In 1974, Paul Ehrlich told the U.S. Senate he wouldn’t bet a nickel U.S. still around in 1994
…‘Climate Science’s Long List Of Failed Predictions’
Tim Flannery “Has Plenty Of Company In The Dunce’s Corner” …Climate Science’s Long List Of Failed Predictions
Good article at Quadrant magazine here on the background behind the many failed predictions of disaster in climate science and the strange characters behind them. Hat tip: reader Stefan. ======================== Warmists Take the Hardest Hits Anyone can be a prophet of doom…. Why can’t the global-warming catastrophe industry convince the public that the scare underwriting its meal ticket is real? Even the CSIRO’s annual survey last year showed that 53% of Australians reject the official story. And even on the CSIRO’s figures, Aussies rank climate fourteenth out of sixteen concerns overall, and we rate it only seventh out of eight even among environmental concerns. In Britain, more of the same, with a new survey showing those who describe themselves “very concerned” about climate change falling to 18%, down from 44% in 2005. Partly to blame is that dratted 18-year halt to global warming, even as man-made CO2 continues to pour into the skies. But my theory is that the global warming industry has made itself so ridiculous over the past 30 years, so hyperventilatingly ludicrous, by predicting ever-more-dire catastrophes by the year 20XX. But then year 20XX comes and goes and life continues as normal. … Continue reading here…
— gReader Pro…
Flashback 1997: The Economist: ‘Forecasters of scarcity and doom are not only invariably wrong, they think that being wrong proves them right’
Paul Ehrlich still blaming you for having babies & now blames you for Ebola pandemic & climate disruption too…
NYT says world needs fewer people in order to control the weather – Paging Paul Ehrlich
NYT says world needs fewer people in order to control the weather Paging Paul Ehrlich…
Lawrence Solomon: ‘Can Earth handle 29 billion people? Easy’
Always-wrong Population Bomb-er Paul Ehrlich calls Australians ‘IDIOTS’ for repealing ineffective, costly CO2 tax
Always-wrong Population Bomb-er @PaulREhrlich calls Australians ‘IDIOTS’ for repealing ineffective, costly CO2 tax.
UK Guardian: Report advocates ‘limits to economic growth’, or ‘degrowth’ for Earth’s sake – Scientists vindicate 1972 ‘Limits to Growth’
Obama Science Advisor John Holdren in his own (radical) words: ‘De-develop’ the U.S. & ‘reduce’ its population?…