Mann v. Morano: Climategate’s Michael Mann debates Climate Depot’s Morano on Live BBC Radio: Mann: ‘Morano’s a hired assassin’ — Morano: ‘Mann plays the part of martyr very well’

Mann vs Morano: ‘Marc Morano and Michael Mann were interviewed (Nov. 30, 2012) on the BBC’s World Service Newshour show’ — ‘As we know, Mann will not interact with anyone who might challenge his views, so we had the slightly odd spectacle of the BBC interviewer acting as a go-between’

Climategate’s Michael Mann on Morano: ‘He’s a hired assassin..he spreads malicious lies…[he] uses language that makes it sound like we should be subject to death threats’ — Mann: ‘that we should be literally harmed or killed…[Morano’s] a hired assassin’

MUST LISTEN: Marc Morano ‘nearly’ talks to Michael Mann on the BBC World Service!

Selected excerpts of BBC debate:

Morano: He plays the part of martyr very well…Mann’s acting as though he’s some kind of victim. I’ve gotten emails just earlier this year about people wanting to hang me, and when I was in the United States Senate, working for Senator James Inhofe, we had to report stuff to the Senate security, because we got threatening physical violence emails, because of the work I was doing on the sceptical side. You have NASA’s James Hansen accusing sceptics of crimes against humanity, raising the Nuremberg-style trials, and I don’t see the BBC covering sceptics’ hate mail…Mann refuses to debate anyone on the science. His claims of [Climategate] exoneration by Penn State — that investigation was called a farce

Morano: Michael Mann – he’s feted by the media, he wouldn’t know what a hostile interview was if it came up to him, he gets all this fawning praise, he goes to the United Nations conference. It was very refreshing when, after the Climategate emails, people could see the collusion behind the scenes, with Michael Mann and the other upper echelons of the U.N. crafting a narrative of how they were going to, basically, have a partisan campaign to present the science and exclude people they didn’t like. And to have the public to finally be able to reach these scientists and they can actually hear that their actions and their claims have consequences.

# Full Transcript below: Note: The BBC deleted entire Morano rebuttal at end of debate with Mann in archived podcast: BBC tells Climate Depot they were ‘able to tidy up…without losing the thrust of what you said’ — Climate Depot restored the very brief and interrupted rebuttal in transcript