I Am Woman: Obama EPA Chief declares Agency the ‘She-P-A’

Speaking at the 2016 Presidential Environmental Awards Ceremony, E.P.A. Administrator Gina McCarthy says, “We call E.P.A. the ‘She’ P.A. because the women have taken over, and we ain’t givin’ it up!”

“We have made a tremendous amount of progress on our equality initiatives moving forward during this administration…You tell everybody. We do math all day long. We do science all day long.”

2016 Presidential Environmental Awards Ceremony
The White House
August 16, 2016


13 Responses

  1. And doing such a good job; being scolds, busybodies and meddlers that they will soon drive the whole US economy into a ditch and it will serve us right, because we don’t take our wives and mothers and nuns and schoolmarms seriously enough. So they’ll show us, by God they will.

    1. But, it is “for the children” – the children who will be responsible for the debt and whose standard of living is diminishing.
      But, “If it only saves one life” – how many lives (jobs) have they destroyed and how many more will suffer?
      How many will freeze in the dark?

    1. Exactly, she always seems to be like a deer in the headlights, like her job is beyond her skill set. She never inspires confidence.

      She needs to step down.

  2. If there is math and science being done at the EPA, it’s not by McCarthy, with her degree in “Social Anthropology”, which is a BA and not a BS. Couldn’t Obama find one actual scientist to lead the EPA?

  3. Color me amazed that a professional could make such a sexist statement and remain employed. And, at that by the head of a three letter agency.
    I feel “diminished” by the sexism portrayed here and demand reparations. /sarc
    children everywhere need to head for a safe room. I’m sure the PC police will be all over it. I mean, it’s all about the children, eh?

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