Nye Goofs! Holds up pic of Arctic while talking about Antarctic – Watch Bill Nye Debate GOP Rep. Marsha Blackburn: Nye asks if Antarctic has less ice (Climate Depot Answer: No!)

Watch Video here:

Full Transcript here: 

More from No Tricks Zone website: Global Warming Alarmist Bill Nye Confuses Antarctic Continent With The Arctic…Doesn’t Know North From South! –  ‘Er, Bill, that graphic you’re holding up is one of the Arctic, and not the Antarctic. Nye doesn’t even know north from south! And concerning global sea ice, today it is at near normal levels. Nye’s cherry-picking the single data-point of September 2013 at the single location of the Arctic is not a persuasive argument – never mind him using the wrong chart.’

Nye was not the first choice of man-made global warming proponents to debate climate on national TV. See: Warmist rips Bill Nye’s ‘Meet the Press’ debate on NBC: Warmist Dan Weiss: ‘Epic fail by [David] Gregory. Nye not that effective. Daily show does it better.’

Warmist Salon Mag. Disses Bill Nye as ‘a professional children’s entertainer’

‘Nye should not be the face of this movement’ – Warmists continue trashing Nye: Salon Mag. – Bill Nye NBC debate ‘a DISASTER’ – ‘Children’s TV host leading this ‘debate’ only enhances impression entire issue is a JOKE’

Warmist ‘cringes’ watching Bill Nye’s debate performance on NBC: ‘I cringed when he held up a picture of the arctic and said ‘antarctic’

Climate skeptics also took apart Bill Nye’s debate performance: NBC Debate Featuring Man Who Plays a Scientist on TV Crashes and Burns

Related Links:

Watch Now: Climate Depot’s Marc Morano V. Bill Nye Climate Debate on Fox With Stossel in Jan. 2014

Antarctic Sea Ice Extent is on track to have highest minimum in modern satellite era! – ‘Sea Ice Extent is 27.4% above normal as of Feb 7 2014′

Antarctic Sea Ice Sets New Record For Jan 31st: ‘Meanwhile, global sea ice area is normal’

The National Snow and Ice Data Center: 2013 Antarctic sea ice was at record highs for the satellite era, record high winter extent & summer minimum

ANTARCTICA: RECORD COLD AND GROWING ICE CHILLS GLOBAL WARMING THEORIES: ‘The southern ice sheet is growing at a pace faster than Global Warming theories can account for’

Studies show South Pole COOLING: Temperatures across most of Antarctica has been FALLING since the mid 20th century, with the exception of the Antarctic Peninsula – ‘Report finds strong evidence that there has been a cooling trend across the bulk of the Antarctic continent, with the exception of the Peninsula which has become warmer. Temperature records over the last decade appear to confirm that these trends are still continuing.’

Media Flustered at News of Antarctica Not Melting; Ice Levels At Record High

New review paper finds temperature history of Antarctica argues strongly against AGW

Warmist rips Bill Nye’s ‘Meet the Press’ debate on NBC: Warmist Dan Weiss: ‘Epic fail by [David] Gregory. Nye not that effective. Daily show does it better.’

Warmists trot out tobacco smear to demean skeptics debating climate on TV: Dem Sen. ‘Giving scientists and climate change deniers equal time is like having tobacco executives debate doctors on the safety of cigarettes’ – Climate Depot Responds: ‘The warmists have it exactly backwards. It is the global warming proponents who are guilty of the tobacco tactics.’

Democrat, Greens Fume over NBC’s Global Warming ‘Debate’ Between Bill Nye and GOP Rep. Marsha Blackburn

Watch Now: Morano V. Bill Nye Climate Debate on Fox With Stossel in Jan. 2014– Nye Cites ‘Hockey Stick’ as Proof – Says Politicians can fix potholes & the climate – Morano denounces as ‘medieval witchcraft’ – Full Transcript

Morano and Nye also debated on CNN in 2012.

Meet the Press to Host Climate Change Debate Featuring a Guy [Bill Nye] Who Played a Scientist on TV – ‘Nye has repeatedly debated Climate Depot’s Marc Morano, and, to steal part of a line from Muhammad Ali, during an early match-up, on CNN’s Piers Morgan Tonight, Morano beat Nye so bad, Nye needed a shoehorn to put his bow tie back on. So did Nye come up with some new arguments when Fox hosted a re-match? No, he didn’t bother. He trotted out the same weak arguments…And so Marc Morano trounced him again.’

Warmist Salon Mag. Disses Bill Nye as ‘a professional children’s entertainer’ – NBC’s ‘Meet the Press’ to host climate change debate between GOP’s Marsha Blackburn and Bill Nye ‘the Science Guy’ 

Former CNN producer laments ‘leading climate denier’ Morano’s TV debates: ‘Morano is a Gatling gun of dishonest sound-bites, all designed to serve climate denial the way O.J. Simpson’s lawyers drew fire away from their clients’

New paper finds the Arctic was warmer than the present during the Medieval Warm Period – Published in Global and Planetary Change

Climatologist Dr. Judith Curry’s at Senate hearing: ‘Attempts to modify the climate through reducing CO2 emissions may turn out to be futile’ – UN IPCC now making ‘a weaker case for anthropogenic global warming’ – Dr. Judith Curry, Chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of  Technology – Ice: ‘The increase in Antarctic sea ice is not understood and is not simulated correctly by climate models. Further, Arctic surface temperature anomalies in the 1930’s were as large as the recent temperature anomalies.’


1,049 Responses

      1. Actually no, Ken Ham rejects the notion that out of nothing the Universe exploded into what we have today. That is what Ken Ham presented and I do not hate him for his opinion. Disagreement and differing ideas are not hate speech; America is not Oceania of 1984–yet so we are free to discuss things.

            1. There are also clonal trees which is actually where the long lived part of the tree is the root system which sprouts new trees as new saplings from existing root system. The oldest of these is at least 80,000 years old and called “Pando”. 😉

                1. M’kay…riiiight. Try learning something and make use of your life. I am not taking any side of any argument presented here, though I have my views. Yet you seem driven to attack any research as invalid. You are the sort of religious nutjob that makes all religious people look bad. Dismissed.

                  1. I seem driven to attack ANY research as invalid? No, just poorly conceived dating of clonal colonies. Since I make my living from some of the most advanced medical science available, and pay scientists to do research, I don’t think your knee jerk observation could be any further off base. It gave me a good chuckle though.

          1. Here is toothless’s problem; he is attacking the position held by a very small minority (probably less than 2%) and promotes it as a majority position. He accepts the position of a larger number of people but plays it as the postion of the couragous minority. He is trying to cast the argument as a David and Goliath argument with the global warming crowd as David (the heroic position) when it is the bully crowd that is trying to stifle opposition by any means necessary….except science.

            1. Your too kind, just be honest. Toothless does not suffer from anything, nor lack anything because most animals, (except for human) do not suffer intellectually.

          2. There is amoeba’s on earth with more intelligence than Toothless! Thank God for amoeba’s the overall I.Q. in the room did not suffer from the presence of Toothless.

          3. Wrong, the oldest is tree is thought to be 5000, and the second and third oldest are thought to be 4800-ish. I say “thought to be” because the dendrochronological study of this species is extremely difficult. Ham thinks the world is 6000 years old. Nye tried to make the point that the trees are older than Ham’s estimate for Noah’s flood which is about 4200 years ago.
            Of course these are all bristlecone pines located in North Amerca above the 9000 foot elevation mark. One was actually cut down with the permission of the US Forest service in 1964 for research.

              1. Agreed. Especially for some species with very distorted trunks as is seen in the bristlecone. And, with trees at that elevation, false “winters” are very common giving many multi-ring years throughout history.

          4. It really needs to be pointed out that Ken Ham does not speak for all creationists. Those who believe in Divine origins are split into two camps: “young earth” creationists like Ham, who believe that the earth itself is only 6,000 years old; and “old earth” creationists, who believe that the earth may be billions of years old, but that the human race is only 6,000 years old. Speaking as a cheerful and unapologetic creationist, I can assure you that Ham, for all the publicity he engenders, is in the minority. He discredits the entire creationist community, although I’m sure he’s a fine man and a better Christian than I am. I just wish he’d keep his theories to himself. But he won’t; like Bill Nye, he’s a ham that can’t be cured.

          5. Hi Toothless, Reading your posst makes me think you have a problem, you see your disagreement with the way a Ken Ham see the world and you must think the whole world agrees with Ken or cares if you to see eye to eye and then you try an offend us by your written words. He is entitled to his opinion and you yours. This article does not cover either, so just maybe you should get a life. Most of us do not care about either opinion dealing with this news article.

        1. I am a creationist, but did you know who came up with the idea of the big bang theory, Hint, it was no evolutionists. It was a French priest named Lemaitre whose idea brought forth that a big bang denotes a beginning. Einstein rejected the notion until Edwin Hubble proved to him that galaxies were red shifting showing an expansion of the universe. If you actually read your Bible rather than parroting your Sunday school teachers lessons, you will find verses in Isaiah chapter 40 describing the heavens being expanded like a curtain. Stop putting God in a box.

          1. I will make it simpler for you: Ken Ham rejects that out of nothing—without an intelligent first cause meaning GOD, matter erupted—on its own. Relax homey……….

          2. This is good observation, partly. It can go further though. I am Lutheran and recently went to lecture by Father Coyne, a Catholic Priest who has a PhD in Astrophysics and used to manage the Vatican Observatory. He presented his case for why evolution does not preclude the existence of God. In addition, one must read the Bible, especially the Old Testament, as Hebrew Literature with many metaphors.

        1. And it’s not global warming by man, it’s earth warming/earth cooling climate change and in case you’ve been asleep rip van winkle, it’s global cooling now………..and Al Gore should refer to his global warming caused by man as “The Inconvenient Truth Theory” which is an oxymoron just like it’s professors……And the global warming so called scientists tried by faking the facts…..which goes to show you progressives have to lie all the time to get yourselves heard otherwise nobody would listen to you. And just remember, John Kerry, Maurice Strong, Al Gore, Nancy Pelosi and the brothers Rockefeller were all present at the Kyoto Accord’s 1st meeting, Earth Summit 1972, way back when they started this lie about money…..a lie to make money…that’s what they are after, more money, because more is never enough!

          1. Money, Power, and to use it ultimately to destroy the USA!

            And to the NAYSAYERS, I was an extreme liberal for the middle 1/3 of my 65 years. That was EXACTLY what WE wanted 30 years ago! That is BO’s [BOStinks!] ONLY purpose in everything he is doing!

      2. I could hold up a picture of North America covered in glaciers from centuries ago — so what? Does Bill Nye think that we should try to cover the U.S. in ice again? Newsflash: ICE MELTS. Thieves want to use it as an excuse to take our money.

      3. Oh, and your a scientist I presume. NOT! Oh, just shut up until you know what your talking about, and I have a very strong sense that Toothless is another term for Brainless.

        1. ” Oh, just shut up until you know what your talking about…”

          If that were applied to the political left in the US, we’d silence more than half the nation and 80% of the democrat party.

      1. Apparently, people tuned in to see a hoaxer in a white lab coat sliding upside down on the pole, but he slid right-side up, revealing little, if anything, interesting.

    1. Bill Nye is not now, nor has he ever been a scientist. He has a BS in engineering, so some scientific training, which AFAIK he has never even used. The guy is just someone who wears a white lab coat on TV.

          1. “There is no such thing as science. Anything that is useful is speedily absorbed into engineering. All the rest is speculation.” – James P Hogan from “Kicking the Sacred Cow”

            1. that is BS… pure and simple.. engineers are paint by numbers guys… methodical and patient – good ones don’t veer from their comfort zones and rarely, if ever “discover” anything….. except how NOT to do something following a failure analysis.

              Engineers must follow “prudent and sound engineering principles” and “Recognized” approaches.

              A scientist will make discoveries by positing hypothesis and theories and then testing both in a rigorous way…. EXCEPT for climatologists – they seem to be able to ignore empirical data that contradicts their theories.

              1. It was a quip by a writer on how humanity uses new discoveries. It is foolish to read it as a comparative worth statement. Leave that level of angst for the libs.

                  1. Da_mn, I didn’t know they were German, scientifically speaking. But you re right.
                    OK, back to our true subject, ” the sky is falling, the sky is falling, the north pole is now the south pole ” ” raise our taxes without any representation, without a iota of thought on how to stop the 4 seasons “.

          2. Gee then all the advance math and advanced physics and chemistry I was required to take to have my BSEE and MSEE presented to me was really liberal arts study??? We better notify the engineering and science schools in the universities of the grave error and mis-representation they are presenting to future students. I guess my tenure at various R&D facilities was really a social experiment!

            It seems you have been watching too much of the “Big Bang Theory” and listening to Sheldon Cooper. Almost all modern day advances have been made by engineers who not only know how things work, they also know why.

            1. Good observation, especially since getting one’s science form the “Big Bang Theory” is the same as getting it from “Bil Nye the Science Guy.” And the scientists at the Planetary Society tapped recruited a children’s show personality, Bill Nye, to be their CEO. What is their message: we are bunch of children? interplanetary exploration is child’s play?

              1. Bill Nye is an entertainer. He follows in the same footsteps as Don Herbert (Mr. Wizard). I really don’t believe he incorrectly identified Antarctica with a photo of the Arctic. He was probably handed the incorrect photo by an assistant and didn’t check it.

                As to interplanetary travel, the human species is restricted to the back yard (solar system) until technologies can be developed to overcome the physics restrictions. Unfortunately there needs to be a compelling advantage to society to justify the expenditures required to inhabit are neighbors. To go beyond our backyard will take a marriage of engineering and theoretical physics (the sciences). You know, Wolowitz working and partnering with Sheldon!???

            2. “Almost all modern day advances have been made by engineers who not only know how things work, they also know why.”

