Mann v. Morano: Climategate’s Michael Mann debates Climate Depot’s Morano on Live BBC Radio: Mann: ‘Morano’s a hired assassin’ — Morano: ‘Mann plays the part of martyr very well’

Mann vs Morano: ‘Marc Morano and Michael Mann were interviewed (Nov. 30, 2012) on the BBC’s World Service Newshour show’ — ‘As we know, Mann will not interact with anyone who might challenge his views, so we had the slightly odd spectacle of the BBC interviewer acting as a go-between’

Climategate’s Michael Mann on Morano: ‘He’s a hired assassin..he spreads malicious lies…[he] uses language that makes it sound like we should be subject to death threats’ — Mann: ‘that we should be literally harmed or killed…[Morano’s] a hired assassin’

MUST LISTEN: Marc Morano ‘nearly’ talks to Michael Mann on the BBC World Service!

Selected excerpts of BBC debate:

Morano: He plays the part of martyr very well…Mann’s acting as though he’s some kind of victim. I’ve gotten emails just earlier this year about people wanting to hang me, and when I was in the United States Senate, working for Senator James Inhofe, we had to report stuff to the Senate security, because we got threatening physical violence emails, because of the work I was doing on the sceptical side. You have NASA’s James Hansen accusing sceptics of crimes against humanity, raising the Nuremberg-style trials, and I don’t see the BBC covering sceptics’ hate mail…Mann refuses to debate anyone on the science. His claims of [Climategate] exoneration by Penn State — that investigation was called a farce

Morano: Michael Mann – he’s feted by the media, he wouldn’t know what a hostile interview was if it came up to him, he gets all this fawning praise, he goes to the United Nations conference. It was very refreshing when, after the Climategate emails, people could see the collusion behind the scenes, with Michael Mann and the other upper echelons of the U.N. crafting a narrative of how they were going to, basically, have a partisan campaign to present the science and exclude people they didn’t like. And to have the public to finally be able to reach these scientists and they can actually hear that their actions and their claims have consequences.

# Full Transcript below: Note: The BBC deleted entire Morano rebuttal at end of debate with Mann in archived podcast: BBC tells Climate Depot they were ‘able to tidy up…without losing the thrust of what you said’ — Climate Depot restored the very brief and interrupted rebuttal in transcript below]

Brief Background on Mann v. Morano:

‘Hockey Stick’ Prof. Michael Mann on Climate Depot: Mann says: ‘Morano has really accomplished a lot’ — ‘According to Mann, Morano has changed the entire rhetoric of the ‘deniers’

Flashback: Climate Depot Exclusive: Michael Mann may be moving back to the University of Virginia

No wonder Michael Mann is so angry at Morano! Climate Depot credited with helping ruin Mann’s UVA rehire! ‘Did climate change controversy cause UVA’s sacking of Teresa Sullivan?’ — UK Guardian: ‘UVA’s dept. of env. sciences attempted in spring of 2012 to rehire Mann…A 4-person search committee unanimously selected Mann; on 10 April, a majority of assembled department faculty affirmedchoice.Two days later, the news was leaked as an ‘exclusive’ on a website [Climate Depot] devoted to climate-change skepticism and denial. From there, it spread to similar sites, where it produced disbelief and outrage. But Mann never received an offer’

Full BBC Transcript with Climate Depot’s editorial comments and links included.

Source: BBC World Service: Newshour


Date: 30/11/2012

Event: Michael Mann: Marc Morano “uses language that makes it sound like we should be subject to death threats”

Credit: Bishop Hill and BBC World Service


  • Professor Michael Mann: Climatologist, director of the Earth System Science Center, Pennsylvania State University
  • Julian Marshall: Presenter, BBC World Service: Newshour
  • Marc Morano: Founder and editor of Climate Depot

Julian Marshall: With U.N. climate talks now under way in Doha, how willing are scientists to publicly make their case that global warming is man-made? They’re well used to the sceptics, who challenge their science, but many are tiring of the personal abuse and harassment they’re suffering, from those who disagree with them, and as a result withdrawing from the public debate. Marc Morano is editor of a news website called, who’s got it in for climate scientists. He joined me on the line earlier, as did Professor Michael Mann, director of the Earth System Science Center at Penn State University and author of The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars. He’s been targeted by Mr. Morano but asked not to debate with him directly. First, I asked Professor Mann to describe what had happened to him.

Michael Mann: Ever since my colleagues and I published this graph, more than a decade ago, known as the Hockey Stick, which demonstrates how unprecedented recent warming is, in a long-term context, we have been subject to attacks by those looking to discredit the science. When the Hockey Stick became an icon in the climate change debate, it placed me directly in the crosshairs of those looking to discredit the science of climate change because they find its implications inconvenient, frankly.

Julian Marshall: Well, it’s one thing to discredit the science, but it’s another to mount personal attacks on those behind the science. Is that what’s been happening to you?

Michael Mann: Well, indeed. I’ve been personally threatened with violence, I’ve had death threats, I’ve had substances sent to me in the mail, where I had to have the FBI come in and do a test to make sure I hadn’t been subject to a dangerous substance. I’m constantly under attack in various right-leaning news venues – character attacks against me. I’ve had my family brought into the matter, I’ve had threats made against my family, where again I’ve had to call in the authorities. And all of this because I guess I had the temerity to publish a graph, more than ten years ago, that built on a vast array of evidence that tells us that in fact we are warming the planet and changing the climate. [Climate Depot note: Mann is guilty of hate speech: Flashback July 2012: Michael Mann declares skeptics guilty of ‘crimes against humanity’ Mann: ‘I think it’s a crime against the planet. But it’s certainly a crime against humanity’ & Michael Mann points us to a link that claims that trace amounts of CO2 are already killing people, and that politicians who don’t buy into the hoax “already have blood on their hands’ – July 16, 2012 ]

Julian Marshall: Well, let’s bring in Marc Morano. And, Mr. Morano, are you putting people up to this?

