Bette Midler tweet: “Dec. 22, 2015, 63 degrees in NYC. I would like to thank the ignorant selfish climate deniers for all their goodwill toward the planet.”
Climate Depot’s rebuttal to Bette Midler: “This makes no sense. With the ‘historic’ UN climate summit agreement, ‘global warming’ has been solved! We have already been told by the likes of NYT’s Paul Krugman, that the UN climate ‘deal’ may have ‘saved civilization.’ So sorry Ms. Midler. Climate skeptics are not to be blamed. The UN has solved ‘climate change.
Also, Ms. Midler, how do you reconcile your views? In 2014, you used cold snowy weather as proof of ‘climate change’, but in 2015, you use warm weather?! See: Bette Midler in 2014 after cold snap: ‘If you live in The South and still believe Climate Change doesn’t exist, wake up. And buy a snow shovel’
Bette Midler in 2014 used cold and snow to prove ‘climate change’:
Also See:
Boston Globe on Christmas warmth: ‘Wrong. This Isn’t Climate Change. There have been many snowless Decembers before. Climate change isn’t responsible for this warm December. This year, it’s connected to a strong El Nino and the polar vortex.’
‘Climate Hustle’ Movie To Debunk Claims That ‘Global Warming’ Causes Every Weather Event – Watch exclusive clips of ‘Climate Hustle’: First Time Broadcast of Select Clips
Satellites show no ‘global warming’ for 18 1/2 years
‘I can’t stand this Dec. heat, but it has nothing to do with global warming’
‘Global Warming’ Causes Both Warm & Cold Winters
Related Links:
BETTE MIDLER: SNOW IN SOUTH PROVES CLIMATE CHANGE EXISTS: ‘If you live in The South and still believe Climate Change doesn’t exist, wake up. And buy a snow shovel’ – January 29, 2014
Green campaigner Madonna uses her private jet for 120 mile journey
The Winters Of 1932 – The 1932 winter Olympics in Lake Placid, NY was nearly ruined by warm weather. There was no snow two weeks before the games started.
2013: Climate change warning: Killer winter storms for next THIRTY years: ‘KILLER freezes, floods and heatwaves will devastate Britain during the next 30 years, climate experts have warned.’
U.S. has had no warming for 18 years
South Pole sees no warming for 37 years. ‘For the whole of the satellite record, the South Polar region has had a negative trend. So much for a fingerprint of warming due to the enhanced greenhouse effect being greater warming at the Poles!’
Climate Astrology: Blizzard blamed on global warming?! Is there any weather event that is inconsistent with global warming? — Climate Depot Round up – ‘No matter what the weather is like, it always turns out to be exactly the kind of weather we should expect if human activity were causing global temps to rise’
1,785 Responses
Bette Middler is an idiot
I am still waiting to die from the acid rain that was going to end our lives in the seventies.
Don’t forget that ice age they promised was going to kill us all in the 1970’s as well.
The noted S. American Global Cooling climatologist, Alberto Gorez has been warning the world of the impending ice age for well over a decade. Sadly the socialist semite media has largely ignored him, because the solution to global cooling does not involve raising taxes on what’s left of the middle or working class.
The Catechism is Settled.
I believe some of the air from Bette’s breast implants escaped to her brain causing this air-head statement.
Are you saying that Bette is Pneumocephalic?
Does “Pneumocephalic” mean she’s an ignorant, misguided s!ut who is wasting oxygen that the rest of us could be using ? If so, then YES, by all means she is.
Naw, it means air head but I think he missed diagnosed her. I’d lean toward brain dead.
Besides the fact that human caused climate change is a leftist fear mongering hoax, we are told by the same left endlessly that a temperature for one season in one area is not climate, it’s weather. I never liked her singing and I certainly don’t like her advocacy for leftist mythology. Bette – shut up and sing – elsewhere.
She sings? What?
The Boogie Woogie Boondoggle Boy…
she used to sing for her supper and, as you can see, chub’s has done quite well!
Looks like now ‘days she mainly just sings about the weather.
She sings for gays, unicorns, and global warming. Probably a Sanders supporter as well.
Whatever happened to that hole in the ozone? From what I was told as a kid, we all supposed to have cancer from it by now.
In the 70’s global cooling was to have produced mass starvation by the 90’s. About 2005 Gore predicted the waters would rise from global warming and cities would be under water by 2010. Of course the solution for warming or cooling coincidentally is to take money from you and give it to now millionaire Gore or his liberal green business buddies. Follow the fn money.
Hey Bette – keep your pinhead politics to yourself and simply entertain us.
When was the last time she entertained anyone?
I think it was in the 80’s when she entertained the Taliban
She’s been pining for the gay bars but still needs a pianist to replace Manilow.
And the bathhouses in NYC where she got her start.
There was a seinfeld episode somewhere back in the 90’s. It was pretty good, George ran over her fat azz and put her in the hospital.
No entertainment value here she’s just annoying
The most entertaining thing about Midler is when she keeps her mouth shut and stays out of sight.
The entertainment factor ended long long ago.
That is Bette Midler the famous climate scientist, one of the 97%, right? Then again Bette would have a lot of experience with fossils, being one herself.
Change is good. Change is progress. Don’t be afraid of change.
Well, isn’t that what Hollywood types and elitist know-it-alls have been telling us for decades???
Four legs good, two legs better!
Like playn` 3D chess with a two year old.
Or a pigeon
I thought Pres. Ovomit was for Hope and Change……
Hope and change ,that sort of rings a bell. I think some ding a ling said it.
As with all things that will end up costing you money, and trust me, it will….follow the money.
When leftrash cry, “all change is good,” they are only referring to THEIR idea of “change” which is change for the worse.
Their change should correctly be called subversion.
Bette Midler 97%
Co-founder of greenpeace 3%
Founder of Weather Channel 3%
Most respected weatherman in France 3%
Hey….don’t fergit me! I, Bloodaxe, Vietnam vet and retired Border Patrol Agent, declare the Global Warming theory to be the biggest crock of shiit to come along since the beginning of recorded time.
Not as big of crock that comes out of Press. Sec. Josh Earnest’s mouth every day…He makes Baghdad Bob look honest
The difference is Baghdad Bob had a fan club in the USA. I still have a list of the doozies ol’ BB came up with.
Mann’s are much funnier.
Yeah, Josh Earnest, is that what they call this sorry excuse for an administration’s mouthpiece? He should hook up with Crystal Ball over at CNN. Now that’s a pair that beats a royal flush.
Earnest? Beady eyes little weasel he is.
Or James Lovelock father of the original “Ghia” theory.
Isn’t that laughingstock?
Wasn’t that “Gaia”? I thought “Ghia” were those runty little Mustang variants with the vinyl top that Ford pushed out in, like, 1976.
Oh I thought Ghia were those weird sprouts you could grow on plastic heads and pets
Oh, yeah! The little terracotta…hey, wait! This isn’t terracotta, it’s PLASTIC! Dang it, I think I got a cheapo misspelled foreign KNOCKOFF. Yours is plastic too? Shoot, man, I think we been gypped.
He is not even in the same league as Brian Williams, Dan Rather, and George Steph, all big global warming supporters.
All are well known scientists.
She is right 97% of the time.
B.S. says I –
She is LEFT 97% of the time- and the other 3% of the time she is misquoted.
Don’t you just love it when someone who knows absolutely nothing about climatology (Bette Midler) quotes her source (Paul Krugman) of knowledge on the subject who also knows nothing about it!
That’s the “Libtard Circle of Life”…keep quoting the same nonsense until they’re blue in the face.
Bette Midler – left wing IDIOT
When the Govt. or the media want you to feel politically incorrect, they are either coming for your money and or your rights.
Propaganda. Climate change is the Sun – PERIOD. Mt. Etna spewed more CO2 in a few volcanic belches than mankind has in its entire existence.
OK the caps work for that one.
STFU with the ‘CAPS” thing – do you wait all day looking for someone that uses caps so that you ping them on it – get a real purpose you moron
I was actually endorsing the caps. Maybe read AND comprehend before issuing your ugly invective.
Yeah, you were endorsing caps on THAT on, but your post seems to be critical
of people who use caps often. So CVN still has a point.
Gosh, I hope your feelings aren’t too hurt. Maybe go to your safe space and have a little cry to get past it.
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MORON??? Read his post again and try using what little brain cells you have left to understand that he was ENDORSING the use of caps
……… Pound
………… salt
………. LOTS
………. SALT
Reading comprehension. Get some.
Caps are fine, and your post is on-target!
I can add nothing to that. Target. Cease Fire…
She also belongs to the same vile cabal as George Soros– Jews.
Wow! Caps lock, it must be true.
HE sent his reply via a TELEGRAM; you being either
Too Young or Too Stupid
to understand.
They are coming for your money and ultimate control of your sovereignty. Obamatrade has “climate change” treaties in it where a elitist global entity will determine your industry and economic trade.Obamacare has taxes relevant to climate change. The Paris Climate accord also reaches its tentacles into our industry, $100 billion into our Treasury etc. Al Gore,the schill and puppet of George Soros, Maurice Strong, Obama all stand to increase their wealth exponentially in carbon offset trading. Midler is all vocal chords and no brains.
It’s how the elite hope to implement their one-world govt. He11, even the Pope is in on it.
Also, What is a global police force doing in our cities? – from breitbart 2 Oct 2015:
“On Wednesday, Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced at the United Nations that her office would be working in several American cities to form what she called the Strong Cities Network (SCN), a law enforcement initiative that would encompass the globe.
(The Blue Helmets are coming soon – lock and load.)
This amounts to nothing less than the overriding of American laws, up to and including the United States Constitution, in favor of United Nations laws that would henceforth be implemented in the United States itself – without any consultation of Congress at all.
(You may have thought there was a Constitution to trash, well sorry!)
The United Nations is a sharia-compliant world body, and Obama, speaking there just days ago, insisted that “violent extremism” is not exclusive to Islam (which it is). Obama is redefining jihad terror to include everyone but the jihadists. So will the UN, driven largely by the sharia-enforcing Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the pro-Islamic post-American President Obama, use a “global police force” to crush counter-jihad forces?