              This claim is fanciful, and besides being unprovable, almost certainly false.
              I have great respect for engineers. My grandfather was one of the first aeronautical engineers in the country — but that doesn’t make them original researchers.

              You think engineers are discovering new drugs and new cancer therapies? They are not. You think engineers are actually doing the work in condensed matter physics? Particle physics? Cosmology? They are not. In areas of basic investigation, engineers are simply not participants for the most part.

              But all this is beside the point: Bill Nye is not qualified to talk about science or engineering. He got a degree many years ago and has not kept his skillset current. In most technology areas, your skills erode at a rate between 15% and 25% per year. That’s like saying somewhere between 4 and 7 years after graduation, you have lost everything you’ve learned if your didn’t keep up in your trade. He hasn’t. He’s an entertainer pretending to be a scientist. He isn’t.

              1. I spent over 40 years in Research and Development so don’t tell me that the 40 years of my work has been fanciful!!! Your use of the today’s communication is one of the achievements that I was part of the pioneering work that resulted in Chicago where the first cell sites were established. Further my career involved providing the latest technology for the defense of our country working with theorists to adapt technology that today is key for our safe lives.

                Your insults tell me to explain any further to a layman is fruitless.

            1. There are engineers who are doing science, not just applying it, just as there are scientists who are essentially doing engineering. The point of an engineering degree is generally practical one. Note, I don’t say engineers don’t have scientific training, or don’t learn science.

          1. A BS in “Gender Studies” is also available. Anything to give the weak minded a college degree. After all, a university education and research are now mainly about faculty salaries.

          2. I personally think BS degrees in business are soft. With that said if a person takes the classes to heart and utilizes the methods taught then yes, they are a scientist. It may not be the stereo typical lab coat way but it is science.

            1. Seriously Defiant, I honestly didn’t know! I didnt mean to sound like I’d been living under a rock for the past 20 or so years. I knew Bill Nye was a leftist loon tune yet I always tought Michio Kaku was a cut above. I did some research and yes, Mr. Kaku is as nutty as Nye!

      1. Correct. A scientist is (to me) someone who has one or several PhDs. All Nye has is a BS yet he walks around acting like he’s at Stephen Hawking’s level!

          1. It just goes to show that there’s a fine line between genius and insanity! I used to have a lot of respect for Hawking, not anymore. Especially how he came out and announced a few years ago that “religion is just something to keep people from being afraid of the dark!” No, I’m no religious nut and whether people want to believe in God or not is their perogative. Even Albert Einstien believed in a higher being. When I heard Hawking say that I thought to myself you know Stephen, thoughts like that are best kept to yourself! A lot of people soured on him after that remark.

            1. I’m not a Hawking fan either, but human activity is certainly accelerating the natural cycle, the question is, how do we slow it down? Even if it were not related to carbon pollution (it obviously is), it’s still happening and at an alarming rate, faster than what the planet has seen before! You can second guess motive and imagine all the conspiracy you chose, but people can’t live under water! As the storms and droughts get stronger and last longer in places they shouldn’t, something will need to be done, a stitch in time saves nine and that’s the approach we should be taking! Why are people afraid of change? The uneducated opposition to climate change is obviously fueled by fear, why? Do they believe if they make believe it isn’t real, that it will go away?

        1. You’ve just insulted all those that have made your life an easy and comfortable life. The same insults we used to get from the political science, and liberal arts crowd.

            1. A hell of a lot more then the uninformed or misinformed commenting here based on my education and 40 year career with the 2 top high tech companies in world.

              1. Big deal. I have ONLY worked 30 years, all for top 100 companies, currently Boeing. I can tell with all certainty that about HALF the engineers here work and few develop anything. Most simply push paper from here to there. Graybeards like yourself are the biggest problem we have. Go on with your bad self.

                1. Know all about Boeing. Especially when the government pulled a satellite contract from them because of poor contractor performance and awarded the contract to another DOD contractor to complete the job.

                  Worked for all top 100 companies in 30 years?? Sounds like someone who can’t hold a job. If you truly worked government contracts, you would have known that the paper work you spoke of are government required documentation and is required contractually.

    2. He is the perfect example of why liberals are losing this argument. Climate change yes,winter,spring summer and fall.
      When they started losing the argument on global warming it became climate change.

    3. We belonged to the Planetary Society, whose focus is promoting interplanetary space exploration, but cancelled our membership when Bill Nye took the position as CEO. Bill Nye is a TV personality who continually uses straw men and other childish fallacies to promote his arguments which he is not qualified to make because he has an undergraduate degree in engineering but is tackling very difficult subjects that require a scientist with a PhD, like Stephen Hawking or Alex Filippenko, to understand and explain the subtleties. Bill Nye needs to stop degrading the scientific community and go back to having a children’s program.

  1. ‘The warmists have it exactly backwards. It is the global warming proponents who are guilty of the tobacco tactics.’

    A tactic of the left through and through.

    Who do they accuse of being “anti-science”? Who is actually “anti-science?”
    Who do they accuse of being “money-driven”? Who gets billions of dollars of government funding annually for very sketchy science?
    Who do they accuse of “politicizing” the “debate”? Who actually “politicizes” the debate?

    When it comes to progs and watermelons, their accusations speak volumes about what it is they are actually doing.

    1. Funny how they never mention the volcanic activity and the product of hundreds of thousands of acres of termite mounds spewing CO2 into the air that dwarfs the human’s measly addition of gases.

      1. I guess if you’re naive enough to believe that the money left in your pocket after all taxes have been extracted is money that is given you by the government, then I suppose you could make the claim that oil companies “get money from the government”. Most of us feel, though that the money we earn is ours, not the government’s.

        “Clean energy proponents”? Such as Soyndra — oh wait, there’s no such company anymore, they went bankrupt after securing a dodgy loan granted with out tax money by a corrupt government. Well then, what about A123? Oops. Abound Solar? Whoops. Beacon Power? Ener1? There you go, a billion dollars and not one erg of energy.

        Anyway, be that as it may, “clean energy proponents” and the “global warming” industry are not identical; they have, of course, similar goals — the plundering of the treasury (or at least they have been co-opted by those who have those goals) — the big money is still in “climate change”. Billions of dollars annually in NSF grants and various handouts for foolish models that can be replicated in a few lines of R code by lagging and scaling the inputs. Any head of a department of Physics, Chemistry or Biology will tell you that their grant applications must reference “carbon footprint” or “climate change” to have the best chance of funding.

        Wake up, Nic, it’s an industry, but an industry that produces nothing but a foul-smelling residue from which no energy may be extracted.

  2. So many politicians, especially on the left, have absolutely no clue as to the factual data of the issue they are speaking on. People who don’t spot these idiotic statements are the very ones that have no clue as to what is going on in the world and vote based on what they get for free. The same examples go for gun control when a democratic zealots speak of “gun facts” such as a “30 caliber magazine clip”. First of all they should say a “30 round magazine”, a magazine and a clip are two different things. Kind of like shirts or pants….you know, both go on your body, so they are the same thing , right? For the left to have credibility with educated people they at least need to know something about the issue they are speaking about.

      1. Very true…ignorance and apathy are KEY to democrats staying in power. If facts end up getting in their way, then the racist, homophobe, teabagger, gun nut, woman-hater cards come out.

    1. It’s worse with leftist celebrities. They even know less than politicians, but their larger and dumber audience takes every word they say as the gospel truth.

    2. With that mind set, the same as Romney, the GOP will not be winning federal elections anytime soon. Keep calling non moochers, moochers and see what you get. It smacks of elitism and childish name calling.

    1. Fack you. Bill Nye is amazing. He squished Ken Ham like a bug in that debate (which was hardly even a debate. Bill Nye was presenting actual proof the entire time while Ken Ham was just saying “This is what the Bible says…”)

      I use to watch Bill Nye the Science Guy in 5th grade 5 years ago, and he was amazing. I still love his show to this date.

      Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill!

                  1. It’s hard to tell what you are, since you lie so much. Lets see, your gay and you want to be straight, 2 going on 16, and dumber than an amoeba. Is that true. Sesame Street is on another channel – try it so you don’t hurt your mental development.

                  1. Good for you, as an engineer once stated, “watch out for the technical manual, there is a lot of bad info in there and I wrote it”. Mr Nye while fascinating, be careful, he has an agenda. The entire History/Discovery network is mostly bogus. When you take a course in logic, you will discover the flaws in their arguments. Ever hear of the magazine “Scientific American” they did a great job on the Wright Brothers, and another in the ’60’s on the fellow who first put forth the theory on plate tectonics. In 1957 there was an inventory of the earths resources. Oil for example was determined to last for only another 15 yrs. (The same thing was “predicted” in the 1920’s just after the Saudi oil fields were discovered. Today as we know there is more oil in the ground than we knew existed 30 years ago. When I was 16, a fellow by the name of Paul Ehrlich stated we would be out of food by the mid ’80’s. These scams have been surfacing since the early 20th century. Try and pick up a copy of Dr Thomas Sowell’s “Intellectuals and Society”.

                  2. All lying does is get people hurt. If you don’t stop your lying little boy, I going to have to call you mommy, and have to wash your mouth out with soap.

              1. Why am I not surprised?
                BTW, at 16 you are still a child, a large one, but a child nonetheless. You have 2 more years to go before you’re legally not a child, but you still can’t buy beer.

            1. No, Toothless isn’t sinking to your level and it’s eating you up inside. How does it feel to be outclassed by a teenager? Your tears, my God are they delicious. Nomnomnom.

              1. I haven’t called him one name, I just know that at 16, you think you know everything and you don’t find out until much later on that you know almost nothing.

                I told my son’s when they turned 16, that they may as well move out of the house while they still know everything.

        1. I’ll tell you one thing, for only being a 10th grader, he’s a hell of a lot more mature than you people. At least he doesn’t have to resort to name calling to express his opinions. You all should be embarrassed.

            1. How is there not? He’s stating his opinions and beliefs without resorting to name calling. Even after you people sunk to making childish comments, he stuck to his guns, stayed level headed and outclassed every one of you in the process. But I can’t honestly say that I didn’t expect any less from the people who follow the Drudge Report.

              1. LOL you idiot, the Drudge report has stories from practically every news source out there, and yet you libs want to make it out to be a conservative site. That’s just stupid.

          1. I’ve been laughing at Wilbur Nye for years, you’re the angry Mary who wants to take Wilbur home with you, as the rest of us laugh and laugh and laugh, hahahahhaha.

          2. Please…..about 15 people believe the earth is 6,000 years old. Your prog overlords just make you think anyone who apposes your view thinks that way. It makes it easier for you run with it.

            1. Todd, the Seventh-day Adventists are educated, bible scholars, university trained, and quite conservative. One of our doctrinal beliefs is that God created the earth and everything in it in six literal days, and rested the seventh. You might not remember when Bibles all had Usher dating with each chapter. Usher dating puts creation at BC 4004. We still believe he was onto something. There are 16,000,000 of us. God bless you in your search for truth.

            2. Wrong! About 1,000,000,000 believe in some version of Science. About 4,000,000,000 believe in God, and about 1,000,000,000 believe Hindu/Budda. That makes science wrong by consensus (not including the Hindu/Budda’s) 75 per cent of the time, and God believers wrong 25 per cent of the time.
              So God believers are Correct about the beginning of the Universe 3 Time more than those who believe in Science.

      1. “I use to watch Bill Nye the Science Guy in 5th grade 5 years ago, and he was amazing. I still love his show to this date.” Toothless

        Therein lies the problem. We have folks who learned all about the environment from childrens “hate the industrial system that allows us to live in comfort” television programming. I am sure that Ted Turner is also an icon of such a warped childhood.

      2. You are amazing, how you can defend a lie over and over again. See I told you that the Amoebas are much more intelligent then toothless. Amoebas don’t lie like Toothless, when it comes to telling the truth, that miles beyond the Bill Nye Lie.

      3. Your having gotten educated in science by Bill Nye explains why your grasp of science is so pathetic. I was a science teacher for 35 years and made the mistake of purchasing one of his “science” videos from a science supply house. I had to send it back as the information contained in it was utterly wrong. He is a charlatan who should NEVER be cited as a science expert. The man is a legend in his own mind and your adoration of him, if typical for today’s students, is explanation of why the United States lags behind other nations in science knowledge.

      4. ROFLMAO 5th grade , 5 years ago???? That tells me everything I need to know. Unless instead of 15 you’re 25. I guess that could be true if you believe in the man made climate change fairy tale. Maybe you’re 35.

    1. Anything to advance an agenda that results in the seizure of assets from those who work and earn a living. Never let the facts get in the way of an agenda.

      1. It’s called “climate change” now because your whole warming hypothesis fell through. Smack. A theory that claims everything is an effect isn’t a theory in any serious scientific definition.You Warmers [or nee Warmers, or CC’ers, or whatever your next name will be after it’s been clearly established that the oscillations we see over century long and longer periods have nothing to do with carbon] crack me up. You don’t realize how you sound: Just like the John Birchers/Illuminati/CFR conspirators in the 1950’s. Whatever happened “proved” the theory. “It’s a communist conspiracy.””But William F. Buckley Jr. is part of the conspiracy, and he’s an anti-communist.””That just proves it’s real; they do stuff like that to throw people off.”We’re going to see much more severe and much more frequent hurricanes.Nope. Weakest hurricane season in decades. Arctic Ice is disappearing. No, it’s not. Record cold is caused by CC. This is one of the worst winters ever. Temperature Extremes! Record Snow! Nope. 1995 and 1996 were both worse, and happened during “warming.”

        Ya got nuthin’ pal. Man up and admit you were wrong and the whole AGW scam was just a way to shut down capitalism and transfer money from middle-class people in rich countries to billionaire strong-men in poor countries and let’s move on.

  3. Follow the money! “Green energy” government loans to favored friends. Now we fry birds in the south west, with 4000 acre mirror farms, along with beating them to death with windmills! Neither energy source can stand alone as economically viable.

