Climate Depot Responds to Sen. Whitehouse: ‘The warmists have it exactly backwards. It is the global warming proponents who are guilty of the tobacco tactics.’

Climate Depot Responds: 

The warmists have it exactly backwards. It is the global warming proponents who are guilty of the tobacco tactics.

See: Flashback: Warmists’ mimic tobacco industry tactics: ‘Like tobacco industry, Warmists’ manufactured uncertainty & fear by stridently proclaiming certainty & consensus based on dubious & uncertain modeled results predicting disastrous consequences of a warmer climate’

Prof. Roger Pielke Jr. Rips ‘Big Climate’ for having ‘similarities’ with ‘Big Tobacco’ & ‘Big NFL’ – Pielke Jr. specifically linked UN IPCC and Michael Mann’s tactics to ‘Big Tobacco’ and ‘Big NFL’ – Dr. Roger Pielke Jr., prof. of env. studies at the Center for Science and Technology Policy Research at the U. of Colorado at Boulder:

Pielke Jr. Tweeted on January 30, 2014: ‘Big NFL & Big Climate both had academics serving as gatekeepers of peer reviewed journals to preserve a favored narrative & keep out dissenters’

‘The science issues of NFL/concussions has some similarities w/ tobacco/industry & also with those in climate science.’ — ‘There’s a lot of similarity between League of Denial (the NFL) & The Hockey Stick Illusion by @aDissentient in how leading academics (Michael Mann) behaved — not good’

‘Big Tobacco and Big NFL both tried to sow doubt and use uncertainty as a basis for trying to avoid legal culpability’ – ‘Big Tobacco is history, the IPCC is back on track, but the NFL continues to have its science problems’

Related Links:

Michael Mann lawyers up with Tobacco Lawyers! Represented by experienced defamation lawyer John B. Williams who successfully represented R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company – Mann’s lawyer ‘successfully defended R.J. Reynolds in commercial speech case filed by FTC challenging cartoon character, Joe Camel’

Bill Nye ‘The Science Guy’ smears skeptical scientists as akin to tobacco industry in debate with Climate Depot’s Marc Morano on Stossel’s Fox show on January 23, 2014:

NYE: ‘This is perfectly analogous to the cigarette industry and cancer, trying to introduce the idea that since you can’t prove any one thing, the whole thing is in — is in doubt.’

MORANO: ‘For Nye to bring up cigarettes – it’s the global warming scientists who are the ones fulfilling a narrative. I mean we have Michael Oppenheimer, one of the lead U.N. scientists, took an endowment from Barbra Streisand. Hollywood – he’s the climatologists to the stars. It’s so insulting to imply that somehow skeptical scientists are on the pay like tobacco companies. It’s the height of arrogance when you look at the actual data, the global warming scientists, through government grants, foundations, through media empowerment, have the full advantages of government money, foundation money, university money. There’s not even any comparison.’]

JOHN STOSSEL: As a consumer reporter, I’ve covered 1,000 scares. Lawn chemicals, cell phone radiation, pesticide residues, plastic bottles killing people, power lines, Mad Cow Disease was going to kill everybody. And always the example is, yes, there were doubters about cigarettes. I mean that one example doesn’t mean that the global warming scare is correct.’


Related Links: 

Merchants of Smear: Prosecute Skeptics Like Gangsters?! Warmist Naomi Oreskes likes the idea of having climate ‘deniers’ prosecuted under the RICO act (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) – Oreskes: ‘I think a RICO style of prosecution if a smart lawyer thought there was some aspect of the law that had been broken’

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Wants To Jail His Political Opponents – Accuses Koch Brothers of ‘Treason’ – ‘They ought to be serving time for it’


14 Responses

  1. “Mann’s lawyer ‘successfully defended R.J. Reynolds in commercial
    speech case filed by FTC challenging cartoon character, Joe Camel’”

    Ain’t it wonderful that the internet never forgets.

  2. Robert Proctor coined the term ‘agnotology’ the study of how ignorance, particularly in scientific, military and technical matters, can be manufactured, manipulated by strategies and campaigns dominated by vested interests. Another, less sophisticated definition is “induced ignorance”. This perfectly describes the current state of the Anthropogenic Global Warming junk science debate.

    So I decided to coin a synonym ‘agendaist’, but someone beat me to the punch, defines

    agendaist as individuals who unlike most of the rest of us can only focus on one thing and their agenda is the prism through which all things are viewed, it is the one true yardstick, and the alpha and omega of their existence. They do come in all flavors, although thanks the prodigious effort they put into focusing on their totem there is no room for any other neurological function. All their efforts are twisted to viewing the entire world into classifying everyone as either with us or against us. Example is “Denier”, a not so subtle pejorative referring to Holocaust Denial. Therefore I will posit that it is perfectly appropriate to refer to Anthropogenic Climate Change agendaists as climate change Nazis, as Dr Roy Spenser has suggested.

    This sort of obsessive, or more accurately, pathological behavior will cause an Agendaist to take a statement by a person they’ve probably never met or interacted with in anyway, and twist it to fit their agenda which is Eco Socialism.

  3. They’re desperate. If they don’t quickly HANG the skeptics, guess who will be joining the HANGING party as the data (raw, not “revised”) becomes clear !

  4. Whitehouse is a typical fascist whose ready to liquidate his opposition alleged to be doing what’s standard policy/procedure for him……..

  5. The difference between tobacco and climate since the people who are mad greedy warmists do not know,if you want to make no CO2 with coal its easy coal direct chemical looping. If you want to reduce CO2 it’s easy use Allen Savory holistic grazing I have no idea now to make tobacco healthy not involving enemas

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