Flashback: Meteorologist Anthony Watts on ‘adjusted’ U.S. temperature data: ‘In the business and trading world, people go to jail for such manipulations of data’

Related Links updated February 8, 2015:

Flashback: Climatologist Dr. Pat Michaels: ‘The raw temperature data is continually adjusted to show more warming’ – PATRICK J. MICHAELS and PAUL C. “CHIP” KNAPPENBERGER: U.S. temperature ‘history has been repeatedly “revised” to either make temperatures colder in the earlier years or warmer at the end’ –‘A major and ongoing federal effort has been to try and cram these numbers into the box imposed by the theory that gives the government the most power—i.e., strong global warming.’ – ‘Please be advised that this history has been repeatedly “revised” to either make temperatures colder in the earlier years or warmer at the end.  Not one “adjustment” has the opposite effect, a clear contravention of logic and probability.  While the US has gotten slightly warmer in recent decades, compared to the early 20th century, so have the data themselves.  It’s a fact that if you just take all the thousands of fairly evenly-spaced “official” weather stations around the country and average them up since 1895, that you won’t get much of a warming trend at all.   Consequently a major and ongoing federal effort has been to try and cram these numbers into the box imposed by the theory that gives the government the most power—i.e., strong global warming.’

NOAA’s National Climatic Data center caught cooling the past – modern processed records don’t match paper records – ‘The average state temp records used in current trends analysis by NCDC do not reflect actual published records of such as they appeared in Monthly Weather Reviews and Climatological Data Summaries of years past…looked at entire years of data from 1920s & 1930s for numerous different states & found that this ‘cooling’ of old data was fairly consistent across the board…Is this purposeful mendacity, or just another example of confirmation bias at work?’

Rewriting Their Own Temperature Past At The National Academy Of Sciences: ‘Massively altered temp history since their 1975 report. They have eliminated most of the 1940-1970 cooling’ – ‘If they didn’t tamper with the data, there is no global warming since 1940.’ – In 1978, NOAA reported 0.5C global cooling from 1960-1965. NAS has almost completely erased that.’

NASA’s James Hansen in 1999 before feds tampered with temp data: ‘In U.S. there has been little temperature change in past 50 years…in fact, there was a slight cooling throughout much of country’

U.S. ‘Hottest Year’ ever?! ‘The past has been massively cooled, and the present has been massively warmed. A cooling trend has been turned into a warming trend, by adjusting the data’ – ‘NOAA makes bold press releases based on hugely altered data, and makes no mention that the data is altered. Then when called out, they claim that the adjustments are small, when in fact the adjustments are larger than the trend. The 1930s used to be by far the hottest decade, before the data was adjusted’

Exciting News from NASA’s James Hansen – The 1970s Ice Age Scare Has Now Been Completely Erased — Temperature revisions wipe out past cooling! – Hansen ‘has succeeded in erasing the entire cooling trend from 1940 to 1975.’

Rewriting The Past At The Ministry Of Truth: ‘In 1975, NCAR’s graph of global cooling showing temps plummeted from 1945 to 1970 — Muller’s 2011 graph, showed that the cooling never happened’ – ‘The cooling after 1950 has disappeared. Winston Smith would be proud!

The Past Cannot Be Erased: Treasure Trove Of 1970s ‘Global Cooling’ Articles Uncovered — ‘Popularity of scientists predicting an ice age is very clear up to 1979′

The Past Cannot Be Erased: Treasure Trove Of 1970s ‘Global Cooling’ Articles Uncovered — ‘Popularity of scientists predicting an ice age is very clear up to 1979′

The Real Hockey Stick: ‘US summer temperatures have declined over the last 80 years’ — But ‘NCDC has created a hockey stick of adjustments, cooling older temperatures by as much as two degrees’

Presto! There was no global temperature standstill! Warmists rewrite temperature data to claim: ‘Global Warming Since 1997 Underestimated by Half’ – Physicist Dr. Lubos Motl ridicules new study: ‘The climate alarmists didn’t like the people’s increasing knowledge of the ‘global warming hiatus’ – about the 350th proof that they’re pseudoscientists – so they needed a paper to ‘explain’ the hiatus away.’ — ‘To make the story short, they decided that HadCRUT4 can’t be perfect if it shows too little warming trend since 1997 or 1998. So a problem with HadCRUT4 has to be found out. They decided that the gaps in the reported temperature are the problem and this problem may be exploited. So they designed a new method to “guess” the missing temperature data at various weather stations and various moments by extracting some data from the satellites. They liked the result, it seemed to be able to calculate the missing figures – and especially because the warming trend since the late 1990s was raised by about 0.5 °C per century which means that it doubled or tripled relatively to the “statistical zero” reported by HadCRUT4.
Presto: Adjust temps to create more warming: ‘The adjustments they are making are greater than claimed trend, meaning that all man made US warming is occurring inside ORNL & GISS computers’ – ‘Almost 2 degree US upwards adjustment trend being applied by USHCN between the raw thermometer data and the published monthly data…There is no legitimate physical explanation would would explain such a regular trend in temp bias – other than UHI, which has opposite polarity’


1,043 Responses

  1. The USA citizens and US Military do not even know who the current administration’s POTUS is or is not because their POTUS’s records were sealed by executive order on day one for the very first time in USA history. Everyone in the world lives in fear to ask why hid the POTUS records.

          1. I think his avatar and user name are all the that is necessary. Although I’m sure there are few afros that have named their children LaTrinius.

          1. Everybody here who hates LàTrinius hates black people. Y’all hate Obama, dontcha? Michael Brown. O.J. Simpson. Richard Sherman. Marshawn Lynch. Adrian Peterson. Ray Rice. Minister Farrakhan. You hate ’em all. White people stole over a quadrillion dollars from Americans in the bankster bailout, but you don’t hate them, oh no. Senator Jon Corzine stole a billion dollars from his clients at MF Global, but he OK cuz he white.

                    1. Actually, the most prolific serial killers are all Hispanic. #1 is Luis Garavito according to wikipedia.

                1. So you’re focused on color. Made my point.
                  Unless ALL people of one color are stealing as such, you are declaring yourself a racist in your desire to paint it that way.

                2. one word Obama….the largest thief in U.S.history…
                  Not back to the actual subject the even larger theif being attempted by all the Governments of the world i.e. Global(bs) warming

                3. Welfare, food stamps, section 8, affirmative action, crime, incarceration all cost the country money that without blacks we’d have a heck of a lot more of it.

                4. So what would cause you to reach the foolish and lazy conclusion that it is ok with white folks for other white folks to steal from them? You are clearly not doing much thinking or observing. Educate yourself just a little bit would ya’?

                  1. Senator Jon Corzine remains a free man. He stole over $1 billion from his clients at MF Global. You expect Darrell Issa to do something about it? He’s too busy trying to “act white”.

                5. I go by right and wrong, NOT right or left.. You say white cause you think that means right wing conservitives. You won’t dare say brown cause it mihgt mean left wing destroyers of America…

                6. you should look into an organization called the United Nations, my friend. plenty of multi-racial theft and corruption going on over their. And a lot of it is OUR money.

                7. No, it’s Obama. In just one instance, he stole $500 million of taxpayer money to give to Solyndra. They declared bankruptcy less than a year later. This was just one of the companies he gave money too. Now the real question is how much of that money is in an overseas bank account with Obama owning and controlling it? I’m sure his name isn’t on it as he isn’t that stupid.

                    1. It was the wealthy demoncrats, black and white. Al Sharpton, for instance. He owes a bunch in back taxes, but doesn’t seem to have any problems with the IRS.

                    1. Well, they’ve figured out how to fool half of America…that’s no small task. Tesla was white, so was Edison. Einstein too if you consider Jews white – which I do.

                      Here’s a list of inventions/achievements from the white people as well:
                      – That computer you’re typing on
                      – The software that drives your computer
                      – The Internet & nearly all web applications
                      – Recorded music
                      – Motion picture
                      – TV
                      – Radio
                      – Camera
                      – Telephone
                      – Light bulb
                      – Automobile
                      – Rocketry (modern)
                      – Satellite
                      – Spacecraft
                      – Airplane
                      – Skyscraper
                      – Telescope
                      – Printing press
                      – Eyeglasses
                      – Contact lenses
                      – Microwave oven
                      – Metallurgy (most discoveries and methods)
                      – Materials science (plastics, compounds, & most other synthetics)
                      – 95% of medical advancements
                      – 95% of life saving pharmaceutical drugs
                      – Modern food preservatives
                      – Most scientific breakthroughs over the past 1000 years
                      – The bulk of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology
                      – Astronomy (most discoveries and mapping techniques)
                      – Sea navigation (most advancements)
                      – Discovery of DNA
                      – Genetics (most research)
                      – Microscope
                      – Laser technology and its myriad of uses
                      – Harnessing electricity
                      – Nuclear energy
                      – Wireless technology
                      – Air conditioning devices
                      – Refrigeration
                      – Modern agricultural techniques
                      – Modern democracy

                8. LOL, your obsession with skin color tells me who is really the racist. Why is it that people that like to cry “racist” seem to be the only ones that notice the color of someone’s skin. Hypocrites….

              1. The best tasting and nutritious organic heirloom tomatoes are indeed black, compared to red. Your red tomato is a flavorless variety genetically engineered by the white man to form pesticides within its own flesh that cannot be washed off or cooked off.

                1. First of all idiot, the black tomato, the Indigo Rose, is scientifically engineered, which is why when it’s ripe it is black. The red tomato is more natural and while pest and disease resistant does not form a pesticide. Before you start tooting your own horn as to how intelligent you are you just might want to read up on it so that you don’t come across looking like the idiot that you obviously are.

            1. Your right about Corzine, but it has nothing to do with his color but rather who he knows. As for those black guys you mention, most of them create their own image and if it’s negative, there’s no one to blame but themselves. The fact that you call that POS Farrakahan “Honorable” tells us all we need to know.

              But I can figure out that your comment is really tongue-in-cheek satire.

                  1. R = D. Do you understand the meaning of the “=” sign in mathematics? R ≣ D. “≣” means “always equal to”. ALWAYS. Break your chains, slave.

                1. “White devil”? I haven’t seen a single slur against black people in the comments I’ve read so far. Seems clear who the racist is here. At least you seem to understand that global warming is a hoax. Good job there, but I think you’ll be happier in life if you can drop your bigotry. Good luck.

                2. No, he’s coming at us with guns to murder us simply because we are white. So what’s your point racist? No, don’t bother, we all can see your point right there on the top of your cap.

                  Besides, Obama went along with their bailout so essentially you could mount an argument that a black stole all those trillions that you are all worked up about. Who is worse the person who does the crime or the person who enables the crime to be done without any punishment?

                3. Yes the white people are mostly carbon taxing….but do we forget who led the Fast and Furious….. Obama and Holder….not to mention…..and as many have mentioned Al Gore is benefiting most from “Global Warming”. I fail to see how this argument became about race. But I did call it about 5 years ago about race wars. It seems to me they are pushing one, and hard, many are falling for it. And um, not that I want to follow the crowd, but what about the damn knockout game? I see it like this, if you do NOT have racism in your life, your friends, your family and there friends then it shouldn’t exist. Set the example you want for you and yours. I hate racists, and bigots. Hate is a strong word but I don’t make accusations about anyone based on skin color and would never box in a whole race to one thing–ever!

            2. You forgot rabble-rouser, murder accomplice, riot promoter, Al Sharpton. Major omission!

              We normal, untainted-by-leftist-propaganda white folk either outright hate or disapprove of the people you and I mentioned, including all those white crooks.

            3. Hate is a strong word. I think he , La Trin is just a racist dumb a s. S. You know blacks have taken over the racist card! They in fact have become what they accuse white people for! Black people are white haters-sorry it’s true. They themselves are racist! In fact the KKK for dumb a s s whites and the new (LLL (black version of the kkk) it’s the next letter in the alphabet? They owns it. Black folk can be racist too-news flash!

            4. Race doesn’t matter here Klaus!! I see a crook, white, black, hispanic, oriental, or purple with pink polka dots, I call them on it. Global warming is a hoax and trying to interject race into it makes you sound stupid. Obama is a global warming nut…just like the rest of the democrats. Why, they plan to make mo money!! Al Gore is the biggest perpetrator of this and he’s convinced other rats to follow. Solar and green energy received big bucks from the government and then went under. Don’t think some of that chump change fell into Obama’s pockets??

            5. I don’t hate ANYONE, but in that vane, I do not like Obama, and NOT BECAUSE OF HIS SKIN COLOR. Explain why all the conservatives I know absolutely love Ben Carson, Herman Cain, and Allen West just to name a few?? Could it have anything to do with policy?? Or are YOU just going to cry racism everytime someone disagrees with a person of color?

            6. Klaus, I have no idea why you hate me. The bankers have stolen from ALL people – not just you. Here’s a question for you…..If a black man disagrees with another black man, who is right? Ever hear of divide and conquer? That is what those you’ve named above have done to us. They want blacks to hate whites, poor to hate rich, etc. They want us so involved in hatred that we do not pay attention to what they are doing. When their rhetoric incites violence, who pays? He will not go to jail, but you will. Your president has done much harm to the black community. Unemployment rates are high. He’d rail about Ferguson, but not about the horrendous rate of black on black killings in Chicago. Perhaps he doesn’t care about those that are 100% black. If given the choice, would you chose Ben Carson or Obama? Curious for your response.

            7. Is this a real statement? You sound like a buffoon. Your socialist hero Obumble was massively involved with that bankster bailout. Plus do a little checking on his campaign bundlers. Talk about thieving crooks. Your boy should be in jail for the things he’s done.

            8. I do hate all the people you skeak of. Because they are the haters. They are the road block. They are the criminal element, they are the lyers, they are protected from the media #Brianwilliamsmisremembers

            9. United States GNI (formerly GNP, Gross National Product) for 2013: $16,992,400,000,000, or 7.6 billion shy of 17 trillion. One quadrillion dollars= 1,000 trillion dollars. So, in your rant, you claim that ”
              White people stole over a quadrillion dollars from Americans in the bankster bailout, but you don’t hate them, oh no.”
              In other words, you claim that “white people” stole over 58 times the TOTAL GNP in the “bankster bailout”.
              Learn math, please.

            10. You forgot to mention some important folks I’m sure you love due to their skin color Klaus. What about Condelezza Rice, Allen West, Dr. Ben Carson? If you hate these people are you a racist?

            11. I don’t hate black people. I hate crime, whether committed by whites, blacks…no matter. Your point seems to be “it’s alright for blacks to commit crimes because whites commit crimes. That’s just silly. Corzine needs to go to jail just as much as anyone else who commits crimes, no matter the.color. My only problem with Farrakhan and Obama is that all their rhetoric and/or policies hurt blacks disproportionately — which, arguably is also racist. The tenor of your post also suggests that you also are a racist.

            12. So you are using a wife killer, a wife beater, and a child beater as examples of who white people hate?

              Wow, you got us there you numb skull. Most black people I know hate those guys too!

            13. I am awash in such profound insight. How can I ever thank you, Klaws, for your brilliant expose. You should only know how long I have been searching for such clarity. I must leave now and replace my Henry Aaron and Willie Mays HOF pictures with something more suitable for my dullardness.

            1. Follow the money.
              Who stands to make out with this global hoax?
              Any “scientist” who still believes in global warming gets most of their funding from governments, who in turn use these bought and paid for research to accumulate more power, control and money for themselves.
              Meanwhile the honest scientist who, don’t stand to profit either way in the debate, let the FACTS establish their conclusions but are ridiculed and mocked by the rich and power.

              1. Global warming and climate change are both tax scams.
                And, FYI, you should read your tax law, too.

                Search tax regs for “exempt income means”, ECFR dot gov …and read the legal definition of “Exempt income”. Since law is codified, there is only ONE definition. Be sure to read both 1.861-8T(d)(2)(ii) and (iii). When enough Americans know actual US income tax law, it will be obeyed, even by govt. Then ask your so-called “tax expert” why he/she never bothered to search for legal definition of “Exempt income”, or told you about it. Of course, U.S. govt already knows about Exempt income, but says you shouldn’t follow the law, because that particular section is frivolous.

                Computer scientist data mines tax code,
                what is taxed DOT com

              2. Anyone check out Al Gore’s bank account since he became the poster boy for global warming — as he flies all over the world in his private jet, leaving carbon footprints all over the place!

                1. Algore must certainly have the most inverse ratio of wealth to IQ of any person in the known world. He was picked as Slick Willie’s running mate only render Willie impeachment-proof. And it worked! During Clinton’s impeachment hearings even the most damning evidence of Willie’s moral depredations and perversity couldn’t induce even the most rabid Republicans to move for an impeachment trial with the drooler Algore poised to ascend to the Oval Office. In addition to his extreme wealth/IQ ratio, Algore must also have the world’s largest carbon footprint, needing not one, but two 747s to transport Al and his legions of fellow-droolers throughout the world. Everything’s wrong with this picture!

                    1. Actually, you’re quite right. Willie was indeed impeached (which is to say censored) but not actually removed from office. Thanks for the clarification.

                    2. God, how utterly humiliating. That’s the first word I’ve misspelled (spelt?) in over fifty years. Thanks for the correction.

                  1. That is maybe the greatest and most spot-on comment to anything anywhere that I have ever heard!!!! The past and current morons running this country are the biggest group of incompetents the civilized world has ever seen…

                2. Do you think his bank account is even close to those oil execs who stand to lose a lot if this data were proven correct and the world turned away from their dirty product and looked for something cleaner?

            2. You shuld have seen the nasty comments from the ohhh soooo enlightened liberals over on ABC/Yahoo regarding Dr. Ben Carson. The man was an esteemed neurosurgeon, and those bedwetting nutlickers actually called him an idiot. A traitor (I assume to the negro race.) An uncle Tom! Amazing how leftist’s can move the target…depending on one’s politics. If he were a Decept-O-Crat, they’d be drooling on themselves over his intellect.

          1. I think so, too, unless there’s a copycat LaTrinius. The name appears only in posts like this. With a few departures, the grammar and diction are usually pretty good in the rest of the posts.

            1. The troll picked up the handle, image and writing style after a Mardi Gras event. 🙂 Guessing it’s a he. We’ve read others like LaTrinius getting in, dropping a one line bomb and getting out of the forum. Even if they are genuine.

              1. Yes, you’re right.

                I took some time (which I might have used for something sensible) and I looked for LaTrinius. He’s all over, varying his viewpoint and his diction. It may be a franchise. 🙂

        1. You are truly incapable of thinking for yourself aren’t you. Remember in the 80’s when scientists discovered the ozone hole at the South Pole getting larger, and PANIC ensued? WRONG. Eventually we figured out it was normal, seasonal and occasionally had extremes in BOTH directions. The same normal, seasonal, occasional extremes can be found in the polar ice caps. In the 1970’s Time magazine’s cover actually declared : THE NEXT ICE AGE IS UPON US. Wrong again! Scientists in Australia, USA and the UK have all been caught manipulating the data to ARTIFICIALLY create global warming. Scientists at the Australian Bureau of Meteorology are actually under indictment for manipulating an entire century of data to show a warming trend of 1.73C/century instead of the actual NEGATIVE 0.35C/century!!!! NASA & NOAA have also been caught making dishonest adjustments, as has the Climate research unit at the University of East Anglia in the UK. Yes they were illegally hacked to discover their lies…but lies and collusion PROVEN none the less. Remember when stupid environmentalists told us to save the trees and use plastic bags. Wrong again!

          The religion of global warming was CREATED in the 1990’s by people like Al Gore and his book full of PROVEN lies and Michael MOORE with his movies full of PROVEN lies for the sole purpose of getting incredibly stupid people LIKE YOU to keep the socialists in power.