    Nye wants the talking $, maybe a Fed. grant?

    1. If you can get ANY kind of engineering degree, you’re a pretty bright person. Engineering is an incredibly difficult course. If he’s smart enough to get a mechanical engineering degree, than he’s definitely smart enough to transfer that knowledge to science.

              1. The Drudge Report only posts your loser drivel as a way to let the rest of us know what propagandists are pushing…. Drudge didn’t write it, he only linked it. You losers are always complaining about Drudge because your crap can’t stand the light of day!

      1. Really? He didn’t prove it in the debate we are talking about today. Also, there are several different engineering disciplines – it isn’t a ‘degree’. Perhaps it would make your defense more credible if you weren’t so transparent – or incorrect.

          1. Aptitude isn’t the same thing as knowledge. Bill Nye is a poseur who doesn’t know any actual science beyond what little is hinted at on Sesame Street.

      2. But engineering has nothing to do with the subject of evolution. Neither man in the debate has advanced degrees in the science of evolution. It was just a stunt on both of their parts and it doesn’t seem that many people are all tht interested.

          1. Did you ever hear that Bill Nye had either of those degrees?

            Or, on the topic at hand, did you ever hear that Bill Nye had a degree in climatology, meteorology, atmospheric physics …?

            Because if you heard that he did, up your meds. The voices are back. Bill Nye isn’t qualified to discuss this topic. He isn’t qualified to discuss most topics in science at a level beyond Sesame Street. He’s a poseur.

            1. Whither he has the degree or not. He has valid training that means he has the ability to pick up the other stuff. It also means he has the ability to reason. You do know what that is right.

              I can take what he says, look it up, and confirm its authenticity.
              I can not say the same for you. Most of your blather is opinion steeped in stupidity.

      3. Actually, not. One can be an engineer and be able to apply formulas, strength of materials, etc. and of course be good at math.
        But that is not science. It is engineering.
        Different philosophy. Different methodology.
        Of course, we will NEVER be told what degrees or competency many of the MMGW cultists have.
        MMGW is a totally political ideological fraudulent perversion of science.

        1. You must of never taken engineering classes. It is science mixed with its application toward an end product. They don’t call it a BS for nothing.

          1. OK. Let us stipulate to the facts that a) engineers are smart b) they have scientific training and c) they are practitioners of applied science. [except Industrial Engineers and Environmental Engineers, who are a joke.]
            That said: Bill Nye never used his degree for anything, and if you listen to many of the things he says — not just in the instant case — he clearly hasn’t kept up with current events in science. Nor does he understand advanced scientific concepts very well. So: he’s probably smart, probably absorbed some scientific training and is WAY past his sell-by date. Today’s episode is one more note added in proof of that.

          2. I excelled in science in HS, In college got a double major (BS Bio and BS Chem) actually took the 8 credit physics course for fun and did well. Yet, I always made a distinction between science and technology. If I want to know how thick a beam I need for a particular application, or how to build the new Tappan Zee Bridge, or how to keep my circuits from frying when I turn the transmogrification coils on, or how to best up my yields of crystal meth (just kidding) I will call an engineer. (Materials, mechanical, electrical, chemical)
            If I want to formulate a hypothesis, devise a test for it, run the test, gather data and then rethink where I went wrong (as is usually the case) I will call a scientist. I have both in the family and respect both areas of endeavor. But, they are not the same.
            Incidentally, isn’t it usually the architecture students who keep moaning about how hard their courses are?

            1. They are, have been, and will continue to be, the same thing. Really just depends on what job you get. Will you stick with the more formal side or are you just going to use your skills like legos.

              “Incidentally, isn’t it usually the architecture students who keep moaning about how hard their courses are?”

              No, its always the guys going to business school who are whining.

      4. And Toothless is toothless because his G.P. is his dentist. You have to be intelligent to be an M.D. so it’s okay for him to transfer his knowledge base to dentistry. Similarly, his proctologist is a credentialed archaeologist.

        1. “Engineering is the application of scientific, economic, social, and practical knowledge in order to design, build, maintain, and improve structures, machines, devices, systems, materials and processes.”

        2. Wikipedia not good enough for you? How about the Dictionary:


          Use Engineering in a sentence

          en·gi·neer·ing [en-juh-neer-ing] Show IPA

          the art or science of making practical application of the knowledge of pure sciences, as physics or chemistry, as in the construction of engines, bridges, buildings, mines, ships, and chemical plants.
          the action, work, or profession of an engineer.
          skillful or artful contrivance; maneuvering.

        1. “Engineering is the application of scientific, economic, social, and practical knowledge in order to design, build, maintain, and improve structures, machines, devices, systems, materials and processes.” <———-

          1. Keep pasting. It’s still not science. It’s a practical discipline that uses scientific results and scientific methodology. That would be: NOT. SCIENCE. It’s like claiming statistics is a branch of mathematics. Nope. Not.

        2. engineering

          Use Engineering in a sentence

          en·gi·neer·ing [en-juh-neer-ing] Show IPA

          the art or science of making practical application of the knowledge of pure sciences, as physics or chemistry, as in the construction of engines, bridges, buildings, mines, ships, and chemical plants.
          the action, work, or profession of an engineer.
          skillful or artful contrivance; maneuvering.

      1. Having been an engineering manager for 21 years I can attest that engineering is not “science”. Far from it. Science is a collection of theories that usually are, if proven, wrong.

        1. engineering

          the art or science of making practical application of the knowledge of pure sciences, as physics or chemistry, as in the construction of engines, bridges, buildings, mines, ships, and chemical plants.
          the action, work, or profession of an engineer.
          skillful or artful contrivance; maneuvering.

          1. Where are you an engineering manager at, Subway?

            What’s a matter seign? Can’t you debate without using your own childish mockery? I guess toothless is more mature than you too!

            Do you think someone who majors in political science is also qualified to direct the policies regarding Climate Science? Because there is an awful lot of engineering (rigging of elections) being performed by these political science majors. Yet I don’t hear them called engineers or scientists for that matter, just politicians.

        2. bvikay, I highly doubt you have a degree in engineering. You most likely have a business degree and as such your shapes and colors degree has no bearing on the conversation. I bet you would be laughed at if you showed this post to those you claim to “manage”. Please do show them as they are already laughing at you behind your back so it might be fresh air to have them do it to your face.

        3. Got bad news for you. The physics that Newton came up with 300+ years ago? Used in engineering every single day. Not wrong. The physics that Einstein came up with in 1906 and 1916? Used in engineering every single day. Still not wrong. The physics that James Clerk Maxwell, Faraday, Ampere and Tesla pioneered? Used by engineers every day. Still not wrong.

          When you falsify some of those theories contact me and I’ll get you your Nobel Prize.

        1. Because the title of engineer is higher than that of scientist. Engineers make things from discovers of their own and others. Scientist general just make the discovers without sometimes seeing the long game. You can also be both. You could be a Scientist in Mechanical Engineering. A scientist in biological engineering. Really. You guys are this dense. We can line the space shuttle with GOPers because they are so dense and they can fly it to space by spouting out all that hot air.

      2. Engineers can’t make up facts and come up with a “real” solution…you will be found out making up facts, just like the “faux” scientists made up “faux” numbers to make their “faux” case and were found out in the end!

        1. No they were not. You need to go back and read more on that one. The emails that came out were those about modeling that happen in all scientific endeavors . Nice try. Another gop non issue. See you at the polls.

          1. Nice try, and not true. The emails clearly show a conspiracy to deny publication to warming skeptics and to falsify scientific results. Two whitewashes by their bosses don’t change the facts. Anyone can read the emails for themselves and decide what the meaning is of “hide the decline.”

            1. Nope, read em and don’t agree. One email in a long conversation could be damning for anyone but taken in context is completely different. May be you should read them.

              1. I have. They show a pattern of unethical and unscientific conduct, and they cannot be read in any context in which they display conduct worthy of adults, let alone professional researchers. The discussion of the Yamal results in particular is damning evidence of something very nearly a criminal conspiracy to deny FOIA [and their UK equivalents] requests to taxpayers who were entitled to the data by law.

    2. Mechanical engineering is known to be the easiest of all degrees to earn. I see loopy dregs with degrees in mechanical engineering who have trouble figuring out what the eyelets in their boots are for all of the time. Go figure. Women get degrees in Psychology and men get mechanical engineering degrees. Ha!

      1. Joe, what was your major, Womyn’s Studies? I have a Masters in Mechanical Engineering and believe me it’s not at all easy to attain an M.E. degree. I can also tie my boots, no problem. Does your mum still do yours?

        1. Nye does not have an advanced, academic degree. That is who we are talking about. I think he got his degree in the 70s and much has been learned since then.

          1. Regardless of what’s been learned since the 1970’s, I taught physics to engineers, scientists, and mathematicians for years, and a BS degree in ME is not — and never was — by any means considered an “easy degree.” Psychology? Psych majors didn’t even have enough mathematics prerequisites to take the courses I taught.

            That all said: Bill Nye never used his degree or his scientific training for anything, and he is, quite simply a joke.

            1. Neither one of them were qualified to debate this subject. I think Nye must be in his 60s and trying to restart his career. Perhaps the man who debated him was trying to get publicity for his creation museum or what ever it is. I think it was a publicity stunt n both their parts.

      2. Well I guess they told you, there are alot of Tech people on our side of the climate hoax. Let’s not start disparaging their degrees, Engineering is an acceptable degree from which scientific arguments can be made. Mr. Nye made a boo boo, I’m sure he’s busy wiping the egg from his face as we type.

        1. The problem isn’t his degree, it’s that he never used his degree and hasn’t really kept up with new developments in science very well. He’s an entertainer. He’s NOT an engineer, and he’s NOT a scientist.

          1. I wasn’t defending Mr. Nye, only stating that his level of education was one that could make valid scientific arguments. In this case I don’t think his argument is correct.

    3. He is listed as a comedian because “Bill Nye the Science Guy” was designed to teach younger children basic science by being funny and comedic. It was a light-hearted show that made learning fun.

  4. I liked Nye until he got on to the global warming bandwagon. He seems to be another scientist looking for more federal funding either for himself of for his cohorts now…

      1. According to wiki he is, and he is also an environmental kook, he and Ed Begley has competition to see who can have the lowest carbon footprint and they dine at vegan restaurants together.

  5. This just keeps adding on to what is already a credibility problem beyond repair for the GW alarmists. It starts with scientists and pundits like Al Gore who have made dire predictions that were supposed to have taken place by now, but instead has them crying wolf.

    Couple that with more left wingnut pundits who make comments on threads such as this one. Most of their comments consist of telling us how stupid we all are in a manner that you would expect to hear from common street thugs.

    They can’t even sound professional when trying to prove their point.

          1. The 2nd most viewed website in the world with 1,000,000,000 (that’s Billion with a B) unique monthly visitors. I think your statistics are a tad off. Welcome to 2014.

  6. Three points:

    #1 — Certain statements flowing from the mouths of people who are paid to talk, but never have to actually produce anything. Included in this group are career politicians and the media. They are so dim, and desperate for approval, that they will herd like a cow if someone speaks emphatically enough, such as President Obama loudly proclaiming as if he is Moses: “It is settled.” (what a joke)

    #2 — Q: is there “climate change” A: yes, always has been and always will be.

    #3 — Wonder what would be the results of a survey of scientists who receive <20% of their funding from a government supported enterprises ? It seems to me that, the greater the presumption for "man made" influence on "global warming" (recently renamed "climate change" — probably when the proponents noticed there is little decipherable warming) — the more money that will flow from government supported entities to scientists who study climate.

  7. Bill Nye is a gullible putz. Say anythign wacky you want to around him and he will believe it and preach it with great fervency. He’s no better than the ranting raving lunatic libtards we have to witness on TV news everyday.

  8. Bill Nye just made a simple mistake. It can happen to anybody. I say the wrong words in place of other words all the time.

    Of course Bill Nye knew which pole was which, he simply held up the wrong picture.

      1. Look, I know that global warming climate change is a scam as much as you. But Bill Nye is still an incredibly smart individual on nearly every other matter. We could use millions more people with his intelligence.

        1. I’m sorry he’s fooled you.
          There are a lot of book smart people, but if it’s not told to them they don’t have the common sense to put two and two together, or connect the dots on their own.

            1. Compared to GW? Yes. But evolution isn’t wrong, its just not a proven theory. And likely never will be. Certain aspects such as adaptation and mutation, which are proven, have been mistakenly called evolution.

  9. The climate part is moot anyway, think the real issue is just having clean air to breathe and water to drink.

    We should be worried about the stuff that gets put into the atmosphere and oceans that nature can’t undo.

    People that think we can’t damage this planet are kidding themselves, and not realizing that we need the Earth a LOT more than the Earth needs us.

      1. Bachelors in Geography.
        Geography: “The study of the environment as it relates to man.”
        That trumps buthead Nye.
        And yours is …. Let me guess…Gaia worship?

        1. I am a Biochemist you jerk!

          See, you are exactly the type of person who gets on these threads and further adds to the credibility problem of pseudo scientists like Nye.

          1. “Oh, nooooo! Atheists are so devious! They are a threat to the survival of civilization! They’re trying to exterminate us by giving kids at school evolutionist textbooks instead of Bibles!”

            Sound familiar?

  10. Simple mistake. You idiots lambasting him do not have a drop of his education. You just make truths from a book of ancient mythology. Dont get me wrong, I like conservative policies like in the fiscal/economic area, but religion? Stop being enslaved you stupid dolts. Pick up a biology book, do some physics problems, get an education.

  11. How long is a plutonium year? How long is a meridian year? Why would a being who is capable left of creating a solar system live according to a human concept of time?

  12. Lots of seminarians, country backwoods hillbillies, and other assortment of religious mind-stunted ultra Conservative freaks.
    Conservatives DONT have to be religious, plenty of us are atheists. Stop making policy based on mythology, discard religion and THINK.

