Analysis: ‘Palin has a much more solid grasp of ‘global warming’ than the overrated kid’s show actor’ Bill Nye

Here’s what Palin said at the Climate Hustle premiere.

“There is a predetermined agenda definitely of those who I think are controlling the narrative right now on changes in the weather. There is definitely a political agenda behind all of this and as you suggested people who are involved in this issue they are not stupid. They have studied this stuff. They have studied the data that they are erroneously delivering to the public to make us think that we can somehow change the weather and how they do that is to grow government and allow the government to have more control over us, our homes, our businesses, our families, our lives, and it’s quite unfortunate because these people must be purposely doing this, right? Because they are smart enough to know better.”

There’s more sense in that one paragraph than Bill Nye has spoken in the last twenty years.

According to his liberal media apologists we should take Nye seriously because “he has been a visiting professor at Cornell, and is an executive at the Planetary Society” and because he has a degree in mechanical engineering. But the former just goes to show how much the Green Blob rewards its own; and the latter hardly reflects too well on his integrity: of all the STEM majors I’ve encountered in climate debates, the ones with engineering degrees tend to be the most hard-headedly skeptical about the climate science religion because you don’t build bridges by fudging data.

Milo got him about right in this exquisite takedown.

One of Nye’s favourite pastimes is climate change fearmongering. “This isn’t something you should be debating or denying,” he said last year. Because as we all know, shutting down debate and scepticism is how real science works. Nye also signed a letter calling on media companies not to give airtime or column inches to climate sceptics.

Like most climate alarmists, Nye is a hypocrite. He spent earth day 2015 spewing tonnes of carbon into the atmosphere as he tooled around in Air Force One with Obama. How typical — lecturing Americans about their Sport Utility Vehicles from the comfort of a private plane.

Nye’s only serious claim to be the “Science Guy”, as Milo rightly noted, is having a name that rhymes with it.

“I like to imagine some brilliant scientist named Phil Frye drunkenly ranting in a bar: “It should have been me!”

Palin Warns Against Global Warming Political Agenda, Scientific Dishonesty During ‘Climate Hustle’ Movie Premiere

“Climate Hustle” takes direct aim at the notion that 97 percent of scientists agree that human activity causes catastrophic climate change. The figure collapses under careful scrutiny, according to the key figures appearing in the film. Morano, the film narrator who also edits and publishes the Climate Depot site, addressed the sleight-of-hand.

“Climatologists will say that the way the question is worded depends on whether they are included,” Morano said. “We have many skeptical scientists included as the 97 percent because of the way the questions [in surveys] are asked are so vague and broadly worded…”…

Sarah Palin on TV praises Climate Hustle!: ‘An upcoming outstanding documentary’ – ‘We look forward to seeing it’



Watch Now: New Movie Trailer Released for Upcoming ‘Climate Hustle’ Documentary

Related Link: 

Watch: Morano interviewed by Sarah Palin on her TV Show: Obama is using Alaska ‘as a political prop’ for UN Climate Summit


Watch: Morano interviewed by Sarah Palin on her TV Show: Obama is using Alaska ‘as a political prop’ for UN Climate Summit


Shorter, but higher resolution video version here: 


Morano: President Obama is coming to Alaska to use your state as a political prop in the run up the UN climate meeting in Paris in December.

His legacy is his to sign a global warming treaty. Alaska is photo op. He want to be able to say when he goes to Paris to say he has seen firsthand the melting ice in Alaska.

There were articles in the 1940s showing worries about buildings sinking due to melting permafrost.

See: Alaskan Villages Have Been Sinking Into Permafrost For 70 Years – 1946 article



Morano: “Alaskans are nothing but he poor victims of Obama’s climate propaganda campaign. He is coming to Alaska to showcase his EPA regulations and acts as though he is some kind of hero . He is going to stop Mother Nature ie. global warming through regs that — by the way — have no impact on emissions and have not impact on temperature according to his own EPA.. It’s pure symbolism.


Obama is leaving a political legacy, he has demonstrated that he understands nothing of the science behind climate change.”

Related Links: 

Sarah Palin on TV praises Climate Hustle!: ‘An upcoming outstanding documentary’ – ‘We look forward to seeing it’


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