Two Days After Domestic Attack Obama On TV With Climate Bigger Threat Than Terror

Two Days After Domestic Attack Obama On TV With Climate Bigger Threat Than Terror

Two days after the attack in San Bernardino, the day after the FBI determined that Syed Rizwan Farook’s had indeed been radicalized, and only an hour or two before the FBI publicly admitted that his wife, Tashfeen Malik, on the day of the attack had sworn her loyalty to ISIS in a Facebook post, our clueless president was on “CBS This Morning” defending his position the world’s greatest threat is not radical Islamic terrorism, but climate change. The interview had taken place the same day as the San Bernardino attack, but we all know that if he wanted, CBS as part of the lame stream media would have allowed him to revise his statements, based on the ongoing situation. According to Obama the oceans rising or major shifts in weather patterns will place people under emotional strain making them more likely to adopt “dangerous” ideologies. We’re going to get ISIL, They will be defeated. There will be ongoing efforts to disrupt the world order from terrorists, from rogue states, from cyber attacks (…)There’s always some bad people out there trying to do bad things and we always have to be vigilant in going after them. (…) What we know is that, as human beings are placed under strain, then bad things happen. If you look at world history, whenever people are desperate — when people start lacking food, when people are not able to make a living or take care of their families — that’s when ideologies rise that are dangerous. What’s a bigger strain is when a country has a president who can’t think beyond his own talking points. Iran has a supreme leader, we have a clueless leader. Firstly temperatures haven’t increased in almost 19 years, polar ice is growing, and this type of terrorism has been around since right after World War I. His statements/lack of backing down in the two days since he made them certainly showed his absence of compassion for the families of the 14 dead and 21 injured from the San Bernardino when one considers that he has terrorism as a political tool for climate change, and specially San Bernardino used for his political gun control fight. Watch the video below and wonder what this supposed leader is smoking. The post Two Days After Domestic Attack Obama On …

Watch: Global Swooning: Woman faints into Gore’s arms during Paris climate interview

Published on Dec 4, 2015

Climate Summit for Local Leaders
Paris City Hall
Paris, France
December 4, 2015


AL GORE: “That is the point we are at right now. It has taken time, but now the change is bursting out.”
FRANCINE LACQUA: “There is also oh-eh-eh-a-an extremely important–“
GORE: “Are you okay?”
LACQUA: “Yes.”
GORE: “Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. You’ll be fine. Hold on. There we go. Okay.”

Watch: Leonardo DiCaprio tells UN Summit: Climate action ‘requires all of us to make real changes in the way we live our lives’

Calling the consequences of climate change ‘unthinkable’, Actor Leonardo DiCaprio says we must seek solutions that “require all of us to make real changes in the way we live our lives”.

Climate Summit for Local Leaders
Paris City Hall
Paris, France
December 4, 2015

LEONARDO DICAPRIO: “Climate change is the most fundamental and existential threat to our species. The consequences are unthinkable, and worse, it has the potential to make our planet unlivable. The solutions we seek require all of us to make real changes in the way we live our lives, operate our businesses, and govern our communities. Our future will hold greater prosperity and justice when we are free from the grip of fossil fuels.”


DiCaprio Hypocrisy?

Leonardo DiCaprio, Environmental Hypocrite: Owns at least 5 luxury homes – Flies the world

CFACT’s presents four inconvenient facts about global warming at UN summit display

CFACT’s presents four inconvenient facts about global warming at COP 21 display

CFACT used our display at COP 21 to inject four “inconvenient facts” into the COP. They are the kind of rock solid, 100% scientifically valid points that leave the warming-indoctrinated sputtering. Here they are.

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