Marc Morano: No, not at all. I put, sometimes, publicly available emails I’ve posted on my website throughout the years – I don’t even know how many times I’ve ever even posted Michael Mann’s emails. But this goes with the territory – he’s in a political and scientific debate, and he’s here acting as though he’s some kind of victim. I’ve gotten emails just earlier this year about people wanting to hang me, and when I was in the United States Senate, working for Senator James Inhofe, we had to report stuff to the Senate security, because we got threatening physical violence emails, because of the work I was doing on the sceptical side. You have NASA’s James Hansen accusing sceptics of crimes against humanity, raising the Nuremberg-style trials, and I don’t see the BBC covering sceptics’ hate mail.

(See: June 26, 2012: Hate mail goes both ways: Here’s an example that received: ‘I hope they hang you and the rest of the stooges for the fossil fuel industry’ & Hate Mail Sent to Climate Depot’s Morano: ‘I will have a nice long drive up to DC and have a very short and unpleasant conversation with your ass if you dont stop harrassing scientists’)

Julian Marshall: But you do admit that you encourage climate change sceptics to get in touch with the scientists who are putting the science out there, is that right?

Marc Morano: Oh, absolutely. Here’s what’s going on. The ones like Michael Mann – he’s feted by the media, he wouldn’t know what a hostile interview was if it came up to him, he gets all this fawning praise, he goes to the United Nations conference. It was very refreshing when, after the Climategate emails, people could see the collusion behind the scenes, with Michael Mann and the other upper echelons of the U.N. crafting a narrative of how they were going to, basically, have a partisan campaign to present the science and exclude people they didn’t like. And to have the public to finally be able to reach these scientists and they can actually hear that their actions and their claims have consequences. And the idea of a [Hockey Stick] study built upon all this – there’s the Wegman Report in Congress, which Gerald North and other scientists agreed with the conclusions that showed this was an echo chamber of Michael Mann and his colleagues. And beyond that, new peer-reviewed studies – one just came out in the Journal of Global and Planetary Change – showing that the Earth was warmer 1,000, 2,000 years ago.

Julian Marshall: Okay, Mr. Morano, I’m going to have to leave it there, because we’re drifting slightly from the topic, which is –

Marc Morano: He plays the part of martyr very well, he plays the part of martyr…

Julian Marshall: Okay, Professor, Mr. Morano there’s basically saying you’ve got to man up.

Michael Mann: Yes, so, I think we’ve seen a display of the sort of dishonesty and the sort of antagonism by people like Morano that is so hurtful to the public discourse on this issue. Literally everything he said was untrue. He spreads malicious lies about scientists, paints us as enemies of the people, then uses language that makes it sound like we should be subject to death threats, that we should be literally harmed or killed, because we’re supposedly perpetrating a fraud, as he and his ilk would have us believe. And in reality, what you need to understand is that Mr. Morano is funded by some of the largest right-wing interests, he’s been funded by the fossil-fuel industry, by the Scaife Foundations. He’s a hired assassin who helped vilify John Kerry, he was behind the Swiftboat campaign to discredit John Kerry, more than a decade ago, and now what he’s doing – he’s paid by those very same vested interests to “swiftboat” climate scientists, to try to distort our work, to try to undermine the public’s credibility in the science. What he wouldn’t have you know is that because of the bogus allegations that he and his ilk have made against people like me, we actually had to have the National Academy – the National Science Foundation do an investigation into me, to see if there was any impropriety in anything I’ve done in my scientific career. And they came back, and what they said was there’s absolutely no evidence of that whatsoever, despite the claims made by people like Marc Morano. It’s very hurtful to the discussion. [Climate Depot Note: See: Mann’s Hockey Stick was ‘exonerated by NAS & Penn State. But Neither Claim is true’ — ‘No part of NAS conclusion exonerates Mann or his hockey stick’]

Julian Marshall: That was Michael Mann. I was also speaking to Marc Morano.


[Climate Depot Note: BBC archived podcast of Mann v. Morano cuts off here. But the live segment included a very brief and interrupted response by Morano. The BBC producer emailed me on Dec. 1 email to inform me of truncating my portion of the debate with Mann. They blamed the edits on poor audio quality and the producer said she “ was able to tidy it up and it went out to a larger audience an hour later with some of the drop-out cut out and without losing any of the thrust of what you said.”

Update 12-3-12: BBC producer again tries to explain why they deleted Morano’s final response to Mann: “We had a short and intense discussion about this. We had difficulties because Michael Mann had said that he did not want to join in a debate with you but because he called you a liar we had to come back to you to give you a chance to deny this. You did not deny the allegations but came back with other allegations. Had you denied Michael Mann’s accusations we would have certainly left your response in…I hope that makes sense.” (Missing final Morano response transcribed below from personal audio recording of BBC debate)]

BBC Transcript continues:

Julian Marshall: Mr. Morano, you have got to be extremely brief, but there is a long list of allegations against you, but you have got to be very brief.

