and chief correspondent of, a project of the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT). Morano is also the Communications Director at CFACT, a conservative think-tank in Washington D.C. that has received funding from ExxonMobil, Chevron, as well as hundreds of thousands of dollars from foundations associated with Richard Mellon Scaife. According to 2011 IRS Forms, Morano was the highest paid staff member with a salary of $150,000 per year. Morano’s blog Climate Depot regularly publishes articles questioning man-made global warming.”


          2. How long have you labored under the false impression that facts are determined by political ideology?

            “Facts are silly things” – Ronald Reagan.

                1. You haven’t the faintest idea what I know or believe.

                  Nice deflection, though. Too bad deflections and ad hominem spewage don’t constitute a retort.

                    1. Yes, yes, we all know how proud flat-earthers were of the derision of the Copernicus’, Galileos and Keplers of this world and how proud they were to call them delusional.

                    2. You have it backwards (not surprised here). It was the flat earthers who demanded those fellows be punished for being correct.

                      Kind of like the GW movement… actually, EXACTLY like your kind.

                      You are behind by centuries… and no amount of factual data, or attempts to help you rid yourself of obsolete thinking, is going to get you up to speed.

                      Take my initial suggestion, and wrap yourself in your delusions. You will be safer that way… independent thinking hurts, for many, I understand that.

                    3. Reading comprehension is not your forte, huh.
                      Copernicus, Galileo and Kepler had as much derision for the flat-earthers as the other way around, but that’s way more nuance than you’re used to. Let me guess, the Trump and Carson shows send a shiver up your leg.

                    4. Wow, you were there? I believe it, given the level of discourse you are limited to.

                      Can you show me where any of those guys demanded execution for their intellectual opponents?

                      You keep insisting I’m an idiot, but have provided no proof… just your ignorant assertions to that effect.

                      The fact is that the more intelligent a person is, the less likely they are to feel qualified to judge that of others… and, you are providing irrefutable proof the inverse is also true.

                      If you can’t stay on point, and will insist on judging me without proof… you are nothing but an intellectual nerf ball. No time for kid’s games… sorry.

                    5. Who said they demanded execution? You did.
                      You probably forgot what you said 30 seconds ago.

                    6. History shows that the calls for the execution of all those thinkers was loud and pervasive.

                      You are having trouble comprehending my posts… so, I’ll wish you good day.

                    7. Said the flaming liberal/progressive, know-nothing moonbat and eternally grubered Climate Hoax Believer.

                    1. The graph you linked to is based on very dubious surface and sea temperature data.

                      Official Adjustments to Temperature Records Worldwide

                      The accurate temperature measurements are done by satellite microwave radiometers measurements which are more accurate and cover far more area then surface measurements.

                      But from your graph, from about 1945 to 1985 when Anthropgenic CO2 was ramping up due to industrialization the temperatures where falling and then stalling. You think they would be ramping up tremendously during that period. But then they appear to be stalled again from 1999 to present.

                      Latest Satellite Global Temps


                      But since they have only been around since 1979 that is not enough time to determine climate change trends.

                      I doubt very much that CO2 is the driver of climate change just by understanding energy physics:


                      G3. The Greenhouse Gas Effect Does Not Exist, Part 1

                      But then you wear pants that are over-sized to cover both your head and butt.

                    2. Hotwopper is one of those progressive nut sites that continues the false narrative of the IPCC and warmistas:

                      Fifty IPCC Experts Expose Washington Post Global Warming Lies

                      Mathematicians, Legendary Physicist, IPCC Expert Throw Wrenches Into UN Climate Summit

                      IPCC’s abuse of science 2

                      Urbanization Temperature Bias

                      Applying the Stefan-Boltzmann Law to Earth

                      Greatest Scientififc Fraud Ever? NOAA Refuses To Comply With US Congress Subpoena

                      I’ve been to hotwopper before and they’re hot to woppit on AGW, full of crap like skeptical sciance.

                    3. With regard to your graphic. What was wrong with Version 5?

                      Is the UAH record temperatures for 5 miles up really this incompetent?


                    4. A 10th of a degree, that’s beyond the resolution of most surface thermometers, especially before 2000. Some surface stations got upgraded to electronic mesurements that had resolutions of 0.5C. Older mercury thermometers had variances of a degree C. That is explained here in detail:

                      Urbanization Temperature Bias

                      The methodology is explained here:


                      The UAH temperature is of the lower troposphere to negate surface effects like urbanization.


                      Still smoken that wacky warmista tobbacie and drinken the nutmeg koolaide- yep.

                    5. Spencer’s revision of his satellite record (UAH) is amusing because it tells us that his model should have an error of +/1 0.1’C

                      And yet he shows no error bars in his graphs.

                      So when Spencer produces graph like the one below we know that in reality the current temperature of the lower atmosphere centered at 4 kilometers or so could be as high as 0.53’C and on the other end as low as -0.25’C

                      Very roughly then Spencer has documented a warming of somewhere between 0.78’C and 0.38’C in the lower atmosphere centered at an altitude of 4 kilometers.

                      This is entirely consistent with the 1.0’C documented rise in the surface temperature of the earth, 4 kilometers below Spencer median altitude.

                    6. Spencer’s revision of his satellite record (UAH) is amusing because it tells us that his model should have an error of +/1 0.1’C

                      Your claim is ludicrous, can’t even verify your butt-spew.

                      Satellite microwave radiometers, however, are equipped with laboratory-calibrated platinum resistance thermometers, which have demonstrated stability to thousandths of a degree over many years, and which are used to continuously calibrate the satellite instruments once every 8 seconds. The satellite measurements still have residual calibration effects that must be adjusted for, but these are usually on the order of hundredths of a degree, rather than tenths or whole degrees in the case of ground-based thermometers.


                      “Over Northern Hemisphere land areas,
                      where the best surface thermometer data exist, the satellites and thermometers
                      agree almost perfectly”, said Dr. Christy of UAH.

                      Recently, much scientific debate has focused on
                      the global temperature of the Earth’s lower atmosphere as measured by orbiting
                      satellites. And while these data are exceedingly precise, verified by multiple
                      satellite observations, and balloon measurements taken in-situ, they
                      reveal no discernible warming trend in the Earth’s lower atmosphere over
                      the last 18+ years.

                  1. First of all moron:



                    It’s on a 60 year cycle of melting and recovery, part of Earth’s heat balancing system.


                    It’s now in the recovery mode.

                    Your graph came from Popular (wannabe) Science, hilarious. You should loosen that clueless belt around your neck, it’s imparing your thinking.

                    1. Your first graphic shows ice extent. The graphic you are responding to shows ice mass loss.

                      You are comparing an area to a volume.

                      As we all know, that is pure, laughable failure.

                      That is why people constantly laugh at you denialist kooks.

                    2. Too much smoken of the warmista weed has effected your vision perception and thinken:

                      From your graphic header:

                      Arctic sea ice volume anomaly and trend- LMAOAROTF!

                    3. Apparently you do not realize that a measure of ice volume directly translates to a mass through multiplication by a constant canned density.

                      You should have learned that in a grade 5 science class.

                      Somehow I think that someone with a PHD in climatology knows a little more science than your pre-grade 5 knowledge of the subject.

                    4. Your second link doesn’t show 2015 properly. Can’t tell which line it is.

                      2015 is the yellow line. Currently tied for the lowest ice area on record for this time of year.

                    5. I’m not sure what Obama has to do with the ongoing warming of the globe but your political whining does tell us that your motivations are political.

                      That isn’t surprising because in an earlier post you demonstrated that you were not familiar with concept taught in grade 5 science classes.

                      It is pretty obvious when you state “I see 4 lines lower then the 2015 line”.

                      You seem to be ignoring the 32 lines that are above the 2025 line.

                      Those 32 lines that are above tell us that there is much less ice than normal.

                      The 4 lines below tell us that the current ice extent is near record lows.

                      You should have learned how to think critically in grade 5 as well.

                      Did you drop out in grade 4? Or are you suffering from some from of mental disease?

                      Republican disease perhaps.

                    6. }I’m not sure what Obama has to do with the ongoing warming of the globe but your political whining does tell us that your motivations are political.

                      My reference shows you both suffer from the same progressive- ideological disease. Anything but the truth!

                      }It is pretty obvious when you state “I see 4 lines lower then the 201 5 line”.

                      The related graphs all show the Arctic 60 year cycle has bottomed out and it’s in recovery- expansion mode:

                      And besides the references I linked to before here are 2 more”


                      Scientists Surprised: Global Sea Ice Unexpectedly Stable Over Past 35 Years, Arctic Stable Last 10 Years!


                      The Sixty-Year Climate Cycle

                      You just have the mentality of a grade school- bugger factory

                      }Republican disease perhaps.

                      I’m a Independent.

                    7. “1,063 Documented Examples of Barack Obama’s Lying”

                      I chose one of the accusations at random “7) Waged the biggest war against medical marijuana of any president, which was the opposite of what he had promised.”

                      And on actually reading the liink provided to support the claim I find.

                      “Currently, state law allows each caregiver to have six medical marijuana plans per patient.”

                      But the person arrested for growing pot, in his basement said…

                      “I’d like to see somewhere in the vicinity of $400,000 [in profit,]”

                      Which means the story about his extensive pot growing operation in his basement was producing many more than the legal 6 plants.

                      Further, the pot grower has no medical condition and hence isn’t permitted under state law to be a grower.

                      So one link chosen at random from your list turns out to be a Lie, Lie Lie.

                      Lying is what Republicans do.
                      Lying is what Republicans live for.
                      Lying is what Republicans are.
                      Lying is a way of life for Republicans.

                      Thank you for so clearly illustrating those facts.

                    8. You just cherry picked 1 link and spin it. Here’s what the article is saying:

                      In May 2008, Obama campaign spokesperson Ben LaBolt said that Obama would end DEA raids on medical marijuana in states where it’s legal. Also in 2008, Obama said that he supported the “basic concept of using medical marijuana for the same purposes and with the same controls as other drugs” and that he was “not going to be using Justice Department resources to try to circumvent state laws.”

                      There are several links supporting his claim including the one you referenced to. Just your typical liberal progressive mental disease you continue to exhibit.

                    1. Yup it’s summer time in the Antarctic, and the ocean ice is melting.

                      Antarctic Ocean ice volume is way down.

                    2. References moron clown, where are they?

                      1 metric tonne of water has a volume of 1 cubic meter
                      The oceans occupy 361 million square kilometers ( 361 x 10-6 km²) of the Earth’s surface.
                      If 1 cubic kilometer of water (i.e., 1 gigatonne of water) is spread evenly over the entire 361 million square kilomters, the thickness of the new layer of water will be given by:
                      1 km³ / 361 x 106 km² = 2.78 x 10-6 meters = 2.78 microns.
                      Or, in terms of gigatonnes:
                      1 Gt x (1 km³/Gt) / 361 x 106 km² = 2.78 x 10-6 meters = 2.78 microns / Gt
                      How many gigatonnes of ice must melt to raise the oceans 1 inch?
                      1 inch = 25.4 mm = 0.254 meters
                      The number of gigatonnes of water that must be added to the oceans to raise the sea level 1 inch is given by:
                      1 inch x (0.254m / inch) / (0.0000278 m / Gt) = 9,137 Gt

                      At the current polar melt rates how many years will it take to raise the oceans by 1 inch?

                      Greenland- 9,137GT / 134GT= 68.2 years.

                      Antarctic- 9,137GT / 287GT= 31.8 years

                      Combined- 9,137GT / 481GT= 21.7 years or 4.61 inches per century. If the current melt rates continue. A big IF

                      But 800 GT is nothing in the geological sense if your unreferenced graph is valid.

                    3. As to your third link… No one is taking the paper seriously because it requires 1cm accuracy from satellites that only measure to an accuracy of 20 cm.

                      You little kook you.


                      History Falsifies Climate Alarmist Sea Level Claims


                      New Study Using GRACE Data Shows Global Sea Levels Rising Less than 7 Inches Per Century


                      The New Sunspot Data … and Satellite Sea Levels


                      What is Happening to Sea Levels?

                      Prove your claim yah little troll.

                    5. Hmmm. Your references seem to be from.

                      1. A nonsense denialist blog site

                      2. A nonsense denialist blog site

                      3. A nonsense denialist blog site


                      4. A nonsense denialist blog site

                      Do you have anything from the peer reviewed scientific literature?

                    6. All the sites referenced peer review papers, articles and et.el.s clown. There’s no consensus on climate change like you would imply. But here’s a site that lists peer review papers on scientific researched climate change.


                      Peer Review Articles

                      And there’s this:


                      According to the new analysis of satellite data, the Antarctic ice sheet showed a net gain of 112 billion tons of ice a year from 1992 to 2001. That net gain slowed to 82 billion tons of ice per year between 2003 and 2008.

                      Zwally’s team calculated that the mass gain from the thickening of East Antarctica remained steady from 1992 to 2008 at 200 billion tons per year, while the ice losses from the coastal regions of West Antarctica and the Antarctic Peninsula increased by 65 billion tons per year.

                      “The good news is that Antarctica is not currently contributing to sea level rise, but is taking 0.23 millimeters per year away,” Zwally said. “But this is also bad news. If the 0.27 millimeters per year of sea level rise attributed to Antarctica in the IPCC report is not really coming from Antarctica, there must be some other contribution to sea level rise that is not accounted for.”

                      Guess the department head BO approved mogul missed vetting that one.

                      One article on C3 headline showed that ground water pumping is a contributor. But you alarmists always knee jerk over some BS claim from a claimtologists site.


                      French Mathematical Calculation Society: Global Warming Crusade is Absurd and Pointless

                      The English Translation of the Calculation Mathematical Society, SA web page. SCM was established in 1987, by University professor, Dr. Bernard Beauzamy. Their “first specialty” is mathematical modeling.

                      But mathematicians do not believe in crusades; they look at facts, figures, observations and arguments.

                      On their PDF article:


                      Figure 5: Sea level according to different techniques, 1970–2010
                      These graphs show no acceleration in sea level rise. There is a steady rate of increase.



                      All your stuff is pal review crap.

                1. Such a compelling argument you make! You really smashed that one, with your witty, incisive, fact laden and absolutely irrefutable statement.

                  If we give you a Popsicle, will you promise to eat it outside? Or, would you prefer a coloring book?

                  1. If you have more than denialist blogs, then can you support your political opinion on Global Warming by citing three scientific papers that were peer reviewed that echo your opinions?

                    Nope. You have nothing to offer by ignorance and scientific illiteracy.

                    1. Make a choice: Popsicle, or coloring book.

                      I have nothing else to offer a spoon fed intellect such as yours.

                    2. If you have more than denialist blogs, then can you support your political opinion on Global Warming by citing three scientific papers that were peer reviewed that echo your opinions?

                      Nope. You have nothing to offer by ignorance and scientific illiteracy.

          1. It was warmer in Roman times than now, and they didn’t burn fossil fuels. Life didn’t not die off like alarmists insist will happen. In fact, there more benefits to a warmer planet than there are deficits. Earth experiences warming and cooling periods, and has since it was formed, yet life continues to flourish. AGW is BS, as the past 18 years of no warming, even though CO2 levels have continued to rise prove.

              1. Romans had vineyards in England for wine making. It indeed was much warmer long before government scientists decided your iPhone manufacturing destroyed the earth and that you were willing to pay taxes over weather to stop the weather from changing.

                1. And there are still vineyards in England for wine making. And there has been since the time of the Romans.

                  Welcome to the official website of the
                  English & Welsh Wine Industry

                  The UK is a premium wine-producing region, with around 500 vineyards in England and Wales covering some 4,500 acres and producing sparkling and still wines. English and Welsh wines have been winning many prestigious awards.

                  We warmly invite you to explore this website and find out more about this exciting and growing industry!


              2. ‘Liar Liar.. Pants on fire.’ Are you twelve years old? It was indeed warmer in the Roman era than it is today,
                and we have had even warmer periods where life flourished. As to the 1.0C warmer, these studies are relying on earth stations that cover an average of over 1600 square miles, which certainly doesn’t provide enough reliable data in
                order to formulate a reasoned hypotheses. In addition, it has been proven that NASA/NOAA have manipulated the data,
                and in fact, NASA’s site state the data is ‘using elimination of outliers and homogeneity adjustment’, yet they don’t define what those ‘outliers’ are, how many have been eliminated, nor what the ‘homogeneity adjustment entails. In fact, NASA is in violation of a Congressional subpoena to turn over all records discussing how they arrived at their conclusions under the guise of confidentiality. What can there possibly be confidential in discussions of climate? There is only one reason to hide information and that is because they are involved in fraud.

                1. “Are you twelve years old?” Nope. Are you a 112 years old?

                  When you lie Dean, I will indicate that you have lied.

                  Does that offend you?


                  Poor you.