          1. I support everything you say. These guilty dudes need to be taken to the back woodshed and dealt with accordingly. Including AlGore. They are as avaricious and opportunistic as the race baiters and racist pushers.
            I just want to add three crucial names to the list of culprits and opportunists. Old timer Canadian Leftist billionaire Maurice Strong, considered to be an old pernicious political hack, UN pusher and “Godfather of climate change” or “global warming”. Strong is to Canada as Soros is to the U.S. The other, coming in from the other end like a bookend, is the more likeable Mr. Gorbachev. He moved into the Military Presidio in San Fran after putting the USSR to sleep forever as ordered to do from Headquarters. While at the Presidio, he wrote a treatise on the Green Movement, with him at least being titular global chairman of the new movement. With all the perks, of course. He needed a new job. As the borrowed saying goes: The Reds turned green like the watermelon. Green on the outside and still Red on the inside. Socialists are like chameleons. They change their colors to fit the agenda.
            For your amusement see this link: Change we can believe in. Where did I hear that before:
            It all ties together.

            Then, historically, it gets a bit more like science fiction but equally interesting, because if you use the proper search key words, you will also find out about the lesser known “Club of Rome using Global Warming Agenda”, who, decades ago advocated scaring people into compliance through pretend global warming scares and manipulated reduction use of energy per person and us ‘gladly’ accepting lower standards of living. The carbon footprint came into play by the green social engineers to fit every citizen like a shoe to wear. It also fits along with Obama’s socialist “leveling the playing field” agenda to a T.
            It’s part of the Socialist formula and agenda. Climate change + green movement = Herded sheeple into the socialist box. Another math formula: Maurice Strong, the Canadian Socialist “Green Giant” + Club of Rome, globalist European elitists advocating fictitious climate disasters and Green compliance + Gorbachev, green movement advocate and former Pres of the USSR = Figure it out. Yes, part of the Club of Rome agenda is to make Globalism a religion like movement before its accepted by the sheeple, along with the green movement and, as you say, the religion of global warming.
            What is also fascinating to me is that the Club of Rome and Maurice Strong first proposed the global warming agenda before they had the stats. Then the stats were built up and gathered after the fact to support their thesis and agenda! As we read through your post and this article. Zowie!

            1. “Then the stats were built up and gathered after the fact to support their thesis and agenda!”
              Thesis, antithesis, Synthesis.
              Georg Hegel’s “Dialectical Triad” at work.
              Hegel Lives!


            Official records systematically ‘adjusted’ to show heating…

            Meteorologist: ‘In the business world, people go to jail for such manipulations of data’…

          3. That’s incorrect. The ozone hole issue was real and it was dealt with by eliminating chlorofluorocarbons. This is something entirely different. GW is a poltitical issue with political aims. It is social engineering on a grand scale.

            1. There have been even bigger holes observed since chlorofluorocarbons were eliminated. It’s reactionary politics. Not science.
              It the case of global warming it’s mass hysteria reactionary politics, based on decades of lies.

          4. Sad thing is it works. The left wing think tanks come up with cleverly worded polls and data that’s skewed, the MSM reports it as fact, academia teaches it, Hollywood makes movies about it.

        2. The only possible reason for global warming now would be the heat coming that incompetent lying bumbler’s pants being on fire. It’s great we elected a black man.. it’s just to bad we elected the worst possible one with the possible exception of Al Sharpton.

        3. That’s nice,
          Now back to actual subject matter. Fraud science , corrupt Government, and United Nation hoax…all in an attempt to steal TRILLION (with a T) with a lie and a GLOBAL PROPAGANDA MAIN STREAM MEDIA.
          This things lie is being taught to children in pre-school all the way up to grad school…Pay for with TAX DOLLARS.
          Washington D.C. is an enemy of Liberty, an enemy of Freedom and an ENEMY OF OUR CONSTITUTION.

        4. haha good one…Obama is the biggest crook President the US has ever had. To think Nixon was impeached for the tiny thing he did..the crimes Obama has done dwarfs anything done before, including Bush’s fraudulent wars.
          By identifying yourself as an Obama support, you confirm your traitor status. Some American you are. Facts transcend skin color.

        5. SO….. ! He started it… He always interjects race in every situation.. Obama is a failure as a president and I pray for his soul to be changed to something not so bitter and lying, and selfish and proud and arrogant and corrupted and to be cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ ! It’s not him , but the spirit that is inside him.

        6. MLK once said ‘judge a man by his character not by his color.’ Barry has NO integrity or character? I have lived my life by that. In fact my son in law is black. So p i s s of with the racist crp

        7. LaTrinius W, come on now, you mean we can’t fault Obama because he’s Black?? He just got finished smearing all of Christianity, you know the saying, what goes around, etc. And it was Obama who did attend the Reverend Wrights church for 20 long years, goddamn America I think it was how it went.

              1. If you white, you racist by day fault, son. Look up “silent racism”.
                White people born racist and also vishus. Violins in they jeans.

        8. Are you for realz? And Beyoncé didn’t win album of the year bc of the racist judges. Yes everyone is just racist if the black artist doesn’t getz hers.

        9. Racist means nothing when white children are raped in their native lands by foreign immigrants and white adults claim these immigrants are simply practicing their culture and to defend white children from rape would be racist. When white people are so brainwashed with white privilege/guilt that they don’t protect white children from being raped out of the fear of being labeled “racist” should be the day the “race card” of all non-white people living and flourishing among white majorities should have their “race card” revoked. If I called you “the boy that cried wolf” would you cry that I’m a racist white boy because I called you a boy? I know you’re a troll, but I want others to read this response, it’s really not for you…

        10. That can’t be your real name…or your real picture. Anyway, I’m surprised you can even spell “racist”. Ever look in the mirror? If you could stand there for more than one second, what you would see is the face of a true racist. You are nothing but an Obama lackey. Probably get welfare, too.

        11. According to the liberal lexicon of relative, Marxist Dialectic truth, a “racist” is anyone who disagrees with a democrat, even if the democrat is white. For example if you disagree with Hilary, it is because you hate white people ( which is encouraged in Democratic circles, so that is ok)

        12. Only someone obsessed with racial identity can make a global warming discussion suddenly a racial discussion. That thought process is the intellectual equivalent of your average toaster. I’ve met newborns who think on a deeper level than that. Unfortunately, your satire nails the left’s depth on the head

        13. Mr. Washington, if a person disagrees with another person that happens to be African-American dose not make them a racist. It would be racist if, they let the color of skin change what they said, did or believed. So no sugar coating, out of fear of hurting someone’s feelings. I am going to continue to treat everybody the same, regardless of race, if that is racist than so be it.

        14. Sorry, but no. I’m like that guy from the movie “Shallow Hal”- I can’t see skin color, so I can only judge people by the content of their character- or lack thereof.

    1. Crooks and Thieves and LIARS in Washington…almost ALL OF THEM !! RINO POSs included and the phoney TP candidates just elected who then go anbd vote for Boehner like Mia Love to name just one. ( Donated and worked on her campaign np less ! )

      Outside of the Civil War, we are living in the Worst time in US History…..the change from a Republic to basically aTotalitarian Regime with BOTH parties involved.

        1. That’s what I said….. RINOs are Republican Liberals. Jeb Bush and Romney are BOTH Global Warming apologists.

          So what’s bothering you ? A Jeb fan perhaps ?

          1. Nope. You are bothering me because libs always want to change the conversation to indict the republicans. This is a liberal issue. Liberals lie, from “if you like your plan you can keep it”, to ” my plane was hit while I was flying over Iraq.” The whole bunch are liars.

            1. I am the FURTHEST thing from Liberal or Progressive or Socialist…. LOL.

              But anyone who doesn’t see the RINOs for what they are is the one changing the conversation. Any one who is denying that the Establishment GOP isn’t FOR Global Warming Taxes and regulation and Illegal immigration and Bigger government is the one trying to Deflect. By their own words the GOP leadership is FOR those things.

              And for the record YOU commented to me….. I responded to your “bothering”.

              1. But why do you fail to see the democrat liberal roots of this movement?-climate change- No matter what the story, it is always the RINOs with some of you. Don’t you see how your credibility is questioned? Yes, blindness toward the real problem-liberals-bothers me and a whole bunch of people. Rinos can be persuaded to move right at least a little, while liberal democrats will NEVER budge. Why is it then all the RINOs fault? Doesn’t make sense. You probably didn’t vote for Romney either right? Thanks for giving us Obama!

                1. What I see is the pervasive ROT of our political system as embodied in the Progressive Movement from Teddy Roosevelt ( 1901) until today. This process has put 80% Communist in our State Dept and Liberals throughout the Gov’t. It has manifested as Liberal Republicans who call themselves Conservative but argue for and pass policy to ensure BIGGER and Bigger gov’t…..mostly through Crony Capitalist legislation.

                  I will concede that Liberals NEVER budge…..because their Goal is complete Control. But IU do not share your views of RINOs moving a little bit. And BTW that very notion is rhetorically sayiong that RINOs are NOT conservative….you realize that right ? To have to “Convince” someone to do what they say ( claim) they stand for anyway….tells us that these so-called Republicans are NOT conservative but in fact are Liberals in Republican jibs.

                  It may surprise you that not only did I vote for Romney, but gave significant donations and worked on his campaign. Since then I have delved deeply into candidates speeches and position papers ( not just the one that hit the Front pages)…..and what I see is a continued move of the Party of Lincoln toward big gov’t Crony Progressivism.

                  It is NOT all the RINOs fault. BUT…..BUT, they are supposed to be the party of opposition and they effectively DO NOTHING. Their actions end up giving more and more power to authoritarian agencies and continue the destruction of Constitutional authority. Which IS Liberal philosophy and goals. I agree that the “real” problem is Liberals ( Socialism, Progressivism, Social Democracy)…all variations of Totalitarian Communism.

                  My Credibility is questioned ? My credibility is irrelevant ! The Republicans who call themsleves Conservative and genuine protectors and followers of the Constitution are who Credibility is being questioned. Because they are acting just like the Liberals we are trying to defeat !!!!

            1. The mess we are in is Obama Created and GOP enabled. They have given over the Power of Congress to STOP the executive TO ObamaCare and CAVE at every point.

              Every single one ! Where is the GOP leadership Stopping the Obana takeover if the Internet for instance ????

              At this point they’re all empty suits and vacant chairs.

            2. Gotta disagree. It’s both parties and has been going on for some time. Obama is merely the current and most heinous example. And it’s not just presidents; Congress is largely to blame for its behaviors. Irresponsible spending, campaign lying, inept monetary policy, ruinous public sector contracts, overextended military, badly thought out domestic programs, etc. We haven’t had a real balanced federal budget since 1967 for chrissakes.

        2. You got it, smct1. The favorite trick of liberals who feel betrayed by their president is to claim that Republicans are no different. THEY ARE!!! Establish Republicans are not as conservative as most of us would like, but they do not compare with this president in dishonesty and treachery. McCain and Romney might not have made perfect Presidents, but I absolutely guarantee you that the country would be much better off with either.

          1. Follow the money. Democrats and wannabee career politician Republicans dance for those who pay for their tickets to the ball. Globalist financiers want to economically cripple America so they can merge our economy with the third world and thereby increase their power. That’s why they promote the ‘global warming’ and other anti American enterprise ‘environmental’ hoaxes and anti independent American entrepreneurial government policies. These ‘American’ corporations for whom our politicians bid for their affection$, are no longer American at all as they have corporate properties and subsidiaries throughout the world. They have no more allegiance to the U.S. than any of their other countries with their corporate sites, unless of course, they need to barrow a bit of our clout.

          2. John MCCain wanted to Fund what we now know as ISIS …. he stood on that position until just a while ago. Lindsey Graham did as well.

            In that issue they are NO different at all.

            Romney was and is FOR ObamaCare and Illegal Amnesty. In those regards he also would have been NO different. He is a helluva lot nicer person. But POLICY-wise with either we would have Support for ISIS and Illegal Alien Amnesty and Open Borders and ObamaCare here permanently.

          3. Sure, a high spending liberal neocon is the perfect antidote to a high spending liberal neocon. It wasn’t a real choice. Believing it would have been is all part of their con.

        3. Come on, you don’t really still think the only liberals are in the democrat party, do you? The republicans all campaigned on repealing obamacare, stopping amnesty for illegal aliens and countless other conservative principles, yet the very first thing they did was to re-affirm boehner as the speaker, even ‘tea party’ candidates like Mia Love voted for him. There are a handful of true conservatives in the house and less than that in the senate, despite both houses being ruled by a majority of republicans. All of the sell out pseudo-conservatives would EASILY sell out their constituents to the global warming cabal in order to get govt. funding to ensure their donors keep paying for them to stay in office.

            1. No, not at all, just a realist. The pseudo-conservatives that have been in the House have done nothing within their power to stop obama or the dem’s on obamacare or amnesty, and that was before they had both House and Senate. When they won the election they QUICKLY passed a budget to make sure that they could get their trillions of earmarks in and not have to confront the issue of obamacare or the border in any meaningful way.

              If you still believe in republicans that is your right, but how many times are you going to be fooled by the false promises of ‘tough action’ when they defer at every chance they have to take a stand and exert their power?

      1. The new TP candidates just elected have to tow the line, or they won’t ever get on any committees or get party money for reelection. Look what happened to Bill Bradley (ex-NJ congressman) It a pretty warped system, huh?

        1. What’s becoming clear nobody ” HAS to anything” .

          And once enough stand up the majority of the country will be with them.

          It is a COURAGE and a CHARACTER issue at heart. Excuses are what they have always been. In the final analysis just Excuses.

          1. Have you seen any of them stand up to the majority yet? If they do, the day after they will be audited by the IRS for campaign funding fraud or something like that. When children grow up they continue to play their childhood games like king of the hill but now it effects millions.

            1. So…..they can campaign as Conservatives. But we’re all supposed to just say…
              ” Yeah, but you can’t really do anything because of the IRS, and Committee chairmanship appointments and whatever elas eyou choose to give as an excuse…..so we giva ya all a pass and you acn just do what the Leadership does and Support the Liberal…. cause it’s reallt hopeless anyway ”

              Is that the way it is Sam ? That’s the reality so what the H-ll right. So why do we even bother with Elections ?

              Why do we as the Conservative Base even bother with the Fraud that is voting then ????

              1. I totally agree with you, but it must be really tough for the newly elected tea party guys to change the system. Term limits and limited election money provided to each candidate by our government would radically change the system, but how do you get the old career politicians that would have to vote on it to ever allow any of it to pass. I’m not the enemy. I’m not sure what the answer is. Perhaps our children when confronted with massive debt and having to live with their parents will be able to do something. I’m just way to old to be out in the streets protesting.

                1. We ARE going to have to protest and do a Convention of States to get Term Limits for Congress AND the Supreme Court and all Federal Judgeships. As well as REASSERT the Bill of Rights.And repeal the 16th and 17th amendments ( Give the power to elect Senators BACK to the States the way the founders intended).

                  I Don’t agree about campaign limits NOR having the government ANYWHERE near campaign money. REDUCING governmemt is what we need to do …..again in line with our Founders intention. We have to begin to see and understand that the power all ALL the gov’t lies WITH US….with the Consent of the governed. And as such we have to stear ourselves away from the kind of thinking like…..”it will never change because how could we ever get “THEM” to vote on it “.

                  This is not a criticism…..because I myself have had these very thoughts and concerns. But I have come to realize, through study of our founding, that this is the exact OPPOSITE of the Country’s Founding. That the situation we find ourselves in has crept up in small steps precisely because of Gross misunderstanding of what our Rights are and where and how Constitutional Power is supposed to be exercised.

                  The solution sety to this predicament is more than one thing ( But I feel that a Constitutional Article V Convention of States IS a strong part of it……this is NOT a Constitutional Convention, those that tell you it is are either misinformed or purposely being deceitful). In addition You as one person should educate those who you know about the Truth of what is and is NOT the Intention and proper working of the Constitution……and move them away from a mindset of “They are all powerful….and we can’t really do anything”….to awaken even one other is a very powerful thing actually….and a vital step in the whole process of change back to a Constitutional Republic.

                  1. What I have noticed recently is how easily people that cause trouble for the government are either disappeared or have very big problems that don’t exist. How does one deal with that? I don’t believe that they are all powerful. It is the constant growth of a bureaucracy that has put us where we are now. Even the congressmen have been told that “we don’t have to listen to you, you will be gone in a few years and we will still be here”. I think that we must educate our children if this country is to survive. The news channels are all spin and an arm of the government. If the government get control of the internet there will be big hurdles ahead, but not insurmountable.

                    1. Yes. absolutely. They effectively put Dinesh D’Souza in a “re-education” camp for G– Sake !

                      The idea and desire for LIBERTY is very strong…..hence the independence movements in Scotland and in Catalonia, Spain and in Hong Kong etc.

                      Educate our Kids, Grandkids and even friends who may be a bit rusty on what the Bill of Rights and Declaration were/ARE all about.

              2. I’m not sure, maybe to feel good. There are very deep problem areas when people like Pelosi and Feinstein are allowed to run our highest levels of government. Perry was indicted for corruption the minute he sent troops to the border. West (I think that’s his name, was charged with corruption for causing too many problems, etc. and so on. I’m just too old to take on the federal government. The best I can do is cheer on young guys like yourself, educate our children and hope that this country survives.

                1. You may or may not know this but Al Sharpton owes $5,300,000 to the IRS in back taxes. Speaking of Liberal who get a pass !!

                  You don’t have to take on the Gov’t in big ways…..just spread info to those you know.

                  Any “revolution” is successful by the efforts on ALL fronts at the same time. Educate those around you and support those you do hear speaking up. Because we really ARE all in this together…. :- )).

        1. Convention of States is needed badly as PART of the Solution. Ther States have to reassert their rightful power.

          As do We the People……. So yes a revolution. Certainly in the way we the people see and allocate power.

        1. Yes. Except the GOP has REFUSED to do anything but give symbolic votes against ObamaCare. AND many in the GOP leadership have said they don’t WANT to repeal it !

        1. She was/is a FRAUD just like Marco Rubio and Jeff Flake and Kelly Ayotte and every single Freshman Representative who voted to keep Boehner !!

          She joined the Cong Black Caucus Too ….. Alan West at least stood up to them.

          1. Right. I sure hope my neighboring governor doesn’t let us down. Walker sounds like the next Reagan to me. I’ve been emailing my sister and brotherinlaw in Wisconsin for years offering to trade governors with them. And if the voters elect him in the primaries, watch the GOP go after him, just as they went after Reagan!

    2. I dislike this administration as much as anybody. That is a whole lot. I read this statement above all the time, records sealed on day one. And it makes me wonder. If it was such a big deal to find out who this guy is, why weren’t his records accessed a day or two, or even a week/month before day 1? It makes this claim seem pretty weak. So nobody in the world tried to dig up anything about this guy until day 1? The real problem is and always has been, even if you had the records and they said exactly what we all suspect, it wouldn’t amount to a damn thing as the MSM and the “one’s” supporters would shout you down. Really I hope people will come up with something new, this is as shallow as “Bush lied”.
      Again, make no mistake, I loathe the fool and hate being at odds with people in my life I once enjoyed the company of, who now mindlessly sing this inhuman drone’s praises.

      1. he was having his records sealed before he even started his presidential campaign and the media did everything they could to protect their wonder boy. I was working downstate in Springfield when Boy Blunder was then a senator. He was a POS then with no regard to work, and he’s a bigger POS now.

      2. It is better to ask his supporters which qualification for office won their vote. His executive business experience or his decisiveness in the Senate. That tends to send them into frothing, drooling rages where you can barely make out the word “racist” as their utter lack of logic fails to provide a lucid, germane rejoinder.

        1. Yep. I grew up South of Chicago and spent more than my share of time in the city. Anybody who thinks that place is safe or clean is delusional. It is the direct result of those who organized the community there, and those people should not be anywhere near the highest office in the land. It’s something people have to witness for themselves, though. It still wouldn’t make a difference.

          1. Just the title “community organizer” makes me cringe. What in the name of God can a community organizer be other than pied piper piping a bunch of talking points that the animals will never understand let alone the piper.

