Climate Blog Predicts End of the World, Liberals Freak Out
Brittany M. Hughes | 2 hours ago
Trending Friday on Facebook, the social media site-turned-blindly trusted “news” source, was the prediction that once again, we’re all horrifically doomed.
I’ve got big plans this weekend that I really didn’t want to have derailed. So I took the bait and clicked. Stupid me.
Apparently, a scientist with the Scripps Institution of Technology in Hawaii, one of a zillion scientific institutions currently digging into so-called man-made climate change, wrote a four-paragraph blog last week regarding CO2 particles in the atmosphere. The last paragraph reads as such:
Concentrations will probably hover around 401 ppm over the next month as we sit near the annual low point. Brief excursions towards lower values are still possible but it already seems safe to conclude that we won’t be seeing a monthly value below 400 ppm this year – or ever again for the indefinite future.
And liberals lost. Their. Damn. Minds.
Seriously, you’d think Neil deGrasse Tyson had just gone on national television and told us there was an asteroid rocketing toward Earth and we should all start digging a bunker and filling it with a semi-truck’s worth of canned green beans.
According to climate alarmists, a 400-particles-per-million carbon count is pretty much the trigger for Armageddon. So this one blog’s all it took for places like Vice to decide that the end was quite decidedly nigh.
The left-leaning publication put out an article dramatically titled, “Goodbye World: We’ve Passed the Carbon Tipping Point For Good.” published a lovely click-bait headline stating, “Enjoy Earth While It Lasts: Atmospheric Carbon Levels Pass the Point of No Return.” (That particular example of scholastic excrement was accompanied by a graphic showing the moon crashing into the Earth.)