(Per DHS, you are a terrorist if :
– you believe in civil liberties, or you believe in your Constitutional rights;
– you are a conservative, a libertarian, a Christian or a gun owner;
– you wear camo;
– you are a veteran returning from the “terror” wars;
– you are opposed to abortion, globalism, Communism, illegal immigration, the United Nations, the New World Order or the Federal Reserve bank (This is SO me!);
– you have a Ron Paul bumper sticker; or,
– you believe in conspiracy theories, you believe we are living in the “end times” or if you ever visit alternative news websites. Plus there is a lot more~!)
After all, with Obama knowingly aiding al-Qaeda forces in Syria, how likely is it that he will use his “global police force” against actual Islamic jihadists? I suspect that instead, this global police force will be used to impose the blasphemy laws under the sharia (Islamic law), and to silence all criticism of Islam for the President who proclaimed that “the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”
(Add to this that there is gun-grabbing legislation in the UN Small Arms Treaty and in the TPP, and, Operation Jade Helm was used to pre-position the billions of rounds of ammo along with other military assets for the foreign troops coming for the guns. We already have the FUSION centers (fed control of local law enforcement) and now the globalists’ tranche is being incorporated.
The “machine” is complete and ready to roll. Are You!?)
Lock and load on the AG first……
Yep, the Pope is already in on it. He was not elected, he was selected by the NWO, who really run everything in EU and here, Soros being one of their big honchos.
Interesting that both Soros and Kissinger came out of Hungary. Kissinger is the “father” of the NWO and Bilderberg group, Soros his right hand.
Nice try, but the Congress and Constitution have already been taken captive by the oligarchs. There is nothing left for the UN to steal
Ah, it still must be implemented, which requires disarmament.
Pretty much spot on. This is all about fashioning a new commodity to trade and sell. One that is not a tangible ‘thing’, rather a concept. A ‘carbon credit’, kind of like derivatives in the stock market.
Nah, to be fair this is the ultimate swindle being perpetrated by world class snake oil salesmen, derivatives actually make sense in comparison. If they could figure out a way to tax the air that you breath along with the CO2 you exhale they would. Since they haven’t figured out a way to do that in a manner which could be passed into law this is by far the next best thing.
In Maryland, have they not instituted a tax on rain run-off? The bigger the paved parking lot, the bigger the tax. O’Malley was the gov at the time, I believe.
0bamas trip to Paris with 500 hangers on and all kinds of vehicles and planes was a bigger carbon waste and definite climate change than ours in 10 years.
They are all bunch of hypocrites to get our money to distribute it to Banana Republics where the corrupt governments pocket it.
Its incredibly stupid.
Actually, they don’t want to give it to the Banana Republics, they aren’t that generous…they want to pocket it for themselves, elitists and then there are the serfs (us).
ALSO known as a “Handling Fee”.
“Al Gore,the schill and puppet of George Soros, Maurice Strong, Obama all stand to ”
GOOD News!
maurice strong died November 27/15.
(One down; many more to go.)
” they are either coming for your money and or your rights.” Or both. This time it’s both.
How many points on the Crackpot Index did you just win for yourself? See and count for yourself. “Climate change is the Sun” is absolute nonsense. So it your nonsense about Mt. Egna & CO2. Are you following the climate expert Rush? Didn’t you know he had to retract his statement about volcanos and CO2? Volcanos emit SO2, not CO2.
Tomato/tumato, It’s the sun shill. Oh wait, you found SUVs in the fossil record!? Ha!
Proud as ever of your total failure to understand the basics, I see.
Will even you understand if I put it this way? Try going outside on one of the few cold days this winter. Is it the sun that keeps you warm, or do you need to put on a sweater or coat to stay warm?
Do you get it now? The sweater/coat slows the loss of heat by providing a barrier to convection. So the same level of heat due to your metabolism leaves you warmer.
It is the same with the sun and CO2 (except heat transfer is by radiation instead of convection). As long as there is the right level of CO2 in the atmosphere, the temperature of the earth is comfortable. If there were none, the average surface temperature would be below freezing. When there is too much CO2, the earth warms up too much, it is no longer comfortable. Weather swings get wilder, ocean levels rise etc.
@MJ. Thank you for simplifying it so that even someone like me could understand … -coat -warm -happy! Anyway, I’m not denying climate change. As anyone can see from the Vostok (and other) ice core(s), “Climate change” is cyclical and regularly occurs on roughly a 125K-year cycle. Just “wiki” ice age for an illustration.
Now, here’s something for you. When you add more fuel to a fire — like really piling on the logs on a bon fire — you generate a lot more heat. More fuel = more fire = more heat. As just one possible explanation for increased solar forcing, the solar system does actually move into galactic dust clouds from time to time (recently, the “G” Cloud), adding more fuel to the sun for greater output. More solar forcing means a warmer solar system, as in, it’s not just Earth that is warming right now. Check it, other planets and or their moons are also warming alongside the Earth – even without man-made CO2’s. This forcing is quantifiable, as in heat and light, and theoretical as in gravitational and other “energies” known (electric) and unknown (atomic).
It’s not even that I am against lowering CO2 emissions. Please do! However, perhaps if the powers-that-be stopped coating the upper atmosphere with the aluminum chem trails (you know, the contrails that spread out to form clouds and stop your glasses’ transition lens from turning dark, eventually turning the blue sky into a milky haze) like they have been doing for decades, maybe that would reduce any AGW (or AG Cooling), if any. Otherwise, this all wreaks of Al Gore wanting to be a carbon-credit king, selling snake oil for something that is natural and can’t be “fixed,” which also appears to be your position (?): to blame mankind for a naturally occurring (& normal) cyclical phenomenon.
No, climate change was cyclical, recurring roughly according to the schedule you describe. But not any longer. Now, manmade CO2 really is the dominant ‘forcing’. Changes in solar activity are much too small to explain the climate change since 1850. GHG emissions, mostly of CO2, are what is doing it.
Now THERE’s a tautology if I EVER saw one! – “Left wing idiot”
It’s a wonder they even come at us with this BULL. Don’t they read the comments? WE are SO ON TO THEM!!
That is redundancy, not tautology.
Bette is Jewish. I’m sure the Muslims will be kind to her when they invade.
Most jews in the US are like her, vote very left every time. Israel is totally different.
The times are a changin’ in the USA…….
Two things, first, they never should have stopped McCarthy and second, the comrades never let any hypocrisy go to waste.
Calling Bette Midler an idiot is an insult to all idiots out there…
I think the Global Warming scam was inspired by Hitler’s propaganda tactics.
Never allow the public to cool off
Never admit a fault or wrong
Never concede that there may be some good in your enemy
Never leave room for alternatives
Never accept blame
Concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong
People will believe a big lie sooner than a little one and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it
Sorry I can only “up vote” your response once!
You just described Obumbler to a tee.
Is it true that Odummy blamed terrorism on “global warming?”
Bette is a walking talking greenhouse emitter. She makes cattle farts totally insignificant. I loved her until she became a Buttcrack 0’bumhole sniffer.
I dealt with her tour during the early 70’s; she/he/it is still Stupid after all of these years.
Bernie “Colonel” Sanders (“we’ll give you a chicken on every plate”) did, but Barry may have as well; it does sound like something he would say.
THE Obamanation is such a narcissist that the Ball & Tee have to address him!
I thought that you were talking about Obama.
Not only will hey believe the BIG lie they will make up their own assertions to bolster the lie they have invested themselves with. People like Midler who know almost nothing about anything chime in with gratuitous attacks on individuals about she knows nothing. She knows even less about climate fluctuations but seems determined to make a fool out of herself just to be one of the IN crowd. Parade of fools chattering in an echo chamber.
And also describes Hillary to a tee.
Funny you should say that. A lot of us see you and the whole fossil fuel industry PR following that exact strategy. When, for example, did you ever cool off? When did you admit your many faults and wrongs? When did you ever leave room for alternatives to unwavering belief in “the global warming scam”?
Bette Midler? Isn’t this the clueless tramp who began her career by performing in a New York City homosexual swingers club?
It’s a wonder they even come at us with this BULL. Don’t they read the comments? WE are SO ON TO THEM!!
Yes. She is clearly more intelligent than all of us. I think her main audience is still homosexuals.
BATH House Bette!
Hence the selection of BLUE for their electoral voting.
It’s a wonder they even come at us with this BULL. Don’t they read the comments? WE are SO ON TO THEM!
“The blind leading the naked.”
oh god – don’t make me see midler naked!! OK – global warming is true and keep her covered preferably with a burka
What Difference, at this point, Does It Make?
That is a horrible thing to expose one’s eyes to. I have been traumatized.
Seriously some of us are trying to waste time at work, you know.
God, make the burning stop….
After that! I need to wash my eyes out with Clorox!
Isn’t it illegal to expose innocent eyes to this without a warning? Even Satan’s eyes are watering….
No wonder Bill was……….
Thanks mate……Screwed the flavors of my Johnny Walker Blue lable.
She would be safe from sexual advances if she cooked naked in a lumber camp.
About as pleasing as Lena Dunham
I Was eating a good old fahioned American meal -key word in that sentence “WAS”
Blood is running from my eyes, and from my . . . whatever . . . my nose!
Thanks for making me lose my lunch…Damn that’s ugly.
There should be a law against this. I am going to have nightmares for a week.
She should hope to look that good. Add another 8 inches to the horizontal ass measurement and two inches to the calf measurement, and shrink those boobs to about half and make them saggier. THEN it might look more like her.
I have looked up your IP address and you will be served with papers for assault with intention to inflict extreme emotional distress ; )
Where are the balls?!?
through a cactus farm
She’s obviously out to get brownie points.
Maybe she’s jobless too….
Shes old, fatter than ever and has no career. Shes desperate to try and be relevant but pandering to the climate nazis isnt oing to help her much!
That sounds like Hillary that you are describing….
No, Hillary has a career as head of Bill’s “Bimbo Eruption Team”.
No doubt there’s a government “warming” grant just waiting for old stars and fantasy columnists.
They are 2 famous Yiddish scientists who base their knowledge on the money they are losing from investing in Al Gore’s carbon credit scam”– AL Gore owns GIM -London Eng.
Krugman knows the truth but didn’t let that get in the way of his stories.