      3. Even if you found something the MSM would call you a racist, bigot and hate monger. I wish that we could establish criteria for who gets to vote in federal elections. ie, property owners, federal tax payers, etc.

      4. I requested raw data from the University of Minnesota who collects it…and I have a doctorates degree so I have some academic credentials, and was laughed at. That’s when I realized it was a hoax, like the hole in the ozone layer… this was 10+ years ago. Perhaps many others on the outsides were being shunned from the truth as well, huh? But know, some of us DID TRY.

      1. Are you the same Paul that was one of the “investors” in Solyndra who made an absolute fortune at the expense of the American taxpayer? There are hundreds more like you but they all have the same M.O., very little work, very little intelligence, but a whole lot of payoff.

    3. I’m not afraid to ask “Hey Big O, how about them sealed records, mind if I look?” Notice that the cooking lady, Martha Stewart, went to jail for $60,000 and not one banker did jail time. What a farce, huh?

    4. Think the top officials at the DOJ, DHS, NSA, TSA, EPA, DOE (energy AND education) are working for the benefit of the American tax payer and upholding the US Constitution and Bill Of Rights?

      Our federal agencies are increasingly supporting the NWO elites, the UN and world central banksters AND Islam as it supplants state’s rights and appropriates state’s properties.Can America trust it’s own federal government?

      John Kerry Struggles To Admit U.S. At War With ISIS

      Does this administration’s refusal to declare war a strategy to keep it going, make it more ‘complicated’, harder to track, easier to fund the military industrial complex and manipulate the outcome, not necessarily in the best interests of the American people, or still yet much worse?

      Our soldiers going to get hammered by our own weapons as Obama funds, arms, gives tactical support and trains the enemy.

      God help our soldiers.

      MM79 – Truth About ISIS Tanks

      …get it yet?

      Did Obama purposely leave behind all those attack helicopters, tanks, military equipment and weapons when he pulled our troops out of Iraq?

      Still Report #281 – Is Obama a Sunni?


      ISIS in Iraq stinks of CIA/NATO ‘dirty war’ op — RT Op-Edge – RT.com


      “Very revealing is the fact that almost two weeks after the dramatic fall of Mosul and the ‘capture’ by ISIS forces of the huge weapons and military vehicle resources provided by the US to the Iraqi army. Washington has done virtually nothing but make a few silly speeches about their ‘concern’ …”

      LYONS: The Islamic cloud over Brennan and Hagel

      National security may not be a first priority

      By Adm. James A. Lyons, February 19, 2013

      (Admiral James Aloysius “Ace” Lyons, officer of the U.S. Navy for thirty-six years, Commander in Chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, the largest single military command in the world.)

      Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com

      1. 750,000 Americans needlessly died in the US Civil War.

        23.4% of the Union army were immigrants fresh off the boats ready and more than willing to kill Americans for the promise of American wealth and property.

    5. I find it sad that when there are serious points to be made the top comment is some nutjob birther comment. I wonder whether you are a sockpupet.

      Why are you trying to switch the focus away from the global warming data being falsified?

      1. “If you cannot answer someone’s argument, do not panic: You can always call them names.” — Oscar Wilde.

        And why are you so “offended” by some one exposing the TRUTH of the usurper in the White House?.

    6. At this point, I don’t think anyone wants to know what’s in president mom jeans’ records. We already know he attended IV league schools on affirmative action, and, in so doing, tokened his way through Columbia and Harvard. His parents were Communists. His Hawaiian grandparents were Communists. His grandfather introduced him to the local Communists. He was raised in Indonesia and Hawaii, so he has about as much in common with Americans as Joe Stalin did. By his own words, while in college, he sought out Marxist professors (which was probably all of them with the exception of his golf coach.) And, as if all that wasn’t bad enough, he and his wookie sat in the church of hate whitey and Jews for 20+ years. He’s a self absorbed, high functioning narcissist with delusions of grandeur.
      I think we know everything we need to know.

    7. Fear? No fear, just the obvious… Imagine what will be found out, what warranted such an action. Majority of voting public was duped by this upstart. It goes to prove that with the right advertising and sufficient financing A N Y T H I N G can be sold in the USA.

    8. “..their POTUS’s records were sealed..”

      Thanks for :

      1) staying on topic /s

      2) showing – with 482 upvotes- the collective acceptance of conspiracy nuttery.

      Really Sciencey.

    9. US Postmasters, civil servants and military kept meticulous daily meteorology records for over a century. The US Congress passed a law and appropriated $100 MM to create a scientific digital databases from the historical records. The first scientific digital databases are preserved beyond the treachery of the shadow bureaucracy mainly by information scientists and corporations. A legal opinion that supported making changes to the first scientific digital databases reportedly was ordered during the term of Dept. of Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt before data coders were ordered to expand the habitat area and counts for threatened and endangered species. This apparent offense would otherwise be prosecuted.

  2. Lies, Lies, Lies, If it’s from the Left and loonies, it’s lies. Get out of my Country, Get out of my life, Get out of my politics, Get out of people control.

    1. Yes its lies from those who have an agenda. The left and right need to
      unite and get the cronies and frauds out. We have more in common with them then we think, the MSM has polarized us. Youtube Dr. Micheal Huemer. Hits us with common
      sense on the basis of Political Authority, it will blow your mind

      1. divide and conquer. The oligarchs plan for a millennia. Expose them and run them out of power positions. Kill the BAR and the Central Banks. Both are usurpers and destroyers

        1. No, you’re going to have to get a little more creative than using guns, that draws bad PR. Instead, March. Shut down DC, shut down your local federal offices, shut down you freeways…. shut down the nation until Obama resigns. Can it be done? Yeah. Do you have the testicular fortitude to do it, no. Hey, it is what it is.

  3. Obama and his administration ALL need to go to jail for the fraud to steal money from each and every one of us to support this fraud. All Gore and all the International Fraud cartels need to be exposed and put in jail FOREVER. This is
    not just about fraud and deceit…..no, no, no…it is about much, much more.

    I ask you are YOU going to allow someone to take over your life over the false claim that they can read a weather map!

  4. Al Gore became a multi-millionaire with this scam and climate “scientists” keep getting more and more tax payer money to keep the scam alive. Then the EPA and BO can use the information to scam more money to their friends.

      1. When Al filed his net worth statement for running for President in 2000 his net worth was reported between 200K to 1.9M.
        In 2013 his net worth was estimated to be between 172M – 200M. A big difference between 1.9M and 172M don’t you think.

        1. Sounds like he had a change of climate. I wonder if there was a direct correlation between the temperature rise and his bank account. I would love to see the net worth of senators and congressmen as they enter congress and then their net worth after they leave congress.

  5. There is an easy way to tell when a liberal is lying to you. Just watch their lips. If the lips are moving, the lib is most likely lying to you.

        1. Indeed. Quite possibly the funniest thing I saw in all of 2014! And so appropriate that everything the interpreter “said” was bullsh!t, considering who he was “interpreting” for!

          1. Reminds me of that “Hot Shots part Deaux” scene where Richard Crenna (as a captive) is shown using vulgar and hilarious hand gestures while “confessing to crimes” on tv for his captors.

  6. Global warmers are conmen who manipulate temperatures so they can get government grant money under false pretenses. They should all be tried under the false claim statutes that were enacted during the civil war to keep crooks from defrauding the government.

  7. With members/associates of a lying, lawless, scandalous administration having the ability to walk free without prosecution, it is understandable why a jury would allow a prosecuted citizen to walk.

  8. ‘In the business and trading world, people go to jail for such manipulations of data’ ROFL!!! That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard in years. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

          1. They pay with dollars not jail time. Name one banker that went to jail for that 2008 fiasco. They don’t want to stop the bankers. Ever wonder where those banker fines go? It sure doesn’t seem to put a dent in our 17 trillion dollar debt.

  9. These people are simple leftist totalitarians. Nothing really has changed. There will always be left whackos trying to force people to do and believe as they do. It is our responsibility as free men (people) to expose these little tyrants for what they are.

  10. Those that consider themselves “the Elite” always need a cute cause to show how intelligent they really are. Al Gore and a few other feckless fellows provided just that for them – it was called “Climate Change or Global Warming”. These “Elite” could tell all of us how beastly we were in our excess, it would give those wanting to control fuel sources (coal, oil, etc.) a reason to push “their” views all in the name of good. Others just wanted to be a part of the “big faux crisis of the day”. Hopefully the truth will now surface, expose the villains and return the world’s thinking to more important issues – and believe me there are plenty to take the place of Global Warming/Climate Change.

  11. Also people in the private sector would be in jail for 20 + years for claiming that your insurance premiums would go down by 2500.00 and you could keep your doctor. They would be taken to court and be charged with fraud. 20 + years…

  12. Interesting. If the data had not been published in paper form, what an easy task it is to change the electronic-kept records to whatever fiction you want, and get away with it….

  13. Global Warming:

    1. Politically well-connected people concoct a way to disrupt markets while setting themselves up to make trillions off a new industry they created out of thin air. It is no surprise that most of these people are also ideologically in favor of bureaucracy, regulation and populace control mechanisms – not only will the scam enrich them monetarily, it will empower them to achieve their elitist control-state dreams.

    2. Their political cronies get in on the action to lend credibility to the lie by taking action against a problem that doesn’t really exist. But in the minds of the majority of the public: Washington is taking it seriously, so there must be something to it. In exchange they receive campaign funds, favorable media attention, and guaranteed positions upon their exit from politics.

    3. The science community, desperate for funding to justify their own existence as academic research generally doesn’t produce profits to sustain itself, allow themselves to be co-opted (read: bought and sold) and agree to support the scam.

    That IS the conspiracy. Prove me wrong, Liberals.

  14. What was it, 760 million tax payer dollars to Solyndra so that Obama could pretend that “green” energy worked? Green energy as in “green is the color of money.” No money to feed hungry black children in Detroit, but bushels of our tax dollars to his cronies who helped him get elected and a nice payback on the backs of the US taxpayers. Facts will out in the end. It will be the scientists who topple the reign of the boy king, but not before incalculable damage is done to the middle class, their children and their grandchildren. We are all paying the consequence for the media that never vetted and covered up for the disgusting behavior exhibited by POTUS. Boycott big media: ABC, NBC, and CBS. They have lied to the American people about global warming to assist Obama in wiping out the middle class by high energy prices.

    1. He was on a plane flying low over the Arctic Ocean, when all of a sudden, a huge Polar Bear surfaced wearing a Speedo, hair slicked back and those Wayfarers on. Brian knew then that this could only be the result of Global Warming…oh the inhumanity!

  15. What has our government, and world governments, demanded of us to combat global warming?
    Taxes, regulations and control. Even our children are brainwashed with this nonsense in their movies, tv shows and in their public schools.
    If the Marxist cant outright own the companies and erase Capitalism, than control the materials that go into the company and whatever waste comes out the door and tax whatever is produced.

      1. “Consider in what condition both in body and soul a man should be when he is overtaken by death; and consider the shortness of life, the boundless abyss of time past and future, the feebleness of all matter.”
        Marcus Aurelius Meditations, book XII. 167 AD

  16. Those who have taken the oath to protect this country and the constitution . Yet the dolts say thank for the service, Seems it is the trendy thing to do.

  17. In the US, seems like those that fell for “but, but, but global warming!!!” also fell for “if you like your plan, you can keep your plan!”

    1. Because they are the absolute STUPIDEST of the stupid….even though they all tell us that they far more “intelligent” than the rest of us are.

  18. In Orwell’s 1984, Winston Smith and the rest of his crew had to alter the paper records whenever history was revised. Computers make it so much easier. With everything “in the cloud,” anything can change at any time and no one will be the wiser.

  19. Anybody remember back when getting caught in a lie carried a certain stigma of shame with it?
    Back when your credibility was directly tied to your ability to tell the truth?

  20. “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. In their totality and in their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat with demands the solidarity of all peoples. But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap about which we have already warned namely mistaking systems for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.”

    “The First Global Revolution”, A Report by the Council of the Club of Rome by Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider 1991.

    1. It is all spelled out in the book “Report From Iron Mountain”. Gorbachev started the Green Cross for just this purpose. Reagan helped him, I know it sucks but it’s true…

          1. What’s really scary is that this nation has enough low-information idiot voters to elect this mongrel “O” TWICE to the nation’s highest office. What next … HILLARY !? God help us.

            1. The human psyche is fragile, and unfortunately the people behind the media have more money to spend programming us than we have to spend spreading the truth – because we end up spending everything we have fighting the lies. Sometimes, I have a hard time blaming people for being brainwashed. The media is a mighty force to reckon with.

  21. I may be the only human being on earth who knows nothing about climatology. My experience was in engineering (I am retired). From what I read I am certain of several predictions:
    If the linkage between the dangers of climate change due to man’s combustion of carbon is valid, billions of humans are going to die. There is no other means of cheap ubiquitous energy on earth. Therefore this is the biggest threat to America in our entire history. We may not survive it.
    The cut back in carbon combustion will necessitate government control over every segment of our lives. There must be epic sacrifice due to a universal plummet in standard of living.
    The green energies can not and never will support our grid for base loaded electrical supply. They cost too much.
    We must use carbon combustion and uranium fission to survive.
    Thus our nation is on the line.
    Thus anyone who deliberately lies about this science is endangering our national security and must be considered an enemy of the USA on a life or death matter, not unlike the theft of atomic bomb secrets.

    1. GLOBAL COOLING/GLOBAL WARMING/CLIMATE CHANGE and claiming that it’s ALL manmade is one gigantic HOAX, or lie !

      Volcanic eruptions, methane gas from far below the seas, and various other such NATURAL things have and still ARE contributing to different weather situations and NOT mankind !

      1. I am not competent to judge. I have resolved other technical issues and contended with corrupt practices of matters far less important than this threat to our existence. But due to the global involvement and severity of these consequences, I would place deliberate lying by scientists on the same level as theft of atomic secrets.

        We executed those involved.

        There should be debate on the appropriate sanctions for corruption in this field of science.

        1. Yes, there should be and please do NOT fall for this HOAX !
          “Climate Change” used to be called “SEASONS” !
          Now, it’s yet another stupid name given to NORMAL weather patterns !
          The Earth is NOT in any danger from mankind’s use of fossil fuels and certainly NOT from hairspray or any of the other ignorant claims !

  22. More evidence of a giant wealth redistribution scheme. Unfortunately, only about 1 percent of the US populous will read, much less understand this.

  23. It is time to investigate ALL “scientific doctrines” where they refuse to release their original data, or they have lost the data, where they defile everyone who disagrees with them, where ‘consensus’ is limited to peers. I wonder what other errors and scams we’ll find…

    Two of the most interesting to AUDIT would be Vaccines especially newer ones (after 1965) and evolution. I’m not trying to revert to a creationism only theory BUT much of the evidence and attitudes are LACKING true scientific and unprejudiced methods….

    Other areas to *study* would be Solar power, wind power, ethanol, and the list goes on… Maybe they can take the sugar and … OSE poisons out of our foods and use them for fuel for cars and other machines instead?

  24. It is ALL about Control and Stealing more money through Taxes. That’s all Climate Change BS is. OF COURSE climate Changes. Tax Carbon ??? Next they will Tax what Oxygen and Hydrogen ??? These people are out of F—ing Control Big Time.

    Crony Capitalism is PHONY Capitalism !!

  25. 1. Manipulation of weather data so as to lie about man-caused climate change.

    2. Identity theft.

    Two acts which should be classified as felonies and require a minimum of 10-years in prison.

  26. Right wingers, there is no conspiracy. The data was adjusted so the measurements are calibrated against the climate model which shows the Earth is warming. The temperature measurements were wrong and they had to be corrected to match the model. Your continuous denial just makes it harder for the US to implement renewable energy and move away from fossil fuel

    1. No measurable warming of the globe in the past 16 years.

      Not an emergency.
      Man can’t change it.

      Look for another cause to try to manipulate others with, this one is a loser for you.

      1. The data was incorrect because the South American did not calibrate their measurements. Today’s climate science is so exact that these measurements have to be adjusted to match the truth data generated by the Climate Model, remember, Climate Model is always true because it’s science. I can’t understand of your recalcitrant

        1. “… Jonsson was amazed to see how the new version completely ‘disappears’ Iceland’s ‘sea ice years’ around 1970, when a period of extreme cooling almost devastated his country’s economy…” Which, of course, your “response” can completely account for…..

  27. Didn’t they just come out with the Hotest year in History. We should bring a USA Tax Payers Law Suit against the ” Entire Teacher Union of the USA” for Dumbing Down our Children thru Climate Control for $ One Trillion Dollar’s as of Monday.!

  28. The great lakes had ice all the way up into late July, and the polar ice caps are GROWING, not shrinking at all, not even remotely. Only the dimmest of the dim do not realize that a great fraud has been perpetuated by the scientific community in collusion with corrupt government officials.

  29. Who will “enforce” these bogus lies and laws? The police and military. They follow orders and are not allowed to think or question their “superiors.” I know that so-called conservatives support both entities without question or reservation but I wonder how far that support will go when our homes and vehicles are invaded under cover of law (or some executive order) and our property confiscated and our lives forfeited by some Marxist, amnesty illegal who is now an “American Citizen” with a badge and a gun.

  30. A quote for Al Gore and his Cadre of Climate Corporatists…

    “You must have a really wide foot. You got both of them.”
    – Roy, Kingpin (1996)

    Get better soon Al…

  31. Liberal liars are so cute aren’t they…… falsifying data is called an “adjustment” and lying about being on a helicopter shot down by RPGs is “misremembering”.

    1. Gay used to be happy, now it’s homo. Liberals are infamous for changing the rhetoric, conservatives are infamous for being to weak to stop it. It is what it is.

  32. There are several truths to climate change fraud: 1) any rational person agrees destroying the planet would be bad so creating a “climate” of fear is key to creating anxiety; 2) because there is no example of climate change that can be linked to a specific human activity, it is a belief that one must have on faith; 3) it is a problem that will never be solved but because its solution is viewed as a worthwhile goal (if it were true), slaving away to battle it becomes institutionalized. Have any of the proposed fixes, rules, laws, regulations, taxes, technologies, restrictions, bans, or lifestyle changes had a believable positive outcome? 4) the proposed solutions are palatable to most. People can participate with little inconvenience. A little more here, a little tax there, a minor inconvenience or two and most people can continue on with their lives while doing their part to solve the problem. Given the low information voters’ attention span and limited intuition, those truths are no small feat to overcome. The loudest climate change fear mongers have a lot to gain and will stop at nothing to realize that gain.

  33. Thank a democrat today for voting for and giving cover to the biggest fraud in the history of the country. MSM, ignorant democrats, ignorant independents, and even some low life RINOs voted him in twice and never lifted a finger to check out his Chicago crime sydicate background. They thought he was a god, above racist actions and ready to solve the nations’ problems with a smile. But none of it was true and nobody would admit the FAIL.

  34. Yes, unfortunately the America of today is a few notches down from decades ago. There was a time when our politicians actually felt a responsibility to the welfare of the entire population. Not just segments of it. We are divided and in this direction, soon to be defeated. The defeat will be an economic one. And one whereby the size of government will grow as the private sector shrivels. So long America! You were truly great for a good run! Now we’re fed lies, statistics, and government reports.

  35. The comments here make clear how obviously political Global Warming is to some people. WTF does Global Warming have to do with President Obama? Life is too short to be this stupid. Global Warming is not a joke and anyone trying to deny it is a total moron.

    1. How the heck would anyone know if it is real or not when scientist are cooking the books. If you choose to believe the altered data, that total moron might just be you!

    2. Obama hopped on the Climate Change bandwagon and banished all forms of “fire” energy (i.e. all forms of combustion) to the doghouse while advocating for all the other ethereal forms of energy: earth (geothermal) wind (turbines), water (hydropower) and sun (solar). Here’s a hint: follow the “green” money in all this (no pun intended). But, there are no definitive data that prove “human activity” is the “cause” of Climate Change. THAT is the issue. Sure, you want to talk about nitrogen run-off and its effects on coral reefs, etc., be my guest. But DON’T spew hokem to the effect that we’re all gonna die unless we change our “evil ways” of producing energy.