                  “we have had even warmer periods where life flourished.” – Dean

                  You mean like the good oll days of the Permian–Triassic extinction?

                  Are you so old that you were alive back then Dean?

                  Remember how global temperatures rose about 8’C and 80 to 90 percent of all plant and animal life on land went extinct?

                  1. The extinctions came about by extraterrestrial means. If you don’t understand that, perhaps we can debate colors of chalk on the blackboard. Are you really that dumb???

                    1. Liar.. Liar.. Pants on fire.

                      “The extinctions came about by extraterrestrial means.” – Dean

                      There is some evidence for that, but no definitive proof. There is no Iridium enhancement or black soot content in the geographic layers from that period. There is some evidence of shock quarts but that has been largely shown to be false.

                      The 8’C temperature rise persists.

                    1. Melvin splash – “The Economy will be falling, The Economy will be falling.” – squack,, Swuack.

                    1. I could provide graphs showing the opposite but you’re too much of a believer of and indoctrinated in the Global Warming Hoax to care about facts. So I won’t bother, moonbat.

                    2. We currently have a full moon. No wonder your moonbattery has been reaching new levels of kook.

                    3. It wouldn’t be nearly as funny if you weren’t continually posting an image of you spreading your moonbat wings.

                2. “which certainly doesn’t provide enough reliable data” – Dean

                  According to Dean. But according to the scientists who analyze the data, and statisticians who look over their backs, the date is reliable enough.

                  Poor Dean. He likes to state is own uneducated personal opinions as if they are facts.

                  Of course, doing so is a lie.

                3. “In addition, it has been proven that NASA/NOAA have manipulated the data” – Dean

                  Poor Dean. He just can’t manage to accept the fact that the first thing a scientist is taught to do is manipulate his data.

                  It is called data quality management and calibration. In the case of weather surface station data it is more frequently called homogenization.

                  All those horrible scientists making sure that their data is actually up to snuff. It’s horrible I tells ya. They should stop doing that and rely on unreliable and mismatched data that can’t produce any results at all.

                  Ya… That’s the ticket.

                  1. Scientists are NEVER taught to manipulate data. Where the hell did you go to school? Ho Chi Minh city? All data must be included in any study, and eliminating data in order to support a theory is fraud. How can you put stock in any study that manipulates data? That is the antithesis of science

                    1. Liar.. Liar… Pants on fire…

                      MEASURE FOR MEASURE

                      Calibration: What Is It?

                      by Graeme C. Payne

                      When members of just about any profession talk among themselves, they usually use specialized terms they all understand—jargon. There is usually consensus among them about the meaning of the terms, but they often forget newcomers or interested parties from other fields may not have the same understanding. There are also cases in which the common use of a word is different from or even opposite its technical definition. “Metrology” and “calibration” are two such words.1


                4. “NASA’s site state the data is ‘using elimination of outliers and homogeneity adjustment” – Dean

                  With Raw station data, if a reading is missed, it is often filled in with the number -999.99 or 999.99

                  Dean thinks that those temperatures shouldn’t be removed from the data set as outliers.

                  Kookoo.. Koookoo..

                5. “they don’t define what those ‘outliers’ are, how many have been eliminated” – Dean

                  Liar Liar… Pants on fire.

                  The entire processing method from start to finish is publicly available.

                  Dean thinks he can get away with lying about it.

                  1. Go ahead, link a source to back up your statement. It doesn’t exist, and you’re simply spouting what you’ve been told, but have never bothered to investigate. There is nothing publicly published that backs up your statement. If you can’t debate factually, please go away. I try not to waste time with amateurs

                    1. No problem. Here is the link you requested.


                      Step 2 : Splitting into zonal sections and homogenization (
                      To speed up processing, Ts.txt is converted to a binary file and split
                      into 6 files, each covering a latitudinal zone of a width of 30 degrees.
                      At the same time, stations with less than 20 years of data are dropped, since
                      in the subsequent gridding step we require overlaps of at least 20 years
                      to combine station records.

                      The goal of the homogenization effort is to avoid any impact (warming
                      or cooling) of the changing environment that some stations experienced
                      by changing the long term trend of any non-rural station to match the
                      long term trend of their rural neighbors, while retaining the short term
                      monthly and annual variations. If no such neighbors exist – or the overlap
                      of the rural combination and the non-rural record is less than 20 years – the
                      station is completely dropped; if the rural records are shorter, part of the
                      non-rural record is dropped.

                      Result: Ts.GHCN.CL.1-6 – before peri-urban adjustment
                      Ts.GHCN.CL.PA.1-6 – after peri-urban adjustment

                6. Liar.. Liar.. Pants on fire…

                  “In fact, NASA is in violation of a Congressional subpoena to turn over all records discussing how they arrived at their conclusions under the guise of confidentiality.” – Dean

                  In fact the NOAA/NASA has made open their letter to congress complete with URL’s to all of the processing steps they take in data analysis.

                  What the NOAA/NASA is not providing – and should not provide – are the private emails of the scientists who work at NOAA/NASA that have been demanded by one corrupt Republican Congressman who has received some very large campaign contributions from the Carbon Industry.

                  So why did you feel a need to lie about it Dean?

                  1. NAA/NOAA are publicly funded, and as such, have no reliance on the protections of the law, i.e. it’s not a matter of client/lawyer privilege. Taxpayers pay for all of their research, etc., and they have no legal position to deny the emails demanded of them. Evidently, you want to believe so much, that the rule of law no longer applies. That is a sad perspective. If the supposedly ‘settled science’ was real. what possible reason would there be to deny an oversight committee from seeing their emails? No matter what I can and will present here, you are so gullible, that even 2+2 won’t equal 4.

                    1. “NAA/NOAA are publicly funded, and as such, have no reliance on the protections of the law”

                      So you believe you can violate the individual liberties of workers if they are government workers.

                      Where in the U.S. constitution is that stated?

                      “Taxpayers pay for all of their research, etc., and they have no legal position to deny the emails demanded of them.” – Dean

                      Sorry Dean but you Republican Butt Plugs have already lost that argument a half dozen times now.

                      Court: Scientist’s Emails Are Private

                      Judges rule that climate scientist Michael Mann’s communications are not subject to Freedom of Information Act requests.


                      Virginia High Court Rules Deniers Have No Right To Climate Scientists’ Emails


                      Arizona Court Upholds Protections for Scientific Research and Correspondence


                7. The only fraud going on here Dean is yours.

                  “There is only one reason to hide information and that is because they are involved in fraud.” – Dean

                  Congressional Republicans want to get in on the fraud by demanding the private emails of scientists.

                  They are desperate to find anything they can take out of context so that they can lie about it.

                  Lying is what Republicans do.
                  Lying is what Republicans are.
                  Lying is what Republicans live for.

                  You provide fine evidence of that Dean.

                  1. And yet you can’t reason why there isn’t openness in the climate debate? There is only one reason to hide evidence, and that is to obfuscate the facts. Too bad you can’t realize that there is an awful lot of misleading in this so-called debate

                    1. Liar.. Liar.. Pants on fire.

                      No evidence has been hidden. It is all available online to you or anyone else in the public or congress.

                      What is not available to you – and they should not be – are the private Emails of the NOAA/NASA scientists.

      1. Not only that, but if there were no CO2, and plenty of food for all, forever, people would be dropping like flies. CO2 triggers us to breathe without thinking about it.

        Here is a real analysis, please be warned, it is 190+ pages long, and comes from a fairly elite group of Mathematicians .


        1. “CO2 triggers us to breathe without thinking about it.” – TroyGale

          That is because CO2 is a metabolic poison that the body goes to great length to remove.

          Isn’t it interesting that the body isn’t triggered to breathe by an absence of O2, but by the concentration of CO2?

          1. There are many things interesting under the sun.
            The key with all of those things is understanding them.
            Something Man doesn’t really do all that well in many initial experiences.

              1. No, I am very current, much more than you are. You are nothing but a parrot.
                I will be laughing at you and your type of fool for the rest of my days.
                As we go into 30 or 50 years of cooling, I’ll laugh every time we have weather and the low brows like you bewail the end of the world. You are beyond silly, you are simple.

                1. The spectral and physical characteristics of CO2 have been the same since the universe began.

                  You seem to be so “current” that you have lost your connection with reality.

                  There is nothing better than laughing at people like you who have Dunning Kruger derangement syndrome.

          1. “It is clear from extensive scientific evidence that the dominant cause of the rapid change in climate of the past half century is human-induced increases in the amount of atmospheric greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide (CO2), chlorofluorocarbons, methane, and nitrous oxide.” (2012)
            American Meteorological Society

            “The evidence is incontrovertible: Global warming is occurring. If no mitigating actions are taken, significant disruptions in the Earth’s physical and ecological systems, social systems, security and human health are likely to occur. We must reduce emissions of greenhouse gases beginning now.” (2007)
            American Physical Society

            “The Geological Society of America (GSA) concurs with assessments by the National Academies of Science (2005), the National Research Council (2006), and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2007) that global climate has warmed and that human activities (mainly greenhouse‐gas emissions) account for most of the warming since the middle 1900s.” (2006; revised 2010)
            The Geological Society of America

            “The scientific evidence is clear: global climate change caused by human activities is occurring now, and it is a growing threat to society.” (2006)
            American Association for the Advancement of Science

            “Comprehensive scientific assessments of our current and potential future climates clearly indicate that climate change is real, largely attributable to emissions from human activities, and potentially a very serious problem.” (2004)
            American Chemical Society

            “Human‐induced climate change requires urgent action. Humanity is the major influence on the global climate change observed over the past 50 years. Rapid societal responses can significantly lessen negative outcomes.” (Adopted 2003, revised and reaffirmed 2007, 2012, 2013)
            American Geophysical Union

            “Our AMA … supports the findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s fourth assessment report and concurs with the scientific consensus that the Earth is undergoing adverse global climate change and that anthropogenic contributions are significant.” (2013)
            American Medical Association

            1. Hilarious!
              Just goes to show you that the stupid congregate in groups.
              I am sick of losers touting a 1 hundredth degree of warming as a crisis. It is well within 3 sigma, and only the people who want power over the governments of the world endorse it.
              On Nov. 19th these 3 prominent Scientists said B.S.!

              These French Mathematicians said much the same thing!

              You do realize why it is hard to make things foolproof don’t you?
              Fools are so damned ingenious! Enjoy the cooling phase the planet is entering, you had better hope that AGW can counter it, because 2C cooling is a much larger problem than 2C temperature increase over the next 200years, which is what your heroes are talking about!

            2. Could you tell us what the “normal” temperature should be and how to “fix it” from changing so it stays at that temperature?

              Serious question.

          2. Hey Troy,

            Great discussion. Li’l present for ya for fighting the good fight –

            “The Population Explosion Is Coming!!!!!!!

            No wait…

            “The Ice Age Is Coming!!!!!!

            No wait…

            “Now it’s Global Warming”

            No wait…

            “Global Warming Is Real!!!!!!!!”

            No wait…

            “The Debate Is Over!!!!”

            No wait….

            “We Have Consensus!!!!!!!!”

            No wait…

            “It’s Climate Change Now!!!!!”

            No wait….

            “Climate Disruption!!!!!”

            No wait….

            “It’s Global Cooling Again!!!!”

            No wait….

            “YOU’RE DENIERS!!!!!!!


            1. Yep lived through them all. The latest group of idiots has many more in Government though.
              Only a total fool wouldn’t understand that the U.N. wants more money, power and control.
              Only a complete simpleton would be unable to connect the dots. Sadly, there are more simpleton’s every year.

          1. So by your logic then because you believe that O2 is toxic, then you must oppose laws that prohibit the mixing of urine, dung and drinking water.

            That is very Republican dung eater of you.

    1. Oh no, if we don’t do something quick, we’re all going to die… Are you really a climatescareologist or did you just sleep at a Holliday Inn Express last nigh???

      1. A rise of body temperature from 37’C to 40’5’C is fatal. That is a of 3.5’C rise.

        A rise of 8’C is an extinction level event for mankind and most of the animal kingdom.

        1. by your logic a person who lives in the arctic circle will die the moment they go to hawaii?

          Nonsense, humans live in environments much hotter then the global average temperature and have for thousands of years.
          Human beings are a tropical species. We have little to no hair. Little to no blubber. We rely on higher temperatures to survive or have adapted to finding ways to create and retain heat in less than ideal areas.

          1. By my logic, and the logic of virtually all Biologists, the plants and animals of the arctic won’t be able to remove their coats as the climate of Hawaii comes to them because they have no coats.

            Similarly the plants and animals currently comprising temperate ecosystems will not do well experiencing temperatures similar to those found in the Gobi desert.

            I note that wheat and corn do not grow well in the desert and will not grow well on the barren rock of the Canadian shield.

          2. “Human beings are a tropical species.” – Kook

            Humans originated in northern Africa, which is not a tropical region and does not have a tropical climate.

            You seem to say whatever fool thing first comes into your fool brain.

            That is mighty Republican of you.

            1. Humans originated from tropical species that lived in the eastern and southern parts of africa and asia.
              You can try to spin it all you want but our physiology proves that we are not a cold climate species.
              Our bodies are designed for warmer climates and we survive much better in warm areas then in cold.

              “Human beings are
              derived from tropical primates, and to this day humans retain the
              physiological characteristics of tropical mammals. Survival, even in the
              temperate zone, would not be possible without the aid of such cultural
              elements as artificially constructed shelter, clothing, and heat. Until
              culture had developed to the point where it could provide such
              assistance, the earliest hominids were restricted to residence in the


    2. You do realize that the level of CO2 in the air today, is at the very same levels as it was in 1910, when Svante August Arrhenius (Who is considered the Father of the Man made CO2 driven global warming hypothesis) was 1st able to figure out the CO2 amounts in the air. It was 400 PPM in 1910 and it’s 400 PPM today….so please enlighten us how CO2 has contributed to “Global Warming”.

      You do realize that Sea Ice growth has increased in both the Arctic and Antarctic over the past decade, and that TRUE Climatologists (Not U.S. Government paid for hacks) are stating that we are heading for a Mini-Ice age by 2020 due to the sun entering a Maunder Minimum Cycle.

      1. CO2 is a naturally occuring compound composed of a carbon atom covalently double bonded to two oxygen atoms. It is NOT a pollutant. Every living carbon based being produces it. Humans exhale it. Plants and trees feed on and thrive on it. After the leaves fall from the tree it gives the CO2 back to the atmosphere from whence it came. It represent a miniscule 0.05% of the gases in the atmosphere. In fact, 95% of the “green house effect” comes from water vapor. Man is not even the major contributor to its presence in the atmosphere. Volcanos are more significant than humans. It is the ultimate in human hubris to believe human beings could change the temperature of planet Earth even 1/100th of a degree. We could spend $ trillions of dollars, even $ tens of trillions and not change the temperature of planet Earth. If we could we might want to go in the other direction. The medievil warm period for example was a great age where vineyards flourished and people, plants and animals prospered. The most alarming thing about climate alarmism comes not from the mindless fools drinking the Kool-Aid but the global socialist power grabbing agenda behind the elites who are mixing the Kool-Aid.

        1. Yes. Carbon is delicious. That is why people eat coal.

          CO2 of course is a metabolic poison. If you don’t think so then hold your breath for 2 minutes and tell us what you felt.

          Urine isn’t a pollutant. Plants love the stuff.

            1. I’ve found you defending the tactic of sea lioning on another blog. I’ll just troll you here and say there’s been no appreciable global warming in the last eighteen years.

          1. what a foolish statement. Everything you eat has carbon in it. Meats, vegetables, grains, dairy..everything. Without carbon you would die. Where do you think your body gets the carbon it exhales from?
            In point of fact, every life form on earth is made up of carbon and carbon Dioxide. Carbon dioxide is combined with water and other materials to make sugars. Without sugars ALL plants and animals would die.
            So if you want the planet to be just a rock in space, by all means ban carbon and carbon dioxide.

            1. I think the Carbon in the CO2 I exhale comes from the food I eat.

              Isn’t it funny when Denialist morons claim that breathing increases toe atmospheric CO2 levels?

              How could it when the Caron emitted by your own words,, isn’t anthropogenic?

              Its one of the reasons why Denialists are constantly lauhed at.

              1. I have no idea what your point is in this statement. breathing out CO2 would cause a extremely miniscule increase in atmospheric CO2 levels. The CO2 emitted by a single person is easily absorbed by a plant.

            2. “In point of fact, every life form on earth is made up of carbon and carbon Dioxide”

              Actually, no portion of livig tissue is made out of CO2.

              Why do you feel a need to lie about it?

              1. maybe you should go learn a little biochemistry. All living tissue has carbon in it. Its in the cell walls, mitochondria and DNA of every living cell.
                Carbon and oxygen are chained to make sugars and proteins and every other product the body needs.
                more CO2 means more plant and plankton food. The basis of the food chain. Less CO2 means less plant growth and plankton therefore eventually the food chain collapses. is that what you want?