Something tells me that like many other celebrity idiots, this clown is a high school dropout with no scientific education whatsoever.
Hitler said to create a big lie, keep telling it, and eventually people will believe it. The left has learned this well.
I wouldn’t want economic advise from krugman.
Krugman, once upon a time, did good work in his field of international trade economics. Now, unfortunately, he uses his fame as a platform for his left wing statist views.
Ignorance begets ignorance.
Her credentials as a go-along-to-get-along airhead are firmly established. Maybe she’ll get a tiny role in some B movie as a reward.
Old as dirt!
You made me laugh. Thank you.
I thought she was retired or was it a retard.
she has been a denier actor for years ever since she turned cold with a string of bad acting.
Thank God she spoke up. I always wondered what Bette Midler had to say about this. LOL!
What an idiot!
Again we tragically have a celebrity that is using their fame platform to proclaim an opinion on subject matter they couldn’t be more inaccurately wrong about.
It could be worse – Spike Lee being against racism, or Rosie O’donnell wanting gun control.
She knows about as much about science as that clown Bill Nye the non-Science guy …
Actually, I doubt that but Nye makes up in sheer flop sweat and desperation, not to be left out of the limelight.
Communist is what she is.
Hollywood diva … I guess that is the same thing.
Being called “ignorant” by bette midler is like being called ugly by a frog.
that’s an insult to frogs
What Difference, at this point, Does It Make?????
Seriously you have to stop this. You’re traumatizing people and we have no safe space to retreat into.
Help me, I went blind!
That’s merciful.
I would not piss up her ass if her guts were on fire.
this would cause PTSD
Soo much for taco Tuesday
DAMN you sam…..I wish I could unsee this!!!
It’s nice knowing she stopped flying, only car pools in a Prius, uses one square of TP, and lives in an efficiency apartment because otherwise the warm weather would be her fault. Oh wait….
She and most other liberals are suffering from FAD — Fantasy Addiction Disorder. Unfortunately no cure in sight.
You could render her down and heat the North Pole for several years! Throw in Michael Moore and no poor person would have to pay for heat until poverty is solved.
“Dec. 22, 2015, 63 degrees in NYC. I would like to thank the ignorant
selfish climate deniers for all their goodwill toward the planet.”
Wrong #MissUniverse crowned last night. For 2 minutes.
Remember when that happened with our President in 2000 & we had to keep him 8 years?
Bette Midler December 21, 2015
Tomorrow is my 31st Anniversary, I’m preparing for a colonoscopy, and I’m
watching the Republican Debate. It’s a perfect shitstorm.
Bette Midler December 16, 2015
Hey Bette,
You should take a real good look at yourself in the mirror…….providing none crack.
BTW, your next Off Broadway play lead role should be Medusa Grinch…..actually you’re
scary enough now, even with plastic surgery. PS. just for your information,
US Presidents are elected to a four year term, not eight.
Bette needs to shut up and sing.
More like shut up and die!!!
Just a minute! I remember that first day in climate class. She was there, picking her seat. She took the chair in front of me. She looked perplexed after class. I asked her if she had any idea what she expected to learn in the class. She just looked at me and said “Clim’ it.” as she extended her middle finger.
Bette has too much hot air betwix her ears.
She spent too much time in that bath house. You think they’d consent to an energy audit to see where they stand versus where they want everyone else to stand? With multiple, over-sized abodes you can pretty much assume their carbon footprints are quite substantial.
BATH House Bette & bath house Barry; PRICELESS!
Bette Muddler is well known for her degree in Thermodynamics, just like Al Gore.
My point, exactly.
Gore flunked out of divinity school, so he decided to create a Climate Cult with himself as the High Priest. What a scam.
The trouble with Bette Midler and Al Gore is they have their heads so far up
(you know what) ,,,,,
That they keep hearing echos of everything they say – (and eat).
Gore actually majored in astrophysics because in college he took up space.
When a world renowned scientist like Midler speaks, the world listens. Of course, she has consumed more energy than 100 average people. But then again, it’s the unwashed masses who are the problem, not the glitterati. Obama told her so.
Well, at least she managed to return the focus to cow flatulence. One of those important issues that somehow seems to “slip through the cracks.”
“slip through the cracks” – great pun! And so appropriate when talking about cow farts and those who sniff them, so-to-speak.
Got cows and have seen Butte Muddler…….it’s a natural association. How could you not?
I was thinking the same thing. But I didn’t want to slander a good head of beef. : )
“. . . she has consumed more energy than 100 average people.” And she’s still only as bright as a 5 watt lightbulb.
Bette Midler being asked to comment on anything besides pretending or singing is laughable. She has the same gravitas that interviewer Charlie Rose gave professional pretender Manny Patankin when he asked Manny his opinion about ISIS and terrorism because Manny pretends to be a CIA tough guy on Showtime. God help us.
I would say that ‘100’ should really be 10000, considering her travel schedule and the amount of fuel she burns on jetting around the world.
She’s a typical liberal idiot who thinks that because other idiots worship her for some stupid reason that she must really be all they ‘think’ she is, so spouts her nonsense and believes it too…
Hell, she’s a piss-poor actor and just an average singer. I wouldn’t cross a sidewalk to say hello to her.
Since climate deniers can now control the weather, and I’m a climate denier, the UN and the US should give me the money they are spending on Climate science and I promise to make the weather nice.
Can I get in on that?
You can buy carbon credits from me on eBay. Just search for “Carbon Neutralizer Certificates”. Here’s how our program works. Let’s say you want to take the boat out this weekend and do some water skiing, but you’re concerned about the impact that would have on the environment. No prob, just jump on eBay and purchase enough certs to cover your planned activity. Then we’ll match you up with one of our highly trained Carbon Neutralizers who will promise NOT to do any waters skiing this weekend. Now you are free to enjoy your recreational activity without that nagging feeling that you may be destroying the planet.
And remember, our Carbon Neutralizer Certificates make great stocking stuffers!
LOL – and that’s is EXACTLY what Al Gore and Obama want to do on a grand scale with their “Carbon Exchange”, where they stand to make $$$ Billions trading carbon credits in industry.
Can I be a Carbon Neutralizer for the ski scam? I don’t ski but if you don’t give me neutralization value I WILL learn to ski and demand to be pulled by an old model boat with 2 diesels and no holding tank for the head! No, I might just claim to ski and go from there. Isn’t that how it works?
Of course, We climate deniers have special powers. We refute pHD’s who spend tens of thousands of man-hours cooking data, in mere minutes.
Not to mention tens of thousands of tax-payer dollars…
The data has been Hansenized for your health. Just like those little paper labels on hotel toilet seats.
Climate change is real. Man-made Global Warming is a democrat sham of a scam. Look to Sunspot activity for your answers.
Yes, unless you live in San Diego, chances are the climate is going to change on a daily basis.
Just love hearing from the Lo-intel libbies…
FU Hag!
Stick to singing and acting, toots, it’s what you’re good at. Oh, wait … my mistake. Well, if there is something you’re actually good at, stick to it.
Just has to find her knee pads 1st !
Dumb b*tch with a 75 IQ and we’re supposed to care what she says?
You’re rather generous with IQ…
….and I would like to thank this eminent physical chemist for her idiotic assessment.
I am El Nino! All other tropical storms must bow before El Nino! Yo soy El Nino! For those of you who don’t “habla Espanol”, El Nino is Spanish for.. The Nino! To any of you hurricanes who are listening, step on up! Because nobody can take El Nino! I challenge any of you punk-ass tropical storms to a no-holds barred cage match! Any time! Any coast! I swear to God all Mighty it is time to pay the piper, ’cause El Nino’s coming for ya! And it ain’t gonna be pretty!
So thanks Bette for breathing air in NYC that could be better used by those who really contribute to society and don’t just get paid for pretending to be someone else. Bette says, “I may not be a Scientist, but I played one on TV”
I think she is an ignorant selfish climate believer.
Very astute. The left is quite selfish wanting to confiscate all you have to waste it on programs that do nothing for anyone except keep the slow witted dependent on government.
Lol, look who is calling people ignorant and selfish….oh the irony!
You can’t fix stupid, or convince a liberal of facts. Then there is the Hollywood liberal, which is a special kind of stupid. I just tune them all out.
Since when is warm weather in the dead of winter a bad thing?
A warmer planet is a blessing for all humankind. Longer growing seasons, higher crop harvests, less flu deaths… The *poor* are the ones who benefit most from climate change.
While what you say is arguably true, the fact is that the people who keep claiming “global” this and “global” that don’t actually KNOW what they’re talking about – in the end it’s always about money, they want yours and mine.
Sure, they have all these complex theories, but they’re merely possibilities. They most certainly don’t have enough facts behind their theories to warrant the kind of action they claim and demand is necessary. It’s rather easily demonstrated that if you were in fact to take ALL of the actions they claim are needed, the net effect would be so minimal as to be statistically insignificant and yet the cost involved would likely cripple economies around the world.
The scientific community has announced global warming, then global cooling, back and forth over the centuries, well, even a broken clock is right at least 2 times a day….
Hence all the flocking to warmer climates in the dead of winter. All those chichi islands to visit, so little time. Who want to stay home in the winter? Got to work on those tans and suck down those margs. Hypocrites every one of them.
danlbrau said: “You can’t fix stupid …”
True, but you can let it play with a plastic bag.
And of course the whole world revolves around her! Where I live out west its absolutely freezing right now! Guess its global freeing over here! How do these brainless freaks explain this away!
They will tell you that it is all interrelated, give us your money to combat it.
“Ich bin ein Denier!”
I deny that Anthropomorphic Global Warming has any
significant impact on climate.
I deny that Global Climate Change is having a net negative
impact on life on Earth.
I deny that Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere is a pollutant.
I deny that alternative energy sources have Socialist
I deny that any Science is Settled.
I deny that those funded by Politicians seek Scientific
I am not a Denier.
I am a Climate Heretic.
I reject the Cult of Global Fearmongering.
I refuse to knuckle under to the Elitist Orthodoxy of Fake Science.
What a fat sloppy retard who has no idea of the truth. Typical satanic liberal. Enjoy hell you lying pig
How do you explain that last year was the coldest and longest winter in years?
You ignore it. Liberalism requires the belief that history begins anew each day at dawn so as to avoid confronting its constant failure.