Marc Morano: [Warmists like] Michael Mann has been at this now for two and a half decades and yet he refuses to debate anyone on the science. His claims of [Climategate] exoneration by Penn State — that investigation was called a farce. The investigation he claims –

Julian Marshall: (Interrupting) Mr. Morano…

Julian Marshall: We have to wrap it up. That was Marc Morano.

Marc Morano: Thank you very much.

Julian Marshall: We also hard from Prof. Michael Mann, Dir. Of Earth Science Center and author of ‘The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars’.

End Transcript


Climate Depot Note: Mann’s claims of massive funding to skeptics does not hold up to scrutiny. See:

Climategate’s Michael Mann Racks Up Millions in Climate Stimulus Funds: – ‘More than $2.4 million is stimulating the career of none other than Penn State’s Michael Mann…Mann came by his grants via National Science Foundation, which received $3 billion in stimulus money…He received another grant worth nearly $1.9 million to investigate the role of ‘env. temperature on transmission of vector-borne diseases.’…Both grants say they were ‘funded under American Recovery & Reinvestment Act of 2009.’

Report: Michael Mann has received ‘almost $6 million for various predictions, models and reconstructions over the last 13 years’: ‘Note also the generally escalating grant amounts in recent years. A lot of that is from the government’s National Science Foundation and NOAA teats’

The Global Warming Science Machine: $79 Billion and Counting

Big Green: ‘Skeptics are fighting a billion dollar industry aligned with a trillion dollar trading scheme’ — Warmists get ‘3,500 times as much $$ as anything offered to skeptics’ — ‘It buys a bandwagon of support, a repetitive rain of press releases, and includes PR departments of institutions like NOAA, NASA, the Climate Change Science Program and the Climate Change Technology Program. The $79 billion figure does not include money from other western governments, private industry, and is not adjusted for inflation. In other words, it could be…a lot bigger’

Gore’s path to become the first ‘Carbon Billionaire’

Key Background Reading on Michael Mann & The Hockey Stick:

Mann has repeatedly cited the various Climategate investigations as some sort of “exoneration” of his work. But a closer look reveals that the investigations were nothing more than the global warming industry pretending to investigate itself and of course pretending to find no wrongdoing. No amount of sham Penn State or Lord Oxburgh or Muir Russell investigations can change the reality of the Climategate scandal. (Details on the woeful Climategate investigations here and here.)

See: Penn State’s other investigation failure: ‘Failure to ensure proper investigation of Climategate emails’ of Michael Mann — The Penn State inquiry exonerating Michael Mann — the paleoclimatologist who came up with “the hockey stick” — would be difficult to parody. Three of four allegations are dismissed out of hand at the outset’

Michael Mann threatens legal action over Steyn comment — Cites various investigations into Climategate as evidence that there was no wrongdoing — Reality Check on Climategate: Andrew Montford’s report into four of those investigations found that to a greater or lesser degree, they were ‘rushed, cursory and largely unpersuasive’ — ‘The [Penn State] report…says, in effect, that Mann is a distinguished scholar, a successful raiser of research funding, a man admired by his peers – so any allegation of academic impropriety must be false’

Meet Prof. William Brune — the man who helped ‘exonerate’ Climategate’s Michael Mann! ‘The Penn State reports in which Brune participated would be ‘difficult to parody’ — Prof. Brune brags: ‘I recruited [Mann] to Penn State.’ Brune’s report says, in effect, that Mann is a distinguished scholar, a successful raiser of research funding, a man admired by his peers — so any allegation of academic impropriety must be false’ — Report: Mann’s ‘success would not have been possible had he not met or exceeded the highest standards of his profession for proposing research’

Penn State whitewashed ClimateGate: ‘Federal govt IG has revealed prima facie proof that the so-called independent inquiries…were, in fact, whitewashes’ — ‘The IG’s report specifically reveals Penn State’s wagon-circlers to have been at best comically negligent/inept in allowing Mann to not answer the damning charge they were tasked with examining: did he delete or ask others to delete records? At worst, they were complicit in the cover-up’

Climategates’s Eugene Wahl to send Michael Mann to Big House?! Q. ‘Did you ever receive a request by either Michael Mann or any others to delete any emails?’

Wahl’s Answer: ‘I did receive that email. That’s the last one on your list here. I did receive that.’
Q. ‘And what were the actions that you took?’
A. ‘Well, to the best of my recollection, I did delete the emails.’
Q. ‘So, did you find the request unusual, that they were — that the request — that you were being requested to delete such emails?’
A.’ Well, I had never received one like it. In that sense, it was unusual.’

The Climategate and Jerry Sandusky Scandals: A Common Thread — ‘Spanier’s ‘investigation’ of Jerry Sandusky was so thoroughly inept that it got him fired’ — ‘Spanier stated that he had ‘complete confidence in how they handled allegations against Sandusky,’ & he was fired very shortly thereafter. The Freeh report indicates the investigation was conducted for purpose of finding nothing…it was a cover-up. It wasn’t the only time Spanier rigged an inept investigation for the purpose of finding nothing. In 2010, his investigators found that Michael Mann had done nothing wrong when he invented his ‘hockey stick trick’

Climatologist Declares: Climategate Whitewash Continues: Don’t believe ‘independent’ reviews — One ‘independent’ panelist was on faculty at Climategate’s University of East Anglia — ‘Independent’ Muir Russell Reivew was ‘commissioned and paid for by University of East Anglia, exonerated University of East Anglia’ — 1 of the panel’s 4 members, Prof. Geoffrey Boulton, was on faculty at UEA’s School of Env. Sciences for 18 years…Last Dec. Mr. Boulton signed a petition declaring that the scientists who established the global climate records at East Anglia ‘adhere to the highest levels of professional integrity’

Climate Depot’s Exclusive Round Up of Climategate 2.0 — Read about the most comprehensive report on the latest global warming scandal — Even warmists are lamenting that Climate 2.o may be ‘devastating’: ‘These [emails] sound worse than I thought at first – their impact will be devastating’

More on alleged Climategate ‘investigations’ here and here.

