Morano: ‘No one seriously believes the Middle East was a peaceful place when CO2 was below 350ppm’ (subscription required)Excerpts Below:

Does climate change provoke terrorism? An old feud rekindles

Jean Chemnick, E&E reporter

Published: Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Last week’s deadly attacks on Paris have reignited the debate over whether climate change is a distraction from legitimate security threats like terrorism, or a contributor to them.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) lit the match during Saturday’s Democratic presidential debate, which was overshadowed by the previous night’s assault on the French capital by Islamic State Group operatives. Climate change, the presidential contender said, is “absolutely” the largest single largest threat to U.S. security.

“In fact, climate change is directly related to the growth of terrorism,” he added.

His words drew immediate pushback from Republicans, conservative bloggers and even former Obama campaign adviser David Axelrod, who said the Vermont senator had been “a little tin-eared”

Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) said it seemed to him that terrorism and climate change were “very nonrelated.”
“I just think sometimes people when they’re pursuing an issue that they care deeply about will make very strange connections to other issues that they see momentum around,” he said. “I think that would be the case here.”…

Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), who chairs the Senate Appropriations subcommittee responsible for funding the Defense Department and who does not believe that warming is human-induced, has long complained that too much of DOE’s budget is frittered away on programs to boost energy efficiency or alternative fuels — which he says have little to do with the military’s mission.

“And I think people need to understand that there’s a price we’re paying for all these agendas that have been rejected by Congress,” he said. Inhofe estimates that during Obama’s first five years in office, the DOD spent $120 billion on what he calls “the environmental agenda.”

Marc Morano, a former Inhofe aide who now runs the skeptics blog Climate Depot, disputed any link between climate change and national security.

“These claims amount to nothing more than ideological grandstanding to say whatever they can to make ‘global warming’ an urgent priority,” he said. “In the wake of the terror attacks in Paris, claiming that attempting to ‘solve’ global warming is even more urgent, is baseless and absurd.

“No one seriously believes that the Middle East was a peaceful place when carbon dioxide was below 350 parts per million,” he added, referring to the ratio of carbon dioxide molecules that

Just days before Paris attack: Kerry calls climate ‘global threat’ – Boasts US military ‘first to deploy solar’ in Afghanistan

Speaking on the “global threat” of climate change, Secretary Kerry boasts that “our military was the first to deploy solar panels to the field in Afghanistan” to reduce the reliance on fuel.

SECRETARY OF STATE JOHN KERRY: “The United States is the world’s greatest innovator. We are proud of that. And, in Paris we intend to send a clear message to the rest of the world that we are committed to solving this problem. And, thanks to America’s private sector ingenuity, we are seeing enormous breakthroughs in battery storage, new frontiers of renewable energy. In the military we’re seeing important developments in the way renewable technologies are being used. For example, our military was the first to deploy solar panels to the field in Afghanistan in order to reduce the reliance on fuel convoys. This is a military town, and when I was in the Navy we used to have a saying, and I’m certain it’s still used today, ‘ship, shipmate, self’. Putting the greater good above one’s personal interests is second nature for most of our military men and women and that sentiment has to guide our effort to overcome this global threat.”

Climate Change and National Security Remarks at Old Dominion University
November 10, 2015.…

Flashback 1974: CIA Warned GLOBAL COOLING Would Cause Terrorism

Decades before Sen. Bernie Sanders warned that global warming was driving terrorism, U.S. intelligence officials warned that global cooling would cause massive crop failures, destabilize government and drive violent conflict.

A Central Intelligence Agency report from 1974 warned Earth’s “climate is returning to that of the neo-boreal era… an era of drought, famine, and political unrest in the western world.” The report cited famines in the Soviet Union, drought in Latin America and flooding in the U.S. as examples of how global cooling was wreaking havoc on countries.

This sounds eerily similar to arguments Sanders made during the Democratic presidential debate Saturday evening, in which he argued man-made global warming made Syria’s drought worse and led to the rise of the Islamic State. It’s an argument increasingly in the mouths of Democrats over the past year.

“In fact, climate change is directly related to the growth of terrorism,” Sanders said in the debate. “And if we do not get our act together and listen to what the scientists say you’re gonna see countries all over the world– this is what the C.I.A. says, they’re gonna be struggling over limited amounts of water, limited amounts of land to grow their crops. And you’re gonna see all kinds of international conflict.”

A lot has changed in science since the 1970s. Scientists, activists and politicians are now concerned human activities are causing global temperatures to rise and making droughts and other extreme weather events more frequent and intense.

The Pentagon has called global warming a “threat multiplier” because “it has the potential to exacerbate many of the challenges we are dealing with today – from infectious disease to terrorism.”

Interestingly enough, the Pentagon has the same concerns about global warming as the C.I.A. did about global cooling in the 1970s.

“The impacts of climate change may cause instability in other countries by impairing access to food and water, damaging infrastructure, spreading disease, uprooting and displacing large numbers of people, compelling mass migration, interrupting commercial activity, or restricting electricity availability,” the Pentagon reported in 2014.

Global cooling would have caused many of the same problems, according to the C.I.A.’s 1974 report.

