Watch Now: Morano in lively TV climate debate with enviro lobbyist: ‘The points she just made are demonstrably not true’
Catholic network, EWTN – May 14, 2015 – Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) climate expert and lobbyist Carol Andress Vs. Climate Depot’s Marc Morano
Watch: Full 15 min. Climate Debate begins at 25 min. in:
Key Excerpts:
Interviewed on the Catholic network, EWTN, Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) climate expert Carol Andress is asked about the 18 year ‘pause in global warming’ by host Raymond Arroyo.
Arroyo: ‘Carol, some groups say the 2013 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, that they failed to recognize this pause in global warming. Is that an issue? Do they have a point? There’s been this sort of 18 year pause where, you don’t, it’s not warming up?’ (See: Global warming ‘pause’ expands to ‘new record length’: No warming for 18 years 5 months)
Andress: ‘I can’t speak to that, I, the, yeh, uhh…’
Arroyo: ‘You can’t speak to that?’
Andress: ‘I can’t speak to that particular IPCC, uh…’
Arroyo: ‘Anomoly?’
Andress: ‘…anomoly. Uh, the, I mean the fact is, you know, eh, the, uh, this is pretty basic physics, uh, what were talking about in terms of the gasses, uh, and the effect that they have on trapping heat, uh, the, eh, uh, it’s, an we, you know, the fact is, it’s common sense that if we’re going to be throwing at, be, if we’re going to be burning, eh, and putting unlimited pollution into the air, that eventually it’s going to have an impact.’
Morano: I can speak to that. And there has been according to the satellite data, 18 years 5 months currently with no global warming. If you look back at the ensemble of climate models out of 117 — 114 models over predicted warming — predicted warming that did not occur. So the models have been failing.
Morano: In terms of the simple settled physics. we have had ice ages with CO2 five times higher than today. The geologic history of the earth contradicts these claims. Major UN scientists have not turned against the organization. Dr. Richard Tol, a lead UN author did a study and found the alleged 97% ‘consensus’ was pulled out of thin air.
Andress: Look, scientists are more certain about the human contribution to climate change than they are that smoking causes cancer. Now,
Listen Now: Morano & Burnett on Vatican Climate Conference
…Watch 9:25 Am ET Morano v. Environmental Defense Fund in Climate Debate on EWTN TV…
Breaking: Is the Vatican backing off on their anticipated climate position?
…Report: Papal Climate Encyclical Postponed – To Undergo Revision – Skeptics’ Trip To Rome May Have Forced Revisions?
Report Via:
Encyclicus Maculatus: Eco-Encyclical To Undergo Revision
Archbishop Victor Manuel Fernández |
I have read that some say that the Roman Curia is an essential part of the mission of the Church, or that a Prefect in the Vatican is the sure compass preventing the Church from falling into ignomy, or that this Prefect guarantees the unity of the Faith and facilitates serious theology from the Pope. But Catholics know from reading the Gospel that it was to the Pope and the Bishops that
Pope Francis aide blasts U.S. climate skeptics…
Watch Now: Marc Morano’s Presentation in Rome to Vatican – April 28, 2015
Update May 27,2015: Warmists outraged over Morano’s Rome presentation to the Vatican: Climate astrology: ‘No matter what climate event it is always exactly what the models predicted’ – Via Raw Story website: Morano in video – Full PowerPoint here: “Today we are told we need a fundamental transformation of our lives in order to end bad weather,” he said. “We are told we need EPA regulations and UN treaties in order to spare us from more hurricanes and floods and droughts and all this bad weather.”
“If science and religion are united, what are they united on?” Morano said. “Well, actually, the new climate commissioners gave us a clue. It’s not about science. Even if the science is wrong, the policy is right.”
Morano argued that people who talked about climate change were not really worried about the environment — they only used the issue to push for socialist policies. He said climate science was like astrology, because “no matter what climate event it is always exactly what the models predicted.”
“There was 97 percent consensus in the middle ages that witches caused bad weather and now we are told there is a 97 percent consensus that every storm and every bad weather is [linked to climate change].”
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Climate conversion? Al Gore: ‘I could become a Catholic because of this Pope’
…Climate conversion? Al Gore: ‘I could become a Catholic because of this Pope’
Al Gore announced on April 29, 2015 that Pope Francis’s global warming advocacy could turn the former Vice President into a Catholic. Gore was speaking during the Dean’s Speaker Series at the University of California Berkeley.
Partial transcript of Gore’s remarks: ” I think Pope Francis is quite an inspiring figure really. A phenomena. I’ve been startled with the clarity of the moral force that he embodies. He kind of raises in a new context the old question: “Is the Pope Catholic?” (laughter)
“That’s a joke by the way.
“Well I’ve said publicly in the last year, I was raised in the Southern Baptist tradition, I could become a Catholic because of this Pope. He is that inspiring to me. And I know the vast majority of my Catholic friends are just thrilled to the marrow of their bones that he is providing this kind of spiritual leadership.”
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