# #

Mann’s research has been subjected to nearly a decade of intense scrutiny by his colleagues, climate researchers and institutions. See: 2010: Head of UK Royal Statistical Society Prof. David Hand: Michael Mann’s ‘Hockey stick’ graph was exaggerated — ‘The ‘hockey stick’ that became emblematic of the threat posed by climate change exaggerated the rise in temperature because it was created using ‘inappropriate’ methods…would have shown less dramatic results if more reliable techniques had been used to analyze the data’

2009: UN scientists turn on each other: UN Scientist Declares Climategate colleagues Mann, Jones and Rahmstorf ‘should be barred from the IPCC process’ — They are ‘not credible any more’ — UN IPCC’s Eduardo Zorita: ‘By writing these lines I will just probably achieve that a few of my future studies will, again, not see the light of publication’

‘Wegman Report in 2006 had also warned of a small ‘clique’ of climate scientists – just 43 — which operated to manufacture a consensus’ — ‘An astonishingly small group of scientists – a number of whom faked data, destroyed evidence needed for checking, silenced skeptics and colluded in exaggerations – has corrupted the entire basis of global warming theory, and dominated the proceedings of the UN IPCC’

Flashback 2006: Wegman Report: ‘We found that at least 43 authors have direct ties to Michael Mann…closely connected’

Climate Audit’s Steve McIntyre: ‘Climategate Documents Confirm Wegman’s Hypothesis’ — ‘The Wegman Report was vindicated on its hypothesis about peer-review within the Mann ‘clique’ — ‘The Wegman Report hypothesized, but were unable to prove, that reviewers in the Mann ‘clique’ had been ‘reviewing other members of the same clique’. Climategate provided the missing evidence, Climategate documents showed that clique member Phil Jones had reviewed papers by other members of the clique, including some of the articles most in controversy – confirming what the Wegman Report had only hypothesized’

Flashback 2010: New Book ‘The Hockey Stick Illusion’ details the case against Michael Mann’s Hockey stick temp chart — ‘Exposes in delicious detail, datum by datum, how a great scientific mistake of immense political weight was perpetrated, defended and camouflaged by a scientific establishment that should now be red with shame’

2010: Wash. Post claims Mann’s Hockey Stick was ‘exonerated by NAS & Penn State. But Neither Claim is true’ — ‘No part of NAS conclusion exonerates Mann or his hockey stick’

Steve McIntyre mocks warmist Raymond Bradley’s defense of ‘Hockey Stick’: The ‘Hockey Stick’ outhouse was actually built of bristlecone pine’ — ‘The more recent Mann et al 2008 was built at least, in part, out of mud. While the part using mud may well have been built robustly, it was also built upside down. A definite disadvantage when the outhouse is put to use’

2009: Claims that Hockey Stick has been verified by ‘independent’ evidence ‘is not the case…same proxies are used over and over again’

2011: There He Goes Again: Mann Claims His Hockey Stick was Affirmed by the NAS – ‘The NAS report did nothing of the sort, and in fact validated all of the significant criticisms of McIntyre & McKitrick (M&M) and the Wegman Report…The NAS found that Mann’s methods had no validation (CE) skill significantly different from zero’ – ‘Mann never mentions that a subsequent House Energy and Commerce Committee report chaired by Edward Wegman totally destroyed the credibility of the ‘hockey stick’ and devastatingly ripped apart Mann’s methodology as ‘bad mathematics’. Furthermore, when Gerald North, the chairman of the NAS panel — which Mann claims ‘vindicated him’ – was asked at the House Committee hearings whether or not they agreed with Wegman’s harsh criticisms, he said they did:

CHAIRMAN BARTON: Dr. North, do you dispute the conclusions or the methodology of Dr. Wegman’s report?

DR. NORTH [Head of the NAS panel]: No, we don’t. We don’t disagree with their criticism. In fact, pretty much the same thing is said in our report.

DR. BLOOMFIELD [Head of the Royal Statistical Society]: Our committee reviewed the methodology used by Dr. Mann and his co-workers and we felt that some of the choices they made were inappropriate. We had much the same misgivings about his work that was documented at much greater length by Dr. Wegman.

WALLACE [of the American Statistical Association]: ‘the two reports [Wegman’s and NAS] were complementary, and to the extent that they overlapped, the conclusions were quite consistent.’

New paper in Journal of Climate ‘documents surprising, and somewhat inexplicable, errors in some previous pseudo-proxy studies by Mann and collaborators’

Climategate 2.0: 1999 Briffa email: ‘I believe that the recent warmth was probably matched about 1000 years ago’ –‘I do not believe that global mean annual temperatures have simply cooled progressively over thousands of years as Mike [Mann] appears to and I contend that that there is strong evidence for major changes in climate over the Holocene (not Milankovich) that require explanation and that could represent part of the current or future background variability of our climate’

Blow to the Hockey Stick: New paper finds many tree-ring analyses to be highly biased — New study calls for ‘great caution in the interpretation of historical growth trends from tree-ring analyses.’ The authors find that ‘big tree selection bias’ resulted in a fictitious ‘doubling in growth rates over recent decades.’ Consequently, tree-ring analyses claiming to link growth rates to historical temperatures would show a fictitious large ‘hockey stick’ increase in temperature over recent decades.

