Summer Chill: NOAA: 246 Low Max Records Broken or Tied From Sept 1 to Sept 10. Some records broken by 16F


NOAA – 246 Low Max Records Broken or Tied From Sept 1 to Sept 10. Some records broken by 16F

— sunshinehours1 @ 12:55 PM 
246 Low Max Records Broken or  Tied From Sept 1 to Sept 10 according to the NOAA.

A “Low Max” means that the maximum temperatures for the day was the lowest it has ever been. This indicates daytime cooling.

Below is a screenshot showing location and the biggest difference between old record and new record.

The list is just the ones I could capture in a screenshot.




356 Responses

  1. I love making fun of the “simpel-folk” who don’t understand Global Warming.. Anybody want to get BITCH-SLAPPED defending the climate-deniers. I’m an equal opportunity BITCH-SLAPPER, all are welcome. BATTA-BING!!

    1. Your Bio says, “I’m an activist.who believes in Truth, Honesty and Renewable Energy”
      Sweetheart, it should read, “I’m an Actively Bellowing Troll, Hurling Repetitive Excrement.”

      1. Sweetheart you need to learn how to be a capitalist with solar power. I can teach you how to redistribute wealth into your own pocket, or you can keep giving it to the koch brothers. The choice is yours.

        1. When they make affordable, attractive solar shingles that people want to buy without a subsidy then I’ll consider solar. I’ve not seen it yet so get to work. What they have in Germany is coercive, unsustainable and it’s ruining the aesthetics of the architecture.

      1. Sweetheart I find it offensive that you don’t understand science. The truth hurts, doesn’t it?????? When It comes to AGW, I take no prisoners. You “simpel-folk” need a wake up call. Sorry. BATTA-BING!!

    2. Democrats are too stupid to even know what the word GLOBAL means. It means ALL OVER THE ENTIRE WORLD….so HOW are record cold temps possible anywhere, IF it is getting warmer all over the entire world?
      HOW sniveling coward?

    3. You understand it, but you can’t explain it? That’s the problem with every AGW believer I’ve run into. They say they understand it, yet they can’t explain it. Go figure.

      1. Sweetheart the people that can explain AGW are the climate-scientists, publishing “peer-reviewed” studies. And I’m willing to bet you don’t have a clue on what the concluded, do you????????

          1. Sweetheart It’s very simple. When you add co2 to the atmosphere it traps heat and the globe gets warmer. The more co2 the hotter the globe. Get the idea??????

                1. Instead of googling world temperature charts, why don’t I just use a chart that AGW believers constantly refer to. See link below. As you can see, in the chart, the temperatures got colder between about 1940 and 1980 even though CO2 levels skyrocketed during that timeframe. I only asked a simple question of you who claims you understand AGW and others don’t. Why, if the AGW theory is correct, did the temperatures cool during that timeframe?

                  Here’s the link:

                  Question #2: Why have we not seen any statistical warming in the last 17 years even though (again) CO2 levels have increased?

  2. Care to comment, former vice president Al Gore? Doesn’t the pla-yann-et have a fa-hee-ver?

    Yes, I see, and no, you can’t f★★★ me or the horse I rode in on. I don’t even own a horse.

  3. Why is it every lunatic idea and notion about Mother Earth destroying herself since the late 1950s has been disproven to the nth degree through time?

    Yet, there always a distinct few who keep banging that moronic drum?

  4. It is I, Alberto Gorez, noted S. American Global Cooling Climatologist…and I am laughing in the faces of the non-believers. As I have written for a decade, prepare yourselves for Global Cooling!

        1. How could it. When I look up the sun seems so small to me. Heck, we all know the sun revolves around the earth and we are the center of the universe. It’s all about me.

  5. Democrats are too stupid to even know what the word GLOBAL means. It means ALL OVER THE ENTIRE WORLD….so HOW are record cold temps possible anywhere, IF it is getting warmer all over the entire world?
    Democrats tell the dumbest lies, and stupid people believe them.

      1. He’s got a point – Global warming means it gets warmer all over planet earth – yet we are seeing record lows? Does that mean the planet stopped global warming enough to make record lows?
        How does it get colder when the earth is warming. … yep – made sense to me.

          1. Okay, so let me get this straight – Global warming means rising average temperatures ACROSS THE GLOBE. Let me know if/when I go wrong.
            Now the argument was that we continue to see the lowest temperatures ever recorded during this warming period. Are you still with me?
            How are we getting the lowest temperatures recorded EVER while we’re supposed to believe the earth is getting hotter?
            If you can answer this question I think you can clear up all of the ‘confusion’ around your post.
            Go ahead, I’ll wait…

            1. This is global average temperature! Let me explain it in terms easy for you to understand. You turn the AC on in your double wide. Average temperature is set at 72 Degrees. You turn on the oven to cook your Turkey Pot Pie to 400. The average temperature in your double wide is still 72 Degrees even if in your oven (hot cooker thing) is 400 degrees and you know that the Freezer the (ice box thing to chilly your sweat tea) is 25 degrees. See there is a thing called average temperature and it is the Average not any one area at any one time. It is the average!!!

              1. By God, I think you did it Brian! I think you may had just successfully explained the basic mathematical concept of the Average or Mean to the knucklehead, science-illiterates on this board. You have accomplished what no remedial math, special ed teacher so far has. Have you ever considered a career in education?

          2. Look Brian has again proven that he is illiterate. Poor Brian he really is just a very stupid low life. Please ignore him and his comments because they are always stupid and hateful. Maybe he thinks his name is Brain?