        1. Late reply here, sorry, but I care about letting the market itself decide what is the most economically efficient method of energy production, and NOT having taxpayer dollars thrown after pipe dreams in the form of uneconomic an unsustainable (without massive subsidies) “green” energy programs.

  36. Listen folks, you’ve got B. Williams, Gruber, Obama, and the list goes on to include climatologists as well. What do they all have in common? They are liberals. Psychiatry has already concluded liberalism is a mental disorder (ref: head of Harvard Psychiatry, google it). Does this not continue to bolster that assertion? There are MRI based tests that can be done to expose liberals and reject their participation in important matters such as politics, etc. These tests WILL some day be used, the sooner the better.

            1. They grab power everywhere they can, they use it against us. I blame US, not them. Where is our courage to attack, kill, and rid ourselves of this scourge?

  37. I do enjoy “Climate Change” useful idiots getting all enraged when they are told that Climate Change is one massive lie. They retort with links and other cut and paste quotes to make themselves look smart and superior.

    Question for Climate Change useful idiots if your so called intelligence is based on a lie are you smart for quoting the lies or not smart enough to realize you are being lied to?

  38. Scientists who manipulate data are not scientists, they are crooks, cheats, and political hacks. People’s careers and lives have been ruined for standing up to falsehoods and lies. There should be a substantial penalty for all the cheating and misinformation.

    1. I vote for bringing back medieval justice – flog them, flay them, salt them, spit them and slow roast them while all the other researchers have to watch. That may have some deterrent effect. What we’re doing now obviously does not cause academics to behave themselves.

  39. Canada, Russia, & USA are trying to melt the Arctic and Greenland with the Ionosphere Heaters (Harp) to exploit its natural resources. This is why they expect sea levels to rise and have created extensive maps showing this. Search Youtube for the video showing the entire continent of Greenland covered with black coal ash soot they have sprayed to melt the glacial crust and its working! George Soros and the Russian are secretly in a race to exploit the arctic for the United Nations. This is the real reason we are antagonizing Russia – it has nothing with preserving the US Dollar as the worlds reserve currency. Is AL GORE going to return everyones money … he has extorted over 40 million over the last decade from good-hearted people on this SCAM! What do you think of GORE now !

  40. Do you ever ask yourself why you care so much about whether or not Global Warming is real? Are you really that worried about being lied to? The only one lying to you is yourself.

  41. When the earth or even better the universe decides it’s time for a mass extinction we are going to think that all these a$$ holes were pretty petty thinkers worrying about a tenth or two of a degree. I hope these pea brain “scientists” are the closest to ground zero when it does and will happen.

  42. Here is my prediction. The climate change Jihadists will get even more shrill. They won’t even try to refute or rebutt this. They will fear monger and somehow will make an example of these scientists by dredging upon thing from their past lives when they when they were in high school or college. Even worse the MSM will aid and abet these climate change alarmists push their agenda. Sad state of affairs.

  43. Could we have a show of hands, please? Who thinks anyone….anyone at all…will every be held accountable, much less go to jail over manipulating climate data?

    Let us be clear about our thoughts: THE INTERNATIONAL GLOBALISTS WHO WANT THE CARBON TAX TO PAY FOR AN INTERNATIONAL ARMY WILL BURY THIS AND NO ONE WILL PAY ANYTHING. In fact, we think they will “take care” of them for their loyalty to the cause. on facebook; tpimmigrationcoalition

      1. Your handle should be “super-POOP” based on your unintelligent drivel. Rather than discuss the merits of the remarks we made or of the underlying article, you choose to call names, which is the last resort of children, idiots and those cretins who have no intellligent remark to make. Which are you?

  44. When global hucksters have the opportunity to steal billions from multiple countries instead just their own – the lengths and depths of corruption have yet to be seen

  45. Excuse me? People would go to jail for faking data like this in business?

    HAHAHAAHHA! A funny joke.

    What about those studies saying that shipping our industries overseas will make us all richer? Or that importing massive numbers of third word refugees to increase competition for jobs will make wages go up not down? Or that all those trillions of dollars spent bailing out the banks made the taxpayer a profit? Or that Obamacare would lower health care costs? Or that repealing Glass-Steagall would not increase the instability of the financial sector?

    HAHAHAHA. IMHO this is just standard operating procedure.

  46. It’s not me you have to convince. I noticed a long time ago that the predictions of the models are not coming true. The polar ice cap was supposed to be free of ice 4 years ago. This year and last, even the Great Lakes are freezing at historic levels.

    The people you have to convince are those who “forget” the predictions are wrong – those who still believe it’s the truth even when the basic temperature data has been falsified.

  47. I never bought into the scam artist Al Gore and his stooges claim of global warming.
    Throughout the history of the world we have had warming spells, 20 or 30 years and longer. Same holds true with earths cooling spells.
    Pollution is a different story!

  48. “Global Warming facts versus faith” was written in 2010 by Walter Cunningham (Apollo 7 Astronaut with a degree in physics from UCLA and an MBA from Harvard).He concludes: “global warming alarmists invariably try to make their case by resorting to rhetoric, dogma, opinion and emotion…a professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering at the University of Houston, has had a standing offer of $10,000 for a single peer-reviewed paper showing causality between CO2 and increased temperature.None exists”

    I think Colonel Cunningham is far more credible than the talking TV turds who are useful idiots for the likes of Al Gore (the guy who claimed he invented the internet). Al and his cronies stood to make fortunes off of a Carbon Exchange Fund Scheme. Hell, he had ads run showing a little girl clingiing to a tree limb while the waters rose around her – a couple years later he bought himself a mansion right on the beach. This started before Obama. But the fact is, all of our elected officials are bought and paid for. What they lack in integrity and intelligence they make up for in greed and stupidity.

    America is a Kleptocracy (Greek for “rule by thieves”) and it is our own fault – we let it happen. When will we stop being interested in getting the right amount of air in the footballs and start being interested in giving Washington, DC a giant enema?

  49. The Catholic church went ape#@$% like this just before the 99 Thesis. lucky for us these days information travels much faster, and is less easy to impede.

    1. Numbers don’t lie, unfortunately for your premise.

      And stop waving your Koch around. People aren’t impressed with it any more – and they’re laughing at you because you won’t keep it zipped.

  50. Arrest these lying commies and frog march them up to the Arctic circle where they can contemplate their crimes against humanity…the horror, the horror.

  51. ‘In the business and trading world, people go to jail for such manipulations of data’……errr, what about the falsely rated “AAA” mortgaged back securities Goldman Sachs peddled pre 2008? Haven’t seen one bloke yet go to jail for that manipulation. And the consequences were pretty dire for that error of significant monetary convenience. Begs the question on the validity of that statement. Just sayin…

  52. I would tell people you didn’t adjust the raw data unless there was an overwhelming systemic error that you absolutely had to correct for. It’s that way in every other branch of precision measurement – you adjusted (as necessary) for KNOWN instrument error, and you make it clear that you’re doing so.

    But this ‘adjusting’ the data… this isn’t adjustment, it’s applying an increasing bias and you end up with pretty much fictional numbers. And THIS ‘settled science’ is what was used to justify the billions on billions spent in ‘green’ projects?

    This wasn’t science. It was science fiction.

  53. Some more sites offering solid proof of global warming….





  54. Kenny Lay from Enron and Al Gore started this scam in the 90s. The old shell game. (cap and trade) Money and Power over the population is the goal. Repeat a lie often enough and people will believe it. Goebbel’s propaganda during WWII is the blue print of the new world order.

  55. Time to blame a new trivial substance on the sky falling.

    May I go out on a limb here and predict that the only solution is wholehearted “democratic” socialism?

  56. So NOW Anthony Watts is the noble temperature adjustment crusader??? That is outrageous and despicable.

    The last time this subject made headlines, Tony Heller, AKA Steven Goddard brought it to national attention in the middle of last year (having published numerous analyses on the subject weekly and daily for years). He was quickly and viciously attacked by…Anthony Watts. Watts threw his hat in with climate lunatics and completely undermined the story. Watts is no friend of skeptics.

  57. Leftist governments adore Global Warming. It empowers them. They can create made up taxes from citizens and
    corporations. Splendid scam. I can smell BS a mile away. Never believed this crap. While we are having record low temps they say, Oh, that’s proof we are right. It gets colder first. Are you sheeting me? Go sell your snake oil to
    somebody else comrade.

  58. These guys lie so much you should not listen to them. Even if you are caught lying once there is no longer any credibility. What is it with this some weak minds fail to realize? They can’t even debate the issue, all they need is a few low-intelligence people to repeat the lies over and over again until it becomes fact in rumor.

  59. JUST THE FACTS: This is the coolest of five warming periods since the end of the Ice Age 10,000 years ago. Neither NASA nor any other government agency can cool the Holocene Climate Optimum 7,500 years ago, which was the warmest period of the past 10,000 years. It was followed by diminishing warm periods – Minoan, Roman, Medieval, and now, the least warm of the five. However, the Eemian interglacial (warm period) of 125,000 years ago was warmer than any of the past 10,000 years by a large margin. And all of this natural climate change happened without significant changes in atmospheric CO2. In fact, warmists (aka alarmists) insist that atmospheric CO2 was lower then, probably because they are ignorant about it being warmer then. Current warming is remarkable only because it followed the Little Ice Age (1400-1750AD), the coldest period of the past 10,000 years. Simply, there has been a cooling trend for the past 7,500 years, interrupted briefly by diminishing warm periods and colder cool periods. The talk about the effects of CO2 on warming is like the heated discussions of “learned” theologians about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. They assumed the existence of angels, and then began their discussions, just like the warmists assume climate change is not natural. They are natural climate change deniers.

  60. Brain Williams donated money to Obama’s campaign, TWICE. Now you know why he got a ridiculous amount of access to the President before the 2012 election. Birds of a feather…..What more do you need to know?

  61. This will end the public’s interest in using tax money for science sooner rather than later.

    When the baby boomers get told they won’t be getting the promised SSI money they expect, they will be looking for places to gut, and this travesty of federal un-science will just make it easy for them to say “take it from NOAA/NASA/Every federal science foundation use of tax payer money, since all they do is lie to us about it”

  62. Sounds like quite a few scientists and politicians now have egg on their faces with this latest revelation. Their spin for this will be interesting. Usually when someone gets hoodwinked or bamboozled, they get angry at the ones who tricked them. With these folks, they continue to support the hucksters and continue regurgitating the same lines as if nothing happened. It’s almost like an abused spouse who lives in denial.

  63. People also seem to “forget” that a majority of the official temperature sensors over the century had urban sprawl around them, which artificially increases the station temperature. Concrete & asphalt retain and release a lot of heat, whereas the populous and infrastructure didn’t exist back in the early 1900’s – even through until the 1970’s.

  64. Thanks to the hackers who hacked the University of East Anglia UK e-mail, and climate data, we now know that ‘scientists’ there were tasked with using manipulated climate data to fit a pre-determined conclusion. ‘Global Warming’ re-packaged as ‘Climate Change’ have been orchestrated in order to implement the ‘Cap & Trade’ tax scheme on businesses (Carbon Tax scam). whereby carbon, one of the basic building blocks of life on Earth has been redefined as a dangerous ‘pollutant’ to be taxed in part by Al Gore & Associates. Global warming is A HOAX it is a shakedown. The ONLY real warming occurring is due to chemical aerosols ‘chemtrails’ being dispensed by jets to prevent precipitation / rain on the West coast and other US and global locations. The chemical aerosols create a capping inversion layer preventing convection (rising air) necessary for storms to function and deliver rain. Right now, there is another much larger storm system South of the Aleutian Islands heading to the West Coast. The jet stream direction is favorable for rain on West coast, but in preparation for this storm a high pressure cell is being re-installed about 900-1000 miles off the California coast to help deflect the huge weather system. Chemical aerosols are forecast to be sprayed offshore and all over the State to assist in keeping the upper atmosphere very dry 10-15% RH in anticipation of this next 968 mb system. A Santa Ana wind condition is also being engineered in the Southern part of California to assist in keeping this powerful system from entering the Southern CA region.

  65. The geologic record is quite clear, and is genuine “science.” For millions of years we have gone through cycles of mini ice ages, and based on those records, we are coming up on another mini ice age. If this does occur, many will wish to God we could affect the climate to cause global warming – and it’s not going to happen.

    Just curious, has anyone ever heard of the “Carbon Cycle?” How about looking up all that is considered a global warming gas?
    If anything, people should start realizing the politicians are corrupt, as are the scientists groveling for grant money for pseudo science.

    Maybe it’s time for some old fashion witch burnings.

  66. The unspoken reality behind much of the climate-change industry is the billions of dollars in funding that are being hijacked to support private NGO, government and academic positions. Many have much to lose…they won’t go down without a fight.

  67. The biggest liars in science are NASA scientists. Every space walk shows air bubbles rising in the pool they are working in, every picture of the earth has been doctored.

    The Earth is not a ball, it’s a dish.

  68. Global warming wasn’t first announced by a scientist. It was announced by Al Hore. How long will Al Hore’s prison sentence be?
    And when will Al Hore finally provide me with the smoking hot woman that I ordered???

  69. Global warming is perpetuated by the United Nations as part of the Agenda 21 population-reduction program. The United Nations is a non-government entity which is run by an “elite” class of people (in their own minds) whose only goal is more power. They masquerade as advisers to government officials for the sake of promoting their agenda, and get great deals for their businesses in the process. Additionally, it gives the governments who go along with the charade more power, and they become addicted.

    It’s a vicious cycle, but such is the lust for power.

  70. The NOAA and NWS are rounding up actual recorded average daily temperatures for NYC Central Park if the average temperature for a day is a “0.5” number instead of a whole number (i.e when the low and high temperatures for a day include one odd and one even number). Conversely, they are almost exclusively rounding down the normal daily temperatures. This was not the case in the weather data from the 1930’s when they alternated between rounding up and down in order to calculate the mean recorded temperature for that day. This is a mechanism by which the NOAA and NWS would appear to be manipulating weather data in order to make it appear warmer than it is as well as to make normal temperatures seem cooler than they’re supposed to be. This little trick would average out to raise temperatures as compared to normal for an entire year by approximately 0.5 degrees Fahrenheit. Check out the http://www.weather.gov website and see for yourself.

  71. Used to be climb it change meat sneaking up behind someone and raising their underwear up into the butt crack.
    It may be spelled different now but the results are still the same if the people all in a bunch over it are any indication.
    And if you pull hard enough I dare say the O zone hole may appear as well.
    This use of blame must end its roots sought and held accountable.
    To even consider ourselves above nature to the point of forced change is arrogant of its host and moronic of its believers and only greed could ever drive such fueled foolishness.
    Snake oil!

  72. When libtards pull this c r a p nothing is done about it. The MSM hides this from the low information voters to protect their money grabbing complex.

  73. The term stadisticitians will use is “weighting factor”. This can be interpreted as a synonym to “the narrative”.

    I don’t believe this story. Only until i hear it from the mouth of the oracle Brian Williams will I believe.


  74. Mortars on their campus living quarters works too

    GO onto a campus find a “Believer” in global warming ..and disconnect their cognitive thought process…

    Better hurry though ..looking at Bruce Jenner I d have to say……

    stop the little campus f a g o t s in their youth …

  75. Rothschilds, And The Geoengineering Empire » Rothschilds, And …

    http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/ rothschilds-and-the-geoengineering-empire/

    Nov 13, 2012 … Why would the Rothschilds be so interested in owning the largest and most recognized weather modeling organization out there? Why would …

    Even the Rothschilds Are Weather Obsessed – Deal Journal – WSJ

    blogs.wsj.com/ deals/ 2011/ 01/ 31/ rothschilds-buy-majority-stake-in-weather-central/

    Jan 31, 2011 … Evelyn de Rothschild and Lynn Forester de Rothschild said they are buying a majority stake in weather-data service Weather Central L.P., …

    EL Rothschild buys stake in Weather Central – FT.com


    Feb 1, 2011 … … Blackstone and NBC Universal bought Weather Channel for $3.2bn. … Weather Central, whose US clients include the CBS Evening News …

      1. The UN Trojan horse is about globalists attacking our wallets, confiscating sovereign property, deeming ‘world’ law and ‘world’ regulation of our freedom, who do you think pays for the UN (that PAYS NO TAX)?

        Too many layers and layers of non-producing federal government and UN parasites in suits need evermore revenues for their opulent salaries, lifestyles and pensions. And most UN employees don’t even pay any tax (some ‘internal’ tax …whoppee).

        … So, how many UN ‘world’ (foreign) pensioners are we funding with our taxes?

        Imagine how much extra money we would have if we defunded the world’s behemothic tax parasites and redundant layers of government that are becoming more and more tax hungry and authoritarian towards it’s citizens.

        The UN and all of it’s huge organizations, commissions and agencies including the IMF and World Bank, generate no revenues, are not subject to the laws of any country it operates in, pays no tax, produce nothing, is dictating ‘world’ regulations, confiscating your wealth through federal taxation and backdoor taxation through complicit federal government agencies like the EPA.

        One dollar spent on a ‘FEDERAL’ level cost 10 times more than if that same job was done on a ‘STATE’ level, logic would point to keeping federal government no bigger than our constitutional mandate, notice the federal government taking states property and states rights away form states and handing control of US properties and law making over to the UN?

        Now add in the cost of the UN and the obscene waste and inefficiency of ‘world’ dollars:

        Wikipedia the UN and see how BEHEMOTHIC it now is with all it’s agencies, impotent peace keeping forces, organizations, commissions and each comes with their own building complexes, vehicles, uniforms, equipment, support complexes, staff, salaries, travel, security, food and energy expenses, conferences AND the now tens of thousands of UN retirees (mostly foreign) and their pensions, perks and benefits.

        YOO HOO, who do you think is paying for all of that?

        WAKE UP, maybe next time you look at your pay check or worry about your own pension.

        With the full backing of our traitorous federal monster government, the UN is ramming ‘Agenda 21’ and ‘Common Core’ (which is now proselytizing Islam to our children, Google it) down the throats of the world, the UN’s World Bank is complicit in forcing poor farmers off their own land in Africa and South America for corporate and endowment ‘tree farm/carbon credit’ investments, is deeming sovereign resources off limits, trying to eliminate (citizen’s only) the right to bear arms, our country’s sovereignty and our individual freedoms and now trying to force a ‘world’ climate change tax and ‘world’ wealth tax on us AND under the guise of saving us from asteroids, the UN is trying co-opt the US space program, it’s technology, resources and an on going effort to control the internet and MORE OF OUR TAXES.

        YOO HOO! Imagine the savings if our country stopped funding the UN.

        Lagarde’s (IMF) salary is over $300,000 + per year PLUS tens of thousands in ‘stipends’. and she PAYS NO TAX.

        “most UN employees pay no tax”.

        The IMF and World Bank are UN agencies of now countless agencies, commissions and organizations, one big Trojan Horse and tool of a few dynastic families, sucking the wealth, sovereignty, freedoms and life out of the world.

        The IMF is nothing more than a world asset stripping debt collector for the western alliance globalist elites.

        Global taxation, a ‘one world’ currency and open borders are all part of the globalists plan to eliminate sovereignty of nations.

        10 nations that control the world’s gold – MarketWatch
        Oct 20, 2012 … The International Monetary Fund is the third-largest official holder of gold, with more than 2,814 tonnes.

        Where’s all that IMF gold coming from? (Ask NATO< Libya? Egypt? Tunisia? Ukraine? soon Syria?) And Germany can't get their's back?

        The IMF is getting fantastically rich, while the world is collapsing into poverty.

