Rabid on Climate: Sen Markey froths up a gluey spittle in heated exchange with Mark Steyn


Published on Dec 9, 2015

After labeling atmospheric scientist Judith Curry a climate denier, US Senator Edward Markey apparently goes dry-mouthed as gluey spittle forms on his lower lip during a heated exchange with author Mark Steyn.

Hearing: Data or Dogma? Promoting Open Inquiry in the Debate over the Magnitude of Human Impact on Earth’s Climate
US Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation
December 8, 2015


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  1. This is what happens, people get irrational and delusional when they have convinced themselves they are fighting to “save the world” from “evil”. The only options are cult deprogramming, mental institution or prison.

  2. Okay, let’s start with a simpler issue that anyone exceeding the IQ of a potted plant should be able to understand:

    The refusal by alarmists to acknowledge that the Medieval Warming Period (MWP) was likely warmer than now absolutely destroys their credibility. After all, recognition of that fact neither proves nor disproves that increasing co2 has caused our current warming, so why do they insist otherwise, in spite of such overwhelming evidence? It’s likely because, once they admit the MWP was global and likely warmer than now, everyone will begin asking “If it was warmer 1,000 years ago, and co2 obviously had nothing to do with that, why isn’t this current warming
    caused by whatever caused that one?

    If the alarmists had any viable answer to that query you’d have heard about it. Instead all you get is obfuscation, silence, or denial. Their problem is there is NO empirical evidence showing that co2 has EVER had any impact on our temperature (even over geologic periods when the co2 level was several times HIGHER than now). What’s more, the only correlation between co2 and temperature further destroys their position. Temperature variation over geologic periods occurs first, and 800 to 2800 years later similar variations (tracking both up and down trends) are then reflected in co2 variation. This correlation of course implies the non-existence of an opposing correlation. The alarmists have no evidence, not even a correlation which might at least provide some plausibility for their case. Their hypothesis is entirely based on the fact that temperature began rising in the mid 1970s, but even that expired in 1998, so less than 30 years. Both weather satellites show no additional warming since 1998. Co2 level has been steadily rising since the mid 1800s. Phil Jones, a well known member of the IPCC cabal, stated that if the MWP was global and as warm as now “that’s another ballgame”. Phil, you don’t even have to be a climatologist to recognize the MWP was global and warmer ! Are you still on the fence?

    If even one other region remote from Europe showed the MWP trend, any credible scientist would have recognized the need to immediately undertake a global investigation to resolve this issue. But the alarmists clung to their unjustifiable belief and chose to continue ignoring the evidence. However, many other unbiased researchers were interested, and the issue has, for some time, been resolved. Many regions remote from Europe display the MWP trend. That investigation involved hundreds of peer-reviewed studies, the work of numerous researchers and
    organizations representing 40+ countries. What’s surprising is, more than a few of these studies had been completed before alarmists even made their initial claims about anthropogenic caused warming (The issue was ignored by alarmists even back then!) There are links available to all those studies at co2science.org. In addition to the 1,000+ studies there is also confirming data from 6,000 boreholes (so not confined to just ice core locations) located around the globe.

    As it turns out, there were several warming periods BEFORE the MWP, all warmer than the MWP, and each warmer than the more recent periods. The IPCC in past years recognized the global nature of the MWP, but has since drifted away from that, now claiming instead that our current warming is a record for the past 800 years, and with a lower (but undefined probability) perhaps also a record for the past 1200
    years. The IPCC has provided no accompanying evidence for either claim, and made no attempt to discuss the earlier periods which were even warmer than the MWP.

    The Mendenhall glacier in Alaska recently receded sufficiently to expose splintered tree trunks (dated 1,000 years old) preserved in their original upright position. Receding Swiss glaciers have revealed 4,000 year-old trees. This demonstrates conclusively that forests were present at latitudes where trees can no longer grow. Antique vineyards dating back to the MWP have also been exposed in Scandinavia and the Alps at latitudes where grapes cannot be grown even today. Those attempting to brush off this evidence are comparable to that Marx Brother quip which directed others to believe Marx rather than their own lying eyes. 12/10

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