Global Sea Ice Breaks Record High For The Day – Antarctic Sea Ice Also Breaks Record High For the Day

Global Sea Ice Extent for Day 363 From 1978 (infilled)


3,469 Responses

  1. OH NO! What do I do now??!! Buy more SUV’s??? Smash my solar panels and start burning a pile of tires in my yard?? Al GORE please tell me what is best!!

          1. Repenting has absolutely nothing to do with it. What’s needed is for you to accept the empirical reality of the world you inhabit. Antarctic sea ice is increasing because the continent is melting down. Ice is moving from the land to the sea.

            If Climate Depot were a reliable source of information and not a dishonest Climate Denier propaganda outlet, why would they pretend to have difficulty understanding this?

              1. “I’m going to invest in coconut palm futures in Antartica. I’ll make zillions!”

                Who are you going to sell them to if the world’s coastal cities are drowned beneath 75 meters of melted ice cap?

            1. It does? Obama has me and others convinced that the world revolves around him… Or am I confused and Obama is black hole where all logic,sanity etc is sucked down to never return?

            2. Faith in something greater than me, tradition, history, being sophisticated enough and trained as an engineer to know that I’m not the cousin of an amoeba. But, this pope is doing tremendous damage to the church. He is supposed to be a spiritual leader.

                1. Look, I’m not going to get into a debate on the role of the pope or his infallibility. I can tell from your snarky comment that you are just attempting to take a cheap shot at the pope because he is an easy target.

              1. He’s a human being elevated by men to a position of deity. Sorry, but the whole pope thing is a fraud. I cringe every time I hear someone refer to him as “the holy father”. Man, better start taking those Biblical warnings about idolatry seriously.

                1. He is not a deity. He is not worshiped. He is the leader of the church much like the Archbishop of Canterbury is the leader of the Anglican church. So, to even say that show your lack of knowledge.

                  1. He’s not worshiped? Hah! I know many Catholics who think this man is infallible. Only God is infallible. To attribute that quality to anyone else is, by definition, worship. They call him “The Holy Father”, not “the leader of the church”. The Holy Father is in heaven. Not worship? Geesh, these people refer to him as a deity and claim he is infallible, and you don’t think that’s worship? Get a clue.

          1. You call him the Pope because that is the position he was elected to by a group of other Pope-wannabees. So, what if he had lost the election? We could have Pope Oscar and his world view could be a whole lot different. Catholics have to stop giving credence to this person who literally won a personality contest among a group of so-called abstinent men.

            1. He was elected because of his religious “resume”. I am sure that there was an element of politics considering that he was from Latin America, a Jesuit, etc. But he was elected to be a religious leader. He should stay out of politics.

              1. as born out by what scripture? None. Only God sits on the throne of God – Go’ds permissive will – the same will that allows you to worship false idols, follow a human instead of Jesus, murder babies, steal from others, live in sin etc. I have no doubt you believe that drivel you just spewed – sad really.

  2. VUNDERBAR,. I was under the impression that polar bears were drowning due to no ice. Global warming was melting it away. And East Angelia college was always telling the truth. VUNDERBAR.

  3. And last year the Great Lakes were 96% frozen over for the first time in decades. I don’t care what the warmers say, I’m cold. Would somebody please forward this data along to the Pope?

    1. The pope is a socialist and believes global warming is the political equivalent of the Christian Compact. In other words, it is up to the wealthy Christian nations in the world to give freely to the needy in order to follow the path that Christ set forth as the way to god. I believe in the Christian compact as well, but within the framework of free market capitalism guided by the rule of law and a democratic form of government. Remember the Pope is from Argentina. Argentina and the US were similar in almost all respects socially and economically in 1900. Unfortunately, Argentina took a different turn politically which resulted in a lost century of liberty for the Argentinian people. The pope is comfortable with the path the Argentinians took.

          1. Man, we’re off topic.

            But, hey, good times.

            Liberals love to claim that socialism isn’t bad, because certain socialist dictators were vaguely “right wing” in the most ambiguous definitions possible of the term. It’s like liberals insisting Hitler was “right wing” despite the modern usage of “right wing” to mean believing in limited government, and the power of the individual in contrast, not despite, the power of the state — a school of thought that failed to reach Hitler during his campaign, promises lavish social benefits, through his tenure as ruler as he created government-run companies that produced automobiles and so much more, clear through to his death after government intrusion into the private economy, to fund expansionism and socialist utopian promises, utterly destroyed German prosperity and security.

            “Those right-wing guys growing the government massively are evil. But man, we need more socialism.”

            Speaking of Hitler, socialism can be summed up in one simple statement: “[…] because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in
            the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or

          1. Yes. There are no such things as right-wing fascism or socialism. Both are left-wing. The differences are in the implementation and type of force used. Fascism is more barrel-of-the-gun. Socialism is more peer-pressure-choice-limitation-censorship-information-witholding style withOUT the gun.

            1. Actually, Socialism (Fabian is one facet) has the ideology of waiting until you get enough of the support and policies in place. Once that is done, you kill and jail all dissenters. Kind of throws in the face of what Hillary said about dissent being unAmerican. Democrats only espouse freedom of speech and dissent as long as it serves their purpose. Ever tried to argue with a Democrat? You’ll find a very closed minded and/or uneducated person.

            2. Both socialism and facism use force or ‘barrel-of-the-gun’ interchangeably. Don’t believe me? Try not paying your US income taxes or selling loose cigarettes to avoid tax revenues in NY.
              The term ‘facism’ has to do with coopting or binding private interests to government interest. I am not an Italian historian, but Mussolini first used the term which comes form the Latin term ‘fasces’ or bundle of sticks.

              1. Yep, “fasces” as a symbol indicates power; the synchronized, coincidental, parallel application of the stick as opposed to the carrot. It symbolizes the power of those who assert it under legitimate, i.e. legal, authority. In the simplest explanation it symbolizes the power of the unity of purpose to impose the axiom “might makes right”.
                That symbol is pervasive throughout all authoritarian organizations. Do a google search on the image of “fasces” and the concept is pretty clear, but here’s a preview.

            3. Depends how you define ‘left wing’ and ‘right wing’. Very ambiguous terms. They really don’t do political discourse any good at all.

              Particularly since there are plenty of things that could be considered cite-able references that insist big-government dictators like Hitler are ‘right-wing’, the conversation gets muddied.

              I define ‘right-wing’ political ideology to mean placing the power (responsibility and liberty) on the individual, and left-wing to place it in the hands of bureaucrats. Makes it simple.

              Side note: An individual standing up against hatred is good. A government using alleged hatred to grab power is a disaster.

              1. “Left-wing” and “right-wing” are not really useful terms, and mask the complicity and similarities between Nazis, Fascists, Socialists and Communists. What they all have in common is big, strong government. A more useful distinction is a “statist” axis. At or near one extreme are all four philosophies, above. At the other end, is individualism and liberty (aka our Founding Fathers).
                Too bad that “Statist” does not sound as scary as Nazi, Fascist, Socialist or Communist. In truth, it is the scariest thing of all.

        1. Socialism is directly against Jesus’ teachings.

          Telling people to help the poor is totally different than telling people to subjugate themselves to another person’s presumed authority under the pretext of helping the poor.

          If socialists didn’t believe flagrant lies, they wouldn’t believe anything.

          1. “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” Joseph Goebbels a very well known Socialist in Germany. Yes the Nazis were socialist

                1. wow what an utter dolt you are… perhaps he should have said “I feel my airways are being constricted which is making it harder for me to take in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide…”? tard’s like you make it so hard to fight for critical thinking

          2. By definition, Charity isn’t charity if it’s being enforced by law, sword, or gun.
            Jesus’s teachings were to be charitable. Trying to ‘enforce’ charity defeats its very purpose.

            1. The Catholic Church isn’t worried about charity, look at the top brass with their multi-million dollar estates. It’s a fraud.

              OTH, sea ice doesn’t account for as much as total ice pack. Earth is losing ice – PERIOD. It’s cyclical, just check out wiki for “ice age” and see this cycle has about a 125K year reboot. We are spiking around the top soon to be followed by an EXTREME drop into cold.

              And, no, there are no SUV fossils.

                  1. Liberals made up the religion of global warming so they can PRETEND to be the savior of the planet.

                    Just as they PRETEND to be the savior of the poor, the blacks, the gays, the feminists, the unions and dozens of other special interest groups too lazy, ignorant and weak minded to think beyond the media lies.

                    1. Anybody that thinks this global warming scam is about anything other than a massive redistribution of wealth is playing into their hands.. That is all this is about period…It is the attempt at global government with global laws which loosely translates into ransacking the US and giving that wealth to a global oligarchy.. Simple.. Thats why they will never let it go. Never..

                    2. I thought that the earth began to heal and the seas began to recede the very moment Barak Obama took office……….weren’t we told exactly that?

                1. …and the bankers who knowingly sold bad loan debt to other banks and collapsed the banking system. Also, the politicians who made that possible by gundecking Federal loan reports at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac for years. They have the cash and the media flacking for them though. They should all be locked up.

              1. Not defending them and I agree with most posts here, but multi-million dollar estates? That they own? Please, if this is not just some brown gas coming out your back side, provide some links to this, I am interested.

                1. Go look it up yourself you lazy dolt. People don’t have to do research for you. Al Gore lives in a palatial estate in Tennessee and it’s easily seen via Google Earth. If I found it, so you can you.

                  1. AND his beachfront Malibu home, prefectly safe from rising oceans, apparently. Right on the beach, though.
                    BTW the Church of Rme, to deal with mess those touchy feelie priests made, is selling off a TON of really nice waterfront property in New England, and elsewhere. Vow of “poverty” ROFLMAO.

                  2. Attenhut!

                    STHU PO Green. You were too lazy to read the article, or the comments or you would know he was referring to the top Vatican officials in Italy.

                    At ease and carry on

                  3. I may be a lazy dolt but the comment was not talking about Al Gore, it was talking about the Catholic Church, you ignorant dolt. And I am not backing up the Catholics, I think they have a lot of nerve wanting the US to spend on their programs while they have great wealth in buildings and art work and I think the Pope is way out of line and an Obama loving socialist, I was just asking about the comment that was made. I don’t really think it is too much to ask when someone makes a unfounded statement to ask them to back it up. If not, the entire comments section dialog is nothing but drivel and although a lot of it is, like your comment, I believe a good deal if it is healthy dialog.

                    1. Apology not necessary my friend. And, as a disabled US Army veteran and veteran supporter, Wounded Warriors is a good place to show your support. Thanks.

                    2. A good percentage of my giving had been going to WW recently but now they get it all. Once the Bishops sell the mansions and feed the poor, I might start listening to them again. I think it takes big balls to tell the US government what to do with tax money when you live in a 14 million dollar mansion

              2. The church owns expensive real estate- the priests, bishops, cardinals own virtually nothing but the clothes on their back. When they are in civilian clothes, that is. When they are in their vestments they don’t own those either.

              3. Agree. It appears that we are in an interglacial period of an ice age. I looked ice age up after returning from Alaska when a glacier guide said we are in an ice age.

              4. What you do not realize is everything the Church has, was donated or given to them. Unless you know the history of the Catholic Church and how It came to be, you really should keep your opinions to yourself. You are just like the libs and perhaps you are one. You point out what is on the surface and not the truth. This is about Global warming, not the Catholic Church.

              5. The Catholic Church is simply the world’s largest real estate company. Ever been to the Vatican’s “Map Room”? And that’s just the Italian properties! Then they have their “other assets”, i.e., you and me, who fork over our paychecks to pay taxes, rent and maintenance on all that real estate … in exchange, of course, for a solemn assurance that we’ll have a great time after we’re dead.

              6. “The Catholic Church…look at the top brass with their multi-million dollar estates. It’s a fraud.”

                I am looking but where are those ‘estates?’ Can’t you control your religious bigotry and ignorance even when the subject is the global warming fraud?

            2. No doubt… but believing in global warming doesnt mean you must believe in a socialist fix. I infact believe in letting the earth do whatever it intends to do. It will either wipe away our existance or it will turn out to be much to do about nothing.

              1. “I infact believe in letting the earth do whatever it intends to do”

                Uh huh, and why would you pretend humans have nothing to do with that?

                We have increased CO₂ from 290PPM before the industrial revolution to 400PPM today. If it’s so likely that polar ice caps will be able to withstand CO₂ so high, why isn’t there a single example of them doing so in Earth’s history?

                1. Nice try – taking this article’s snapshot of 36 years in an approximately 4.5 billion year history (shrinking it to your own 8 year snapshot), then trying to magnify the significance of your own numbers, and making your premise of cause the only available one….
                  Hot is global warming. Cold is global warming. Rain is global warming. Snow is global warming. Clouds and the lack of clouds are global warming…

                    1. There you go: Reverting to your Confederate mythology of the helots slaving on plantations. At least you are honest about wanting to go against humanity in wishing to enslave your brothers.

                  1. Hurricane? Global warming. Warmer winter? Global warming. Colder winter? Global warming.

                    Oh wait……it’s called “climate change” now. It is all-encompassing, and everything that occurs under the sun is the fault of greedy mankind.

                    1. “Global warming” was proving to be a real embarrassment. With “climate change” you can have your cake and eat it too.

                    2. Get with the program. “Climate Change” was so yesterday. It is “Climate Disruption”.

                    3. According to my personal Guru, Chicken Little, the glaciers are coming and we’re all going to freeze to death.

                      We’re doomed unless you fork over tons of money to Mr. Little, via me.

                    4. Little by little, car lanes are being removed in favor of bike lanes. I wonder why is that?

                    5. Listen oilcanp – I got no problem with oil if it’s a healthy olive or canola oil dressing a dish of salad. You are obviously fixated on extracting and profiting from every last ounce of petroleum, right? Liquid gold. Well, sad to say, a big societal change is underway.. less driving, less car ownership. Why are gasoline prices falling? Because of decreased demand. What will the result be? Less driving = less air pollution, less driving = more physical activity. Score two big pluses for the environment and peoples’ health. Score two big minus for the oil industry, which has to retrench/retool/re-imagine itself which will also involve R&D costs and accept less for the product it pumps.

                    6. You know, they just banned wood fires in fireplaces in NYC. I think that was the right thing to do – considering the pollution caused by wood fires.

                    7. Just read an article that said the polar ice caps are the largest every recorded. The global warming folks have got to be getting nervous. Nothing is playing out as they predicted.

                    8. Oh, maybe you want to go back to a world of dirty air and water? I guess you favor birth defects, emphysema, lung cancer, and mutations, and so forth. Most people don’t.

                    9. When you are cornered and can’t rationally reply, you spout socialist claptrap. Your assertions that “…you favor birth defects, emphysema, lung cancer, and mutations, and so forth…” are not borne out by anything in this thread. They are racist insults.

                    10. Racist insults? I’m telling you: Birth defects, emphysema, lung cancer, heart disease and on and on – these are your legacies. You and people like you who do not wish to have a clean environment, you brought these scourges down on us. All of us.

                    11. Yeah, yeah, hold on to your dream of expensive oil, and endless profits for big oil and all the business that flows from it. You should see what cities in Europe are doing – always in the vanguard of progress: Banning private cars in city centers including swaths of Paris, encouraging bicycling/walking, and installing solar/wind like there’s no tomorrow.

                      Well, it’s about time we moved on from sickening ourselves and our descendants by allowing coal and heavy oil fired plants to pour out tons of emissions, as well as car exhaust, don’t you think?

                    12. It’s still used to power residential oil burners. Diesel is still used for electrical generation. Coal is certainly the biggest culprit – isn’t it still widely used?

                    13. You are correct about coal – it accounts for approximately 40% of our nation’s electric generation. Just curious: What would you like to replace that 40% with – natural gas or nukes? Other than coal, those are the only choices. Don’t say wind and solar because they are intermittent resources and can’t substitute for base load generation.
                      BTW – There is very little utility scale diesel gen in the US, Most in Hawaii and other island Territories. Plenty of small emergency diesel gensets, though!

                    14. Kitty… News flash! You and eco buddies wouldn’t be around, be fed, clothed, have transportation or a roof over your heads without oil. Anthropomorphic global warming is the biggest hoax perpetrated in history to control every part of human being’s lives. (e.g. “banning” what allows independence, force dependence/control). Windmills in the U.S. alone kill 1.5 million birds and bats per yr. Not very “Green” are they!

                    15. Laugh it up now, while oil is still ascendant. I guess you GW deniers are the ultimate carpe diem folks – the ultimate fatalists. What do you care about the future as long as you can make money today – untrammeled by government regulation or the adverse health consequences of dirty air/water/soil.

                    16. No, typically conservatives are far more responsible with our use of energy, and how trash is handled. Liberals leave trash everywhere, don’t recycle as much, and like AlGore, have massive electric bills. Just because you buy falsified data, does not make you a better, more concerned person. There simply is no alternative to oil & coal, thanks in part to you liberals that won’t allow nuclear energy. But The US is far cleaner than China. In fact it is your disregard of China’s massive pollution that makes you the ultimate fraud.

                    17. Gimme a break. Take a look at Germany – which is putting in solar at the speed of light. They are the progressive ones in the Green battle. This isn’t even a Liberal/Conservative problem. It’s a nearsighted-farsighted one: The ones that plan and think will survive, the ones that don’t – eh, sorry, maybe a flood will wash away your “sins.”

                    18. Current solar technology is not efficient enough to be economically feasible. It’s also not scalable. Replacement for 1 Nuclear powered power plant producing 1000 MegaWatts would take solar “farm” approx. 1/4 the size of Rhode Island 292
                      sq mi.

                    19. Not true. Germany is replacing nuclear with solar – and Germany isn’t even that sunny.

                    20. Kitty it seem you’re a Reality Denier. Gov’t regulation cost individuals and companies hundred of billions of $ every yr. $ that could in most cases be used for bettering peoples individuals’ lives, used for research to cure disease, provide for better education, used for R&D to make better use of resources, etc. etc.

                    21. No – it’ll be climate clean-up, once the price of oil really collapses due to people driving less and biking more (for example) or China finally cracks down on electrical power generating stations burning coal/heavy oil (which it is about to do). I do not think you can call the Chinese “dumb” for cracking down on air pollution.. not “dumb” at all..

                    22. Really? Since when do emissions/air pollution not lead to GW? China is currently one of the biggest culprits (if not the biggest) but it has recently promulgated legislation to end coal-fired power stations in three key provinces (so so many of its citizens are dying due to the effects of pollution).

                    23. Example: dump a bunch of old cares, batteries ans light bulbs full of mercury into a lake and you have *pollution*. None of these things contribute to “global warming”.

                      They are separate things.

                    24. I am saying emissions from polluting industry/cars lead to GW. That is accepted world-wide by now. The array of pollution from polluting industry can certainly include illegal dumping in lakes, rivers, soil. The same polluting industry probably also dumps tons of particulate matter into the air. All these forms of pollution need to be addressed – and they are being addressed.

                    25. You just make stuff up, don’t you. Flechette did not say it was “dumb.” Perhaps you are, though.

                    26. Kitty the only thing that Communist Chinese gov’t is “cracking down on” are the heads of 100s of thousands of people would dare to speak out or think for themselves. Their air is dirtier than ever. Though I do think you and thousands who talk like you would feel at home there… at least until reality set in.

                    27. No, China just signed on to a climate agreement with Obama – to ban coal fired electrical generating stations in 3 key provinces. I agree that there is not much freedom of speech – but there is a tradition of almost daily demonstrations/frequent riots throughout the country, and occasionally the message of people fed up with pollution does get through to the central authorities.

                    28. It doesn’t matter what you call it. Those who lived through Sandy – including quite a large portion of the US population – and maybe one of the most influential sections of the country (East Coast) believe in its reality. You want to keep shelling out billions to repair superstorm damage? Then go right ahead and keep on burning coal or heavy oil to generate electricity – go right ahead and do not force industry to clean up its act. There are millions of people though who think otherwise – especially those who saw their property inundated/destroyed or swept out to sea

                    29. Well, cactus, it’s easy for you to say that.. Try dealing with your house washed away by Sandy.. or expensive art collections of the uber-rich inundated in Tribeca, or Chelsea, or the West Village. Sandy hit some of the wealthiest zip codes in the US. These people donate – to both parties. They will make sure measures are put in place to curb emissions.. clean up dirty industry, etc.

                    30. Sandy was mild. The fact that anything was left at all is a sign that the storm lacked the strength of past storms.

                    31. So you Sandy had washed away the E. Coast. I bet you wish that. Nice – it would have washed away the cradle of our United States: Boston, NY, Phila, and on down to the Virginia and the Carolinas. How unpatriotic.

                    32. Yep. Have also visited many. Your point is? The barrier islands will “protect” the cities? Umm.. it didn’t quite work out that way with Sandy unfortunately. Water washed into Lower Manhattan – filling the construction pit at the WTC site for example, the Bklyn-Battery tunnell, the trans E. River and trans Hudson transit tunnels, and so forth.

                    33. No. Barrier Islands are a natural feature created in a large storm. They are the last “sand bar” before the mainland, where the waves break. In the storm that creates such a feature, the “barrier island” is nothing more than a submerged sand bar. They don’t protect anything.

                    34. Gimme a break. This is typical oil-based-economy-justification-talk – you know it and I know it – all of a sudden you are going to “scientifically” prove that Sandy was umm… just “par for the course” and has nothing to do with “the environmental depredations caused by decades of air pollution.” You can’t admit the environment is all screwed up even though 2014 was a record warm year. So you’ll try to say Sandy wasn’t so bad and even worse storms are possible – even when nobody was driving. Right. Maybe from your perspective (doubt if you’re on the E. Coast of the US) it was a walk in the park. Guess what – it was a nightmare, xdream.

                    35. Actually I think it has been re-branded yet again…it is now climate disruption. Now any variation or anomaly that any Stalinist enviro-idiot perceives to be real is caused by man disrupting the climate.

                    36. I think you are the ignorant one if you doubt the reality of what rampant un-regulated development leads to: Air pollution off the chart, thousands if not millions unable to breath, prematurely dying, sky-rocketing health care costs,and so forth Why do you think China has instituted strict controls on coal fired plants (also possibly heavy-oil powered electrical generating plant)? It doesn’t want millions of its people dying of basically smoke inhalation… and having to pay the cost in hospital/disability expenses.

                    37. You sure do. Otherwise, we’d still be living in smog-choked cities world-wide. Look at the increase in life expectancy since the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts were introduced here, and anti-air pollution measures were enacted in England. China is now going through the same process – the backlash to the harmful effects of breakneck development, without the least thought for the environment.

                    38. No – at the core of the madness is greed and the rush for development, be it under capitalism or communism. Also, the fear of being taken over by other countries, and the rush to be armed to the teeth and economically “strong.” Things today are exactly as they were on the eve of WWI: Alliances tested by crazy nationalist outbreaks, such as Ukraine. The difference is that the superpowers today fight limited wars rather than all-out self-destructive conflicts.

                    39. Interesting take! Greed is an interesting concept. One man’s greed is another’s ambition. I supposed every collector, and hoarder, can be considered greedy, along with everyone who desires upward mobility. And greed is not limited to material wealth. I suppose it’s a question of degree, which, at the far end of the spectrum, bleeds into obsessions.

                      As I see it, greed is a common, almost universal human characteristic. We see it on the Green Left, with partisans hustling after public subsidies, not to mention the Big Players (i.e., the greediest, so to speak) who seek to establish entire markets (e.g., cap and trade), and far-reaching global regulations, from which they derive considerable profit. And, of course, every ambitious capitalist (from businessmen, such as myself, to artists) can be considered greedy.

                      The problem with the advocates of Slow Growth (or, more extremely, No Growth) is that they are typically members of highly advanced capitalistic economies — places where they can routinely visit grocery stores and shopping malls that offer a mind-boggling variety of consumer goods — 6 varieties of apples, 25 flavors of yogurt, dozens of automobiles, every book you would ever want to read, dozens of movies — all within a short radius, all at competitive prices (driven by the efficient market). Along with high technology. And indulgent luxury goods. And a crushing volume of information.

                      People in this culture have no right to demand growth limits on 2nd- and 3rd-world economies — as if to say, I’ve got mine, and you can just live with your primitive economy. That’s not going to happen. The 2nd world is catching up, as well they should, and the even the lost causes in the third world (e.g., Haiti) are making some progress. This is, after all, the Age of Global Capitalism.
                      “Armed to the teeth”? Easy to say if you live under the nuclear umbrella of the United States. Again, can we tell the developing world to just live as primitives, and hope for the best, while America can assure it’s actual and would-be enemies that death and destruction are only minutes away if they cross the line (as we define it)?
                      I think Americans (actually, the entire ‘1st world’, as we define it) has forfeit its right to place limits on the economic and military development of the developing world. The hypocrisy is beyond the pale.

                    40. Whoa – the old Soviet Union was the biggest enviro-criminal state – much worse that the “capitalist” states of the “West.” In the “East” development led to actual ecocide. Even though things got pretty bad in the US – remember the smog of LA? – I’m not sure we actually ever completely poisoned the Earth as thoroughly/mindlessly as they did in E. Europe and Russia. Of course – forget about ecocide in China today – a carnival of untrammeled capitalist-communist development that has surely led to thorough poisoning of that land.

                    41. Continue to live in your Pollyana world of denial. Maybe you would want to take a dip in Newtown Creek – which partially forms the border of the boroughs of Queens and Brooklyn, NY – a nice refreshing dip in some of most polluted water on Earth, the direct result of untrammeled development/dumping of industrial waste since Colonial times! If you think capitalism (or communism for that matter – since the communists have been equally oblivious to the effects of untrammeled development) is so great, be my guest – take a nice refreshing dip in those polluted waters!

                    42. I never said that we should stop trying to clean up our water. I am against dumping arsenic in our rivers. Who isn’t?

                      But *clean water* is not *global warming*.

                      I find it amazing that so many people use pollution in order to justify “global warming” regulations. It is a DIFFERENT ISSUE!

                    43. Really? You explain how the issues are different. The ideal is the cessation of the use of coal to fire energy stations, as well as the cessation of heavy oil. After that, we go after gasoline-powered cars. Any dirty/polluting industry must also be cleaned up. Have I missed anything?

                    44. Yes, you missed the basic premise: *pollution* (like dumping toxic waste into the water) is not *global warming* (which is supposedly caused by carbon dioxide…even though the earth has only warmed 0.8 degrees in a century).

                      If you are against *pollution* then lobby for trade restrictions on China; they produce the majority of the *pollution* on the planet.

                    45. Air pollution leads to global warming. As far as China is concerned, there is only so much any country other than China can do. How much leverage do you really think the US has over China at this point?

                    46. 1. Pollution does not necessarily lead to “global warming”. They are two different things. Arsenic in a river is not “global warming”.

                      2. If China is causing the majority of the pollution then we have a *duty* to try to get them to clean up. Just looking the other way and saying “we can’t really get them to do anything” is a cop out. Do you *really* care about the environment? If so, do not cop out.

                    47. Pollution does not necessarily lead to “global warming”. If you are referring to air pollution (AP) that is a matter of opinion. I suppose you would advocate for no regulations whatsoever on any polluting business, right? Do you also feel AP does not lead to any adverse health effects?

                    48. Absolutely not! Of course we should have regulations restricting pollution. I am just making it clear that “global warming” is not “pollution”.

                      The reason I insist on correct terminology is that bad decisions get made when the two issues are confused. Reasonable regulations controlling pollution are a good thing, but many people carry that argument into the “global warming” debate, which is a different subject entirely.

                      Many people will see smog around a city and then conclude that we need “global warming” regulations. Two different things.

                      It is important because a bad regulations can hurt the nation’s economy AND hurt the *environment*as well. If you *really* want to help the environment then you have to make sure that the regulations being passed are valid, not just political insider money manipulation.

                    49. I am for curbing pollution, so I obviously disagree with the Pope on that. I do not think that “global warming” is a real issue at all, man-made or otherwise

                      From the artcile, note this quote, “The ultimate goal of U.N. climate negotiations is to stabilize greenhouse gases at a level that keeps global warming below 2 degrees C (3.6 F), compared with pre-industrial times.”

                      This is absurd since the earth has only warmed 0.8F in the last 110 years, and the temperature has not risen signifiacntly in the last 17 years. If we can only raise is by 0.8F how could we possibly reduce it by 3.6F?

                      If you believe in man-made global warming this means that if we stopped ALL human activity we would only lower the earth’s temperature by 0.8F. Lowering it by 3.6F would be *impossible*.

                      Back to the Pope, his statment that “Man has slapped nature in the face” is actually blasphemous if you are Catholic. “Nature” is not a living entity, it is simply the way the universe works. To imply that nature has some sort of concience, that its feelings can be hurt is akin to saying that it is another God. Catholism is supposed to believe in one God.

                      This would not be the first time a Pope has committed blasphemy. I am not religious so the Catholics can figure this out for themselves.

                    50. You love pollution caused by rampant capitalism/communism (take your pick) – go live in Beijing, China! There, you can’t see your nose in front of your face for all the smog. Oh wait! China is alright, because without China churning out the world’s cheap goods, we wouldn’t have capitalist penetration/subjugation of the world’s economies on a global scale! Thus, you should be perfectly happy choking on the foul air of China!

                    51. Last time I checked, we don’t live in China. You are comparing a country with absolutely no regulations to one that is so over-burdened by regulations we have no JOBS!

                    52. You can blame NAFTA for the lack of jobs in the US. It was an intentional plan by the powers that be on both sides of the aisle to ship US jobs overseas, the idea being that our amigos south of the border would then buy more US goods, leading to more US jobs. Well, it didn’t exactly work out that way – either for Central America or the US.

                    53. You sound like a stupid c#nt trying to use big words to make yourself seem smart. Shut the hell up before I cock-slap you. Can you even define communism or subjugation you fat cow??

                    1. If only Darwin was a god they would. Wishful thinking. Must think harder. Maybe if we all pray like an Atheist: Kumbiology, me lord Darwin, kumbiology!

                    2. You wish. If that was the case, the entire structure of science would come crashing down. And then you’d have no more “progress.” I guess you would like to see the world petrified – like your precious fossil fuels – in the 50s era, wouldn’t you, with gas-guzzling autos, and no thought at all for the future. Unfortunately, your thinking is a fossil too: Out-dated, brittle, and broken.

                    3. Keep clutching your Bible – as GW-caused flood-waters rise. I doubt if it’ll “save” you, unfortunately; but science will. And 99% of scientists accept the truth of GW.

                    4. There you go lying again. You must be,what 7th grade? Believe all the propaganda you’ve been taught?

                    5. Lying? You really think Sandy wasn’t caused by GW? You are the one who defies common sense in disbelieving data that describes the deleterious effects on the environment/human health of air/water pollution.

                    6. hahaha ROFLMAO It’s funny you say this, you little puss, as you type this on your Chinese-made computer, made of oil-based plastic, shipped by communist billionaires burning fossil-based fuels to your local Best Buy so you can buy it on your Arab-owned credit card (again, plastic) and plug it into your wall outlet (Chinese plastic) so you can power it up (burning oil-based fuel) so you can waste your time (and ours) spouting your hatred toward Christians and those with different belief that have not drank Gore’s koolaid-laced pee and begged

                      “Can I have some more, sir?”

                      You’re kind of a liar and a hypocrite that makes things up to look smart but you fool only yourself.
                      I truly doubt you know many scientists yet you come up with a startling “99%” statistic. How very scientific of you. Actual scientists roll their eyes at you at parties when you start smacking your ‘brilliance’. Soooo cute when you try acting smart!!!!! You must have gotten this 99% from a government-funded scientist. Do share your source! Please. In your response, cite the 99% source or STFU. Such a puppet: Sit up. Beg. Memorize. Regurgitate. Repeat.

                      Is this as reliable as the 100% of Koreans that voted FOR their ‘Dear Leader’?! I don’t have stats (so I dont make them up like you) but my parents go to a Church in a VERY progressive Ivy League community blocks from campus. No liberal arts profs amongst them, mind you. Only hard sciences. Several are Rockefeller and Rhodes Scholars and all patent-holders. Their advanced education and research behind the microscope has only strengthened their belief in God, Two dozen professors in a single Church among dozens in this community that also have professors that believe in God and that science is simply God’s programming language. One professor, a volcanologist, states that the planet ‘breathes’, expanding and contracting, consuming and exhaling. Our body temperature rises when we are more active and declines as we slumber. Ditto with Earth. People that fail to understand this are the ones that are the troglodytes with false gods. It takes a real self-centered simpleton to believe that a God did not create a massive planet but that little men, like you, can actually have an irreversible impact on it.
                      News Flash: You’re not the Sun. Get over yourself, little man.

                      BTW, I hope you live at Sea Level…….and while you do keep in mind that fossils have been found high in the mountains and that land bridges once existed connecting to what we now call islands. All of this occurred long before Detroit ever made cars. The Earth is constantly changing. Glaciers once towered over where I am now typing at 1200’ASL

                    7. Excellent Unopinionated. Like Al Gore who’s carbon footprint is many times the norm she makes use of every convenience fossil fuels prrovide. Like our prez who preaches green living but burns 5 gallons of jet fuel per mile on his frequent 9,500 mile round trip Hawaiian vacations along with a giant support an security detail. Gotta love the ironic hypocrisy.

                    8. Is engorging yourself on the products of our petrochemical based culture something to brag about? Did you or me have a choice in the matter? We were born into the culture – which once was a car worshiping culture in the days of cheap gasoline. We also were once a tobacco worshiping culture – before the axe fell on that particular poison. Or do you doubt the science on tobacco as well?

                    9. Let’s stick to the topic. If we are going to veer off onto religion, there’s no end to discussing why it’s so vital to maintaining the social status quo – especially the patriarchy – worldwide. But hey, the Pope is religious, and he has bought into global warming, which means that even religious folks can “see the light” and accept GW as a fact.

                    10. So…….let’s get this straight……Religious people are nuts and completely wrong (according to you) but then you bring up that the pope has bought into global warming so all the Christian sheeple should, too. You seem to endorse patriarchies when it comes to supporting your causes but otherwise they are evil white men billionaires and colonial overlords. Frankly, the pope is about as whacko as the POTus. The Chinese communist dictators, on the other hand, are admirable ‘rag-tags’ who ‘kept it together’ despite killing millions through pogroms, intimidation, genocide and starvation. REALLY?!?!?

                      Look, China is made up of as many different peoples and nations as Europe. It isn’t mutual brotherly love that keeps them together: It’s the tip of the bayonet and threat of execution. Spout your liberal philosophy there and see how long you survive! You clearly do not know what you are talking about. China has invaded and absorbed other sovereign countries and parts and has forced other countries to pay ‘protection money’ to them. Right now, China is practicing colonial power over large swaths of Africa. China has invaded Japan, Vietnam, Korea, Tibet, Nepal, India, Mongolia, Russia, Silla, Hami, Formosa, Kotte, the Tocharians, Myanmar/Burma and others. Hami is now a prefecture of China. Tibet was a HUGE country swallowed up by China. Today, the US pays ‘protection money’ in the form of trade to China. If the US went cold turkey and banned Chinese imports to the US then China would invade us tomorrow.
                      It’s ironic how you frame Westerners as evil colonizers since the Chinese committed a genocide against the Dzungars of Xinjiang, conqueredd it and then brought in Han Chinese settlers to colonize and secure it as their new Western Frontier from 1760-1820. Please note that this was well BEFORE the British gained Hong Kong Island through a treaty that did not involve genocide.

                      You are like swiss cheese, man. You deplore the West for GW but then you praise China despite the fact they are the most flagrant generator of it and have to spraypaint their mountains green.
                      BTW, Mao did not defeat Japan in China. Mao and KMT had a United Front during WWII and the US continued their support of KMT throughout war. When Japan surrendered to US Mao then continued the Civil War against US-allie KMT. Get your facts straight.

                    11. Yes, it’s a NEW religion and DOGMA they so HATE in religion so they passed their own brand of dogma to the Pope so it looks like legit dogma.

                    12. And it now has its own “Pope”. I wonder how the Marxists deal with that one in their feeble minds.

                    13. Everyone knows Jesus was a proto-socialist – at the very least an anti-establishment agitator/rebel. If Jesus were alive today, I’m sure he’d be very comfortable in the pro-GW camp, lined up in opposition to big/polluting business and pro-the little guy.

                    14. The Pope is nominally the religious leader of the West – of all Christendom, East and West, Catholic and Protestant. If he says we must respect the Earth and rein in capitalist/communist untrammeled development/pollution – then we should listen to him.

                      A POLLUTANT .

                      BOTH YOU & THE POPE SHOULD KNOW BETTER

                    16. Let’s not talk about CO2. That’s not the only thing that is contributing to GW. Also – typing in caps is not helping your arguments.


                      OK , LET’s TALK ABOUT THE BIG ENCHALATA .
                      FOLLOWS SOLAR ACTIVITY .

                      BUT MISGUIDED .


                    18. I guess you feel science is religion? Or maybe we should all just accept Scripture as the “truth” which explains “everything?” How would you like it if all the “progress” since the Renaissance, Enlightenment up to the modern era, were dialed back, and we ended up back in the Faith-obsessed Dark Ages?

                    19. Science is not religion. Science questions all, and is constantly evolving. Also – the empirical evidence of measurable increases in dirt/smog/ozone and so forth – don’t lie. The effects of GW? Take a look at what happened on the E. Coast a couple of years ago (October 2012) with Sandy.

                    20. Then embrace this science or hold firm in your faith.
                      Sandy was a hurricane. It may be hard to believe but they’ve happened before.
                      Climate has never been static. It’s constantly changing but in such small increments that our perception is skewed such that 20 year warm periods make people believe that things are going out of control (weather things have never been in control) and then people commit to a dogma that gives them the illusion of control and this prevents them seeing the clearly contradictory empirical evidence that violates their closely held beliefs. Or maybe you have a good explanation for the 18 year pause? Go consult your book of revelations (Earth In The Balance) written by your prophet (Al Gore) and supported by your priests (government funded scientists) and get back to me.

                    21. As in almost all human created things, follow the money. Know also that at least one US agency as well as the UN are preaching that mankind must be removed from the earth to almost completely lower carbon (dioxide) emissions. And we would give these people governance over a free people?

                    22. ATTENTION Eco-scammers……..for the right amount of “research funding” (eg:cash) I will endorse your fake science too. I need a new Lexus BAD

                    23. Your claim is that every scientist is paid by billionaires to lie?

                      “Whatever” is an amazingly appropriate name for you, clown.

                      Whatever, indeed.

                    24. A denier is one who denies truth when faced with a fact. The fact is there has been global cooling and temperatures today are lower than the peak of 1998. That is fact, not opinion. When faced with this fact, WHO IS THE DENIER? Anyone who still clings to outdated and false science when faced with the fact of global cooling is a denier.

                    25. The magazine cover you posted is a fake.

                      You don’t care in the slightest about facts, and you obviously don’t care about looking like a fool.

                      Why would I continue to talk to you, clown?

                    26. Consensus? You talk about a ‘consensus’ among “scientists”?
                      Several hundred years ago there was also a consensus among scientists. It involved the sun revolving around the Earth.
                      They put people to death for believing otherwise.

                    27. Actually it was conservative religious nuts that put people to death. Scientists only care about evidence.

                      But thanks for playing!

                      Shake it off and do a little research, and next time you won’t come off as such a lightweight.

                    28. BTW I was making a point about ‘consensus”. Just because a lot of people believe something does not make it true.
                      You know, like people who believe that you can tax yourself into prosperity?

                    29. Simple absolutes.

                      The cornerstone of the mislabeled “liberal” mindset.

                      For calling themselves “progressives” they are profoundly incapable of progressing an argument, virtually categorically.

                      It takes a very empty soul to see the world through such simple, naive eyes.

                    30. Yeah, I’ve been meaning to see a doctor about my empty soul.

                      Do you think by becoming a right-wing shill loon clown I could fill the void?

                      Did it work for you?

                    31. Oh, and hey everyone else out there-I’ll spare you having to slog through “OmaJohn” here’s disqus comment history by linking to a single image that sums it up nicely.


                      Just another predictably partisan clown, stepping up to bat and striking out again and again and again.

                    32. No, no clown.

                      You’re a “libs” ranting fool, nothing more.

                      Your capacity for thought ranges from “LIBTARDS!!!!” to “GAAAAAA! OBOZO!!!!” and that’s about it!

                    33. Pot meet kettle. Basically your post is typical for your kind of low-info warmist. When you run out of anything credible to say, you put on your Saul Alinsky panties and fall back on Alinsky #5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon”

                    34. Warmist!

                      That’s rich!

                      I also eat food, so am I a foodist?

                      I am affected by gravity so am I a gravityist?

                      I don’t mean to ridicule you clowns, in fact you do it perfectly fine yourselves, but I have to admit it’s a blast to step into your little echo chamber and set off a few firecrackers.

                      Look how you scramble and buzz!

                      Like a hornet’s nest with some mud sprayed on it, except instead of hornets you’re a bunch or regressive clowns.

                      It’s adorable.

                    35. What is the ideal temperature of the earth? If we are going to spend money to try and change the earth’s climate, how do we measure when we are done?

                    36. Ummmm, you do know that isn’t me, right? I just wanna keep you grounded back here in reality where, when your intellect comes up short, you resort to the stupidity infesting every one of your posts on this page.

                    37. Yeah, since you’re too cowardly to comment under your own name you stole the name of the captain from Firefly.

                      So to goof on you I posted a picture of Captain Reynolds from the show Firefly, naked.

                      You then demonstrated that you don’t even know who it is.

                      Ridicule is a very, very potent weapon.

                      Too bad it’s wasted on the dipwads that need it the most.

                    38. Omg, you’re dumber than a bag of hammers. OF COURSE I know who the picture is. How the hell do you ridicule ME by putting up a picture from a scene in firefly? When you can answer that, then reply please, otherwise, STFU moron.

                    39. Your blind ignorance is amazing! Scientists are just like everyone else — plenty of them will say almost anything if it will fatten their wallets. Read history again. People were put to death by arrogant, power lusting people in charge of government as always. Whether they were corrupt, self-worshiping Catholics or corrupt, self-worshiping Hedonists is irrelevant. The most dangerous people that have ever existed are those that demand we let them control the economy because they are smarter, wiser than millions of people making individual decisions. Granting them control has always led to more power, more wealth and more debauchery at the top, and more poverty and suffering for the average family.

                    40. Actually over 126 million people were put to death in the 20th century by Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot. All of them were radical leftists.

                    41. To equate modern-day Conservatives with religious leaders of centuries past on another continent is absurd, especially from someone who can’t see the connection between the modern Leftist movement in this country, and the totalitarian Socialist/Communist regimes of the 20th century and today. You have, once again, opened your mouth and removed all doubt.

                    42. Yawn. Whatever.

                      History reveals you to be a bunch of anti-science, torturing, loon scumbags and it’s borne out today in the efforts of the Cheney regime and clowns like Michelle Bachman, Ted Cruz etc.

                      You’re on the wrong side of history and you always, always will be.

                      Every advance society has ever made, from fair pay to the 40 hour work week to women’s suffrage has been a PROGRESSIVE movement, and you right wing clowns fought tooth and nail against it.

                      You’re a stain on history.

                    43. Yes oh how true that great leader SC Pomeroy from Kansas introduced woman’s suffrage to the senate floor, oh wait he was a republican. No wait is was Theodore Roosevelt that great democrat who adopted is as a national party plank, oh wait he was a conservative too. No wait civil rights were championed by those great democrat leaders, Robert Byrd, and Al Gore Sr. Oh wait, shoot the opposed it and it was the republicans that drove civil rights legislation. Oh well, guess the progressives aren’t so progressive after all. Better luck next time!!! Thanks for playing though.

                    44. Lol, you leftist really crack me up. You make stuff up and then expect us to us accept them without checking any facts. I offer you facts and you call me dumb. Wow, have you looked in a mirror lately. Does that style of discourse really work, LMAO!!!!

                    45. So you’re saying Teddy Roosevelt WASN’T a leader and founder of the Progressive movement.

                      You should totally go edit wikipedia and fix that then.


                    46. He was still a republican, and having a progressive tendencies doesn’t make you a hard core progressive of today. See it all in such simple terms, it must be a wonderful carefree life LOL. Can you even keep a job, I suspect not.

                    47. Ohhh, I see.

                      You’re one of those people that holds labels in higher esteem than actions.


                      And as far as holding a job goes, you’ll be derped to derp that I own my own business.


                    48. I doubt both your sincerity and truthfulness considering your disregard for anyone. Furthermore, you websites are very left leaning, so you are the pot calling the kettle black. A progressive today is more a communist, or socialist at best, Teddy was neither. You can’t accept that truth, good luck to you.

                    49. You’re a goalpost-moving disingenuous partisan jerkoff, and it’s been a waste of time goofing on you. This year I’m turning over a new leaf, and I’m gonna stop goofing on the right wing deranged only makes things worse.

                      So go on back to your swine posts on your swine site everyone, and keep patting each other on the back for out-derping one another.

                      I’m on to better and more challenging things…if NASA and NOAA can’t convince you clowns then what hope does a raghead libtard marxist fartbama blower like me have?

                      You all are a disgrace on your families and this great nation, and you should hang your heads in shame for your willful stupidity, and support of oil baron billionaires and their agendas.

                    50. Yes and their manipulating data is noble, and you calling everyone an idiot is so honorable. You are the problem with politics today, you can have a civil discussion with you degrading everyone around. You are paid troll and you act like a petulant brat. Good luck in life with that style of discussion.

                    51. Oh!

                      A link to the Heritage foundation.

                      Surely that’s a neutral site with no bia-…….oh wait.

                      “The Heritage Foundation is an American conservative think tank based in Washington, D.C. ”

                      Ah, right. I knew I’d heard the name.

                      Yeah, great source, “Doc”.

                      You really know how to derp a good derp.

                    52. Lots of people believed him then, as did so many people today believe Obama. Liars tell lies. They are believed by the gullible. Dictators will use lies to consolidate power. Do you believe every word Hitler spoke was undeniable truth? Do you believe the ACA saved every American more than $1000 per household? Do you believe Obama wants to disarm law-abiding citizens for their own safety (you know, like Chicago and Detroit)? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may need a cradle-to-grave nanny state controlling your whole life. That would explain a lot.

                    53. “My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God’s truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. …Today, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed his blood upon the Cross. … ”

                      – Adolf Hitler, speech on April 12, 1922

                    54. Yes, just like those scientists who said the world was flat. You do understand those people are the same folks who now make up your wonderful left wing buddies in Europe. So much for defining them as conservatives. Maybe you should go back to school and read up on what a modern day conservative is, you may find that they want much of what you do, freedom, a clean planet to live on, etc. They just don’t think you need to round up the world and kill off 3 quarters of the population to do it, like your buddies Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot. FYI, being a Christian doesn’t mean you can’t be a whack job lefty. Hitler was a socialist, not a conservative. Nazi, National Socialist Party.

                    55. Wow! Your link to sodahead with a slideshow by “Oreillyfan” is pretty much a grand slam!!

                      Who could ever argue with that?

                      Oh wait, I know. Let’s look at Hitler’s actual words.

                      “My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God’s truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. …Today, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed his blood upon the Cross.”

                      – Adolf Hitler

                    56. Yes, who could ever argue with the left wing professor who wrote the article you cited. LOL, you argument is ridiculous. Being Christian or Jewish doesn’t make you a conservative. But if it does, then I guess Bill Clinton, and Jimmy Carter would be conservative as well as FDR and LBJ by your logic. So much for logic from you, oh well, again nice try. 🙂 Have a great day!!

                    57. The last bastion of great political debate, call people names when you can’t win an argument, ROFL!!!! Maybe you should try the “liar, liar pants on fire” method next. LOL, you are so funny.

                    58. hahahahahhaha no but seriously you have to admit conservatives are retarded.

                      Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, Ted Cruz…these are your heroes.

                      Rick Santorum. hahahahahahah

                      George Bush. hahahahahahahahahahah

                      Real intellectuals there.

                    59. I will raise you a Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, Jimmy Carter and a Barack Obama. There are idiots on both sides dude.

                    60. If you think the people you listed there are as pants-on-head retarded as the people I listed there’s something deeply wrong with you.

                    61. And your Doctorate is in what that qualifies you to say those people are all idiots, of that’s right you don’t have one. People say stupid things, here is a few quotes for you ” you have to pass it before you know what is in it” “I haven’t been to all 57 states before” and I raise you a Joe Biden. You are completely clueless if you think everyone is an idiot who says something stupid at some point. That is my point man, wake up, people aren’t perfect and say dumb things on both sides of the isle. You really need to look in the mirror and stop being such a partisan. Good luck to you.

                      Now call me a bunch of names and jump up and down like you normally do.

                    62. There was no difference at the time between “scientists” and “religionists” – which is true of far too many in academia, politics, & scientific circles today. The correct term is “climate cycles” because there is no global change but merely shifting patterns & rebalancing. That’s true science.

                    63. I was alive in the 70’s when my school and all the papers were preaching global cooling not to mention there is sane person can deny it My point is what are you trying to say. That they were never preaching global cooling?

                    64. Me too Independent. 1974, the first Earth day. They told us that there was a coming ice age, the world would be overpopulated leading to mass die offs, and we’d be out of oil, all by the year 2000. Look magazine told me in 1968 that we’d all be driving flying cars by then too.

                    65. bgulick, you really shouldn’t. If you can’t have a thoughtful discussion — and you obviously can’t — you may as well just give up. You’re certainly not going to convince anyone of anything. All you’re doing is acting childish and patting yourself on the back while belittling and demeaning others.

                      Of course, for certain types of people, that can feel rewarding, so maybe you’re actually getting something out of this. If that’s the case, why are you asking him why you would continue to pretend to respond to what’s being said?

                    66. So “crushing right wing clowns” means “acting like an ignorant child to people your masters tell you to hate”? After you performance today, they might decide you are not such a useful tool after all.

                    67. You know, my masters tell me that all the time.

                      I call in to the main Libtard office and check in with the Liar in Chief Presidum B HUSSEIN FARTBINGO III to see what my marching orders are for the day, and they tell me “Bruce, you’re not so useful after all!”

                      When I ask what they mean they tell me that right wingers already do so much to discredit themselves, that I’m just gilding the lily.

                      And you know what? I have to agree. Nothing I type here could make you clowns look any worse than you already do, so it’s a moot point.

                      So why do I continue?

                      The sheer SPORT of it, I suppose.

                      It’s just a BLAST to mock shills and clowns, and it’s cheap entertainment.

                      So I’ll keep doing it gratis, even though my libtard masters tell me my effort is wasted.

                    68. Oh, side note, in that very article the author states directly that there was plenty of ‘scientific’ assertion that we -were- entering into an ice age. So the date of the image on the cover is more important to you than the reality of the discussion. I’ll borrow one from your playbook and call names for a moment: Congratulations, you’re a weak-minded parrot. 🙂

                    69. So why do you think someone found it necessary to fake the cover?

                      Why did you find it necessary to continue the lie by reposting it?

                      See, things like this reveal clearly that you don’t look into things, and instead happily parrot whatever right-wing clown sites tell you to.

                      You’re a disgrace.

                    70. Notice that the cover he posted may be a fake, but the fact remains that “scientists” thought it was globull cooling then.
                      Remember, you’re the denier here.

                    71. Ummm, it’s intentional. As in, you’re so dumb you believe in BULL crap. You’re a special little snowflake, yes you are.

                    72. OOOOOOOH!

                      It was intentional.

                      Kind of like when you call President Obama “Fartbummer” or “Obozo” and then Michelle becomes “Moochelle”.

                      I get that, I see it a lot with you right wing clowns.

                      And yes, now that I look back at your comments, I can see you do it every single time, so it’s definitely because you’re a partisan hack shill, and not that you’re actually ignorant of how to spell the word “global”.

                      I stand corrected, shill.

                    73. No, more like when I call him Obamao, cuz (<— oh ohhhh) he's a freaking Marxist like…you know…. Mao. I don't call him Obozo and I don't call Michelle Moochelle. I call her 'the wookie' or just Chewbacca outright because…you know…ugly critter.
                      Good grief dude, you really are a simpleton.

                    74. Mmm, I’ll run home and tell my wife who is not of the same race as I am then. HEY HONEY, I’m a racist. You’re an idiot. I think we’re done.

                    75. “U.S. corporations’ after-tax profits have grown by 171 percent under Obama, more than under any president since World War II”
                      – Bloomberg

                      “The deficit is now only 4% of the GDP, down from over 10% at the end of Bush’s administration – and projections are for it to be only 2% by 2015 (before Obama leaves office.) America’s “debt problem” seems largely solved, and almost all due to growth rather than austerity.”
                      – Forbes

                      “The Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index has more than doubled since Barack Obama took office”
                      – New York Times

                      “The Dow Jones industrial average hit 16,000 for the first time this morning, and the Nasdaq began within 15 points of 4,000 (last seen in 2000). The S&P 500, which passed $16 trillion in market value for the first time, is up 26.1%.

                      “Obama has now stolen national security and the economy from Republicans. The media tells us Obama is finished as a President because of the website glitches, but my money is on what other issue he can steal from the GOP before 2016.”
                      – Politicususa dot com

                      Barack Hussein Obama: Worst Marxist ever.

                    76. Now talk about the CPI, QE, record low labor participation and more debt than ALL other presidents combined. Otherwise you’re telling yourself lies to make yourself feel better. MORON.

                      Back in reality, being a Marxists doesn’t automatically mean he gets everything he wants. But then you knew that didn’t you, idiot.

                    77. The only denier here seems to be you. You foolish posts make the rest of us feel sorry for you. The entire climate change religion has been proven to be a total lie. The results are in and all the major predictions have been wrong! No one can predict the future climate, not even close. Have you not read how the rain forests are growing faster due to the increase in CO2?


                      NO SUCH THING AS SETTLED SCIENCE .


                    79. No arguing with fake facts LOL. Just ask those guys at EAU. LMAO, man you kill me, thanks for the wonderful laugh today. You should hide behind trees and jump out and say boo too !!! 🙂

                    80. That nice, more sophomoric behavior instead of a real discussion. Yup, is that a picture of you, what are you like 12? Dude grow up.

                    81. Yes 200 of 11,000 plus equal 97% in you world of math. You do realize that the 200 are those support it and funded for such research. Posting a cite that is not a neutral scientific site, but a shill group for global warming is meaningless. Not that you opinion of 200 verse 11,000 holds water LOL!!!

                    82. Yeah, dipsh*t, I’m super jealous of a dead guy.

                      ANYHOO, please keep frantically scrambling to figure out a way to explain why the only “news” sources that pump out this denier nonsense are owned by rich right-wing oil barons like this jerkoff and the Koch brothers.


                      Anyone here honest enough to give it a shot?

                      Not gonna hold my breath, facts and right-wingers are oil and’re all a disgrace to your families and whores for billionaires.

                      Slurp, slurp that big ol’ billionaire dong..

                    83. Hmmm? How about you stop being a foolish worshiper? The most important fact is that no one, absolutely no one, is even close to being able to predict the future climate. All of the significant predictions of the last 20 years have been wrong! There have been less major storms, not more. There is more polar ice, not less. There has been no warming as predicted. How can anyone be so stupid as to sell their soul to people whose words have been proven wrong much, much, much more often than they are correct? Al Gore and friends are the most wickedly rich charlatans in history. The climate change religion is all about centralizing power into the hands of the elite. Wake up before it is too late.

                    84. If his masters say it’s so, he believes unquestioningly, no matter what he experiences personally.

                    85. Silly left wing wacko facts are for people who can think by looking at all the (FACTUAL) data no matter where it comes from not just from your liberal rags. See not everyone believes everything they read in the NYtimes. DIPSH#t.

                    86. Right! Why listen to a bunch of scientists who spent their entire lives in the field? We have Breitbart! LOL. God the stupidity is amazing.

                    87. I guess you missed the memo stating that those scientists were on the take, being paid by leftists… by the way, more scientists believe that global warming is a bullshit conspiracy…

                    88. You’re right!

                      I should totally ignore those leftard clowns at NASA and NOAA, and instead I’ll come here, where guys like “Independent” and “bigpinch” can tell me what’s REALLY happening.

                      Scoot off, you silly git.



                    90. DOES IT MAKE ME WRONG ? CAN YOU PROVIDE A GRAPH ?





                    92. Just because they don’t regurgitate the same garbage peddled by your your Leftist master’s mouthpieces doesn’t mean it’s an evil attempt to burn the planet down.
                      Here are some things for you to consider:
                      -You don’t live in a comic book.
                      -You don’t understand what political Right and Left means.
                      -Someone who has built a fortune with his bare hands has a much better understanding of the real world than a bunch of egg-headded scholars and bureaucrats living off money taken forcibly from people they are unaccountable to, and God bless them for spending large amounts of that fortune fighting the those bureaucrats and egg-heads who are bent on world-wide tyranny.
                      -Think about the logic of claiming a particular news story is somehow part of the master plan of a dead guy to destroy the planet.
                      -What has Socialism built? Communism? Fascism? Those are the force of destruction. People build, create, and innovate. Governments restrict the actions of people in the name of an ordered society. The brilliance of our Founding Fathers forged a compromise between personal freedoms and a government that was limited to protecting those freedoms. Jerkoffs like you have supported tyrants who have whittled away at our freedoms because you are afraid of having to be responsible for yourself.
                      Insults, mischaracterizations, and lies don’t work outside your cadre of losers.

                    93. This in a nutshell is why we shouldn’t listen to the FrightWing radicals on this. So you’d rather listen to a billionaire than a scientist who’s PHD is in the field he’s talking about. In other words Donald Trump knows more than any climatologist. This was an IQ test. You failed.

                    94. That’s all you’ve got? One measly typo? Pathetic, but the Tools of Tyranny can’t win debates with substance or rational discourse, so I’m not too surprised.

                    95. See East Anglia University where emails between “climate scientists” were exposed and prove that they changed statistics to support their theory. They were proven to be liars who willingly schemed and distorted data in order to maintain the money flow. AGW is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on mankind.

                    96. If there’s one thing that guaranteed besides death and taxes, it’s that every time there’s a news story that goes against globull warmist dogma, there’s a cretin that will comment

                      “news sources that pump out this denier nonsense are owned by rich right-wing oil barons like this jerkoff and the Koch brothers”

                      Thank you for being today’s ‘Cretin of the day’. Here’s your cookie.

                    97. Oh! Are you claiming Climate Depot isn’t funded by a right-wing billionaire oil baron?

                      Is the Heartland Institute not funded by the Koch brothers and the Walton family?

                      Are you really making these claims with a straight face?

                      Well bless your heart!

                      Here’s a gold star for effort, a pat on your dear little head, AND a big cookie!

                      Clown on, clown.

                      Clown on.

                      Oh, and by the way, I know Malcom Reynolds is a fictional character, but you’re still not man enough to carry his jock strap.

                      Ya hear?

                      You’re more of a….let’s see….a Mr. Furley.


                    98. And again, you REALLY should learn how to spell “global” if you’re gonna come stink up threads like these.

                    99. Oh, you still haven’t figured out that’s intentional? I guess you’re determined to earn every last drop of that cretin award.

                    100. Is it billionaires you dislike or is it just Republican billionaires….Bloomberg, W. Buffett, Tom Steyer, G. Soros all leftist/progs. Biggest PACs were the Senate Majority PAC and the House Majority PAC both Dem PACs. Your boy/prez BHO is the first pol in history to raise over 1 bil in campaign funding…none of the top 10 donors were to the Repubs… you can now resume breathing, little thronelicker.

                    101. How much money are the Clinton’s worth these days? How many hundreds of millions of dollars has Al Gore made peddling Global Warming/Cooling/Climate Change since he left the Vice Presidency? Obama isn’t terribly wealthy now but is there little doubt he will worth well in excess of one billion dollars within five years of leaving the Presidency? How much money is Nancy Pelosi worth compared to when she went to Congress? The Democrats do not really represent the regular people either.

                    102. No, clown..but when one of you shills links to a site owned directly by an oil billionaire as if it’s “science”, I feel it is my duty to mock you and shame you.

                      Just as I’ve done here to you.

                      Now go back to being a shill for your republican scumbag overlords.

                    103. Wish I could upvote this a million times. If you want to find bought out scientists and tons of money pumped into science denial look at AGW denialists. Over 500 million in the past 9 years by FrightWing groups operating under Donor Financial. The largest contributors are Exxon and the Koch brothers. LOL at the easily manipulated dunces dancing to the tune of their corporate masters.

                    104. Modern day climate kahunas exactly modeled after pagan priests of yore who demanded sacrifices from villagers to control drought, floods, volcanoes. When the natural events occurred anyway, shamans shouted: Sacrifices too meager! Give us more or else!

                      Same as climate hustlers of today.

                    105. OK, where’s your equivalent list? After all, it’s just a big hoax. Tell us where exactly each climatologist got his funding. Also look at who gave them the money so we can look precisely at what strings are attached. For example, Donor financial has pumped over 500 million solely going to anti-global warming denier groups. Show me the equivalent on the left with facts and figures.

                    106. The determination of the reality of nature (ie. Science) is not discerned by who9 funds what. It is discerned by the evidence.
                      Anyone who endlessly argues about who funds, or “believes” what is completely irrelevant.
                      I’m sure that Hitler and the Nazis believed that water fell from the sky but because according to your apparent main argument because they were evil Nazis then their belief in water falling from the sky should be ridiculed and ignored simply because people that you don’t like believe in it.
                      That said, there is FAR FAR more money supporting the AGW theory than anything supporting those that refute it entirely for the fraud that it is.
                      But that is completely irrelevant.
                      Those of us who have studied this issue for years (which includes reading EVERY SINGLE email involved in the released IPCC’s internal University of East Anglia fiasco) know for a fact that the AGW theory is based on blatant fraud.
                      Those of us that practice critical thinking skills examine ALL the evidence, from all sources before we even consider having an opinion either way.
                      Apparently this is a completely foreign concept to those few people here who have apparently immediately chose what their belief system will be and then spend all their energy in attacking those who don’t choose to believe as they do.
                      Either that or they’re simply one of the endless thousands of employees that are paid handsomely to sit at home and fill comments sections on all sorts of sites with trolling attacks that support the fascist elite’s agenda.

                    107. A denier is one who denies truth when faced with a fact. The fact is there has been global cooling and temperatures today are lower than the peak of 1998. That is fact, not opinion. When faced with this fact, WHO IS THE DENIER? Anyone who still clings to outdated and false science when faced with the fact of global cooling is a denier.

                    108. BGulick misspelled BJquick cause Grubered pigressives gobble obamunist dicta and spew it out on public keyboards at libraries between trix.

                    109. Some people have managed to convince themselves of astonishingly irrational conspiracies. Yours has a decidedly homoerotic flavor. Interesting mix — right-wing oil barons, ‘jerkoff’, disgrace, whores, and your favorite flavor of Slurpee! That’s a fascinating case study in self-loathing. I think psychologists refer to this as ‘projection’ — projection to achieve repression, as it were.

                    110. You know nothing about the animal abuse in China, so why are you arguing about the issue?

                    111. Nothing wrong with making something of yourself and making money – just try to do it in a less polluting/harmful way. That’s all we are saying.

                    112. So what. That just means he is smart. Then aren’t you just as concerned that the majority of rich people donate to liberal causes and to Democrats or progressives?

                      When money is taken from people in the form of taxes then given to scientists by politicians to support causes that will enrich them, that raises much more concern than rich industrialists spending his own money to support a cause they believe in. They put their own money where their mouth is. The corrupt politicians don’t give a hoot about any of us. And none are as corrupt as Democrats.

                    113. OMG HE SMART

                      HE BILLIONAIRE


                      HE FRIEND


                      GUBMINT EMENY


                    114. You know, I read your comment below, btw first, thank you for your service. Second, your attacks on me and complete disregard for my service by calling me a “retard” and “dumb” etc… Your sense of service and decorum is about as pale as your skin.

                    115. Expanding the definition of Racism now, are you? Well, since you are raising the bar for idiocy, you might as well fill out your resume.

                    116. Sorry, I’ll say it louder. YOU ARE A RAG HEAD, rag head! Pull your rag heqd out of your raggedy a$$ and you might hear better.

                    117. Oh, that’s lovely. It’s much less racist when you scream like a child.

                      Also, a quick spell check will make you appear 90% less retarded.

                    118. See everyone, this is how right-wingers treat veterans.

                      Four years serving my country, and “bigpinch” comes along and calls me a “raghead”.

                    119. I think I may have stumbled across a five year old.

                      Are you up late, son? You should check with your mommy and see if she says it’s okay to keep derping.

                    120. The child screaming “raghead” calls me “intellectually vacant”.


                      Please continue, little boy..did your mommy teach you any other slurs than “raghead” or is this as far as you got?

                    121. Well, it’s been great conversing with you then “bigpinch”!

                      It was awesome when you said raghead but then when you said raghead it really made me think…then you were like “RAGHEAD” and that was an excellent point and then to wrap it all up with that grand slam “raghead”! That was MAGNIFICENT!!

                      As usual it’s an honor to debate a member of the right-wing, I’ve learned a lot, and I’ll bid you a good night!

                    122. AND HE TOPS IT ALL WITH ANOTHER “RAGHEAD”!!

                      Man, I never saw THAT coming!

                      You’re just full of surprises, aren’t you!!

                      You right wingers should be proud of “bigpinch” here..he’s a true master of the English language, and a rapier with the likes of which I’ve seldom seen.

                      I bow to your obvious brilliance.

                    123. Well I do believe it is just as good to be despised by the despicable as admired by the admirable. (Thomas Sowell), and leftists are despicable.

                    124. Yeah and you have called me dumb and multiple other things, and I have served during the first Gulf War and was in Afghanistan. I didn’t call you anything, but you went right ahead a insulted me without me attacking you at all. So stuff your fake sanctimony and indignation.

                    125. Also, you really are dumb.

                      Now, call me a “raghead” like your pal “bigpinch” there and we can all confirm it.

                    126. I never called you a “raghead” no matter how much you wish it were true. Still calling me names. Wow, bet your buddies in the service really respected you and your ways, NOT!!!. Anyway, thank you for service, but you are about as gracious to your fellow veterans as an IED. Don’t bother replying to me, you have worn out your welcome with your complete lack of civility and respect. Good day to you.

                    127. Any word deemed offensive by the Left is either racist, sexist, homophobic, or xenophobic. Only they and they alone have the moral authority to decide what may be uttered in public.

                    128. “Rag-head” is a racist slur.

                      Or are you one of those racists that’s so deeply racist he says things like “rag-head” in casual conversation?

                      You don’t have to reply, I’m just toying with you, fool.

                      Now scurry off and find someone who has an iota of respect for you or what you say!


                    129. hahahaha, I think I struck a nerve!

                      Who signs your checks, little shills?


                      You climate change denier clowns are an absolute delight.

                      Now please go back to sucking that big old billionaire dong.


                    130. A denier is one who denies truth when faced with a fact. The fact is there has been global cooling and temperatures today are lower than the peak of 1998. That is fact, not opinion. When faced with this fact, WHO IS THE DENIER? Anyone who still clings to outdated and false science when faced with the fact of global cooling is a denier.

                    131. So, prove me wrong dude. Show me higher temps since then and tell me all bout Maunder Minimum, eh?

                    132. I’ll just save us both the trouble.


                      Isn’t that handy?

                      Just look up whatever right-wing talking point you believe, and this page should cover it.

                      That way I don’t drive myself crazy trying to reason with every clown on the internet, and you don’t have to be humiliated any further in public.

                      Win/win, wouldn’t you agree?

                    133. Ope! Another link to the right-wing billionaire oil baron-owned “Climate Depot”.

                      Hey, how about you link me to “” or the Heartland Institute while you’re at it.

                    134. The same thing can be said for Al Gore and his company which sells carbon credits…whatever the hell those things are. Get real.

                    135. Al Gore is a billionaire oil baron industrialist right-wing sugar daddy?


                      Never let ’em tell you a regressive internet clown can’t teach you something new!

                    136. An heir to the Mellon banking, oil and aluminum fortunes, the Pittsburgh-based Mr. Scaife spent hundreds of millions of dollars of his estimated net worth of $1.4 billion to counteract what he called “the liberal slant to American society.”

                      On the other hand, Al Gore has about $200 million. Not bad for a former vice president!

                      But you’re wrong by about oh, a factor of five.

                      Nice attempt at false equivalency though!

                      Keep practicing and you may come up with something a five year old couldn’t debunk.

                    137. So Scaife made his money by running a business which provides a commodity that people want and/or need. Gore made his money by lobbying Congress to pass laws and Gov’t agencies to implement regulations which will directly benefit him. So Al is like a pimp and politicians are his whores? I get it. That guy Scaife who ran a company that employed people and allowed them to provide for their families is really a big, bad guy. The nerve of him!!!! I know…the Gov’t should run the oil and gas industry like in Venezuala. Yeah, yeah, that’s the answer.

                    138. Clown:

                      The question isn’t whether or not Scaife was a good businessman. He obviously was.

                      The question is whether a right-wing oil billionaire’s climate site that’s run by Rush Limbaugh’s protege can be taken seriously.

                      Actually, it’s not a question at all.

                      It can’t.

                    139. Asshat:

                      The question is whether data knowingly faslified by climate hysterists at East Anglies University can be taken seriously. It can’t.

                    140. Dude, this story is on the wire service. Even MSNBC, Yahoo, Google, Centrists and liberal rags have covered it.

                      Follow the money my ass! So, now, people with different faiths or ideologies than you are no longer allowed to own businesses or express opinions?!?!?! Quite the Democrat you are!!!!
                      Liberal rags cover originate and promote primarily topics that promote their liberal agenda……yet I dont see you up in arms over that. You know what you are? You are like Al Sharpton: Any time a black person dies….BOOM…..there you are, like a bad penny. Any time a cop or white dies…..*crickets*

                      Unless, you are going to be fair and balanced dont bother trolling here because you arent doing anything to add anything meaningful to the discussion. You are just argumentative……and that will never win hearts and minds.

                    141. Well, well, well! Whey doesn’t this surprise me? Anyway, it’s fun pricking the thought balloons of the big oil-oriented balloonatics commenting on this thread! Bring ’em on!

                    142. No, I think the reasoning is quite the opposite: In order to save the people, we must rein in polluting business/industry. If that means removing the coal-fired electrical generating stations in favor of sustainable, so be it. Even switching to natural gas for fuel to fire power plants is a big step forward. How does cleaning up industry equate to removing people off the face of the Earth?

                    143. Though I disagree with his premise when applied to Christianity, at least in this case Marx’s observation appears to be correct: religion, global warming, is the opiate of the masses.

                    144. I think maybe your brains have been cooked if you equate science (GW) with religion (superstition). Also – GW/effects of rampant pollution/untrammeled development – are actually things you can see, such as the gigantic disaster of Sandy. Other than its ethical precepts, religion is based on “blind faith” alone.

                    1. Well, you should know, as you sit there and thumb through your profits – profits at the expense of clean air, water, and soil. No pie for folks like you – Santa won’t allow it!

                    2. You’re really strange. I would wager your electric bills, gas purchases, etc are right in line with everyone else. Which would make you a hypocrite.

                    3. A) I’m not a driver – never have been. B) NYC has made great strides in cleaning up its air since ConEd switched to natural gas. Oil is only used if there’s a shortfall of gas shipments. C) So everyone who tries to curb the pollution caused by big oil is a hypocrite according to you; that would mean most people who want to survive and not be inundated by floods are hypocrites. You should try to sell that line to the millions who lost homes and property in Sandy.

                    4. You’re so freaking weird. Floods?! You are a joke. Sandy was a hurricane. Guess what? Hurricanes happen, not because oil, you nincumpoop.

                    5. Too bad the Pope-endorsed Santa doesn’t think so: No pie for GW deniers! You get a coal in your stocking instead – a worthy symbol of your enduring “marriage” to dirty coal fired power plants/industry/gasoline-based economic model..

                    6. Maybe Santa ate it – since everyone knows all GW deniers are very bad boys who don’t deserve Mamma’s pie..

                  2. Excellent! Unfortunately that’s what constitutes scientific proof to a politically indoctrinated warming alarmist. I laugh watching them shove groceries into their green reusable bacteria farming bags at check out.

                    1. Hey, I think this climate change stuff is natural and the earth is going to heat and cool differently as it wobbles on it’s axis. I do use the reusable grocery totes because they are stronger, bigger and I wash mine regularly . Plus, do we really need more plastic that is very slow to break down on this earth, piling up in landfills and in the ocean and driving the price of oil up?

                    2. Get a new muffler, you gross polluter. All your brownie points are cancelled and you have a big black mark against you. Get a Prius and beg forgiveness.

                    3. Progress in combating pollution is always difficult for big business to accept – since it means millions will have to be spent in cleaning up dirty industry. Look at the landmark anti-fracking decision in NYS – and XL. Do we really need to keep polluting the Earth – especially when more and more people are turning away from cars?

                    4. LOL. Best to park it and go ride a bike instead… pretend like you never bought it… anyway, the heyday of motor vehicles powered by gasoline/diesel is probably drawing to a close (finally).

                    5. California is often in the vanguard of progress. Just wait until California’s emission standards are adopted by the other States.. then who will have the last laugh? The Prius owner!