      1. You must be a teabagger, judging by your response…..you automatically squawk that I am a “Obama supporter, Marxist, etc”. Freaks like you have hijacked the Conservative movement. I am a conservative.

            1. Good, the GOP of RINOs needs to be destroyed.
              That you want it to continue to abet the Marxist agenda again proves my deduction about your political core.

              1. Whats a “real” Republican to you? A backwards, hillbilly who never opened a book that wasnt the Bible, wants to lock women inside their house, hang gays on telephone wires, and administer whippings as mandated by the Bible? Christ man….

  13. I suppose by TeaBagger standards, a conservative atheist such as myself (and a scientist) who backs up Bill Nye’s POV….is automatically = “Marxist”, “Liberal”, “Democrat”, “Obama Lover”…..what else? Typical TeaBagger response I was expecting. Damn, I’m afraid of the future of the United States. Uneducated moronic herds of you folk…

  14. Teabagger primitive savages have destroyed the GOP. Enough! We need to take back the GOP from the Teabagger hijackers. They turned a once great party into a pathetic laughingstock.

  15. Bill Nye is an idiot. I was really hoping to hear a good debate between a creationist and an evolutionist but instead we got every religious nut jobs dream, an incompetent oaf named Bill Nye. It is not surprising that the guy does not know if he is upside down or not.

  16. Michio Kaku says it’s too late to stop Climate Change. Why are we trying to legislate the destruction of the economy for something that can no longer be helped? Why can’t Global Climate Change obsessionists find something else to focus their terror on? Maybe there’s nothing like it that comes with rubber stamp funding prospects.

  17. More hysteria. Back in the ’60s we confronted: the coming ice age (cover of Time magazine), the population bomb (Ehrlich), silent spring (Carson), and on and on. In the ’70s we were told the killer bees were coming to get us all. AIDs was the plague of the ’80s (at least until Bush 41 left office). It’s all mindless, unreasoning fear propagated to control the dumbed-down masses into thinking these impending calamities can only be warded off by central planning, more taxes, total state control of every minute aspect of the sheeple’s lives by the all-powerful, all-knowing, all-wise, all-beneficent state. When in reality it’s just a bunch of crooks cooking the books to enrich themselves and their cronies with bogus cap and trade nonsense, commissions earned on farcical carbon credits and on and on, it never ends. FOLLOW THE MONEY. It’s all a dressed-up version of just organised crime under the guise if science. The Borgias and the Medicis would be proud of such a scheme, not to mention the Mafia.

      1. Don’t be ridiculous, of course we landed on the moon. I’m not some conspiracy nut and I’m certainly no fundamentalist wingnut. My mantra is “follow the money”, it generally explains 99.99% of everything in life. Sorry to sound so sceptical, jaded and cynical, but it is what it is.

    1. You do realise that the majority of those that you mentioned did not become what they could of becuase of the publicity that they recived. That is why aids transmission rates were not as high as they could of been. Silent spring was factual. Hell, waterways of the 70’s were drastically worse than they are today. To bad you want to make it political instead of scientific. GOPers for you.

      1. It was all hyped BS, all of it. And I’m not some yahoo from Podunk, Arkansas. First, I’m not a Republican, I’ve been a registered Democrart my whole life, albeit of a dying breed (pro-life, pro-2d amdt.). I immigrated here with my parents when I was a teen. My father was a Brit, my mother an Italian national. I served 4 years in the USMC as a noncom, then 12 years later on as a USN officer, after which I served as an international protocol officer with the UNO in NYC and Geneva and the UNFAO in Rome. I’ve seen it all first hand and it’s all rotten and corrupt, driven by filthy lucre. Keep your head in the sand, if you wish, BUT FOLLOW THE MONEY $$$.

      2. Not the least bit true. Population went to exactly where Paul Ehrlich said it would. No “publicity” stopped it. And 1/3 of the Earth’s population did not die. AIDS was predicted to “break-out” of the homosexual and IV drug user communities imminently and never did. Not because of “publicity,” “awareness,” or even condom use — read what the NIH said about how ineffective the condom programs were, especially among homosexuals. The major newsweeklies did indeed predict we were headed into an Ice Age. How could/did “publicity” stop that?
        Silent Spring was 100% rubbish and lead directly to the deaths of nearly 100 million people in the third world as a result of a malaria break-out that DDT had largely contained. A couple of birds die in the US and 100 million brown people have to die because of the white liberal guilt it produces.

        You’re brainwashed, pal. And unfortunately, your brainwashing hasn’t just harmed you. Condign punishment if that were the only consequence. Your brainwashing has cost millions of people their lives.

  18. TeaBaggers would rather get a science degree at a university run by Sarah Palin, the IQ 50 soccer mom, rather than a university run by Bill Nye or Neil DeGrassie Tyson (both because he is a scientist, and because he is a black- OH NO!)

    1. Unlike you darius, I believe in the teachings of Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Unlike you, I judge no man by the color of his skin. I judge all men by the content of their character. That is why I judge you to be an ignorant buffoon.

      1. Darius is a 14 year old pencil neck that has never had a woman. He lives in his mother’s basement playing video games with other pimply faced geeks in his neighborhood.

  19. Climate-change deniers can put their heads in a toilet and flush.
    The fossil-fuel industry cheers each time a dumb*ss starts parroting their propaganda.

    1. The new religion. The church of old told Galileo he better get that earth orbiting the sun stuff out of his head. Your problem is in calling it “science” and, the “science” is settled, it isn’t. Calling this stuff settled science denigrates the great scientist doing great things. You see those lungs they built?

      1. It’s all nothing more than a grand criminal conspiracy on a scale never before seen by mankind. The climate-change crooks are out to put the Mafia to shame!

        1. And their salesmen and women don’t do them any good with the scare tactics:

          2008 Robert Kennedy Jr. Blames No Snow on Palin: http://stevengoddard.wordpress.com/2013/02/10/rfk-jr-blames-sarah-palin-for-the-lack-of-snow/

          John Kerry Climate Change, “Scientists project that the Arctic will be ice-free in the summer of 2013. Not in 2050, but four years from now.”
          : http://www.huffingtonpost.com/john-kerry/we-cant-ignore-the-securi_b_272815.html

          These is so much of this but these two sum up my thoughts.

  20. From The Covenant, James Michener, and it stuck with me all these years, the thought.

    “In the year 1856 the diviner Nongqawuse told the Xhosa people to burn their crops and kill their cattle because a great day would come when the sun would set in the East, the white man would be driven into the sea and fat cattle would walk out from the base on the mountain bellowing for their new owners. The dead would be resurrected, the ancestors would revive, the old would become young and fat cattle would be slaughtered for a feast. The nation divided into believers and unbelievers – as in today’s world, Anthony Fleischer says. The believers look to fundamentalist icons and to Almighty God, the unbelievers look to themselves.”

    As I recall, in the novel, many died of starvation after doing this.

    Remove the race element because all cultures, races, seem to have tribal leaders and right next to them, witch doctors, shamans, throwing some flash powder on the fire, and warning how a red moon portends disaster unless……

      1. Except when that book has truths that play out in real life it lends more credence than just being a “mythology book”. Open your eyes, look at the world around you.

  21. Lol “Nye Goofs”. Tea Baggers only hold on Bill Nye is that he switched “North” and “South” by mistake. But Mentally retarded Sarah Palin is all cool when her justification for understanding foreign policy matters regarding Russia is “They are our neighbors, in fact I can see Russia from my house.” ahahahahahhaa

    1. You show your ignorance – Palin never said that. It was said by second-rate comedienne Tina Fey who rode to fame by defaming Palin. Of course defaming a conservative makes her a hero to brain-dead liberals who parrot what their handlers tell them.

        1. Darius19 – is the 19 your age, or your IQ? I suggest you get a re-test, it appears they gave you too high a score.

          Seriously, you can find the truth on the internet yourself (although you seem to be someone who is easily confused by just about anything).

  22. Follow the money, geeks like Wilbur Nye want more and more funding from the government all of the time. They’ll say or do anything to be a recipient of government funding and wasteful spending.

  23. Moron for the “progressive” climate change cause. Progressivism is either a mental disease or the opiate of low information useful idiots. BTW, there’s more “sea ice” and more ice in Antarctica than ever before. If you look at the goofy models that the global warming cult … er, climate change cult were foisting upon the world ten/fifteen years ago, they DID NOT predict more ice and cold weather. In fact they said the ENTIRE PLANET would be getting steadily warmer because of CO2 emissions. In fact we were told snow would be a thing of the past, that glaciers would all melt off the mountains, hurricanes would become more frequent and intense as to tornadoes. All lies.

  24. WAKE UP! Follow the money…

    CFACT, who wrote this article is funded by at least $542,000 from ExxonMobil, $60,500 from Chevron, and $1,280,000 from Scaife family foundations, which are rooted in wealth from Gulf Oil and steel interests.

  25. BTW, cooling kills more people than warming. Also, it takes far more energy to keep a person warm than it does keeping them cool. So global warming will be a boon for the greenies who want to use less fossil fuels (to keep warm).
    Far better a warming planet than a cooling planet, Billy Boy. Now go back to playing in your sandbox.

  26. Darius has the brains of a gnat. He can’t tell the difference between Tina Fey and Sarah Palin. It was Tina Fey that said “I can see Russia from my house”. Sarah Palin said you can see Russia from Alaska, which is true. From Alaska’s western most island, you can see Russian territory.

    1. There used to be a bumper sticker that said “God said it, I believe it, and that settles it” which was much ridiculed in it’s day as exemplifying a rigidity of thinking and pronounced closed mindedness. These days one might substitute “HuffPo”* for God in the quote to find the same sort of refusal to entertain logical exploration of a subject.

      *Or any number of other dopey left wing sites.

  27. When Mr. Nye was in that dance competition on television, I didn’t know anything about him. He seemed to be just an innocent, quirky old fuddy-duddy. But recently, I happened to pass by a PBS channel, and there he was on a stage with a Christian minister. Turns out they were
    discussing/debating whether or not there is a God and if that God actually created the world. Mr. Nye clarified at the outset of the discussion/debate that he is an atheist. Enough said.


    CFACT, who wrote this article, is funded by at least $542,000 from ExxonMobil, $60,500 from Chevron, and $1,280,000 from Scaife family foundations, which are rooted in wealth from Gulf Oil and steel interests.

    1. Remove that picture from your profile before I have you shot. That picture is offensive. Obama is a pitiful poser of a Communist. He claims to serve the people, but he is only serving himself. Obama is no Communist, he is the enemy of Communism and the people.

      Obama is tarnishing the good name of Communism. You have ten minutes to remove that profile picture before my spies eliminate you.

  29. Please, Mr. Nye, move to Soviet Russia. Our scientists could make great use of your brilliant innovation. Better yet, you won’t be surrounded by insane Christian cultists.

    Think about my offer. Think of what I am offering you. I could offer you a top position in Soviet Russia’s Politburo. All the power you could ever desire, at your disposal.

    I will be waiting for your phone call, Mr. Nye. Think of what I am offering you!

  30. FLASH! 3,456,965 doctors retire worldwide!

    Cause of hives, AIDS, TB, typhus, cancer, heart disease and the common cold found and cured, when Obama stamped out global warming.

    No more need for doctors.

    Also found to cause bitter molasses, putrid butter, sour milk, and low IQs.

    And dementia in Al Gore.

  31. Sad that Bill Nye has been reduced to shilling for the climate creeps so soon after raising his appeal after debating the creationists. The problem with the AlGorists is that they can’t differentiate climate change (yes the climate does change) from what humans can actually affect. There are massive natural events that drive our climate, such as the electromagnetic field, solar activity and volcanic activity. Our climate has been changing constantly for millennia – with or without human interaction.

    1. He “debated” a Young Earth Creationist, which is roughly the equivalent of Mike Tyson rope-a-doping a kangaroo, and even against someone who knows as little as Ken Ham he didn’t do all that well.

  32. These guys just keep shooting their mouths off and nature keeps b slapping them every opportunity:

    2/16/29014 Kerry Pushing Climate in Asia as Volcano’s Erupt Disrupting Trip: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-02-16/kerry-burnishes-his-green-badge-in-asia-ahead-of-keystone-call.html

    2008 Robert Kennedy Jr. Blames No Snow on Palin: http://stevengoddard.wordpress.com/2013/02/10/rfk-jr-blames-sarah-palin-for-the-lack-of-snow/

    John Kerry Climate Change,

    “Scientists project that the Arctic will be ice-free in the summer of 2013. Not in 2050, but four years from now.”

  33. Saw the show this AM. Bill Nye seemed a poor spokesperson for the” Man Made Global Warming ” aka “Global Warming” aka “Climate Change” crowd.

  34. In fairness, a mechanical engineer with no training in science can’t be expected to know the difference. He’s simply a trained TV monkey, lying every time he puts “science” in his name.

    1. There’s no such thing as an Engineer with no training in science. For my BSME I had four semesters physics, two semesters chemistry, one semester biology, one semester health science, one semester physical science, four semesters calculus, and add to that the applied sciences in the engineering curriculum such as fluid dynamics and thermodynamics etc which apply directly to meteorology. Yours is one of the stupidest statements I’ve seen in a long time.

      1. Are you actually a practitioner? Because Bill Nye isn’t. He never used his scientific training nor his BSME for anything, and he isn’t using it now. He hasn’t kept his skillset current, which, if you are a real engineer know erodes at the rate of about 20-25% EVERY YEAR. Bill Nye is not good with advanced scientific ideas [Sesame Street is about his speed], is easily confused, and the extent of his ability to popularize difficult scientific concepts seems to be that he can put two hands through the armholes of a white lab coat.

  35. The ‘global warming’ swindle helped illuminate the dark corners of academia by exposing the collusion between scientist and politicians who attempted to dupe the world into believing that global warming actually existed.