        2. Oxygen is also a naturally occurring element, yet in high amounts can be explosive and toxic. Water is a naturally occurring compound and it can cause massive flooding and drowning. Salt is naturally occurring yet can destroy soil and is toxic in large amount. All of these are vital to human survival and all of them can also kill us if too large an amount or too concentrated.

          Maybe the other arguments have merit but this one does not. Just because something is naturally occurring and necessary does not mean it never can be a problem.

        1. Liar, liar, liar, meth on fire –

          New paper finds natural variability controls CO2 levels, not man

          An important new paper published today in Global Biogeochemical Cycles finds that “In contrast to recent claims, trends in the airborne fraction of anthropogenic carbon [dioxide] cannot be detected when accounting for the decadal-scale influence of explosive volcanism and related uncertainties.” In other words, after accounting for the large effect of volcanic eruptions, ENSO, and other uncertainties upon natural CO2 sinks, trends in the man-made fraction of atmospheric CO2 “cannot be detected.” Thus, despite an exponential increase in man-made CO2 emissions, there is no statistically significant trend in the man-made fraction of CO2 in the atmosphere. This further suggests that man is not the primary cause of the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere, that temperature is responsible for the increase in CO2 levels due to out-gassing. According to the authors, “Our results highlight the importance of considering the role of natural variability in the carbon cycle for interpretation of observations and for data-model intercomparison.”

          1. The paper you are referring to concerns changes in the rate of increase of atmospheric CO2.

            As can be seen from your own link, Increases in CO2 actually are reduced after a volcanic explosion like Pinatubo.

            You also omit the sentence immediately preceding the one you posted.

            That sentence is

            “Our simulations suggest that the Pinatubo eruption contributed 11 ± 6% to the 25 Pg terrestrial carbon sink inferred over the decade 1990–1999 and −2 ± 1% to the 22 Pg oceanic carbon sink.”

            First. The results come from the same global circulation models, that denialists reject. Suddenly you embrace them if you think they say what you want them to say.

            Secondly, note that the volcanic explosions created a carbon sink, not a carbon source.

            “SINK” Their own words supported by a graphic from your own link.

          2. Part 2

            So what they are saying is that the rate of change of anthropogenic CO2 can not be obtained from direct measure of atmospheric CO2 concentration because volcanic eruptions may artificially lower the increase by adding an additional sink for the anthropogenic carbon thereby hiding the true, higher rate of increase.

          1. When orbital and rotational changes are driving the climate system, CO2 generally lags by 800 years. But currently there is no lag. This tells us that the current temperature change is being driven by CO2.

            Your on line name should be El-Retardo.

    3. I have to laugh at the CO2 silliness. carbon based organisms, living on a carbon based planet trying to eliminate carbon. It just does not get dumber than that. CO2, a gas necessary for life on this planet is now the enemy. Every one us exhales CO2, it is part of nature. Those who are mentally ill with this CO2 fever or disease should strive to completely eliminate their own carbon footprint. They will RIP knowing that they have given the ultimate sacrifice for the rest of us.

      1. “Every one us exhales CO2, it is part of nature.” – JMW

        Yes. CO2 is a metabolic poison.

        That is why the animal metabolism goes to great lengths to remove it from the body.

          1. Plant life is dependent upon it, but then plant life is dependent upon copper as well, but even in quite small concentrations, copper is poisonous to plants.

            Plants are also dependent on water. But as thinking people all know, over watering a plant will kill it.

            What is your excuse for not knowing these things?

            Is Yea done be stupid?

            Да Вы!

            1. I think someone who is under the impression that CO2 is warming the planet and changing the climate is unquestionably the dumbest person on the planet. Plants need many things to thrive and grow. Now please let know how they will survive without CO2. Now oh brilliant one, shall we discuss the limits that you have when you are done being stupid.

              1. So you think that magic Pixies are keeping the atmosphere of Venus above that of molten lead, and keeping the surface of Mars above -270’C.

                Stupid people such as yourself really should hold opinions, because they are invariably ill informed and excruciatingly dumb.

                “Now please let know how they will survive without CO2.” – JMW

                I wasn’t aware of anyone who has been advocating reducing atmospheric CO2 levels to zero.

                But in the kook tard conservative, blog-0-sphere, any nonsense that you can fabricate is news.

                1. Every time I get a convoluted responses from someone like you it makes me shake my head. CO2 does not need reducing because it is not a problem, and I really don’t give a rat’s azz about mars or venus, and I am guessing the average American does not either. You jerks want to tax us for something that occurs naturally, you are most unusual. If you want to die of hunger or freeze to death you are more than welcome to. I for one will burn fossil fuels to keep warm and to help grow and ship the food I need and, will take up arms against anyone who tries to restrict my freedom to do so.

                  1. You think the following statement is convoluted?

                    “So you think that magic Pixies are keeping the atmosphere of Venus above that of molten lead, and keeping the surface of Mars above -270’C.”

                    If so, then you need to take a remedial reading comprehension class.

                    “I really don’t give a rat’s azz about mars or venus” – JWM

                    The atmospheres of both planets are nearly 100% CO2 and is therefore the only thing that keeps their surface from reaching -270’C.

                    But your claim was that CO2 does not enhance surface temperature.

                    Venus and Mars call you a liar.

                    So do I.

                  2. “I for one will burn fossil fuels to keep warm and to help grow and ship the food I need and, will take up arms against anyone who tries to restrict my freedom to do so.” – JWM

                    How many people do you Republicans intend to murder to maintain your murderous, unsutainable lifestyle?

    4. cb the nasa info you’re refering to has been doctored , the earth has actually been in a cooling trend for the last decade, scientists use nasa data to formulate their theorys, but if the data is wrong so are the theories see link, and you can find more truth about nasa messing with data if you’re willing to search the truth

    5. Look stupid. If atmospheric CO2 is decreased 25%, mass extinctions will occur in plant and animal life. The dull witted like yourself will be first to go. If volcanoes and the like were to raise CO2 by 20% we’d have far less famine and it wouldn’t make a whits difference in the temperature.

    6. Global cooling, global warming, climate change is pure claptrap nonsense.
      Check the pre-common core books on CO2, climate change is based on political BS.

      People get mixed up with carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.

    7. Wow, surely you’re not that stupid….CO2 is a trace gas in a large complex system dominated by heat transfer via water vapour. There are many factors like low level cloud albedo and increased outgoing longwave radiation at the emission level from cumulonimbic radiative convection and subsidence that contribute to negative feedbackl from CO2 forcing.
      The bottom line is that the evidence doesn’t lie and the temperature data being a third of the global circulation model projections shows that their climate sensitivity parameter incorporating dominantly positive feedbacks is …WRONG.

  288. When I see all of the young kids these days out there protesting and marching for ‘Climate Change’ with all there signs and ‘green religion’, meaning well and wanting to be good stewards of the earth….I just feel for them.

    I feel for them because I know their intentions are good, but they have unknowingly and unwittingly been indoctrinated by their teachers, celebrity spokespeople and the govt into believing this huge and well thought out ORWELLIAN lie!

    Man made climate change is all political propaganda and nothing is going to convince them other wise. It was designed as system of control and money revenue by some very corrupt and very rich globalists many many decades ago. Our education system is so steeped in it, kids these days are massively guilt ridden and brainwashed. They are trained and conditioned on a daily basis that humans are a cancer upon this earth. The self hatred of us all… palpable!

    Is there any hope of our future youth of waking up to the truth? I fear they are too deep into the MATRIX!

    1. “Nearly all children nowadays were horrible. What was worst of all was that by means of such
      organizations as the Spies they were systematically turned into ungovernable little savages,
      and yet this produced in them no tendency whatever to rebel against the discipline of the Party.
      On the contrary, they adored the Party and everything connected with it… All their ferocity
      was turned outwards, against the enemies of the State, against foreigners, traitors, saboteurs,
      thought-criminals. It was almost normal for people over thirty to be frightened of their own
      children.” – George Orwell, 1984

  289. Knowing that there is no escape from THE FOUR
    and cannot be overruled by edicts from whoever, be it Dalai Lama, Pope, Obama,
    Merkel, IMF, UN, EU, IPCC, PIK, the Supreme Court, EPA, or anyone, it is high
    time to remember Alexius Meinong: TRUTH IS A PURELY HUMAN CONSTRUCT BUT FACTS
    ARE ETERNAL. My result of following this
    tenet is at:

  290. You are wasting your time arguing with the likes of CB,Liberals refuse to explore real facts and use state media sources like network news,mslsd or cnn for their taking points.Their brains are wired differently and regardless of any facts,they will continue to spew anything liberal punduntst ell them.Look at the stae of the world after 7 years of Obama and his socialist liberal rule.How that working out? They look at Republican and Conservatives as uneducated sloths. In reality we are the ones that do the research and have the facts.When arguing with a liberal confuse them with facts.

  291. “And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed—if all records told the same
    tale—then the lie passed into history and became truth.” – George Orwell, 1984

      1. I never said it was ok ( Ape man ) Truth bothers you hey ?? Have to insult a real man with his real name and his real picture. Not like you hidding behind the blue pillsbury dummy and a stupid pseudo name !!!!!!!!!!

  292. As someone with a degree in this field I can tell you this is all politics about finding revenue for the federal govt. The climate is powered by the sun’s radiation, our distribution of landmasses & oceans, the extent of our forests & vegetation, the presence of jet streams, semi-permanent air pressure celss, wind currents, & ocean currents. Plate tectonics moves the continental landmasses & oceans around the globe. Mountains & valleys affect climate & condensation. Air pressure cells & wind belts are directional & contribute to air pressure changes, humidity extent, & air mass character. Ocean currents & wind currents move seawater in specific & random directions. Mankind’s contribution to the atmosphere is pollution. Pollution is not the same thing as climate. When more industrialization & urbanization is developed in metropolises, the area grows heat islands which constrain the movement of pollutant gases & air mass content. E.g. given the traffic of NYC, the high population, the number of cars, utilities operating at any given time, the amount of asphalt & concrete, the number of tall steel buildings, heat & gas gets trapped in a given area & that site cannot re-radiated the stuff back to space. Hence it will always feel warmer walking down a sidewalk in NYC where the number of cars is proximal to the walker. Cars give off a lot of heat (2nd law of thermodynamics). There were days when it was 98 degrees when I was a young child & there are the same 98 degrees I experience as an adult. Politicians are people who believe they have a power of persuasion (that is all). None are grounded in science. They are grounded in their thirst for power, perks, & money. Hence climate change is really a ruse for raising money.

  293. HOW does heat “hide in the ocean depths”…….?????
    Can any of you cowardly democrat trash give me an explanation of the Thermodynamic principles that allow for this to happen?

  294. The purpose of the entire scam has little to do with weather, climate, or carbon dioxide. It’s purpose is to push left, and install a powerful central World government that knows how to deal with skeptics.

  295. It should get more and more interesting as all the lies and the people making millions off the lies (think algore) are exposed. Leftists will never believe any of it, but the independent voters who don’t have time for politics will take notice.

  296. It’s good to see Professor Lindzen back in the news cycle again.
    He’s THE pre-eminent expert on all things “weather”.
    He knows that the computer models are all BULL$HIT, and that the weather on this entire planet is generated by the largest fusion reactor in this sector of space.

  297. Man made global warming is real…..I know this is true, because both polar ice caps have been completely melted, and New York City has been underwater since 2013, just like the experts said…..Oh, and children no longer know what snow is, and snowfalls are a thing of the past……Just like the experts at East Anglia University predicted in the year 2000……

  298. Very simple to figure out what is going on here. Who is calling for the opposition to to be considered criminals? Who cannot have a reasonable discussion based upon fact? There are no facts involved if you do not account for the main driver behind our planet’s climate. Can anyone guess what that would be? Anyone who gets that answer correct gets a gold start by their name. :DISCLAIMER: Just so the brain dead out there don’t hurt themselves, I was posing a rhetorical question. Don’t be offended if you really don’t know. It might not be your fault that you are ignorant.

  299. Global = All over the entire world, Everywhere
    Warming = Rising Temperatures
    So how are record cold temperatures possible ANYWHERE, if Temperatures are rising EVERYWHERE?
    Democrats don’t think the names of their lies through too well, so they have to keep changing them…….are they still calling it Climate Disruption?

  300. Everything the infernal Left, leftists touch, they wreck, knowingly, willfully, deliberately. And, with malice aforethought. The ONLY way demoniac leftist–i.e., “socialist”, “communist”, whatever– political objectives can ever be enacted is by inculcation of chaos and via social- and psychological terrorism, ergo, the world we see developing today.
    Climate terrorists. That’s what these knowing AGW jacobins are, period.

      1. Yes. Ever more “progressivism” at work for a time such as this (and, curiously, even Ivy League hallowed halls of revealed wisdom are in full meltdown due to the loving ministrations of useful idiot maupin “social justice” (marxist dialectic) campii kid warriors). But, again, no surprise there: read the prophetic hate-screed of education visionary (and amerikan communist) Thomas Dewey and you’ll learn just about all you need to kbow about the who, what, when, where and why of our present day slide into mush-headed hell.
        The Frankfurt School plan is working to a ‘T’.

  301. No warming in last 18 years according to satellite data.
    Antarctic ice is increasing.
    All the alarmists have are computer climate models that didn’t work.

    Obviously, the climate hoopla is not really about climate, it’s about money and control.

  302. The socialist jew media is pushing Man Made Global Warming…….What haven’t they lied about?


    Today, seven Jewish-Americans run the vast majority of major U.S. television networks, the printed press, the Hollywood movie industry, the book publishing industry, and the recording industry. Most of these industries are bundled into huge media conglomerates run by the following seven individuals:

    Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner
    Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company
    Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd
    Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios
    Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc
    Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric
    Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited

    These seven Jewish men collectively control ABC, NBC, CBS, the Turner Broadcasting System, CNN, MTV, Universal Studios, MCA Records, Geffen Records, DGC Records, GRP Records, Rising Tide Records, Curb/Universal Records, and Interscope Records.

      1. The fact of the matter is that 95% of the media is run by jews. Socialist jews are the ones who have turned their backs on their religion and worship $$$$$ like the socialist jew FED Bankers who run America,

        1. The Talmud is very anti-Christian.

          Shabbath 116a. Jews must destroy the books of the Christians, i.e. the New Testament.


          One could argue if the Jew wanted to destroy Christianity they would have done exactly what they are doing.

      1. Why is it “anti-Semitic” to tell the truth about the “socialist jew media”?
        Why is it OK for the socialist jew media to say “right wing Chritian Conservative”?
        You are way to stupid to begin to see how stupid you are….

  303. As soon as we agree to give the governments of the world all our money, keeping only enough for basic sustenance, they will declare global warming has been stopped.

      1. They need us to do the dirty work and besides the Hollywood Climate Scientists want to have some ‘useful idiots’ to listen to them and fawn at their compassion for the little people.

  304. Yeah, now that people are starting to realize the consequences of letting the government and the UN perpetuate this obvious lie, they are backtracking in a hurry … hopefully, it is not too late.

  305. Science is not about consensus or authority–politics is (So one can see how the UN and Al Gore could be confused).
    Science ought to be about theories that make specific predictions…and how those predictions hold up to observation.
    So show me someone who has correctly predicted the average temperature of this decade or shut up 🙂

  306. Not long ago, I asked a newly tenured geology professor, whom I am certain would never have been granted it had he not gone along with AGW to get along, how can we be so overwrought over coal burning power plants with scrubbers when there are 32 naturally occurring coal seam fires burning all over the world? The total area exceeds the size of France and many have been burning for 10,000 years. His reaction was two fold. First he feigned ignorance which I found astounding given his field. His second response was dismissive since these facts cause grave problems among the warming apostles and open a whole can of worms.

  307. I can input fallacious data into any program you give me, and manipulate it and massage it until I get the results those who give me my Grant money want…….That’s called Engineering Consultation…..

  308. A tabulation of Heating Degree Days and Cooling Degree Days over the last 18 years shows definitively that the earth is getting cooler, at least in any location that measures and tabulates such data. 2013 had exceptionally high HDDS in the winter and barely non-existent CDDS the entire summer. 2014 was slightly warmer, but still below normal temps…..
    Is there anyone here who can understand scientific concepts above the 7th grade level?

  309. Computer models for warming that don’t think solar activity needs to be an inputted variable – absolute insanity! This is nothing more than a combined power and wealth grab. Read between the lines of the articles and ask yourself two simple questions: “Who would preaching against man-made global warming benefit? What would they have to gain?”
    As a wise talk show host in Phoenix used to say: “Follow the money trail. It explains better than 90% of every political position taken.”

  310. Why is it “anti-Semitic” to tell the truth about the “socialist jew media”?

    Why is it OK for the socialist jew media to say “right wing Chritian Conservative”?