              1. Wow you are so illiterate! Brian, you have to be on the government dole. I would send you a dictionary but it is obvious that you would not know how to use one. It is sad that you have disappointed your parents by becoming a very stupid low life. To all, you can just ignore Brian’s comments because they are always stupid and hateful. Brian, have you ever hurt small animals or children? Brian has your stupidity led you to alcohol and drug abuse? Looking forward to your next stupid comment, which will cause me to laugh again.

          1. So please stop being stupid. 1) There has been no global warming for almost 20 years. 2) There had been a slight warming before that time, that was well within the normal range of variation. 3) Before that period there had been global cooling for a number of years. 4) During that period, you same mentally retarded lunatics were screaming about the pending mini ice age. 5) So in the short period of 2-3 decades you have been hysterically crying that we were all going to freeze to death, then we were all going to be burned up in great desert fires, and now “climate change” has the mystical, magical power to cause every problem known to man, and then some. 6) Weather changes. That has been the nature of the planet for millions of years. Adjust yourself to that fact, and cease your insanity. You have become extremely tedious.

            1. Again you do not have any facts to back up your statement. 1. There has been global warming. 2. You state average and then normal variation it is not true. 3. One group of scientist have predicted that the melting of the ice caps could shut down process that brings tropical water North. This warms Europe if it stops every country north of France starts to resemble Canada. Will it happen who knows but it is a prediction.

              Do you not understand the term climate change. It is a variation from what we call normal! Most people in the world live along the oceans. Did you see what the Hurricane did to New Jersey and New York. One every hundred years is just expensive one every ten years makes that area of the country less habitable. Drought remember the dust bowl. Yes weather changes have been happening for millions of years but our modern society hasn’t been around millions of years. Get your head out of the sand!!!

      2. Do you believe in global warming??..Then your not stupid just wrong…The return of the ICE AGE in 1970tys got millions of dollars of tax money to study that idea…Y2K..Millions of tax monies to study that…Can you see a pattern here ?…TAX and SPEND..The truth about Democrats is they love spending your money….

        1. Just make stuff up as you go. The return of the ICE AGE was in movies!!! There wasn’t millions spent on studying it. Y2K where again millions was spent to correct the errors in the computer code. Gee the millions spent re writing the code worked!! You can try all you want you can’t pretend away science. The way to defeat science is with science not baloney something the denier crowd doesn’t have.

    1. Dems are really idiots…look at what they do, look at who they vote for…definition of crazy. Keep voting for the same idiot thinking you’ll get a different results.

    2. The dems are not stupid, they think that most Americans are stupid enough and lack the will to fight against a government that uses phrases like “climate change” and “clean water” to tax the people and regulate freedom and take away personal property. I think they are right. The American people have no will to fight because they are too busy playing with cell phones and watching TV.

          1. He’s both. He’s a complete boob, (failed college science as i understand it), but knows enough to manipulate the stupid into financing his bullsh*t.

  6. Guys all the data I have been looking at points to a coming ice that could start this year. If you are planning to buy a house I would not buy one that isn’t south of Kentucky. If you want to see how far south the glaciation will occur google north american ice age to see the map. WINTER IS COMING.

  7. IF the science is settled, then why do the Manmade Global Warming liars feel they have to come up with 52 different lies? Don’t democrats even know what the word settled means?
    They don’t know what Global means, they don’t know that climate and weather are synonyms, and now there is a new meaning for the word settled……
    Lying begets more lies…..and they get dumber and dumber and dumber

      1. All because the Government of China paid their solar companies to lose money on their products while the government will pick up the costs.

        Try reading the facts!

        1. You read the facts: 5) It’s all China’s fault. This one is complicated. China does provide hefty subsidies to its solar industry. As Climate Progress’s Stephen Lacey details, the Chinese Development Bank offers cheap long-term loans to domestic manufacturers that dwarf anything Solyndra ever got. That allows Chinese solar companies to offer cutthroat prices and drive competitors out. And yet, as Westinghouse Solar CEO Barry Cinnamon explains, it wasn’t China that caused Solyndra to go belly-up — the company had invented a solar panel that didn’t use silicon, unlike its competitors, and foundered after silicon prices plummeted.
          What’s more, the fact that China hurls money at solar isn’t necessarily a bad thing, since cheaper solar prices can benefit the United States too. The Energy Department seems to have recognized that going toe-to-toe with China on direct subsidies may be futile and is instead trying to focus on complementary efforts to bolster innovation, through programs like its Sunshot Initiative. Also, for all China’s subsidy frenzy, the United States still exported $1.9 billion of solar products last year and actually has a trade surplus in solar with China.

  8. Global warming causes record cold temperatures, that’s why we Democrats put trays of water into our ovens when we want to make ice cubes.
    The science is settled….and we know about science.

  9. It gets colder in the winter because there is less CO2 in the winter, Summer and winter have nothing to do with the heat of the sun. The science is settled

  10. The 0.02% of manmade CO2 is magic gas, because it controls the other 99.08%
    I’d explain how the magic CO2 works but you deniers know nothing about science

  11. Democrats are so stupid they just figured out that THE WEATHER CHANGEs…..but they still want to raise your taxes for it.
    You stupid Democrats do know that Climate and Weather are synonyms, right?
    Do you idiot clowns even know what a synonym is?

          1. And there were lots of tax increases in this bill. A bill that NOT ONE republican voted for. I noticed that you yet again changed the subject. Your mind wanders way too much, has your mom had you try Ritalin?

  12. Does anyone remember the prediction of the brilliant scientist Algore, who said that New York City would be under water by 2008? Those are the same kind of people that Jim Jones led and murdered down in Jonestown, Guyana. What ever happened to common sense? Just a thought!