    The reality is that world’s cyclical weather patterns are pointing towards a little ice age, so they were forced to modify the narrative to ‘climate change.’

    What has happen to academic integrity?

  36. Why does the experts quote on the left are all entertainers-Bill Nye, Jon Stewart, this is just absurd. The heart of climate change-the view that Co2 and increases in temperature are 100% linked is false. It’s only true if you cherry pick the data. This new movement to link every weather event to climate change and dirty environment is just crazy. Do we need a clean environment? Yes. But Rep. Blackburn should have said, assume Bill Nye the Fake Science guy is correct, what is his solution? Like many climatologists, their answer is a carbon tax. It would put undue hardship on businesses, and look at California which has one. Los Angeles and other major cities are dirty as hell. A poorer America is not a cleaner one.

    1. They calculated that using celebrities and politicians would help their cause, but it actually has backfired in using them to explain failure. Their ignorance on the subject has just exacerbated their failed credibility.

  37. And to think that it was in Antarctica that a geology department chair once told me, “You don’t get grant money without a crisis.”
    Poor Bill Nye, hitched his post to a popular stance to only see it dashed by logic and fact.

  38. Bill Nye – The Dou**chebag Guy. What a fraud. The Climate Change frauds never can answer the key variable in temperature – solar radiation. They are the clueless science deniers.

  39. Are you guys all mindless parrots? You guys do realize Marc Murano (owner of Climate Depot) only has a BA
    in politics and isn’t a climate scientist right?
    http://www.desmogblog.com/marc-morano (the site Climate Depot doesn’t want you to read). Talk about blind leading the blind. Do you guys parrot everything you hear without checking it out first?

    1. Who the hell said he was, you moron? I bet he can tell the poles apart though.
      If we need an expert we can go to MIT’s Dr Richard Lindzen who has been calling your cult out for years.

    2. Some things are so obvious that you don’t need a PhD to figure them out. I don’t have a PhD in economics either, but I can tell that Keynesian economics is a complete farce, on par with global warming and climate change.

  40. Bill Nye might not be a scientist, but what about the majority of PhD climatologist scientists that DO say our climate is warming? Do all of you wannabee amateur know-it-all at home on your computer with no PhD in climatology know more than the scientists that tell you we are warming? ROFL.

    1. Do you acknowledge that highly estimated scientists disagree with your conclusions? Are they all frauds on the take from Big Oil? You are despicable. Close minded. Anti-science.

  41. The climate loons spend a decade pointing to the receding ice shelf at the north pole as the primary evidence. FOR YEARS AND YEARS Al Gore harped on this and presented photos of stranded polar bears on tiny pieces of floating ice. Now after a period of empircally provable exapnsion of said ice, the SAME people say “well that doesn’t mean anything,” These people aren’t scientists. They have perverted science for political gain.

    1. Political gain maybe, but more likely for the almighty dollar. Which is what it really is all about isn’t it? Control people’s actions through taxation. Just another way to shake down the people using a scare tactic. Thanks for contributing to the offer plate.

    1. SOME scientists are telling lies and some are not. Global Warmers like to claim the debate is over. That anyone who disagrees is a liar and fraud. That’s not science. That’s demagogic posturing and it’s what Global Warmers mostly do these days. They even want to excommunicate those who hold heretical opinions and cut off their ability to make a living. They are what they accuse the other side of being–paid shills.

  42. Bill is being paid to participate – that means you should disregard his ‘science.’ Even if every human in the world killed themselves simultaneously (thus ending man-made whatever) the weather would continue to be the weather. We are helplessly flying on this massive Rock called earth held in sway by the power of the Sun. The Egyptians new it. We go as the Sun goes. IT controls our weather. Don’t believe me – make a closed terrarium. Place a nice light bulb next to it for warmth but otherwise leave it in the cold. Put plants and animals in it – and cover it with plastic wrap. See the condensation on the plastic after some time? Now shut off the light bulb. Turn it on a couple days later and see if that changes the temp. Now put 10 light bulbs around it and see what happens. The things inside the terrarium., no matter how much they fart, cannot impact it more than the light and cold. Light being sun and space being cold.

  43. Oh, here comes the militant atheist enviro-nazi that has never worked a real job and is a doofus circus acts running around making money on strife while offering no solutions.

  44. Asian countries for Asians.

    Black countries for Blacks.

    but White countries for everybody?

    That’s genocide.

    Anti-racist is a codeword for Anti-White

  45. Here is one for ya—-YAHOO, and their stupid minions say NYE was a genius at the debate. That the two of them had?? YAHOO—Has some mighty big problems with credibility now a days!!!!

  46. This is the best the global liars have. Al Gore at least is smart enough not to get his butt handed to him over global warming, he refuses to talk to any one that knows what a king sized lie this is. Only thing I can say is, I am glad this guys name is so short, he can at least he spell it.

  47. This is where the ignorant poorly educated conservatives come to whine and to write ignorant comments to give liberals someone to laugh at? Show your ignorance. Amuse me.

    1. Dude, you libs will laugh at anything .. just watch all you trained doped-up monkeys laugh at everything John Stewart says .. even though virtually no one in the audience has any idea what he’s talking about.

  48. I saw this jerk change the 23 1/3 degree tilt of the earth as he demonstrated the earth revolving around the earth , he flipped it toward the sun, you can find it online at YouTube probably, he must have once worked at the Sofa King store, he’s that dumb

  49. He’s not required to be right or accurate. He can also be clueless as long as he talked the right line, says the right things. That is what he’s doing here.

  50. I watched that abject stupidity otherwise known a David Gregory with NO surprise, he recreates that sort of Crap every week; bye needs to keep on lying to children as is his usual gig. The adults know he is an idiot.

  51. Bill Nye is NOT a scientist!!! I have graduate degrees in Mathematics (MA) and Physics (PhD) and I am not a scientist either… I can tell you things from a mathematical or physics point of view ONLY. One thing I do know from statistics is that the data taken for “climate change” is neither random nor taken simultaneously over the entire Earth. That is “junk science” at its finest!!! The Artic ice sheet has remained constant or slightly reduced while the Antarctic ice sheet is gaining by 3 meters a year…Maybe the poles are shifting??? Who knows…

  52. ALGORE claimed global warming was the cause of the shrinking of the Aral Sea ( in case you don’t know it was caused by the totalitarian communist paradise government draining the rivers to grow cotton in the deserts ) he is Sofa King stupid he flunked out of Vanderbilt Divinty School, a school named after his mother, he was so stoned he thought Divinity School was about making candy

  53. I’m proud to be Black said a Black man.
    I’m proud to be Asian said an Asian man.
    I’m proud to be White said a racist.
    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

  54. We on the right are mostly convinced that climate change, like hope and change is a hoax. Those on the left are just as convinced that it’s real and commin’ to get us. That’s fine, let’s debate till the cows come home. But at the same time there has to be some education that with accepting the “climate change” there are taxes waiting to be placed on consumers, that will also make the Algores of the world rich. So we must educate ourselves to not be used as pawns in another ponzi scheme. That’s my main point with this.

    1. The leaders on the left know its a hoax just as much as we on the right know. It’s the left leader’s useful idiots that need to be convinced that they are about to be Obamacared again.

      1. Exactly, we’ve been debating this, believe it or not, since I was in school 40 years ago, my friends and I were playing spades, hearts, and poker, around the table talking about the Earth being overcome by an ice age. Let’s keep up the lively debate. It’s good for the mind. But the biggest concern here is educating the people so they aren’t hoodwinked with Carbon credits, carbon footprints, smart meters, smart appliances, that will double our costs and decimate our comforts, while the crooks live comfortably at 68 summer, and 72 winter, and laugh at us all the way to the bank of Elysium.

  55. I do not know of a more condescending , arrogant fool than one who declares with a sneer of finality: “The global warming debate is over! It is settled” , as was claimed by Climatologist in Chief B.H. Obama… and now this guy.

    1. His name is Al Gore. Between he and Obama, I think the Nobel folks need to seriously think about awarding a prize to someone who is not a liberal. Or perhaps drop the word “peace” from the name. Or just change the spelling to “piece” or “POS”

  56. “Anthropogenic Global Warming” is a sham religion, this clown is one of it’s High Priests.

    Warmers COOKED THE BOOKS, got caught with East Anglia and they’ve been LOSING the debate even since.

    If anything is “settled,” it’s that the Earth cyclically warms, THEN IT COOLS, then it warms…

    The planet is 4.5 BILLION years old – we are but a speck in the grand scheme of things.

        1. You’re welcome. I heard it on PBS of all places, back in the 70’s. It may have been from Sagan’s Cosmos program. No matter, it’s stuck with me ever since. Really puts it into perspective. And that 11 seconds includes the days of Neanderthal and Cro Magnon. Modern industrial humans don’t even quantify.

  57. Al Gore isn’t a scientist either but the left gave him a Nobel Peace Prize and consider him a genius. All of their “experts” are frauds, why not Nye the science guy too?

  58. Everyone here needs to go back and listen to what Nye is actually saying. He really is not pushing global warming and the need to prevent it. No, what he is pushing is an agenda for population control. Whenever he was called for making mistakes that he should know better than to say, he keeps coming back to the 7 billion people on the planet. Now, I don’t think there are 7 billion people on this planet. In my travels through out the world, I see areas that were once inhabited and now only planets and animals live there. Even in the United States, there are towns that no longer exist because the population has decreased and we are looking at a huge problem with everything from social security to national security because of the decrease. Which may or may not be the reason Washington is so strongly pushing the illegals issue. Recently, I visited various parts of China, including Hong Kong and I have to tell you, many areas that you couldn’t move because of people are no longer nearly as crowded. Japan is having a very tough time with its population decrease. I think you all need to listen more closely to what these global warming nuts are saying. You should be afraid, very afraid.

    1. there are about 7 billion people on earth….and I agree the climate change agenda is really about population control……read the Georgia stones…quite an impressive set of commandments….and no one knows who erected them….but they desire a world population of 500 million….that’s going to be an awful lot of gas chambers…unless they can orchestrate a nuclear war, where they are spared…..but w nsa eavesdropping, they can now rachette down who they want to keep and who they want to waste. but you can bet that their list will include Christians, muslims, blacks and probably many Chinese, since they consume so much oxygen and they hold a lot of our debt.

  59. Hey… this guy calls himself “Science Guy”… ooooh, he must know all about “science”. Hmmmm, let’s see. I know! I’m going to call myself the “Psychology Girl” and be the “expert” for all the kids out there on my field, Psychology. That’s it!! Bravo, brilliant! “Psychology Girl”.

  60. Progressives, how many people do you need to sacrifice to the earth god? How many have to starve to death? How many have to freeze to death? Come on be honest. How many people have to die to satisfy your beliefs?

  61. So a man who professes evolution and the 500 million year evolution does not understand that the climate is based on the tilt and axis of our planet as it relates to the giant star right next door

  62. Listen people. You cannot treat this man as though he is uneducated. He has more education than most of those who are giving comments here. At least give him that respect. You don’t have to give him respect over global warming though. As I said before, there are those in the United States who want each state to have no more than 144,000 people in it. I do not know what is significant about 144,000. When I ask the ones I know, they tell me that I am not high enough. I can tell you that they have already decided what genetic traits they want in each country, and if you don’t match them, well I can assure you that you are not invited to the new world. There are going to be the ruling class, tech-science class, and workers. With machines and computers, not many are going to be needed of them. The rest, well let me give to you a scenario told to me. The major cities are going to have a huge job market and it is going to be mostly manual labor. The unneeded will be hired for these jobs, move in, raise house values, a great economy, real boon. Which will bring more people to the city. A fusion bomb, not large, will explode 1 mile above the center of these cities, killing everything in them. The bombs will be explained as a comet that had broken up and showered the earth. If you don’t accept that and get on the internet, you will die. There are going to be 15 such cities in the United States, 5 in the UK, 8 in Africa, 2 in Australia, and 25 through Central and South America. You say, b. s., right? Not going to happen. You’re a nut, crazy, a complete looney. Ok. You say, the radiation will wipe out the world. I say, no. These will be small bombs. As a matter of fact, very few buildings will be destroyed. The technology to do this has existed for several decades. Had they exploded the bombs on Japan, the amount of people killed would have been ten fold and the buildings would not have been destroyed. At least we won’t have gas chambers.

  63. Bill Nye is “over the hill”. Just like John “Ketchup” Kerry, Nye’s brain is turning into “over ripe” tomatoes from listening to the mindless drivel from their Democratic Party heads.

  64. Whats up….is down…..whats down is up…Obonga and libs want to punish hard work and success…while rewarding sloth and failure….its all upside down

  65. Ha HA ! This is the imbecile who the ENTIRE atheist religion has hitched it wagon too. HEy Im too stupid to find Antarctica Oh and there is no God..!! Maybe Antarctica is doesnt exist either Bill HA HA ! MORON!

  66. Now, there is a scientist that knows his stuff and we can all just blindly believe even though he is blind to the location of the North and South Poles.

  67. Warmists are vewwwy educated:

    Bill Nye’s intelekshual buddy Barry Obama agrees that the planet is melting and only higher taxes can save us. Barry also thinks the U.S. has 57 states.