“The new climatic era brings a promise of famine and starvation to many areas of the world,” the C.I.A. wrote in its report based on a study by the University of Wisconsin predicting a return to the cooler conditions …

Brace for Terrorist Nuns and Bar Mitzvah Boy Bombers if Sanders’ Climate Claim Is Correct

Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT), Democratic Party candidate for president (and Larry David impersonator), believes that it isn’t radical Islam causing the world wide terrorist threat – it’s climate change.

During Saturday’s Democratic Party debate he said:

In fact, climate change is directly related to the growth of terrorism. And if we do not get our act together and listen to what the scientists say, you’re gonna see countries all over the world– this is what the C.I.A. says, they’re gonna be struggling over limited amounts of water, limited amounts of land to grow their crops. And you’re gonna see all kinds of international conflict.

Bernie even doubled-down on Sunday’s Face The Nation:

The self-proclaimed Democratic socialist said on Sunday that the attack on Paris is an early example of this phenomenon playing out.

“Well what happens in, say, Syria… is that when you have drought, when people can’t grow their crops, they’re going to migrate into cities,” Sanders said.

“And when people migrate into cities and they don’t have jobs, there’s going to be a lot more instability, a lot more unemployment, and people will be subject to the types of propaganda that al Qaeda and ISIS are using right now,” he added.

At first glance, Sanders’ claim may bring people relief, since no longer have to worry about radical Islam. But, Bernie is also suggesting the terrorism threat is much larger than originally thought.  After all, if climate change is causing Islamists to become terrorists, then how long before it radicalizes people of other faiths?

If Sanders is correct, how long before the Little Sisters of the Poor stop their service to indigent seniors, put on bomb belts and become the “Little Sisters of the big booms?”  Using Sanders’ logic, we will soon have young Bar Mitzvah boys running toward concert halls with automatic rifles while their Jewish mothers are behind them screaming “put a sweater on its cold outside.” Will we see the peaceful Dalai Lama showing up in Jerusalem with a knife, stabbing every Israeli he can find?…

Our Leaders Have Spoken: Global Warming Causes Terrorism


Global warming, we’re told, is also going to cause more deaths by natural disasters. It hasn’t done so yet, but it will. Actually, deaths due to natural disasters such as wildfires, tornadoes, extreme temperatures, droughts and storms are at a ridiculously low level compared to a century ago. Just as a for instance, storms killed about about 1 out of every million people in 1900, but this fell to about half that many by 2010. (Don’t forget the world population rose from about 1.65 billion in 1900 to about 6.7 billion in 2010, so you have to normalize deaths by population.)

There were no recorded deaths by drought in 2010, but there were some 126-thousand deaths in 1900, way before global warming wrapped its heated tentacles around the earth. Deaths by drought are important because, our leaders tell us, it was drought and heat that caused the Syrian conflict, which in turn caused the refugee crisis. Of course, it wasn’t actual drought and heat, because Syrian weather has been near average (wheat production, for instance, is up), so once again it was only the promise of future doom that counted.…

Veteran Meteorologist Says John Kerry’s Claim Climate-Change Drought Is Causing Refugees Is Completely False

Veteran Meteorologist Says John Kerry’s Claim Climate-Change Drought Is Causing Refugees Is Completely False

Veteran meteorologist Joe Bastardi at his latest Weatherbell Analytics Saturday Summary explains why US Secretary of State John Kerry’s claim that the refugee crisis is caused by climate-change-driven drought is total nonsense and is easily disproved. Secretary Kerry would like to have the public believe that the refugee crisis from Syria and Africa is due to man-made climate drought in the region – and not his abject foreign policy debacle.  Chart shows Nigeria has been too wet. Source Weatherbell. At the 2:34 mark Joe shows a precipitation chart for western Africa which clearly depicts how rainfall has in fact been above average over the past 15 years, and thus drought cannot be cited as a reason for the Boko Haram terror group. Bastardi says: There’s no drought here. And so you cannot blame drought in Nigeria for the rise of Boko Haram.” The above chart’s blue shows that it’s been too wet in Nigeria, and not too dry. Indeed there are number of scientific papers showing that the Sahara region has been getting greener over the past 30 years. In the Middle East Bastardi shows that the drought has hit part of Turkey, but that most of Syria has had normal precipitation, and explains that “drought” is the normal climate condition there. At the 4:20 mark the Weatherbell meteorologist puts up a precipitation chart for the Middle East for the last five years: The chart above shows more wet (blue) than dry (yellow/green) with Syria being completely normal. Joe shakes his head at how anyone could even make the claim that Kerry does: What’s really interesting about all this is, this is just so easy to disprove. […] So I don’t understand why that was said.” Most readers here do understand why. The falsehood was said because US foreign policy has been a total catastrophe in that region, and now Kerry is desperate for any excuse. And he couldn’t have picked a lamer one. In real life any company or employee blaming poor performance on climate change would be immediately shown the door. This is a blatant unwillingness to accept any responsibility. The nonsense of climate change leading to terrorism excuse is so clear on so many fronts that it’s a wonder than anyone with even a few points of IQ would take it seriously.…