    Why don’t they come up with some name calling to call themselves when they say that? What’s the difference? Are jews special?

  311. Truth and scientific facts vs. manufactured evidence and the potential for billions in profit.
    Sorry. Truth and facts have no place in the ObamaNation. Bullsh*t wins. Again.

  312. This whole global warming thing is about money. Those climate guy’s can’t get research grants unless they can scare the public. All the public has to do is look at the wheather and realize that the left are a bunch of liars.

  313. Anyone who looks at the historical global temperature data charts can plainly see that we are living on borrowed time as each previous interglacial has lasted about 20-25k years and we’re about at the end of the warm spell. Between Volcanoes and the dimming sun the earth will get colder and it won’t matter how much CO2 is in the air.

  314. If you haven’t accepted yet that we live in a fascist, authoritarian society, this should make it all too obvious. In a free and democratic republic, these scientists opinions and observations would be presented equally alongside those of the climate alarmists. They are not. They don’t warrant so much as a mention. The democrats, the establishment republicans, the media and universities, all make up a cabal of power hungry elitists who have taken over our country and transformed it into near despotism. Secession and a reordering of the union can’t come soon enough.

  315. Let’s not forget the elephant in the room. Catastrophic global warming (if there is even a such thing) would be the best thing humans could ask for. The loss of a few square miles of beachfront property would be insignificant compared to the benefit of never having to worry about the entire corn belt being covered again by 2 KM of ice. Global warming is what we want, not an ice age. Over the past million years we have seen 100,000 year-long ice ages separated by 10,000 year-long warm periods like we are in right now. When the dinosaurs were around there were no ice ages for 100’s of millions of years. What fool wants to return to an ice age? Instead of loosing square miles of beachfront property you would be talking about losing entire countries to ice kilometers thick and deserts and tundra everywhere. An ice age causes mass extinction. Even 1 year with no summer will cause massive famine as it already did once before. A warmer warm period and even “catastrophic” global warming causes no mass extinction or death. So really if your argument is for safety, then global warming is what you actually want. People trying to limit your CO2 are control freaks with nothing better to do.

  316. I am sincerely praying that the forces of darkness that will be in attendance at the coming Paris Climate Conference – to push their global warming alarmism nonsense – will be defeated by the knights of scientific truth, and by the defenders of freedom, democracy, the market economy and prosperity.

    1. Sadly two of the groups you mention would be behind any myth that was good for selling stuff: “the market economy and prosperity”.

      Yes, over-regulation is bad for existing business, but great for snake-oil salesmen.

  317. And here I thought 97% of all climate scientists agree, yes? Apparently, these folks can be ignored because they are in the 3% and science is—after all—cemented by popularity and not by facts. Just ask the Catholic church and Galileo, right?

  318. A report commissioned by the governments of more than 20 countries found
    that more than 100 million people will die as a result of climate
    change by 2030 if the world stays on its current path.

    According to the second edition of the Climate Vulnerability Monitor,
    climate change and fossil fuel use already causes nearly 4.5 million
    deaths each year, and could increase to about 6 million deaths per year
    2030. The report, released by DARA, an independent, Spanish-based
    non-profit, suggests that time is running out for the situation to be

    1. “By the 2020s, the U.S. average annual temperature would rise 9 degrees Fahrenheit, or more, and up to 3 degrees by the 2010s.”— James Hansen, global warming expert, predicted in 1986.

      Relax, Al. We’re not running out of time.

  319. You as a human have no control over what these sociopaths do. What we can do is redesign our lives to provide abundance. Global Warming or not. Peak Oil or not. New World Order or not. We can use permaculture and the diversity of the 8 Forms of Capital to redesign our lives to keep as much of our labor outside of the “tollbooth economy;” where every transfer of value is taxed and a portion is redistributed out of your hands and into the hands of these globalist corrupt politicians. Take a look into it. If you haven’t paused and analyzed your lifestyle in a systematic way, you may have walked directly into the trap. Corporations pay as little tax as legally possible. It is your turn. And you know what? You will lead a more enjoyable and fulfilling life if you sit down and design the outcome you want. Start this redesign process. 8 FORMS OF CAPITAL

  320. From the Club of Rome:

    “In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite,
    we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water
    shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. In their totality and their interactions
    these phenomena do constitute a common threat which must be confronted by
    everyone together. But in designating
    these dangers as the enemy, we fall into the trap, which we have already warned
    readers about, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human
    intervention in natural processes, and it is only through changed attitudes and
    behaviour that they can be overcome. The
    real enemy then is humanity itself.” p.

  321. Ottmar Edenhofer, co-chairman of the IPCC’s third working

    “But one must say clearly that we distribute to the climate
    policy, de facto, the world’s wealth. That the owners of coal and oil which are
    not enthusiastic, is obvious. You have to free yourself from the illusion
    that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has nothing
    to do with environmental policy, with problems such as deforestation or ozone
    hole, nothing more.”

  322. The quote of the century !!!!
    Thank you Dr. Will Happer…..”If plants could vote, they would vote for coal.
    >>>>>Note to Mr.Gore. Take your “carbon footprints” and shove up your A$$.

  323. Ice core records show that increases in CO2 do not cause warming. Increases in CO2 are followed by warming. Witness:

    Ice core records of atmospheric CO2 around the last three glacial terminations (Science, Vol. 283. no. 5408, pp. 1712 – 1714, 12 March 1999) – Hubertus Fischer, Martin Wahlen, Jesse Smith, Derek Mastroianni, Bruce Deck QUOTE: High-resolution records
    from Antarctic ice cores show that carbon dioxide concentrations increased by
    80 to 100 parts per million by volume 600 ± 400 years after the warming of the
    last three deglaciations.

    Southern Hemisphere and Deep-Sea Warming Led Deglacial Atmospheric CO2 Rise and Tropical Warming (Science, September 27, 2007) – Lowell Stott, Axel
    Timmermann, Robert Thunell QUOTE: Deep sea temperatures warmed
    by ~2C between 19 and 17 ka B.P. (thousand years before present), leading the
    rise in atmospheric CO2 and tropical surface ocean warming by ~1000 years.

    The phase relations among atmospheric CO2 content, temperature and global ice
    volume over the past 420 ka (Quaternary Science Reviews, Volume 20, Issue 4, Pages 583-589, February 2001) – Manfred Mudelsee
    QUOTE: Over the full 420 ka of the Vostok record, CO2 variations lag behind atmospheric temperature changes in the Southern Hemisphere by 1.3±1.0 ka (1000 to 1300 years)

    Timing of Atmospheric CO2 and Antarctic Temperature Changes Across Termination III (Science 14, Vol. 299. no. 5613, March 2003) – Nicolas Caillon, Jeffrey P. Severinghaus, Jean Jouzel, Jean-Marc Barnola, Jiancheng Kang, Volodya Y. Lipenkov QUOTE: The sequence of events during Termination III suggests that the
    CO2 increase lagged Antarctic deglacial warming by 800 ± 200 years and preceded
    the Northern Hemisphere deglaciation.

    In order to compare the CO2 and temperature records,

    we carried out the following procedure: We calculated
    the correlation coffcient of the CO2 and temperature
    records using the mean temperature over ~ 300 yr (3 data
    points) to every corresponding CO2 data point. The simulation yields a lag of (1200 +/- 700) yr. This value is roughly in agreement with findings by
    Fischer et al. [1999] who reported a time lag of CO2 to the
    Vostok temperature of (600 +/- 400) yr during early deglacial
    changes in the last 3 transitions glacial-interglacial. Download .pdf version p. 3

    According to Barnola et al. (1991) and Petit et al. (1999)
    these measurements indicate that, at the beginning of the deglaciations, the CO2
    increase either was in phase or lagged by less than ~1000 years with respect to
    the Antarctic temperature, whereas it clearly lagged behind the temperature at
    the onset of the glaciations.
    (The Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center
    (Thomas A. Boden, Director), which includes the World Data Center for
    Atmospheric Trace Gases, has served as the primary climate-change data and
    information analysis center of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) since 1982.)

    From, well-known pro-global warming website:

    “From studying all the available data (not just ice cores), the probable sequence of events at a termination goes something like this. Some (currently unknown) process causes Antarctica and the surrounding ocean to warm. This process also causes CO2 to start rising, about 800 years later.”


  325. Apparently MIT means Mentally Incompetent Technologists.

    Deny, deny, deny. Conservatives know nothing about science. Global warming is an accepted fact by 97% of the world’s scientists. You believe a denier over tens of thousands of scientists with peer reviewed papers?

    The issue is not wehether bit’s real, but what are we going to do about it. The future of your children and grandchildren depend on the answer.


    2. “97% of the world’s scientists.”

      “It isn’t so much that liberals are ignorant. It’s just that they know so many things that aren’t so.” ―
      Ronald Reagan

    3. I don’t believe that all of the climate alarmists are liars. In fact, here’s one who tells the obvious truth:

      “One must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy. Obviously, the owners of coal and oil will not be enthusiastic about this. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole.”— Ottmar Edenhofer, co-chair of the IPCC’s Working Group III

    4. “Conservatives know nothing about science”……..How trite and juvenile. Your liberal slip is showing, and it is filthy. Go wash up and sit in the closet, little man.

  326. Finally a scientist that makes sense and speaks the truth… Every living mammal exhales CO2 but we are continually fed the line of BS that it is a dangerous pollutant. Plants need it to live and the more that is available, the better they grow.. If you don’t believe me, ask your pot growers how much CO2 they add to their indoor grows?? The good ones all have a CO2 bottle going the entire bloom cycle if not the entire grow…

    1. A
      botanist told me that plant life will start dying out if it drops below 150ppm. We are at 400ppm. We are only 250ppm above the life extinction level.

  327. But the inventor of the INTERNET, Al Gore, said Global Warming is true….so does George Clooney and Ted Danson ! Oh my, I’m so confused.
    Who has the gravitas…WHO?

  328. There’s quite a bit of evidence there is going to be solar minimum resulting in a Mauder mininum or a period of reduced solar activity and cooling temperatures on earth. It could be as severe as the “Little Ice Age” which occurred during from about 1300 to 1850, following the Medieval Warm Period.
    Temperatures were very chilly during that period and food shortages were not uncommon. It did apparently cause diminished harvests.

  329. I love it when I hear libs that know zilch about science spout about “a vast consensus of scientists believe in man made global warming” and “it’s settled science”…the common street lib can barely do 6th grade math.

  330. Think about this. Governments exist, in large part, to ensure an abundant of food supply.
    Were CO2 concentrations to rise globally, along with precipitation and a modest temperature increase, then there would be a surgence of plant life, animal life and human health, though probably no significant population growth.
    However, abundant food would lessen the need for government involvement in food production, distribution, marketing and price controls, leading many to ask if we really need this government or that one.
    Governments would find it necessary to interfere effectively, not to increase food supplies, but to limit them, in an effort to make themselves appear needed and so gain from power, privilege and taxes.

    1. Ultimately they want to separate us from our cars since they give is the ability to flee liberal ‘utopias’ AKA big cities. That is the whole point of this global warming nonsense.

  331. Someone should make a movie showing how the leftwingers dope is grown with enhanced CO2 levels since it kicks the weed into overdrive. Perhaps that is something they could understand?

  332. Lindzen (who is not a practicing research scientist) and the other clowns cited in this article do the easiest thing possible. They criticize the work of actively researching climate scientists – saying the results of their work is wrong or worthless – yet can’t produce answers of their own.

    1. And of course, Al Gore IS a practicing research scientist. So let’s see….if Lindzen and the “other clowns” do not know how to make fraudulent claims with hockey stick graphs…they are without merit? What answers are they supposed to supply? Why should they have to refute bogus, junk science? Hey, Nick…did you know that some “practicing scientists” back in the early 1990’s said that the eruptions of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines produced many more times the aggregate pollution of mankind throughout recorded history? I don’t think they had a hockey stick graph, but they did use a lot of calculators. Sleep well…because Co2 is your friend and mine. Nite-nite.

  333. Someone with credentials needs to edit Wikipedia, the satellite data pages would be a good place to start. Wiki seems to pop up a lot when searching the subject.

  334. We know man made global warming is real, because “snowfalls are a thing of the past” , “both Ice caps will be totally gone by 2012”, and “New York City will be underwater by 2013″……
    How can you angry anti-science deniers question these facts?

  335. I am trying to figure out why the Left is terrified of “climate change” but not bothered at all by importing thousands that would be happy to cut their throats??? What kind of thinking is that?

  336. Liberals , sheep ,or more appropriate goats, lost ,following every henny penny that comes by ,giving everything feelings from trees to rocks , snuffing the unborn’s lives by the millions and sacrificing all for a snail darter or spotted owl .Hopelessly grasping at the insane and casting sanity to the wind ,,, liberalism is a disease.

  337. Despite these intelligent truthful scientists telling the world what reality is….almost all lefties in this world will still throw themselves on the alter of Global Warming, skewing themselves upon the sword of High-Priest Al Gore. They are unreachable using common sense instead of rabid emotionalism, upon which they were weaned years ago.

  338. Does man made global warming, man made climate change, man made climate disruption really cause Islamic Terrorism like the democrats say?…..well they don’t actually admit it’s ISLAMIC terrorism…..

  339. Without CO2, we’ll all die because all the plants we depend upon for so much, need CO2 to live. The more CO2 we provide for them, the more O2 they provide for us. But, because the Chief Climatologist, Barak Hussein Obama, President of the Land of Obamanation, and his False Prophet, Pope Francis of the Wholly anti-Christian Roman Catholic Church, have spoken, FACTS & DATA DO NOT MATTER.

    Basically, we’re all screwed because we allowed a Fabian Socialist to take over the country.

  340. Not only are they quibbling over hundredths of a degree, they are only 38% sure of the MANIPULATED results which intentionally excluded satellite data because it didn’t agree….

  341. Look at all of the misery and death that the greens have delivered. If we had multiple nukes in every state, you could control droughts and floods. Not satisfied to limit us to 1950 technology, they aim to kill coal / oil and drive us back to 1650.

  342. AGW – scienific theory masquerading as scientific principle. AGW simply cannot be proven, no matter how it makes you “feel”. And in the absence of proof, we don’t have to prove a theory wrong. Sorry, you lose.

    Same people who pander to the ignorant through logical fallacy, which is a very useful tool to machiavellianly manipulate the feelings crowd.

    Don’t you know you are a tool? Wake up

  343. No! No! (arms waving frantically over my head, elbows pressed firmly against my ears, frothing at the mouth) I won’t hear this heresy to my faux-religion.

  344. Obviously those that desire control over all resources desire it to maintain their position as the elite. Thus Climate Change does not espouse Warming or Cooling as a definitive. They just need control so whichever way it goes , or whether it goes or not they have control over all people and all resources for the benefit of themselves.

  345. I have read that the sun is entering a major “quiet” phase which will cause a major cooling trend. Maybe we can expect the warmists to make a full court press to gain as much ground as they can before the temperatures start to fall again.

    1. Only a fat liberal pork like Gore could pull up to a global warming rally in an SUV and have his supporting Bolsheviks pat him on his fat back for his selfless effort. God I hate liberals!

  346. No, see cooling is “change”. When I was a kid, we had to stop cutting down trees, because deforestation was causing the next ice age. That was false. Then SUV is causing global warming. Again false. Now it’s just climate change. Is there any fucktard liberal that doesn’t understand the climate has been changing for billions of years?

  347. I wish I was the slob Al Gore. Thank about all the cash that swine made from bilking liberal idiots into believing this Shiite science. I want to discover the next pseudoscience that will gain monetary value from the mindless peasants. Fat Al is raking in the dough from the knuckle dragging wanks that buy into this crap! Think about the damage the Idiot president has done to ruin our coal industry in America.

  348. I like the fact Al Gore has bilked liberal idiots. I don’t like the fact he is causing all of us to pay more for energy. He wastes TONS of energy in his big home and private planes.

  349. Test the BS. If CO2 is making things warmer test it.

    In the 1970s the earth was cooling because there were suppose to be holes in the Ozone layer. Then we put up satellites that can measure temperatures. Not a single hole with escaping temperature has ever been reported.

    Then the 1980s came along and pollution became an insulated blanket around the earth keeping heat in by reflecting the heat back. Yet not one building has been built using polluted air to keep the heat in.

    Its as if polluted air acts thermo check valves that let heat in and block that heat from escaping as if polluted air is polarized.

    Lets say the world is getting warmer. 75% of the earth’s surface is water. The rate of water evaporation increases as the air warms, therefore more water would be suspended in the air which we see as clouds. Clouds cause shade, shade causes cooling, cool air cannot hold as much moisture so it rains. Temps cool during an immediately after rain.

    CO2 is soul food for plants. Dead plants turn into coal and oil. Coail and oil have large carbon components is that because of their CO2 food origins?

