Greens freak out over Trump’s EPA pick: Call him ‘Dangerous’ – ‘Existential threat to the planet’

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Dems, greens slam Pruitt nomination

By Alex Guillén

12/07/2016 03:53 PM EDT

Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt’s expected nomination to head EPA today drew sharp criticism from green groups and environmental advocates in Congress, including former presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, who said he would oppose the “sad and dangerous” move.

Dan Pfeiffer, a former top Obama adviser put it more succinctly, tweeting, “At the risk of being dramatic. Scott Pruitt at EPA is an existential threat to the planet.”

Pruitt’s nomination also had environmentalists seeing red.

Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune called Pruitt’s nomination “like putting an arsonist in charge of fighting fires,” while League of Conservation Voters President Gene Karpinski compared it to “the fox guarding the henhouse.”

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  1. When dim Trumpkins’ kids have an asthma attack from the air pollution and no health insurance to treat it, will they have the mental capacity to see cause and effect?

    Smart bet is ‘no’.



    1. No one gets an asthma attack from carbon dioxide. OK, carbon dioxide makes plants grow more, and pollen from plants can cause allergies. Perhaps you should run with that story. You don’t have anything else against carbon dioxide.

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