The radical elite are always rewriting history selectively, to fit their psychotic self-important fantasies.
You only speak up with the topic you want to push is in your favor. Like Hillary saying the rich need to pay more taxes and middle class needs more relief. Like what Obama said in his first run for president. Result, the rich are paying more taxes, BUT the middle is also paying more taxes. Result the gap widens, along with the increase of government spending with no progress anywhere as they change how they do formulas to make it look like they have and the Dems Kool-Aid drinkers do not learn from history. Problem is the republicans are not much better.
Hypocrite stupid ugly old irrelevant cow… You know Midler uses and has used fossil fuel every single day of her life,
Midler would deny people heat, food, products, transportation, more, She has no answers, but feels better.
I am glad Bette is unhappy with the warm weather, I am certainly enjoying it while it lasts.
“ignorant, selfish, climate deniers” Yeah, Bette, and you’re a great argument for repeal of the 19th amendment, you stupid, leftist wannabe, cow If you had any brains at all, you wouldn’t be a liberal, if you had any personal integrity at all, you wouldn’t call opposing opinions selfish, to protect your non existent argument. Beatch.
The infiniteness of sanctimonious liberal stupidity…
She can sing and dance so she must know what she’s talking about.
she’s still around?
Can someone please remind Bette that it was 64ºF in New York, NY on Dec 23, 1990?
Bette Midler: a prime example of what fame does to your brain!!!
Bette Midler is a total freaking idiot. Liberalism is a mental illness Bette, please see a shrink for treatment.
Best be looking in the mirror when you say “ignorant” and “selfish,” Bette.
has been jewess, trying to stay relevant
She’s such a treat! I’m surprised she didn’t blame George Bush and his weather machine. Maybe she should google El Niño…
she would have blamed George Bush, but she couldn’t remember his name.
The Climate Catechism has been settled. Obey or risk being neutralized by High Priest Gore!
It is time to put all the frauds pushing global warming in jail. After all they want to put anyone who does not believe in their lie of global warming, fair is fair right?
Who in the hell cares what this washed actress/singer says about the climate???
Good Grief the Leftist imbeciles can barely contain their ignorance from spewing out through their craniums! Hey Bette Shut Up and continue to drive your SUV while living in your Mansion and looking down on the rest of society! F’ing Moron!
Also, maybe you should take a class somewhere anywhere even a 5 year old can tell you the weather on this planet has been changing for millions of years! Why do you think fossilized fish were found in the sides of mountains 7,000 feet above sea level? Was the water being there at one time then receding all part of some Right Wing Climate Denying Dinosaur Conspiracy?
No wonder this World has become so jacked, Imbecile conformists like you are too stupid to be allowed to steal everyone’s oxygen!
Bette honey ,cut back on the weed it’s really starting to take a toll on your thinking process .
Hey, Bette. Remember last winter’s Polar Vortex and nine feet of snow in Buffalo? Were the ignorant, selfish climate deniers responsible for that too?
I don’t know about anyone else, but I really don’t care what the irrelevant blond beeotch thinks…
Agreed, but if I had a time machine, I’d still like to f*** those big t**s. You know, the pair from Down and Out in Beverly Hills.
Lol, I can’t argue with that!
Well, someone is ignorant and selfish……..
Didn’t know skepticism could change the weather.
There are people on the planet that are more stupid than Midler,Sheila Jackson lee is the only one who comes to mind.
As is the truth, whenever a “libretard, says WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING” it NEVER EVER MEANS THE LIBRETARD…This silly bitch whose only asset is bad singing, flies around in her own private jet, drives from place to place with a limousine entourage, lives in a super mansion and does everything else that “it says” it despises.
Hey celebrities – a bit of ancient wisdom: It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought of a fool than opening your mouth and proving it to the world.
If there was an actual person I could thank for the warm weather, I would. Instead, I thank God.
Typical HYPOCRITICAL WHACKED OUT Left Leaning Tree Hugger. Did she drive off in her Fossil Fuel burning car or fly away in a Fossil fuel burning airplane, then go home and turn on her lights with electricity generated by fossil fuel? Her and the other WHACK JOBS could help the environment and population by outing themselves. That would benefit the environment and mankind
She tweets as she hops into her private jet.
So if everybody agreed with tourette midler that the earth was melting and freezing at the same time the earth wouldn’t be melting and freezing at the same time???
Actually, methinks it’s her flatulence for which she is renowned
Once again someone who lives in California is proving that it’s impossible to fix stupid! If global warming was a fact accepted by ALL scientists we would be concerned. A “consensus” of a select group, who get funding from the EPA is NOT proof.
shut up and jiggle !!!
Being a talented entertainer obviously is not directly related to intelligence. I suggest Bette read about the just released NASA report asserting that climate change data is being misrepresented.
“The group, which includes seven Apollo astronauts and two former
directors of NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, are dismayed over
the failure of NASA, and specifically the Goddard Institute For Space
Studies (GISS), to make an objective assessment of all available
scientific data on climate change. They charge that NASA is relying too
heavily on complex climate models that have proven scientifically
inadequate in predicting climate only one or two decades in advance.”
If this is global warming then those in the Northeast want more of it. Despite heating oil being the cheapest it has been in years, they hardly have to use much of it. I actually just turn on my old fossil fuel burning heating system just to create more global warming so I can continue to enjoy this warm December weather and to piss off the Bette Midler’s of the world and their fear mongering god, Obama
What a maroon!
If man is causing global climate change why do so many who scream about it continue to waste energy. Bette shouldn’t be dying her hair.
Bette Midler says it’s no fun being an ignorant c**nt if you can’t act like one.
Going to concerts causes global climate change.
Midler, you are such a twit. Read and learn the science before making your unsubstantiated, snap, one event, weather statements! You have about the same ability as that of a Yale divinity major (Al Gore) has of understanding event horizons that span tens of thousands of years. Your attention span probably enjoys the amount of time necessary to assess the need for long underwear on a frosty morning or whether to wear it at all.
Why isn’t she is some gay bath house singing for her dinner? Fag Hags are a drag – and extremely stupid as well.
She’s so cute when she is disparaging people who actually do think, actually do evaluate the data, and who actually know that the U.N.s goal is to redistribute wealth from industrial nations to non-industrial nations. You know Socialism on an ego trip.
However, a moron is still a moron no matter how cute they appear.
I thought she was dead, really I knew her career was dead years ago but wow..anyway
more lib mouth breathers
The next time i want to hear about this fosil is when i read her Obit!
Nice handle! I’ll be stealing that.
Now I need to share this:
enjoy brother!
My dear Bette, I used to like you, you are so talented. Now that you are a Liberal Activist Global Warming Shill, you do not do it for me anymore.
Someone needs to go check her twitter or FB history for what she was saying when the Midwest & Northeast were enduring 20 below zero winters just a year or two ago. I suppose that was all these evil deniers’ doing too?
This weather pattern tends to occur every El Nino cycle. What an ignorant c*nt!
This weather is not new, as noted in the articles reprinted above, and it is also not attributed to “climate change,” as noted by several climate scientists. It is attributed to el nino.
Her pictures will haunt my dreams forever. The blonde wigged, hooked nosed monster, with a 1940’s switchboard operator voice that goes bump in the night.
noun: dolt; plural noun: dolts
a stupid person.
When, during the history of this planets existence, has the climate NOT changed?
So says the bloated, annoying yenta. Shut up and sing, Bette.
When Bette Midler looks for ignorant people, there are no mirrors in her house.
Does anyone care what an old, over the hill, liberal fool, like midler has to say? No one has ever accused her of having an opinion worth sharing. She’ a dunce.
Another liberal dingbat.. a dime a dozen these days
Try laying off the koolaid for a change
Midler is a Hollywood Limousine Liberal, and well past her ‘sell by’ date.
I’ll Bette she thinks we care about what she says.
Maybe she likes the idea of the U.S. paying African countries for globull warming. Anyone else with a brain knows all that money will just go into some tin pot dictator’s secret bank account, thereby solving globull warming, right?
But we are already doing that here with our very own tin pot dictator in our White House.
“Gore-bull” warming…
These morons like Bette Midler do not understand there is a history that happened before they were born.
Left wing nuts are only temporarily happy when they get to take even more of our money and freedom, then they go back to their comfort zones of misery and complaining about the weather.
All actors should read their lines like a puppet, all singers should just sing. If I needed any intellectual acrobatics they are the last ones I would talk to. Put a sock in it bimbo.
She was more believable as a witch on her broomstick in “Hocus Pocus.”
Another do as I say, not as I do, A$$HOLE.
Yawn. It’s Bette Midler, she has zero credibility in anything but singing other peoples songs.
no one disbelieves that the climate changes …
“climate change” so dumb on so many levels
Bette, we love it when you sing and tell jokes. Please sing and tell jokes, and nothing more or you risk joining the list of other has-beens who think that becaus they are famous, they are also smart (Cher, Streisand, etc).
Oh, please. Cher never had ANY talent. Famous for being famous. At least Sonny finally wised up and got out of that relationship.
I refuse to get my panties in a wad over this. I think I’ll just throw another spotted owl on the barbie instead.
im speechless! the ignorance and stupidity of this woman is overwhelming
Have another drink Bette. Then, get ready for your world famous visit on The View!
………… moron’s are so pathetic………….
Bette, it is called weather, and so far man has been unable to control it. Enjoy it, it is a heck of a lot better than ice and snow.
What a psycho.
Gotta love it when somebody who knows nothing about the climate holds forth as an expert. What a dope!
Bette Midler …… yet another distinguished liberal-leftwingnutjob scientist. I wondered what became of her since she washed out of the music scene . . . . . . . .
If this is climate change, I’m loving it. Thanks climate deniers. Hey Bette, sit down and shut up!!
Love the warm weather in Dec.
Merry Christmas!!!
Bette Midler is a pig.
Who is Bette Midler to castigate anyone, what science degree does she have, and who cares what she thinks anyway.
Another aging Hollywood actor whose career is in the toilet and thinks she is smarter than everyone else
Liberals really do have a God complex.
Chicken Little “the sky is falling” with a Messiah Complex “obey me, I can fix the weather.”
Wow how apt! I’m a little jealous, but good job.
