CAUGHT ON TAPE: UN bans skeptical journalists from climate summit for holding views not ‘particularly helpful’

Update: Toronto Star Editorial: ‘UN should not bar skeptics from climate conference’ – ‘A troubling precedent’ – ‘UN should change its mind’

Update: UN Climate-Change Censor Performs as Singing Space Pixie on YouTube


The United Nations has rejected the media credentials of three journalists from a conservative news outlet in Canada to the upcoming UN climate summit in Morocco in November. Nick Nuttall, a UN official, admitted in an October 18 CBC interview that The Rebel news outlet is being banned from attending the UN summit because of its skeptical reporting of the UN’s climate claims.

Nuttall tried to justify the UN media ban by noting that The Rebel TV host Ezra Levant has called UN promoted climate change fears a “crock.”

“What does [calling climate change a ‘crock’] add to the public’s understating?” Nuttall asked the CBC.

Nick Nuttall

Nick Nuttall

The UN’s Nuttall told the CBC, “I don’t see what he is actually reporting, you know, as being particularly helpful.”

But much to the shock of the UN official, the warmist Canadian Broadcasting Corp’s (CBC) Carol Off was having none of it.  The CBC’s Off openly challenged the UN’s censorship of the media outlet.

“Do people have to prove that they’re helpful in order to be accredited journalists?” Off, who hosts the ‘As it Happens’ program on the CBC, asked the UN’s Nuttall.

A clearly flustered Nuttall responded, “Well, what do you think journalism is about?”

The CBC’s Carol Off tersely responded “reporting.”

As the Nuttall continued to dig himself deeper into a media hole, Off demanded an answer.

“I am just wondering again about he subjectivity of rejecting the credentials of The Rebel,” CBC’s Carol Off asked again.

Off summed up the UN’s obvious bias in rejecting the news outlet’s request for credentials.

“So it does seem that what Mr. Levant is saying is true — that you didn’t like his point of view,” Off said.

Nuttall responded. “No, not really. The point is he seems to be advocating a particular point of view which is so personal that it didn’t seem to be a genuine media outlet to me.”

Nuttall also tried to justify the UN’s censorship by claiming the conservative media outlet “seemed to be more kind of anti-refugee, anti-climate, anti-this, anti-that. And I just didn’t feel that it was maybe appropriate in terms of better understanding climate change issues and giving balanced reporting to a general public.”

Nuttall also claimed that The Rebel “caters to other people’s prejudices.”

The Rebel’s Ezra Levant responded to the UN’s Nuttall in full here.


Full audio of UN”s Nick Nuttall interview on CBC here:

CBC’s As it Happens host Carol Off spoke with the UN’s Nick Nuttall. Nuttall was involved in the decision to deny Rebel Media accreditation for next month’s meeting. Here’s an excerpt of their conversation:

CAROL OFF: Mr. Nuttall, Ezra Levant says that you have rejected his application because you don’t like Rebel Media’s point of view. How do you respond?

NICK NUTTALL: We looked at Rebel Media and we just really weren’t sure what it was. I mean, we weren’t sure if it was a platform for this chap Ezra — I can’t remember his last name now …

CO: Levant. Ezra Levant.

NN: Ok fine, yeah. I don’t live in Canada, so I don’t know. We get a lot of people who purport to be journalists and sometimes they’re NGOs or civil societies or others with all kinds of different axes to grind and all kind of issues. We try and just make sure that we accredit what we consider to be journalists.

“I looked at Rebel Media’s website and it seemed to me that this was a kind of website that was very much pushing a very particular point of view and therefore made me wonder how it was funded, who backs it, and what kind of purpose they were there to serve.”– UN’s Nick Nuttall

CO: On what grounds did you reject Mr. Levant and Rebel Media’s application?

NN: I looked at Rebel Media’s website and it seemed to me that this was a kind of website that was very much pushing a very particular point of view and therefore made me wonder how it was funded, who backs it, and what kind of purpose they were there to serve. Looking at some of the headlines on their website … there didn’t seem to be much balance in the reporting. It seemed to be more kind of anti-refugee, anti-climate, anti-this, anti-that. And I just didn’t feel that it was maybe appropriate in terms of better understanding climate change issues and giving balanced reporting to a general public.

Levant Law Society 20160302

Ezra Levant, shown March 2, tried to get accreditation for three journalists from his The Rebel online site for a UN climate conference in Morocco this November. He was turned down and now says the UN is ‘banning the one journalistic group they find offensive.’ (Canadian Press)

CO: So it does seem that what Mr. Levant is saying is true — that you didn’t like his point of view.

NN: No, not really. The point is he seems to be advocating a particular point of view which is so personal that it didn’t seem to be a genuine media outlet to me… I don’t see what he is actually reporting you know as being particularly helpful.

CO: Do people have to prove that they’re helpful in order to be accredited journalists?

NN: Well, what do you think journalism is about?

CO: Reporting.

NN: Reporting. Factually, accurately, honestly, trying to get the truth out of what actually is going on in this very complex world. And, from the little I saw, which were inflammatory headlines on issues that weren’t even related to climate change … It was a croc of something, or other.

CO: He called it “climate change croc”.

NN: Yeah, well what does that add to public understanding? What is journalism?

CO: Is it not possible, though, by rejecting his application that you have given his position even more publicity?

NN: That is one reason why I was slightly reluctant to do this interview with you … Many people have written to me that he’s very adept at using this kind of thing to generate more money through crowd-funding to keep his website going. I hope that people who maybe listen to this interview will think twice.

CO: Can he do anything to convince you otherwise to give him the accreditation?

NN: Well I have to say that two Canadian journalism associations have in fact written to me saying that we should rethink the situation. Now, when serious Canadian journalist associations actually write to me on that basis and are willing to stand by this individual and his website and what he covers, then now, I’m chewing that over. [These associations] have credibility, it would seem, and so I’m really thinking about it.


UN Bans Skeptics: UN illegally blocking reporters from covering their global warming conference



815 Responses

        1. Leftists have completely changed the definition of science. Science is to “Know” through experimentation, falsification and replication. Science is not to “Believe” . “Believing” is religion, not science.

          Man made climate change can not be tested and should not be considered science until a test can be administered.

                1. I think a billboard with an illustration of a smoldering pile of rubble where the U.N. building once stood might get the bureaucrats to rethink global redistribution of American tax payers wealth.

          1. They did define some “tests”, aka predictions for Global Warming. They were all wrong, so Climate Change was invented which is short means anything that happens, hot, cold, rain,drought, hurricanes all “prove” “climate Change”.

            It’s what you call your “scientific method”.

            1. Their “predictions” are based on fraudster Michael Mann’s bogus computer models and NOAA’s phony “adjusted” temperature data. Mann’s computer models used “adjustment” vectors to cancel out warming and cooling periods so his output would look like a “hockey stick”. His bogus results were promulgated by D-student Al Gore in his fake movie. NOAA “adjusted” historical temperatures so warming periods appeared much less warm and cooling periods less cool to support their manmade global warming agenda.

              1. The Arctic Ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and
                insome places the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a
                report to the Commerce Department yesterday from Consulate at Bergen

                Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers all
                point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of
                temperatures in the Arctic zone.

                Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes.

                Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the gulf stream still very warm.

                Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones, the
                report continued, while at many points well known glaciers have entirely

                Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic, while vast shoals of herring and smelts which have neverbefore ventured so far north, are being encountered in the old seal
                fishing grounds.

                Within a few years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make most coastal cities uninhabitable.

                * * *
                * * * * * *
                I must apologize.

                I neglected to mention that this report was from November 2, 1922, as
                reported by the AP and published in The Washington Post – 93 years ago.

                This must have been caused by the Model T Ford’s emissions or possibly from horse and cattle flatulence?

                1. And we are still here… Oh let me pinch myself.
                  And those supposedly ‘scientists’ and observers who got stuck in 20 feet of ice on their way to the South pole how ironic. But the left never stops, this is why they have to lie about everything as they have to hide what they do and say all the time as they’re completely wrong on everything. Just look at democrat/lib run cities in the USA going to hell in a hand basket.

                2. the obvious distortion is that humans are not the prime factor in any climate change.

                  simple proof is that at the time gomer gore was shooting off its mouth about earth’s polar ice cap recession, the same thing happened on mars.

                  though it could be that there are humanoids on mars. and they drive gas guzzler cars, mow the grass with the “wrong” lawnmowers, and use the “wrong” spray deodorant.

                  1. I saw that report in The Mars Daily Gazette several years ago! It takes a long time to get my copies direct from our Colony on Mars – as transport is still unreliable.

                  2. A 61.5 years cycle of global temperature change corresponds to the 61.5 year Jupiter/Saturn Tri-synodic conjunction. when Jupiter and Saturn align, they change the solar system center of gravity, drawing the sun closer to the inner planets and warming all of them.

                    1. WHOA — Ray — you can’t throw out scientific facts like that, it puts people like gore, obozo , soros, clintons into a tizzy. We must ALL believe their BS so they can get richer off the brainwashed middle class.

                    2. Google is paying 97$ per hour! Work for few hours and have longer with friends & family! !mj96d:
                      On tuesday I got a great new Land Rover Range Rover from having earned $8752 this last four weeks.. Its the most-financialy rewarding I’ve had.. It sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it
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                3. There were pictures of this that appeared on some internet site. Showing bare beaches and lots of land with no snow or ice. Unfortunately, I didn’t save the pictures because I didn’t know how. Perhaps someone can find them…

                  1. Google is paying 97$ per hour! Work for few hours and have longer with friends & family! !mj114d:
                    On tuesday I got a great new Land Rover Range Rover from having earned $8752 this last four weeks.. Its the most-financialy rewarding I’ve had.. It sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it
                    ➽➽;➽➽ http://GoogleFinancialJobsCash114MarketMediaGetPay$97Hour ★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★::::::!mj114d:….,……

              2. Yes, and according to Al Gore, the north pole ice is gone THIS YEAR? Does it look gone to you? He should be tarred and feathered and run out of town.

              3. Yeah, These were the high priests of Global Warmign which everyone quoted as “proof”, don’t hear that anymore. When Mann was asked to produce the data which backed the “Hockey Stick” by Congress he said, “unfortunately, the data is lost, I wasn’t a good record keeper”. Complete incompetence or liar, pick one.

                  1. Wipe it out, let’s see it. Like all my statements they’re correct.

                    You really need to work on getting some content.

                    Another statement setting the record for stupidity, made by Jones or Mann, not sure, pick a quack. When asked by a skeptic to see his data said:
                    “why would I show you my data when all you want to do is find something wrong with it”.

                    I know, to you, that’s science, but to REAL scientists that’s EXACTLY WHAT SCIENCE IS NOT.

                    Btw, the conversation ended a long time ago, I’m just telling you now.

            2. And the “Sheeple” are too ignorant to know that Climate Change happens 4 times a year. We recently had our warmest October day since like 1908 or close to that day. I turned to my husband and asked him what climatic aberration do you think was happening over 100 years ago that would rival today’s record? We both LOL’d, clinked our glasses (his bourbon, mine zinfandel) and watched the rest of the news.

            3. That’s what they call it, I call it dogma. Climate change is a self-fulfilling prophesy. CO2 is a naturally occurring gas that was present in much higher concentrations for most of the time life has been on this planet

            4. Hasn’t it been scientifically proven that Climate Change is a natural occurrence and doesn’t need more evidence as proof. The slightest change in the Earth’s orbit affects climate. The activity on the Sun affects climate.

            5. All one has to do is live on this planet to know that climate changes up and down about every 5 minutes. Lets not change it into someone’s Trillion dollar cash cow!!!!

          2. Here’s the test: Compare average temperature of Earth and Venus at points of equal atmospheric pressure. 288K at sea level (1 Bar), and 339K at 1 Bar on Venus. Adjust for proximity to the sun and solve for the fourth root of absolute temperature.

            (Square root of 93/67.25) x 288K = 339K

            Now considering that the atmosphere of Venus is 96.5% CO2 to our .04%, it proves there is no greenhouse effect. Yeah, science!

            1. You should realize that the group that brought us the AGW/climate change hoax are the same ones that give us “outer space”. Think about it, how would you be able to prove that “planets” are huge land masses, let alone what temperature they are? You’re taking the “experts'” word for it. The earth is covered by the firmament and that they have no means of penetrating it. Nobody has ever circumnavigated the earth south because it isn’t possible.

            2. Not being a scientist I can’t agree or disagree with your analysis, but – doesn’t the lack of surface water play a major part in its climate?

              1. No, because we’re talking about the temperature of the atmosphere, gas at a specific pressure. Ideal Gas Law applies, PV=nRT. Temperature is proportional to pressure and volume. But interestingly, Titan has an atmosphere that is 1.5% Methane and it acts like our water cycle on earth with Methane clouds and rain, etc. There was also a probe sent to Titan called Cassini-Huygens, and the atmospheric pressure at the surface of Titan is very close to that of sea level on earth, and the avg temperature was measured at 94K. The equation works out the same at 886M from the sun. Square root of 93/886 x 288k = 93.3K. So again, it’s within 1 degree. No greenhouse effect, even with all that supposedly deadly Methane.

          3. DING!

            “Do you BELIEVE in Man-caused global warming?” is the actual question from reporters… NO, but I will examine the evidence of your theory and let you know if it judge it to be compelling or suspect.

            1. Answer:
              I believe that over 90 types of proxies show the following.
              CO2 decreased from 11,000 BC to 8,000 BC while global temperature increased to be 1.5 C warmer than now.
              CO2 increased from 8,000 BC to now by 57% while global temperature decreased.
              Global temperature was warmer than now 1, 2, 3, and 8,000 years ago while CO2 was much less.

          4. Science is not to know. Science attempts to understand through the Scientific Method of experimentation, replication, observation etc. We actually know very little and most of what we think we know can be wiped out when a better explanation comes along. In recent years we have seen the Scientific Method be corrupted to the point that just because something is called scientific it means very little. Confirmation Bias is very predominant in the current version of science as it is practiced, especially in publications right now and peer reviewed has become a political term. Too much of what we call scientific knowledge is now fruit of the poisoned tree because it was based on previous published results which have never been replicated. Science today has become the predominant religion of our times. It is such a strong belief in the system without any understanding.

          5. “Climate change”, Global warming / cooling, the coming ice age, holes in the polar ozone and all other such IS the dogma of the climate religion. If these people believed in Biblical truths with the same fervor that they have for all this climate hokum this would be a better world.

          1. The DNC has become, or has been for a long time, a GLOBALIST platform, so of course all the head honchos are Globalists. What the poor Democrat voter doesn’t know is WHAT globalism means.

              1. In a WikiLeaks e-mail, Podesta, Clinton, and some other guy talked about how they have been conspiring to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry. If my kids were young I would be home-schooling them!

