a new name is on the lips of some on Trump’s transition team: Dr. Donald van der Vaart.
Van der Vaart is a PhD chemical engineer who currently heads the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality. If appointed and approved by Congress, Van der Vaart would be the first PhD scientist to head EPA. He also holds a law degree.
Sources close to Trump’s transition team said van der Vaart would put a halt to overreaching regulations and the so-called “secret science” EPA relies on to push ever-stricter rules on businesses.
“He can see right through this stuff,” a source told The Daily Caller News Foundation, arguing van der Vaart would be critical of any shoddy science coming out of the agency.
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/12/04/trump-could-appoint-someone-totally-unexpected-to-head-epa/#ixzz4RvcpIxxC