                    6. LOL. Not in California.. with the strict emissions standards – exceeding Federal regs and all..

                    7. No – but it’s probably a solar-powered glow of health – as opposed to the smog/soot that must accompany you everywhere you go…

                    8. The reusable totes need to be washed as often as you wash your clothes. But, I guess the GW deniers don’t wash their clothes too often, so they wouldn’t understand that. Maybe they are the biggest “spawners of bacteria i.e. toxic ideas?”

                    9. Yuck it up – your views are unfashionably yucky. Respect for the environment, along with evolution, are taught nationwide in schools today.

                    10. Respect for the environment has been taught since the days of Teddy Roosevelt. It used to be called conservation of natural resources. It just wasn’t taken to the ridiculous end of the world / human beings are a pestilence extremes of today. BTW, no arguement that Evolution was part of God’s plan. Happy New Year and yuck yuck yuckety yuck yuck!

                    11. Well, because in TR’s day the environment had not yet been thoroughly trashed. If TR was a conservationist then, no doubt he’d be an environmentalist today.

                  3. Astute observation KM. The socialists tried to pivot to “climate change” which seemed to play well to the uninformed majority. However, common sense (the principled application of logic) tells us that the earth has been changing climate for millions of years.

                  4. (In the voice of Chevy Chase’s Fletch’s “Gordon Liddy” the airplane mechanic) Come on, guys, maybe you need a refresher course. It’s all global warming these days!

                  5. No – Sandy is global warming. You should have been on the E. Coast when Sandy occurred and you would have been convinced in a flash of the reality of global warming. Sandy disaster and its continuing after-effects don’t lie.

                2. That is quite simply a bald faced lie, and I’m sorry there are people like you that buy into it.. When these faux scientists create a model that allows them to adjust the data and the results from it, well, how in the world can that go wrong? Fact is, the earth has warmed in the past and that caused the CO2 levels to rise.. When it cooled they decreased.. I can make my models too sweety..

                  1. Well, if you have all the answers, then let’s talk about the mass extinction of millions of wooly mammoths and about 30 other mammals that went extinct just after the last ice age of 15 to 20 thousand years ago. Climate changers incessantly hang on to increases of CO2 which even if doubled is still a trace gas. Please don’t let yourself be Grubered.

                    1. I grubered, you grubered, he/she/it grubered.
                      We grubered, you (all) grubered, They (all) grubered

                    2. I’m not sure I understand your response. But this is what I’ve posted before;

                      // Anybody that thinks this global warming scam is about anything other
                      than a massive redistribution of wealth is playing into their hands..
                      That is all this is about period…It is the attempt at global
                      government with global laws which loosely translates into ransacking the
                      US and giving that wealth to a global oligarchy.. Simple.. Thats why
                      they will never let it go. Never..//

                      Yes the climate changes.. Always has and no one needs a “model,” to know that.. I am simply pointing out that the whole premise of man made CO2 pollution is a myth just like the rest of it.. The, “scientists.” that came up with this crap got it backwards.. CO2 doesn’t drive the climate.. The climate drives CO2..

                3. There is no example of their doing so in Earth’s history for the obvious reason that the ability to measure it was not yet available. I imagine though that the polar ice cap was shrunken during the Medieval Warming Period, a time of great cultural and economic flourishing when average temperatures are estimated to have been 3-5 degrees Celsius higher than the scare scenarios of the warmists for the end of this century. And by the way, humans had NO effect on that development. That period was followed by the so called Little Ice Age.

                4. Think about what you just stated. CO2 has increased from 290 – to 400 ppm, and temperatures have dropped over the past 2 decades. That is only 2 decades, you might say. But, if there is a causation of warming by CO2, then the temperatures should have increased. Unless this is a religion to you, that is the only conclusion that can be logically reached.

                5. If it weren’t for global warming, this exchange of opinions wouldn’t be taking place, as a large portion of the northern hemisphere of this planet was under a very large ice sheet 10-15k years ago. I am all for global warming.

                6. Actually, the core data shows that the changes in atmospheric CO2 lagged behind the changes in global temperature, and that by an average of about 200 years. That data therefore says exactly the opposite of what the AGW people say. It says that changes in atmospheric CO2 were caused by changes in average global temperature, rather than changes in average global temperature were caused by changes in atmospheric CO2.

                7. Keep looking for that missing heat CB, it’s got to be around here somewhere.
                  In the meantime, I’m going to buy two or three pounds of dry ice just to watch it sublimate. Then I’m going to fire up the grill and release some more carbon dioxide (plants love that stuff, ya know), and cook some steaks from Brazilian cattle that were raised on a pasture that was once rain forest.

                8. Did you bother to consider the data included in this article? Man-made global warming is propaganda, pure and simple. Goebbels would be proud. The doctrine of man-made global warming is as essential to plans for global governance and wealth redistribution as the doctrine of evolution is to providing cover for immoral lifestyles. Both doctrines are propagated by the state and its so-called “public education system”.

                9. I apparently did not grasp the meaning of the above article or you did not even take the time to read it. Also your graphs have 9 years of history as opposed to the millions of years that the earth has been here.

                10. So how do we decide what is “normal” for Co2 and ice mass?
                  This is the exact opposite of what this article says and a new study has come out saying that increased co2 is good for the rain forests growth. Don’t you like rain forests?

                  1. We don’t decide. They decide. We, the uneducated masses could never muster the complex thought patterns to decide “normal”. Much like paying your “fair” share. They will decide what is fair for us to pay.

                11. hey dumbass. Have you done any ice core samples recently…heck, ever? I can name lots of scientific articles the liberal media doesn’t talk about since it doesn’t increase any hype.

                  How about looking at oh, any ice core sample that goes back a thousand years or so to way back 100,000 years ago and you will start seeing a pattern, fluctuations, that show higher and lower CO2 levels. While we’re talking about ice core samples you can research how in the past 20 plus years ice has been melting at one pole and being redistributed at the other pole. But all you dumbass liberals like to show are pictures of one spot in Greenland or one spot in Antarctica that is losing ice. Sheesh. What kind of an idiot are you? Do you ONLY read what some dumbass liberal on tv talks about or do you actually read the studies regardless of bias? Maybe if you did that you’d get the whole picture and not just the picture you want to portray.

                  Oh…and tell NOAA that many of us Geologists were laughing at their hocus-pocus waaay before it was reported as fraudulent. It just doesn’t make sense when you look at other planets and AMAZING….those planets temperatures are fluctuating too. Makes me think its solar…not human….in basic cause. Yeah…the SUN. Try proving the Sun is our fault too.

                12. If CO2 is high as the result of burning “fossil fuels”, how is such burning not just putting back into the atmosphere that which was previously there and sequestered by those long dead plants (fossils). The idea that the earth can not sustain much higher levels of CO2 is demonstrably absurd.

                  1. As I understand it, the problem is that we are burning in a very short period of time that which took a very long period of time to accumulate as fossil fuels.

                    1. On the other hand, if the CO2 was in the atmosphere to begin with to be “sequestered” by trees and grass and unicorns frolicking in the meadow then how can putting it back even in a “very short” period of time destroy the planet (as global alarmists clearly believe).

                      Focus your energy on deforestation and pollution of the seas (Fukushima?) where it belongs so the rate of re sequestering can keep up if your only issue is one of rate, rather than CO2 being a pollutant as the EPA tells us it is.

                13. CO2 levels have been much higher than 400ppm in the past. The fact is, we have already seen the most of the warming that 400ppm will produce. Additional increases in CO2 will have much smaller impacts on global warming. An increase to 640ppm will have about 10% of the impact that the initial 120ppm increase had. Most people are ignorant of this fact.


                15. Cherry pick much?. You have to use all relevant data associated with the subject. If you want to be believed on a specific subject at least use all available information. Doing otherwise, you sound as though we need to add bleach to the shallow end of the gene-pool. I’m only spitballing here, but, it seems as if you missed class the day they taught earth science.

                16. CB, I’m trying to understand your chart. If it is a chart that shows how much the ice mass changed per year, it would indicate that in most years the ice mass went up from the year before. If that is the case, even if the mass went up by less in one year than the year before, the mass is still going up even if the chart shows a downward trend. Correct? If so, even in the short trend that you posted, it appears that there would be an overall increase in mass. It also would make little sense for the mass to endlessly rise every year or we would at some point be in another ice age. If you look at your chart, it increased most years from 2002-2007, then decreased in years 2007-2009 when the chart ends. Without looking at current charts, I believe it did lose mass for a couple years after but has made a huge gain in the last couple years, as the article claims. Nobody wants to kill the planet but they have good reason for skepticism now that science and politics have become completely intertwined on this subject. Keep an open mind. look carefully at this issue before you allow the blowhard politicians to steal your personal and economic freedom.

                17. here’s and inconvenient truth for ya:

                  plants grow MUCH better with 1200-1500ppm CO2 — this is why grow-houses increase CO2 inside… and guess what, there is no need for air-conditioning as a result.

                  Also, 290ppm is dangerously low. Increasing to 400ppm is a good thing, even though humans had nothing to do with it. The amount of CO2 we output is extremely minuscule in the grand scale of the atmosphere. The sun and water vapor are the primary drivers of climate.


                  More CO2 = more food = less hunger
                  Less CO2 = less food = more hunger = less us

                  And so the real goal of AGW is exposed –> population reduction, a high goal of the elites.

                  congrats, you are tool and useful idiot on behalf of the elites.

                  1. Indeed. A perfect illustration of something one of my physics professors warned us about 60 years ago: “…the unwarranted extrapolation of insufficient data.”

                18. In the age of dinosaurs when no humans existed, the CO2 level of the atmosphere for 100s of million of years were between 500 ppm and 1400 ppm. Lush Vegetation EVERYWHERE. Animals growing to huge sizes. The bountiful earth giving forth life everywhere. Stop believing CO2 is something “bad” for you.

                19. Take another look at algores giant graph of ice cores (CO2 vs. Temp), you will see that the rising global temps PRECEED the rise in CO2 (and SUVs were not even around back then), so when the earth warms (from SOLAR radiation), the oceans give off more CO2 into the atmosphere (and hence the ice core samples).


                20. The area of sea ice on Earth has moved into unprecedented territory. When it was declining, they blamed it on global warming. Now that it is increasing, they blame it on global warming.

                21. So let’s declare Carbon Dioxide a pollutant and stop buring all fossil fuels. Then when 7.1 of the 7.2 Billion humans die (because without fossil fuels, nobody eats, has a place to escape the weather elements, no medicine, no transportation, no Internet, no iPhones, no Tweeting, you get my point), the Earth will finally be “in the balance”. What a crock!

                22. The earth has been hotter with more co2 in the past. To support dinosaurs, specifically the plant eaters, vegetation should need to be prolific and the temperature of the planet much warmer to support cold blooded animals of that size. Simple observation to anyone who’s ever kept reptiles really.

                23. “If it’s so likely that polar ice caps will be able to withstand CO₂ so high, why isn’t there a single example of them doing so in Earth’s history?”

                  IF the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is as high as you claim it is currently then we have the proof you seek right now. The polar Ice caps are still there aren’t they?

                24. It’s absolutely laughable that you post graphs with no data later than 2008. Over the past six years, nature has demonstrated that there is no basis for your projections of unceasing ice loss, and therefore no clear link between higher CO2 levels and temperatures.

                25. And there were times when temperatures were warmer pre-industrial revolution. I don’t see that in your 8 year graphs. Nice try at skewing data, meanwhile, I’m putting on a coat.

                26. And I suppose solar storms and volcanoes had absolutely nothing to do with your charts, its all man-made, right? By the way could you give me a chart that shows what the ice mass change was for 640,000 years ago when the Yellowstone Supervolcano, the Lava Creek eruption, put about 240 cubic miles of particles into our atmosphere? (Even though I don’t believe the guesstimated age of this eruption since the earth is only about 6,000 years old.)

                27. Sure there are examples from prehistory. Old atmospheres are examined using bubbles trapped in miles of ice cores, drilled from the ice pack. Way back when, CO2 was many times todays concentration. What does that tell us? – that permanent ice was being laid down at vastly higher CO2 concentrations than we have…. Relax, get a life…..

                28. Well, I can tell those charts didn’t come from the NSIDC. The Antarctic sea ice coverage has set all time record high levels the last 3 years, and is even showing that in the charts used for this article. Making up charts from your behind and posting them here does not make it ay more science than when Al Gore did it.

                29. OK, good, now do some thinking on your own. Calculate the weighted, specific heat capacity of the atmosphere before and after the CO2 changes. CO2 contributes such an insignificant role in the atmosphere’s ability to hold energy, it doesn’t make a damn difference if you quadrupled CO2. CO2’s specific heat capacity value is amazingly unimpressive. CO2 is also .035% of the atmosphere. Hell increase it 1000%. Did all of you global warming scammers skip chemistry 101?

                30. “We have increased CO₂ from 290PPM before the industrial revolution to 400PPM today.”

                  and the *temperature* has gone up a whopping 0.8 degrees as a result. That’s right, not even *one* degree.

                  Why is this alarming?

                31. Don’t you believe in doing research of your own ? First of all there has been no significant warming in almost 2 decades. . Second, I hear people saying that this is the warmest decade ever! Try the 1930s, they blow this decade away! . Arctic sea ice shrinking ? It shrinks, grows, shrinks, in a cycle. If you can read a map, you can see the cycle . Here’s something for you. Some people are happy about the sea levels shrinking: Finally, only because I have better things to do than teach warmers about reality, 11 . I hope all these links work automatically. If not just copy and paste.

                32. Riddle me this….What is the SINGLE largest source of CO2 emissions?
                  And, as a bonus, What percentage of the Total Global CO2 is NOT man-made?
                  Look these two facts up and get back to us about how Man is causing Global warming via CO2 emissions.
                  Hint: I know the answer and will cite the source if you are afraid to…..

                33. Natural sources:

                  Ocean-atmosphere exchange = Annually this process creates
                  about 330 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions.

                  Plant and animal respiration = Annually this process creates
                  about 220 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions.

                  Soil respiration and decomposition = Annually this process
                  creates about 220 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions.

                  Volcanic eruptions = Annually this process creates about
                  0.15 to 0.26 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions.

                  Added together – 770.15 to 770.26 Billion tonnes

                  Man made sources:

                  Fossil fuel combustion/use = 33.2 billion tonnes of carbon
                  dioxide emissions worldwide.

                  Note: This is 87% of ALL
                  Man made CO2.

                  The site remains vague about the total “Man-made” CO2 and
                  includes such things as land use.

                  “From 1850 to 2000, land use and land use change released an
                  estimated 396-690 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.” In 150 years man crated the equivalent of 1.5 years of the amount occurring NATURALLY in the Oceans alone.

                  A little math and we can deduct that the other Man Made CO2
                  created by ALL other sources after fossil fuels equals 4.3 billion tonnes.

                  That makes 37.5 billion tonnes per year.

                  Or, as a percentage of the total: 770.15 Billion (natural) /
                  37.5 Billion Man Made = 4.84 % of the total CO2.

                  This from the Global Warming fear monger site http(colon)//whatsyourimpact(dot)org/greenhouse-gases/carbon-dioxide-sources.

                34. The climates change. Greenland was a lush “green land” when it was named. I guess there were too many cars and heavy industry 900 or 1100 years ago. England used to be known for their fine wines (before the climate change). The Mayan calender predicted today’s climate change 5000 years ago based on repeating cycles of climate, not cars and industry.

                35. Polar ice caps have melted and grown many times across millennia. Even in the past 500-600 yrs. Greenland was called that because it was actually green…. well before the Industrial Age. Arctic and Antarctic ice caps are growing, not decreasing. The global as a whole has not warmed for over 18 yrs.

              2. The power of earth and it’s systems is unspeakably powerful- far beyond what we know now. The “people are a pox on the earth” just make me so tired..

                1. It’s leftwing lunatics, communists, fascists, Nazis and assorted criminals who are a pox on this earth. What a wonderful world it would be if none of them existed.

                  1. Absolutely. Orwell should be Man of the Century (20th)(ironic that he was a socialist – God works in strange ways). Add mozilms to your mix of people with FITH Syndrome.

                    Problem is: what to DO about it is always left hanging, even by brilliant and courageous commentators like Daniel Greenfield. We are not yet at the precipice; the tiger is not yet fully awake.

                    1. I suspect that it will take a major event such as an EMP or some other act of terrorism 10+ times worse than 9-11-2001, or perhaps a partial or complete collapse of the U.S. economy before enough people wake up. I Guarantee that the first day after the welfare checks and other batches of other people’s money don’t get tranferred to the takers, riots will erupt across the nation and that will result in falling into the precipice. It will be quite a show for those prepared for it and a nightmare for the rest.

                    2. But that’s the plan, don’t you know. Cause the whole house of cards to come tumbling down, the masses demand that the government DO something and presto-change-o: Socialist Utopia. It’s the Cloward & Piven plan.

                    3. The presto chango is technically known as the Hegellian Dialectic Thereom. This is the lever that social engineers use to affect change over and over and over again.

                    4. Unfortunately, some folks, far too many, will never wake up until they are no longer capable of doing so.

                      Far too few people realize how little separates us from barbarism and a new “dark ages”.

                      If an EMP event hit America, official estimates are 90 casualties within one year primarily due to starvation when the food distribution network breaks down, and later due to unsanitary conditions because of little things like no more indoor toilets.

                    5. I used to watch Star Trek, those huge, graceful starships, and think, that’s the dream of the West. Then the announcement that warp drive is theoretically possible got me excited. Then ISIS came. And I began looking into history, how classical civilization continued in the Eastern Empire even though Rome fell in the West. But then Islam came, and attacked it in the 7th century and destroyed it in the 15th with the fall of Constantinople. And I realized that the dream of the West isn’t going to happen, because Islam is going to kill it. And maybe us, as well.

                    6. Ahhhhhem, the Arabs had paper and other technologies first, which the West did not acquire until the Crusades where they invaded the region. That right there helped break Europe out of the Dark Ages.

                    7. I have been reading diar predictions from right wing economic snake oil salesmen for the past 7 years. None of Obama’s policies have caused our collapse, infact 6 years on, our economy is stronger than ever, gas prices have dropped to decade lows, and yet you continue to scream doom and socialism. Hell, we could probably use more of what you dolts consider socialism. What’s funny is that some Scandinavian countries have started litterally handing out money as a minimum living stipend. Their economies are doing great and they have a higher quality of liVing than the US.

                    8. 1) “Dire.”

                      2) “Literally.”

                      3) The price of gasoline is a) the result of Saudi trying to undercut both us and Russia and b) is STILL higher than it was the day he took office.

                      4) Socialism is a pyramid scheme, and eventually you run out of other people’s money. Or else you start printing it and giving THAT away. Germany and Rhodesia can tell you a lot about that method.

                      5) Scandinavia also does not have a permanent underclass which has become rooted and bonded to government handouts and criminal/gang culture. Although they are starting to catch up, with their growing population of Middle Easterners*. Read up on Scandinavian crime statistics. Read up especially on rape in Norway.

                      6) “None of Obama’s policies have caused our collapse.” Huh? I thought the “obstructionist Congress” has kept him from getting ANYTHING done. Make up your mind, you can’t have it both ways.

                      7) How’s that whole business of race relations coming along?

                      *Yes, that’s dog-whistle code-word for Moslems.

                    9. 1, 2. Who cares about spelling these days?

                      3. The reason it was so far down was because the economy and demand collapsed. Before that it was at record highs. Presidents don’t have much impact on prices.

                      4. You meant to say Ponzi scheme, which it isn’t.

                      5. Way to blame the poor and minorities for our problems.

                      6. He is referring to all the Obama doomsday sayers, and those prophecies are false.

                      7. Race relations are fine. The media blows it out of proportion, both left and right.

                    10. You can thank fracking technology and oil company ingenuity in navigating the EPA barricades erected by obama’s administration the past 6 years. In addition to obama’s misguided opposition to the Keystone pipeline. New technologies and low oil prices have spurred the economy and job growth. Nothing obama has done has built this economy. Nothing.

                    11. Sure he didnt. I gus it’s true what they say about you repub tools; you Blame the black guy when he’s cleaning up your conservative pig mess, but demand credit when things are finally working thanks to 6 years of democratic governance.

                    12. And you apparently think you can burn billions of gallons of oil and release all that into the atmosphere with no consequence.

                    13. Oh, and I am wise and I do have infinite knowledge, but if you want to pretend I’m an idiot, Google “petrodollar” and see what you find.

                    14. Socialist Utopia Venezuela suffers (they’re in a depression now because of it)– and they can no longer keep Cuba afloat with aid. Thus– Obama bails out Cuba (loosening restrictions so people in the US can subsidize the Communist regime).

                    15. Obama has had little to do with it. The Saudis are deliberately flooding the market with excess oil to tackle the issue with Russia (yes, a nice side benefit), but also to knock the legs out from under our natural gas industry which will not survive if the price/barrel stays below $60 for much longer. Our “recovery” is shouldered by the natural gas boon. When it collapses, so does the dollar. But I’m sure you knew that, right? Love the arrogance of you lefties. But makes it all that much more fun to watch your mental gymnastics when the wheels come off the bad policy.

                    16. “Blame the black guy. Take the credit.” Did your white Supremacist majority whip think this up?

                    17. Such an easy, no-thought, inaccurate assessment. Dispute what I said with tangible fact. Stop name calling. Otherwise, you have no credibility whatsoever.

                    18. First, as usual, your rightwing analysis of the situation is wrong. Fuck natural gas, it’s environmentally damaging and I see no reason to support it since it only benefits degenerate red states. Electric is the future. Gas is just a stop gap.

                    19. Maybe. But a necessary stop gap to get to the future. And electricity has to come from somewhere. And, with no money, who do you assume will get you through that stop gap? But glad to see your civility is well in tact.

                    20. Unless you have a lot of hydro, electricity is either generated from dirty coal, nuclear, or natural gas. Clean burning natural gas is the future for electricity.

                    21. USMC2010, I’m not going to be mean to you because i genuinely think you may have a learning disability. Solar power generates electricity. It’s the same thing.

                    22. Every other power source I mentioned can also be converted to “electric” so by your logic all of the actual sources I stated are the same thing. You are a moron.

                    23. My God you are a moron. “Electric” is not a power source. Coal, oil, NG, nuclear, wind and solar are power sources. “Electric” is one of the products for consumption. Here’s electric for you…you are a 5-watt light bulb. Not so bright.

                    24. USMC2010, I’m not going to be mean to you because i genuinely think you may have a learning disability. Solar power generates electricity.

                    25. Gee…solar generates electricity…really? I guess they built the Hoover Dam to generate moonbeams. Wonder what diesel generators produce…perhaps butterflies. Idiot.

                    26. You really are weak. A man could admit an error. Solar is a source…electricity is a product from EVERY SINGLE POWER SOURCE WE UTILIZE. Those following the thread know how dumb you sound trying to justify such a dumb initial assertion that, “electric is the future.” But, then again, liberals are known to be weak, illogical and just plain stupid.

                    27. Ignorant and off topic. Stay up…we were talking about his assertion that the best future power SOURCE was “electric.”

                    28. Animal Farm was much more a critique of what Stalin did with Communism, rather than Communism itself. And of course 1984 is largely apolitical — totalitarianism can spring up from any quarter.

                    29. His first political orientation was Anarchist. He later became a Socialist writing a book called, “The Road to Wigon Pier”. He went to Spain where he ended up fighting communists in Barcelona. He returned to England as a Conservative and wrote, “Coming Up For Air”. He went through a period where he was a sort of a Libertarian while turning once again to Socialism. He became the editor of a left-wing socialist newspaper, but his experience in Barcelona fighting communists left him with a lifelong dread of Communism. Only after that, he wrote Animal Farm and 1984.

                    1. That would be true if I encountered fewer rabid fanatics like you. They’re so annoying and so full of bullshiit.

                  2. That’s why I can’t really oppose abortion or gay marriage. Good conservative people don’t engage in that. We should be having as many kids as we can. The bed wetting moonbats can abort and swallow themselves out of existence.

                    1. Opposition to abortion should be based on the fact that a human life is being taken (murder) If you support abortion, you’re in favor of wanton murder. Just my opinion


                    3. Isn’t the Social Security system we have in this country the ultimate Ponzi Scheme?
                      The US should get out of the disability and health insurance business.

                    4. Except that other industrialized nations often do a better job than what we or the private industry could do.

                    5. Billy Ray sees the IRS, USPS and public housing as shining examples of how a big, overreaching government can do a better job of managing our environment.
                      What a fool.

                    6. You love corporations so much that you’re willing to hand them the keys to the kingdom.

                    7. SS do not count on it, Best to put away money through the underground economy that is now about 20 % of total GDP.
                      With the internet it is quite easy to sell and save 10 to 20 k a yr. buy and sell what you have a passion for.

                    8. He owns a magnificent beachfront hacienda in Santa Barbara and is probably bravely battling gnarly surf dudes who want to surf on his beach. He really hates peasants.

                    9. Pleb? Language dictates thought goofy, and you are someone who believes that your basic lefist moral superiority equals mental superiority. Nice try.

                    10. 2014 was hottest only to those who will not actually look into the facts. Taking your facts from the media will make you think how the people that own the media want. Doing your own research will always lead an honest informed citizen to see human caused warming as the FRAUD that it is.

                    11. WRONG.

                      Last year was only the 6th warmest of the new century — sixth, out of 14 years.

                      Now the alarmist crowd has resorted to outright lying, since they don’t have credible facts.

                    12. repeating a lie is a socialist/nazi tactic……..satalite records do not agree with you.

                    13. Actually, 1934 was. In addition, global warming trend is now broken. Climate is more closely correlated to solar activity than any crackpot Liberal theories. There’s a reason that your progressive masters have retreated and are now calling it “Climate Change.” That way, no matter what happens, they’re right :-). I passed by Al gore’s oceanfront house in Montecito, CA, right on the ocean :-). Wonder why he bought it if it’s gonna be inundated soon. Sounds like you’re the “plebe” geek :-).

                    14. Wow, maybe if you could just get this schlock through peer review you would win a Nobel Prize! Lol.

                    15. 2014 was the hottest year ever recorded.

                      As if.

                      It wasn’t, but even if it was:

                      I am the tallest I have ever been. I am 6’2″ tall, and by your silly logic, that means:

                      a) I was always this tall, and

                      b) I will surely get taller [globaloney warming will only get ‘worse’]

                      Really, the alarmist cult is now using pathetic arguments. And they are simply lying because they don’t have credible facts.

                    16. Yeah like yours is any better?
                      Is this an elementary school playground?
                      This is a serious issue whichever side you are on and deserves far more maturity than you are showing.

                    17. Actually yes. The grown-ups have been showing the hyper-greens some facts hey’re not hearing in their echo chamber. I’ve heard it all after many years in Sierra Club. When I started seeing the other side, I started doing some checking and found ouit GW was being vastly overhyped. Then ClimateGate got exposed.

                    18. Um no, you are not reading that right. Obviously the sun plays an important role in our climate. What kind of doofus derives that from what I said?

                    19. BloodAxe does not have an argument.

                      People who yammer dementedly about Al Gore prove they know nothing about climate science and furthermore, are not interested in what’s true!

                      Nothing Al Gore could possibly do would change the effect of CO₂ on planetary temperature.

                    20. Here’s a little common sense for those who worship at Al Gore’s altar: If the seas are rising from global warming why isn’t he selling his beach house? I will tell you why…because he wants YOU to sell YOURS so he can buy up the property. For a guy whose home uses enough electricity to power a small town you actually believe him? You are EXACTLY the type of person Jonathon Gruber talks about.

                    21. “Here’s a little common sense for those who worship at Al Gore’s altar”

                      Al Gore didn’t discover CO₂ warms planets. John Tyndall did… over 100 years ago:

                      “In January 1859, Tyndall began studying the radiative properties of various gases… Tyndall’s experiments… showed that molecules of water vapor, carbon dioxide, and ozone are the best absorbers of heat radiation”


                      Are you saying he was founding a cult that all scientists on Earth have been a part of for over a century?

                      Is that actually what you believe?

                    22. ALL scientists DON’T believe it. THAT IS WHAT I AM SAYING! The ones who do are mostly government scientists trying to keep their jobs. You need to do a little more research, fella. Your ‘ hypothesis’ is fuckedup.

                    23. Whatever is going on is natural. It has nothing…zero, zippo…with any kind of change. And no..REAL scientists don’t believe Al Gore and his wing nut theorists. Most of their hysterical data comes from computer models. Garbage in; garbage out.

                    24. You are correct…scientists do not look to Al Gore to form their conclusions on Climate Change. They look at their data.
                      I think garbage in garbage out applies to your comments.

                    25. Green thinker says it all; Which means you DON’T think. And your stupid assumptions are being proved wrong daily. You and your ilk are very, very foolish people.

                    26. Simple answer is that it’s a lie. //…but all scientists do believe it.// That is a lie on it’s face!! In fact it is a ridiculous lie, easily exposed by the list of legitimate scientists who have signed documents refuting anthropogenic climate change!! Please at least make an effort at accuracy..

                    27. Show you the document?

                      OK. No problem:


                      More than 31,000 American scientists have co-signed that document, saying that CO2 is harmless, and beneficial to the biosphere.

                      Since that COMPLETELY debunks your alarmist nonsense, I fully expect you to deflect to something else.

                    28. You say it is easily refuted.
                      Please show me the document.
                      I would like to see.

                    29. CB says:

                      …but all scientists do believe it.

                      Anyone who makes a baseless assertion like that is either a fool, or completely ignorant. Maybe both…

                      The OISM Petition was co-signed by more than 31,000 American scientists, every one of them named, and every one of them was required to have a degree in one of the hard sciences. They do not agree with your nonsense, so your comment above was insanity. At least you said “believe”, wghich shows where you’re coming from.

                      Next, you emit:

                      …and they believe it, because we can actually see CO₂ warming the planet from space:

                      Preposterous nonsense. If that were true, the debate would have been over long ago. Here are some empirical, testable FACTS:

                      There is NO scientific evidence that measures any warming cause by CO2. None at all. But there is a mountain of scientific evidence showing conclusively that changes in temperature are THE CAUSE of subsequent changes in CO2.

                      Thus, the original alarmist premise — claiming that rising CO2 will cause a measureable rise in global temperature — is flatly debunked.

                      The truth is that rising temperature causes rising CO2. That has been observed on all time scales, from months, to hundreds of millennia.

                      When you begin with a wrong premise, you are sure to arrive at the wrong conclusion. That is waht happened to the alarmist cult. But being their religion, they cannot admit that they were wrong.

                      But everyone else can see it.

                    30. Me loves me my Internet Performance Art!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

                      This hapless, clueless comedy makes me LOLz!



                    31. Still not one fact from the ‘dano’ a-hoe. Only hot air.

                      Keep that up, and we might really see some global warming.

                    32. Thank you for that limp response to your limp defense of the comical OISM – Gono is always good for a laff!



                    33. We do have empirical evidence of the world with higher CO2 levels. Almost the entire Mesozoic Era was characterized by CO2 level at least six times what they are today – on a planet wide scale. At 2,400 ppmv the Earth was lush with vegetation and critters. The Mesozoic lasted more than 100 Million years. I call that empirical evidence.

                    34. So it’s Back to the Future and the Flux Capacitor? Actually, satellite and balloon data show no global warming at all.
                      You will not get the truth about it from the Washington
                      Post, the New York Times, or the rest of the self-regarded
                      “establishment” media. They are trying to pretend that there is no
                      legitimate scientific debate over whether mankind’s use of low cost, reliable
                      energy from oil, coal and natural gas portends catastrophic global warming that
                      threatens life on the planet as we know it.
                      Recently, the AGW alarmists tried to revive flagging public
                      respect for their fading message of doom. The occasion was massively overhyped
                      and misrepresented reporting of the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature (BEST)
                      project. But all that was new from that project was the departures from the
                      official catechism. Reporting on the recorded temperature history since 1950
                      from stations on land, which covers less than 30% of the earth’s surface,
                      Berkeley University Earth Surface Temperature project leader Professor Richard
                      Muller reported in a Wall Street Journal commentary on October 21, that after
                      obtaining and reviewing “more than 1.6 billion measurements from 39,000
                      [land based] temperature stations around the world… the result offered no
                      independent assessment of the question of “how much of the warming is due
                      to humans and what will be the likely effects.”


                      But that is the whole issue in the global warming debate.
                      Muller also honestly admits that “The [land based] temperature station
                      quality is largely awful,” noting that “A careful survey of these
                      stations by a team of meteorologists showed that 70% have such poor siting that,
                      by the U.S. government’s own measure, they result in temperature uncertainties
                      of between two and five degrees Celsius or more. We do not know how much worse
                      are the stations in the developing world.” He adds that, “The margin
                      of error for the stations is at least three times larger than the estimated
                      warming, and that one-third of land based temperature stations worldwide show
                      cooling rather than warming.”


                      These concessions are important to recount because weather
                      satellites measuring atmospheric temperatures worldwide, over land and water,
                      which are not subject to the above troubles of land based weather stations,
                      show no warming since their record began in 1979, and before that there was
                      actually global cooling dating back to 1940. The satellite record regarding
                      atmospheric temperatures is independently confirmed by weather balloons.
                      Moreover, the computer based climate models utilized by the UN’s own
                      Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and the atmospheric theory
                      they rely upon, all insist that if man’s use of carbon based fuels was warming
                      the planet, the atmosphere must be warming faster than the surface.


                      In addition, the scientifically recognized temperature proxy
                      data from tree rings, ice cores, lake and ocean sediments, and stalagmites also
                      show no warming since 1940. Note that the warming before1940 is attributable to
                      the global recovery of temperatures from the Little Ice Age, and even the land
                      based records show no significant warming over the last 18 years.


                      It is very likely that the reported warming during 1978-97
                      [from land based weather stations] is simply an artifact – the result of the
                      measurement scheme rather than an actual warming. When a letter to the editor
                      by Prof. Julius Singer was sent to the global warming cheerleading Washington
                      Post, pointing out the above anomalies and his conclusion, he reports the
                      peculiar response that “they were willing to publish my letter, but not my
                      credentials as emeritus professor at the University of Virginia and former
                      director of the U.S. Weather Satellite Service. Apparently, they were concerned
                      that readers might gain the impression that I knew something about


                      But there is more. Even the land based temperature record is
                      not consistent with the theory of man-caused global warming. That record does
                      not show persistent warming following persistent growth of CO2 and other
                      greenhouse gases. Rather, it shows an up and down pattern of temperatures more
                      consistent with natural causes. Those include solar flare and sun spot cycles,
                      and the periodic cycling of warm and cold water in the oceans from top to
                      bottom, particularly the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO).


                      The truth is a vigorous global scientific debate persists
                      over whether man’s use of carbon-based fuels threatens to cause catastrophic
                      global warming, and the media not reporting that is not performing journalism.
                      The most authoritative presentation of this debate can be found in the 856 page
                      Climate Change Reconsidered, published by the Heartland Institute in 2009. This
                      careful, thoroughly scientific volume co- authored by dozens of fully
                      credentialed scientists comprehensively addresses every aspect of global
                      warming, and indicates that natural causes are primarily responsible for
                      climate patterns of the last century. Heartland has just published a follow up
                      416 page Interim Report updating the debate.


                      When you run across an AGW alarmist, ask him for his
                      rebuttal to Climate Change Reconsidered. You will find the response is
                      something derogatory about the Heartland Institute, showing that he hasn’t read
                      the report. Liberals don’t need no stinkin’ facts; their minds are made up.
                      They know that the Heartland Institute’s report is wrong because someone told
                      them so.


                      Indeed, the latest and best work actually provides scientific
                      proof that the man-caused global warming catechism is false. Fully documented
                      work by Roy Spencer, U.S. Science Team Leader for the AMSR-E instrument flying
                      on NASA’s Aqua satellite, and Principal Research Scientist for the Earth
                      Systems Science Center at the University of Alabama at Huntsville, shows using
                      atmospheric temperature data from NASA’s Terra satellite that much more heat
                      escapes back out to space than is assumed captured in the atmosphere by
                      greenhouse effects under the UN’s theoretical climate models. This explains why
                      the warming temperature changes predicted by the UN’s global warming models
                      over the past 20 years have been proved to be false.


                      In August, 2011 came the results of a major experiment by
                      the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), involving 63 scientists
                      from 17 European and U.S. institutes. The results show that the sun’s cosmic
                      rays resulting from sunspots have a much greater effect on Earth’s temperatures
                      through their effect on cloud cover than the UN’s global warming models have
                      been assuming. This helps to explain why the historical pattern of temperature
                      changes seems to follow the rise and fall of sunspots, rather than the
                      concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. This further confirms what Heartland’s
                      Climate Change Reconsidered argues – that natural causes have the dominant
                      effect on Earth’s temperatures, not greenhouse gases.


                      Finally, the UN’s own climate models project that if man’s
                      greenhouse gas emissions were causing global warming, there would be a
                      particular pattern of temperature distribution in the atmosphere, which
                      scientists call “the fingerprint.” Temperatures in the troposphere
                      portion of the atmosphere above the tropics would increase with altitude
                      producing a “hotspot” near the top of the troposphere, about 6 miles
                      above the earth’s surface. Above that, in the stratosphere, there would be
                      cooling. But higher quality temperature data from weather balloons and
                      satellites now show just the opposite: no increasing warming with altitude in
                      the tropical troposphere, but rather a slight cooling, with no hotspot, no


                      So the scientific foundation for shutting down our modern,
                      21st century, industrial economy has been obliterated. But that is not stopping
                      religious crusaders, due to the extremist ideology and special interests
                      driving the global warming charade.

                    35. You tinfoil hat guys, with your “man-made
                      CO2 increase causes global warming” can’t explain how, during the fastest increase
                      in CO2 ever, from 1940 to the early 1970s (the industrialized world went on an
                      armament-making spree in WWII, then lots of steel production for post-war
                      reconstruction and infrastructure, plus consumer durables like cars and
                      refrigerators in the post-war boom, 95% powered by coal-burning power plants)
                      ………… and global temperatures went down for all 30+ years. Went down
                      enough for the predecessors of today’s AGW nuts to predict, with equal
                      confidence, the coming of a New Ice age, and suggest such remedies as
                      increasing particulate emission to help the greenhouse blanket, and even
                      covering the poles with soot to attract more sun’s heat. Read that again.
                      During the fastest increase in atmospheric CO2, global temperatures went down.
                      In fact, global warming and more atmospheric CO2 would be beneficial to the
                      world’s population. The 2 or 3 degree temperature rise that the AGW alarmist
                      industry keeps babbling about (well, they were babbling about it 18 years ago;
                      not so much now) would open up hundreds of thousands of square miles of
                      currently frozen tundra to agriculture.
                      Speaking of agriculture, the other scare tactic the AGW nuts use; eight years
                      after the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
                      warned of mass starvation from global warming caused by high levels of
                      atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), emissions of the greenhouse gas are at record
                      levels. The IPCC’s Fourth Assessment Report, which was edited by chairman Dr.
                      Rajendra Pachauri [see** note at the bottom] and released in 2007, predicted
                      with “virtual certainty” that crop yields would plummet in some areas unless
                      industrialized nations immediately adopted stricter limits on CO2, which the
                      IPCC said was causing “dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate
                      system. By 2020, in some countries, yields from rain-fed agriculture could be
                      reduced by up to 50%,” the report predicted.
                      But last year, a record level of atmospheric CO2 coincided with farmers reaping
                      record-breaking harvests worldwide. In fact, 2014 signified an all-time record
                      grain production. Oops. According to a report also released by the U.N.’s Food
                      and Agriculture Organization, “world cereal production [wheat, corn, oats,
                      barley, rice, etc.] in 2014 is at a new record of 2,532 million tonnes, 7
                      million tonnes above the previous peak.” That includes a record level of wheat
                      production worldwide, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The
                      study stated that the CO2 “fertilization effect is now a significant land
                      surface process” and has created “a greening of the globe over recent decades.”
                      That greening effect includes a growth spurt among redwoods and giant sequoias
                      in California [don’t tell the AGW featherbrains in Hollywood.]
                      Claims that global warming and more atmospheric carbon dioxide are harming crop
                      production have been proven preposterous by the real-world, objective data. We
                      know that in recent decades, we’ve seen an actual tripling of production of the
                      most important staple crops: corn, wheat, and rice. There’s been a record
                      production of wheat in the past year in much of Asia and Africa, and throughout
                      the world where the wheat harvest is important. Instead of diminishing crop
                      yields, high levels of CO2 actually help to increase them.
                      As we add more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, it can be expected that that’s
                      going to benefit crop production because carbon dioxide is not a
                      “pollutant,” as the IPCC and AGW loons say, but aerial plant
                      fertilizer. Horticulturalists pump CO2 into greenhouses to facilitate plant
                      growth. Just as people have demonstrated in greenhouses that plants that are
                      artificially fed more CO2 grow more rapidly and are more productive, the same
                      happens in the natural environment when we’ve had more atmospheric carbon
                      dioxide. The link between high levels of CO2 and record crop yields worldwide
                      was never discussed at the UN’s climate change conference in Lima last month
                      (surprise!) To the extent that crop production is discussed at any United Nation
                      meetings, it continues the claim, despite this evidence, that global warming is
                      wreaking havoc on crops.
                      Understand that the IPCC is a government body with government appointees. Some of
                      them are scientists, but most, including the bureaucrats in control, are not.
                      And even those who are scientists tend to work for environmental activist
                      groups such as The Sierra Club, the Environmental Defense Fund, Greenpeace,
                      World Wildlife Fund, etc. (The IPCC has even been exposed as including,
                      verbatim, propaganda handouts from one of these environmental groups in its
                      reports, with bogus claims of snow disappearing from the Himalayas and
                      destruction of rain forests because of global warming – then having to retract
                      them when exposed.) They have an agenda to push. It’s very little objective
                      science. It’s 99 percent politics from an environmental activist agenda. And
                      the Summary for Policy Makers that the IPCC non-scientist bureaucrats issue
                      every few years is often in total contradiction to what their own scientists
                      have reported. Unfortunately, in that environment, the facts simply don’t come
                      out if people aren’t doing their own research. If we’re just listening and
                      reading the UN press releases, we’re going to believe that a world exists that
                      is exactly opposite from what the real world really is. [**Update: IPCC
                      chairman Pachauri has been forced to resign after accusations of sexual

                    36. There is not the slightest factual data to prove that rising atmospheric CO2 raises global temperatures. In fact, quite the opposite. The fastest increase in atm. CO2 occurred during the WWII years and reconstruction/durable goods boom after – 1940 to the early 1970s. And global temperatures went down, steadily, for the entire 30+ years. Down to the extent that the predecessors of today’s global warming hoax were warning of a New Ice Age, and suggesting incresing greenhouse gases and even covering the poles with soot to absorb more sun’s heat.
                      Algore’s lying An Inconvenient Truth showed a graph with lines of CO2 concentration and global temperatures superimposed, with the conclusion “more CO2 means warmer planet.” Scientists and statiticians immediately showed that Gore had deliberately faked the data, by altering the time base. What the data actually showed was the reverse, that higher temperatures cause more CO2. Of course they do, they speed up dead plant decay, which produce methane and CO2.
                      You’re just parroting the AGW hoaxters’ propaganda without looking into the facts.

                    37. They are simply gasses that are opaque to various wavelengths of long wave infrared. Gasses that absorb heat expand and rise. Adiabatic lapse causes the rising gas to cool without the loss of heat. At some point the gas will reach a temperature for which it is transparent to long wave infrared. At that point the gas gives off the heat it absorbed in all directions – some to space.

                      Whether it is water vapor or CO2, the gas absorbs heat near the surface, rises and releases the heat at altitude. That is all there is to the greenhouse effect.

                      CO2 levels have historically been much higher than they are now with no harm to flora, fauna, and sea life. The Mesozoic Era had stretches of time longer than 100 Million years during which the CO2 level exceeded 2,400 ppmv. Life thrived and the planet was just fine.

                    38. Global temperatures have far more correlation to solar activity than anything else. In fact, those temperatures have cooled since 1998.

                    39. CB you made no arguement and your assertion is superficial.

                      Quote CB, “Nothing Al Gore could possibly do would change the effect of CO₂ on planetary temperature.”

                      OK, why is that? Because the physical phenomenon affecting global weather are so huge that they dwarf any human action and therefore anthropogenic global warming is unlikely? I don’t think this is where you were going. So Al Gore is just one person so his global warning impact is immeasurable and can therefore be disregarded? Or, Al Gore buys carbon credits and this cancels out his profligate consumption? This is my vote for what you meant. Or, you actually believe in anthropogenic global warming but don’t believe one person makes a difference? So how about two people, two hundred people, when does it start to matter? Or is it that you are enthralled and just believe that some people are so imperial that they reach a state in which there excrement fails to produce odor?

                    40. @CB:

                      Where did you find those fabricated charts? They are totally bogus.

                      Please stop emitting misinformation. It is too easy to debunk. For example, global ice cover is at an all-time high. So how could ice be declining like that?

                      If it were not for their lies, the alarmist crowd wouldn’t have anything to say.

                    41. This is a perfect example of the phrase “how to lie with statistics.” Your cherry-picked graphs end in 2010. Arctic ice mass ncreased 60% 2012-13, an area equal to half of Europe. Antarctic ice increased similarly. Remember the Ship of Fools, the global warming so-called scientists who set out to prove that the Antarctic ice was shrinking last year, and got stuck in ice so thick that the world’s most powerful ice breakers couldn’t reach them?

                      As for that lying bloated hypocrite Algore, if you want to know how his much-touted “An Inconvenient Truth” slide show, that he has made $millions showingf to gullible people round the world, has been totally discredited – destroyed, in fact – see this. After the show was shown to schools in Britain, parents and Members of Parliament complained to the High Court that children wer having nightmares about polar bears drowning and that they themselves would be either drowned in rising seas or burned by out of control temperatures. The High Court issued an order that children must be shown the contrary evidence, and also issued a total refutation of Gore’s assertions in Inconvenient Truth. Download the link, then click on the pdf format box:


                    42. You obviously didn’t understand my earlier reply to your claim about Algore. If you’re having difficulty in comprehending, have someone explain it to you.

                    43. It doesn’t take a lot to make a better argument than making a point, and having someone go, “that’s irrelevant.” You don’t clarify why you think those points are unrelated to what you see the core issue as being. You just dismiss everything as categorically irrelevant.

                      So, speaking of the ‘better argument’, you might practice what you preach. Offer something of actual substance.

                    44. Because there are many arguments being made here that don’t have anything to do with the problem, or the deniers are resorting to ad hominem attacks rather than attempt intellectual debate. Here’s some reading for you: It could very well be a combination of increases in fresh water due to the melting from the undercurrent, a decrease in the ozone (which acts like a greenhouse gas), and an uptick in weather activity. It makes some sense, but weather activity is very complex and tough to understand so there could be other factors. Much of global warming is counterintuitive to the ill informed, like you have global warming actually being partly responsible for the blizzard in Buffalo this past November (the warming waters of Lake Erie led to increased lake effect snow). It also leads to strange events, like hurricanes washing away the middle of Vermont,a state with no sea or ocean coastline. It also has more devastating but not heard of effects like NYC getting flooded and NJ getting washed away by Sandy, and droughts that have dried up the Mississippi River and the state of California and wildfires that burn up the West (All of which would be almost impossible without Global Warming, Keep in mind too, in regards to the Arctic, I believe it was 2012 where we had shocking records of low ice. Also, events have been shown to be influenced by global warming.

                      Now, instead of someone actually debating me, I get hit with ad hominem insults or excuses that “global warming is a hoax; it’s a socialist government power grab”. I, as a businessman, actually view it not as a political issue but a business risk (see the costs of the droughts and the billions spent cleaning up Hurricane Sandy, or even the businesses in Vermont shut down for good by Hurricane Irene).

                    45. You want debate? I doubt it..

                      Globval ice has recovered nicely, which debunks the ‘disappearing ice’ scare.

                      ‘Counterintuitive” = “unscientific”

                      Vermont is a small ocation. Note the debate is about global warming

                      Global warming stopped many years ago

                      Every other example you give is cherry-picked confirmation bias, by showing locations, not global effects

                      Quoting the Guardian alone loses the argument. It shows you are commenting based on politics, not based on science.

                    46. Sea ice or land ice? Two different things. The land ice is disappearing. The sea ice is more volatile but is also under threat due to warming waters. Counter-intuitive means that the science behind it seemingly defies what on its surface seems logical, but which isn’t actually so or is much more complicated. Global warming rate hit a bit of a “plateau” but that does not mean it stopped; it is still going up and 2014 is likely to be the hottest year on record. The measurements are based on global results, not geographic. I can pull many other signs of evidence of global warming; there really isn’t much evidence to the contrary, or any evidence at all once you factor out what can be dispelled. Global warming is occurring, which there is no doubt about that it is happening. The only questions are how much if any influence human activity has on it, which the evidence points to greatly, and along with that is how much of a threat it is, which seems to be variable but serious.

                      Lastly, that was just one article that I pulled from the Guardian. I could pull the same type of data from many other sources. There are still plenty of conservatives out there that are concerned and that hate false propaganda. I could care less about the political issue; it’s a major business and environmental concern; just today I heard a story about how susceptible and exposed to risk our area is to brown-outs and loss of power due to global warming issues that have already and will continue to happen.

                    47. well, put your tiny little mittens on because you are about to get cold, little Gore groupie. Logic obviously escapes you!


                      “SCIENCE IS SETTLED” .

                      AND UNACCOMMODATING .



                    51. Caps=yelling. That’s basic internet etiquette. I’m just trying to help you not look so stupid, but do what you like.

                    52. you should really read ALL the pieces on CLIMATE DEPOT , not just the ones you like.

                    53. You can start by reading:


                      It has won the internet’s Best Science & Technology Award for the 3rd year running, and it has well over 200 million unique views in only 7 – 8 years. And it has more than one million reader comments. It posts articles all the time, by climatologists, physicists, engineers and scientists. Best of all, it doesn’t censor different points of view.

                      But alas, you probably read low-traffic blogs like realscience, and the climate propaganda blog ‘skeptical’ science [run by a neo-Nazi]. No wonder you emit so much misinformation.

                    54. You know what else is settled science; that the earth is round and revolves around the sun. Back when those ideas were new, Conservatives tried to crush those ideas too.



                      OR IF HIGHER TEMPS CAUSE CO2 .



                    56. So your argument is because an error occurred 500 years ago (actually it didn’t occur but your history is as good as your physics) a similar error proves your case today. It’s called conflation and is a standard leftist “intellectual” tool.

                    57. You are repeating some one else’s lie….repeating a lie does not make it true

                    58. STOP IT.

                      Last year was the SIXTH warmest year of the new century/millennium. Sixth — out of only 14 years.

                      Thus, your lame argument crashes and burns. All you have left is a lie. Stop it. We know better.

                    59. Some of the same people who push global warming were pushing global freezing a few decades ago,. Whatever gets the grant money. Google ClimateGate, geek.

                    60. Not even a fraction as stupid as AGW, the biggest wrongheaded diversion of resources in history, geek.

                    61. Hey troll: Even more than a simultaneous 2-front war against the Germans and Japanese? Even more than QE? Even more than $18 trillion debt and $120 trillion in unfunded liabilities. propel;led by a runaway govt.? Even more than a lose-lose amateur foreign policy? No.

                      I was not in favor of Iraq war, but are you aware that 65% of the Senate voted for action against Iraq, including your Shrillary?

                    62. You would label everyone who disagrees with you a troll, Im sure. Repubs started Iraq. Obama spent the past 6 years cleaning up after your shit storm.

                    63. You really are a fool
                      1. I’m not a Republican
                      2. 75% of the Senate voted to take action against Iraq, including Hillary, Chuckie, Harry, etc.
                      3.and yes, since you’re on Climatedepot, you would be a TROLL.

                      It’s really unfair for me to be engaged in a battle of wits with you when you are clearly unarmed. Living in your mother’s basement and being a troll must be depressing. Get some gumption in 2015 and go out and get a job. Wait- you have no skills except AGW trolling? Not a good future, slacker. Learn something productive.

                    64. Hardly a “meme” and hardly right wing. It’s a major coup of facts and exposing/discrediting of the lies you so fervently embrace. Happy new year, ciao and may you come to your senses in 2015. You’re off to a poor start 🙂

                    65. people who use the term “settled science” are ignorant of what science is. A sure sign of an ill informed fool is using the term settled science, as SCIENCE IS NEVER SETTLED, it is always open to new facts or proofs!!!!!

                    66. Science is never settled. That is simply an alarmist tactic to try and shut down debate.

                      Didn’t work, did it?

                    67. So explain to me how the following scientific facts remain unsettled;
                      ● the earth is round.
                      ● the earth revolves around the sun

                      It’s not a tactic. It’s fact. Debate has already been shut down by science.




                    69. Yup. Climate data is graphable and others have duplicated the results. But you guys are so retarded that you think it’s liberal black magic. This shouldn’t be a partisan thing. It’s readings on thermometers. 2014 was the hottest year ever recorded.

                      THE HOTTEST YEAR WAS 1934 .
                      THEY HAD LESS POLAR ICE BACK THEN TOO .



                      WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT .

                    71. Maybe the geek would like to go argue with Snopes about the hottest year.

                      For me, I’m an engineer, immersed in the technical end of the global warming issue. It is crystal clear to me that man-made global warming is complete nonsense. There may, possibly, be a minuscule amount of AGW. But it is too small to even measure [my specialty; Metrology].

                      The proof? There are NO MEASUREMENTS quantifying AGW. NONE. Thus, when you hear about man-made global warming, it is nothing but a conjecture — an opinion.

                      Basing national Policy on nothing more than an opinion is extremely foolish. Isn’t it?

                    72. Where are the deluges you predicted, Geek? Did you know that even if te entire N Pole cap melted, it would make almost no difference in sea levels? Do you know why? Why is it that hardly any AGW fans really understand “the science” and those that do are bought off by Govt. to parrot the line. Why did 30,000+ scientists sign a letter debunking AGW?

                    73. You really think if all the ice melts, sea levels won’t be affected? You really are stupid.

                    74. I’m an engineer, stupid. You act like you have a degree in ethnic studies, basket-weaving or just hanging around. If you can shut up for a second, ‘;ll teach you something. Will you try it?

                      Get a large glass, add water and ice. Measure the water level. Make a mark at the water level. Go back when the ice melts. It will be the same level.

                      The vast majority of the north pole ice cap is on water . get it now?

                      Please explain why we weren’t already inundated by the 200+ yr warming period which melted most of the cap (at one time).

                      Do you know what the actual sea rise has been? Didn’t think so.

                    75. It shows your an engineer: you’re closed minded, lack imagination, and you think you’re way smarter than you actually are. You constantly misread the facts and can’t see what’s directly in front of your face. You may be good at math, but you suck at interpretation.

                    76. That’s all you have is imagination and BS- no education, no brains, no worldly knowledge. Please try the experiment idiot … and look at a map- or is that too constraining to you? You DO know how to read a map, right?

                      I’m obviously way smarter than you.

                    77. I’m a corporate director and working on my masters at Harvard. I’m not impressed by your engineering degree. Go build a concrete slab you flunky.

                    78. You sure don’t act or think like one, so I’m quite dubious. I owned my own company, a fairly “creative one :-))- sold it before I retired. Currently doing a startup for my amusement. I had MBA’s and MS’s working for me, but I wouldn’t be dumb enough to have hired the likes of you. Worked for the company Snowden did early on.

                      Seriously, you don’t show that you even know how to think. Regurgitating discredited pablum does not constitute thinking. Until you can answer some of the challenges put forth to you, your credibility is zero with 90% of the people on this site.

                    79. Lol, I couldn’t care less about validation from the dingbats on this site. This is just my sparing practice on a long weekend.

                    80. I liked your post. I want you to know that. I wouldn’t want you to miss it or mistake that like as being from someone else. It’s me.

                    81. Lol, I couldn’t care less about validation from the dingbats on this site. This is just sparring practice on a long weekend.

                    82. IF that is the case, then Harvard has fallen far lower than even I suspected.

                      Really, based on your comments, you don’t know nothin’…

                      …at least about science. And keep in mind that we could have gone to the moon without scientists. But not without engineers.

                    83. Ill spell it out for you: it isn’t the water ice, it is glaciers in Greenland, the artic, and Antarctica that sit on land. They melt too.

                    84. You really ARE stupid- and terribly uninformed.

                      1 The vast majority of polar ice cap is on water
                      2. Greenland’s not nearly as large as it looks on a Mercator projection. You DO know what that is, right?
                      3. Antarctic ice has been growing for a long time.
                      4. North Pole ice is growing again.
                      5. Lastly, explain why melting hasn’t already inundated the algore’s house in Montecito. All your mendacious models said that would already happen. I’ll ask you again, how much has the sea risen, Mr. Smarty pants?





                      EASY TO PROVE & WORKS EVERY TIME .


                      NOW SO HAVE YOU .


                      DESPITE THE WARMIST’s PREDICTIONS .


                    86. He said: IF THE NORTH POLE ICE MELTED…

                      That would, IN FACT, have no impact on sea levels.

                      Fifth graders know that, and they know why, because thet’s when they learn about Archimedes.

                      Go back to the 5th grade, you have some catching up to do, ‘geek’.




                      WRONG IN CLIMATE CHANGE LAND .





                    88. Typical leftie reply… Don’t bring anything to the conversation, and start being obnoxious from the moment you enter.

                    89. Horse hockey. You may have brought your version of science to the table. The interesting thing about Gruber, the economist, is that he revealed that science with an agenda is not really science. Your science of global warming was founded on a FRAUD. But, since so much money and so much academic effort floats around global warming, the FRAUD was ignored. Global warming is a left wing political movement to create an excuse to increase control on individuals. It is not science.

                    90. There aren’t “versions”. There’s the scientific consensus, and the lies Glen beck tells you to believe.


                    92. So what you’re saying is there’s no such thing as facts. And when it comes to something observable like climate change, you shouldn’t believe your lying eyes.

                    93. 2014 was the hottest year ever recorded. I guess the librals must have faked that too you paranoid doofus.


                    95. So Why don’t any scientists support your globbed up ideas. OMG it must be a Left wing conspiracy ya’ll!!!! Call Glen Beck!!!

                    96. I switched from an old I-phone to Galaxy S-5 a few months ago. Lots of raw power, great screen, apps, but I HATE the texting software. Overall, I-phone had a better user interface.

                      Re: The Moyers piece- mostly propaganda and full of untruths. I had Monckton speak at one of our events- very entertaining, but does no real research of his own- collects, analyzes papers. He didn’t originate the 1998 warming halt story. It’s based on the discovery that not all station reports are being used and some station are in areas which have gotten much more urbanized (hotter) and skew the data. Bottom line- false data- no longer representative.

                      As far as the Santer stuff- he lost all credibility when he said it IS man-made., He has zero proof, only some correlation (there is FAR better correlation with solar activity.).

                      If you really want to learn I;ll lead you, but I suspect you’re a”true believer.”

                      You still haven’t told me how much you think the sea has risen. Until you can answer- and correctly at that- you have zero credibility.

                      You still haven’t acknowledged that the climate “models,” “projections,” guesses,” whatevah, are all way, way off- wrong, wrong wrong.

                      I stopped after I read the first two whoppers in that link.

                      One more

                      “There have been three studies, using different methodologies, that have shown that almost all working climate scientists — 97 percent — accept the consensus view.”

                      One does not get work as a client scientist unless one buries ones ethics and buys in to an unproven theory 100%. Again, over 30,000 scientists have repudiated it.

                    97. geek, whenever more than 30,000 people sign something, there are bound to be a few fakes.

                      But funny thing, I couldn’t find the Spice Girls, or a single Star Wars character in the list.

                      So you are lying again. Aren’t you?

                      If not, show us those names… liar.

                    98. Had this been open to the general public, I might agree, but since it was supposed to only be scientists who signed it, the fact that there were so many fakes should be troubling to anyone attempting to use it to prove their point.

                    99. Every time you say that 2014 was the hottest year EVAH!! you are lying.

                      You tell lots of lies, don’t you?

                    100. You guys love to throw around “you lie!” like some kind of retarded congressman at a state of the union address, but FYI, I don’t make claims I can’t back up.

                    101. you do not seem to understand that science is always about challenging the consensus any more than you seem to understand that consensus is a political term and there is NO equivalent term in science. People who say “CONSENSUS” or “THE SCIENCE IS SETTLED” ARE USING POLITICAL RHETORIC AND ARE NOT DISCUSSING SCIENCE. THEY ARE DISCUSSING POLITICS. THEY ARE PROPAGANDISTS. Policygeek must learn the difference if he is ever going to play a meaningful role or be able to engage in fact based discussions. On this thread he reads as an ignorant fool who gets his science from his tv set.

                    102. Losing an argument? Strike off in a different direction! Conservatives don’t walk in lockstep with commanding overlords. That’s a Leftist thing. You can only condemn Hannity when you talk about Hannity, and no one else was. He is merely a commentator with Conservative leanings, and not a particularly good one, at that. The beauty of being a free thinker is being able to assimilate facts and come to our own conclusions about what makes sense and what doesn’t. If you believe all te propaganda your masters feed you, how will you know when one of them is lying? Why are questions raised about your ideology met with aggressive hostility? If your cause was just and tenets true, you should welcome the chance to explain you point. Might doesn’t make right, as your union goons and other professional protesters may believe. Physical domination is not a rational debate strategy, but a dishonest bully tactic. Think about why that is such a large part of your movement’s activities.

                    103. Logic and reason show the whole anthropogenic climate change scientist pool are a bunch of frauds and liars protecting their grant money.. Adjusted numbers.. Fluid models.. You can get a computer to tell you anything you want it to.. And that is exactly what these corrupt “scientists,” are doing.. You people seem to think that when you use the words,”settled science,” that that means the argument is over.. And you want it over on your terms.. NO!!!

                    104. “Yes, you are”

                      You forgot the word “correct”.

                      How might anything Al Gore does change the effect of CO₂ on planetary temperature?

                    105. He owns a fleet of SUVs, while lecturing us to use bicycles. He uses 20X more electricity than the average American family, ng us to be conservationists, and flies round the world to give his $100,000 speeches (no questions allowed) in his polluting private jet.

                    106. The same hypocrite who forecast some years ago that by now the sea would have risen to engulf coastal areas, like wher he built his hacienda. The same Algore who uses 20X more electricity than the average American family, and flies round the world to give his $100,000 speeches (no questions allowed) in his polluting private jet. The same loon who forecast in 2007 that ALL arctic ice would be melted by 2014 (instead, it grew by 60% 2012-13.)

                    107. Shut up fool.
                      Your mind is so far gone you can’t even recognize the truth when it’s right under your nose.
                      Go out in the street and be run over. Wait for a trash truck.

                    108. policygeek, you global warming alarmists are the ones trying to silence dissent. And you’re all left wingers. And I base this on your false belief that 98% of the worlds climate scientists all agree that man is the cause of climate change even though the climate has been changing for billions of years before humans even existed.
                      Now that’s plain stupid. But, it’s also hilarious because you actually believe you know more about it than any of us do, when you’ve done no experiments yourself that have proved any of what you claim is true.

                    109. Scientists have proven global warming is fact but you don’t believe them so why would you believe me? Now when the scientists say they all agree it’s a fact, why do you doubt them.

                    110. Bwahahahahahahahaha!
                      The scientists that make their living by garnering grant money?
                      The ones that know the government is all for the lie because it gives them more control?
                      The ones that are living large on the billions of dollars spent to try to prove what has not been proven?

                      What should the temperature be little troll?
                      They don’t know.
                      They will only say “cooler”.

                      But it is getting cooler, and they say it is due to warming.

                      Anyone with a brain sees that they are lying.
                      Anyone willing to NOT depend on the neo-communist media has seen that real scientists are jumping off the bandwagon in droves.

                    111. There has been “Global Warming throughout history- and cooling too.

                      There is zero proof that the current round of GW (in remission since 1998) was man-caused. Zero. There is a stronger correlation to solar activity to warming than anything else.

                      In addition, it has been proven that the “climate models” are all discredited. They don’t work.

                      Actual warming has not taken place since 1998.

                      It is also now clear that data were fudged- cherry-picked temperature recording stations, some in areas which have become more urbanized over the years.

                      Google ClimateGate, Luddite,

                    112. I never ask a fool like you a question I don’t already know the answer to. YOU need to figure it out, slacker.

                    113. No, you just need to be a realist. Global warming and climate change is merely a scam meant to enrich its proponents while exploiting liberal idealists. The world warms and cools because of sunspot activity and there is no way for taxes to regulate the sun’s cycles. Emissions amount to nothing. In fact, tropical rain forests are benefiting from CO emissions and are growing at a fantastic pace and are producing oxygen for our planet.

                      If these Global Warming evangelists want any credibility, they should start by turning over all their global warming wealth to their countries green initiatives. Like that would ever happen. Al Gore and David Suzuki love their high carbon footprint lifestyles.

                    114. Do You know how retarded you sound? This is why librals laugh at you. ” damn what the actual scientists say, i know what im talking about!”

                      And I guarantee you that people in your real life laugh at you behind your back. We really do think you are stupid.

                    115. Let’s pretend for a moment that counting votes who believe or don’t beleive is actually a valid sceintific pursuit in anything outside of politics.

                      Let’s talk about your assertion that the 2% (whereever you got that number from) are paid to do so by the oil and gas industries. Let me introduce you to Dr. Roy Spencer who is climatologist, Principal Research Scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, and the U.S. Science Team leader for the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR-E) on NASA’s Aqua satellite. He has served as Senior Scientist for Climate Studies at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center. He also is a skeptic of manmade climate change the way it is pushed on us by alarmists.

                      I don’t know if the site will allow me to post a link or not, so just to not take a chance, I have given you his name and his titles. You can see that what I posted about him comes from Wikipedia. On his site, you can also find his credentials.

                      So here is one that blows up your nice, neat little world where people who don’t believe in catastrophic manmade global warming are all anti-science people, or else on the payroll of oil and gas companies.

                      This is just the beginning. Once you see that your scientific law doesn’t hold, it should be on you and your scientific curiosity to find that there are others, and what the science is behind their thinking. Either that, or you can continue to substitute the word “Scientist” for the way that others use “Priest” and continue to use “science” the way others use “Bible” without knowing what either actually mean. It’s up to you. It might lead you to less laughter behind people’s backs if you know more about skeptical scientists, so you have a trade-off, I suppose.

                    116. One skeptic does not make a trend. The difference between your religious assertion is that science is observable and not dependent on blind faith.

                    117. Gee. That was 75 self-selected government-paid “scientists” from 13,500 who were surveyed, wasn’t it? That is the 97% “climate scientists” was 75 out 77 – out of 3,500 who returned the survey, then the rest were filtered out.

                    118. This is what people ALWAYS say when they are unable to account for their own cognitive processes, even. It’s much harder than someone may guess to account for such things. It comes into play when your job security is at stake, or grant money may be at stake, too, and so it is essential to look at what may play into someone’s cognitive processes.

                      You attempted this when you said that the scientists that did not believe in global warming were only 2% (something that doesn’t add up any way I am aware of) and that they are paid to do so by the oil and gas industry.

                      I showed you the first one that was not. This disproves your assertion. If there is one, there are probably others, right? So do you search and see if there is a measurable trend, or do you now go into defense mode for your pre-conceived idea that there are only 2%, and that those are all paid-for by the oil and gas industry.

                      It seems at that point, you lost your curiosity, and reverted to your faith.

                      Look, I know it’s convenient to believe that everybody who is “Scientific” agrees with you. The simple fact is, that is incorrect. So if not all do, then it becomes necessary to know a little bit about the measurements, who makes them, whether or not they are adjusting them, how the measurements are taken over time, how they are analyzed, how the projections are made, etc. I’ve spent a little bit of time on this, and my thought at this point is that there is plenty to question. There are a lot of people using such appeals to authority as “Scientists say … ” then they continue on without really knowing what any scientist says, or how any other scientist counter-claims. That’s easy to do. However; the un-adjusted data is inconclusive, and the sattelite data is both very short term, and not showing the same thing that the land-based measurements are showing. So science deals in something measurable … when it is measured properly.

                      And of course, there is plenty of question about the models that are built. When you can hindcast, but cannot forecast with a model, that is going back to what your algebra teacher in the 7th or 8th grade got onto you about when you didn’t show your work: Getting the right answer for the wrong reason. The climate models have proven unskillful in forecasting, even when made to be able to hindcast. Likely they are programmed into hindcasting to the point of overfit (something data scientists will understand well, but someone who puts blind faith in scientists may not). Whether it is faulty association, overfitting, or something else, models, quite simply, have not proven skillful thus far in forecasting climate conditions, and they take very few conditions and parameters into account in a system as large as earth’s climate.

                      I think there is plenty to question, and there are climate scientists who think the same.

                    119. At some point in the neAR future, you guys are going to have to recognize that there is nothing “conservative” about climate change denial.

                    120. GASP!

                      Oh wait! By that definition, we may not have any climate scientists we can believe. After all, there may be some that work for non-skeptical political organizations. If we have to disqualify one, then we might need to disqualify those, too, right?

                      My reply was directed to someone that asserted that there were only 2% of scientists that did not “believe” in manmade global warming, and that those were paid for by the oil and gas industry. I found him one that did not fit with his assertion.

                      Now to you: Are you familiar with the “Science” that Roy Spencer does? It seems that NASA respects it. What part of it is wrong? Just the part where he doesn’t support global warming with hisurement and processing of data that you can point to that is incorrect? or that doesn’t support the conclusions he asserts?

                    121. Sunspots have been disproven as the main cause of global warming. The government also has no interest in lying about the issue.

                    122. Those anonymous and unknown government-paid “scientists” reviewing government-selected papers running government programs inside government bureaucracies using government computers in government labs with government grants issued by government bureaucrats promoted by government policies have 1.3 trillion dollars a year in new taxes and trillions more in “carbon credits” trading issued by government-favored banks and insurance companies that crave government approval?

                    123. Please talk science and not paranoia. It is not in the government’s interest to lie on this issue.

                    124. Your democrat politicians have a n intense psychological hate-filled need to destroy the energy and oil companies they hate, the need to control the population and the population’s energy supply of low-cost fuels and food, and most of all – a need for the 1.3 trillion dollars in new tax revenues to fund their programs. Your CAGW beliefs are all based on the politics of the energy situation, and NONE on the science nor the measurements.

                    125. Sunspots have an impact on the earth’s climate. Being the main cause has not been proven or unproven.

                      Obama’s administration lies about everything. Why should global warming be an exception?

                    126. And you don,t believe this story Sparkey???Call me..I can make u a deal on buying New York..No money down and I will throw in New Jersey if u call tonight..

                    127. I agree. Deniers are willfully ignorant. It is an environmental issue, not a political one. Also, much of the problem is from overpopulation. The Earth simply can’t handle 7.2 billion people very well.

                    128. You are more than welcome to round up as many people as you want and follow the lead of Reverend Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple from back in 1978. I understand some concern about overpopulation but saying ridiculous things like that 5 billion people on the planet basically need to disappear (as you wrote below) is insane. You sound like a despotic leader who actually justifies the killing of millions because it benefits the “greater good,” whatever that specifically is in their mind (e.g., rid the world of another tribe, race, religion, etc.). You’re a psychopath in training.

                    129. Did you know that the worlds population could all be put in Texas, give everyone a large yard, a car and have room for all to drive on the highways? The world is a pretty big place and sparsely populated in many areas. The argument should not be what should we do about warming or cooling, but about using the energy resources we have in responsible ways until better and more efficient forms of energy are developed. Developing countries that are denied carbon fuels now and in the near future will be harmed greatly by even more poverty. No matter what the U.S. Does in this matter, China, India, South Africa and others will still burn their dirtiest coal with impunity.

                    130. The world’s population could fit into Texas but it would have the density of NYC, so no extra space, plus you have to figure in still meeting the food, energy, water, and other resources needed. Managing a world population of1 or 2 billion would be easier.

                    131. FACT: “Climate change is constant because the Earth is a dynamic, and has been occurring long before people and will continue to do so long after we’re gone.”

                    132. Ice cores prove what? It’s been much hotter and much cooler in the past. The funny thing is that your global warming religion can’t even explain the ice ages with any certainty. Not to mention you can barely predict next weeks weather.

                    133. Ice cores are NOT continuous records like tree rings. They record the cold years, but the warm years melt away and are not recorded.



                    136. You can’t make one argument that I can’t counter with something more compelling. Your credibility is hurt by your use of all caps


                    138. Neither do you. You’re a cut & paste copycat, a stupid little parrot endlessly squawking the latest leftist hogwash.

                      Have a peanut.

                    139. Cut the ignorance and the all caps. 2014 was hottest year on record, and statistically speaking all the recent weather events and disasters would not have happened without global warming.


                    141. What disasters? Was Florida swept away and I missed it? Floods, tornados, hurricanes, droughts…all have been occurring for some time. Pretty sure they’ll continue.

                    142. Where did algore lie? For starters… He said man made globull warming was a fact. Next he said the solution was to pay taxes to solve it. Guess who would make massive income if these taxes got past the congress?

                    143. Global warming essentially is fact. Carbon taxes can be effective and the revenues can be used to clean up the mess and invest in better energy technology.