        2. Obama “Ordinary People are Too Small Minded to Govern Their Own Affairs”…

          The international elite globalists include the USA’s 5th column (RINOs and ALL democrats), they manufactured the chaos that is now in Europe and the middle east and they are successfully importing it into the USA.

          Obama, McCain, Boehner, McConnell, Clinton, Kerry, Graham, Bush, Ryan and Rubio (and ‘their’ puppets like Comey, Jeh and Lynch) answer only to this ‘boss’:

          Obama and Rockefeller 1

          Obama and Rockefeller 2

          … and Hillary:
          When listening to this short speech below, put it in context with her emails (did she say ‘inbox’?) and the fact that our foreign enemies also, with “100 percent certainty”, hacked into her and her aid’s top secret emails.
          Hillary Clinton ADMITS CFR Runs the Government!

          This explains it all, the GOP RINOs haven’t been ‘caving on everything’ as Sean Hannity and Rush keep saying, the GOP RINOs are COMPLICIT.
          …and their MSM shills:

            1. And the cuck Obama is among the smartest of his race whose average IQ is between 75-85, so the white in this mulato raised his. He is a condescending, scold like an old queen.

          1. I am surprised this clown is still alive. He ought to be impeached just for that one sentence or two. The arrogance and elitism of this jerk is beyond fathoming.

          2. dang, you shouldn’t post that out of context vid. I hate Obama and the socialists, but in the speech this is cut from, Obama speaks of this as a negative, that this is the belief from another time, and not today. This is distortion and propaganda. Those opposed to his real ideals cannot be guilty of the same distortion his supporters use or we’re no better.

            1. I agree, fewiz….I can’t stand the sight of him…hell, I can’t stand the sight of most Democrats, but dammm, let him finish his point. He WAS speaking as a negative. You’re exactly right; this is distorted propaganda AND shame on whom ever thinks this is journalism.

            2. I suspected it was out of context. It sounds more like his “Some say that… blah blah blah, but we don’t do it that way.” method of constructing straw men to knock down.

            3. Thank you for pointing that out. I too thought there was something not right when Obama was cut off so quickly. Obviously, the poster did not want anyone to view this in the full context of what was said. I despise Obama and the Democrats, I have nothing good to say about any of them or the filthy RINO Republicans. That being said, we can’t support lying, half-truths or deliberate efforts to promote a false narrative. Gerry d welder is not helping our cause by promoting this video clip…

          3. Humm…this is a clip and I can’t pass judgment until I hear his whole point. I will, however AGREE with him! Those too small minded to handle their own affairs are the same ones too ignorant to know for whom to vote….they put THIS FOOL in the White House for 8 years.

          4. Just like Hillary’s 1000-yard stare; He’s been hypnotically programmed into believing some kind of ideological Grand Scheme that is his master destiny. Thinking one thing while saying another is not lying to either of them, they believe in the euphoric drug induced hallucination that much. The Manchurian Candidate Effect.

            1. He just confirmed it in his policy speech this morning. Trump will redirect all the funds ($$$$) away from the UN connected to “climate change” back to the USA for energy, infrastructure and environmental improvements here!

            2. He’s already stated that…
              I’m surprised that our crooked leftist(and some conservative sites) prostitutes in the media haven’t attacked him on this??

            1. The UN is run by Soros. This thing with the Canadian journalist Lavant has more to do with Canada’s agreement with Soros Open Society Organizarion to take countless Syrians then it does with climate change. Lavant has been critical of the Canadian PMs position on unvetted Syrians. Cutting Levant out of the corrupt UN meeting on climate change is payback and a way to try and silence and discredit The Rebel Medias position and critism of Syrians.

        3. Mr. Fish is pointing out they want to control more than the climate. They want your guns, your health, your business and our country all under the name..One World Order

      1. As the NWO gets bigger they need to create more ways to tax you, it has bothing to do with ‘global warming’.
        Too many layers and layers of non-producing federal government and UN parasites in suits needing evermore revenues for their opulent salaries, lifestyles and ever growing pensions (and who are getting more and more authoritarian and predatory toward it’s citizens.
        How about staring here; all states reject ‘federal’ finding, demanding reconstitution of states rights, taking back federal confiscation of state’s property and kick the UN the hell out of our country:
        One dollar spent on a ‘FEDERAL’ level cost 10 times more than if that same job was done on a ‘STATE’ level, logic would point to keeping federal government no bigger than our constitutional mandate, notice the federal government taking states property and states rights away form states and handing control of US properties and law making over to the UN?
        Now add in the cost of the UN and the obscene waste and inefficiency of ‘world’ dollars:
        Wikipedia the UN and see how BEHEMOTHIC it now is with all it’s agencies, impotent peace keeping forces, organizations, commissions and each comes with their own building complexes, vehicles, uniforms, equipment, support complexes, staff, salaries, travel, security, food and energy expenses, conferences AND the now hundreds of thousands of UN retirees (mostly foreign) and their pensions, perks and benefits.
        YOO HOO, who do you think is paying for all of that?
        And most UN employees don’t even pay any tax (some ‘internal’ tax …whooppee).

        … So, how many UN ‘world’ (foreign) pensioners are we funding with our taxes?

        Imagine how much extra money we would have if we defunded the world’s behemothic tax parasites and redundant layers of government that are becoming more and more tax hungry and authoritarian towards it’s citizens.
        The UN and all of it’s huge organizations, commissions and agencies including the IMF and World Bank, generate no revenues, are not subject to the laws of any country it operates in, pays no tax, produce nothing, is dictating ‘world’ regulations, confiscating your wealth through federal taxation and backdoor taxation through complicit federal government agencies like the EPA.
        WAKE UP, maybe next time you look at your pay check or worry about your own pension.
        With the full backing of our traitorous federal monster government, the UN is ramming ‘Agenda 21’ and ‘Common Core’ (which is now proselytizing Islam to our children, Google it) down the throats of the world, the UN’s World Bank is complicit in forcing poor farmers off their own land in Africa and South America for corporate and endowment ‘tree farm/carbon credit’ investments, is deeming sovereign resources off limits, trying to eliminate (citizen’s only) the right to bear arms, our country’s sovereignty and our individual freedoms and now trying to force a ‘world’ climate change tax and ‘world’ wealth tax on us AND under the guise of saving us from asteroids, the UN is trying co-opt the US space program, it’s technology, resources and an on going effort to control the internet and MORE OF OUR TAXES.
        YOO HOO! Imagine the savings if our country stopped funding the UN.
        Lagarde’s (IMF) salary is over $300,000 + per year PLUS tens of thousands in ‘stipends’. and she PAYS NO TAX.
        “most UN employees pay no tax”.
        The IMF and World Bank are UN agencies of now countless agencies, commissions and organizations, one big Trojan Horse and tool of a few dynastic families, sucking the wealth, sovereignty, freedoms and life out of the world.
        The IMF is nothing more than a world asset stripping debt collector for the western alliance globalist elites.
        Global taxation, a ‘one world’ currency and open borders are all part of the globalists plan to eliminate sovereignty of nations.
        10 nations that control the world’s gold – MarketWatch
        Oct 20, 2012 … The International Monetary Fund is the third-largest official holder of gold, with more than 2,814 tonnes.

        Where’s all that IMF gold coming from? (Ask NATO< Libya? Egypt? Tunisia? Ukraine? soon Syria?) And Germany can't get their's back?
        The IMF is ANOTHER UN agency, it is not a 'nation', it has been deemed 'supranational sovereignty' (deemed by the UN's 'International Court of Justice' -yep, another UN agency). so the UN creates an agency to deem itself and it's other agencies supranational sovereignty over the world and makes it's own laws, decides it needn't pay any tax nor provide any revenues -sweet deal if your a UN employee.
        UN? Proven corrupt, unelected, made up mostly of 3rd world dictatorships.
        NATO, the UN and all of it's agencies, commissions, organizations, etc (UN agencies include the IMF and World Bank), all have the same boss, they're all really just tentacles of the giant, globalist vampire banksters squid.
        Notice the elimination of individual accountability? 'NATO' decided this or that, the 'UN' deemed this or that, and we must all comply regardless of our rights, freedoms and laws of OUR OWN COUNTRY. Any official that your taxes fund needs to be thrown out if they support the UN. The working tax payer needs to be mobilized against funding the UN.
        We have to stop giving credibility and decision making powers to unelected foreign entities that we are forced taxed to fund while they supplant our own country’s laws and sovereignty and take control over our resources.

        Time to reject 'federal money', take 'federal land' ownership and control back to the individual states it BELONGS TOO, re-instate all states rights, defund and take away the UN’s ‘supranational sovereignty’, restitution of it's assets (starting with the IMF's stolen gold hoard) claw back their pensions (US taxes for foreigners) and kick them the hell out of our country.
        Know Your Enemy Part 63 – The United Nations Background – By The Fuel Project

        Know Your Enemy Part 64 – The Spiritual United Nations

        Know Your Enemy Part 65 – The World Core Curriculum

        Know Your Enemy Part 66 – Alice A Bailey

        Know Your Enemy Part 67 – The War on Parents

        1. TERRIFIC!!! everyone who values freedom in the slightest should read your post.
          We are born to live on Earth and work out our own destiny on the way to God. Government or any worldwide organization suppresses creativity and the forward movement of mankind. Bureaucrats ( by definition uncreative people) will advance machines and artificial intelligence to try to emulate creativity, THIS further hinders humanity’s progress toward love and respect which cannot be inspired by machines.

          1. Actually, Scripture says we are to work out our own Salvation.

            Destiny is NEVER mentioned in the Bible. Friend you should quote it correctly or stop referencing it at all. You can really do damage by making statements that are NOT in the Holy Bible.

        2. At the most fundamental level, in all aspects of human endeavor, there are those who produce….and those who plunder. ALL governments plunder. The UN, not providing any services, is the ultimate plunderer. It should be abolished, or at the very least, we should get out and take our money, too.

          1. It would not be a bad idea to make them go somewhere else for an office as well. The UN is nothing but a corrupt quasi government money suction machine now. It had lofty and decent goals when created but it has turned into a despotic regime these days. Besides it would get rid of a bunch of “diplomats” who are here for nothing more than spying anyway. They use diplomatic immunity with impunity.

            1. These days…. try even before the oil for food program where the UN’s Koffi Anan and his crooked son robbed the iraquis of millions of dollars from the oil for food program…..That was happening during Sadam’s regime mind you. Completely corrupt and dangerous!

      2. Yes Mr. Fish the media is controlled too influence our thinking and now the Gay Muslim Refugee agenda really makes no sense to any normal American.
        Political correctness has come from the big media moguls sitting behind there desk and think the Redskins name sounds offensive but ignores the history and reason the team used the name was to honor all Redskin Nations as the treaty refers in its text exactly.
        So since Obama says its offensive they do his bidding on ignorance and has awakened others who belive its a offensive term when history says different go figure for yourself.
        Listen and believe the media hype and dumb yourself down if that’s what you want , naïve some are !
        The left wing has gone towards socialism but Bernie Sanders was not groomed or controlled enough to be installed by the corrupt electorial collage .

      3. That’s why they changed the “emergency” from “global warming” to “climate change”. Global warming wasn’t proving workable, so they had to change the term to climate change. Still isn’t working, but the Sheeple will follow whatever the message of the day is

      4. From WikiLeaks – a Democrat operative admitting in an email that the party had labored for decades to “create an unaware and compliant citizenry.”

          1. This is what the communist are doing. They are Fabians, wolves in sheep’s clothing, poisoning the gullible youth because the parents don’t educate their children. They push it off on the state

          1. The Disney people are experts at capturing the minds of kids. It’s amazing to watch a young child watching a Disney movie. They can’t take their eyes away from the screen. Not saying there’s anything diabolical going on but who knows, never really thought about it.

        1. Science USED to involve informed skepticism. Now that they’ve made it a RELIGION to replace the religions that they’ve ridiculed into obscurity, they’ve no longer any place for the skeptic.

          1. Like Global warming? Obama and the dems don’t really buy into that crap, they just use it to get into people’s pockets. They’ve brainwashed a generation of kids with AL Gore’s BS so they use them. If we ever get another conservative elected president, which is highly doubtful if Hillary wins, the first thing he should do is eliminate the Department of Education.

        2. The current curriculum were developed by the same globalist scum if you track it down. They quit teaching critical thinking skills, no more pledge which taught that we are a Republic and not a democracy and it also mentioned the existence of God ect etc. Anyone under 35 that attended public schools has been subjected to total brainwashing.

            1. Well, Rome didn’t die under the oligarchy. It lasted several hundred years in the West and lasted another 1000 years in the East, only being destroyed by the rise of Islam. The rise of Islam destroyed quite a bit, so you can’t blame the fall of the Eastern Empire on the oligarchy.

              1. Cant remember who said it, cant be arsed to Google it…that the defn of democracy was
                two wolves and a rabbit voting for what to have for dinner…

        3. Every year at my kids school they still show Inconvenient Truth, and every year I have to debrief my kids about the lies in the movie. It’s like clockwork every year now.

      1. Take heart. I am an adult who recently returned to college. In my science class the professor told a story of how the college paid to have a “global warming expert” give a presentation. This professor, who studies climate etc, attended. He stated that his BS alarm started going off when the speaker was misrepresenting data. In the Q&A portion this professor questioned the speaker. It turns out this guy had zero qualifications to speak on this topic, the speakers real job was in a totally unrelated non-scientific field, and only attended a weekend long ALGore seminar to get certified to give these presentations and then charge colleges big bucks to give them. It is a total ponzi scheme that the climate cult is running. That story opened some eyes though.

      2. Yes – sure is scary. They believe this, they believe Obama (still) and they still think Conservatives are wrong. It’s a sad time for America that is for sure.

      1. Heck yeah, 30 years ago climatologists worked in 8’x8′ closets or cubicles had hand me down equipment and the only trips they ever took were month long visits to the Arctic. Today they have fancy offices, travel to exotic places for global climate summits several times per year, and have banks of new computers, satellite data, etc. They actually sell books to the AGW crowd, and get interviewed on national TV and all.

        Of course, they aren’t going to admit that the climate is cycling through the same stages that it has for 10 million or more years.

          1. God’s world, or scientific knowledge; it’s not necessarily a matter of faith, it’s a matter of truth regardless. It shouldn’t be about money, but it is.

    1. There is NO back radiation warming force, the Alarmist and Luke Warmists debate is FAKE…. > Climate Change & Thermodynamics

      1. NASA Weather Satellite’s show for the last 15 years their has been no increase in the worlds temperature, climate zealots call it the pause and have no explanation..

    2. “The Global Warming crowd has been exposed to be perhaps the greatest scientific fraud of the century. If anyone in the financial industry did this, they would be sent to prison for 20 years or more. They outright deny the existence of any cyclical evidence and have basically pissed on the graves of everyone from Isaac Newton on.” – Martin Armstrong
      Armstrong Economics

      With now all the mountains of evidence and exposed (and admitted) fraud, warmists are the real deniers and the new useful idiots.