        The IMF is ANOTHER UN agency, it is not a 'nation', it has been deemed 'supranational sovereignty' (deemed by the UN's 'International Court of Justice' -yep, another UN agency). so the UN creates an agency to deem itself and it's other agencies supranational sovereignty over the world and makes it's own laws, decides it needn't pay any tax nor provide any revenues -sweet deal if your a UN employee.

        UN? Proven corrupt, unelected, made up mostly of 3rd world dictatorships.

        NATO, the UN and all of it's agencies, commissions, organizations, etc (UN agencies include the IMF and World Bank), all have the same boss, they're all really just tentacles of the giant, globalist vampire banksters squid.

        Notice the elimination of individual accountability? 'NATO' decided this or that, the 'UN' deemed this or that, and we must all comply regardless of our rights, freedoms and laws of OUR OWN COUNTRY. Any official that your taxes fund needs to be thrown out if they support the UN. The working tax payer needs to be mobilized against funding the UN.

        We have to stop giving credibility and decision making powers to unelected foreign entities that we are forced taxed to fund while they supplant our own country’s laws and sovereignty and take control over our resources.

        Too many layers and layers of non-producing federal government and UN parasites in suits needing evermore revenues for their opulent salaries, lifestyles and ever growing pensions.

        Time to defund and take away the UN’s ‘supranational sovereignty’, restitution of it's assets (starting with the IMF's stolen gold hoard) claw back their pensions (US taxes for foreigners) and kick them the hell out of our country.

        Through imposed ignorance (thank MSM and the 'federal' Dept. of supposed Education -that's now injecting Islam into our public schools, Google it) we are handing over our resources, funding (taxes), technology and sovereign law making to basically an unelected, new monarchy (UN) made up of mostly 3rd world dictatorships who are just tools of a few dynastic families.

        … time to defund and reform federal into constitutional compliance, reign in regulatory down to it's original intended purpose, defund the IRS and the Department of Education (responsible for all our LOW INFORMATION VOTERS), re-coup our state's rights, take back federal land -our state's property from the feds), time to take back control of our own waterways and national parks and de-fund the UN, kick them out of our country, claw back pensions and restitution of it's assets starting with the IMF’s gold hoard.

        US citizens (working and paying taxes) fund 22% of the entire UN world budget & our 'federal' regulatory is also back door funding the UN (with your taxes, especially the EPA). We have been funding the United Nations University Institute for Sustainability and Peace (UNU-ISP) since 1972. How's that sustainability & peace working out? How many of their 'professors' & administrators are now comfortably retired on obscenely fat tax funded pensions? The UN includes the 'World Tourist Agency', and it is tax funded.

        When our own US citizens were furloughed, why wasn't the massive 22%++ of US tax funding of the UN and it's countless agencies, organizations and commissions withheld or even mentioned by MSM (sarcasm)?

        Why then isn't MSM all over this? A co-conspirator of the Rothschilds explained it years ago:

        "We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. … It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries. "

        -David Rockefeller, Baden-Baden, Germany in June 1991


        …and George Bush Sr. New World Order Speech Sept 11, 1991

        Sept. 11?



        The United Nations Headquarters complex was constructed in stages with the core complex completed between 1948-1952. The Headquarters occupies a site beside the East River, on 17 acres (69,000 m2) of land purchased from the foremost New York real estate developer of the time, William Zeckendorf, Sr. Nelson Rockefeller arranged this purchase, after an initial offer to locate it on the Rockefeller family estate of Kykuit was rejected as being too isolated from Manhattan. The US$8.5 million (adjusted by inflation US$82.6 million) purchase was then funded by his father, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., who donated it to the city.[6] Wallace Harrison, the personal architectural adviser for the Rockefeller family, and a prominent corporate architect, served as the Director of Planning for the United Nations Headquarters. His firm, Harrison and Abramovitz, oversaw the execution of the design.[7]

        With their huge international investment exposure and influence, wouldn't you expect the Rothschilds and Rockefellers to be just a little more concerned and vociferous, as the world 's economic structure is crumbling toward chaos and war and people's freedoms are systematically taken away?

        Unless they are orchestrating it.

  76. With now all the mountains of evidence and exposed (and admitted) fraud, warmists are the real deniers and the new useful idiots.

    Scientists Caught Again Faking Global Warming Data

    Posted on February 2, 2015 by Martin Armstrong

    “An investigation of the raw data recording temperature, has revealed that once again these academics are manipulating the data to keep billions of dollars flowing into their hands. No matter how many times they are caught, government will not change course because they want to believe in global warming to justify higher taxes. Al Gore even went the Davos to pitch once again for higher taxes to stop global warming he declares is the number one crisis in the world. He too, never heard of cycles.”

    “An audit of their data shows they are adjusting the numbers to convert declining temperatures into rising temperatures using averaging. These people belong seriously in prison for harming the lives of everyone so deliberately and dishonestly.”

    More Than 1000 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims

    Challenge UN IPCC :Panel

    By Global Research News

    Global Research, September 21, 2014


  77. The so-called ‘scientific community’ is really starting to stink and needs a good housecleaning starting with the NWO shill, “those are just contrails”, Cuckoo Kaku.:

    “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”
    ― Upton Sinclair

    Australian Scientists Caught Rigging Climate Number to Fake Global Warming
    Posted on September 30, 2014 by Martin Armstrong


    The IPCC Exposed

    The Green Agenda – Deep Ecology

    “It appears that the Global Green Agenda includes controlling every aspect of human activity, especially our reproduction. Humans, as a destructive pest species, must have their population tightly controlled, and even significantly reduced according to some.”

  78. Stop these attacks on wallet and freedoms:

    “The Establishment Academics are becoming just fascist Marxists hell-bent on manipulating society for personal gain and power.”

    “Global Warming is another hidden agenda. The politicians are eager to climb on board not to save the world, but to raise taxes. The academics are driven by the money so they can sit in their rooms collect welfare checks for totally worthless nonsense.”


    Global Warming Fascist Movement & Academic Welfare | Armstrong …

    http://www.armstrongeconomics.com/ 2014/ 05/ 18/ global-warming-fascist-movement-academic-welfare/

    May 18, 2014

    ” Money pours into academia to create bogus studies to support the theory of Global Warming for taxing power as well as other agendas. So, Establishment Academics line up like those in the inner city on welfare check day to get their welfare checks to put out studies on all sorts of things with a predetermined conclusion.”

  79. Why then isn’t MSM all over this? A co-conspirator of the Rothschilds explained it years ago:

    “We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. … It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries. ”

    -David Rockefeller, Baden-Baden, Germany in June 1991

    Boehner, McCain, Kerry, Bush(s), Clinton(s), Graham, McConnell and who RINOs and all democrats bow to:

    Check out the last 30 seconds of 2, then watch these two short videos:

    youtube: Obama and Rockefeller 1

    youtube: Obama and Rockefeller 2

    Here’s the latest on the Rockefellers:

    Why Rockefellers Aim at Destroying Farmers Worldwide? | New …

    http://www.journal-neo.org/ 2014/ 12/ 11/ why-rockefellers-aim-at-destroying-farmers-worldwide/

    Can America trust it’s own federal government?

  80. Manipulation. Lies. Deceit. Anyone surprised? The Left Wing Media is falling apart. Brian Williams. They have no decency, honesty, or integrity. It is all about pushing a narrative and the American people swallow it whole because they are too lazy to think for themselves. Sapere Aude is the Latin phrase for “Dare to know”, or “Dare to be
    wise”. It was originally used by the Roman poet Horace in the First Book
    of Letters in 20 BC, but become associated with the Age of
    Enlightenment led by Immanuel Kant becoming the motto for the entire
    17th and 18th Enlightenment period. Having the courage to think and do for
    yourself symbolizes Sapere Aude. It is time America left the Dark Ages of the Drive By Liberal Media behind. Their goal is not to inform and educate. Rather deceive, control, and manipulate.

  81. Quote: The 1970s Ice Age Scare Has Now Been Completely Erased —
    Temperature revisions wipe out past cooling!

    They can’t erase memories. They had grammar school teachers cramming “The Coming Ice Age” down kids throats. That’s how I know this global warming BS is BS. The left spouts “8 out of 10 scientists agree on the data that the earth is warming”, in the 70’s the same leftist imbeciles were screaming that 8-10 scientists agree on the data that the earth is cooling. Do they think nobody remembers? And what happened to their unhinged ZPG alarms, according to them I was supposed to be living on three blades of grass and standing elbow to elbow with 50 billion other people by now. What a crime, these people really need to be rounded up and held accountable for the damage they’ve done with all of their lies.

  82. Anyone that accepts the fact that man can control the climate is either lacking intelligence, or is part of the scheme to set up an unnecessary tax. Like most tax money, it will not be used to address any problem…since there is no problem…but rather, to line the pockets of the perpetrators. This is not Obama’s idea…but those that manipulate him, will use him as a tool by which to sell this idea. I don’t care for him, but it has nothing to do with his color. I simply think the man is an excellent speaker, thus he becomes a very good salesman. I have a problem with him in that he will stand at a podium and make statements that he must know are completely false…but he does not question those statements. This implies to me that he is okay with being used because it fits the ideology that he has accepted…America is a bad place and only by forcing it to become a socialist country, will his mission be successful.
    I also resent the fact that Pope Francis will be addressing congress later this year and will be lecturing in regard to global warming. I don’t know the man, but I would hope that those that feel there should be a solid line between church and state, will protest his meddling in how this or any government operates.
    Incidentally….the last time I looked, the Pope was not black.

  83. Global Warming;Climate Change is all about wealth distribution. Wealth includes those making $25,000 a year when compared to third world salaries, you are not excluded. Aiming everything at the 1%’ers is all a tactic/deception for you to bite on and it’s working.

  84. America elected a fraud as leader, America funds the UN, an organization actively subverting America and the free world. Both are committing act of war against America. Both Obama and the UN should be locked away, shut down and raised.

  85. I am shocked! Not really. Apparently lies are the new truth (if you are a moron). I say we hold these fools responsible, calculate the amount of fine they need based on the damage caused and make ’em pay. Anyone who propagated this “truth”.

  86. It is a violation of federal law to knowingly issue a false federal report (18USC1018) or submit false information to the federal government (31USC3729-3733).

  87. Liberal voters are the cause of America’s collapse in to chaos. Liberals are simply too stupid and selfish to understand that to have a strong and successful economy that provides opportunity for all, all must do their best to provide value. Expecting others to take care of you is parasitic, like cancer, a disease no one wants.

  88. Mr. Anthony Watts, surely you jest? The idea of sending these liberal progressive con-men to jail is laughable….. As if anyone like Al Gore, Barack Obama, or the scientists who have fleeced the American taxpayer will ever spend one day in jail let alone ever see the inside of a courtroom is simply a pipe dream. It will never happen.

    And that is the saddest indictment of our government and judicial system……

  89. Let’s check Algores record:

    Global warming
    Created the Internet
    Basis for the movie Love Story

    All lies.

    Can you imagine if he had been resident in 9/11 instead of W?

  90. The scientific method was once sacred. And the scientists who went to college and earned advanced science degrees were trained to adhere to the strict methods and ethics of scientific study. Now it’s all about ensuring their next federal grant. That and low information sheep who will believe anything they’re told, and you get global warming.

  91. My former area north of Boston is experiencing a record amount of snow within a 10-day period. The ice is thickening at both poles. Polar bears were spotted clinging to icebergs on Lake Superior as late as last September. OK, I made that last one up. Lying is contagious. Just ask Obama, Brian Williams, Hillary, Bubba, Reid, Pelosi, or any leftist.

    So, here I am in Southwest Florida enjoying the warmth. I can only hope this new ice age, snow age, whatever, won’t find its way down here before I die from heat exhaustion or whatever.

    1. You say that as though Faranheit were an illegitimate measure of temperature. When presenting data to an American audience to show the scale and type of temperatures, it makes perfect sense to present the data in Farenheit.

      You and I have no idea where those graphs came from and what the data looked like before being put in a presentable form for some audience. You should retract your statement and its implication.

        1. You can keep repeating your claim without addressing my comment, but it doesn’t make you look thoughtful or rational at all.

          I don’t know who created the graphs above. Was it a scientist or was it more of a journalist presenting the data from a scientist?

          On top of all that, the thought that no one can look at data or work with data besides official “scientists” is appallingly elitist and what has gotten us into this trust gap with climate “scientists” in the first place.

    1. and then conveniently destroy the “original ‘raw’ data”. . . .so that the only thing anyone is left with is your trash “normalized” (hide the decline) data. . .. .Destroyed decades of original data, that taxpayers have funded and paid for. . . .. Who gave them permission to destroy the original raw data?Any “data” person knows that the original sin is “destroying” data. . ..especially the “raw” data that can be used and reused now and in the future as projections/models are refined and perfected. . . . .These aren’t true scientists – these are taxpayer frauds. . . .hacks of the worst kind.And everyone involved should be doing prison time – including those at the universities who helped them commit this fraud. . . . .

  92. “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill.

    All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.”

    ~ Richard Haass ~ (Club of Rome, 1991)

    (It’s been in the works for a long time …)

    1. People should be doing prison time for the largest taxpayer fraud in American history In the history of mankind..If you and I took millions upon millions of taxpayer money and produced a fraudulent study, we’d be in “Club Fed.”Mann and Hansen, as well as the Universities, should have all their assets seized by the government to pay the taxpayers back for their fraud. . . . .Then, heavy prison sentences. Send a message to the science community – if you take taxpayer money – and produce fraudulent studies – you’re going to do time.

    1. Yep – this was the worlds largest scam ever perpetrated on the globe.This was about “taking control” of the US, and redistributing our resources around the globe.How many nations walked out of “Global Warming Talks” when not only did they want billions paid to them for “impacts”. . .but they turned around and wanted “back payments” of billions upon billions for current/past impacts (i.e. reparations). . . .

    1. That says everything about the type of people you hang around with.I suggest you expand your “circle” that just the circle of whackos that you agree with. . . .

  93. It’s all part of the plan. They have to prove that carbon-based energy is EVIL! The end-game is the one-world government goal. They want a UN style body telling us hicks in the Fly-over States what we can and cannot do/have. With true energy independence the US can tell the rest of the world to piss-off. That thought terrifies the Libs. No heed for carrier groups in the Middle East waters and no young Americans in those third-world shitholes. Those rag-heads can keep on living in the 8th Century. They miss with us and we roll the B-52’s. Hell, they still work pretty well.

  94. There are differing LEVELS of scientific errors.
    The first is taking good data and misinterpreting it. Anyone can do that, that is why you have peer-review. It could be an honest mistake.
    The next is purposely falsifying data or ignoring data that contradicts your ‘desired’ result.
    This is scientific fraud and you should be fired for it.
    But the WORST is to take data that disagrees with what you want AND DELETING IT so that no one can contest your view.
    This is the worst scientific fraud because you have lost knowledge and you cannot replace it,
    And you force money to be spend on findings YOU KNOW to be incorrect.
    That becomes criminal fraud.
    This is what they did. And they were not fired, they have cushy jobs at NASA for it.
    That’s why you don’t want GOVERNENT running things- they have an agenda and promote it at YOUR( taxpayers) expense.

    1. Yep. Taxpayer funded raw data, deleted.Science can go back and look at old data and learn new things. .. but not now.These taxpayer frauds not only cooked/faked/baked the data. . . .they then destroyed all the original data – leaving everyone with the polluted/garbage faked/baked data.Millions upon millions, down the drain.Taxpayer fraud – they, and the universities that helped them – should have their entire lives’ assets confiscated, including the university’s properties/alumni accounts – to pay back the taxpayers for all this fraud, and the destruction of that raw/historical data. . . . .Send a message to the science community – if you take taxpayer money and produce fraudulent studies – you’re going to do time in prison and your family will be homeless and penniless. So will anyone who helps you with that taxpayer fraud.

      1. That is absolutely correct- RAW DATA is the single most important thing to save. And deleting it when it does not support your desired outcome is the worst thing you can do as a scientist, period.

    1. Yep – it sure is.When they cling to their “beliefs” in the face of contradictory evidence – it has become a “religion”. . . .actually, a cult.Even worse – a taxpayer funded cult.Every Hare Krishna leader out there would be jealous of the greenies’ devotion to this nonsense. . .. .Who are the science-deniers now? Hmmmm?

  95. Thank you for showing the Emperor’s clothes/man behind the curtain. Earth has been warming for the past 17,000 years, but not because of humans.

  96. The mask is coming off …

    The U.N. Climate Chief: “We’re ‘Intentionally’ Transforming The World Economy”

    “This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are
    setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of
    time to change the economic development model that has been reigning for
    at least 150 years …”

    And now … you know the rest of the story … 😉

    1. “Figueres is optimistic that a new international treaty, the so-called “Lima draft”—which she hopes will be adopted at climate change conference in Paris at the end of the year—will be yet another step to the “transformation” of the world’s economic model. The new treaty, she pointed out, was one of four parts of the process of economic reordering. “

  97. This exposing the fraud behind the global warming scare is a good start. Now it is time to expose Obama for the fraud that he is. There is a multitude of places to start.

  98. This will not stop the control freaks of the left. Facts do not matter, only their power. They will hide this to protect their rulers, like the 1%er Al (oil money) Gore. The best way to defeat them…..defiance….just like they do to us.


  99. What??? You mean they LIED to us and continue to LIE about global warming/climate change? What a shock….not. We’ve been lied to about global warming, keeping our doctors, border control, gun running by the feds, alternative energy sources…and the list continues ad nauseum. Frankly, I believe NOTHING that comes out of our government any more, and our obsequious and servile media would rather suck up than do any real investigative reporting.

  100. Garbage in, garbage out! Who knows how accurate the past data was thereby negating much of the data today. Common sense. And ,of course, the argument that global warming is attributable to man is totally ridiculous,unless you are Al Gore (who made millions on that lie!)

    1. And they’ve destroyed the original “raw” data, leaving everyone with the faked/baked/cooked data.Millions of dollars of taxpayer funded data spanning decades.They destroyed it.

  101. Lima, Peru – in March, is where they plan to “hammer out” plans and “legal instruments” to advance/impose on nations. . . . .Make sure your senators are aware – nothing is to be ratified.Just like Inhoffe, who flew there on his own money, followed Obama around at the Hopey/Dopey Changey Copenhagen summit telling everyone “Obama doesn’t have the authority to bind the US to anything – the senate ratifies treaties. . . not him.”. . . . .Even China told the “Hopey Dopeys” at Copenhagen they would not agree to anything that negatively impacted their energy/economic expansions. . . . .Even China understands – energy production is the driving force behind economic expansion. . . .

  102. Hey if they cannot continue this deception how can Gore, Soros, Barry and others ever recoup their investment in the Chicago Climate Exchange?

    They stand to lose a ton if the redistribution via carbon tax does not take place in massive amounts.

  103. Hence the term climate change is being used instead of global warming. This way anything can be used as proof that we’re hurting the planet’s climate.

  104. It’s settled science. Man-made global warming is a hoax. Yet, I don’t think that will stop Democrats from trying to gruber us into submission.

      1. what’s wrong the Jews lied about the holohoax and the Jews lie about global warming. Nobody lies aswell as they do and produce epic movies to back their lies

        1. My grandfather saw the carnage of the holocaust you clown, he’s no jew, you calling him a liar too. The numbers are probably skewed, I get that, but it doesnt matter if it was 60,000 or 6 million, Its still tragic

          1. The supply lines at the end of the war were cut off . Yes carnage of war was everywhere dumbo. The carpet bombing and indiscriminate murder of German women and children by also ruptured supply lines to the work camps where communists were kept safely. Is hard to feed people with out food. You’re ignorant grandfather is just that IGNORANT AT BEST OR A LIAR

  105. Regardless of your feeling about climate change or global warming, you simply must give credit to climate scientists for their organizational skills in setting up a global conspiracy that no one yet has proven even exists.
    Sure, there are claims about manipulating data, but so far no one can identify who did the manipulation, or who is leading this cabal.
    Climate scientists may not know squat about climate, but they are A number one at conspiracies.