    1. DIP SHTI THomas, look at Hurricane Sandy. NY CITY WAS UNDER WATER!!!!!!!
      $60,000,000,000.00 in damages from just ONE Storm. Sixty Billion Dollars. hahahahah

      You ph’cking stupid idiot!

        1. I just state the facts!!!

          How many record Heat temperatures in 2014? GOP Tea Baggers are too lazy to admit that.
          Record tornadoes in the mid-west. Record forest fires. $60,000,000,000.00 in just one storm: Hurricane Sandy!

          Dip SHTI Navy, talk about Hurricane Sandy: $60,000,000,000.00 in damages!


          1. You seem to have only one line. Hurricane Sandy and the same nonsense.
            Your posts are only making you look more and more ignorant. Better stop before you dig yourself any more into the hole of stupidity. lol

            1. Why are you such a complete As-Hole. I am stating Hurricane sandy was the most powerful. Gee, everyone knows it rains. AZ had the largest rain storm in 24 hours this past week = CLIMATE CHANGE>

              I talk about the LARGEST and the MOST Powerful and you get a hard-on if it rains. hahahahahh

        1. I just state the facts!!!

          How many record Heat temperatures in 2014? GOP Tea Baggers are too lazy to admit that.
          Record tornadoes in the mid-west. Record forest fires. $60,000,000,000.00 in just one storm: Hurricane Sandy!

          Dip SHTI Navy, talk about Hurricane Sandy: $60,000,000,000.00 in damages!


                    1. Talk about the $60,000,000,000.00 damages from Hurricane Sandy. the most powerful hurricane ever to hit the east coast of AMERICA!! facts!ell me!


                    2. The sky is falling, The sky is falling there has been a hurricane that hit a densely populated area and did a lot of damage! OMG That must be because of global warming!!!! My teacher told me so!

                    3. DIP SHTI, so what caused it to become the MOST POWERFUL hurricane in the history of the EAST COAST? Now talk about that!

                    4. What a joke. I can’t believe I wasted 5 minutes replying to your posts. Thanks, though, for proving yet again, that liberalism is a mental disorder.

                    5. Sorry…Gilbert and Andrew did more damage…and there were a dozen more that had more power than Sandy. Sandy just cost more because of where it hit.

                    6. You are an ignorant idiot. ‘Ignorant’ because you do not know and ‘idiot’ because you cannot learn. Sandy was not a hurricane when it hit the coast. Now what part of “Not a Hurricane” do you have trouble understanding?

                    7. Actually, no it wasn’t. It was barely a category one hurricane when it hit the east coast. However, it did combine with a northeaster to raise water levels. Hurricane Andrew and several others were far more powerful. The damages from Sandy were extraordinary not because of ‘global warming’, but because of a combination of contributing meteorological factors and the fact that more people now live in low-lying areas along the mid-Atlantic seaboard.

                    8. There were hurricanes back in the 1950’s that were more powerful then Sandy. But you’re not really interested in facts, you don’t state any facts.

              1. Really time for u libturds to stop watching the Madcow report and pick up a book!! We had record lows here and snowed in Wyoming!! Time for u to stop living in that libturd bubble utopia with pixy dust and unicorns.

          1. And yet, this is the lowest reported hurricane year since the 1800’s. FYI: Climate Change is here now. It has been since the Earth was formed 4 billion years ago. Here’s another interesting factoid, you liberal s l_ u t: The Farmer’s Almanac has predicted the weather over the last 200 years with better accuracy than any amount of doctored million-dollar science reports.

            Put that in your pipe and smoke it, comrade.

                1. I rode out Hurricane Ike…Sandy was a gasious fart compared to Ike. I was 100+ miles from the coast and was still getting 90mph wind gusts. Sandy’s winds dropped below hurricane force before it made landfall…it just happened to hit at the worst time for NY & NJ. If a REAL hurricane were to hit there…

              1. You need to pick up a history book, you liberal hizzo:

                1667–The Year Of The Hurricane–At a time when the Mid-Atlantic states of North Carolina, Virginia, and Maryland agreed to temporarily halt production of tobacco, a strong hurricane ripped through the Mid-Atlantic region on August 27th. While there was no recorded statistics such as where the storm made landfall, its track, and its forward speed and intensity. It destroyed 80 percent of the tobacco and corn while destroying some 15,000 homes in Virginia and Maryland.

                Accomack Storm of October 1693–This storm was captured by Mr. Scarburgh at his residence in Virginia’s Eastern Shore. Described by many weather record keepers as a very powerful storm, the Accomack Storm “cut inlets as far north as Fire Island, near New York City.”

                These made Sandy look like a minor thunderstorm. There are literally r50 others that meet that same criteria. Should I list them all, or teach you to purge that Kool-Aid you’ve been drinking?

                1. You Complete DIP SHTI: Hurricane Sandy was the MOST powerful Hurricane EVER to hit the East Coast of the USA!!!!. Comment about that!

                  In 1667, they still believed in witches!!!! hahahahhaha

                    1. Not your’s seeing you’re a 20 something white boy playing a hot chick (think hot-air head) on the internet. Thankfully mom is paying your bills and still cuts the crust off your PB&J sandwiches.

                    2. I just went there, Guess what they wrote about themselves: “Note: This is not a forecasting site! Do not use this site as your primary resource for tracking storms.”


                      They admit they do NOT Report the FACTS!

                    3. We can all tell how intelligent you are when you end every sentence with “hahahahahaha”. It’s not a forecasting site, m0r0n. It’s a history of every major storm to hit the East Coast.

                      Susan: “Hurricane Sandy was the worst Hurricane to ever hit America”.

