Flashback 1977: West Antarctic Ice Sheet Melt To Raise Sea Level 20 Ft. – National Science Foundation reveals: ‘It has nothing to do with a warmer climate, just the dynamics of unstable ice’

Flood threat from polar ice

ROSS ICE SHELF, Antarctica-A huge portion of the Antarctic ice mass appears to be collapsing into the sea, a catastrophe that could raise the levels of the oceans by almost 20 feet.

Scientists have been working feverishly here at this cold, remote site to drill holes through the quarter-mile-thick ice shelf to learn more about the danger. Others have been examining different sections of the ice in search of clues.

They have found startling evidence that the destructive surge in sea levels could occur in the next 300 years, creat ing havoc for New York, Los Angeles, New Orleans, and other coastal cities around the globe.

THE COLLAPSE of part of the Antarctic ice sheet could occur gradually over the next 300 years, said Dr. Terrence J. Hughes, a University of Maine glacial expert brought here to study the unstable ice.

At first it might raise sea levels by a few inches a year with a much bigger increase toward the end of the collapse, he said. But it is impossible to predict how fast the ice might disintegrate.

This threat has caused such concern that the National Science Foundation ], which oversees American interests in the Antarctic, has earmarked one-fourth of our $45 million research effort here to learn more about the threatening condition of the ice sheet.

“We’re doing about the most we can do right now to study the possible collapse of the west ice sheet,” said Dr. Richard Cameron, NSF program manager for glaciology. “It has become an area of concern because we could be on the brink of a rise in sea levels.”

SUCH A RAPID rise is not unprecedented. It may have caused the Great Deluge described in the Old Testament.

The submergence of ancient coastal cities, believed to have occurred about 8,000 years ago, may have been caused by the sudden collapse of a similar ice blanket over the Canadian Hudson Bay area, said …

Ted Cruz: ‘Climate Change Is Not Science. It’s Religion.’

Glenn sat down with Ted Cruz one on one so his audience could get to know the Senator a little more and find out where he stands on various issues. When discussing climate change, Cruz related an experience where he made a point to make it clear to everyone he’s a “skeptic” of climate change. Citing satellite data showing no significant warming, Cruz explained why he thinks those who promote the idea of climate change choose to ignore such facts. “Climate change is not science, it’s religion,” Cruz said.

Source: http://www.glennbeck.com/2015/10/29/ted-cruz-climate-change-is-not-science-its-religion/?utm_source=glennbeck&utm_medium=contentcopy_link…

Religious studies professor: Ignoring climate change akin to ‘sin’

Via: http://www.thecollegefix.com/post/24764/

Professor Laurie Zoloth, who directs the Center for Bioethics, Science and Society at Northwestern’s School of Medicine also calls for sabbatical year from travel every seven years to allow Earth a rest – ‘no big conferences, no academic flying’

Professor Laurie Zoloth, ([email protected]) who directs the Center for Bioethics, Science and Society at Northwestern’s School of Medicine, told The College Fix that she agrees with the suggestionrecently made by the head of the Episcopal Church that ignoring climate change is “sinful.”

“If you understand the science and its implications, and yet, you continue to live in such a way that your (Greenhouse Gas) emissions are LaurieZolothdestroying the capacity of the planet to be a safe place, I would say that your actions ‘miss the mark’ if your goal is to live a decent and just life,” Zoloth said.

When asked how her beliefs were similar to those of Pope Francis, Zoloth told The Fix that “Pope Francis discusses the moral imperative of climate change as a problem inherent in a wasteful, careless, and overwrought capitalism.”

“I agree with him about his analysis of the issue, and about the debt to the poor that is created by the driven, competitive and wasteful society in which we live,” she said.


End Article Excerpt

Climate Depot Comments: 

This linking of man-made global warming with religion another example in a long line of claims.

Other high-profile global warming activists have  used religion to persuade people to believe in a man-made climate crisis.

Outgoing UN IPCC Chief reveals global warming ‘is my religion and my dharma’ – Pachauri’s resignation letter on religion: ‘For me the protection of Planet Earth, the survival of all species and sustainability of our ecosystems is more than a mission. It is my religion and my dharma.’

Pope Francis has also become active in climate change. The Climate Skeptic’s Guide To Pope Francis’ U.S. Visit: Talking Points About The Pope & Global Warming & Special Report: ‘Unholy Alliance’ – Exposing The Radicals Advising Pope Francis on Climate

Repent Ye Sinners to Stop Bad Weather! Wash Post features theologian Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite urging us to ‘repent’ for our ‘sin’ of causing Typhoon Haiyan due to the ‘moral evil of climate change denial’ – ‘Suffering and the sin of climate change denial’

WRATH OF GOD ON CLIMATE SKEPTICS: NYT Warmist Paul Krugman to those whose

Proselytized: Sec. of State Kerry tells climate faithful: ‘None of you need to be converted’


Speaking at the State Department’s ‘Climate and Clean Energy Investment Forum’, Secretary John Kerry tells green investors, ‘None of you need to be converted.’

Kerry: ‘Achieving a global agreement on climate change at the Paris conference this December is an absolutely critical step and a major priority of President myself and the rest of the administration.

Climate and Clean Energy Investment Forum
October 20, 2015


Related Links: 

Outgoing UN IPCC Chief reveals global warming ‘is my religion and my dharma’

Gloria Steinem: Pope Causing Global Warming by ‘Forcing Women to Have Children’


Steinem’s quote:

“I had this thought that we should have this massive education campaign pointing out that the Pope and all of the other patriarchal religions that dictate to women in this way, accusing them of global warming. Because the human load on this earth is the biggest cause of global warming, and that is because of forcing women to have children they would not on their own choose to have … I’m glad the Pope spoke out about global warming and it was very helpful, but does he know he’s causing it?”

– See more at: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/culture/katie-yoder/2015/10/22/gloria-steinem-pope-causing-global-warming-forcing-women-have#sthash.it7DzyG1.dpuf…

Pope Francis, Vatican Officials and Climate Skeptics Have a Common Enemy in United Nations Global Warming Agenda

While the media tends to fixate on comments the pontiff has made about the environment and immigration, it has ignored his rather pointed remarks in defense of religious liberty and the societal benefits attached to the marriage of a man and a woman. He was explicit without being overly specific in his approach. Read through the entirety of Francis’s remarks to Congress and it’s clear he is calling on Americans to resist modern arrangements that deviate from God’s natural law. Yes, that’s the part the media tends to overlook

What accounts the glaring contradiction between Pope Francis’ stated goal of uplifting and protecting the poorest among us as he seemingly embraces green policies that would devastate those same populations?

The answer comes from Marc Morano, a former staffer to Sen. James Inhofe of Oklahoma, who now runs the Climate Depot site. Morano has published a “Climate Skeptics Guide to Pope Francis’ U.S. Visit” that focuses attention on the real villain here: the United Nations and the U.N. advisors who have misled the pope on the science underpinning alarmist claims. As it turns out, there is no consensus inside the Vatican on global warming science, according to Climate Depot. This presents an opportunity.…