      The IPCC Exposed

      More Than 1000 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims
      Challenge UN IPCC :Panel
      By Global Research News
      Global Research, September 21, 2014

      Scientists Caught Again Faking Global Warming Data
      Posted on February 2, 2015 by Martin Armstrong

      “An investigation of the raw data recording temperature, has revealed that once again these academics are manipulating the data to keep billions of dollars flowing into their hands. No matter how many times they are caught, government will not change course because they want to believe in global warming to justify higher taxes. Al Gore even went the Davos to pitch once again for higher taxes to stop global warming he declares is the number one crisis in the world. He too, never heard of cycles.”
      “An audit of their data shows they are adjusting the numbers to convert declining temperatures into rising temperatures using averaging. These people belong seriously in prison for harming the lives of everyone so deliberately and dishonestly.”

      IPCC Fails, Universities Now Take Over Censorship Role on Global Cooling (213)

      The so-called ‘scientific community’ is really starting to stink and needs a good housecleaning.

      “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”
      ― Upton Sinclair

      Australian Scientists Caught Rigging Climate Number to Fake Global Warming
      Posted on September 30, 2014 by Martin Armstrong

      Environmentalists are green on the outside and deep communist/socialist red on the inside.

      The Green Agenda – Deep Ecology

    3. Climate change is real and will always be real as it’s happened over and over throughout history. What isn’t real imo is this man-made climate warming that stupid elitists think humans caused in basically a blink of eye in earth’s history terms. It’s more than a plot to steal hard-earned money, it’s also a part of the plot to create a one-world govt and economy.

    4. Carbon Credits scheme is 21st century version of 14th century indulgencies. Exactly same concept – pay up and you are forgiven. That lead to birth of Protestant movement. Let’s how fast sheeple wake up this time.

      Let’s ask Al Goreleone, how he made his first billion!

    5. The first problem with scientific consensus is it is not science, only Hypothesis, Theory, and Law are science. The second problem is when you have to start barring people from the conversation it is not consensus.

        1. I said it before and I will say it again, these are not scientists, they are grant whores who will “prove” whatever you want them to for the right grant dollars. Science has become as corrupted as the FBI$

    6. The laws of physics and other core sciences of mathematics and chemistry CANNOT be faked and the science shows the way through the process of PEER-REVIEW. CAPITALISM is FOSSIL FUEL DEPENDENT and therefore the big push back against the science of climatology…it’s not about the dogma of an ideology…and you’re right “the truth (evidence) cannot be suppressed.”

    7. google the government document Owning the Weather by 2025 and review a few of the patents held by our government on the site Realize of there is stock being sold on the Chicago stock exchange then there is manipulation of our weather NOW…Look up and see it in your own sky…

    8. True words for sure. Global warming, climate change, whatever. It is the biggest scam ever perpetrated in the history of mankind. It isn’t about warming. It is about taxation and control. Quit giving them any money in grants and such and the problem will instantly be solved.

      It reminds me of the scam in Texas over mold in homes. An entire business structure was created with many businesses opened to “get rid of the mold in your home that is so toxic”. Insurance was paying through the nose for years to have these folks come in, seal off the house and pull everything out. Then the rebuild and remodel, of course with new furniture. Finally the insurance companies quit paying for it unless you paid for an expensive rider on your homeowners policy. Boom. Problem solved. Now it is ehh, put a little bleach on it. It’s fine.

    9. Climate Change should be called wealth redistribution, because that’s all it is.
      The US needs to get out of the UN and kick their Globalist Agenda back to the EU.

    10. You are talking about liberals here. And what do liberals do best, lie and obfuscate. I mean the words liars and lie are even part of their name, Liberals.

    11. It’s the CLUB OF ROME, behind “global warming” – oops! – “climate change”.

      “In searching for a new enemy to
      unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global
      warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All
      these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through
      changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy
      then, is humanity itself.” — Alexander King Co-Founder of the Club of Rome, (premier environmental think-tank and consultants to the United Nations) from his 1991 book The First Global Revolution

      Source: THE FINAL DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA: JFK’S 1961 Prophecy EXPOSES Obama, SHillary, the Pope & the NWO/JWO

      Read all the comments. Click on all the links. Read/view/listen to ALL content.

    12. But the Orwellian “Thought Police” will do everything they can to shout out the truth! (see how they’ve gone after 9-11 Truthers, Birthers, Wikileaks, anyone who wants the “out” the truth. After all, the media has half of the Millennials thinking the Clinton’s are Saints and Trump is Satan….when anybody with an IQ over 50 who doesn’t spend all day being brainwashed with social media knows the opposite is true!

  1. Most everyone agrees that the climate is always changing. Always has been and always will be. The notion that human activity drives climate change is absurd. Nothing more than a power play for your money.

    1. The alarmist rationale is that current human activity will result in future human suffering, even wars. Yet this human activity — emissions and all — is SAVING millions of lives annually. Take worldwide famine for example.
      From the 1920s through the 1960s, famine killed an average of 5.3 people per 1,000 each year, but only 0.5 per 1,000 since then. That’s a stunning 91% reduction and yet it coincided with the globe’s highest carbon output. (War deaths have plummeted even faster; it’s media hype that’s rising.) The vanishing of famine is not because of UN grain bags; those relief shipments have dropped through the decades.
      Thank advances in transportation, utilities and rural electrification (mocked as pollution). Thank packaging, pesticides, preservatives and crop yield techniques (mocked as ‘Big Agra’). Thank the spread of these measures to the developing world (mocked as globalization). Also thank free markets, as the deadliest famines occurred under socialist regimes including Mao’s China, 20s-era USSR, 80s-era Ethiopia and perennial North Korea.
      This industrialization has saved over 60 million lives through famine mitigation alone; dwarfing an Alaskan village perched on an eroding cliff. If alarmists were given a time machine and an opportunity to prevent this carbon-emitting industrialization, thus sacrificing 60 million lives, would they hold firm to their convictions and do it? Did they ever support these life-saving utilities, chemicals and free market expansions? Can they explain why deaths from warfare and starvation are dramatically moving INVERSE to carbon output? Human activity has been the solution, not the problem.

      1. When Mount Pinatubo in the Phillipines erupted some years ago, it released more CO2 in one shot than man had done in total since the start of the Industrial Revolution.

          1. Understand, Obama wants to be King of the World. Outside of the democrat party here in the USA, the UN is the most corrupt organization on the planet.

  2. President Trump should kick the U.N. out of the U.S.

    And if Trump is robbed (which he probably will be) then any state smart enough to secede should refuse to recognize it.

  3. Makes perfect sense. The UN is just another liberal government. Control what the people see, read and hear then they’ll have no basis to dispute the government’s ‘truth’.

  4. It is funny, or should I say sad, to hear the college educated young people working as waiters and waitresses telling the uneducated unwashed masses that if you raise the taxes (carbon taxes) that it will stop “Climate Change” an save the world from imminent demise.
    I think I would be tempted to question the quality of my so called education. Somehow their social engineering programming seems to have gone awry. But of course anyone (journalists especially) questioning the narrative must be shut up, it’s not helpful, is it?

  5. Absolutely NOTHING begins or ends well with the U.N. involved.

    The U.N. needs to be expelled from the USA, and the U.S. needs to stop bankrolling it.

        1. Bringing it out in the open? Maybe to a degree, but, at least since the advent of the net, the corruption has been on display for all who would search for it.

  6. Turn that around and have a discussion with the navy brass, over lgbt’s in the navy, and exclude CBS, CNN, and MSNBC. Same with all branches. Same with bakers unions, stationers, etc.. The republican leadership could start acting like they have a pair, and start running THEIR part of the country!

  7. These people are crooks! Silence dissent because it goes against their falsified science! We know the end game! One big Ponzi scheme to line your greedy pockets!!! People are finally catching on to you Globalist crooks!!

  8. I am willing to reduce my carbon footprint to the size of Al Gore’$. I will be setting fire to a large pile of tires and car batteries to begin this effort.

    1. A couple of years ago I discovered something astounding: plants of all kinds breathe in CO2 and exhale O2!! I know it sounds crazy but it’s true!

      Since then I always set my tire and car battery fires off in the forest where they can do the most good. You can practically hear the nearby flora taking deep breaths of the billowing smoke.

  9. . . . upcoming UN climate summit in Morocco in November . . .

    Wow, imagine the size of the carbon footprint that’s gonna kick Mother Earth right in the teeth from the rich, powerful and famous private-jetting to town and puttering around in their armored 8-mile-per-gallon limos with their entourages tailing them in huge gas-guzzling equally armored SUVs! Whaddya say, Sierra Club?

    Uh, Greepeace?

    Earth First?

    Anybody? Hello?

      1. I have pointed this out to various Climate Evangelists in the past, only to be told that it doesn’t matter because natural CO2 emissions are “different” from manmade CO2 emissions.

        I am not joking.

  10. This group, must be the ones that smoked weed during college and expanded their “collective minds”. Their skulls are filled with MUSH as Rush would say.

  11. And out the other side of their mouth, the CBC claims that California’s recent drought is the “canary in the coal mine” on their program “The Nature of Things”. I wonder if they point out that California historically is in a state of drought more often than not…

    1. San Diego County actually learned from the big drought in the 80s and built up storage capacity and built a desalination plant in Carlsbad. The had 95% capacity stored and was still forced to cut usage by 30%. They had to delay the desalination plant start up because of the cuts. There is a reason I call the capital SacraMental.

  12. The UN is possibly even more corrupt than the Obama administration, and at least on par with the Clinton syndicate. It needs to be abandoned, and the access to our money cut off immediately.

    1. I think they’re all exactly the same.

      Just like water finds it’s own level, they sink to that low bar. The “Lowbar” as it has been described, was last reported to be at the bottom of the Marianas Trench.

      However, results of a recent deep-earth Sonar study suggest it may be heading toward the Earth’s core.

  13. The fact the Progressive Liberal Fascists want to ban opposing views and questions from media they cannot control, is further proof man made climate change is nothing more than a hoax driven by Globalist Elitists. All indications now point to the sun cooling enough that the earth will go into a minor ice age in the next 20 years causing mass famine and millions of dead.

  14. Global climate change is one of the holy sacraments of the left almost equal to abortion, neither is to be questioned. The only way this fraud continues is to silence the doubters in this case the media and defund the research of honest scientists. Thank goodness more and more Americans are realizing global warming or climate change or whatever its called today is nonsense and basically a lie!!!!!!!!

  15. Natural emissions are 30 times man-made emissions. Let’s do the math.

    According to the US DoE Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC) and the IPCC that natural CO2 has 30 times the global warming potential of natural CO2. Therefore if CO2 warmed the earth by 2C, then the warming by each is as follows:

    If CO2 can warm the earth by 2C, then man-made CO2 would warm the earth by only 0.06C while natural CO2 would warm it by 1.94 C or the rest of the projected 2 C.

    If manmade CO2 warmed the earth the whole 2 C, then natural CO2 would concurrently raise the temperature by 60 C.

    The IPCC estimated the cost at hundreds of trillions.

    Unfortunately, liberal media refuses to publish data or facts.

    In the last 8,000 years global temperature has risen and dropped. While CO2 increased 57% in 8,000 years, global temperature dropped 1.5 C.

  16. Free speech for some and not others. Free thought for some and not others. Wake up, the globalization Nazis are taking control. The internet soon will be censored from controversial thought and ideas.

  17. If the UN had nothing to fear with its promotion of global warming as a crisis and need for global redistribution of cash to fix the problem they wouldn’t be barring the skeptics. Every political issue has skeptics.

  18. In the mid-70s, it was all about “the coming ice age.” Find books on that search string on Amazon, all (c)1970s.
    And all the things we were told to do, to “save the world from the ice age” are the SAME things they are trying to shove down our throats NOW! Read it!

  19. Ever argue with a proponent of the global warming theory? Convince them that EVERY prediction made over past 30 years on what the ocean levels, temps, weather and carbon levels were suppose to be by now have been proven wrong and they will argue that is the reason MORE needs to be done now! Liberalism is a mental disorder many have said but I honestly never believed it until now.

  20. People are waking up to the truth . The globalists are starting to fear hench more facist measures and censorship. All you have to do to see this is true is how the media is protecting Hillary

  21. I don’t blame them. It’s always more comfortable to speak to people who agree with you. Don’t need no stinkin’ skeptics.

    Climate change is based on BS science. Nothing real about it.

  22. If you’re claims are legit and science-backed, you wouldn’t mind the scrutiny and questions…

    Thanks for implying your position is probably BS.

  23. I blame all this hysteria on the First Superman movie.
    All these Global Varming zealots think they are the new Jor-al
    warming all the deaf ears that impeding doom is at hand.
    Curse that movie!

  24. The UN is the whore of global elites.
    It is staffed by 3rd world sh*t-heads, who do nothing. They are desperate to sell the fraud of climate change so they can steal more US tax dollars and hide it in their secret bank accounts.

  25. You are either a true journalist or a propagandist hack. Please choose one and be proud of your choice. Then again, if what you are covering is a fraud, and they won’t let true journalists in so they won’t blow the whistle on that fraud, then maybe that should tell you something. It tells us regular folk a whole lot about you.

  26. Hmm.. from wikipedia:

    After graduating, Nuttall held positions as a stock, bond and
    commodity broker in the UK and the United States, having begun his
    working life as a singer with the US pop group The Albany Bridge Band.


    JournalistBefore joining the United Nations, he was the Environment and Technology Correspondent at The Times from 1989, having worked for various newspapers and magazines including The Daily Telegraph; The Independent; the Evening Standard and London Evening News, Woman and Cosmopolitan.

    1. Now why would a scientist post his articles in his own site instead of submitting it for peer review in an official paper? Maybe because he knows it would be exposed as garbage and thrown in the trash?

  27. The arrogance of progressives, it’s astounding.
    Like minded people only. All others banned.
    We would like some independent scientists view.
    But oh wait, all the independent scientists views say climate change is a scam.
    God also says He is in control of the climate and that the seasons would remain as long as there is say and night. So would spring time and harvest.
    But these global grifters spit in His face everyday, in every possible way.
    May the whole world give the U.N. the exit door, and please don’t come back.
    What a bunch of crooks!

  28. This is exactly how fundamentalist religious cults work to strengthen their foothold in government. Keep out the infidels, disbelievers and those who would “lie about the great (Pumpkin) aka Gaia.”

  29. The UN can’t have anyone standing in the way of transferring even more money from the productive countries to the parasite countries, in this case in the name of global warming.

  30. WTF? The UN, Obama and Hillary are like Nazis! Ban free speech if it differs from their opinions. People this has gone way too far. The Democrats want to enslave everyone. Now you can’t even think different?