                      No, you complete idl0t, it wasn’t

                    4. Wow, how stupid are you? You sink to new surprising depths with every statement. They are a repository for historical data. It has nothing to do with forecasting.

                  1. You have NO idea when or where the most powerful hurricane ever to hit the east coast happened. History is a lonnnnnng time, and we haven’t been around long enough to have observed what might have been the most powerful hurricane.

                  2. This is 2014 and I still believe in witches. In fact, I have proof that witches and stupid ho’s exist. (See commenter above.) But listen guys, don’t buy into the complete falsehood of “Susan”. She uses the avatar with the cleavage to throw you off. She is actually a fat, ugly, Jewish, sort-of-male named Maury Rubinstein. If Maury used her/his/its own picture, you would never read its comments. And, in fact, you shouldn’t read them. Don’t feed the troll.

                  3. You cannot just make shit up; Sandy was not a Hurricane when it hit the coast. And we have seen much worse back in the early 1900’s. You kids need to grow up and learn history.

              2. Here’s another FACT for ya…..we’ve always had hurricanes of varying stengths as long as history has been recorded. I grew up in Louisiana and have seen several of them. What caused the exact same hurricanes before so called global warming?

              3. Hurricane Sandy wasn’t even a category one when it made landfall in New Jersey/New York area. It was already downgraded to tropical storm status. Make up some more bs you basement-dwelling pajama boy!

              4. MAURY, SHUT UP WITH YOUR LIES, LIES, AND MORE LIES. Hurricane Sandy never hit the east coast. And it was WEAKER than every single hurricane that ever did hit the east coast. Those are the real facts – not your Communist, insane, lying fantasies.

          2. Don’t get your Tlts in an uproar. Fewer hurricanes and tornadoes this year. Wow, if I move to the coast, maybe MY house can get washed away. Drink the Kool Aid, enjoy the high.

          3. Unfortunately, you don’t have a clue as to how ignorant you are. It’s a blessing for you, but we just wish you could feel your own ignorance. In other words, you are ignorant of your ignorance.

          4. Susan:
            Wake up Climate Control/Global Warming is nothing but Government Taking “YOUR FREEDOM” CONTROLLING EVERYTHING YOU DO!! TAXING YOU FOR ANYTHING TO TOUCH,EAT,OR BREATH!! Wake UP Proven Fact: One Solar Flare from the Sun, can affect the Earth WEATHER for 10-20 yrs.

          5. You must be five. None of those things you claim are true. There were not record heat temperatures this year. The northern great lakes are still frozen from last winter. There were not a record umber of tornadoes. I live in Oklahoma and I know. Forest fires are only worse because of environmentalists who refuse to allow the brush to be cleaned up and removed which allows the fires to be bigger and harder to control; it has nothing to do with chicken little.

          6. Hurricane Sandy had nothing to do with Global Climate change. Please try to use a little common sense when misstating your voodoo Global Climate Change religion.

          7. You state liberal hogwash talking points that you’ve been told are facts. Climate Change has always been here. The Climate has never been stable. Man made climate change is an insidious fraud and a lie that has caused more damage than any tornado.
            It’s all BS, It’s all about power and pushing people around. Environmentalists don’t give a damn about the air or the water or the planet. They care about money, and power, and causing pain, and destroying the future. Phony pukes all of them.

      1. Not on point and don’t even try the climate change line. This is about “global WARMING and how the proponents of the now ludicrous manmade global warming is completely fallacious. It isn’t Democrat or Republican it is scam artists fooling people so ready to find their own species at fault that thye will believe a nicely wrapped lie over any truth..

      2. You are a racist! Your comments prove it. Obama did not kill Osama but he killed almost every single one of Seal Team Six after he outed them while bragging and taking credit for the bin Laden kill they were killed in a single rocket attack a month later because of O’s big mouth.

      3. It’s great when morons self-identify. Thanks cupcake. And you’re a racist, too. Nice personality combination. You must be really popular. Now go to bed like a good little drone and leave the tough thinks like thinking to those of us that can. You’re just going to hurt yourself if you try.*

  13. Hey al, that cool $1,000,000,000.00 that you scammed. WE WANT A REFUND, C!OCKSUCKER! Madoff went to prison, al you need to join him or ask your pals to let him out.

    1. Al is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the fraud and chicanery, that was going on when they thought they had us bamboozled. Those carbon credits were printed up and ready sell on the street. “Money for nothin”.

  14. I wants glowball warmin. It be too cold ta hide tings I tooks from da walmart under my fat flaps in da winter!. I slips n falls in da ice when da police be chasin me

      1. cute. Part of NY City was under water due to Hurricane Sandy. $60,000,000,000.00 worth of damages. Or did you forget?

        NJ Gov Crispy Creame walking hand-in-hand with your BLACK POTUS Obama. there goes Crrispy’s chance in 2016! Bye-bye!!!

  15. It’s now called climate change because the alarmists could not create a coherent argument when it was not hot. The terminology change has made it possible for them to be hysterical not matter what happens with the weather.

    1. How many record Heat temperatures in 2014? GOP Tea Baggers are too lazy to admit that.
      Record tornadoes in the mid-west. Record forest fires. $60,000,000,000.00 in just one storm: Hurricane Sandy!

  16. Part of NY City was under water due to Hurricane Sandy. $60,000,000,000.00 worth of damages. Or did you forget?

    NJ Gov Crispy Creame walking hand-in-hand with your BLACK POTUS Obama. There goes Crispy’s chance in 2016! Bye-bye!!!

  17. Hey Everyone: I just asked Navyvetew1 what about the $60,000,000,000.00 worth of damages from Hurricane Sandy. He replied: “What was the name of that hurricane?”


  18. “Knock knock.”