  68. Wow! This was erased once, so I am going to say it again.

    people. You cannot treat this man as though he is uneducated. He has more
    education than most of those who are giving comments here. At least give him
    that respect. You don’t have to give him respect over global warming though. As
    I said before, there are those in the United States who want each state to have
    no more than 144,000 people in it. I do not know what is significant about 144,000.
    When I ask the ones I know, they tell me that I am not high enough. I can tell
    you that they have already decided what genetic traits they want in each
    country, and if you don’t match them, well I can assure you that you are not
    invited to the new world. There are going to be the ruling class, tech-science
    class, and workers. With machines and computers, not many are going to be
    needed of them. The rest of the people, well let me give to you a scenario told
    to me. The major cities are going to have a huge job market and it is going to
    be mostly manual labor. The unneeded will be hired for these jobs, move in,
    raise house values, a great economy, real boon. This will bring more people to
    the cities. A fusion bomb, not large, will explode 1 mile above the center of
    these cities, killing everything in them. The bombs will be explained as a
    comet that had broken up and showered the earth. If you don’t accept that and
    get on the internet, you will die. There are going to be 15 such cities in the
    United States, 5 in the UK, 8 in Africa, 2 in Australia, and 25 through Central
    and South America. You say, b. s., right? Not going to happen. You’re a nut,
    crazy, and a complete looney. Ok. You say, the radiation will wipe out the
    world. I say, no. These will be small bombs. As a matter of fact, very few
    buildings will be destroyed. The technology to do this has existed for several
    decades. Had they exploded the bombs on Japan one mile in the air, the amount
    of people killed would have been tenfold and the buildings would not have been
    destroyed. Look at it this way, at least we won’t have gas chambers.

  69. Next Bill Nye the gay guy will be telling you that Gay is Normal, Democrats are Compassionate, the Government is here to Help You, Iran can be Trusted, the Affordable Care Act is Affordable, the President is American, Nancy Pelosi has a Sound Mind, Harry Reid is Honorable & the Republicans are a Check & Balance.

  70. Bill Nye the sciguy is what he’s always been. A talking head for the atheist/socialist agenda. He’s really not that intelligent though, even many who are much more intelligent than either he or I, have fallen for the same load of garbage.

  71. The arguable issue is whether or not global warming is human caused. At this point it’s a moot point. Global warming, human or otherwise is definitely happening, just as warming and cooling periods have oscillated back and forth for millennia. It may cause huge weather related dislocations or maybe not.

  72. Climate change is vewwwy complex; let me explain it to you:

    Denier! DENIER! Denier! DENIER! Denier! DENIER! Denier! DENIER! Denier! DENIER! Denier! DENIER! Denier! DENIER! Denier! DENIER!

    I hope that helps.
    -Dr. Michael Mann, distinguished climate scientist and serial litigant

  73. It used to be that folks blamed everything bad on witchcraft, evil spirits, and bad luck.

    Now it’s all blamed on Global Warming (and it’s younger brother, Climate Change).

    1. I distinctly recall sitting on the fantail of the USS Coral Sea in 100 degree heat…while Jimmy Carter’s “science experts” explained all about the coming Ice age, in 1978.


    2. The Climate does change. Dont fall into Liberal word games. Climate change is a natural event and has happened as long as the Earth has existed. Climate change has NOTHING to do with the claims the leftists have been making about man-made Global Cooling and/or Global Warming…

      1. If hot weather and cold weather are proof of global warming I guess there must be global warming. Since you have stolen all of the weather possibilities I guess there is no way there could be global cooling. What kind of weather preceded the ice ages? I guess it must not have been hot or cold.

        1. I wonder if the weather remained stable?
          Not a problem since it never does. Weather is, after all, by definition a fluctuation. If it remained the same all the time it wouldn’t even BE “weather.”

    1. No, cold weather ALSO “proves” global warming. The warmists are claiming the record cold on the East Coast is because polar warming is disrupting the flow of arctic air — hence it is swinging South and causing the current East Coastcold weather.

      Hey, they had to think of something!

  74. I was watching that debate. Bill Nye seemed really off his game. He usually debates topics so much better. I am a fan of him for getting kids interested in science, though I don’t agree with is position. I really think he needs to be checked out after that debate. Something was just not right. Surely, I’m not the only one who noticed this.

  75. actually global warming is caused by the earth’s passage through warmer sections of space left over from the creation of the heavens coupled with fat sinners burning too hot in the hell underneath the earth’s crust.

  76. Wanna bet that Nye actually believes that the north and south poles are solid chunks of ice and there are not actual continents covered in ice.

    The polar ice caps and glaciers are the last evidence of the last ice age. ONCE UPON A TIME, the north pole was actually located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and that the land mass beneath the north pole had vegetation similar to what we have in the Florida Everglades.

    1. The last time I looked at a globe of the Earth (moments ago), the physical North pole was in the middle of an ocean, and cannot, AT ANY TIME, have hosted any sort of land-based vegetation. There is, however, a great deal of evidence that the land near the North Pole was host to far higher temperatures than at present, as evidenced by a flash frozen mammoth with buttercups in its mouth.

      Here’s a homework assignment, Toothless: name the seven continents, and tell me which one your idol missed.

    1. I call bullsh*t liar Libidiot. It was Global Cooling, then Global Warming before that. You arent going to call it “climate change” now and not be called a fkn liar that you are..

  77. Global warming is only important for cap and trade. Politicians indemnified Monsanto and they are responsible for all the harmful chemicals and GMOs that have been wrecking havok with nature.

      1. The limit or cap is allocated or sold to firms in the form of emissions permits which represent the right to emit or discharge a specific volume of the specified pollutant. Firms are required to hold a number of permits (or allowances or carbon credits) equivalent to their emissions. The total number of permits cannot exceed the cap, limiting total emissions to that level. Firms that need to increase their volume of emissions must buy permits from those who require fewer permits.
        United States President Barack Obama has signed a bill into law that was written in part by the very billion-dollar corporation that will benefit directly from the legislation.

        On Tuesday, Pres. Obama inked his name to H.R. 933, a continuing resolution spending bill approved in Congress days earlier. Buried 78 pages within the bill exists a provision that grossly protects biotech corporations such as the Missouri-based Monsanto Company from litigation.

        With the president’s signature, agriculture giants that deal with genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and genetically engineered (GE) seeds are given the go- ahead.

      1. If GMOs are so safe then why do these companies that produce them spend lots of money to stop the labeling of said products? You said it yourself with the article that you citied that they are safe thus if people know what they are eating you won’t have any problem putting a sticker on the product that has gmo.

          1. Nice argument you got there. You call me “Dickface”, but you still haven’t answered my question yourself about the labeling of GMOs and GM Foods; until then I will be waiting.

  78. At least he didn’t show a picture of the stage of his favorite “gentleman’s club”…a picture of a citizen of Poland could have done the job…”WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE” .-HRC

  79. What these idiots may come to regret is that they stopped us from putting CO2 into the air. We may have been keeping the climate nice a warm for a bit longer and now you Libidiots ruined it.. Its much easier for humans to stay cool than to stay warm… We will put the Libidiot on the icebergs first…

  80. Man-influenced global “warming” is utter BS, and anyone who bothers to look at the facts can determine this for themselves. Nye is a charlatan jerk.

  81. Now they drag in Bill Nye the science fucking guy to brow beat us about global whatever the fuck it is this week. How about we get Peewee Herman to refute that pant load.

  82. Mr. 57 states Obama, the new Norway ambassador who thinks Norway is in New Jersey, Pelosi we’ll have to read it to find out what’s in it, Al “I invented the internet” Gore, and Bill Nye are all birds of a feather. Stupid Liberal parasites who depend on the ignorant, the gullible,and the scared of their own shadow trust fund baby imbecile crowd to keep their ugly snouts in the public trough.

  83. Bill Nye is no scientist, and the mainstream media are no journalists.Nye is obviously getting paid to promote global warming.only because he is a well known entertainer.if they put a real scientist out there he would draw no interest.and bore liberal green activists to death.all this is
    A big money grab…that’s all.how can a tax change the climate? Its a scam, don’t fall for it.

  84. Wasn’t it Ken Lay from Enron who invented the idea of carbon taxes? Brilliant. Every life form is carbon based, so it’s a tax on existance? Then they’ll have to figure out how to tax plants, because they need Co2 in order to breathe. So everyone give Al Gore your money so he can maintain his jets and live comfortably in his mega mansion which requires the power of 6 or 7 regular homes and in case you didn’t notice, both North and South poles have completely melted this year (predicted by Dr. Al Gore the genius and aire to a coal fortune) -in his movie. So everything is flooded right now, there is no more ice, polar bears are begging for food in Florida or some place like it –and send Al Gore your money whilst you live in a 100 SQ. Ft. Coffin and don’t move -but don’t forget to send Al Gore money.

  85. The entire f u c k ing universe is made up f carbon, it very abundant 🙂

    …some li s pin g f a g ot off a campus is not going to change that …

    n i g g e r s
    on a campus all agree…

    I should pay for being born …..

    F u ck off ..or get a dent proof skull …


  86. just like that Federal Judge that didn’t know the difference between the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
    this BOOB should have stayed on the Comedy Channel..
    but now we KNOW he’s just another LOON.

  87. I keep hearing about the Arctic and Antarctic regions warming faster than the rest of. The world. The warmists also talk about glaciers in Africa, the Himalayas and other remote regions. If CO2 is actually causing global warming, why don’t they provide proof that there is more CO2 in the atmosphere in these regions. The reason is that they can’t connect the dots.

  88. The graphic misrepresentation is meaningless. Nye is human and we are all prone to missteps, misspeaks and other garden variety brain farts. Nye is no idiot.

    Nye is another quasi “scientist” who is too narrow minded to accept things he cannot possibly understand. He’s been a great showman. As far as global warming is concerned, he’s too foolish to be a skeptic.

  89. Bill Nye use to be a scientist, but that ended when he got that television program. The moment he got that, he sold out and stopped being a scientist and started being a celebrity. And to celebrities the the thing to promote is Man-Made Global Warming. His celebrity status ruined him as an objective scientist.

  90. Bill NYE the confused direction guy.
    Which way is UP BILL ?
    I wonder if this GENIUS has any theory about Ice breaker SHIPS and disappearing polar ice ?
    Doesn’t crushed ice melt FASTER than solid ice ?
    Isn’t it strange the more people break up the polar ice caps to study it the more it disappears ?
    Bill Nye is as qualified as BEEKER from the Mupets.

  91. Most of the loud mouth climate change alarm con artists in DC and else where are lawyers who have no science background. They haven’t read any of the evidence nor could they understand it if they did. Climate change is just another reason to pick the pockets of the tax payers. Like “oh what about the children?”


    Everybody says there is this RACE problem and that this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY White country and ONLY into White countries.

    Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY White country and ONLY White countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

    It’s White Genocide!

    They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
    Anti-racist is a code word for Anti-White.

  93. The thing is when scientist change their minds because they fck-up they refer to it as a breakthrough. Maybe the north pole is really the south pole. Lord oops, man Nye is a genius with exceptional intellectual depth.

  94. Just over 100 years ago, Roald Amundsen successfully traversed the Northwest Passage in a wooden sailing ship. Too much ice today to do it.

    So, was that global warming a century ago? And if it was, did it portend imminent apocalypse?

    So, what say we just all chill out. We have far more serious problems to consider than some phony-baloney theory based on model predictions that don’t match observations.

  95. I can see some guy walking off the late shift at a steel mill making that mistake… but a “scientist” opining on “climate change”? Not so much.

  96. 1. I don’t understand the benefit of insulting 16 year olds on message boards. He is just parroting the indoctrination he gets in school and from “science programs.” What do you expect? Give the kid a break.

    2. Bill Nye regularly says things in public appearances that are factually incorrect. He also does not appear to understand logical discourse. For example, one of his “proofs” for global warming is the growth in human population from 1 billion to 7 billion. This is only a “proof” if you accept the premise that global warming is a direct result of increased population. The other side doesn’t believe warming is caused by ANYTHING man does, let alone a sufficient cause. The war it’s don’t have any explanation whatsoever for previous time periods that were SIGNIFICANTLY warmer despite much lower population and no greenhouse gas emissions at all.

  97. Bill Nye is presented as a scientist, but really only plays one on TV. He wears a lab coat and bow tie, but he only has a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Cornell. I have been to many presentations by PhD’s that have presented evidence that contradicts man-made climate change. This topic has become too political and real science seems secondary to the agenda.

  98. “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will
    eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such
    time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic
    and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important
    for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth
    is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is
    the greatest enemy of the State.”

    Joseph Goebbels

  99. Bill Nye is not the “Science Guy” but rather the “Political Hack”. He reminds me of the old “Zobiet Onion” where science was constantly being pressed into the service of Marxist ideology. Soviet Science was an oxymoron by the fall of the Zobiet Onion. The left is, through hysteria and pseudo scientific hoaxes and frauds, pushing us in the same direction. “Bill Nye tells Science Lies” should be the new National Public Television jingle.

    “V Pravde net Izvestiy, v Izvestiyakh net Pravdy” (In the Truth there is no news, and in the News there is no truth).

  100. “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
    – Joseph Goebbels

    1. Liberals are MASTER at propaganda, projectionism, underhanded tactics, and repeating a lie until it becomes reality!!! All for the cause of acquiring and retaining power as well as the furtherance of Marxism/Communism/National Socialism.

  101. Both the evolutionists and young earth creationist are in error. Bad science and understanding of the Bible in both cases. The Biblical 6,000 years is from the creation of Adam. The age of the universe is not really given in the Bible– some guy ages ago read between the lines and not understanding Hebrew came up with what he did. He failed to see that Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 are different. Read ‘em study ‘em. Be aware of the “traditions of men”, they are misleading.

    More and more I think they are two different time periods and if so explain where the sons of Adam’s wives came from and why Cain was afraid others would kill him. And many other things.

    You cannot use the Bible to prove God didn’t use a big bang. Secular science has proven that tree rings don’t accurately show the age of a tree. They have found problem with the red shift theory. With the massive release of water from the Hoover Dam decades ago science learned that what they thought would take erosion millions of years to do were done in a day or so. And on and on.

    One last shot – did your know the Bible talks about what we call “Pangaea”? All of the land was in
    one place. Then in the days of Peleg the “earth” was divided. Both sides of this argument seem to miss this.

    1. You make some very good arguments here. Genesis seems more like a very short “Readers’ Digest” of creation. It generally describe “what” happened and not exactly “how” it happened. The skeptics always like to place limits on a being that is outside of time and power. Things can be billions of years old if time is no issue to God. One day is as one thousand years and vise-versa, with him.