      1. Let’s see: Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Syria, Pakistan, Burma, Zimbabwe, Egypt, Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia, and many other countries with secret police agencies that your kind of people love. Most of the World’s people look to the USA for help getting out from under these villains, but haven’t had any hope with Obama. You are so full of crap it is dribbling our of your ears.

        1. Nah, just ask any normal person from any country in the globe and the only country all of them wish it would be wiped from the face of the Earth is this one.
          And if you must know plenty of people love those countries, even if only because they helped in bringing you down.

  31. The United States shouldn’t pay 1 penny to this anti-semitic/anti-american, terrorist supporting organization. Should let Iran host all of these scumbags. Let Hussein Obama head up the U.N. in ANOTHER COUNTRY.

  32. “Skeptical journalist” should be redundant. A journalist’s job is to question the official narrative to see whether it holds up to scrutiny. Without the skepticism, you have a propagandist and opinion writer, not a jourlnalist.

  33. And they wonder why we don’t believe them. It’s ridiculous. Scientists, real scientists, aren’t afraid of skepticism. They are eager to prove their point.

    Climate science is not a science. It’s a joke. It’s a farce. And so, they reinforce the opinions of people who don’t believe by not engaging them. It’s stupid. These people aren’t scientists. They prove again and again to be political hacks.

    1. But even the most patient scientist will get fed up when it has to debunk for the hundred time the same idiotic false argument. So why bother, just ban the idiot and its worthless arguments.

          1. True. IMO there are two basic types of AGW proponents, whom I affectionately refer to as “priests” and “true believers”. The priests are the elites, the Al Gores. They are the source for climatard talking points and the sciencey-sounding zinger/slogans that AGW proponents like to use.
            True believers are just what their name implies; they are members of the Climatard Congregation, unshakeable in their fervent belief. They take their cues from the priests.

            So it is the priests who know they can’t win real debates, which is why they started pushing the “The Debate is OVAR” meme a few years ago.
            On the other hand, you are also correct that there is always a climatard nearby ready to leap into action, armed to the teeth with argument fallacies and talking points…these are True Believers, not priests. True Believers don’t know they can’t win debates.

    1. No, it’s because they bring to the debate the exact same crap that has been exposed as worthless countless times before that. In short, it would be a wast of time debating them.

  34. Agreement with them represents balance in reporting, not agreeing means biased reporting.
    We have finally, without a doubt, reached Orwell’s 1984.

    1. Not agreeing with them means biased reporting, true, but it also is said to be criminally dangerous. Because, you know…every time you disagree with AGW, you’re basically killing tens of thousands of people. Future people. So obviously, dissenters should be put in prison now, before they kill more future people.

  35. A 747 trans oceanic flight spews out about 200 tons of CO2. Obama flies a 747, another decoy 747 and a entire host of military planes. How do you spell hypocrisy? Whats in your head? What are you doing?

  36. Mustn’t question that agenda driven science which provides a nice cushy life and tremendous power via more taxes on those who produce transferred to those who leech. How else would they live?

  37. A progressive ‘Robin Hood’ style ponzy scheme designed to take from the rich and give to the poor. It’s part of Obama, Hillary and others like them that focus on minorities in all respects of life… government, social, economic, religious, and racial. It’s why illegals have more rights and opportunites than native countrymen now. We have over 80% of our nation working paycheck to paycheck yet giving free lifes to illegals and Global Warming supporters plan on distributing the wealth internationally. That is their purpose. They scew land temp results. NASA changes data to support their theories and place thermometers near hots spots on the ground, like on black tar mats. I pray Trump becomes President and puts to bed these dangerous progressive anti-religious, anti-Jewish, anti-success, anti-majority, anti-everything good in this world organizations.

    1. Except that it doesn’t “take from the rich and give to the poor”, it takes from non-crony high income earners and gives to the State.
      Robin Hood didn’t take from the rich to give to the poor either. He took from the State and gave to the poor.

      Otherwise I agree with your comment completely. 🙂

      1. Finally! Someone else who remembers the story. People have been using that phrase for years and I always have to explain that Robin Hood didn’t steal from the rich. He stole from the king (gov’t) who was basically stealing it from the people through excessive taxation and fines. As a kid Robin Hood was one of my favorite stories.

        1. Mine too. When people equate confiscatory taxation with “Robin Hood” it’s like saying the Sheriff of Nottingham was the good guy in the story. >.>

  38. Trillion dollar industry based on total crap. There main fix is to tax every man woman and child unless you pay enough to be exempt. Total fraud.

  39. If climate change believers were really that concerned they all would take the only logical step to save the earth and commit suicide, thus eliminating the golbal problem. This would show us climate change deniers how wrong we are.

    1. Yeah. Look up the “Voluntary Human Extinction Movement”.

      They say that the only way to save Gaia is for the human race to self-euthanize. We should all do it, they say. They’ll be right behind us, they say.

      Seems legit.

  40. NuttALL wants his safe space … problem is he wants that AND he wants to pick our pockets at the same time…

    NuttALL wants a new nickname: STUMPY.

  41. Hitler unified an entire country by creating a common enemy to hate. The One World Government will come about by the same means, Global Climate Change. We will all unify under one global goal, Save the Planet from Climate Change.

    1. Deporables are the new German Jews of 1938. The de-humanizing and “othering” has been going on for quite a while now. Are we going to shuffle meekly to the transports like they did? Labour camp or death camp, you wont know till you get there.

  42. I think the UN should go after the Flat earthers…they deny that the earth is a globe and there’s no talking any sense to them at all. They think that the ISS is a hologram projected into the sky by NASA…haha…and that all those videos of astronauts “floating” are fake and the astronauts are being suspended by wires. Yeah, they are deniers and should be banned from the media and arrested for their far out thinking. Hahaha… If you don’t believe as they, the UN, want you to believe, you are a threat to their mission. What is their mission? I haven’t a clue but obviously singular thinking is in their agenda.

        1. Can’t come soon enough. Feminism and the SJW will be extinct .01 seconds later. They’d be burned for fuel. The fall would be worth it for that alone.

          1. We’ll put them all on scales to see if they weigh the same as ducks and, if they do, we will deduce scientifically that they float and are therefore made of wood and thus must be witches, and then we will burn them.

    1. It has been examined by a huge number of people, disproved and exposed as false. Trying to bring it up over and over again is no longer science, it’s trolling, or shilling, depends on who you ask.

  43. Rank and file scientist and academia have always rejected new or opposing views. The arrogance of “knowing” you are right and could never be proved wrong. They used to chastize people who said the earth was round, then that it revolved around the sun, etc. etc. If scientist would get out of their own way we would be further along.

  44. American Propaganda Mind Control Techniques used in 1984
    GROUP PRESSURE – Suppressing doubt and resistance to new ideas by
    exploiting the need to belong–Anti-Sex League, the Party.
    PRIVACY – Achieving loss of ability to evaluate logically by preventing
    private contemplation–Telescreens, Big Brother, surveillance.
    DRESS CODES – Removing individuality by demanding conformity to the group dress code–Blue overalls for the Party

    NO QUESTIONS – Accomplishing automatic acceptance of beliefs by
    discouraging questions–Changing history, changing war enemy and ally
    – Maintaining loyalty and obedience to the group by threatening soul,
    life or limb for the slightest ‘negative’ thought, word or deed–Thought
    Mind Control and Re-Educating Techniques Performed on Winston
    are three stages to your re-integration,’ said O’Brien. ‘There is
    learning, there is understanding, and there is acceptance.”‘ (Orwell,

    ISOLATION – Inducing loss of reality by physical separation
    from family, friends, society and rational references–“He was in a
    cell which might have been either light or dark, because he could see
    nothing except a pair of eyes.” (Orwell, 334)
    – Accelerating acceptance of new lifestyle by constantly denouncing
    former beliefs and values–Tortured until he accepts O’Brien’s/the
    Party’s values.
    CONFESSION – Encouraging the destruction of
    individual ego through confession of personal weaknesses and innermost
    feelings of doubt–“There was a long range of crimes-espionage, sabatoge
    and the like-which everyone had to confess as a matter of course. The
    confession was a formality, the torture was real.” (Orwell, 331)
    – Going through the same subject over and over again until it is known
    by heart–The “lesson” in which O’Brien held up four fingers and asked
    Winston repeatedly the number, all the while increasing the voltage,
    until Winston “saw” five fingers.

  45. REAL Science…..from the ashkeNAZI J0o run media……..uh, huh…..

    So why do ashkeNAZI jo0s control 98% of the media if they really believe the die-versity lies they preach?

    Please feel free to censor my factual post……just like the rest of the ashkeNAZI J0o run media does……

  46. WHICH law of Thermodynamics allows “HEAT TO HIDE IN THE OCEAN DEPTHS”?

    I rest my case, the socialist ashkeNAZI jo0 run media needs to be marched to the ovens.

    The folks who praise DIE-versity for white countries, AVOID DIE-VERSITY LIKE THE PLAGUE!

  47. DIE-Versity…’s for me and you, not the ashkeNAZI J00 bankers or media……

    Russia must be attacked since they are the LAST FREE WHITE COUNTRY in the world…….They just won’t bow down to the J00 World Order and Greater Israel….

    It’s a shame that “news” sites like this refuse to admit who runs 98% of the media in America……

  48. Just wait until the UN takes over control of the internet. The UN will have no qualms shutting down dissenting viewpoints. God help us. Last week the UN tried to vote that Israel had no claim to the Temple Mount which is in Israel!. If it wasn’t for the USA’s veto , it would have passed. Btw, the majority of nations comprising the UN are dominated with Muslims.

    1. No, the were banned because they would not agree to call the crooked, caught NASA and NOAA clowns who altered the temp data, legitimate.

        1. No, just the crooked liberal ones. Everyone else, including 98% of ALL Weathermen say its a crock pal.
          BTW: When Trump wins, your party is ova.

        2. Exactly. They are academics who are Progressive Liberal Fascists. There are many scientists who do not believe in Man Made Climate Change, but whose views never see the light of day.

    2. They’ve been banned because they challenge the hoax of man made climate change, The Globalist who are demanding world government under them (Fascists) cannot have their view challenged. The Man Made Climate Change hoax is an attempt to force the transfer of wealth from the First World to the pockets of the Potentates and Presidents for Life of the Third World.

    3. “dishonest shills” …

      How do you gauge dishonesty?

      How about 20 years of false apocalyptic predictions?

      You are not very bright. I’d go far as to call you stupid.

      1. By the fact that every single one of their arguments are devoid of any scientific value and have been exposed as such a long time ago – yet they still try to use them to fool gullible idiots like yourself.
        BTW, there haven’t been any apocalyptic predictions, just exaggerated ones – and that’s only about politics, not science.

        1. The claim that man is affecting the Earth’s climate is what’s devoid of any scientific merit, yet it’s pushed with religious fervor, with healthy skepticism in unproven theories being labeled as “denial” as if it it were some sort of religion.

  49. Why even hold a climate summit? After all, the science is “settled” because 97% of climate scientists agree. Just ask Al Gore and he will tell you so.

      1. You really are stupid.
        The Sun Spots control the temps on the earth.
        The last time they were this low was 1605, right before we entered the little ice age.

          1. according to your kind … snow should be a thing of the past by now …

            Don’t kid yourself. You’re an idiot. The worst kind, one who genuinely believes himself to be some-kind-of smart.

            1. It is a thing of the past for many places – it has dropped in lower quantities and the winter seasons have been milder globally. And if you wouldn’t have been an imbecile you could have learned that with a simple googling.

    1. “Progressive” (ie; totalitarian) Scientific Method:

      1) Hypothesis about how mankind is destroying the planet
      2) Ensure solutions are extremely exploitable by politicians and cronies
      3) Make wild predictions
      4) Rename hypothesis to include virtually every conceivable outcome
      5) Push back predictions to the year 2100 (long after we are all dead)
      6) Criminalize Dissent

      (Ridicule any of those who dissent throughout, using religious phrasing)

  50. News isn’t to be reported any more. It is to be managed and manipulated to support political ends. For now, heretics are to be shut out and ignored. Soon comes explicit persecution. China provides a model. Restrict access to information. Establish a “social reliability” index. Arrest and jail dissidents. Then kill them.

    1. This disease has infected many aspects of American life.

      “The science is settled”

      It’s not a coincidence that the recent assault on free expression and thought on college campuses quickly followed. I read lots of comments from affected people, the majority sound like brainwashed cult members. It’s mass brainwashing.

  51. If Glo-Bull Warming is real, please show us the science. Show us irrefutable, conclusive, reproducible,
    scientific experiment proving it’s real —– the world eagerly awaits even one tiny shred of actual proof
    that can be proven reliable, other than the manipulated and fudged data we’ve seen so far.

    If you can’t do that ——- then it’s the warming fanatics who are anti-science.

    Show us real science. We double-dog dare you to put-up or shut-up.

  52. We’re seeing a common theme there and with the Presidential election. If you can’t beat your opponent based on policy, then just control the discussion (with the MSM) so the opponent’s views aren’t heard. Silence the opposition.

  53. The UN should be banned. This incredibly phony and leftist entity does nothing but promote leftist propaganda. The biggest sponsor of this,horrible, phony do-nothing but promote American hatred, is the US. Tax payer dollars help this organization spew it’s Anti-American agenda and it has for decades.

  54. The personal behavior of 1% of the U. S. population results in their CO2 footprint being 50 TIMES that of the other 99%. Not surprising to anyone. But what surprises people is when they realize this means this small group is responsible for more than 33% of ALL U. S. CO2 emissions (all emissions being ultimately attributable to people) and were this small group to only emit, via their personal behavior, 25 TIMES the average of everyone else OVERALL U. S. CO2 emissions would immediately decline 17%. Maybe the UN, or one of you AGW folks, can explain why all the plans being implemented and proposed will do nothing to curtail this behavior but will financially hammer the lower income and middle classes, just for being alive. Remember, it is an emergency (you say), so please, please, please hurry with your explanation. Should we all wait here?

  55. Bans people who disbelieve globaloney lies and who tell the truth, in other words.

    That’s what the spies, gangsters, communists, pedophiles, drug lords, procurers, swindlers, and thugs who run the UN do: suppress the truth and those who tell it in order to empower themselves.

    And that is why in one instant in the arc of time, after ruling for ‘one hour’ the ‘disgusting thing which causes desolation’ will scraped from the planet, never again to defile it.

    Enjoy your tyranny now, UN. You’re having your time, it will be short.

  56. Perhaps to prove its globaloney lies, the creeps, thugs, goons, pimppes spies and dope lords at the UN should consider burning ‘climate change deniers’ at the stake?

    Or maybe rack them in the public square? Flog ‘deniers’ until they believe the UN’s lies?

    The rockefelon family funded the UN, donated the land at Turtle Bay, Manhattan, on which that slab of lies squats, ‘to bring America down to size’.

    Job well done, rockefelon. Too bad you’re now exposed. You thought truth wouldn’t find you?

    It did.

