Warmists love $500 million sea level rise tax – ‘extremely forward-thinking solution’ – San Fran Area Residents Will Soon Decide Whether To Fund Sea Level Rise Adaptation With A Tax
The state of California has done a lot to address climate change, he said, but so far its efforts to adapt to climate change haven’t quite caught up to its efforts to mitigate it. That’s where initiatives like this come in. “There are a lot of things happening in state capital right now on adaptation … [the state] is incredibly proactive, but frankly, budgets are tight,” he said.…
Flashback 1977: West Antarctic Ice Sheet Melt To Raise Sea Level 20 Ft. – National Science Foundation reveals: ‘It has nothing to do with a warmer climate, just the dynamics of unstable ice’
Ronald Kotulak. The Tribune’s award-winning science editor, recently returned from a reporting trip to Antarctica. This is the first of several. stories reporting what he found there. Others will appear from time to time. In Monday’s Tribune, Kotulak will report on the enormous mineral wealth that may make the frozen, almost inaccessible area near the South Pole the scene of the world s last big land rush.
ROSS ICE SHELF, Antarctica-A huge portion of the Antarctic ice mass appears to be collapsing into the sea, a catastrophe that could raise the levels of the oceans by almost 20 feet.
Scientists have been working feverishly here at this cold, remote site to drill holes through the quarter-mile-thick ice shelf to learn more about the danger. Others have been examining different sections of the ice in search of clues.
They have found startling evidence that the destructive surge in sea levels could occur in the next 300 years, creat ing havoc for New York, Los Angeles, New Orleans, and other coastal cities around the globe.
THE COLLAPSE of part of the Antarctic ice sheet could occur gradually over the next 300 years, said Dr. Terrence J. Hughes, a University of Maine glacial expert brought here to study the unstable ice.
At first it might raise sea levels by a few inches a year with a much bigger increase toward the end of the collapse, he said. But it is impossible to predict how fast the ice might disintegrate.
This threat has caused such concern that the National Science Foundation ], which oversees American interests in the Antarctic, has earmarked one-fourth of our $45 million research effort here to learn more about the threatening condition of the ice sheet.
“We’re doing about the most we can do right now to study the possible collapse of the west ice sheet,” said Dr. Richard Cameron, NSF program manager for glaciology. “It has become an area of concern because we could be on the brink of a rise in sea levels.”
SUCH A RAPID rise is not unprecedented. It may have caused the Great Deluge described in the Old Testament.
The submergence of ancient coastal cities, believed to have occurred about 8,000 years ago, may have been caused by the sudden collapse of a similar ice blanket over the Canadian Hudson Bay area, said …
New Study: ‘If left unconstrained, global warming could wreak havoc’
…AP’s Seth Borenstein publishes pure propaganda: Climate change has made Earth ‘hotter, weirder…downright wilder’
…Seals Eaten By Sharks in Hawaii? Blame It On Global Warming!! But ‘sea levels have actually declined in the last decade or so. At the longest running gauge in Honolulu’
Geologist Rebuts Media-Hyped Draft Of New UN IPCC Report As ‘Nonsense Totally Contrary To Real Evidence’
Latest Peer-Reviewed Studies Demolish Warmists’ Sea Level Rise Scares: ‘Decelerated 44% since 2004’
…Meet the scientists who sat Florida Gov. Rick Scott down & explained urgency of ‘global warming’
…Did Greenland & W Antarctic Ice Sheet Loss Suddenly Double?
According to the IPCC, the Greenland + Antarctic ice sheets contain a total of 27.6 x 10^6 cubic km of ice, equivalent to 63.9 meters sea level rise. If this paper is correct, the combined ice sheets are losing 503/27600000 or 0.0018% of their mass per year, equivalent to 1.16 mm/yr sea level rise or 4.5 inches per century, hardly alarming, and almost exactly what the IPCC 2013 report claimed for the sea level rise contribution of 0.6 mm/yr from Greenland and 0.41 mm/yr from Antarctica, a total of 1.01 mm/yr.
Further, if there was an actual doubling of ice loss from Greenland and Antarctica, that should have been found in a corresponding acceleration of sea level rise. No such acceleration has been found and Cazenave et al and Chen et al have instead found a recent deceleration of sea level rise, the opposite of what would be expected if the ice sheets had accelerated ice loss. In addition, worldwide glacier melt has decelerated since 1950, also the opposite of predictions of AGW theory.
Did Greenland & W Antarctic Ice Sheet Loss Suddenly Double?
Joe Romm and other alarmist news sources are gushing over a new paper published in the Cryosphere which they claim shows
World’s Largest Ice Sheets Melting at Fastest Rates in Recorded History!
Greenland And West Antarctic Ice Sheet Loss More Than Doubled In Last Five Years
But what does the paper actually show? The paper compares ice volume changes between three different satellite altimetry databases. As the authors note, one must be very careful about drawing conclusions in comparing databases from different measurement sources and which use different analysis methods. In this case, the CryoSat satellite database only covers a very short 2011-early 2014 time period of a little over 3 years and does not overlap the ICESat database from 2003-2009 or the IMBIE database from 2003-2008. Therefore, the CryoSat database cannot be directly calibrated against the other two databases and comparisons must be done with caution.
Table 4 shows the following volume changes in cubic kilometers/year of the Greenland + Antarctic ice sheets from the 3 datasets and time periods:
IMBIE: 2003-2008 -164
ICESat: 2003-2009 -207
CryoSat: 2011-2014 -503
and does show an increase in volume loss of 296 km^3yr-1 between the 2003-2009 ICESat database and the short 2011-2014 CryoSat database. Regardless of all the caveats of comparing these short, non-overlapping datasets, if …