                    144. Free market economies and capitalism really seem to be your pet peeve. So much for rights.

                    145. No it’s not a fact, a lot of common beliefs are not facts. Scientist will tell you the planet has experienced periods where the Earth was much warmer than it is now, before, industrialization, and much colder than it is now again before industriazation (I prefer warmer, from what I have read the Ice Age sucked, pardon my vernacular). Imagine an ice sheet that extended as far south as Washington State. Much of the geography in the Northwest was caused by the Missoula Floods, huge ice dams created vast lakes into Canada and during brief periods of warming gigantic floods covered the Northwest. The planet gets warmer and the planet cools and it will continue to do so long after we’re gone.

                    146. Gimme a break. Isn’t it time to break out of the polluting model of an oil-based economy? You really don’t think human ingenuity can come up with less polluting alternatives? We should just wait around and see what will happen – and meanwhile the entire planet gets poisoned? I think you’re short-changing man’s ability to change, adapt, invent.

                    147. atomic energy for starters. There simply isn’t anything that produces as much energy as a drop of oil. Some day in the long-distant future, there will be efficient solar systems, but not in this century. The physics won’t allow it.

                    148. The green energy boondoggle is simply the most effective means liberals like obama and gore have to redistribute money and then launder it back through the economy to their chosen entities – themselves and the democrat party.

                    149. She says, posting on a computer made from plastics and heavy metals, using power straight from a coal fired plant, eating food that was delivered by truck, staying warm with that natural gas. It’s so good to be a hypocrite!!!

                    150. And I think you don’t know crap about what you are talking about.
                      Currently, all the gushing idiots who think Solar and Wind power are reasonable alternatives to coal, oil, gas, and nuke power are just that, Idiots. You can’t generate enough power for present day society using any of the so called “Green” technologies. They’ve had almost 100years to improve refine, and make them feasible, but they have failed. Why? They can’t do the job period. You want an energy source that doesn’t pollute, fusion is the only technology being evaluated today which has a hope of doing so.
                      So let me get this straight, it is okay to ruin the lives of billions of people because you are afraid of something you don’t even come close to understanding? Right!
                      Also, CO2 isn’t a pollutant! You people make it easy for your masters to take your money, destroy your economy, and ruin billions of human lives.

                    151. The technology is available and improving constantly. The impediment is lack of political will. In the US, our elected representative are, for the most part, “owned” by the fossil fuel lobbies and do their bidding. The ensuing climate chaos has already shown how it will “take your money, destroy your economy, and ruin billions of human lives.”

                    152. This alternative energy technology has been available for 100 years, IT ISN’T CAPABLE OF PROVIDING OUR NEEDS, IT ISN’T EVEN CAPABLE OF PROVIDING 15% OF OUR NEEDS! Do you understand?
                      If it were 5 times better, it still wouldn’t be capable or good enough.
                      Solar won’t do it, and neither will wind.

                    153. Name one technology that is as easy to generate, transport, and power equipment as fossil fuels. It also has to be able to produce the same efficency of fuel-to-power that fossil fuels generate.

                      The whole reason why we rely on these polluting technologies is that there is, still, nothing else that competes with them for efficiency.

                      If you’re so convinced that techs can come up with a better mouse-trap, sink your money into a company, develop it yourself, and enjoy all the riches that will beat a path to your door.

                    154. 95% of oil pollutants have already been eliminated via technology of refining, engines, filters, catalytic converters, etc.. As better methods come on stream, they will be used.

                      In any case, they aren’t causing “Global Warming,” which is far more correlated with solar activity than anything else.

                    155. You mean, like Solyndra and most of obama’s other failed ‘enterprises’?

                    156. 1. Why believe anything the department projects, as it has been so wrong?
                      2. The projected profit is based on how much investment? What would alternative investments have generated.

                      I love it when Liberal Arts majors talk technological and investing issues.

                    157. no, it’s not. no, they can’t be effective. see how easy it is just to ‘state a fact with no proof’? even i can do it. the only difference is that i see how stupid it really is, but you think you’re a top-notch debater.

                    158. The courts in the UK have established 29 separate and specific lies that Gore made in his video. And another 14 some-odd exaggerations and projections – that will not come true. It has now been steady global average temperatures for 18 years, 3 months. The earth has NOT warmed since 1996, despite a 35% percent increase in CO2 levels. Antarctic sea ice set a record high in June this year at 2.06 million “excess” square kilometers – the same reflective area as the ENTIRE land area of Greenland (2.16 Mkm^2).

                    159. False: The continental average Antarctic air temperatures have NOT risen (instead, have declined slightly) since 1979, so the twisted “logic” of land ice diluting the 20 million sq kilometers of sea water around Antarctica that “causes” is proved wrong because the change in sea water salinity is too small to matter. Loss of arctic sea ice between August and April each year leads only to increased heat loss from the open ocean – compared to the insulating effect of the sea ice cover.

                    160. People that said that the world was flat were considered broadly accurate 500 years ago. Now they’re just considered morons.

                    161. Being “broadly accurate” that there would be more sea ice (which is the only kind of ice at the North Pole) jibes with his prediction that there would be no ice at the North Pole by,… what was it now?, 2012 or 2014?… how again?

                    162. Algeria raised awareness in the same way that the Ferguson thug protesters are raising awareness of racial discrimination by burning and looting.

                    163. Everywhere. From beginning to end. There isn’t a grain of truth in it. Not a molecule. Not an atom.

                    164. Al Gore has become completely irrelevant. The last thing I remember about him after he left his wife is that he was standing next to a masseuse and pointing down and saying, “What are you going to do about this?”





                    166. Right, because it’s ok to murder liberals… Also who said the parents or the fetus were liberal?

                    167. I could not possibly agree more, and gay marriage is better yet; no spawn, and no murder

                    168. Just like you can’t presume that a baby whose mother does drugs will go up to be a drug user, you can’t pass on the sin of liberalism/socialism to an innocent child.

                      It’s not old enough to support a political ideology, so we can’t lay the burden of tyranny at his/her feet.

                      Innocent lives deserve protecting. Particularly defenseless innocent lives.

                    169. tough call, the types who choose abortion based on having a child being inconvenient probably result in one less abused fatherless child.

                    170. Take, say, a 12-year-old raped by her mother’s boyfriend. Would you force her to endure nine months of being reminded, every day, of the violent act? Would you take care of the new baby? Take a mother – probably a Catholic – becoming pregnant and giving birth year after year because the Church forbids effective contraception, until her body can’t stand the strain any more. And now she’s pregnant again, and her doctors sday it threatens her health. You would compel her to go through the birth again? And probably more until it kills her? How about a woman with an ectopic pregnancy. Don’t know what that is? It occurs in about one in 200 conceptions; the fertilized ovum nidates (attaches) to the fallopian tube wall instead of reaching the uterus. It is, always, inevitably fatal to mother and fetus; it’s just a question of time. A timely operation to remove the fetus is needed, unless the mother is to die in unspeakable agony. Technically, because at the moment it means removing a living fetus, it’s an abortion. You would forbid that, calling it murder?

                    171. Good job bringing up exceptions., which may account for .5-1% of pregnancies. Also kudos for calling it a fetus. Does that make you feel better?

                    172. I guess you missed the point, which is that certain extremists, especially the Roman Catholic church and its hierarchy (who are unlikely to become pregnant) dig their heels in and declare “no abortions, ever, for any reason.” Yet, its concurrent forbidding of its members from using effective birth control itself is responsible for millions of abortions, worldwide. (Don’t even think of citing “natural” family planning, the so-called “safe period” method. A woman using only this during her fertile years will on average have five unplanned pregnancies.)
                      And, as in so many things, the Church is the arch-hypocrite when it directly affects itself. My uncle was a member of Medecins sand Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders) in Afrca in the late 50s and early 60s. He was in the Congro in 1960 when the Congolese army mutinied, killed its officers and went on a rampage of murder and rape. Many nuns in missions in the country were raped, and many became pregnant as a result. They were, with few exceptions, quietly aborted by the mission doctors. Catholic nuns. Catholic doctors. What they did was merciful and right, but it directly breached a Church law. No doubt they were absolved by the priests.
                      It didn’t have to be this way. Did you know that a commission set up by an earlier pope recommended by a large majority that the Chuch make an exception to its anti-contraception law with the “pill.” Of course you didin’t.
                      The story begins with the Second Vatican Council in the early l960s and the decision of two popes to re-examine the
                      church’s position on birth control. Pope John XXIII had intended to begin that re-examination, but he died before he
                      could begin the process. His successor, Pope Paul VI, appointed a Papal Commission on Population and Birth Control. It consisted of 79 members, cardinals, bishops and lay experts representing a variet of disciplines. After two years of study, the commission – with majorities from both the lay and clerical groups – voted 69 to 10 to change the position on birth control using the “pill,” because it did not involve any kind of physical barrier, and, more important, because it was the right thing
                      to do.
                      Oops; not what the pope had expected or wanted to hear. Luckily for him, a dissenting minority report was later submitted, co-authored by a Polish archbishop, Karol Wojtyla, who later became Pope John Paul II. A Roman Catholic historian and theologian, August Bernhard Hasler, tells the story in his 1979 book, How the Pope Became Infallible. He provided the following quotation from that minority report, which was the one accepted: “If it should be declared that contraception is not evil in itself, then we should have to concede frankly that the Holy Spirit had been on the side of the Protestant churches in
                      1930 (when the encyclical Casti Connubi was promulgated) and in 1951 (Pius XII’s address delivered before the Society of Hematologists). “It should likewise have to be admitted that for half a century the Spirit failed to protect Pius XI, Pius XII, and a large part of the Catholic hierarchy from a very serious error. This would mean that the leaders of the Church had condemned
                      thousands of innocent human acts, forbidding, under pain of eternal damnation, a practice which would now be sanctioned. The fact can neither be denied nor ignored that these same acts would now he declared licit on the grounds of
                      principles cited by the Protestants, which popes and bishops have either condemned or at least not approved” (page 170).
                      Dr. Hasler concluded: “Thus it became only too clear that the core of the problem was not the pill, but the authority, continuity, and infallibility of the Church’s magisterium.” In conformity with this minority report, Pope Paul VI issued his 1968 encyclical, Humnae Vitae, in which he condemned every form of contraceptive birth control. Hasler wrote: “After the
                      promulgation of the encyclical. . . the Church conducted a massive purge of its key personnel wherever it could” (page 283). In other words, the problems associated with countries that are overpopulated and the political campaign in the United States to deny reproductive freedom to women are all due to the papal decision to protect the authority and “infallibility” of the papacy.
                      Hans Kung, arguably the world’s leading Catholic theologian, wrote: “This teaching [against contraceptive birth control] has laid a heav burden on the conscience of innumerable people … for the people in many under-developed countries, especially in Latin America, it constitutes a source of incalculable harm, a crime in which the Church has implicated itself” (cited in Stephen Mumford, The Life and Death of NSSM 200, page 203).
                      Unfortunately the Vatican was not content with applying its dogma against contraceptive birth control to members of the Roman Catholic Church. Pope John Paul II in his Instruction on Respect for Human Life in its Origin and on the Dignity of Procreation declared that Catholic teaching must become law. The Instruction states: “Politicians must commit themselves,
                      through this intervention upon public opinion, to securing the widest possible consensus on such essential points.” They are expected to enact into law “appropriate legal sanctions” for violations of the law. The Vatican wants to outlaw contraceptive birth control because of its stance that there should be no interference with conception [and an uninterrupted supply of new Catholics.].
                      These strictures, if enacted into law, would put the majority of the population, which is non-Catholic, along with non-conforming Catholics, into the position of being law breakers. Non-Catholics even today are affected if they use Catholic hospitals and compliant physicians. since these are forbidden to provide information about contraceptives or to prescribe
                      or apply them – even emergency contraception for a raped woman.

                      The problem with papal infallibility, aside from its requirement that Catholics are expected to accept it without question, is that
                      no human being is free from error. We are all creatures of our culture, our education, our vested interests and our prejudices. The pope tries to avoid this criticism by insisting that he is the vicar or spokesman for God or Christ; yet he was an ordinary
                      man, elected by vote to his exalted position by other ordinary men, and “proves” his authority to speak for the Almighty by the circular argument that it is so because he says it is. Yet the very fact that he asserts infallible authority over millions of people who must obey him is a radical departure from the teachings of Jesus, who told his disciples: “You know that those who are supposed to rule over the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them. But it shall not be so among you; but whoever would be great among you must be your servant.” (Mark 10:42-43) Also: “In vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrine rules made by men.”
                      One could with justification say that in rejecting the conclusion of the overwhelming majority of his own commission, Paul VI, and successive popes, are directly responsible for millions of abortions worldwide, and also child deaths from malnutrition in underdeveloped countries unable to feed their populations, and early deaths from exhaustion by women unable to stem multiple closely-spaced births. One can add to this list a proportion of the millions of deaths from AIDS, especially in Africa, and the millions of consequent orphans, because the Church also bans the use of the only reliable means to prevent the spread of the disease, the condom.

                    173. Democrats are “tolerant” of everything, so they say, except an unborn fetus. This they cannot tolerate, kill it, abort it. There may be medical reasons for an abortion but birth control isn’t one of them. For criminals it’s “you do the crime, you do the time” in other words, we, society will make you responsible for your actions. Not so with pregnancy, you are not responsible for your actions so we will provide you with an abortion. Responsibility by selection, the democratic way.

                    174. Have you ever considered, like a very conservative Christian recently told me, that abortion as bad as it is, is like ‘weed killer’ for future Democrats and future welfare recipients.

                      The African American community is destroying their future voting base

                    175. That might be a good argument– but (Liberal) Democrats aren’t necessarily created in the womb. They’re created in public schools.

                    176. Greyfox, Democrats aren’t very tolerant of black conservatives. Neither are they tolerant of Christians in general. They only tolerate people who agree with them and their junk science.
                      Their science is junk because it’s ripe with fraud. That’s why I don’t believe anything they say any more.
                      The scientists have always claimed throughout my lifetime that milk was good for the body.
                      But, I saw a report recently that said milk does more harm to the body than it does good.
                      And In the 80’s, eggs were demonized by the scientific community because of cholesterol. Cholesterol was causing heart attacks and clogging of the arteries. But, in the past few years we are now being told that eggs aren’t as bad for us as was thought.
                      So, the science was not settled on eggs and milk either, I guess. Even though you could read ads and hear commercials on the tv and radio telling us to lower our cholesterol intake and drink plenty of milk.
                      How did that settled science end up being debated on decades later. Because of new research and more advanced equipment and methods? Probably. So, in science, the debate is never over. I’m talking to you Al Gore.

                    177. We’re on the same page, but I would make one slight change and suggest that perhaps most democrats fit the template you described. As far as the scientific community is concerned they are always ,on most things, coming up with new findings. Some things are absolute but many things are still up for debate. As far as food is concerned, eggs, milk etc, moderation is the key word. My only thought on Al Gore is: Al Gore is a putz, a liar and an egotistical jerk. He cares only about Al Gore. Remember this, when experts disagree, everyone becomes an expert. Have a great New Year.

                    178. I wonder why China climbed to the #1 spot on Earth – at least as measured by wealth and size of their economy – with a State-enforced strict 1-child limit. Doesn’t seem to make sense, does it?

                    179. What’s funny is you’re advocating for the US to be more like China in what is quite literally one of their worse aspects. (Their piss poor working conditions for average workers)

                    180. I’m not advocating anything, just stating facts. You’re reading something that simply isn’t there. That’s how the telephone game in a group of people works.

                    181. Low wages yes – but nobody has families of 14 or 15 to support either. Meanwhile, the wages are inching up, they’re bound to.

                    182. 1) Slave labor
                      2) That 1 child limit is NOT as strictly enforced as one might think.
                      3) With more than a billion people over a huge patch of prime real estate, it’s a sign of the failure of Communism that it’s economy has been such a basket case for so long. Its only the fact that The Party has begun allowing something like a modern industrial economy exist at all that they are beginning to advance.
                      4) Compare the mainland with Hong Kong to truly appreciate the difference between a government regulated slave-labor economy and Western-style free markets.

                    183. That can’t make sense. Wasn’t the US #1 until just recently without slave labor?

                      In general, the 1 child limit is enforced.

                      Communism didn’t result in prosperity, it resulted in universal poverty/want, but the system did keep their country together and the communists did eject imperial Japan (as well as the other Western imperial powers that had footholds in China) despite their “poverty.” You have to admire the rag-tag communists prevailing over industrial, genocidal, cruel imperial Japan.

                      And, at one point in the war, the US backed Mao.

                      So Mao is still venerated in China, just like George Washington is venerated here.

                      Industrialization and investments are allowed in the special economic zones.. whole new cities have sprung up as well. As Deng said: What difference does it make if a cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice. The Chinese approach is pragmatic, flexible, rather than doctrinaire. I suppose you could say that they have abandoned their “paranoia” about the West encroaching on their country again – as long as they can continue to play off Russia vs. the US, what do they care? They are happy to rake in money to build up their country.

                      HK? An ex-UK colony? How is HK supposed to be “representative” of capitalism? Or maybe you feel colonialism is the way to go.. exploitation of a “native” population by a colonial power, such as the UK. Isn’t that system anathema to us, though, as ex-UK colonies ourselves?

                    184. There are 1 billion, 350 million Chinese. Over 1 billion of them live in abject poverty, squalor and servitude under the Communist yoke. Maybe 1% of them have a standard of living equal to our middle class. I used to catch plenty of them sneaking across the border. Ever notice how no one wants to sneak into Red China? Does that suggest anything to you?
                      Most of what they make is cheap junk.

                    185. Read a study years ago the said most abortions end up aborting future liberals. So no great loss to humanity there.

                    186. I have this distinct feeling that in this generation and the generation to follow we’ll see one race or one tribe or one country abort itself out of existence. For example, the USA, which may be rescued by Catholic Hispanics.

                    1. Look at the victory last year of Mayor de Blasio in NYC. He won by a land-slide. By that measure, we would have to say that the overwhelming majority of the largest city in the US are on the left, or at least progressive politically. Does that mean that the majority of the people in the most influential city in the US are wackos?

                    2. LOL! A landslide among the 24% of eligible voters of NYC is not really something to crow about.

                    3. Well ditto on that: You could have hardly expected the electorate to vote for someone like Romney – out of touch with the masses. Remember: Republicans may have money, but they don’t have the electoral edge, the votes. Republicans can buy politicians but they cannot buy every American voter.

                    4. That sounds like sour grapes to me. Accept it: Your ideas are rejected by the majority of the people of the most influential city in the US.

                    5. And that sounds like delusional to me.
                      If you think 70% of 24% of eligible voters equals “the majority” you have bigger problems than clinging to the sinking ship of human induced Gorebull warming.
                      And the idea that burning fossil fuels had anything to do with Hurricane Sandy (that wasn’t even a hurricane when it came ashore) or reducing the use of fossil fuels would have prevented the storm strays into the land of people who are locked up before they hurt themselves.
                      The US has not had a hurricane make landfall in 9 years. Do you realize how much money has been actually saved in that time?
                      Accept it, .7 of a degree Celsius of warming (if we accept that a measurement that small, worldwide over 120 years is even significant) and 50ppm of additional CO2 in the atmosphere (even if it was all attributable to the activities of man, which NO expert does) has resulted in 8 to 10% more vegetation cover of the planet according to NASA, fewer hurricanes, fewer wildfires and fewer tornadoes.
                      I forget, what was the problem again?

                    6. My oh my – the airy conclusions we draw. Because we want regs on businesses so they are less polluting, then the population of the entire E. seaboard is considered “wacko.” Luckily for the survival of the US, we have learned the lessons of Sandy, although you would have us remain ignorant of the truth. Regs on business are the logical answer to climate change.

                    7. They’ve renamed themselves as Conservative. Classical liberal were what we consider the Tea Party now. People think the Tea Party is evangelical. They’re not. They are looking for small government, personal freedom, fewer taxes. The GOP hijacked the movement, as did the socialists. It’s why those of us who understand the mess have such a quandary in 2016. Bush and Clinton are the same candidate. In this, I will give Obama credit. He has officially created a one-party system.

                  3. A world without political parties… well, you could try living in China or Cuba, which effectively have outlawed all parties except for the communist party. A one-party state is more or less like living with no political parties. Or are you advocating anarchy perhaps?

                    1. They disabled the down arrow to spare airheads como tu unbearable embarrassment. Too bad. You’d be rackin’ ’em up by the score.

                    2. So you have run out of arguments and resorted to name-calling. Tsk tsk tsk.

                      Meanwhile – expect arguments from all sides, when it comes to dirty oil. The US is not a one-party State. Just sayin.’

                    3. I have only one argument and it is this: The so-called “Theory of Global Warming” or, in its latest incarnation, “Climate Change” is the biggest fraud, the biggest crock of shiit to come down the pike in the entire history of man. That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it.

                      You can cut & paste all the latest leftwing talking points you want. It is all bullshiit. That means bovine excrement. It means it is a pack of lies and has no value whatsoever.

                      Don’t be a fool. It’s unbecoming.

                  4. See, from our perspective it looks like your love of exploitative capitalism and materialism is threatening both the economic wellbeing of our nation’s middle class and communities across the country. The investor class has bounced back from the great resession of 07-08, but the middle and working classes havent seen any of the growth; only stagnant wages. It’s the perfect illustration of the failure of trickle down economics.

                    1. You come across as a communist fool, a complete, total and utter ass of stupidity and a wannabe mass murderer. GFY you a-hole.

                    2. I can only speak for myself- I have no such fantasies. I merely consider it my civic duty to insult lowlife leftist scum in the vilest possible terms. They deserve it. Someone has to do it. So piss off, you hateful little creep.

                    3. No. I refuse. I like making personal insults against various obnoxious jerks whom I deem deserving of mockery, scorn and contempt. You’re one of them and you can take your stupid climate change charts and shove ’em where the sun don’t shine.

                      It’s colder than a witch’s tit outside and this is Sandy Eggo!

                      If you don’t like my comments don’t read ’em.

                    4. The “investment class” bounced back from the housing bubble because the Fed was/is printing $85B per month and shoving it into the stock market.

                      Now who’s idea was that?

                    5. Yes… and the Community Reinvestment folks were real happy with the numbers of home loans created by lowering standards. Until it tiped over because the people who took the loans were unable to pay for them.

                      The danger of printing money is that money represents labor (what you do to produce something). Printing it out of thin air ultimately devalues the rest of the money in circulation (it is inflationary because it doesn’t represent anyting of value). Ultimately, widening the income gap and making life harder on the middle to lower end.

                    6. So where’s the runaway inflation your conservative overlords have been screaming about? Nowhere.

                    7. Lets see what the BLS and USDA have to say….

                      Consumer price index (CPI) An inflationary indicator that measures the change in the cost of a fixed basket of products and services, including housing, electricity, food, and transportation. The CPI is published monthly. also called cost-of-living index.

                      CPI Jan 2009: 211.143.
                      CPI Nov 2014: 236.151 (increased 11.84% since the recovery)

                      Median Income 2009: 26,558 dollars
                      Median Income 2013: 28,829 (increased only 8.55% since the recovery)

                      Food stamp enrollment 2009: 33,490,000 persons
                      Food stamp enrollment 2014: 46,536,000 (increase 38.95% since the recovery)

                2. Go take a swim in Brooklyn’s Gowanus Canal if you feel the Earth, its air, and waterways are so “…unspeakably powerful…” The Earth isn’t self-cleaning or self-correcting. Do you have any idea how many tons of chemicals have to be dumped into your drinking water to disinfect it and make it potable? That isn’t because it’s “pure” to begin with.

                  1. No, Miss Kitty. Tell us all about the various chemicals and the tonnages of each dumped into our drinking water. We breathlessly await your detailed report.

                  2. Certainly there is pollution- I would never deny that and it needs to be stopped and cleaned up. But, how about the millions of dead fish that wash up on the shores because of algae?? It’s completely natural. How about the huge number of deadly plumes of thousand year old NATURAL Methane and Hydrogen sulfide that bubble up from the bottom of the ocean? There are approximately 30 volcanoes going off on the earth every given day. How about the sulfur dioxide and other deadly gasses coming out of them? Pyroclastic flows? Any idea of what this does to our oxygen and water? Look up “The year without a summer”. OF COURSE we need to do a better job in many places but we already have in many more places. Please also read my reply to Billy Ray, above. 2015 is going to be the year of debunking all of this hysteria about people destroying the earth. Unfortunately, it won’t stop our politicians from using the hysteria to steal more of your tax money in the guise of “healing the planet”. GAWD, what a racket.

                  1. Yes, of course we do. I never would deny that there is bad behavior. However, this idea that people are bad for the planet is just embarrassingly ignorant. I could write 30 pages on this but instead, I will put it into perspective for you, in a brief way. The land mass of earth is about 29%. The rest is water. Some parts of that water are 25 THOUSAND feet deep. Human beings take up about 7% of the land mass of earth. Earth is ENORMOUS, mostly unpopulated and incredibly powerful- FAR more powerful than we are. The ocean contains an enzyme that eats petroleum. The Gulf, that was supposed to have been spoiled forever is now TEEMING with fish. Global warming is a freaking joke and now it’s being proven that greenhouse gas is GOOD. In the 1960’s & 70’s, we used to have 3rd stage smog alerts in Los Angeles. The air here is now SOOOO much cleaner. So, maybe stay off the liberal sites and get some real science so you can feel OK about being human and having built that pipeline in Alaska that provides so much warmth that the Caribou population is exploding.

              3. Much ado, not “to do” – apparently you are neither a scholar of Olde English or Shakespeare.

                “Mother” nature, it has been said, is nothing more (or less) than the laws of chemistry, biology, and physics creating new equilibriums when previous equilibriums have been disturbed. The earth is incapable of “intend”ing to do anything. The last laugh will be on our species, not from it.

              4. In other words, you believe in God.

                The notion that humans can control nature in any way is nothing short of extreme arrogance. I agree with you, btw. And with that I add that climate science is no different than religion and can only be proven or disproven with the death of humans. I’m not advocating such. I just find the irony humorous given how many environmentalists would strip religious freedom first if given the chance.

              5. It isn’t just global warming and the effects of global warming such as Sandy. It’s also what development run rampant has done to the environment. The biggest culprits in that regard were the ecocide of the old Soviet Union and E. Europe under communism, and now the rape of the Earth’s environment by the hybrid capitalist-communist economic system of China.

            3. Exactly.
              Jesus taught us to give with a glad heart.
              How glad is your heart when you are giving away >39% taken by force by the jackboots known as the IRS and WASTED on things like studying the sexual habits of snails?

            4. C’mon – what do you think our own system of taxation, as well as tax systems around the world represent: Legalized transfer of great wealth from those that have to those that don’t, enforced by the force of arms (the State). If you don’t like paying taxes to support the social safety net, you should go off the grid, and go live in an uncharted part of the Earth. There is no way to evade taxation otherwise.

              1. Yes, He does, which is why, as good stewards of our environment, we should examine the claims on their merits and evidence, not blindly accept the proclamations of those who are invested in the Green Energy companies.

                Windmills and solar panels have a marginal impact on our power production, by some estimates less than 10%. However, they are having a major detrimental impact to bird populations, including endangered species like the Bald Eagle. The blades literally knock the birds out of the skies, and solar reflectors can burn them to death as they fly over.

                Ethanol, it turns out, actually has a greater Carbon footprint to manufacture than Gasoline manufacture AND use has. It’s also causing food price increases across the board, since farmers are using farm land to grow fuel crop instead of food crop. Ethanol is also less efficient, so when mixed with gas it actually causes more gallons to be consumed per load than pure gas does.

                Battery manufacturing on the scale necessary for Electric cars causes massive amounts of chemical pollutants, which can contaminate ground waters and other water sources.

                All other so-called “Green Energy” technologies are still in the test-tube phase, and not nearly ready for ‘prime time’.

                In addition, the very reason that these technologies are being developed is being increasingly thrown into debate.

                All of the predictions that the Global Warming models have generated over the past 30 years have missed the mark by miles. We are actually setting record cold temperatures in many areas, and the Global Warming scientists have recently been reduced to throwing theories against the wall to see what sticks. The actual evidence doesn’t support any of their theoretical models.

            5. Oh good. So you’re saying that religious morality is no longer morality when it is enforced by the state, correct? In that case, you should agree that abortion and gay marriage are individual choices and individuals who want to engage in those activities should not be subject to laws restricting them.

              1. Um…huh? Charity is a voluntary endeavor, by its very definition. When something is forcibly taken from you (i.e. taxes), it is, by definition, not Charity, since you don’t have the choice in the matter. Whether or not that confiscated income is for a just and moral purpose, such as feeding the poor or caring for the sick, or if it is instead being used to fund the drowning of kittens, that is irrelevant to the fact that, since it is law, you don’t have the choice in supporting it. Therefore, it is, by definition, not Charity.
                As I’ve said before in other places, if the Government were to structure their social programs such that they were entirely funded by voluntary donations, as opposed to required taxation, I would have zero issue with it. That, actually, would be in line with Christian teachings.
                And, by the way, your own sarcastic (and completely irrelevant to this discussion) logic on morality doesn’t hold weight. Murder and rape are individual choices, too. I’m assuming you’re not advocating for neutralizing laws pertaining to those, simply because some people might believe these are acceptable behaviors.

          3. Global warming is a tax to make politicians rich not make the poor less poor. AND how did a story of global warming influence degrade into a conversation about religion so fast??

            1. “how did a story of global warming influence degrade into a conversation about religion so fast??”

              Uhh, you’ll need to check with the Pope on that one.

                1. He’s being inundated for waivers of the celebacy requirement. He’s pro gay agenda. He’s pro big government NWO types. He’s pro global warming. He’s probably pro Monsanto for Christ’s sake. Err, let me rephrase that.

              1. Because both Catholocism and global warming are religious sects. The difference is that at least there is proof that Jesus existed, unlike global warming data.

                1. Where is this proof you speak of? And if you have any proof that he actually did miracles I would like that too. No, text in a rewritten book aimed at controlling the masses does not equal proof. You are beginning to sound like the AGW believers.

                  Seriously though, I have been searching for the proof my whole life.

              1. He left the Jesuit order to take on a parish. However, upon becoming a cardinal he became the authority for the Jesuits in Argentina, but within two years as a cardinal, the head of that Jesuit region petitioned the pope, I believe Benedict XVI, to remove him as their authority. It was granted and that responsibility was striped from him. Simply put, he is practicing Liberation Theologian that was forged by the last five decades in Argentina.

              1. LOL! You’ve got to be kidding… Where does the money get “spent?” Why do you think Warren Buffett strongly opposes the Keystone pipeline? Because his fleet of tankers carry the oil now! Obama’s biggest bestest friend has made a fortune being a crony of the Kenyan Interloper. Multiply this by 1000 and maybe we approach the magnitude of corruption in the Obama administration.

                1. Actually, it’s because of the fall of the oil prices. Buffett is losing a fortune on his oil futures. The Keystone Pipeline would make oil prices crater even more than the Dakotas operations already are.
                  With the Keystone built, it would be obvious how much we’re paying in taxes, and that’s the last think liberals want the public aware of. Oil gets down to $10/barrel, yet gas is still averaging $2/Gal, someone’s gonna have some ‘splainin to do….

            2. “AND how did a story of global warming influence degrade into a conversation about religion so fast??”
              Because the Pope just openly declared war on us, and vowed to use everything he’s got to cram Global Warming Theory down our throats. That’s current events, not “degrading” the conversation.

          4. Not only against the teachings of Jesus, but the Ten Commandments as well.
            Commandments nine and ten:

            16 “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
            17 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.” Exodus 20:16-17 (KJV)

            So don’t lie and don’t covet anything that isn’t yours. That pretty much eliminates the Liberal agenda.

          5. Someone needs to tell the Pope that. I’m sure he wouldn’t want millions to blindly follow something and subjugate themselves to someone else’s authority. I mean, he’s the Pope. Wait, what?

            1. Yes. Rich and poor have the exact same requirement for getting into heaven. Jesus said it was harder for a rich man to get into heaven than it was for a camel to pass through the eye of the needle. The reason it is more difficult is that wealth can give rise to the illusion of power; possession of personal power by which one can set terms. It is easier (usually) for a poor person to recognize that he brings nothing to the relationship with God and to accept the free gift of eternal life. But poverty doesn’t put a person at the head of the line.

            1. I appreciate your wording. Very telling.

              When I was young, I needed everything written down in really simple terms, too.

              I don’t mind giving food to the least of these, but feeding the trolls is simply a waste of time. And the bible doesn’t use have specific verses differentiating “trolls,” either.

              You should try actually reading it some time.

          6. funny I dont think Jesus ever mentions monetary charity. Rather you should take care of the less fortunate. But if it is money that concerns you “charity” can be either voluntary or enforced. Of course, given the trillions floating on Wall Street these days you could just pay a decent wage to every one who works to fill the market with our toys before you pay millions the CEO’s and other useless ULM (to include boards of directors), and then Wall Street.

          7. Jesus admonished people to help the poor. Notice he wanted the “people”, not government. Somehow the socialists have hijacked this message and believe the government should tax the people, subject the people, and then decide which people receive the benefit.

          8. That’s not socialism you false flag troll. And yes, Jesus’ words are the epitome of socialism. Don’t get rich while others are starving and dying. Christ, you people are delusional.

          9. It really depends on how you read Jesus’ teachings. The liberation theologians certainly saw a similarity in Jesus’ teachings and the teachings of socialism. The meek shall inherit the earth certainly doesn’t sound like the rich shall inherit the earth. Just sayin’.

        2. Being a scripture reading Catholic, are you now a Catholic without a Pope? Kind of throws out the whole infallible things out of the window doesn’t it? Maybe the protestants had something there?

          1. Infallibility thing? That’s been spoiled since…well…back when PJP admitted that there just might be something to this whole “evolution thing!” LOL! Oh yeah…and the whole “maybe homosexuality is OK after all” gambit. Oh…and the “we don’t REALLY need to eat fish on Fridays” revelation. And as if those weren’t enough…there was the whole “maybe there IS room for the existence of ET in the Catholic philosophy…”

            This is DEFINITELY not the first reversal from a Pope.

            1. My recollection of PJP was that he suggested that evolution could be a reason for adaptation of species. He did not imply that is was a substitute for intelligent design.

                1. ??? You know those scriptures existed long before the Catholic church, right? Some fables (AKA Scriptures) even existed during Sumerian times. You really should look at alternate sources of history.

          2. Papal infallibility means that in matters of faith and morals, when teaching within the line of Catholic Tradition and within a limited scope, the Pope is infallible. (Tradition with a capital T has a specific theological meaning.)
            A pope can be totally wrong on topics not related to faith and morals: science being the foremost example.

          3. I doubt most thinking Catholics over the decades had any misconceptions about papal infallibility. To many glaring examples that its just a myth. For hundreds of years.

        3. His actions are that of a typical Franciscan. HIS philosophy was to be expected. It also should be understood that as a native of a third world country he expects redistribution of wealth.

        4. Scripture reading Catholics is a relatively new thing It has not been all that long ago that Catholics were admonished not to read the Bible for themselves.

          1. That is non-sense. Seriously where do you cats come up with this stuff? Sign me “A Scripture reading Catholic from a very old and long line of Scripture Reading Catholics”. And FWIW, El Papa’s credibility is spiraling fast, at least among us scripture reading Catholics.

          2. I guess you do not know Catholic history. Back when Catholics did not read the Bible, it was because not many people could read. Not many people in the world could read period. Relatively new? The USA is relatively new compared to the world. So is England, for that matter man kind when compared to the age of the earth.

        5. As a scripture reading recovered Catholic, I agree with you. When he said that atheists can go to Heaven if they do good, he refuted so many of Jesus’ teachings. He said that he’d like to meet aliens (thought by some Christians to be demons) and baptize them. He needs to refresh himself on the Bible before he jumps into defending the false religion CCC (Climate Change Cult).

        6. Jesus never intended for governments to take care of the poor. His view was that charity and concern for one’s fellow man was more effective. Give freely all you can give to those in need. The socialist view is that “poverty can be eradicated.” The Biblical view is that “The poor will always be with us” (stated in some way shape or form as early in the Bible as Deuteronomy). In the past 3,500 years or so, the Bible’s view has yet to be proven wrong.

        7. Really a scripture reading Catholic? Catholics you know can’t read? So you are going to repeat protestant garbage to make yourself look better? Good Job.

        8. Which scriptures? The ones based on Jesus’ teachings that the Jesuit pope is peddling or the ones that the romans put in that are often contradictory to the aforementioned ones?

          Does “turning the other cheek” mean making it easier to hit all of your transgressor’s face?

        9. Even so, I wouldn’t under-estimate his popularity. Italy itself has a large number of left-wingers. Greece is about to elect a new left-wing government. There is bound to be a “reaction” to the “austerity” imposed by the neo-liberal market capitalist system – if the austerity always is at the expense of the poor.

          1. Nope just scared of someone who supports the corporate and political elites to think that global warming has something to do with helping the planet is like thinking Obamacare improves healthcare or that common core is about education wake up follow the money take the red pill

              1. Ok sure let’s say it is but just understand its fix is another money grab the players are aligned and there’s trillions at stake reminds me of some Dylan lyrics “after he took from you ever thing he could steal” how does it feel
                anyway it would be great if it was some grand humanitarian effort but when you peel back the onion it will be disappointing unfortunately

      1. The problem is Christ’s path is a personal path. As individuals we should give to the poor, who are por through no fault of their own. Jesus didn’t say force your neighbor to pay for your charitable desires, nor did he ask Cesar to pay for the poor.

        1. Socialists have used the bible particularly the New Testament to preach social justice when in fact its more concerned with the individual and and forgiveness of his sins and place in heaven

          1. Christ is ONLY about the individual – the Cathollic Church is about the masses (pardon the pun). There are no party reservations in Heaven – nor is there any Pope in the BIble, never mind apostolic succession…

      2. And the Pope wants you to pay for all costs associated with Global Warming, whether anything can actually be done is not his problem. See, he and the Catholic Church have invested their money (thank you for the tithe) into elaborate, ornate and very expensive gold hardware and all the trimmings. I can see how concerned they are for the poor around the world by the quantity of icons and idols they possess.

        1. Not sure we need to bash the entire Catholic Church for disagreeing with the pope.

          The implication that donations to the Catholic Church are commonly used poorly because of this example is false. The Catholic Church does a lot of good in the world today, and millions owe it a meaningful debt of gratitude.

          That said, I have no use for the man. I’m as opposed to his policies as I am any big-government leader. The fact that he puts a friendly face on it and goes down and helps poor people himself doesn’t mean he’s less promoting of tyranny.

      3. Just proves that the Pope is a fraud. He is supposedly the mouth-piece of God but he can’t seem to get it right. Kind of goes back to the fact that a person is not a prophet of God (Old Testament) if he gets one thing wrong. Soooooo….the Catholics need to figure out what to do because the Catholic church is now defunct.

          1. But it does if that organization deems that “figurehead” to be “infallible” and then has it as its entire basis for much of its structure and then that “figurehead” is shown to be fallible.

                1. Actually, Papal Infallibility ONLY applies in certain circumstances. Specifically when the Pope is speaking on matters directly related to the practices, beliefs, and/or morals of the church, whether in Council with Bishops, or when issuing an Encyclical. The Pope is allowed to profess his personal opinions about anything without it meaning that he is binding the entire Catholic population the that same belief. Here is a link to a more thorough explanation.


                  1. Excellent now explain the purpose for a Pope – is he the one that relates all the mistakes God makes? Or is that how you muppets work it – if he’s wrong it’s him if he’s right it’s God? Dishonesty insyitutionalized…

                    1. I would love to, however its obvious you would rather mock my church than try to understand it – which is a shame.

                2. unless of course someone points that out – then the back pedalling comes and eventually the ones that tell everyone else what to do start saying “don’t tell us what to do”

        1. I would love to see what would happen if all the Catholics at odds with the Pope’s environ’mental’ stance stopped giving to the donation tray in protest. Yes, the money goes to help that specific Catholic franchise and not to the Vatican, but it would certainly be interesting to see the uproar created by the priests.

        2. IF the Catholic Church was based on anything at all to do with the weather, OR if the Catholic Church proclaimed that the Pope was indeed a prophet, or is somehow endowed by God with Divine Wisdom, then you might have a shot at making this argument. But since church doctrin has nothing to do with climate change, and since the Pope is not endowed with any special revelations from God regarding weather forecasting, your argument is false.

            1. The Pope is human and as a human has free will. He also has – as he will freely admit – the ability to commit sin. He can and does make mistakes – as I am also sure he will freely admit he has. He is not incapable of being wrong. but he is also not prevented from expressing his own opinions, regardless of topic

              Whatever your profession is – are you restricted to only having opinions related to that profession? Are accountants incapable of having a opinion regarding anything outside the scope of accounting practices? This is no different. The Pope is no more an authority on climate change than Al Gore or Obama, but that does not mean he does not have the right as a world leader to express his opinions on the matter.

              However, if I disagree with the Pope regarding climate change, and what to do about it – I am not at odds with the Catholic Church or Catholic doctrine. Whereas if I disagree with the Pope about something like at the core of the Catholic faith, like abortion, then I am at odds.

        3. Actually, that’s a BIT out of context. BUT certainly the number of times popes have been wrong SHOULD have decimated the church by NOW, If the goof folk in the pew were actually awake on Sunday.

      4. He truly pissed me off when he went to the anti-suicide Palestinian bomber wall in Israel and prayed,..for what? that more freaking suicide anti-Jewish bombers could kill more people in restaurants?l,..the Pope showed his true anti-Semitic colors then and there.

      5. Yes. It’s all about controlling the people. Whether you are talking about politically, legally, religiously, whatever. It has always been about being able to tell someone else what to do. The Church today uses peer pressure, guilt, prophetic commands, and vicarian directive. The progressive left uses law, regulation, demonization, and ignorance.

      6. Someone needs to teach the Pope that his beliefs in wealth distribution is actually Fabian Socialism. In it, people are all bowing down to the socialist leaders. That is, unless, that is now his god.

      7. Who said this?

        “The processes of globalization, suitably understood and directed, open up the unprecedented possibility of large-scale redistribution of wealth on a world-wide scale…” — Pope Benedict in 2009 encyclical

      8. I’m Catholic and you took the words right out of my mouth. This contamination of South American Liberation Theology which is Communism with the face of Christ as a disguise. I love my Pope, but he is no economist. America is not Argentina where they only have rich and poor and the poor stay poor. These are the lenses he looks through.

      9. He’s probably one of those Liberation Theologists. They preached socialism with a thin veneer of Christianity on top to give is respectability and trick people into swallowing socialism. I rather suspected as soon as he got the nomination that he would turn out this way.

      10. the pope is just trying to keep his church tax exempt, so he’ll say the pc bs he needs to say to keep various national gubments of his back, lol. there’s no reform going on at the vatican, they aren’t melting the papal gold down to buy food and shelter for the meek. it’s lip service, all for show….just like everything is in the 21st century new world order.

      11. The Argentines failure culminated in 1982-83 a lost war to sure up nationalism due to an economy that was horrific…they totally collapsed in 83. Now it seems its coming full circle yet again with this kook running their nation. She just purchased bombers from Russia…but the nation as a whole has defaulted on many of its loans world wide. My point is that the Pope is no stranger to Socialist/Marxist ideals. He has seen its horrific results firsthand .

      12. The church historically has been totalitarian. This pope would like to return it to that status. Of course like all liberals he wants to be in charge.

      13. He advocates ‘redistribution of wealth’ but won’t sell off the billions of dollars of wealth that the Catholic church has stolen through the centuries.

      14. Thank you for a thoughtful response. Elitist progressives are always leveraging policy to promote frenzied egalitarianism and transfer of wealth through taxation and regulation. The framing of climate change as a vehicle for transformative societal change is just the latest of many veiled efforts by the control freaks of the left. These principles are embedded into almost every decision or bureaucratic regulation. They will use anything, absolutely anything, toward that end. Whether the Pope is a tool or a willing participant is incidental. Natural climate variation has been redefined as humanity’s self destruction due to capitalism, greed, and excessive use of finite resources. Yes, Argentina could have been a great nation, until it veered into leftist ideology and statism. I am reminded of Cuba’s descent into poverty and loss of personal liberties. In 1950, not so long ago, Cuba’s GNP was higher than Mother Spain, as was its average wage for workers. Who knew that climatologists would soon become politicized and provide a huge boost to the progressive objectives of elitist politicians? I suppose the boredom of tedious daily climatology research can be relieved by the sublime notion that you are saving the world from the evils of capitalism, while preserving those cuddly polar bear cubs. I sense that those who profess to save the world are one in the same as those who desire to control the world. The Pope seems like a fine fellow, but is he a monkey wrench for the Greenies?

      15. D New,

        The Pope may feel great comfort with socialism, but please understand that the clergy of my church are indoctrinated with that idea, in many seminaries (Catholic Priest colleges). As a Catholic, I know that our religion does not consider a Pope to be infallible on non-religious issues. The Pope has been elevated by an elective body within my church called the College of Cardinals (those of you who saw the “Davinci Code” movie may remember the red-robed men voting for a new Pope-thats the College of Cardinals). Cardinals are the highest rank below Pope. He and any Pope can say anything and everything, or nothing, and I and most of my fellow catholics will continue to give him our love. But-especially in the American Catholic church-many catholics will be free with disagreement.

        You see examples of that in news of retired American Cardinals making public comments-noted in the news yesterday-clearly disagreeing in a general way with the Pope. Neither they nor I suggested or suggest lack of love for him-but within Catholicism., American Catholic freedom of expression and thought is notorious.

        We will undoubtedly see more American Catholic disagreement because the Pope comes from a land where my Church had many high and low clergy joining with socialist revolutionaries in the name or (I think this was it) “liberation theology.”

        Our modern, developed “free markets informed with law and love”-no joke, Libs-school of thought can educate and erode support from the emotion laden and simplistic “give to this cause ’cause, gosh, this group and all these other groups say its a good cause” school of thought.

      16. “…give freely to the needy in order to follow the path that Christ set forth as the way to God.”

        Scripture does not teach salvation by works. It teaches salvation by faith, period. Read Paul’s letter to the Romans, 4.1-5. James also writes about works as being an eventuality in the life of a believer if he has true faith. In other words, if your faith is true, you will join God in His work for He is constantly at work around us (John 5.17). It’s like the fruits of the Spirit spoken of in Galatians 5.22. All the fruits listed will show themselves in the life of the true believer as they are “worked out” in the process of the believer’s sanctification (Phil 2.12-13).

      17. Juan Peron was a socialist?! Plus – what would you call Bismark? The German arch-conservative was the first to introduce socialist reforms in mid-19th C Germany such as the entire suite of benefits known today as the social safety net i.e. Social Security, unemployment insurance, and so forth. I wonder why an arch-conservative would do so – maybe to pre-empt social revolution? Now, there’s an idea!

      18. I say let the needy die out. Do we really want to let people too stupid and lazy to better themselves bring down the rest of us. Sink or swim, your choice. Let nature weed out the bad seeds.

      19. I like this pope at first. I am Catholic. But there is something wrong with the whole picture of him lately. I have decided he can’t be trusted and is not a man of God….just my opinion. Not trying to get anyone riled up!

      20. I respect the Pope but they are becoming increasingly more irrelevant for most people. Probably, the last time they were relevant was when Pope John Paul II teamed up with Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher to bring down the Soviet Empire.

      21. Free market is the most efficient producer of goods and services to ever exist on planet doubt, hands down, this is TRUE.
        What is missing is controlling the wicked human heart…greed, abuse, and selfishness destroy human beings…not the free market.
        The free market exists in an ethical void. One must bring ethics, morality and compassion, best demonstrated by the life, teachings and resurrection of Jesus. Combining real mercy and free market wins every time, all through the system….China now has free market, but no mercy…just central power….

      22. Somebody’s misinterpreting something here. Christ’s admonition was for individuals to give freely of themselves to help others. Not for governments to extract money from those who have in order to pass it on to those who don’t. The same thing holds for nation to nation transfers, which defeats the uplifting morality of charity which, after all, is an individual quality.

      1. “Global warming” to “global cooling” to “climate change” to “climate disruption” to “we can’t think of any more! Just shut up and send us a check”

      2. The IPCC was established in the 80s. The CC stands for climate change. You don’t know what you are talking about. Why post nonsense? And just who is they you refer to?

    2. The pope should give away the money in the Vatican Bank and sell off all their non church properties and give it to the poor. That would help his credibility.

        1. Yep…because Catholicism is a scam. It’s hardly even based on the Bible when you make some man the “mouth-piece of God”. If they were serious about the poor, they would give up their own money.

          1. If you’ve ever been to the Vatican Museum and seen the incredible amount of art that is on display (we can only imagine what isn’t on display) – then you know of the incredible wealth of the church.

            On the one hand it is a very valid argument that the Church should sell these works and use the money to help the poor. However, it is equally valid to argue that the Church is the custodian of these priceless works of art and to sell them to private collectors would deny the poor of our opportunity to appreciate these works by being able to visit them in person – (note: you don’t have to be Catholic to visit the museum).

          2. You have no idea what you are talking about. Who do you follow? You have no idea whomuch money Catholic Charities gives to the poor do you? You just see with your eyes and what little information your brain knows. So why don’t you sell off everything you have and give to the poor?

            1. A) You don’t know that he hasn’t b) More interestingly, have you? c) exactly how does his not having sold off everything excuse the Pope (or you for that matter) from being a hypocrite?

      1. The Pope has foolishly bought into the global warming mantra, but he has indeed been very focused on assisting the poor and lives simply as compared to the more opulent Popes. I am not Catholic, by the way….

    3. Duh, the fact that you are cold has nothing to do with world wide climate. Last year was the warmest on record. Scientists were shocked at the rapid increase in the ocean temperature. Last year the east coast froze while Anchorage, Alaska had its first year without below 0 temperature. Siberia was warm and Australia baked.

      1. Everything you stated has been proven to be untrue with just a little bit of research into information coming from sources other than liberal. It’s sad that so many of you can be so easily misled by people claiming to be scientists. The fact is, any cooling or warming that may be occurring is due to “Natural Climate Change” which has been occurring since the dawn of the planet. “Man-made Climate Change” is a myth. Absolutely. It is used as a tool of redistribution and governmental control. Go ahead and be a sheep/lemming. It’s climbing over your dead body that the left gains it’s power…

      2. There is one simple question that all the climate change advocates will not address. If climate change is man made, why did the IPCC have to manipulate (fudge) the data to make the “hockey stick” graph work? You seem to have all of the facts, so what is your explanation?

      3. You know that Global Warming (i.e. Climate Change) was first used as a scam to offset the socialist parties in the U.K. by the Thatcher parliament, right? You do know that all of the predictions on what would happen by climatologists that supported global warming were grossly off?

        Oh wait, you’re just reliant on the very liberal press and your paradigm of religious bigotry in worshiping the state. Real science (the real one that relies on double blind studies and would not block out objectional views) would never play in your religion. That is why you ignore the thousands of scientists that say “wait a second, your data makes no sense”. That is why your “scientists” have to grossly skew the data to secure more funding (I use to work for one of these guys in the early 90s…it was horrible to see how we skewed the data).

        You might skewer us for pointing to the facts but as Galileo said to the religious zealots of the day “and yet it moves”. You can have your religious view and worship the Earth with Al Gore and the Pope, just leave us alone and let us live in peace.

        1. It’s because she’s a liberal. Facts don’t matter. It is how you feel. She feeeeellllls that it is warm and so it is. She feeeeelllllls for the illegal so she invites them into her neighbors home (because her compassion only goes so far and wouldn’t let them camp in her home). She feeeelllllls for the poor so she takes someone else’s money and gives it to someone else. She doesn’t respond because she can’t type feelings.

      4. When future generations look back on the global-warming scare of the past 30 years, nothing will shock them more than the extent to which the official temperature records – on which the entire panic ultimately rested – were systematically “adjusted” to show the Earth as having warmed much more than the actual data justified.

        Two weeks ago, under the headline “How we are being tricked by flawed data on global warming”, I wrote about Paul Homewood, who, on his Notalotofpeopleknowthat blog, had checked the published temperature graphs for three weather stations in Paraguay against the temperatures that had originally been recorded. In each instance, the actual trend of 60 years of data had been dramatically reversed, so that a cooling trend was changed to one that showed a marked warming.

        This was only the latest of many examples of a practice long recognised by expert observers around the world – one that raises an ever larger question mark over the entire official surface-temperature record.

        Watch: Climate change explained in 60 second animation

        Following my last article, Homewood checked a swathe of other South American weather stations around the original three. In each case he found the same suspicious one-way “adjustments”. First these were made by the US government’s Global Historical Climate Network (GHCN). They were then amplified by two of the main official surface records, the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (Giss) and the National Climate Data Center (NCDC), which use the warming trends to estimate temperatures across the vast regions of the Earth where no measurements are taken. Yet these are the very records on which scientists and politicians rely for their belief in “global warming”.

        Related Articles

        Barack Obama’s personal battle against climate change 23 Jan 2015

        Rise in sea levels is ‘faster than we thought’ 14 Jan 2015

        Homewood has now turned his attention to the weather stations across much of the Arctic, between Canada (51 degrees W) and the heart of Siberia (87 degrees E). Again, in nearly every case, the same one-way adjustments have been made, to show warming up to 1 degree C or more higher than was indicated by the data that was actually recorded. This has surprised no one more than Traust Jonsson, who was long in charge of climate research for the Iceland met office (and with whom Homewood has been in touch). Jonsson was amazed to see how the new version completely “disappears” Iceland’s “sea ice years” around 1970, when a period of extreme cooling almost devastated his country’s economy.

        One of the first examples of these “adjustments” was exposed in 2007 by the statistician Steve McIntyre, when he discovered a paper published in 1987 by James Hansen, the scientist (later turned fanatical climate activist) who for many years ran Giss. Hansen’s original graph showed temperatures in the Arctic as having been much higher around 1940 than at any time since. But as Homewood reveals in his blog post, “Temperature adjustments transform Arctic history”, Giss has turned this upside down. Arctic temperatures from that time have been lowered so much that that they are now dwarfed by those of the past 20 years.

        Homewood’s interest in the Arctic is partly because the “vanishing” of its polar ice (and the polar bears) has become such a poster-child for those trying to persuade us that we are threatened by runaway warming. But he chose that particular stretch of the Arctic because it is where ice is affected by warmer water brought in by cyclical shifts in a major Atlantic current – this last peaked at just the time 75 years ago when Arctic ice retreated even further than it has done recently. The ice-melt is not caused by rising global temperatures at all.

        Of much more serious significance, however, is the way this wholesale manipulation of the official temperature record – for reasons GHCN and Giss have never plausibly explained – has become the real elephant in the room of the greatest and most costly scare the world has known. This really does begin to look like one of the greatest scientific scandals of all time.

    4. It is fitting that the Pope holds forth on Global Warming/Climate Change, since he is uniquely qualified to express opinions upon matters of religious faith.

    5. As can be CLEARLY SEEN from the graphs, the warm and cold peaks are a NATYRAL< CYCLIC event that occurs again and again, NOT caused by man.
      The global warming morons are no better than chicken little crying the sky is falling, EXCEPT, they are making PROFIT off it at the expense of the people.

      1. He doesn’t care. He has made so much money on this scam, it sets a new bar. Sooooooooooo much worse than Enron, since this fraud is perpetrated on the entire globe.

    6. I think the Pope needs to give God a little credit for climate changes.
      You can take the Pope out of south America , but you can’t take South America out of the Pope.
      Fortunately the half life of Popes is quite short and a new one can’t be far behind

    7. The words Global Warming are NOT Found within any of the stories other than the made-up Headlines. Climate Change, Yes. You have been duped by the leftist anti-Catholic Media. What abject fools some of you bigots are.

    8. The Pope says Algore explained everything so now please buy some carbon credits. If you don’t know how to reach him then send me the money to me and I will pass it on (wink).

    9. Permanent ice (4+yrsold) melts into the ocean. Desalinates the water. Fresh water freezes at Warner temperatures then salt water. Come winter you get more sea ice then normal due to the increase of fresh water, from the massive amounts of permanent ice melt. Then the warmer then normal sea pushes air currents like the polar vortex south, resulting in record snow falls and freezing temperatures for eastern North America. Global warming refers only to the upper atmosphere. Hotter summers and colder winters are a direct result of climate change.

      1. Actually, Steve, in this current discussion of AGW, they’re talking about complete global warming, including the sea temperatures. The prediction was that we would have a dramatic increase in the number of massive hurricanes due to the rise in water temperatures (which haven’t happened.)

        Further, this article isn’t about an increase in ice in winter compared to summer. This is a year over year study. Plus, you really ought to think before spouting – Antarctica is now in it’s summer, not it’s winter.

    10. The warmists don’t say anything about the weather. They talk about the climate. Your point is akin to standing in front of an open freezer and saying “how can there be global warming when I feel cold”. Its the global measurements which matter. Its also not the extent of sea ice, but its volume which is more important. However even that is not greatly significant as ice volumes can increase in a warming world. Atmospheric dynamics are not as simple as you make out.

    11. The pope (of long ago) changed God’s day of worship from Saturday (7th) to Sunday (1st), in order to gain influence and power in the world. This latest show of support for Evolution and Global Warming by the current pope is along the same vein.

    12. Liberal demorats have found a way to professionalize lying… They are just the best at lying….
      Think about it for a moment, right before they die they must think to themselves- all I can be proud of is deceit and being a liar. Their mothers would be proud…..

    13. The Pope knows that this global warming (or is it chaos, climate change….what????) scam is just a redistribution of wealth scheme which he is in favor of. I am Catholic…and this Pope scares the hell out of me.

    14. I think the Pope see this as an opportunity to transfer wealth to the third world, and whether Climate Change is real or not really doesn’t matter to him as this can be a tool to scratch his ‘social justice itch’ either way.

    15. actual scientists (not agenda pushing liberal dishonest manipulative douche bags masquerading as men of science) have been forecasting that we started entering a mild ice age in the 70s

      1. Wondered how long it’d take a Conservadunce to suggest killing the pope. If Jesus was alive it’d be TBaggers that crucified him while calling him a Marxist.

    16. The Pope? What about a staunch Republican like Michael Bloomberg – one of the biggest believers in global warming, out to remove as many cars as possible from NYC streets! There are many believers in the ills of a carbon fuel based economy in both political camps!

            1. Well, you can’t have it both ways. Either BB was a Republican Mayor of NYC who tried to crack down hard on cars – even tried to impose E. River bridge tolls – expanded bike lanes, and worked to get buildings to upgrade their oil burners so that they are no longer spewing pollution into the air – or he wasn’t. I was trying to point out that even conservatives can be pro-environment. You seem to think that unless someone is pro-oil lobby, they aren’t a Republican. That is just not true.

    17. It is sad that the Pope has been snookered with bad data. The good thing is that although wise to strongly consider what he is saying all knowledgeable Catholics including the Pope himself would say this is his opinion and not theology and Catholics in good standing can reject this as its not a teaching ex cathedra.

      (a good reading:

    18. The Pope knows. Also I take it you don’t live in an area hit by a drought or hurricane or flood or ice storm. 2014 looks to be the hottest year on record.

    19. Impressive logic. The world can’t possibly be warming if it is cold outside of my house. The media plays with anecdotes, scientists work with data (if you don’t know the difference, please learn it). The time trend is that high temperatures are highly correlated with high CO2 levels. This relationship is robust throughout geological history and across planets (compare Earth with Venus and Mars to see for yourself). Scientists stopped debating whether global warming was happening decades ago in the face of overwhelming evidence and they are now identifying to what degree it is occurring and what its effects will be. Spoiler alert: its not looking good for us if we sit on our butts and do nothing to reduce our emissions.

    20. How many times do we have to tell you people that your experience in one tiny part of the world doesn’t mean shit? The world, on average, is warming. Just because you had a cold winter doesn’t disprove a massive trend.

      1. How reliable are those 3,000 years, Scott? Climate has changed dramatically several times since the time of Moses and the Bronze Age. I do have facts on my side and I am a statistically competent individual. Frankly, the media is on YOUR side in this. The problem is that the carbon based models simply do not seem to work no matter how they are tweaked to shoehorn themselves into current data. CO2, in my reasoned judgment, simply is inadequate in predicting climate changes. Then there is the political perversion in the equation. Who knew climatologists would be so easily bought by those who want to profess saving the world in order to control it. Your point man, Dr James Hanson, is an educated buffoon whose outrageous predictions are so absurd that they should have led to his scorn, ridicule, and contempt. However, he is still esteemed by those who care more of ideology than truth. On top of it all, my mature lemon trees froze to death, really ticking me off! Damn cold weather….

  4. Just more evidence that ‘Global Warming’ is a BS farce. Oh wait, it’s now ‘Climate Change’ since ‘Global Warming’ is being thoroughly debunked with each passing day, right? Whatever it takes to give more power to government and green-leftists wanting to enrich themselves, and make the rest of us poor saps have to pay more just to live. Thank heavens for fracking and horizontal drilling on PRIVATE LAND, or we’d still be paying astronomical prices at the pump like our ‘dear messiah’ would prefer.

      1. it’s always something new and frightening to those that place feelings/fears over facts…in the 50s nuclear annihilation, then the Population Bomb, then New Ice Age, then Global Pandemic, then AGW, now “Climate Change (aka “Seasons and Weather”)…whatever…after 40 or 50 years of observation, it becomes repetitive and boring…these people that perpetually tout this nonsense are ignorant cowards all…

    1. before it was global warming, it was global cooling and we were all on our way to the next ice age….al gore and his followers are as close to a dog chasing its tail as you can get

  5. The earth is in immediate peril!!!!! Prince Charles and Al Gore have said as much. Increasing arctic ice is a clear sign of the disruptive forces of man made global warming. Its settled science, you know and those who think otherwise are ignorant southern folks.

  6. All you Global Warming deniers are flirting with the fires of hell. The Pope recently said that the UN must do more to stop Climate Change. What more proof do you need?

  7. This is why they changed it to climate change… But they have also been bantering around that 14 was the warmest year on record also…. don’t see how thats possible with this data.

    1. And my climate changes every single day.
      Today – Raining and 70 degrees.
      Yesterday – Partly cloudy and 84 degrees
      2 Days ago – Partly cloudy and 80 degrees.
      3 Days ago – Sunny and 84
      The sky is falling!!!!

  8. The Word of God says satan comes to steal.kiII and destroy and so does his son gay 0bama..


    The King Who Exalts Himself

    36 “The king will do as he pleases. He will exalt and magnify himself above every god and will say unheard-of things against the God of gods. He will be successful until the time of wrath is completed, for what has been determined must take place. 37 He will show no regard for the gods of his ancestors or for the one desired by women, nor will he regard any god, but will exalt himself above them all. 38 Instead of them, he will honor a god of fortresses; a god unknown to his ancestors he will honor with gold and silver, with precious stones and costly gifts. 39 He will attack the mightiest fortresses with the help of a foreign god and will greatly honor those who acknowledge him. He will make them rulers over many people and will distribute the land at a price.[d]

    40 “At the time of the end the king of the South will engage him in battle, and the king of the North will storm out against him with chariots and cavalry and a great fleet of ships. He will invade many countries and sweep through them like a flood. 41 He will also invade the Beautiful Land. Many countries will fall, but Edom, Moab and the leaders of Ammon will be delivered from his hand. 42 He will extend his power over many countries; Egypt will not escape. 43 He will gain control of the treasures of gold and silver and all the riches of Egypt, with the Libyans and Cushites[e] in submission. 44 But reports from the east and the north will alarm him, and he will set out in a great rage to destroy and annihilate many. 45 He will pitch his royal tents between the seas at[f] the beautiful holy mountain. Yet he will come to his end, and no one will help him.

    2 Thessalonians 2:8

    And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming…………

    1. One started it a few years ago when there were a few reports of possible global cooling. He said, yea maybe, but if we go into a mini ice age we won’t go as deep and when we eventually come out of it the heat will return with such force we’ll all be toast. They’ll move the prediction however far into the future it requires. They are not going allow anything to cause doubt of their dire warnings cuz they’ll change their predictions – and they have a lot of ’em, many contradicting.

      1. I actually expect the warming trend to continue. The earth has been warming since the last glacial period, and may continue to do so for another 50,000 years. But since no one really knows what causes glacial cycles, that’s only a guess. To blame climate cycles on the activities of mankind is premature, at best.

        1. Seems like we may be due for a mini-ice age sooner rather than later. Aren’t they on a 10-11,000 yr cycle & the current cycle has been going for about that time?

  9. But thy Lord God Obama and Al “Jesus” Gore told us that we’re melting and will be gone in a few years if we don’t spend trillions of dollars to cool the planet. Are you trying to tell me that they are lying?

  10. Does anyone seriously believe that the portrayal of the devil in that Jesus mini-series just COINCIDENTALLY looked like Obama? The producers SWEAR they did not do it on purpose. I believe them. Them SOMEBODY was sending us a message. Don’t you think?

  11. The dirty secret is that “climate change” is about world control and one world socialist government, the Democrats ultimate goal. They just need more mindless idiot voters they can buy off to keep them in Power.

  12. Satellite data shows that the global temperature is in a cooling trend. NASA which doesn’t use satellite data to compute their global temperature results say that 2014 is the warmest year on record. What a bunch of BS. Their computer models SUCK!!

  13. What is wrong with you folks? Can’t you see that Al Gore’s efforts have been successful? Global warming, er climate change or whatever they are calling it now has been eradicated! You should be dancing in the streets and sending Al and the Pope and whoever else more money…

  14. I remember Global Cooling back in the 1970’s. There was undeniable scientific proof that we’d be in the middle of a nuclear winter by 2000. Uh oh. Then the Ozone Hole would cook us, Acid Rain would melt us and the Rain Forest would be gone. Then Global Warming (aka Anthropomorphic causation, or something) that morphed into Climate Change. Gee, the climate is changing. Thanks. Climate change is like global sun rise. Shame on us for even listening to this anymore. Liberals remain on the wrong side of everything and are slowly being exposed for frauds because science is always in favor of the truth. Truth to Liberals is like a crucifix to a vampire, or for that matter a crucifix to a Liberal (same effect).

  15. If you actually look at this article you’ll see that the only data shown is over the last 30 years. There is no significant statistical conclusion possible for variation in the sea ice over just 30 years.

    Climate change research is based on data over 10’s of thousands of years from many sources. The most significant corollary in data is the direct connection between CO2 and mean global temperature. To have gone from 300ppm to 400ppm in a half a century is a 25% increase.

    It is not theory that global extinction events over thousands of years have resulted from smaller variations in global CO2 levels. It is not theory that CO2 has rose 25% in a half century. It IS theory that the same forces that destroyed species in the past will do so in the future. Personally I believe it is reasonably sound to rely on the oft stated saying “History repeats itself” to ignore this threat to civilization.

    So what happens if climate science is correct? Sea level increases of several feet will force Billions of people from their coastal homes. Where will they go? What levels of toxicity will inundate the oceans as cities are flooded? Do you really want to leave this type of planet to your children and grandchildren? Don’t they deserve better?




          1. You mean it wasn’t “created” on October 26th 4004 BC according to Catholic Dogma. It was a Tuesday if I’m not mistaken.

            However, we can only speak of what we have discovered. We can be willing to reanalyze given data when new information is revealed through investigative research.

              1. My mistake – I get all these sects confused occasionally. C of E, C of I, Catholics – it all gets a bit confusing when new churches are formed because a king wants a bit of crumpet.

                    1. Al Gore wanted to screw poor people, so he lobbied for a carbon exchange, where carbon credits and offsets are purchased and sold. Wealthy people like Al care not for the cost of “using” the carbon since they can easily afford the fees. But the rest of us would be paying what amounts to added taxes on our energy. I assume you know nothing about economics, as most liberals don’t, so you probably don’t understand the taxes kill wealth accumulation, keeping the wealth in the hands of the few and never in the hands of the many, but take my word for it.

                    2. well as long as I have your word for it, I guess I don’t need to research anything else.

                      Supply side economics is the theory that all of us will do better when the wealthy “create” more jobs because they have more money. Where are those jobs that should have miraculously appeared over the last 30 years?

                      Demand side economics is the theory that all of us will do better when everyone has sufficient means to purchase the goods we make – Henry Ford was the epitome of Demand Side economics when he recreated the assembly line and insisted on paying his employees enough money to buy one of his cars.

                      In the early 1980’s when Reagan ran on Supply Side, Bush the senior referred to that theory as “voodoo economics” – Reagan’s top economic adviser David Stockman has already repudiated Supply Side economics, will you?

                      Converting our economy from Carbon Based energy to renewable resources will create American Jobs – why are you against that?

            1. Did that feel good? My, you’re insecure. The religious cult of AGW is much more pathetic, any day of the week, than Catholicism or any other religion, and that includes the pederastic Islam.

                1. Kelly, when someone makes fun of what others believe, it is because they are insecure about themselves. If you felt strongly in your conviction that Catholicism and its followers are stupid, then you’d have no need for the sarcasm. It’s interesting you go there, too, since I didn’t (500,000 years has nothing to do with 6,000 years – a date also shared by the Jewish calendar), especially considering the status of “climate science.” Not a theory has been correct, many of the original supporters are now detractors, and the entire belief rests on thinking more powerful central governance has the knowledge and the ability to stop it. There’s nothing more arrogant for atheists than to think humanity is the pinnacle of being. And that’s what you have here: atheists thinking they can play “god” by altering the global climate. We have a better shot at relocating the Earth.

                  1. Science pointing out that we’ve entered a dangerous zone of greenhouse gas levels is not trying to change the world. It is trying to inform the world of the consequences of inaction. I pity the future, when it is dependent upon the ignorant.

                    1. But see, Kelly. That’s not what they’re doing. If they were merely “trying to inform” they wouldn’t be regulating the coal industry to extinction, capping emissions on everything from vehicles to your lawn mower, and discussing massive wealth transfers to the third world in order to pay “reparations.” You really are a fool.

                    2. Regulating Coal Industry is a political decision based on science. If you disagree with the political decision vote for the GOP.

                      Nationally the country prefers Obama to your version of America.

            1. Nothing funnier than someone who’s done none of the work, who just reads what others have done, telling someone else they’re being spoonfed lies. See, the difference is Fox news doesn’t make a claim one way or the other. Anyone who can still think critically and independently knows to run the other way when non-scientists are telling you “science is settled.” Did you hear? A scientist recently put forth a peer reviewed paper claiming the big bang is incorrect.

              Every single claim that has been about global cooling/warming/change has been wrong! The moronic koolaid drinker is the idiot who doesn’t know that.

    2. What? CO2 levels have steadily increased, while the temperatures are decreasing to make more ice? Your synopsis (bad example) is not working. It would be a lot better if it was warming. A lot healthier for humans. Be sides their is nothing you can do about it anyway?

          1. It’s not what can “you or I” do about it. It’s what are we willing to do.

            Are we willing to continue as a carbon based economy subservient to the political needs of an Islamic overlord? Or are we willing to invest in renewable energy infrastructure here in the U.S. freeing us from the Middle East as well as creating jobs here in the U.S.?

            Of course that would mean thinking and investing rather than calling libtards and Gore/Obama names. It’s a lot easier to go on doing the same than it is to embrace change, no matter the benefits.

                1. Catholic teaching, known technically as the Magisterium, is ordered to matters of faith and morals. Hence, when a pope affirms the intrinsic immorality of murder, abortion, contraception, or even masturbation, Catholics must accept that such acts are by their very nature contrary to the natural law of God. The popes can even teach authoritatively that Catholics are bound to be good stewards of the planet and are not allowed morally to engage in economic practices that impede the honest efforts of other entrepreneurs. But when a pope tells Catholics that the planet is warming or that the planet is harmed by production of carbon dioxide, he is teaching outside the realm of faith and morals, which alone are the legitimate province of the Magisterium. Catholics must listen respectfully, but are not bound by such scientific opinions.

                  Moreover, the Magisterium lays down general principles, but allows that Catholics must make prudential judgments about how those principles are to be implemented. That means that while a Catholic may never commit murder, he may licitly conclude that being a good steward of the planet does not necessarily entail committing economic suicide by a cap and trade policy that is based on erroneous scientific claims.

                  1. “The Roman Pontiff, head of the college of bishops, enjoys this infallibility
                    in virtue of his office, when, as Supreme Pastor and teacher of all the
                    faithful–who confirms his brethren in the faith–he proclaims by a
                    definitive act a doctrine pertaining to faith or morals….The
                    infallibility promised to the Church is also present in the body of
                    bishops when, together with Peter’s successor, ‘they exercise the
                    supreme Magisterium,’ above all in an Ecumenical Council. When the
                    Church through its supreme Magistrium proposes a doctrine ‘for belief as
                    being divinely revealed,’ and as the teaching of Christ, the
                    definitions ‘must be adhered to with the obedience of faith.’ This
                    infallibility extends as far as the doposit of divine revelation
                    itself.” Catechism of the Catholic Church, #891, 1994 edition.

                    At a recent United Nations conference devoted to climate change, the
                    Holy See’s representative said that “the critical problem of global
                    warming is inextricably bound to the search for authentic human


                    So please enlighten me. Is the Pope fallible and wrong? Or is the Pope capable of examining the facts before him and God and does his opinion have the Weight of the Throne of God?

                    1. You must distinguish between matters of faith and morals — and scientific opinions. The definition of infallibility pertains to matters of faith and morals solely. If the pope teaches on matters pertaining to faith and morals, even if such teaching is not “ex cathedra,” Catholics are still bound to give a religious assent of soul to such teaching. (Be cautious. Not every teaching rises even to this level.) But if his teaching pertains to some prudential matter about how much coal should be allowed to be produced in order to achieve good care of the planet, his scientific judgment, while deserving careful analysis and due respect, is not binding on individual Catholics.