    And before this corrupt rotten system is finally demolished by the Almighty, all the corruption good people have endured from these Elites will be exposed.

    They’re as sick as their secrets, and they’ve even more secrets than money. And they’re done.

    You’re bullshxx, UN, and the world knows it.

  57. Some Attorney Generals of States are taking Companies, etc. to court because they disagree. We are in trouble when these elitists start denying free speech. Globalism, isn’t it great?

  58. “seemed to be more kind of anti-refugee, anti-climate, anti-this, anti-that. And I just didn’t feel that it was maybe appropriate in terms of better understanding climate change issues and giving balanced reporting to a general public.”

    This has to end, this is why snowflakes think it’s okay to silence dissent. America needs to defund the UN and laugh as the EU and China try to keep it afloat.

  59. If your opinion is valid it can stand up to all scrutiny.

    If you want people to believe in “Man Made Climate Change” then stop trying to silence people. The way they handle “Man Made Climate Change” stinks of lies, corruption and brainwashing. People are still clinging to the 97% of all scientists agree line, which has been debunked.

    If you have to protect science from scrutiny it’s not really science.

  60. So, according to this chap, in order to be a “real journalist” you have to report the official version of the truth. The majority of the world’s press have been domesticated and leashed by governments who determine who may and may not be permitted to speak.

  61. LOL…
    On the same day Cooling and Warming Articles
    Funny thing about the Russians, they are stating the same argument which John L. Casey made in his book Dark Winter.
    After I evaluated the data available, I’m going to side with John L. Casey. He doesn’t have a dog in the fight, and could only expect to be attacked and ridiculed for his alternative Observations.

  62. The UN is the most worthless organization on earth….next to the Communist Democrat party in the USA! They should move their HQ to somewhere else….and vacate America. Kudos to Mr Levant for his skepticism, and to Ms OFF for defending his right to be skeptical! We need more folks like them to be heard! New report says we are heading for another bout of Global Cooling….the UN will say Global Warming causes it….but as always they are wrong!

  63. Obama/Clinton: America’s undoing
    EU: Europe’s Undoing.
    UN: The West’s UNdoing.
    ‘Science’ without skepticism is dogmatic propaganda.
    AGW alarmists consider themselves to be educated ‘progressives’ although their only ‘progression’ has been from misguided imbecility to malevolent insanity.

  64. Ask an AGW cultist to differentiate between ‘climate’ and ‘weather’ or to explain the 2,000 year old spruce forest that is being exposed (and not widely publicized) as the Mendenhall Glacier recedes in Alaska, or the 4,000 year old archaeological sites coming to light in the Alps. You will either get a blank stare or they will resort to their banal pejoratives and inform you as to how highly educated they are as compared to yourself.
    TRUMP 2016!

    1. The Spanish Inquisition was a natural response to the 800+ years of fighting off Muslims and their helper Jews.

      The “age of enlightenment” gave us Communism

  65. These UN criminals don’t need reporters. They need detectives to investigate their fraudulent attempt to steal taxpayer dollars to line their own pockets.

  66. These climate liars fly their co2 spewing jets to the summit, drink booze and screw each other in their hotels, and eat methane producing fine steaks. So it’s no wonder they ban truth seeking journalist.

  67. Soon climate depot will be offline as we struggle to find ways to stay warm. NASA has spotted a huge hole on the surface of the sun. It takes up half of the northern hemisphere. Want something to be afraid of? check out the flickering of the sun.

  68. Of course the UN banned ‘deniers’, truth is most ‘unhelpful’ to gangsters.

    The Left is hate. Revenge is its pastime. Genocide is its legacy.

  69. Well, once all who disagree with the alarmist hysteria are banned from attending, the redistributionist UN lackeys can trumpet “complete unanimity” among those in attendance.

    See how that works? It’s “Libbie Science!”

    – Snark

  70. This is more of the same reason for Brexit and the rejection of the EU. When the EU unelected bureaucrats passed their laws forcing the British people to do what these faceless people ordered-they revolted and have taken control.
    This faceless UN bureaucrat NUTTALL decides who can go to this conference on global warming and that is unacceptable. He, personally, decides that any media against the political position on “global warming” has nothing to say. This view is in the face of disagreement among scientists and the debunking of most, if not all, of Al Gore’s predictions of imminent disaster.
    This pre-judged agenda that the UN is pushing must stop. It is just a grab for power and control.

  71. Why are they afraid of opposing points of view? Silencing opposing theories is anti-science and nothing more than propaganda. Also, I have to say that “Nuttall” appears to be a very appropriate name for this man.

  72. People rise up against these globalist tyrants if you want to save your freedoms.
    The next Brexit is the US election. Brexit liberalism. Brexit demoncRATS. Vote Trump. Last chance to hold our freedom. Then get responsible and actually work a little for your freedoms in whatever ways you can.

  73. The UN is a quasi government that spies on and manipulates the United States. It is filled with third world free loaders, criminals, dictators and frauds. The building should be raised and members deported.

  74. This is the same UN that wants open borders, one world government, technocratic rule immune from direct accountabilty of the ruled, forced redistribution of wealth and erosion of national sovereignty. This is a preview of what will happen to our first ammendment if Hillary,Soros and the globalist clique of our self serving betters get their way.

    wealth redistribution and control and power…. moving towards a global one world government…. nothing more nothing less
    f**u** K THE UN ……….

  76. This is all about World “elites (scumbags)” protecting their selfish interests, attempting to herd people they wish to control, and tax them until they have no disposable income left. We need Trump to tell these criminals to pound sand!

  77. Who wants an accountant in the room when your cooking the books? Man made climate change is a hoax and a money grab and these science deniers don’t want to get to the bottom of anything. They only want to establish policies that will empty our wallets.

  78. CORRECTION: NWO bans real scientific opinions that don’t correspond with it’s false and utterly ridiculous propaganda of global warming.

    Their official stance on global warming is a lie and is an excuse for stealing money, land and power. Crooks, liars and thieves, the lot of them.

  79. CAN SOMEONE LINK ME TO ANY SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE THAT A 100 ppMILLION increase in CO2 can affect anything? That is only a .0001% increase in CO2 in the total atmosphere,

  80. Just so typical of the left and the UN (not redundant since the UN is worse) to try to escape contact with reality. ALL progressive schemes fail when they com into contact with the real world. Sometimes, as with global warming, because so many people and the media are sucking up the money, it just takes a bit longer.
    When the upcoming ice age is finally announced i will personally go find a cultist from the global arming cult and punch him in the face. That, they understand.

  81. Mr. Nuttall has a problem. In matters of global temperature and CO2, he considers himself infallible. He thinks he is capable of judging the entire world and barring non believers from science discussions. In an early time, he would burn heretics at the stake, but today that is forbidden; all carbon combustion is forbidden.

    What is most dangerous, is that he works for an organization with similar beliefs. And soon they may be supported by a like minded US President who commands the most power military on earth.

    None comprehend that without carbon combustion, billions are doomed. It provides cheap energy and without energy modern life is impossible.

    We have a problem.

  82. We need to get the U. S. out of the U. N., and then order the U. N. to depart the United States. It is a toxic nest of anti-liberty sentiment, and it is harmful to the United States.

  83. Climate change is not caused by humans…but, be aware, there are climate cycles that occur every few thousand years and, rest assured, THEY know this and have been preparing to create order out of the coming chaos.

  84. So…..have we reached the “discovery phase of Michael Mann’s liable/slander civil case yet?

    Exactly WHEN is Mr. Gore expected to appear as an expert Forensic character/data witness?
    And let’s not lose sight of recent Executive small arms “treaties”, with the UN, shall we!

  85. We used to blame such behavior on people like the Nazi’s, Stalin, Mao, Communist and Totalitarian Dictators, and anyone else that muzzled the press so that alternative points of view could not be expressed or the facts of the matter reported fairly. Now we call it the United Nations and the Global Community.

  86. Translation: Encouraging people to think critically and question the party line is not OK, just accept what we tell you and the rules we make for you to follow.

  87. We do NOT have a climate crisis…we have a habitat crisis from pollution
    We do have a media truth crisis
    We do have a government transparency crisis
    We do have a banking crisis
    We do have a globalism agenda crisis
    We do have an un restricted Islamic immigration crisis
    We do gave a wealth disparity crisis
    We do have an oceanic over fishing and plastic dumping crisis

  88. Fact is the mini ice age ended in 1780 after 120 years of frozen rivers and no summers the warming started then !
    All the ice built up during that time has not left completely in the colder regions but its slowly getting back to 1625 levels !
    Yesterdays weather is a money maker if you use ignorance of history.
    The NOAA and NASA have changed data to advance the Global Warming to Human caused Global warming lol .
    The Pacific ocean plastic patch has been shown a myth , guilt can get money too you see .
    Taxes are coming to pig farms for fart tax ? lol
    Missing are facts of the Orbit of our Planet Earth which is variable and lacks the printed truth on this matter.
    The Solar variations are large also and not predictable !

  89. 45 years ago, the scare was “GLOBAL COOLING WILL KILL MANKIND”…then global warming during the 90s became the narrative for scare mongers. Now we have climate change and need to give government more money to solve it.
    40 years from now global cooling will be the talk aroung town.
    So, lets see…global cooling, global warming…yep that equals climate change.

    1. I’ve actually had numerous (supposedly intelligent) people claim that there never was any ‘global cooling’ scare in the period you note. So I made it a point to archive this…

      The Cooling World – Newsweek – April 28th, 1975

      …there are ominous signs the earth’s weather patterns are changing dramatically and these changes may portend a drastic decline in food production with serious political implications for all countries…

      the evidence in support of these predictions has now begun to accumulate so drastically that meteorologists are hard pressed to keep up with it…

      The central fact is that after three quarters of a century of extraordinarily mild conditions, the earth’s climate seems to be cooling down. Meteorologists disagree about the cause and extent of the cooling trend as well as its specific impact on local weather conditions. But they are almost unanimous in the view the trend will reduce agricultural productivity for the rest of the century. If the climate change is as profound as feared, the resulting famines could be catastrophic.

      A survey completed last year by Dr. Murray Mitchell of NOAA reveals a drop of half a degree in average ground temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere between 1945 and 1968. According to Geroge Kukla of Columbia University, satellite photos show a sudden large increase in snow cover in the winter of 1971-72 and a study released last month by two NOAA scientists note the amount of sunshine reaching the ground in the continental US diminished by 1.3 percent between 1964 and 1972…

      Climatologists are pessimistic that political leaders will take any positive action to to compensate for the climate change…the longer planners delay , the more difficult will they find it to cope with climate change once the results become grim reality.

      Really must suck for the ignorant to be confronted with proof they’re idiots.

    1. That is the big one they cannot hide. Hundreds of low lying islands were supposed to be under water by now. I see “refugees” from US wars in the middle east but I see not one person from sinking islands.

  90. Most amusing! So in other words, no journalists who might mention the fact that every single UN IPCC ‘dire climate prediction’ to date has failed miserably, won’t be allowed to observe any more of their failures…

    Got it. The UN is quickly becoming synonymous with ‘world class imbeciles’.

  91. Bullschitte. Another brainwashed, worthless turde with no value whatsoever to anything that is good, wholsome or pure. This demon and every one like it needs to be exterminated.

  92. These people always seem to find the most exotic locations to hold their conferences. One would think that reducing the consumption of fossil fuels would a priority for these people.

    1. It was reported a few years ago that at one of the South African UN ‘conferences’ – they had Maine lobster flown in for dinner…

      Good thing they beat Barry’s evisceration of the New England fishing industry, eh?

  93. UN, a corrupt attempt at the One world Global Government.
    Off with it’s head!!!!!!!
    By the way, their military is a JOKE, US Patriots will wipe it out fast.

    1. Rather interesting that none of the ‘UN Peacekeepers’ who engaged in rape or torture have ever been brought up on any charges. Not like there’s any shortage of evidence…

  94. With all the lying press that actually back this scam they cant trust it. After all there are some Reporters that will still tell the truth and that would keep this scam artist from ripping of Americans especially middle America. Since middle America has no one protecting them with 90 % of the press lying to them putting more and more criminals in office. After all we know now that the current elections we are having is a complete scam and illegitimate. But that’s what happens when you put criminals in charge.

  95. Come November its time to disband the UN and kick them out. We have to stop giving these zealots a platform. They are arrogant and self-righteous. As such they can not stand open discussions and the free exchange of ideas because to do so would expose them.

  96. Global Warming … no, Global Cooling … or, is it Climate Change? Doesn’t matter what they call it, it’s all a NORMAL climate process. It’s why we’ve had numerous Ice Ages and subsequent warming periods long before man was around. Until they can explain those periods, I won’t listen to or believe them because I know it’s a pure geopolitical scam.

  97. NICK NUTTALL = UN Stooge . . . and far from brilliant !
    Next to Izzzlamic Terrorists, the Globalist Cabal, the UN is the next “most dangerous” Organization on the Planet.
    Climate has ALWAYS Changed . . . and Gorebull Warming Stopped in 1998 . . .
    even the IPCC now agrees.

  98. Corrupt UN has lied about “climate change” from the beginning. Climate change is the elitists religion of choice and like many false religions of the world they use any means possible to become rich and more powerful. They deceive the public by any means including censorship of the truth. They need to be defeated.

  99. I just reviewed several science websites not connected to Government funding or politics. Greenland ice core samples indicate that the Earth is at the coldest temperatures in 10,000 years and continuing a downtrend since the Minoan Warming, Roman Warming, and Medieval Warming. We’re in a small rebound from the Little Ice Age. They need to find a better excuse for a worldwide income redistribution at the UN. Only low IQ people like AlGore and Obama believe this farce.

  100. The key to solving “climate change” if there be any, is to LOWER the population of EARTH! Our blue marble is FINITE. What’s so hard to understand in that simple statement? It can support only so many humans. If population is not curbed, we may all go down with the mother ship! Even the FAT CATS that have food stored in bunkers. BTW, not talking about you survivalists, you’re made of good stock….we all know who the fat cats are!

  101. This sounds just like the American media, if it isn’t going to help democrats they want nothing of it.
    There’s a time when the sleeping giant will awake and all these lapdogs that only tell their side of the story and print it like its the gospel will finally get their due.

  102. Nothing like good old fashioned nazi politics. Silence your skeptics. Call them liars. Durround yourself with followers who regurgitate your lies and call them the truth. A page right out of Goebbels playbook. Ban the UN from US soil now!

  103. Not particularly helpful to who? This is like buying tickets from TicketMaster and when they charge you that convenience fee. It’s convenient to those charging it, not so much for the person paying it.

  104. History repeats itself, only now the Church is the UN and Gallileo is anyone who disputes “climate change.” As I recall from my third grade science lessons, it turned out the Church didn’t know jack about science.