Yes. Because Bette is such a brilliant person, as is all Hollywood. She dropped out after a whopping three semesters at the University of Hawaii when she could not endure the rigors of that intellectually challenging course sequence… Drama. Spare us the Dram Bette. When you ope your mouth, make sure there is a song coming out. Nothing more.
Al Gore flunked out of divinity school. He couldn’t handle all that math.
So holding an opinion is harming the planet? How did it get like this? Is the whole world out of it’s mind?
Said a woman whose stiletto-heeled carbon footprint kicks Mother Earth in the face by consuming more energy every day than the average working-class American uses in a year.
why are you giving any space to this bimbo?
Yeah, she already has all the space she needs between her ears…
Midler is a typical ignorant liberal/progressive. Did she question last years record “COLD” weather? Of course not. Has she ever heard of El Nino? That is what is causing the warmer weather this year. These people make me want to puke.
How does a single human become so stupid?
It’s from all the gay guys having hot sex listening to your music.
Well, considering she made a career off of her looks and voice, I would take her scientific knowledge with a grain of salt.
A Gibraltar Mountain of salt, actually.
The woman is mental.
She can’t be mentally ill…. She would have to have a mind first.
NYC Historic Average for the month of December Intellicast,
NYC Records High 70° in 1980 FOR THE MONTH.. 70° (1982)
NYC average low December 28°
NYC average High 42°
Then, in 89… NYC Record low 0° (1989)
So no trend whatsoever. Even the climate scientists are saying this is El Nino, not Climate Change.
Classic how a warm day means climate change for Alarmists Greens, but a cold day is the “weather” for “Climate Deniers”
Bette, Feel better? You’re libtard friends like you more now? Drop dead.
It’s called El Nino you stupid cow
What a crackpot…! The warm weather is due to the effect of the El Nino Phenomena in the Pacific Ocean and has nothing to do with climate changing to anything. Changing weather is not proof of climate change.
says the woman who probably lives in california where the weather is beautiful all year round? how can temperatures that are not cold and miserable be a bad thing? i know the people around me are enjoying it. yeah that has got to mean we are destroying the planet.. has to be…
Hey Bette…the people who think they’re the smartest in the room are literally the most ignorant. And I’m not talking about your intelligence, how smart you are. You literally do not know what over half of this country thinks and believes. Yet you mock it. You don’t know what I believe or hold dear but you have no problem making fun of it, ’cause you think you know. And since you think you know, there’s no reason for you to learn.
Hey Bette, El Niño…look it up.
I can never get this 10 minutes back.. What a waste,
Midler is an ugly hypocrite pig… Ok, I’m even now.
Damn God. He’s messing with me again. (Bette Midler)
I guess she doesn’t know about El Niño…
i think you mean The Nino
Nope… El Niño
El Niño means… The Niño!
World renowned climatologist Better Midler said… Oh, wait… Eminent geophysicist Bette Midler said… Hmmmm. No, that won’t work either… Oh, here it is. Drama school dropout Bette Midler spouts off on a topic about which she knows next to nothing, spewing drivel that sycophantic ignoramuses slurp up like pigs at the feed trough.
Shut up and sing.
She got Plastic Surgery on her face to match her Personality.
how can denying a faux theory cause warm weather?
I’m loving me some Global Warming…going Kayaking over Christmas. I’m going to set a few tires on fire just to see if I can help make January as warm.
We simply DON’T NEED Polar Ice Caps! If we get rid of them, we get rid of Winter FOREVER! LET’S DO IT!!!
Shave the Rain Forest!
cold and misery means we are taking care of the planet.
the sun shining and warmer temperatures means we are destroying it.
Look up “complete and utter idiot” in the dictionary and all that’s there is this clown’s face. We’ve had much warmer weather at Christmas time in the South than this and I’ve even mowed my grass here in Houston on Christmas Day. Why these generally uneducated, inane actors think they know anything about anything is just beyond me.
Thinking’s not her strong suit. Good thing someone else writes what she sings.
And “thinks”.
Google Stupid -UNT and midler shows up.
You need to tell them out West. Coldest in history.
Hey Bette, your climate alarmism is going nowhere. The two-decade global-warming pause, which no late 1990s climate model
foresaw, led the public to doubt Big Climate’s confident predictions for the future. In response, federal bodies such as NOAA and NASA have adjusted the past to make the present appear hotter, and thus supposedly demonstrated that in fact there is no such “pause”. As a result, public opinion, which no longer trusts the Big Climate enforcers to tell them what the climate will be like in 2050, now no longer trusts them to tell them what it was like in 1950. A recent poll found that, notwithstanding the urgings of the President and the Secretary of State and others, only three per cent of Americans regard climate change as their major concern. Three per cent. There is your 97 per cent consensus, Ms. Midler
This picture of this ignorant gas bag says it all!
Yes I thought the same thing.
Really now, isn’t Bette a stupid old sow?
The level of stupid operating between this woman’s ears is astounding.
A beginner mistake confusing WEATHER with CLIMATE.
“climate deniers”… what does it mean?
non-specific, imprecise name calling…
maybe she was drunk when she wrote this
I hope Bette Midler has a long life. By the same token, I hope Bette Midler’s career suffers a lingering, painful, screaming death.
My first time here, I notice the Website is called “Climate Depot”, and I also notice, NOBODY in this comment section believes in Global Warming/Climate Change/Globalist Tax Scheme. Awesome!!!
History shows that the mainstream is always 30 years behind reality. That’s because the elitist know-it-alls running the propaganda machine need about 30 years to figure out a new scam when the old one fails.
BWA-HA-HA!!! Stupid Supremacists.
I see, but if you’re a selfish climate promoter like Al Gore, your jet trips have zero effect on the climate. Thanks, Bette. You have now joined my ranks of know-nothing celebrities. Stick to entertaining and leave science to the scientists.
Al Gore invented the Internet so that he could invent Global Warming.
I guess the NASA report on global cooling was ignored. Oh well, the earther religion marches on.
Obamas political appointees will alter THAT DATA as soon as they get back from vacation.
Bette and Obama should not be involved in thinking about anything relevant. Both are merely entertainers. Better that they just continue to read scripts written by someone else. Neither has a talent for rational thought.
When Ms. Midler’s carbon footprint is smaller than mine I will care what she thinks. Until then she can kiss my @zz
This is another severe case of “liberalism is a mental disorder”
Shut up and sing, you moronic pig.
She can’t top “The Rose”, so, we’re good.
Bette Midler is a Foxtrotting idiot who knows absolutely nothing about which she talks.
“Climate Change” in capital letters makes it seem more… what’s the term… !
Shut up and sing
Another Low Talent Actress that I won’t be PAYING to see her man hating movies anymore!!!
Seriously, can she play role other than the Spurned, Scorned Ex Wife?
Bette, hang it up
She can play a Fat Ugly Witch and NAIL it!
When you move into a house under 2000 sq ft, and stop storing your accolades in climate controlled rooms, then we will listen to you Bette.
I feel sorry for all the blondes out there that aren’t as stupid as this dung pile.
The sequal to “Three Witches”…”Stupid Bit*hes.”
Midler’s life is a parade of ignorant comments. The picture in the article with her tongue hanging out is very appropriate.
Bette, you entertain us with your utterance. However, was this latest an utterance or a nutterance? Just an El Nino winter, one can easily look that up.
i am glad its warm ,been riding bike, thanks deniers, Merry Christmas!
God! What a moron!
Pfft! Just another old, worn out, has been liberal struggling to be relevant. She obviously knows no more about climate than she does acting.
The lady is talented yes, but more than ignorant. To push for something she has been brainwashed about, and insult others in doing so, shows arrogance, not knowledge. When scientist lie about tests results, and politicians invest their money in supposed cures, it is time for the more sane among us to tell them where to put their solutions. The Marie Antoinettes, who meet in Paris for the climate control summit, were a joke. How much fossil fuel did the “World’s Elite” use up to wine and dine, and come to their “Let them eat cake” conclusion?
The high priests of the climate cult always live rich off the “unwashed masses” they seek to fleece.
Right on!!
Isnt it funny all these TV people say there is global warming as they build billion dollar homes on the sea shore! Sorry Bet but your rant is as ignorant and you are. Stay to singing since your banter is off the wall and no one is listening!
Please, please, please, please all of you entertainment people, just shut up. The climate has been changing for millions of years. Contrary to your belief, the earth’s history did not begin the day you were born. Just shut up.
Midler only lasted 3 semesters in college . . . in drama no less. What kind of moron can’t manage to get a degree in drama? Yet, here she is lecturing the public on climate.
Al Gore flunked out of divinity school. It’s funny how the most stupid people are also the loudest and most obnoxious.
It is obvious that sleeping with everyone in show business does not transfer scientific wisdom, only disease.
The last two winters were extremely cold in the lower 48. I guess Bette the scientist forgot about that. How about the 18 years of no global temperature increase.
Hmmmm. Bette…How do you explain that Greenland was green when the Vikings landed there. I guess it was all those factories in Greenland spewing smoke almost a thousand years ago
Bette, honey, stick to those things which you know best…music, entertainment, and being an obnoxious, self-engrandized schlump. The atmosphere is constantly changing and there is very little humans can do about it; particularly airheads like you!
Singing? More like a cat caught in a fan belt
Lady, what happened to you? You used to be one sexy, talented singer and actress…and I enjoyed your songs and your movies. But then you decided to try to impress your fans with your political and scientific acumen. Sorry, dear, it is NOT working. Brains are not your strong suit, I guess. Better go back to what you do best: entertain. You were very good at that. Political activism – not so much.
Bette’s wig must be on too tight, as it has most like has caused her some severe drain bamage. She is a solider in good standing of the Kool Aid drinking Lefties who believe everything they hear on CNN and are propagandized by the big lie of “climate change”. See, folks should do some homework. The goal of “climate change” has always been a UN imposed carbon tax…world wide..that will literally break every middle class person, and change everything about the way they live…from having no air conditioning, to eventually taking the right to drive away, from reducing the amount of heat we will have in our homes, to eventually seizing all private property. We are on shaky ground indeed, yet people go about their workaday lives in a comfortable bubble, denying what they feel is too upsetting … Global warming or climate change is a farce. Please do your homework. And Bette, they are doing marvelous things in mental health facilities these days. Check it out.