John L. Daly’s message to Mike Mann and The Team: ‘Mann’s theory simply does not stack up…’ ‘What is at issue is the uncritical zeal with which the industry siezed on the theory before its scientific value had been properly tested. In one go,they tossed aside dozens of studies which confirmed the existence of the MWE and LIA as global events,and all on the basis of tree rings –a proxy which has all the deficiencies I have stated above’

Michael Mann email from 2006: ‘We certainly don’t know the GLOBAL mean temperature anomaly very well, and nobody has ever claimed we do’

German Prof. Slams Climate Claims – Calls Mann’s Hockey Stick ‘A Very Very Nasty Fabrication’ — Prof. Dr. Richard Dronskowski at Aachen U.: ‘No chart has been so falsified as the hockey stick chart. It’s an embarrassment for the IPCC’ — ‘Dronskowski reminds his audience that the scientists are talking about ‘tenths of a degree’ with error margins “of a full degree’ and that ‘nobody can believe it’

UN IPCC scientist makes admission: E. Zorita: ‘Past variations were probably larger than was originally believed’ — ‘I was involved in the ‘discovery’ that climate reconstruction based on proxy indicators very likely provides only an underestimation of past climates. This means that past variations were probably larger than was originally believed’

Is Michael Mann’s ‘Hockey-Stick’ Due To Sheep Crap!? Study Finds That Animals Influence Tree Ring Growth More Than Temperatures

2012: Shollenberger’s Technical Review of Mann’s recent book — For all the “technical” issues in Mann’s papers, the controversy is actually very simple. Mann’s papers give undue focus to a small amount of data. Even he and his supporters admit his original hockey stick was based entirely upon a small amount of tree ring data (which the NAS says should not be used to measure temperature). His latest hockey stick was the same, save he added upside down data which he couldn’t possibly calibrate to temperature.

2012: A detailed review of Mann’s book: The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars as it relates to the Wegman report to Congress — Amazingly enough, Mann now admits his original hockey stick existed solely because of “one set of tree ring records,” directly contradicting his 1998 paper which said the reconstruction was “relatively robust to the inclusion of dendroclimatic indicators” (dendroclimatic indicators are tree ring data). Despite admitting he knew this, he has never corrected his original paper. Instead, he built upon that paper and never told people his conclusions were based on only a tiny fraction of the data he used.

History Of How The Hockey Stick Was Manufactured: ‘Erased the MWP & LIA, erased 1930s & jacked up recent temps. The past got cooler & the present got warmer’ — ‘Hansen and Mann had a huge problem. They had to create a spike in temperatures, get rid of tree-ring data, get rid of Medieval Warm Period, get rid of 1930s, get rid of 1970s ice age scare, & get rid of Little Ice Age. Warming 1970s didn’t make much sense, so they instead chose to cool 1930s…And now we have this completely manufactured temperature trend. The spike that we see is indeed Mann-made, & Hansen-made’

# #

Michael Mann’s Hockey Stick temperature claims have been demolished in the scientific literature. The latest research clearly reveals that the Medieval Warm Period (used to be referred to as the Medieval Climate Optimum) has been verified and was in fact global, not just confined to the Northern Hemisphere. The Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change reported in 2009 that the “Medieval Warm Period was: (1) global in extent, (2) at least as warm as, but likely even warmer than, the Current Warm Period, and (3) of a duration significantly longer than that of the Current Warm Period to date.”

In addition, The Science and Public Policy Institute reported in May 2009: “More than 700 scientists from 400 institutions in 40 countries have contributed peer-reviewed papers providing evidence that the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) was real, global, and warmer than the present. And the numbers grow larger daily.”

Climate Depot has assembled a small sampling of peer-reviewed studies, data and analyses that refute Michael Mann’s Hockey Stick temperature claims of unprecedented 20th century warmth.

See: Evidence of Prior Unprecedented Global Warming Discovered In Scotland, Medieval Period Low CO2 Levels Likely At Fault

Medieval Warm Period found in 120 proxies. Plus Roman era was similar to early 20th Century — ‘Climate models cannot explain what caused warming 1000 years ago, nor cooling 300 years ago, so they can’t rule out the same factors aren’t changing the climate today (though they claim they can). If climate models can’t explain the past, they can’t predict the future’

Danish Meteorological Institute Scientist Issues Another takedown of UN & Michael Mann’s ‘Hockey Stick’ — ‘We cannot from these reconstructions conclude that the previous 50-year period has been unique in the context of the last 500-1000 years’

Paper finds Medieval Warm Period in Arctic was much warmer than the present — ‘A paper published in Polar Research finds that temps at two sites in Arctic were much warmer than at the end of 20th century. At one site, Longyearbyen, the11-year running-mean peak winter temperature was a remarkable 9C warmer than at the end of the record in 2000. At the 2nd site, Vardo, the11-year running-mean peak winter temperature was about 3.3C warmer than at the end of the record in 2000’

New paper finds Medieval Warming Period was ~1°C warmer than current — ‘A new paper published in Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology finds that the Medieval Warming Period ‘was warmer than the late 20th century by ~1°C.’