  105. They want science? I’ll give them science. The earthquakes, especially the ones that caused tsunamis, shifted the earths axis which in turn has moved jet streams to change the weather patterns. No human, except maybe the ones running HAARP, has caused “climate change.” It’s funny ’cause when I was a kid we just called it the weather and it changes. That’s what it does…it changes. “Just Like The Weather, You’re Always Changing,” a great song from “DFK,” Dudek, Finnegan, Krueger. But I digress…It’s the weather, it changes, that’s it’s job…to change!!!

  106. Google Owning the Weather by 2025 and realize what’s already happening…If you are experiencing ‘unusual’ weather then your locale is probably being blanketed with SRM and or atmospheric aerosol injections…Look up…

  107. WELCOME to lib land where there is ONLY “approved” speech. All other speech is considered “anathema” and not permitted outside of the privacy of one’s home…that is until the GOVERNMENT begins training children to turn in their parents for engaging in NON-approved speech.

  108. Anyone who believes in global warming after the EAST ANGLIA EMAIL SCANDAL, wherein the top ‘climate scientists” in the WORLD were caught LYING, HIDING THE DECLINE OF TEMPS, CONSPIRING TO EVADE F.O.I REQUESTS, CHANGING TEMP DATA, AND BLACKMAILING PEER REVIEW PUBLICATIONS INTO NOT REVIEWING “DENIERS” DATA, is an IDIOT a LIAR or a DEMOCRAT which is to say, and idiot AND a liar!

  109. Agenda 21 and the UN know that climate change really means one world government domination with emphasis on decreasing population through wars, abortion on demand and limiting food production. The elites will act and look like the French monarchy…taking the “bread” from the poor. And the poor will be many. Enjoy.

  110. The warmists have abandoned the scientific method, which is based on hypothesis/counter-hypothesis. The scientific method necessitates an open and free way for theories to be challenged and refined. Thus, this conference was anti-science.

    The warmists embrace a methodology that is the opposite of science, by censoring any hypothesis that challenges theirs. The warmists are following more of a religious faith-based methodology. If we challenge a warmist and a religious zealot about their beliefs, we will be hit with emotional anger, a rejection of any facts that are threatening, and actual threats against the ‘heretics’ that dare contradict their faith.

    Of course it is only the gullible peasants that have been duped into unscientific warmist fanaticism. The Elites are ready to set up the trillion dollar trading floor in Chicago, regardless of what anyone thinks. If global cooling could help them set up cap and trade, suddenly they would be financing useful idiots to proclaim that cooling was ‘settled science’ and that warmists were ‘deniers’.

    Dogmatic faith backed by huge amounts of money — sounds more like the middle ages than science.

  111. NOBODY expects the climate change inquisition!
    Our chief weapon is the Press, the Press and computer models
    Our 2 weapons are the Press and computer models and RICO law suits
    Our 3 weapons are the Press and computer models and RICO law suits
    And an almost fanatical devotion to Al Gore..
    Blast-can we come in again?

  112. Sure, if a point of view doesn’t align with yours, simply suppress it. Don’t attempt to legitimize it with proven science, what good would that do?
    Just yell louder about how the sky is falling, the stupid will jump on board.

  113. I love that the arrogance of these globalist elites, looks poised to be the very thing that will bring them, and their oppressive agendas, down!
    They’ve really overreached in the past few years; thinking they had achieved so much favor and influence with the
    “bourgeois”, that they were untouchable, and were not expecting the push-back they have received to their efforts to OPENLY stifle free-speech, impose oppressive restrictions on sovereign nations, and override the will of the people. The flooding of Europe with 3rd world migrants without a shred of concern for the safety or well-being of native European citizens was the tipping point, I think.
    Good luck getting the genie back in the bottle, now! Every minutiae the NWO tries to push forward under the guise of global “peace” organizations’ with “humanitarian goals and best intentions” will now be scrutinized, questioned, and pondered over with cynicism! Thank God for that.

  114. This nonsense will continue until we beat them with science. The facts are this:

    There is no greenhouse effect and this can be easily proven by comparing Earth and Venus at points of equal atmospheric pressure. Earth is 93M miles from the Sun, Venus is 67.25M. Average temp on Earth at Sea Level is 288K, Venus is 339K (*data from Magellan probe, 1991).

    Square root of (93/67.25) X 288K = 339K

    That’s not a coincidence, and the atmosphere of Venus is 96.5% CO2.
    There more to it:

    1. Iceman, scroll down for my theory on earthquakes that shift our axis. That’s what changes the jet streams and weather. We’ll settle their science for them.

  115. Loved this statement in Donald Trump’s speech this morning: “Cancel billions in payments to UN climate control programs and use the money to improve US water and environmental infrastructure.”

  116. Wait.
    Do you mean to tell me that all I have to do to FEEL SUPERIOR to many of my actual betters, is to jump on the group-think bandwagon..?
    Hell Yes, I Believe That Climate Change Is A Threat To Our National Security..!

  117. These people are sooo desperately working towards the total control of our life’s that it is becoming too obvious for everyone to see, and a bit scary if you ask me!

  118. 99% of the earth’s temperature is driven by sun cycles, not the earth or humanity. It’s amazing how many stupid people are promoting this for money and power.

  119. It’s not “Climate Change” as they propagandize. For the real truth lies in “Weather Weapons.” It boils down to Red China’s long-term “Art of War” upon the US starting with taking out JFK and others to put the Clintons and Obama in. Just as this election rolls around, they start sailing across the Pacific to invade us. Unfortunately for them, the Super Typhoons give them (And the Philippines) a leaky boat. Unfortunately for us, the collateral damage is exactly across the hemisphere, when large tracts of land are heated leading to the mirror – and just prior- Hurricanes over SE rural states. Where much of Red China’s food, industry, and population – And Navy – are similarly positioned, but meet the same fate. A repeat sort of the historical “Kamikazi.” You could say, as once was said to me, “We just want to level the playing field a bit.”

  120. Man-caused Climate “Change” is as mythical as Unicorns and Pixie Farts. Climate has ALWAYS changed and devastating changes happened when men were not even around…

    It’s all a scam to control the USA and make the global establishment relevant and rich. The MEDIA is COLLUDING with globalist, foreign interests.

  121. Everyone involved in this scam should be jailed for the rest of their lives for fraud.
    If they complain about it, they should be shot.
    Scumbag traitors to humanity deserve no quarter, as they give us none.
    Get ready, Globalist slime, we’re coming for every one of you dirtbags!

  122. Look folks. This is it! If we elect Hillary we are done. It’s a wrap. Trump is a risk. Hillary is a disaster. If Trump does 50% of the things he wants it’s 100% better than Hillary. All of the things the liberals do and want to do Hillary WILL DO.

  123. As UN Ambassador John Bolton correctly stated: **’You could chop off the top ten floors of the UN Building and no one would notice.’** Point being, where did the UN get the authority to stick its nose into all these other areas. It’s founding purpose was to Stop International Wars — period, end, stop! So that’s their job. Not Human Rights, not Climate, not water or food.
    So when I hear of these ‘UN Commissioners’, or my fave, a ‘UN Special Raconteur’ — did ya know a ‘Raconteur’ is defined as someone who tells stories, Fitting for the U.N. isn’t it. LOL. To boot all these people speak FRENCH. I guess telling bullsh-t stories in French somehow makes them less bullsh-tty (rotflmao) — I think, Who gives a Rat’s A-s what you have to say. You’re all a bunch of French speaking corrupt sex perverts who exist on the money of US Taxpayers.

  124. Do you think when Galileo settled the science about solar dynamics he would have prohibited challenge? The mark of insecurity and fraud is keeping out anyone with a conflicting position. The religion of global warming has taken on the same position as the Catholic church – calling non-believers “heretics” and subjecting them to condemnation. There is NO science involved.

  125. UN banning climate change skeptics. American universities banning so called “hate speech” and promoting segregation and censorship. Massive global convergence of leftist fascism. Dangerous times.

  126. This isn’t even about climate change for me. People like Nuttall (how ironic) are truly dangerous people. His ilk are all over the “institutions” cramming money transfer agendas down our throats. And still, our nation of fools is about to elect another left wing liar, who will further the new “borderless” drain of cash from the West. She will be aided greatly by ignorant young people, illegals, hordes or women who think her vagina is special, Google/Facebook/Apple and of course that beacon of human freedom George Soros. It is beyond sad.

    1. I remember shortly after Obama was elected he had just passed a large bill (Not-so-Stimulating-Stimulus I think) and Rahm says to him (I’m paraphrasing here): So what’s next? Obama says Climate Change and Rahm says Wow that’s going to bring in billions! Obama says no, Trillions with a huge grin on his face! All of the elites only want to stuff their pockets with our hard earned dollars, as do the third world countries Despots. Do you honestly believe that this money is going anywhere but their pockets?

  127. So much for freedom of speech, just because it’s showing that the climate change scam is just that, they are silenced. We all know about global warming, it’s been going on for millennia, now for some reason scientists think they can tell us how to control it. Good luck with that!

  128. Get the US out of the UN, and get the UN out of the US…it’ll fold like a cheap lawn chair. Like trade unions, it’s usefulness has long passed.

  129. UN proposed ban on science at summit. “It would appear science itself is a problem for global warming”. To save the future, restricting science may be the only way out. While scientists agree on climate change, other unorthodox subjects are forbidden, verboten, Interdit, prohibido, 禁止される, 禁止.

  130. All those of us who have actually read and understood the science, have been saying to the climate alarmists is “show us the PROOF” there is manmade global warming. Computer models don’t count because not one of them has been right in over 20 years. When they can put empirical evidence in front of me, then I will stop saying that they are perpetuating a worse fraud than Bernie Madoff, but the existing science shows they’re lying and committing fraud on the people of the world. And these are the people who decide who can even report on what is being done at these UN FRAUD conferences. Of course they don’t want dissenting reporters there because the truth might come out.

  131. As is typical, if (as a Liberal, Socialist, etc.) you do not have facts to back your argument up, you
    1] Make up your own “facts” – anything off of the top of your head works fine. The more outrageous, the better (The end of the world or of society as we know it is a useful one). Selection of only data that supports your “truth” works fine. Applying the “fudge factor” (herein described as any number or formula that is added to, subtracted from, multiplied by, or divided by to provide you with the answer you want) is acceptable.
    2] Do not use REAL science – use PSEUDO science. This means that you do not have to show your data, your methodology, your analysis, or anything related to the result other than the result you chose. You do not keep all of the evidence or data, only the data and conclusions that you want. You do not have to let anyone see or question anything about how and why you got the results you did.
    3] Discredit the opposition. Not with truth and fact, but with slander and innuendo.
    4] Make sure that any discussion they attempt is mocked and interrupted as often as is possible.
    5] Make sure that while interrupting, raise your voice as loud as possible.
    6] Change the subject as quickly and as often as possible.
    7] If all of the above does not work, prevent the opposition from showing up or entering the arena of presentation. Do not allow questions and ignore them if they try to ask questions. Act as if the person asking the question is either an idiot, stupid, or uneducated and cannot understand your answer. Limit their access to the public forums, so that you can pretend that there is no opposition.

  132. Climate Change proponents’ strategy:

    “So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we might have.”
    Stephen Schneider, lead author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Discover magazine, October 1989

    1989 -“On the one hand, as scientists we are ethically bound to the scientific method, in effect promising to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but – which means that we must include all doubts, the caveats, the ifs, ands and buts. On the other hand, we are not just scientists but human beings as well. And like most people we’d like to see the world a better place, which in this context translates into our working to reduce the risk of potentially disastrous climate change. To do that we need to get some broad based support, to capture the public’s imagination. That, of course, means getting loads of media coverage. So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we might have. This “double ethical bind” we frequently find ourselves in cannot be solved by any formula. Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest. I hope that means being both.” – Stephen Schneider, lead author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Discover magazine, October 1989

  133. WE need to ban these Incompetent Liars, and International
    Criminals, from American Soil. And cancel any ‘payments’
    to this useless, at best, gaggle of Complete Morons.

  134. look…… if conservative journalists report that climate change is a fraud, how do you think the UN is going to redistribute hundreds of billions of U.S. tax dollars to the third world?

  135. Let’s defund and ban the U.N. for its views —- especially, the hoax of catastrophic human-influenced global warming —- that aren’t particularly helpful.

  136. ban us all- sounds just like the middle ages to me- just like the popes den er i meany then- smear campaigns galore- tar and feather us too- you cant have your opinion about anything despit the first amendment out then-

  137. EVERY prediction from the climate alarmists has been wrong. They continue to persist with the climate change lie in order to keep the redistribution of trillions going though.

  138. Nuttall is just another of the authoritarian “Smart People” being and doing what authoritarian smart people are and do. Opposing voices are not to be tolerated and opposing voices are to be silenced. The really smart people, like Nuttall, are to see to it. After all, the UN has a whole World to run and opposition makes that more difficult.

  139. UN official in charge of keeping the world biased in favor of climate change – Nick Nuttal.

    UN official in charge of destroying national borders via unlimited immigration – T.B. Klerosis

    UN official in charge of enforcing gun confiscation from all law-abiding citizens – P. O. Leece-tayt

    UN official in charge of hiding the blue helmets rape of innocent victims scandals – Sahyit Isa L’eye

    UN official in charge of promoting the One World Government agenda – DorkWahd el Nimrod


  140. Thank you for exposing this situation with the UN. It is so past time for the USA to get out of the UN, it isn’t funny. Let them go to France or Germany to establish a new headquarters. In the meantime, I have told my Congressman and Senators that I do not support the agenda of the UN and I do not wish my hard earned tax dollars being used for this boondoggle.

  141. The “un” is nothing but an impotent money sucking joke that should be evicted from the USA!
    Climate change is natural, and on a global scale, man’s contribution is inconsequential!

  142. “If you aren’t going to go agree with everything we say, then you can’t come.”
    Is it :
    A) Climate Conference
    B) 2nd grade girls sleepover

  143. The UN is a Third World Organization in the middle of New York City. An organization the gave Iran the “Woman’s Rights” chair, and up until the war in Syria the “Human Rights” Chair! What a bunch of idiots! Get them out of New York City! Put them on a deserted island somewhere so that cant rack up parking tickets, crimes, etc!

  144. “Yeah, well what does that add to public understanding?”

    It tells the public the TRUTH; that the entire “theory” of manmade climate change is an outright LIE!!!

    It’s a lie to even call it a theory, because under the scientific process it doesn’t even qualify as a theory, as there is no statistically significant data to support it.

    It’s nothing but propoganda, meant to justify even more government interference in every aspect of our lives.

  145. The sad fact is in a couple of years they could claim they taxed everybody so much that they caused a mini ice age and now they want to tax so that global warming could come back as everybody is starving due to a shortened crop season. Vote for a democrat and pay more in taxes then you can make.

  146. If Cankles becomes President this will be coming soon to a FUSA near you. She don’t need no steenkin’ 1st Amendment. And once she’s regulated away the 2nd Amendment, tossing the 1st Amendment will be duck soup easy.