    “Who’s there?”

    “Global Warming.”

    “Seriously, who’s there?”

    “Umm.. Climate Change.”

    “Enough already. Who’s there really?”

    “Ahh, you got me. It’s Al Gore. Can I have some money?”

    “Go away Al.”

      1. So he was in it for the money the whole time? He wasn’t a real scientist? He encouraged people to waste billions on doctored numbers? He isn’t around to tell us why we are experiencing record cold snaps and Ice Cap growth?

        That’s the only smart comment you’ve made on this forum so far. Pat yourself on the tlts.

        Oh yeah: hahahahahahahha


      2. True, he did sell his TV station to a group called Al Jazeera America. The network is owned by the Qatari government, which is run by the Al Thani family. But they haven’t been honoring the agreed upon contract and not paying the money set forth in the contract. So now Al is suing them.

  19. GOP Tea Baggers will love reading this:

    Palin Family
    Allegedly Involved In A Brawl


    Palin Family Allegedly
    Involved In A Brawl

    A majority of the Palin
    family — Sarah, Todd, Bristol, and Track — was allegedly involved in a
    booze-filled brawl over the weekend in which the former vice presidential
    candidate reportedly screamed, “Don’t you know who I am?”

    According to reports
    from local bloggers, the Palin crew showed up at a party in Wasilla following a
    day at the Iron Dog snowmobile race.

    According to local blogger Amanda Coyne, witnesses at the
    scene said Palin’s eldest son, Track, showed up to the party in a stretch
    Hummer. He then confronted a man who had previously dated one of his sisters,
    according to Coyne and another blog called Immoral Minority.

    “That led to some
    pushing and shoving, which escalated somehow to the family being asked to leave
    the premises,”

    “Word is that Bristol
    has a particularly strong right hook, which she employed repeatedly, and it’s
    something to hear when Sarah screams, “Don’t you know who I am!” Coyne

    “This isn’t some damned
    Hillbilly reality show!” a party-goer allegedly yelled, making a possible
    reference to “Sarah Palin’s Alaska,” a failed reality series that ran for nine
    episodes between Nov. 2010 and Jan. 2011.

    “As people were leaving
    in a cab, Track was seen on the street, shirtless, flipping people off, with
    Sarah right behind him, and Todd somewhere in the foreground, tending to his
    bloody nose,” a witness told Coyne.

    Anchorage police
    declined to provide details told Immoral Minority that none of the parties
    involved wanted to press charges. No arrests were made.

    Anchorage police did not immediately respond to
    The Daily Caller’s request for a police report.

    1. 13 th. Amendment: Abolish Slavery
      100% Republican support
      23% Democrat support

      14 th. Amendment: Gave Citizenship to freed Slaves
      94% Republican Support
      0 % Democrat Support

      15 th. Amendment: Gave Right to Vote to ALL
      100 % Republican Support
      0 % Democrat Support

      86% Democrat Support
      0% Republican Support


      2009 – 36.1 million
      Americans in poverty.

      2014 – 46.7 million
      Americans in poverty.

      THAT’S a 34% increase in
      five years…

      2009 – 27.2 million
      Americans of Food Stamps.

      2014 – 47.8 million
      Americans on Food Stamps.

      THAT’S a 45% increase in
      five years…

      2009 – Median income in
      America $52,000

      2014 – Median income in
      America $46,000

      THAT’S a 12% loss in
      five years.


      And my favorite for last:

      Barack’s “complete transformation” of America was 100% correct. After all, Obama wrote in his book, “Audacity of Hope”, on page 261 the following, “l will stand with the Muslims!”

      Sarah Palin walked a media gauntlet and came out of it stronger than ever. Can you say the same for Barack? How are those approval ratings looking right about now>?

    2. PS…. if you really care to check, This story is made up by a blogger.
      No address given for the so called place that it happened.
      No pictures, no video and police report,

      Poor losers.

  20. The Global Warming Petition Project – a petition signed by over 31,000 American scientists,

    including over 9000 PHD’s.

    The Petition Text:

    “We urge the United States Government to reject the global warming agreement that was written in Kyoto,
    Japan in December, 1997, and any other similar proposals. The proposed limits on greenhouse gases would
    harm the environment, hinder the advance of science and technology, and damage the health and welfare of mankind.

    There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth.”

  21. What a ph’cking loser Game On is:

    “Game On susan • 13 minutes ago

    Oh, how I wish we were still in the 1600’s. I’d be the one lighting the fire beneath your stanky feet. You want facts? Stop watching TMZ, Comedy Central and MSNBC. Try a true and trusted source:”.

    I just went to that site. This is what GOP TEA BAGGER Game On is following:

    I just went there, Guess what they wrote about themselves: “Note: This is not a forecasting site! Do not use this site as your primary resource for tracking storms.”


    They admit they do NOT Report the FACTS!

    1. We can all tell how intelligent you are when you end every sentence with “hahahahahaha”. It’s not a forecasting site, m0r0n. It’s a history of every major storm to hit the East Coast.

      Susan: “Hurricane Sandy was the worst Hurricane to ever hit America”.

      No, you complete idl0t, it wasn’t. Great effort for slander though. Your mom must be very proud.

  22. I’m pretty certain, the majority of American are saying…..’F’ uck the rural doublewide livin GOP buffoons……Just vote the GOP to the curb in Nov.
    Perhaps you GOP buffoons sould be a lot concerned about the Tidal Wave of New Black, Brown, and Women Voters heading to the Polls in November rather than trying to sell denial about climate change down river….