            1. You can’t answer a simple question.
              The word “revolution” has a lot of different meanings and interpretations. Whether the constitution supports you depends on which of those meanings you are talking about. IF you know what you are talking about.

              1. I’m sorry that your reading comprehension skills are sadly lacking, however if you’ll just apply what little intelligence that you have to the subject of the Constitution and what it says I think you can answer your own question.

                1. You don’t know, do you?
                  Let me help.
                  If you are discussing a revolution at the polls, to elect a new government, the Constitution supports you 100%.
                  If you think the Constitution endorses armed insurrection and treason, you are wrong.
                  Do you have any idea which revolution you are endorsing?

                  1. LOL Whatever. Read the Declaration of Independence. There are several avenues for a revolution, and they all don’t involve violence. You’re just leading because you hate the fact that people aren’t happy with the left and have a stereotype of conservatives based on all those undocumented truths from the left. Do you know what an Article 5 Convention is?

                    1. The Declaration if Independence is not the law of the United States. The Constitution is.
                      As for avenues for revolution, avenues without violence is precisely what I was asking James to identify, but he couldn’t, because he never thought about it.

                  2. It’s the Declaration of Independence that supports revolution.

                    “–That whenever any
                    Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of
                    the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,
                    laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in
                    such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and

                    1. Actually the Founders thought so highly of the Declaration of Independence that the Second Continental Congress actually wrote it into the US Code.

                    2. Huh? I just told you that the DOI is part of the US Code. It was written into the US Code by the first Congress immediately after ratification of the Constitution because the Framers understood the DOI to be organic law (ie the founding principles of the entire country).

                    3. Which Title of the U.S. Code are you referring to?
                      Where is the Declaration of Independence codified into United States law?
                      If you are argument that the Code is modeled after the principles of the Declaration of Independence, then the Declaration of Independence isn’t really part of the Code.
                      But, it really doesn’t matter, because the Declaration of Independence was written to King George, not the colonists, and was not written to be a law, it was written to be a Declaration.

                    4. I just showed you where the DOI is included in the US Code and provided a link. Do with it what you will. It’s clear you don’t care because you have your mind made up already. But the DOI wasn’t just a declaration to King George. In fact, the DOI in many ways is even more important than the Constiution. Think of it as a policy statement. It lays out the founding principles of limited government, birthed in the Enlightenment, where government is instituted to protect individuals rights. The point is that the American people don’t need a law written by the government telling us we can revolt against………the government. Nor should we expect one. Organic law, of which the DOI was based upon, tells us that when government no longer protects its citizens natural rights it is their responsibility to change the government by any means necessary. The Founders thought the Constitution would preserve the founding principles. It has not because it’s been misinterpreted and abused by those seeking power. Therefore it may be time for a change. But the people don’t need to look to the Constitution for the right to make that change. The Constitution does not grant us our inalienable rights. We’re born with them. Jefferson was clear about this. and the Founders obviously understood that the DOI and its embrace of natural law was the foundation that the new nation was built upon, that’s why they included it as part of the US Code immediately after the USA was created. You may disagree that their is a need for a revolution. Many Colonists disagreed with breaking away from England. But that doesn’t change the fact that people have the right to do so.

                  3. Ok, let’s review your idiocy so far…..
                    You asked the question “Where does the RIGHT come from ? ”
                    All of our “RIGHTS” come from the Constitution …. are you keeping up so far ?
                    You then ask(in typical L!b(t)a(r)d fashion)a question about a “type” of “revolution”.
                    You need to stick to the subject(that you chose) rather than trying to deflect and “steer” the subject in some direction that fits your Leftist agenda.
                    I’ll wait for your next Loony-Toon rant….I need a good laugh….

                    1. Did you even read my last response to you ill informed diatribe?
                      Read it again, because it addresses everything in your latest temper tantrum.

                    2. Did you read your FIRST question ? ! ?
                      Or are you too busy figuring out how to “Saul Alinsky-ize” the conversation to your own Leftist needs…

                    3. I did. I then asked what type or revolution you were talking about.
                      Whether the Constitution gives you the right to a revolution depends on the type of revolution you are talking about.
                      You then dodged the question, and called me stupid because you couldn’t explain what you were talking about.
                      I can’t answer the question for you, and calling me stupid because you don’t know what you are talking about does not improve your credibility.
                      Your last chance. What type of revolution are you talking about. A violent one? Or a revolution at the polls?

                    4. This is YOUR “last chance”….
                      Your ORIGINAL question was where do “rights” come from….
                      They come from the Constitution….
                      Then you deflect and start your Leftist “talking-point” dissertation about “types” of revolutions so that you can proceed with your Whack-A-Doodle non-sense.
                      You have become boring and childish, as expected from your ilk….
                      I have better ways to waste my time….

                    5. I can feel brain cells being killed by everyone of your idiotic rants.
                      I ask you a simple question, with a simple answer, that only you know because it’s about what you want, and you can’t answer it.
                      You’re a waste of time. Get lost.

      1. “We
        hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,
        that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,
        that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That
        to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving
        their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any
        Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of
        the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,
        laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in
        such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and
        Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long
        established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and
        accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to
        suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by
        abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train
        of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a
        design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it
        is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards
        for their future security.”

  106. But in the political world it’s different , there it’s who has the pull, who makes the contributions to party hacks, pays the bribes and works on the taxpayers dime. And of course the hysterics in the media feed off it.

            1. The owners of the government.
              You don’t think the government cares about you do you?
              You didn’t really think the Citizens United decision was really about free speech, did you? It was about the selling of the United States Government to the highest bidder.

              1. Because the government has the power to grant special favors. A government with limited power, in accordance with the Constitution, doesn’t have the power to pick winners and losers, at least not on the scale that they do today. You want to get special interests out of government? Then limit government power. That’s the only answer.

                1. Who enforces the Constitution against people like the Koch Brothers? Who tells the Koch Brother and their ilk that they can’t have something? There will never be limited government as long as government is for sale to the highest bidder.

                  1. Provide an example of the “something” that the government would prevent the Koch brothers from having. Also special interests are the result of an overreaching government, not the cause.

          1. LUE, start saving your pennies now. Your bragging comment is ludicrous.
            BTW, you have left out Leftist billionaires, you doubt they exist? Or is it their money is different, try and be consistent if not honest. Regards to George Soros.
            Obama loves you !
            Bye, it’s been fun, actually it’s been hilarious, did you get a load of Obama.s comparison of Christians of 800 years ago being somehow in his bizarre mind equivalent to islamists who bury women alive and saw babies in half?, isn’t he a scream?
            Nice knowing you.

  107. The whole global warming / climate change movement is probably the biggest scam ever perpetrated on mankind.
    A behemoth agenda whose ulterior motives are to redistribute wealth and force behavior modification through withering taxation and oppressive regulation.
    In the private sector this is referred to as fraud and racketeering and everyone who has actively engaged in exploiting it for personal and political gain should be investigated and sent to prison for a very long time.
    That includes that phony in the White House as well as the organized crime syndicate known as the Democrat party.

    1. Because governments are complicit. They fund these self-serving climate “scientists” — can’t make money without manufacturing a crisis and then contorting and creating “data” to support their gravy train — with tax dollars in order to create the pretext necessary to usurp more and more power, and cement their control over their respective populations.

    2. Because it’s the governments who fund these scientists. Governments are looking for another reason to confiscate more money from its citizens. An energy tax will bring in trillions of dollars in “revenue” for corrupt politicians. Global warming is just another wealth redistribution scam thought up by the left wing. Remember, green is the new red.

        1. Science is not against us. It’s the left wing manipulating the data to get the results they want. And I couldn’t care less that government is against us. I expect the government to erode liberty and wealth whenever possible.

            1. Elect politicians who don’t believe in global warming or support energy taxes. If that doesn’t work I can either choose to avoid the tax by any means necessary or find a new country to live in. But they won’t be getting my money. I urge all patriotic Americans to do the same.

  108. If it’s too warm, it’s global warming
    If’s its cold, it’s global warming
    if it doesn’t rain, its global warming
    if it rains too much its global warming
    if it snows, its global warming
    if it doesn’t snow its global warming.
    Its a scam. They just want more money.

  109. Americans don’t flinch over another “fake scandal”. We’ve come to expect them. It’s just sad that the some of the world has already put billions in the form of taxation toward a theory based on manipulated data. Is that not just a bit worse than armed robbery? Who cares if it’s the biggest armed theft ever? /sarc

    1. Saving the Earth is a convenient pretext. Their religion is anti-Capitalism. Note that the rise of the current crop of environmentalist zealots coincides with the fall of the Soviet Union; Communists, faced with the stark reality that their utopian State had failed, floundered for a bit looking for another venue to focus their Fascistic anti-Western nations’ financial dominance of the world’s finances and found the environmental movement the perfect vehicle to rob rich nations blind for their redistributionist dreams. It’s not for nothing that they’ve earned the nickname ‘Watermelons’.

  110. The biggest scam every perpetrated on the World, next to the hoax perpetrated on the American People by the powers that be by installing a Manchurian Candidate in the WH to do their bidding. I wonder just how much money Al Gore has made off of the moron minions.

  111. It’s a shame..because so many people believe in the alterations and have so much faith in the neo Sun God that they are willing to give up yet another portion of their disposable income as tithe.

  112. I have absolutely grown to hate anything, and anyone – outside of the US military – that is connected to the American federal government. To me they are the real true enemy of our nation.

  113. Anyone out there want to join me on a ride on Kalifornia’s $XXtrillion bullet train when it is done? There will be plenty of room, surveys have shown universal disinterest in ever riding the thing. Might dent your wallet a bit though; reports are ticket prices will need to be in the $1000 range for a trip from LA to SF to just cover OPEX, not even come close to paying back the capital. And then there is Arnold’s favorite the Hydrogen Freeway which if built will only allow hydrogen and all-electric cars. Haven’t heard much about that in recent years but if built will be another $XXtrillion project with zero utilization. I am a Kalif native tried and true but when I retire in a few years I will be forced to move to Texas. I will be destitute funding all these Marxist utopian boondoggles. Not going now; making WAY too much obscene profit as an oilfield engineer.

  114. Today, Feb. 9th 2015, we are on our 5th snow storm in 5 weeks in Connecticut. Temps. are colder than any other year I can remember. I think these global warming nutcases are getting desperate.

  115. You know that Global Warming™, Climate Disruption™ or whatever they are calling it this month, is purely political, and a scam, when statements that the climate has been in temperature stasis for a number of years is met with screaming, hollering and name calling instead of relief that catastrophe has been diverted. Climate scientists have mortgages and car payments too and they will defend to the death their very lucrative meal ticket. Mix in a little technocrat control on the government level (Mr Obama for example), and you have the making of a pretty huge scam.

    Which it is.

  116. Who cares. It doesn’t take a genius to see that the weather is screwed up and that the Earth is too hot in the Western Hemisphere. The fact is: the magnetic field is 10 to 15% weaker over the Western Hemisphere and that is what’s causing the temperature and the Seasons to be out of whack in North America.

  117. Have any of you ever read a book about global warming written by a scientist? Global warming can only be judged by compiling data over thousands of years……….far longer than we have the data. However, there are scientific clues available today which indicate that we have a global warming problem. Would any of you married folks opt out of buying life insurance to protect your loved ones because you think you are going to live forever? Doing something about global warming is like buying life insurance. You don’t want to bet the ranch that you are not going to die. So, you also don’t want to bet the ranch that global warming is a hoax or a myth. There is no turning back.

    1. So you’re the guy who bought snow plow insurance for your driveway in Hawaii. People like you never know. I bet the my ranch and yours liberals are lying about global warming (or whatever they call it these days).

  118. Ok, great, they’ve been caught again. The problem is they’re already at it. Carbon taxes, EPA assaults on industry. They’ve already done severe damage with their lie. What to do?

  119. No one disputed the climate changes over time. But is the change outside of a normal variability? The data from satellites is a relatively new thing. So merging that data with ice core samples and tree ring data is bit of black magic. Also the claims that we can change the climate though taxation, should be a big red flag to any thinking person.

  120. Just think about this-fraud on a massive global scale being perpetrated by the UN and many different government officials in order to extort/steal money from billions of individuals(taxes) to enrich themselves and have more power over the “masses” through redistribution of wealth. It is an organized crime syndicate that RICO laws should deal with.

  121. Deceived by “Global Warming” the UN mandates strict suffocating regulations which leads to shortages, unemployment, and massive national frustrations, which in turn, leads to continental conflicts and in the end, massive nuclear exchanges which, in turn, destroys the environment with unquenchable warming.

  122. Empirical evidence that even though liberalism must lie – the truth ultimately gets out to everyone. But like obamacare, if liberals lie to pass a law its likely too late for the truth to help the citizens of American. A little liberal poison goes a long way.

      1. For the world economy and the lives lost for the destruction of that economy with their outrageous and purposeful lives. Yes, scores of people lost their livelihood and some lost their lives as a result of these lies. That doesn’t deserve jail time?

    1. They should be put on trial, threatened with a long jail sentence unless they reveal who put them up to this. Those are the ones that need to go to jail for a very long time.

  123. Al Gore, the premiere expert on all things global, when asked what the origins of all the Massive Chem-Trail Sprayings was, responded, “I don’t know what you are talking about”.

  124. The easiest way to foil the Warmers is to note that they unequivocally support GMO. Sure, they want to save the Earth, but are more worried about natural plant food (CO2) than horrific combinations of plants and animals and terminator technology? Right.

        1. No. I just note that if records are being broken it is consistent with climate change theory. Just being summer proves nothing. It is impossible to prove whether any single weather event is or is not related to climate change.

      1. consensus scientists will tell you that any change in the weather is due to man made global warming. Katrina ring a bell? What was that other storm in NJ? If man does not agree to man made global warming (lying about) “these events will become more prevalent and destructive”.

    1. I’ve been looking at the numbers for years – and saying if you’ve got to ‘adjust’ the numbers away from the raw data, you’re essentially tossing out your data.

      The ONLY cause to do that is if there’s a verifiable and consistent equipment error. At that point (and only that point) you apply a correction factor.

      This isn’t the case here.

      But since you’re so incredibly smart (as well as good looking, I’m sure) let me pose you this question.

      If the RAW data shows decreasing or steady temperatures, and the ADJUSTED data shows a sharp increase – what’s the actual temperature doing?

        1. I can read quite well. I can also do the math, and understand that precision measurements don’t get altered without good reason – which for AGW seems to be “The curve’s going the wrong way, we’d better adjust it.”

          Reality always wins – and it’s reflected in the raw data, not the ‘adjusted’ output.

        1. And it always changes. It’s when you take the raw numbers (which are as ‘Mother Nature’ made them) and run them through an adjustment process which varies them – and then use the adjusted numbers to push ecological programs through fear OF those numbers things get a bit iffy.

          1. This sounds a little like Las Vegas. They take random chance and run it through a program to tilt the outcome in their favor, guaranteed over time. Numbers crunchers.

    2. In the “real world” climate change, identified as a problem we can solve, doesn’t exist, that’s why. Complaining about the weather is a pastime, not a career.

    3. I assure you, you come to where I work and start talking alarmism and you’ll have a half dozen real world people in your face – you must be a shut in

  125. It’s time to dry up the money for global warming. End the money and the crisis will go away. We’ve got bigger fish to fry in America. Ending permanent deficit spending is all our Government bureaucrats should be concentrating on. Cast the healthy working age back into the workforce and eliminate the word racism (that means “blacks shut-up”) will do half of it. The other half is eliminate illegals from our soil.

    1. The United States could reduce deficit spending by closing 20% of its existing military bases. The pentagon has said they don’t need 20% of the bases they have, but politicians will never support closing a base in their district.

      1. Ending planned deficits will only happen when Congress is forced to debate and prioritize budgeting to reflect what can be collected from taxpayers. Military is part of the problem, politically. We need a “pie” to fight over, not unlimited borrowing.

    2. We have too many here at home hell bent on giving your money and our control away to any interest other than our own. We have global progressives drooling at the idea that the American Democrate is now their best socialists buddy. They have way too much traction to give up now. It would take a huge figure, a great leader, a public swell of support for crushing the U.N. and the Global Interest in us being the world fools… I don’t see that leader emerging. I hope he comes. I pray we wake up. AMERICA CAN BE GREAT ONCE AGAIN !!!

        1. What about Big I-Phone? They make more (much more) capitalistic profits than the oil industry and are much less important to our Life, Liberty and pursuit of happiness. Big oil is not listening to your phone calls.

          1. Think of big oil as the buggy makers faced with the invention of the automobile. Obviously, the automobile is a threat to the survival of buggy makers.
            Big Oil has a major stake in ensuring that people continue to consume fossil fuels at increasing rates.

            1. Still, not a word from the Liberals as a companies like Apple and Google become richer (and inherently more powerful) than Countries. Both have better balance sheets than our own Federal Government. I’m suspect Liberals think these “new” Capitalistic-want-to-be-monopolistic entities are on their side of politics. Of course that will change but the horse is out of the barn by then. Big Oil shares the same motivation as Apple. Make profits by meeting demand. The buyers are in charge with Capitalism. There’s yet little demand leaving oil for solar, et-al if you ignore the force of Government. And only Government will come up with the wrong solution.

              1. It’s an old line from Mark Twain. It means we all want good weather all the time but the definition of good is a moving target. Somebody dislikes the current weather all the time. I thought it apropos and amusing when Climate Change concerns became chic. Let’s face it, the world will never come together on the definition, proof, solution or cost to change the Earth’s climate variations. If and when oil runs afoul of our needs and expectations, Capitalism will present a solution. Probably not in yours or my lifetime. But, who knows? Oil has only been a solution for a 150 years. There will be a next great solution. The only “best bet” is we won’t return to wood fuel, horse transportation or wind. Solar is closer to the compass compared to GPS. Meaning it works, but not good enough. Nuclear works great for electricity but the regulations and fear that sprung from the 3 mile island non-event have never been overcome with the spotless record sense. We’ve got plenty of time to wait for the next big thing. Islamic expansion and Big Government’s loving Socialism or Fascism is way more pressing for those of us alive now.

  126. Think of climate change like a medical diagnosis.
    If a doctor tells you you have cancer and only 6 months to live, and you happen to live a year, or 2 years, that doesn’t prove your doctor was a liar or that you don’t have cancer.

    1. We were given 6 months to live 30 years ago. In this case the doctors have faked a cancer diagnosis to pad their own wallets by giving the patient unnecessary treatments .

      1. On a geologic scale, which is what we are talking about when talking about the planet, 30 years ago isn’t even yesterday compared to the average human life span.

  127. Re: ‘In the business and trading world, people go to jail for such manipulations of data’…{Meteorologist Anthony Watts, alleging data fraud}

    I was just thinking about how powerful my imagination, (apparently), is!

    I seem to remember how I managed, by mere ‘mental exercise’, alone, to convince millions of Chinese folks that the air quality in Beijing / other major Chinese cities is so awful one MIGHT desire to ‘go, without breathing’, (periodically), lest one develop the same respiratory symptoms as a ‘3-pack-a-day’ nicotine_addict!

    I accomplished all this, (apparently…’telepathic’) slight-of-hand, without even consciously attempting to ‘fake, out’ so many, otherwise, relatively, sophisticated, urban-dwellers, L.O.L.!

    I will note for Mr. Watt’s furtherance of his (questionable) reality-orientation:

    As the Wall Street / other financial-scandals so clearly demonstrate…
    When the books are cooked, (like Col. Sander’s ‘ole’-Virginny-recipe’), the ‘business and trading world people’ DON’T go to jail for such ‘manipulations of data’!!

    Case in point: the ‘bundled mortgage-securities-fraud’, where NO ONE went to jail and a few companies were given token fines & told to, ‘run along and be good boys from now, on!’ by the S.E.C. / white-collar-crime-enforcement!