Paper finds Medieval Warm Period in Arctic was much warmer than the present — ‘A paper published in Polar Research finds that temps at two sites in Arctic were much warmer than at the end of 20th century. At one site, Longyearbyen, the11-year running-mean peak winter temperature was a remarkable 9C warmer than at the end of the record in 2000. At the 2nd site, Vardo, the11-year running-mean peak winter temperature was about 3.3C warmer than at the end of the record in 2000’

Earth was warmer in Roman and Medieval Times say German researchers — ‘While CBS touts a ‘groundbreaking’ government report linking extreme weather and climate change, German researchers find 2,000 years of cooling and warmer temps in medieval times and the Roman era’

UK Daily Mail: Tree-ring study proves that climate was WARMER in Roman and Medieval times than it is in the modern industrial age — ‘Rings in fossilised pine trees have proven that the world was much warmer than previously thought -with measurements dating back to 138BC – Tree-rings prove climate was WARMER in Roman and Medieval times than it is now -and world has been cooling for 2,000 years’

New Study reveals ‘trees make a Hockey Stick snap’

Evidence of Prior Unprecedented Global Warming Discovered In Scotland, Medieval Period Low CO2 Levels Likely At Fault

New Peer-Reviewed Study: Climate was HOTTER in Roman, medieval times than now — UN IPCC has got it all wrong, say scientists — Published in hefty climate journal Nature Climate Change, the cooling effect of orbital shifting on the climate has been up to four times as powerful as anthropogenic (human-caused) warming pressures’

Medieval Warming Exceeds Modern Warming, Per New Research Using 120 Proxies — ‘Those inconvenient global warming science facts that climate doomsday pundits hate – another major study determines Medieval Warming hotter than Modern Warming’

New EU Study Confirms Modern ‘Unprecedented’ — ‘Warming Is a Bogus Claim New research documents that the Roman and Medieval Periods were warmer than the modern era across Northern Europe, plus establishes that a slight cooling trend exists – the inconvenient global warming science facts’

New Paper Shows European Alps Were Just As Warm 900 Years Ago, Strong Natural Variations –Another peer-reviewed paper,another smashed hockey stick — ‘The results show that summer temperatures of the last millennium are characterized by two warm periods (AD 1053–1171 and 1823–1996) and two cold phases (AD 1172–1379 and 1573–1822)…’Highest pre-industrial summer temperatures of the 12th century were 0.3 °C warmer than the 20th century mean but 0.35 °C colder than proxy derived temperatures at the end of the 20th century’

Another hockey stick snaps! Southern Hemisphere Hockey Stick Goes Belly Up: ‘ The journal has been contacted and the publication of the study has been put on hold’

‘…unfortunate data processing issue, it is likely to have implications for the results reported in the study…The problems with the paper in a nutshell: 1.upside down proxy data again 2.preselection of data, ignoring the whole set in many cases 3.though they tried to justify preselection, the paper’s methodology doesn’t hold up (circular reasoning) 4.inability to replicate given the data and methods used’

Medieval Warm Period & Little Ice Age Show Up In S. America Too: ‘Yet another new study adds more to growing mountain of evidence that Medieval Warm Period was indeed a global phenomenon’ — The authors did an analysis of pollen and charcoal from Laguna San Pedro,a small closed-basin lake located in the Andes of Chile’

UN IPCC Claim: ‘New paleo records from Australasia provide evidence of MCA warming around 1250–1330’ — Not only are the ‘new’ Gergis proxies not new; they were prominently displayed in the AR4 section on SH proxies

Law Dome in Mann et al 2008

Antarctica Global Warming: Advanced Science Methods Establish That Medieval Period Was Warmer — ‘With constant frigid temperatures, the idea of modern Antarctica ‘global warming’ that is ‘unprecedented’ seems rather ludicrous -indeed it is ludicrous, as latest research again confirms Medieval Warming Period was hotter’

New paper confirms Little Ice Age was a global phenomenon, related to solar activity — Paper published in Geophysical Research Letters confirms that ‘the Little Ice Age was a global event, probably caused by a change in solar [activity] and volcanic forcing [activity], and was not simply a seesaw-type redistribution of heat between the hemispheres as would be predicted by some ocean-circulation hypotheses’

New Paper: Earth heated up in Medieval times without human CO2 emissions — ‘Warming was global and NOT limited to Europe’ — ‘Study throws doubt on orthodoxies around ‘global warming’ — It then cooled down naturally & there was even a ‘mini ice age’. A team of scientists led by geochemist Zunli Lu from Syracuse U. in NY state, has found that contrary to the ‘consensus’, the ‘Medieval Warm Period’ wasn’t just confined to Europe…it extended all the way down to Antarctica –which means that Earth has already experience global warming without aid of human CO2 emissions’

Michael Mann’s Hockey Stick Takes Another Huge Hit: South America’s Hot Medieval Temperatures — New research determines that South America did experience the Medieval Warming and temperatures were higher during MWP, contrary to Michael Mann’s hockey stick “science

Chinese Study Confirms MWP and LIA: ‘During the last 2000 years there have been swings in temperatures of between 2C and 3C’ — ‘Colder intervals occurred around 100 BC, 400 AD, 1200 AD and 1700 AD. — ‘Warmer intervals occurred around 200 AD and 900 AD’ — ‘The 20thC warming is of a smaller magnitude than the MWP’

Deja Vu ’72? ‘Dr. Lamb was also the source of the paleoclimate graph used in the 1990 & 1995 IPCC reports which shows an inconvenient hotter Medieval Warming Period than the present’ — ‘The following IPCC report threw away Dr. Lamb’s graph in favor of Michael Mann’s hockey stick graph, which served to eliminate the Medieval Warming Period. This was the purpose of Mann’s hockey stick, as stated in the climategate emails, to eliminate or “contain the MWP” according to Mann’