    1. 1. The artic sea froze over from the shores of RUSSIA to those of CANADA.
      2. Thousands of temperature and snow fall records were broken in the US.
      3. About 73% of the US was covered in snow.
      4. About 93% of the surface area of the Great Lakes frozen and at this time is still
      thawing out.
      5. In international news it snowed in CAIRO, EGYPT and TEL AVIV ISREAL both of
      which are on the MEDITERANIAN and in the TROPICS.
      6. In AUSTRAILIA which was in it’s summer season it snowed in the higher elevations.

      But, you’re right, there are plenty of other issues we can crucify the liberal agenda-pushers with:

      What every collectivist liberal truly believes:

      U.S. borders are oppressive and discriminatory against people from other nations.
      Equal opportunity is unjust without equal outcome.
      Success is inherently unfair. Failure is always someone else’s fault.
      The positive results of hard work are only the product of blind luck.
      Individual rights must yield to group rights.
      Every desire is an absolute necessity and entitlement.
      Every grievance, no matter how petty, must be satisfied.
      You must pay for someone else’s bad decisions.
      Producers must be regulated by bureaucrats who produce nothing.
      Abortion is not murder. It’s a woman’s choice that should be paid for by others.
      Keeping your money is selfish. Taking it to redistribute is compassionate.
      Every social problem can be solved by throwing more tax dollars at it.
      Actual results are always secondary to good intentions.
      Major decisions in your life are better made by government.
      Government knows how to spend your money better than you do.
      Giving up true liberty is a small price to pay for false security.

      Then there’s:

      a. Fast and Furious automatic weapons GIVEN to Narcos.
      b. Now opening the borders to Narco Gangs.
      c. Swamping Law Enforcement with looking after tens-of-thousands unaccompanied Mexican children-aliens.
      d. Blocking Keystone pipeline, to deprive the US of jobs and energy.(45 times)
      e. Destroying the morale of the Military by allowing fraud at the VA, depriving Vets of medical care.
      f. Destroying the American medical system with Obamacare.
      g. Ending our friendship with England and Israel, our long-term allies.
      h. Overborrowing, so we can never get out of debt, to debase and destabilize the dollar.
      i. Releasing many thousands of Mexican felony criminals, including murderers, so they can strike again.
      j. Downsizing the Military to Pre-WWII size.
      k. Throwing away all the hard-won gains in Iraq and Afghanistan.
      l. Waging a subtle war against Christianity, while encouraging Islam.
      M. Trading an American deserter/defector for 5 top notch Taliban commanders, including a 9/11 World Trade Center Planner.

      Yeah, “global warming” is just a scratch on the surface.

        1. Right back at ya, patriot. Facts are the wrench in the liberals clockwork. It usually doesn’t sink in but we have to hold our ground. I want this country back and I know you feel the same way. Hang in there, bud. 2016 is closer than you think. Cheers!

      1. WOW! Very nicely done.

        Is all of that your own material? If so, you did your homework. If not you should give proper accreditation, but it’s still great.

        Item “C” should include most of Latin America. Mexico is only a portion of those entering illegally.

        This one needs a little more info.

        “i. Releasing many thousands of Mexican felony criminals, including murderers, so they can strike again.”

        People need to know, for those who don’t already, this is actually a textbook communist tactic. Cause the people to be so overwhelmed by crime that they will beg for anyone or anything to save them. Naturally the communists will step right up to save the day, so long as you sell your soul to them.

    2. You mean headed for prisons to appease the industrial prison system when Obozo releases all the drug pushers and addicts.

      Just another union goon jobs program.

    3. Well, maybe we “sould” do a lot of things, but vulgar language isn’t one of them and trying to condemn someone for living in a doublewide isn’t either.

      Of course my Latino, Mexican national, wife would likely take issue with your last comment. Should I ask her?

      The bottom line is your rant looks like the political death throws of the leftists who overran the Democrat party as they’re facing being tossed out in November.

      The United States Constitution. Frustrating leftists since 1781.

    1. Don’t be too quick to condemn scientists. Yes, there has been a small number of crooked, lying scum who cheated, lied, distorted facts, and destroyed data. But this is very far from being all scientists. I know that Black Bama and the Great and Powerful Gore always say that all scientists agree with them. But that is simply a Great and Powerful *LIE* from lying liars, who are not telling the truth. I am a scientist, and I absolutely do not agree. I personally know a number of real scientists – unlike Gore, who did NOT actually invent the Internet. They are all university professors with doctoral degrees in geology, physics, and astrophysics. And they all agree that man-made global warming is pure hogwash.

  23. That can not be, Obama said it is all settled, we will burn from the CO2 and the carbon tax will save us. Come on people give the money to the democrats and they will stop talking about the worming and will start on cooling tax that we must pay not to freeze from global cooling.

  24. Wow, the posters on here are really lazy. Did anyone bother to click on the link above to the actual data from NOAA? While there were 246 low max records set in the period in question, there have been 228 high min records set in the past week. And considering this particularly time period was likely cherry picked by this site (i.e. “climatedepot”) to demonstrate their politically motivated point, you can bet that most weeks are skewed towards warmer temps.

    1. In other news, there are now 52 excuses for the “pause” in global warming.

      Imagine that.

      One can only wonder if there will be a meeting to come to a “consensus” to pick out the favorite one and then call that “science”.

  25. Its that deadly Global Warming….People sit around and figure out if they pay scientists enough they could lie for them, and say the world is heating, just like the same guys who said the same thing in the 70’s but we would freeze to death by the 90’s…There a sucker born every day today the sucker is a liberal……..

  26. It is not about the weather but about the casino of carbon taxes the Banksters will trade as derivatives.

    The new carbon credit market is a virtual repeat of the commodities-market
    casino that’s been kind to Goldman Sachs, except it has one delicious new
    wrinkle: If the plan goes forward as expected, the rise in prices will be
    government-mandated. Goldman won’t even have to rig the game. It will be rigged in advance.