      The Pangaea effect would explain a great deal of the similarities of cultures between the eastern and western hemispheres. An example are the pyramids found on each side of the ocean. Also, the flood origin stories found on both sides. The list goes on and on.

  102. Bill Nye is not a scientist, he is an engineer. Just because he ran a kiddy show on basic science that someone probably wrote the script on, does not make him a scientist. There are so many intelligent scientist, why would a TV station put him on as an expert on anything????

  103. … just like the “flat earthers” …. the AGW crowd just blindly believes what the “scientists of the day” tell them without question. It was the “round earthers” that were the deniers of science ….

  104. We are indeed dealing with climate change, it happens four times every year. Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring. So there, climate change is true. (sarc for all you people who don’t get my humor.)

  105. Showing the wrong photo is analogous to a surgeon showing an anus while describing the medulla oblongata.
    One of the problems with liberals, they assume they are the smartest person in the room.
    He will now change his handle to: “Bill Nye – the Bow Tie Guy”, because apparently “science” isn’t his thing.

  106. He isn’t too smart. What is his degree? Elementary education? He’s no science guy. He is a propagandist, looking for more liberalism and handouts. Holder, Gore, Pelosi, Reid, and Zerobama can’t fix anything. Don’t let them steal more money for liberal causes and vote buying on an issue that isn’t real, and that they could never fix with money and can’t fix at all.

  107. Bill Nye is not a scientist and never was.

    His credibility is gone, if he ever really had any.

    On one notable occasion, he failed to reproduce the basic scientific experiment underpinning the entire alarmist movement; he used glass jars instead of plastic and could not figure out why the CO2 filled jar would not warm, and then FAKED the result so he wouldn’t look like a fool.

    Go to Watts Up With That dot com and look under the climate fails tab for the details.

    It is of little wonder that Nye doesn’t know the antarctic from the arctic. He certainly doesn’t know his mule’s father from a hole in the ground.

  108. If Earth’s climate never changed, we’d never evolve.
    And just think how boring the world would be if we achieved climate stasis.
    I mean… every hour of every day, every week, every month, every year… just like the last?

  109. While I have a lot of respect for Nye, he’s parroting ‘political science’ here, not the real thing. Funding these days demands you get onboard with the Climate Change crowd or be blacklisted entirely. Science? Not hardly.

  110. Arctic, Antarctic, WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?!?!

    Unless of course you’re on an ice locked ice breaker in the Antarctic during the summer, then it makes a big difference.

  111. Nye is just another hack in the scam that is Global Warming. Since when is taxes the answer to any scientific problem. When asked how the taxes will be used the answer it through the Government. So the same people who brought you Amtrak and the US post office are going to change the earths climate through tax. Yeah that follows.

  112. 5 years later, a certain leader will NOW refocus on jobs and the economy….AGAIN. Talk about a bill of goods??? Well, at least he saved us from either a polar bear or penguin attack….or an overgrowth of banana trees in Canada…or something? I hate marxist schills. Next, food will be their weapon of control. They turned off the water to California’s Central Valley to hyper inflate food costs. That fact, coupled with a two year drought has exaggerated agro-economics in the Golden State….where a lot of the WORLD’S food USED TO BE grown.

  113. Nye is a ‘FUNgineer’ in a Halloween costume… much like our entire government is people pretending to serve the public interest. We are not far from the illusory lives portrayed in THE MATRIX. So many lies… so much treachery.

  114. Hey. Close enough…..Arctic? Antarctic? “What difference does it make?” Just like the “Judge” in Virginia. Close enough. Constitution? Declaration of Independence? “What difference does it make?” Nye and the “Judge” have much in common. Both are frauds. Their “Qualifications?” Nye wears a bow tie and spouts inanities with no scientific backing. “The “Judge” is a affirmative action two-fer who is not qualified to flip burgers. Both appeal to the lowinfomofos and sheeple……not to anyone with an IQ above room temperature.

  115. A glimpse at a possible future?……Nye and Elizabeth Warren will now develope a science curriculum to be taught in Obama’s PRE-K Madrasas, along with Marxism…of course.

  116. The arguments Bill Nye made were based in science. No matter how accurate he may have been, he lost the ‘hearts and minds’ to a master manipulator. Nye’s fatal error was not having been properly trained in Christian Apologetics. He went up against a master of Apologetics, Ken Ham. This debate should have never took place because Ham doesn’t have to prove anything scientific, it’s not about science, it’s about who can present the best explaination for life and reality regardless of the facts known or unknown.

    1. Nye’s error, and yours, is that he’s forgotten he’s not actually a scientist. But, in the liberal world someone who looks like Beeker, played a “science guy” on TV, as well as a failed stint as a standup comedian, somehow translates to being a qualified to speak about complex systems. (Not that I feel a politician is any more qualified… that’s more or less how this debate has been devoid of actual science for over a decade.)

    2. “The arguments Bill Nye made were based in science. No matter how accurate he may have been,”… So, it doesn’t matter how erroneous the “facts” are or how far off the conclusions drawn, as long as they are presented by a “scientist” who has SOME science in his presentation, they must be right?!!!

      1. Correct – this has never been about true science, and any person with the most rudimentary level of science education knows that. This is about taxes, and it’s about the religion of naturalism vs. reality.

  117. To me, it’s an extreme display of arrogance to think that we can effect the global climate of a planet that existed billions of years before we did and expereinced all kinds of shifts in climate over its history. All these people who believe in global warming need to step back and look at it from that perspective. Whether the human race exists or not, “extreme weather” will continue.

    1. It’s not arrogance – it’s a sham intended to set the stage for carbon taxes – taxes on the very air you breathe. This is all a ruse to justify pushing us all into intolerable poverty in the name of saving “Mother Earth.”

  118. Nye has always been an actor, and goofball. It’s pretty lame when the pro-climate change nimrods us HIM as their spokesperson, but I guess he’s better than Gore!

  119. Bill Nye is NOT A SCIENTIST… a graduate engineer – yes – but did not pursue his Professional license. He is a political hack – a darling of the far left socialists who couldn’t even describe the scientific method. His scientific knowledge about anything is a mile wide and an inch deep.

  120. I condemn the environmental extremists, but it’s just cruel to put Nye on TV. The man has no credentials to debate science, and clearly has lost his wits through age. It’s like slapping around a child.

  121. Bill Nye was wrong on so many points in that discussion. The polar ice cap has really grown this year. Additionally, when he started using percentages to indicate the carbon content, having gone from 320 PPM to 400 PPM, and claiming that’s “a 33% increase,” as if it’s significant, he lost me. 80 PPM is not a significant increase.

  122. Climate change, Global warming, from the sky down? Last time I checked, Bill Nye taught the children that heat rises… 🙂 stay consistent, Scien…Engineering Guy

  123. The goofball Nye has a bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering.. he doesn’t have the slightest clue as to what he’s babbling about when he talks to climatology or weather.

    1. When you said that, reminds me a little of the Randy character in South Park cartoons who has a degree in Geology but is more of a ‘know it all’ in the comedic scheme of things.

  124. typical liberal, the facts are not important because it’s true because I said so. just because you are a rude bully and talk over your opponent doesn’t mean you are right. Bill Nye is the junk science guy!

  125. Cold Fusion works, and Global Warming contributed to the worst winter in Philly in 130 years!
    Hey Bill how much is that Snake Oil!
    These fools saw Al Gore get rich off this farce and want a piece of the pie! Maybe they are not fools!
    Let’s go Lemmings / March March March!

  126. The South Poll is frozen solid and the North Poll has volcanic activity under it…Wake the Foxtrot UP People,,,it’s a Money making Scam that this clown is in on it…sadly, and I like this guy too.

  127. I hereby swear to metaphorically, yet tangibly, almost measurably by any accepted standards; beat the crap out of people wearing white lab coats that mess with me.

  128. He did the same thing on HBO’s Realtime with Bill Maher on February 14th. He mentioned the “Antarctic ice” in Greenland. One time is a misspeak. Two times, and it appears he doesn’t actually know the difference, which is really scary.

  129. There’s allegedly an “overwhelming” number of climate scientists who believe in Global Warming, but they could only find one who played a scientist on TV to push this bogus theory?

    1. A recent review of those scientists showed that over 90% of those who promote the man-made global warming BS are collecting government grant money. That says it all for me.

  130. What a moron. The fact of the matter is that global warming is one of the sacraments of the secular leftists. “Science” is only used to further their agenda of control over everyone and everything.

  131. Was it an error? Or More likely, I believe, a deliberate attempt to lie to people since the actual evidence shows no Global warming – therefore many Global Warming Flat Earthers have resorted to outright lies to try to shore up their disproven position

  132. The word “consensus” was trotted out repeatedly in this “fair, firm and impartial” interview. Science and consensus are incompatible, except in the leftist’s fevered dreams. Nye does not know, apparently, the difference between Vox Populi and Veritas.

  133. The problem is alot of people arguing in support of Global Warming are so misinformed and have no real clue what they are talking about. Bill Nye is living proof of that.

  134. Bill Nye is not a scientist, much less a climate scientist. He like other progressives, parrot what they hear and have no clue what the real facts are. Not to mention he doesn’t know the North Pole from the South Pole.

  135. It’s Bill Nye the TV Guy!! and he is really just a fake TV scientist and BS propaganda pusher for the ridiculously and scientifically ignorant democrats!

  136. hahaha MORE-on!!! so IF that wasn’t pointed out that he had the wrong poles, it would of been reported as fact, it was no “mistake” it was intentional, fn liars

  137. You would think that since allegedly 97% of Climate Scientists support global warming theory, Meet The Press could find and invite an actual scientist. Next week they’ll talk to Johnny Quest about immigration.

  138. Harping on a silly misstatement is disingenuous. Shit like that happens while speaking in public to everyone, and nitpicking little mistakes makes it look like you have nothing of substance to talk about.

    1. This latest foot in mouth is just an example. I invite you to go look at the rest of his debates with people on this subject. It’s a good thing he is a tough skinned actor and not a real scientist.

    2. It’s part of the central argument the GW nut jobs have been making for years. Hardly a slip, more of an indication of lack of thought. He forgot part of the prayer.

  139. The GW alarmist’s credibility is already shot to oblivion with the likes of Al Gore and others whose dire predictions not only never happened, they went in reverse. Yet we keep seeing one clown after the other appointing themselves as the climate change spokesman of the month.

  140. Directly after Gregory and Nye get done talking, Gregory starts the conversation of “deniers” back up with this statement (reread it twice…….he admits that national disasters are used as a political weapon to move NWO policy, ie Global Warming): GREGORY: And Julie, I know within the White House, their feeling is– and John Podesta’s worked a lot on this issue– weather events, extreme weather event is really the way in to getting something done. Because states and local government do have to deal with the cost of that. That’s the way to tackle climate change. WHAT THE F*CK ???????

  141. nye’s degree is in mechanical engineering & darwin’s degree was a divinity degree, add in some daddy issues & these are the go to experts, give me a break… i can’t wait to see the comments from the left/prog/socialists on this one… 2 things you can’t defend- dishonesty & stupidity- these seem to be what the left is thrives on…

  142. Every time this debate comes up I ask one simple question: Have you seen drop in the value of New York property? Miami? Malibu? London? Hong Kong?

    The answer is always a gaped mouth.

  143. I live in the Finger Lakes region of western New York State. The Finger Lakes were created by glaciers. The glaciers disappeared long ago. This seems to me to be an obvious occurrence of past climate change. Until I hear a coherent, scientific explanation for the creation of the Finger Lakes (or a similar historic climate change event) from Bill Nye, Al Gore et al I will be a climate change denier and remain skeptical of most of what they say.

    1. No one denies that climate continuously changes. It always has, always will. The Chicken Littles on the left are concerned about “man-made” Climate Change. They used to call it Global Warming, until they realized the globe is not warming. Now they just call it “Climate Change” without the “man-made” prefix because they cannot defend their arguments with facts.

      They can’t change the facts, so they change the words they use.

  144. Interesting. The sun’s magnetic field is changing, and the earth’s magnetic field is changing and getting weaker. The exact cause of the weakening of the earth’s magnetic field hasn’t been determined, but, carbon dioxide levels, ObamaCare and Israeli settlements have all been mentioned as possibilities. No one knows what the effects are, either, but generally, it is feared that they may be bad. There is concern that wealthy people will control an inordinate share of the weakened magnetic field, and therefore, a new government agency will undoubtedly be established to assure that everyone receives a fair share of magnetism. Since this may be a emergency, expedited action is called for. And so, a sole-source contract will be awarded to the same people who created the ObamaCare website. Of course, aberrations in the sun’s or the earth’s magnetic fields could disrupt electronic communications, and prevent the operation of a website. I don’t know why Obama or Sibelius didn’t think of that.

  145. Richard Lindzen called it right, Bill Nye and the rest of the “environmental “alarmist’s and charletian’s simply don’t know what they’re talking about because their theroretical models don’t acturately reflect reality. Oh and the environment is dynamic and continually changing and has done so ever since this planet has had an atmosphere. However, it’s not changing for the reasons that Lib tard alarmists say it is.

  146. Wake up people! You’re worried about a fake “scientist debating”, defending the Carbon Con? Really?

    It’s 2014, the whole hoax was sold to the world by a fail politician (Gore) and a former railroad engineer (Pachauri).

    In fairness, Gore did take two science college courses; he drop out of one and received a “D” in the other.

    The greatest hoax in the history of science ever. period.

  147. In their frantic effort to circle the wagons in the face of the third coldest winter on record even Bill Nye feels the need to obfuscate the truth. To the Low-Information Voter that map could’ve been the Mongolian Steppe if Billie Boy had said so. Unfortunately for him, intelligent “flat earthers”, as they like to call us, happen to know the difference between the North and South Poles and we can smell a Hoaxer a mile away.

