Skeptical scientists crash UN climate summit, praise Trump for ‘bringing science back again’


MARRAKECH, Morocco — A team of international scientists crashed the UN climate summit in Marrakech and welcomed the election of Donald Trump as a way to bring positive reforms to climate science.  The three scientists from Paraguay, Norway and Sweden, were granted a presentation by the UN to present the skeptical climate change view and they praised Trump for rejecting the UN “global warming” claims. The three scientists were also hopeful that Trump’s presidency will help end the politicized UN climate agenda.

Agro-Biologist Dr. Albrecht Glatzle of Paraguay was especially encouraged by the election of the climate skeptic Trump to the presidency.

“I have very much hope that his election will be the initialization of a turnaround in science relating to climate change,” Glatzle, the Director científico de INTTAS inParaguay, told Climate Depot at the UN summit.

Glatzle advice for Trump is simple: “Go straight ahead with your plans to this end the politicized climate agenda and bring the science back again to its place.”

“If someone like Trump is prepared to cut off the endless climate change funding promoting fear, I am very in favor it,” Glatzle said.

“I hope Trump withdraws the United States from the UN climate agreement. The UN climate treaty is based on an illusion,” he explained.

“You cannot adjust the climate just by turning the CO2 button. It’s an illusion to believe the UN can adjust the climate to a desired temperature,” he added.

Glatzle warned that money has corrupted climate science and the agenda.

“Even in my country of Paraguay, ministers see a lot of money from climate agenda. They are prepared to accept the UN climate claims because they will get money,” he explained.

“Actually the UN is promoting distorted science. There are plenty of scientists — I know quite a number around the world — that do support a contrary position to what the UN claims,” Glatzle added.

Prominent Swedish Geologist Dr. Nils Axel Morner is very encouraged by Trump’s presidential victory.

“Trump is a clever guy. And he has picked up on the fact that something is basically very wrong with the media and the UN’s global warming claims,” Morner, who headed the Department of Paleogeophysics & Geodynamics at Stockholm University, told Climate Depot following his scientific presentation at the UN on November 17.

Morner is hopeful that Trump can free climate science of from only the UN “consensus” view.…

Watch: Morano: UN Climate Delegates Suffer ‘5 Stages of Grief’ Over Trump Election

Morocco: U.N. Climate Delegates Suffer ‘5 Stages of Grief’ Over Trump Election

 Craig Bannister | November 17, 2016 9:59pm ET

Delegates at this week’s U.N. climate conference in Morocco are so terrified by the thought of what President-Elect Donald Trump will do to their climate agenda that they’re afraid to even speak his name, Publisher Marc Morano tells MRCTV in an exclusive on-the-scene interview.

Standing in front of the conference site in Marrakech, Morocco, Morano spoke with MRCTV via Skype and provided a first-hand report on the devastating effect of the news of Trump’s election on the proceedings.

“The mood is nothing but the five stages of grief,” Morano explains.

“If you look down here in Morocco at the U.N. climate summit, the mood is going to be nothing but the five stages of grief. And, I think they started the week out in pure, classic denial:

“In fact, they said that Trump’s name was taboo, originally – that he was omnipresent here, Pres.-Elect Trump, but that no one dared mention his name. And, as the week’s gone one, people are going to the next phases of grief: we’re getting a lot of anger now, anger from environmentalists, anger toward the United States, we’re getting threats.”

“Former French Pres. Sarkozy is now threatening a sort of trade war and punishing the United States if we pull out of the summit. But, now, I think it’s moving to more of an acceptance phase among some people. In fact, some of the environmentalists are just saying that, between Donald Trump’s campaign promises and the Republicans in power, that their so-called climate agenda is facing a very serious threat.”


Watch the full on-the-scene Skype interview with Publisher Marc Morano below.

Skeptics Crash UN Summit To Issue A Blistering Rebuke Of Climate Alarmism

One of America’s most prominent global warming skeptics showed up at the United Nations summit in Morocco with a lengthy report challenging the notion the climate is spiraling out of control.

Marc Morano, the publisher of Climate Depot, has one thing to say to UN delegates: Donald Trump is right, Al Gore is wrong on global warming.

“All of the so-called ‘solutions’ to global warming are purely symbolic when it comes to climate,” Morano wrote in his new report. “So, even if we actually faced a climate catastrophe and we had to rely on a UN climate agreement, we would all be doomed!”

Morano points to a slew of “inconvenient” data points in his “2016 State of the Climate Report” to bolster his case against global warming alarmism:

Read more:

UN Armed Security Shuts Down Skeptics After SHREDDING UN Climate Treaty at Summit Next To Trump Cut-out

Video of Armed UN Security Swarming in on Trump Media Event

Exclusive Full Video:

Associated Press video: US climate change sceptic Marc Morano shreds Paris deal

UN security shut down skeptics 

Skeptics SHRED UN Paris Agreement at UN Climate Summit – Seek to End Climate Activists Denial Over Trump

Trump’s impact on UN climate agenda can no longer be denied

Marrakech – With the election of Donald J. Trump, climate skeptics attending the UN climate summit in Marrakech, literally shredded the UN Paris agreement, complete with paper shredder and larger than life display of Trump. President Elect Trump has pledged to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris agreement much to the angst and downright horror of the climate activists.  (This UN crackdown on skeptics comes one day after 43-page report took apart the UN’s climate claims. See: Climate Report to UN: Trump right, UN wrong – Skeptics Deliver Consensus Busting ‘State of the Climate Report’ to UN Summit)

Marc Morano, who publishes the Climate Depot website and co-wrote and hosted the new skeptical film ‘Climate Hustle’, dramatically shredded the UN Paris agreement. The treaty shredding will signify the threat to the UN climate agenda from President Trump. Skeptics cheered the election of Trump and the planned dismantling of the UN Paris Climate Agreement and EPA “climate” regulations to make science and public policy great again.