    As for Earths worsening, (human-greed-‘N-pollution-mediated) ecologic devastation…
    Unless I actually DO have some ‘supernatural’ or other imagination-facilitated-ability to make millions, think otherwise….
    I think what we see happening, (in China & elsewhere…), should scare all 7 billion naked apes, (to borrow from Desmond Morris), into a sudden case of (panic-mediated) mass-diarrhea!

    Like the ‘Brown-note’ episode of the cynical cartoon…’SouthPark’, wherein the plot revolved around a mythical low-frequency-tone, which, allegedly, causes instant bowel evacuation in any (single or group, of…), humans who perceive it!!!

    What will the climate change deniers say, when, in the next 10-20 years, ALL the wold’s cities have annul days / weeks, (&/or, months!), in EVERY calendar year where the authorities are forced to issue climate, (heat-wave, smog, ‘N chronic pollution-related), advisories, to the effect, that, the…
    “young children, ‘N the elderly should NOT go outside”, etc.?????!!

  128. Also, when it becomes political, then they have a huge way to enforce their demands upon the lesser people, the public: government power. Expect Feudalism to resurrect from the dead.

    Here’s the baaaad news. In articles discussing the Earth, climate change, “sustainability” and “Green”, you begin to see that there is a huge correlation between Poverty and Green. Extrapolate from there.

    India has become the world’s fastest-growing economy. I’m so much in favor of India reaching great goals in the 21st century because as you know, India has been the poster child for poverty because of socio-political and religious reasons.

    We’re told protecting Earth protects people. Do we want to eradicate poverty around the world? They don’t always write it clearly but it’s indicated in many articles from pro-environmental academia, journals, and journalists that there is a huge correlation between poverty and being Green/ “sustainable”. It should never boil down to a choice between poverty and sustainability. “Sustainability” should never be reflected by what people don’t have, yet it is. I fear that the environmental agenda will work against any nation attempting to go from Third World to Developed. Too often, India and other nations are considered Green or sustainable because of the poverty and need amongst their populations. You won’t waste energy when you don’t have appliances or hot water. Fortunately in most of India, you don’t need to heat your home, but in Nepal you have to burn something to stay warm in the snow. You’ll ride a bike or a bus when you can’t have a car. You won’t eat meat when you don’t have the money to purchase it (or when it’s against your religious convictions). You won’t have air conditioning because that’s a luxury many can’t afford, because sometimes a house is a luxery many can’t afford. That is NO WAY to measure (or to maintain) what they call “sustainability”.

    It seems that the movement has become all about applying guilt. A “Slate” article from November 2013 uses the word “guilt” at least 7 times. “Guilt” implies crime and punishment… at the very least, correction. The writers go as far as to suggest that individual NEEDS compete with the planet, which you can interpret as a call to reduce what we need, not what we want, and we won’t be guilty any more. When there are influential people pushing for a Nuremburg courtsfor people who don’t observe the rules of “sustainability”, I worry very much for developing nations. They won’t be permitted to go very far under those conditions.


    [This article also hits at Americans. It claims that our nation doesn’t feel “guilty” and so we come in last in the research they’re reporting on. That in itself implies we’re selfish and indifferent to the “needs” of Earth. Being American, I can tell you that we have made great sacrifices for Green and sustainability. 1. The government takes it out of our incomes heavily even when we can’t afford it. Sometimes to the point of bankrupting people who just want to build one house to live in. Even “greening” our living space costs a fortune. 2. Every time there’s a fire at a house constructed with the environmentally-approved materials, which either kills or injures the occupants, more Americans give actual blood and Life for the movement. It’s well-known amongst the construction industry that the new approved materials do not prevent or slow flames because flame retardants are not “sustainable”. Some even quicken the spread of flames. Our police chief was killed in such an incident and it was verified that the environmentally-approved materials led to such a quick burning fire that he didn’t know what hit him. 3. Every time there’s a car accident in our newest, smaller cars and someone dies or is permanently injured, it is because of environmental manufacturing and fuel consumption standards which render the cars less able to tolerate impact. Since the CAFE standards here, deaths in motor vehicle accidents have increased. Each time, another American gives actual blood or Life to the environmental movement. They never report that in these articles, and we remain “selfish” to everyone else.]

      1. No, it does not.
        If weather forecasters predict a category 4 hurricane will strike Miami, and it turns out to be a Category 3 hurricane that hits New Jersey, that does not prove that no hurricane ever existed.

        1. It’s more like the forecasters were predicting a hurricane was certainly going to hit Florida when in fact the hurricane is in an entirely different ocean. Man made global warming is not real.

  129. My answer to a BBC question in Nov 2010


    BBC Global Minds – Give us your firsthand perspective on climate change
    Climate change: Human made or human ignorant?
    Why we had several ice periods?

    The glob cooled up and warmed up without ant human intervention.
    Sahara was one a large forest shaped by large rivers.

    The Ozone hole over the South Pole area in 2006 was 26 millions of sqkm and 2010 reduced to 19 millions of sqkm.
    Milankovitch Theory describes the collective effects of changes in the Earth’s movements upon its climate:

    The Earth’s axis completes one full cycle of precession approximately every 26,000 years.
    Only in 1976 the theory was considered valid.
    Most likely that additional phonemes affecting the globe climate are yet to be discovered.

    In perspective with the earth age, the human since is like an infant recently born.
    Similar to an infant we have a lot to learn to understand the world.

    I think as well that the Global warming is used by some political parties to bust their falling status.
    Never the less we have to reduce the uncalculated use of the earth resources, pollution.

  130. A climate scientist who can prove that climate change is not happening can make a lot more money than those saying it is real.
    If money was the sole motivation, half of climate scientists would be taking grants to prove the other half are wrong.
    That is not happening.

      1. There may be no right or wrong in science, but there are accepted and disproved scientific theories.
        If it were possible to disprove climate change, there is plenty of money available to fund scientists wanting to undertake that research.

            1. AGW, like your argument, is incomplete.

              It has not satisfied the final steps of scientific method –
              there is nothing to disprove because nothing has been proven.

              1. A theory is by definition not proven. That does not mean it is not an accurate reflection of the real world. Just because something is not proven does not mean it doesn’t exist, nor does science wait for something to be “proven” before trying to disprove it.
                People have been trying to disprove Einstein’s theory of relativity for 100 years. That does not mean relativity does not exist.

                1. if it is unprovable – then drop it – common sense
                  the philosphical argument of the definition of truth is milenia old
                  – the theory is that the sun will rise tomorrow, it may not, but my money is it will rise
                  – this theory that AGW is true requires proof – which it does not have – it remains unproven

                  1. No, theory is the theory of gravity that causes the earth to revolve around the sun, and the earth to rotate on its axis. The rising of the sun is a demonstration of the theory.

                2. Obama has been lying to disprove that muslims are the terrorists of the world – in the face of empirical evidence to the contrary. He does the same thing with global warming.

    1. Make money from whom? You mean like Al Gore? I guess there must not be many government funded grants for that. The scientists were wrong but still got the grants anyway.

      1. There are plenty of rich people ready, willing and able to provide research grants to disprove climate change. If it could be done, people would flock to it for the money.

      1. I never said it had been proven. Moreover, theories are by definition no proven. However, theories remain the standard until disproved. Einstein’s theory of relativity is still a theory, and scientists are still trying to disprove it. That does not mean Einstein was a fraud or was wrong.

    2. Liberal teachable moment (they always tell us who they are): Since 95% of GW consensus scientist voted for global warming evidence they already took the money and are doing exactly what you note: lying about results.

  131. ROFLMAO!!

    How does one even comment on the validity of a “science” that needs to adjust the measurements to coincide with the THEORY!?

    It’s HILARIOUS that Global Warming is even still discussed as anything but a confidence game!

    1. If that were true scientists would be publishing peer reviewed articles proving that climate change theory is wrong.
      How many such peer reviewed articles are there?

  132. This is not news. Reliable scientists have been reporting this for the last thirty years. The AGW religionists ignore it or scream heresy when any scientist writes about it. If AGW was good science, there would be repeatable experiments to confirm it, which are impossible with climate science, or else their predictions, such as no snow in Britain, the southern MidAtlantic states group, more and harsher hurricanes and tornados, and so on which they have repeatedly made would come true. I have no dog in the fight. Show me where most predictions are coming true or show me repeatable experiments and AGW is probably real. Show me nothing and fudge the figures all the time and you’re only convincing reasonable people that it’s a religion and no science at all.

  133. The next Ice Age is coming,
    the more advanced weather labs & scientists KNOW THIS, & the “Global Warming” is a cover up.

    Boston & All the North East USA is crushed under record snowfalls.
    Record temperatures dropped to NEGATIVE 45 Degrees F !

    Europe suffers too.
    Major U.S. Millionaire politicians have made major land purchases in Brazil.
    They have their exit plan Ready now.

    When you can’t find your car, because you can’t even find the road you parked on because everything is buried under 30 inches of snow – You don’t worry about Global Warming !

    As the Ice marches downward and winters get longer & summers shrink, mass panic & population migration will challenge USA – CAN America continue when 2/3rds of USA is locked under hundreds of feet of ice for the next 10,000 years ?

    We know this: it is a fact.
    The historical record has the story of mass extinctions, lost civilizations, and the human species & life itself almost being ERASED From this universe: a dead frozen snowball Earth.

    One look at all the other planets: ALL DEAD.

    Humanity needs to band together,
    a few millionaires hiding in what livible space remains around the equator can not be the future of humanity.

    Surely Billions will die, but will our civilization fall? Will technology be completely lost & humans revert to the stone age ?


    Now excuse me, I have to go shovel all this ‘Global Warming’ off our sidewalks & driveway, and the snow just wont stop…

  134. Do the people who believe climate change theory is a fraud because it has not been proven also believe that gravity is a fraud because scientists don’t know how it works?

  135. Science looks for outcomes. Liberal science desires an outcome and then makes up evidence to prove it. Usually proof comes through scientific consensus or voting for it.

  136. I don’t expect that the flaccid, inept Rino pols to kick a$$ and take names on this. Our government is a co-conspirator…….all the way up, to that world class turd in the WH.

  137. Algore and his power brokers are so powerful that if a climate scientists speaks up and says that the data is fudged they will have their careers destroyed…or worse.

  138. Our Government has fudged the data? I AM SHOCKED!

    Nothing this POTUS or Administration even causes me any alarm at all any more. I am almost completely numb seeing everything happening and almost ZERO being done about it.

  139. If you visit the once-respected Smithsonian museums here in Washington, DC, here’s what you’ll find. In the astronomy section of the Museum of National History, the exhibit begins with a bunch of global warming propaganda. Typically museums deal only with happened in the PAST, such as “this is how the moon was created; this is how dinosaurs looked,” etc. But now, since science has been politicized by the Left, museums aren’t content to teach about the past; they’re now trying to brainwash kids about they’re destroying the planet in the future, merely by exhaling carbon dioxide. Shame on the Smithsonian for going along with this hoax. Credibility is a precious thing; just ask Brian Williams.

  140. Naked claims that climate change is a hoax will never convince any intelligent person of that.
    Science works on facts. If climate change really were the great hoax that so many people claim, it would be very very easy to prove.
    All I see here is emotional arm waving that someone fudge data.
    Well, if they fudged data, do your own research and disprove the theory. That is how SCIENCE works.

        1. It is not up to me to disprove their THEORY. It is up to the scientist to prove their theory. And they cannot fudge the data to make their theory work.
          If you can’t understand that simple logic you need to stop posting.

    1. You have the cart before the horse. First, prove their is global warming and do so without altering the data. Theory is not fact when based on altered data.

      1. Sure it is, or you will just get confused with the facts! Barry says it’s getting warmer in Boston, but record snowfall is the fact you need not concern yourself with at this time

  141. “The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie–deliberate, contrived and dishonest–but the myth–persistant, persuasive and unrealistic.” ~ JFK’s Illegal Maid Manuella

    1. There is a saying – “The poison is in the dose.”
      Water is essential to life, but drinking too much of it can be fatal.
      Likewise, oxygen is essential to live, but it become toxic at high pressure such as working at depths in the ocean.
      Just because something is necessary does not mean more of it is helpful.

  142. And of course the favorite tactic of climate alarmists who worship at the alter of government is to say “the science is settled” Which is their version of picking up their ball and going home so they don’t actually have to engage in a debate of the facts, just name calling of those who disagree.

  143. If we can throw away climate change theory because it hasn’t been proven, we can throw away denial that climate change exists because that hasn’t been proven either.

          1. I said nothing about taxes.
            It’s a simple question. How do you decide what to accept and what not to accept, and why accept a theory that climate change does not exist if it has not been proven?

            1. The goal of the left wing is a tax on energy consumption. Be honest. Tell everyone what you’re really after. It’s a money and power grab just like every other idea created by the left wing.

              1. Even if true, that says nothing about why you accept one unproven theory and reject another, other than that one is what you WANT to hear. That is hardly science.

                1. Start from the goal of the energy tax and work backwards. It makes a lot more sense as to why data is being falsified by those people who should be objective but are being paid to reach certain conclusions.

    1. F o l l o w. T h e m o n e y … WHO will gain from this scam, deception, sleight of hand, if you will? Barry can’t help himself when it comes to his zeal on this scheme. Who got caught cheating… MULTIPLE times?

    2. ?? How can you say that after the article talked about the factual data that was being manipulated by consensus scientist to prove their intended outcome?

    3. No in fact genius you want someone to prove a negative, can’t be done. It is morons like you that made the false claims, the burden of proof is on you.

  144. “…the subject which will be of most importance politically is Mass Psychology…. The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions were generated. When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for a generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen. As yet there is only one country which has succeeded in creating this politician’s paradise.” Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science on Society (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1953); page 30.) Cited by Lewis Albert Alesen, Mental Robots (Caldwell, ID: Caxton Printers, 1960); page 26.

  145. Like the mythical Phoenix rising out of its ashes, the United Nations emerged from the fiery devastation of World War 2 as a beacon of light to utopian humanists and their hopeful followers. Within a year after Communist leader Alger Hiss presided over its birth, some of its most powerful agencies had been established. Julian Huxley (brother of Aldous) led the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). And Canadian psychiatrist Brock Chisholm laid the foundation for the World Health Organization (WHO).

    The two socialist Director-Generals shared a common vision of a tightly controlled global community, but Dr. Chisholm summarized it best. Ponder his words, for they exposed a global plan for “peace” designed to conform the “mental health” of all people to his radical mission. ” Notice the villains in this crusade:

    “The responsibility for charting the necessary changes in human behavior rests clearly on the sciences working in that field. Psychologists, psychiatrists, sociologists, economists, and politicians must face this responsibility….

    “Can we identify the reasons why we fight wars…? Many of them are easy to list — prejudice, isolationism, the ability to emotionally and uncritically to believe unreasonable things….

    “The only psychological force capable of producing these perversions is morality, the concept of right and wrong… “For many generations we have bowed our necks to the yoke of the conviction of sin. We have swallowed all manner of poisonous certainties fed us by our parents, our Sunday and day school teachers….

    “…it has long been generally accepted that parents have perfect right to impose any points of view, any lies or fears, superstitions, prejudices, hates, or faith on their defenseless children. It is, however, only recently that it has become a matter of certain knowledge that these things cause neuroses, behavior disorders, emotional disabilities, and failure to develop to a state of emotional maturity which fits one to be a citizen of a democracy….

    “Surely the training of children in home and schools should be of at least as great public concern as their vaccination for their own protection…. “Individuals who have emotional disabilities of their own, guilts, fears, inferiorities, are certain to project their hates on to others… They are a very real menace… Whatever the cost, we must learn to live in friendliness and peace with… all the people in the world….”

    “There is something to be said… for gently putting aside the mistaken old ways of our elders if that is possible. If it cannot be done gently, it may have to be done roughly or even violently.

    Those “poisonous certainties” include all the unchanging truths and values that can’t be compromised. That’s why Biblical Christianity was — and continues to be — incompatible with the world’s standards for mental health. Many who refuse to conform to the evolving guidelines for tolerance, inclusiveness, group dialogue and adaptability to the UN plan for “continual change” are facing severe consequences. [See “Ban truth, reap tyranny”]

  146. Even with all the air planes spraying tons of NANO-METALS and others POLLUTANTS in the sky every day by the CHEM-TRAIL SPRAYIN, government program, creating a GREEN HOUSE effect and the manipulation of the JET-STREAM by the HAARP STATIONS, around the world, it is not enough, this “WARMIST”, has to manipulate the data to tried to convince WE THE PEOPLE that we have to give THEM more money and freedom to… THEM(the creators of the problem). REMEMBER…PROBLEM, REACTION, SOLUTION.

    1. WE THE PEOPLE = the rabble, the mob, millions of average nobody’s with average intelligence who think average is just fine, better than perfect even…

    2. HI there have you seen the GlobalResearch.com site, there’s an excellent documentary on the chemtrail mess their perping the world over via shadow gubmint, dangerous puppet masters… Italian, subtitles in English, good day!!!

  147. With all the man made GW pollution in the air – its never been greater per gw scientists – the climate has gotten cooler! Its not a bit strange why lib scientists are not happy about this or why they’re not calling for more CO2 in the air when its proven to help their cause of lowering the earths climate temp. Why: Its not about the climate at all.

  148. Centuries go by and the same horridly creepy control freaks are still in charge of the masses, waddya expect? I believe nothing I can’t verify with my own two eyes and hands and all my other senses… However I do suspect that Lizards are behind it all, and have been all along!!!

  149. There are, on average, 8 to 10 volcanoes erupting 24/7/365. They spew hundreds of tons of noxious gasses every hour. They’ve been doing it for millions – perhaps billions – of years. Yet we still live in a comparatively warm climate. The world is closer to another ice-age and these idiotic “scientists” are running around changing data and spreading widespread “dumbness”.

  150. This is not about science it is about politics. This is not even about the climate. This is all about wealth redistribution. The science is just a convenient tool to use for their ideological warfare.

  151. If it were science then it would be “independently” verifiable. The data would not need to be changed or “adjusted” if it were legitimate. Whenever anyone says that the issue is not debatable, then they are probably right. They have decided that regardless of evidence or facts, no one can change the outcome of their contrived story.

  152. Overheard in the barbershop: “Jail?! …look at history, thieving despots have been executed for far less conspiracy to defraud from their fellow man than this.”

  153. Are we trying to tell our ill-liberal friends and family about these lies? A common trait (perhaps the) between Communists (Marxist-Leninists and Demorats) and Muslims (ALL Muslims) is the willingness to LIE to the unbeliever to further the goals of the two religions. The Communists may be beaten by showing enough people the evil, but the Jihadist Muslims may only be beaten by force. If it were not a sin punishable by death to recant Islam (just like Jim Jones’s cult), we might reason with many of the 1.2 billion of them.

      1. Sir, a common trait among ignorant youth is to call people names rather than discuss the issue at hand. Conservatives, believers in the Constitution as THE rule of law, are toxic to liars. Garbage dumps these days are much less toxic because Conservative business people have discovered how to make money out of them.
        In your next comment, please touch on my issue: to lie or not to lie, that is the question.

  154. Carbon dioxide comprises 0.0038 of the
    atmosphere. ( a little over /3 of 1%), yet this miniscule amount of gaseous
    plant metabolite is a held responsible for the portended catastrophes? And most
    anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide is produced in China-thanks to free trade. And
    when Congress abrogates and surrenders their Constitutional power to control
    the terms of treaties and gives Obama’s Executive Branch, non-elected
    bureaucrats “trade authority”, the costly environmental rules,
    regulations and restrictions mandated by the treaty will further cause American
    business to flee the country and set up shop in Asia.. The TPP and
    “Climate change regulations will decimate America, shut down union mills,
    mines and factories worse than all the other free trade treaties have done
    since Reagan with Japan , NAFTA, CAFTA and “most Favored Nation”
    treaties with China.