  148. Morano mopped the floor with that creepy looking geek whose bottom line is that we are victims of overpopulation. Not very original thinking Nye’s, thomas Malthus had Nye beat by some 275 years.

    1. to macdaddywatch–yeah the overpopulation argument always comes up & the funny thing about it is that the earth is less that 5% populated. i guess these guys don’t look out of the airplane windows when they are flying over all unpopulated areas on their way to a climate change convention… when you live in cities where there are millions of people i guess they forget about the rest of the world.

    1. to tadchem–that may explain why my gums are receedeing on one end & i’m getting hemorrhoids on the other end. also may explain why i’m losing hair on my head & it’s growing out my ears.. everything has to go some where, i just wish bill nye would go away… i’ve learned so much medical ‘science’ in the comments section, haha.

    1. to mike in atlanta–in the ken ham/bill nye debate, everytime the camera was on nye i couldn’t help thinking he looked like a little evil imp minnion of the devil.. guloum (from the lord of the rings) was less evil looking than nye… i can hear the lib/prog/socialists saying ‘but, he LOOKs so smart’.

  149. The facts about the climate are the facts, whether we debate them or not. Instead of falling for the distraction of the “science” debate, perhaps we’d be better off just sticking to shooting down the AGW cultists’ contention that a massive redistributive tax scheme and power grab by a greedy globalist cabal is a supposed solution to anything. This is the real problem, not the supposed “science”. They want to mortgage our, and our childrens’, future for these carbon tax schemes.

  150. Give Bill a break. He is just trying to cash in on some of those global warming $$$’s He has no money and we have all seen the money AlGore has made off this hoax.

  151. It was depressing to watch this guy who purports to be a “science guy”. His complete belief in APGW – as opposed the skepticism that is the mark of a real scientist – was totally apparent during the discussion. Back in the 15th century he would have been the guy they trotted out to debate Galileo, Copernicus, Kepler or Newton about it being “settled science” that the earth is the center of the universe. Scary to think that morons like this are teaching our children.

  152. And he is not the least embarrassed about his stupid mistake. There was a Guy named Nye, who tried to fool us on the Sly, But stupidity took its toll when he forgot his pole and opened forth, he didn’t know South from North.

  153. Environgelicals, spewing verses from their holy books, are as sad and pathetic as the followers of TV charlatans and hucksters. Don’t try to confuse them with facts.

    1. to wolfnipplechips–environgelicals, man that is great. i had to say it a few times to get it right. best new word of the year, haha. it hits the nail on the head..did you come up with that? it is sheer genius….

  154. Father Jonathon Morris on Fox&Friends explained the difference between science and religion – “Religion does not change. Science changes all of the time because of new discoveries”. This means that the proponents of AGW are trying to declare it a new religion rather than science. When the science observations don’t match the religion then they reject the observations. Think back to the Middle Ages when the religious leaders tried to keep the concept of the earth-centered universe and the flat earth ideas. It was religion that fought those science ideas…not science trying to hold on to the new ideas.

  155. NBC should be ashamed of both David Gregory and Bill Nye.Both of them lied repeatedly with such ease but I guess NBC will do anything to lick Obama’s boots no matter how big the lie.Gregory is a typical leftist Jewish liar who has no respect for the truth and Nye is a joke of a liberal homosexual who sits down to wiz.I’ll never waste my time watching Gregory’s Marxist propagands hour again

  156. Asian countries for Asians.

    Black countries for Blacks.

    but White countries for everybody?

    That’s genocide.

    Anti-racist is a codeword for Anti-White

  157. Bill Nye the Science Gay was pathetic as was that lying Jewish liberal David Gregory.Both of them cut their own throats with the lies they kept repeating.You can’t win an argument with lies guys .

  158. I must say, I’m a pretty level-headed guy, but reading these posts, geeze! Why devolve the conversation into gay slurs, name calling and all this ridiculous BS that is being spouted here. If you stick to the facts, that for the most part do not match the global warming alarmist’s storyline, you can beat them every time….

    I get it, Nye is not a scientist, he was an child entertainer, probably taught some kids cool things, but also as I recall, pushed a global warming agenda. In my eye’s he has just as much right to discuss the topic as anyone else. Problem is, he doesn’t seem to make any logical, factual arguments that support global warming, climate change, or whatever they want to call it these days, he just makes himself sound rather silly. But I also feel like there isn’t too many scientists among this group here, and all you are arguing for or against as well. It’s the liberal way to attack the messenger rather than the message and it just makes both sides look like fools.

    I’ve never quite agreed with the idea if you aren’t this or that, you cannot have a place in the discussion. Facts are facts, if you do your homework, only look at credible sources (scientific journals and the like), you have just as much right to discuss the topic as any scientist in mho, especially when their motives seem rather suspicious. Honestly, I think it is all our duties as citizens to speak up when we know we are being fed a big line of BS from the political establishment in order to get more money from us or impose more regulations. This whole argument is nothing more than that given the FACT that no matter how much our governments tax us, there is no way in hell that we can do anything at all to change the climate.

    Now don’t get me wrong, would I love a cheaper, cleaner fuel for vehicles, power creation, etc? Hell yes, but no amount of government mandate and taxing will get us that, only ingenious individuals and brilliant minds. And only when it is profitable.

    Well anyway… that’s my two cents.

    Thank you 🙂

    1. emmm, I have looked at the scientific journals and they don’t buy what your selling. It is the complete opposite except for a relative few people and studies and even of those many are not one way or the other, they are still gathering data.

  159. Nye seems to me to truly represent the face of global warming “science”. He puts the case for global warming accurately and succinctly and he should be applauded for his expositions.

  160. Bill, if you think Global warming is bad, try Global cooling! Being from Alaska since the 60’s and flying the place from one end to another show’s that the icefields and Glaciers have been shrinking for sure. All that tells me is we had an Ice age. Most of the towns in Alaska would still be under ice if we didn’t have a warming trend, so is that a bad thing? On the flip side temps have been setting record lows for record time periods in the Great Land. The ice sheets have grown in the Arctic dramatically, the opposite of claims made by recent “documentaries” aired by PBS and false images of poor little polar bears hanging to a single block of sea ice. It all gets cold, i mean old after awhile.

  161. What’s interesting to me is that people are aware the arctic is shrinking, but make a point to insult Bill Nye’s instead mentioning the antarctic (which is also shrinking).

    1. What’s interesting to me is that disciples of the Global Warming Religiouscience continue to spread falsehoods like the Antarctic Ice is shrinking:


      and that the Arctic Ice is shrinking:


      When actual science proves in both these cases it is just not true, they are expanding!

  162. HELLO to my friends out there i am testifying about the good work of a man who help me it has been hell from the day my husband left me i am a woman with two kids my problem stated when the father of my kids travel i never help he was living but as at two weeks i did not set my eye on my husband i try calling but he was not taken my call some week he call me telling me that he has found love some where easy at first i never take to be serous but day after he came to the house to pick his things that was the time i notice that things is going bad i help he will come back but things was going bad day by day i needed to talk to someone about it so i went to his friend but there was no help so i give it up on him month later i met on the the internet a spell caster i never believe on this but i needed my men back so i gave the spell caster my problem at first i never trusted him so i was just doing it for doing sake but after three day my husband called me telling me that he his coming home i still do not believe but as at the six day the father to my kids came to the house asking me to for give him the spell work to said to my self from that day i was happy with my family thanks to the esango priest of (abamieghe)esango priest he his a great man you need to try him you can as well to tell him your problem so that he can be of help to you his content email is this [email protected] indeed you are a priest thank you for making my home a happy home again. remember his email is [email protected]

  163. i want to testify of the good work of DR ROBERTO AKABAH in the life of my only son God gave me and my husband.
    my son was suffering from cancer of his private part that almost took his life,i was confused so also my husband was like we are going to lose the only son and child we had but God never allow that to happen by sending DR AKABAH to our rescue.
    A friend send his Email address to us and immediately we contacted him he assured us that our child will not die and we never believed not until he sent what he called the cannabis oil to us and instructed us on how to apply it and after a week our son is up and sound like a new born baby.
    So whatever the illness is today just contact the below email address like now.
    E-MAIL ADDRESS:[email protected].

  164. http://downloadpolitics.com/entry.php?176-G-LIBERALS-GALTIES-BODY_SNATCHERS-amp-LI-L-CHRYSTEUNS-Find-It-EASY_2_B_HARD*

    Vulgar-Swishey-EFFEMINATE-MISANTHROPIC-NIHILISTIC-GayScify-LibProg-DemSoc is the World’s Religion, whether we like it or not.

    “America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within.” Quoting Josef Stalin


  165. I’m NOT, a RELIGIOUS PERSON. Pure White Light pulled me out of a murderous drunken blackout, 39 years and 6 days ago…EVERYBODY HATES ME—THAT’S COOL. The Godless are M-I-S-A-N-T-H-R-O-P-I-C AND PHOTOPHOBIC…


    I also believe in cigarettes, cholesterol, alcohol, carbon monoxide, masturbation, the Arts Council, nuclear weapons, the Daily Telegraph, and not properly labeling fatal poisons, but above all else, most of all, I believe in the one thing that can come out of people’s mouths: vomit.”
    ― Dennis Potter, The Singing Detective

    I never hung out in Gay bars, but, THIS, HAS TO BE WHAT CONVERSATIONS SOUND LIKE IN THEM..


    1. You do realize that among other things Nye is a stand up comedian. Whether you like his style or not, not one cares. If you deal with idiots for most of your day you get grumpy as I am now replying to you.

      1. Nikki, Ken Hamm was STUPID, TO DEBATE WITH THE SWISHEY LITTLE SODOMITE, as his little Throngs cheered him on…

        On C-Span, they keep playing, Thpeeeed-Walker-V-Ken Hamm…I didn’t watch it last February…I WON’T WATCH IT NOW… http://kryptonradio.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/obama-and-company.jpg

        However, on the blogs, I learnt just what a vulgar little STUPOR-HERO, the Darwinist is..
        http://media.bigshinyrobot.com/uploads/2013/09/s06e22_speedwalker19_big.jpg  THHHHPEEEEEED WALKER…Able to THROW YOU AND BLOW YOU, BEFORE YOU CAN FLIP HIM AND DICK HIM, N¡&&@$¿¿



      2. You little guys rule the world, Nikki, BE OF GOOD CHEER¿¿


        Discussion on Human Events

        “The President who is uninterested in other people”

        Altosackbuteer • 14 hours ago @ me
        Being brighter than you is like being brighter than a frog.

        A true statement, but one which can hardly give me any source of PRIDE. I’m SUPPOSED to be brighter than a frog.

        Gee —  MY ratio of Comments / Likes is almost 4 times higher than yours.

        If you LIKE getting few Likes, that simply means, in your heart of hearts, you know you’re a dumbo and don’t deserve any more. http://downloadpolitics.com/entry.php?543-Say-What-You-Will-About-Proud-Atheists-BUT-THEY-ARE-HYSTERICAL-SISSIES&bt=950#comment9501

        Corinthians 6:9-10
        9 Know you not that the unjust shall not possess the kingdom of God? Do not err: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers,

        10 Nor the EFFEMINATE, nor liers with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor railers, nor extortioners, shall possess the kingdom of God.

  166. He’s a Weenie, who has never heard the word, METAPHYSICS.. A VULGAR, PSEUDO-INTELLECTUAL, PRECOCIOUS, SMUG, LISPY, TESTOSTEROPHOBIC, autistic, sexually depraved Adult-Child, GROWN OLD¿?




  167. Then, there’s the little freak from England.

    Hyper-Sexual, ENVIOUS, GayScify-DemSoc-LibProg, ADULT-CHILDREN-OF-THE-DAMNED, RULE PLANET EARTH. It’s been a long time coming…


    Therefore, being an atheist – lacking the vital faculty of faith – should be seen as an affliction, and a tragic deficiency: something akin to blindness. Which makes Richard Dawkins the intellectual equivalent of an amputee, furiously waving his stumps in the air, boasting that he has no hands. Sean Thomas


  168. From a Gay-Baby-Travon-Slave, on Disqus, who appears to have converted to Satanism. WHAT ARE THE CHANCES¿¿


    Dead Himmler • 4 days ago
    I know this will fall on deaf ears but people PLEASE. The bible is a bunch of crap written by idiots. Grow up and stop believing in children’s tales. Time to be an adult.

    Dead Himmler • 4 days ago
    Satan told me that he knows you.

    Dead Himmler • 4 days ago
    I am gay. So we adopted.

  169. I’ve recently come across a new racing game for tablets, it’s called Real Race: Asphalt Road Racing and it looks nearly like a racing sim with arcade feel. Racing around dunes and grasslands, asphalt and highways, it’s like Need for Speed Carbon or Most Wanted, and as a matter of fact the newest edition, NFS: Rivals.
    On a scale of 1 to 10 I’d give it a strong 8. List of features is nearly overwhelming, and so is its playability. Besting the leaderboards really caughts you and you are instantly drawn in. It really reminded me of Asphalt Overdrive. Overall it is a awesome, ambitious free app.
    There are no pursuits with the police, but perhaps it’s for the best as multiplayer asphalt gameplay gives great opportunity to verify your cool underground drag racing prowess.
    On-screen high speed gives an illusion of literally being there and racing with top drivers as seen in TV. Stress rushes are not far and few.
    It boasts really state-of-the-art AI and I’m playing it already 6 times in a row or so and it’s still enjoyable and interesting. It is kinda kewl to drive and vanquish other players on 6 or so tracks. Game is like race with GT cars like race or asphalt.

  170. I wonder what is up with the 18 year pause. Not that I’m debating or denying the existence of AGW. Far be it from me to question 10,000 climate scientists. By the way, why do we need 10,000 climate scientists and who pays them? I bet it isn’t Big Oil.

  171. Bill Nye has a BS degree in an unrelated field. He is a comedian turned wannabe scientist. Who is he kidding? He talks about the education of others like he has a real degree.

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