                      The Church usually speaks only at the level of general principles, and rarely addresses, say, the morality of a particular conflict. In matters of prudential politics and economics, while Catholics must in good conscience attempt to apply those general principles, they must follow their own consciences about what are the most prudential ways to fulfill the general principles. This does not allow Catholics the “luxury” of following their own consciences, say, to use contraception or abortion, since such acts always violate the general principles of the natural law and can never be justified by “individual circumstances.”

                    2. So just like the bible, people of faith are free to use the word of God as a cafeteria and only eat that which they choose.

    3. You see, they haven’t proven a direct connection between CO2 levels and global temperature, that’s your problem. They attempt to show a correlation frankengraphs and manipulated data. The problem is, the climate science has been wrong every single time. For decades now. It was global cooling first. YOu should educate yourself, you look idiotic. What happens if we’re wrong? Well, I’m certainly not ploanning on transferring all my wealth to the elites so they can attempt mad scientist experiments like spraying metals in the atmosphere to cool us down. The other problem with your endgame is that, the real polluters China and India don’t care! While we’re reducing out pollution incredibly, the actual polluters continue to pollute! Now, why on Earth would we bankrupt ourselves in order to placate emotions? For if the real polluters won’t stop, then there’s no point other than to do what you did, which is to claim moral superiority while spouting absolute nonsense and saying it’s fact.

  16. Even if you accept the premise that the earth is warming, why is it assumed that a warmer earth is bad? In fact, the only warmer period for which there is written historical evidence shows that it was a time of abundance.

    1. You forget these are the same people who think the planet suffers from human overpopulation and desire to drastically reduce fertility on a global scale. Look no further than the “vaccination” campaigns across the entirety of the African continent. So, to them, abundance is a bad thing because it supports the “overpopulation” we have now.

    2. warmer air increases food production. read the studies on it. its astonishing.
      If Gore is worried about warm air then he should shut his pie hole as that hot air is ruining our planet.
      these are the same people who says cows flatulence hurts the earth, then I think humans flatulence also is the same- so I guess we need to cork all our butts?

  17. Prediction from 2007 – by 2014 the Arctic ice would be gone, Al Gore…… how’s that crow taste Al?……. but with all the extra millions you made scamming carbon credits you can at least have some Dom and a new G5 with that bird.

  18. Did we say it was warming? No, you misunderstood us. We clearly stated climate CHANGE. Either way, just pay the carbon gods a tithe for your carbon crimes.

      1. Look we don’t know which direction the thermometer is going but we know there’s a catastrophic problem on the horizon and we know we are causing it. Just pay into this fund and jump through these rugulatory hurdles and we’ll take care of everything.

  19. I’m not sure what the hell this means, but I’m pretty sure it’s gonna cost a butt load of money to fix. Just sign a check and send it to the DNC. They’ll fill it in.

  20. Unbiased science at derives a physics-based equation which calculates results
    consistent with all measured average global temperatures.

    1. A reference there provides historical evidence that CO2 change does not cause climate

    2. The two factors that do correlate with climate change are identified. The correlation is 95% with average global temperatures since before 1900; including the current plateau. The analysis also predicts the ongoing down trend of average global temperature.

    3. An explanation of why any credible CO2 change does not cause significant climate change.

  21. Been saying for years warming is a hoax perpetrated by political pundits looking for a vehicle to place there policies into and push them through. Also been saying weather patterns are cyclical meaning they will fluctuate like this. We have always been likely to go through warming and cooling spells, that could possibly last decades. The problem is humans are short lived and therefore short sighted and only notice what is running in there short lifetime upon the earth, missing the much bigger picture. Smart people know this and use it to dupe the naive people. Who remembers the story of Chicken LIttle, the analogy fits the global warming Nazis.

  22. Global warming is a tax scam. PERIOD You dammmn fools. Why do you think Al Gore and Goldman Sachs have set up carbon credits. Al plans to get stinky rich off the “stupidity” of the democrat, just as they get elected. YOU FOOLS and TOOLS !!! Wake up and stop being used.

  23. Real Rocket Scientist James Hanson in 1971 claimed we were facing a new ice age in 50 to 60 years. In December 1988 he scared the foolish again into believing it was global warming. This rocket scientist was wrong before he was wrong (again!).

      1. No, he voted against global warming before he voted for it. Or maybe he voted for an ice age before he voted against it. Or maybe h…….. Who knows? Maybe he is just bewildered or just plain baffled. All I know is George Soros has funded part of his most recent unbiased, non politicized, open minded research.

  24. The lack of sea ice was supposed to hamper the polar bear’s ability to hunt seals. Now we will have a seal shortage due to the extra ice being so good for hunting. “Save the seals!” will be their next war cry. And somehow they will tie that into global warming.

      1. I used to be a “catlick” until I was 12. Changed to Episcopalian because we don’t get down on ourselves for much of anything, especially a cool drink or 3 on a warm day.

  25. Matthew 19. 21 Jesus told him, “If you want to be perfect, go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

    Pope. If you want to be perfect, go and give me all your possessions, and I’ll give the money to the Vatican Bank and I will have treasure in commercial real estate. Then come, and follow me.

  26. The governments are broke and they need more of your money. So invent a NEW tax scam. WAKE UP. The gov’t can’t even balance their own budget, somehow they will magically fix the planet if you send them more $ MORONS

  27. The earth is not round its pear shaped. It does not rotate on its axis it wobbles. As we rotate around the sun who knows how accurate our path is, some years we may go hundreds othousands of miles outside/inside of where we were last year. Climate is not predictable. The biggest single influence on our planet is the sun not man. Global warming is a scam. Check out the mini ice age of the 16th century when man could not have influenced the weather, just like now

  28. Some scientists believe the earth is warming, and maybe it is. Other scientists believe that other planets in our solar system such as Mars and Pluto are also warming, and maybe they are. Could it be there are influences beyond the sphere of influence of the planets, such as the sun that are causing the planets to warm? It would be wise to revamp Mankind’s primitive global warming models to more accurately model these variables. It should be obvious that it is useless to spend billions if not trillions of dollars on a global warming problem that may be beyond the control of Mankind. Albert

  29. Looks like sometimes there’s llots of ice, and sometimes there isn’t. Hmmm. Natural fluctuations or EVIL KOCH BROTHERS AND THEIR EARTH WARMING MACHINE!!!!!

  30. Remember the old song ‘Istanbul’ by the Four Lads?

    Here’s an update inspired by the topic du jour.

    Climate Change was Global Warming
    Now it’s Climate Change not Global Warming
    Been a long time now
    Old Global Warming still gives Al Gore delight
    On a moonlight night

    Take me back to Global Warming
    No you can’t go back to Global Warming
    Now it’s Climate Change not Global Warming
    Why did Global Warming get the works?
    That’s nobody’s business but the jerks.

    1. So a song about a real thing changing is your basis for a song about… real things changing?

      Global Warming was too easily used as a talking point to the ignorant when it snowed. Oooh it’s snowing so Global Warming isn’t real. Climate Change incorporates the observable data that overall global warming trends don’t result in localized warming for every community.

      The idea that there will be “winners and losers” in global climate change ignores the reality that a mass extinction event has been observed every time climate has changed the way current models predict.

      1. ‘Climate change’ was chosen alternate to ‘Global warming’ because nearly every indicator of ‘Warming’ has shown itself to be false and embarrassing.
        ‘Climate change’ (antonymious to ‘Static Climate’) while self evident is non sequitur to claims of man made problems. The Global warming jerks needed a less foolish handle and the cool aid drinkers bought into it.

  31. this global warming BS is 110% BS.

    first of all – has no one ever looked at core samples or mtns? areas of this planet were covered in glaciers and some were lakes then became desserts! The planet is on an axis and it changes. there have been studies on this from national geographic showing the axis and the adjustments and some deserts were once oceans. Ever look at a rock imbedded with a ocean mammal found in the dessert? even our rocks show that desserts were once oceans!

    A Gore’s (carbon credit) is just bunk. Its the guilt trip imposed on each person to “pay” a penalty. He probably thought this up when sitting at the country club sipping fine Scotch trying to figure out how to make the masses guilt trip and he can get rich! But where does this penalty $$ go? the $ goes into the pockets of the people who invented the “carbon credit rule”- convenient don’t you think? These same people would not help an old lady cross the street or feed the hungry, they are only interested in getting richer and richer and greed is a demon when you forget about humans. they also don’t follow their own rules, rules are for peasants. in fact Pelosi called elderly “astro turf” because they got in her way! disrespectful hag!

    there is a difference between making money and helping people and making money and greedy for more and helping no one and using your power for evil and not good.

    and how does a carbon credit actual stop the axis of the planet? it does not

    how does the carbon credit stop china from spewing so much toxic waste in air and water? it does not

    there have been studies that if the entire planet went dark for years, not one energy ever used, it still would not correct 1 weeks of Chinas spewing waste! so don’t you think China should stop spewing chemical waste? they cant even see through their air! can you imagine what the water is like? I read their soil and water is so toxic it cant grow anything- you think those poisons wont migrate to other continents? think again.

    Don’t you think all the libs would attack china for its toxic chemical use since it spews to other continents?

    you see, its all about money/power/greed, if it was not then Gores and the others would allow actual scientist to debate them and Gore would not be flying his jet here and there polluting the nation.

    The elitists (in power) have different rules. its basically socialism- these same people attack capitalism but they are worse than capitalism-

    socialism has never worked, but the people that can taste the power high- never figure that out.
    also socialism has plenty of sociopaths in power, hmmmm that word is so similar.

    so live your life and don’t worry about it. because dinosaurs became extinct not from you driving your SUV but from a asteroid or some other major event, so the planet is going to do as it wishes and we don’t have any control.

    However, you can live smartly- but until China and other nations make changes this is not going to make it better worldwide. Also all those nukes that the middle east is building cant be good for the world (and we know they are testing and will use them!)- but no left lib every talks about that! I bet that will kill more than a few owls and spotted squirrels.

  32. I get so sick of hearing the climate changers call everyone else a denier while telling us the science is settled. When story after story has been coming out for quite a few years now that blows their claims away. Look, if there really is man made climate change happening I would be interested to know it. But YOU have to make the case. I don’t have to make the case that it’s not. The science is not settled and you are the deniers. Nothing you have claimed has been proven right.

  33. north korea hacked a disgruntles employee did,,,the earth is warming…no its cooling…you can keep your medicine man…you cant keep your medicine man..eggs are bad for you…eggs are good for you. everything is effed up. thank u

  34. im trying to quit buing Costco smoked salmon because of fukishima radiation. im too lazy to go catch my own een tho I live in prime territory and its cheaper. thank u

  35. I don’t feel the need to add “”sarc” to my posts. why? because I don’t give a rats what yall think about my posts…but I know you read them. I think people who add the word “sarc” to their comments have mental issues and neurosis. thank u

  36. Couple of things: if you assert that your settled science shows the world is warming, please just stick with that. If it ends up as debatable or disproven, own it and move on. Please don’t rename it as Climate Change and hope that everyone forgets what was said in the first place. Stunts like this reduce credibility to almost zero.

    My second point is that Global Warmers need to present a better solution than a global tax on industrialized nations, especially when their Dear Leader negotiates a deal with China (the WORST offender for carbon output) that exempts them for 20 years from even beginning to think about curbing carbon emissions.

    Even the Communist Chinese regularly mug Obama, closely followed by the Russians, Cubans and North Koreans (and soon the Iranians).

    What has happened to our once great nation?

    1. Well stated, thank you.

      To your question “What has happened to our once great nation?”
      Answer: Something very close to Hey Hey Ho Ho narcissism.

  37. Yesterday the t@rds at CNN threw in a comment “If you don’t believe in global warming, just ask the managers who take care of removing your snow.” What kind of stupid comment is that. They were talking about snow removal and then throw in their own views. The only reason I watch is because my wife likes how they aren’t so heavy. Stupid yes.

  38. Will someone please delete this information as it will prevent the further use of Global Climate Change as a reason for more political agenda use, regulation & taxes.
    Funny how EVERY computer model was wrong but the bitter clingers, the flat eathers the champainge environements, still cling to their beliefs.
    Remember the President, Leo DiCarprio, & Al Gore all said the science is closed. Like they would know!

  39. Democrats are so stupid that they don’t even know what the word GLOBAL means…..
    HOW are record cold temps possible anywhere on earth IF it is getting warmer ALL OVER THE ENTIRE GLOBE?
    Democrats are too cowardly to even attempt an answer……

  40. And this past year Arizona had record high temperatures most of the year for the first time in decades. I don’t care what the deniers say, I’m hot. Would somebody please forward this data along to the Pope?

    1. Is it possible that last year, due to the drought in the southwestern United States, there were fewer clouds to shield Arizona from the sun? Albert

  41. That wacky warming. Just don’t know if it’s going to make ice. Must be tough in this climate trying to sell global warming when your research boat got stuck in the Antarctic Ice last year…..

  42. It is pretty interesting Most sea ice and the Northern Hemisphere show extent approaching records as well. Must be from all the heat. 2014 is after all the hottest year ever.
    Maybe folks will wake up and now realize the major weather services have been really goosing the numbers.

  43. WHY do Democowards say the “science is settled”, but then come up with 52 NEW reasons in the last year why the earth is getting colder as CO2 levels rise?
    Democrats are so stupid that they don’t even know what the word “settled” means….

  44. Lots of posting here making fun of the Catholic Church being anti-science and clinging to its tenets. While it did take 350 years to admit Galileo was correct…lets see how many centuries it will take the Climate Change hoaxers to admit their beliefs are wrong. Climate Change believers cling to their (pseudo) religion just as dearly as they argue that the Church does.They argue heresy anytime someone wants to debate their beliefs, they excommunicate any Scientist who disproves their little hoax and castigate they “unbelieving masses”.

    If computer modelling really worked, every investment house on Wall Street would bringing in a 100% ROI, every one at the race track would be a winner and crime would be eliminated, as we could predict who would be committing a crime and when and where it would happen, before it happens.

    1. Actually, you are wrong about Galleo. They admitted he was correct right away, but just didn’t want him to widely publish his work in a book written in Italian. They said he should write it in Latin and keep it among the scientific folk. The church has actually been involved in lots of good scince, from comissiong the work that overturned Aristotle’s view of the Universe, to proving Halley’s comment theory, by fixing his mistakes (the comet came late, a bishop proved why) the church was also involved in genetics research and a priest even discover how to make carbonated water.

      1. Actually, they didn’t admit he was correct. They just didn’t argue with it. Instead, they struggled between execution and jail. He was spared death by recanting his findings.

      2. You have a point. Today’s church is far more accepting of science than in the past, except for Climate Change. In my opinion (and I do not wish to denigrate the Church) the Church accepts Climate Change more for the supposed sociological impact than as a scientific fact. In this respect the Church will always have the internal hearts vs. minds dilemma.

          1. I am not condoning the decision to lie for the “greater good”, just saying that is perhaps what the Church sees as its only option, such is the focus of organized religion. Now for governments to lie for the greater good, that is dangerous and no longer only the bastion for dictators (we see liberals and democrats do this daily). And for science to lie for the greater good (as the Climate Change hoaxers do) relegates us back to Age of Darkness an thus can no longer be termed “science”.

    2. Back to the modelling. That is what kills me. Doing research for a living, I can’t help but role my eyes when I hear people talk about modelling as facts. I can create a model for you that shows that pigs can actually fly when the spin their tails fast enough. It doesn’t mean that it will happen. The model is very dependent upon the data and the assumptions. Doing research in GA Tech’s Earth and Atmospheric Science’s school in the early 90s, we (my professor) skewed data all of the time to secure funding for the next year. Being young, impressionable and without any real say, I just went along with it. That was a whole lifetime ago but it has definitely skewed my thoughts about all of this climate stuff.

  45. If you live long enough, you can sit back and either laugh or cry at all the various entities trying to make money from scaring the public. New agencies, research, charities, government, drug companies, religions, etc. They all want your money and the easiest way to get it is to scare you! If you read some dire news, follow it to its source and you’ll find someone profiting and gaining power from it. So predictable.

    1. Sadly you are right Lorinda, but remember if there wasn’t any money in it, they would stop. P.T. Barnum was correct…”there is a sucker born every minute” and the Climate Change hoaxers have made billions across the globe.+

      1. Every Global Warming enthusiast continues to do their very best to promote the concept and increase the temperatures. This is the reason that all of the Global Warming World Conference for the Benevolent Earth and Society as a Whole Association meets in Hawaii or some such place. Nothing like fueling up a few dozen 747’s for a cruise to combat Global Warming. Call me when they bury their SUV’s and start living in a tent and I’ll consider giving their argument more attention

  46. Climate = The weather conditions
    Weather = The climatic conditions
    Only complete morons don’t realize that weather and climate mean the same thing….don’t you Democowards even know what a synonym is?
    The problem with attempting debate with Democrats is that 99% of them are illiterate buffoons who are appallingly ignorant of the definitions of common words.

  47. Climate Change theory. It’s very true that science cannot predict exactly what the future holds based on observable data. That is why it is theory. We know ice ages have come and gone in the past without the influence of mankind. We also know that there is a long cycle of warming and cooling that is observable. It is believed that short term variations in the long term cycles have occurred, however why these variations have occurred is subject to debate within the climate science community. One theory is based on the global oceanic conveyer. It is believed that an inundation of fresh water when the previous glaciers retreated in the great lakes area resulting in a diversion of fresh water through the St. Lawrence seaway changed the salinity of the North Atlantic enough to temporarily shut down the oceanic conveyer resulting in a cooling period in the middle of a warming period. Cause and effect.

    One current theory regarding climate change is that a sufficient melting of the Arctic Ice sheet will once again shut down the global conveyor. So yes it is very possible that a global warming trend can result in another ice age.

    The following link is regarding the global oceanic conveyor, not about climate change.

  48. Nobody panic! Oil is reaching record lows, china is expanding it’s infrastructure. Should be a veritable fleet of new v8 powered cars and trucks on the road very soon. Everyone’s gotta do their part to prevent a global freezing catastrophe! I plan to do my part to help by slow roasting a 10# prime rib on the grill tomorrow! and running my kerosene heater on my deck to keep it and my friends warm. There’s also 3 cords of wood stacked up for the bonfire later for New years!


    Math teaches us that we can do anything to one side of an equation if we do the same thing to the other side.



    Or you pathetic lying Democowards could just google climate definition and see that climate and weather are synonyms

      1. reading your comments is like watching a monkey humping a football. The monkey isn’t getting anywhere, but it thinks it’s having the time of it’s life.

  50. I was hoping the warmists were right. Ice belongs in my margarita not on the sidewalk. And you can tell the Pope that! Who in the hell drinks frozen wine anyway. Blessed are the warm for they are alive….. and all that. But it looks like the warmists need to refine their predictions again. Maybe they will use real scientific methods this time.

    1. Excellent observation. The Global Warming Community needs to retool its global warming models so that they adequately model variances in solar energy reaching the earth’s surface. Albert

      1. It is not just democrats although many democrats think they have to think like adolescents and follow the crowd to be democrats, It is republicans and others as well. There is lots of money to be made in the green market. And selling green is a one sided thing. For instance if your wiz bang green washing machine uses three times the electricity as your last one but saves a couple gallons of water they can still say green….which is the color of your white shirts after they are washed in 4oz of water for 2 hours as they are in green designed front loaders, and still claim victory, still get idiots to buy and still get government rebates and still conform to the movement. Just like the warmist view, results and actuality don’t matter…..It is all hype about things that really don’t matter at all. So green is good. it gives something stupid for the democrats to believe in and profit to green thinking republicans. I think I’ll help the green community of Agave Mexico and have another drink!

  51. SHHHH! Place fingers in ear, hug a tree and say naaaa! naaah! naaaaah! real loud and all will be o.k.,..and remember count the co2 foot print tax dollars and all will be o.k.

  52. In the year 2000, the top man made global warming “scientist” said
    “Snowfalls will soon be a thing of the past”
    What kind of braindwead idiot (Democrat) still believes these ridiculous liars?

  53. The sun is a mass of incandescent gas
    A gigantic nuclear furnace
    Where hydrogen is built into helium
    At a temperature of millions of degrees

    Yo ho, it’s hot, the sun is not
    A place where we could live
    But here on earth there’d be no life
    Without the light it gives

    We need it’s light
    We need it’s heat
    We need it’s energy
    Without the sun, without a doubt
    There’d be no you and me

  54. AL is still maintaining ManBearPig is real and in South Park, really , really , I’m serial : Excelsior!
    The biggest asshole known to mankind still hawking man made global warming pity his brains reside in that backside

  55. But that can’t be. Big Al told us we would be losing all of the ice due to Global warming. Surely big Al can’t be wrong, after all he invented the internet. Bwahahahaha

      1. The (vote for BHO) excuse, reason, etc. was a sarcasm. An election driven by white guilt, hope and change, with the “1st black president” (excluding Bill Clinton) offering hedonistic dreams of grandeur to the simple minded, weak minded, politically corrupt or otherwise stupid voting public were among the several reasons that we now have an incompetent in the white house (all of which had and has and will continue to be done because of the successful take-over of the complete educational system 1 – 12 (and thereafter) by the progressive democrats, socialists, anarchists, communists (of all types) and otherwise ivory tower liberals and press (MSM). Aside from those it was global warming, or Bush, no the other Bush, or maybe it was the “Burning Bush” either way we got what we had coming to us. A pile of manure.

  56. Really tho? Who is “” they dont even have their own domain name. And you guys just take this info as truth without looking for verification. I dont believe in global warming but who the hell is this website. I see no actual case studies.

  57. Scientist claims over 100 million people will die in 2030 if nothing is done about climate change. Well, right now, 56 million die every year anyway, and if the population increase by another 40% by 2030, that means at least 80 million will die no matter what, so does that mean climate change will cause the deaths of 20 million ? One fifth what that moron claimed, and he probably won’t be alive when the rest of us are here to see his BS exposed.
    These jerks who make these wild claims make me sick. Yet the media latches onto their every word like it’s gospel.

    1. Just like the healthcare claims to pass that monstrosity ACA, the global warming claims are now politically motivated science. You only get grants to study Global Warming if you are trying to prove it. If you apply as a skeptic, you get laughed out of the college.
      It’s a conclusion that is still waiting on evidence to support it–which flies in the face of the entire Scientific Method that all of science study is supposed to adhere to.
      In Science, theory is supposed to conform to facts, not the other way around. Otherwise, it’s not Science. It’s become a Religion.

    2. Now your asking liberals to be truthful with their statistics, something that hasn’t happened before FDR was in Office…. You will see Ice bergs off the coast of Florida before they start telling the truth.

  58. Just tell the Pope to have ships push the ice over the edge of the flat earth.
    You know that flat earth that the church insisted on and burned people at the stake for saying it was round for years.
    Has anyone ever heard a apology from the church or retribution to the descendants.

    1. I see the pictures while walking through airports all the time… they won’t go away – the First Church of Global Warming & Human Evil will just continue with their message and call us names when we question them with facts.

  59. Record sea ice…..again!
    Record cold and snow earlier than normal……..for the 8th year in a row!
    Warming stopped at least 18 years ago!
    Three consecutive 11 year solar cycles with decreasing intensity!
    Studies showing solar output decreasing…….which may last as long as 70 years!

    GlowBULL what? And I’m supposed to give a $h!7 what the Pope and the Emperor Obamessiah think?!!

    1. Yeah, that must be why we have……..

      …..record sea ice…….again!
      …..record snow and cold early……again!
      …..decreasing solar output!
      …..etc., etc., etc………

      But hey, you stick with that for as long as you can. Sometimes it’s even a little entertaining.

  60. “Global warming” needs to be classified as a cult…with Al Gore labeled the “Jim Jones” type of leader… How much longer can these people ignore reality ?

  61. ====================================

    Al Gore, who art in Kyoto
    Hallowed be thy warming
    Your trading scheme come,
    your eugenics plan done,
    on earth, as it is set out by the UN.
    Give us this day our daily taxes,
    and turn our policies into science
    for we ridicule others who science against us
    Lead us not into valid data
    but doctor it for evil.

      1. That’s not true.

        “The simulated response to all forcings, including human-caused forcings, provides a good match to the observed changes at the surface. We cannot correctly simulate recent observed climate change without including the response to human-caused forcings, including greenhouse gases, stratospheric ozone, and aerosols. Natural causes of change are still at work in the climate system, but recent trends in temperature are largely attributable to human-caused forcing.”

        IPCC AR5, Chapter 10, FAQ 10.1.

  62. ‘Global sea ice’ is a rather meaningless metric. The Arctic is losing 3,000 cubic kilometres of sea ice per decade and warming at 3 times the global rate. Antarctica isn’t warming as fast but is still losing hundreds of gigatons of land ice per decade. Global warming has been accelerating in recent years and our emissions are higher than ever, so the warming will inevitably continue for decades and probably centuries to come. There is a lot more global ice loss to come in the future.

    1. You must have missed the part where even a great many of those in your overly lauded “scientific consensus” that never was finally admitted that the warming stopped at least 18 years ago………while they were STILL screaming about warming!

      You also don’t seem to recall how many of your side screamed about disappearing sea ice being an indication of glowBULL warming! Funny how using your “meaningless metric” is perfectly OK for your side when it seems to support your bu77$h!t contentions, but not when it gives lie to them!

      1. Global warming has accelerated. The Arctic is losing sea ice 10 times faster than the Antarctic is gaining it, and given how rapidly the Earth is gaining heat, how long do you think it will be before the Antarctic trend starts to go the other way?

        1. Listed just below the headline:Also see: Satellite Temperatures Reveal the ‘Global Warming Pause’ Lengthens to 18 years 2 months – (218 Months)

            1. “…there is no evidence of it even slowing down.”
              Of course there is. The evidence is in the unadjusted temperature data – you know, before GoreBull ‘scientists’ added the manipulations shaped like a hockey stick.

        2. Gee. all that warming must be why the Great Lakes froze over for the first time in decades last year, and are expected to do so again this year.

          Given that three separate studies, the results of which were released in February of 2011, showed that the sun is going into an extended period of low output known as a “grand minimum”………

          …….And given that the current 11 year solar cycle shows far less output that the previous one, which by the way was also less that the one preceding it, (Which also coincides with the stopping of the warming!)……

          …….how can you say with a straight face that the warming has accelerated?!

          For you to say that the warming has accelerated, particularly after many on your side said it “paused”, (Read STOPPED!!!), and that they cannot explain why, is nothing more than a bold faced lie. But I expect nothing else from your side after the lies they’ve been telling all along.

            1. Nope, not hardly.
              Surely your not ignoring the increasing amounts of record cold, snow, and ice over the last 8 consecutive years, and the increased reflectivity caused by greater ice and snow coverage…..are you?

                1. However those 8 years do coincide with the end of the last cycle and the beginning of the current one which has already been said to have in effect had no appreciable maximum! On top of that they are already predicting the next cycle to be even less active output wise. Does that really say warming to you?

                  As far as cherry picking is concerned; need I mention the Yamal data set that was cherry picked to make up the now infamous and discredited “hockey stick” graph?

                  You should be hoping that your side is wrong. If it gets as warm as you people keep whining about your wings will melt and you’ll fall into the sea.

    2. Did you not read the Headline to this page?
      Global Sea Ice Breaks Record High For The Day – Antarctic Sea Ice Also Breaks Record High For the Day
      Are you STUPID or what?

      1. The Arctic is losing around 3,000 cubic kilometres of sea ice per decade compared to the gain in the Antarctic of only 300 cubic kilometres per decade. In other words, The Arctic is losing sea ice 10 times faster than the Antarctic is gaining it.

            1. Like I said earlier; It’s funny how sea ice is a “meaningless metric” in this argument………until one of you asshats wants to use it. Make up your mind wouldja please?

              1. I said global sea ice is a meaningless metric. What can you derive from it? You certainly can’t conclude that the world is cooling when all the actual measurements of global temperature say the opposite.

                1. Correction……..all the tweaked statistical “data”, (Read fantasy “what if” numbers!), that has been run through faulty and constantly tweaked computer models, says that glowBULL warming is increasing.
                  This has been the primary support for the as yet unproven hypothesis and theory of glowBULL warming all along!

    3. Your assuming that the current climate for the last century is what is norm for the planet for thousands of years, when we only have accurate measurements for the last 30 years? Whose to say that the climate for the last 100 to 200 years was abnormal, and normal was the tropical conditions that are theorized existing during the time of the dinosaurs? Wouldn’t this “theorized” warming going on right now be a possible return to the planets “normal” conditions?

      the point is there is NO normal for the planet. It ebbs and flows, cools and warms. There is NO such thing as a static climate on this planet. A volcano erupts and dumps more pollution into the air than we could release as humans for 10 years. I don’t see Al Gore demanding we try to seal all the volcanoes.

      20 years from now the same nuts will change their story to global cooling. It is a shell game to separate you from your hard earned money. For crying out loud in the 80s they said New York would have 10 feet of water in their streets.

      1. The carbon which was responsible for the hothouse world the dinosaurs enjoyed is now being rapidly returned to the atmosphere by fossil fuel combustion, and naturally the world is warming rapidly in response. It’s the speed that is the issue here – if it was happening over 50 million years, as the previous natural cooling did, then we’d have ample time to adjust to it, but it’s happening in decades. That’s why we have a problem.

          1. “The heat-trapping nature of carbon dioxide and other gases was demonstrated in the mid-19th century. Their ability to affect the transfer of infrared energy through the atmosphere is the scientific basis of many instruments flown by NASA. Increased levels of greenhouse gases must cause the Earth to warm in response.

            “… there’s a better than 90 percent probability that human-produced greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide have caused much of the observed increase in Earth’s temperatures over the past 50 years.”


                1. Obviously you did not read the page there AL. Here is a little “FOOD FOR THOUGHT”: Dr David Schimel, a researcher at Nasa’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California, who led the study, said: ‘This is good news, because uptake in boreal forests is already slowing, while tropical forests may continue to take up carbon for many years.’
                  Read more:
                  Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

        1. Many atmospheric physicists acknowledge that the earth is warming, but attribute the warming to variations in solar energy and cloud formation. If the earth does warm too quickly, perhaps the dinosaurs will awaken from their slumber and once again take over the earth. Albert

          1. Let’s see what those experts actually say:

            “There is no standstill in global warming. The warming of our oceans has accelerated, and at lower depths. More than 90 percent of the excess energy trapped by greenhouse gases is stored in the oceans. Levels of these greenhouse gases are at a record, meaning that our atmosphere and oceans will continue to warm for centuries to come. The laws of physics are non-negotiable”

            – World Meteorological Organisation.

            “It is clear from extensive scientific evidence that the dominant cause of the rapid change in climate of the past half century is human-induced increases in the amount of atmospheric greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide (CO2), chlorofluorocarbons, methane, and nitrous oxide. The most important of these over the long term is CO2, whose concentration in the atmosphere is rising principally as a result of fossil-fuel combustion and deforestation.”

            An Information Statement of the American Meteorological Society


      2. Sealing the volcanoes would be a good start to combat global warming. It would also employ hundreds of thousands if not millions of people and require a redo every 50 to 100 years depending on the activity of the volcano. Albert

      3. Well thanks for telling us that you’re neither a scientist nor scientifically literate with

        A volcano erupts and dumps more pollution into the air than we could release as humans for 10 years

        here’s the science that shows your vacuous and puerile screed is fallacious: doi:10.1016/S0921-8181(02)00070-X

    4. Better recheck the data and review contrary reports. If global sea ice is meaningless, why do you base your argument on the loss of global sea ice?

    5. Current science runs counter to your claims. By most measures, the planet is now cooling–and has been for years. Even global warming hysterics acknowledge this fact, but attempt to explain it away as a fluke (ie. the ocean waters are absorbing the extra heat, so we’re having cooling now, but later sh** will hit the fan) [loosely translated].

  63. Now…let’s all run around and scream about how all this ice actually SUPPORTS the Global Warming fallacy! Warm weather…cold weather…ice…more trees…less trees…barren rock…it’s ALL a result of Global Warming!

        1. Over the 10,000 years of the last deglaciation, the world warmed by 5°C and global sea level rose by over 100 metres, so we can reasonably expect around 20 metres of sea level rise per °C of warming*.

          We’re racing past the highest temperature of the Holocene so 0.5°C of further warming is inevitable, 1°C likely, if not more. That means 20 metres of global sea level rise is already locked in – it’s just a question of how fast we get there.

          5°C in 10,000 years is 0.005°C per decade (with global sea level rise at the mean rate of around 1 metre per century) and we’re now warming the planet at the rate of over 0.15°C per decade – let’s say 30 times faster – so the Earth’s ice sheets are greatly out of equilibrium with today’s climate, and we can reasonably expect the peak rate of sea level rise to be substantially higher than the mean rate of the last deglaciation.

          Currently the Earth’s main ice sheets (Greenland and Antarctica) are melting exponentially, with a doubling time of around 5 or 6 years, which implies around 1 metre of sea level rise by mid-century and multiple metres by 2100.

          This is likely to cause some disruption.

          * Supported by:

          We expect sea level to rise as the ocean takes up heat and ice starts to melt, until (asymptotically) a new equilibrium sea level is reached. Paleoclimatic data suggest that changes in the final equilibrium level may be very large: Sea level at the Last Glacial Maximum, about 20,000 years ago, was 120 m lower than the current level, whereas global mean temperature was 4° to 7°C lower (5, 6). Three million years ago, during the Pliocene, the average climate was about 2° to 3°C warmer and sea level was 25 to 35 m higher (7) than today’s values. These data suggest changes in sea level on the order of 10 to 30 m per °C.

  64. We’re told that we’re simple-minded for questioning global warming as evidenced by colder temperatures and increased ice sheets. However, what the hell are we supposed to do? Whatever happened to the principal of Occam’s Razor? I’m not a scientist, but I have taken some logic, and I’m no dummy.

    If it’s cold and getting progressively colder–and this trend continues year after year–I’m not justified in calling B.S. on global warming fanaticism??? Really???

    Of course, when we have a seasonal hurricane in a hurricane-prone region–then that—OBVIOUSLY–is global warming.

    Tales they win, head’s I lose… such is the way with today’s illogical, pathologically-lying communists.

    1. You have to look at the big picture. Earth is losing 1 trillion tons of ice per year:
      h/t: David Appell

      Global warming is accelerating and there’s no plausible doubt that it’s caused by us. Just ask the experts.

      “There is no standstill in global warming. The warming of our oceans has accelerated, and at lower depths. More than 90 percent of the excess energy trapped by greenhouse gases is stored in the oceans. Levels of these greenhouse gases are at a record, meaning that our atmosphere and oceans will continue to warm for centuries to come. The laws of physics are non-negotiable”

      – World Meteorological Organisation.

      1. Precisely my point. Figures don’t lie, but liars figure… There’s all sorts of data, and–again–I’m not a scientist. I don’t have the time or luxury to research every claim. I don’t even know where this “data” came from….

        That’s not the point. The point is that people like you say that looking at the obvious and making logical deductions is simple-minded. It’s not. In a 100 years, I’ll have been proven right. The obvious is usually the true. Experience and history support that claim.

      2. And to think man can control or change these ?facts? Is arrogant at best! Climate Change has become a political agenda to confiscate more taxes from the masses….
        The Sun has controlled our climate for billions of years and will always control our climate! The Earths climate has ebbed and flowed for millions of years and you or I cannot change that!
        It’s political zealotry for increased power! Why is that so hard for some to see?

        1. “The Earth’s climate is now clearly out of balance and is warming. Many components of the climate system—including the temperatures of the atmosphere, land and ocean, the extent of sea ice and mountain glaciers, the sea level, the distribution of precipitation, and the length of seasons—are now changing at rates and in patterns that are not natural and are best explained by the increased atmospheric abundances of greenhouse gases and aerosols generated by human activity during the 20th century.”

          – American Geophysical Union.

        2. That’s the problem. In any decision–business, life, personal or otherwise–consequences and effects matter. Even if, in a perfect global warming fanatic’s world, warming did occur–how do we fix it and at what cost?

          I’d like to have an a**-warmer on my toilet seat, but life is about priorities. Instead, I pay my mortgage.

          Is the earth warming? Doesn’t seem to be.

          Is it affecting anything, even if it is? Doesn’t seem to be.

          Can we fix it, assuming the earth is warming AND it has negative consequences? Probably not

          If we can fix it, assuming the earth is warming AND it has negative consequences, is it worth the COST. Most certainly not.

          Global socialism = motivation
          hysteria = broader support by the masses

        1. The actual amount is declining rapidly. It’s just spread out more in the Antarctic (notice that the graphs in the article are about extent, not actual amount, i.e. volume).

    1. It most definitely does….unless it doesn’t. Just like it will cause the hole in the ozone to expand…unless it shrinks. Also just like it will cause record numbers of hurricanes and tornadoes every year…unless it doesn’t.
      They are never wrong. They have both sides of the argument covered so they can never be proven wrong. Now sit down, be quiet, and give them all of your money…its for your own good!

    1. And yet recently a report came out that the polar bear population has increased! The arctic ice has increased… Leave it to progressive liberals to find something to dig their claws into for more political power and means of confiscating more money!
      Just another Liberal ruse!

  65. The mistake with this article is it relies on actual observations and measures. The measured data must go through the rigorous manipulations necessary to raise temperatures and reduce the ice to The Model’s predicted levels. Only then does ‘man made’ global warming appear.

  66. So what. If the Earth is warming then what do you want us to do about it. Cave in the global economy? Starve millions if not billions of people? The problem is so intertwined with global population growth that there really is nothing that can be done in the political space. Energy is wealth, wealth is food, food is population growth. Populations grow until conditions for growth cease to exist. Unless we are willing to put in place global population restrictions and have the balls to enforce them then the best course of action is to figure out how to live in the new conditions.

  67. It never ceases to amaze me that otherwise semi intelligent people believe what they want to believe in spite of FACTS. This whole global warming thing has been a scam from the beginning making ton’s of bucks for the head liar Algore. Wake up dummies, get over yourselves and realize that the Earth has been here for millions of years and a little thing like human’s don’t have now and never will have the power to destroy it.

    1. They have had every opportunity to build those things just like the rest of the world. Either you have the determination to overcome or you don’t. Those that don’t live in mud huts.

  68. The planet really needs to warm up a couple of degrees for the good of mankind. Too bad temperatures have leveled off and started to drop. I mean the actual measurements, not the manipulated data used by Global Whatever freaks.

    1. I disagree with that. If the planet cools off a good bit then food production will suffer and untold millions will dies of famine. In the eyes of the ultra left wing green weenies this should be a good thing since there won’t be as many humans around to destroy the planet. Of course they haven’t figured out that this will have consequences for them as well……..

  69. If the global warming “experts” operated in a free-market economy, they’d be out of business by now. First, their failure to produce results would render them non-profitable. In the REAL WORLD, results matter. The global warming hysterics are struggling to provide tangible evidence–over the long term–that supports their claims.

    Second, they would likely be sued out of business and/or prosecuted for misrepresentation. Again, they have no accountability or expectations to actually deliver on their claims. Theirs is a world of theory without accountability and a endless treasure trove of government cheese funding their childlike “playtime.”



  71. Can the argument of rising sea levels be used to support global warming? I’m just trying to wrap my head around this point of view, because doesn’t water displace more water when it is frozen?

    1. @Justin Black:

      Sea levels have been rising at the same rate — about 6 inches per century — since the Little Ice Age. There has been NO acceleration in that natural rise. Therefore, it cannot be due to human CO2 emissions.

  72. The global warming community is at the point of no return. Their is so much money to fund this research that shutting it down would take millions of jobs and money going to cash cows. This is why they fight to make it gospel , not for the truth but for all the cash coming in and research . You don’t see the non-believers cooking the books like the believers, they have to do that to keep that money flowing.

  73. ‘Disappearing Arctic ice’ was the last desperate hope of the climate alarmist crowd.

    But now that the opposite has happened, every alarmist prediction has been a failure: 100.0% of their predictions are WRONG, from disappearing Polar bears, to ocean “acidification”, to accelerating sea level rise, to the granddaddy of all failed predictions: runaway global warming itself. Every scary prediction they’ve made has been wrong.

    When one side of a debate has been 100% wrong about everything, reasonable people will begin to question their scare stories, and their motives [passin a ‘carbon’ tax].

    The same thing happened to Chicken Little, and it is happening to the climate alarmists. The sky isn’t falling, as they incessantly predict. It wasn’t even a tiny acorn; the climate scare is baseless.

    In fact, there is nothing either unusual, or unprecedented happening. Global temperatures have not risen in almost twenty years! And it turns out that ‘carbon’ [CO2] is both harmless, and beneficial to the biosphere. More is better, as we see from increased agricultural productivity, which is directly due to that added beneficial trace gas.

    The world isn’t ending, and the sky isn’t falling. Carry on…

      1. .

        That does not compute.

        The Arctic has just posted a record amount of polar ice. And the Antarctic ice cover has been rising fast,k for several decades…

        …oh. I see. You got your misinformation from David Appell. Appell is good at fabricating bogus charts.

        So, who are you gonna believe? Planet Earth? Or Appell?

        Because they cannot both be right.

        Carry on…


          1. 3000 KM^3 is about 1.1 Gton, compare that to your “spectacular” chart above.
            You are publishing baloney, self evident from your disproportionate figures.
            When activists sound the alarm, check out the smoke they are blowing because it is by far they most harmful pollution to mankind.

    1. I remember when I was a kid in the 80s, it was all “zero population growth” hysteria. Oh… too many people in the world. No food, etc. etc.

      Everything was fine, and now many countries are UNDER-populated. We will soon look back on global warming with the same wonder, questioning, “How’d so many people get so caught up in that madness?!”

      1. The Left is good for about one new world-ending scenario a decade. But there’s a TON of money in this latest hoax, so expect it to stay around pretty much for our life times.

    2. Thanks for telling us that you’re neither a scientist nor scientifically literate and just plain old obnoxiously ignorant and stupid. If you’re not stupid then you’re very poorly educated as these graphs, compiled from unknown datasets, show the opposite of your statement about Arctic ice. Then you reintroduce yourself as being obnoxiously ignorant and a m0r0n with the statement about polar bears ( and then reinforce that vacucuity discussing fallacious CO₂ atmospheric physical proerties.

      1. @Lefty,

        That’s a lot of baseless assertions and name-calling. When that happens I know I’m on target.

        I can substantiate every fact I reported: polar bear populations are rising. CO2 is harmless. The alarmist crowd has been 100% WRONG in every scary prediction they ever made. CO2 is beneficial to the biosphere — as more than 32,000 American scientists have stated, in writing. And agricultural productivity is rising in lockstep with the rise in CO2.

        Instead of emitting your baseless opinion, try doing some research. You will find that you have been fed a steaming pile of horse manure: there is nothing either unusual or unprecedented happening with the climate. And if we look at global temperatures scaled on a normal x-axis, here is what we find:


        Now, if you tell me the sky is falling, I’ll just laugh at you.


        1. Obviously you’re scientifically illiterate as you completely ignored the latest published science on the polar bears which I cited which is not opinion as you fallaciously write. You’re obviously have never read published science in your entire existence; prove me wrong and supply DOI references for polar bears are rising, what 32,000 American scientists have stated in writing, agricultural productivity is rising in lockstep with rise in CO₂. I won’t even bother about the unadulterated crap you postulate about GISS Global temperatures as you’re probably too obnoxiously ignorant to know that it doesn’t measure temperature and your graph is pure fiction. Now if you don’t provide DOI references for your crapola you’ll just reinforce that you’re obnoxiously ignorant.

          1. @Lefty,

            You are clueless. Polar bears have multiplied far more than you admit. Their current population is much larger that it was only 30 years ago.

            You are trying to feed people your horse manure: that a temperature rise of only 0.7ºC — over a century and a half — is decimating Polar bears. As if.

            Only a clueless fool would buy into that nonsense.

            As for the OISM Petition, it lists 32,000 scientists by name who have all stated in writing that CO2 is harmless, and that it is beneficial to the biospherer. THAT is the true “consensus” — not your pathetically small clique of self serving scientists riding the grant gravy train. I CHALLENGE you to produce even ONE-TENTH that number of alarmist scientists, by name, who contradict the OISM’s statement.

            It’s good that you won’t “boither” to try and refute the graph I posted above, because you can’t. It is GISS data, and you would be trying to refute them. Good luck with that.

            The man-made global warming scare is nothing but a money-driven HOAX. If you cannot see that, you are blind, in addition to being clueless.

            1. Oh cupcake you’re a m0r0n. Supply DOI references to support your puerile statements. I gave you published science that directly contradicts your polar bear crapola. Do you know what a DOI reference is?

              1. “Cupcake”?? “Moron”?? “Crapola”??

                Name-calling loses the debate, chump. It means I’m over the target, and the target is the man-made global warming HOAX.

                You are a part of that hoax. Another Elmer Gantry, but without Elmer’s good qualities. You are shoveling horse manure, and claiming it’s science.

                It isn’t, and neither are the emissions from various government agencies, which stand to profit off the scare.

                The facts are:

                1. Global warming stopped many years ago. Charts upon request.

                2. More CO2 has not caused more global warming

                3. The climate over the past 150 years has been *extremely* mild and beneficial. We would be very fortunate if it continued for another 150 years

                4. Not one alarming prediction has come true. They have all been proven to be flat wrong

                5. Arctic ice — the last forlorn hope of the alarmist cult — has now fully recovered. Global ice cover is above it’s 30-year average

                In fact, none of what the climate alarmist crowd says is true. They lie constantly, and no one with any common sense believes them. That is reflected in public comments, like we see here: for every prevarication by people like Lefty, there are about ten others that laugh at the global warming scare.

                The bloom is off the rose. When the public loses interest, it’s OVER.

                It’s over.

                1. Not one DOI reference as expected. Why? You boldly made a statement about polar bears increasing … I gave you the latest published research that upended your crapola … so where do you source your nonsense cupcake? Obviously not from scientific sources! I’ll bite give me a DOI reference that confirms your point#1.

            2. The OISM’s qualifications for being a “scientist” are expansive, and as such there are a number of questions that have to be answered before we can take this list seriously. What expertise does a nuclear engineer or a medical doctor or a food scientist or mechanical engineer have that makes them qualified to have an informed opinion on the cause(s) of recent climate disruption? How many of these names are working climate scientists instead of science or math teachers or stay-at-home-mom’s with engineering degrees? How many of these people has actually published a peer-reviewed paper on climate?

              1. greenie,

                Deflecting, I see.

                Qualifications are at a minimum: a degree in one of the hard sciences. Those thirty thousand scientists and engineers include more than 9,000 PhD’s. Pretty good qualifications, no?

                The only legitimate comparison is between OISM’s numbers, and the number of named alarmist scientists who did the same: downloaded, signed, and physically mailed in a statement contradicting OISM.

                Once again: I challenge you to produce the names of one-tenth the OISM’s numbers. I am confident that you cannot find anywhere near that number.

                Prove me wrong. If you can.

                Prove me wrong, and I’m the chump.

                You know the rest…

                1. You are the Chump then.
                  What qualifications does a mechanical engineer have to judge scientific papers on climate change?
                  What qualifications does a PhD in biology have to judge scientific papers on climate change?
                  The fact is that PhD level science is very specialized. Each field has their own language and often their own mathematical tools to make sense of the complex data being analysed.

                  The fact that you clutch onto such a “proof” shows me that you want a particular answer to be true and will accept anything that supports your position.

                  A neutral person would look at the OISM survey and ask themselves if the wide scope of participants were likely to produce a survey with valid results.

                  If we are into surveys, why not ask climate scientists?
                  Why do we need to bolster the numbers by asking people outside the climate field?
                  Why would someone think doing this would make the results more accurate?
                  It seems obvious that those producing the survey wanted a particular result.

                  Don’t believe me. Go ask a statistician at your local University what they think the answers are to my questions.

                  1. The petition is junk. If only I could remember the cartoon character I signed under, I could check if I’m still on it. (It was a silly game a few of us played a decade ago.)

                    1. That is funny!
                      Also funny that climate change deniers will latch onto anything that confirms their preformed conclusions.

                    2. Tell me about it. The point of signing was to say to people citing it “look, I’ve just signed it as Marvin D. Martian with a PhD in planetary leadership identification studies”. At the time, to their credit, the climate deniers we were interacting with were intelligent and honest enough to take the point. Those sort don’t seem to exist much anymore.

                2. I signed that petition when it started. I forget which obscure Disney character I signed it as. The Spice Girls also apparently signed it (Geri Halliwell twice). I understand they tried to clear out the more obvious hoaxes, but it’s still a joke. Its sole purpose is to create the illusion of scientific opposition for consumption by the naive and gullible. It has no relevance to the assessment of climate change science.

                  1. Of course, when some fool has nothing worthwhile to say, he will just laugh..

                    They laugh in insane asylums, too, which is where Dano posts from…

                    …just observe the brainless ‘dano’ comment above.

                    For the small fraction of the population that may still be unaware of the OISM survey, here’s a great chance to learn about it:

                    OISM is a written statement, co-signed by more than thirty thousand (30,000+) American scientists, which states that CO2 is harmless, and beneficial to the biosphere.

                    I have REPEATEDLY challeged alarmist kooks like the immature ‘dano’ to try and find even 10% of that number, which contradicts OISM’s findings in any way.

                    They cannot do it. The alarmist crowd is unable to find even one-tenth of the number of OISM scientists — who are all named, every one of them.

                    Furthermore, every OISM co-signer must have at least a bachelor’s degree in one of the hard sciences. They had to download, physically sign, and mail in their co-signed statement.

                    That 30,000+ co-signers also includes more than 9,000 PhD’s. That is FAR more scientists than any number the alarmist clique was ever able to come up with, which demonstrates one thing: the so-called CONSENSUS is heavily on the side of scientific skeptics of man-made global warming.

                    Immature comments are the alarmist cult’s only response, because they have no credible facts, and they have no numbers. They don’t even have the names of more than a few alarmist scientists! In other words, they are completely impotent; they have decisively lost the debate. Their only argument left sounds very much like, “Neener, neener.” And just as immature.

                    The ‘arguments’ of the alarmist crowd are equally pathetic. Just look at them. They have no credible facts, only their unsupportable assertions.

                    It sucks to have such lame arguments, which are no more than fact-free taunts. Reasonable people would just go away if they had such few facts. But there are always some unemployed layabouts like dano who have nothing better to do than to be site pests. It’s the Peter Principle in action.

                    The basic fact remains, as stated in the article: global sea ice is higher than ever. That, along with a thousand other facts, completely <i.DEBUNKS the man-made global warming scare. It was always just a money-grubbing HOAX to bhegin with. The only fools it ever fooled are fools like dano. Rational folks always knew it was a scam from the get-go.

                    1. Poor hapless commenter, embarrasses itself by defending the indefensible. Lad, the OISM has been a joke for over a decade, and your self-identity is dependent on it.

                      All those Doctors of Dendrochronological Science, Meteorological Doctors whining about CAGW…





                    2. Thank you for that limp response to your limp defense of the high-larry-iss OISM – Gono is always good for a laff!



                    3. The ^chump^ emits more nonsense. Pathetic and lame.

                      But I suppose it’s easier than taking the challenge — which the chump would lose.

                      It’s interesting watching the juvelile response to my pointing out that OISM has much more than ten times the number of signatures the alarmist cult could ever get.

                      All junior ‘dano’ needs to do is go and find some signatures. But he is clearly impotent. He couldn’t find his butt with both hands and a map.

                      Why is it that the alarmist chumps always lose the debate? Is it because they have no credible facts? Yes, I think that’s it. Exactly.

                    4. Huff, puff, bluff, deny, bluff, deny, huff, puff, bluff, deny, bluff, deny, huff, puff, bluff, deny, bluff, deny, huff, puff, bluff, deny, bluff, deny, huff, puff, bluff, deny, bluff, deny, huff, puff, bluff, deny, bluff, deny, huff, puff, bluff, deny, bluff, deny, huff, puff, bluff, deny, bluff, deny, huff, puff, bluff, deny, bluff, deny, huff, puff, bluff, deny, bluff, deny, huff, puff, bluff, deny, bluff, deny, huff, puff, bluff, deny, bluff, deny, huff, puff, bluff, deny, bluff, deny, huff, puff, bluff, deny, bluff, deny, huff, puff, bluff, deny, bluff, deny, huff, puff, bluff, deny, bluff, deny, huff, puff, bluff, deny, bluff, deny, huff, puff, bluff, deny, bluff, deny, huff.

                      Aren’t you adorable????



              2. Of course, when some idiotic fool has nothing worthwhile to say he will just laugh..

                They laugh in insane asylums, too, which is where the Dano fool posts from…

              3. The ‘green’ “thinker” opines. Wow, another opinion. But it is wrong, as usual.

                Medical doctors cannot be included in OISM unless they also have a degree in the hard sciences.

                And what is your degree in? Do you even have a degree? From the low quality of your comments, probably not.

  74. If you need PROOF that Pope Francis is a Social Activist (like Obama), you need look no further than his announcement today that he is writing an Encyclical on, get this, “Global Warming.” Need there be further proof.


    “During the 1970s the media promoted global cooling alarmism with dire threats of a new ice age. Extreme weather events were hyped as signs of the coming apocalypse and man-made pollution was blamed as the cause. Environmental extremists called for everything from outlawing the internal combustion engine to communist style population controls. “Pollution Prospect A Chilling One””

    1. Depending on your age, the Left has already killed you off with:
      Nuclear annihilation
      Resource depletion
      Global cooling
      Disease of the month (AIDS, swine flu, bird flu, etc…)
      Global warming
      Global climate change

      1. Don’t know your age but if you remember hiding under your little wood school desk for atomic bomb drills then you already know that the experts are just guessing.

          1. Well Y2K was a pretty big deal for the alarmist.

            All computers would fail, airplanes would fall from the sky, infrastructure would collapse and other horrible things.

        1. I worked on the Y2K problem, it was recognized years before the year 2000 and a lot of effort went into mitigating it prior to the new century. Like starting in about 1995.
          A factoid conveniently omitted by the scaremongers who got revved up in 1999.

  76. Caveman Gort many thousands of years ago warned his fellow cavemen that the fires at the entrance to their caves were causing the glaciers to melt. Gort’s cavemen friends accepted his warning and extinguished their fires. They were soon devoured by cave bears. The glaciers continued to melt. Albert

  77. I’ll bet
    the pope will be consulting Al Gorie about global warming in day now before he writes his Encyclical on Global Warming. As a Catholic, I DO NOT like this pope. He’s the first pope I have not like in 50 plus years! He’s a Social
    Activist and if he were truly HUMBLE, as he seems to want EVERYONE to believe, he would have DECLINED the Papacy, period! Like so many other humble saints.

  78. You might think the priests of climate change would begin to take credit for things getting cooler.
    They have made energy 300% more expensive, cars are more energy efficient, they are continuing to close down the coal plants pretty soon there will be no one to mine it, there are many more solar panels and wind farms, why at this pace the priests of climate change will be able to control the weather all together. Why do we not hear from them when it is so cold and they are getting what they want? Or is it they aren’t really getting what they want no matter what happens?
    They want utopia and by golly they are going to get it because people like them and they care about something bigger than themselves. You and me we are parasites but not the priests of climate change OH no they are children of the planet and they care. Little do they know that death is their father and disaster their friend.

    1. Well, it’s going to change over the next 12 hours. There’s a global cooling trend all over the planet. It happens on the side of the planet away from the sun*.
      * For global warmerers, the sun is that big yellow orb in the sky.

  79. Despite what certain people want you to believe, the reality is that 200 years of climate science has been ever more robustly confirmed by empirical evidence. Assuming you live for a few more decades, you’ll have plenty of time to see that the scientists are correct.

    You’ll see the world heating up, sea level rising, ice caps and glaciers melting, permafrost thawing, wind and weather patterns changing and so on. I’ve already moved uphill because the sea level rise due to ice melt is doubling every 5 or 6 years, and at that rate we’ll see a metre of sea level rise by mid-century or soon after. It’s not certain, but when the biggest investment of your life is at stake, why take chances?

    By the time everyone’s panicking enough to actually demand action from politicians, it will be too late to avert huge climate changes, so this is the time to focus on self-preservation. Owning property at sea level is probably a really really bad idea. So is owning a farm in the American south-west. I don’t have much confidence that we’re capable of stopping this, so it will be interesting to see what happens over the coming years and decades.

      1. Conclusions based on empirical evidence and well-established laws of physics.

        “There is no standstill in global warming. The warming of our oceans has accelerated, and at lower depths. More than 90 percent of the excess energy trapped by greenhouse gases is stored in the oceans. Levels of these greenhouse gases are at a record, meaning that our atmosphere and oceans will continue to warm for centuries to come. The laws of physics are non-negotiable”

        – World Meteorological Organisation.

        1. They can’t find the heat in surface temps.
          So, they said it’s down deep.
          They can’t find the heat down deep.
          So, they said it’s in the middle.
          There aren’t any historical records for the middle layers.
          But, sea levels are dropping a mm here and there.
          And, the ice that heat was supposed to melt is growing.

          1. The climate system as a whole has been gaining heat faster in recent years. The slowdown in warming of the global surface and lower troposphere is an artefact of ocean dynamics. As you can see here, sea surface temperature rise (blue curve) has ‘paused’, which is primarily due to the predominance of La Niña conditions in the Pacific in recent years:


            This ‘pause’ is responsible for the slowdown in global surface warming (i.e. land + ocean, red curve) and you can clearly see that there has been no slowdown at all in warming of the Earth’s land surface (green curve). Meanwhile the oceans to 2km depth have been gaining heat at a faster rate than previous decades:


            That’s why sea level rise is continuing unabated –


        2. .



          The WMO directly contradicts observations.

          So, who are you gonna believe?

          The WMO? Or Planet Earth?

          Because they cannot both be right.


    1. ” Assuming you live for a few more decades, you’ll have plenty of time to see that the scientists are correct.”
      Assuming you’ve paid attention for a few decades, you’ll know these predictions are reliably wrong.

      1. Most of the scientists’ predictions have come to pass, e.g:

        The world is warming rapidly.
        Arctic sea ice is in accelerating decline.
        Global sea level is rising, and the rise is accelerating.
        Antarctica is deglaciating.
        Greenland is deglaciating.
        Mountain ice caps and glaciers worldwide are melting.
        Climate zones are shifting polewards and uphill.
        The atmosphere is becoming more humid.
        Extreme heatwaves have increased by more than a factor of 10.
        The Arctic is warming 3 times faster than the global mean.
        Snow cover is declining.
        Ocean heat content is rising.
        The tropical belt is widening.
        Storm tracks are shifting polewards.
        Jet streams are shifting polewards and becoming more erratic.
        Permafrost is warming and melting.

        There is no plausible doubt that the warming and associated climate changes are caused by us. You want to bet against them continuing to be proven right in the future? I recommend putting your money where your mouth is and buying expensive property at sea level.

    2. Funny you should say that. The modern science of climatology didn’t even come into being until almost the middle of the 20th century. Read up on the late Dr. Reid Bryson who is regarded by many as the father of modern climatology.

  80. This expansion will be ignored, until these record levels start receding (if ever), then the decrease from these highs will be heralded as proof of declining sea ice due to global warming.

    It’s called GRUBERING … learn it, live it

  81. The evidence clearly shows that human activity is now by far the largest influence on global climate, and that we are responsible for all of the global warming of the last half century (IPCC AR5). That debate is long over. Since the consequences are slow to arrive on human timescales, and humans are not very good at responding to distant threats, we are already committed to sea level rise of at least several metres, a much warmer planet, greatly reduced glacier run-off, shifting and expanding sub-tropical dry zones, large increases in heatwaves, large increases in intense storms and flooding events, and so on. On the other side of the coin, some parts of the world will see longer growing seasons, and greater annual rainfall (although this will tend to be areas which already have large annual rainfall – i.e. dry areas will get drier, and wet areas will get wetter).

    I suggest that the smart response is to accept the inevitable, and act accordingly. People are realising that it’s a bad idea to own property at sea level, that farming on the poleward edges of the sub-tropical dry zones has a poor future, and so on. Even in the best-case scenario, the Earth will not see a 20th-Century-like climate again for thousands of years, so as well as accepting the need for mitigation, we also need to adapt to the inevitable.

    1. Icarus says:

      “The evidence”??-??-??

      Icarus does not have a clue what constitutes scientific evidence. He is motivated by scare stories — every one of which has been repeatedly debunked. He repeats his nonsense here.

      There is NOTHING either unusual, or unprecedented happening to the climate. In fact, it is extremely unusual to find a century and a half period when global temperatures have fluctuated by *only* a tiny 0.7ºC. There are time in the recent past when global T has fluctuated by TENS of degrees — within only a decade or two. Now THAT is scary!

      But the current global climate is not scary at all. It is a true “Goldilocks” climate, and we have been very fortunate that it has been so mild.

      The climate scare is being promoted by the UN/IPCC, which craves the immense tax money that could be raised with a ‘carbon tax’.

      Don’t believe their scares! They want to get their fingers deep into your pockets. That’s all. Thgere is nothing wrong with the climate.

      1. Icarus is correct and you’re obnoxiously ignorant as your many emotive and opinionated statements on this blog are devoid of science. Care to give a DOI reference to your crapola about temperature fluctuating by “TENS of degrees – within only a decade or two”. You won’t. Why? This has never occurred in the history of the planet let alone the recent past for which we have evidence.

    1. That’s nonsense.

      “The heat-trapping nature of carbon dioxide and other gases was demonstrated in the mid-19th century. Their ability to affect the transfer of infrared energy through the atmosphere is the scientific basis of many instruments flown by NASA. Increased levels of greenhouse gases must cause the Earth to warm in response.

        1. The logarithmic CO₂ forcing function is precisely why we’re having such a large and rapid warming impact on the planet, as we’re on the steep end of the forcing curve –

          i.e. a small increase in atmospheric CO₂ causes a large warming effect – as demonstrated by the empirical evidence.

  82. The oldest agriculture was probably practiced by Natufians, 12,000 years ago, at the end of the last ice age.
    The oldest evidence of religion is from that culture also, a grave of a Natufian priestess.

    She promised good weather in exchange for shiny objects, for a living.

  83. It’s all about cycles…Objects in rotation, in a vacuum, magnetically and oppositely charged move through zones and the zones cause the cycles…Nothing stays the same and anyone attempting to predict the future is an idiot…~ahem, al gore~ahem..

  84. “Left-wing” and “right-wing” are not really useful terms, and mask the complicity and similarities between Nazis, Fascists, Socialists and Communists and Progressives. What they all have in common is big, strong government. A more useful distinction is a “statist” axis. At or near one extreme are all five philosophies, above. At the other end, is individualism and liberty (aka our Founding Fathers).

    Too bad that “Statist” does not sound as scary as Nazi, Fascist, Socialist or Communist. And too bad that “Progressive” does not sound scary at all. In truth, it is the scariest thing of all.


  85. I’m a gay unemployed student and Democrat voter. Climate change and global warming are causing all of this increasing ice. Just ask NOAA. New record highs every month.
    Deniers are teabaggers.

  86. ..didn’t you get the memo? when ice is proven to increase that is what is supposed to happen as a result of global warming! When it’s cold, “that is weather” you stupid ‘flat earth science denier’ not climate change…but when a hurricane comes around that is climate change not weather… it! Everything is the result of gloBULL warming and the cause of gloBULL warming……at the same time……

    1. You have to look at the big picture and not be taken in by cherry-picked data. Warming of the Earth’s land surface continues unabated –

      Warming of the oceans continues unabated –

      Global sea level rise continues unabated –

      Glacier ice mass loss is accelerating –

      The Arctic is losing 3,000 cubic kilometres of sea ice per decade –

      Greenland ice mass loss is accelerating –

      Antarctic ice mass loss is accelerating –

      The only part of the climate system that hasn’t seen rapid heat accumulation in recent years is the sea surface, and that’s because of natural ocean dynamics – i.e. the predominance of La Niña conditions in the Pacific, which acts to cool the surface and instead accumulate heat at lower depths.

      So the reality is that global warming continues unabated, and in excellent agreement with projections of climate models going back decades, e.g:

      1. @Icarus:

        Nice example of CHERRY-PICKING. No doubt that feeds your confirmation bias.

        But the fact is that global warming stopped almost twenty years ago. Even the IPCC admits that.

        Since [harmless, beneficial] CO2 keeps rising, and since global temperature has stopped rising, what does that mean?

        That means the global warming scare has been DEBUNKED.

        It was DEBUNKED by the only Authority that counts: Planet Earth.

        You can argue with Planet Earth if you want…

        …to be a fool. Because only a fool argues with reality like you’re doing.

        [BTW, your last chart is outright BS: Hansen has been completely WRONG in all his predictions. But then, what should we expect from a homemade graph fabricated by someone called “Sodahead”?]

          1. Only in your fevered imagination.

            Even the UN/IPCC ADMITS that global warming has stopped. It stopped many years ago — but you cannot admit to the truth, because if you did, your entire Narrative would crash and burn.

            So you lie about it. Typical climate alarmist.

        1. Show me where Hansen has made a prediction and how it has been wrong.
          Cite me a paper or study or official declaration he has made.
          Be specific.

  87. Basically the whole world accepts the reality of AGW, apart from a few cranks and deniers-for-hire, but what have we done about it? Precious little. It’s not easy to replace an entire planet’s fossil fuel infrastructure. It’s already too late to avoid dangerous global warming by emissions reductions alone, so we’re going to need geo-engineering. My guess is that this won’t happen, at the scale needed, until there is widespread damage and destruction in ‘first world’ countries, and the public demand that the politicians actually do something effective about it. Even then it may well be too late, so the smart people are focusing on self-preservation.

    1. “geo-engineering”

      CO2 is plant food, I suspect any “geo-engineering” efforts would be far less natural, and far less desirable than giving plants more food to eat.

      The climate models have proven spectularly wrong, yet you cling to it like grim death. You people are INSANE.

          1. Most of scientists’ predictions have been proven correct by subsequent observations –

            The world is warming rapidly.
            Arctic sea ice is in accelerating decline.
            Global sea level is rising, and the rise is accelerating.
            Antarctica is deglaciating.
            Greenland is deglaciating.
            Mountain ice caps and glaciers worldwide are melting.
            Climate zones are shifting polewards and uphill.
            The atmosphere is becoming more humid.
            Extreme heatwaves have increased by more than a factor of 10.
            The Arctic is warming 3 times faster than the global mean.
            Snow cover is declining.
            Ocean heat content is rising.
            The tropical belt is widening.
            Storm tracks are shifting polewards.
            Jet streams are shifting polewards and becoming more erratic.
            Permafrost is warming and melting.

            Just how much confirming evidence do you need??

              1. Why don’t you look at the big picture instead of focusing on just the tiny aspects of the climate that can be misinterpreted as contradicting global warming?

            1. granting(solely for the sake of my argument) that all the statements you list here accurate, there is still no evidence that human intervention is the cause anymore than cyclical climate change over time. What caused the first Ice Age? What caused its end? How can you say with any certainty that human intervention has the ability to affect climate change one way or the other? You agreed with an earlier comment that we are not in control. So why are you trying to control it?

              The only thing that can be proven with respect to climate change is that Al Gore has made a butt-load of money from it, yet still rides around in limousines and private jets.

              1. The role of CO₂ in contributing to the infrared opacity of the atmosphere has been known for around 150 years. Satellite observations show the infrared absorption by various different atmospheric constituents including CO₂ –


                There is direct empirical evidence that this spectrum of infrared absorption has changed in response to the anthropogenic increases in greenhouse gases:


                The resulting increase in infrared optical depth of the atmosphere is the largest single cause of the global warming of the last half century.

      1. CO2 is plant food

        scientists don’t make vacuous statements. Read some science such as “Increasing CO2 threatens human nutrition,” Samuel S. Myers et al, Nature, May 7, 2014, DOI: 10.1038/nature13179 to be informed and don’t remain obnoxiously ignorant. Care to cite any DOI references for

        climate models have proven spectularly sic wrong

        you won’t! Why? There are none.

        1. The study suggests lower levels of zinc and iron for legumes in higher concentration of CO2. It doesn’t say anything about increased crop yields as a result of increased CO2.

          Half the world is starving as it is. CO2 has a positive influence on crop yields. Grasping for something here.

          1. Thank you for confirming that you didn’t read the published reference I gave you; if you did then you need to work on comprehension skills. Why did you avoid supplying DOI references for your climate model statement?

              1. Don’t end like this, with a playground pout. Please write some more, I enjoy reading crazy puerile screeds. Supply some DOI references if you don’t want to keep reinforcing that you’re uneducated vacuous m0r0n.

                1. Try changing your tune just once in a while so you don’t keep sounding like the broken record you are. You sound exactly like those who are always whining about “peer reviewed journals” even after Phil Jones was shown to have been actively involved in the suppression of any contradictory research being published in those same journals.

                  1. Phil Jones was the subject of two official investigations. Both are freely available on the internet. It is obvious that you have not read the conclusions of either of them that found no research or evidence had been suppressed. So where exactly do you source your crapola?

                    1. Uh, yeah, sure. One lies and the other swears to it while playing CYA for both.
                      Show me where there was an independent investigation by an uninterested and unbiased entity and you might have a leg to stand on.

                    2. You’re a very pernicious and puerile denier. I’m sure you have neither the education nor experience to question the findings of UK government’s House of Commons Science and Technology Committee or the UEA’s ICER. The former concluded that criticisms of the Climate Research Unit (CRU) were misplaced and that CRU’s “Professor Jones’s actions were in line with common practice in the climate science community“. The latter, chaired by Professor Ron Oxburgh in consultation with the Royal Society (the world’s preeminent science body) assessed the integrity of the research published by the CRU and found “no evidence of any deliberate scientific malpractice in any of the work of the Climatic Research Unit”.

                    3. Oh goody, the left wing House of Commons Science and Technology Committee et al covering Phil Jone’s @$$ for him so that they too do not end up with egg on their collective faces.
                      Why does that not surprise me?

                      “Common practice in the climate science community” has long included not being able to produce original data so that an experiment can be repeated for independent varification.

                      What I do know might surprise you, and I sincerely doubt you have half the education or knowledge that you claim to possess.

    2. From the start you are mistaken The whole world does NOT believe that reality, You can only fool so many of the people. Follow the money and remember “The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present — and is gravely to be regarded.”
      ….. Dwight D. Eisenhower

    3. So many words, so little truth…
      First, the “whole world” doesn’t accept the myth of global warming – just a few gullible actors and kool-aid drinkers for hire. Second, your premise of “fossil fuel” is also flawed. Dinosaurs have long been abandoned as the source of oil.
      Third, we have no more impact on the planet’s temperature than I have the ability to stop a tornado in it’s tracks.
      Fourth, a much more plausible explanation for our planet’s ever-changing temperature is solar cycles. We’re in the early stages of one now and the temperature is actually decreasing, not increasing. Pack ice is growing. We have shrinking glaciers in SOME parts of the world because we had an ice age. Interestingly enough, some glaciers are actually growing. In fact, we’re seeing new glaciers developing in Scotland.

      There’s nothing “too late” – we’re not in control.

            1. So you’re going to focus on natural short term variability and ignore the continuing multidecadal global warming trend – is that it? Sorry but the reality is that global warming accelerated in recent years. Don’t be taken in by arguments from cherry-picked data.

          1. More BS and lies. Glacial recession has not only halted in several areas, but glaciers are once again advancing. Recall what was said about the Himalayan glaciers by your IPCC idiots a few years back?
            Well try this on for size slick! I’ll even go out on a limb here and presume that you can read and understand the big words in the abstract!

            The Cryosphere, 8, 977-989, 2014
            © Author(s) 2014. This work is distributed
            under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

            Glacier changes in the Karakoram region mapped by multimission satellite imagery

            M. Rankl1, C. Kienholz2, and M. Braun1
            1Institute of Geography, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Wetterkreuz 15, 91058 Erlangen, Germany
            2Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 903 Koyukuk Drive, Fairbanks, AK 99775-7320, USA

            Abstract. Positive glacier-mass balances in the Karakoram region during the last decade have fostered stable and advancing glacier termini positions, while glaciers in the adjacent mountain ranges have been affected by glacier recession and thinning. In addition to fluctuations induced solely by climate, the Karakoram is known for a large number of surge-type glaciers. The present study provides an updated and extended inventory on advancing, stable, retreating, and surge-type glaciers using Landsat imagery from 1976 to 2012. Out of 1219 glaciers the vast majority showed a stable terminus (969) during the observation period. Sixty-five glaciers advanced, 93 glaciers retreated, and 101 surge-type glaciers were identified, of which 10 are new observations. The dimensional and topographic characteristics of each glacier class were calculated and analyzed. Ninety percent of nonsurge-type glaciers are shorter than 10 km, whereas surge-type glaciers are, in general, longer. We report short response times of glaciers in the Karakoram and suggest a shift from negative to balanced/positive mass budgets in the 1980s or 1990s. Additionally, we present glacier surface velocities derived from different SAR (synthetic aperture radar) sensors and different years for a Karakoram-wide coverage. High-resolution SAR data enables the investigation of small and relatively fast-flowing glaciers (e.g., up to 1.8 m day−1 during an active phase of a surge). The combination of multitemporal optical imagery and SAR-based surface velocities enables an improved, Karakoram-wide glacier inventory and hence, provides relevant new observational information on the current state of glaciers in the Karakoram.