    This is just a ruse to achieve Lenin’s goal of ” controlling the means of
    production” via controlling the means of combustion. I wonder if the
    Democrats and liberals will issue carbon ration cards and then sell these
    heavily-taxed, carbon permission slips as commodities on Wall Street? Only
    certain “insiders” will have the license to sell these ration cards
    at lucrative commissions to Americans, while those nations lead by nationalist
    patriots scoff at these terms and do what best promotes the prosperity of their

    This is just another tactic in the liberal, Socialist International war on the
    Conservative, Capitalist, Nationalist, Christian, Caucasians in the productive
    private sector

  155. This is exactly why I’ve never been stupid enough to have ever cast even a single vote for any DemoCraphead in my entire adult life. Argue all you want, but it is the political party of death and destruction who have peddled this lie for the power.

  156. Those who have been watching and paying attention have known for a llloooooonnngg time that the entire glowBULL AGW climate warming change bit was BS.


    Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

    The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

    Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

    What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

    How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

    And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

    But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

    They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

  158. Proof this guy does not know what he is talking about, “In the business world people go to jail for manipulating numbers…” BS. In the business world, no one goes to jail. See, i.e., the 2008 financial crisis. Bankers 1 America 0

  159. There’s so much information and facts that support climate change is caused by humans. We have to do something soon before it’s too late. Please read up on the facts.

    1. Like tell the Chinese to quit being so productive and curtail the profitability of their factories and lay off (union) miners, factory workers and power plant employees like America does? And after President Obama foist the Trans Pacific Partnership upon the West, You can rest assured the factories n Asia will have the sense to tell the environmentalist to leave. The sky is warmig, the sky is warming and we need non-elected bureaucrats to save us? Carbon dioxide comprises 0.0038 of the air and most anthropogenic carbon dioxide is made in China.

  160. Democrats really must love their pockets getting picked by greedy, rich, out-of-touch, 1% criminals like Al Gore, Ted Turner and Tom Steir and their ilk. Why are Democrats so anti-science and so lacking in common sense that they cannot see “climate change”, “global warning”, or whatever they call it for the get rich quick Ponzi scheme that it is?

      1. So you then can explain the necessary co-evolution required in binary feedback mechanisms? For a hormone to develop it takes thousands of Codons of Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, Thymine to form a strand of a highly specific sequence. If Hearts, Diamonds, Spades and Clubs represented A, C, T, G, then it would take over 100 decks of cards arrayed in a specific sequence to give the instruction to the ligases, mRNA, tRNA and assembly organelles to arrange the specific sequences of the various amino acids into one complex protein with the specific chiralities of all the carbons, the right configuration and conformation. And now the receptor cell must use this complexity to fabricate a protein receptor site. Once the newly evolved enzyme goes to the receptor site, it must create a mechanism for a response or shut off protein. and finally the initiator cell must simultaneously evolve a receptor site to receive the feedback protein and initiate a mechanism to take the ligase away and return the DNA to its twisted Helix configuration , Using the deck of analogy about 500 decks of cards would have to be arranged in a very specific order just for 4 proteins in a hormonal binary feedback mechanism. But you liberals, Marxist and evolutionist say this happens by random chance, combinations and permutations of re-arranged codons? And you atheist can explain how the genetic instructions for proteins necessary for life evolved in the gametes of parents who did not have these proteins in their cellular structure? And you atheist can explain how various cycles, such as Krebs, Citric Acid, or Cytochrome systems “evolved” even though in most case the absence of one enzyme in a cycle is fatal to the offspring?
        This over-simplified defense of Creative Intelligent Design is an anathema to Marxist, atheist and evolutionist, but has never been refuted nor Cogently explained. So after careful research, and the refusal of evolutionist to explain this conundrum, I postulate that it is the Nicene Creed and Bible that gives the most probable explanations of origins. .

        1. Brilliantly put Michael but, as a physician with a BS in Biology, I do happen to think that natural selection over billions of years provides a plausible answer to all of your queries.

          It strains my imagination to understand how many insist on making science and faith mutually exclusive. How some of the “smartest minds” among us could point to the Big Bang Theory and evolution and think—“Yep, this explains it all,” is hard to understand. There is always that stubborn thorn-in-the-side of a question–“Yes, but what came before that?” The answer to THAT question, at least to any honest, thinking person, seems to me unknowable on a specific level, and for most people (including you and me) is…………. God.

          On a personal level, I happen to believe that documents such as the Nicene Creed and Bible are flawed sources because they were written by men, most of whom had an agenda like all men do. Just because they died a long time ago does not increase their credibility in my mind. I would ask you this (because it is a question I have a hard time with)- if creative design is a valid explanation for creation, why would God provide the opportunity for salvation only to a select few that he created who happen to be born as, or have the opportunity to become, a Christian? This doesn’t seem very intelligent at all. What about all of those wasted souls living now and throughout history that will never have or never had a chance to learn about Christ?

          I believe in God and Jesus Christ. I postulate that God is the creator who set things in to motion which allowed all life to develop through the process of evolution. Jesus Christ was given to us by God to help us with our faith.

          1. I will syncretize a little Calvin with my Russian Orthodoxy by telling a story of one of my favorite Chemist, Antoine Lavoisier. The great feudal lord and renown Chemist was executed by the atheist, proto-socialist, Jacobins in the Reign of Terror. being a scientific man, he devised a code with his assistant who accompanied him to the guillotine. Knowing that the facial nerves are directly connected to the face by foramen in the skull, Antoine asked his assistant to ask him questions, and he would respond by blinking one eye in a code ( similar to Samuel Morse?) According to my readings, Lord Lavoisier was able to cogently communicate to his assistant for almost 3 minutes after decapitation-the most “humane for of execution ever devised. You as a physician and I as a volunteer EMT understand that there is a dying process, and unless there was severe cranial /cerebral trauma it takes a few minutes for the brain to suffocate and expire from anoxia. In those sacred moments I believe the spirit has one last opportunity to love and accept Jesus Christ, for God is not willing that any should perish. I believe the Holy Spirit and the angels come to those whose brains are releasing lysosomes, and endorphins as the body expires. In those moments where neither you in the office or operating room, or I in the back of the fire truck can even communicate with the soul , I believe that Jesus extends mercy and opportunity to love Him and be with him, much like he did to that malefactor crucified next to him. For if Jesus could lay down His life , as He said, and control when his spirit should leave his body, He waited 6 hours in utter agony for the man on the cross next to Him to repent and ask forgiveness.
            I used to be more influenced by mathematics and probability, and came to a conclusion on the veracity of the scriptures canonized and codified at Chalcedon in 371, because I realized that no other collection of scriptures, sutras, Hindu writings etc ever name named names, dates, cities and the future with such accuracy. The other Delphic, ambiguous writings may be excellent for ethics, but which is most credible? But now I too have had that diagnosis of inoperable and untreatable squamous cancer, and I too, like many of our patients, had to hear the words, “there is nothing more we could have done” And I have stoic peace about that, although pain always is abominable. If the Buddhist or Hindus are right, I will end up back in a maternity ward, after a few kotis and calpas . If our atheist friends are right, I will just dissolve into the void. But If the Apostles nd disciples did actually see a risen Savior, a belief they were all willing to endure excruciating torture rather than renounce, then I have a paradise with Christ Jesus, his angels, my family and an opportunity for a new resurrection. Pascal’s wager is great comfort when looking at the and of one’s mortality. And so is forgiveness, when one has so many Mene, Mene Tekel, regrets.. I would suggest a book Theomatics, More than a Conqueror and lee Stroeble’s apologetics, and the writings of Polycarp, and the early , Pre-Constantine, Church Fathers ( which is how I narrowed my beliefs to those of Orthodoxy. Anyways I wrote this extemporaneous answer while at work, and it is time to go home. May Jesus bless you and guide you, if any man ask for wisdom God will give it. I also read in John 6;12 that after the disciples distributed the parts of the loaves and fishes, Jesus commanded his disciples to gather the fragments, of which there were a few baskets. As Jesus said, “Let nothing be wasted’. And so Jesus/Jehovah does not want the fragments of our lives, and the people He created to be wasted. In the Orthodox position, heaven is for those who love God. Those who love him, even in the last seconds of consciousness spend eternity with Him. I hope we can correspond further.

    1. Because in Cap and Trade, liberal Democratic Bureaucrats get to regulate the evil, greedy bourgeois, capitalist, even though it is the Democratic politicians, employees and bureaucrats that are always demanding more power and money, even when giving inferior service. The Marxist, Mercantilist DNC-donors on Wall Street get a charted license, a Monopoly, to sell these highly taxed ration cards at lucrative commissions

  161. Let me see if I have this correct.
    Snow in Boston in January proves climate change DOES NOT exist, because it always snows in Boston in January.
    Hot weather in the summer does not prove that climate change DOES exist, because it always gets hot in the summer.
    Is that the argument that science deniers really want to run with?

  162. The problem is that liberals and liberalism are no longer able to distinguish between fact and fantasy. In fact, liberals have coined a fancy term for this tortured relationship with reality, hyperreality. From Wikipedia:

    “In semiotics and postmodernism, hyperreality is an inability of consciousness to distinguish reality from a simulation of reality, especially in technologically advanced postmodern societies. Hyperreality is seen as a condition in which what is real and what is fiction are seamlessly blended together so that there is no clear distinction between where one ends and the other begins.[1]”

    In better days, this tortured relationship with reality used to be called insanity.

    Since India and China are now by far the world’s biggest polluters, and they don’t seem to enter into this discussion, “global warming” is also part of liberalism’s war against the West.

  163. Here it is in a nutshell. They have a hard enough time predicting the current weather, they have been wrong on the number of hurricanes predicted for at least the last half decade, what on earth leads any of the man made global warming proponents to believe they can predict the future. That is the argument that should be thrown up to any fool who chooses to believe in man made warming.

    They only have climate MODELS to quote and those are loaded with these bogus numbers.

    There is no empirical data “quoted” by these liars that has NOT been doctored, there is no indication of warming just cooling, and every politician, legislator, journalist, friend, family or relative that claims to believe that man made warming, or ANY warming is true should be called out on this.

    Take it to the grass roots, demand an accounting, it is our money, freedom, and national security that is being stolen, right from under very noses, and every “believer” is culpable.

  164. We, the sheeple of the United States, in order to form a more ignorant Union, establish and ensure gross injustice, remove domestic tranquility, provide for occasional defense only if we have to, promote general welfare to anyone that can fog a mirror, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to those with the most money and their posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America — up to and until no one is watching or cares anymore.

  165. So the cat is finally out of the bag on the scam of the ages. So, what is going to be done about it. Just like the other scandals exposed of Obama and the Liberal Progs cooking the numbers, absolutely zilch is going to be done about it. When you do nothing, you reward lawlessness which begets more lawlessness. Welcome to the new paradigm of Democracy and Justice.

  166. The point is key.
    Business people, traders and producers go to jail for such fraud.
    Anyone remember Madoff?
    These clowns falsified data that put us on the hook for sums of money that made Madoff’s loot look microscopic by comparison.
    Isn’t he serving 60 years??
    How about indicting Michael Mann and his coconspirators?

  167. Hillary’s famous words: “What difference does it make?”
    Those who believe in global warming will still profess it til their dying day. They call us Deniers…A Denier is better than a Liar any day.

  168. The ultimate Hypocrisy…Barack INSANE Obama shot an anti-oil drilling video
    while flying on Air Force One which burns over 53 thousand gallons of fuel. You
    cannot make this stuff up.

  169. Funny I don’t see any leftist democratic AGW scammers jumping up and down screaming it’s all a lie. Same way these frauds acted with THE FOREIGNERS forged birth certificate he released. COMPLETE SILENCE.

  170. Starting with Al Gore, can we file a class action lawsuit, citing fraudulent business practices to enrich himself at the cost of millions of others? Then there’s the EPA and all the huge corporations they destroyed (along with hundreds of thousands of jobs) and destroyed our basic manufacturing infrastructure. Maybe some will start reading something besides the kool-aid package after this.

  171. Have these folks been able to explain the spikes in both global temperature and CO2 that occur about every 125,000 years? Or have they revised the ice core data from both Greenland and Antarctica? What about the Holocene Climactic Optimum between 9K years ago and 5K years ago, when the central Asian deserts were forests, and the Sahara was a lush savanna dotted with lakes? And what about the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum 55 million years ago? Twelve degrees C of Global Warming, massive concurrent spike in CO2 levels- and the planet didn’t burn up. In fact, mammals like us thrived and spread during those years.

  172. “. . .
    And even a more pedestrian example would be eyeglasses, where we actually distort the “raw data” that enters our eye in order to compensate for and correct our bad vision. Adjustments help us see things clearly.

    Adjustments aim at correcting measured data, raw data, in order to improve its quality. In the context of temperature series for land we can break the problem down logically.
    . . .”

  173. On Friday, February 13, 2015 12:59 PM, freddie cer

    The Revolution with Tnt Fisher and 10 others

    What if the illegals left?

    Somebody really did their homework on this one. Best on
    the subject to present date.

    What if 20 Million Illegal Aliens Vacated America?

    Visit Obama Enemies for more
    on Illegal immigration

    I, Tina Griego, journalist for the Denver Rocky Mountain
    News wrote a column titled, “Mexican Visitor’s Lament.”

    I interviewed Mexican journalist Evangelina Hernandez
    while visiting Denver last week. Hernandez said, “Illegal aliens pay rent,
    buy groceries, buy clothes. What happens to your country’s economy if 20
    million people go away?”

    Hmmm, I thought, what would happen?

    So I did my due diligence, buried my nose as a reporter
    into the FACTS I found below.

    It’s a good question… it deserves an honest answer.
    Over 80% of Americans demand secured borders and illegal migration stopped. But
    what would happen if all 20 million or more vacated America? The answers I
    found may surprise you!

    In California, if 3.5 million illegal aliens moved back
    to Mexico, it would leave an extra $10.2 billion to spend on overloaded school
    systems, bankrupt hospitals and overrun prisons. It would leave highways
    cleaner, safer and less congested. Everyone could understand one another as
    English became the dominant language again.

    In Colorado, 500,000 illegal migrants, plus their 300,000
    kids and grandchilds would move back “home,” mostly to Mexico. That
    would save Colorado an estimated $2 billion (other experts say $7 billion)
    annually in taxes that pay for schooling, medical, social-services and
    incarceration costs. It means 12,000 gang members would vanish out of Denver

    Colorado would save more than $20 million in prison
    costs, and the terror that those 7,300 alien criminals set upon local citizens.
    Denver Officer Don Young and hundreds of Colorado victims would not have
    suffered death, accidents, rapes and other crimes by illegals.

    Denver Public Schools would not suffer a 67%
    dropout/flunk rate because of thousands of illegal alien students speaking 41
    different languages. At least 200,000 vehicles would vanish from our gridlocked
    cities in Colorado. Denver’s 4% unem ployment rate would vanish as our working
    poor would gain jobs at a living wage.

    In Florida, 1.5 million illegals would return the
    Sunshine State back to America, the rule of law, and English.

    In Chicago, Illinois, 2.1 million illegals would free up
    hospitals, schools, prisons and highways for a safer, cleaner and more
    crime-free experience.

    If 20 million illegal aliens returned ‘home,’ the U.S.
    Economy would return to the rule of law. Employers would hire legal American
    citizens at a living wage. Everyone would pay their fair share of taxes because
    they wouldn’t be working off the books. That would result in an additional $401
    billion in IRS income taxes collected annually, and an equal amount for local,
    state and city coffers.

    No more push ‘1’ for Spanish or ‘2’ for English. No more
    confusion in American schools that now must contend with over 100 languages
    that degrade the educational system for American kids. Our overcrowded schools
    would lose more than two million illegal alien kids at a cost of billions in
    ESL and free breakfasts and lunches.

    We would lose 500,000 illegal criminal alien inmates at a
    cost of more than $1.6 billion annually. That includes 15,000 MS-13 gang
    members who distribute $130 billion in drugs annually would vacate our country.

    In cities like L.A., 20,000 members of the ’18th Street
    Gang’ would vanish from our nation. No more Mexican forgery gangs for ID theft
    from Americans! No more foreign rapists and child molesters!

    Losing more than 20 million people would clear up our
    crowded highways and gridlock. Cleaner air and less drinking and driving
    American deaths by illegal aliens!

    America’s economy is drained. Taxpayers are harmed.
    Employers get rich. Over $80 billion annually wouldn’t return to the aliens’
    home countries by cash transfers. Illegal migrants earned half that money
    untaxed, which further drains America ‘s economy which currently suffers an
    $8.7 trillion debt. $8.7 trillion debt!!!

    At least 400,000 anchor babies would not be born in our
    country, costing us $109 billion per year per cycle. At least 86 hospitals in
    California, Georgia and Florida would still be operating instead of being
    bankrupt out of existence because illegals pay nothing via the EMTOLA Act.
    Americans wouldn’t suffer thousands of TB and hepatitis cases rampant in our
    country – brought in by illegals unscreened at our borders.

    Our cities would see 20 million less people driving,
    polluting and grid locking our cities. It would also put the ‘progressives’ on
    the horns of a dilemma; illegal aliens and their families cause 11% of our
    greenhouse gases.

    Over one million of Mexico’s poorest citizens now live
    inside and along our border from Brownsville, Texas, to San Diego, California,
    in what the New York Times called, ‘colonias’ or new neighborhoods. Trouble is,
    those living areas resemble Bombay and Calcutta where grinding poverty, filth,
    diseases, drugs, crimes, no sanitation and worse. They live without sewage,
    clean water, streets, roads, electricity, or any kind of sanitation.

    The New York Times reported them to be America’s new
    ‘Third World’ inside our own country. Within 20 years, at their current growth
    rate, they expect 20 million residents of those colonials. (I’ve seen them
    personally in Texas and Arizona; it’s sickening beyond anything you can

    By enforcing our laws, we could repatriate them back to
    Mexico. We should invite 20 million aliens to go home, fix their own countries
    and/or make a better life in Mexico. We already invite a million people into
    our country legally annually, more than all other countries combined. We cannot
    and must not allow anarchy at our borders, more anarchy within our borders and
    growing lawlessness at every level in our nation.

    It’s time to stand up for our country, our culture, our
    civilization and our way of life.

    Interesting Statistics!

    Here are 14 reasons illegal aliens should vacate America,
    and I hope they are forwarded over and over again until they are read so many
    times that the reader gets sick of reading them:

    1. $14 billion to $22 billion dollars are spent each year
    on welfare to illegal aliens (that’s Billion with a ‘B’)

    3. $7.5 billion dollars are spent each year on Medicaid
    for illegal aliens.

    4. $12 billion dollars are spent each year on primary and
    secondary school education for children here illegally and they still cannot
    speak a word of English!

    5. $27 billion dollars are spent each year for education
    for the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies.

    6. $3 Million Dollars ‘PER DAY’ is spent to incarcerate
    illegal aliens. That’s $1.2 Billion a year.

    7. 28% percent of all federal prison inmates are illegal

    8. $190 billion dollars are spent each year on illegal
    aliens for welfare & social services by the American taxpayers.

    9. $200 billion dollars per year in suppressed American
    wages are caused by the illegal aliens.

    10. The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime
    rate that’s two and a half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In
    particular, their children, are going to make a huge additional crime problem
    in t he US.

    11. During the year 2005, there were 8 to 10 MILLION
    illegal aliens that crossed our southern border with as many as 19,500 illegal
    aliens from other terrorist countries. Over 10,000 of those were middle-eastern
    terrorists. Millions of pounds of drugs, cocaine, meth, heroin, crack, guns,
    and marijuana crossed into the U.S. from the southern border.

    12. The National Policy Institute, estimates that the
    total cost of mass deportation would be between $206 and $230 billion, or an
    average cost of between $41 and $46 billion annually over a five year period.

    13. In 2006, illegal aliens sent home $65 BILLION in
    remittances back to their countries of origin, to their families and friends.

    14. The dark side of illegal immigration: Nearly one
    million sex crimes are committed by illegal immigrants in the United States!

    Total cost a whopping $538.3 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR !


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