    Oil below deserts and arctic waters… not a likely place to find plants. Why is the oil there?

  350. It may be a little warmer in the arctic region but it is normal. The rotation of the earth causes this and has since the earth was formed. Man has done NOTHING to cause global warming and I, for one dont feel guilty about either the warming or the cooling. The govt is trying to use this as a ruse, to charge not only us, but through The United Nations a carbon tax to fund the illegal, and satanic, feudal system, One World Order. They plan to be at the top of the pyramid with the rest of us at the bottom. Can you imagine having illogical people, such as the democrats, and wannabes at the top, and they dont even know how to use adobe acrobat or probably word, excel or anything else, THEMSELVES. If they dont have someone to do their work, they wouldn’t last long and I doubt people will put up with them FOR LONG, not even the military. In fact, most people are waking up to the fact that we have not so intelligent, moral, patriotic or loving leaders in Washington, and most of them are fakes and as phony as a two dollar bill, bending over with the direction of the wind, as to whether they are democrats or republicans, when they decide to run for office. I;m tired of this Animal House we have in DC and the silly, stupid, dangerous games they plan with OUR LIVES. They are not going to risk their necks to do anything!!!

  351. So Princeton physicist Happer said

    ‘You are calling something a pollutant that we all produce. Where does that lead us eventually?’

    Well, the answer is intuitively obvious to the most casual observer: we all need to kill ourselves to save the planet!!!

  352. Dumb ass liberals don’t give a flying handshake about the planet. Suppose it was discovered we actually needed more Co2. Do you think for one minute they would recommend we drive our SUVs more?

  353. I agree with the statements that global warming is not established, even the asserted warming is tiny, the tiny warming is not harmful, the link to CO2 seems completely impossible to confirm, and the physics of CO2 absorption do not support the model being used. However, I am not in love with all of the arguments in the article above, but then the reporting may not be as careful as it could be, and one should read the papers themselves to see what is really being argued.

    OTOH some attempts to limit CO2 output is probably a good idea anyway, and attempts to reduce fossil fuel consumption are not a bad idea in any case. Just base it all on competent science, not the hysterical rantings of pig-ignorant political types.

  354. Of course it’s functionally retarded to suggest man is responsible for global cooling, I mean global warming, I mean climate change. Interesting that scientists want to develop AI Artificial Intelligence from internet and social media. With all the dupes that post on social media, AI will decide Co2 is a pollutant and therefore must exterminate humans!

  355. Unfortunately fraud and greed have destroyed my faith in any scientific “study”. Unless I know people who can vouch for the study I assume it’s total bullshit.

          1. Of the 40 billion dollar loan guarantee program for new energy companies, Two defaulted ( Solyndra and Beacon Power Co)representing 1.8% of the total funds, Dozens are succeeding , created new tech, new companies, new jobs, new tax revenue and paying back the loans with interest. The program is on track to earn the government ( You and I) 5+ billion dollars in profits. So it turned out real good for me, you and America. You won’t get that info on Fox.

          1. Great , texas has a whole lot of primitive land that is great for wind and solar. But just because new energy companies have build wind farms in a slightly conservative state ( Obama only lost by 5 points) whose terrain is good for it, does not make it conservative supportive.

      1. Yes, but we can use more new energy and make the finite supply of oil and natural gas last for a few hundred more years. There will be generations of folks that may need oil based products after we are gone. Why use so much oil for energy for which there are other sources.

        1. Because other forms of energy are expensive, only the wealthy could afford it…. Not to mention we already have hundreds of years of oil and natural gas… People have said we are in danger of running out of both since the 1920’s, I guess you are part of that crowd….

          1. Only the wealthy can afford it? Several countries have gone all or moving forward on renewable energy. Hawaii is already at 30% and will be 100% in less than 30 years. Several states are have large portions of their total as renewables. …

            Iceland already gets 100% of it’s electricity from renewables, and scotland hit 50% last year and is on it’s way to 100%. America should be leading in this. We should be creating the Tech, the jobs and the money not giving it away to china ( world’s largest producer of renewable electricity) or Germany ( world’s leader in solar power). Instead big oil wants us stuck in the 1800’s. It is embarrassing.

            1. That’s right, they spend a large portion of their revenue on energy. Renewables are fine where applicable, not everywhere has geothermal…. Natural gas is by far the cheapest energy out there, people have money to spend on other items…. Btw, places you named have a low standard of living…. Thank god Hawaii has tourism… Iceland and Scotland are not quite economic powerhouses…. China, funny.., they build a coal powered plant every 8 days… You might need an economics course as well as physics….

            2. Btw, I’m sure you’ve never looked into electricity prices worldwide, but your electric bill would double if you lived in Germany…. You probably live in an apartment and may never see your bill, but your rent would go up dramatically…. Yes, your ideology is embarrassing because it is stupid….

              1. 1. I don’t rent, I own my own home in Washington state , fully paid for.

                2. Washington state electric rates average 8.53 ¢/kWh. In the town I live it is only 8.14¢/kWh

                3. washington state has 85% renewable energy and only 15% fossil fuels and nukes

                4. Washington state ranks number 50 in the nation with the nation’s LOWEST average electricity rates. ( with all of that renewable, how is that possible?)

                1. Because you have 6 major dams paid for mostly with taxpayer funds and since few people live there you have excess electricity to sell outside the state… Nothing magical about that…. Your electric bill would go up 140% instead of doubling… Btw, I was kidding about your apartment….

            3. What happened to your CO2 argument? Please show me where in earths geologic history there has been a relationship between CO2 and temperature…. If you actually looked at that chart you saw that the earth is actually starved for CO2. Reefs don’t do well, neither do plants at low rates… Acidifying the oceans? That’s even funnier…. Greatest reef building times on earth were at CO2 levels 2,000-4,000 ppm…

              1. You are in denial of science, Higher CO2 damages reefs and increases the PH of the oceans. I don’t how uneducated peoples opinions gets to trump science.This is not liberal , conservative thing, it is a fact thing. And a few big oil paid “scientists” and the uninformed, uneducated opinions of the common man,don’t change the facts as presented by the thousands of real scientists…


                Today’s CO2 levels are at their highest in 15 million years . CO2 levels of over 1000 PPM were over 50 million years ago, the planet was a very different place and I am not sure we can quantify that it was a ” Greatest reef building times on earth”.

                1. Higher CO2 damages reefs? What do you think reefs are made of? The greatest reef building periods in earths history were when CO2 levels were 2,000-4,000+ ppm. Try reading about earths history and if you did Google about CO2 and earth temp, the graph was damned explanatory… Also, greenhouses often add CO2 to the greenhouse, as plants really need it at levels of 800-1,200 ppm to grow best…. Google “greenhouse plants and CO2”. Btw, I am a Geologist, I can tell you the earth isn’t ending anytime soon… The CO2 scam is nuts, just look at the past prediction by these so-called scientists…

                  1. Reefs are made of the skeletons of OXYGEN breathing animals. NOT CO2 needing plants. why would increased CO2 concentration help build reefs? That is what suffocates reefs. They thrive in more oxygen concentrated water. CO2 kills reefs. They are not plants.

                    BTW greenhouse are great for plants, no so much for people.

                    Your right the “earth isn’t ending anytime soon”, I am not worried at all about the earth, my fear is for the fragile humanity that infests her. The earth will be here for a couple billion more years.

                2. Let me explain it a bit. Except for a few extremists on AGW, most scientists agree that temperatures today are about the same as the Medieval Warming Period. In between, we had the little ice age. Since 1800, at the close of this period, temperatures have increased .9 degees Centigrade. They use this number to say that CO2 is the cause of all this warming. Well, if increasing CO2 from 260ppm to 380 ppm, why aren’t we quite a bit hotter than the Medieval Warming Period?

      1. No problem with free speech. I do prefer it when one tells the truth with their speech. And yes the funding source does change the “facts”. When You are able to find a handful of people who are willing to take big oil money and then in return issue a report that insures big oil is happy with you and gives you more money. Not underestimate the evil of big oil companies and the greed of the average person.

    1. Right, because there are no conflicts of interest whatsoever in the multi-billion-dollar climate fraud industry. How dare these people? What right do they think they have to defend themselves against the lies and slander coming from the global warming hucksters?

      1. So what exactly is the benefit to scientists and climatologists that show that the climate is warming and changing. No Matter what they report they still remain scientists and climatologists studying and reporting on the climate. It is a little different when oil companies pay you to report that oil is great and the earth is unaffected by it. But I am glad you were able to fine 3 “scientists” willing to accept the money to go against the thousands of others that take the exact opposite position. I do not understand why conservatives are in denial of science.

      1. Well I did google that exact phrase and I read page after page saying”Throughout Earth’s history, whenever the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has gone up, the temperature of Earth has also gone up.” So I am not sure what your point is.

  356. You know what causes global warming? Economic activity. Hadn’t had a rise in a while? Kids out of school but can’t find jobs? Taxes taking a bigger bite out of your disposable income? Do you have disposable income? Your wealth and security are KILLING the planet according to liberals like Obama. Middle class America is the biggest threat to the planet according to Hillary Clinton and any democrat.

  357. Middle class America is greatest threat to climate stability! We need Hillary to finish Obama’s great work at thwarting the real terrorist! Middle class America.

  358. The fact that the prechers dont practice what they preach, i.e gore, rich hollywood leftist, but force us to change is in itself the lie. All scare tactics

  359. If global warming truly existed, and it was caused by people, wouldn’t adding more people to an industrialized nation only serve to increase it’s carbon footprint? So how come all these advocates are not anri-immigration? Hmmm? Isn’t that the most immediate action we could take as a nation to save the world?

    But they don’t do that, do they? What does that tell you?

    1. Greens are pro-immigration and illegal immigration because it lowers wages in the US. Lower wages means less net economic activity and therefore less damage to Earth mother Gaia

    2. I’ve made this same point over the years. Doesn’t make sense, does it? But a lot of the leftist thinking doesn’t make sense, except in the political sense. And that is mainly to increase the power of the state.

  360. CO2 is at 400 Ppm, yes? Do you know what that means? In 1880 they now tell us it was at 280 ppm. That’s roughly a 40% increase since the beginning of the industrial age. Yes! That is also an increase of 120 ppm in 135 years. Sounds like a lot? 120 ppm ia also 12 parts per 100,000, yes? Or 1.2 parts per 10,000, yes? So put on your thinking cap and tell me how a little over 1 part in 10,000 parts increase can cause a significant temperature shift? As Ricky would have said, “Lucy, you got some susplainin to do!”

  361. Greenie Weenies are nothing but marxists left over from the soviet collapse. Rather than inventing a weird religion, they might be happier moving to China.

  362. Global warming will be the excuse future tyrants will use for intentional shortages used to control the masses and the excuse for a perpetual state of war. Read 1984. Orwell foresaw all this.

      1. Yes. This way they can shame the real enemy, the American middle class, and get the more gullible among us to vote and act against their own self interest.

        1. I’m afraid it might be too late. After all, a majority of Americans not only elected Obama in 2008, they REelected him in 2012! I think the U.S and the world is FUBAR. The only good thing I can see is that I’m old and won’t be around for the worst of it.

          1. well I think it is all moot anyways. Artificial Intelligence will sooner rather than later over take the human hegemony on this planet. Its probably for the best and I think liberal greens would have to agree. But of course their faithfulness in the demise of mankind will go unrewarded by their new masters. They will be equally obsolete as the rest of us.

  363. Finally, of course they will be cast as heretics by the Kerry and Obama types. Their sheep like followers will be quick to fall in line. Whatever will they do when the 97% agree with these fellows.

  364. The first things I said ~25 years ago when human GW erupted in the press was

    1 – there is no century’s worth of data that is global

    2 – there is no historical data of sufficient accuracy to make any such claim.

    It’s so basic: a sufficient number of samples of sufficient accuracy. Neither one is even remotely close to being satisfied.

    Those things are just as true today as they were back then. There is no scientific basis for claiming human activity is heating the planet. Which I guess is why it’s now ‘climate change’ – so vague it can be invoked to support anything.

  365. I would like to know how many people here have actually tried a CO2 experiment? You know, see if they can duplicate the notion that CO2 traps heat.

        1. The ones I’m familiar with go back 35 years. They show a hiatus, that was wiped out by NOAA’s adjustment. NOAA took data from the temperature of the ocean used to cool ships engines, and adjusted the ARGO data upward. Now, ARGO is purpose built to determine ocean temperatures, but that data is less reliable than temperatures of water to cool ship’s engines? Well, I think we know what’s going on here.

  366. This is not going to fly. There is Way Too Much Money on the line for this to be allowed to continue. These guys were allowed to say these things only because the power people of climate change are partying in Paris. Just wait until they hear about this. Heads will roll.

  367. The climate changes constantly, it’s called the weather. Variations in global warming or cooling is basically the Earth ‘breathing’. The Sun has infinitely more impact on the Earth’s climate than man’s scrabblings in the dirt. Civilization hasn’t been around long enough in the Earth’s million year history to have any influence on a global scale. Air pollution in one city doesn’t affect the rest of the Earth’s climate any more than 20 cities would. It’s a big planet folks and 2/3 of it is water. Man is to the Earth as a flea is to an elephants butt and of equal influence.

  368. The $14 000 000 000 000 (TRILLION) scam in all its glory. AGW Promoters, just know that you are helping Goldman Sachs set up (yes aside from the above numbers) a $10 000 000 000 000 (Thats TRILLION AGAIN) PER YEAR carbon trading scheme… Congrats, you are working (for free) for the very capitalists you hate! How does that feel?

  369. Asia for Asians!
    Africa for Africans!
    White countries for Everyone!
    Diversity means chasing down the last white person.
    It’s White genocide.
    “Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-white.

  370. The truth is poisonous to the left. The mainstream media won’t touch this story. It doesn’t support their efforts to push the lies they’ve been selling for years.

  371. I have figured it all out:

    Let’s tax the air that we breathe and then give that money to the likes of Al Gore, who will then see that that money is used to lower carbon emissions! Who on us earth could we trust more than Al Gore and his ilk?

    How brilliant is that?!?!

  372. Wow. Maybe you should all take a look at the data and travel a little too! I have. We are polluting the earth’s water and air and nobody wants to take responsibility for it. Call it climate change, call it what you will, but don’t you think we should face the facts that we need to change our destructive behaviours for the sake of the next generations? I bet you those speakers have some pretty good stocks in the oil and gas industry!

    1. The data you talk about is all massaged and corrupted by a bunch of fraud artists to produce temperature ghost spikes to scare the sheeple into accepting a drastic redistribution of wealth and the subsequent destruction of the Christian, Western society. Give your head a shake.

  373. It is interesting that the Texas Public Policy Foundation that sponsored this climate summit is headed by someone who received support from Enron and someone who is deeply involved in the oil industry. Is it likely that that the “scientists” invited would conclude other than global warming is a joke?

  374. Measured global temperatures allegedly declined from 1945 to 1975. They declined. It got colder. Why has this extraordinary ‘crisis’ been forgotten?

    Scientific data showed a clear and measurable drop in average global temperatures and this decline was hyped to the max in the mainstream media and substantiated by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). I wrote about it in college and interviewed the director of NCAR in 1974.

    This impending climate ‘crisis’ was on the cover of Time, Newsweek, NYTimes etc. But now it’s been forgotten. But it was ‘real’. I was there. I heard what the experts claimed and I covered it. ‘Global cooling’.

    It cannot be denied. It should not be forgotten. Beware: ‘global cooling’.

    Google: global cooling.

  375. The liberal man-made global warming chant reminds me of the Spanish Inquisition…I see deniers burned at the stake or guillotined in our near future if these sick clowns ever get the upper hand. Thank God there are still some extremely intelligent people armed with facts speaking out against the coming Dark Ages.

    1. It will be a LOT different this time. Islamic idiots chopping off heads here and there around the world is one thing, but when the state starts doing it, we Americans all have the 30-cent solution ready for them, preferably hollow-point.

  376. Too bad no one in the Obama Administration or the UN will pay attention to this because it’s all about money and control. It has nothing to do with saving the planet.

  377. Amen !! I had to sit through a land systems analysis course that used Mann’s hockey stick graph!!! I laughed out loud. Then asked the death question…. if all you said is correct wouldn’t that lead to a runaway greenhouse effect? The professor played like she didn’t understand me… so I said, it would get warmer and warmer? She backtracked a bit but eventually said yes, and that she thought that’s what’s happening. Then I said I disagreed. Earth has seen periods with massive volcanic eruptions, massive asteroids… if the runaway greenhouse effect was possible here, we wouldn’t be here. But we are here. The Gullible kids in the room didn’t get it. The professor did though. So did I. I crushed her, and never raised my voice. It’s good to win a small victory now and then.