  147. Someone should ask Nuttall, what does banning alternative ideas, add to the public understanding? This is so like th left. They are so sure of their correctness that they don’t even think banning dissent is wrong. My tax dollars go to the UN and why are my ideas not even given a passive voice. These conservative reporters were not even asking to speak, just report. These are the same hypocrites who pretend to value diversity. No, these are people who want to force their views on everyone. I would hope a President Trump would finally kick this den of spies out of the country. The dues we pay can be put to much better use.

  148. This is one of the funniest stories about the Anthropomorphic Global Warming Fanatics that I have read to date. Does it escape them that their claims of “settled science” and “oh, ya, this is totally science based you clods” is completely undermined when they show this kind of fear of questions? Nothing says fraud like “don’t look behind the curtain”.

  149. Control the press and so control the information that the public receives. This is the nature of those running the UN today and many of the governments who are members , including the U.S. Time to reject these would be tyrants.

  150. The crooked UN has become the thought and mind control police now that they have been completely overtaken by the idioticly miserable left.
    We need Trump elected a.s.a.p so that he can kick their useless sorry arses out of the US for starters.
    These people starting with the oil for food program have lost all credibility and reason to exist…Period!

    1. I’m sure there were more scandals before and after the “Food for Oil Program” that they hid from us. That scandal starved millions of Iraqi children at the end of Bill’s second term and involved a whole arm of the UN including Kofi Annan’s son, and possibly Kofi Annan too, They teamed up with Sadaam and his cousin who laundered the money through a French bank. The French government stated that it was the biggest banking scandal since WWII (Somehow I think Hillary’s puppet master was involved). Thousands of Iraqi children died of starvation and because not too many people knew about it they blamed it on George W. after the Second Iraq War. So people from the UN and others steal food out of children’s mouths for the money and were supposed to listen to these killers! They’re Animals!

  151. Ze vil not tolerate this kind of misbehavior and non conformity by these journalists. Only these journalists that espouse our beliefs vil be invited… Zeek Heil

  152. Do you really expect the UN to jeapordize the mountain of US taxpayer dollars flooding their coffers with anyone asking questions about its legitimacy?

  153. It’s way past time these suckling liberal pigs wallowing in the UN trough had the swill tap turned off. These people don’t give a fat rat’s bung hole about the climate, it’s about keeping the lie going at all costs so they can maintain the lifestyles to which they have become accustomed too. And of course the hope of all encompassing climate law and elitist rule is the cherry on top of the cake.

      1. Here…have a cookie. Barely literate? Hmmmm That certainly doesn’t bode well for me as I’m a reading specialist with a M.Ed. . hmmmmm But then again, education means nothing, does it? And I can say I know about McCarthy, darlin’.

          1. Have you ever noticed that it’s leftists, who when having nothing intelligent to say about an issue, begin to attack and call others names? Eat your cookie.

            1. That’s because we must lower ourselves to your level, that’s the only way in which we can make fun of you without it going way above your empty heads.

        1. 1. because here all persons are equal in front of the law.
          2. russians, who else ? – they have destroyed 85% of Germany’s army and almost 50% of the japanese one – funny thing here, it has taken them less than 2 weeks to do that while it has taken you almost 4 years to destroy just 20%.
          3. nah, just the fact that you realize who and what you are is an insult enough.

  154. Why is this not surprising? No freedom of thought under the global leftwing controllers. And the Clintons, Soros, and the democrats want to cede more control to global organizations. It is outrageous that Clinton could even be considered for the Presidency of the USA.

      1. Thanks for your cavalier but misleading response. You might try investigating words like “hypothesis”, “theory”, “research”, experimentation”, and “testing”.

            1. Yes, it’s the general consensus that horse DNA doesn’t have horns genes in it. Do you have evidence to the contrary? No, mutation would not create horns simply because the amount of mutations needed is too large and it would be too regressive. Yes, in 20.000 years you might end up with something looking like a horse with horns, but that will no longer be a horse, it will be something else.
              See, it’s simple when you’re able to think logically about it, or are you just another conservative?

              1. Thought you were finished. Apparently you dtill need to demonstrate that third rate (or is it third grade) education. Save this thread and read it after you’ve matured.

                    1. Well, good for you, just make sure to take your pills and slip on the diaper before going to bed, we don’t want to upset your carers again, don’t we?

                    2. Ya know, now I think you’re probably posting as part of a high school civics assignment. You’ve demonstrated your lack of knowledge, experience, and now, personality. Know, though, that you are providing countless laughs for all those reading along.

                    3. I know, trailer trash are easily amused by things that should have made then rethink their life choices.

  155. Right after the fall of communism in the Former Soviet Union in 1992, the hardliners were very adamant about how they were going to hijack the environmental movement and exploit it and the masses to serve their means.

    And it seems to be working, too, as the world — and the United States in general — is now literally filled with “useful idiots” who parrot the party-line without exercising a single analytical brain cell in that dormant organ in the space between their ears.

  156. The Inconvenient Truth is that “climate change” is natural, been going on for millions of years. The Inconvenient LIE is the “global warming” hysterical queens hellbent on taxing us to death to pay for their luxury jets, private meetings, dinners, fine wine, 5-Star hotels. That’s what’s REALLY going on, girls. Grow up.

  157. Authoritarian, Globalist, Lying, Propandist, …..You Stupid Fvck!
    You just showed you don’t have a real argument.. strength in argument /purpose needs not be concerned with opposition IF your cause is just.. You showed it us flawed!!!!!! .. “a whisper can be heard over armies .. if it is sharing the TRUTH..

  158. Ah, so if the elite think you aren’t adding anything worthwhile, you are officially banned. Glad to know they admit the press is there to only report what they want.

  159. One common trait of leftists, generally, is that they will go to extremes to SHUT YOU UP if you oppose their dogma. This is a perfect example. Also check out the free speech opportunities in the USSR, Cuba, North Korea, … The UN doesn’t care much about science. Their main concern is CONTROL. If they can just con the world’s stupidest leaders, like Obama, onto their junk science bandwagon, they can attempt to control and tax all human energy use on the planet. They would become all-powerful, coordinating redistribution of assets worldwide, “for our own good” of course, choosing winners and losers, and marginalizing America and other leaders to accomplish Obama’s dream of “leveling the playing field”. JUST SAY NO.

  160. European politics and population control brought to America. What do you expect from a bunch of “world suppressors” who believe lower class humans to be little more than pack animals and breed stock?

  161. Nick Nuttall is a bad choice for a UN spokesmen. He’s just being a douche, towing the line, making up the rules that don’t appeal to the agenda and using the false narrative of climate change to further a global tax grab

    1. But if they would do such a thing they would lose all influence in the organizations and Israel would have no one to shield it from the wrath of the world.
      So no, that will never happen. Besides, it’s not like Israel has to pay it itself, it just orders you to part with your own money.

  162. Of course the 1% Jet Set Multinationalists and their T ird world dictator bosses don’t want some one gumming up Proud Tobacco Farmer & PMRC Record Censor Hubby Al Gorlione’s Multi-Billion dollar Pay-to-Pollute Carbon Credit Con game.

  163. UN. Elitist playground to screw the world’s population. The PEOPLE of America don’t want this entity. We don’t want to be a part of it, fund it nor want it on our land. Why hasn’t our REPRESENTATIVE government removed them from our soil??? (rhetorical folks….)

  164. “Climate Change” IS a fraud to install a Socialist Dictatorship, using the “environment” as a front to justify taking away freedom of travel (cars pollute), taking private property , control our food supply (cows fart too much) and taking other freedoms like speech (speaking against the environment and those in charge),etc.

    1. Oh sure. The Earth is heating up because it wants Liberals in power. Maybe the Earth knows something that you don’t to make such a choice. Oh, that would be that Climate Change is real. OMF’nG.

  165. I have never understood what conservatives have against the Earth. Since it’s our only home it seems like y’all would want to save it. Dong the right thing is not free so sure it requires us to raise taxes on everyone not just crazy conservatives.

  166. A critical component of any democracy is a free and CRITICAL press… so it goes without saying, the UN is not a democratic organization… and not to mention that science is never based on consensus.

  167. “There has to be, I think, some sort of way in which we can sort through information that passes some basic truthiness tests and those that we have to discard because they just don’t have any basis in anything that’s actually happening in the world,” Barack 0bama talking about the internet
    just wait till 0bama sets up shop over at the UN… censonship on a global scale

  168. Instead of banning people who hold opposing views, How about the UN actually try to present a factual, scientific conference. You know. one where scientists can actually present their scientific findings without worrying about the opposition calling them nasty names, simply because the climate changers side has not presented irrefutable evidence that climate change is caused by man. So far there has been too many cases where the evidence has been proven to be made up.

  169. The UN is part and parcel to the Global Warming fraud. The cycles of the earth are warming and then cooling. We know this because ice cores from around the world point to that. The oceans rise and then lower as the Ice Cap’s and Glaciers increase and decrease in size. This is not man made it is the natural cycles of the earth. What the UN and the Global Warming advocates are proclaiming is Global Warming is caused by man and human activity around the world; which really points to the real goal population control. They want to reduce the population of the world drastically that is why they have to tie Global Warming to human activities. The thing is we have not seen any proof that global warming even exists.

  170. The UN is dominated by Muslims and little men from third world countries that hate the United States, white people, Christians and Jews. The are corrupt greedy hypocritical shake down artists.

  171. Journalism used to be about reporting facts…. Now the leftist style journalsim is all about reporting what the UN or the local government wants it to report…. Most if not all MSM places are nothing but mouthpieces for the leftists….

  172. Climate change is all about total control of the masses and nothing else…. They will impose the largest tax increase across the world that has ever been done and all it is about is to make the masses bow down to the one world government….

  173. Here in America they are trying to do the same thing with our speech, blocking it every way they can get away with or making new laws to mold speech to their demands. All of this seems to be working for them for now, but the 2nd amendment will be a different story because that is the only thing that we will be left with to stop them from there UN tactics of controlling US.

  174. Time to reform the UN … and greatly reduce USA funding for an organization that promote anti-democratic behavior for itself and dictatorial governments that take and hold power and control over people without the consent of the governed.

  175. Careful. This is your future with the UN and Hillary Clinton. Don’t agree with something they advocate then you will be shouted down, attacked on social media, attacked by the media, banned, put on some no fly list or terrorist watch list, and called racist. Don’t go along with their agenda, then you are toast and open for attack.

  176. So, the UN’s banning reporters that don’t agree with their agenda. Sound’s like something worse than Communism to me. As I’ve said it before, they need to find a new home in some other country and I hope that after the Donald is elected, he’ll help them leave.

  177. Climate change is wealth redistribution in a halloween mask. Meant to scare everyone yet only makes people realize that it is only a mask with fools behind it

  178. I don’t think “journalism” means what Nutall thinks it means. If he is this ignorant he needs to step down. I don’t think he is. I think he’s trying to control the message like a good little hack.
    If the Climate Believers are so certain of their case, why do they fear a light in their darkness?

  179. The silencing of dissent is the true hallmark of a tyrant mentality. The funding for the UN should be withdrawn by all nations and the entire endeavor disbanded and overhauled as it has lost its way. Tyrany is the path to bloodshed

  180. Notice how they are deciding who is a serious journalism association? This is just like they are deciding on who is a real scientist. The real war on the people of the world, journalism and science is being skewed for monetary and political reasons. They are destroying credibility in both fields.

  181. Current studies suggest that we will begin entry into a ‘mini ice age’ around 2022, and the real intensity will begin around 2040. This will be much like the 1715 event.

  182. Fuck the un this is the USA . WE dont listen to what the un says. Their small arms treaty trying to take away the Americans guns. The UN should be done away with along with the rest of the Corrupt government !!!

  183. FACT 1:
    Climate change is real.
    In the last 8,000 years global temperature has risen and dropped while CO2 increased 57%. It’s now 1.5 C cooler than 8,000 years ago. Currently we are experiencing 61.5 year cycles of cooling and warming.

    FACT 2:
    Natural emissions are 30 times manmade emissions.

    According to the US DoE Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC) and the IPCC that natural CO2 has 30 times the global warming potential of natural CO2. Therefore if CO2 warmed the earth by 2C, then the warming by each is as follows:

    If CO2 can warm the earth by 2C, then manmade CO2 would warm the earth by only 0.06C while natural CO2 would warm it by 1.94 C or the rest of the projected 2 C.

    If manmade CO2 warmed the earth the whole 2 C, then natural CO2 would concurrently raise the temperature by 60 C.

    FACTS 3 AND 4:
    The IPCC estimated the cost at hundreds of trillions to reduce global temperature by 0.06 C by 2100.

    FACT 5:
    The 61.5 years cycle of global temperature change corresponds to the 61.5 year Jupiter/Saturn Tri-synodic conjunction. when Jupiter and Saturn align, they change the solar system center of gravity, drawing the sun closer to the inner planets and warming all of them.

    FACT 6:
    The media refuses to print the data and facts because they are run by the Ideologue socialists whose goals include: promote redistribution of wealth, global governance, population control, social justice, equality of income, and to destroy of the economy of the industrialized world.

    FACT 7:
    Liberals deny the facts and underlying data or are ignorant of the facts and data.

  184. This article is not new but has all the answers you need….and is the absolute truth.

    Where Does the Carbon Dioxide Really Come From?

    Professor Ian Plimer could not have said it better! If you’ve read his book you will agree, this is a good summary.

    PLIMER: “Okay, here’s the bombshell. The volcanic eruption in Iceland . Since its first spewing of volcanic ash has, in just FOUR DAYS, NEGATED EVERY SINGLE EFFORT you have made in the past five years to control CO2 emissions on our planet – all of you. Of
    course, you know about this evil carbon dioxide that we are trying to suppress-it’s that vital chemical compound that every plant requires to live and grow and to synthesize into oxygen for us humans and all animal life. I know….it’s very disheartening to realize that all of the carbon emission savings you have accomplished while suffering the inconvenience and expense of driving Prius hybrids, buying fabric grocery bags, sitting up till midnight to
    finish your kids “The Green Revolution” science project, throwing out all of your non-green cleaning supplies, using only two squares of toilet paper, putting a brick in your toilet tank reservoir, selling your SUV and speedboat, vacationing at home instead of abroad,

    Nearly getting hit every day on your bicycle, replacing all of your 50 cent light bulbs with $10.00 light bulbs…..well, all of those things you have done have all gone down the tubes
    in just four days. The volcanic ash emitted into the Earth’s atmosphere in just four days – yes, FOUR DAYS – by that volcano in Iceland has totally erased every single effort you
    have made to reduce the evil beast, carbon. And there are around 200 active
    volcanoes on the planet spewing out this crud at any one time – EVERY DAY. I don’t really want to rain on your parade too much, but I should mention that when the volcano Mt Pinatubo erupted in the Philippines in 1991, it spewed out more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than the entire human race had emitted in all its years on earth. Yes, folks, Mt Pinatubo was active for over One year – think about it. Of course, I shouldn’t spoil this ‘touchy-feely tree-hugging’ moment and mention the effect of solar and cosmic activity and the well-recognized 800-year global heating and cooling cycle, which keeps happening despite our completely insignificant efforts to affect climate change. And
    I do wish I had a silver lining to this volcanic ash cloud, but the fact of the matter is that the bush fire season across the western USA and Australia this year alone will negate your efforts to reduce carbon in our world for the next two to three years. And it happens every year.