German 2000-Year Peat Bog Temperature Reconstruction Shows Strong Central European Variations — ‘Yet another temperature reconstruction out there showing once again Michael Mann was wrong’

German Peat Bog Study Verifies Extreme Warm Temperatures of Medieval Period – Modern Warming Less

Peer Reviewed Study Establishes Unprecedented Medieval Warming On Tropical Island In Southern Hemisphere

New paper finds temperatures and precipitation were higher 1000 years ago — ‘The paper finds higher temps & precipitation were present during Medieval Warming Period (960-1100 AD) than at the end of 20th century. This paper adds to published work of 986 scientists who have documented that Medieval Warming Period was as hot or hotter than present and was a global phenomenon. This study also shows both the rate and magnitude of the rise in temps from the year ~ 700-880 AD was much greater than over a comparable period including 20th century’

Chinese Research Discovers There Was Historical ‘Unprecedented Warming’ Before There Was Modern ‘Unprecedented Warming’

Unprecedented Warming Strikes New York, Prior To Modern CO2 Levels: New Study Finds Medieval Period Warmer

New Research From Alaska Determines That Modern Global Warming Is Well Below Past Warming Periods

Study: ‘Evidence from 180 proxy records of widespread N. Hemisphere warmth in 9th to 11th centuries…indicates that warmth in 10th & 11th centuries was as uniform as current 20th century warming’

Watch Now: Geologist Dr. Don Easterbrook slaps down Michael Mann: There are ‘1900 papers in the geologic record’ about the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age

New Northern Hemisphere Research: 30 Datasets Prove Roman/Medieval Warmings Hotter Than Current Temps

Temp Reconstruction Clearly Shows Medieval Warm Period (MWP) and Little Ice Age: Roman Warm Period and MWP ‘were both warmer than 1961-1990’

New Swiss Evidence Proves Modern Warming Cooler Than Medieval Warming Period, Study Finds

Peer-Reviewed Cherry Blossom Reseach Confirms Japan’s Medieval Climate Warmer Than Current One

‘The Case for a Global Medieval Warm Period Grows Ever Stronger’

Chinese Peer-Reveiwed Study Provides Overwhelming Evidence That UN IPCC Is Wrong: Medieval Warming Was Hotter — ‘More research from China confirms Medieval temperatures were significantly warmer than current ones. The study also provides direct evidence that the Medieval Warming was a global phenomenon, not just a European regional climate condition, as the IPCC speculates.’

New Russian Research: River Floodplains Provide Conclusive Evidence That Medieval Warming Greater Than Modern Warming

The California Medieval Warming Remains Unprecedented: 3.0°C Hotter Than Modern Global Warming

Newest Research Confirms Greenland Region Roasted With Medieval Winter/Summer Temps 3°C Hotter Than Modern Era

What Does Ural Mountains’ Tree Line Say About Modern Warming? Definitely Not As Robust As Medieval Warming

New Chinese study in GRL disputes the hockey stick conclusions: ‘New peer reviewed study illustrates that current warm period is neither unique nor unprecedented’

Peer-Reviewed Research: Unprecedented Global Warming During Medieval Period, Boreholes Reveal

China’s 2,000 Year Temperature History: Declaring anthropogenic emissions have pushed modern temps beyond historical counterparts disregards lessons of 2,000 years of Chinese temps’

Medieval warming WAS global – new science contradicts UN IPCC: ‘More peer-reviewed science contradicting the warming-alarmist ‘scientific consensus’ was announced’ — ‘A new study shows that the well-documented warm period which took place in medieval times was not limited to Europe, or the N. hemisphere: it reached all the way to Antarctica…In other words, global warming has already occurred in historical, pre-industrial times, and then gone away again. Lu et al’s work is published in the peer-reviewed journal Earth and Planetary Science Letters’

See: Climate Depot’s FactSheet on Mann’s Various ‘Hockey Stick’ Creations — The ‘most discredited study in history of Science’

Mann at it again! ‘Very erroneous conclusions’- Michael Mann’s newest invention! The Hurricane ‘Hockey Stick!’ — Climate Depot’s FactSheet on Mann’s Various ‘Hockey Stick’ Creations

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Climate Depot’s Exclusive Report Challenging Michael Mann’s climate claims

Flashback: Climate Depot Exclusive: Michael Mann may be moving back to the University of Virginia

No wonder Michael Mann is so angry at Morano! Climate Depot credited with helping ruin Mann’s UVA rehire! ‘Did climate change controversy cause UVA’s sacking of Teresa Sullivan?’UK Guardian: ‘UVA’s dept. of env. sciences attempted in spring of 2012 to rehire Mann…A 4-person search committee unanimously selected Mann; on 10 April, a majority of assembled department faculty affirmedchoice.Two days later, the news was leaked as an ‘exclusive’ on a website [Climate Depot] devoted to climate-change skepticism and denial. From there, it spread to similar sites, where it produced disbelief and outrage. But Mann never received an offer’

Warmist prof. resigns over UVA’s failure to rehire Climategate’s Michael Mann: ‘The UVA environmental sciences faculty voted to bring Mann back…But it was nixed without explanation’‘At least one professor quit in part over the episode; in his August 15 resignation letter climate scientist Amato Evan referenced an apparent decision by the department to give up ‘even attempting to make a senior hire in the area of climate change’