    Here’s how it works: If the bill passes, there will be limits for coal plants, utilities, natural-gas distributors and numerous other industries on the amount of carbon emissions (a.k.a. greenhouse gases) they can produce per year. If the companies go over their allotment, they will be able to buy “allocations” or credits from other companies that have managed to produce fewer emissions. President Obama conservatively estimates that about $646 billion worth of carbon credits will be auctioned in the first seven years; one of his top economic aides speculates that the real number might be twice or even three times that amount

  27. But, but, but…it’s the polar vortex, cooling is the new warming, eh, kill all the deniers, eh, please, please, please buy my carbon taxes, never mind the man behind the curtain…I am the great and powerful Gore, I’ll fry you next summer. I deserve your money and obedience, buy my carbon credits, I order you….perhaps, Elsa is loose and we must get Anna to get her to let it go.

  28. I agree with the sentiments that Global Warming/Climate Change is Hogwash. Bit of advice though, let trolls spout. Don’t use profanity and name calling to make your case. it cheapens the debate and stop folks taking you seriously.

  29. Sunspots have been very quite this year, perhaps that bug fusion ball in the sky DOES have an effect…Arctic circle ice increasing.

    The temperatures seem about as cool as they normally do towards the end of October; Seems to me this summer is ending about a month early in the Valley of the Sun.

  30. LOOK at the broader trend. The year 2013 ties with 2003 as the fourth warmest year globally since records began in 1880. The annual global combined land and ocean surface temperature was 0.62°C (1.12°F) above the 20th century average of 13.9°C (57.0°F). This marks the 37th consecutive year (since 1976) that the yearly global temperature was above average. Currently, the warmest year on record is 2010, which was 0.66°C (1.19°F) above average. Including 2013, 9 of the 10 warmest years in the 134-year period of record have occurred in the 21st century. Only one year during the 20th century—1998—was warmer than 2013.

    1. If the AGW crowd looked at the broader trend they would admit the earth has been warming for hundreds of years, Thousands when considering the last ice age. That 2010 was not the warmest year on record and the data has been “homogenized” and “adjusted”.

    2. YES, lets look at the broader trend, in climate that would be say 8,000 years. The trend is dead flat with a aprox. 1.5 C plus/minus variation (ice core data). We are still within those limits, even with the cherry picked-adjusted data. Then look at the way the climate community is gathering and processing it’s data and you start to see real problems. NOAA credibility is on the line, a once respected organization has fallen prey to politics in lieu of science. Armed with hollow point buttets, NOAA is in danger of being seen as a lap dog for the FED PC police.

  31. More and more it looks like those who say any global climate changes are due to the sun itself and are not man made. The media and democrats have to be careful however not to report that, because they could lose a good portion of those folks votes who are single issue voters.

    1. NOAA is a government agency. It gets paid by the government to push it’s government agenda. Over the years now it has downplayed every cold spell, or raise in global ice coverage.

    1. It’s what happens when liberals try to social engineer people to live in mega cities so they can be controlled and made dependent. Yet they lack the intellect to make it succeed.


    This filthy hack Maury Rubinstein, using the pseudonym “Susan” keeps whining about Hurricane Sandy being the most powerful hurricane to ever hit the east coast of the US. And he says that “fact” proves all his false statements are true. But, as usual, the real facts are always getting in the way of the Jew=Communist=Leftist=Marxist=Progressive=Democrat. In the REAL WORLD, that event never occurred. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric
    Administration reaffirmed its initial conclusion that Hurricane
    Sandy was no longer a hurricane when it made landfall on Oct.
    29 near Brigantine, N.J., just north of Atlantic City. Therefore, the REAL FACTS are directly opposed to the lies of Maury/Susan. Every single hurricane that ever struck the east coast was more powerful – not less!

  33. The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

    H. L. Mencken

    A problem that doesn´t exist is just the kind of problem that pols like to address, because they will be able to claim success when the nonexistent threat fails to materialize. Get ready next to ward off the threat of the zombie apocalypse.
    I don´t care how many trillions it takes, we must stop that damn climate from changing (formerly warming) all the time! Pass a law if necessary.

  34. Hmm, wasn’t it the NOAA that told us back in June that their “records” showed it was the warmest Spring on record, only to be proved wrong within hours… Since when is the nation’s weather bureau been used as a tool for politicians? Seems since Obama took office, that’s when…

    1. What gov’t agency is not being used for a political agenda under Obama? I don’t believe any of them any more. In fact I would like to see every one of them deleted.

  35. 500 million years ago the planet had 5,000 parts per million of CO2 in the atmosphere. (Today we have a mere 400ppm.) In those days plants grew enormous and produced an abundance of oxygen allowing for giant critters. For fifty million years the world did not turn into a desert and the oceans did not turn into acid. After fifty million years of 5000ppm of CO2 the planet had an ice age last millions of years. The CO2 failed to stave off the ice age. The Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming is nonsense and a lie. THE NOAA routinely adds temperature readings from their computer models to real world data in order falsify the temperature and raise it in order to scare us. In real science you predict things and if they happen your theory is true. Chicken little alarmists have yet to predict a single thing that has come true.

  36. Since the northern hemisphere is having record low temps and the southern hemisphere is in winter then somewhere in the world there must be really high temperatures. Therefore we must bottle up this cold air, ship and release it where it’s hot.

    1. The issue isn’t whether the planet has warmed; it’s the cause of the warming. The pause we have seen over the last 17 years calls into question whether CO2 is responsible.