            1. It’s well-known that some glaciers have a positive mass balance but we’re talking about global glacier mass balance, which is in accelerating decline.

    1. I recently debated a scientist on the graphs. He admitted climate isn’t his field. I’m an interested amateur, as are Obama, and Kerry, and other world leaders.
      He couldn’t argue with my links to graphs. So, he asked that we stop looking at them, since we lack expertise.
      I asked that he convince the IPCC to get rid of their graphs. HE DID NOT UNDERSTAND MY POINT.

  88. The Myth of “Global Warming” continues to be debunked by the facts. I don’t care what the pope says, global warming is a farce. It’s time to get every tax payer dollar back, that has been wasted on the verifiable hoax known as “Global Warming”.

    1. Many Americans like you have easy access to the internet and, for that matter, to all manner of scientific research and evidence that you had nothing to do with,but feel free to deride the integrity of scientists who made our understanding of AGW and global warming possible. So you have to go out in public and prove how stupid, ignorant, superstitious and uneducated you are. I am assuming your parents are every bit as stupid, ignorant, superstitious and uneducated as you are and, therefore, are proud of their little bundle of retard.

      1. Thank you for showing that the best you can do to refute that Global Warming is a hoax is to respond with insults. You are losing the argument because the facts don’t support your claim. The Article points out that there has been an 18 year pause in global warming. The Polar Ice-Caps are growing not shrinking.
        According to the bogus models the North Pole was supposed to be ice free by now. Please explain why the computer models have so far off the mark.

        1. Well let’s see how well your pretend Master’s degree works, I’m sure the anonymity of the internet is a haven for the uneducated. Provide DOI references for the so-called 18-year pause, the polar ice caps are growing, and what bogus model projected the North Pole would be ice free. You won’t! Why? You have neither a master’s degree, are not a scientist nor scientifically literate, and there are no DOIs that support your vacuity.

          1. You are right sir I’m not a scientist. Yet I’m smart enough to see that the predictions of gloom and doom re the Global Warming hoax have not come to pass. The Polar ice-caps are growing not shrinking. The Arctic Ice cap was suppose to be gone by now. Being a person with his own mind, I can easily see that the predictions were false, as they have not come to pass. Further my advanced degree is genuine not pretend. Your exponential stupidity sir isn’t remarkable. It is probably genetic.

            1. You may as well give up on this $h!t stick. Once her’s started in with his “DOI” bull crap he won’t shut up. Still, it’s nice to know that some things never change………even when all the evidence points to them being wrong.

            2. So the lack of DOIs from you confirms that you’re a m0r0n when it comes to science. The polar caps are not growing … even the graphs given in this article show the opposite of what you state for the Arctic, surely with an alleged advanced degree you can read simple graphs? The sea ice around Antarctica is currently vanishing as it does every summer and is not part of the cap.

              1. Your post is evidence that common sense is not present among the left. The article states the polar ice-caps are growing not shrinking. Now run along your presence is no longer needed.

                1. Thank you for confirming that you can’t read simple graphs. Let me help you dummy. The thick red line is supposedly 2014 evidence … the thick dashed black line is the mean for the 30-year decadal trend ending in 2010. For Arctic sea ice to be growing it would have to be above the dashed line. Duh!

              2. Well, I think most of can read the simple lines on a chart. These lines show us that:
                a. The temperature hasn’t risen in more than 16 years
                b. Sea ice is growing
                c. Many glaciers are now growing
                d. New glaciers have started in several places
                e. Temperatures have been warmer than current temperatures for most of the last 10,000 years.

                1. Published science does not agree with your graph nor your points a through e. Care to cite the DOI references? These two science publications (and there are many more) dispute your graph:

                  DOi: ac10.1038/ngeo1797
                  DOI: 10.1126/science.1228026

                    1. Easy then, provide the DOI. And the rest of your crapola … obviously not published hence the silence on your part with respect to DOI references.

          2. And what is YOUR CV, O brainless one? Based on your nonsense, I suppose it’s a GED.

            Instead of wasting my time cutting and pasting FACTS, I nivite you to go on over to and try and sell your globaloney there. You will be given such a spanking with facts and evidence that you will tuck tail and run, just like the steady stream of scientific illiterates who believe they know which end is up. They’re all sent packing in short order.

            The one thing you never answer is this:

            Who should we believe: YOU?? Or Planet Earth?

            Because you cannot both be right.

            1. Referencing Watts who has no tertiary education let alone scientific education or experience frames why you’re a gullible m0r0n when it comes to science. You’re a sad, gullible, obnoxiously ignorant buffoon who revels in advertising those credentials to the world … bet you worship the anonymity of the internet.

      2. “Feel free to deride the integrity of scientists” like Dr. Michael Mann of the infamous and discredited “hockey stick” graph, who used carefully cherry picked data to make it”?

        “Feel free to deride the integrity of scientists” like Dr. Phil Jones of East Anglia University’s CRU, who was shown in the “Climategate” email hack to be involved with the deliberate suppression of any research contrary to warming doctrine in several scientific journals, even to the point of threatening said journals?

        “Feel free to deride the integrity of scientists” like those of the IPCC whose latest “report” admitted that they had greatly overestimated the affects of atmosperic CO2 on climatic forcing, and they had greatly underestimated the affects of the sun?

        “Feel free to deride the integrity of scientists” who have made mistake after mistake and still continue to spew the myth of glowBULL warming that you so freely lap up like a dog returning to it’s own vomit?
        Are these the scientists with loads of integrity you are speaking about, hmm?

          1. Thank you, I’ve tangled with this asshat before. His tune rarely changes at all.

            If he doesn’t soon get his chones untwisted they will end up cutting off circulation to the brains he sits on and his @$$ will fall off!

        1. Your comment is crapola from start to finish. Care to provide a DOI reference for any of your comments? I’ll give you two that show you’re obnoxiously ignorant about Dr. Mann and confirmation of his work by others:

          DOI: ac10.1038/ngeo1797
          DOI: 10.1126/science.1228026

          1. Sounds to me like you have a severe case of hero worship.
            Your first DOI led here…….


            Your second DOI led to a general google search, the same sort of thing that you whined about me providing for you.


            Liars and charlatans confirming each other in a mutual admiration circle jerk is hardly convincing when they are unable to use the same so called “data” to repeat the experiment or research due to the original raw “data” being so often lost or so badly misplaced that it cannot be found by the originator.

            As for being obnoxious, the only thing “noxious” here at all are the fumes emanating from the effluvium that constantly issues forth from your oral sphincter in truly astounding amounts.

            1. Your incompetence and ineptitude for science knows no boundaries. The first takes you to Continental-scale temperature variability during the past two millennia, PAGES 2k Consortium Nature Geoscience 6, 339–346 (2013) and the second to “A Reconstruction of Regional and Global Temperature for the Past 11,300 Years” Marcott et al Science 8 March 2013 Vol. 339 #61224 pp. 1198-1201.

                1. It does. My elementary school-age grandchildren are more adept at using the web browser search facilities than you apparently can muster. That is truly sad that you are not able to locate simple DOI references. Must be the denier mind-set.

  89. This only gives further proof to warmers of warming. When the ice abates, it will give even more proof. If we have more or less ice next year, it will be perceived only as more proof. All of this proof will be added to their models and they will make more predictions that will not come true and at the end of the day, they will get their paychecks a la taxpayer funds and laugh all the way to the bank.

  90. My fellow conservatives scare me on this issue. Being cold doesnt mean global warming isnt real. Expanded winter sea ice doesnt mean global warming isnt real. While you may disagree with global warming, then do so without ridiculous comments like “I am freezing, the world cannot possibly be warming.” With that said, I have no clue if the massive amounts of pollution we create is causing such problems or not, but I will NOT support socialist fixes to it.

    1. “…I will NOT support socialist fixes to it”

      That’s the crux of the matter – if people don’t like the proposed fixes then they should campaign for their own fixes, rather than denying the problem exists in the first place.

              1. I’m talking about the people who want to tax the hell out of us based on one group of scientists while ignoring many other scientists.

  91. Al Gore the Climate Change Expert:


    “Gore enrolled in Harvard College in 1965, initially planning to major in English and write novels, but later deciding to major in government.[18][19] On his second day on campus, he began campaigning for the freshman student government council, and was elected its president.[19]

    Although he was an avid reader who fell in love with scientific and mathematical theories,[19] he did not do well in science classes in college, and avoided taking math.[18] His grades during his first two years put him in the lower one-fifth of the class. During his sophomore year, he reportedly spent much of his time watching television, shooting pool, and occasionally smoking marijuana.”

  92. Oops, those pesky facts. Good thing this is ‘settled science’ otherwise the facts would dispute the ‘settled science’ and we’d need to come to a different conclusion. And that would be financially devastating for many million and billionaires, such as Al Gore, or Obama’s cronies that are all making billions of dollars off of the poor in this country and around the world (those are real facts).

    1. Except that ‘Mother Nature’ has produced no warming influences on the planet for the last half century. In fact in the absence of our impact on the climate, it would have cooled slightly over this period.

        1. Based on empirical evidence – e.g. of declining solar activity which should (if the deniers were right) have led to global cooling for the last 50 years, instead of which we’ve seen rapid global warming. The only factors causing warming in the last 50 years are anthropogenic – principally our huge emissions of greenhouse gases.

          1. Icarus wouldn’t know empirical evidence if it bit him on the butt. He still Believes that global warming is accelerating!

            Really! He wrote that downthread! It is hard to imagine someone more deluded than Icarus… he puts the original to shame.

            1. The acceleration is a fact. IPCC AR5 cites a warming trend for 1993 to 2010 of 275 TW compared to the 1971 to 2010 trend of 213 TW – that means warming has accelerated. IPCC AR5 WG1 Chapter 3 Box 3.1 p. 264.

  93. Ice could pile up a mile thick N & S of 40 degrees latitude and the nuts would not give up their
    position. They have too much invested to ever admit they may be wrong.

    1. It is a religion for them. The left is always looking for a cause to rally around. They live for it. In the old days Woodrow Wilson used WWI, the dumbest war ever, as the rallying point. Since the left went antiwar,even a good war, back in the 60’s. They now need causes global warming to unify and rally around. The thing is I don’t want to unify with them on anything they believe.My only rallying cause is to oppose them in everything they believe.

  94. The warmists say any deviation from norms is “climate change” and is bad. When you point out the historic records, they claim that’s just “weather.”

    1. With climate that always did change, change is unfalsifiable.
      Any change is change.
      Stasis would be a change from change.
      Return to change would be…………. change.
      All is change. All is taxable. Forever and ever, amen.

  95. We don’t need any stinking impirical data to interfere with modeled data. All that measured ice coverage and cold weather mumbo jumbo doesn’t count. Its the models that we should base our laws on. Sorta like the models Dr Gruber used to predict that Obamacare costs would go down.

  96. I’m not at all surprised some of you are just now figuring out Gore is a liar and a thief. Many conservatives already knew this. We were just called freaks and get with the global warming program. Man is not so powerful he can affect the world globally. That is being a bit self centered. Yes man can impact small areas but not globally.

    1. Straightforward laws of physics dictate that Earth’s surface temperature is sustained by absorption of infrared radiation in the atmosphere. We have increased this absorption by adding hundreds of billions of tons of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. The Earth’s surface is therefore warming up. It has to. It cannot be otherwise, without violating the laws of physics. The global warming we’re observing now is the result of those greenhouse gas emissions.

      You can’t have an argument with the laws of physics and expect to win.

      1. No, the earth’s surface is NOT warming up, as we continue to see. Carbon Dioxide is a trace gas in our atmosphere. It is STILL a trace gas in our atmosphere. It’s presence and impact is negligible at most.

      1. Back in the 70’s we had similar hysteria for global cooling. Some climate “scientists” wanted to suspend black particles over both poles in the air in order to warm them. Amazingly, they were WRONG. Just as you are.

        1. The science is the same, it’s our behaviour that changed the outcome.

          Rasool and Schneider (1971):

          “An increase by only a factor of 4 in global aerosol background concentration may be sufficient to reduce the surface temperature by as much as 3.5°K.”

          So what happened? We introduced clean air legislation, the projected increase in global aerosol background concentration didn’t happen, so the projected global cooling didn’t happen either. Cleaning up the particulate pollution allowed the greenhouse gas effect to predominate, which is why the world is warming rapidly today.

          i.e. the scientists were right.

          1. No, the “scientists” were alarmist and wrong… Just like today.

            – We have no global warming
            – We have an increase in pack ice
            – We have increases in glaciers
            – We have new glaciers forming.

                  1. Sure I did – I showed the average global temperatures over the last 10,000 years based on actual FACTS, rather than fantastic computer models. You may also take a look at the content of this online article, which shows the growth of the pack ice.

          2. It said “may help,” and you’re trying to pass that off as “did help”? I believe you see all sorts of things that fit your narrative of life perfectly.

                1. I think you’re misinterpreting the facts. Rasool and Schneider’s paper was about what could happen IF x happened. x didn’t happen. So their conclusion hasn’t been tested.

  97. The earth has a fever! I mean, a chill. I mean…I mean…just pay dam it! Just pay the global tax and for carbon credits and be quiet. Gruber knows more than you. Just let him spend your money.

  98. So saying the climate changes is correct – too bad their “solutions” won’t do anything but control people and allow governments to throw our money at a problem that doesn’t exist

        1. Pretending that global warming isn’t happening won’t help. The people profiting from concern over the climate crisis are doing so unopposed, because those who might be able to come up with better solutions are too busy denying that the problem even exists in the first place. Do you see?

      1. It’s not absurd to face reality, which is something YOU should do. We are WARMER today than at least one point in the past because we had and ICE AGE. No SUV’s. No factories No power plants… the Earth warmed up NATURALLY.

        1. If we don’t fix it, then we have to adapt to it. Maybe that’s the best strategy… but I doubt you’ll be able to convince millions of Bangladeshis of that, or anyone else who lives at sea level for that matter… or people who already have to endure heatwaves of over 50C and whose climate is destined to get even hotter.

      2. just pay your carbon tax and it will all be better. You only need a solution when there is a real problem. Historical weather patterns are not one of them

  99. It’s important to take a step back and look at the big picture:

    1: The anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions which are the primary cause of today’s rapid global warming aren’t going to stop any time soon – in fact they’re going faster than ever;

    2: The planet still has to warm up considerably more before it can once again radiate enough to balance incoming solar radiation even at today’s level of greenhouse gases;

    3: Climate impacts have only partially responded to today’s level of global warming, let alone future warming we’re already committed to from today’s level of emissions, and future warming we’re committed to from future emissions;

    4: Long term climate feedbacks are waiting in the wings to amplify our warming even more – the fact that we don’t know for sure when they will all kick in, is not a good reason to be complacent. It’s more a reason to be very concerned. The longer this continues, the more likely we are to reach a point where the feedbacks are self-sustaining and continue to warm the planet without needing any further input from us, until they’re exhausted – that would lead to a very different planet from the one we’re familiar with. At least one study (MacDougall 2012) found that the self-sustaining permafrost carbon feedback was *already* inevitable by 2013.

    The bottom line is that there is a lot of lag in the system, and very basic physics dictates that we’re going to see a lot more impacts in coming years, decades and centuries. What we’re seeing now, with the accelerating disappearance of Arctic sea ice as one example, is just the beginning.

  100. So, the worldwide flim-flam con-job known as Glo-Bull Warming, with the usual cast of prolific liars, now has a new carnival barker, none other than the grand-poobah of the Inquisition himself.

    Will the folks that demand scientific proof be burned at the stake again this time?

  101. So … ” Global Warming ” equals freezing. Good to know. And the ” Global Warming liars ” say ” There is no GOD “. Hmmm. Never believe known liars . Right Obama ?

  102. I can fix climate change but it will be expensive. I will need about half of your income. Please, e-mail your bank account information ASAP. Remember, it is all to save the drowning polar bears.

  103. Uh oh the Global Warming Cultists won’t be happy about this. More ice = more polar bears and more penguins and seals, that equals more cultist pain. I’m a happy man when the cultists get twisted. LMAO1

        1. Yes. But find that data set before it was manipulated. Or publish the methodology for the manipulation, if the original data has been destroyed (aka ‘lost’ in the words of climate ‘scientists’).

    1. You keep posting the same thing over and over again… I don’t think this chart means what you think it means.

      Here’s a chart that is actually MUCH more telling:
      This is from an ice core study done in Greenland and shows, for those who can’t read charts, that our current temperature isn’t as warm as MOST of the last 10,000 years! So much for the myth of AGW.

          1. It’s a fact. Ice core data looks at solid ice, which takes decades to form by the compaction of successive years of snowfall. The latest data is therefore from about a century ago.

  104. The Global Warming Petition Project – a petition signed by
    over 31,000 scientists worldwide, including over 9000 PHD’s.

    The Petition Text, in part:

    “We urge the United States Government to reject the global
    warming agreement that was written in Kyoto, Japan in
    December, 1997, and any other similar proposals. The
    proposed limits on greenhouse gases would harm the
    environment, hinder the advance of science and technology,
    and damage the health and welfare of mankind.

    There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release
    of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing
    or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the
    Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate.
    Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in
    atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon
    the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth.”

      1. You have earned my pity. Faced with irrefutable proof disproving the glo-bull scam-job you sacrifice your honor and integrity for a few bucks. Maybe the pope will canonize you.

  105. The global warming we’re causing has been so rapid that we’re already seeing global temperature equal or exceed the highest temperature of the last 120,000 years. Soon it will be warmer than it has been for millions of years. It’s inevitable that weather patterns will become increasingly unfamiliar to meteorologists, accustomed as they are to a 20th Century climate. How will farmers and urban planners and other concerned individuals plan for a climate that we’ve never seen before?

                    1. It gets better than that, even. The About Me section says he’s a Greenie but that he has no ax to grind in the global warming debate. Imagine that!

                    2. Well, imagine that. Hope he’s making some money off the hoax. Most of the kooks aren’t. Just the Solyndra’s of the world.

            1. I know you’re a disciple, but your plots fail mightily in two basic areas.
              1. They don’t cover more than a blink in time (give us 500,000 years or more)
              2. The data collected since 1900 has been drastically manipulated
              Try to do better.

              1. We have millions of years of climate data – that’s how we understand the way the climate works, and that’s why climate scientists have been correctly predicting the course of global warming for over 30 years now.

                1. Oh! You’ve got 30 years of predictions! Awesome!!!!
                  I’m sure you won’t mind humoring me. What is your ONE FAVORITE PREDICTION that is demonstrably proven for these time frames:
                  1. 2000 to 2010
                  2. 1990 to 2000
                  3. 1980 to 1990
                  This should be fun! After you show me yours, I’ll show you mine! ROFL!

                  1. Right back in 1981, Dr. James Hansen published a paper in which he predicted that AGW would become distinguishable from the ‘noise’ of natural climate variability before the end of the century –

                    “The predicted CO₂ warming rises out of the 1σ noise level in the 1980s and the 2σ level in the 1990s”.

                    Of course, as we all know, he was proven correct by observations. Anthropogenic global warming is now at around the 5σ level, which means that we can be 99.999% confident that the global warming we see today is not due to natural climate variability. Read the paper – It’s on the NASA website.

                    1. Hansen! Excellent! On of my faves, in many outrageously stupid predictions. This is perhaps my favorite:
                      “In 1988, Hansen was asked by journalist and author Rob Reiss how the “greenhouse effect” would affect the neighborhood outside his window within 20 years (by 2008). “The West Side Highway [which runs along the Hudson River] will be under water,” Hansen claimed. “And there will be tape across the windows across the street because of high winds. And the same birds won’t be there. The trees in the median strip will change…. There will be more police cars … [since] you know what happens to crime when the heat goes up.” In 1986, Hansen also predicted in congressional testimony that the Earth would be some two degrees warmer within 20 years. In recent years, after the anticipated warming failed to materialize, alarmists have cooled on predicting such a dramatic jump in temperature over such a short period of time.”
                      But Hansen has a long history of climbing off the ledge and waiting to say something the next year. ROFL!


    1. “Soon it will be warmer than it has been for millions of years.”
      Bwahahahahahaha, please stop it you’re killing me. Whew!!
      Millions of years ago the oxygen percentage was quite different than it is today. To compare then and now is simply nonsense.

        1. Oxygen (since about 500 MYA) has fluctuated between 15% and 35%. Currently it’s about 21%. Different chemical makeup of the atmosphere will cause heat gain/loss to vary over time. Evidence… your own research (it’s obvious from your posts that you have yet to do that).

  106. Rain forests devour CO2, they don’t produce it; and sea ice is at a record high! But Al Gore makes billions and his liberal acolytes worship at the alter of global warming. Go figure.

  107. “Highest Global Sea Ice and Highest Antarctic Sea Ice For The Day”. This article obfuscates what’s going on. The author is adding data from two completely independent parts of the world whose year-to-year ice patterns depend on utterly different phenomena. For one thing, the Antarctic ice is primarily land-based and depends on complex interactions of land ice, sea ice and currents in the area. The Arctic data is of sea ice only. Data include satellite measurements of sea ice “extent” (a measure of area) as well as sea ice volume (PIOMAS), which includes the effects of thinning ice not visible in the extent data. Both Arctic data series show *clear* decreases of sea ice for the past 35 years, whether you measure yearly average, yearly minimum or yearly maximum.

    The headline of “record” for a single day also ignores the rest of the days of the year where it is far from that. But the main problem is that adding two utterly different datasets (with the same weighting, no less) to make a “global” series is meaningless.

      1. But you have to be careful because this is cherry picking the day. There is no reason why this particular day is more important than the other 364 days in which the global ice extent (a meaningless number, as I pointed out) is not larger than other years.

  108. But – but – Al Gore told us we were losing our sea ice. He told us global warming was a real threat. Stupid to believe him, huh? Socialist liberals never let facts get in the way of a good rant.

    1. Anyone who suggests climate scientists have been massively corrupted by federal funding and peer pressure does not consider the countervailing power of opposing financial interests that might lure scientists to question the scientific consensus such as the lucrative funding made available in the right-wing think-tank world and fossil fuel corporations. If it were only money why haven’t the scientists defected in droves? Because you discount the possibility that scientists would find the lure of eventually being proven correct to be a powerful reputational incentive, let alone that they would actually care enough about being right to disregard social and financial pressure. If you had any specific sense of how these social pressures survived the rigors of the scientific method and peer review, you don’t explicate them.

  109. Look at the facts: We have caused a substantial planetary energy imbalance – i.e. more heat coming in from the sun than being radiated away to space.

    The Earth has to heat up until radiative equilibrium is restored. This is simple, undeniable thermodynamics (if you put heat into something faster than it is losing it, then it has to heat up – it cannot be otherwise).

    The huge thermal inertia of the oceans means that this will take many decades. Again, simple undeniable physics, because it takes a lot of energy to heat water – much more than for the equivalent volume of air.

    So the planet including the oceans will be warming for many decades to come. That means ice will be melting for many decades to come, and the oceans will be expanding for many decades to come, raising global sea level. During the last deglaciation sea level rose by up to 4 metres per century, and that was with much slower global warming than we’re seeing now, so there is certainly a plausible risk of multiple metres of sea level rise this century, and 1 metre by mid-century or soon after.

    That’s why I moved uphill.

      1. There is no evidence for the Loch Ness monster so you can allege all you want but the world knows you’re a m0r0n for doing so. When it comes to climate science the evidence is voluminous in the scientific journals.

          1. Prove that you are not a m0r0n and are scientifically literate by providing one DOI reference for the Loch Ness monster and one for your voodoo claim. I’m sure you know that you’ll be viewed by all who read your comment as a bloviating puerile buffoon should you fail to provide the references.

        1. Don’t you mean the “pre-decided climate science funded for the desired evidence?”

          The data may be voluminous, but so are the Brothers Grimm fairy tales.

              1. Actually you shouldn’t be pitied for your stupidity in not availing yourself to the world class education and facilities afforded to you by our society. When did you chose to become so obnoxiously ignorant or is it just inherited so you have to go out in public and prove how stupid, ignorant, superstitious and uneducated you are. Bet you revel in the anonymity of the internet!

                  1. Actually science today is as rigorous as it ever was, probably more so as the number of scientists worldwide grow. But you don’t have a clue what goes on in this most difficult of careers as it requires smart, educated and knowledgeable people … in fact only the brightest of all humanity is involved and that is why you write dumb comments about a field that is oblivious to your ilk. Maybe that huge inferiority complex drives you to snark.

                    1. Only someone getting paid would utter such nonsense and attack others questioning the invented lies. Pathetic is far above your current state.

        2. Actually, there’s just as much evidence for “Nessie” – I have seen some really great pictures of a hockey-stick-like figure sticking out of the water in Loch Ness…

          1. We’re all still waiting for you to provide the simple DOI references to your earlier crapola-loaded comments … why are you struggling to find the science? So an easy one to ensure that you’re just not an obnoxiously ignorant buffoon would be for you to provide a DOI reference for your “Nessie” evidence. You won’t! Why? There are none, just like you haven’t provided any for the crap you wrote earlier. You are an embarrassment to the world when you had every opportunity and facility to get educated and you declined to participate.

              1. Sorry cupcake you’re a first class uneducated m0r0n. Hopefully you may discover why DOI references make you out to be a pugnacious and obnoxiously ignorant buffoon.

                1. Yup – more evidence of your intellectually vacuous nature. You’re too childish to avoid name-calling and your fixation on DOI shows you’re a one-trick pony with no actual trick.

                    1. You could carve “devoid of substantiation and science” on your tombstone, to be sure.

                      Tell you what – why don’t YOU use some “science” to refute the article or anything I’ve said. I’ve posted several places with quotes and charts – you’re just to lazy to do your own research.

                      No, go away and bother someone else.

                    2. Be my guest and supply the DOI reference for evidence for “Nessie” as you allege with all the other crapola you have posted … all devoid of DOI references as science is foreign to you. Here’s a tissue for you to recover from being so easily bothered ….

              1. M0r0ns who have never conducted scientific research and cannot substantiate the crapola they spew usually throw a schoolyard pout when all else fails. Well done … need a tissue?

    1. “…that was with much slower global warming than we’re seeing now…” And yet, we STILL aren’t warming! We haven’t warmed at all in the last 17 years and warmed only .6C over more than 100 year.

      If anything, the planet will be cooling.

        1. The lies are all from you, though I can’t tell whether you’re making crap up or you have just drunk the Kool-aid. I’m assuming the latter. The chart you posted doesn’t even purport to show temperature.

          1. 99% of it is temperature. It’s only expressed in energy (Zj) because about 1% of it is in melting ice… and as I’m sure you’re aware, you have to put a lot of energy into ice to change its state before it will have any increase in temperature.

        2. FACT: Significant changes in climate have continually occurred throughout geologic time. For instance, the Medieval Warm Period, from around 1000 to1200 AD (when the Vikings farmed on Greenland) was followed by a period known as the Little Ice Age. Since the end of the 17th Century the “average global temperature” has been rising at the low steady rate mentioned above; although from 1940 – 1970 temperatures actually dropped, leading to a Global Cooling scare. The “hockey stick”, a poster boy of both the UN’s IPCC and Canada’s Environment Department, ignores historical recorded climatic swings, and has now also been proven to be flawed and statistically unreliable as well. It is a computer construct and a faulty one at that.

          FACT: The HadCRUT3 surface temperature index, produced by the Hadley Centre of the UK Met Office and the Climate Research Unit of the University of East Anglia, shows warming to 1878, cooling to 1911, warming to 1941, cooling to 1964, warming to 1998 and cooling through 2011. The warming rate from 1964 to 1998 was the same as the previous warming from 1911 to 1941. Satellites, weather balloons and ground stations all show cooling since 2001. The mild warming of 0.6 to 0.8 C over the 20th century is well within the natural variations recorded in the last millennium. The ground station network suffers from an uneven distribution across the globe; the stations are preferentially located in growing urban and industrial areas (“heat islands”), which show substantially higher readings than adjacent rural areas (“land use effects”). Two science teams have shown that correcting the surface temperature record for the effects of urban development would reduce the reported warming trend over land from 1980 by half. There has been no catastrophic warming recorded.

  110. Now hold on a second, wasn’t California supposed to be underwater by now?

    Wasn’t the North Pole supposed to be completely free of ice entirely by now?

    You mean 2 + 2 doesn’t equal 5? Don’t tell the glo-bull acolytes, their heads may

    overheat due to the truth influx overload.

  111. ““Several of the models have less than two thirds of the observed SIE (sea-ice extent).”

    A recent paper in the Journal of Climate finds that most climate models erroneously predict that Antarctic sea ice extent decreased over the past 30 years, which “differs markedly from that observed”.

    As noted in the abstract, Antarctic sea ice has confounded the models by instead increasing over the satellite era. In fact, it is currently at a record extent that is more than 2 standard deviations above the 1979-2000 average.

    The authors lament, “The negative [Antarctic sea ice] trends in most of the model runs over 1979 – 2005 are a continuation of an earlier decline, suggesting that “the processes responsible for the observed increase over the last 30 years are not being simulated correctly.”

    “Several of the models have less than two thirds of the observed SIE (sea-ice extent).””

    It would be rather easy to prove “global warming” if you use models that are off by more than 66 percent.”

    1. It’s like a lot of people been sayin’ about another fella’ of lately.
      Either they don’t know what they are doing
      or worse
      They do know what they are doing.

  112. More global ocean ice – must be that damn global cooling. I wish global warming WAS real and it took all of the liberal elite thiefs with it! Funny how my money will solve a global problem with the sun.

  113. Global Warming? No, no… it’s—“Cliiiiimate Change” That way, the anti-capitalists (which is what this is really all about) can have it both ways. Too cold, too hot–it’s climate change caused by the evil capitalists of the world! After all, we can’t have global warming meetings taking place in record cold temperatures! That was some bad PR that can’t happen again.

  114. As the IPCC point out, the data shows that warming of the climate system as a whole accelerated in recent years. Warming of the Earth’s land surface continues unabated. Warming of the oceans continues unabated. Global sea level rise continues unabated. Global ice melt is accelerating (that means glaciers, ice sheets and Arctic sea ice). The only part of the climate system that hasn’t seen rapid heat accumulation in recent years is the sea surface, and that’s because of natural ocean dynamics – i.e. the predominance of La Niña conditions in the Pacific, which acts to cool the surface and instead accumulate heat at lower depths.

    “The evidence is incontrovertible: Global warming is occurring. If no mitigating actions are taken, significant disruptions in the Earth’s physical and ecological systems, social systems, security and human health are likely to occur. We must reduce emissions of greenhouse gases beginning now.”

    American Physical Society

    1. The IPCC reports have been shown to be fraudulent. Further, we see that their predictions are not only untrue, but actually the opposite is happening. “A recent paper in the Journal of Climate finds that most climate models erroneously predict that Antarctic sea ice extent decreased over the past 30 years, which “differs markedly from that observed”.”

      1. No, the IPCC reports have been accepted as valid by every scientific organisation on the planet. You’re right that the small increase in Antarctic sea ice extent wasn’t widely predicted, but it’s just a detail used to distract you from the fact that the world is warming rapidly and that we are the cause of it.

        1. “…have been accepted as valid by every scientific organisation on the planet…”Clearly that’s not true, or we wouldn’t be having this discussion.

          “SMALL INCREASE?’ ROFL! “It would be rather easy to prove “global warming” if you use models that are off by more than 66 percent.”

            1. Only 36 percent of geoscientists and engineers believe that humans are creating a global warming crisis, according to a survey reported in the peer-reviewed Organization Studies. By contrast, a strong majority of the 1,077 respondents believe that nature is the primary cause of recent global warming and/or that future global warming will not be a very serious problem.

              The survey results show geoscientists (also known as earth scientists) and engineers hold similar views as meteorologists. Two recent surveys of meteorologists revealed similar skepticism of alarmist global warming claims.

        2. MYTH 6: The United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has proven that man–made CO2 causes global warming.

          FACT: In a 1996 report by the UN on global warming, two statements were deleted from the final draft approved and accepted by a panel of scientists. Here they are:
          1) “None of the studies cited above has shown clear evidence that we can attribute the observed climate changes to increases in greenhouse gases.”
          2) “No study to date has positively attributed all or part of the climate change to man–made causes”

          To the present day there is still no scientific proof that man-made CO2 causes significant global warming.

          Here’s still MORE fun:

          “Peer-Reviewed Survey Finds Majority Of Scientists Skeptical Of Global Warming Crisis”

          Don’t look now, but maybe a scientific consensus exists concerning global warming after all. Only 36 percent of geoscientists and engineers believe that humans are creating a global warming crisis, according to a survey reported in the peer-reviewed Organization Studies. By contrast, a strong majority of the 1,077 respondents believe that nature is the primary cause of recent global warming and/or that future global warming will not be a very serious problem.”

    2. APS Mission Statement: The evidence is incontrovertible: Global warming is occurring. If no mitigating actions are taken, significant disruptions in the Earth’s physical and ecological systems, social systems, security and human health are likely to occur. We must reduce emissions of greenhouse gases beginning now.
      What One of Their Own Physicists Said about APS’s Mission Statement:
      Dr. Lewis rightly pointed out that the word “incontrovertible” is not justified in any way, shape, or form. In fact, very few things in physics are incontrovertible, and global warming is simply not one of them.

      1. Dr. Lewis is wrong. There are literally tens of thousands of different physical and biological metrics which show that the Earth is warming. That’s about as ‘incontrovertible’ as it gets.

        1. Well, how about another of APS’s experts:

          Dr. Giaever agrees with Dr. Lewis. In fact, he puts it in quite stark terms. In his resignation E-MAIL, he states:

          In the APS it is ok to discuss whether the mass of the proton changes over time and how a multi-universe behaves, but the evidence of global warming is incontrovertible? The claim (how can you measure the average temperature of the whole earth for a whole year?) is that the temperature has changed from ~288.0 to ~288.8 degree Kelvin in about 150 years, which (if true) means to me is that the temperature has been amazingly stable, and both human health and happiness have definitely improved in this ‘warming’ period.

            1. I think you’re confusing a question with a declaratory statement. In any event, who said this:
              “Science is always wrong”?
              More importantly, who agreed with it?

  115. ~
    On the first part of the electoral
    I was looking at the popular vote
    The clod hoppers had the count
    And the Supremes said to go float
    There were Bush and chads and lawyers and things
    So I made up Global Warming
    The first thing I made was a video
    And showed it to the crowds
    The lies were steep
    And the boots were in deep
    But the media was full of sound.

    I’ve been through the leftists on a dead horse with three names
    It felt good to be all insane
    On the left you can’t remember what’s legit
    ‘Cause there ain’t no one
    That gives a ….
    La, la, la, la, la, la
    La, la, al, gor
    La, la, la, la, la, la
    La, la, al, gor


    On the second day my philly Tipper’d me
    She gave dismount to a loser
    With beard I grew
    and hope anewed
    I went to a masseur
    With money aside
    and power aglide
    I was looking for a happy ending
    But she gave no grat
    especially of that
    Not even a beginning
    So I whipped out the plastic noodle
    And while looking a clown
    gave chase aroun’
    But she outfoxed the frisky poodle

    I’ve been through the leftists on a dead horse with three names
    It felt good to be all insane
    On the left you can’t remember what’s legit
    ‘Cause there ain’t no one
    That gives a ….
    La, la, la, la, la, la
    La, la, al, gor
    La, la, la, la, la, la
    La, la, al, gor


    1. Well each degree of warming will cause around 20 metres of sea level rise, so your fear is justified. The data indicates that at the very minimum 10 metres of global sea level rise is already locked in – it’s just a question of how fast we get there.

      1. Yet oddly, contrary to your statements and those of the religion of AGW, we can NOW see, for the first time ever, petrified trees sticking out of the water off the coast of Wales. Why? Because the sea level is LOWER.

          1. Ever hear of the internet? Go research it. Here’s a good quote from National Geographic: “A walkway made of sticks and branches was also discovered. It’s 3,000 to 4,000 years old and was built, it is believed, to cope with rising sea levels back then” –

            But wait! How could the sea levels have risen 3,000 to 4,000 years ago? Such a mystery! Could it be because the planet’s temperature has changed naturally over it’s lifetime? Hmmmm?

          1. MYTH 10: The earth’s poles are warming; polar ice caps are breaking up and melting and the sea level rising.

            FACT: The earth is variable. The Arctic Region had warmed from 1966 to 2005, due to cyclic events in the Pacific Ocean and soot from Asia darkening the ice, but there has been no warming since 2005. Current temperatures are the same as in 1943. The small Palmer Peninsula of Antarctica is getting warmer, while the main Antarctic continent is actually cooling. Ice cap thicknesses in both Greenland and Antarctica are increasing. Sea level monitoring in the Pacific (Tuvalu) and Indian Oceans (Maldives) has shown no sign of any sea level rise. – See more at:

  116. “Global Sea Ice Breaks Record High For The Day – Antarctic Sea Ice Also Breaks Record High For the Day”

    You mean to tell us all Alfalfa Gore was wrong…………….

  117. Oh my ! Who do we believe, those who stand to make billions and billions of dollars with their little offsetting carbon footprint companies like Gore, or do we look at cold hard facts. Years ago a few Russian scientist stepped forward with their data saying we were actually facing a mini ice age but they were not screaming for taxing anyone, nor were they behind any of these carbon footprint voiding companies (that is for the right amount of money) .

        1. …the change in TSI between 1750 and 1980 of dS = 0.38 Wm-2 is a radiative forcing of FRS ≈ 0.06 Wm-2. Hence the recent downturn in solar activity is giving us direct evidence that the contribution of TSI is small, of order a few percent of the effect of well mixed greenhouse gases. This agrees with modelling studies that have predicted that even a return to Maunder minimum TSI values would only give a minor slowing of greenhouse gas driven warming [Feulner and Rahmstorf , 2010; Jones et al., 2012]. The inferred radiative forcing of FRS ≈ 0.06 Wm-2 is very similar to the IPCC estimate and the main change to the IPCC consensus values that I would suggest is needed is that the level of confidence in the value should, in the light of the recent data, be changed from “medium” to “high”.

          In plain English: Our impact on global climate is much larger than that of solar variability. Any plausible decline in solar activity (which is what your ‘Russian scientists’ are talking about) would have negligible impact on the ongoing global warming.

            1. The quote is from solar physicists. Follow the link. For a published study read this:

              “We have previously placed the solar contribution to recent global warming in context using observations and without recourse to climate models. It was shown that all solar forcings of climate have declined since 1987. The present paper extends that analysis to include the effects of the various time constants with which the Earth’s climate system might react to solar forcing. The solar input waveform over the past 100 years is defined using observed and inferred galactic cosmic ray fluxes, valid for either a direct effect of cosmic rays on climate or an effect via their known correlation with total solar irradiance (TSI), or for a combination of the two.

              The conclusions of our previous paper, that solar forcing has declined over the past 20 years while surface air temperatures have continued to rise, are shown to apply for the full range of potential time constants for the climate response to the variations in the solar forcings.”

              Recent oppositely directed trends in solar climate forcings and the global mean surface air temperature. II.

              Mike Lockwood and Claus Fröhlich.

              In simple words: Even a decline in solar irradiance has little impact on the ongoing global warming. This is an observed fact.

              1. The only thing that Frohlich studied is whether the sun had anything to do with global warming. It had nothing to do with whether global warming actually exists.

          1. MYTH 1: Global temperatures are rising at a rapid, unprecedented rate. –

            FACT: The HadCRUT3 surface temperature index, produced by the Hadley Centre of the UK Met Office and the Climate Research Unit of the University of East Anglia, shows warming to 1878, cooling to 1911, warming to 1941, cooling to 1964, warming to 1998 and cooling through 2011. The warming rate from 1964 to 1998 was the same as the previous warming from 1911 to 1941. Satellites, weather balloons and ground stations all show cooling since 2001. The mild warming of 0.6 to 0.8 C over the 20th century is well within the natural variations recorded in the last millennium. The ground station network suffers from an uneven distribution across the globe; the stations are preferentially located in growing urban and industrial areas (“heat islands”), which show substantially higher readings than adjacent rural areas (“land use effects”). Two science teams have shown that correcting the surface temperature record for the effects of urban development would reduce the reported warming trend over land from 1980 by half.


            MYTH 2: The “hockey stick” graph proves that the earth has experienced a steady, very gradual temperature decrease for 1000 years, then recently began a sudden increase. FACT: Significant changes in climate have continually occurred throughout geologic time. For instance, the Medieval Warm Period, from around 1000 to1200 AD (when the Vikings farmed on Greenland) was followed by a period known as the Little Ice Age. Since the end of the 17th Century the “average global temperature” has been rising at the low steady rate mentioned above; although from 1940 – 1970 temperatures actually dropped, leading to a Global Cooling scare. The “hockey stick”, a poster boy of both the UN’s IPCC and Canada’s Environment Department, ignores historical recorded climatic swings, and has now also been proven to be flawed and statistically unreliable as well. It is a computer construct and a faulty one at that.

            More to come…

  118. The fact is, human activity is now by far the largest influence on global climate. We are responsible for all of the global warming of the last 50 years. We’ve reversed 8,000 years of natural global cooling in just a century, and we’re already blasting past the highest global temperature of the last 100,000 years. The people telling you otherwise are lying to protect fossil fuel industry profits.

    Proof of this is in the accelerating global warming we’re seeing today, the accelerating melting of ice all over the planet, and the accelerating rise of global sea level. People all over the world are suffering from increased flooding and heatwaves because a hotter world doesn’t just raise temperatures, it also raises humidity, which means heavier rain and therefore more flooding.

    We’re also seeing an increase in the most intense tropical storms, for the same reasons – the hotter sea surface and greater humidity drives more powerful storms. It’s becoming increasingly obvious that the more powerful storms and rising sea level are going to cause huge damage to coastal areas all over the world.

    The bottom line is the real world is proving the global warming deniers wrong, and will continue to do so for centuries to come.

    1. yea! those hurricane seasons have gotten worse and worse since Kartina in `04.. oh wait no they haven’t. your wings are melting from the carbon pollution coming from all that propaganda emanating from your pie hole.

    2. >>”The fact is, human activity is now by far the largest influence on global climate.”<<

      So now we lowly humans have more power over the climate than say……oh, I don't know…..maybe the sun? Old Sol? You know; that big bright, hot thing up i n the sky?!

            1. That is almost hilarious!
              You people lost the argument a long time ago and just refuse to admit it because that would just bust your bubbles so badly as to completely overwhelm you.

    3. The fact is, SOLAR activity is by far the largest influence on global climate.

      You really must be delusional. There isn’t an “accelerating global warming” – in fact, there has be NO global warming FOR 17 YEARS.
      There is no increase in “the most intense tropical storms” – we haven’t had a major hurricane hit the US in MORE THAN 10 YEARS.

        1. No, solar activity is the GREATEST influence on global climate change. Your buddy algore and his bunch of sellout “scientists” who want to get paid for toeing the party line either ignore this FACT or are lying outright about it.

          So-called greenhouse gases have a negligible impact.

      1. The fact is Solar activity is by far the greatest single influence on all climate solar-system wide – and only a complete moron or paid liar would indicate otherwise.

  119. Well you know more sea ice is because of global warming. Just ask the comrades. They would never lie about GW or the environment or black criminals (uh, victims) being targetted by the police because of racism that has kept Obama from being elected president by this racist country! So there.

    1. If you knew anything about it you might know that a warming world doesn’t mean there has to be less ice. Besides this article is only about sea ice extent, not sea ice volume.

      1. I’m not the one who said the ice would be gone by now, fakescience whatever you are. You might want to take it up with them. Your comment personifies (big word there) ineptitude for thought.

        1. Mimicry is the greatest form of flattery, however, I don’t need a denier’s adulation. Sadder than you having to consult a dictionary is your obnoxious ignorance when it comes to science. So I challenge you to show where science has stated

          all the ice would be gone by now

          or did you just extract that from your fundamental orifice?

          1. Such a thin-skinned little wienie, aren’t you? Good to know you can extrapolate “science” out of my word, “they.” Your fat little god gore said the ice would be gone. BTW, I’d bet you’ve never been flattered in your miserable life. I’m sure you’re as popular as the flu, spud. Oh, I’ll stack up my vocabulary to yours any day.

            1. Gore did not state it would be gone but you’re not the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to fact and gullibility. You’ve mastered regurgitation of urban legends. If your grammar is indicative of your vocabulary skills you’re in a world of hurt.

              1. The thin-skinned wienie surfaces. FYI, you’re projecting, and anyone reading your dribble knows it. I hate to call you a dissembler, but your fat little god, gore and his buds have preached doom and gloom more than once. You know, “the sky is falling,” “the ice is melting,” “the polar bears!!!!!!!!!!!” Pi*s off.

  120. Human activity is now the dominant influence on global climate, not nature. It took our gradually warming sun 80 million years to have the same warming impact on the planet as we’ve had in just the last 250 years. The effect we’re having on the climate will persist for tens of thousands of years. If we’re not going to do enough to actually solve the problem then we should at least be preparing to adapt to it. Doesn’t anyone think that we have a moral obligation to help those who will suffer the most and who have done the least to cause this?

    1. We have a moral obligation to round up, prosecute, and imprison the perpetrators of this glo-bull hoax. Then the world can fix itself without interference from the bad people.

  121. dictionarydotcom

    ~definition of the word… result:

    verb (used without object)
    1. to spring, arise, or proceed as a consequence of actions, circumstances, premises, etc.; be the outcome.
    2. to terminate or end in a specified manner or thing.

    3. something that happens as a consequence; outcome.
    4. Mathematics. a quantity, expression, etc., obtained by calculation.
    5. Often, results. a desirable or beneficial consequence, outcome, or effect:
    “We had definite results within weeks.”

    6. get results, to obtain a notable or successful result or response; be effective.

  122. How about we give the world’s poor a safe world with no socialist dictators or islamic rulers? Commies too! Disarm them all and bring the world up to 1950 standards.

    1. Absolute tosh. We have substantially changed the composition of the atmosphere by emitting greenhouse gases and aerosols. We have also changed the character of the land surface by replacing forests with crops and so on. The net effect is that the Earth is now radiating less heat away to space than it is absorbing from the sun, so it has to warm up in response. This is basic physics – it cannot possibly do otherwise. Satellites observe the reduced flow of heat to space, caused by our CO2 and other gases, so there’s no doubt that it’s happening. We can also see that natural factors would have caused slight cooling since mid-20th Century. The rapid warming we’ve actually seen since then can only be explained by the warming effect of human influences.

      1. Satellites demonstrate that the polar ice caps are at record levels. That wouldn’t be happening if there was global warming. Everyone can understand that.

  123. The heat is “HIDING IN THE OCEANS”, and everyone knows that when you want to make record amounts of ice, you need lots of heat! That’s why we put trays of water into our ovens when we want to make ice cubes.
    Republicans hour sew dumb, this is all settled science……

        1. I used to yearn for global warming. I thought: “Warmer summers! Hurrah!”. But the problem is that changing the climate is a Big Deal. Our civilisation is adapted to a 20th Century climate, not a Jurassic one. We can adapt to some extent but it will be expensive and dangerous.

  124. Democrats are so stupid that they don’t even know what the word GLOBAL means.
    HOW are record cold temps possible anywhere on earth IF it is getting warmer ALL OVER THE ENTIRE globe? You idiots don’t even understand simple words……LOLOLOL
    Maybe Democrats should run their stupid lies by a group who is smarter than them….like 1st graders!

      1. I understand you are a cowardly liar.
        HOW is it possible for record cold temps IF it is GETTING WARMER ALL OVER THE WORLD?
        Are you stupid, or just a typical Democoward?

  125. By now most folks already know of this 21st century
    snake-oil glo-bull scam the paid carnival barkers are
    wasting their breath attempting to foist upon the rest
    of us, but do you really understand why?

    The bad people are attempting to send the world into a
    global depression while raking off profit in the billions
    stunting/disrupting advancements economically, scientifically,
    and morally. They want to impoverish the human population
    using invented and faked wars on drugs and terror, and
    make bogus rules and regulations based on funded lies in
    order to better control and enslave folks entirely, to make
    us all beholden to the new world order bankster mafia.

    They will lie, cheat, kill, and employ the morally deficient
    to accomplish their goals. Even the pope is at their command.
    Don’t believe one word any of them spew forth like toxic waste.

  126. Why don’t you Democrats want THE WEATHER to CHANGE?

    Democrats are so stupid that they want the weather to stay the same. Don’t you idiots realize how disasterous that would be?

    I suggest you global warming liars look up the definition of climate, weather, global, warming and synonym……unless you like sounding like stupid idiots…….I guess most of yuo are used to it by now.

  127. “Global Sea Ice Breaks Record High For The Day – Antarctic Sea Ice Also Breaks Record High For the Day”
    How can this be when Alfalfa Gore said…………………..

  128. I’m ordering pizza. Anyone want some?
    They cook with a wood burning stove. Soooooo, CO2.
    It gives me gas. Soooooo, methane (another greenhouse gas).
    I guess I’d better just order for me and the boys, considering the planet may not survive otherwise. Good luck! And gerbil boy (aka Icarusc), prepare for no tomorrow. Not in the morning. But I’m gonna use the global warming to warm up leftovers. So tomorrow evening is iffy for the planet. If any of us live, will you have some plots ready to show the damage? ROFL!

    1. I want a wood burning stove. In fact I’ve used a rocket stove in the garden to make myself cups of tea. It’s the fossil fuels we need to avoid, not biomass.

          1. “we’re adding extra carbon to the climate system that wasn’t there before”. Were you not aware that the bio material that went underground was previously above-ground?
            How do you know, but what burning fossil fuels is just rebalancing the amount of carbon that is needed for a proper atmosphere?

            1. Natural processes took carbon out of the climate system millions of years ago, when the Earth was much hotter, and that’s why it cooled down. Now we’re reversing the process.

              1. You make many assumptions about “millions of years ago”. Are you a believer in the god of aeons of time that all Evolutionists are required to believe in? Even if you do, why do you think that “reversing the process” would be a bad thing?

                  1. First of all, you have zero observed evidence for any global warming over the last 18 years. Second, you don’t know if the supposed “warming” will be good or bad for most people on the planet. Third, most global warming believers wish to use large amounts of other-peoples’ money to supposedly fix the perceived “problem”.

        1. The carbon falls back to the ground through tons of calcium dust from outer space and of course rain. Then the calcium carbonated water continues to seep through the earth until it finds it’s catalyst: iron, heat and pressure. Then it turns into abiotic oil.

            1. They probably just use what’s available there. Heard in a Pennsylvania experiment they were using biomass and refuse from other sources. But the costlier things would be the heat and pressure needed.

                    1. Fossil fuels are biomass fuels that have complex molecules that already have some hydrocarbon chains within them before the process starts ie alcohols, oils, wood, fat etc .
                      Abiotic oil is made from simpler molecules like hydrogen from H2O, carbon from CO2 (which is derived from Calcium Carbonate CaCO3) and then the calcium, oxygen, iron, temperature and pressure are the catalysts that form the long hydrocarbon chain(s) that make up abiotic oil.

        1. That makes sense. Willow is supposed to be good – reasonably fast-growing and burns OK. Other woods burn hotter but don’t grow fast enough unless you have huge areas of land.

          1. Saw a video of a guy using a 4 foot cone like enclosure with narrow draft intake at the bottom. He was thinking he’d cook his camp meal with it inside his tent. He went outside of his tent and flames were shooting out of the top.

  129. Democrats are so stupid they have just now figured out that THE WEATHER (Climate) CHANGES!!!!!!!

    Democrats are so stupid they name thier lies with words that they don’t know the definition of. That’s why they have to keep changing the name of their lie..

    Climate and weather are synonyms, you blithering idiots….they mean the same thing.

  130. Remember when THE HEAT HIDING IN THE OCEANS froze the shipload of Global Warming cLIEmatologists in the Antarctic Sea ice? The idiots went to Antarctica IN THE SUMMER to study shrinking sea ice, then got frozen in!!!!
    Only idiots and liars still pretend man made global warming climate change climate disruption is real….

  131. Democrats are so stupid that they don’t even know what the word GLOBAL means.
    HOW are record cold temps possible anywhere on earth IF it is getting warmer ALL OVER THE ENTIRE globe? You idiots don’t even understand simple words……LOLOLOL
    Maybe Democrats should run their stupid lies by a group who is smarter than them….like 1st graders!

    1. Weather is what’s happening outside the door right now; today a snowstorm or a thunderstorm is approaching. Climate, on the other hand, is the pattern of weather measured over decades.

  132. The media will tell you when something important is happening! Of course it will be to late to do anything about it then. The government charges a gas tax, energy tax, water tax and propose carbon tax with credits. So we will have to assume that even though there is more Ice, the earth is still warming. If the whole earth became a block of ice the story would not change.

  133. DEMOCRAT LIARS changed the name of global warming to climate change after the world started getting colder. Then the DEMOCRAT LIARS tried to change the name of climate change to CLIMATE DISRUPTION……

    CLIMATE DISRUPTION ?????? So WHO exactly is trying to INTERUPT the weather????
    Once again, stupid lying Democrats did not check the definition of the words used in their lie.

  134. That’s why the sea dropped several feet! After all, it was supposed to flood the coastal states when it all was supposed to melt. Man, the surf must be miles from the beach by now….

  135. Why don’t you Democrats want THE WEATHER to CHANGE?

    Democrats are so stupid that they want the weather to stay the same. Don’t you idiots realize how disasterous that would be?

    I suggest you global warming liars look up the definition of climate, weather, global, warming and synonym……unless you like sounding like stupid idiots…….I guess most of yuo are used to it by now.

  136. While climate change won’t have any impact on Earth’s tilt foe regular seasonal changes, it is significantly shifting temperatures and causing spring weather to arrive earlier than it used to. Overall, spring weather arrives 10 days earlier than it used to, on average. “Spring creep” is something scientists projected would happen as the globe continues to warm.

  137. in 2000, the top global warming cLIEmatologist at East Anglia University said
    “in just a few short years, snowfalls will be a thing of the past”
    “children just aren’t going to know what snow is”
    Let’s have a show of hands on who still believes these stupid Democrat/Socialist liars?

  138. Do we really want to trust these global warmist scientist that have proven their zeal for backstabbing their fellow scientists which was uncovered when their emails were leaked?

  139. Weather is what we see day-to-day. It explains changes in the atmosphere over short periods of time and is highly unpredictable. A sudden thunderstorm or blizzard is what we refer to as weather.

    Climate, on the other hand, describes the behavior of the atmosphere over long periods of time.
    Using weather (i.e a few very cold days) as evidence against global warming (i.e a decade of hotter summers) is kind of like using one man’s early death to disprove the fact that, on average, life expectancies are increasing


    Math teaches us we can do anything to one side of an equation as long as we do it to the other.



    Now I know most libs are dumber than a box of rocks when it comes to math, so maybe you idiots could just check out this link….unless you like sounding like a blitehring idiot…
    As you can see the definition of Climate is THE WEATHER…..morons

    1. Global Warming is here.. It has been here since the time of Alexander the Great.. The pillars at the gateway to the city of Alexandria have been found 60 feet under water. Is man contributing to it?? very small amount.. The volcano in Iceland put more gasses into the air than all the cars in the US have in the last 100 years.

  141. The heat-trapping nature of carbon dioxide and other gases was demonstrated in the mid-19th century.2 Their ability to affect the transfer of infrared energy through the atmosphere is the scientific basis of many instruments flown by NASA. There is no question that increased levels of greenhouse gases must cause the Earth to warm in response.

    1. Keneth, While there is empirical evidence for c02 acting as a greenhouse gas, it is 1/3 og the theorized warming according to the pro AGW.

      The models theorize c02 warms. Warmer air holds more water vapor. Water vapor warming teiples the CO2 alone effect.

      There is empirical evidence for C02, but no empirical evidence for the positive feedback loop I just described.

      All the models use this in the calculations. Now, with the passage of time, all the modles are now out of possible ranges for being correct.

      The models are everything, Therefore the basis for everything is now not valid.

      Many scientists state the feedback is actually negative, which explains why the Earth has never had a runaway warming. Water vapor acts as a greenhouse. It also makes more couds which turns into clouds, and rain, cooling the planet.

      You speak of NASA. The last I read from them, they don’t state the feedback is a net positive.

      ” Water vapor is the big player in the atmosphere as far as climate is concerned.”

      1. The water vapour feedback doubles the initial warming, not triples it. We can see that this is occurring as predicted –

        Global humidity / atmospheric water vapour:

        Compared to temperature:


        1. I will look at your charts, thanks. The positive feedback loop triples the c02 alone. If the water vapor is twice as strong, that is a total of triple the c02 alone.
          All the models are now out of possible range of possibilities……oh wait. I see your charts, but it states nothing about “predicted”.

          1. What I mean is that the water vapour feedback on its own doubles the response, and then the other fast feedbacks take it to three times the response… roughly.

            1. Can you cite that for me? While I know the tripling as I stated is oversimplifying, I don’t remember the exact breakdown of it. If it is truly 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 I want to know. Thanks

  142. Democrats are so stupid that they don’t even know what the definition of SETTLED is.
    DEMOCRAT LIARS have now come up with 52 new reasons why their global warming model has failed. CO2 is rising but global temperatures are dropping, as evidenced by RECORD SEA ICE GROWTH at both poles.
    Settled science doesn’t need 52 revisions…..
    Are democrats too stupid to know what the word GROWTH means too?

  143. Global sea level rose about 17 centimeters (6.7 inches) in the last century. The rate in the last decade, however, is nearly double that of the last century.

  144. Care to comment, former vice president and (must . . . not . . . smirk) climate activist Al Gore? Doesn’t the pla-yann-et have a fa-hee-ver?

    Yes, I see and, no, you can’t f✻✻✻ me or the horse I rode in on. I don’t even own a horse.

  145. All three major global surface temperature reconstructions show that Earth has warmed since 1880.5 Most of this warming has occurred since the 1970s, with the 20 warmest years having occurred since 1981 and with all 10 of the warmest years occurring in the past 12 years.6 Even though the 2000s witnessed a solar output decline resulting in an unusually deep solar minimum in 2007-2009, surface temperatures continue to increase.7

      1. NASA, but it doesn’t matter because you guys believe in Alex Jones, a few climatologists-not the 95% that agree there is global warming, and facts.

        1. NASA, you mean the guys that keep fiddling with the numbers NASA? Can you tell me why their datasets keep changing? Oh yes, because it helps the lie of global warming. That 95% number is BS too, like data from NASA.

                1. That site has won the “Best Science & Technology” blog for the past three years running. With more than a million reader comments, lots of people are involved and the truth gets sifted from fiction pretty fast.

                  You may not like it. But WUWT is more credible than any alarmist blog. They routinely have climatologists, physiciscts and physics professors, and others educated in the hard sciences. I suspect that you don’t like their conclusions or what they say. But that’s your problem. Plenty of people want to get their information from heavily trafficked sites, with lots of different points of view, and no censorship of opinions. Then readers can make up their own minds, based on the best information available.

                2. I am sure any site I can post would be far more credible than “Global Warming” the science, or the movie or whatever else you want to claim your religion is. The simple fact of the matter is that AWG, climate change..whatever, is a scam to steal your money, make energy unaffordable and unreliable, and in the long run make you a slave until they find a better way to kill you off. Oh yes, they have its called the Affordable Care Act.

  146. DEMOCRAT LIARS have claimed for years that melting sea ice was proof of global warming, and that melting sea ice would flood New York City by 2013,
    So is record sea ice coverage proof of global cooling, and proof that global warming is a manmade lie to raise taxes on working people?
    You sniveling Democowards will never answer…….all you have are lying and namecalling.

    1. “Now I know most libs are dumber than a box of rocks when it comes to math, so maybe you idiots could just check out this link….unless you like sounding like a blitehring idiot…” REX

      You seem to have a patent on lying and name calling as you continually post here

  147. The number of record high temperature events in the United States has been increasing, while the number of record low temperature events has been decreasing, since 1950. The U.S. has also witnessed increasing numbers of intense rainfall events.11

    1. It is a good question: how is MORE ice at both poles an indicator of global WARMING??

      Global polar ice, including Greenland, is above it’s 30-year average [the red line in the chart below]. Global ice is at record highs at both poles. That is reality. Which conflicts with the charts above.

      Who to believe? Planet Earth, or people drawing charts? Here is the latest empirical [real world] measurements of global ice:

      There is plenty of ice; more than normal. So another of the alarmist crowd’s endless lies is debunked by real world measurements.

      1. I don’t believe you’re as stupid as you’re pretending to be here. You can clearly see that Arctic sea ice is declining by 3,000 cubic kilometres per decade. Where is this ‘record’ you speak of on the graph above?

  148. East Anglia University provides all sorts of graphs and chats to help desperate democrats “prove” that warming all over the entire globe causes more record low than highs.

  149. Ninety-seven percent of climate scientists agree that climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities,1and most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position.

    1. 97 percent of the handpicked surveys of over 10,000.
      Its more like .03 percent. The climate scientists are paid by the government to make what if scenarios. A few have actually worked on the core data.

      1. You can’t find a majority of any so called “independent” scientists, climatologists in any country or state in the US who would state there is no human contributed acceleration of global warming.

        1. The OISM Petition contains the names of more than thirty thousand American scientists. They are all named, and they all co-signed a statement saying that CO2 is harmless, and beneficial to the biosphere. That’s good enough for me.

          Let’s see you get even ONE-TENTH that number of named scientists contradicting that.

  150. If we eliminated all the Co2, Volcano emissions and methane, the world would be saved. It would prove that the scientist are right and solve the problem once and for all.

  151. Heating degree days rose in the winter of 2014 to the highest on record, while cooling degree days dropped to a record low in the summer…… In Europe, N America, and Japan……Proof that global warming is a lie.
    Democrats are pathetic liars with ZERO knowlege of Thermodynamics……

  152. American Geophysical society:
    “Human‐induced climate change requires urgent action. Humanity is the major influence on the global climate change observed over the past 50 years. Rapid societal responses can significantly lessen negative outcomes.” (Adopted 2003, revised and reaffirmed 2007, 2012, 2013)5

    1. If it weren’t for the Appeal to Authority fallacy, what would you have to say?

      The only thing that matters is real world evidence. That shows that global warming stopped many years ago.

      Who should we believe?

      You? Or the planet?

      1. Well if real world evidence is required then it is certain that we should definitely NOT believe anything YOU say. You have not offered a single shred of evidence to back up your preposterous claims. All you offer over and over are unsubstantiated shadowy conspiracy theories and appeals to peoples’ mistrust of government.

  153. My heating bill was double in 2013 as it normally was. It was so cold that lying global warming cLIEmatologists had to invent a new term, POLAR VORTEX, to try to convince people that “cLIEmate change” was real……
    Remember the repeated bouts of arctic cold that hammered the entire country for months? Record low after record low was smashed……And how about this summer? I didn’t even have my AC on for the entire month of August…..
    It must be tough to be a Democrat and have to defend such stupid lies…..

  154. Less sea ice at both poles “proved” Global Warming to liberals… does RECORD sea ice at both poles prove global cooling?
    You stupid DEMOCRAT LIARS want it both ways, and every one of you here is too cowardly to answer my questions.

    1. The earth’s weather has a rhythm that follows the weather of our sun for the most part, but man can and does have an effect on that. Man can influence our weather. 100 years ago, not so much, today? Yes.

      The difference between 100 years ago and today is that then we had about a billion people in total across the entire planet. Those 1 billion people were just getting started using combustion engines and creating coal burning electricity plants. There weren’t that many cars and coal burning plants in those days. Weren’t as many people as there are today.

      Today we have over 7 billion people living and breathing, we have 1 billion autos and trucks operating daily, we open 6+ new coal burning electricity plants each week across the entire globe. Places like India and China are really ramping up to becoming first world countries with populations enjoying the technology that gives us so much comfort and help.

      These facts alone should be enough for anyone with two brain cells to rub together to see that man can, and does, have an effect on our weather… These cars create heat as a byproduct, they emit carbon into the atmosphere which science shows retains heat in our atmosphere.

      Let’s go back to the weather of the sun… The sun has cycles of activity and inactivity… Like clockwork for the last 100+ years our sun has had an 11 year cycle between active and inactive states. When the sun is active, the earth’s atmosphere warms up. When the sun is inactive, the earths climate cools for the most part. We SHOULD be in the active stage, but we’re not. We see the sun being very very quiet when history shows it should be pumping out lots of plasma that hits the earth and warms us up.

      So the earth’s weather has plateaued, no? The climate scientists say we should be warmer than we are, right? Yet here we are experiencing much cooler weather across the globe.

      So why are the models these scientists are using so wrong?

      They don’t take the sun’s weather into account.

      Here’s the kicker. We should be much much cooler than we are. Looking at the way the sun’s been so quiet, we should be in a mini ice age of sorts, but we’re not.


      Man is affecting our weather, man’s pollution is reflecting more and more energy back into space, mans carbon emissions are at the same time helping to hold heat in…

      When the sun starts becoming more and more active, as it’s starting to do now, trust me, the earth’s temps will start to rise to higher and higher levels.

  155. DEMOCRAT LIARS have claimed for years that melting sea ice was proof of global warming, and that melting sea ice would flood New York City by 2013,
    So is record sea ice coverage proof of global cooling, and proof that global warming is a manmade lie to raise taxes on working people?
    You sniveling Democowards will never answer…….all you have are lying and namecalling.

  156. “The Geological Society of America (GSA) concurs with assessments by the National Academies of Science (2005), the National Research Council (2006), and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2007) that global climate has warmed and that human activities (mainly greenhouse‐gas emissions) account for most of the warming since the middle 1900s.” (2011; revised 2013)

    1. So how do we get RECORD SEA ICE AT BOTH POLES AT THE SAME TIME if it is getting warmer all over the ENTIRE globe?
      You lying cowards just wont answer, will you?

  157. No DEMOCRAT LIARS want to discuss heating and cooling degree days?
    I guess when you have absolutely no clue as to the laws of Thermodynamics, all you can do is call names and tell lies!
    Heating degree days rose in the winter of 2014 to the highest on record, while cooling degree days dropped to a record low in the summer…… In Europe, N America, and Japan……Proof that global warming is a lie.
    Democrats are pathetic liars with ZERO knowlege of Thermodynamics……

  158. As I stated earlier,
    While there is empirical evidence for c02 acting as a greenhouse gas, it is 1/3 of the theorized warming according to the pro AGW.

    The models theorize c02 warms. Warmer air holds more water vapor. Water vapor warming teiples the CO2 alone effect.

    There is empirical evidence for C02, but no empirical evidence for the positive feedback loop I just described.

    All the models use this in the calculations. Now, with the passage of time, all the modles are now out of possible ranges for being correct.

    The models are everything, Therefore the basis for everything is now not valid.

    Many scientists state the feedback is actually negative, which explains why the Earth has never had a runaway warming. Water vapor acts as a greenhouse. It also makes more couds which turns into clouds, and rain, cooling the planet.

    You speak of NASA. The last I read from them, they don’t state the feedback is a net positive.

    ” Water vapor is the big player in the atmosphere as far as climate is concerned.”

        1. Earth’s atmospheric physics is stable and smoothly continuous – an increase x in temperature will lead to an increase y in specific humidity, for example. Hence clouds are a feedback to temperature change, not a cause per se.

          Now, the non-condensing greenhouse gases contribute 25% of the total present day greenhouse effect, with water vapour at 50% and clouds at 25%. Hence the total fast feedback response to a climate forcing can be estimated as the forcing x 4, minus negative lapse rate feedback which reduces the response by about 25%, so net fast feedback from atmospheric processes should be about forcing x 3, which is what is observed from both modern and palaeoclimate data. Claims of fast feedback as low as 1 to 2K per doubling are unrealistic.

          Palaeoclimate studies find that slow feedbacks can be expected to at least double the response in the long term (centuries to millennia). So, with today’s CO₂ climate forcing of 1.9W/m², we can expect to see around 2.8°C of global warming at equilibrium, with many metres of sea level rise… and remember this is what we are already committed to, and no-one thinks we’re going to stop emitting CO₂ any time soon.

          This is not a trivial matter.

    1. Many scientists state the feedback is actually negative,

      no scientist who has studied physics in the past 150 years would make that statement so your choice of the word many is pure emotive opinion and a fabrication of your scientifically illiterate world.

  159. To assist the hoard of deniers who are gullible enough to consider this article is based on scientific evidence, please consider the following before you regurgitate this article of vacuity:

    1) The Read the full article link has no written content nor references.
    2) Climate science is never day specific such as this article purports i.e. 363 which for those of you gullible enough … that is today. So the 2014 data observations and evidence were not available to the unknown authors when this article was compiled.
    3) Even the fudged graphs given show Arctic sea ice steadily declining over the past 40 years and records 2014 as the fourth lowest in the record for their selected datum point.
    4) There is no correlation between Arctic and Antarctic sea-ice. The latter does not affect global temperatures and disappears every summer … it is growing in winter as a result of global warming. The former is declining and the trend has not changed and is leading to additional global warming by reduced albedo and more energy absorption.

      1. I’ll bite. What datasets were used and where did the unknown authors obtain tomorrow’s data (when they compiled the graphs) … were they fortune tellers or mystics?

          1. used the UPCC

            didn’t know Universal product code had anything to do with climate science but there again you emotional deniers are a creative bunch of fantasizers.

              1. That’s so very easy to do. First, IPCC has made no prophecies. Second, IPCC documents are void of the term settled-science. I must conclude that you are like religious folk always quoting crap as you never read the documents to which you reference.

                1. That is probably correct about the IPCC never making a “settled-science” claim. Al Gore, however, DID say that in front of Congress: “The debate is over. The science is settled.” Proselytising for Global Warming helped make him rich and famous, so what are we all waiting for? 😉

                  1. I’m sure we can both agree that Al Gore is not a climate scientist nor even a scientist and he was not speaking as one when testifying before Congress he was using layperson’s terms to describe consensus which is how scientists come to accept physical phenomenon. However the difference between you and him is that he is scientifically literate and the fact that CO₂ heats the atmosphere absolutely is settled science. The fact that the amount of CO₂ that humans have already emitted is causing warming at an unprecedented rate is also settled, and the longer we continue emitting CO₂ the worse it will get.

                    1. Al Gore is “scientifically literate”… because the observed facts have proved him wrong.
                      I’m beginning to understand.
                      Thank you.

                    2. I’ll bite … what observations have disproved Al Gore’s message. Now no plucking out-of-context or pure fabrications from the denier blogosphere … give supported verifiable answers.

                    3. You are certainly doing a lot of “biting” today. 😉

                      “The ice on land is melting at a faster rate and large ice sheets are moving toward the ocean more rapidly. As a result, sea levels are rising worldwide,” Gore wrote on January 31 during his visit to Antarctica”.

                      “But beginning on page 7, Climate Depot’s A-Z Climate Reality Check makes a mockery of Gore and company’s claims. The vast majority of Antarctica is cooling and gaining ice, according to recent peer-reviewed studies and data. As for sea levels, Gore is apparently clueless on the latest sea level data. See: European Space Agency global sea level reveals ‘two year long decline was continuing, at a rate of 5mm per year’ & ‘In August 2011, NASA announced that global sea level was dropping and was ‘a quarter of an inch lower than last summer.”


                      I recommend you research more before commenting, as it is getting tiresome showing you nearly every point you raise has already been refuted before, many of them right here on this web site!

                    4. First you ignored the caveat not to reference or quote from the denier blogosphere which you totally ignored referencing climatedepot as your source. Second, try some science it’ll make you smarter. Third, comments by Icarus have the correct data on ice loss etc. so as not to be repetitious I suggest you read what he has posted here. Fourth comment when you have consulted with science sources.

        1. “NASA AND NOAA CONFIRM GLOBAL TEMPERATURE STANDSTILL CONTINUES” all caps headline showing 2013 data from:

          I have no idea what you are on about fortune tellers.

          Here is a very good page showing sea ice extent and other polar-related things:

          And here is a site devoted to sea ice extent (and yes, it is calculated daily):

          1. Again, what datasets were used … if you’re clued into climate science you’d be able to answer as there are several out there from which every scientist draws … they don’t just make up their own sets. This may be above your pay grade but none of your references go to scientific sources. Second, there is no global temperature standstill and seeings you like NOAA you may be interested to know that they’re reporting 2014 to be on track to be the warmest in the record … how could that be if global temperatures are at a standstill?

              1. What is second … did you run out of thoughts? It is impossible for sea-ice data to be real time if you had any inkling how the datasets are assembled you wouldn’t make such ludicrous and obnoxiously ignorant statements. Maybe a cursory review of how satellites observe and retrieve data may make you a tad smarter than you now profess to be.

                1. “First, let’s make clear that fact that the data for the sea-ice is day specific, contrary to one of your earlier statements.”
                  Never mentioned “second”. Perhaps it is your conscience pricking your heart? That’s what God put in us to help tell us we need to follow his ways. 🙂

                  1. Strange to start and end a comment with first but there again you’re not the most educated buffoon on this site. Here is where you go wrong “sea-ice extent is defined as a temporal average of several days (e.g., five days) in order to eliminate calculation errors due to a lack of data (e.g., for traditional microwave sensors such as SMMR and SSM/I).” It is initially calculated using an algorithm that later gets refined as sea and land-based observation are used to calibrate the satellite data which is collected using passive microwave sensors.