  378. I have been saying this for years. First it was global warming, and after being embarrassed repeatedly, holding warming protests in the snow, they went back in the closet and rebranded their cause. They came up with “climate change”, which is perfect. This covers everything. Too hot, climate change. Too cold, climate change.

    Then we went from carbon monoxide, a true poison to man. Too carbine DIOXIDE, what human breathe out, trees and plants absorb, then convert back to oxygen. Since when has my snoring become a global killing climate rearranging event? How are so many people, supposedly smarter than me, bought into this garbage?

    The biggest climate changing entity in the universe, is our sun. Over millions of years, North America has gone through dramatic changes. From extreme cooling, where the entire continent was covered in ice, so thick, the water is still in the great Lakes caused by the depression left behind from the sheer weight of the ice. Then we had a period, where the entire continent was tropical. Lush with trees, plants and shallow war water, thriving with sea life. That sounds horrible, doesn’t it?

    All this happened, long before evil man created the 32 valve, double overhead cam, 500 horsepower, V8 engine. While our “leaders” fly in private planes, live in houses (plural) that are measured by the 10 thousand square foot, ride in luxury cars with extremely low mpg, and wag their fingers in shame at us. They claim they are special, and their contributions offset their carbon output. You must change, they get a free pass, because they can plant more trees.

    If you accept this BS, you deserve exactly what you get. Being controlled by the elites. Fail to comply, and soon they will be coming with guns to make you comply. This will be soon after they do a world wide gun grab. If you think this can’t happen, think again. They have been doing it, piece meal, since the liberal take-over 8 years ago.

  379. I had two Fibre One english muffins for breakfast, and egg salad for lunch. At happy hour I had three molson ales. Right now I’m releasing enough putrid methane to tip the scale. Yankee Candles don’t begin to conceal this odiferous clinging cloud……. send cash America.

  380. The Zionist Communist did not surrender when they left Russia. They took over Israel, Europe and America. Perpetual war and economic collapse will lead to them taking over and they will rule us all by the Talmud and Kabbalah wall humping at the so called wailing wall. Enjoy your stay at the Gulags.

  381. How warm was the earth when the coal beds in the mountains of Antarctica were formed and the oil fields of Alaska and Siberia then how cold did it get during the last ice age. In geologic time there have been at least 12 ice ages and inter glacial warming periods. It has been about 11,000 years since the last ice age started warming. I really like it warm rather than cold. How much CO2 was there before it was stored in coal, oil, wood, limestone, coral, etc.

  382. Is there anyone here who can name ONE, just ONE internationally recognized scientific agency which doe NOT agree with human caused climate change?
    Forget the “97%” consensus, forget the individual scientists, 100% of the world’s academy of sciences, societies, associations etc. say that the burning of fossil fuels is changing the climate.
    Listening to that “consensus” is not “drinking the kool aid”. It is what “reasonable” people do every moment of their lives.
    But please, please don’t stop painting yourselves with the DENIER brush. Not all conservatives deny human-caused climate change, but ALL climate change deniers ARE CONSERVATIVES.
    Keep digging the hole so there’s plenty of room for all of you when the proverbial S*** hits the fan.

    1. Quack

      Some ….most……. Bruce Jenner types on a campus tend to like Marxism and hate capitalism . ( Perhaps you could find a professor to explain it I don’t have time)

      History shows the only way to stop an aggressive leftist is with force.
      ( Perhaps you could find a professor to explain it . I’m busy placing bets on which campus has a mass shooting next .)

      With regards to stopping a leftist…toss them into a global warming volcano and they shut up ..amazing how it works…A brain dead leftist versus the volcano .

    2. At one time everyone, not just a consensus, thought the earth was flat. A majority, or minority, believing something is not proof of that things existence.

      NONE of the sky is falling predictions due to man made global warming have come true. ZERO. NONE. NADA. And you have the gall to paint those with a contrary view as being unreasonable? Because you haven’t convinced another that is now called being unreasonable? That’s progressive-communist twisted anti-logic right there. If you can’t convince me that means “I” am being unreasonable, because it cannot possibly mean you’re full of sh!t, your arguments make no sense and are based on bunk, could it?

  383. First off this last decade has been the hottest since we’ve started recording. Also the article doesn’t mention how the models are wrong. Or I didn’t see it.

  384. I am collecting a database on every climate skeptic. This article is very helpful. When I am POTUS, they will be sorry. The nerve, calling John Kerry ignorant! Don’t they know he serve in Vietnam?!?

  385. The purpose of the UN climate conference is transfer of wealth From Western nations to developing nations and so other countries can impose international laws on the USA. It is all BS to further the one world government…

  386. I have a degree in Environmental Geology and have been saying this is bunk for years, there is no human caused Global Warming, and we must have CO2 to have plants, and oxygen to have life on this Earth!

  387. It is, sadly, logical that the enemies of life are at war with the very stuff of life. They hate and fear humanity with its stubborn refusal to conform to their bizarre norms.

  388. I read an article yesterday that used (!) to mention ‘the hottest year ever’. The average temp went up (drum roll) ONE THIRD (1/3) OF ONE DEGREE!!!

  389. I guess what makes the least sense of all of this is the fact that we are no longer allowed to burn coal in this country (except on a very limited and expensive scale) so we mine it and ship it to China and other third world countries who burn it in their less efficient plants and produce 10x the amount of pollution. Where is the logic in that?

  390. Its kind of like when I burn leaves in my yard in the fall and the whako neighbors complain that I’m polluting with all that smoke. My stupid ignorant neighbors don’t seem to realize that when the leaves decay naturally over the course of the winter that they produce the exact same amount of “pollution”. I tried explaining that once but got the zombie spinning eyeball stare, and the expected “huh’?

    1. Capitalism is destroying the planet; something needs to stop it. If climate change is allowed to do so, the crash will be horrendous, almost unimaginable.

    1. Censorship can’t come soon enough. Marc Morano should be subject to arrrest any day now. He should be careful in Paris; the EU takes a much harder line on AGW denialism than the spineless USA.

        1. Morano’s right to lie about something as important as AGW should not be protected speech.

          It’s equivalent to inciting a riot, child pornography, recommending the health benefits of smoking, or sedition.

          Morano is a freaking criminal. He cheapens our liberties every time he opens his disgusting trap. Worse, he threatens the human future.

  391. To all you climate change (i.e. What used to be known as weather) / global warming enthusiasts, 2 questions:

    Why is the Antarctic ice growing during the warmest year on record?

    Why are temperatures on Venus and Mars climbing as temperatures on earth rise?

    Dumb hick from Kentucky.

  392. Reality and facts are minor impediments when your mission is to subjugate the world and remake it in your own image. They want the nation state destroyed. They want all the races mixed. They want to control religion and make it a vehicle to push their policies. I say no to all three, that’s slavery at its very core, even in the 19th century, slaves had more freedom than we do today. They want to control your language and the very way you think, if that’s not slavery on steroids, nothing is.

  393. Re: Coal. All well and good if coal only re-introduced CO2 to the mix. However comma it produces huge problems with the mining (deaths abound – coal executive on trial but NOT for the 27 deaths his abject and deparved carelessness caused), transportation, and perhaps especially, the OTHER combustion ( brown air arriving from China) by-products including unremoved (and removed) fly ash and sulphur compounds. See data about cancer cells near coal plants/mines.
    Disinformation takes many forms and is prominent on the many sides of this debate. Why should this article not represent the same errors? My bet is on the highly suppressed thorium method of nuclear power. I have heard good things about 7 – 8 Hz free power espoused by Mr. Tesla, too. I have also been told – on decent authority – Jerome Corsi, FI- that the whole shooting match is already gone to Hell in a handbasket and even short term projects will not come to fruition except for those of providently located preppers that heed the advice of Corsi et al.
    BTW, the Sahara Desert grows daily and unhealthful dust carried into the upper atmosphere therefrom sickens people/plants/animals on THIS side of the pond, principally in the Caribbean area, more disinformation by substitution from Mr Moore.

  394. Climate change is the “Chicken Little” or “The Sky is Falling” story right. Chicken Little and the other fowl get caught up in group hysteria. It is the Fox who wins a horrid advantage over the foolish fowl, all of whom believed something not proven to be TRUE. So Obama and his ilk are Foxy Loxy, and we the proletariat are Chicken Little, Henny Penny, Turkey Lurkey, Goosey Loosey, and Ducky Lucky.
    The problem with the warming science is….. it has been polluted by politics and money. They rely on computer models, isn’t that like garbage in garbage out. I can predetermine the out come by the information I choose to to imput. I got hit on the head by an acorn, therefore the Sky is Falling.

  395. What does this guy know? I put my faith in Bill Nye the S̶c̶i̶e̶n̶c̶e̶ mechanical engineer guy who does really cool tricks with liquid oxygen and balloon animals.

  396. These three scientist should get ready for an IRS audit because its most likely coming. You don’t deny Obama’s lies and not get punished!

  397. We breathe out CO2 therefore CO2 in any amount in the atmosphere is good? Here’s the stupidity and childish nature of this logic. Mankind survives on and benefits from chemicals. Water is a chemical compound therefore chemical compounds are a good thing. Let’s all have ourselves a glass of concentrated sulfuric acid, after all it’s just a chemical compound. Every one of these climate change denying experts is on the payroll of the American Petroleum Institute or American Coal Producers. Follow the money.

    1. Ok lets eliminate all CO2 from the atmosphere, what is the net result. All plant life on earth dies. THe all animal life dies.

      From a plants point of view O2 is a pollutant and poison.
      Plants and animals have a symbiotic life cycle going on.
      Plants take in CO2, water and minerals and they make food for animals who excrete CO2.
      It’s called a circle of life.
      Don’t like the CO2 in the air?, plant a tree, plant a garden, grow a lawn. All of these will do more good to reduce CO2 then Taxes.

      1. Your reply is exactly the kind of scientifically ignorant reductionist logic I was criticizing. CO2 is neither all good nor all bad. Interpreting and making decisions about climate data based on either assumption is childish. The fact is that the level of atmospheric CO2 has an known effect on global temperature and man has been unnaturally altering the level of atmospheric CO2 with his activities. The questions are: How large is this effect? Will it adversely, beneficially, or significantly impact the earth’s ecology? Should we do anything to mitigate this effect? The questions are not: Is CO2 good or bad? Should we make more of it if it’s good and less of it if it’s bad? Sheesh. Get a brain!

  398. I don’t understand. Anything in too high a quantity is a bad thing, that can apply to this as well. More importantly, even if this theory is not as vital as many believe, we still are dumping massive amounts of chemicals and pollutants into the air every day. These are not good for us or our environment, and the solutions to climate change are beneficial to both by reducing these pollutants. Does it really matter why we are doing it, as long as it gets done? We need to stop polluting at such an insanely high, wasteful way. This may actually help us do that.

    We have been effectively shitting in our own bathwater for over a century. Isn’t it time we stop? Seriously, who is benefiting from this point of view?

    1. You’re missing the point of the Leftist argument – while no one should be in favor of pollution….it is the irrational solutions that the Left offers which boggle the mind … read up on the Carbon Tax as proposed and as implemented by some jurisdictions…. it simply is a method of TAKING money out of the pockets of those who have, siphoning off a piece of the action for the promoters of the schemes, and giving a piece of the action to those nations who are basically not part of the world’s industrial complex. yes, wealth transference – an Obama goal … and huge dollar payoffs for guys like Al Gore and the politicians who sell-out to the scammers.

    2. Right. So called man-made climate change is a pie-in-the-sky red herring (although there is a lot of money riding on it). Focus on common-sense basics we understand, like clean air and water. In other words just “Give a Hoot, Don’t Pollute.”

  399. Good article. I wish more skeptics talked about how themain people who got global warming started lied. They said they analyzed temp. data from the late 1800’s to the 1990’s and this analysis indicated temps. went up about 1 degree F and this rise came at the end of the period. The main rise came during the 1930’s, the dust bowl days, and not at the end. So they lied. They also lied when they said they used the actual temps. They used a computer model to get analysis they wanted.
    When other scientists wanted the actual data to see if they could duplicate the results these two guys said they lost it. Really!!
    They also tried to get skeptics banned from publishing in peered reviewed sources.

  400. The billion dollar leftist hoax on the world. Do Volcanoes pay for carbon credits for the tons of toxic chemicals they spew or what about forest fires.

  401. SCIENCE – The number one greenhouse gas on Planet Earth, by many orders of magnitude, is water vapor. We have oceans of water miles deep. Carbon Dioxide, cannot exist in a liquid state. For this reason Carbon Dioxide, will always be a minor player in the climate. Praise the designer of the Universe.

  402. CO2 is currently at ~400ppm. At times in our planet’s history it has been as high as 8000ppm. A botanist told me that plant life will start dying out if it drops below 150ppm. We are only 250ppm above the life extinction level.

  403. The latest catastrophic pile of bullshit reminds me of when we were told by the “experts” we were running out of oil. Prices skyrocketed, lines at the pump were insane and the alternative energy market began. News flash – we didn’t & aren’t running out, global stock piles are swollen and I just bought gas for $1.67/gal.

  404. Al gore is a liar!!! WE know this, only hollywood idiots and leftists hold this man in esteem!! what a liar, we know there is no such thing as man made global warming

  405. Listen, politicians would squeeze a rock if it would give them more money or power, so using climate change to do the same thing is reasonable to them!

  406. Excellent!

    The more facts and sciene we can chuck a these self-righteous Warmist knob-heads, the better.

    The undeniable fact remain that there is absolutely no reproducible, empirical hard scientific evidence that Man’s activities have had any significant effect on he climate.


  407. Lately when you bring up Obama’s cover ups or Clinton’s lack of trust worthiness .. liberals will wind up saying “I bet you don’t even believe in climate change!” As if this is a litmus test that bolsters the validity of all their other liberal arguments. That’s how sad it’s gotten for them.
    They are reduced to .. “I bet you don’t even see the emperor’s new clothes!”

      1. That there is a consensus that 97% of scientists agree that the globe is warming, we’re at fault, and that it’s dangerous is FALSE. That’s the point. Read the citations I posted.

        I cannot follow your link…says not found, but if NASA is saying that 97% blah, blah, blah, they’re lying or unaware of the studies from which this fraudulent statistic is gleaned.

      2. NASA doesn’t say anything about 97% believing it’s warming catastrophically. Half of the people you morons call deniers agree with that too.
        Burning fossil fuels warms the earth…. DUHHHHH. That’s the reason we burn it.

  408. Global climate change is merely the lie perpetrated by the current Pope and his cabal of socialists to diminish the huge economies of the world…latest power/money grab in the “globalization” movement. Just a fancier, more deceptive moniker for Some Lives Matter – Others Not So Much.

  409. It seems to me that common sense should dictate that you work towards cleaning the world you live in. My guess is that all this hoopla is about moving everyone faster towards that end. Reducing CO2 and increasing our use of clean energy just makes sense. Who really give 2 f’s about the reasoning to move in that direction?

      1. patato potato same-o same-o who cares? Go green anyway. Or should be just keep polluting our own environment? People don’t give a sh!t about their own backyards as they toss their garbage out their car windows trashing the world.

  410. The first thing anyone who reads this article should do is look up Dr. Patrick Moore. He is a paid lobbyist for nuclear energy, logging, and genetic modification companies. He is paid millions to say this stuff. He used to be opposed to nuclear energy until these companies hired him. It makes this whole article a very unreliable source of information.

  411. Sad to see such denial in otherwise bright people. I know fossil fuel driven climate change is frightening, but they need to get over it and put the welfare of their families first.

        1. That’s not satellite data jackasshat.
          Compare that graph to Hansen, et al. 1981 and see how how much it has been modified.
          1880 to 1980 warming has almost doubled since 1980.
          I guess scientists were pretty stupid back in the 1970’s… Didn’t know how to read thermometers.

            1. and you comment shows ignorance of the english language.
              You said “your satellite must be circling another planet.”

              sediment is not a satellite now is it. More than half that graph you posted is from data before the satellite record started.

        2. Did you compare this to Hansen, et. al 1981 yet?
          Why such a HUGE difference?
          1880 to 1980 warming has more than doubled since 1980..
          Mannufactured hockey stick.

  412. Thankfully these brave souls are willing to stand up to the nonsense. I predicted a year or two ago that the cacophony and overstating of everything would reach fever pitch just before this house of cards implodes. It is what Marxist thugs do. I watch the U of I Cryosphere site, monitor the Arctic Oscillation, take my own temperature readings (which incidently are always 3-5 degrees cooler than the “official” temp measuring station over at the grade school by my house) look out my back door and make mental notes of what I see in nature. I travel a lot and am an environmental consultant and have yet to see any measurable change in vegetation trends. What these warmist zealots have done to the scientific process IMHO is criminal. It amounts to scientific fascism. Long ago we left the dark backrooms and hidden chambers of Copernicus and Galileo. The scientific process should champion alternative viewpoints backed by legit data on every campus. This needs to be a movement. We should revel in the discussion and the freedom to do so. Good data and research/trends will rise to the top, they always do, and quack theories, bogus data will fall by the wayside. As scientists we MUST guard this openess with great diligence or it will be snatched from us by the powers that be. How is it a professor can state that people/researchers/ etc. with alternative viewpoints should be JAILED!!! How is this even remotely acceptable? They’ve made science about winning…there is no “winning” in science…only discovery. Troubling, troubling times….