    Just remember that your government just tried to impose a whopping carbon tax on you, on the basis of the bogus ‘human-caused’ climate-change scenario. Hey, isn’t it
    interesting how they don’t mention ‘Global Warming’ Anymore, but just ‘Climate Change’- you know why?

    It’s because the planet has COOLED by 0.7 degrees in the past century and these global warming bull artists got caught with their pants down. And, just keep in mind that you might yet have an Emissions Trading Scheme – that whopping new tax – imposed on you that will achieve absolutely nothing except make you poorer. It won’t stop any volcanoes from erupting, that’s for sure. But, hey, relax…… and have a nice day !””Carbon dioxide has an effect on the atmosphere and it has an effect for the first 50 parts per million and once it’s done its job then it’s finished and you can double it and quadruple it and it
    has no effect because we’ve seen that in the geological past, and we’ve seen it
    in times gone by when the carbon dioxide content was 100 times the current content. We didn’t have runaway global warming, we actually had glaciation, so there’s immediately a disconnect. So carbon dioxide is absolutely vital for living on earth; it’s plant food, all of life lives off carbon dioxide. To demonise it shows that you don’t understand school child science.” Ian Plimer, interviewed on ABNNewswire, June 2009

  185. Since we still don’t know, wouldn’t it make more sense to study what causes ice ages, since that would kill off most of the Hairless Monkey population?

    Seems were in a panic over Warming, which is like worrying about somebody putting money in your bank account.

  186. Check out what Nobel laureate Ivar Giaever has to say about the insanity of the global warming fanatics.
    Then go read about the coming ice age and what the last one did to food production around the world.
    This is what the stupid UN should really be worried about.

  187. CAUGHT ON TAPE: UN bans skeptical journalists from climate summit for holding views not ‘particularly helpful’…………………………………..
    Climate change is laughable, if you don’t march lock step with them, you get booted from the meetings…….lol that along should tell you volumes that it’s a lie and a wealth redistribution scam.

  188. Again — we need to get out of the worthless UN, throw them out of this country and stop funding 47% of their totally worthless agenda. Oh wait — doesn’t the fraud in our WH have his eye on running the UN when they set up the NWO !!!!

  189. The u.n. just wants a reason to create a black hole for U.S. tax dollars to flow into. There may be climate change but the reasons the u.n. gives have mostly been debunked. It’s just another fraud to steal our money.
    It would be nice to see globalist central disbanded. If you go onto their website and look at their employee benefits their pay is tax free no local, state, or federal taxes need to be paid. Plus every job location has a bonus pay above and beyond the normal pay equal (from what I can estimate) to about half again the pay.Even if assigned to the NYC headquarters. This is for all employees.. Nice, steal tax payer money while absolving your own pay check from tax theft.

  190. Let me see now, D.A. suggests he looked at the news web site, noted it carried what he considered “a biased perspective”, not only on the lie of climate change (it changes, the lie is in the fact it has always been changing, and we have far less than sufficient evidence to even meet the standards moving a ‘theorum up to theory status’, with the vast majority of ‘public demonstrations’ being deliberately and directly falsified), but Nutall feels several other issues are contrary to his own beliefs, and this is his justification.
    When I was about ten, the warning was all about the coming ice age, global cooling, and this using measurements of accumulated ice and snow pack ice which had come to about fifty feet since 1945, the end of the war.
    Two B-17 Flying Fortresses made an emergency landing in Iceland, in our final “all out” bombing campaign, one having to land, and the second landing as escort.
    In the mid sixties, the bombers were covered with fifty feet of ice pack from fallen snow, and a hanger, in essence, was dug under the ice, one aircraft repaired after both brought up, and flown back, the other shipped out, but in the escavating, hundreds of ice cores were drilled, and the concensus of opinion was we were due another “little ice age”, as took place about 500 a.d., this due to an increase in CO2, by theory, insulating the planet from the sun’s heat.
    The fact is, any person who flies across country, over the oceans, around the world, can easily see, man’s impact on the earth might measure up to five or six percent of the total surface at most, while things like Mt. Pinatabu, errupting in the 90’s in the Phillipines, was stated to have emitted ten times, perhaps a hundred times the “greenhouse gases” in the singular erruption, than man has produced since he learned to carry fire with him, before we even could make fire. Bear in mind, Mt. Pinatabu is an active volcano, and has errupted many times since 30,000 years ago.
    “The Great Smokey Mountains” are a coal seam which was exposed to the surface by tectonic plate shifting, and probably ignited by lightning, more than 20,000 years ago, and burned ever since, and a single year’s output is greater than all man’s, through all history. There are at least a hundred active volcanoes on earth, and at least half a dozen similar burning coal seams, like our own Smokey Mountains, the definitive evidence which precludes any possible “anthropomorphic climate change”, all the evidence demostrates we don’t even have the impact on the world ants have.
    The same people have worked for their families control of the world for over five hundred years of western Empire, they have tried to hook up with the Ottoman empire, and we had WW1, and the banking families suffered a severe set-back. They brought us to the second war by deliberately pitting enemies against each other, establishing “nations” of such, and keeping the world in constant turmoil. Today, they have been cornered by their use of fiat currency, and the fact both Russia and China have no part in it, and have chosen to establish new banking, based on real capital, a sound foundation, and while western news constantly tells us the losses sustained by China, the problems Russia is having, they fail to note China bought 300,000 ounces of gold over the past two years, to capitalize the new banks as all banks once were, and to do so, they have to “park” capital, and that is taken out of circulation, and our news media lies, and suggests they both are due to recession, and using RMB and Rubles, for trade, rather than “dollar reserve currency”.
    Wilson did his utmost to turn our National Sovereignty over to “The League of Nations”, even as the constitution and our National Creed, our “Declaration if Independence, and the natural rights of Man”, clearly put all National Sovereignty as “lent” by The Sovereign Citizens, for the purpose of forming Sovereign States, and in joining in a “republic”, a compendium of States which have established fixed Law and Principle that meets the demands and toleration of All States, and The Sovereign People.
    Our senate discarded the “treaty” as simply incapable of meeting our National and State requirements, primarily because it was never intended to be “representative” in nature, and except as such, no government can be established over either the States, or “The Sovereign Citizens”, except that it be chosen by The People, and directly representative, as the sole legal form of government, according to our establishment as a Nation.
    The “League of Nations”, despite being a non-starter, was used to assemble the losers of the war, and it was within this, the concept of assembling nations of enemy cultures and tribes was accomplished, keeping the middle east continuously at war, that we could benefit.
    This way of ending the war was exactly why a second world war had to come, and it too, was closed out using “the League of Nations” for the bureaucracy, and the forum by which the winners, again deliberately established “nations” which could never stand except as tyrannies.
    The U.N. is nothing more nor less than “the League of Nations” with a new name, lots more of its substance well hidden, and the end game is to have world government, even as our founders determined no such thing could exist, except as a tyranny, as there is no way to form a “representative government” for almost two hundred discrete Nations, some leading, at the top, others still not into the 19th century.
    There is a natural law of diminishing returns, which conclusively impacts in everything. Two men can do more work together, than they can on their own. Three men, increase the efficiency improvement, as long as they aren’t getting in each other’s way. Even a field of a million acres has a limit to how many people can harvest it efficiently, and not reduce the overall efficiency by getting in each others way.
    The sole reason for the desire, the design, the whole purpose of “one world government” is to end the possibility of “people imposed upon, getting fed up, and choosing to try another State or Nation, options. We have been led to discard all our productive success, on the premise we are destroying our Nation, and we’ve stopped making iron, and by that, steel, without steel, we have foreign companies, importing steel, and making foreign cars here, and this is to keep the skills alive, so they too can be moved to the second or third world.
    The principle that rules is the simple fact, “the middle class” consumes half of all profit, generally, and for the rulers of the world, they should be getting all the profit, and workers should get enough to eat, make babies, and work. Every bit of government turns toward that eventually, some starting, and some taking fifty years before the first installation of trickery, allows “crony corporatism” to assume the role of “capitalism”, and with this, the appearance of a representative government is kept until it is too late to take back the authority we lent, allowed be abused, and ultimately, allowed be used to reduce citizens to subjects, as we currently have been.
    Semper Fidelis,
    John McClain
    GySgt, USMC, ret.
    Vanceboro, NC

  191. the u.n have always been enemies of the u.s…they vote 80% of the time against America…it is a most corrupt organization…,we need to kick them out and remove ourselves from them…

  192. Ah, Yes! The good ol’ UN! It stands for “Understanding Nothing” or “Useless Notions!” The UN has expanded it’s membership to a level where the U.S. has more bills to pay and marginal influence on decisions made by the Organization…unless they are decisions that will interfere with the American way of life!

  193. ‘Global Warming” didn’t work so they changed it to “Climate Change”. and now they are enacting rules, regulations and Laws “Forcing” us to “Believe”.
    Let’s all Believe, Governments don’t lie, Vaccinations are All safe, Politicians really care, Media really tells the truth,
    How about others adding to my list!!!

  194. The reason for the ban is because of the complete failure of this absurd position on climate to make inroads in the minds of the truly intelligent!!!


  196. One day the masses will wake up and says, “What, Im not allowed to have an opinion anymore?” “When did that happen?” We have already jump over the slipperly slop.. Especially, with our current adminstration. Silence the opposition, the means justify the end…scary while they think they know what is best for everyone else! Those are truly scary people!

  197. There will be no report from the meeting because it will not be held.
    It cannot be held because the people supposedly planning it do not exist.

    Any claim they do exist must be presented to me in person. No comments, no emails. In person.

    See what stupid things I can say, you darn fool warmies? You’re not the only writers of creative nonsense walking around loose.

  198. Can’t prove you global warming Bull Shit? Just ban those who disagree with you. There’s the truth,,,wait we will just makes it up. Global warming? Prove it, if you vojld you wouldn’t need to ban people who disagree.

      1. Better tell that to the plants. Anyway, CO2 is 1/30 of what it was when the ice caps formed 30 mya. We know that because it’s trapped in the ice cores. So Mr Science, how is it that the ice formed with CO2 so high, shouldn’t that have prevented that?

        You do know the planet is cooling right? and dramatically right?

        1. Wow, impressive derp.

          Aside from the fact that you got the age of ice core data wrong by a factor of ~70 and atmospheric CO2 composition by around a factor of 10 (ouch),

          The sun’s output was less 30 MYA, atmospheric patterns weren’t the same, and the Antarctic continental movement likely were the causes of the Ant. glaciation onset.




          1. What a bunch of HOOEY, bizarre rationalization for what you WANT to believe . The planet has been cooling for 50 mil yrs. Life flourished from pole to pole during the Eocene. We now have 1/3 of the planet frozen waste land. That’s BAD!

            Cooling is Bad, Warming is good. The next ice age (there will be one) while kill off a large portion of the hairless monkey population (I’m talking about us).

            We still don’t know what causes these horrible cold snaps called ice ages, but it’s pretty clear higher CO2 is not a contributor. Let’s redirect the grants from this left wing religion to finding out how to prevent the next one.

            1. Quite impressive how much wrong you can pack into such a small space, and not just once.

              Wowie zowie!

              Anyhoo, your very first science class awaits your enrollment and attendance. Let us know how you do!



                  1. You’ve make it clear you don’t know basic earth science.

                    Is Leo the new high priest? Just curious.

                    Does it bother you at all the all these quacks are not only quacks but complete hypocrites. We all know about Gore, but Obama is another claiming “Climate Change is a bigger threat than ISIS” than hoping in a private 747 and flying to Hawaii to play golf. And the Mrs? She needs here won private jet.

                    That should tell you something, but, it doesn’t. For reasons that became clear today.

                    1. Comically weak bluff: You’ve make it clear you don’t know basic earth science.

                      You made me LOLz, thanks!



              1. What your calling “wrong” is BASIC Earth Science, REAL science, stuff that actually happened.

                What you call “right” was produced by quacks. Jones and Man where quacks. The Hockey Stick was quackery. Al Gore is a quack.

                Anyway go sit on your hockey stick and spin.

                1. You bumbled nothing about BASIC Earth Science, REAL science, stuff that actually happened.

                  You typed a bunch of stuff that you can’t support. Trotting out Algore (isfat!) and the hockey stick totem gives you away.



  199. Google is paying 97$ per hour! Work for few hours and have longer with friends & family! !mj95d:
    On tuesday I got a great new Land Rover Range Rover from having earned $8752 this last four weeks.. Its the most-financialy rewarding I’ve had.. It sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it
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  200. Nutall is so appropriately named. He’s a Grade A Nutter, and so is the U.N. for employing him. Really the U.N. should stand for the United Nutcases of the World.
    Climate changes over time. Always has, always will. It is rampant anthropocentrism at its worst to assume that humans are responsible for the majority of the changes.

  201. “You don’t believe in climate change”

    Another candidate for setting a stupidity record. Since change is what the climate has done since there was a planet Earth, people who know that (virtually everyone) would never say that.

    So why are they saying that?

    Well, when the predications of Global Warming didn’t happen, they changed the “prediction” to include every possibility, hot, cold rain drought, whatever, so whatever happens is proof of “Climate Change”.

    Also to THEM this IS something NEW. “It’s hotter than it’s EVER been”, “CO2 levels are higher than it’s EVER been”. Complete nonsense.

    The problem is what was taught in Earth Science class (planet is cooling) is no longer taught, what is taught is a left wing religious concoction based on quack science and the basic laughable premise that “warming is bad”.

        1. “It will never snow in England again” per hockey stick. Of course they had one of the coldest winters since the Little Ice Age, but that doesn’t matter. FUKIN DENIERS!

          1. Too complicated. How about multiple choice:

            a) Bury New York in a tsunami
            b) nothing

            It’s b. But think about how wonderful it would be to have a navigable Northwest Passage. For Canada and the US would save BILLLIONS, not having to go through the Panama canal. A wonderful thing. Yet another benefit of the evil of “Climate Change”.

  202. Google is paying 97$ per hour! Work for few hours and have longer with friends & family! !mj94d:
    On tuesday I got a great new Land Rover Range Rover from having earned $8752 this last four weeks.. Its the most-financialy rewarding I’ve had.. It sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it
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  203. “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill” – Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider, The First Global Revolution, A Report by the Council of The Club of Rome (1991).

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