  37. It’s a bit frightening, maybe even alarming at how wed to the warming/climate disruption theory democrats, scientist and environmentalist are. I read yesterday that there have been at least 50 different explanations as to why there has been a pause in the warming (at least they acknowledge it), meanwhile co2 levels keep going up, up and up. If they didn’t want to bankrupt us to “save” us, I’d almost be embarrassed for them.

  38. And speaking of “global warming”: Record breaking summer snowstorms in the Rockies, hey?

    And it’s happening because we now know that global warming causes
    global cooling, which was predicted by all of the global warming models
    all along, right?.

  39. Interesting just how extremely the new records vary from the old – how I wish for global warming, fraudulent though the whole scam was. Not to worry….the professional alarmists, after a decent pause in their hysterical pronouncements, will quickly adjust their propagandist rhetoric – we mustn’t let “the people,” after all, simply run around doing whatever they want, making their own choices, and acting without our prescient supervision. Why, the peasants might hurt themselves and Mother Earth if we foolishly let them do whatever they feel like doing. We should look to the examples of Josef Stalin, Chairman Mao, and Pol Pot to control the baser instincts of the peasants. And if we have to kill a couple hundred million of them to set the example, well, so be it.

  40. The temps here on earth are largely controlled by the solar maximum and solar minimum, not CO2. Besides, water vapor is the most prevalent “greenhouse gas”.

  41. MONEY…Your money..It is just another way to TAX YOU….Look were 50 years of liberalism as gotten the African Americans..We have voted for these democrats long enough..Why do you think they our letting millions of people come here to live and we can,t find our self a job..Votes ,,Give them welfare money and who will they vote for?The white and Uncle Tom,s liberals like Jackson and Sharpton don,t care ..They rich ,they got there money dancing for the progressive party like Mr Bojangles..Now they want to tell us they can control the weather yet can,t get the black man a job….I have had enough of lies lies lies from the democrats…

    1. Remember the scene in Pappillion when the guards would ring a bell to inform the sharks lunch is served when dumping a dead body into the deep? Anyone know where that bell is now? Might come in handy if Fat Albert Gore decides to go for a swim.

  42. Algore is so concerned about Global Warming causing the sea levels to rise that he bought a $9 million BEACHFRONT villa just so he can monitor it up close.

  43. Read the Socialist’s handbooks and you will see why you are being fed this crap; believe and you are really ignorant to the reality that is happening! Because some dumb singing artist or actor tells you so, you believe it?? Dumb sh@ts are going to be our great countries downfall I’m afraid!

  44. Global Warming…the largest fraud perpetuated on the American people EVER compliments of the Democrat Party…wake up dumb people their solution the entire time has been for you to pay more taxes (should have been your first clue you pathetic drones!)…DUH…CHUMPS for corrupt democrat politicians

  45. The same knuckleheads that tell you the cold we’re experiencing is weather not climate…are the same knuckleheads that scream “global warming, global warming” every time a storm blows through. They have absolutely no credibility left with this chicken-little crap-ola. But if nothing else, they are great at being obnoxious, loud, tedious, and annoying.
    PS: Take a jacket to your global warming protest. It’s unusually cold outside.

  46. A tip of the hat to Mr. Gorez who is not aware that global warming means the AVERAGE over the entire GLOBE, and this includes the oceans which make up about 2/3 of the globe. Speaking of stupid, I guess that Mr. Gorez is to stupid to be aware of this. Also in such a large complex system average kind of means that there will be deviations from the average. I suspect that Mr. Gorez never took, let alone passed a class in statistics.

    This pattern of AGW sort of follows that of, and is similar to the arguments used to deny the correlation between smoking and cancer and a host of other diseases. You had actual scientists looking at the best avaialbe evidence on one side, and then you had paid charlatans with degrees in science working for corporations whose interests were threatened on the other. That was not 100% mind you, but it was pretty much how the advocates of the two positions lined up.

    Now in this case on one side we have not only actual scientists doing their best to explain available information in light of best understood inplications of thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, black body radiation etc. but you have almost all other life forms on the planet. By other forms of life, I mean almost every entity on the planet living in all but the most except extreme areas.

    So we have animals, plants, fish, single celled organisms etc. etc. And they are almost all moving up the sides of mountains, to higher elevations, or to the poles. Fish are doing this. Single celled plants and organisms are doing this.

    Put another way if intelligence measures how well you sense and adapt to your environment, then those who deny global warming are dumber than fish and micro-organisms.

    Now if we accept GW, the next question is: what causes it? Trust me, it is not the sun which for the past 50 years has remained fairly constant or produced less radiation over that time while temperatures have risen. It has not changed much in the past 2000 years. Neither has known cosmic ray counts. This leaves galactic unicorn farts and CO2. We know about CO2, and how it would work, and the most likely results. We have no evidence of unicorn farts, but we do know about bloviation sources from hot air producesr.

    And speaking of hot air producers. This is a standard equation in statistics, the gausian integral. If you can not follow the proof, then you do not have a basic understanding of one of the most basic equations in statistics, which means that you do not understand statistics, which means that you are as competent to argue a point of view on AGW as you are to advocate competing forms of cancer treatment without ever having had a course in biology.

    But since you probably accutely suffer from Dunning-Kruger effect:, by all means continue to bloviate.

  47. Set a reminder and Join the Liberty Blitz on Oct 20. Lets pass out the founding principles of this nation. help us spread the word of liberty. Together we can force a conversation throughout this nation, all by using our own personal printing presses at home.
    Spread the message on Facebook, Twitter, instagram and any other social media as well. This is a simple and easy thing that we can all do together in order to begin the re-education of America. 45

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