  413. Scientific consensus: Earth’s climate is warming (from NASA)

    Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals1
    show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists
    agree: Climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due
    to human activities. In addition, most of the leading scientific
    organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this
    position. The following is a partial list of these organizations, along
    with links to their published statements and a selection of related
    resources. See more at:

    1. Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals1
      show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists
      agree: Climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due
      to human activities.

      So what…. its not catastrophic.. it’s beneficial

  414. Did you hear that “PoP”? That was the heads of the liberals exploding. Now it’s time for the liberals to call in the IRS to “audit” these scientists.

  415. These guys are not scientists! They are deniers, they are in the pocket of BIG OIL!! Don’t believe anything they say. Wahhhh! They are making it all up! Sniff, Sniff. They should be arrested! Free speech for everyone that agrees with me! Gags for everyone else!

    1. “It is clear from extensive scientific evidence that the dominant cause of the rapid change in climate of the past half century is human-induced increases in the amount of atmospheric greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide (CO2), chlorofluorocarbons, methane, and nitrous oxide.” (2012)
      American Meteorological Society

      “The evidence is incontrovertible: Global warming is occurring. If no mitigating actions are taken, significant disruptions in the Earth’s physical and ecological systems, social systems, security and human health are likely to occur. We must reduce emissions of greenhouse gases beginning now.” (2007)
      American Physical Society

      “The Geological Society of America (GSA) concurs with assessments by the National Academies of Science (2005), the National Research Council (2006), and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2007) that global climate has warmed and that human activities (mainly greenhouse‐gas emissions) account for most of the warming since the middle 1900s.” (2006; revised 2010)
      The Geological Society of America

      “The scientific evidence is clear: global climate change caused by human activities is occurring now, and it is a growing threat to society.” (2006)
      American Association for the Advancement of Science

      “Comprehensive scientific assessments of our current and potential future climates clearly indicate that climate change is real, largely attributable to emissions from human activities, and potentially a very serious problem.” (2004)
      American Chemical Society

      “Human‐induced climate change requires urgent action. Humanity is the major influence on the global climate change observed over the past 50 years. Rapid societal responses can significantly lessen negative outcomes.” (Adopted 2003, revised and reaffirmed 2007, 2012, 2013)
      American Geophysical Union

      “Our AMA … supports the findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s fourth assessment report and concurs with the scientific consensus that the Earth is undergoing adverse global climate change and that anthropogenic contributions are significant.” (2013)
      American Medical Association

      Etc, etc, etc, etc…the list is endless.

      1. “The evidence is incontrovertible.” Yeah, and if you try to controvert it, we will shower you with insults and try to destroy you. You’re not taking our grant money away you climate denier meanies!!!!

  416. it would be wonderful if the earth were warm enough to farm antarctica. they used to farm greenland. it is beyond UNSCIENTIFIC to make scientific decisions and declarations based on voting.

  417. FACT: ‘Climate change’ proponents and Political Candidates NEVER mention CHEMTRAILS and ‘media’ never asks!

    Colonel Robert F. Cunningham, Aku Press, LLC.
    BLOCKED by MARXIST Google – where every email is ‘spam’
    13,000+ emails Google is DENYING SERVICE TO listed @
    MSM/MSNBC, Hostmonster, Bluehost, Yahoo, Comcast, AOL,
    Earthlink, spamhaus, Composite Blocking List, Dreamhost,
    checkspam.secureserver, spamcop, spamexperts, Mimecast,
    mailspamprotection,, Trend Micro Email,, symanteccloud and;
    ‘join their lists’ and they won’t block you!
    Akurians will NOT pay their EXTORTION!

  418. “No matter if the science of global warming is all phony… climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.” ~ Christine Stewart, former Canadian Minister of the Environment

  419. What a breath of fresh air, so to speak! Nice to know I’m not crazy. I have never believed this global warming nonsense. Then when they started in on carbon dioxide as a pollutant, I just couldn’t believe it. Who in their right mind would believe that? Yet these screwball Libs will stand there and look the TV camera in the eye and spew that rot. Just look to the planet Mars for example. Mars has polar icecaps, north and south, just as Earth does. They grow and recede, grow and recede. Ain’t no SUV’s on Mars! Ain’t no coal fired energy plants on Mars! This is all a deliberate hoax designed to exercise power over we little people. One more way to control us. Next time some idiot gets on your case about global warming simply remind them that, back in 1970, on the first Earth Day, they were all wringing their little hands about global COOLING. Yep, that’s right, cooling. Another ice age coming, they said. In just thirty years, they said. It never happened. Yet another reminder, folks. Liberalism is a mental disease.

    1. The human mind has an amazing capacity to filter out and use confirmation bias to protect the the ego from attacks. We humans can believe almost anything we set our minds to believe in. For example since modern humans came into being they have created tens-of-thousands of religious and spiritual beliefs which were often so meaningful to them they will often kill in the name of their particular god at that particular time and place in history. Have you ever considered that your sense of confidence may be illusionary?

  420. The core of global warming/cooling/climate change is not to get grant money. The goal is to get Al Gore and his cronies money. Gore took exactly ONE SINGLE CLASS in College on climate, with faulty data that his professor later admitted was faulty and completely wrong, and found his niche. Or rather, money making opportunity. I guess people dont get that corporations or whoever can pollute all they want as long as they pay for “Carbon Offsets”. Forbes calls Gore and his buddy David Blood “Carbon Offset Huckster’s”.. Because Gore created this BS and Gore’s investment firm, GIM (General Investment Management) invest heavily in Carbon Offsets. In 2008 GIM warned the Carbon Offset Investment business was going to go down the tubes if they didn’t do something. They did, they created “an apocalyptic vision”. Had to be done, Gore and Blood (Former investment manager for Goldman Sachs) were about to lose a ton of money, including the more than 30 million Gore invested that year. The apocalyptic vision they created is banned in British Public Schools without documentary evidence on the opposing side provided to the students, in the US, students are spoon fed this BS from Kindergarten. But that wasn’t all, in 2008 as part of their “apocalyptic vision scenario” Gore and his cronies had to have something to back it up. That “something” was a “Consensus among the Science Community that there a rise in temperatures by 2c. will cause devastation and irreversible damage to the planet”. Gore and his cronies have been pushing the consensus lie since 2008. And Americans are dumb enough to believe it, fortunately no one else around the globe is. But keep in mind, you can pollute all you want, as long as you pay Al Gore’s investment firm for Carbon Offsets, something he created to make money. Here is an example of how much these hucksters are making. For every midsize car, the manufacturer pays up to $36 for Carbon Offsets. For your 1500 square foot house, up to $288, every time someone takes a coast to coast flight, up to $36. Who do you think is putting this money in Gore and his cronies pockets? YOU ARE. And what do you get in return? For every Carbon Offset sold they plant a tree. For that annual $288 in Carbon Offsets, you get a $2 tree planted.

  421. This presentation was for people who are seeking support for their deeply entrenched worldview and political ideologies. For most of them it doesn’t matter how much evidence is produced indicating that we are rapidly heading for a 6th mass extinction event. They tend to believe it’s best to keep a positive outlook and that any suggestions, that humans will soon go extinct, is proof that the suggesters are crazy.

    Climate Depot is a right-wing supported climate change denier rag. Only Dr. Richard Lindzen is considered a prominent scientists in the field of climatology but many of his view, regarding Anthropogenic Climate Disruption (ACD) are scorned by the vast majority of his peers. Dr. William Happer has no formal background in environmental sciences, biological sciences or the fields related to climatology evidence gathering. Dr. Patrick Moore has no formal ties to climatology research, or academics. He is widely regarded as a environmental turn-coat by many in the environmental community and has long had strong ties to corporate interests.

    A bit of research into this presentation and the scientists on this panel can be found in the following links.

    Marc Morano – Climate Depot

    Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT)

    Texas Public Policy Foundation

    Richard Lindzen
    See the heading ’Third-party characterizations of Linden.’

    William Happer
    See the heading ‘Views on global warming.’

    Patrick Moore (environmentalist)
    See the heading ‘Global warming.’
    See the heading ‘Criticism.’

    It has been shown that most deniers are far more focused on the preservation of their existing worldview and political ideologies than they are on the kind of trashed future our offspring will be inheriting. They are typically short-term thinkers.

  422. Brainwashing is being used in our schools to promote climate change as the biggest threat to these young impressionable kids. The National Debt will be $20 Trillion before the next President is sworn into office and by the time these young students are old enough to vote, America will be approaching bankruptcy. Unsustainable debt is the biggest threat to the future of these kids and they are being duped into focusing on climate change. Disgusting to see how many people are participating in this hoax while remaining mute about unsustainable Gov’t spending.

  423. Here is a scenario that might help some skeptics…
    Do you have a car? If so do you have car insurance? Do you have insurance because you plan on hitting someone? Probably not. Let’s say after 5 years of owning that car you still haven’t hit anyone, do you cancel it?

    Do you have health insurance? Do you want to get sick, or do you have it and pay for it just in case something bad may happen?

    For most people, trying to be cautious and plan ahead is not bad thing, it is the smart thing, and that is what many people are trying to get across about climate change and other environmental issues.

    Do we know for sure what is happening, no. Does it make more sense to try to find ways to be smart in dealing with things that may be affecting our planet (and humans, since we kind of depend on it) in the long term, yes. So, if you have insurance, you might as well deal with climate change and the rest…
    Is it really that bad to try and find ways to make our lives better? No one is trying to return to the days of horse and buggy, simply finding new ways to provide the energy and materials we need. Technology got us here, why can’t we allow technology to advance and move us further?

    Too many people are fighting over an issue that we don’t know the answer to just yet, but one that if we are wrong (kind of like not having insurance) might be a much more costly issue later.

    1. We need more CO2 to prevent the ice age. Burning petrol is the insurance policy against that.

      You are keeping Africa in the stone age by limiting their options… YOu are a racist.

    2. unfortunately this is a false argument as many countries require you to pay for medical insurance and car insurance.
      As for paying for climate change, the politicians want to ass taxes that will cripple some industries and even countries. They would make it impossible for the third world nations to grow and for what? A miniscule change in temperature at the expense of trillions of dollars that could be spent on health care, food production and pollution controls that actually do make a difference.

  424. Happer Lindzen and Moore carry enough scientific heft to outweigh random internet trolls and definitely do not need the the IPCC’s skirt to hide behind.

    It is amazing that the AGW supporters (fanatics) here read the article that explains how the anti-AGW Scientists arrive at their conclusions. Then the pro AGW crowd proceed to assert their case by siting the very same research and outcomes that the aforementioned Scientist have discredited. Unless one can come up with new data and research then what is the point of a negative post here?

    It is akin to covering your hears and yelling your silly point louder and louder. Grow up or go away….no, just go away.

    1. Being part of the denier community does provide validation for many people’s deeply entrenched worldview and political ideologies. They want spaces where the evidence, they have sourced from the internet, will not be challenged. A great many of them have little in-depth knowledge of the broad range of sciences that feed into the last half-century of warnings about Anthropogenic Climate Disruption (ACD) effects so it is difficult for them to do their own evaluation of the data. These scientific fields include climatology, glaciology, paleo-geology, paleo-anthropology, conservation biology, and evolutionary biology.

      Most followers of this rag tend to have more knowledge in fields such as traditional economics and politics. Training in these fields tends to require no significant understanding in the physical and biological sciences. Some may resent those who have little understanding of their fields of knowledge.

      1. As articulate and pithy as your posting is, the condition of the globe, 10 years after the hysterical launch of the “scare the hell out of the women and children (and feed the ego of the arrogant male pseudo-academics looking for a club jacket to wear)” “An Inconvenient Truth” and the Global Warming propaganda machine, doesn’t support, in any measurable way, your mocking approach here.

        The movie was created with the help of IPCC “experts”. The movie was endorsed by IPCC “experts. The movie was promoted by IPCC “experts”. Yet, the main climate contentions of the film were wrong six months after it was released (the temperatures were not actually getting hotter). So the producers changed the messaging, while still foisting the movie on unsuspecting school children, from “Global Warming” (and for the love of God that is all the movie went on and on about) to “Climate Change”. Why? Why do the IPCC sycophants only trot out the dire “Global Warming” alarm bell in August? January has not been the balmy month as predicted by big Al and the crew at East Anglia and Penn State? The Arctic ice isn’t co-operating and disappearing on cue? Antarctica just keeps confounding the promise of the IPCC and growing thicker and wider?

        The Greenland Ice Mass continues to expand. Is that warming?

        I certainly respect climatology, glaciology, paleo-geology, paleo-anthropology, conservation biology, and evolutionary biology but there are many Scientists that are highly regarded (Nobel prize winners) in those disciplines and others that disagree with Anthropocentric Climate Change. And even at that, I really don’t require a degree, the word of a smarmy on line genius or some over paid cabal of UN scientist to observe growing ice masses and understand that the “Globe” is not getting warmer.

        When we begin to believe what we are told by the “experts”, and their acolytes, instead of what we actually witness we are heading down an Orwellian path that you are welcome to navigate without me. Especially when the vanity of the ACD cheerleaders and the livelihoods of “experts”, pushing us onto the “sustainable, economy-destroying highway”, completely relies on everyone marching along.

        As always, I await your moving of the goal posts.

        1. What’s Really Warming the World?

          What happened to all the natural factors that were supposed to explain any global warming effects. Each time one denier factor is put down the community finds another explanation. Talk about moving the goal posts. I firmly believe there are very good reasons for this process and they originate in the human brain which bulks at suggestions that it contains erroneous views.

          You are probably not a believer that beyond a certain point humans will not be able to reverse the trends we put in motion. A great many people feel absolutely certain that smart people can get us out of any problem we might have inadvertently created. Living in a technological society can give anyone that impression. Human hubris is one characteristic of our species.

          I was wondering if you have personally witnessed the expansion of the Greenland ice cap. One thing most scientists have agreed upon is that the sea level has been increasing recently and much of that increase is due to the warming of the sea water. Water expands when heated.

  425. .❝my neighbor’s mom is making $98 HOURLY on the internet❞….A few days ago new McLaren F1 subsequent after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, $17k Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a day ..with extra open doors & weekly paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over $87, p/h..Learn More right Here….
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  426. .❝my neighbor’s mom is making $98 HOURLY on the internet❞….A few days ago new McLaren F1 subsequent after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, $17k Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a day ..with extra open doors & weekly paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over $87, p/h..Learn More right Here….
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  427. The ridiculous irony of greenies being against CO2 loving plants shows what happens at universities who turn their backs on God. Postmodern secular universities live in Medieval darkness.

    1. That reminds me of the ISIS folks who have convinced themselves that most of the western ways are perverted and so they need to be destroyed. They hate things like western music and dancing which they are certain goes against their God’s will.

      Fundamental Christian’s attack on many scientific fields, such as evolutionary biology, has the seeds to take us back to the Dark Ages.

      1. The idea that life with its complex DNA in the simplest cells spontaneously came from non life by mere random chance shows the arrogance of our puny intelligence against the vastness of the Creator’s creation. What are the consequences of worshipping your own brain with all its limitations?

        1. “spontaneously came from non life by mere random chance ”

          Universe has a tendency towards development because Second Law Violation.

          God is so smart, He does not have to, continually twiddle the knobs.

  428. nothing new here, but when “leaders” such as o’bama and moonbeam brown pass out the Kool Aid, they have plenty of sheeple anxious to drink it, again, and again, and again, and …

      1. The internet is truly amazing. It has provided a means by which anyone can find supporting pictures, or stories that agree with their deeply entrenched worldview and political ideologies. One no longer needs to be a scientific specialists to evaluate conflicting data. All that is needed now is some skill at using the Google Search tools and a list of sites that pretty much agree with your existing positions. It certainly demonstrates the superior educational systems Americans are brought up with.

        1. “sites that pretty much agree with your existing positions”

          Step back from IPCC, upside down, Climate Séance.
          Focus on the position of the Vatican Pope.
          He pontificates warming. That is why he forgot to wear
          thermal underwear and a white Polar Bear fur coat?

  429. .❝my neighbor’s mom is making $98 HOURLY on the internet❞….A few days ago new McLaren F1 subsequent after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, $17k Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a day ..with extra open doors & weekly paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over $87, p/h..Learn More right Here….
    ➤➤➤ http://GlobalSuperEmploymentVacanciesReportTech/GetPaid/$97hourly… ❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦

  430. It seems climate change is really forced lifestyle change with lower emission products. But what effect is the chem trail program having? The way i understand it is this blankets the earth warming seas releasing methane green house gass. However, chem trails also reflect a percentage of sunlight. So whats the net effect on the climate?