She’s also convinced that forcing Americans to give up their right to self defense will keep the ISIS Nazis away.
Ignorant fat wh0re.
Butt Midler should keep her musings to herself.
I wonder what degree she earned to allow her to
an opinion on anything.
I’m guessing most “deniers” are just regular people who go about their life every day. The leave some sort of “carbon footprint” through the year commuting to work, running to the store, etc. Let’s compare that to this idiot. I would imagine she has a tour bus or 2, uses private planes & other private transportation, and with every performance creates more pollution per worthless activity than just about any other celebrity out there. Hey Bette, go suck an egg…..
silly cow
My gosh she’s right, look what climate change did to her FACE! And what global warming did to her Body! Run don’t look back!
It’s time for a full-out assault on Bette Meddler and the rest of the global warming cultists.
THEY are the ones that need to be called “kook” , “fringe”, “nutcase”, “denier”, or worse. THEY should be laughed at non-stop, 24/7, until they hang their heads in shame and go into hiding, for being so stupid and gullible. THEY are the ones that need to learn simple science and be presented with all the FACTS that “anthropogenic global warming”, or “climate change” or “cooling” or “fool’s religion” or whatever they want to call it, is a GIGANTIC scam, and that anyone who believes it needs to have their head examined for serious learning issues and stunted maturity.
I’m tired of being called names and ridiculed because I don’t jump on board Al Gore’s, Leonardo DiCaprio’s, Bette Midler’s and other snot-brained elitist pigs’ beliefs that because we drive a car to work, or heat our homes and apartments, or depress the nozzle on a can of hairspray, we are somehow causing the end of civilization. Hey Bette: when was the last time you took a Prius across country to your next song and dance gig? Are you living in a cave without electricity like you want the rest of us peons to do? I’m sure you go through REAMS of hair spray, in order to make your 80-year-old countenance look like you’re still 60.
The real FREAKSHOWS are these stupid, vapid, irrelevant celebrities, who act as though the rest of the world cares what they think and are supposed to kiss their golden behinds. It used to be that these “show people” would stick to what they do best – entertainment, and nothing more. They were sidelined as performers, as they should be. We say a movie or two with them in it, maybe saw them on TV, then THAT WAS IT. Nowadays, everyone looks to these people for the answers to the Universe. It’s time we ALL turn things around the right way, and begin marginalizing these birdbrains for the vacuous idiots they are. STOP WORSHIPPING CELEBRITIES PEOPLE, and live your own lives, with your own free, independent thoughts. You’ll be much better off for it, and smarter, too.
Can’t we just beat ’em with a hockey stick?
How is it that if one becomes a successful actor, singer or stand up comic you suddenly become an expert on everything.
Cause, no one can tell a diva no.
Thing is–this applies to male actors, singers and comics as well.
Unrestrained ego, and everybody saying “yes” to you all day long.
Dear Bette Midler,
Repeat after me. WEATHER. Say it a few times. It’s easy. Just think about last winter when almost 3/4ths of the country was covered by snow and the flock was calling it WEATHER. I bet you even called it WEATHER. How quickly you forget.
So, enjoy the unseasonably warm WEATHER. It may not last long. You can bet on that.
Any actor or actress who believes their viewpoints are of any value are delusional and quite possibly insane. Politicians are a sub-category of the acting class, btw.
hahahahahah, this old pig wouldn’t know climate or climax. I love when old washed up has been celebs feel smarter. Take your meds Bette.
Didn’t NASA/NOAA come out just this week and say burning fossil fuels contributes to global cooling? Temperature data that has not been massaged by NOAA shows a cooling trend since 1934. Whatever you believe I think it’s fair to say the science is not “settled.” And when it comes to climate change Bette Midler couldn’t find her own rear with both hands.
She is the wind beneath my changed shorts
Now THAT’S global warming!
I never thought you were funny Midler, in fact I always thought you were crude like the rest of Hollywood that is why I don’t go to the movies anymore. I will not give another dime to Hollywood I would rather read a book then make you rich so you can live in a big fancy House in Beverly Hills or where ever else you live. You think that because you are rich that you can tell the little people that made your rich what to do. Sick of It.
“liberalism is a mental disorder”
Dr. Michael Savage, The Savage Nation
But your Prophet said he was going to fix it. Anyone that believes anything this moron says needs to learn how to read and think.
Sometimes when you are old and washed up and you really weren’t all that to start with, an ignorant statement might give you a temporary bump. Welcome back for a second.
Question: In Hollywood circles, who is a bigger idiot, Bette Midler or Barbara Streisand?
That’s like asking, “would you rather have a splitting migraine or an upset, nauseous stomach?” It feels so good when they both go away and normalcy returns.
Bette when you get in your car, live in your big house, turn on a light. Twitter nonsense or fly off to your next gig you can thank yourself. The hubris the believers is mind numbing.
She is a complete, washed up has been who knows nothing about weather systems and is a moronic liberal Democrat who kneels at Obamas alter instead of Gods.
Proof that cows are stupid.
Maybe if Butte Middling had shut her incessantly caterwauling lib t a r d yap we wouldn’t be in this dire imaginary situation…
How much carbon does Butte burn going all over the country to howl to the idiot masses that drive for hours to listen to her screech?
Hope she chokes on a ham bone…
Bette who????
Climate denial isn’t fun for me anymore, since I’ve been proven right so many times. Think I’ll be switching over to denying lardbutt lib celebrities.
When was there ever no climate change? I live in the NE and it’s been warm and without snow so far this Winter. I know it’s El Nino doing that but if that is what Global Warming would be like count me in.
And this is how she lives… How many spiral staircases does the average “denier” have in their penthouse?
Purveyors of pseudoscience like that old broad need to be publicly flogged until they renounce their scam.
Bette, here is some advice. Shut you big fat ugly pie hole. Every time you fart you contribute to global warming, you cow.
Big difference between proven science data and movie scripts born of imagination. Start checking school transcripts of these so called “expert” actors and you’ll see their ignorance explained.
Doctor Midler received her PhD in environmental science for her dissertation on the Wind Beneath Her Wings. Suck that deniers!!!!
No, the chemicals it takes to produce the wide variety of wigs, facial concealers and enhancers it takes to draw up a face on Bette that won’t scare small children and animals that are hurting our planet.
The global climate warming change scam. So many grubers.
I guess she’s never heard of El Nino. Well, she probably has but liberals only believe what they want to believe and disregard everything else.
Somehow I think the old broad can take it. Loves it. Wants some more of it.
Bette speaks for all of the other useful idiot climate change experts in Hollywood. Who cares what this old hag thinks? The girl that cuts my hair also has an opinion on the weather.
She’s not qualified to cut your hair so how can she be qualified to render an accurate opinion of climate change.
The girl who cuts your hair has an actual skill that people need and want.
Bette Midler is just another “performer” amidst way too many of them. They are unskilled, not needed and, frankly, not appreciated. There are a few aging gay men who still give a toss about her “career”, and they help her sustain the fantasy world she lives in. The vast majority of the population has forgotten who this loser even is, and do not buy either her records or her crapp.
that was dumb
You care so much Bette? Quit jetsetting around in your Gulfstream 5, you stupid cow.
What a fox huh?
Just like was said to the Dixie Chicks, “Just shut up and sing.”
Bette Midler is ignorant trash she has no idea what she’s talking about. Read recent article about NASA: Burning fossil fuels actually COOLS the earth.
She is a hoaxer bowing at her religious alter. Since she believes we control weather and climate then she should call on all her hoaxer zealots to go outside and whip up a blizzard, since we are responsilbe for climate change…
Yenta Bette should stick to talking about things she knows about, like talking about things she knows nothing about.
NASA stunner: Burning fossil fuels cools Earth
How it is that someone who spends the majority of their time looking in the mirror should pretend to be any kind of authority on climate escapes me. Go get some botox or a boob job you moron.
don’t forget too that this is an el nino year. we knew months ago that we would have a very warm winter, it was in all the news.
Do you think the Bette is informed?
Get educated you ignorant sow. Can you say El Nino? El Nino conditions on the west coast of North America usually results in mild winters on the east coast.
Give it up. She’ll just say “El Nino” is caused by people using hairspray and driving SUVs. Even though “El Nino” weather patterns have been occurring for centuries.
Bette. you’re lucky you can sing and sell a few records. Because you’re as stupid as a box of rocks, and there hasn’t been any amount of makeup, paint or cake frosting to make that mug look attractive.
But let’s not be too hard on poor Bette. I guess if MY career was over and I had to spend my oodles of free time searching for relevancy, I would jump on the global warming hoax, too. It probably SEEMS to her like she’s doing something important, so just leave her alone and let her live in her fantasy world. After all, she’s spent a lifetime playing and pretending; there’s no way the old cow is going to change now.
I though she was dead. My mistake. Only her brain is dead.
….because Bette Midler is so well known for her thoughtful, analytical intellect……not.
Yes, sorry Bette, its all my fault. Even though my lifetime carbon footprint is less than what she produces in a year.
Once a dumb c*nt always a dumb c*nt. She is the sister of Joy Behar.
I’m gratified that I did not know that.
Are we surprised? Celebrities are emotional thinkers rather than critical thinkers and as such have a need to worship something. Climate Change is the new “Opiate of the Masses”. The Realm of the Small Minded.
Are we surprised? Celebrities are emotional thinkers rather than critical thinkers and as such have a need to worship something. Climate Change is the new “Opiate of the Masses”. The Realm of the Small Minded.
The longer the limo, the more luxurious the private jet, the more massive the mansions and estates, and the bigger their carbon footprint, the louder they shriek about how it’s everyone else’s responsibility to protect and defend Mother Earth.
Why is anyone still giving her a microphone?
Not in the conventional way
Well she’s an idiot and has a carbon footprint about 20 times larger than any of those “ignorant climate deniers”.
‘I am El nino!”
If Bette Midler really cared about global warming/climate change, then she would be living a modest life, avoid driving or riding in cars, avoid taking showers or bathing, never wash her clothes, and avoid using air conditioning or heat, and die young.
oh wait, suffering is for the “little people” in “flyover country”.