            1. Why do you currently not wish to study for yourself? Are the observed facts too disturbing for your belief in Global Warming? If you really want to study to know facts, you will find that Evolution has even bigger problems than Global Warming does!
              Here are some of the data sets used:

              You have to scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the 3 data sets used for this particular graph.
              This website uses SSMI data provided by NERSC:
              That should be enough information to get you solidly on your way to discovering the observed facts. Good luck!

              1. Evolution has even bigger problems than Global Warming does

                so you’re neither a scientist nor scientifically literate but feel empowered to comment on topics that you’re obnoxiously ignorant about. You didn’t even bother to read the links you provided. If you had you’d have read the caveats and realized that none of the so-called real-time data are real time. The first quantitative measurement for any day occurs ten days later at the earliest for the host of observational idiosyncrasies and computations necessary as clearly stated in your linked sites. So today’s first measurements as alleged in this article (day 363) won’t be ready until day 8 in 2015. Final data will come weeks and months later.

                  1. For Christ’s sake, read and comprehend what you link to or remain obnoxiously ignorant. The data are not real time and even if they were they hold no meaning for climate science analysis which tracks decadal trends and yes the freaking Arctic sea-ice is on a long-term downward trend such that the it will be ice-free if current trends hold, about 20 years from now. Please look up the scientific of definition of ice-free for the Arctic and what it means before peeing in your pants again.

  160. Democrats think that putting trays of water into your oven makes ice cubes……
    How can anyone still be this stupid? I mean posting graphs and charts that have been proven to be lies years ago? Seriously?

  161. Democrats would have you believe that the Laws of Thermodynamics do not apply any more. I know all of the laws, from the ZEROTH Law right on up…….
    How can anyone who is ignorant of the laws of thermo claim “the science is settled”….what science are you DEMOCRAT LIARS referring to?

  162. Headlines on the Drudge Report are often different than the headlines on the actual story. So, “Sony Cancels Theatrical Release for ‘The Interview’ on Christmas” on the Hollywood Reporter becomes “SURRENDER: SONY PULLS ‘INTERVIEW.’ “

  163. Which law of thermodynamics allows record cold temperatures to occur anywhere on earth IF it is getting warmer ALL OVER THE ENTIRE EARTH?????
    Democrats are just too stupid to know what the word GLOBAL means……

  164. Blatant reality is never factored into the “progressives'” propaganda. Their ONLY objective is to get “guvmint” in the hands of those elites who are so incredibly wise and benevolent that we little people simple can’t comprehend how wonderful they are. ANY and ALL excuses are employed to promote BIG PROGRESSIVE GOVT – think tax and spend per the whims of our elites.

  165. “the heat is hiding in the oceans”
    So which law of thermo allows for record sea ice at both poles IF there is more heat HIDING in the oceans? Why would global warming liars need to make up stupid excuses like this if the science is settled?
    Is that the same “heat” that froze the ship load of global warming liars into the sea ice during the Antarctic summer? YOu know, the “scientists” who were studying “shrinking sea ice”

      1. Is that temperature chart from the guy who changed history because of twelve trees in Russia,, and throwing out evidence that did not fit the narrative?

  166. I think a little global warming would welcomed, but they make it into a boogeyman thing that couldn’t be further from the truth, and say CO2 is the culprit but also is bullshiit

  167. No DEMOCRAT LIARS want to discuss heating and cooling degree days?
    I guess when you have absolutely no clue as to the laws of Thermodynamics, all you can do is call names and tell lies!
    Heating degree days rose in the winter of 2014 to the highest on record, while cooling degree days dropped to a record low in the summer…… In Europe, N America, and Japan……Proof that global warming is a lie.
    Democrats are pathetic liars with ZERO knowlege of Thermodynamics……

    1. It’s a matter of straightforward thermodynamics that reducing the Earth’s loss of heat to space must cause global warming, until equilibrium is restored. So far the models have predicted that warming with remarkable accuracy, for well over 3 decades –

      Right back in 1981, Dr. James Hansen published a paper in which he predicted that AGW would become distinguishable from the ‘noise’ of natural climate variability before the end of the century –

      “The predicted CO₂ warming rises out of the 1σ noise level in the 1980s and the 2σ level in the 1990s”.

      Of course, as we all know, he was proven correct by observations. Anthropogenic global warming is now at around the 5σ level, which means that we can be 99.999% confident that the global warming we see today is not due to natural climate variability. Read the paper – It’s on the NASA website.

        1. I suggest that you think about the physics involved: We have added hundreds of billions of tons of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, and thereby altered the planet’s energy balance. There is now significantly more heat coming into the climate system from the sun than is being radiated away to space. Simple physics tells us that the climate has to warm up, to restore equilibrium. It is of course impossible for this not to happen. The thermal inertia of the billion cubic kilometres of water in the world’s oceans means that this will take centuries. So we have set in place centuries of global warming and ice melt and sea level rise and the thawing of permafrost and changing weather patterns and so on. It’s inevitable.

            1. “… there is a high confidence that the TSI RF variations will be much smaller in magnitude than the projected increased forcing due to GHG”

              IPCC AR5, WG1, Chapter 8, p. 690

              i.e. The world will continue to warm under the influence of our greenhouse gas emissions, regardless of what happens to solar activity.

  168. The beautiful symbiotic relationship of plants and animals. Oxygen and C02…
    They want to call it “pollution”, tax, and regulate it to death……..God help us…

  169. This anti-intellectualism is antediluvian. No wonder a 2009 Pew Research Center report found that only 6 percent of scientists identified as Republican and 9 percent identified as conservative.

  170. The earth’s weather has a rhythm that follows the weather of our sun for the most part, but man can, and does, have an effect on that. Man can influence our weather.

    100 years ago, not so much…

    Today? Emphatically, yes.

    The difference between 100 years ago and today is that then we had about a billion people in total across the entire planet. Those 1 billion people were just getting started using combustion engines and creating coal burning electricity plants. There weren’t that many cars and coal burning plants in those days. Weren’t as many people as there are today.

    Today we have over 7 billion people living and breathing, we have 1 billion autos and trucks operating daily, we open 6+ new coal burning electricity plants each week across the entire globe. Places like India and China are really ramping up to becoming first world countries with populations enjoying the technology that gives us so much comfort and help.

    These facts alone should be enough for anyone with two brain cells to rub together to see that man can, and does, have an effect on our weather… These cars create heat as a byproduct, they emit carbon into the atmosphere which science shows retains heat in our atmosphere.

    But let’s go back to the weather of the sun… The sun has cycles of activity and inactivity… Like clockwork for the last 100+ years our sun has had an 11 year cycle between active and inactive states. When the sun is active, the earth’s atmosphere warms up. When the sun is inactive, the earths climate cools for the most part. We SHOULD be in the active stage, but we’re not. We see the sun being very very quiet when history shows it should be pumping out lots of plasma that hits the earth and warms us up.

    So the earth’s weather has plateaued, no? The climate scientists say we should be warmer than we are, right? Yet here we are experiencing much cooler weather across the globe.

    So why are the models these scientists are using so wrong?

    They don’t take the sun’s weather into account.

    Here’s the kicker. We should be much much cooler than we are. Looking at the way the sun’s been so quiet, we should be in a mini ice age of sorts, but we’re not.


    Man is affecting our weather, man’s pollution is reflecting more and more energy back into space, mans carbon emissions are at the same time helping to hold heat in…

    When the sun starts becoming more and more active, as it’s starting to do now, trust me, the earth’s temps will start to rise to higher and higher levels.

  171. “During the last ice age, sea level fell to more than 120 metres below present day sea level as water was stored in ice sheets in North America (Laurentian, Cordilleran), Greenland, northern Europe (Fennoscandia and the Barents region) and Antarctica. As the ice melted, starting around 20,000 years ago, sea level rose rapidly at average rates of about 10 mm per year (1 m per century), and with peak rates of the order of 40 mm per year (4 m per century), until about 6000 years ago.”

    The world warmed around 5°C in 10,000 years during the period described above – that’s 0.005°C per decade. Current global warming is nearly 0.2°C per decade – 40 times faster.

    If peak sea level rise was 4m per century during the last deglaciation, with a *much* slower global warming, what is the conceivable rate of sea level rise due to anthropogenic global warming? Perhaps as much as half a metre per decade? Perhaps more? The inertia of the climate system means we’re only just beginning to see the first consequences of global warming, but we’re going to lose a lot of the world’s cities and coastal land in just a few decades. It’s pretty much inevitable now.

    1. If ten years ago you said, “In ten years X will happen” and now ten years later X DIDN’T happen, do you know what that means? It means you were WRONG.

              1. You’re confused. There are papers about the slowdown in surface warming but that’s only 3% of the climate system. The other 97% continues warming unabated.

                1. “Please give up, you’ve already lost the fight, alright?” –John Kay (Steppenwolf)

                  My steaks from Brazilian cattle raised on a pasture that was formerly rain forest are ready. Don’t forget to come back here in 20 years and admit that you were duped.

          1. Doesn’t exist. With a comment like that you are clearly not a scientist nor scientifically literate. here is an actual science publication that you should read before sprouting nonsense about a tiny sliver of one layer out of four that impact the earth’s energy balance: DOI: 10.1002/qj.2297

            1. The Journal of Luminiferous Aether was an “actual science publication” at one time, too.

              Ten years ago you Carbonistas claimed that all the polar bears would have drowned by now. I don’t need to be a scientist to know that you were *wrong*.

              1. Thank you for sharing that you’re clueless about the scientific process and I’m not surprised as you had already established your obnoxious ignorance. Here’s a challenge, supply a DOI reference that

                claimed that all the polar bears would have drowned by now

                Here’s the current status of the declining polar bear population thanks to diminishing summer sea-ice : Read both references I gave you; you may become a tad better informed of what the evidence is even if you don’t agree with the conclusions.

            1. Icarus…..while we may have different views about AGW, I noticed you were able to fly the replies, charts, and information at lightning speed.
              I enjoy discussing it as you do when possible without insulting each other.
              When I have time later, and this quiets down, I will have something for you.
              I would appreciate it if you notice my reply later tonight, or tomorrow.

    2. Well…..that only works if you try the new math the alarmists try. You really want to claim nothing shorter than a ten thousand year event is the strongest force just before the industrial revolution?
      The temps, and ocean levels since coming out of the little ice age in the 1700’s, and the sixty year cycles are what you should focus on

      1. The critical factor in future sea level rise is the doubling time of the exponential ice loss – as Dr. James Hansen points out, “A 10-year doubling time would lead to 1 meter sea level rise by 2067 and 5 meters by 2090. The dates are 2045 and 2057 for 5-year doubling time and 2055 and 2071 for a 7-year doubling time.”

        Greenland ice mass loss doubled from around the year 2000 to 2006. It more than doubled again to 2013. Antarctic has also seen rapid acceleration in ice mass loss –

        “The contribution of both ice sheets together to sea level rise has doubled since 2009,” said Angelika Humbert from Germany’s Alfred Wegener Institute.

        So we’re seeing a doubling time of around 5 or 6 years, which implies 1 metre of global sea level rise by mid-century, if the acceleration continues. I’m not saying it definitely will, but a lot is at stake. What risk is acceptable?

    3. “inertia of the climate system”
      Just add another epicycle to your model there, Ptolemy.

      You Carbonistas are no different than any of the other charlatans, hucksters, and shamans throughout history who claimed the world would end unless we sacrificed virgins on their altars.

  172. A 2008 study found that just 11 percent of college professors identified as Republican and 15 percent identified as conservative. Some argue that this simply represents a liberal bias in academia. But just as strong a case could be made that people who absorb facts easily don’t suffer fools gladly.

  173. wait…there are STILL idiots pushing the global warming SCAM??

    LOL!!!! Time to MOVE ON, kiddies. Find another bogus control tactic to pull on the masses.

    Here’s a new good one:

    Because of reckless man-made global humping, all the combined weight of excess humans in the world his pushing us out of orbit and we will ALL DIE horribly of COSMIC RAYS if we dont sign a check over to the U.N. and Al Gore so they can neuter all the unimportant people.

    a holes

  174. This as the National Climatic Data Center reported that “the January-November period was the warmest first 11 months of any year on record for the contiguous United States, and for the entire year, 2015 will most likely surpass the current record (1998, 54.3°F) as the warmest year for the nation.”

    1. hmmm ya think with a name like “National Climatic Data Center” it might have… oh, i dunno… a little self-interest in keeping that panic budget money rolling in by stoking the climate scam? Kinda like how NOAA predicts 500 horrific hurricanes JUuuuuust before buget allocation time… then back-peddles all year long.

      For those of you keeping score:

      Rational People: 1
      Al Gore and the Global Warming Scam: 0

  175. Republicans are party of creationists and limited by their conservative outlook. According to a June Gallup report, most Republicans (58 percent) believed that God created humans in their present form within the last 10,000 years. Most Democrats and independents did not agree.

      1. Arthur C. Clarke’s famous third law:
        Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

        Semyorka’s corollary to Clarke’s Third Law:
        To the unqualified, any sufficiently advanced science is indistinguishable from religion.

  176. Trying to get every country to reduce Co2 emissions to zero is a pipe dream. Asia is pumping out pollution everyday and they don’t care about globe warming theory. We are watching the Sea Ice while other Governments are making a profit!

      1. Our leader in the White House wants us to lead from behind, while we watch the world go to hell in a hand basket! Jesus can change water into wine and he can surely fix global warming.

  177. Global warming is the greatest hoax in history. It’s all politically motivated. Liberals want more control over how you live your life. That’s the bottom line.

    The science is clear: the polar ice caps are at record levels are are continuing to expand. This is easily measured by satellite data and is indisputable. Global temperatures haven’t increased for over 18 years.

    All predictions made by the “sky is falling” climate scientists have been proven wrong. The best example is the prediction made by Nobel Prize winner Al Gore 5 years ago that the polar ice caps may be gone by now.

    Despite the scientific evidence to the contrary (look at the charts on the top of this page) gullible people still believe in this nonsense.

          1. The sun is a very stable source of energy. The maximum variation in absorbed solar radiation for the last few hundred years is about 0.2W/m², compared to our net influence which (so far) is around 1.7W/m².

        1. They don’t give the sun enough weight and they give too much weight to man’s influence.

          Man can and does have an effect on the climate.

          100+ years ago, not so much.

          Today? Emphatically, yes.

    1. Sorry but facts are facts and the laws of physics cannot be argued with. We are the dominant influence on global climate, we’re causing rapid global warming and it’s going to continue for centuries. We’re already exceeding the maximum global temperature of the last 120,000 years and that’s after only half a century of AGW. There is much more warming to come and much more devastating climate impacts. We’ve only seen the beginning so far. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

        1. Man does influence the weather and the climate. Not as much as Gore and his manbearpig acolytes might think, but we do.

          100 years ago, not so much.

          Today? Emphatically, yes.

          What changed?

          Population density and the spread of knowledge and technology.

      1. “We are the dominant influence on global climate” -Killed your argument Icarus.

        God is far, far beyond our understanding and a simple thing as “global warming” is not a thing that could upset the creation of His thing: Humanity.

        So, shut the hell up. Period.

        1. Icarus is correct and you’re obnoxiously ignorant. Too many Americans like you have easy access to the internet and, for that matter, to all manner of scientific and technological advancements you had nothing to do with, but feel free to deride the people who made all this possible because it isn’t enough for you, in your personal life, to “believe” some magic sky fairy created everything with his magic dick. I am assuming your parents are every bit as stupid, ignorant, superstitious and uneducated as you are and, therefore, are proud of their little bundle of retard. Do you want your spawn to continue being ignorant too?

    2. “the polar ice caps are at record levels are are continuing to expand.”

      Only Antarctic sea ice is expanding, and that is much less than the contractions of the other ice bodies.

  178. Gordon Gauchat of the University of North Carolina published these findings in the forthcoming issue of the American Sociological Review. He looked back at data from 1974 through 2010, and found that trust in science was relatively stable over that 36-year period, except among self-identified conservatives. While conservatives started in 1974 as the group that trusted science most (compared to self-identified liberals and moderates), they have now dropped to the bottom of the ranking.

  179. God save us from the apparent global cooling.

    Please be immediately aware that cooling kills far more people than does global warming.

    Any voting humans please vote this up. Since its pure logic, okay?

  180. We are in an inter-glacial period. Of course there will be some warming. During the last inter-glacial period around 120K years ago, the sea levels were around 8M higher than now and temps were 4 to 5 degrees C warmer than now. This has been documented through ice cores from Greenland.

          1. The fact of the matter, is the temp on earth in recent geologic history has been much warmer than today. What caused it? It certainly had nothing to do with man. Look at the right side of the graph. It looks very similar to the left. Only it’s not as warm and appears to have plateaued.

            1. Human activity only became the largest influence on global climate around half a century ago. Before then, all climate fluctuations were predominantly natural.

                1. We have hundreds of millions of years of climate data. Moreover we have basic laws of physics confirmed by empirical observations, which show that adding greenhouse gases to the atmosphere has increased its infrared opacity and is causing global warming. I’m more interested in what that’s going to do in my children’s lifetimes than geological timescales.

  181. I hate liberals. All they do is tell OTHERS what to do. They love to support ideals, but do absolutely nothing in their daily lives that is even remotely consistent with those ideals.

    It’s sickening.

            1. I keep the house thermostat at 60F and cycle 65 miles per week instead of driving. I recycle, compost etc. as much as possible. I try to minimise waste. None of it will make any difference but at least I’m not a complete hypocrite.

        1. Steve, the proper answer when talking to someone with the picture of a hamster for a profile picture would have been, “I think for myself….what’s your excuse.”

    1. I try not to “hate”, but the arrogance of the I’m better than you because I care more about the environment libs does bring out the extreme prejudice I feel towards the elitist.

      1. That’s what I hate. You can call it extreme prejudice, if you feel the need to be politically correct (just like the liberals), but it’s really hate, dude.

  182. The only way the Earth can lose heat is by infrared radiation to space.
    Greenhouse gases make the atmosphere partially opaque to infrared.
    Adding more greenhouse gas means less heat can escape to space.
    The planet therefore has to warm up, and it is doing so.
    Predicted by theory, confirmed by observation.
    Case closed, really. All the rest is detail.

              1. Our greenhouse gas forcing is now up to about 3W/m², which is like turning up the sun by more than 1%. In other words we’ve already outdone 125 million years of gradual solar warming. Hardly insignificant.

        1. ICARUS… I have handled a few people at the same time blogging… are the king of multi-debating. You are either in the business, or have this as a passion, more than a hobby.
          TWO QUESTIONS:
          1) Can you show me empirical evidence for the feedback loop? no just C02, but the whole loop. “skeptical science” is real skilled at dancing around, and fogging up when they don’t want to admit something. A real honest to goodness empirical evidence.
          I truly don’t think their is any.
          If you don’t have it, its ok, I am not here to declare victory, or anything. Just an honest answer.
          2) The hockey stick. The best I can find is a small group of trees in one area is all that was used to change history. That prompted a lightning speed paradigm shift.
          I believe some evidence that didn’t fit the narrative was not included.
          I know their are newer hockey sticks. I have not looked at them. I am still discovering the classic one. Do you know anything about it?

          1. 1: Read Climate Sensitivity Estimated From Earth’s Climate History (Hansen & Sato 2012 and particularly the section that leads up to Figure 6 on page 9, which really clinches it. Also, look at the modern instrumental data that shows around 0.9°C of global warming from our 1.7W/m² of climate forcing since the pre-industrial – it’s consistent with fast feedback climate sensitivity of around 0.75°C/W/m², or 3°C for a doubling of atmospheric CO₂ from 280 to 560ppm. If there was not this large positive feedback then we’d only have seen 0.3°C of global warming (or less, according to Lindzen and others).

            2: It’s well-known and entirely uncontroversial (with scientists and ‘sceptics’ alike) that the climate was relatively warm during the Holocene Thermal Maximum, then declined gradually for 8,000 years or so, and then rocketed upwards in the last century. The so-called ‘Hockey Stick’ just reflects that known temperature profile, and you’re right, there are many such studies which all find the same result. It’s in the data.

            1. I will read your links.
              However, your next statement is the “well it warmed so it must be manmade” statement.
              You don’t have info about the hockey stick. Its ok. You don’t have to know everything to have credibility with something.
              Tomorrow…..there’s always tomorrow. Happy newyear

  183. Wait! Isn’t Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, clouds, convection, tradewinds, Sunrise and Sunset all climate change as well? Thank goodness Man is here or otherwise the sun wouldn’t rise!

    The shocking thing is that Al Gore and the other Dems pushing this fraud have not been outed the way that a Ponzi, a Benedict Arnold or a Tricky Dick would have been. Meanwhile, Gore is jetsetting all over the country making money off this BS. Definitely not a believer himself. After all What Would Gandhi Do? Would he jump on planes if he believed it caused Global Warming?!? Sari, no.

  184. Geez, with news about climate change and Obummercare today the leftists must need to regroup and do damage control. Time for another distraction, blame Bush for something anything hurry!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  185. Hilarious. All you liberals trying to act smart by saying that the “Earth is losing ice, water, blah, blah and more blah.” Um….where’s it going? lol. The Earth is a closed system so it’s not going into space. Typical liberal. All these scare tactics….”the Earth is overheating”, “the population of the Earth is too high”, “the Earth is losing water”. Sheesh….get a grip. The planet MARS is having its global heat fluctuations at the same rate as we are here on Earth….so let me guess….man did this? ITS THE SUN DUMBASS!!!

    As for global warming, hell…..volcanic eruptions dish out more greenhouse gases in one eruption than what we spewed via the entire Industrial Revolution through to the present COMBINED and since we had 3 or 4 major ones this year I guess we’re all going to DIE. How about just saying you know nothing about science and let people with actual degrees in this make comments here. Then you won’t look so over-opinionated and yet still unintelligent.

    Dumbass media-chiming liberals. All talk…no braincells.

      1. Except my geologic education hasn’t been debunked yet…and I think it’s more relevant than your liberal education. Maybe if you were informed you wouldn’t sound so stupid.

          1. And amazingly, if you check your graph….it’s based on “projected estimates”. lol. Great graph on something that can’t be proven. lol.

            1. If you are a graduate you should do the honorable deed and return it. Here is the science behind Icarus statement: doi:10.1016/S0921-8181(02)00070-X

              1. Well garsh….I didn’t have anything involving “Paleogeophysics and Geodynamics” in my geology minor or my Austrian Economics (not Keynesian BS) major. In fact, I’m sure you intended me to be really impressed with your page from The Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System: “So far, the role of present-day Earth degassing in global C budget and
                climate effects has been focused to volcanic emissions. The non-volcanic
                escape of CO2–CH4 from the upper mantle, from carbonate bearing rocks
                in the crust, from hydrocarbon accumulations and from surface deposits
                and processes is here discussed in detail”….which has nothing to do with volcanic outgassing vs human activities, only that the granitic and naturally occurring oil based structures of the lithosphere, as they decay, emit more CO2 and NH4 than previously predicted. Oh….wow….that tells me so much about how Human Activities have been the bane of the Earths problems in terms of greenhouse gases.

                At least reference the correct information. Sure, you know how to use google but I doubt you’re familiar with anything more than that if you can’t even cite a paper correctly, heck if all you look for is CO2 and think…”well, he’ll be really impressed with me now.” Sheesh…dumbass. Some people actually read what you write and I’m still terribly unimpressed.

                Maybe you ought to consider turning in your own degree, eh? Such a waste of paper.

                Next dumbass.

                1. So you didn’t read the paper, why am I not surprised? If you had you would have been able to do some simple math with 10³–10³ Mt CO2/year being the best estimate for emissions from volcanoes per year from all published science. If you weren’t a dullard of the first order you’d know (or be able to find) that the burning of fossil fuels from all sources worldwide is about 29 x 10⁹ Mt CO2/year. Simple math, which may exceed your capabilities, results in volcanoes producing seven to eight orders of magnitude less CO2/year than that from human actions. You’re a classic example of a pretend educated person thankful for the anonymity of the internet.

                  1. Actually, dumbass, I did. But since you obviously have nothing better to do than flap your lips and prove what kind of a hypocrite you are…welll…you’re doing all my work for me. Ya…you’re a typical liberal hypocrite telling me i’m hiding behind my anonymity and yet i dont see your name, address, IP address….you know…anything that any number of hacker friends could identify you with and show you to be the fraud that you are. So just sit back.and throw numbers at me…i really dont give a damn.

                    Happy new year….dumbass.

                    1. Is dumbass you favorite word derived from the nickname your peers have lovingly bestowed on you? So do you stand by your vacuity about volcanoes despite allegedly reading the paper? Do you disagree how they derived the natural CO₂ quantities on page ____ (please fill in the blank from your reading)? I suppose the real dumbass will reveal its identity in its response and segue off-topic as per its proclivity when stumped by fact.

                    2. Wow….great comeback. “you favorite word derived from the nickname your peers have lovingly bestowed on you?” Next you’re going to stay, “I know you are but what am I?” Isn’t that right, Pee-wee? And yes, when relating to you….dumbass is me favorite word. That answer your question….dumbass?

                      And here’s a secret you can tell all “you” dumbass friends and you can giggle together like a bunch of schoolgirls: I don’t lose one wink of sleep over CO2 levels. It’s unimportant in the grand scheme of things. The Earth is a constantly adjusting and evolving living thing. Its an ecosystem that will continue accommodating until there is no more water upon its surface. Water is key. Surely you must have learned this somewhere. So when you dumbass liberals start crying about the CO2 levels, I go outside and start up my diesel and gun the engine hoping to hear your cries of anguish over the roar of the exhaust. Too many scientific journals state the obvious and say, “wow….plants grow faster in a higher CO2 enriched atmosphere, creating more oxygen, absorbing more carbon, and thus cleaning up the air.”

                      No surprise you didn’t learn this in your free public school….too busy holding hands singing kumbaya with your typically liberal dumbass teachers.

                      In the meantime, why don’t you go lick Obummers balls and hope for a handout. I have better things to do than explain to you the intricacies of global ecosystems.

                    3. Long off-topic puerile screed of vacuity as expected. Thank you clarifying that you’re neither a scientist nor scientifically literate but an obnoxiously ventripotent bloviator. You win, by unanimous vote, the award for the dumbest visitor to this site, hearty congratulations!

                    4. Hey dumbass. Exercising my freedom of speech doesn’t mean I have to talk about what you want to talk about. That’s more a leaning of the left and their intolerance for anyone of a differing opinion.

                      Thank you for proving my point.

                      Good night.

                    5. You’re entitled to your emotive vacuous opinions … the evidence doesn’t support them.

                    6. Well, when you start using data sampling from more than 30 years ago, we may have something more to talk about…but then, you don’t have any data that supports your proclivities for that timeframe, now do we. No….don’t answer….i really don’t care what you think. I know too many people with too many awards to their names that lean to my views over yours, so it really doesn’t matter what you think.

    1. The Earth is a closed system

      when you get to Middle School and study basic physics you’ll understand why your comment is crapola. If you have advanced beyond MS that is indeed very sad that you have not availed yourself to a modicum of education with the free world-class opportunities and facilities provided by our society and instead chose to be obnoxiously ignorant.

      1. lol…and somehow you feel vindicated that you abused something that you consider “free” to obtain what you believe is good. Well…nothing is free, and free advice is never good. Enjoy your idiocy….I have no more time for you. Some of us have to work to pay for all of your free crap.

        1. Primary and secondary education is free in the US and in Europe tertiary as well. Educated people usually make smart choices. You’re obviously an exception or uneducated or both. That’s why you probably have to work rather than enjoy the fruits of having a career.

          1. Hellllllloooooo…..i just said that being free explains why we have so many illiterate and imbecilic graduates from our public schools. Or didnt you catch that, dumbass. Let me guess….you were public school too? Sure, there are exceptions….no obviously not you….but they’re out there.

            Sheesh…are there any intelligent democrats on here for me to argue with…this one is severely lacking.

            Please go away….i’m allergic to “stupid”.

  186. The Himalayan glaciers were supposed to be melted by now, the Arctic Ocean was to be ice free in summer, snow in the northeastern US was supposed to be a distant memory, hurricanes in the southeast US were supposed to be more powerful and numerous than ever and the climate models all showed that as CO2 increased, temps would continue to rise. Of ourse we now know that none of these predictions came true. In fact, the only thing proven was that climate scientists were found via emails to be suppressing data that was not supportive of their agenda. What are we supposed to think?

  187. Socialism needs a villain. What better villain than capitalism, freedom and liberty. Animals and the environment don’t vote yet they are completely without a voice. What better object to hide behind than that of a polar bear or tree. Unfortunately most of them don’t even know they are being used as useful idiots. Especially those in the press.

    1. “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.”

      Margaret Thatcher

      Any other reasons socialism needs a villain? ;o)

    1. You’re arguing with the laws of physics. The role of CO₂ in contributing to the infrared opacity of the atmosphere has been known for around 150 years. Satellite observations show the infrared absorption by various different atmospheric constituents including CO₂ –

      There is direct empirical evidence that this spectrum of infrared absorption has changed in response to the anthropogenic increases in greenhouse gases:

      The resulting increase in infrared optical depth of the atmosphere is the largest single cause of the global warming of the last half century.

      1. Explain how decreasing IR reaching the surface warms. Clouds and water vapor do the same thing, the problem is assuming man is the problem and the solution. The earth is occupied on 10% of land surface.

      2. Adding additional CO2 will have diminishing returns. This is a well known fact about the impact of CO2 on global temps. CO2 is logarithmic with regard to it’s impact on globaltemps. The initial increase has the greatest impact, then the curve flattens as additional CO2 is added. Thus CO2 is not a concern.

          1. If anything, we have global cooling. Natural cycles are overriding the increasing CO2 up to this point. This is exactly what I predicted in my latest paper.

      3. Next our denier friends will tell you that it is impossible for CO₂ to even be evenly spread throughout the atmosphere and have resiliency as it is molecularly heavier than the other components of air so it just sinks to the bottom and disappears like silt settling out of still water.

    2. Why do you only read half of any published science? Do you like writing distortions and half-truths? Care to cite where science i.e. a DOI reference supports your statement?

    3. “not a leading factor.”

      Only when CO2 is not the first cause, as in the past half-dozen or so glaciations, where the first cause has been the Malanikovitch cycles, changing the way that the Earth receives solar radiation.
      If the amount of carbon dioxide coming from extream volcanic events, such as the PETM, or from the release of fossil fuels, as is happening today, then CO2 changes lead temperature changes.

    1. There was an article in Time Magazine in 1975 that warned of the coming Ice Age. Twenty years later they were warning everybody about global warming. It’s really disgusting to see so many people with knee-jerk reactions to every little thing. If there’s one thing that liberals have mastered, it’s blowing EVERYTHING out of proportion.

  188. But there is money to be made. Thinking I read awhile back something about CO2 credits, and how much any given company is allowed to pollute. Now if said company goes over it’s allowed emissions, it can buy or swap with a company that is not using it’s full amount. Now this “market place ” wouldn’t have anything to do with Al now would it. Just trying to go off memory here so anyone with more knowledge on this, please chime in.

  189. The real problem is that there are too many people on the earth gobbling up all the resources of the planet and the number just keeps increasing. The population growth needs to be slowed. If we don’t, we will be living in a world just like Solient Green.

    1. The technology we have isn’t the problem, the amount of people using it is.

      If the earth was a population of 1 billion like it was 100 years ago, and we were using the technology to the degree we do today, everything would be fine.

      The problem is saturation.

  190. It was said by Rush a few years back “Radical Environmentalism is the new home of the Communist Party”. All you need to do is come up with a threat that no one can argue against and the people will willingly give up Liberty, Freedom, everything in order to help prevent a disaster. Global Climate Change! who can argue against doing everything to save the planet? We must give up our freedom, our rights, our money and the right to decide how to live our lives in the effort to save the planet. It’s a scam to enslave the world under the guise of saving the planet. There has always been global climate change and always will be. Will it cause the end of life as we know it? Maybe, maybe not but there is precious little mankind can do to change it one way or the other. How do we know that our so called fix will not make things even worse? You will find global climate change happens 4 times a year scientists call it Spring, Summer, Fall & Winter and we have not been able to prevent it or make it better since the beginning of time. A wise man once said “Professing themselves to be wise they became fools”.

    1. What I said to Direwarning below is fitting to what you have to say…

      The issue is that we’ve grown the population of man to the point that the natural balance of nature is out of whack.

      The issue isn’t our technology, it is the amount of people using it today.

      The earth can handle only so much, there is a tipping point, and we’re close if not already there.

      What happens when man’s population is twice what it is today? Can the earth sustain us at those levels, for a while probably, but we need to have smaller families.

      1. You are uninformed. Where do you get your assertions? Are you an agriculturalist? A demographer? “The earth can only handle so much…” means exactly NOTHING, although it IS a very emotional remark, and “…there is a tipping point, and we’re close…” means nothing, either. “We” need for YOU to quit reproducing; the earth is far better off with reasoning beings than being overrun by hysterical know-nothings.

    1. I heard a weather report calling for “A 50% chance that it might snow, or not”.
      Doesn’t the 50% and might or not lower the odds to less than 50%?

  191. We did it! We stopped global warming! Whew, dodged a bullet there! Okay guys next project, the wave particle paradox. I need to know what I am actually made of. Let’s get crackin’ shall we?

  192. The CO2, O2, H and other elements are already in place. Just because some CO2 gets released when you burn coal or a cow farts, doesn’t mean you created it.
    Of course the rain forests like the CO2. Plants need it to survive. In return, they give us oxygen to survive. The big culprit is building housing developments and eliminating all the trees so the people can have sunshine and roses.

  193. Yet how many goverment paid scientists are saying that this was the hottest on record and that the ice caps are the smallest in history? I don’t trust them at all. This has been one of the coolest years in recent memory and the global warming scientists on their way to the Antarctic ice shelf to record how much had melted got stuck in the heaviest ice in decades for the summer months was absolutely awesome. Global warming has become a mainstream cult that if they truly could, would imprison and torture anyone who dared go against the message for the masses.

    1. I don’t think climate scientists are saying the temp is going to run out of control where it’s only hotter year after year after year. The sun has a lot to do with how things go with our weather, but man can, and is, having an impact.

  194. Climate change is REAL!
    Global Warmists are friggin idiot asshat liar-punks…….
    This old planet has been changing ever since it formed, and it will continue to change until the sun goes nova and burns it to an ember.
    So what?
    Quit throwing my money away trying to change how it changes!

  195. The global warming fanatics are a mighty stubborn bunch of liars. Their BS has been exposed and disproven repeatedly but they go on and on with it.

    Just following orders, I guess.

  196. Someone needs to plant the Pope and all the Kool Aid drinking Globalists and Utopian Statists on the frozen sea ice and just leave them there to ponder! These communists want the middle class go go back into caves and live like Neanderthals while they live the life of liesure.

    1. Time to spread the word to other Canadians. There are many dumb people up there cheering in the next ice age. All of Canada will be under 1000’s of feet of ice and uninhabitable just like Antarctica is now. It really should be criminal to divert funds to help start the next ice age when we know so many people will starve to death. With an ice age nearly everyone dies. Nobody dies with global warming! Don’t let these nuts lie any more.

      1. I try, George, but people don’t like being told that their religions are false. And the Global Warmism IS a kind of pseudo-religion for secular humanists and random atheists (though not all, thank God). People to whom I send intelligent, scientific refutations of the lies and half-truths of the Global Warmist religion usually respond with, “I don’t care — I BELIEVE in Global Warming!”
        It’s faith, and it’s blind as hell.
        I have a strong religious faith, but it’s not blind nor, I believe, should it be.

  197. Global Warming is Big Business. Big Businesses use advertising to find clientele that are willingly submissive to the message they sell. Apparently the Earth has enough low-info peons to still be pumping cash into this dead horse. Ants, termites and bovines produce more emissions than humans. The sun dictates most of the global weather patterns. We cannot control this anymore than we can prevent earthquakes of tornadoes. Thinking otherwise is egocentric.
    Humans are the only life form on Earth that has to pay to live here. Who do we pay? The same morons who make up ideas like global warming (just another tax they fear you into).

  198. You fundamentalist whackos. How do you interpret Matthew 25:31-46?

    Matthew 25:31-46
    New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised Catholic Edition (NRSVACE)

    The Judgement of the Nations

    31 ‘When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on the throne of his glory. 32 All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, 33 and he will put the sheep at his right hand and the goats at the left. 34 Then the king will say to those at his right hand, “Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; 35 for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.” 37 Then the righteous will answer him, “Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? 38 And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave you clothing? 39 And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you?” 40 And the king will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family,[a] you did it to me.” 41 Then he will say to those at his left hand, “You that are accursed, depart from me into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels; 42 for I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not give me clothing, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.” 44 Then they also will answer, “Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not take care of you?” 45 Then he will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.”46 And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.’

    This Pope is a breath of fresh air and with your mean spirited and insulting attitude I can only leave you to guess whether you will be sheep or goats.

    Climate Change does not have uniform and consistent impacts on our complex weather systems, you have to analyze mu

    1. Well first of all if you think the Pope is the voice of God then you are sorely lacking in understanding. Pope means papa means father and we only have one of those. The pope is not it either. Changing the Commandments to allow for graven images is blasphemy. Along with rosary prayers (which are repetitive and in public – both denounced openly by Yahshua). Hundreds of other reasons to not listen to the Pope. So if he is supporting the global warming crapola then you can bet I am not listening. Enough lies have flooded out of the Vatican over the last 1600 years to make it pretty clear they are in league with the leaders of the world. If you remember Yahshua’s 40 day fast the devil tried to tempt Him with governance over all of the nations of the Earth. Yahshua did not deny that satan had that dominion He refused to worship him and denounced him for the devil he is. Same devil rules the Vatican too. All human organizations are under the same control – God must be found on an individual level. He will not be found in a building or any socialist secular humanist organization and this includes all churches.

  199. What we actually want is the “runaway” warming. It is too bad with our current level of technology we are unable to cause it. With warming like when the dinosaurs were alive the Earth was warm for 100 of millions of years, whereas if we try and emulate the last 1 million years it was mostly ice covered except for short 10,000 year warm periods about every 100,000 years. Climate alarmists are trying to feed you Bull Crap that we want an ice age when quite the opposite is true. An Ice age means the corn belt and all of Canada is under a hundreds of feet of ice. No food means nearly everyone dies. A warm period of “runaway” warming means additional farmland opens up further north and there is more food. Also the mile thick ice caps would take centuries to melt even with “runaway” heating. Don’t believe me try melting an ice cube 2 miles thick the size of the USA? Only a complete dumb ass would buy into rapid melting. There is only one issue in the last 600 million years there has been no examples of “runaway” warming just longer warm periods on the order of 100 million years instead of 8,000 years with slightly warmer temps. Imagine what humans could do in 100 million years, vs. how pathetic we will all look with no food when the next ice age starts very soon. Time to start correcting all these morons and telling them they are wrong for cheering on an ice age and the sure death of all of Canada and most of the US. The premise that we want cooling is completely wrong and completely ignorant. We need to start letting them know how stupid they are for listening to hoaxers like Al Gore..

  200. the catholic church has a long history of siding with those who want to control the little people – this guy is just following in the foot steps of other so called leaders of the catholic church

      1. You must have me confused with someone who still believes in
        the catholic church – I do not and have considered it dead years ago – just another fraud that needs to lose its tax exemption…

  201. Global warming nonsense is costing jobs and the earth is colder. The same liberal idiots crying about the rain forests and CO2 helps the rain forests. The new liberation theology Pope is on the band wagon to save the earth from global warming.

  202. At one time Pacific Ice stretched more than half way down California and glaciers totally covered Maine .
    My questions.
    Would Maine still be covered if it were not for the hated SUV?
    Would the Pacific still be frozen if there were no coal powered power plants?
    Or maybe there has been warming and cooling for 10,000 years.
    There seems to be a lot of history deniers.

  203. WHY I BELIEVE IN GLOBAL WARMING: mainly because it has made so many accurate predictions that all came true! For example:

    “Within a few years children just aren’t going to know what snow is. Snowfall will be a very rare and exciting event.” ~ Dr. David Viner, senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia, March 20, 2000. 

    “By 1995, the greenhouse effect would be desolating the heartlands of North America and Eurasia with horrific drought, causing crop failures and food riots. By 1996 the Platte River of Nebraska would be dry, while a continent-wide black blizzard of prairie topsoil will stop traffic on interstates, strip paint from houses and shut down computers.
    “The Mexican police will round up illegal American migrants surging into Mexico seeking work as field hands”. – Michael Oppenheimer, The Environmental Defense Fund – “Dead Heat” 1990 

    January 2000 Dr. Michael Oppenheimer of the Environmental Defense Fund commenting (in a NY Times interview) on the mild winters in New York City: ”But it does not take a scientist to size up the effects of snowless winters on the children too young to remember the record-setting blizzards of 1996. For them, the pleasures of sledding and snowball fights are as out-of-date as hoop-rolling, and the delight of a snow day off from school is unknown.”

    Arctic specialist Bernt Balchen said “A general warming trend over the North Pole is melting the polar ice cap and may produce an ice-free Arctic Ocean by the year 2000.”

    “Using computer models, researchers concluded that global warming would raise average annual temperatures nationwide two degrees by 2010.” ~ Associated Press

”By the year 2000 the United Kingdom will be simply a small group of impoverished islands, inhabited by some 70 million hungry people … If I were a gambler, I would take even money that England will not exist in the year 2000.” ~ Ehrlich, Speech at British Institute For Biology

”In ten years all important animal life in the sea will be extinct. Large areas of coastline will have to be evacuated because of the stench of dead fish.” ~ Ehrlich, speech during Earth Day 1970

    “[In New York City by 2008] The West Side Highway [which runs along the Hudson River] will be under water. And there will be tape across the windows across the street because of high winds. And the same birds won’t be there. The trees in the median strip will change. There will be more police cars. Why? Well, you know what happens to crime when the heat goes up… Under the greenhouse effect, extreme weather increases. Depending on where you are in terms of the hydrological cycle, you get more of whatever you’re prone to get. New York can get droughts, the droughts can get more severe and you’ll have signs in restaurants saying ‘Water by request only.’” ~ James Hansen testimony before Congress in June 1988

“By 2000, British and American oil will have diminished to a trickle……Ozone depletion and global warming threaten food shortages, but the wealthy North will enjoy a temporary reprieve by buying up the produce of the South. Unrest among the hungry and the ensuing political instability, will be contained by the North’s greater military might. A bleak future indeed, but an inevitable one unless we change the way we live…..At present rates of exploitation there may be no rainforest left in 10 years. If measures are not taken immediately, the greenhouse effect may be unstoppable in 12 to 15 years.” ~ 5000 Days to Save the Planet ~ Edward Goldsmith 1991.

    June 11, 1986 Dr. James Hansen of the Goddard Space Institute (NASA) in testimony to Congress (according to the Milwaukee Journal) “Hansen predicted global temperatures should be nearly 2 degrees higher in 20 years, ‘which is about the warmest the earth has been in the last 100,000 years.’”

“A global warming trend could bring heat waves, dust-dry farmland and disease, the experts said… Under this scenario, the resort town of Ocean City, Md., will lose 39 feet of shoreline by 2000 and a total of 85 feet within the next 25 years.” ~ San Jose Mercury News, June 11, 1986.

    “Scientists predict an active 2013 hurricane season due to accelerated Global Warming and the warmer Atlantic Ocean. They are calling for 18 named storms, nine of which will become hurricanes and four of which will develop into major hurricanes. That’s about 50 percent more activity than during a normal season.” [N.B. It was the calmest hurricane season that year in decades.]


    1. At first I felt a bit sorry for you that no one really replied to a long comment as yours…..but I noticed its perhaps a massive cut n paste.
      Simply, the predictions are wrong. With the passage of time the computer models are out of possible zones for current temps. Everything is based on the models. Null and void now.
      As for the rest…….for every cherry-picked item that might or might not be correct in your comment, 10 times that could be weighed against them.

  204. In other news, the Pope just declared all non-believers of glo-bull warming … heretics and pagans.

    Non-belief in glo-bull warming has been reclassified as a grievous mortal sin.

    All non-believers will be burnt at the stake … break out the marsh-mellows boys!

    1. Pope Frank for all his faults of believing in a sky pilot is at least a realist when he switches to reality. What is your supernatural excuse to have disdain and ineptitude for science?

  205. The nature worshiping nuts fanatically pushing global warming are like the pagans of old. It’s not the first time the Catholic church has incorporated pagan beliefs into the church. Ultimately I think the pope is attracted to the left wing political angle AGW brings to the table, as he shown a love of leftist politics. He even had a huge part to play in bailing out the murdering scum Castro brothers in Cuba.

  206. Ah well, it looks like we do have a consensus and the science is settled after all.

    The Global Warming Petition Project.

    A petition signed by over 31,000 American scientists, including over 9,000 PHD’s.

    Their statement, in part:

    “There is no convincing scientific data that human release of
    carbon dioxide, methane, or other green house gases is
    causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic
    heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s
    climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that
    increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial
    effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth.”

    The argument is over.

    1. Have you ever stopped to consider why all the Mash Series “doctors” and one of the Spice Girls along with DR. I. P. Knightly and Dr. R. Sole etc. are signatories to your petition? Yet there are only four signatures by people who allege to be climate scientists!

      1. Not only did the Spice girl a.k.a. Geraldine Halliwell sign once but “she” signed as ‘Dr. Geri Halliwel’ and again as simply ‘Dr. Halliwell.’. When questioned about fake names like the aforementioned and “Drs. ‘Frank Burns’ ‘Honeycutt’ and ‘Pierce’ from M*A*S*H the petition’s spokesperson, Robinson said, “When we’re getting thousands of signatures there’s no way of filtering out a fake.” It is estimated that more than 28,000 of the signatories are fake. Next BS delivery please.

    1. There is no debate, science is not philosophy, it looks at the evidence formulates an hypothesis then tests it and if it withstands rigorous testing it becomes theory like gravity & evolution. Climate science as in AGW is solid theory according to scientists why do you disdain it?

      1. Poor leftwithnobrain….I never disdain facts…I do disdain computer models with inaccurate data used. As far as the chicken little group goes…they are continue to be proved wrong by the facts; too cold–climate change, too hot–climate change, no change–climate change. How can every circumstance have the same cause? Of course the scientists that have bought into this myth are well compensated with grants…not unlike a kept woman. I realize that some ideas are ruined by the facts…as it is this case.

        1. Thank you for sharing that you’re neither a scientist nor scientifically literate and revel in being an emotive and vacuous opinionated and obnoxiously ignorant buffoon. I can counter everyone of your fallacious assertions but as you have provided no citations for them it would not be worth my while to debunk your crapola as you lack even a simple understanding of the scientific process.

  207. George Orwell identified the 3 paradoxes of a Socialist dictatorship as “War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength.” The AGW Alarmists have added a fourth. “Cold is Warm.”

      1. Why are you so smug in thinking this junk you call science is right. The AGW crowd wants us to agree with this because “the majority of scientists agree.” But science is not a popularity contest. Case in point, you should research Alfred Wegener, and the initial reaction to his theory, presented in 1912. The vast majority of the scientific community thought he was nuts. But he maintained his POV and others picked up his research and ultimately proved what is accepted today as fact. Now any inept person who doesn’t know who Wegener is would go to Google and look him up. Are you one of those or can you, without googling, tell me what Wegener’s theory was?

        1. As a person with advanced degrees in physical sciences and engineering Alfred is no stranger to me as one of my Professors was an old school of Wegenerian theory and hated being schooled that he was wrong about continental drift. What you don’t understand is that virtually no one accepts that theory today as plate tectonics is the better theory. Why are you stuck on the climate change equivalent of Wagener? Science is dynamic and accepts the better theory when necessary without hesitation.

        1. You obviously are neither a scientist nor scientifically literate. If you were, you’d know that there is zero, nada, zilch, no, etc. skepticism within the science community with respect to AGW and GHGs. I’d welcome a DOI reference to prove me wrong. More than 150 years of physics is the track record.

            1. For one who lives in an alternate gullible world they maybe your link is what one considers to be peer-reviewed. In the real world if they were peer-reviewed they would have a DOI reference, so why don’t they possess any? If you know a modicum about the real scientific world you”l be able to answer yourself. Educated and knowledgeable well-versed skeptical scientists all publish in the real world so you just embarrass Team Denial with your silliness. You’re a sloppy and an undisciplined not-very-smart denier who like your ilk lost the tobacco and flat earth battles. Don’t screw legitimate skeptical science by you being dumb.

              1. leftwithoutbrain..YOU WROTE

                “You obviously are neither a scientist nor scientifically literate. If you were, you’d know that there is zero, nada, zilch, no, etc. skepticism within the science community with respect to AGW and GHGs. I’d welcome a DOI reference to prove me wrong. More than 150 years of physics is the track record” END QUOTE


                I supplied 1350 peer reviewed articles

                I also explained the Positive feedback loop is new.

                You denied the peer reviewed articles, and denied they are peer revied, evidenced by not having a DOI.

                You spent more words with emotional anger, and ad homonym attacks than a factual response


                The Papers are peer reviewed, and everyone I checked does have a DOI

                You first claimed “zero, nada, zilch, no, etc. skepticism within the scientific community” I provided such. You lie, and try to split hairs where there aren’t any.
                You ignored (denied) the feedback loop as well.
                When one knows of what he speaks, he doesn’t resort to childish name calling and lies. The denier hat seems to fit.
                When believing everything they say because they say so is science, yet reading both sides, and asking questions is a denier, anything else you believe is suspect.


                1. Let me repeat it for you cupcake as you are apparently blissfully clueless about the scientific process. None of your listed 1350 alleged peer-reviewed articles have a DOI reference which is missing, why? Obviously you haven’t looked at the list you supplied as not one debunks AGW or human induced CO₂ (a GHG) being responsible for some of the current warming trend … so why don’t you list five with their DOIs that you believe debunk AGW and the role of CO₂ and we can continue the conversation from there.

                  1. You can lead a horse to water….
                    They are peer reviewed. The doi is usually near the top.
                    You stated that no one in the science community is a skeptic.
                    You must know they are peer reviewed, and attempting top move the goal post.
                    Even if you refuse to look they are their. They don’t even have to be peer reviewed to prove the point…but they are peer reviewed.

                    1. What a long-winded screed to show you found zero. Thanks for the confirmation but it was not necessary! Obviously you can read but need to work on comprehension skills. I did not state

                      … no one in the science community is a skeptic

                      What i did state was

                      skepticism within the science community with respect to AGW and GHGs

                      see the difference cupcake?

                    1. Oh my cupcake you are so gullible! Your famous petition was debunked by all your favorite news sources on BS mountain including Fox and Rush because even they suspect Drs IP Knightly and R. Sole were fakes as were Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck and were very concerned about “Drs. ‘Frank Burns’ ‘Honeycutt’ and ‘Pierce’ from the hit-show M*A*S*H and Spice Girls, a.k.a. Geraldine Halliwell, who was on the petition as ‘Dr. Geri Halliwel’ and again as simply ‘Dr. Halliwell.’ “ Now when asked to respond to the issue of the fake names, Robinson said, “When we’re getting thousands of signatures there’s no way of filtering out a fake.”

                      Why are you so extremely gullible? Too many Americans like you have easy access to the internet and, for that matter, to all manner of scientific and technological advancements you had nothing to do with, but feel free to deride the people who made all this possible because you’re oblivious to the intellect, education, knowledge and experience needed to have a career in science. I am assuming your parents are every bit as stupid, ignorant, superstitious and uneducated as you are and, therefore, are proud of their little bundle of retard. Please don’t pass your stupidity on to your spawn. You are part of the reason why the US ranks #27 in the world in education outcomes.

                    2. Like I say, people that know facts, and can comprehend science do not blather paragraphs of as holmium attacks.
                      You made bold statements. I proved them completely false, to which emotional based belief’s have made you even more hostile.
                      Still waters run deep.
                      I see panic. Take a deep breath.
                      When one’s ego is not attached to your belief’s, the learning door is opened.

                    3. Sorry cupcake you’ve shown nothing but gross obnoxious ignorance. Still sticking with your Oregon petition are you? That alone places you in rarefied company of the most gullible on the planet! Still waiting for those peer-reviewed articles to be listed … your silence on the topic speaks volumes. Was five too many? How about just one! FYI: you have yet to provide anything and claiming you have is puerility on steroids.

                    4. When the petition first came out, alarmists tried to discredit it by attacking it and sneaking in false names.
                      In spite of their criminal actions, the names were cleared out. The project does not fit the narrative for you, thus the attacking rather than talking science.
                      So, while their was a momentary false victory by criminal action, it has been cleared for years. Your statements are again false, filled with 90% elementary mudslinging.
                      Your meltdown combined with everything proven false is really not appealing.
                      You are on a time out.
                      Go relax, and try to have a good year.

                    5. Now you are just outright lying cupcake! Right now you can look at the petition and find Charles Darwin, Drs. I. C. Ewe, M. Mouse and D. Duck. Let’s assume that those on the list who allege to be climate scientists, that’s about 140, which represents less than 0.001% of climate the science fraternity. It has been thoroughly debunked even by the Heartland Institute the most ardent propagator of climate denial science whose head of scientific research Dr. Jay lehr is a convicted felon who did time for scientific fraud.

                    6. You are on time out for lying, and ad homonym attacks.
                      Perhaps next year, if you can ……

                    7. Need a tissue …? Your silence on producing a peer-reviewed paper that rebuts/debunks/denies AGW and GHG warming is noticeable as you run around this site prattling on about junk science whilst totally oblivious or probably ignorant about the scientific definitions of climate and weather adding to your long list of scientific ignorance.

  208. Liar Liar pants on fire. Didn’t you know ???? Al Gore said so. We are burning up and are gonna die in, what the last count??? Oh yeah 5 years no 3 years left If we don’t give Green Peace and Big Al Gore more money. Yep gonna sign over my pay check and bank account to the Audoban Society so they can save the Earth. Yep.

  209. bg needs to have a serious think about the meaning of ‘science’. In scientific work you propose a theory then find a way of testing the theory under controlled conditions to determine if the theory correctly predicts the result of the test. The true believers of warming say the “science is in”, but there has been no demonstrated testing of the theory, data contradicts the theory (17 years of no warming but rising CO2 levels) and there is little understanding let alone control of test conditions to allow valid assessment of the ‘theory’. The clowns of this world are those that ‘believe’. I don’t include politicians, especially Obama, they don’t believe in anything; they are just looking for more ways to control the citizenry and to get deeper in to their pockets.

  210. It is so HOT, it is FREEZING! Global warming at its finest. Al Gore the idiot has been shown a FOOL, and anyone still adhering to this nonsense remains a FOOL!

  211. omg 😮

    CO2 pollution is warming the planet and it is all caused by man

    oops, I mean cooling

    better make than change


    We don’t even know how long a climatic cycles is – let alone be able to make trend analysis.

    more leftist bunk

  212. Please stop posting science data, the global warming guilt industries do not need hard facts. They have to make a living somehow. Global warming will be the 21st century’s piltdown man.

  213. WHO DO YOU BELIEVE??? …>>> Will someone please tell me what reality is on this subject. If I am on Drudge it says all is great. If I am on the Huffington Post, the end is near. WTF am I to believe? This is insane.

    1. Well….take some of each, throw out the extreme 25% of each…Then go directly to the source of each article,… then check out the sources for each statement, qualify the statements by any empirical evidence….making sure the sources for empirical evidence are sound and not one of the two starting places.. read past the summaries of all reports, throw out all memes, and the sky is falling statements, on the other hand throw out anything that states nothing ever warmed….then take it all with a grain of salt…..and that’s a good start.

      1. Both Drudge, and Huffington will only report what fits the narrative, each side including me will swear their side is much closer to truth.
        My favorite site is “jonova” try it you’ll like it

    2. Turn off the tv, close the internet, and read a book on the subjects. We radical right wing conservatives don’t need polls to decide for us what we should read to learn material. We just read, make decisions, listen to contrary opinions, decide if said opinions have any merit and then decide if our opinions continue or need to change because something else is more reasonable. Question everything…and when you think you have the answer, question that too. Otherwise, be a liberal, and just quote what everyone else says and leave it at that. Let the government think for you…’s what they’d prefer anyway.

        1. Yes, all it took was an MIT grad to explain “off camera” what everyone with at least 10 braincells already knew about Obummer.

          Apologies to any democrat on here demoralized and feeling demonized by my comments. I mean them in the best of terms….i.e. that maybe more people from the lesser intelligent social/democrat demographic should take a course on economics, preferably austrian free-market driven economics as I did, not the keynesian economics more widely pushed in schools because it pushes the idea of a “safer” government controlled market economy. Learn what pushes prices in the directions they go so that when politicians try to spew future Obamacare idiocy, consumers will already know that ANY costs pushed on to producers will just be handed down to consumers. So, sure….tax insurance companies….prices will inevitably go up. Surprise…they did.

          1. I would guess any AGW believer on this site has already gotten their feet wet. This would not be the first place a believer would go to.
            The economy. As they say, Socialism works great….until they run out of other peoples money
            However, we are already out of money.

    3. Reality is that the world is warming rapidly and in accordance with predictions made by climate scientists decades ago. The predicted consequences are also starting to be seen, e.g:

      Rising global sea level;
      Rising atmospheric humidity;
      Increasingly intense tropical cyclones;
      Melting ice caps and glaciers worldwide;
      Thawing permafrost all over the high northern latitudes;
      Large increases in extreme heatwaves;
      Climate zones shifting polewards and uphill.

      We don’t really know how bad it’s going to get, and that’s mainly because we don’t know how well human civilisation is going to respond to it with effective solutions.

        1. We should be a lot cooler than we are. Why?! Because the sun has been in an extended period of calm, much longer than it normally would be. You see, the sun has cycles of activity (earth warms up as a result) and periods of calm (the earths overall temps will drop),

          By all accounts, we SHOULD be much cooler than we are, but we’re not…


          The pollution man creates reflects energy from the sun, while at the same time it helps to keep native earth heat in (both man made as well as earth created).

                1. Precisely because the models are all wrong and put too much weight on man being the cause and not enough on the sun.

                  The sun is the major arbiter of the earths weather, but rest assured that man can, and does, influence it.

                  100 years ago when the earth had around a billion people who were ony just beginning to use cars and build coal burning electric plants? Not so much

                  Today with the population around 7 billion people, over a billion cars and trucks in use daily and more than 6 coal burning electricity plants coming online every week?

                  Emphatically, yes

                    1. facepalm… For the last 100+ years the sun has an 11 year cycle of active to inactive… For the past 18-20 years that cycle has been broken and the sun has remained calm much longer than normal… I said as much in my first post.

  214. Realizing we are now in a long-term COOLING trend, the left is desperately trying to get a carbon tax passed before too many of their robots stop drinking the Kool-Aid. I’m expecting them to try harder to pass a carbon tax while oil and natural gas prices are down.

    1. The world is warming rapidly, as shown by all the evidence (including the surface temperature series funded by the Koch brothers and the satellite series run by notorious climate ‘sceptics’ Spencer and Christy).

  215. Invented by the Club of Rome, Global Warming distracts the world’s population whilst the wealthiest .01% propagates a single world government; UN Agenda 21 is an example. Please, spend less time on the distraction argument they want you to focus on and more time understanding why this argument is being put in your face.

    If you are good with your country’s sovereignty being dissolved and laws which directly affect you being made by people who don’t understand or appreciate your culture; if you are comfortable with moral decisions being determined by profit margins and shareholder value, then please feel free to continue with the distraction global warming offers.

  216. Here in eastern PA, we didn’t even hit 90 degrees this summer. In November we had a low of 4 degrees. In January and February, we had snow storm after snow storm with extreme cold. I really wish we did have global warming.

  217. And the beat goes on… warming extremists won’t want to see this. Hell they won’t see it. They may read the headline and then “move on”. Pesky little facts of nature!

  218. Can you iomagine how much more ice we’d have if it weren’t for manmade global warming?
    Besides. MMGW-theory predicts the earth getting colder as well as warmer.
    It’s US!
    Wea culpa, wea culpa!!

    The upside is we won’t need ice-makers and their concomitant pollution to get ice for our drinks.

    “I’ll have the ‘economy on the rocks,’ please.”

  219. Baby it’s cold outside! I here all the climate change scientists are wintering in Florida this year! They can afford it with all that grant money they collect from the pockets of the taxpayers.

      1. Its always been that way by both parties. your own the drudge report– mostly conservative— its a hoax— I just came off of yahoo news–mostly liberal— its the end of the world. ALL government pay rolled science says its real. GO over to youtube and type in CLIMATE CHANGE HOAX– you can find page after page– of the most educated poeple known— with pedgrees longer than your leg– saying its a HOAX— but none of them is government funded— theres the difference.. AS of yet at NO time sense Obama has taken office as the unbelivers been able to present their side on any congressional floor in the climate debate— cold hard facts— but you won’t check them— because you believe

  220. all of you that know this warming things is a hax— just like me. Are wasting time, now that it is mandatory that the school teach climate change– you have lost. The liberals won the battle the same way— when they made it mandatory to teach alternative life styles in schools. this will go down the same path of the Y2K scam. After spending billions on the fix– they claimed to have saved the world— but the facts are— countries that done NOTHING — experienced the same problems, as those who did. in a few decades after it is clear– no climate change occurred. They will claim,” WE FIXED IT “— sad part is— none will really know the amount of good paying jobs we shipped over seas— for this scam. AND the amount of money that was robbed out of your pockets

    1. The people profiting from concern over the climate crisis are doing so unopposed, because those who might be able to come up with better solutions are too busy denying that the problem even exists in the first place.

  221. The global warming alarmists are the same people who expressed dire concern about global cooling, nuclear annihilation, acid rain, hole in the ozone layer, destruction of the rain forest, etc. These leftist always have some “cause,” which requires Americans to sacrifice our money and our freedom to these leftists.

    1. Sounds great, now if only we could stop people from cutting down the rain forests so that it can do the job of soaking up all the carbon we’re emitting into the atmosphere.

    1. Global warming doesn’t mean Chicago turns into the tropics and experiences much warmer weather. Global warming means Chicago’s winters will be less chilly than normal. Chicago still will experience a winter but it will be shorter…

  222. the Pope still wants and needs OTHER PEOPLES MONEY so hes HAPPY to now preach something that he knows nothing about,and when its proven,will we find about other non truths,i just WONDER because i have FAITH ???

  223. Being a socialist he still believes that 100 percent of giving freely to the poor – gets to the poor.
    With bureaucrats involved – we know it is less than 50%. So the 1% get more than half and the rest get less than the other half.

  224. I say we let all the Global Warming Freaks visit said areas of New Sea Ice and spray them all with water so they freeze in place instantly. They can then try and prove their warming theory to us!

    Liberal Progressives SUCK!

  225. This blog and others like it would have us believe that global warming is nothing to worry about, but the experts disagree –

    “The evidence is incontrovertible: Global warming is occurring. If no mitigating actions are taken, significant disruptions in the Earth’s physical and ecological systems, social systems, security and human health are likely to occur. We must reduce emissions of greenhouse gases beginning now.”

    American Physical Society

    1. Uh, what flavor is that kool-aid this week? How many of the members of this esteemed “society” are funded in their research by government grants? And, what is the date of that quote? Who decides who is an expert in this American Physical Society? A “consensus” of the members? What do they stand to gain by declaring themselves “expert”? So far the evidence seems to indicate they were not so much “experts” at predicting the dire consequences of whatever change it was they ballyhooed several years ago. Sorta like the local TV weathermen.

      1. There’s always an Arquillian Battle Cruiser, or a Corillian Death Ray, or an intergalactic plague, or Anthropogenic Global Warming that is about to wipe out all life on this miserable planet, and the only way these people can get on with their wretched little lives is by having something to bitch about.

        1. We could always go with the fairy tale route that says the earth will end in fire… The god of the bible said, after flooding the earth, that he would burn us out next time. Maybe global warming is god enacting his previously prophecied words?

    1. Somebody down thread shared that same article…

      Now if only we could stop people from cutting down the rain forests so that it can do the job of soaking up all the carbon we’re emitting into the atmosphere.

      Problem is, we’re burning the candle at both ends… We’re increasing carbon emissions into the atmosphere at the same time we’re chopping down the rain forests that help to sequester all the carbon we’re emitting.

      1. It’s call balance and we need to assure we do. Many countries have laws about replanting where trees are taken out. We need to make sure they’re followed.

  226. it just gets tougher and tougher for the climate hoaxers – The left wing and their media toady’s are proven wrong with every new fact that comes to light. They are counting on stupidity and apathy to avoid exposure.
    That is why the effort to silence dissent is critical for the left to survive.

  227. Actually the Pope really didn’t say what the MSM are saying he said. You can read his comments on the Vatican website. The MSM are continually trying to tie the Pope to their liberal agenda when he says anything that remotely seems to fit. For example they were all atwitter when he didn’t condem gays and then translated that to claim he was going to approve “gay marriage” in the church. Didn’t happen and wont ever happen, but they keep trying.

    Having said all that as a Catholic I am not a supporter of this Pope. He is a typical Jesuit, they are the totally leftist order of the church. They have been responsible for more misery and suffering in the name of their discarded liberal ideas than any other order. They proclaim all they do is to comfort and help the “poor” but the “poor” seem to always remain poor under their minstrations. They go in for symbolism, like the Pope riding around Rome in a second hand compact car, or firing the head of the Swiss Guards for being “to military like” even though they are a military organization and the designated “Army of the Pope”. Think of Jesuits as Democrats on steroids. He’s not a good influence for the church and ultimately will, in my opinion, cause more damage than good.

    1. As a Catholic, I don’t completely agree with your assessment of Jesuits. I do find them to be more of the ‘progressive’ wing within the church, and there are some Jesuit priests that really do offend my Catholic sensibilities. But I also know several Jesuits who very holy and Godly priests who do amazing work.

  228. Global Warming is the biggest danger earth faces? There are 1.5 billion muslims pouring out pollution and to stop the global warming they could be used as fuel. Civilized people the world over must drive to work in pollution generating vehicles to provide the welfare payments to all the muslim. The rapid profilation of muslims paid for by our hard work. Kufirs pay your Jizya

  229. What happened to the previous Pope who resigned. Is the present Pope the result of a left wing coup. We are supposed to be influenced by the Pope and yet have no knowledge as to what goes on in the Vatican. I believe an international investigation including minority reports from conservatives should be launched as to why the previous Pope retired and this one selected. His actions are too suspicious to let stand unchallenged.

  230. Only STUPID PEOPLE do not realize that record sea ice at Both poles means manmade global warming climate change climate disruption is a pathetic DEMOCRAT LIE to RAISE TAXES on WORKING PEOPLE

    1. No, it’s man-made “climate change”. If there’s less ice, man causes it. If there’s more ice, man causes it. If it rains, man causes it. If it’s dry, man causes it. Good grief, when will the alarmists go away?

  231. MORON DEMOCRATS claimed shrinking sea ice was proof of global warming.
    Do you braindead liars now concede that record sea ice is proof of global cooling?

  232. Democrats must believe that they can make ice cubes by putting trays of water into their ovens.
    How else can someone believe it’s getting warmer all over the ENTIRE world, yet record cold temps are outpacing record high temps 5:1 worldwide……

  233. “Now they call it climate change” They should frame this and put it by the definition of stupidity. The term climate change has been around forever. It’s one of the science terms you might not be familiar with. The most general definition of climate change is a change in the statistical properties of the climate system when considered over long periods of time, regardless of cause. Accordingly, fluctuations over periods shorter than a few decades, such as El Niño, do not represent climate change.

    But the intellectual boulders want to make it a conspiracy to fit within their larger conspiracy wherein scientists get a government check as long as they toe the corpor–er I forgot government line. Never mind no one’s ever come forward about in the decades this conspiracy is supposed to take place.

    Cambodia got rid of all their teachers and intellectuals once. Worked out great for them.

  234. “The heat is HIDING IN THE OCEANS”
    Was that the heat that made the ocean water in Martha’s Vineyard so cold that homosexual Obama couldn’t swim in it on his Martha’s Vineyard vacation last summer, or the heat that caused the shipload of global warming liars to get frozen in the Antarctic Sea Ice last summer? Remeber those clowns were in the Antarctic to study shrinking sea ice!!!!!!
    How stupid does one have to be to stll believe these lies?

    1. Good Lord.

      Climate is weather, yes.

      Climate change is a long used scientific term to refer to weather changes taking place over time. Short term events like El Nino are not included and generally any changes < 30 years are not included.

      So light your strawman on fire.

      It feels like the Earth's IQ drops by 30 points every time I follow a Drudge Link.

  235. And once again the Global Warming Alarmist Hoaxters kick thenselves in the arse
    for the decision to switch from Global Cooling Alarmism back in the 1970’s
    – they could have been Billionaires…

  236. Democrats want to raise taxes on working people because they just now figured out that THE WEATHER changes.
    Let’s have a show of hands on who still belives these lying idiots!
    Why would idiot Democrats want the weather to stay the same?

      1. It’s not…. Just being falsely reported as such by anti-warmist organizations. Who’s more credible, this group or NASA? Sorry friend, but I’m going with NASA.

        1. He got some of the data from NASA.

          See link .cbsnews . com / news / antarctic-sea-ice-level-breaks-record/

          Antarctic sea ice level breaks record, NASA says

          “Sea ice surrounding Antarctica is at an all-time high, even as
          overall averages of global temperature continue to climb. NASA reports
          that ice formation in the continent’s southern oceans peaked this year,
          breaking ice satellite records dating back to the late 1970s.”

          “We are seeing overall temperatures warming around the globe, so you would
          expect to see ice loss,” said Dr. Walt Meier, a research scientist at
          the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Given the warming trend, he admits
          that the Antarctic ice uptick is somewhat of a “mystery.”

          1. So if it’s colder at the poles and warmer everywhere else, that’s less natural resources humans have to burn to keep warm, so WIN-WIN, right? This whole subject is nothing more complex than political hackery deployed to foster feelings of liberal human guilt and extort money from one group of people to hand it over to another. Anyone who doesn’t see this is Guber-Foolish.

    1. Yea!, let’s hope 2015 is even hotter. Bring on the warmth. Drive more, grow a tree…..

      “Carbon dioxide emissions help tropical rainforests grow faster: Study shows trees absorb more greenhouse gas than expected”

      .dailymail . co . uk

      The researchers claim their findings show
      that rainforests like the Amazon are essential for soaking up excess
      greenhouse gases, and play a far greater role than had been previously

      Dr David Schimel, a researcher at Nasa’s
      Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California, who led the study, said: ‘This
      is good news, because uptake in boreal forests is already slowing, while
      tropical forests may continue to take up carbon for many years.’

      As emissions add more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, forests worldwide are using it to grow faster.

    2. Charles Bolden, Director NASA – was hand picked for the job by Obama because he is African American.

      Obama told him to make “reaching out to the Muslim world” one of the space agency’s top priorities.
      NASA – has not had a coherent strategy since the apppointment
      – essentially dormant.

      1. I’m with Duodecal on this one Shawn. When NASA moved the United States OUT of space and into political retardation with this mulsim outreach Barbra Streisand, they surrendered their credibility with most people.

  237. Back in the 1950’s there was this ethnic joke, which I shall sanitize about the illiterate gentleman trying to save the earth as it was known then with the following scenario: “You see, folks, the earth rotates on it’s axels (axis). We are drilling for oil as hard as we can. When we get all of that oil out of the earth, them axels is going to go dry and start screeching and get hot. Then there is GOING TO BE HELL !!!!!!”

  238. I’m 56 and in school they scared me as a child by saying air pollution was cutting off the suns rays and we would enter a new ice age by the 90s when that failed they found acid rain and all the crops would die plus our car paint would fade what happened to this. I trust only the bible now not the government not the media not the scientists not the pope.

  239. This is all very interesting to those of us who care about facts rather than money-power driven climatology agendas, but you will never see any of these facts in the mainstream media and you will never convince a democrat about any of it. Liberals want socialism / communism by any means they can get it. Scaring people into giving up their freedoms under the guise of saving the planet, even if a total fraud, works just fine for them. Remember, they believe all Americans (and everyone but themselves) are idiots to be duped to achieve their goals.

    1. Grubertology is the doctrine which holds that it is entirely possible to use the ignorance and laziness of Americans to separate them from their money, their healthcare and their freedom.

  240. Yes, but you won’t hear that boob Al Gord talk about it. He goes into hibernation this time every year when the big freezes hit.

    PS: this cooling is bad news for the Global “Wormers” but they will still blame it on warming in some twisted way.

  241. As I have posted before – there is nothing wrong with
    science that follows the Scientific Method –
    Replication – by anyone anywhere
    External (peer) review – by anyone anywhere


    1. Agreed, with the following additional items pointing to global climate alarmism being sociopolitical:

      – Deliberate falsification of data by alarmists (discredited hockey stick)
      – Resistance/refusal of alarmists to share their data
      – Utter absence of falsifiable proposition. Consider:

      1. I work in a business that supplies some replacement components for wind turbines – guess what? They breakdown and wear out just like any other machine – probably more often.
        You people that see these giant fans regularly watch as one by one they cease to function.