Marc Morano statement:

“Today’s shredding of the UN Paris climate agreement will serve as a cathartic moment for the climate campaigners. Instead of continuing to dwell over how they will feel when the U.S. formally rejects the UN treaty under a Trump Administration, we will be offering UN climate activists a chance to visualize the actual document being shredded today at the conference. If nothing else, shredding the UN Paris agreement at the UN climate summit will help delegates move from denial and pass straight through anger and bargaining to the acceptance stage of grief.

The UN activists here are in denial over President Elect Trump’s rational climate and energy policies. Shredding the UN agreement is the skeptics way of nurturing the psychological health of climate activists who cannot fathom that the U.S. would kill the treaty. In much the same way an open casket helps grievers accept death, the shredding event serves as a way for climate campaigners to visualize the impending demise of the treaty. 

The UN climate agreement was

Climate Report to UN: Trump right, UN wrong – Skeptics Deliver Consensus Busting ‘State of the Climate Report’ to UN Summit

Full 44 Page PDF Report:

Presented to the UN Climate Summit in Marrakech, Morocco – November 2016
Key climate data highlights:
  • Global temperatures have been virtually flat for about 18 years, according to satellite data, and peer-reviewed literature is now scaling back predictions of future warming
  • The U.S. has had no Category 3 or larger hurricane make landfall since 2005 – the longest spell since the Civil War.
  • Strong F3 or larger tornadoes have been in decline since the 1970s.
  • Despite claims of snow being ‘a thing of the past,’ cold season snowfall has been rising.
  • Sea level rise rates have been steady for over a century, with recent deceleration.
  • Droughts and floods are neither historically unusual nor caused by mankind, and there is no evidence we are currently having any unusual weather.
  • So-called hottest year claims are based on year-to-year temperature data that differs by only a few HUNDREDTHS of a degree to tenths of a degree Fahrenheit – differences that are within the margin of error in the data. In other words, global temperatures have essentially held very steady with no sign of acceleration.
  • A 2015 NASA study found Antarctica was NOT losing ice mass and ‘not currently contributing to sea level rise.’
  • In 2016, Arctic sea ice was 22% greater than at the recent low point of 2012. The Arctic sea ice is now in a 10-year ‘pause’ with ‘no significant change in the past decade.
  • Polar bears are doing fine, with their numbers way up since the 1960s.


CO2 is not the tail that wags the dog. CO2 is a trace essential gas, but without it life on earth would be impossible. Carbon dioxide fertilizes algae, trees, and crops to provide food for humans and animals. We inhale oxygen and exhale CO2. Slightly higher atmospheric CO2 levels cannot possibly supplant the numerous complex and inter-connected forces that have always determined Earth’s climate. As University of London professor emeritus Philip Stott has noted: “The fundamental point has always been this. Climate change is governed by hundreds of factors, or variables, and the very idea that we can manage climate change predictably by understanding and manipulating at the margins one politically selected factor (CO2), is as misguided as it gets.” “It’s scientific nonsense,” Stott added. Even the global warming activists at acknowledged this in a September 20, 2008 article, stating, “The actual temperature rise is …

Morano in Morocco on Trump: ‘Expect both international & domestic climate agenda to be reversed. It’s about time!’


Diplomatic or deluded? Insiders say Trump won’t ditch deal

By Jean Chemnick, E&E News reporter
Published: Monday, November 14, 2016

MARRAKECH, Morocco —


Skeptic: Expect climate reversals. ‘It’s about time!’

U.S. climate skeptics begged to differ.

“The body of evidence suggests one ought to expect that any executive action on this front from the past eight years will indeed face a sincere effort at modification or reversal,” said Competitive Enterprise Institute senior fellow Christopher Horner, an outspoken opponent of Obama’s climate policies, in an email.

Marc Morano, who publishes the climate skeptic site, said the president-elect was not only “the most strongly skeptical” Republican president or nominee ever but unlikely to be swayed by global pressure.

“Even going back to the 1980s, Trump’s political philosophy was a form of ‘America first’ and not very supportive of international trade or similar agreements,” he said.

Morano has attended these summits in previous years to tell participants the United States wouldn’t make good on the promises the Obama administration officials made in the negotiating rooms. He arrives in Marrakech this week for events highlighting how “Clexit,” as he’s termed the U.S. departure from international climate efforts, would play out.

“Climate skeptics are back,” Morano said in an email to E&E News. “They now control the House, Senate and … the Presidency. Expect both international and domestic climate agenda to be reversed. It’s about time!”

Trump’s transition team is mulling a strategy that includes departure from the Paris Agreement alone or from the broader U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change. Leaving the underlying convention means the United States would no longer be party to Paris the following year.

That would be a 180-degree shift from the current U.S. stance on climate. Indeed, Obama was credited with helping to bring last year’s deal home through persistent bilateral engagement with other countries, especially China.…

Watch: Morano on TV: Trump has UN climate delegates at summit ‘terrified’

Via The Rebel TV’s Ezra Levant:

Right after Donald Trump’s election, I spoke to Marc Morano of Climate Depot about the reaction from the environmental lobby.

Morano cautions that Ronald Reagan didn’t keep some of his promises to abolish government departments, so we shouldn’t rely on Trump to close down the Environmental Protection Agency.

However, he believes it would be do-able, if not easy, for Trump to undo many of Obama’s executive orders on climate.…