If climate change is the cost of civilization, I’ll put up with a tiny change in the average temperature, thank you very much.
The only thing Bette Middler can talk about with any intelligence is the size of her boobs.
One more tool being used by the left. Did she not read NASA’s release yesterday?
Great well reasoned response to the hag!
Just think how many trees are cut down every week to make all the toilet paper needed to wipe her four-foot wide @ss!
There are few enough people who want to hear you sing, but no one wants to hear your climate change ignorance.
Butt Meddler should stick to what she’s expert on – pandering to homosexuals…..
Hey Bette, How’s the jet working out?
Celebutards are always good for chuckle.
Stick with what you know best – putting on big goofy yellow wigs and trying to resurrect your career.
She’s still alive?
You are the wind beneath my wings
LOL!!!!!!!! HI
You are the wind between my cheeks
that’s gay
Do you still sit on your thumb while typing?
no, I need both hands to type.
You would know, Fuckstain.
it is obvious
I fart in your general direction.
FU you cumb dunt you!
you mad?
Hi PhaggBoi
yep, you mad
When a slug crawls over the ground, it leaves a glistening trail of slime to marks its path……getting the same visual here.
bad date last night?
Nope, your mom keeps her eyes shut for fun
Boom, owned!
No, I prefer women.
when will Jack Frost come nipping at my toes?
Jack is lactose intolerant, Funk.
My bad
She is the wind beneath my dirty shorts
why are you shorts dirty?
From seeing your gaping mouth drooling over my anus
you still gay bro?
Whats a bro? bro? cool talk? bro bro bro bro bro bro bro Cooool maaan! you are a shit packer aren’t you!
see? you are still gay
I’m sure there are talented people who are capable of critical thinking.
We just don’t hear from them often enough.
Shut up. Shut up! SHUT UP! You poxy harridan! Other than that, I have no strong feelings either way.
yeah, sure
You rang?
Bette Midler showing her Champagne-Socialist-I-gnorant-Do-As-I-Say-Not-As-I-Do belief.
Get over yourself, Honey!
Ha, the progressives are all about evolution until they witness it occurring.
what gives her the right to have 300 pairs of shoe’s?? she must be a Domestic terrorist or domestic cow
Pork family I think.
mmmm bacon
Not for you, you islamic puke.
I thought she was dead……
Bette show some skin and sing.
she is not that skinny
Chubby chaser much?
Hey, she was totally bangable back in the day.
Does anyone care what Midler thinks or says? Another Hollywood elitest who is full of herself.
Climate change has been going on since the start of time. Nothing new.
First is was global warming, then global cooling and now climate change. What next?
Deal with it, this if life and not worth worrying about.
you do, you are here
Just reading for entertainment to see how many idiots care what she says.
When Hollywood “actors” can’t get movie parts anymore, they always resort to other publicity stunts! not much different then the pimps and whores on the street.
you jealous?
Poor Bette Midler, so long out of the lime-light and glamor she grew so used to when she was actually somebody and we paid attention to her. Growing old, especially in Hollywood, is such a cruel trick of fate. We should amuse her in her dwindling years.
Life isn’t fair. When men get older, they tend to look like Sean Connery. But when women get older, they tend to look like…Sean Connery.
Bette Midler is being political correct, which for liberals is way more important that knowing what they are talking about.
Stupenstein!!!! where have you been? Happy to see you are still around. I thought you must still be locked up in county!!
They probably really miss her working at 7-11.
Isn’t “she” really just Barbara Streisand in drag?
The real deniers are the idiots like YOU, who refuse to look at the scientists who completely debunk global warming. They are silenced and only those who agree with this global redistribution of wealth are recognized. I don’t believe a word of this global warming scam. That being said, I recycle and clean up my messes! What about you, Bette? Do you Jet around like BO and spew jet pollution everywhere you go and then preach to us about perhaps purchasing a bike to commute? You are a hypocrite of the highest order and your lame career is already over so this is just an attention grabber for you. Get off the stage! Your 15 minutes was up long ago.
are you home schooled???
A graduate of the University of Memphis in 1964. What about YOUR credentials?
are you insecure?
when is Jack Frost gonna nip at your toes?
So you went to Jack Frost High School. Enlightening!
You can’t even recite the correct words to the song you quote. So is it Jack Frost HS?
As she takes a limo to a private jet to fly for a weekend in California. Damn You Climate Deniers!
Bette and the other Hollywood elitist are nothing but puppets of the climax hoax. They will say what ever they are told to keep their acting gigs and raking in the bucks. It has already been proven to the methodology on determining global warming or climate change what ever, is highly questionable.
Funkenstein wants to finger bang Bette
In the stink!
Nah, he wants to be the wind beneath her flaps.
Don’t encourage me. I’m in a mood. It’s just soooooo wrong. hahahahaha
The shocker!!!!
I don’t blame her for the ignorance that she has displayed. She is old, she is a woman and she works in make believe land. There are probably many things that she does not remember, like her age.
The Moronic Miss M.
Shut up, dummy. Seriously, there should be a twitter score assigned to celebrities indicating the relative stupidity of their tweets that automatically suspends their accounts when they say too many stupid things.
Hey Bette baby, when you get your carbon footprint down to that of the average American citizen, then get back to us about how concerned you are regarding global warming.
Until then, you are what you complain about, being greedy and selfish.
Typical Hollyhood liberal.
There is a reason 97 % of Climate Scientists believe in Climate Change……….they want to keep their job
Wind across a turd.
Climate Science…..the ONLY “science” which requires court orders to hide underlying data.
I’d like Miss M to consider the size of her carbon footprint when she moves her entourage from show to show and of her McMansions then talk to us about where the responsibility really lies. It’s one thing to talk the talk, quite another to walk the walk. Bear in mind, Miss M, we “deniers” are entitled to believe as we wish and I believe that you are a hypocrite. It’s not our thoughts that are the problem it’s our behaviors.
We always have a ridiculous comment from one of the idiots out of Hollywood to look forward to.
another monkey gets away from her organ grinder.
I guess when you get on the wacky bus you’re on it all the way.
She opens her mouth to blare what? Blaming our “lack of belief” for the weather? What is this, the Dark Ages?
After the “New Ice Age” was laughed off of the newsstands in the early 1970’s, I must admit that I foolishly believed that such “climate disaster” predictions were so humiliatingly debunked that I would never again see their like. Instead, I find that we normal Americans are surrounded by pathetic people like Midler who are completely unhinged, but shouting their anti-scientific nonsense from every rooftop and demanding that we wreck modern society’s economic foundations in accordance with their hysterical mysticism.
Their B. S. level is so high that it is actually nightmarish in its “1984” qualities.
Morons, the lot of you.
welcome to Earth, 3rd flyblown rock from the sun.
make yourself at home.
Don’t you need to get back to your Journal of Etheric Energy?
At least that’s more valid than AGW.
Who is Bette Midler?
Comic/actor who peaked in the 80s. Down and Out in Beverly Hills, Mean People, The Rose.
Now just famous for being famous. Totally bangable back in the day though, if you go for that type.
Caroline!(Caroline!) Caroline!
All the guys would say she’s mighty fine(Mighty fine!)
But mighty fine only got you somewhere half the time
And the other half either got you cussed out, or coming up short.
Yeah, now dig this, even though(Even though!)
You’d need a golden calculator to divide(To divide!)
The time it took to look inside and realize that
Real guys go for real down to Mars girls, yeah!
I know you’d like to think your shit don’t stink
But lean a little bit closer
See that roses really smell like poo-poo-oo
Yeah, roses really smell like poo-poo-oo
Mama’s little baby loves short’nin’, short’nin’
Mama’s little baby loves short’nin’ bread,… (×2)
The media degrades itself by hashing up these never-ending articles telling us what “celebrities” think about matters outside their expertise – in Midler’s case, erstwhile acting and singing.
This kind of $hit makes the half breed hosts at MSNBC nuttier..I image Lying Williams was there in 1912!!!!
You mean that nice young man Rachael MadBalls ????
Ol’ has-been Bette just learned you can’t polish a turd with dumb comments. Talentless hack’s lusterless career ended years ago..
It is due to a strong El Nino. I don’t think “climate deniers” can be blamed for it.
Foolish simpleton. Had she not been blessed with a good voice, connections, and luck, Bet would have been a long-term minimum wage worker stuck at her level of incompetance.
Wake up Bette! It’s El Nino!
I always get my scientific updates from gum-chewing idiot women.
I’m off to listen to the view now.
Please, just shut up and sing…you have a great voice.
So Bette Middler lives in a mud hut in the forest and doesn’t use electricity, wear makeup, drive a car, take taxis and limos, or fly? Bulls1t. This hypocritical has been can eat a d1ck.
Perhaps “global warming” is likewise responsible for Ms. Midler being an overrated, old, fat bore? She should stick to what she knows: bedding the unwary, fingernail polish and shopping.
‘Bette Middler’, don’t make me laugh.
Another nasty Jew spew more garbage and think she must be a big stock holder in jew controlled press the way this nut sack acts..some one intro the jews tothe SUN which controls our weather
Every time Bette farts, it is some extra fossil fuel for the environment…..and rivals that of a West Kansas hog.
Look, she Tweets because she feels insignificant and she is lonely. Look Bette, I hate to break to you, but no one, in this age of “opinion overload” (you are in the 1%, aka the 1% that NO ONE wants to hear from), wants to hear your opinion of weather patterns and the reactive science of the scientific study of “the weather”. Hell, Obama is working daily to be a “weather man” when we finally get his lying pa-too-tee out of the White House. So, he has the upper hand.
The reason that these people have circled the wagons around the climate and weather issues (or non-issues), is because they can NOT comprehend nor come up with a solution about the overwhelming issues facing us… WWIII, which is a war they are trying to keep quiet. But, damn it, we are at war with Islam, as we have been off-and-on for hundreds and hundreds of years. I just hope we get a leader in the White House, who will commit to wiping the Muslim and Islamic Genetic Mutation from the face of the earth. Yeah, let’s talk about the “weather” while they are talking about “conquering and destroying Western Civilization.
That is lunacy, idiotic and mentally and spiritually and nationalistically sick.
Didn’t Obama promise Change?
You all know that the often quoted 97% is only the 77 of 79 scientists in one UN paper.