  431. A poll of climate scientists shows that 97% think that global warming is happening and that it is caused by human activity. The Texas Public Policy Foundation, which is funded by the Koch Brothers, TXU, Exxon, etc. conveniently seeks out the few scientists who support their point of view.

    1. Funder’s such as that tend to be heavily focused on building up their personal coffers. They, like most people, view themselves and their wealth activity as bringing value to humanity. They do not have the background that would allow themselves to understand that there might be unintended consequences associated with that, such as the eventual collapse of industrial civilization. They tend to have no concept of the web of life that that we and all other creatures depend upon. They fail to see that today’s children may have a short future ahead of them due to their growth economy focus. They feel that they have a duty to employ their great wealth so others can gain more of their own point of view.

        1. Some people are quite proud of their arrogant attitudes. They see it as a demonstration of how special they are. If they had there way they would love to burn all the forest and fossil fuels in the world just to show that they don’t give a damn about what scientists have been warning about for the last 50-years. I’ve long realized the world has many of them and many people have some vivid names for them.

            1. planet8788 – Isn’t the internet wonderful for cheery-picking information that supports one’s pre-existing worldview and political ideologies? Millions, like you, have learned this trick as well, which is sooo validating. I have no doubt that many people were warning about a minor ice age some 40-years ago, before mountains of evidence began to show that that effect was being totally overshadowed by the massive dumping of CO2 into the Earth’s atmosphere. The dumping rate was far less back then. Others were telling a different story back then but that’s not the story that tends to support what you want others to believe. Some clever individuals have gone to the trouble of finding the stories the deniers want to use to validate their pre-existing beliefs and then have fed it to thousands of deniers who lap it up without questioning it.

              Psychologists are well aware that the human brain copes with threats to our worldview using confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance on a daily basis.

              Many, in the climate change denier community, exhibit a lot of short-term thinking, preferring to focus on issues like the current waves of terrorists, blocking mass migrations of refugee populations, taxation, regulatory powers, tyranny, paying off current debts such as student loans, the quest to dissolve the U.N., conspiracy theories, and the next business quarterly earnings reports. Most of the, rapidly expanding, 7.38-billion people on Earth have little capacity to evaluate the arcane peer-reviewed scientific papers that warn of the seriousness of the Anthropogenic Climate Disruption (ACD) effects. This list of issues tends to completely overshadow concerns of the environmental fate that awaits today’s offspring. That is to be expected from a large sector of the human population who have little background understanding in the web of life that sustains us and the other tens-of-millions of species we share this planet with.

              1. Why do you deny the satellite data?
                Why do you deny how much the temp charts have been modifed?
                Read Hansen, et al. 1981 on NASA’s very own website…
                1880 to 1980 warming has doubled since 1981.

            2. I’ve been learning where some of your shining, cherry-picked, data is derived from. It figures, from a large sector of American society that has little scientific background basis on which to evaluate the claims that they have been spewing in comment sections under every article related to climate change.

              AP FACT CHECK: On climate science, most GOP candidates fail



              At an August event In California’s Orange County, Cruz told an interviewer, “If you look at satellite data for the last 18 years, there’s been zero warming. … The satellite says it ain’t happening.”

              Florida State University’s James Elsner said ground data show every decade has been warmer than the last since the middle of the 20th century and satellite data-based observations “show continued warming over the past several decades.”

              In fact, federal ground-based data, which scientists said is more reliable than satellites, show that 15 of the 17 years after 1997 have been warmer than 1997 and 2015 is on track to top 2014 as the warmest year on record.


              Antarctica Is Gaining Ice, So Why Is the Earth Still Warming?

      1. From Wikipedia:
        “Cook et al. examined 11,944 abstracts from the peer-reviewed scientific literature from 1991–2011 that matched the topics ‘global climate change’ or ‘global warming’. They found that, while 66.4% of them expressed no position on anthropogenic global warming (AGW), of those that did, 97.1% endorsed the consensus position that humans are contributing to global warming. They also invited authors to rate their own papers and found that, while 35.5% rated their paper as expressing no position on AGW, 97.2% of the rest endorsed the consensus. In both cases the percentage of endorsements among papers expressing a position was marginally increasing over time. They concluded that the number of papers actually rejecting the consensus on AGW is a vanishingly small proportion of the published research”

        1. So 66.4% of the papers had no opinion.
          THey then invited the authors to rate THEIR OWN papers and 35.5% had no opinion.

          Yet you state that “climate scientists shows that 97% think that global warming is happening and that it is caused by human activity”.

          Seems to me that number is alot lower then claimed.

          How about you show us the poll of every climate scientist in the world.
          I highly doubt you will find an overwhelming consensus that will claim that human beings are the predominate cause of CO2 and global warming considering human emissions of CO2 are less then 10% of the worlds CO2 emissions overall.

          DO we contribute? Yes.
          Are our contributions affecting climate? yes.
          Should we be spending trillions of dollars to fix this problem when we can easily adjust to it? Absolutely not.

          1. Though 66.4% of papers didn’t express an opinion, it doesn’t mean that the scientists who wrote them didn’t have an opinion. These were papers dealing with technical issues.

            The physics behind global warming is very clear. Carbon dioxide traps infrared radiation from the sun. By burning tens of billions of tons of fossil fuel each year, human activity has increased the CO2 composition about 33%, and it is increasing rapidly. In addition to heating the atmosphere and oceans, much of this CO2 is being absorbed into sea water, resulting in ocean acidification. How can you be so certain we will be able to easily adjust to the consequences?

            Conservatives make the mistake in assuming that the response to this issue involves measures that are socialist and anti-capitalist. Actually, the opposite is true. Because electricity is now generated and distributed by large monopolies, they are heavily regulated by government public utility agencies. Rooftop solar, on the other hand is decentralized. Solar panels are manufactured and installed by private companies. The solar panels on my roof produce all the electricity I need and then some. When a reasonably priced electric car that gets at least 200 miles per charge comes out I will buy one and then add more solar panels to my roof.

  432. Most people born before the smartphone Millennials were born, knew through a good general education of reading, writing & arithmetic global warming is false, not the common core & animal worship & vegan diet, old Indian word for bad hunting, taught. Climate change is pure baloney. You have a feminized American population of smartphone picture takers than a population that will help some one in an emergency, Wussies just take pictures, afraid to help.

    Low educated Liberal university students can’t give a simple answer to basic living questions, just plain clueless, eyes are blank, over-educated.

    CO2 is the building block of plants for food, global warming is a myth, Al Bore started the global warming myth & invented the internet.
    Maybe it’s time to rethink Liberalism of death to commonsense.

    1. nara is concerned that America is becoming more Liberal, so he uses that as a basis for objecting to scientific measurement and the scientific process.

      His motivation for objecting to science is purely political and anti-science.

      His next argument will predictably be that the science must be wrong because he feels that his taxes are too high.

      Shallow thinker. Dishonest, Childish. = Nara

        1. nara is concerned that America is becoming more Liberal, so he uses that as a basis for objecting to scientific measurement and the scientific process.

          His motivation for objecting to science is purely political and anti-science.

          His next argument will predictably be that the science must be wrong because he feels that his taxes are too high.

          Shallow thinker. Dishonest, Childish. = Nara

          1. If liberals were any good at science they would look at the obvious. Year 1250 a cooling trend began. Year 1850 it was over. Little Ice Age also –

            “During the period 1645–1715, in the middle of the Little Ice Age, there was a period of low solar activity known as the Maunder Minimum.”

            So did we warm up from 600 years of global cooling? Seems likely. Liberals just want to control everything and everyone.

            1. Your comment is so poorly constructed it has no meaning.

              But it illustrates the emotion of hate that you carry, as well as your childish ignorance.

              It is almost as if you are senile.

        1. Even Carl Mears, chief scientist at RSS publicly claims that the surface temperature record is more reliable than the satellite record.

          You poor Retard.

            1. Because new data is always coming in and must be incorporated with the existing data if it is to be used.

              In the case of the latest minor adjustments it turns out that measuring ocean temperature by a dip bucket lasted longer than originally known.

              When records were uncovered that dip buckets had been used well into the 60’s, corrections for those measurements had to be applied.

              1. there are no minor adjustments. 1880 to 1980 warming has doubled since 1980…
                What new data is coming in from 120 years ago?
                And the MWP, backed by reams of data, has now also been erased.
                I guess scientists in the mid-20th century were pretty stupid.

        2. I’ve been learning where some of your shining, cherry-picked, data is derived from. It figures, from a large sector of American society that has little scientific background basis on which to evaluate the claims that they have been spewing in comment sections under every article related to climate change.

          AP FACT CHECK: On climate science, most GOP candidates fail


          At an August event In California’s Orange County, Cruz told an interviewer, “If you look at satellite data for the last 18 years, there’s been zero warming. … The satellite says it ain’t happening.”

          Florida State University’s James Elsner said ground data show every decade has been warmer than the last since the middle of the 20th century and satellite data-based observations “show continued warming over the past several decades.”

          In fact, federal ground-based data, which scientists said is more reliable than satellites, show that 15 of the 17 years after 1997 have been warmer than 1997 and 2015 is on track to top 2014 as the warmest year on record.

          Antarctica Is Gaining Ice, So Why Is the Earth Still Warming?

        1. Your comment is so poorly constructed it has no meaning.

          But it illustrates the emotion of hate that you carry, as well as your childish ignorance.

          It is almost as if you are senile..

  433. I’m becoming convinced that those at the top of the AGW fraud knew the sun would go into a “dark” phase (as does anyone who studies it), and intended to jam the scam down our throats by now, so they could claim success when the inevitable happened.

  434. Don’t worry you guys Obama and liberals can predict the future and control the weather. Just give him control over the energy industry in Amerika and he will make it happen.

  435. The battle against global warming: an absurd, costly and pointless crusade. White Paper drawn up by SCM SA.

    “…The crusade has invaded every area of activity and everyone‘s thinking: the battle against
    CO2 has become a national priority. How have we reached this point, in a country that
    claims to be rational?
    At the root lie the declarations made by the IPCC, which have been repeated over the years
    and taken up by the European Commission and the Member States. France, which likes to
    see itself as the ‗good boy of Europe‘, adds an extra layer of virtue to every crusade. When
    others introduce reductions, we will on principle introduce bigger reductions, without ever
    questioning their appropriateness: a crusade is virtuous by its very nature. And you can
    never be too virtuous.
    But mathematicians do not believe in crusades; they look at facts, figures, observations and

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  437. .❝my neighbor’s mom is making $98 HOURLY on the internet❞….A few days ago new McLaren F1 subsequent after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, $17k Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a day ..with extra open doors & weekly paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over $87, p/h..Learn More right Here….
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  438. I still fail to see anyone explain why warming is an issue? Or climate change for that matter.
    Dont they know that plants wont die out if the temparature changes by a few degrees….
    Even if some do, others will thrive and the world and life will go on.
    I mean people and even plants and animals live in +/- 40 degrees differences… No small climate change can make any life threatning difference.
    The difference they are trying to get us scared of is irrelevant in real life. Being scared and concerned only serves one agenda and that is to introduce a global tax on some measureable thing that is all present…

    1. As a matter of fact, greenhouse plant growers often increase CO2 levels to 800-1,200 ppm. Plants grow better at that level… The earths temperature is about the same as it was 1,000 years ago, when the world ended the dark ages…

  439. Who are the “donors” that keep this website up and running? Probably the same people who pay these 3 sellouts “consulting” fees to lie to the public about scientific findings. Same thing happened with cigarettes and leaded gasoline. Congrats climate change deniers, you are a pawn in their game.

    1. Scientific findings? Like depending on adjusted surface data and totally ignoring satellite data? Like claiming we’ve warmed .9 deg. Centigrade, but starting that warming from the lows of the little ice age…. Like trying to erase 1935 from being the warmest year on record by “adjusting” the data. Even other AGW guys call bull•hit on that one…. Yeah, real science….

  440. .❝my neighbor’s mom is making $98 HOURLY on the internet❞….A few days ago new McLaren F1 subsequent after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, $17k Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a day ..with extra open doors & weekly paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over $87, p/h..Learn More right Here….
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  441. Well, if you are going to attack people’s credentials:

    Dr. Will Happer is NOT a “climate scientist” — His degree is in Physics, and his specialty in Optics.
    Dr. Patrick Moore is NOT a “climate scientist” – His degree is in “forest biology” and his main interest is in logging.

    1. You do realize the only data which shows global warming is the “adjusted” or “fiddled with” surface temperatures, don’t you? A look at the raw surface temp data also shows no warming…

      1. Nope. That’s completely wrong. The “adjusted/Fiddled with” data your refer to as that revealed by the email from the University of East Anglia, And that data was of trying to deduce the climate hundreds of years ago, by looking at tree rings. It was barely 0.00001% of the total evidence the proves global warming.

        Further, the raw surface temp data clearly show global warming. It’s the SATILITE data that shows some questionable results, which is why the deniers cling to, ignoring everything else.

        If you are going to blindly rattle-off the corporate-sponsored lies the deniers put out, you should at least make an effort the get the straight, because when you don’t it makes it painfully obvious that you don’t understand a thing you just said.

        1. Uh, you might look at the recent news German Professor Dr. Ewerton analyzed how they adjusted the data to make the past colder and the present warmer. NASA today admitted the Antarctic has been cooling since 2007. Satellite data not fiddled with and surface data subject to human ideology.
          Btw, as a Geologist, I do know a bit about the earth…. So please show me actual data that isn’t adjusted by ideologues that show the earth is warming every year…

        2. Btw, you do know that East Anglia predicted we were heading into an ice age in the 70’s, not to mention they promoted that stupid hockey stick, out of control warming…. Not much credibility there….

        3. so….. You gonna be a satellite denier? A raw data denier…. Someone who believes adjusted data by so-called scientists who may well go to jail for fraud….

  442. Another problem for the “believers” is the industrial revolution started a couple of hundred years ago. Massive polluting, coal burning, gas guzzling. And the end result? Life looks pretty good over here in sunny Florida.
    And speaking of which, if global warming is so bad, than how come we get all those New Yorkers move down to here and nobody from Florida ever moves to New York?

  443. From The Millenniun Report:
    What it really comes down to is the implementation of a clandestine agenda on the part of the ruling elites to create a New World Order in which they have complete ownership of Earth’s natural resources, as well as total control over its climate and weather.

    The climate conference in Paris will take them closer to that goal than any other
    initiative of this 3rd millennium.

    One world governance

  444. I say we focus on a gas that is 400ppm (that’s parts per MILLION!) of the earth’s atmosphere, to which human activity contributes +/- 5%. Then ignore the effects of the giant nuclear reactor that is 92 million miles away, not to mention who knows how many other factors that go into determining the climate and predict with confidence what the temperature will be in 100 years. CO2 is the left’s proverbial butterfly that flaps it’s wings in Japan and causes a hurricane in the Atlantic Ocean.

  445. CO2 is the lifeblood nutrient for plants.
    People are worried about Liberal climate change nonsense, when we have more serious problems of terrorists killing Americans. Greenhouse gas, how many people been killed by CO2 than terrorists.

  446. Pretty sure I’m a victim (A VICTIM, GET IT????) of climate change…. My climate in Utah just changed from 50 degrees to 25 degrees in about 36 hours.. Don’t know why or how it happened but by God we’d better just go after the major industries that make my life easier that I’m not sure really have the ability or motive to change the “environment” to the point of bankruptcy…

    That’ll teach em! I’m sure that driving my diesel F350 to Walmart just raised the temperature .00000000000002 degrees in the last 3 minutes. Back up everyone! You might get burned!

  447. Well, Mr. brilliant, why don’t you put this on your schedule and show up to enlighten them with the prodigious data and reasoning that you have displayed here.

  448. This whole argument is full of holes. They just can not explain away the statistics that prove them wrong. If you blame weather for evil, you have got to be a little off in the critical thinking department. Yes, people can get grumpy when it is too hot and when it is to cold. But most don’t go about attacking and killing people because they have a different faith and lifestyle. The name for that is EVIL, not hot and sweaty.

  449. Please refrain from this “right-left” argument. It is meaningless. Legitimate science does NOT SUPPORT the currently fashionable AGW/GCC premise, which has become a HUGE propaganda campaign (and suggests some hidden–perhaps globalist–agenda). THIS is the issue. And, the fact that almost everyone–certainly most media figures and politicians–are supporting this pseudoscientific baloney. ..which is like Chicken Little yelling, “The sky is falling!!!”

  450. So, I’m a leftist, and I oppose global warming catastrophism. Am I lying? Actually there is very little that is “left” about the so-called “Greens”.

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