    1. Where is Al Sharpton the race baiting poverty pimp of The Tribe of Americans Totally Unrelated to African Slaves Church of The Entitled? Minorities are surely being abused by the White hot Sun and the White ice and his people want reparations in the form of free Slurpees for life!

  242. Al Gore is nothing but a crook. He isn’t stupid but the people that gave him their money were very stupid. He will be known as the liar and cheat that he has been proven to be.

  243. Man-Made climate change is an ego trip that man is on trying to say they are gods of the earth. I am not saying we have no impact on the planet but the idea we are shaping all the occurrences is self centered. There are millions of factors that can effect the earth, a couple of volcanoes spewing millions of tons of ash into the atmosphere can change the climate dramatically. We have only accurately been measuring weather for 100 years. And really analyzing actual hard numbers in the past 40 years. We know little to nothing about the big picture.

    Not saying we should pollute the crap out of the planet, but we should recognize that the climate change movement is all about the mighty $$.

  244. Gosh…. those patterns look awfully cyclical. I wonder if it has anything to do with the Solar cycle? I mean, it does coincide with the solar cycle EXACTLY….. Naaaahhhh! It’s gotta be all the farting cows. The sun couldn’t POSSIBLY be more powerful than a farting cow right? Right??

  245. NYT, CNN, MSNBC, Media Matters, NPR, and the LA Times are reporting that this information is part of the Sony hack attack and should be ignored. Global warming is still the most important humanitarian issue of the last century.

  246. The ice sheets in North America were at thier peak 21,000 years ago. Apparently the “scientist” just noticed (within the last 20 years) that there was a warming trend!! YIKES!! Exactly how smart are these “scientist”?????

  247. Now if there is more ice, does that mean that the ocean front property that I plan to buy is now further away from the ocean since there is now LESS ocean ? Now I have a longer walk…..and more than likely the water is colder…..
    Forget that. I will just stay where I am, build a pool, and heat it with gas….

  248. This was the year of the libtard fail thanks to Emperor Puppethead and his epic failures on all fronts. Lets hope that 2015 continues that trend until liberalism and all of it’s noxious offshoots shares a spot in the history books next to the dodo bird.

  249. I noticed that all of these Hollywood types that believe in the “Climate Change” being discussed are the worst ones in leaving a carbon footprint. If these people truly believed in this sham I would expect them to be the first ones to give up their private jets, huge SUVs or downsize their living quarters by abandoning those Beverly Hills mansions to conserve energy and in general be the role models for reducing waste and energy inefficiency. But to my shock I haven’t heard of one Hollywood liberal, Obama supporter or Climate Change advocate come out and lead the way in changing their energy-wasting ways!! I guess as long as the 1%ers in liberal American can get away with it and not be called out by the media they will continue to do what they have always done, by going by their motto, “don’t do what I do, do what I say” it is less embarrasing for them that way.

  250. With all of the garbage they’re spraying in the air who knows what the actual weather pattern might really be…

    There is an acknowledged geoengineering program going on over our heads and instead of us looking up and standing together asking what the frock is going on up there, they’ve got us debating whether we’re in a warming cycle or a cooling trend.

    Solar Dimming
    What in the world are they spraying
    Why in the world are they spraying

    Legislation to Ban Chemtrails gets Huge Public Support [Public Hearing in Long Island
    Chemtrails California drought

  251. Just last night I watched a National Geographic program explaining how polar bears were endangered because of the shrinking Arctic ice sheet and how by 2050, there would be no more polar ice cap. Well, they did have to back away from Al Gore’s 2007 predication that the polar ice cap would be gone by 2014.

  252. another in a looooong list of Obama lies believed by the moronic left…
    This is the time when we will lower the sea levels
    Anybody who believes Obama anymore is most likely a mid 20 white kid with tats and piercings and in debt from student loans. Ie a useless lump of human flesh…

  253. The painted illusion of the elite media socialists has cracks it in too large to be ignored. Press for truth upon every aspect that the cfr pushes. Remember the iron mountain report? Global warming was to be used as a threat along side war to push colectivist agendas. There are no experts only liars.

  254. So where are all the DA LibTards on their junk science now ? Remember, Science and Research are only as good as the companies that perform the action. If the company touts “We aspire to influence social change,” then you know the Bastards are only doing research for the hand that is feeding them. The results will be whatever the buyer wants. If the company presents no warm fuzzy agenda and only wishes to present hard data in a diguestable format, then you have a winner.

  255. Amazes me that legitimate science is rejected by the sheep of liberalism who I would assume to be educated enough to take the time to apply reason to this scam. I find the attitude of these people to be similar to a large religious cult. Once they are in you can’t get them out, and it is nearly impossible to have an intelligent conversation with them. This perversion is even causing rifts between family members. Hard to fathom that a subject such as climate is dividing our Nation. And then this. A pope who should believe that God controls everything, as the Bible states.

    1. It’s incredible that the Holy Father brought about the historic reconciliation between the United States and Cuba – a large Catholic country. That is a landmark that transcends politics, don’t you think?

    1. Certainly the leadership of many of the world’s nations believe in limiting emissions in an effort to slow down global warming. Do you think the leadership of nations as politically diverse as the United States, China, most of the EU, are all out of their minds?

      1. Given the fact that humans run governments, given the fact that the humans who are drawn to government are usually drawn toward government for the promise of power over the lives of other humans, and given the fact that the “solutions” to climate change involve governments exerting more control over humans’ lives, I would agree that the people in those governments are not out of their minds. They are simply power hungry, and “climate change” is just an excuse for them to gain more power over humans’ lives.

        1. That’s absurd. You are talking like an anarchist. Maybe there should be no countries and no regulations – maybe you would like that. Ain’t happening, “Scientist.”

        1. Feel free to move to Beijing if you are so keen on air pollution – the cause of GW. You like to breathe dirty air, go ahead and move to China. You can have all the wonderful Chinese food while you’re there.. once you pick off the little particles of soot that is..

        2. It resonates with voters because they have noted the environment change. You oil guys just have to accept that you’ve been defeated, by your own arrogance and greed.

  256. The earth’s weather has a rhythm that follows the weather of our sun for the most part, but man can and does have an effect on that. Man can influence our weather. 100 years ago, not so much, today? Yes.

    The difference between 100 years ago and today is that then we had about a billion people in total across the entire planet. Those 1 billion people were just getting started using combustion engines and creating coal burning electricity plants. There weren’t that many cars and coal burning plants in those days. Weren’t as many people as there are today.

    Today we have over 7 billion people living and breathing, we have 1 billion autos and trucks operating daily, we open 6+ new coal burning electricity plants each week across the entire globe. Places like India and China are really ramping up to becoming first world countries with populations enjoying the technology that gives us so much comfort and help.

    These facts alone should be enough for anyone with two brain cells to rub together to see that man can, and does, have an effect on our weather… These cars create heat as a byproduct, they emit carbon into the atmosphere which science shows retains heat in our atmosphere.

    Let’s go back to the weather of the sun… The sun has cycles of activity and inactivity… Like clockwork for the last 100+ years our sun has had an 11 year cycle between active and inactive states. When the sun is active, the earth’s atmosphere warms up. When the sun is inactive, the earths climate cools for the most part. We SHOULD be in the active stage, but we’re not. We see the sun being very very quiet when history shows it should be pumping out lots of plasma that hits the earth and warms us up.

    So the earth’s weather has plateaued, no? The climate scientists say we should be warmer than we are, right? Yet here we are experiencing much cooler weather across the globe.

    So why are the models these scientists are using so wrong?

    They don’t take the sun’s weather into account.

    Here’s the kicker. We should be much much cooler than we are. Looking at the way the sun’s been so quiet, we should be in a mini ice age of sorts, but we’re not.


    Man IS affecting our weather, man’s pollution IS reflecting more and more energy back into space, man’s carbon emissions are at the same time helping to hold heat in…

    When the sun starts becoming more and more active, as it’s starting to do now, trust me, the earth’s temps will start to rise to higher and higher levels.

      1. It has a small effect. It is a drop in the bucket, but it adds up. There is a point at which our planet can not radiate as efficiently into space though. C02 is just a marker in the bigger puzzle of climate change.

        The sun is the arbiter of our overall climate as plasma from the sun hits our planet and warms us up like a fire warms up a person hovering around the fire, but too much carbon in the atmosphere can be a multiplier.

        The issue isn’t the technology we use, it is the increasing number of users and abusers.

        In 1900 we had 1 billion people using a few thousand autos and running a few hundred coal burning plants.

        in 2000 we had close to 7 billion people using a billion cars a day with thousands of coal burning plants emitting massive amounts of carbon into the atmosphere. Some of that carbon becomes CO2, the rest just floats in the atmosphere holding in heat.

        What will the earth be like with 15 billion people using several billion autos with tens of thousands of coal burning electricty plants?

        Just think about it.

        It can’t be a good outlook in any universe.

        1. The consensus made a mistake when they ASSUMED that CO2 caused global warming. When measurements showed that it had stopped warming, they claimed that the added heat was going into the oceans. To believe that, you would have to believe the nonsense that increasing atmospheric CO2 from 3 parts in 10,000 to 4 parts in 10,000 radically changed the way the ocean gets warmed by the sun.

          Greenhouse gases get called that because they significantly absorb radiation at terrestrial radiation wave lengths. Water vapor absorbs at over 400 of these wavelengths while CO2 absorbs at only one. Accounting for the 15,000 or so water vapor molecules for each CO2 molecule results in the 100ppmv increase in CO2 amounts to the insignificant increase of only 1 part in 60,000 absorption opportunities.

            1. Apparently you didn’t notice that CO2 change has no significant effect on climate.

              As to more coal burning, there are issues with attending to possible real atmospheric
              pollutants from coal such as particulates, mercury, NOX and sulfur (as the
              Chinese are experiencing, especially with the smog in Beijing. The US uses precipitators
              to mostly remove the real pollutants). So it depends somewhat on whether developing countries figure it out.

              As to population increase, the coming glaciation will reduce population to (my guess) about half of present from starvation. But that is far enough in the future to be not my (or your) problem.

              1. CO2 has SOME effect, but the issue isn’t really CO2, it is carbon particulates that hold the heat in.

                Tell you what, go get a couple of balloons and fill one up with CO2, and fill the other up with whatever. Get a heat source and put the balloons equidistant from it. Then get a thermal camera and watch the balloons and turn off the heat source.

                See which one cools down quicker.

                There is no doubt that the earth can sequester some of the carbon we kick out using our cars and such, but when we have 15 billion humans using billions of cars and heating/cooling our homes with electricity, et al?

                The earth can’t sustain things at the current level of our population for long.

                The issue isn’t the technology, it is the population size that uses it.

                1. Are you going to try to cork volcanos around the world? What about the tens of thousands of underwater volcanos? Politicians and taxes are not going to have any effect on those. Keep their gruber Poly-tics hands out of our pockets. We are being taxed too much, already. Carbon taxes? REALLY?

              2. “from starvation. But that is far enough in the future”?
                   Expect higher food prices, in the near future, as Solar activity declines. Watch “2015-2035 Mini Ice Age | Sunspots and Cooling Earth Temperatures”

            2. So, you are going to try to change the Chinese? Their cities have terrible smog. Go to for pictures. or a chinese news network. startpage it.

        2. You’re looking at only the Earth. I suggest looking at sites like and …. I have been reading them every day for eleven years. All the planets are being affected by three possible things. Our sun may be the main culprit. Your “beliefs” are due to a cult like religion … and not based on facts.

  257. If the Pope truly wants to improve the quality of the earth’s environment he would encourage population reduction, that would improve every aspect of life for humans and animals alike. Will those who disagree please give a rational argument.

  258. The internal combustion engine caused Saturn’s atmosphere to warm up….mars too….and Jupiter….as well as Venus…..yep the internal combustion engine is the culprit…..Kow Farts caused the global warming on Uranus though…..

  259. Global Warming is a religion with a Priesthood (Scientists). A Holy Jihad has been called on the Infidels (anyone who forms opinions based on scientific data). Professor Richard Parncutt, of Graz University in Austria has called for the death penalty for all global warming skeptics

    Just Google “Silence Global Warming Skeptics” to see how many Universities and Professional Publications have banned anyone that challenges global warming.

    Believe me… Global Warming Movement is the Catholic Inquisition of the 15th century. They are anti-science.

  260. Democrats are so stupid they just figured out that the weather changes……you dolts do realize that climate and weather are synonyms right, and the first two words in the definition of climate are THE WEATHER……..

  261. Global Warming is a religion with a Priesthood (Scientists). A Holy Jihad has been called on the Infidels (anyone who forms opinions based on scientific data). Professor Richard Parncutt, of Graz University in Austria has called for the death penalty for all global warming skeptics…

    Just Google “Silence Global Warming Skeptics” to see how many Universities and Professional Publications have banned anyone that challenges global warming.

    Believe me… Global Warming Movement is the Catholic Inquisition of the 15th century. They are anti-science.

  262. Record Low Temps were five times more common in 2014 than record high temps……worldwide…..but after the global warming “scientists” adjusted the data they claimed global temps were up. These are the same clowns at East Anglia University who have been caught lying and falsifying data thousands of times.

    Did you know that these crackpot DEMOCRAT LIAR scientists have adjusted all of the historical temp data 2 degrees downward to make it appear that it is warmer today? It’s common knowledge, unless you are a DEMOCRAT LIAR with your head up your backside……

  263. Democrats are so stupid they have just now figured out that the weather changes.

    Don’t you stupid democrats know how disastrous it would be if the weather didn’t change?

    Democrats are so stupid they don’t know that climate is the weather.

    Weather = the climatic conditions
    Climate = the weather conditions

    Ever hear of a dictionary?

    How stupid are you Democrap sheep?

  264. Heating Degree Days reached a record high in 2014, while Cooling degree days were at a record low.

    How is that possible if temperatures are rising ALL OVER THE ENTIRE planet?

    Do you Democlowns even know what global means?

    Whoops, I guess you Democoward clowns have absolutely no knowledge of Thermodynamics….as if you clowns even knew what that was…

  265. GLOBAL means all over the entire planet…..everywhere……

    So tell me, stupid liberal sheeple…..HOW is it possible to have record low temperatures anywhere on the planet IF it is getting warmer ALL OVER THE ENTIRE PLANET?

    Democrats are too stupid to even know what GLOBAL means……

  266. No lib global warming “experts” want to discuss heating degree days?

    Maybe we could discuss the laws of thermodynamics and how those laws prove Democrats are pathetic lying cowards?

    How does heat “hide in the oceans”?

  267. Which law of thermodynamics causes record sea ice cover at both poles IF it is getting warmer all over the entire world?

    Is that the ZEROTH Law of Thermo?


  268. “The heat is hiding in the oceans”


    Is this the same heat that made it too cold for Barak Obowelmovement to go swimming in Martha’s Vineyard this past summer?

    Maybe this heat is the heat that caused the boatload of global warming scientists to get frozen in the Antarctic sea ice last Antarctic summer? Remember they were there studying “Shrinking Sea Ice”!!!!!!

    It’s hilarious that Democraps have no idea how stupid they are.

  269. If humans can affect the earth’s temperature, I’ll gladly drive an old gas guzzling pre-emissions truck, burn wood and tires just to contribute for a reasonable winter temperature average (not like last year!), but it simply will not work. If anything it will make the earth cooler by blocking the sun’s rays.

    But the facts about global warming are there…it melted the last Ice Age long before environmentalist activists like John Travolta, (who bought a Boeing 707 that uses 160 gallons of jet fuel per MINUTE) came into existence.

  270. 10-15 years from now, climate change deniers will be laughed at. Combating man made climate change is great for the world and even better for the economy. Look at what Germany is doing as far as getting off petroleum. Heck, look at what we’re doing. We’re using less petroleum, exporting more and on and on. Fighting man made climate change will lead to an economic boom and will be great for us in the long term.

    1. Uh, sorry James, but the laughter is directed at you. Frankly, I’m old enough to remember the scare headlines on Time magazine about the coming Ice Age. Well James, we are in the beginning of a cooling period. You can take that to the bank. The deniers are the folks stupid enough to continue to defend the Scientists who need funding from the Government to make their livings. The list of people reversing themselves on this subject grows every month. You can turn your head and pretend that Ice caps are melting, but the data actually indicate differently.

  271. Oh please. I am not saying this data is false, but it is pointless coming from this site. Marc morano is a conservative American publisher who is biased. too much money lining his pockets to trust how and where he cites his info. Give me an impartial source, not a heavily politicized one.

    1. Like a greedy government grant grabber?
      Q) What did the Federal government climate scientist say when the grant money ran out?
      A) “Welcome to WalMart!”

      1. Whoops. Honest mistake on my part regarding the flipping of seasons in the southern hemisphere; actually happened to me last year as well. On a more salient point, what is concerning in Antarctica is the melt of land ice coverage, which is a slightly different from the concern of the declining sea ice around the north pole.

  272. All the planets have been affected by energies from space (Russians call it “torsion field”). Even ‘Pluto’ has acquired an atmosphere. Solar system is also entering a galactic size cloud. Plus, theories abound about the planets are expanding due to torsion field energies. Thus, cracks and large holes opening up.

  273. It’s a shame how the global warming alarmists will deny science and scientific data. They are so caught up in the hoax they are closed mined to any other possibilities.

  274. The level of stupidity in academia was on display when the President of Smith College stated all lives matter and then apologized for saying it after she came under withering criticism from the leftist black lives matter agitation front. Of course those black lives that matter do not include 11-14 year old girls impregnated by adult men, kids used as drug lookouts or couriers, I presume. The only thing heating up in America is insanity on the left.

  275. Hey CB! Why Not post those ‘Ice Mass Changes” as Percentages of the total and Graph them on the 100% scale?

    Answer is that it wouldn’t be AT ALL scary, because it is insignificant. Besides, that’s not what PROPAGANDISTS do , is it?

  276. This will not persuade Warmers. It’s there agenda to persuade radical-left politicians and brainless students that we are on the verge of boiling. My offering, below:

    Oops there goes me fingers and toes
    And the end of me nose all froze
    We enjoy winter’s blast
    Knowing it won’t last
    Coz we’ll be warming in Global Warming
    When summer rolls round at last

    Dedicated to Algore

  277. DEMOCRAT LIARS can spin their stupid lies any way they want, but only idiots believe that RECORD GLOBAL SEA ICE is caused by man made global warming climate change climate disruption.

  278. DEMOCRAT LIARS said melting sea ice was proof of Global Warming, yet not one DEMOCRAT LIAR thinks that increasing sea ice is proof of global cooling?


    1. The surest sign someone doesn’t know what they’re talking about is when they say how 99% of the scientists are liars & stupid. Putting it all angry caps more or less proves you’re a moron.

        1. democrats didn’t invent goal warming, scientists have researched it for 30 + years. So by denying global warming exists, he’s either saying scientists are liars or that their stupid. I stand by what I said.

  279. Democrats are so stupid they don’t even know what the word GLOBAL means.

    HOW can record low temperatures be possible anywhere on the planet if it is getting warmer all over the entire world? Shouldn’t we be having record highs every day since CO2 levels have been increasing steadily past the ‘dreaded’ 400 PPM level?????

    Democrats should run the names of their lies past a panel of people who are smarter than them……like 2nd graders!

    1. Holy Moly, give a person a little bit of info and let them regurgitate a turd that so fundimentally misreads the data that they reached the completely wrong conclusion. Temperature zones are fluctuating and destablizing. You can now see 30 degrees at the north poll and -10 over PA, as artic air moves further than they should be able to. Those record cold Temps should scare the hell out of you when there’s record highs at the polls.

  280. Does Al Gore know? If so, is he going to return some of the millions of dollars he’s received from flying around leaving his carbon footprint and scaring the most gullible of earth’s citizens? Did someone tell John Kerry that his claim that global warming is the “greatest threat” to the world is shot full of holes? Anyone who has lived more than 40 years should be able to recall weather patterns. Weather is CYCLICAL. In the 1970s, scientists were warning us that we were entering an ice age, and the past few years, winter weather has been brutally cold. The earth warms, and then the earth cools. Of course, we should take care of it and its resources — which are finite. But the “Chicken-Little-the-sky-is-falling” alarmists need to focus on something else.

  281. You know, we just called it pollution for decades, they tried to create something new, and it was a marketing flop. It’s called Pollution, everyone believes in pollution.

  282. Stewardship for the land God gave us is not a sin nor a political football. Regarding stewardship for the land as a political matter is as dumb as the people spouting off at the mouth about it. Even if it is theoretical science I’d expect most “conservatives” to understand conservation at some capacity instead of treating it as a threat.

    1. Using overhyped concern for the enviroment to diect guilt and blame on others for the sole purpose of Control is what most Conservatives decry. Remember ethonol? Its worse than what it was supposed to cure. Save the Ozone, save the whales, save the polar bear, save the rainforest……and the solution has always been the same, more taxes, more control and more regulation which did nothing for what was supposed to be saved, but plenty for those willing to use it for political ends.

        1. You speak with such authority that I can only assume you are a scientist who has conducted your own research on this topic and thereby assume that you are both ignorant and a liar.

      1. Define “all scientists”. Or do you mean only the ones who support your views?
        A very large portion each year come to the same conclusion- world wide man made global climate change is not happening. So either all scientists are stupid or all scientists are liars. Which is it?

  283. “Global Warming” is sooo pass’e, environmental do gooders now refer to it as ‘Climate Change’. Yes, you may like today’s weather but tomorrow you’re in for a change. Trouble is, that’s the way the world is Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter … the more things change the more they stay the same.

    1. You probably don’t understand this article or much science at all whereas the pope and O are obviously several notches above you. First, you’re probably ignorant to the fact that the Arctic and Antarctica are two separate climate systems and not related at all. Second, the last graph in this article shows Arctic sea-ice to be the fourth lowest in the record whereas NASA says 2014 is the sixth lowest. Third, Arctic sea-ice extent has a significant impact on the rate of warming whereas Antarctica sea-ice has virtually zero as it disappears every summer and when it is at maximum to reflect the incoming energy via albedo it receives minimum exposure. Fourth, The reverse is true for the Arctic in that summer sea-ice plays an important role in reflecting the incoming energy and as this is decreasing less is being reflected bur more importantly the exposed darker ocean is now absorbing energy that it didn’t used to. This article is obviously incomplete and purposely meant to fool the scientifically illiterate and gullible who make up a large segment of our society so you’re in good albeit ignorant company who are easily fooled.

  284. So assuming for the sake of argument that the Carbonistas are correct with their breathless predictions of dire consequences and TEOTWAWKI is indeed upon us, how does a massive, global transfer of wealth from the producers to the useless eaters solve the problem?

    1. The AGW trolls appear to have started their holiday already. But not to worry. They’ll be back shortly to explain to those of us who are less evolved how war is peace, ignorance is strength, and slavery is freedom.

  285. Al, say it ain’t so! Fearless leader is worried about global warming also. It can’t be! You guys told us we would be in dire danger of the oceans flooding our cities. Now a study says the rain forests grow faster with more carbon dioxide in the air. As I work outside in cold weather, I wonder where the global warming has gone. Never believed it in the first place same as I did not believe the global cooling garbage of the 70’s. Another way for politicians to extract money from the working masses. First create a problem then make laws or regulations that take money from the populace and redistribute through the government projects directed at the friendly companies.

  286. All plant life can absorb (and use) CO2 up to a certain amount, called saturation. Almost every plant from cacti to jungle vines fall within a saturation point between 1000PPM and 2000PPM.

    This is why you see those fires burning in farming fields in old movies…they were feeding the crops.

    This is why anyone who has any experience with green/hot house growing pumps in extra feed the crops.

    The current global CO2 level is a starvation level for plants (obviously local concentrations will differ). The dirty little secret is MORE CO2 is better for us….and the more we produce the more plant life will flourish, the more plants, the more CO2 can be absorbed….round and round and round.

    1. I know this will come as a surprise to but science doesn’t agree with your opinion on CO₂. In fact it states very different conclusions such as this article DOI: 10.1038/nature13179. Your incongruous CO₂ opinion would mean the natural carbon cycle as postulated by science was inaccurate and based on your posit there’d be no CO₂ in the atmosphere if vegetation had no limits to photosynthesis. We all know that the atmosphere currently is measured at 403 ppm and that the OCO-2 satellite data don’t agree with your opinion so your posit is fallacious.

    1. First it is neither news and a distortion of the evidence which you’re far to gullible to recognize; if you weren’t, you’d recognize that the Arctic evidence presented counters the premise of the fallacious title. Second, science is apolitical. Third, why do you have such disdain and ineptitude for science?

      1. leftwithnobrain… The ad homonym attacks without a base of facts would do wonders for your credibility

        ..YOU WROTE

        “You obviously are neither a scientist nor scientifically literate. If you were, you’d know that there is zero, nada, zilch, no, etc. skepticism within the science community with respect to AGW and GHGs. I’d welcome a DOI reference to prove me wrong. More than 150 years of physics is the track record” END QUOTE


        I supplied 1350 peer reviewed articles

        I also explained the Positive feedback loop is new.

        You denied the peer reviewed articles, and denied they are peer revied, evidenced by not having a DOI.

        You spent more words with emotional anger, and ad homonym attacks than a factual response


        The Papers are peer reviewed, and everyone I checked does have a DOI

        You first claimed “zero, nada, zilch, no, etc. skepticism within the scientific community” I provided such. You lie, and try to split hairs where there aren’t any.
        You ignored (denied) the feedback loop as well.
        When one knows of what he speaks, he doesn’t resort to childish name calling and lies. The denier hat seems to fit.
        When believing everything they say because they say so is science, yet reading both sides, and asking questions is a denier, anything else you believe is suspect.

        1. Here is a simple challenge … list the DOIs for those articles amongst your alleged 1350 papers that are skeptical about AGW and the role of GHGs in the current warming trend. I anticipate you’ll not list more than 0.1% from your 1350 and actually except zero. So compile your list and then return to the conversation and don’t forget to add the DOIs.

      2. That’s only one of the problems with elitist Liberal folks who think they are smarter than anyone else and therefore should be able to tell everyone else how to live their lives. You’re the only ones who can look at the ice piling up, deduce that the world is getting warmer and that it’s because of human activity. Now you just have to figure out why we’re no longer up to our hips in the Ice Age. Is it because of the carbon footprint of early man… or perhaps Mastodon flatulence? Sheesh.

        LIBERALISM: The triumph of emotion over common sense.

        1. Cupcake, your disdain and ineptitude for science did not need confirmation it was self-evident from your original puerile screed. I’ll repeat as you clearly cannot absorb on the first read: science is apolitical.

            1. Cupcake thanks for confirming you’re neither a scientist nor scientifically literate and obnoxiously ignorant about the scientific process. I am assuming your parents are every bit as stupid, ignorant, superstitious and uneducated as you are and, therefore, are proud of their little bundle of retard.

  287. global warming, global cooling, global warming, global cooling, and the beat goes on and on and on. Been going on since the beginning of time and will continue until the end.

  288. Tax the citizens of the free countries (meaning US and other European countries) through UN channels and that will solve everything right? Now will someone in the scientific community please explain to me and millions more like me how the hell will raising the taxes on us solve this make believe global warming myth.

    P.S. If you think its global warming, climate change or seasonable adjusted temperature or what ever the hell you phony people want to call it in order to separate us from our money. The next time the temperature drops below freezing, just turn off your heaters and wait for the climate to change or the globe to warm itself up again.

  289. Oh man! you guys are behind the times. In 2008, Obama said he was going to heal the planet and lower the sea levels. Well, Obama-Maximka did achieve his goal. Maximka-Obama solved Global warming by sequestering one CO2 molecule in every million water molecules. The CO2 disappeared, but it caused sea-water melting point to rise a few tenths of a degree. This caused ice to form at a higher temperature thus creating the expanding ice sheets. Most of all, the Maximka-Obama believes he did it. The MSM (main stream media) sucks up by saying that he deserves the Noble prize for Chemistry and Physics, even more than he deserved the one for Peace. In his arrogance, the Maximka believes he deserves it.

  290. “Global Sea Ice Breaks Record High……………”

    ……but, but, but that can’t be. I saw all those pictures of polar bears stranded on small ice floats looking sad and floating away…….You mean all those alleged thousands of scientists were wrong? Oh, they’re still receiving hundreds of millions of dollars to continue their “climate warming” studies………..

  291. Man-caused global warming is a leftist scam. CO2 does not cause global warming. For the last several hundred thousand years, Earth has been going through warm and cold periods and will continue to do so for a long time to come. Climatological research has shown that increases in atmospheric CO2 actually FOLLOW increases in atmospheric temperature and therefore CO2 cannot be the cause of the warming.

    1. Thanks Joe for clarifying that you neither a scientist nor scientifically literate. Why do you display such disdain and ineptitude for science? Do you have an inferiority complex that it is restricted to the planet’s most competent, smartest and educated people by its nature of being the most difficult line of work? Prove me wrong and provide the alleged science that supports your vacuity.

  292. But, but, it’s not the same kind of ice you see. It’s that thin stuff that is caused by global warming, not the thick stuff that is caused by cooling. Please understand, we are warming. All the cold and snow is caused by global warming, and strange weather is caused by all that carbon dioxide we exhale. Please stop breathing so the earth can survive and be the environmentalist’s playground. They deserve it. They know how to move our industrial capabilities to countries that have no controls over emissions of any kind. They are the smart ones. We need to die so the saviors of the earth can live.

  293. The global warming myth has nothing at all to do with reality. Looks like another really cold winter already. I grew up in Michigan and the Lakes never froze over. California was having a drought because of global warming but this year we already had twice the average rain. Nature cycles.
    This whole thing is about money in cap and trade fees and redistribution of income.

    1. NASA’s evidence shows that 2014 was the sixth lowest Arctic sea ice in the record … this article shows it to be the fourth lowest. What makes ice decrease? Did you not understand the graphs in this article or were you just being obtuse?

  294. The Global Warming believers will say this is just some crazy readings and the facts shown are all wrong. Global Warming is causing whatever cause the readings to be wrong.

    1. Are you suggesting that the last graph in this article is incorrect for stating the Arctic sea-ice is the fourth lowest in the record whereas NASA states its the sixth. Now the satellite record is nearly forty years long but aerial records go back over 80 years. So what physical laws are causing the ice to shrink if it is not energy (temperature) related?

      1. I think the measurements over 40 and 80 years are both too short a period of time to use to determine cycles of temperature change that need to be determined by centuries of examination of records. The information relating those cycles to physical laws is probably not available so the why and when and length of the cycles is just theory. Just like global warming is only a theory which is promoted by governments to get money from their citizens to spend on projects they claim will affect by slowing down the imagined effects of global warming. The governments also pay the Universities to churn out studies to back up this theory. After we have a station on the moon to monitor the earth’s weather patterns for a couple of hundred years will we begin to understand those patterns.

        1. You’re a very confused individual first you agree with this article

          Global Warming believers will say this is just some crazy readings and the facts shown are all wrong

          Then you do a 180°

          measurements over 40 and 80 years are both too short a period of time

          c’mon cupcake your disdain and ineptitude for science is overwhelmed by your gross emotive opinions that stem from obnoxious ignorance. The evidence in this article are not in dispute … you like many deniers are just clueless to recognize that northern and southern hemisphere sea-ice are physically totally unrelated and the latter has almost zero impact on global temperatures and sea level whilst the former is a major forcing. FYI: we have climate data and evidence going back almost 800kA which makes your comment about stations on the moon babblings of an idiot.

          1. PLUTO. For a century, mostly the 20th, all the scientists and institutions of learning promoted the “fact” that there are 9 planets circling our sun and the 9th was named Pluto. All the educated people in the world were taught in the elementary, secondary and higher institutions of learning that that was a fact so just because it was undisputed by those who know the facts, scientists, astronomers, and educators, this “fact” was probably the most widely known and believed myth that ever existed. It was not a hoax but a myth.
            So, why accept “global warming” from these same people, especially when there are many who still doubt that global warming is caused mainly and can be corrected or modified by human conduct.

            1. Guess what cupcake, Pluto is still there and the only change is that it has been reclassified based on better evidence. Isn’t science wonderful … it changes when it gets better evidence. Nice off-topic segue to hide your gross ignorance about sea-ice. The folk who reclassified Pluto weren’t the same who research and study climate, again you just open your pea-brain to activate your mouth to change feet. I have to abuse morons like you, but only because you know the evidence and yet deliberately lie to the undereducated and/or gullible and yourself to keep perpetuate a state of obnoxious ignorance. Don’t you feel like an idiot getting thoroughly schooled based on your puerile comments?

              1. It all sounds familiar. When your side of a debate has no valid information or point to make just turn it into a diatribe against the opposition and try to make an argument to distract from facts.
                The earth warms and cools in cycles and man has only a tiny effect on the speed that happens.
                Too bad that some people think they can change that..
                How about changing your posting name to Leftwithoutbrain or some other more suitable alias.

                1. Science is not a debate cupcake … that’s where you go horribly wrong! Polemicists won’t resolve the climate issues … scientists will.

  295. Global warming is fronted by the sweater manufactures to increase sweater sales but those of us that knew the truth bought coats however the coat manufacturers are “OH SO HAPPY”, there coat sales are going through the roof. Those Global Warming fools that only bought sweaters now need coats. Damn garment industry what will they think of next, can’t wear white after Labor Day.

  296. It’s taking more and more and more faith to bow at the alter of global warming.
    The tinfoil-hat-wearing nutjobs are truly those who live their lives worshiping this “global warming” religion.

    1. You are confused between evidence and faith. I suggest you look at the last graph in this article where Arctic sea-ice is the fourth lowest in the record whereas NASA states 2014 is the sixth lowest. What causes ice to decrease?

        1. Rex, I know science is hard and difficult and why only the brightest and most educated among us end up with careers in this domain. I could insult you and write why are you so stupid to not know that the Arctic and Antarctic polar systems are not physically related! Diminishing sea-ice at the northern polar areas due to global warming will be manifested or confirmed by an increase in sea-ice in the southern polar areas … if you don’t understand that then it is obvious that you are not a scientist nor scientifically literate. But let me help you. First, the last graph in this article shows Arctic sea-ice to be the fourth lowest in the record whereas NASA says 2014 is the sixth lowest. Second, Arctic sea-ice extent has a significant impact on the rate of warming whereas Antarctica sea-ice has virtually zero as it disappears every summer and when it is at maximum to reflect the incoming energy via albedo it receives minimum exposure. Third, the reverse is true for the Arctic in that summer sea-ice plays an important role in reflecting the incoming energy and as this is decreasing less is being reflected bur more importantly the exposed darker ocean is now absorbing energy that it didn’t used to. This article is obviously incomplete and purposely meant to fool the scientifically illiterate and gullible who make up a large segment of our society so you’re in good albeit ignorant company who are easily fooled.

  297. Ya’ gotta’ laugh. Government and media beneficiaries advocating a ‘carbon tax’ – to be paid by a carbon-based life form living on a planet loaded with carbon…

    Where’s Sheldon Cooper when ya’ need somebody to ‘do the math’?

      1. Billy Ray, They are just looping in whatever conservative tripe they can find at this point. This is a true conservative echo chamber; See how one of them called you a “gruber”, that’s a reference to the consultant for both Romneycare and the affordable care act who said voters are stupid. (this thread proves him correct).

        They all know what each of these little references means because they are all listening to fox news and conservative talk radio to tell them what to think; then they regurgitate it back at one another thus reinforcing each other’s beliefs in the faux science of climate change denial, failed conservative ideas like trickle down economics, and the casual racism of their white privilage.

        You can’t beat these guys with logic and reason because they don’t believe in facts, and in some cases they even have their own bullshlt “facts” they parade around. But you can make them angry, look like smug little a$sholes, or get them to say something unpalatable/stupid/crazy/racist. In real life when they say this same ignorant stuff, it often gets them in hot water and/or costs them support, and yes, they will say stuff like this in real life because most of these guys (and they are mostly white guys over 55) are not especially bright.

        I’m mainly here because I like agitating stupid people and this is good sparing practice.

  298. How often does a Dumbofuk Party Member, with a Bumper Sticker praising Obama plastered on their car, have to scream at you that Global Warming always involves two things: severe glaciation of the global ecosphere and Dumbofuk Party bosses in power.
    There are 10 million Mexicans in the United States illegally. Each Mexican only has to fuk once per year in order to turn that 10 million into 50 million in only 5 years! How come no one in the Dumbofuk Party cares how much C02 all that is putting out? How much C02 does 50 million more Mexicans use???

  299. Record sea ice cover is a sure sign that man made global warming climate change climate disruption is real……I mean everyone knows ice forms when it gets hot and melts when it gets cold. The science is settled

    1. Yeah, statements like this make you look stupid to people with even a basic understanding of this stuff. They aren’t synonyms. Stop making a fool out of yourself.

        1. I guarantee I’m smarter than you are because I don’t deny science. You seem to have a real ham fisted understanding of the world so Ill explain the nuance slowly; Weather= daily fluctuations. Climate=long term normal range of highs, lows, percipitation, humidity, etc.

  300. Democrats are so stupid they have just now figured out that the weather changes…..and they want to raise taxes on everyone with a job because the weather won’t stay the same……
    You idiots do know the definition of climate is THE WEATHER CONDITIONS……right?

          1. If I sound like I’m condisending, it’s only because I have absolutely no respect or patience for people as moronic as you. You didn’t prove a thing.

  301. HOW can record cold temps be possible anywhere IF it is getting warmer ALL OVER THE ENTIRE WORLD?
    Democrats are so stupid that they don’t even know what GLOBAL means……They sure don’t know what Climate means either!

      1. Having a life on new years, unlike you rex baby, lol. Keep on replying to your own comments. And I have not told a single lie. I stand firmly by everything ive said because the science is on my side. You’re just a blow hard sheep, regurgitating what Sean Hanity tells you to believe.

  302. Weather = The Climatic Conditions
    Climate = The Weather Conditions
    WHY do STUPID BRAINDEAD DEMOCRATS insist climate and weather are different?
    Are you idiots really to stupid to know what a synonym is? That explains it!

    1. You seem to have a real ham fisted understanding of the world so Ill explain the nuance slowly; Weather= daily fluctuations. Climate=long term normal range of highs, lows, percipitation, humidity, etc.

            1. Lol, I don’t need validation from your ignorant circle jerk buddies; You’re flat out wrong, and scientists agree. I really hope this Internet thread is still around in 20 years so you can look back and see just how wrong you are, but Odds are your fat ass will have had a heart attack before then. Basically, we are just waiting for enough of you moron right wing oldfucks to drop dead or shoot yourselves so we can move forward on fixing the problem.


    Math teaches us that we can manipulate one side of an equation in any way, as long as we do the same to the other side…..



    If you are too stupid to understand this 4th grade math, you could check this link proving weather and climate are indeed synonyms…..

          1. You have to take the 8 hour Fundamentals of Engineering Exam, then work 4 years then take the 8 hour Principles and Practices of Engineering Exam to be called a P.E.
            You are just too stupid to realize how stupid you look attempting to argue with me.

  304. I am a Professional Engineer who is well schooled in Thermodynamics and HVAC.
    Would any of you cowardly liars like to explain which law of Thermo, allows for record cold temperatures to occur anywhere on the planet IF it is getting warmer ALL OVER THE ENTIRE PLANET?
    You lying democrat idiots don’t even know what thermodynamics is!
    Some of you democowards need to go look up the definition of GLOBAL….it means EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!
    f”n cowardly lying democrat trash…..every last one of you!

  305. Democrats think you make ice cubes by putting trays of water into your ovens.
    How else could you eplain why these mongoloids think global warming causes record sea ice growth?

  306. “the heat is hiding in the oceans”
    Was that the same heat that made it too cold for homosexual Obama to go swimming in Martha’s Vineyard this summer?
    Maybe it was the heat that froze the global warming cLIEmatoligists into the Antarctic Sea ice during the Antarcic Summer?
    How stupid are Democrats?

  307. Why did we have record Heating Degree Days last winter and record cooling degree days last summer if 2014 was the warmest on record?
    Democrat liars have no clue about the fundamental concepts of thermodynamics.

    1. No, I’m having a life on New years. You seem to be so determined to win an Internet fight your willing to waste your whOle evening online. Lol, I would say I feel bad for you, but that would be a lie. You coward. 😉

      1. You sound like an 15 year old know it all that couldn’t get a date to a party if you paid her.

        You chide others for having no argument and calling names and then you produce this response?

  308. My favorite Law of Thermodynamics is the Zeroth law, not the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th, the Zeroth…….I guess they thought it up after the others but thought it important…..
    Stupid Democrat “settled science experts” will have to look that up………OK, everyone will except “experts on math and science”……I rule!

      1. Tell us again how your Al Gore didn’t lie about global warming?

        Even if the Earth is warming, how can any honest scientist say the sun is not the biggest contributing factor?

              1. Wing nut? Is that the best you have? Actually I’d be interested in some/any of your ideas that make sense. The answer CO2 is not an explanation, as there were times in the earths past when CO2 was much more abundant in the atmosphere. Long before man was around.

  309. Weather = The Climatic Conditions
    Climate = The Weather Conditions
    WHY do STUPID BRAINDEAD DEMOCRATS insist climate and weather are different?
    Are you idiots really to stupid to know what a synonym is? That explains it!

    1. Rex water is frozen at -40° and -1°C. His P. E. stands for phys. ed. If he were of the other type i.e. professional engineer he’d understand why there’s more sea ice in winter and why Antarctica sea ice is growing and yet has little to no effect on the planet’s global temperature. He doesn’t quite follow how the Earth is warming and yet interior Alaska still has snow this winter despite being on track for one of the warmest winters in the record whilst the lower 48 are experiencing below normal weather temperatures. Cold winter extremes in northern continents is linked to Arctic sea ice loss (doi:10.1088/1748-9326/8/1/014036). Although Fairbanks AK should be in double digit negative digits now it has barely dipped below 0°F this winter and breaking many long standing records.

  310. Democrats don’t even know that climate and weather are synonyms, and mean the same thing.
    How stupid are you liars?
    Remember when that lying coward PolicyGeek called me names for posting facts he could not refute?

      1. C02 acts as a greenhouse gas, but that is only 1/3 of the theorized warming. The theory states that the warmer air holds more moisture that will warm three times as much as CO2 alone.
        Their is empirical evidence for CO2 warming, however their is no empirical evidence for the positive feedback loop described above.
        The computer models critically need the loop to be correct.
        With the passage of time, all the models are not out of range for being correct.
        This technically makes the whole theory null, and void.

          1. Fortified obviously studies an online Tea Party Guide to Thermodynamics course which believes living in ignorance is just much easier than taking an hour or two to learn about basic science.

            1. C02 acts as a greenhouse gas, but that is only 1/3 of the theorized warming. The theory states that the warmer air holds more moisture that will warm three times as much as CO2 alone.
              Their is empirical evidence for CO2 warming, however their is no empirical evidence for the positive feedback loop described above.
              The computer models critically need the loop to be correct.
              With the passage of time, all the models are not out of range for being correct.
              This technically makes the whole theory null, and void.

                1. So, you cant talk science, but actually think that attacking is sound science?
                  Seriously……all I see from believers here are elementary mud throwing. Do you and that other guy no zero beyond snibbling trolling?
                  Have you no self respect

              1. So, you cant talk science, but actually think that attacking is sound science?
                Seriously……all I see from believers here are elementary mud throwing. Do you and that other guy no zero beyond snibbling trolling?
                Have you no self respect?

                  1. I am not arguing anything.
                    I stated you have not been able to talk science, and you then give a non sequitur about warming.
                    Yes the planet has warmed.
                    I have never stated otherwise my whole life.
                    Excuse me… I am on overtime. I have to go pick up my Koch brothers, heartland, evil oil, bush Nazi, Teaparty check now.

                1. Having water vapor sustain its own greenhouse effect would be like trying to lift yourself off the ground by pulling on your shoelaces. Atmospheric humidity is a function of temperature (the Clausius-Clapeyron relationship) so without the non-condensing greenhouse gases, water vapour would precipitate out of the atmosphere, which would diminish the greenhouse effect, which would in turn lower the temperature, which would lead to even more precipitation, and so on until there was virtually no water vapour left and global temperature would fall to -18°C (in fact lower because of the increased albedo of the snow- and ice-covered ground). Now look up all the non-condensing GHGs and go from there. Why is the mean global temperature anomaly climbing with 2014 on track to be the warmest in the record. As policygeek put it to you succinctly the temperature measuring instruments are making you look silly.

          1. C02 acts as a greenhouse gas, but that is only 1/3 of the theorized warming. The theory states that the warmer air holds more moisture that will warm three times as much as CO2 alone.
            Their is empirical evidence for CO2 warming, however their is no empirical evidence for the positive feedback loop described above.
            The computer models critically need the loop to be correct.
            With the passage of time, all the models are not out of range for being correct.
            This technically makes the whole theory null, and void..

              1. Leftwithrightbrain, This is a true conservative echo chamber. They are all listening to fox news and conservative talk radio to tell them what to think; then they regurgitate it back at one another thus reinforcing each other’s beliefs in the faux science of climate change denial, failed conservative ideas like trickle down economics, and the casual racism of their white privilage.

                You can’t beat these guys with logic and reason because they don’t believe in facts, and in some cases they even have their own bullshlt “facts” they parade around. But you can make them angry, look like smug little a$sholes, or get them to say something unpalatable/stupid/crazy/racist. In real life when they say this same ignorant stuff, it often gets them in hot water and/or costs them support, and yes, they will say stuff like this in real life because most of these guys (and they are mostly white guys over 55) are not especially bright.
                I’m mainly here because I like agitating stupid people and this is good sparing practice.

                1. I support your sentiments. I’m a retired scientist and engineer still researching and teaching. Sparring with these Neanderthals keeps my mind sharp and I thoroughly enjoy staying current with science in general and especially the physical sciences. I have lived and worked on every continent (except Antarctica) and am generally embarrassed that the dumbest society with respect to science, in my personal experience, is the US. I know a lot of conservatives who are not scientifically ignorant but then they are educated and understand science. This is more an uneducated gullible frightened (for the future) pale-skinned echo chamber proliferated by wingnuts that you find on a majority of the non-scientific sites across the politic spectrum. I post on all so that my descendents know that I did the right thing for their future just like I did fighting and beating conservative fascism in the country of my birth.

      2. Incorrect.

        1. Infrared trapping properties of CO2 are not linear. They are inversely logarithmic. THIS is a scientific fact.
        2. We do not see any aggregation of heat signatures in the atmosphere as one would expect with your hypothesis
        3. As CO2 increases in the atmosphere, plant life increases it’s uptake (fact in recent publication).
        4. CO2 has continued to increase over the last 100 years, yet surface temps have not increased proportionally. In fact, they have leveled off over the last 18 years (source, numerous graphs / charts / IPCC report). This observed and quantified event was not predicted by any modeling or publications by the “97%’ers.” This is where the “the heat is now trapped in the oceans” theory originates from.
        5. CO2 is present now at 400ppm, or approximately .04% of the earth’s atmosphere. Man causes about 3% of CO2. So that = .0004 x .003 = stupidly small % man causes – again in a system that is already nearly maxing out its infrared trapping qualities (see point #1 above).
        6. CO2 accounts for a small amount of the greenhouse effect (water vapor is about 95% of the greenhouse effect.

        Stop being wrong.

        1. Your really good at using science to cloud facts. Shame you’re wasting your talents fighting for nonsense. Real scientists agree: climate change is fact.

        2. Man’s contributton to CO2 levels is greater than earth’s ability to use/sequester it so the numbers are adding up. Temperature levels lag the CO2 leels but there is no question they are going up. 2014 was the hottest year ever recorded.

  311. “the heat is hiding in the oceans”

    Was that the same heat that made it too cold for homosexual Obama to go swimming in Martha’s Vineyard this summer?
    Maybe it was the heat that froze the global warming cLIEmatoligists into the Antarctic Sea ice during the Antarcic Summer?
    How stupid are Democrats?

  312. “the heat is hiding in the oceans”


    Where exactly does the heat hide? Does the heat flow contrary to the known laws of thermodynamics? i.e cold to hot?
    Which LAW of Thermodynamics governs how the hiding heat turns sea water into sea ice, you know to make record sea ice when it’s getting warmer all over the entire world…..
    I must have been skipping class smoking a doobster that day…..

  313. “the heat is hiding in the oceans”


    Where exactly does the heat hide? Does the heat flow contrary to the known laws of thermodynamics? i.e cold to hot?
    Which LAW of Thermodynamics governs how the hiding heat turns sea water into sea ice, you know to make record sea ice when it’s getting warmer all over the entire world…..
    I must have been skipping class smoking a doobster that day…..

    1. ..And don’t forget, the heat used to heat the atmosphere, but suddenly changed its mind, and decided it was tired of that and dove into the ocean.

      1. Constituting more than 75% of the planet means the oceans and water bodies have always absorbed most of the incoming energy and recently show the steepest warming trends out of the four layers involved in the Earth’s energy balance. As oceans warm more CO₂ will be released.

    2. Every body radiates energy even frozen water. I presume the PE is for phys. ed. and not the standard use. As to your second posit warming southern ocean leads to more sea ice as expected by the laws of thermodynamics. If you are than ill-informed and uneducated I can walk you through the physics.

  314. Weather = The Climatic Conditions
    Climate = The Weather Conditions
    WHY do STUPID BRAINDEAD DEMOCRATS insist climate and weather are different?
    Are you idiots really to stupid to know what a synonym is? That explains it!

  315. “the heat is hiding in the oceans”


    Where exactly does the heat hide? Does the heat flow contrary to the known laws of thermodynamics? i.e cold to hot?
    Which LAW of Thermodynamics governs how the hiding heat turns sea water into sea ice, you know to make record sea ice when it’s getting warmer all over the entire world…..
    I must have been skipping class smoking a doobster that day…..

      1. They already tried that one in the 70s.. Don’t you remember the impending, “new Ice Age,” that Time, Newsweek, and a plethora of others were all up in arms about? One of the pillars of the, ” Human caused Global warming,” cabal is the notion that there are simply too many people on the Earth. Check out the “Georgia Guidestones,” if you want a good scare.

          1. What I have found is that the Guidestones were commissioned by a man who called himself, Mr. Christian.. Past that, it gets kinda murky, hence, the mystique that has kept the interest alive in that abomonation.. It’s basically the “Pagan Commandments.”

    1. Sorry Rex science doesn’t agree with you and has distinct definitions for both that you learned in Middle School. You have a severe case of Dunning-Kruger syndrome. The syndrome is prevalent among the ignorant, poorly educated and simpletons. It tends to take the form of pseudo-scientists who think that their University of Google knowledge trumps the knowledge of scientists who have dedicated large swaths of their lives to the rigorous study of conditions such as paleoclimatology and the question of how earth’s climate naturally warms and cools.

      1. Hyperbole and personal attacks aside – Let’s start here: Is what is happening at the poles right now (increased sea ice extent) climate, or weather? I always wanted to get the left’s perspective on this. If it is “weather” than you can’t (and never could) use it to prove “GLOBAL” climate change. If it is climate, than you must concede that increasing sea ice extent was not predicted by your models and theories, thus your hypothesis on “global climate change” is incorrect. Kind of a pickle I would say.

        1. First, you need to be able to write scientifically. Second, you need to be scientifically literate as it is evident that you are neither a scientist nor very literate. What is happening right now by definition is weather. Now the unnatural (human induced amplification) changing global climate is the greatest in the polar regions (which are not physically related to each other) with global warming manifesting itself clearly as the evidence in this article shows, with sea-ice diminishing in the northern and increasing in the southern polar regions. A scientific ignoramus totals the extent of both to derive a conclusion that has zero scientific significance for day 363 which is neither weather nor climate but cherry-picking a datum point to fool the gullible sheep. Now if you were able to interpret the data presented in this article you’d clearly observe that the current sea-ice extent trends for every year this century are below the 1981-2010 trend (provided) which was below the 1950-1981 trend but left out for reasons known to the unknown authors only. It is evident that you know nothing about the models or the projections as your statement about them is complete horse manure; prove me wrong and supply a DOI reference that supports your vacuity. I suggest you read up why Antarctic sea-ice has virtually no impact on sea levels or global temperatures but is a product of warming oceans and changing southern hemisphere climate patterns and that the Arctic sea-ice has a major influence on global warming and sea levels and the diminishing extent counterintuitively results in colder northern hemisphere winter extremes (doi:10.1088/1748-9326/8/1/014036) whilst the polar region itself experiences warmer than normal winters.

  316. Come on sheeple, the Federal government and their cronies at the UN (and their complicit global media partners) are the only ones who are saying people are the cause of, uh, what is it they are calling the weather this year, oh yes, climate change (sounds safe). Why are they saying this? Control. We are entering a new cycle of a mini-ice age folks … and it has NOTHING to do with people. The powers that be are, however, using this to control and manipulate people (not to mention fleece many of the sheeple).

    1. Shhh. Don’t tell the Climate Religious types. They may have to repent to Al Gore for thinking impure thoughts. Remember that all good Climate Believers put their faith in government first, and climate lore second.

  317. No one has been able to show empirical evidence for the positive feedback loop (PFL)
    Now, with the passage of time, the computer models that use the theory of the PFL are out of range to be correct.
    A theory with no empirical evidence, proven wrong with time,—- has nothing left.
    Scientifically its a fail. They know it. Many are now coming around to it.
    Even the rubberstamp government agencies are hedging their bets.
    Even the IPCC acknowledges in the body of the report, not the summary.
    The damage done to the name of science is huge.
    Ruined for a generation.
    The Global warming alarmism momentum is done, over, dead.
    This is what happens when reality collides with a false narrative.

  318. The lie of global warming. Clear evidence, and still the narrative media parrots what they are told to. Just last week I saw a narrative still claiming that arctic ice was rapidly shrinking. It’s all about control and redistribution of wealth. It’s all about Socialism. None dare call it conspiracy.

  319. Just attended an AMC theater in San Diego tonight and one of the pre-trailers was global warming propaganda forced on the audience. Very uncomfortable to me. It was trying to portray how the ocean shoreline in some obscure foreign country has risen dramatically, and is imperiling
    the native populations. Funny that the rest of the shorelines I have seen myself over 50 years are about the same as always.

  320. Al gore is a liar and a cheat! He should be prosecuted for procuring grant money under false pretenses! He should be imprisoned! He has no integrity

  321. This news is going to be terribly disappointing to Al Gore…and his robotic minions who believe the earth is warming. Plus, Al has a giant carbon foot print that has never been brought up for conversation by his minions!

  322. It’s sad to have a Pope so wrong… believing socialist lies.

    He seems to accept phony histories on climate change and poverty…
    A new wasted opportunity for the world to discover left demagoguery, pushed by the corrupt main stream media.

    1. They forced Ratzinger out and installed this socialist stooge. You should be concerned, and saddened. Scares the hell out of me, and I’m not even Catholic.

  323. The well-funded “global warming” hoax is a bigger fraud than the “imminent” “Ice Age”/”catastrophic” “global cooling” hoax promoted by well-funded, anti-science, uber, fringe, leftist super PACs like the New York Times and Time magazine in the 1970s.

  324. If it’s so cold why aren’t we getting any snow in New Jersey? I don’t remember a year when we didn’t get some snow up to January. Many of us are used to snow about this time of the year but it hasn’t appeared yet. We’ve had lots of rain, however.

  325. Yup… is all about screwing the ordinary man and expanding the power of the elite at the expense of jobs, productivity and creative wonder….stuck in a medieval mind set, Democrats act and are, plantation owners, needing more slaves to enlarge their power and wealth.
    Time for revolution…common man only gets real representation in the Tea Party and everyone knows that…which is why the MSM so hates the T. Party, the Truth Party!!!!!!!!!!!!! T. Party…party of Truth

  326. People who believe in evolution, don’t believe in letting people evolve. Failure is part of evolution. Those who don’t produce enough to sustain themselves are prevented from evolving in the name of “for their own good” by entitlements.

    Children must be taught to become parents. K-12 education prevents children from learning to become parents. Our growing entitlement roles provides the proof.

    Hard to find something that deprives the individual that grows society. Individual growth and success is the key to a strong family, a strong family is key to a strong community and a strong community is key to a strong state.

    1. Why then are republicans waging a class war against the middle and working class. Seems a stable and strong middle class is essential for a strong state.

      1. Wait – are you serious? Libtards say this kind of stuff on the one hand, then on the other tout how the economy is coming back – wait for it – because of cheap gas (energy) prices. Your dear leader has even admitted that utility bills will be more expensive for the middle class as he imposes radical tax increases CO2 emitting suppliers of energy. You are a hypocrite.

      2. In the United States there are not classes of people, people are individuals born with equal rights to be the best they can be with their natural skills and intellect.

        No one possess the power to decides the limit of even a single individual.

        Entitlements are social tricks to enslave those who accept government checks. Those with the gold, rule those who are not willing to earn their own gold but want the buying power.

        Education is mandatory to attain and keep freedom. The United States has compulsory education. Its impossible for compulsory education to teach freedom of education. Its impossible for a person to learn how to keep freedom without freedom of education.

          1. People cooperating in a particular business. Each individual is in business for themselves. Individuals that unite their services as a single entity do so as a corporation.

            No single person can make a pencil.

            It takes the cooperation of many to make a pencil. It takes multiple times more skills to make a iPad. Society needs corporations to keep and grow our standard of living.

            Today’s state controlled compulsory education is focused on minimizing the development of individual skills as demonstrated by standardized testing.

            Corporations are people cooperating for a defined purpose.

            1. “I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. . . . corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed.”
              —U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, Nov. 21, 1864

              1. Currency being value and money being promissory notes for value.

                During the Civil War the United States resorted to paying its debt in currency, the Green Back Dollar, with the promise of making those notes good after the war, which happened. We also made Confederate Money partially whole, cents on the dollar.

                Education is the means individuals use to increase the value of the time by being able to provide service need or want by others. Those who provide the most needed services are the most rewarded. When it takes multiple people to provide that service, that group of people is organized as a cooperative group, a corporation.

                IBM was big deal 30 years ago. Apple grew from a few cool guys into a corporation that can eat IBM’s lunch. 10 years ago Microsoft was big deal, not so much today. 20 years ago land in western North Dakota was not in demand, today its expensive because people organized as a corporation.

                Vote for freedom of education. Only the educated can keep freedom in the United States. We must have, as we did 100 years ago, the best educated public in the world to lead the world to a higher standard of living.

                1. let’s make a real investment in our future by making college free. then young professionals wont be starting out in life 25-100k in debt. That would be a huge boost to the economy and give people the freedom to take risks on business investments. Many European countries are already doing this.

                  1. College… remedial high school. Prior to compulsory education school ended at either 5th or 8th grade. Graduates of this education system could read, write speak multiple languages, do calculus, knew world history, basis economics and studied virtues via the classics. Today our school system no longer teaches virtues or history and our test scores have been flat lined for the last 40 plus years internally and falling against international competition. We know this to be true because our former lead in production and productivity have been steadily moving off shore. We need more coddling like the over weight need more sugar.

                    Who is going to pay for “free”.

                    Business investments will become “too big to fail”. Who is paying for companies that should fail? Who decides who should or should not fail? Who decides who decides?

                    The United States has been bailing out Europe for the last couple hundred years. What evidence do you have that Europe has ever made good decisions?

                    1. Results. Thriving economies in states that didn’t buy into austerity. High standards of living and good jobs.

          1. Explain how any one can be a slave in the United States today?

            “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,…”

            An amazing number of people increase and decrease their annual income each year.

            Which person in the United States lives as a member of a class of people in the United States? Define the class?

            1. All people need three things; food, shelter and their health. Your freedom such as it is, is dependent on your ability to obtain these things, and living in the USA means needing money to do so. Do you depend on a paycheck? Well conservatives have done a brilliant job of gutting labor law to the point where short of forming a union, you have almost no rights. Your boss owns you 40 hrs+a week. Has your paycheck gone up? For most of the middle and working classes, the answer is no, thanks in large part to corporations successfuly getting trade agreements allowing them to move with impunity across international boarders in search of cheap labor. Your job is only viable until white colar corporate types (like me) figure out a way to outsource it to somewhere where I can pay the workers half what us workers make. Individuals can’t cross boarders in the same way and when they try they are labeled illegal imigrants. Better hope you have a job with healthcare because if you get sick and can’t pay your mortgage, the banks will take your house. Thanks to Conservative reforms under Regan and Bush, and to a lesser extent Clinton, you have created a class of people that has more rights and more power than the average american. Your ability to live is almost entirely at the whim of your corporate overlords. The thing is, you could have avoided this but you guys voted for this over and over again, because “values” aka hate of the gays trumped your economic interests.
              Cheers slaves!

              1. You work because you chose to work. No other reason.

                For the 100 years prior to compulsory education the United States labor force was highest paid labor force on earth. They also out produced the rest of the world combined.

                Its not what something costs, its what it pays. Our labor force before compulsory education paid more in the form of products for sale than any other labor force.

                Its been 40 years since you were paid with money in the United States. Our currency, formerly promissory notes, are not longer exchangeable for value and haven’t been since 1971.

                The Stimulus Program is a government program to monetize of financial system which dilutes the buying power of the Federal Reserve Notes, meaning a pound of butter last week costs more this week. Monetizing a money system is like allowing counterfeit money to be used a legal tender.

                No government employee pays taxes. All government wages are paid from taxes there giving part of the wage back as taxes does not represent real income to the government.

                Your references to corporate power indicates you may be another victim of a K-12 compulsory education in the United States and therefore have a very limited understanding of history and basic economics.

    2. So if I understand you correctly people want to believe in evolution but do not want it to follow it’s path and do everything in their power to stop it. Doesn’t sound like they really believe it it in the first place but what ever floats their boat eh?

  327. Over population/Climate change – The “J” curve will cure overpopulation and in the end correct our perception of a climate issue. I am not sure what we as humans can do to correct these issues. There are too many countries trying to find their perfect worlds with too many differing viewpoints to ever provide a conscience that we can all agree on. There is no Eden on earth. Soylent green anyone? Human interference in regards to climate change, we haven’t been on this earth long enough to cause an effect. If I am proven incorrect, nature will correct that without any assistance from our perceived superior powers. We can try to control our environment, but it is so minute that in 500 years it will be for naught.

  328. This global warming is sure tough. Single digit high temps the past few days. Since the pope has Al Gore’s blessing he can be a climate expert. Now that he is working with the UN, he will most likely become a gun control expert also.

    1. Well he already is a carbon footprint expert now isn’t he? He has a big personal footprint and the rest of us pay for it while he gets fatter and richer by the day. Takes a pretty smart man to figure out how to do all of this and profit from it. Takes a pretty stupid society of men not to be able to see what he’s really up to.

  329. Question: When does a “pause” in your theory become a “phase” in the Earth’s natural cycle?

    (Answer: When we find another way to redistribute your wealth.)

    1. Here’s a question, does a hiatus that’s occurred during a longer term and larger warming trend mean there’s been no warming? The ‘pause’ is not a complete slowdown but a decrease in the RISE of temps to only 0.05 degrees when you use 1998 as the starting point. When you start at say 1996, the rise is actually 0.14. If you’re going to use GISS/RSS data then at least use all of it. There’s been several ‘pauses’ since the data’s been taken but the rise has been inexorable. There’s been no return to average surface temps of the early 1900s.

      1. Again, the problem with your argument here are your “facts” concerning the temperatures you site. More specifically, the degree of accuracy of the measurements of temperatures you have sited.

        I bring this up simply because the devices capable of repeatedly determining temperatures to that degree of accuracy simply do not exist in sufficient numbers to make a quantative analysis that would substantiate a .14 (C or F) degree rise in temperatures over that period of time.

        GIGO applies here. It means, garbage in garbage out. Since you don’t have the instruments to accurately and repeatedly make a .14 degree “observation” one can only assume the “observation” was skewed by a man. It then slips from “fact” into “theory” and when you take theories to substantiate theories you end up with what? Theories. You don’t end up with facts. Then you take these manufactured “facts”/theories, go to your favorite political financing mechanism and tell them that you will happily give them more of the same results if they will only fund your research, research already obscured by theories posing as facts. In short, it’s a manufactured lie for political and financial purposes.

        So you tell me in scientific terms precisely how your .14 degree lie has been determined. I say this because you are the one who wants to hear the facts so show us yours.

        When you know how things really work it’s quite easy to see their lies for what they are. Incidentally I have worked in the technology these pseudo-scientists use to fabricate their lies and know they are lies simply because the equipment they used to gather their data is either flawed in it’s use or non-existent. The average human on this planet has not had that opportunity and that somewhat explains how they are so easily duped into believing the lie of man-made global climate change.

        I side with the deniers. Had we as a nation not sided with the deniers decades ago our climate would have serous problems. Did you know, to dissipate hurricanes, there was actually a strong “scientific” movement to explode atomic bombs inside of the eyes of these hurricanes to dissipate them? Fortunately we didn’t listen to these “scientific” crackpots.

        Then there were the Ice Age “scientific” alarmist that wanted to dust the polar icecaps with carbon black to hasten their melting and thus avoid a new Ice Age. Can you imagine how messed up our climate would be today if we had let these alarmists do what they wanted to do?

        If you want to use science, that’s great and fine with me. But for goodness sake, use science correctly and don’t make it all up as you go along just to prove your theories.

  330. Can we get back on track here?

    Do any of the Libtards here actually dispute the fact that these charts are showing INCREASED sea-ice extent? So let’s start with that first. Since the one of the indicators for evidence of global warming Libtards have liked to use in the past is the sea ice extent, then how do you reconcile this?

    Your hypothesis is as CO2 levels rise, we will continue to see rising temps, causing decreased sea ice extent in the arctic and antarctic. NOT TRUE, and NOT OCCURRING.

    The “heat is in the oceans” point – why didn’t “97% of scientists” understand this ahead of time? Why is this “new” knowledge acquired? Why didn’t any of the models predict this? I mean it’s simple thermodynamics, right?

    Sorry Libtards, SCIENCE doesn’t work like this. You have put out your crazy hypothesis for decades now, and time and actual quantitative data have proven you wrong time and time again. You are NOT using the scientific method. You are using the “Libtard Method” for argument and debate which is to deny, obfuscate, change the subject, and when all of that fails, attack the messenger.

    If you were so concerned with “the environment” you should be super psyched that our conservation efforts are working and the planet has seen temps leveling off for almost 20 years now. The oceans have not risen as predicted, and all of the “extreme weather indicators” like frequency and intensity of hurricanes, tornados, etc. have all DECREASED. But instead of acknowledging the facts, out comes the pathological liberal need to deny reality. Here are just a few examples:

    – The sea ice extent is not declining as expected – LIBERALS DENY
    – The oceans are not rising as expected – LIBERALS DENY
    – The temperatures have not risen as expected – LIBERALS DENY
    – Extreme weather events have not risen as expected – LIBERALS DENY
    – “97% of scientists agree” myth debunked, followed up by several other petition projects with credentialed climatologists and other scientists who do NOT agree – LIBERALS DENY
    – Scientists caught “hiding the decline” – LIBERALS DENY
    – Vostok Ice Core Data (original data Al Gore used in his movie to show correlation with rising temps and CO2) actually shows the OPPOSITE – Rising Temps cause Rising CO2 – LIBERALS DENY
    – Libtards attack credentials of anyone who disagrees with them, but LIBERALS DENY Al Gore’s complete lack of scientific credibility

    And on and on.

    It is actually the skeptics who are following the scientific method – when a hypothesis has been proven false over and over again, both experimentally and by the passage of time, you must revise the hypothesis and test again.

    Nope – Libtards not gunna hear that. Because it never was a hypothesis – it was propaganda. What you are seeing, ladies and gentlemen, using Global Climate (insert latest liberal propaganda here) as the device, is precisely how the progressive left will do ANYTHING to obfuscate reality to maintain and gain control. Free speech and the internet are bad for leftists. Imagine what would have happen with this issue if we had no internet? You would bet their would be confiscatory policies issued by our dear “leaders” for “our health and safety.” Oh wait – the EPA has already deemed CO2 (essential for all life on earth) a pollutant.


      Al Gore, a snippet from history

      “Although he was an avid reader who fell in love with scientific and mathematical theories,[19] he did not do well in science classes in college, and avoided taking math.[18] His grades during his first two years put him in the lower one-fifth of the class. During his sophomore year, he reportedly spent much of his time watching television, shooting pool, and occasionally smoking marijuana.”

      Nuff said!

    2. The Dan Rather Scientifical Method: The evidence is fake but the story is true.

      It’s very difficult for people to choke down their pride and admit they were duped. Especially people who believe they are “more evolved” and smarter than the rest of us. So they double down in the face of contrary evidence and wallow in their strong delusion. But we’re very close to a tipping point where the wheels of the AGW bus are beginning to come off. The victims of the greatest case of mass hysteria in history are going to ramp up their hatred and vitriol before the scales fall from their eyes. It will be sad and amusing at the same time.

      1. Reminds me of the entire “cops are racist against blacks” thing. Even though there is ZERO evidence that the recent shootings are racially driven, surely, somewhere, it MUST be true. So we should riot in the streets.

        1. You seem to have a good handle on this and I agree with you. The problem is very much akin to the illegal alien, undocumented worker, what ever you want to call them, problem.

          I was born in Texas back right after WWII and during the Korean War conflict. Back as far as I can remember, the early 1950’s, the government in place was warning that some two million illegal aliens were coming across our southern border illegally. I am guessing I took notice of this, while living in Texas, somewhere around 1955 or so. So lets use that date and extrapolate the claim, which hasn’t really changed much, since then 60 years have passed so one could logically assume that some 120 million illegal aliens have crossed our southern boarder during that period of time. Yet those wishing to offer these people total amnesty and grant them rights of citizenship quote numbers far far less than what have apparently already entered.

          Today our nation’s population is about 316 million people. That includes the 120 million illegal aliens that have come here in the last 60 years AND the children that they have given birth to. Now admittedly half of the people in the US are not of Hispanic origin but many are. Furthermore the alarmist claims of various factions of people are often not correct either. Still, with the illegal alien problem, it’s a lot bigger than those in favor of mass amnesty are saying that it is. In this, their faulty data and claims are very much like what the avid man-made global climate change alarmist uses.

          If you want to rely on scientific analysis to tell you what is really going on you need to operate under accepted scientific methods to ensure the data you have collected is valid, instead of manipulating that data to substantiate your theories as being factual. Anything else is simply junk science and junk science is oft times used purely for political and financial reasons. Not a good reason to change the way the world currently operates when you really don’t know what is going on in the first place but only suspect it with unproven theories.

    3. Let’s just take one of your Gish Gush points, this one.

      ” – Scientists caught “hiding the decline” – LIBERALS DENY”

      Where’s your proof? Please, no shade tree blogs or YouTube videos. Actual peer reviewed proof of scientific fraud.

      1. Are you DENYING that Mann published altered data? Are you DENYING he wanted to “hide the decline?” Are you DENYING that he was trying to find ways to present the data that would support his hypothesis rather than just presenting his findings?

        1. Your disdain and ineptitude for science results in ignorant vacuity about the great work of Dr. Mann who is rated by is NSA peers as one of the world’s top 50 scientists. Your GED tutor will be able to set you straight about the qualifications and expertise you’d need to critique peer-reviewed science.

        1. Scientific consensus is on our side, including lots of peer reviewed data and world wide scientific agreement. Burden of proof is on you rock throwers, but you can’t even agree amongst yourselves whether or not the climate is changing and if so whether it’s naturally occuring, man made and no big deal, or all a gigantic worldwide UN/liberal conspiracy thought up by AL Gore to tax you more. Do you ever sit back, breath through your mouth and go, “wow, we sounds real stupid.”

    4. Who is ever going to read all that garbage. This is a comments section, not a place to post your idiot theses. If you’re so sure climate data is wrong, submit it to a scientific journal for peer review and win yourself a Nobel Prize. Otherwise you’re just a long winded blowhard coward.

  331. global warming alarmist are tools of the NWO attempt to gain power/control of sovereign land. It is a hoax, facade, and zombie libcoms fall right into their trap.

  332. Only complete morons believe that RECORD SEA ICE is a result of warmer temperatures all over the entire world…..Don’t Democlowns even know what GLOBAL means?

    1. I’m gonna repeat this ad nauseum. Two words, climate change. I know this will be really difficult to understand, but sometimes the two words might mean the term has a slightly different meaning. God, people who have zero education are so freaking stupid.

      1. Again: weather=daily variations
        climate=long term normal range of highs & lows, humidity, percipitation etc. They are not synonyms. There is nuance and nuance matters.

      2. You must have been a sleep at school as students learn from elementary school that weather and climate are not scientific synonyms. Sounds like you have never recovered from sleeping so you have disdain and an ineptitude for science.

    2. You know what you call the only major political party on the planet who clings to the delusional belief that climate change is a hoax? “Isolated”

    How can idiot Democrats continue to say climate and weather are different?
    Haven’t you lying clowns ever heard of a dictionary?

    1. How many fxxxing time will it take before people like you use the whole term; climate change, which is a long used scientific term to denote long term (> 15 years ) either cooling or warming. That’s why global warming and climate change can mean the same thing. The ‘weather’ is short term variations. Both AGW deniers and proponents have both made that mistake.

      If your science against AGW is so good why gin up fake controversies like this?