Mann & his ‘Nobel Prize’ problems

Michael Mann actually believes his own propaganda! Paragraph 5 of Mann’s official complaint against National Review says his critics are guilty of ‘personal defamation of a Nobel prize recipient’ — Mark Steyn mocks Mann: ‘Accepting for the purposes of argument that there is such a crime in U.S. law as ‘defamation of a Nobel prize recipient’, don’t you have to be a Nobel prize recipient to be the victim of it?’ — ‘I’ve fended off various legal challenges around the world, but this is a first for me: A man who has declared himself a Nobel laureate is suing NR for refusing to respect him as one’

National Review contacts Nobel Committee in Norway on ‘Michael Mann’s False Nobel Claim’: Nobel Committee: ‘No, no. [Mann] has never won the Nobel prize’ — Nobel Committee: ‘No, he has not won it at all…It’s not a personal prize to people belonging to an organization’

There he goes again! ‘Fake Nobel Prize winner’ Michael Mann on MSNBC: ‘Mann’s fake Nobel is referenced twice verbally & once in graphic; Mann makes no effort to correct the references’ — ‘Just past the two-minute mark, Mann suggests that tar sands use would elevate atmospheric CO2 to ‘dangerous’ levels’

UN IPCC weighs in on Mann & Nobel prize & throws him under the bus: ‘It is incorrect to refer to any IPCC official, or scientist who worked on IPCC reports, as a Nobel laureate or Nobel Prize winner’ — ‘The prize was awarded to the IPCC as an organization, and not to any individual associated with the IPCC…It would be correct to describe a scientist who was involved with AR4 or earlier IPCC reports in this way: “X contributed to the reports of the IPCC, which was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007’

Mike’s Nobel Trick: Mann quietly alters his bio after rebuke by Nobel Committee for false Nobel Prize claims: ‘Behind the scenes, a lot of quiet airbrushing of the record seems to be going on’ — ‘Two days ago, his Penn State bio said he had been ‘co-awarded’ the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize, now merely that he ‘contributed… to the award’ (whatever that means)…by now someone may have snuck into the DC court clerk’s office with a gallon of White-Out and amended ‘defamation of a Nobel prize recipient’ to ‘defamation of a man who received one of 2000 photocopies of a commemorative thank-you certificate run off at the IPCC branch of Kinko’s’

Mark Steyn has more fun mocking Michael Mann claim he was ‘a Nobel prize recipient’ — Steyn: ‘As far as I know, Graham Spanier (the Penn State president whose ‘investigation’ exonerated Dr Mann in part on the grounds of his Nobel Prize) still thinks his colleague is a Nobel Prize winner. So there’s that. True, he’s just been indicted for perjury, conspiracy, obstruction of justice and child endangerment, but that’s no reason not to cite him in Dr Mann’s amended Statement of Claim’

National Review mocks Michael Mann’s Nobel Prize claims: ‘Nobel cause corruption? Offers ‘congratulations’ to Dr. Mann, in full page ad in Penn State student newspaper

Can all U.S. citizens claim to be Nobel Prize winners?! ‘Real Science’ mocks Mann: ‘I live in a country which elected Nobel Prize Winner Obama, so I am going to add the Nobel Prize to my resume’

Can individual Europeans claim to be Nobel prize winners? ‘As a resident, taxpayer & contributor to EU, I am truly humbled & deeply honoured…’ — ‘The Nobel Committee awarded the Nobel Peace Prize to Al Gore and the IPCC in 2007. IPCC ‘scientists, such as Drs. Michael E. Mann and Kevin Trenberth, are therefore ‘laureates’, some claim’

Warmist Kevin Trenberth mimics Mann’s Nobel Prize claims?! Trenberth’s online CV lists himself as ‘Nobel Laureate’ — ‘Nobel Laureate (shared) for Nobel Peace Prize 2007 (as part of IPCC) Oct 2007’

Prof. Roger Pielke Jr. on Mann’s alleged Nobel Prize: ‘Mann’s embellishment has placed him in a situation where his claims are being countered by the Nobel organization itself’ — Pielke Jr.: ‘Mann’s claim, rather than boosting his credibility actually risks having the opposite effect, a situation that was entirely avoidable and one which Mann brought upon himself by making the embellishment in the first place. The embellishment is only an issue because Mann has invoked it as a source of authority is a legal dispute’

History is flexible! Michael Mann Now Running Around ‘With A Gallon of White-Out’! — Nobel Prize controversy causing Mann to erase the past!?

Nobel Committee on Mann: ‘We issued only the diploma to IPCC as such. No individuals on IPCC side received anything in 2007’

Nobel Committee: ‘Unfortunately we often experience that members of org’s that have indeed been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize issue various forms of personal diplomas to indicate that they personally have received the Nobel Peace Prize. They have not.’

Climate Depot note: (UN IPCC added the text to Mann’s IPCC certificate, not Mann himself. The Nobel Committee is incorrect on this point.)

Mann claims he was ‘awarded Nobel peace prize’ — ‘So Mann’s defamation claim, the success of which will turn on credibility of parties involved, contains a fundamental & basic misrepresentation’
— ‘…in paragraph 2. Oh dear. What hope for the rest of the 101 paragraphs?’

Does the UN IPCC have the power to ‘award’ Nobel Peace Prizes?! This is actual photo of Michael Mann’s alleged ‘Nobel Peace Prize’ — issued by UN IPCC! — Note: The UN IPCC says ‘for contributing to’ not awarded to’

Flashback 2009: Climategate Professor to Skeptic Morano on Live BBC TV: ‘What an A**hole’