Well I’ll take it over the English weather in the 1800’s.
Are we to think that these fools seem to think that colder is better?
“By all accounts, in the 19th century England experienced much colder
winters than we’ve had in the last few years. Many years we saw snow
and ice along with very cold northerly and northeasterly winds.
In January 1811 the River Thames froze over.
The winter of 1813/1814
was one of the coldest on record, with a Frost Fair being held on the
frozen River Thames at London. Snow lay thickly and London was swathed
in thick fog (made worse by people burning coal in their hearths to keep
1816 was known as the year without summer. The
eruption of the Tambora volcano in East India caused thick ash clouds
that greatly affected temperatures in Europe (just as the Askja eruption
in Iceland had done a century earlier.) Snow drifts remained on English
hills until late July 1816 and by September the River Thames had frozen
The rest of the century seems to continue in the same
vein. Very snowy, cold winters with snowfalls starting early (sometimes
as early as October) and continuing until March / April the following
It wasn’t until 1895 that England again had a few (typical) wet, snowless winters.”
“By all accounts, in the 19th century England experienced much colder
winters than we’ve had in the last few years. Many years we saw snow
and ice along with very cold northerly and northeasterly winds.
In January 1811 the River Thames froze over.
The winter of 1813/1814
was one of the coldest on record, with a Frost Fair being held on the
frozen River Thames at London. Snow lay thickly and London was swathed
in thick fog (made worse by people burning coal in their hearths to keep
1816 was known as the year without summer. The
eruption of the Tambora volcano in East India caused thick ash clouds
that greatly affected temperatures in Europe (just as the Askja eruption
in Iceland had done a century earlier.) Snow drifts remained on English
hills until late July 1816 and by September the River Thames had frozen
The rest of the century seems to continue in the same
vein. Very snowy, cold winters with snowfalls starting early (sometimes
as early as October) and continuing until March / April the following
Before the 1800’s
1616: Hot summer with drought similar to that of 1612
1626: Dry and hot summer”
But then the cold came and people died —-
1683-84: Now when people think of ‘The Big One’ in terms of winters,
they think of 1947,1963 etc. But there was one winter that easily
surpassed both! This winter! Mid December saw the ‘great frost’ start in
the UK and Central Europe. The Thames was frozen all the way up to
London Bridge by early January 1684. The frost was claimed to be the
longest on record, and probably was. It lasted kept the Thames frozen
for 2 months, it froze as deep as 11 inches. Near Manchester, the ground
had frozen to 27 inches, and in Somerset, to an astonishing 4 feet!
This winter was the coldest in the CET series, at -1.2! (1739-40 was
-0.4) This winter was described by R.D. Blackmore, in his book ‘Lorna
Doone’. In mid February there was a thaw.
1688-89: Long and severe frosts, Thames froze over.
1683-84: Now when people think of ‘The Big One’ in terms of winters,
they think of 1947,1963 etc. But there was one winter that easily
surpassed both! This winter! Mid December saw the ‘great frost’ start in
the UK and Central Europe. The Thames was frozen all the way up to
London Bridge by early January 1684. The frost was claimed to be the
longest on record, and probably was. It lasted kept the Thames frozen
for 2 months, it froze as deep as 11 inches. Near Manchester, the ground
had frozen to 27 inches, and in Somerset, to an astonishing 4 feet!
This winter was the coldest in the CET series, at -1.2! (1739-40 was
-0.4) This winter was described by R.D. Blackmore, in his book ‘Lorna
Doone’. In mid February there was a thaw.
1688-89: Long and severe frosts, Thames froze over.
1690-99: 6 out of 10 of the winters in this period were described as severe, judging by their CET
New century, similar pattern..
November 1703: A ‘great storm’ in England, although thought to be the
worst in the record books, I don’t wish to pursue any
information in regards to it, as no snowfall came of it!
1708: The coldest Spring, Summer, and Autumn for 47 years, other than 1698! (see part 2)
Severe winter, the frost lasted for over 3 months! Temperatures
plummeted to -18c. Thames froze in London, once again! Severe winter by
CET values (1.2c).
I will take the warm over the cold that took place for centuries in England.
What a IDIOT! To be an actor/actress you first have to be brain dead and say whatever the liberal puppet masters tell you to say.
When every last one of these “Climate Change” believers, rides a bicycle or walks to wherever they want to go, then maybe I’ll believe what they spew from their frothing mouths. Don’t tell me I’m the reason it’s warmer this winter while you fly around in your private jet just to go buy you some Ben and Jerry’s ice cream at some boutique store you remember from two decades ago. Lead by example you hypocrites! Abandon your limos and Rolls Royce’s and go buy yourselves a Mustang…no, not the car, the horse! Every time you use fossil fuel you join the “Climate Change Deniers” you’re so critical of.
Oh, and just a reminder Ms. Midler, the climate changes four times a year, so although you’re not all together wrong, you are wrong in trying to pass blame to others.
Appreciate the photo of Midler! Now we know what “stupid” looks like and her photo can take its rightful place in the dictionary. Had the misfortune of walking along side of her once at Disneyland. She’s certainly a daring one, to walk out without make up. Sent shivers up my spine!
Bette is a victim of group think. In the waning years of her career she has to be a team player suck up to the left. No dignity.
Yes Bette there is a Climate change Fairy. Just click your heels 3 times.
There is no cure for stupid. I wonder what the Devine Miss M.’s carbon footprint is. Probably exponentially greater than the average Denier’s. Here in New Hampshire, we have been enjoying the beautiful weather. Everyone is in great spirits. People are burning less heating oil too! Merry Christmas. God bless us, everyone!
She admits it is a belief in her heart, then she berates all humanity for not kneeling and trembling in fear to her hearts wants and wishes. Bette’s a special kind of stupid, isn’t she
Intellect of a box of hammers.
I get your point, but hammers don’t say anything stupid like this.
That’s an insult to boxes of hammers everywhere in the world.
Well she’s just a real Brainiac isn’t she, why I’d listen to her first before even Al Gore. Putrid Bizzle.
Just another leftist loon hypocrite from Hollywood. Truth really is stranger than fiction.
Dear Bette- You are a great performer. But you are apparently incapable of original thought or critical thinking.
Please shut up and sing.
I don’t know about the “great performer” part, lb. I’ve heard this aging, over-ripe bag of gas recently and she can’t even carry a tune in a 5 gallon pail. You’re spot on with the other part of your comment.
Thanks for the laugh, Bette !
“When you hot, you hot, when you not, you not”….Jerry Reed got it right.
The obvious question I ask the tards from the Poli Sci department is what is your tax plan, how much is it to cost me, and in what concrete ways will it change the weather or guarantee optimum climate.
/cue crickets.
It’s warmer today than yesterday.
Weatherman says tomorrow will be colder than today.
There’s your climate change.
Will someone please put a sock in Bette.
Which end???????? The one talking or the one under her nose???
I thought she croaked…either way, who gives a crap what that washed up hack thinks.
The climate hucksters. Ignorance abounds in the hollywood crowd. Absolutely stunningly stupid.
I blame it on flaming hombres fanning themselves with ostrich feather fans at her concerts….
two words
fag hag
The biggest cause of greenhouse gases today is the hot air coming from Bette Midler’s mouth.
goddamn she’s stupid.
This is reminiscent of what that abject dope, Meridith Viera, said some years ago when she claimed to have been walking in Central Park in late December and marveling at the warm weather then. She suddenly realized, “We’re all gonna die.” Would it be a charitable act to offer to help her along… ?
People like Bette Midler are the reason that intellectuals want to drink themselves to death,..damn it woman, shut up and READ A BOOK.
Cumb Dunt.
Well, it’s been a long journey from Milan to Minsk, Rochelle, Rochelle.
The underlying subtext…..”Shut up and listen to your betters!”
nothing new here
Schaumburg, IL
Christmas Day 1982 64 F
Christmas Day 1983 -17 F
No Bette, thank you for once again proving that climate-mongers are nothing more than shallow, hypocritical leftist, who need someone to point blame at to deflect attention from their ignorance, and to make them feel better about their own sad lives.
Bette Midler is a poster child for the intellectual bankruptcy and desperation of the left and all their “isms” which do nothing but try to impose power for the sake of imposing power. Get a life.
If the sea levels rise, those new man-made islands china just constructed in the south china sea will be washed away, no?
Weren’t the Marlins supposed to be playing under water by now?
Explains all those scuba gear give-away nights.
Thank you so much for your intelligent, well thought out insight into the complicated matter of climate change, Dr. Midler. Why national climate policy is not carried out based entirely on the opinions of Hollywood liberal elites still continues to baffle the rest of the country. Maybe, once this issue is resolved, you could move on to resolve that whole ‘room temperature fusion’ thing.
It would be even more credible if the Hollywood elite trade in their mansions for a tract home without A/C
its too bad the rose turned out just like the babe, just another liberal socialist Zionist. pathetic
Shouldn’t she be singing to a gay audience somewhere instead of pretending to be a scientist?
As if a fat perpetual butt doesn’t adversely effect the climate…..
When you can show me a climate model that actually works, one that can produce valid, verifiable results without the need to manipulate the data to get a desired, predetermined outcome, then I might start to take this crap seriously.
The simple truth is that climate change supporters, formerly known as Global Warming, chose to ignore the significance of factors such as the sun’s effect on climate. They further refuse to recognize that the programs that have been used to predict “climate change” are fundamentally flawed due to the fact that as a system climate is both too complex with too many unaccounted for variables, and too poorly understood to successfully model based on the current state of understanding.
OK, Bette, Question 1: what is the perfect temperature for every location on earth, for how long, and what range of deviation is acceptable? Question 2: What do you base the answer from question 1 on?
Long enough to reach the ground?
Where is ya Funkenstink too Intellectual for you??/
Fuckstain had to run back to his HuffPo comfort zone.
Pie hole your shut wad.
Yo Bette its called El NIno its happened in the early 1990s you dumb b1tch.
Typical lefty thinking….she’s another of the “useful” idiots….useful in promoting the Socialist agenda…
A socialist is simply a communist who hasn’t yet found their AK-47.
Do you want to see Climate Change? Try Mars.
Hate Climate Change? Try the Moon.