      1. That is the weakness in even the definition of climate – the “Term” of change (the timeframe) can be 15 years, 50 years, 500 years, 5,000 years, and so forth. The problem with people on the leftist side of the argument is you keep moving the goalpost and ignoring the hard evidence that your original hypothesis, and models to test that hypothesis, are wrong. Look at it like this – the earth is 4.5 billion years old – something happened to create the trajectory to establish a stable planet that supports millions of lifeforms – unheard of today in the rest of the solar system. The earth has all sorts of things that work together to enable our ability to live here. You know that CO2 has been much higher than today, right? You know that we have had ice ages in the past, right? Obviously, and history has proven this, with dinosaurs running around and with mile thick ice covering half the planet, it was pretty tough to survive and flourish / thrive as humans. Now things are very good for us – but they are by no means “normal” when you consider the violent history this planet has had. So, when leftists (and I assume you are one) try to point to a trace gas that is present at .04% (which man contributes about 3% of) of the atmosphere and which comprises 5% of the greenhouse effect (water vapor is 95%), and which does not have a proportional thermal trapping capability (CO2 increase is not linear with heat increase) as the hallmark of pending doom; forgive us as being skeptical.

        1. Oh God, this is so painful. So quite often in the English language a term that’s two words might have a meaning that’s different from the words used separately.
          No one is saying climate and weather aren’t synonyms, no one except the people creating the fake controversy then focusing on it. No one’s suddenly changed the definitions that have been there for decades.
          It’s a term, climate change. Climate change has always referred to long term (> 15 years) changes — either warm or cold. It’s only new to people who never got their science information from a classroom.

            1. No scientist would ever allege that they were able to get anything to do with the physical world 100% correct. Such accuracy is an unobtainable goal as one never has and never will have 100% of the evidence. A classical example is gravity or evolution.

  334. The latest insane blame game by the “climate change” nitwits is directed against the Beavers, strangely a protected rodent even being introduced as an invasive species in divers parts of the world; it seems that beavers build dams, back up water/streams, create ponds thus they destroy pristine flora which just as intended by the creator of “nature” rots in the scum of these beaver ponds and (oh no the horror of it all) emit copious amounts of methane gas aka a green house gas!
    Surely looks like the blame affixed by the climate change/green house nutcases on bovine methane expelsions did not strike fear in the public conciousness !

  335. What gets me about the “climate sheep” is they can’t say what the climate SHOULD be (only that it’s changing) nor can they say what it would be like if man didn’t exist. They also contend they know how to change climate change through legislation but, back to the first point, to what?

    So, in lieu of any real answers they simply seek CONTROL — of government, industry and, ultimately, citizens. I’m less of a “climate skeptic” as I am skeptical about the agenda of the Left.

    1. First off, as your compatriots have pointed out, climate and weather are synonyms and no one’s talking about reversing short term variations. It’s on the AGW side where you guys can’t stay consistent. You can read this thread and see three types of deniers, all taking contradictory positions — the Earth isn’t warming, it is but this cycle is natural, we may be contributing to warming but it’s a good thing, all without any evidence other than naysaying against AGW proponents.

      AGW theory

      The Earth is warming. There may be short term variations but the trend is upward. Man has contributed most to this cycle via CO2 accumulation.

        1. You sound dumber than O’Reilly who doesn’t know how tides work …didn’t realize the depth of ignorance and stupidity in this country such that folk like you elevate him from dumb to ignorant.

      1. And here’s an article saying more CO2 could “save the Amazon Rainforest”:

        Until the 1920’s the greatest scientific minds were unaware there was ANYTHING beyond the Milky Way — then they discovered the mind-boggling, massive universe outside our galaxy. But they were SURE they were right about the limits of space, up to that point. Just sayin’ — theories are made to be disproved.

        As for “climate change”, the level of man’s contribution and what can be “done” about it — well, what CAN be done about it? China’s the biggest polluter on the planet — a good chunk of LA’s smog comes from China. Obama secured their “assurance” that they’ll reduce their emissions — in SIXTEEN YEARS. Think they’ll honor that or do you think they’ll change their minds down the road?

        And that’s just China — what about Russia, India, South America? America’s clean as a whistle compared to these countries.

        So you call anyone who disagrees with your premise that man caused climate change “deniers”. Fine, I call you a denier, as well — a denier of reality and common sense.

    1. An excellent question and one that shows how the theories of man-made global alarmists came about.

      First it has a lot to do with the way the data was collected, when it was collected and to what level of accuracy.

      Back in the 50s the planet was covered with a number of weather monitoring stations where the world governments all pretty much agreed would release their gathered datum to the world for climate/weather analysis and prediction.

      Many of those monitoring stations are still being used but few have been modernized or relocated away from the influences of micro-climates created by human habitation.

      The station at the airport in Redding California is a good example. When the station was originally installed at the airport it was out and away from buildings, parking lots and the airstrip’s tarmac. The station is still located in the same position it was originally installed and most of the data gathering equipment, the temperature monitoring devices and barometer have basically remained the same with very little in the way of improving their accuracy and repeatability.

      Today the field where the station was installed is gone and replaced by a parking lot and nearby buildings. The tarmac has been extended towards the station and an area for small jet engine aircraft to warm up their engines before takeoff was created. Guess where the exhaust of their engines is pointed?

      Now comes along the so called climatologist to analyze the data, over time, and he comes to the sudden conclusion that the climate is warming over time, neglecting all the time to realize that the conditions the station was installed in has changed locally and dramatically since it’s installation.

      Then we have the advent of weather satellites with their sensors; something I worked with over the course of my lifetime. They are useful tools but not effectual enough to substantiate climate change alarmist claims that oceanic temperatures have increased .1 degrees C over a period of time. First of all, the sensors themselves do not have the necessary resolution to make repeated measurements over every square inch of ocean to substantiate such claims.

      So, how do they do it? They feed this already skewed and erroneous data into computer models they have designed and created, to proved them with the answers they are already looking for and that can be easily manipulated to say what they want it to say. Then they present that data to the world, indicate that it’s factually and scientifically proven when it’s nothing more than theory developed from erroneously and non-scientifically gathered data and get you and millions of our Earth’s population to believe them. In the analysis world it’s called magic with numbers. If you don’t like your results, you change one or more variables in your model, alter your data just a bit and run it again until you get the data you want to prove your argument. But regardless of that proof, it’s all still a theory, a theory propped up with junk data and non-scientific analysis.

      Why and how can I say this with such certainty? Because I have spent my entire life monitoring the weather and working directly with the devices these pseudo-scientists have been using to substantiate their lies. When you know how their tools work and the capabilities of their tools, and look at how their tools are employed to substanciate their lies, it’s easy to see their lies and see what really drives them. Politics, money and power, in that order.

      1. Thank you for sharing that you’re neither a scientist nor climate science literate. If you were, you’d be able to present valid skeptic arguments based on science, not emotion. Team Denial insists that if you want to discuss climate change you need to be a well-versed skeptic scientist, which you’re not. Otherwise you’ll just be a sloppy and an undisciplined not-very-smart denier who like your ilk lost the tobacco and flat earth battles. Don’t screw legitimate skeptical science by you being dumb. Dr. Judith Curry, a well-known skeptical climate scientist is embarrassed at the crapola you have written about weather station sites and the impact it has on observation and quality of data. Why such disdain and ineptitude for science?

  336. Too much money to be made by pushing Global Warming. As soon as the money turns to promoting cooling a whole new set of studies will come out and billions more in grant money.

    Dire warnings of Earth turning into a frozen planet will run on every media site.

    And John Kerry will say that he voted for Global Freezing before he voted for Global Warming.

    Obama will say,”If you like your Global Warming you can keep your Global Warming”.

    Pelosi will say, “We will have to vote for it before we can feel it”.

    Michelle O will say, “We need more ice in our children’s school lunch programs”

    And…Gruber will say, “The voters are too stupid to know the difference”.

      1. The problem with your argument is that you do not have a shred of factual evidence that can be proven to support your argument. Just theories and speculation. Oh you can come up with isolated information for a specific area on earth but you have nothing that completely covers the earth and all of its mechanisms that supports your your argument. Just a smattering of data, much of it erroneous, even more manufactured or tailored to fit the argument, and theoretical, man made and often incorrect computer modeling that is easily manipulated to provide the data these man-made global climate change alarmists are using as “factual” and “proven” data when such data doesn’t exist and the only thing that remains are theories. What we see in the way of global climate change is not from science, it’s from junk science with the hidden agenda to make money from those they can get to believe their theories and accept them as facts. Theories do not establish facts but facts can, if properly used, establish and prove theories to be factual. The biggest problem with the man-made global climate change alarmists is that they only have theories to support their arguments instead of solid, provable and repeatable facts.

        1. Just theories and speculation.

          Theories and computer models generated by theories which have proven to be inaccurate.

          Yet they persist in telling us the theory is correct and the models prove it.

          1. A theory proven by a theory is still a theory and not a fact. Their models are theories themselves. Models can be filled with errors and are in and of themselves theories or, at best, approximations as to what is really going on. How many variables are used in their models? Ten? Twenty? Fifty? How many. Now, now many variables act over the entire surface of our planet? Hundreds? Thousands? Millions? The point is that it isn’t as few as fifty which would be a rather complex computer model. A simply look at the models tells the average person that they are nothing more than theories placed into a model to attempt to explain what is going on. Unfortunately there are too many variables and the data we gather is to imprecise at present to say “the model proves it” but the global climate change alarmist simply can’t bring himself to understand that it’s theories that he has placed his confidence in instead of solid provable and repeatable facts.

            1. Apparently your disdain and ineptitude for science causes you to misunderstand what science theory means. You should look it up and cease embarrassing yourself with such grossly obnoxious comments rooted in ignorance. Hint: gravity and the physical properties of H₂O are theories too.

  337. To explain why there has been a pause in global warming for the past 16 years, the Warming Alarmists came up with yet another theory; the oceans were absorbing the heat.

    Just yesterday I read another dire warning that the oceans would soon be releasing this stored heat back into the atmosphere setting off an acceleration in global warming. The mechanism for WHY the oceans mysteriously started storing heat 16 years ago and WHY they’re mysteriously going to release this stored heat is never explained. It’s to be accepted as proven ‘science’.

    No explanation is ever given as to why the oceans mysteriously started storing heat 16 years ago right at the time the computer models were exposed as being increasingly inaccurate. This theory of ocean heat absorption is all to convenient and contrived. If true, why was it never predicted by the global warming theory models? As I said, it’s all to convenient like most of the ‘science based’ claims of global warming.

    Theory after theory to explain why the previous theory is true but why it turned out to be wrong. Theory after theory for Warming Alarmist to explain away the facts they can’t predict in their computer models.

    We’re not looking at science anymore. We’re looking at the bane of science; ego-driven conformational bias.

        1. Apparently your disdain and ineptitude for science causes you to misunderstand what science theory means. You should look it up and cease embarrassing yourself with such grossly obnoxious comments rooted in ignorance.

      1. The graph of solar activity and temperature at this site is an example of a fundamental lapse of understanding of science and mathematics. Solar activity is a measure of rate-of-change of energy while temperature is a measure of energy itself which is the time-integral (calculus) of rate-of-change of energy. The comparison should be between the integral of the solar activity curve and the temperature.

        The last part of the solar activity curve is high so the integral of it would be rapidly rising (compared to the first part of the curve) as indeed the temperature curve is. Thus, properly done, the graph would corroborate, rather than refute, that the temperature rise resulted from solar activity.

        Because TSI doesn’t change much (0.1%), a better measure of solar activity is the sunspot number. This is because the effect sunspot numbers have on average global temperature is amplified by the effect that sunspots have on low altitude clouds. The high sensitivity of average global temperature to changes in low altitude clouds is shown at .The excellent correlation (95% since before 1900) between sunspot number anomalies and average global temperature is shown at

  338. AGW is more religion than science. The AGW atheists see themselves as
    serving a Higher Power– not God, but Mother Gaia. Her vengeful wrath will
    devise a thousand plagues to punish us sinners for polluting her sacred
    precincts with the vile excrement of our CO2 emissions. We must repent,
    give up our sinful ways, or Gaia will unleash Armageddon to ravage the land.

    Thus saith the Data.

    Those who dare challenge the truth of the Data, or the interpretation of the
    Data offered by High Priests like Michael Mann, are heretics, apostates and

    And of course the AGW religion has it own money-changers in the Temple. In
    this case their wealth comes from cap-and-trade and carbon tax scams. That is
    another commonality shared by AGW zealots with the traditional religions they

  339. 2014 was the hottest year ever recorded. At this point all you guys who deny the science are basically yelling at a thermometer, saying “YOU LIE!!!!!”

    1. In the instrumental record would be a better descriptor otherwise you’ll have the ignorant dimwits mentioning it was way hotter (true) in geological past. Where they are not able to connect the dots is that modern hominoids and our close ancestors hadn’t evolved at that time and would have slowly burned in those conditions. Also, they fail to recognize the sun’s energy was 30% lower and the additional warmth was a direct result of an abundance of CO₂, CH₄ and other GHGs with CO₂ being the prime driver..

  340. Zarnon: I’m no scientist. I didn’t cite any data and am not responsible to do my own research. I am far from convinced as many are… including many experts btw. I don’t question your belief in your assertions. We can agree to disagree and in 200 or 300 years we might know who was right. However, I definitely do question the underlying motivation for the GW movement and strongly suspect that – at the highest levels – that motivation is the redistribution of wealth.

    1. I would guess the AGW theory is falling apart now. The undercurrent is shifting. When the Soviet Union broke up, everyone was surprised at how quick. However, those in the thick of it knew the undercurrent had been shifting for a long while.
      Perhaps five years will be the”tipping point” for the noticeable momentum change, ten years, the die hards will either be claiming we are saved by an unforeseen “new” force, or explaining the heat is ….. Uh….. Oh! The heat went to the ceter of the earth which will now explode unless all human gas, (methane), must be regulated!!!!

      1. What a sad buffoon. Your most erudite words were

        I would guess

        should have stopped there while you were ahead and making some sense before your diarrhea of lies turned you into an obnoxiously ignorant buffoon.

  341. Alarmists try to claim 2014 “hottest year on record!!”
    A typical example of the believers relying on a public that neither questions, nor understands how to.
    Satellite data which is accurate over land thermometers, show it is definately not the warmest year.
    The alarmists cherry pick land based only data from thermometers that have had 2/3 of them eliminated— with a strong bias of the urban ones still in place. Even with those land based only temps, the numbers are not even out of the error factor.
    If the science were pure, they would not have to depend on lies to fit the narrative.

    1. Alarmists try to claim 2014 “hottest year on record!!”

      the world’s climate scientists in every country that maintains research and observations confirm that you’re an obnoxiously ignorant buffoon. Why such disdain and ineptitude for science? Do you have an inferiority complex in that you’re not a scientist and amongst the world’s extreme minority of smartest and most talented and educated people who do the most difficult line of work? Your ignorance is overwhelming with vacuity such as:

      Satellite data which is sic accurate over land thermometers

      Hint: satellites do not measure temperature and it is physically and scientifically impossible for them to be more accurate than temperature measuring instruments. This wins the lie of 2015 award:

      The alarmists cherry pick land based only data from thermometers that have had 2/3 of them eliminated— with a strong bias of the urban ones still in place

      Read DOI: 10.1002/qj.2297 to understand that your comment was pure horse manure. Dr. Judith Curry a well-known climate scientist and skeptic (does not dispute AGW nor the influence of human induced CO₂) requests that you stop embarrassing Team Denial with your silliness and outright false and dumb statements and suggests you read

      1. Your needs command your life forces. Personal attacks, coupled with lies serve to discredit anything you write. Unfortunately, many alarmist believers follow the same pattern. I only wish an intelligent conversation would be possible. You are on time out again.

        1. C’mon cupcake prove you’re not a numbskull on steroids and tell us how satellites measure temperature in the Earth’s atmosphere when they’re in the almost complete vacuum of space. I’ll help you start … obviously not with thermometers now please proceed …

  342. More on the satellite data…..and other things…..
    When you read how something is hotter, more, extreme, etc., inspect it.
    If the alarmist story claims “hottest month”, Check to see hottest since when, by who, what, and where. An example is the one below. They used Satellite for the “proof” when it suits the narrative, but have been leaving satellite data out of the stories since it does not show “hottest” now. Check to see if they are talking about region, country, hemisphere, or global. Believers read the headline, and go for it.
    We read the headlines, and inspect the details which are almost always much different.
    The governmental agencies that rubberstamp the AGW approval will also have a milder, detailed explanation, after the approval rating. They also do not reflect the majority of the working scientists.
    Often the leads are activists who got the position to get the stamp of approval in the official documents.
    Activists are in many key positions all around.
    Normally, many of the “believers” would be on the same side as “skeptics”. We all want a clean environment. The degree of regulations would still be fought over. It is the extremists who have hijacked the whole subject. They have successfully worked up the crowd of faithful to make it a good vs. evil, them vs. us war.
    They are the evil ones, who have made many people into hateful adversaries filled with a false reality.
    We now have a large percentage of the population running around scared we will kill the Earth, and mankind.
    So, when they start calling you names, while spitting of false “science”, …..if you can, gently planting a seed, along with a spoonful of understanding is all you can do.
    NOTE: I can follow my own advise sometimes……definitely not always.

    1. Your village posted on Craig’s list and would like their special little retard back. Do you need some assistance? I’ll gladly assist as you’re an embarrassment to civil society in this great country with your continuous espousal of unadulterated crap. International readers please ignore the rantings of this buffoon as St. Ronnie one of our past presidents saw fit to close mental institutions now we have to cater for them in everyday life whereas they would be so much better in special care facilities.

    2. After 47 posts on this site, Fortified I am Buzzlightyear still does not know the difference between their and there despite numerous corrections and enlightenments in about 44 of the 47 and willfully persists with another classic:

      their sic is one scuddling

      poor cunt needs an English tutor as well as one for science!

  343. WOW!! I just read that some blame global warming for the Air Asia plane to crash…..because they say so damnit, it must be true!!…….and I also believed it when they say global warming caused Ebola that had already been around for decades.

    Here is a list of over one thousand things global warming is blamed for. Not only that, each one has a link.

    One of the items is “teenage drinking”. Well, perhaps when cruel people are telling them we are doomed all day.

    My favorite was the Global warming is causing more UFO sightings!!!! I haven’t read that link but I bet aliens are going to kill us all now because we are killing Earth!! Maybe I’ll make a movie about that.
    Check the link below

    1. My list of why climate science deniers are m0r0ns has only one item:

      You know the evidence, can’t get your pea-brains around the vast topic, so you deliberately lie to the undereducated and/or gullible and yourself to keep perpetuating a state of obnoxious ignorance in your wingnut echo chamber.

      1. Everyone should examine the meltdown and personal attacks that happen with the believers.
        It is consistent with the reaction when a cult is questioned by others.
        You can go to an alarmist site, or a skeptic site, you will find the believers are almost always the rude, vile ones making personal attacks. How can anything be taken serious when that is the mental state of the rank and file.
        Just take note of when, and were you see it.

      2. Here is the evidence that we need to get our pea-brains around: The temperature data that all the climate scientists (and Algore) point to show a temperature rise of 0.8 degrees F in 100 years.

        So the earth’s temperature is indeed rising. But it is so small why should we be worried? How do we know that it is not natural? in other words…the earth warmed 0.8 degrees…what did you expect?

        1. Yes, we have been warming since coming out of the little ice age in the 1700’s. That’s before the industrial revolution. The pattern points to 15-20 more years of flat to down temps, then warming might continue a bit.

        2. temperature rise of 0.8 degrees F in 100 years

          care to cite the scientific literature where you get that figure? By 2100, the average U.S. temperature is projected to increase by about 4°F to 11°F, depending on emissions scenario and climate model according to US Global Research Program (

          1. You are citing *projections*. things that have not happened.

            View NASA’s graph:

            Note that while the graph seemingly displays a dramatic temperature rise, the units on the side of the graph are in *tenths* of a degree. Including the uncertainty of the measurements, the earth’s temperature rose only 0.8 degree in a century.

            …and I am being generous. As you can see in the graph NASA only claims a 0.51 degree change.

            1. Not to good at analyzing trends are you? The trend off your graph shows a minimum 0.15°C/decade and rising which projects to 1.5 -2°C/decade minimum or at least a doubling in the temperature increase from the last century. FYI: observations are around the mean of projections. Now if you go back in history you would notice that smaller increases in CO₂ over the past 800kA led to temperature increases of up to 8°C.

              1. “Trends” are quite frankly, guesses. For example, I can get on the scale and see that I have gained a pound from yesterday. If this “trend” continues then I will be morbidly obese within a year! Oh noooes!

                In reality it is just a fluctuation. It is the same with the global temperature. The earth has not warmed in the last 16 years, so your trend projections are simply unrealistic:–chart-prove-it.html

                So you can *project* all you want, but the *fact* is that the earth has warmed a fraction of a degree in a century. Perfectly natural.

                1. “Trends” are quite frankly, guesses

                  horse manure. Statements like that confirm why our society is pervasively obnoxiously ignorant about science. The rest of you puerile screed that references a tabloid as your source of knowledge just reinforces that you’re neither a scientist nor scientifically literate and that you have abject disdain and ineptitude for science.

  344. Obviously the pope is not Talking to GOD because GOD would not LIE to him about Global Warming….

    Better to go with the last scare in the 1980’s GLOBAL COOLING and a NEW Ice Age…..

    1. A survey of the scientific literature has found that between 1965 and 1979, 44 scientific papers predicted warming, 20 were neutral and just 7 predicted cooling. So while predictions of cooling got more media attention, the majority of scientists were predicting warming even then.

      No college educated engineer would be so grossly ignorant as to use Time as a source for scientific literate. Being a pretend engineer you’re oblivious to climate science as we know it today did not exist in the 1960s and 1970s. The integrated enterprise embodied in the Nobel Prizewinning work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change existed then as separate threads of research pursued by isolated groups of scientists. Atmospheric chemists and modelers grappled with the measurement of changes in carbon dioxide and atmospheric gases, and the changes in climate that might result. Meanwhile, geologists and paleoclimate researchers tried to understand when Earth slipped into and out of ice ages, and why. An enduring popular myth suggests that in the 1970s the climate science community was predicting “global cooling” and an “imminent” ice age, an observation frequently used by those who would undermine what climate scientists say today about the prospect of global warming. A review of the literature suggests that, on the contrary, greenhouse warming even then dominated scientists’ thinking as being one of the most important forces shaping Earth’s climate on human time scales. More importantly than showing the falsehood of the myth, this review describes how scientists of the time built the foundation on which the cohesive enterprise of modern climate science now rests. Peterson, Thomas C., William M. Connolley, John Fleck, 2008: The Myth of the 1970s Global Cooling Scientific Consensus. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 89, 1325–1337.


        Perhaps you failed to notice all the models are not WORKING
        AND why could govt fix it if it was true since everything they touch…

        1. Here’s a challenge provide a reference (they all have IDs) for any climate model and why in your opinion it’s “not working”. Then we can discuss. Your silence will indicate that you’re clueless about the topic.

          1. Couple of things
            1- not interested in discussing with you
            liberals tend to base decisions on feelings not facts….
            2-data is available all over the net
            I am an engineer and love data but facts don’t matter to you…
            I will tell you this…
            If Al Gore was correct and the earth was going to burn up do you think the government could actually fix the situation. You really think the IDIOTS that have bankrupted the country and cant run Amtrak or Social Security can control earths temperature. The problem here is that there are some pressing problems that we really should be addressing instead of the weather. You are not a serious person.

            1. data is sic

              pretend engineers don’t know that in English, science and engineering it is the data are … why are you so uneducated and ignorant? Quoting Colbert: Facts have a strong liberal bias. You clearly consider that science is useless to you, then I wonder how you manage to post text messages using recycled bits on internet forums with your electronic devices. My suggestion to you is to stay away from electronic equipment, out of aircraft and hospitals, don’t drive, etc. – they are just filled with lefty technology.

            1. Hey left with NO brain feeling sorry for you about the third day in a row i have read about record cold temps…. you are aligned with al gore on this the guy “who invented the internet”. Also said the polar ice would be gone about 5 years ago along with the bears. You are pretty smart but you were never told that the earth has been both warmer and cooler…. LOL Hang in there HERO

              Climate-truthing in the Palmetto State By Sierra Rayne

              According to an article by Chelsea Harvey at Business Insider, “This Is The Climate Report South Carolina Spent Years Hiding.”

              It sounds ominous, and so I read the report, which left me feeling – unsurprisingly – that Business Insider had done a poor job of science journalism, and understanding why some appear to have resisted releasing the report.

              Here is what Business Insider had to say about the report:

              document shows a history of rising temperatures, warming waters, and
              increases in severe weather events in the state, and also notes concerns
              for the future. The chart below shows how temperatures at the
              Greenville-Spartanburg airport have changed between 1895 and 2010.

              There’s a clear upward trend, especially from 1970 on.

              The report actually analyzed four climate stations, as it notes:

              evaluate climate variability in South Carolina, a first-order analysis
              of the annual mean monthly USHCN [United States Historical Climate
              Network] temperature data was performed. Temperature data recorded at
              the Greenville-Spartanburg (GSP) Airport in Greer, University of South
              Carolina (USC) in Columbia, Beaufort and Georgetown were used to
              investigate trends in temperature variability. These stations were
              selected to represent the three major geographic divisions of South
              Carolina: mountains-piedmont, midlands-sandhills, and coastal plain.

              And here are the four graphs the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (DNR) report published:

              just to publish the Greenville-Spartanburg airport graph in the upper
              left is convenient for alarmism, given how the data at Beaufort and
              Georgetown shows no sign of an overall warming trend since 1895, and the
              USC station shows temperatures back in the first half of the 20th
              century about equal to those seen over the past couple decades coupled
              to little – if any – overall warming. Good science journalism either
              (1) shows all four graphs from the report, (2) chooses the most
              representative graph of the four, and/or (3) discusses in detail all the
              similarities and differences among the four graphs. Business Insider chose none of these options, instead choosing to publish only the most alarmist, and non-representative, graph.

              wonder the public generally believes in climate hysteria: the
              mainstream media is giving them only the most alarmist pieces of the

              problems also exist in the DNR report. The authors show the following
              figure and then make the associated claims:

              maximum temperatures demonstrated a slight warming trend for the period
              and conversely, minimum winter temperatures showed a very slight
              cooling trend.

              There is most certainly no warming trend in winter maximum
              temperatures over the past century, and the cooling trend is more than
              very slight since the early 1900s. But note the language the DNR report
              used: “slight warming trend” to describe no warming trend, and “very
              slight cooling trend” to describe a substantial cooling trend. Entirely

              when the report states in the Executive Summary that “South Carolina
              climatological trend data, 1895-2010, has been analyzed and shows a
              warming trend that started during the 1970s continuing to the present,”
              it is not accurately describing the data. NOAA’s National Climatic Data
              Center has the state’s average annual temperature
              since 1895, and there is no significant trend since 1895, nor is there a
              significant trend over the last three decades. These climate realism
              facts should have been explicitly provided to readers in the Executive

              in the report it is claimed that “temperature and precipitation data
              provide a record of variations in South Carolina climate extending back
              into the late 1800s. Air-temperature data from 1970 to the present show a
              steady increase in mean annual temperatures.” Steady increase? If
              there is no significant trend since 1984, how can the increase be
              steady? It is not. Looking at the state’s historical temperature
              patterns, it is clear that temperatures have plateaued over the last 15
              years, much as they did during the 1920s and 1930s.

              This more general quote from the DNR report about climate change in the southeast is also problematic:

              climate models predict continued warming across the southeast, with the
              greatest temperature increases projected in summer. Annual average
              temperatures are projected to rise 4.5 F by the 2080s under a lower
              emissions scenario and 9 F under a higher emissions scenario with a 10.5
              F increase in summer.

              There has been no significant trend in annual average temperatures for the southeast climate region
              since records began in 1895, or during the last 30 years. Add to that
              the fact that during the past 15 years, the correlation is toward
              cooling – not warming. We are also still waiting for the complete 2014
              climate record in the southeast, but based on the January to November
              data available so far, one would expect this recent lack of statistical
              significance and a correlation towards cooling to be continued. This
              last 30 years of data makes predictions of up to 9º F warming in the
              southeast by the 2080s seem far-fetched. Perhaps the DNR report should
              have mentioned the warming hiatus in South Carolina and, more broadly,
              the southeast?

              The same lack of statistical significance exists for trends in the southeast’s summertime temperatures.
              No sign whatsoever of any significant trends since 1895 or during the
              last 30 years. The last 15 years – as with the annual temperature –
              have a negative correlation toward cooling. Once again, these details –
              which should make us cautious about alarmist climate modeling
              projections – should have been discussed at length in the DNR report.

              back and looking at the DNR report and associated climate data
              objectively, maybe there was a good reason this climate report should
              have stayed hidden.

              Read more:

              Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

            2. U and the guy that invented the internet are full of SH*T……
              THis planet has been both hotter and cooler….

              IN fact Texas has been under water more than it has been dry land…..

              Record-Breaking Cold So Bad Even Penguins Forced Inside

              Warner Todd Huston8 Jan 201543

              The record-breaking cold blanketing the United States has been
              so harsh that the penguins in the National Aviary in Pittsburgh ended up
              being ushered indoors to escape the numbing cold.

              Penguins weren’t the only ones affected
              by the deep freeze. Schools were closed, homeless shelters were filled,
              and traffic ground to a halt in cities all across the upper half of the

              Temperatures dipped everywhere this week, but the coldest spot in the
              country was Estcourt Station, Maine, which reached temperatures of
              minus 38 degrees F (minus 39°C).

              The Arctic blast forced the closure of schools in many of the
              nation’s big cities including the Chicago Public Schools and 125 other
              school districts in the Chicago area.

              “The safety and well-being of our students comes first,” CPS CEO Barbara Byrd-Bennett said
              earlier this week. “The frigid temperatures and winds make a dangerous
              combination, and it is in the best interest of our students to cancel

              But chilly temps were everywhere. There was even snow in
              Jacksonville, Florida. Additionally, Jackson, Kentucky set a record with
              minus one degree. Some errant snowflakes were even seen on the beaches
              of South Carolina.

              The Arctic blast moved down into North Texas, as well, with Dallas-Fort Worth seeing temps in the single and double digits on Thursday.

              According to, a third surge of Arctic air is now sweeping down through the Northern Plains states and will reinforce the frigid air over the Midwest and Northeast.


      The fear of cooling, ….an ice age was almost universal.

      Every major climate organization endorsed the ice age scare, including NCAR, NOAA, CRU, NAS, NASA – as did the CIA. Many more……..

      Both the CIA, and the KGB were worried of an ice age. The CIA had an official warning

      That Newsweek article, along with the other thousands of articles were all prompted by scientists warning of a coming ice age.
      The only people believing reality is different are the cult followers who look to the directors of the AGW propaganda, and swallow without spending five minute to check the facts.
      Most people are now aware the no ice age fear is a lie.

      1. For as much fear and paranoia as there is on the right about terrorists, socialism, ebola, foreigners, and especially brown people, you guys are total idiots when it comes to an actual serious existential threat. I presume it’s because the solution requires you to stop being so awful and doesn’t involve shooting anyone.

        1. I talk science. Your meltdown, and prejudice is fully displayed, as you group all of a group are racist. You obviously have no ability to talk rational science.
          Calling all of one group is an example of your prejudice.
          Try to elevate.

          1. Not everyone gets a trophy and not all ideas/opinions are equal. Your climate change denial is grounds for mockery and ridicule. If you actually understood science you would understand how big of a problem climate change is.

            1. Reading both sides, and asking question is science.
              “mockery and ridicule”
              As you just admitted to, is the belivers response, as it is sold on emotion, and you are an example of.

              1. You’re not asking questions, you’re pushing a political agenda that declares real science to be a hoax so you don’t have to change anything. But Global temperatures are rising. 2014 was the hottest year ever recorded. Million year old glaciers are melting into the ocean at an alarming rate and in a few decades many will be gone. We can see it happening. It is measurable and our releasing green house gasses into the atmosphere is the cause. This is settled science. To say that climate change is a hoax is about as reasonable as saying there’s no such thing as the sun.

                1. I don’t recall rising the word hoax.
                  The Earth has warmed since coming out of the little ice age in the 1700’s. Debating how much warming is fun but the core issue is why.
                  Can you shoe empirical evidence for the feedback loop?
                  Can you show me exactly the core data for the hockey stick, and the IPCC to change history?
                  What was the force that brought the medieval warm period, and the LIA? What was the force that brought us out

                  1. You’re so blissfully ignorant let me help you out with the most current science on the hockey stick as it seems you contradict your voracious appetite for ignorance especially after posting

                    I talk science

                    read and do your best to comprehend:

                    DOI: ac10.1038/ngeo1797
                    DOI: 10.1126/science.1228026

                  2. Literally nothing I show you will convince you because you’re an ideologue, but the debate is over even if Repubs think it isn’t. You are forcing us to move forward without you. This is happening.

                    But click the link to watch glaciers that have existed since the dinosaurs melt away to nothing.

                    Chasing Ice OFFICIAL TRAILER:

                    1. Let focus and be clear.

                      1)You tried to claim I was not asking questions, but have an agenda, to which you pushed your agenda, and stated the science is settled.

                      2) I clearly asked core questions

                      3) You ignore the science questions, call me an ideologue, then again pushed your agenda


                      The questions still stand, and as you claim “the science is settled, you should have no problem answering.


                      Can you show empirical evidence for the feedback loop?
                      Can you show me exactly the core data for the hockey stick, and the IPCC to change history?
                      What was the force that brought the medieval warm period, and the LIA? What was the force that brought us out? What happenned to those forces, and can you show me why they are not acting now

                    2. Oh…..I see your vid link shows something about ice falling. You missed my first sentence before asking the questions. I repeat:

                      “The Earth has warmed since coming out of the little ice age in the 1700’s. Debating how much warming is fun but the core issue is why.”
                      Stay focused, and try forward motion discussion

                    3. If you can disprove the mountain of scientific evidence that climate change is happening and caused by man, you will win a Nobel Prize. I’ll tell you though, you don’t stand a chance.

                    4. If you’re honestly depending on some random douchebag in a Web forum to teach you about climate change, then you’re a fucking moron and should do the world a favor and shoot yourself in the face. The science is easy to google and I’m not going to waste my time talking to a wall. Cheers dipshit!

                    5. Ladies and gentlemen, the meltdown is complete. When the rubber hits the road, they call you the worst things they can think of, and run away.
                      Please don’t flag. This is exactly what I have been saying.
                      You can’t talk someone out of their religion, but it is truly disturbing for them

                    6. Lol, reality check buddy; I’m the visiting team on this shitty conservative website. Far from running away I came here and I’ve spent the last 2 days mocking you idiots on your home turf in my downtime for fun. I do so because you guys are the 21st century flat earth society. I have absolutely no respect for you, your conspiracy theories, or your ideology. There’s nothing high minded about any of this so I don’t give a shit about proving my knowledge base to your ilk or educating you about something your either too lazy or stupid to learn for yourselves. As I’ve said numerous times on this site, if you can disprove the mountain of reseach and data proving man-made climate change, then do it and win yourself a Nobel Prize. Stop hiding on shitty WordPress sites. Put up or shut up.

                    7. But wait!!!!
                      Someone help me with this.
                      I read this only one possible way.
                      Isn’t he actually calling himself “a random douchebag”?

                    8. I’ll help you; and I’ll explain it nice and slow so you understand. Yes, that is what I said. A random douchebag is what I am to you. I am not your friend. I am an asshole making fun of you on the internet. I am not here to have a high minded debate because the debate is over and the scientists won. I am here to mock you, call you names, and insult your intelligence because, and I sincerely mean this, you guys are really really dumb.

                    9. You are on permanent time out. You have set a horrible but very common example of the believers. They, and you are always angry, and blow up when the cult bubble gets touched, as viewed of your breakdown earlier. All you have is anger, and non-sequitur rants with more anger. You really don’t seem mentally well.
                      Seek some help. Nothing can be done for you here. Right now you are a net loss for the human race. This is not jabbing at you…just an honest observance.
                      I’ll pray for you.

                    10. I burst out laughing when I read this. Our side has a mountain of scientific evidence. If you can prove it wrong, do it and win yourself a Nobel Prize. Otherwise, sit down and shut up. The adults are trying to work.

                    11. Here’s a conundrum for you; you don’t believe in science, but scientists invented the internet, so maybe the internet is a hoax too. So how are you reading this? Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

              2. You’re at it again spewing your obnoxious ignorance:

                Reading both sides, and asking question is science

                try looking up the scientific process and see how science goes from hypothesis to theory. Almost every scientist (>99%) researching and publishing climate science supports the AGW theory, so no, there aren’t two sides dufus.

                1. Reading both sides, and asking question is science.
                  “mockery and ridicule”
                  As you just admitted to, is the belivers response, as it is sold on emotion, and you are an example of.

                  1. As I wrote you’re obnoxiously ignorant and very proud of the fact that you are clueless about the scientific process. Please seek science and English language tutors.

          2. I talk science

            you sure don’t insisting that satellites can measure temperatures in the biosphere. Here’s a sampling of your junk science opinions found on this site

            Satellite data which is accurate over land thermometers… A theory with no empirical evidence … 15-20 more years of flat to down temps

    3. I think that it is ridiculous that every magazine talking about “global warming” has a picture of a polar bear on a small chink of ice…as if it doomed.

      Polar Bears can swim about 50 miles.

        1. …and other species’ population increases. So what? Animal populations change (up or down) all the time. It is…”natural”.

          Do you actually expect a species’ population to remain static?

          1. You’re far to grossly ignorant to hold an intelligent discussion. Maybe you need to revisit elementary school and understand why the current climatic changes are not following the natural cycles (which is still happening) due to all known cosmic events but rather have been impacted by a positive feedback forcing the global temperature to be greater than what it would be without all the additional fossil fuel CO₂ induced by humans.

            1. And they know all this how?? From the model they built using the flood of data from the last 300 years? And a bunch of theoretical science from core samples and crap? You call people ignorant because they don’t need the education you think is necessary to know that this theory of man made global climate change is complete Bull$hit.. There is every bit as much evidence to support the one world government conspiracy theory, as there is to promote the anthropogenic climate change theory.. Every bit as much, except not as much of the conspiracy theory has been exposed as lies..

              1. theory of man made global climate change is complete Bull$hit

                Your disdain and ineptitude for science is not a virtue. Opinion doesn’t matter, the only thing that matters are the FACTS and EVIDENCE. If you can’t even learn basic science or facts on an issue, then no one will or should care about your opinions on it.

                Here’s a simple challenge cupcake: provide the name for one current climate scientists currently researching and publishing who does not accept AGW theory and has published their rebuttal. Just DOI reference please no links to the denier echo chamber.

                1. Dr Lindzen, MIT.. I have no disdain for legitimate science.. None whatsoever.. I know the Earth is a sphere, that it orbits the sun. I also know, since I have worked in research, that when a conclusion is the beginning of research, the research is not legitimate.. You can spice it up with all kinds of technical language, which is what you have to do when your argument starts out as bs and never changes, but you can’t make it true..Here is one list of skeptics..

                  David Bellamy, botanist.[14][15][16][17]
                  Judith Curry, Professor and former chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology.[18][19][20][21]
                  Freeman Dyson, professor emeritus of the School of Natural Sciences, Institute for Advanced Study; Fellow of the Royal Society [22][23]
                  Steven E. Koonin, theoretical physicist and director of the Center for Urban Science and Progress at New York University[24][25]
                  Richard Lindzen, Alfred P. Sloan emeritus professor of atmospheric science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and member of the National Academy of Sciences[26][27][28][29]
                  Craig Loehle, ecologist and chief scientist at the National Council for Air and Stream Improvement.[30][31][32][33][34][35]
                  Nils-Axel Mörner, retired head of the Paleogeophysics and Geodynamics Department at Stockholm University, former chairman of the INQUA Commission on Sea Level Changes and Coastal Evolution (1999–2003)[36][37]
                  Garth Paltridge,
                  retired chief research scientist, CSIRO Division of Atmospheric
                  Research and retired director of the Institute of the Antarctic
                  Cooperative Research Centre, visiting fellow Australian National University[38][39]
                  Denis Rancourt, former professor of physics at University of Ottawa, research scientist in condensed matter physics, and in environmental and soil science[40][41][42][43]
                  Peter Stilbs, professor of physical chemistry at Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm[44][45]
                  Philip Stott, professor emeritus of biogeography at the University of London[46][47]
                  Hendrik Tennekes, retired director of research, Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute [48][49]
                  Anastasios Tsonis, distinguished professor at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee[50][51]
                  Fritz Vahrenholt, German politician and energy executive with a doctorate in chemistry[52][53]
                  Zbigniew Jaworowski, physician and ice core researcher.[54][55][56][57][58]
                  I’ll go get more…

                  1. Here’s another list…

                    Khabibullo Abdusamatov, astrophysicist at Pulkovo Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences[60][61]
                    Sallie Baliunas, astrophysicist, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics[62][63][64]
                    Timothy Ball, professor emeritus of geography at the University of Winnipeg[65][66]
                    Robert M. Carter, former head of the school of earth sciences at James Cook University[67][68]
                    Ian Clark, hydrogeologist, professor, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Ottawa[69][70]
                    Chris de Freitas, associate professor, School of Geography, Geology and Environmental Science, University of Auckland[71][72]
                    David Douglass, solid-state physicist, professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester[73][74]
                    Don Easterbrook, emeritus professor of geology, Western Washington University[75][76]
                    William M. Gray, professor emeritus and head of the Tropical Meteorology Project, Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University[77][78]
                    William Happer, physicist specializing in optics and spectroscopy, Princeton University[79][80]
                    Ole Humlum, professor of geology at the University of Oslo[81][82]
                    Wibjörn Karlén, professor emeritus of geography and geology at the University of Stockholm.[83][84]
                    William Kininmonth, meteorologist, former Australian delegate to World Meteorological Organization Commission for Climatology[85][86]
                    David Legates, associate professor of geography and director of the Center for Climatic Research, University of Delaware[87][88]
                    Anthony Lupo, professor of atmospheric science at the University of Missouri[89][90]
                    Tad Murty, oceanographer; adjunct professor, Departments of Civil Engineering and Earth Sciences, University of Ottawa[91][92]
                    Tim Patterson, paleoclimatologist and professor of geology at Carleton University in Canada.[93][94][95]
                    Ian Plimer, professor emeritus of mining geology, the University of Adelaide.[96][97]
                    Arthur B. Robinson, American politician, biochemist and former faculty member at the University of California, San Diego[98][99]
                    Murry Salby, atmospheric scientist, former professor at Macquarie University[100][101]
                    Nicola Scafetta, research scientist in the physics department at Duke University[102][103][104]
                    Tom Segalstad, geologist; associate professor at University of Oslo[105][106]
                    Nir Shaviv, professor of physics focusing on astrophysics and climate science at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem[107][108]
                    Fred Singer, professor emeritus of environmental sciences at the University of Virginia[109][110][111][112]
                    Willie Soon, astrophysicist, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics[113][114]
                    Roy Spencer, meteorologist; principal research scientist, University of Alabama in Huntsville[115][116]
                    Henrik Svensmark, physicist, Danish National Space Center[117][118]
                    George H. Taylor, retired director of the Oregon Climate Service at Oregon State University[119][120]
                    Jan Veizer, environmental geochemist, professor emeritus from University of Ottawa[121][122]

      1. Flechette….and guess what……That polar bear picture is a fake, (what isn’t)? The larger shot they cut out is the giant land mass the bear just swam from.

  345. So all you “engineers” and pseudo-scientists, I want to leave you with an article where real scientists (with names, faces, and credentials) debunk some of the most popular claims in this thread. Topics include:

    ●No, the Earth Hasn’t Stopped Warming Since 1998

    ●No, Antarctic Ice Isn’t Increasing

    ●Yes, the Temperature Readings Are Reliable

    ●No, it’s not the sun’s fault

    ● Yes, There is Scientific Consensus

    ● and Doubling Down With “Global Cooling”

    Go read it if you’re brave enough to hear what real scientists have to say.

    1. Paraphrasing Richard Feynman: Regardless of how many experts believe it or how many organizations concur, if it doesn’t agree with observation, it’s wrong.

      The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), some politicians and many others mislead the gullible public by stubbornly continuing to proclaim that increased atmospheric carbon dioxide is a primary cause of global warming.

      Measurements demonstrate that they are wrong.

      CO2 increase from 1800 to 2001 was 89.5 ppmv (parts per million by volume). The atmospheric carbon dioxide level has now (through November, 2014) increased since 2001 by 28.17 ppmv (an amount equal to 31.5% of the increase that took place from 1800 to 2001) (1800, 281.6 ppmv; 2001, 371.13 ppmv; November, 2014, 399.3 ppmv).

      The average global temperature trend since before 2001 is flat (average of the 5 reporting agencies, ). Current measurements are well within the range of random uncertainty with respect to the trend.

      That is the observation. No amount of spin can rationalize that the temperature increase to 2001 was caused by a CO2 increase of 89.5 ppmv but that 28.17 ppmv additional CO2 increase had no effect on the average global temperature trend after 2001.

      At find a physics-based equation with two natural measures that explains average global temperatures since before 1900 with 95% correlation (R^2 greater than
      0.9), credible hind-casting back to 1610 (Little Ice Age) and average global temperature trend prediction to 2037.

      1. If you think you can prove all the science on climate change is wrong, then submit your findings to a scientific journal for peer review and win yourself a Nobel Prize. Put up or shut up.

        1. Climate change is natural. The last change, as demonstrated by the average trend of the five reporting agencies, is that it stopped warming.

          I have been tracking the growing separation between the rising CO2 and not-rising AGT for
          several years. It is graphed at along with links to the reporting agencies. Graphs through 2013 have been added. Current measurements are well within the range of random uncertainty with respect to the calculated trend. The trend of measurements since before 2001 is flat. I wonder how wide this separation will need to get before you begin to question your perception.

      2. If you can prove the science on climate change wrong, submit your findings to a scientific journal for peer review and win yourself a Nobel Prize. Put up or shut up.

        1. That argument is as weak as circus lemonade.. There are many credible scientists that have refuted the evidence you shrilly accept as “settled science..” The IPCC has been exposed for the fraud they have become.. Get real.. This is the old, “hey look over there,” tactic. What we are really talking about is global government.. You want to get real? There it is.. ANTHROPOGENIC GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE IS THE VEHICLE BY WHICH THE “ONE WORLDERS,” WILL ESTABLISH A GLOBAL GOVERNING BODY.. And unlike the UN, it’ll have teeth.. Unlike the UN, it will be involved in local government through environmental regulations..

      3. Can always recognize a non-scientist and scientifically illiterate person’s comment by the lack of science citations and the preponderance of links to the denier blogosphere. Why are you so gullible and eager to regurgitate junk science, is it your disdain or ineptitude or both for science? You’re obviously studying an online Tea Party Guide to Thermodynamics course which believes living in ignorance is just much easier than taking an hour or two to learn about basic science. So you should put your big boy pants on and don’t comment on the evidence and known science about which you have little to no comprehension or understanding. The sad thing is that you’re not smart enough to recognize that you won’t solve human-induced climate change using vacuous, opinionated, emotive comments. Scientists will do that and we recognize that the magnitude of the problem is greater than most can comprehend. So your ilk resort to denial and obfuscation by politicizing the topic which is apolitical and stands on the evidence for those who understand it.

        1. AGWunveiled – 95% correlation since before 1900 using an equation with only two naturally
          occurring factors.

          (some) Climate science – think it is a “travesty” and can’t explain why measured average
          global temperature is 0.3 K lower than there models predicted.

          1. Didn’t need to reinforce that you’re clueless and scientifically illiterate that was self-evident from your original cut+pastes job of vacuity.

  346. What ticks me off is this whole scam of the scientists, to wit; Dr. Lindzen from MIT, that guy that started this whole Gaia movement thing, and about, oh I don’t know, thousands of other scientists, that say this anthropogenic climate change theory is bullcrap, and a political weapon. How dare they? What do they know? algore said and that by god is going to be gospel no matter how many lies and model adjustment have to be done. Here’s an awful prediction that I’m sure will raise all kinds of controversy; Everybody alive on this planet right now is going to die in the next 200 years!!! Ok Congress, what are you going to do about that horrible situation of global genocide?? HMMMMMMMMM??

      1. I have already watched years of propaganda.. I see reports constantly of decreasing ice sheets etc. etc. blah blah blah.. How does something melt, then fall into the sea? Get this missing factoid genius, ice melts, and water freezes.. It happens all the time.. Climates change.. A fact that the global 1 world government fanatics can’t seem to wrap their heads around. They are so arrogant, and ignorant, they can’t accept a changing climate without putting the blame on human beings and their, industry. Just go change your base model, the way it’s been done to make your point, so that it shows winter all the time everywhere.. Will that make you idiots happy?

          1. Don’t have to. It’s been done.. There are pictures graphs and analysis that expose the lies, expose the graph manipulations, and expose the conspiracy.. It has become a political beast, as was intended, thereby nullifying any factual opposition.. It is politics now, nothing more, and a political lie at that.. The government needs “global warming disaster cultism,” in order to gain the political power over the globe that they so desire.. Scientists, especially those in the climate science field, are wholly dependent on government grant money.. They will give the government what they want.. Just like everything else, follow the money.. It always leads to the truth eventually..

  347. someone’s post prompted me to look at Iceland.

    It looks like Ice temps have been rising since coming out of the little ice age around 1680. although the rising temps have less of an incline since 1900, it is now close the temperature of the medieval warm period.

    interesting graph a little down on the right side.

    This one has a longer chart, and shows the temperature is still not near previous highs

    1. For as angry as you guys are about climate change, you have yet to produce any seriouse scholarly work on the subject. And I’m not talking about paranoid articles on right wing websites. I mean scientific journals with peer review. Until you do, you guys are just blowing smoke.


    This has been interesting the last couple days. It is an example of the problem discussing global warming.
    Almost all the alarmist comments are from two who spend most of the time ranting insults, and non-sequitur rants.
    Think about how the issue is sold. It is totally sold on emotion. It is wrapped into the emotional identity for them. When one tries to logically discuss the science, they get mad, and call you names.
    Simply asking questions of the alarmists is enough to make most of them put you on the side of evil, racist and whatever else they can think of.
    This is why the issue has not died yet.


    Glance through the comments over the last few days. Everything I say about the alarmists is repeated over, and over.
    The more I see the cult like angry responses, the more I understand about them.
    What is alarming, is how easily people can be convinced of something that is not so, and fight a false truth with such vengeance.
    We have seen this in history many times……..and it doesn’t usually end well……

    1. Oh cupcake you are so painful. Your link is to junk science and once again demonstrate that you are very gullible and ignorant. I’ll give you a few hints why Wallace the originator of this crapola will not be awarded a PhD if this is his level of science competence. First, anomalies have to be plotted and not empirical data (if you don’t know why ask your science tutor). Second, lack of spatial and temporal distributions. Third, repeated measurements at the same depth and at the same chronological time and date for multiple years. If you need more hints I can help but three scientific faux pas should be sufficient to demonstrate why you’re obnoxiously ignorant when it comes to basic science.

      1. For the following, pretend I am your friend, or perhaps that part of your consciousness that knows …….
        Theirtherethey’re are many believers I have exchanged information with. In the last year, two have really got me rethinking a couple points, and prompted me to learn more.
        Peppering paragraphs of insults, with a couple “facts” sprinkled does not make a digestible meal for anyone. The absolute best way to make ones comment discounted the moment it is received, is to insult the receiver right out of the gate. You may be very smart, or dumb,
        But not very wise.
        Think about this for a moment. Aren’t you losing more than you gain? Therethiretheyre is nothing I can say that will discount your comments more than you do before you press send.
        Think about that psychologically…..
        Yeah, you need the release, and want to just state how you feel because you are so passionately sure about it, and don’t understand how anyone can see it otherwise.
        Is it really worth doing it that way? Its like hitting one hand with the other when frustrated.
        They cancel each other out. Your insults cancels anything you have to say.
        >>>>>>>>>>You canceled your own statement!!! Get it?<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
        No one will listen to anything that is full of insults. I am not immune to the same thing, but usually am able to take a deep breath, and even re-write it if I have to.
        The only two people in the last year that ever made me rethink anything on AGW were able to express ….simply express like two people exchanging information.
        Theretheirtheyre…….have a sense of humor as I am doing self deprecating humor.
        And…..just how gay are you? Cupkake? This is what? the third or fourth time ..cupcake?
        I am off…. time to do my midnight trail run. Ok peaches….later

        1. Cupcake you are grossly scientifically ignorant. You are incompetent at Middle school science knowledge as you demonstrate by linking to non-scientific junk. Sadder is that you are not able to discern why the article you link to is junk. So instead of a long-winded puerile teary screed attempt to defend the science you link to is this your long-winded way of conceding as you have yet to counter any of the science that I have schooled you in for days now.

          1. Perhaps its better for you to continue your approach. The more irrational alarmists are, the more people see through it all. You are self defeating background noise

  349. “policygeek”….

    I would like to display the kind of trolls that describe themselves as believers of global warming. Having a civil discussion is not possible when people who claim to represent believer’s, have nothing but insults, and mockery.
    One in particular, seemed to melt down. I simply asked a few core questions, yes asked questions. He had no idea about the subject, but grew increasingly angry to the point of calling names, even calling himself names.
    Perhaps my pointing that out to him several times finally sank in. Today he is stuck on one single thought that he repeated many times.
    So, for your enjoyment, and for clarity of the cult followers. Lets have a sample of his comments…just over the last 24 hours.


    “Fear and paranoia about brown people……..”total idiots” …..

    To which he states skeptics don’t believe in it…..” because it doesn’t involve shooting anyone”….
    ….ignorant emotive uneducated deniers
    …an ignorant charlatan. …

    He then goes one to call himself names as well,,,,Yes he actually did.
    He called himself, “a random douchebag”
    But ended that same sentence with. ( I am only cutting, and pasting his remarks)
    “you’re a fucking moron and should do the world a favor and shoot yourself in the face.” END QUOTE

    This is the state of the believers’ mind. Now more….

    He ended that one with ” Cheers dipshit!!!! ”
    One remark yesterday, This is the melting down where he now calls himself names.
    “I’ll help you; and I’ll explain it nice and slow so you understand. Yes, that is what I said. A random douchebag is what I am to you. I am not your friend. I am an asshole making fun of you on the internet. I am not here to have a high minded debate because the debate is over and the scientists won. I am here to mock you, call you names, and insult your intelligence because, and I sincerely mean this, you guys are really really stupid. ” END QUOTE

    The above was a small sampling of “policygeek ” over the last 24 hours.
    When simply asking for empirical evidence of the positive feedback loop brings replies that has non-sequitur, ad hominem attacks, you know they are led by emotion, cant be reasoned with, and facts will not help them.

    This is how the false reality of Global warming continues

    1. Is you science and English tutor not available on the weekends to give you a tissue … ? Here’s a sampling of your junk science opinions found on this site when you’re not busy spelling there with their:

      Satellite data which is accurate over land thermometers… A theory with no empirical evidence … 15-20 more years of flat to down temps

    2. I really got under your skin didnt I, Lol.

      Here’s the mistake you’re making; there is no civil discussion to be had on a blog dedicated to the rejection of science.

      No one has ever proved or disproved science in the comments section of a blog.

      You guys are just tourists, but if you are serious about your scientific beliefs do some real research, write a paper with actual data and submit it to a scientific journal for peer review. If your research stands up and you successfully disprove the mountain of scientific evidence for man made climate change, you will win the Nobel Prize. I am saying this over and over again because no one on your side, not the enginers, the self described experts, nor the pseudo-scientists will ever do this because the facts are on my side.

      1. Show the emperical evidence for the positive feedback loop.
        Answer the other questions you have avoided as well.
        You claim to know, and so sure.

        1. This will be my final post in this thread so I do hope you’ll read it in it’s entirety.

          I am now going to pull off my mask and be completely civil with you because you were right about one thing; you cannot convince anyone of anything by being obnoxious and adversarial (though it is fun). So for one moment, against my better judgement, I am going to talk to you as though you are not someone so ideologically entrenched that you are blind to reason.

          The science takes a little bit of explaining and while others have attempted, it was in the contexts of screams and heated yelling. I am not yelling today and I would like you to read it to understand our position. I am typing this in my own words. This is not copied pasted from anywhere.

          I have been resistant to typing anything this long because A.) you probably won’t read it and B.) i had been typing on a shitty cell phone.
          Here is the quick 101 version of the science.

          Dark colors absorb light and lighter colors reflect it. This is an undeniable fact.
          When sunlight hits earth it warms the ground. Think about a black top driveway in the sun and how it gets warmer because it is a darker color. The warmth you are feeling is infrared radiation which is invisible to the naked eye but can be seen with the right cameras as a glow. Now think about how nights with clouds are warmer than clear nights. That’s because some of that heat radiating off the earth is being held there by the cloud cover like a blanket. Co2 is not clear in the infrared spectrum and traps heat in the same way, making it a greenhouse gas. Methane is another even more potent greenhouse gas.

          Earth had a very different atmosphere 100s of millions of years ago, some of which is still trapped in layers of rock and can be examined. It took us billions of years to get our atmosphere to the point it’s at now. One of the driving forces of that change was plants (carbon based life forms) pulling gasses (including CO2) out of the atmosphere.

          Now consider where oil, gas and coal came from: The remains of millions of years worth of prehistoric plants and animals. It’s all carbon. And when we burn it we are releasing CO2 that had effectively been trapped for millions of years back into the atmosphere at a faster rate than nature’s ability to reabsorb it, and in-turn our ecosystem’s ability to hold heat is increasing.

          This is not occurring at linear levels for reasons that scientists are still working to understand. The big fear of course is that this is going to start to accelerate as ice sheets melt and methane gas that has been trapped is released and the white ice gives way to land and dark water, even further increasing our planet’s heat content.

          Yes, it’s true the earth was warmer in the past, but we are going to make it that way again in an uncomfortably short period of time if we keep it up. By “it” I mean burning fossil fuels.

          In geologic terms this is happening at the speed of a train wreck, faster than the planet’s ability to adapt/evolve and a lot of plants and animals are going to die as a result, including some that we depend on for food/work. This is going to disrupt economies and ecosystems world wide. People point to sad looking polar bears (i hate that cheesy shit too) who are losing ground, but it’s happening all the way down the food chain; fish, plankton…

          Did you follow all that?

          leftwithrightbrain seems to have a deeper understanding of the science than I, and I’ll defer to him if I made any mistakes in my explanation. But this is not religion. It is observable science built on observable facts. There have been thousands of studies to back this up. It is no longer disputed by the scientists who study this field. There is nothing partisan about infrared light or Co2 as a green house gas. If you can prove something else is going on we would be very interested to find out what because all signs and data point to a change in our ecosystem driven by our burning of fossil fuels.


          I get why so many people on the right are skeptical of climate change or global warming or whatever buzz word you want to call it; understanding it depends on having a basic understanding of evolution, an acceptance of the fact that the earth is billions of years old (which are both controversial issues for a lot of your folks), and understanding processes that are either invisible to the naked eye or almost too large to wrap your head around. And then there’s the political aspect to this. There are a lot more republicans who stand to lose a lot of money (or their jobs) because oil, gas and coal are primarily produced/refined/extracted in red states. It has a huge influences the public policy debate but this problem is significantly larger than any of our partisan fights in DC.

          This is not some liberal conspiracy as many on here have suggested. Al Gore may have made a nice little sum for himself promoting the science, but he doesn’t stand to lose anything at this point. However, there is literally trillions of dollars worth of oil, gas and coal in the ground and we are going to have to leave it there if we are going to avoid a global catastrophe. Now I know you are going to say I’m being an alarmist as you have many times, but that is the truth. This is not some kind of anti-industrialization dogma as I love my modern conveniences as much as the next american. It is a mater of survival for our grandchildren and great grandchildren.

          Humans worldwide are going to need to switch to carbon neutral energy production technologies really really fast if we are going to stop it. More wind, more solar, and yes more nuclear energy. That’s not all bad though, these are cleaner technologies and it does mean job creation in some areas, though others will wither. But hey, job market changes happen.

          None the less, the people and companies who stand to benefit from our oil/gas/coal driven society are going to fight like hell to keep it that way. Time and time again people with a financial interest in maintaining the status quo have deliberately lied and distorted science to protect their assets. We have heard the echos of this debate before: “it’s perfectly safe to put lead in paint, gasoline, and children’s toys because it is a naturally occurring substance”, “You can’t prove smoking cigarettes gave those people lung cancer.”, etcetera.

          But this all goes back to my question that I have asked several times now. If your conservative friends have some way to prove all of this wrong, why don’t they do it? The proper way is in a scientific journal where they can lay out all of the evidence and facts for all the world to see. You aren’t being discriminated against, the scientific community would welcome it. And honest to god, I wish you could prove us wrong but I know we’re not.

          If you want the final word in this debate prove the science wrong. As I said before, you will win a nobel prize. I really mean that.

          I don’t expect that you will actually take anything away from this and I am quite sure I wasted my breath as no one has ever proven anything in the comments section of a blog. Cheers!

          1. WOW!! I love you man!!!!
            Not kidding. You gave your heart, and soul in your comment, and I truly respect you for that. I need time to think about all your points. I want to give it the respect it deserves.

              1. Thanks….I went on my passive aggressive mission,
                I will delete my calling you out thing.
                If you delete your shoot face thing no one will know it happened.
                You cant delete in disqus. You have to leave at least one letter, or symbol.

                  1. And by the way, you can disagree all you want. I’m good. Perhaps if you feel the need to talk smack next time, I’ll just man up and have fun back, instead of doing the passive aggressive thing. Its all good

            1. First the easy part.
              I don’t know of anyone that has ever had an issue with global warming because they are religious. Aren’t the religious evenly split anyway. I have heard Bill Moyers, and others using that, but I see them use it as a way of calling the other side as non thinking mouth breathers.
              No one here is going to win a noble prize. I would find it hard to believe they would bother arguing with us.
              One of the points I never understood is always declaring “fossil fuel funded”. My favorite sites have nothing to do with that. The government funding is 3,000 to one.
              C02…… I never had an issue with C02 being a greenhouse gas. You gave some information I never heard before, or haven’t thought of in a while, and should keep in mind. An example is when a skeptic states how little human C02 compared to natural. As you state “natural” C02 may be released from melting ice. that can’t be totally categorized as natural if human caused some of the warming preceeding the ice releasing the c02. This is one way a single point fan out to a hundred answers, all being partly right, and wrong.
              The positive feedback loop. I have been tossing that up a lot lately. Partly, after reading many times their is no empirical evidence for it, I figured if their is one, eventually someone will display it. I truly don’t think there is any empirical evidence.
              So,….. this is what I see. We have been coming out of the little ice age since the 1700’s. The planet has been warming since then, with 60 year cycles of warming, then flat, and down, repeat…
              The warming, looks to me to be exiting the ice age, and Human caused C02, without the positive feedback model. That would make us responsible for some warming.
              I just read NOAA where they state water vapor is the most important in the greenhouse feedback, but they then go on to state they cant be sure if the total feedback is positive, or negative.
              The computer models absolutely depend on this. The current temps are lower than possible range for the models.
              You can believe, or not believe in the link of the sun, and global temps, but the charts are closer than any other theory. If the 11 year delay from Jonova is correct, we should be entering the first year of declining temps.
              The coming five years, from my guess us where the rubber hits the road.
              We have the 60 year cycle that unless broken, we will have many more years of flat to down average temps. We have the sun cycle that is screaming a fast drop that should start now, and accelerate in a few years.
              Most scientists are good people, doing honest work.
              If no empirical evidence for the PFL exists ..
              If all the computer models are based on the PFL are out of range…
              wouldn’t that technically make the theory not valid.?

          2. I think you’ve oversimplified the skeptic view, and you’ve put the onerous of proof on the wrong party.

            There is legitimate science that pegs ECS much lower than used for alarmist projections

            Low ECS papers

            Now on PROOF, it normally is up to the IPCC model proponents to prove they are statistically relevant, rather than skeptics to prove they are false. That is the scientific method, isn’t it?

            Since the model makers have failed to do such, we must look elsewhere: (fyi, looks bad for models)

  350. For a group where so many of you position yourselves as Christians, it is jarring to read how uncivil your conversations are. Consider Matthew 12:36.

  351. I am calling Policygeek and LeftwithRight Brain out.

    I just scanned your posts, and your non-stop ad hominem attacks demonstrate that you really don’t have anything relevant to contribute. The thing is, I think you KNOW you are using this method – which is to accuse the other side of not using SCIENCE and then using ad hominem attacks and yes – NOT using SCIENCE. You are merely pointing to the “97%” or typing the words “thermodynamics” or “particle physics.” Why don’t we get into “string theory” as well?

    The problem with your metaphors is that these attributes of physics and chemistry CAN be tested scientifically. They can be retested. They can have scientific controls to prove the null hypothesis. You can control for variability (i.e., test a closed system vs. an open system like earth is). And on and on. Science does not tell us everything, and it never has. Often science is wrong. As progressives, you should NEVER accept something that is “consensus” driven otherwise, you would never have “progress.” It is antithetical to what being a progressive is all about.

    On the other hand, the skeptics (like this blog) pointing to data and attacking the data. There has to be hundreds if not thousands of articles here on Climate Depot that are data driven.

    The “general” response from the “believers” is to attack (either the poster, or whether the data didn’t come from a liberal progressive approved source). I have seen very little posts on here by the progressive “believers” actually refuting the data. For example THIS VERY ARTICLE – do you disagree with what the data is showing? If so, why. I challenge you to just stick to that.

    Then the followup question is: Why didn’t scientists predict this “if the science is settled?” Originally, the “believers” cited breakup of sea ice (with many, many cinematic shots of huge swaths of ice calving from their respective ice sheets) as evidence as global warming. Now that is apparently (as the data above supports) not the case. Therefore you need to revise that hypothesis. So, in reality, it sounds like the liberal progressives are in fact, not following the science – because this has been going on long enough now where our observations are now playing out over time and not aligning with the original hypothesis. What discredits your argument is the dogmatic “belief” over what the actual evidence is showing us.

    In order to follow the SCIENTIFIC method, you have to be able to prove your hypothesis is false.

    In order to follow the SCIENTIFIC method, hypothesis that are generated but are not supported with observations need to be revised.


    – Since CO2 has been steadily increasing while temperatures have not risen proportionally.
    – None of the models have predicted the current hiatus in increase of surface temperatures.

    – None of the models have predicted the current sea ice extent.

    – The Vostok Ice Cores show CO2 increases came AFTER temperature increases by roughly 800-1200 years.

    – Much of the warming in the 1900’s came during periods of time of reduced CO2 output (i.e., pre-industrial boom). No direct linear relationship was observed.

    Therefore – these observations and more, do not agree with the hypothesis that CO2 produced by man causes global warming. Using the SCIENTIFIC method, one must revise their hypothesis. Which is EXACTLY what skeptics are doing. WE are saying:

    – The climate always changes, and will continue to change. Fact.
    – Sometimes we observe the earth warming. Sometimes we do not. Fact.
    – We do not understand what causes this to happen. Fact.
    – CO2 is a greenhouse gas, present at .04% of the earth’s atmosphere. Fact.
    – Water vapor contributes to roughly 95% of the greenhouse effect. Fact.
    – There have been warmer periods of time on the planet with more CO2. Fact.
    – Without CO2, we would not have life on earth. Fact.
    – CO2 is not the same as “Carbon.” Carbon is an element. CO2 is a molecule. Huge difference and similar to how isopropyl alcohol is not the same as ethanol (i.e., they are not simply “alcohol” – one will kill you if you drink it in small quantities – and one will make you feel funny when you drink it is moderate quantities). This distinction is important because the so-called “supporters of science” purposely (or maybe ignorantly) conflate the two to confuse Joe Sixpack. Consider the term “carbon emissions” for example.

    Can you agree on these facts? If not, it would quite simply illustrate it is a complete waste of time to engage you any further.

    I don’t think you will, but refute the DATA climate depot is showing here.

    Final thought: Progressives are all about bringing “truth” to power right? Well, the “power” is now the Federal Government. The power is now crazy EPA regulations that have designated CO2 as a pollutant. The power is now extreme regulations that are driving up the cost of energy and hurting the middle class. The power is the hundreds of billions given to environmental lobbies, grants, and environmental groups (some of which whose original founders have disavowed themselves from). The power is not allowing dissenting, minority points of view to be heard and considered.

    It is very ironic – the progressive left will go after a school if ONE parent wants to not mention the word “Christmas” during their annual winter concert event – always fighting for the minority voice, right?

    But in this case, it is all about “majority rule,” 97%,” etc. It really just seems like the red line through all of this is you are “government believers” not necessarily “global warming” believers.

    1. Not getting this are you? The entire, “anthropogenic global climate change,” argument has nothing to do with a changing climate.. Any more than our immigration policy has to do with comprehensive immigration reform.. This is about one thing and one thing only.. Power!! Establishing a global government.. The UN is nothing. When a global environmental agency is established you will see corruption, power grabs over production, unlike anything ever seen before.. They will seek ultimate power, and they will get it, unless they are stopped..

      The one thing, the one and only thing that can be used on a global scale to convince the worlds populations that there needs to be one international governing body, controlling nearly every aspect of production worldwide, manufacturing, agriculture, waste management, resource development, mining, energy production, water management et al, is the environment.. And it will take an international governing body, to control what happens to the environment.. Just take a quick peek at what the EPA has done for us here in the US.. And the US is nothing compared to some other nations environmental regulations.. In Switzerland you can’t own a 4 wheeler, or a snow machine, unless you can prove need..

      The people in power on this Earth, the ones controlling huge amounts of money, couldn’t care less what the climate does.. Getting control of all the resources of the Earth? Now there’s a goal befitting the richest people in the world.. Of course they only do it out of duty to the, “little guy.” The unfortunates and downtrodden. They’ve done so well so far eh?

  352. But what about the scientific concensus??

    Wait, the scientific method requires the you use only the data, uncooked, and others try to duplicate your results. If they cannot…

  353. It’s time one of you lib/progs jumps on here and dazzles us with their answer as to how we are going to handle this “man made,” problem.. Splain dat!! What is the answer?? What must we do?? What have these brilliant model creating “scientists,” come up with as an answer besides further subjugating entire populations?? Every answer there is starts with, “we need to fund a global agency to police pollutants being spewed into the yada yada yada.. and to change people wasteful habits..” Oh, and, ” we need more money for more studies as to how to get this world population under our control..” It’s all about signing treatys that take money from one place and giving it to someplace else. It’s not that complicated and when you try to make it so, you just waste a lot of time making fertilizer..

  354. The conceit that human production of carbon dioxide is capable of driving the earth’s climate is running smack into the sun. CO2 accounts for a mere 0.039% of the atmosphere, while the sun accounts for 99.86% of all of the mass in our entire solar system. And Ol’ Sol is not taking the insult lightly. Vencore Weather reports: For the past 5 days, solar activity has been very low and one measure of solar activity – its X-ray output – has basically flatlined in recent days (plot below courtesy NOAA/Space Weather Prediction Center). Not since cycle 14 peaked in February 1906 has there been a solar cycle with fewer sunspots. We are currently more than six years into Solar Cycle 24 and today the sun is virtually spotless despite the fact that we are still in what is considered to be its solar maximum phase. Solar cycle 24 began after an unusually deep solar minimum that lasted from 2007 to 2009 which included more spotless days on the sun compared to any minimum in almost a century.There are several possible consequences to the solar quiet. The first is counterintuitive:
    By all Earth-based measures of geomagnetic and geoeffective solar activity, this cycle has been extremely quiet. However, while a weak solar cycle does suggest strong solar storms will occur less often than during stronger and more active cycles, it does not rule them out entirely. In fact, the famous Carrington Event of 1859 occurred during a weak solar cycle (#10) []. In addition, there is some evidence that most large events such as strong solar flares and significant geomagnetic storms tend to occur in the declining phase of the solar cycle. In other words, there is still a chance for significant solar activity in the months and years ahead.
    Our dependence on electronic devices is such that extreme solar events could have serious consequences. However, it is the likely impact on atmospheric temperatures that threatens the “consensus” on global warming. If history is a guide, it is safe to say that weak solar activity for a prolonged period of time can have a negative impact on global temperatures in the troposphere which is the bottom-most layer of Earth’s atmosphere – and where we all live. There have been two notable historical periods with decades-long episodes of low solar activity. The first period is known as the “Maunder Minimum”, named after the solar astronomer Edward Maunder, and it lasted from around 1645 to 1715. The second one is referred to as the “Dalton Minimum”, named for the English meteorologist John Dalton, and it lasted from about 1790 to 1830. Both of these historical periods coincided with below-normal global temperatures in an era now referred to by many as the “Little Ice Age”. In addition, research studies in just the past couple of decades have found a complicated relationship between solar activity, cosmic rays, and clouds on Earth. This research suggests that in times of low solar activity where solar winds are typically weak; more cosmic rays reach the Earth’s atmosphere which, in turn, has been found to lead to an increase in certain types of clouds that can act to cool the Earth.
    It is common sense to believe that the sun has more influence on global temperatures than a trace gas. With a 17 year “pause” in the predicted outcomes of an increase in atmospheric CO2, warmists face more and more awkward questions. If temperatures actually decline as a result of an expected decrease in solar activity, at some point the game will be up, and the billions of dollars a year squandered on climate modeling that doesn’t predict what happens will have to dry up.
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